HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-08, Page 57th, 9O L
OP 588 kds
Both Fall and Winter.,
Fruit, Highest prices
will be paid. See agents
4 .t Zmlli,d,L..MTisizowiill , or 40....
Td. •
A first-class Shorthorn 13311 for talo. Good,
color and float -class pedigree. ,,bout 13 months.
old. If sold at eruct a bargain evil bo given.
7I. pL'[T11lS71a,1t,Z,Oliuton.
To Rent or
For Sale Ads
Rooms to rent in the Elliott blonk, Suitable
for ofilees, dressmakers, etc. Apply to
Clinton, July 31st.
A branch of the well-known (Muni.
van Business Oollege has been opened
in the McKay block, over 4. W. Irwin's
an ,
d c 1 1,s saefo nthedyg a and '
cho r
of are a been or
g formed, The same
course will be taught and the sante
methods employed as at theirperroan•
ent colleges. The full course embraces
Book-keeping, Commercial Lew,.Arith•
motto, Penmanship, Shorthand and
Typewriting, Students may take any
oe all the subjects, a description of
which can he d
o n' '
the illustrated
college oirculars to' be obtained free ab
the college office,
21,IBayfeld Road norrth,sconsistingiof 100 croe.
' 80 acres under cultivation, the balance hard and
softwood bush. Good frame house, ,barn and
outbuildings. One acro of bearing orchard,
There are only awhalf on
east 08 the The lot
of Varna. Possession can bo given at any time.
For further particulars apply to
2 'Varna P. 0.
street undersigned rr sale his
is Albert
ocoupied by Mr. Rookie, druggist, and is in a
good state of repair, Apply to
9 The undersigned offers for salo a seven -room•
ed cottage on Orange street together with ono.
fifth acre of land. Now cistern and well, Will
be sold on reasonable terms.
Clinton, April 12th. MRS. CAiRZTNG,
Tho Gale Farm, ono of rho best 100 -acre farms
in Goderich township, lluron county, lot 17 •
and part 18 on the 8th con., di milesfrom Gode-
rich, 7 from Clinton. The farm contains good
buildings and fences. is wall watered and un-
derdrained. Large orchard mod garden. Farm
will bo sold on reasonable terms. Will sell
either 80 • or 100 acres. Apply to
June 14 on the premises or Godorich'P;O.
E, J, O'Svlcx,IVAN, C. E„ M. A,
- Principal --
i'rotn the Gioderieh Signal, Liberal.)
How in thonanae of common sense is
the rank and file of the Liberal party
in Ontarioto keep itsfeet if alleged
leaders of the party will insist upon
doing foolibh things which are bound
to act to its detriment.
Itis difficult l culb en
ou h
the g h r i
constituencies to keep the party in
power without having Cabinet Minis•
tete furnishing powder and ball to the
enemy: and yet it would seem, that
some of our Cabinet Ministers think
they can do as they please, and that
'none of their doings( should be ques.
toned. And right here' •we may in-
form these gentleineu that if they ex-
pect support from the Reform party
they win need to be a little more
ua ectinthem doings. There are
any number of Reform newspapers
and thousands of Liberals who are not
prepared to swallow the words and ac-
Lions of some of. the Ontario Cabinet
Ministers, and the sooner these gentle•
men realize this faab and quit acting
as if they were in a bed of roses the
It w
mill require r urea .
q 11 the grit and, gump-
tion of the provincial Liberals to bold
their own, at the next election, and this
is no time for Hon. John Dryden to go
into Dakota ranching'epeeulations, or
for any of his associates in the Cabinet
to engage in other deals that may
come • up in judgment against the
party at election, time. The Signal
wants the party to win at the next
election. and there is no possibility of
winning if the men who-are'looked up-
as leaders are going to queer the
party by actionswhich cannott be de-
fended in the press or on the platform. -.
To care a cold In one day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. .All druggists refund the money
if it fails to cure. 25c. E. - W. Groves
signature is on each box .
T4 Wonderful Washington,the ever-
Rgreen State, land. of opportunities, . of
ne soil, splendid ,reps.and' indepen-
dent homes. Now is your time to go
to the Pacific Coast over the GREAT
ful Washington, the ever -green State
is the place for you; Climate almost
perfect, Grass is green and roses
bloom at Christmas. Fine crops that
never fail. Plenty of good land. You
can•own your farm and home and be
independent, Good' markets Good
prices. ' Good schools and churches.
For illustrated description and full
informationabout rates over. Great
Northern Ry. writes: or call: on Chas.
W. Graves, District' Passenger Agent,
6 King St; West, (Room 12,) Toronto,
Mr. O'Sullivan; by reason of his ex-
perience, ishighlyrecommended by the
press and leading men of the Dominion,
He has been awarded four times con-
secutively first prize for penmanship
against all Canada, also the diploma of
honor for thebeat and most original•
methods of teaching practical book-
keeping thoroughly.• -being the highest
possible distinction:. There will be
positively : only one course given in
Clinton, therefore those who wish to
get.a Commercial or Shorthand educa-
tion.at home should take advantage of
this opportunity and thereby- save the
rpnse connected with taking a simi-
lar e elsewhere.
All students are awarded the heauti•
fal College diploma on ' completing any
course in a satisfactory manner.
The subscriber offers for sale a very desirabl•
property on Isaac street consisting of four lots
upon which there is a comfortable frame house
with kitchen and woodshed attached. There
is a good stable and a first-class we,i of: water
onremises. The orchard, consisting of grapes
and apples, is a good ono, The property will
besold at a reasonable figure for cash or } oash
and balance on time. Applyto the owner on
he premises
lutea May 9th MRS. JOHN JUNOii
Organist and Choir•Master of North street
church, Goderich, and teacher of piano, pipe•
organ and theory, is prepared to take a limited
number of pupils for instruction • Leave word
at the Clarendon Hotel.
Will visit Clinton on Friday of each week,
Will be run from station; in
-Ontario on Main lane Toronto
to Sarnia and North, except
North of Toronto and Cardwell
Juno., to Winnipeg and all sta.
Vans northwest, west and south-
west to Yorkton, Moosejaw and
Estevan for
August 41th and 13th.
On complying with conditions of certificates
which will be given purehasera of one-way 810
tiokets. passengers will be returned to starting
point by snow route on or before Nov. 1010, 1901,
on payment of SM.
Apply for pamphlet giving full particUiars to
;your nearest Agent or to
!slant General Passenger Agent
1 King St. East Toronto.
Your home.becomes musical
centre when you have a first
quality. piano there. You will
appreciate the high qualities ot
those I sell and how I min sell
them. Organs and Gerieral
Musical Merchandise sold right
Music Kroporiurn,
tehtg siguettre is en every box the ganef/10
Laxative Brome.Quinine 'Mktg
es remedy that cures a Odd in. one (toy
vredtimpottorg, Werke -um.
go and Material guaranteed,
Few People Escape
The Torture of Piles
And Dr. "Mosel Ointment is the (hay
. Pela tive laud Guaranteed ' Cure Sqr
•TTtia''Wretched Disease.
Tbore is usually very little satisfac-
tion in consulting a •physician regard-
ing - a case of piles. Ili :mine cases out
of ten he will recommend a surgical
oiieration, • forgetting, it may be, the
risk, suffering and 'physical as well as
ilnaneiai expense which this treatment
entails, For this reason very man/
people are going about in misery with
Piles, believing that they cannot be
cured except by means of -the surgeon's
It is , to such .persons that thin ad-
vertisement will ' bring good mews .of
great value. - Dr. Chase's Ointment has
never failed to cure piles and it is re-
cognized -the world over as absolutely
the only preparation that Can be relied
upon to cure every form of thea fright-
fully common ailment.
It seems strange that 'anyone should
suffer the .wretched' uneasiness. .and
acute,. torture of burning, itching piles
•when.. -it is. se easy to procure Dr.
Chase's Ointment. Nearly overt' dealer
In medicine keeps Dr. Chase's' Oint-
ment, and you can apply it at home
without any inconvenience.. 28 you
prefer send CO cents to Edmanson
Sates & Co., Toronto, and a box 'will
ba sent postpaid to your addresr. Ask
your neighbor or 'druggist about this
remarkable remedy. . •
large order has been placed
with us for ekgs which we
Must fill, so in order to do it as
soon as possible we are paying
11 Cents per DOZOIL
We also have a lively de-
marid for butter for Which we
are paying 14 Cents pet
pound. Delivered at our
store this week.
Gond Prices
rot Produce.
Next door to DE Ot/IIIVIZI briVatri hospital
Never before in the history of our Mice()
have our graduatee been so remarkably success -
fel la securing excellent Eiftuo tions immediately
on leaving conege as during the present year.
in our echool is the eubstantial foundation ofa
successful life.
May sve send you a catalogue 7
. W. 3, ELLIoTT, Principal.
sTaos' SA.T2
The great sale of Boots and
Shoes continues and our ex-
tremely low prices are clearing
them out,
Have you taken advantage
of this rare chanee to get
shoes below wholesale prices ?
Try a pair of our Harvest
Shoes for 85c, They are great
value and this vice is helping
to sell them,
Dater ,ft tItiege4 and
Parm Produce taken
For Over Fifty Years •
ww's sooTa •
YNSTOUP children hasbees
used by millions of motherss t
for their children
While teething. If disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child suffering
and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth' send at
onee and get a bottle•of "Mrs.. Winslow's sooth-
ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re-
lieve the 'poor •ittosufferer 'immediately. De -
it It cul s Diarrhea t refigguis latesmistaketomach
and bowels, cures Wind. Colic,, softens -'the.
Gums, reduces Inflammation, and givestone 'and
energy to the whole syystem.Mrs•. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea -
tient to the taste and. is the prescription of one
of the oldest and best female physicians and
nurses iii the United Stated: Price twenty-five
oen:s an bottle. Sold by all druggists throough
out the.world. "Be sure and ask for 'Mrs.
,Applications will be received lby the under-
signed up to 7 o'clock p, nf. on MondayMonday,, Aug-
lCaretaker o8 the- Cemetery. - The same
salaries will be paid as at present:
Platen, August 6th•. '•
herebygiven that the council of the
Corporation of the Town of Clinton intends to
construct granolithic eidewalk along the
north side of Princess street trim Albert to
William streets 'and to ammo the final cost
thereof upon the. properties bonefitted and not
exempt by law from assokistnent. The estima-
ted cost ot the proposed work is 3823.80 of
which sum $74.50 is to be. provided out of the
Revision will be held cm Friday, Auguat 23rd,
1901, at 8 o'clock p. al the eouncil chamber
for the purpose of hearing ootoPiainte .agaiest
the proposed assessment or acouraoy of the
frontage mcastiretnents and any other com-
plaints which pereons interested may desire to
Make and which is ey maw cognizable by the
said court •
Dated at Clinton this 711/ day of Avg.
Notice is hereby K117012 that the council of the
Corporation of the Town of ainton 'titan& to
construct a ;monolithic sidewalk along the
south side of Onteri0 Street from the Public
School to East street and to asses; the
final cost _Daudet ution the properties bone.
fitted and not exempt by /am from assese-
ment. The estimated cod Of tho proposed
wOrk is $584-50 of vvhieh entn $66 la to- bo pre-
vided out of the general funds of the Menial -
'panty. A Court of Revision 'will, be held on
Friday. August 23rd, IDOL at 8 o'clock p.ro.
at the council chamber for the purpose Of
hearing Complaints againet the proposed as-
sessment or economy of the froutage measure-
ments and any other cm:rigida whieh norsons
interested May desire to make And w0ichici by
law cogoinable by the said court,
laat,ed at 011etan this 7th day el Aug.
Corporation of the FOWn of Clinton intends' to
construct a granOlithio side -Walk along the
east side of Mosley atrect froin RattenharY to
Ontario street and to assess tilo final cost
thereof upon the properties beneetted and trot
exempt by law from assessment, The est/ -
Meted cost of the promised Work IS $140 cif
Whioh sum $47 is to b6 provided out of the
general tunas of the municipality. A. Coart of
Revision will be held on Friday, August 23rd,
1901, at 8 o'clock p. m, at the council chamber
!Or the putpOSO of beating eolnPlaints aganat
the propoaed miscast/Unit or accuraky of the
frontage moalaireeitalts and any other CODA.
plaints whica persons interested may desire tO
make and by law co$niztiole 1YY the
said cOUrt.
Dated at Mama this /th day of Aug.
Baking Powder
is made of pure OtertIR of
Tartar and is. guaranteed
to be absolutely' pure.
Price 28c per lb.
In order to reduce our
large stock of 10e Cigars
we are offering for 0116
Booms in boxes or 50 at ea,00
itoesberys ISO at 1112,78
Ealitiburyst '0 50at 48.00
mom Dtvgebt. 41,
There will be considerable compe
tion, in the county for the apple crc►.
There have already been three or gyur
buyers around.
Dula aunon held its civic hoii ay on
Thursday when all the plaeee • of busi•
nese were closed,
The W inghem and Dungannon shots
bad a target shooting match on civic
holiday. The team from Winghaw
coneisted of one
oIto only,1
,the ot ers beilgdrams froi -
boring towns. Winghamdefeated
Dungannon by four points, Mr. Ad.
Dasher won the silver cup last month
but be was 011 the sick list on civic holi•
sdayhooantindg. could not do justice to the
Mrs. D. Biala is visiting friends in
.Kincardine and Ripley.
About seventeen from thie vicinity
left for Manitoba points on. Tuesday
a r
and Mere
intend going
Bank of Commerce, Goderich,
has given the Agricultural Society a
silver medal which will be 'awarded to
the best herd of cattle shown at the
Fair. Dungannon expects to have the
best show this fall it has ever had.
Preparations are being made already.
Mr. T. Clark visited friends in
on civic holiday, alsofriends
in Clinton,
Mr, William Stewart of Toronto is
home visiting hie friends at present,
$t, Helens.
Rev. Mae. Rutherford has resigned
his charge in Springfield, Ohio, and is,
home for rest.
Mrs. T. E. Finley of Ashfield .and
her. daughter, • Mrs, John Reid of
Thessalon, visited relatives in, this viz.
inity on Monday last,
Miss Maggie Crawford is home. from
Toronto for a few weeks' vacation.
Miss A. 112. Clark visited friends at
Colborne last week, -
• Leadbury.
4%40 U.;
• ', .guar+ 'rayls►. lift 3i$ Week for
I1 Wabgro, )iilrtlx Tlakctll,
Rev, Father 'rudhtraiine land Mr. Si
Ileoignepl were In Detroit least week tin
Mr. It, Papineau, a fornsf:r $t,Joeittolx
boy, but late of Buffalo, N. '3l ., whb was
married last week to blimp Drefe'5, of
Montreal, is spendluff hie *Mey';ppoon
with bi(i; bride here,
Mr, princi-
,Y a o no
D u. w h a"
Yule, b l; i..
, Sha x
1 t
a he uPub
P of �, cknaw :public sod � pool for
the past seventeen years, hags a i minted
a lucrative position with the ei g anadien
Order of Foresters and will stari t in his
flew position on the fire& of J 1 anuary:
At meeting o
arra & of the Trustee a r ee
st f . iard
13 d
Tumid a ' i
u n'
y evening last Mr.Josel ill Stal.
ken, of Whiteohureb, was ohosei r e as Mr,.
Yule's. suoersor,and- Miss Outer ni.uge, of
Wiustier's, wee appointed to fill• the
vacancy in t ho third .departrper It of our
school, aause,i by the resiOrt ~tion of
Miss Stewart,
i i hI 1 a
B 4 a h r
eok8 , a
. y
k ere
g PQ
young lady of W 'Ingham,. hes 1 .lost Ler
reason, and is nz, w an inmate of the
London asylum. The young Iady is
only 23 years of ag, and ibr t. he past
two years lies taught 1 a class in 8 -t.Paui's
sabbath• sohool, Thi 'ee mogthe ago she
came under the Mut 'ace of a Ilowieite
Preacher, and attend, @d bill nOeetipgs
regularly, Shewas lad to be liep•e that
she bad been instruotitig Y her Sabbath
sohool pupils in a false do lotrine and inplaneofdoing &betagood a,he wasdir:b'
ing them on a downwardpath.hetrouble worded: her' tothe i 'ztent tatshewent insane,Lastwee'ksheas
taken to the asylum, and ti. to doctors
say She can never recover her . reason, .
'That is the first unmistakable • syrup-
tom of diseased kidneys an ail: dents
which no one can negleot without invit-
ingBright's disease, diabetes) rhe iutna•
tism and the moot painful and. fatal
maladies. At the first Sign of back; sells
and urinary'disorders use Dr, Cha 'Se's
Kidney -Liver Pills and you can: be
certain of prompt relief and Cure.-: 0 `ne
pill a' dose, 25 cents a box. • .
were callings on friends in. r W1'uokerssiiaith
7ionaefrom iSt.BMarys after eau two
weeks' visit and Mr. and Mrs. White
•and family are spending their holidays
•at Stratford at the residence ' of Mrs.
White's father, -
Mr, Fred. Scarlett visited Clinton
friends Sunday;.
Mr. W, Hodgens of London township
wheeled u Sunday. to see .his sister;
Mrs. G. l�arnilt
on, and returned on
August Review of. Reviews.
Sc$eaaufiic •XOWeler anti
WATSON,--STEL I . On. July .31st
et Brussels, by, Rev. B. Paul, Mr.'
Milton S. Wetecw, of the township
of Morris, to Miss Mirene M. Stew,
art, of the village of $luevale,
Sri, 1.0' 96NTINUES
fulIY assotedthestock
witp L iWery Goods, making stockagain complete,— RSO
unt,iig to between $7,000 and 98000
Mr, Wm. Wilson'of Seaforth' was the
guestofMr. Hamilton last week.
Several from around here are going
out West an Tuesday,taking advantage
of the cheap rates.
Mr,W.Murray of Dauphin,Manitoba,,
is visiting bis many friends in the
neighborhood. Mr. Murray vvas one of,
the.de/ego-Welto• the Grand, L. O.L. held
'at Toronta':last week.
Threshing seems to he the general
work of the farmers at present.
Mr, H'.. McIntosh threshed twenty.
acres of fall wheat on the farm of J.
Scarlett in :something like 'four hours
on Saturday. Harryis a hustler.
Please 'bear 'n mind the ' C. '0. F.
garden party to be held on:.Tuesday
next- in ,the grounds of. Mr. ,Graeme
Cameron at -"The Maples." • -
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Gardner and two
children of London -have been " holiday-
ing in town for a 'few days.
The greatest"esciteinent prevailed' in
town on Sunday afternoon consequent
upon' the non appearance of Miss.
McCarthy at her home • after leaving
it earlyy in: the , morning' 'ostensibly 'to
take a walk . before breakfast.. She•
said to her mother that she would 'just
be absent one half , hour, and not to
rise. The harbor was dredged and ali.:
the west bank down to the lake search-
ed. • . Friends even went to -the home of
Some of her relatives at Itingsbridge
thinking she might have gone .on _ a
visit without letting her mother know.
On Sunday her 'whereabouts .was. a' -
mystery: Miss McCarthy. was a happy
dlspositioned "young lady and Waite '
In the August Review of Reviews Dr.
Shaw discusses the great steel strike in
its various aspect and comments . on
many other matters of current interest
at home and abroad. M de Blooh's
re lent -address at Paris on the lessons
of the Boer mar is reviewed,. and its
application to the military. situation in
•'•the United States, as well • ;as in
Europe, is pointed out. .
If you find yourself &Wog below. nor -
Mal weight there is clanger. The me of
fish oils•can temporarily add fat, but
will never build up healthy tissues. Dr,
Chase's Nerve Food acts through the
blood and nervotis systen2 and carries
nevv life end energy to every nook and
corner of the body.' It regulates the
various organs of the body,: makes the
appetite good, adds healthY fieah, and
replaces the tissues waked by disease.
Naturally and gradually thie Mod owe.
restores color to the cheeks inoreasea
the weight of the body and • 'thoroughly
overcomes diaeaee.
In the legal columns of last Saturday's
Mail and Empire there appeared the
F. K., Seaforth—Qu,—If a Catholic
owns property. and pays the taxes on it
bat it is occupied by a Protestant ten-
ant, must the school taxes go to the
Public Schools
A.110.—Sec. 42 of the Separate
Schools Act says :—"Every person
paying taxes whether as owner or ten-
a,nr, who, on or before the ist March -
in any. year, gives to the clerk of the
municipality notice in writing that he
is &Roman Catholic, and a supporter
of a Separate Sehool, situated in the
municipality, (win a municipality con-
tiguous thereto, shall be egeMpted
fr0111 the payment of all rates
Eased for the support of Public
chnols." And sub. Sem 0 of the setae
see, sayst--Overy clerk of a munici-
pality, upon receiving such notice,thall
deliver a certificate to the person giv,
ing the,notice." Arid sec. 44 says in
effect, any supporter of a Separate
School, Who resides within three miles
of two or more Separate Schoole, shall
be assessed as a • supporter of the
Separate School nearest to
his plaee of residence. See ais0
sec. 58 of the Assestnerit Act, and see,
63 of tile ReP4Mte kiS130018 Apt.
The Apple Crop,
Harry Dawson of the Damen Com-
mission Company speaking Iast Week
to the Weekly Sun of G, W. Hunt'e ex-
pectation of n per barrel for apples)
thinks this- a very extravagant state.
ment. "Bven if prices do sited any.,
where gear that figure," paid gr.
Dawson, "quotations will have to
forced down in order to. secure con.
sat:option. Beeides, believe the cop
will turn out much better than antiol.
Of Liverpool, who is at 'aroma spending
hie time examining the apple orop.
The eistneeatimate is borne out by advicee
non Brampton and oleo from other
quarters. There is another point which
MUst not heeverlookedland is that when
fif3Plefl are high, consuMptIon on the
farms is largely decreased. Farmers
Who usually keep ten to fifteen barrels
for their own use will, when pieta are
very high, satisfy thereaelveg With two or
_three burets, Even a difference of
three barrele per firmer, for 20,000
&roast figures up te 50,000 barrels.
All these facts must be teken iato ocin.
sideration in figuring up the situation."
"The protiped for the apple crop in
than it Was Jana 1)and the fieterioration
fa noted every date -Of orchard im.
portanoe. Fruit failed to set well, and i
the June crop was especlially heavy.
With the exaeption of Oregon and
Washingtorl, where their is medium
Mop prowls°, no 'Western State nere
shows a prospeot of even an average
crap. In the iwportant apple Seetion0
Of the Middle and Zeatern Statee. the
outlook is indifferent as a whole,
Orchardists report light orope of Whiter
rarletles litany counties in istete Vert*
th Sable of the bestseetions of New York
Massaeltusetts, and Maine, only 25 tO SO
per dent. of it crop in sight, others re.
latively better. But at the eAMO CMS,
it initit be Mated that 00teplete
0000 is net threatened in any kapott
ant distriot. Asa Matta taffeta, the
prosiine itt the western apple belt is
very uniform In most seotione but al%
torteinetblog bus than en average.
The petteh crop practioally made, and
p on the Pittnilc meat ia 0114 of
Enforcement of the License Law.
The 'Marton Canadian says :
"The hotelkeepers in some Ontario
towns are taking as much. intereet
enforcing the regulations affecting
their business me any of the temperance
organizations. The Colbeurg Post says
that the hotelmen of . Colbourg have
agreed among themselves to strictly
observe the regulations of the Linens°
Aot regarding the selling of liquor be-
tween the hOUre of seven o'clock on Sat -
tufty night and Monday morning and
,/ast week the good resolution Was first
put in force.. !Any hotelman breaking
the agreement will have to alibis:lit tia a
penalty imposed and subscribed to by
the dealers thenaselveg. At Berlin the
regulatlen in forme."
Nervous Headache, -
Brain Fag, ByspepSia4
• Overeome by Worry and Mx.
haunting Drain cruises!
/Melt, IlerVOUS headache .and nervous.
dyspeptda or incligeatiOn are usually
&hind together, and have a common
clause in an exhausted cOnclition Of the
are siMply narcotics thAt' deaden the
afflicted /writes. They are harmful
and frequently dangerous, The emir
Way to °Meat thorongh cure Is tO re.,
Store the nerveS hy such treatment as
1)r. Chase's] Nerve rood. .
ex was nervous, had headache arld
brat') fag, I was restless at nigitt and
could riot sleep, My appetite was
poor, and suffered from nervotts clYs-
polish,. Little bliainesa cares worried
and irritated Me. After having titled
Pr. Chase's Nerve rood tOr &bola two
Months, I can frankly say that feel
like a new man. MY riPPetite is good,
I rest and sleep well, and thill treat-
tnent has strengthened tne,Wenderfulty.
Pr, Chaera leood is certainly the
beet mealchie I ever used, and sa
ESSERY--In' Centralia, on July 26112,
the wife of 0, G. Estuary, of a daugh.
0001C—In Chicago,on August 6111
Cook, formerly of Goderich Mown- t
CfILshi.E,, aT aged
out.40years. - •
C inton,on August 5th, I
G. D. Gilchrist, aged 80 year.' .
MEYER—At ' the Bronson Line, /lay,
Catharine Meyer at the age of 89
years and 6 months.
SIDEMAN --At Zurich, on July28th,
Mary Heideman, . daughterof.
:and Mrs. Rudolph Heideman
the age 01 20 years, 7 months 'and
29 days.
CEA FFR--Xn Logan, on July 261h ..
Mary, daughter ofMr.Harr ChEva
aged I month: y $e'
ROWE__ In Mitohell,on July28,Anthony
Bowe aged 91 years. .-
OTT—In Mitchell, on July 30th, WilheI.
mina "Sohelean, relict. of the late
Chas. Ott, aged S4 years, 11 months
and 20 days. ' •
PAR$EI -In •B,'lnia, July 28th, Martha'
Coon, beloved wife' of Robert Par-
ker, aged 72 years end'3 months.
STEWAIlT=<:In Morris, on Julyth28i
Janet_ Ferguson) rail et of e late
Alexander Stewart, gd years
and $'months; '
SMI g -1t Brgatele,' oil Jury 28, John
1$. Smith, aged67y
JEFFREY—In 'Londesboro,, on.
3rd, . Mrs.; R. B. Jeffrey, aged
, Dress Goods
• Prints
.G.443. Cottons
Grain Bap •
&nail wares of alLkinds.
Furnishings TiliderWeam
en!s, Boys' (ic Youths' Suits, Overcoats
Ladies' Winter Jackets,
The best class of work
procurable has been
manufactured here for
many years past.
call on -yea a week after
Wye: IN:17 • trohaekpericteh. e work to. :suit
make ths: price to suit
vvE wiLL give you the choice of the
production of the World
in design and Material.
We are the ONLY prim -
tical men in Clinton in
our lite. Do not be
talked into placing your •
order without first call-
ing on us.
Next to Conathercial note].
Potatoes per bushel 0 20 to 0 25,,
13utter rolls and crock 0 18 to 0 14
Eggs per doz 0 94 to 0 11
Live Hogs per cwt fl 50 to 6 75
DressedPork per cwt.— 8 00 to 8.50
wrirlerr.e °alit aixsodtittrve Bran per ton 4, 1, MI 14 00 to 14 00
box 6 hOitett foe 32.60, at ali denim% Wool per 13 to 14
Dried Apples per 04 to 0 44.
Dant SRLE •
of Tinware
and Gramiteware
In order to make room for the extensive
stock of nardware Granite and Tinware,
Stoves, etc,, purell'ased from .the estate of.'
Johnson Bros of Seaforth, whieh we intend
to remove to our store here about Septema-
ber we have decided to give ft big discount
sal. of 20 per eent. off all Tin and Granite-
eontinuing until Saturday, August 17th.
This will certainly be the greatest chance to
get cheap Tin and Granitewear yet offered.
We will also have a counter with snaps in
other lines. Give 118 a call.
Thorold Oemept only $1.10 per barrel
Portland $2,85 "
while it ittats,
.14ARLAND EIR.---..../.:•••••••• •
Men's long and sho'rt boots
o.feviersbhoet and rubberd
Fall lines' in ladies' :and children's.
Don"t forget th4t haVe bargains to offer that you
can't get elsewhere, .quality Considered,
Planning for fall business meatis clearing mit and eleaningjup the.
balance of snrotner goods, absolutely without reserve. Very many.stores
insist on holding all goods to sell at a profit but we plan differently. Goods
of eVery sOrt are allowed to remain HI stock only so long. We insist on
selling at a loss rather than carry goods over from one seaton tO anOther
add the more you analyse that fact the raore yetell appreciate the con-
stantly enlarging success of this busineae. Below we quote few prices
in every department „:
but when you visit our Mammoth Cash Store you, will /Ind prices redueed
25c Fancy Drees Goods, 40 inches wide, patterns, lighh
• and dark colors, redUced to 15c •
75c kilack Crepon, 42 itches wide, small patterhs,reduced to Me
50c Plain Vigoreaux Dress Goods, 42 inches wide, this season'a
importations; in fawn and gray, reclueed to 89d
"10c Printed Muslins, fast colors, reduced to 6.1c .
124c Scotch Ginghams, fancy checks, ihe correct thing for
shirt waists, etc., recluced to So
Ladies' Belts, in black patent leather and silk,in ail the nevresb
designs, just received, at 20c, 25c, 35c, 400 and 50c
15c Ladies*Black Ribbed Hose reduced to 10c
8c Ladies' Black Plain Hose reduced to 5c •
25c Ladies' Black Cashmere Hose reduced to 150 or2pairfor 25c
$2.50 Ladics'Dress Skirts, in all wool serge, lined throughout,
reduced to $1.25
Ladies' White Underwear and Shirt Waists, reduced to whole.
sale prices
'Dress Your Ball Well . •
• of his parents. Re should be dressed so that he may feel the equal of any', :
41 of the boys he is associated with...
5 dressed boya ha this county. The eileganee and taste represented in our
• juvenile clothing must be seen to be appreelathd.
,,,e Let us fit biro OUb this manner. W will make him one of the best'. I.
: The vest Allit3, 4408 4 CO 8, illaple from rich &eats In handsome I
• worsted° and tweeds, are very cute.
e For ierger bore we ahow scone Very bobby suite in grey' and brown •
41 tweeds and blue sergea. We can sell you a Suit, ea lete tte 411.60 etas' high I.
; as 30 or stop at any point between where the priee &ASO&
We are afro Offering big bargains in Melee Sults this ri;with.- Cali ag
: and see the liia sults we are selling 044 and the Anita At 1116, 0
Atilalitaftili000011414611140041.041.00110114.01•41111 04110411111