HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-08, Page 7F III .
. 0
AT OLU Importance
Are the Couvicts.
of th Zateat Inventions or
Atterod, Thom All
Over th" World.
4 0 A 0 M
It says much for the Sault r and
Other Briti:Vpris-,
. Sbeep with a green- Aceqo are 4
novelt, but they are to,be Soon in
A Small sketch xnap, occupying A
arrangements of
Germany neat, some coppeF works.
corner Of'tbo Geographtschor Anzal-
BrItish Post.
Olin to know that the he, althiest In-
I loluals probably, In that country
They live in the dust and fuules, and
drink-watilr contaminated b copper.
90r, shows the places In Portugal
Rod India where hundreds of Door$
Dr. Zeyd'o Wonderful StrO'Alr
Upool.—Tragic, End of An ItAl,
the convicts confined within the
A waterproof paper th"Nas just
captured in South A -11 -Jell, are now
Jan BanIxer.
great Govermeot prisons. deed,
has been found that Petonville
been brought out fit Manchester Is
Ing with It is
kept in confinement Having distrl,
bu ed the prlso'ft from India to
The contention that not Ing I's
^.t �_ MM %*Apl,
ultuatoo. in the north of Lou-
great success.
mad lt� of -two, sheets, of brown pA
it ,
Be rmuda, it wilt certainly not be
ever* lost is upheld by ' the postal au
The visitor to Bois Bluxic Island gance oild c0114fOrt Of the house he tion,
don is, !it proportlon to its i.ckptll-
the h6althiest spot ll, Eng-
Per Stu, together with a rubber so-
easy lot- them to lot a Ajoilt the
British Government. . X I
thoritles. Excluding Stolen
they declare that the a licy for tile
who turns twtde from the throngs ()I
pleapure-seekers who frequent thut
had just left In, Eng 1"t Gen* land.
Reynolds Came nian gentlemen
The railway companies, how-
ever, (to not contemplate as yet, the.
A, stingless bee has bequ, discovered
Cronjele soldiers, the first large
to fall
Collecting and distribution of let, -
ters is so that to lose a lot-
pqpullir r"ort during the Summer
to tj lie
blood, as of[Ic:e;,s of the
of the best runn
garrison, who followed his exft 01
ing of excursion trains to this
In Montserrat,. In the West Indies. It
gathers honey, the quality of which
Party into the hands of the
British, were landed on tile island
ter altogether is (to Impossibility.
Months, and W110 crosses over
old town of Aniberstburg opposite
in making homes for themselves, and
desirable pot for the conventeace of
heii1th-seeking Individuals.
Can be Improved by modern hives. It
Will be introduced -into VIngJand.
of St. Helena In April ItIst year, and
have been living eve r since ou Dead -
ort. of this they cited some
svXs Ago the following Carious case.
its northern end, is truly treading oil
historic g,ouod. Thoi very Shades of
Amberstburg. became the great, so-
cial centre of 01 the Country round
Disordered, livers generally come
upon thoso, persons who have spent
A new kind of sealing Wax has
Wood Plain, tile islanders call tile
A gentleman, of London betrothed
to a lady living in, Shotheld
Tecumseh and Tippecanoe Seoul to
about. lazy
and Inactive lives, and nothin 9
been produced on the Continent. It
is Contained in 4 01 ss tube, and
platcau that, renabout six. hundred
feet above the sea on one side of tile
had, In conformity with An arrange7
jostle his Qlbows. I'Werytiling about.
Amherstburg wears an u!r f anti-
would . prove so beneficial to thi
Class of people as a, short term of
when required for use it'is Sufficient
to Warm the cylinder in. order to
0 J.alueStoWn.
Another part OfAlie Bodi army,
ment provlo(u ly arrived At, secured
K at ;!
lodgin I Out Yarmouth for his
qvitv and once under
-own Streets
the spell of its.grass-gi .
, At, the time of the breaking out of Imprisonment
the war In . 1837, however, Fort gal-
Clearly they cannot
be lazy in prison, for they must ull-
make the wax flow.
700 In number, marched eastward
over the Transvaal
lady love nd her parents. He WAs
at the Station Whe the train lie ex-
one can ahnost hear the bugle notes
suminoning tile red -coated British
den's glory was. on the wane, and
tbeee were but fe w soldiers stationed
dergo the Various physical, exercises
set conviefs, and their.food It-
A,xiew idea in connection with sol�
der will doubtless be arpreciated by
frontier into
Portuguese territory. ' They were
pecte(i them to travel by arrived.
Soldiers who once made the old
there. During tile two yell,rs of the
of the most luxurious descrGuon, is
those who. wish to make a clean'
joint readily. , It Is'. Sold in sticks
Ing of the colors on the ITorsQ
Captured near I<omatl ptiort, the
gateway through tile mountains by
And they were not there,
le. spont the WIIO16 of the'llay At,
toft ga with their revelry. Espe-
war, It is true, it recovered som.e, of
its 411cient. but only for A
Wholesome and nourishing.
h r in, so that You
Guards parade, And art Occasional
whic I
1, the railroad from Lorenzo
the station and wired twice as, to
cially at this tilue, when we
about to celebra' te the biceateaniel-
time. The large frame building
Where every other romedy has fall-
oil rliellula,tislu has been Cured solely
have the whole thing Complete In. one
Norroy King -at -Arms Reading the.
opening of parliament by our late
Queen, in semi -state, that they now
Marques aseends to the Tranavoial
whether they had left Stieffeld or
of the foundlug of Detroit, Is the )pointed
o -day was built for A
ut to
by tile Sufferer being compelled to re
The Strange of A volcano
Froclarn ation.,at Temple Bar,
seem determined that every tittle of
PlEttIcau. were sent to Portu-I
941 At tile expense of tho British
Receiving no reply he started next
story of old Tilort Malden of especi"J barracks in 1887. One of tlio block
interest, . closely associated 'as it IS houses Was also created At t I in.
I Is ti 4 C,
spect the, rules:of prison life, while
a ny nultiber of.drunkards have, in
was shown in the last eruption of
It is Very evident that, with
Accession of Klog Edward. VXL, those
the old-timo observances shall be Call
ried out to the letter,
Government which is nv,.v. Ila ying, the
only to And ()It
day for S 111ohl had
house that tey,
-with. that of old Detroit, says the
Free Press. When the
as wan tho.1ligh wooden stockade.
The fine old building erect-
the same way, lost their craving for.
Vesuvius, when A mass
weg Ing thirt tons Was projected
stately ceromonials which have mar%-
The very proclamation of the coro,
cost of maintenance. I'd ux
hundred of them are confin
reaching the
gone to Blackpool.
Detroit site
of Detroit was still a howling wil-�.
oil by General Itoynolds was taken
(�Vlnk. � They are unable to dbtain
it, no inattor how grer
A their crav
lit It above the crater, T 'to this
0 C
od the commencement of the reigns
of other English overeigns, 111`0 not
nation, made by Norroy -4t'
Arms at Temple Bar,. drow A large
citadel at Peniche, 4 small fortress
6.0 it. peninsula jutting out into.the
. After lie had cooled do WA he Went
to 131 okpoot, wh&o b6 received a
derneso, where'tho wild door roaillcid
and the w1ly red mark hunted. Am-
down a few -years ago by the town
officials. The hinges oil Its, great
ings may be At first And what . is
more, they Am forced ' to undergo re-
coording to An Italian professor,
he voloano exerted a force of nea,I y
to, be Allowed to die out� So much
have Londoners for many years been
concourse of Spectators at that Int-
portant but till (albeit the gates
sed, little nortli.of Lisbon. It Is a
very secluded the
hearty welcome $rl, a -the I Wdy's f am-
ily, grettly. ast.oniShed Oil
herstburg. was a pr"perolus French
doors, as well as the bolts Lind locks
in Elig-
gular exercise. III short; impr I ison-
7,000 liorse-power.
Col!fee I 'disinfectant.
'I$ the latest
content with an Absence 'of almost
ave disappeared khlp� quarter. of a
pla 1.
C -Q, few tllQus-
and'inhabitnts around the citadel
who Al relle 1.
learning hat lia.had never received
trading post and contained the fain -
fortr cgs which subsqquently
ore tilt of solid brass, made
land, and'are now in o Leighton
mout, if of a sufficient duration, cur,
The nior est. pinch, thrown. on % hot
ally public pageants- except the an-
h. narrow thorough- ibLing
devoted almost exclusively to
the letter in which they announced
ous old
became known as Fort I�Ialden� Be-
collection. The ponderous brass key
A loan who was sentenced to live
iron o that it roasts, will. cleame a
nual Lord Mayor's show, �lie
luce making. Vouf hundred, men are.
that the storage q apacity tlio�
their change of plans, with an iA-
closure from the I ady begging her
fore tile time of its p.cQupation by
two feet In length is also there.
Years' Penal ervitude, for forgery,
Sick- room of disagreeable- Odors.
Half it pound of coffee emptied on'
citadel Would accommodate and so
lover to leave.Great 'Yarmouth with-
the French it Was- an ludian village
and Along the banks of the river
confessed on the expiration of his
time what A boon. prison life had
hot embers will be sufficient o de-
the other 300, excepting the officers,
Qut,tL moment's delay,
it was a inr o Indian Cemetery.
near . .9
been to him, Before. he was sentenc-
altrov--not simply cover up�tlxe
worst smell arIsiriE� from ecompos-
Weapons. of ain's Great Fight-
we ie sent to A16o baca, it few. miles
hiland. Commandant Plon"tir who'
before' thin letter-�-wllieh,
ed he had been a martyr.to
gout but the prison life and discip-
Ing matter.
era at Autition,
Emergency Maxims Useful to *was In cbvlrg e of the partY when:*It
Learn This, Season.. I
inight have led 'to the Separation of
For the earlier. history of FPrt
Malden, to 1871, one would
Parents Should Ve Careful In
Naming Children.
line ad completely cured him, Suf
A brand-new state, Intandool to be
r . un as a republic, is being formed'in
It is but eldom that th w roll
of, Great BrItitin's fanious lighters.
at -rendered,
sui Is kept a prisoner At
To save the live' r4_1Thomar, about fifty miles northeast
ckless Bill
two 1oving. hearts—turned up. As
be* compelled to search the' archives I.
ferers from this distressing, malady,
- I I
the forest land that 6xtends Into
find their wily into .6. oublioadetion-
mer bathers tate.; Vol, of Lisbon, . where till stands the
the United, S
the Post Office put it.
the letter tomportirily disappared,
of France and - Ureat Britain.' In
Wattliew Elliott,
When arents, are exercising their
ingenuity' in choosing names for
please note.
, To quote another case. A young
Brazil And Bolivia, A large rubber'
roc�m, but a few have been thus. diis-
unteer Life-saving Corps of New Inonastery of the Knights of . Christ
'i to whom was, conceded the
it was not I rs at-
Fifteell. Yea
1784. however, Col.
.of t)io, British Army was placed .111
their hopeful 6ffspring it rat . dly- oc-
(All's to thelli to inake sure that the
fellow . convicted for theft, had for
years suffered. from bandy legs, but
merchant has created it, and has
been elected the ast president by.tlib
posed of. Ainong. the itenis of more
than ordinary Interest put up it year
issued a cilIdular privilege
tate has of
giving rules for the safety of people ".Conquering the New World,"
whose deeds of prowesa and rapacity
ter her iiiarriage the letter x�as. do-
11 -
vered. It had somehow got into a.
command of the post, and from
time to the preseitt. its hIstary"is'not
initials (to not form some combina-
on quitting prison, these were 'found
Inhabitants, most of whom
are in his employ. The �anxc of the
or two ago by,a well-known London
auctioneer Was the sword supposed.
Who -go out- oil or in tII6 Witter.
Their usefulness 1.4 thegreator wheniboth in Brazil and in the,East, illo..
niche in a mail cart and remained
there till the having got
diflicult to trace. The great -grand- .
this first 'known the
L on for which their children wiii.
SCArcely. "rise, -tip and, call them
to bo,lis straight as of all ordinary
person. . Simple treadmill practice ;
bew Republic is, "Are."
' The.
to have been used.by-'the lion-licart-
one sees that In citsel� f fatal ucoi- dies grLve them all nduring. and not -to
past service, was condentmed. be
dents of -them beeli very desirable reputation, The other .
son of of Poin-
mandants of Fort Maldenj Air. F. E3.
blessed" itilater
was responsible for this destrable
he exp laiiied.
strangesV, fdrin of decoration
has been intr odpced in F ranca. It in
ed Earl of Cardigan at. the Bttfeof'
Dalaclava, It Changed hands - at
oiaxx3� have- more broken -up,
officers are Confined -At -Cald4s . da. . Dr. Leyds, v a Boer by'
honored in the breach than lai the although no
Eliott, is living At 'the picturesque
old homestead built by the Colonel
F 01, instance, the boy wb& . as
qi.ven the not unpleasant name of
" It is a well -k nown fadt that pri6on-
ers who In a we4k conoll-
a medal for criminals who leave the
- these medals are
great State 1. rlson,
eight and*a-half guineas,
A better result attended it sale of
observance. R aro Rgme of.tile
more pertinent maxims-.
Reinha; ars of .
Another �ransp'ort from.Sortli Af- birth, has spent so many ye
his life with these stra lige beople
At Rhott's Point, at the -lower end
-Artlitir Staiilc�r Smith and the girl
who signs -her name Ide, Marie. PatI.
enter gaol.
tion invarldbly leave hale, and hear-
the Work of one of the 'greatest of
some till more famous swords at
Impress upon parents the necessary 1
rica Carried 600 13�ocrs to Bombay, iy be'said to have assiol-t
whence'they Were-takqn Inland abo�t that lie Int
of Bois Diane Island, During the
latter years of the rovol4tioitar
orson will scarcely be proud of their
tY. How are we to account for this?
Solely because of the strict discip-'
modern inedallists. - Aloney.6arned b Y.
a convict for work and good beha-
the. rooms of Messrs. Christie. oil
that' occasior� ' the sword used'
d uty of having their children taught
to Swim.
ilated niuch of Suspiciousness.
0110 hundred miles to Alimednagar. One of his most ellerialied posses-'
war the old fortfess. was repeatedly
respective initials, A. S. S. :..and
I. M. P.
line that prevails in all the i3risgilis
lot, is us4ful. to enable him to make
by Nelson,, when it niate, called
00 out in no pleasure boat' Of
Their pivesent situation does not ap. sions is it cilse-liaMexled'fixre-proof
to. be Inviting if it
beseiged by irregtilar. troops,., of Am-
ericans and their sympatbiz6rp, but,
Some of th e combin aii6�ns Which
hav6. dome 'the
I And the Wholsomeness of -the food
prov ided.
a start,' but no one would care to
show a decoration Of his kind.,
some. spirited' biddin&. At-
though I L
t w4s only. ail 6rdimiry,reg-
nall 'or large dimensions; without
being assured t
-hat there Are life-
peat, particularly steel stroilg room which can. only 130,
is proper to callAhinadnagar "a' hot' pened by himself. The safe w as or,-
so far as is known, it �,vas never
Even too, treaty of
u nder writer's. obser-
vAtioh are,, to say the. least, ams-
. A wll-)moWn surgeon tells of a
Bullet-proof millboar is one of the
tla tion. weapon, of no intrinsic VIL
Saving * buoys or cushions aboard
tom float '
waterles.%. pestilent hol,�,Il 41i which
. Iginally-inade for.�A :Italian banker
a corresi?bnolent of the Man-* in-.-.'.
taken. aftqr*
poked between- King George and.hi
ing. Tbere is, for instance, c6r_�
tain '.well-known temperance -Vo-
xnan who, when he first entered his
colt to serve a*,,terin of two years for
latest novelties, I c6mes,fTom
Sweden.* A bullet fr6m it carbine, I
lue -the price was run up to' no le a
th all .260guintia.6.
sufficient all, oil board i
Case Of Upset or. Collision.
,terms: Who,, to effeetually sa, regu4rd the
choster Guardian has given his terest. of hi si clients from the preda-
former colonies had been signed
Great Britain cdxltinucd. to hoild 'the'
. ad
cate ' whose Initials 'are R- U- M -I
a In isdomeanct, was :very slightly
toot, weakly, built, vdry
capable of, going, thiomigh five Inchon
0 ill-
f we d Could licit pierce the in
Stra.n&ly enough-, was" L33
more thali was r' eQiz6d for a. vory
With. a party be sure you -are, all
property. aud - Satisfactoril Beate 4
to" Of it',
r has
notWL batch, of prisohers
tbry lw;tincts of banditti And secret.
S dials, Which. .: ' .. - -
6CIefies, ;invoilt
military post at Detroit.util it as
to Uli�iw`
but who very wlsely.dr6ps the sec�
otill le . t I ter aand is.,content-with one.
little strength, When lie left on the
board. A projectile -frbin a machine
valuable And 'that
artistic swqrd
. ,
before you'leave the, shcre � Pax�ticu-. been sent to the 13pritaudan. .-It'sel-
hirl dom It �Ip in any.war th . At the dr.-
inado. it- ovell' if -a thief ..
finaliv turned over . I the
Christian initial; *hIle,'a mail: wh
expiration of lip. was obviIe
9XIn -went through I.t, but tlxe� in,
had belonged to.E�notlier fAinous Ad-
S 6 with girls on boardi Let
feated Aes'.1slers. tire So
obtained access to
inilit�ry authorities in :1 796.
s fonstantly-� Appearing
ly much',§tronger.. and weighed
�rdxitbe is conflolont. � of inAlciAg his
miral, - ,o d; sold O
Ilo� one attempt to exchange seats
Out again,
police-cours, charged with :some
,fifty gOuxxdS*, more'. than hon
he entered.
reW s ubstanco �eVeu more resisting,
so that a succession of layers. Would
the anie occasion. .. Thl�3_ bad
presented, to � bi4i by' the -Cit� of
Where the waters �becoxxxe'rough
v Two of the dials �4�al th, the in
&eg, and; eit6h, dial hai tWO' hands,
During tile sumillef. too he.
of 17
being drunk 4nd disorderly, ough t.
aedordfilgi to. his Ini ti als, `diIink noth,
1t. is a fact that stout. iholividuals
form protecting Wall for*�fortificrt,�-
London. Its golden hiltan cab-
from, ; a sudden squall, : or.pa , ssing
which have to. be. Placed opPbsito
guns and.stores od Fort.Detroit were
Ing stronger than, T, 11 A., for his
lose much of their superfluo us fat
bard mdunts,,which were beautiful-
steamers,, never. 4se in tl)e, boiit, but
�.dow* 'close,
the Correct numbers'. before tliedoor
moved to Fort Ataloldn - whicb. the
Br tish.authorities desigried to mak.e
name Is Tltus�'Zxetcr Al6xa�dtr
under. prison. diet and discipline,
whereas slim� &Ind. spare men invar-
A Compressed air fire'- escape
been L Patented, in . Qhi9ttgo which- its
ly engr aved and Chased, were enrich-
ed with dianio'xids Axid enamel.
tle 6 bottom
set n. 4$ to .4opens..
LIS possible, and keep cool- until the
The third dial w ill rembpon
the doov when the occupant wishes.
p9werful enough, to protect the en-
�A g6ntlexuau�who not long. ago fg-
ured as d6endailt ill'. A all of
!Ably Add to, their weight consider -I
Inventor dedlares offers a quick And
The glold pillow-f6rined grip had
danger Is .Past.. Does the, Fascinating Game. Drive
to leave, e hands are set
tire western part of the, Pr'ovince.
promise case had , the stngufarly ap-
safo,method of carrying fireni�fi to
side the arms, f the
A woman's -skirts_if held.,out. by .�Men Xxisa ne opilwAte, the, sae' -figures as. the cor-
The inost skillful lingineors were
brought from Montreal and' an elab-.
Priate initials of W. O.,O.; will e.
the. upp& st6ries'of a- burning build-
ings With tl ie1r. ho�e,'and which Is A
Colored onamolgi, surrounded with
brilliants, and oil the -other side the
her extencled: arins, while slid out,si&.. . .
!uses respboding that
�her feet as if cltmblnl� a stairs, 'will Many- people are new. asking th�nl-' day -the btilker omitted; when
Orate system of, ca rthworks '-, con-
structod. ' These earthworka.liave
the plaintlit's' name was Susan, - and
she had, wit ]I unconscious previslon,-
linpr'verne' t on* ladders for
great 0 n,
tak" upper,* - rooms,
ink from
arms of the ediplent, with similar
OIL the
hilti, solves Wily. tile gme'of CIA Should
often libldAier u1i ill the'Water entering his Strong room to rese I ys
adrive .m Ai his
a boat may out frouitl 6 s6lre- en Only a low. da the third oll - al.,
Yd 4ur-
for the most part� bom levellc
been adc by,.her lo& in ScQi es
of amorous letters as' "my., darling.
Y, Wome . and' children,
especiall 11
precious surroundings.
knuckle�bow_set in brill`4xits in blue
. 1. I I
pull the hands of
-ajorliler CIILS�q cliampi6xii. who*
and ago memo ry failed - to, retiiin � the figures
'of hisr cc6imit-.
Ing the past few years; but theee Is
11 . . . I
.9. Young Worii, s Scheme to
smoth gred-by,pinoke. The apparattis
: may be
ena el,. was th
cl gOife out mind;
Iii,.*rescuing drowning persons, seize Ila' 6111ployed on- bis�last visit, �th6 door
ted'suicide bi throwing himself Iwalls
one I axportalit piece standing
which a. United, States Captain ,,j
In another breach of promise case'
the defendant's' initials were sadly
Defraud -at Last,monent.
. I .
stands on a rqpk. which
propelled by electric: or horse -power.
every man to do
them by�' the collar, bark of the I
nedl,'.,- ;do not,lot them throw. their
front, Of A, train. Last Angitst Stein- refused to. opon,'a4d s the
the then were, too thick to allow of. his cries
,ently filstecied it.
Engineers, who red,
ominous of the issue -of -the 'action,
A leading oculist of
Compressed Air,; liccording to theiii-
his duty," 'together with tfic magic
ains ar6,und your neek'or'arms.
greateRt,,cliess-player. . being li6ard. he was either stifled,'or
with the writer, pronouncocl .
for Idol Y
name wAs'PorcY AM
whose practice' Iixtends-lar outside'
ventor, is. the safoist '. and. quickest
ord "TrOalgar." This beautiful
' If the erson is undo xlsclo�s,* do
living, died Ingand',...A Yews ago
Pat'! M.orphv,' thd ..most biiI.Iftint STARVED TO�DEATH.`
fine bit of ergineorin
the place of. the, did trading village,
. .his
rtn'd be signed thb Initials "P.,A. Y."
the boundaries of the city, re*-&t0s
that one day ;a oung-woman . came
ekpedidnt for -handlirig - niateril, in
factories and -warehouses. - One'Chl-,
W ,
6a�on Was bought'. on% behalf of
not walt.a moment.for A -d octor or
an, ambulance, but begin at onde,, -play, or 'who ever, ived, 'died 'of The iaifly of the.,xinfortuhate man
IL town witl egular streets wail It
tai, . his' office:.ac6onipanted y an.
'older- 'moth
'catio ilders 06tie has
firm of car bu
Mebxfor Z240.
Lady, d
lady2 -hip secure � tile
first get.the tong ritul disease.' Theso� were the.
ue out and hold it u me
believing �that he had been made
the local baholittt, Ofier-
out. which I ceiv.ed.the nalue dL AM-,
hdrstburg� front. (enerat Lord Am:-
records - are full f similar strtmge
coincid ces, of which "are so
W6idaan, app arently the .7
er. The young* woman w6ib color-
fifty ai� hdist�S- in *CO listant Service, ;
-Her. . also.
sword presented to -Lord Cblling�-
by a handkerchief or' btocking to 14 icings -of'chess.: Many., other nien in
the. water out; get 'a'buoy,. boi - or': the lower ranks'' of Chess have lost
eo !10jtrFg10'b;y nxs� for' "his restoration.
herst, its sPonsor, and became 'the
capital nd principal trade centroo of
remarkable �as to 6bem scarcely cred-:
Jbie. � The. ihiiials lady
oil glasses, whic b one- might., have As-
sumed to be super,fluous, as wag
e roration. of Liver-
plool In. rec6g.nitiou of.. 'the . samle
barrel under- the' Stomach; or hold their mii-ids'.
the pe*rson over Your knee head III Lond6n to�d re. many
When repeated rowwrols, ailed to ro-
stol�e him tile banker was given up
WesterlL ontrtrio:. . The old brick com-
of one+ res-
poholent we I
re.F, A, L, S. 'and of
clatmed that the girl was totaltly
. . .
stirring it very
handsome weapon,, gold-bilted, and
down,.and jolt tile wat�r out of him,
1,2xion who ehess.� oil thq brain.
of them
As the strong.- room con-
as lost.. dolls pkivAta
tained only the deceas
missary department building rAit.up
at this time, nftei the solid and sub-
another F.' R. A. -L. one good lady
whose conduct scarcely. seeined to
blind.- What� was w-anted,dif the
doctog,. ivas a certificate �iWtbenti-
with en,maved bands.
mounted The
then t Mtb side
urn fitin over si-
or, fl:Vc turns. thetion,his back, and
Some sacrifice eirerythixxg�-
h0ind, bealth.'ad ma.Serial prospects
pap I pt was made 4to' ein-
ers, i o attem
stalltial fashion of the day, I, sti
standing And in good toopair. lt will-
have Justified the description had the
initials P. T-1. D.; the.
cdting this claim of blindnes , Puf
ting it beyond dispute ; And it ws,
Tinctura 0 Cou-'
Ipecac Said: to
trol the� Disease�
prico' realized, was Z 160.
Tile, swortl of Admral� Villeneuve,
With pump movement keep his
arms going from pit' to stoluach OV-
ir on for -this
—to, Indulg tile passi
fasoinating game. It is1lke the lhor
ter the room. -Some ten years later
the lilafiak& determined to make use
probably. outlast many of the build-
R, and Peti-
tionell IIIL' ii�d sp which attracted con-
frankl. 'stated that. the object III
Experiments designed to prove that.
Commander-iii-Chlef or. the combined
P�aode Lind Sl:idIn' in "that
of. I
exhort, d 'back
. . d to a'straight out 'an
phine liabit -oi- the drinking of ab-
afe, -and after' considorable.
of the S,
difficulty ' hunted up -the workman
N_in�q- built nowadays. , 0110, of
blOCK-houses 6till to be seen also dat-
siderable ention a few years.
att� -ago
was. Stoplxen� Oliver' Lionel': li—,
seeking this was to obtain Certain
aids And advantages Of' t, Philfta-
"bay fever". and' "rose colds" c .111
be cured are being conducted bv Dr.
. . . *
fight, brought.sixty guineas. qqlat
fourteen to sixteen times ;L. minute,
until sign .of returning ' life are
, 'The curious'thing about.this f6rm
Who had made thedials, The bauld-
ed back from t)ils.p I eriod".
.whoq0, initiftig, �7k. .6. L. I)., must
thropic nature, impogsible of.acce-ss
Holbrook Curtis, of 'iyork�
of Don BaItazar.Ilidalgo Cis"tieron.
Itear-AdmirEd of the S,PaniSh. fleet,
silown—A.'ballows movement,ontlie
of dissipatiob (for itAS.EL dissi ipati6i'l
in tfirttlt ig �a -Men-
or's widow insisted, When the , room
gave. up its ghastly, SOCTet; on the
have strangely.-despribed his
ences of, matrimony.
otherwite. he s tanding -)f �he
o st was such that.a. statement
While it k,nowil that these Alld sim-.
ilar afflictions are proolu
commanded. onl y welity-five gui neas, .
Stomach at the time is a groat
of one's powers)
tal indulgence. It is not a grat jfica-�
strong. r66m being, either destroyed'
Fort Alalden became during the
A very in rking Inin-
cidesi, bard -ft
from him would arry �ull Weight
: .
effect of � the pollen. of certain plants
which as, howeer; two guine as
more than bill for the,
Let some one At once reniove.shoes
he physical so'
tl6n of any of- t nses,
but. wild, Intellectual I -lot. only a,
o sold.
The 'proprietor Of- a fo reign i*es-
war of 1812 thc Principal base Of
operatiolis for the British in this re-
ister* of the through
life branded with the c6i"lously Ihap-
wherever presented
, On examination ihe 'Piqrfaco of the
upon he human system in their.* SO—'
verest forms! no relief li� s been found
sword of the Captain 09 tli ' e Santa
and s Locking.. and at the Same
rub. the lower Iiinbs with an upward
man *. with- 4 -naturally matherriatical.
iaurant In. London o wnirg vineow
-Italy', the story of
gion. Detroit had been surrendered
.by I -lull, and the- British arm.,; had
propriate initials of P., 0. 1". ;' All-
eyes gave. no -in icatiqn of wiy de-
feet : but that might be-, so, and
'for.them except removal to 106alities
tho. I!! found.
ima. These three weapon-% were all
captured- by Lord Collingwoo
movement front foot. to kilee, occa-
sionally'slapping the soles of 'the
inind, capable,of almost infinite. ab-'
stract reasoning And abtruo poon-
yard 14 related
this safe -in , the hearing of., a,rich
won some other notable 'victories,
other, who0--eloqublice is perlit Los 0,
]title florid and vaporltill, boasts the
blindness -still exist., Applying tests
where pollen not
-Dr Curtis tells in the 10dical Up-
At the saine time it very intekoilt-
Ing d re kable sword -handle of:
feet with the open hand, Working
ictudli, a &eat
diamond merchant hailing front HatI.
to wh6 ultiluaiely purcas�
n darden,,
when Harrison, following tip. the ad-
vantage gained at Stevenspa,
o0i'V nsuitable letters'(],. A; inims
tials borne by the late Mr. Sala. A
of tha str6ogest light, the gri'd
fessed - hersolf to 66 Absolutely un;n
cord'of a line. of enqiry ' which _ lie
hopes will eventually afford relief -to
Indian agatc.ivas submitted to' pub�
on, .. these lin our Volunteer life-
savers . haire oon. successful' -after
Player. The'vig.or of his conceptions
nxil�kg hts super$oifty over,tild or-'
- -I-, that Ito go
ed It. Ii seeing, howove
and Fort b1leigs, on tholliami; el -Os,
'third clorgy1oaft is kno*d by tlie ini-
able . to. distinguish between - ligtit,
sufforers from "hay fever. He says I
lie competition. It had - formerly
-ty tile t
t,6 hours-oi itleegsant manipulation
dinary inau,%and-the cloax�oss bf,his
distrusted his new acqUis itlon thai
lie looked about for It purchaser, aud,
Sell 'the river, determined to att ack
hr own ground,
t1414 9 1, N.; and a fourth. goes &
'Signs !its
and darkness. - Other tests we ro re-
-Sorted to,. , trying In. their nature.
that he had LL patient in t, Louis
who that
been the propel 0 Or`Ou.5
'III Poo Sahib, and was hilald with,
lit'geneirally, succeed inside_of thirty
mental vision, when,'-over-develope d
Is thought to
I � M16. Amster am, Who
found ou6 I it
. 14�1
Lanaing from flat bo ats at Br
step' further, And wheii. lie
fu .11, A
it I Iti 1.4, Whicli he rarely -does
alid Some. of them very painfit], and
was so susceptible she
could not pass, a florlst'n sh6p
five flile.large, old Oylentat brilliants.
'Use . no spiritg.intelrnally until af-
111 IQ ottier ctival
file tl
cuinbing in his turn to the; distmst
in.spired by dial No, 3, 1 sold it o
Point, he -threw A
one. lady be sure, writes himseli
these word all . borfic with
0 Ho suc-
ut having -a sharp attack.
it i�ealized. tile substantial sum of
ter breathing And circulation are I'd-
iticultoies.., Jndulged� In in. moderation
u r's factotum
Dlr*,,Loyds. 90
March Creek, And with flying colors
and to the strain of martial: music,
down S A, T, .N.
and,'courage. The doctor TAIZ-
zled aod baffied. Apparently. the
ceeded in rendering her Immune by
gi1q1)g her Infusion of the variou 9
The intirket value df relies of Brit-
st6rod, then A ino derato use, of stim-
ulants 6r )lot teas, and it warm
chess is dolig litful, but recent events
hae shown the danger of. llowlixg
I'lust hit ve.strong nerves, for it Is
led his men along ih& tiyo sides of
. One of . the earliest of this cexx�-
tu�y's brides cl a god her initials
1.11 I
girl was stont i blind, but.he as un-
to solve the those
plants by'whloh site wawitfTL6ted, .
ain's great naviii and military, be--
roes '111-4 o 11vetuatein. a. really
blanket or bed. is of 'the first Import-
the passi011,tO grow, 11POI1.0110,
said lie frequently enters this death
trap as inany uS, a.dozon tiioes daily.
the In the direction of Fort
Malden.,' In.so shorC a time had ail
W. CL NI; to W., E. D., a- sin ulcLrly
able problem'"of .
eesp to discovei,the cause Of t-bu
Another.p4tiont who was omployed
in it, drug -store,. told Dr. Curtis that
exteatirdinary fashion. To the month,
tile wires flasli the riews
day "Disappearance of
this taken place, Proctor had scarce-
;happy and approprimto change;
a well-known society Young � lady,
blindness, or say just wlieee� the de-
she always had asthma, unless dho
of luly, 1898, there was offerod.. by
across one
Dr. Loyds;" it v�ili not be difficult
ly time to suinino war
before the introplol'Tippecalloo was
who wag married two yeti.rs � ago, be-
feet Jay,
The do6t6r was more.thmn half-
took tincture of ipecac 1 for ' several
days beforQ she 'went to wbrk. Dr
Public Auction In a London qale�
room the Sword worn'by the.&LIlant
in Lou-
to guess the fate that..has- befallen
mits of the town, and
had elicounteroct the pickets of the
calic, iii tier new character of wife,.
IM, A. 1. D, The wife of one of. Lon-
,disposed to grant- the desired Corti-
ficate, when, as a last expedi6 '110
Curtis said lie found that not -only
could Attacks of hay fever be ' pre-
elson When lie. first ent o, sea.
No f rthcoming it bad
as 2 in Every Count4-, Ga.
6u.tl' ro
itemarkAble, Operation a
don: Hospital..-
garrison. q,lie six men who fell in
I preachers, a lady of singular
, sweetness of disposition, has the In'-
hit- upon L it novel ex pertinent. . lie
Vented by taking an hifusto t befo 0-
to be withdran. �a circurnstance
ther in Honduras.
A most astonishing operation has
the skirmish which followed this en�
counter are buried near.the spot In
tials 8. H. it, E. IV.; while. such Is
dismissed his patient with
, tions that Ad should torric, ti;;aln At
band of-the,plant which Caused the
41ttack, but that even after: the at-,
which contrasts trangely with
SPit-fted -COX test fOr the Intrinsically
r- of . C
- There. is. olic� corlie erittal. Am-
just, been performed at a qortaln
London hospital. This Iii no less
common grave, which is still point-
the froxx3i of initials, A woman who,,.,,
was charged fit- it cotch police-
certain hour the foll ;;�Ing day,
tack had begun it could be modified
worthless weapon inentioned ab .
erica. that Is At present a perfect
for men who Ilave� c0nunit-�
than the tatouing Of, a Young � W07
ed out.
The point whom,.Tecurnsell, and his
, alid thiq gave the oculist time to
court a� few weeks ago With A brutal
- larrarige for the carrying out of )its
an invalid husibaild,
Sault oil an
and often controlled by similar tre at-
ment. Attacks caused. b the potion
tell , any crioxe. It is a blace where
the the so
man's eye, which had. lost its color
isy disease, but which, bas mainly
Old Some Strange
Miners Have
Experience to Relate.
or and his
warriors met with' Proct'
troops to determine. in council how
; Pln. When the girl came ,,he next
boasted the letters V. I. T, day the doctor had her
of the golden rod, lily Of tbu vallev
and ragweed lie found could -be coii-
outcasts of world'a 'ioty
rule the land of their adoption,pand
through the operation of tato ding
been brought back to.. its norml
to has -.been In a, Coal-
the advance of 114irrison should be
met is directly o pposite and abotti
A clever tutor fit the -North Of bliffdfolded with it lie
,Ilghtnd is Mr. J. A. Cass; Find A' over her ev avy
es, He then took it tiny
trolled fit this way.
Hay fever. resulting from theApollen
Spiders Found in. t] he
hthe officia.1% of the Government
protect all thlove4 that Conte to
Ille patient was nineteen years old
mite where the darknesi; is but faint,
ly dispersed.by the light of A safeU
eighty rods bove the lower end of.
Londo � Official, who Is very mouse which. lie had procured ,..ild
from answering to the description, I held the lovelv little tiling by: It's
L , I
of ragweed appears betw I lgw4t:
no rmous
Cornish Xines.
them �axxd make it dangerous for any.
detective to niolest them. .
mild of good Appearance, Save . that
left was colorless And was
IamP 1, and lieuxg . the r1tystcl IOUs
sounds that ab( mild, eAsilY
Bois island, nd.had for many
years been the Place forlitilding in-
lias to write bfux�:olf doval a 11, A.
before the girl's face, theitigh
12 and: August and until
A, Cornish man. may be supersti-
This is the Republic of Honduras,
the eye
disfigured by a number of salwo)i
assure himself that they are due ta
than councils.
S. 1.51
riot touching ]let-, whilo it() ordered
the bandage to be remove. No
11 It my theory be correct." a a %
Dr. Curtis, thiA this, 'rhinithl va" o-!
tIous, but lie in t114 Plucky a ulan its
breathe.%. (3110 creature, however,
one of the least'.advanded of the
litates of South or Conti -at Anterica.
patches oil the cornea. After her ad.
mission, diagnosis proved that she
purely natural CAuA0s' Such as - tlA
dripping of water, the slipping of
On the farm now owned by TZ,d-
sooner was the bandage off tnan her
scrcam,4 I rang through.tho laeo and
inotaria, perloolica' or 'corusthirla,
ambroslao', be prevented by gIV
most of tile tio-men hy at the sight
of,, This Is the bloated, wrlite
IlondurrL-,;,. indeed, is a curious mix-
ture of jungle and gigantic forest, of
was suffering train a Cicatrix (a sort
of stiar), which had.originated in the
SlIaIC, and. the groaning and croaking
of Props and tiniber -under the en6r4
ward flono� the American forces
to developments. The
lie: r c;Ms were wide with to
(It tile harmless little radent Nwilch
Ing from two toton drops 4�f tile
fluid 'extract
spider' which rustic.q along the
disappears qoido
cocoa and of rubber. trees, of bugs,
vampires, Snakes, and croccidiles—of
irig—flie . colored circle of tlio� eye—
had alniost wholly replaced the
mous weight of earth they sustain,
and they will be more ready to lend
campoll await
earthworks thrown tip by Harrison
Differeut Ways They Have of tx-
bad thrown her so Completely Oil
tincture or of ambrosia
d. !it dur-
f the ,halt, and in
cleft, ht the rock. Nuuralists for
all manner of things that creep and
a syllip4lthetic Cal, to the strange,
may be almost as, di*oIinctly traced
her � guard . and exposed the
Of sor
Ing tile two weeks pj;eccodi lllg the
a long tittle woult, riot bellov that
. ,
crawl and sting and bite-, a egion
where life in the daytirne Is a mock-
wa cy enough to
The patient. pluck
uncanhy stories that mlners tell.,
Afally a Collier Can tell of mysteri-
as though they had been constructed
but yesterda. A description of
The Chinese laugh is not as he arty
as the European Or
ture, courso'she elso
she wpltld not have screamed. Nee
paroxystia, I shall Conider that I
he ;eralded what I believe to be it.
4 w t. ro. reall cave -dwell -I
de -'u ed thLt they word,
I it L�ll
cry, And at,night one feels,as though
suggest the taking fout wfof the eye
and the it th a ilass
ous lights, knockings and warnings,
them will not. be ithout filtbi It's t,
Or its expressive
American. It Is Oftener a titter
losq'to say the a plicont did not got
EL great discovel-V with bo-eOlnilig,
piders that had
sleeping in red popper.,
Here, in every -hamlet and ety, Eire
one, but the doctors refused, The
which few care to disregard, know'
Ing the dangerous riature of their
Beginning at the line between thi
And the Adjoining farm, oil the old-
thait a genuine outburst of morri-
There is little Character or
that certiheatc.
modesty. If. on 6c other hand, the
results. I have obtained are not vprl-
fallen 'Pt Into the inines. 11rut
At last one was brought to i, film-
to b e found men from dilerant lands
patches wdre cut Away and repine
with bits of tornea, taken from the
trade. . A short time ago A. colliery
vation which bounds the creek oil
the cast side, is A double line of
force in it.
fied by others, I may only say that
men and iiiare scicatifie ob-
os. inember. of tile EntomologLeal
14odiety, and found by him to b�, b-
ly utlaws from their own Colin-
most 0
try, Chicago,. Boston, Now York,
eye of it rabbit.
In a low, days the, transplanted
wag stopped for over A We ek by
such causes. The men refused to 90
breast worksr formed by hollowing
out 4#ho embankment A few feet fro)ll
As so I- the Arabian laugh, we
little of its. lillarfous, ring trough,
� ow Character Can be I'lead in a
servers have been itilslod by initial
results that time did not substantl
olutely. without eyes. This Proved
ileyo4d doubt that. for centuries tho
and Philadelphia 0,11 ftirnish their
quota. England, France, Ititly, and
Plec es united., and.the appearance of
the eye was '' much Improved. But
down the shaft 0110 morning, 49
stran go lights, and
its toot and throwing the 100SO Oart�h
tho... ages Of Wirth in, tile old world,
The Arab is generally it, stolid - fol--
Pers , on's Countenance.
creattives' ancetors had lived be-
even far away Russin have their
share. They make no Attempt at'
the operation was not,. yet QUite
Very fine tatoolirig needles
too), as,warnings, had
they c, pit; while only
'been seen in tbi
Above. By �Ids nicalis ample protee-
tion was afforded to a double line of
low, who must either -ce good rea-
son toll a laugh, or be surpi -Ised into
n 'and not nar-
row Itionote large, views,
year's work has dolhOuStrilt-
ed that it, preparation of rag -weed is
yolid.the. reach of sunlight.
A, spider, even Whe (1009 live in
concealment, bear the names they
0 4 OlIg
born to beat,, and g 1
were specially innolo, Channelled for
morning, on winding lip the edge to
fir lot of men down a
riflemen placed . one tier above the
6ther, lving and ready to re-
trong Passions and 110roiC Virtues
!it A majority of cases all adjunct, of
very gkoat value in the treatment of
the depths of tile arth, Must Cat,
met.() recelifly lifs, prey na" it
about their own buiuesq a.14 If the
the reeeption. of a pure fluid, which
was slcilfull. conveyed to places In
tLXkC the St
figure dregdd in meii'9 dlothes had
delve the enemy. from the West.
III Persta the,man who laughs,
considered effeminate, but free ,-
they are long and narroiw. it weal,
elittVacter 14 denot(Id. .Svenly grolv-
bay favart and it seems reasonable
discovered. It C, is a sort of smal
lMwq of thelp own Country had not
mada tilem Outcasts.
the iris, and in the cornea, with the
stopped but And wal ked across to
I room which had been
From tho, point *here the bank of
the March begins to recede, the
conse Is given to female merriment-
J)lg teet,h. show A. better disp6sitfalt
to Suppose that Perhaps rt, tincture Of
golden rod or solne other plant inay
beetla. Abother scorpIon-liko III-
sect, Called the blotbrus, Ualwg
result that both'ayes now look very
i-auch alike. The left eye before the
art old amp
used as a mortuary at the last Me-
earthworks extend due cast, afford-
one I o4ds of the Turk,"
and the "sober Egyptin I," but it In
and better developed inind than
so that crowd and overlap. Long
be fou lid, effienclous III those cases in
his blind away ovc4- tho rocks. and
operation was a docidC4 blemish.
cident In thO Piti (Ind entered It.
Wholl they had mlistel'od up cour-
Ing Protection against art exionty
from tile north or outh, an well Lis
lot recorded that they have never
n os a 8 arO Cautious And prudent;
which ragweed seeing to have 110 aP-
effect. I 1,,'XactlV ]low great
stalks by sound Anti, touch the Santo
It is it wonderful thin!; to
I rho alinual "wages bill" of the
age, to to Ilow him And axamiliO the
a means of communication between
moments of luirth, when the fez bobs
or the volt shakeq under the pressUrO,
short ones inapulsIve -, And tip -tilted
one*.4 hopeful, finpulive and joous,
a palliativo this treftt"Mit, Will Prove
prp.v. .
waich ()no of tho.80 Creatures IvilititIg
British Cabinet is uo light auln—at
it nearly reaelies 4:100,000
room, theV found the
lio iii.it., Fully. expecting
a part of the breastworks flrst men.
tfoned, And a third part ex tendiug
of some particularly "good thing,"
ixecp dolored eyes, witit, wolt-arelled
ill Of nccOssltv take two' ol tl 0
W t11
years' investigation to deterininei"
beetle, and almost to
' '
�pcalfzo its absoluto hitntuivss Wlit.-A
or, to be 'exact. it amoulitA to
lonume'rable device Are ro8orted
rrence that
from this Occu there
due South. "A very pmtty ple ce-of
In Alabomet himself, Christian writ-
ers have noted cordiality and Jocose-
lidsi both Upper And lower, show It
truthful and alTectiouate nature. An
Ones see.% how perfectly.R4 nxovo�
550- Of the Cabinet as at Pie'icnt
qt-pld Is the Lord-
constituted the be.
to by the manufacturers of Sweet;
in Order " to mtxl,'e tildir wares at-
would be an accident of O1110 sort
In tho pit, none Of the vieft Would
rapid teinpotar wqrk," said the old
captain, aPProvingly; "bet evidence
ness, and they sa there la a good
laugh In ilto
obro1v slightly'curling at the outer
dicates a nature.
111011i'S Correspond With those Of its
intended vidtint.
Lieutenant of Ireland, Who receives
tractive to the public. At one time
commence work-, and. the COIIIOrY, an
I have found of Irarrison's military
ringing prophet with
all his seriousness.
The' , 1, a whole world of tell' -tale
Tho has lie of
0ften fit tile Olives Of tile of
Derbyshire explorers Way (,'Oln %a
22o,000 a. year , the Lord- Chancel-
t s with Z10,000, find
tb a deplorable practice Prevailed of
employing such poisonous substances
& consequto co, stood Idle for several
days, Alost olol miners have some
An American traveller, In Vuropo
reinarks-the Italian laugh ' as lan-
Indication in the apex of cftl.�
It it. 11eq close to the head the owner
;older no wings, yet
tan takes ti� flv.
toad, crawling lowly along III
the Irish Lord Wilary'
is S,00O. Seven. Afinisters—re-
an lead, copper, chromium, or even
01, niqetlie as Coloring inat
strange experience to relate I f they
emit be Induced to tlk'about them,
Procter niade but one feeble attack
Uron tbe Ainerican callity. TTo had
guld but musical, the (lei -man uq de-
liberate , the Preneh an spasmodic
posAosses it refine d nature. But It
the tolii, starts awav from tho boad
r lot of time In
Some JU� lea lose a
�ryltig to find rt verdict.
tilt, 11101,4t StollPs,
not, (magloo* that there Is itiv tnith
pectivel stationed at the Voreign,
War, India, Treasury, and
ter; but the use of such 'agent 1,,4
hapPflY, d1most obsolete, and
a �Ptlelsln with
but knowitil" t1l scc
whit), sueb things; are (led now-
Already dotortnilied upon the d1w,ts-
trous rt trtat. 'agidn%t which Tetum
a .1 �-
and uncertain, the upper class Eng
lish, aq.guardod and not always gen-
At a Ivell-defined Wnglo that person
baslt uneven disposition and I not
Tho, men who succeed tire she$()
aravo promptly Oil time.
In the stories of live toads being
boai�p of rocks oil Itimps
flonto Oftlees, and the Chand ollor of
mode is generally
rn collfo�ctloxxer,
w open
alloys, they III but
oil tho.subject.
Bch Proteted fit VaIn. The story of
UJIle'L the lower-clasa V nglish as ox-
to be x-oliod upon. If -it, girl's thumb
drops little, inaritat
r1,Ild honest blck.,milth Is seldom
Of Coal, A toad, though It oxii fat
for vt it rall"Ot
the llxclldql ior—are paid
which is ille, standard slilarY for a
qpenking, pul-e. ou-
tom has, however, just, been brought
their mouths
the retreat, which terminated In the
battle of Long Woods, Where brave
plosiVe, the Scotch, Of tilt Classes as,
hearty, And the Irish as rollidcInge.
lies 11at, or it
submis4lon to the iliaqt(%r inind. is ffi�-.
Inclined to give Up V130,
- Ambition has. prevented many a
0.11A without . food or ir for
Secretal'V of State ; while, the FfPst
Lord oFthe Admiretify ling 94,550.
to light by alialsIN, Which *ShOW
that Some sweets AM Made to glit-
Tecumseh lolt hi life, In Well known.
licatod; If the thumb has a, tendon-
man from making ti, succes.
I I q of sinall
The renlaining Olght, 1110100"S Of the
tbr by nealis of sPlintel"I of Mus,
It waq bef-re this battle thut Toeum.
sell a toward, Upon
Ight tingles to
cy to stand tLt 11 the
bt tool, tho damsel owning It IS, IlCrLd-
The tree that bearq'the, most fruit
Cabinet are each 91VCII Z2,000 pep
so that they hAvo the appearance of
'I'd test
A� a recent pieetingr of the Vrenah
abandoning the fort Proctor blow
at rong. A person of weak character
to markt is said to IYO the axle -tree,
annum. Tile oflicos of the Trilit
Chief Secretary and of Postmaster.
slaekling oryAtitl U94r.
th�m tile qw,dots should be dimolved
TIVg1ento Ist, J;'eret made all
hilpassionod upl')eul to civilized so -
ut it. Itirge part Of It, and the town'
of Artiltertburg. was alniost
The Willa of most Judges have,
been, the "Law 1durnal" states,
pendant thumb, the strong
hiul a * I
character has A, strong, ereet thumb,.
IVs an easy matter for a married
mall to got IICXL to tile latest word
Guv'nor, said the dusty traveller,
how tat, is it to flyoronto?
(loiietal are rest)(10tIV91Y rated at 44-
in warm watOr,, Wile it the splintora
. to go,to sloop fit a horlZakital
destroyed by the Ainericalls,
distinguished for their brevity, Lord
which bond baekward mean
It' they
in uge,
l 113out a mile and A half, replied t) t is
C. P500,
will tumble to the of the
veslial In It miniature beap, of broken
Position, submit to the bol -
ter," lie exclainted. "Dut dooA It
In 1817 CAIlle tho celebrated Gen-
made a dispoition of hi
worldly goodq On half a heot of
determination arc
round 6 both Phy',leed find
The use of tho mosquito 14 to w0Y3
s that trouble Are )lot a]
Cai� I vide with you7
glals, These plinters xtre, of Course,
It likely
follow that the bolster Is it, noces-
commandant of Western Ontario.The
toWn Mid fort were rebuilt under hin
llOt0PdP0r. SiP.1ftlx1eq RtOP11011, With
ChartiteteristiC COnclqelle4S, CXpreAsOd
MORtalf is Indicated. Stubby fill,
gerS ard 91`11APIng fingern.
ill proportion to thell, sive.
oule men lit performing a duty
Certainly V114) in.
&t, thef ;I;d 0 I of an,
dangeroun swallowed, anti
t� Cause daillage to the WaIll; of the
siti-yr or it healtil illstitution 21, of
coi;6e, the queqtIon was
direetioll fit illost ubstantial
his, testalliolltavy wisheq III these
nails that, are rounded 1how
look as it they were hired to do it
ll�ur the travelldr bogan to bar U11.
The inast remarkable book III tho
digestive canal. care should
be- fix the holco
it strolig, ylegatlVe, and the Ile -
Wt ghlon. At T that early day tile oal,
nimple words, 'It give ll iny prop-
mout. If lo)ig And 1,ather square At
fIrmnes.q [End O110rgY are do,
&u(I wera doubtful of being, paid,
It mail tells u, Wolliftil title is
eany. ,
he flow far We
worlos o far ftq ItA la
concerned, is neither wf*ittelk or
therefore exercised e .
Of . RwNbq,
g,ative Was juntiflod, by & Whole host
of scientific reasons. Tito horizontal
litkY POA In Canada West pf T8-
ronto being that Ataldoll.
rtY to my wife, whom I appolut,
Almot equally
the tOPi
beautiful all the rost of tile world
(;uV,xxor, asked, ate
front Toronto now?'
printed. It Is In the Tnipeflul: Lily-
position N'the only hygienic one,
dell. Ileyliol , ds, being it genuenjull,
Gold executrix.11
of brief wits the will of Lord Russell of
can't Convince her that 8110 is home-
Illout four inile,tind a half,
ot 13arls, Will the letters art)
cut out of tiqaue, paper Witt' 'a Pair
lViy, johnixto, I'm Ahamed of you.
Ilow could yotr tako little
but, ince Inall Is. Innatel r-61117011vit.
Ove nnol opposed to sudden reforms,
high allot having his faillily
with Tilin, At once �iet about to, pre-
XiIII)well, by which lie dispored of
Property of the Value Of 1100all 4150-
tiolle: vroman wept bitterl� Once,
Abe prot0ted, you talked'of burning
A man way not obloct til bolim
(l.reat haystac,kt, ou
tell me ! Why idn't
you were going away froin
t I o i -s. A shvet'of blue tiqsUe, [it
littif Or the apple Away Troin
Wt. Pellet begs tht the bolster ba
rare for hilftelf it holliewhiell should
have. 'Lis vicarl Lis inollo could pro.
000, o tegto.torq, in fact, set a,
better example of coliciA01legg than
with love! And 110W, the
inall, I am not permitted to saloke,
called a bull or a. boar, Uut call lifin
he In iapt to old-
qvOrollt( . ),?
Wily didn't you toll ine you Wanted
wilich Me lottel'a tire eut"in P111CO'd
between two pages of WhIte, and '40
ma, I haven't forgotten
What,you told wo—tp alway take
aboliqlied forthwith and the pillow
gradually diminished to the vaiiish-
sluce it, In so now 0. Country, the oleo occupants of the Bench. evou. In tile house. war..
)"t", is roud. ill )DArt.