HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-08, Page 4-.��1--�1--�,-�..�..-.-��,.���.1-1.1���"-..",....�'....'�'llI .1 I � . , .. I I ­= ��­_r " ­______ ___1_-=11_1____ _�_1__1'_­___W_­ --11 . -1 -- - 1- - I , -�,_ "O"'t) 1.� - i i, r, ,,,dE_ . .. ­1�1w-.­_% - � ki,j��f��d " 11 .1111121114 t . In d,jvo I � ­�_I!- I i�,�. - r, 1 _.4mli _U19ir 10r, �3!01_3_ 1 � , - 11 .�, .1 I M,J,qlk� 0 -%ew,w � 'T wv.�� I " "t -l" AW.4%W-%,4*-%04W . ". .11 I , I I. 40o,w1wow ,2%3 -lut,�),Jw; A4.0A !��,V.,Qllll,t ",41 , 4 1 ?.. 1 '5�v, %g­,1d;.V,4J,..1W .-;46 <';',U;1W`WX` -1 11 =_ku 4,�$ %is V� " - � Atq. 14� 41 " . , ,.T . i.13 a -_ -1 .. I : , � .t. _4,ldu2L.-;� f%&X1A 7U�W oug I.. - 11 .. .., . I __- - Uik?" �; - , 1: - ­ _: Q I 0101 t4 I... i $, 0* � Am I - � ..... � ... 0 'i -r, 4'. " 0 , - eJ(at4i&16.�,'4'�%-,k1 %"' ,,�:i;3 ��ava,, ool.� , " , i A, '. � I . I . 41 � � ­ I , I V413 will, �-wua f"t".14i W1 "'I'l, Is 'r? AM"4 '11.4 'Nv; ;�oc .. � . I .1 ­ "Jlill.., � � , . , ,� � I � .1 , J, ,,, ii"­� t.# I., -, , � I 0'1,11��" 0 . I 1. . I - . . ,� I I " li , , _ ktiteml - ; if , I , , 114., ... ;�, - -Jtl� ­., i , . "Ji", � ­ . , I t. I '. Cl .; I,P,' I . w.%I.��,,,, 'i""', i."Aell�� 11 . - ... ; ... v,'.­-..W.l... � uba d4�x, tksliiooblua�.�Vvl6avw slot J11,J,.;1 111;�i A't.Wil, ., ro", com*wjill� 1 94104 QV, �1 q .... P ......... V-1 - U0, w0as Aettlupyon4raivaget,4M t , it­�,;,. . . -- Nor it is, a Sam It �, I -11, I AW&K -! ., , � 11 U-1, , 'is a beautiful a! , R.- 11;. ,­ .. � I ""'A, ..... _ J; � ."".., .......... !l Sral t-ta, I0QA,AAJU9A81Ar0`1 r DAW-loari-PAIM I Pr,Q ­`- gV6. l� .�..- - 4, . ".. . p14,aud,,thps,xe4"r0,skQf 31W. MPLrpsolAstuA11444 t AAandAyl, awha, ,, I ht, T� " I . a lu,,M)A tbWq tb the Cypress Hi las,of whic -4-7-1 I irk gqper4l%,,1ay1llk,4Zp7 �sswxwql . ' 7 1p)?9$X4141i.A10)91;Vkcq I tir $.A - ?r pox 0 011 "s k Iwa to th ,�1'..g;. I. ........ ` , W�QT&Dq . t In pAX1lXO1A'§P11M§%,J14b, API c., 4� 1,y so -before, while a . . . ';...1.`.-_ ioll �tp,-& , , 11 at and,�'WoRl'toll 11,I)DO PrAl I " , " '" I 4 - Lo AT t1m, t " N , ...,.1. Nprl4p 0,9130 , .4114.1 -412'_�'11410'�7. .1 I V .0,040k4wa. i P. Q 0 0, 0 I Ul #i Xv '. N, Qjpr. � at 0 MAE 1.1..il .......... *..*.'-..-.',.-.��_41 "k,1,P , 10.0 - AV 0: ;w1h)) tA,.*P#1P , . . Ug -coo 9, K P_ I ti�.,a� em '14 , .6,# . _1 1, , I , ,6Wd0�,j.',t.l, . ,. i 0 1$ett UK 1044, r, or, 44 p" , Spjoiil W ,,� � g I . P , Ot 391W �,g4 , R , Mat J4 4 118, �-o " ill try not to - , I t�:,L 4 4,: ,1�61P . , loose I � f� %, Op.`�... --,,-.,0s-,-,8 wthe 4rmq1fl1 �. �.. L, P! ,mau WIPUA. NO%X, litli QOOLZ q !E.�­t..-, , , '. i 'Rarvicla I �014. R0 — d-Ard1iKVf642...0 A,ist.wirlp t _1i 'i a ti , al . D 4 RF I 4 i I � N -, T� - ffodh' 9AMY'v 411l ..� 0 '8 i4lifil , 5*9 _�M4 0111M LIT-195flLt .1 . .h � ... a 1 N. #.t; �: � 4 -w... -V .t'.'s A .1;11 ..-`�i'.'.' — - "T'"i-S ­, --- --- I ,,W", "o � , " .. 0� - , ____ -I - _gL - — 11yeif*#— . - .... .... .mm ­­ .1 ­ I ­ ­ . , - ­ tsfl�%� I .. i 1� � -42 -i'dift �)X. �* ,11 o INOW T"I'llp- Z �) I __— _411111"P10004"'"PrM, W .1 � �,-4111'4.14 ,�,A"IT I � . , ",1t�*'"'tf* . i'W.b,Z­- , 21 J��' , ..q d , . ,.. aW,wsltooib Awa-vwlv, � 6 , I qQ 93kw,,1 etfjo�od,* vlvIV;W­ ftl�i tmK ; , . , , I iiok­l.� ",hj" ,19%04etr�lasvw. 1- ,.� .. g As"i ` V I .1 .. ta;,Jat.000-iutkttisow:�hoo�fimftriiid a t A- 0A.PleA$4%�tt/ripto...r"i)aoisr,alue�l, "i I A , I 9 qUoudat, ik th6'0bb'-,IJt0ts,'0 leek I 1a�J1=,vJ',;'j",F. ZWG4�6'fll I U � I � i�. of - , , � I � I;bg,,,Strattord-;h6gpitiLl;;,I� *1 I'll, �L', oseros.��Lone,kii*ltu�ibdv.�l,^,,Y� ft) A .. r"S. __ JW146W. M60A.A144'"oo N I , , , 1, do" avoubeenitirltibl'0100--'a , 11 � , - I 140.10 - s1si.m.fra lzaiv nfk,l 01"'NOU&Pe" 4f ­ - . T,--Iqmpoppw - -, .- — _ "41 71 _1 ­__ I ­­ -1 I- � . ­__l�_'1111­1.1 1 "**+"4"+#"*"* ; ,)*12�114.* 1.,';,X;L "I " , pft,, 1)."'..., CORUSPONDIN T _� lill",&J, I — I . 04. � �, , I I 0 0 0410 0101441s"o 0 0 0 0*0 =* r�'o � *;'*� . , ,,htk�ly of Lu4now-was In , - 1)1,J",�,,,N@A�, Accompanied In tier 101,�y'NeqAippobter, Mrs. Cameron . . XW .i - . (ra. 43, �sqllgmd two little daitigh- a#'VI�,'#k,totned to their home , at it A44i'M9�,ja ,rib visit here ,,very pleaep 440, '?,', -"Jy4ra. Ileck, Mr. and . , c-� , A �� vcy.) other relatives. I ,q� 'ti 'Aml ,�,q �, �i ,eat. on of mloa Carries . '! __ ork. Is "In the Palace �, y me 41pir - qp exceettluKly touching , IF9 ' pi-ece. We return our . I .1 Idi Briegel for A copy. of J-trtVJ§"Q­".w�­"­- ,,I. %%-.)39k,,heeA­in*Q,rder Au A atatt � jytgz%.�.mrov . osi.404 he hAki the 9011, � . l; And b . Oft0noogh, , armu%ll� a. Murray and her sister, XrB, It Won by - . - � . � ­­ — I t .4.1d, �,,U�v, too'd ti�dwfk'roftor Javriv, � ;",�,61 ­­ � - I . 4V ­ I ,�f I 44, AU%,'AA?,1DUdAFV,;A -'Iff"li IA,r a I , , 4 , J".1 3 IN' ' 'old" j� pV% WK , 11103 on to, onyx paler weight on walcia, proqu ( p& d� 41i A , nistrong of PI kortat . , * "" �, �tb '* . b is were , % ':VXVbU "' , * , U vildlogtho-wain for the' 081511 " , '" ,'P fine turt e of metal and painted mi. 8, - IV, �""NUi1V,11a'SW,' ", 6Z,"Wo"T , 'a I . -0m MiJU . P , toy I UK J,&V,dhv UJL,PJi4 , . un - ftght J AD �ffss,Qpg* u., ,� , - Its ,4� - V01114, � gapiln. th , . , "�j, i4b, 0 _.94 ,1 Thursday the gueats of Mrs, .K. -pe vlp"R4 , , , RZ "A, I I I I r, . -t .- �Xqdq � , '. 0� � � T , 9% QA ; Matto U .vplafOd myib%ud'V40 auty V 04 xa,r,�Ig . ago. gree uite novel � . � a _X _-)_Q,qU%1Pj4yf- W1. _�. I , VEY so W115U. 4 1 lid I ... � * , - , . 4 Uttitin ag, I , *, 111, , 1� , g the & � .. " I ..... %as aw".-AhOw1woutit UP" (llvmlo� � 4� - pq ,;A �p �ccorrdpapyln � . - Ott I�ICOXPOI . I hi it fl.tr -Mr. and Mrs. Bradford A , Da- " I ,30 I �t MI , , , I 41 ,_� �, � . , I � , I , g �h I 1�'l � , 4 to pulagA0 V(i,p , I ,am of the'Union, , !,AP ,ft. 1."A. r, , .V I their as well as useful, .4 , , -t it irr'-444 hterNies Ethel.of London were pxiza was a Sonnet by. 41, A. 8, T'llom - 0"I. lilftoteo'. " 5' ' ' ' '�"�' I , - I "CePIV, withiput k� ..;W2 , �i . pe wattolug rc .�Vr.pul*qlgf it �J '.i1'.lJ1U"lJA 41; scil-i't � "f J;.Wk .. 'q6-s,A n 44.VV - ,d.aug __ I �? m , , , Z B., - a, bad". the guests last week of Miss W4011010, I , — .., F; 711 R 0 ,;ft1oUdlXMbm1 M ,�', '19MR4031 ii � 0 . Auir -0e8,tlbWtO,1UUaa*d&dy . rr, -8 a N, - . Some people -say the earth I I , �� - , iw. moot, Imqrdp,� X 99CV6 MUM, I ish allfab eon co, , a � � Jos, , .. , rX 11,14A.1 poroit WbOW.- --- f4rililig the opea,air to of lAkeview Farm.. .1 I . I . mo� 11 a , ,,t. .had,,,AifrAUgsQ01 Ito J., 9;1�0 Vpoh a turtle stands. I", wkov Q, � cl I; taod,' d " � , - cited r, ack we � Woodstock . . "TWO, I , on 114011134,4091 f'bb t ofn- "Fe ". & _. , We, Pr 3". -)­-Y-Z"� ijlij. .A,�L'Altlll.-� .10;J1.1 i -A .at�tbatplix";_,:�So 3i made rip Mr. and Mrs. Stothers of We know not but we know WA, , ts at ,- s2didn'110111616.10"611 , 11 ii !Xt�gl Ila �er,.IAOSIRIIIJUWAA 0,14,140y, fog Oft., W ''I . , Tou'pr 41' . . . I 1bub 04 the-grase, 0,IKUteedol'uo. It hides in the sea panda, " Mrs. Alfred __ 16111. '0010 rt.,:13$0 -.t a' and Mr. Joseph. Stotboro* of London . lt,snd'�41;i � , '. p I �A. - Ohicag&.arb.thdat gada*ta� of �Mtdl- Win- [I 1W ,-44ap JP4Y, Wool) an 16 p, or,to a being assi neathe place Miss Sarah Bisset. returned.. last . Ila- - &.0noplJOW13 . I , , were all guests last week Qf Mr. - I . . , , ;JiL . 00, , - e WWI - _` - -Y-Y. I Aa 4, 1�6f onor in '-the lad a Visit i-00 AYvIACIPJAG 0.4008 " " .efiJoymV. t, , i -TAck 0104 Stotbers here. , kit �111.611k %4! bloro, , 1. woxp4��dojq.ur,,W . FC I I Week from a lengthened rAuker ,0.4-proodrat, riv! -, ! ,.�AIFN AeRstir, in aslee .but the expar- &I of the late . . 14 . , ,,$%tdeJ:;l0t 041bbIlAel 0U01111%iiAl h 11 a !,5VeWt0PUUW CROZ"""'�' j�44" *Jj.Uf6,lJihnsdI2. T41 1, or,, I ere goo , The funer ., HlizabetI4 Chicago, the guest Of hei; brothers. Mr, *UK.Upwithtme in Bill I W a Ife, Of Rev, 1, . . . � � , 4 �1&* - . . 1 6% i;141 L� 'I :-.10;,"I , � I� .. -.411 tW9 ,Ajigri , -,�J? Idofill "�'W"W6 lence being UeW X as l4ar, to go b%t Blai ,, W Ur. MacKay, took Xdipp Annie Marsh at Auburn left on � . I I . I Y1, _qAA1' .r�L . I .. D q6tur, X.?ftikuw , "!.Jbw W , re ItI., fpp9ws g ­wh , ev .. the snores of y co panione had sue 1319,0 .4iaence to the 'Sunday for ,13omlb Ste. Maple, . � -, I Xr,ii 'y � 11 I A� Uganft *0'bl TV,R,44XAbt*Xe?--A , 1.irp, ,tii,At, )Iggf, OgWd �.bf --Orltibll Libee 4 Soon 1. Joined I 0. a from tier lato rei . )ent Sunday at. Tx*��,PoANIRM "OLM, - ,-frletdd:­ ter , T, R. station on Thursday. last, Miss Minnie 5prurif sy WN6 V#Tr � ,hvp.v . . , . r�.M ,. called , , cI .. I 40 . - #'0j9f- nee to the family burying plot a " .11,911 enjoying o4i, t.� 11 i i Jq fAr! * , anner, tbaly� cc t. Auburn the gumts'o' friends, .� Id i. )in 11_ � .. . -ii, _W Llf,..'�'.��, , J �-;Mq ni , -y%ft&a�,q1j-J.h1.�fe1i and sob. OL . I . . . . an asettring effect thi � f _�,:l li'thMa ,y , .U,:,jtfieli!Li star. spangled ,,X%ny And all. were the � I " mr*nff. ye 9VId, bings a spl6ndl. rest un South Easth To Shaw - 0, 1a rtq, 41!?d?vVW 01 �,, UP3 locatiowwORAe Pg . " ' . Mr. X A 3t,#gain til after midnight Ope. Rev., M I Theoitizensof Raglan strook north � ,gtoy OUT slumbers - at'the house. Mrs,' MacKay are praylpg the. coiinell, to open it . A,boe- Vgqu�,Rqv . F#§ 4nd foremost in all things . I " . - t A ."I'i L"C' 1,40ins' _ . �.T, P� a . we were awakened &Om Officiated . � 'Al Hill., i-., 1'. 1, " MY .. - . g4mion NAV �# , 1411W,79 � "i �fi6 followi4g,daY after saying good the aback we. carne'to South Easthope with her par- through t Actwo will be, Miss. fjdpE$i4I1Xqj,pf,W;1,V,gbq §.ows'Out.-Iso .01 I re'A M a AR cii nearly by falling pain so into - a -the like, The , 041if&4 " -`� T F . ', _Ir� � 'bye to toany friends,with whoi I -qa, �� , � t ents from Scotland'At. nine yeard of obI ed to purchase the road, from the , 194 llgolw VC had to. go taking our bed in with us, . , do6YQdU1Xd -AhqiJ4T,e.4 � '-� �11� � " t tGo, : ,hpax 'A ,ilf a t;j�o w4oks had pased all so pleas'lutlY, -the- I I - ­ ­ , J P,y '. . - I I cMullers returned home to those at ori of he 06 q I � I but keepinf It well lo the centrd at �f. d lick I took pay way by rail to Grand Forks, - . a, being their youngest child. Mrs. hol era of the property. i -,-J�,Ai,t e�,� ,,!- . 10M. - - wards acKay, wi , I be , Sunday.' v f lgcit� ni ely.y,# , M r rise then up through. Grafton to .need V th' tier b,usband, two Mrs. ,To Perris, who fell some mont �Ussg.'X, ,%, 40AP , �' I floorforal felt.that there WAS,. core" I � Uoknow � ; , " '' . ' - . tbndvlklvitho� cqqx4est�), pany within those. walls. I I : - *dot " '. '. , , ,43"'10m. d between daughters and. one son, came to Godo ag "'t1foaffila -thol , � 'Ovid a��O';h tr�),% W, boe Winnipbg,cro� ,ed in years, Able to.olt Up. , .. . , Q4 a that in ling in ly rich, abbut-eight years, ago, Mr. Mae- advap( ' Quitely"iiViAe le06p` ijidj .' A " n To n 3aing the border spar(Mly say that we made an ear, _a and broke horhip, is, ,although ' . , 11 _ . 4 4 . -LThnr9a i .. h I a 11 . yfrien . Gretna and Nebrhe with. a fee orning a -ad after ra%uy. re upped: sloh to OP . It I _ bie grand start next in. .Kay filling several clerical, appoint- .Miss Hittle Douggh has - t A,ftleb�ij@t 8, l!Al40W 1� ivIsr . � .. , 1 �al I.K'11?'Y� "" nearer, a my heart Of hoine -again, eat] a -though stops b ay to feed - And ments I during these years. Mrs. Mae- from -the Qqnsorvo 'J, 00(,;.1'-" I'VVII f �. y thew � rest the � ,.,,,ftf',haur1s r= I Mary of X "sic, Tor� . picnic. ., 1". , . . I I . . t I yv"_�,' Is. But the worst aq Old fiag so dear to every Brito- iship of cattle we found ourselves at night on indigestion and onto, where she.has Spent% term,per- . Mrs, 91.1§041�*11014114 i4k �-'$' , , those Who know Me* ,at mixed up with all due we I i �91 WPM -, , � ,- W11'. I Kay suffered from I ;�A " . - the shores of Big Stick Lake And an- . heart trouble. Show , last we S. �,,jl- - Ckl ,1,0 )11"lj -1,144&1. 7.0; i,K ,O come, -fbr , , dol feelings When Gad, a�sppeared again in sight, I , ill be rouch miss- fectirig her kn6wledge'of violin muslo. I * �. '. , . 0,4ApfLdy,..ff,%p ,.rjueirin�g, bes. will Understand 1 1 1 3�44147 Of MeOOrs, Baue- ad in the family c , ircle, being besides a Mrs. McGowan of be,troit, After via - Mr. T40gg 11 ' he bol loving, thoughtful. wife and Hie I � I d ­ t Winai�eg and making logyninog,ritt ther, a iting bar two daughters, arrived at the 1. , . a bored -the fact hat my'fr'en 'Arrivin a Davidson, cattle ranchers. . , . I re and, 'a�yt rough the foreigners I spent and , tidy, in . the most conscientious Christian lady, home of her sister, Mrs. Dan; Patterson, �' , o6equainto4w.,Xondxy aa�16�,, ,.,-;' .W., I had the Jonah, baslk4t with her, in W, g. Here all was clean , 'Afi# - ad sister the- And . t ere I Vol , ya in 0, p home� o3und the range. One . Me, . it,*ouggbIuVoand 1. ived 1 would Catch alaw ciulet da .1easaut , buildings and ai I last mouth and spent bome, time With �I - , Ross; of Herisall were'the gu , f 0, 1riquirt t ' I I � ng �pd yeady, to -lend a'belping hand to those, I is'Visibing another _, eats of t ... rai * th coridpet0 Then 'began my, Westward Journey building was reserved for cooki . in niled. Her son,J6bn of Port Huron her, At prepopt she I �Cvkl'lnce cof our Over- 'thto � u '' �anitoba . I . ,am" .. . . 1 Miss 0. aa,wacm rioeditt I faim t pro . as 0 gh the fertile p . for gendiml' as . rit, after . It. � . I had, there- Was Of -M dining room and , I Was with. her in her last illtiess. The sister, Mrs. Forbes of Dubl he MiVddj�ab,bettoo of Seaforth are .,,4-. ,t. fields of wheats Its T � ta ing it At rth 334Y. with its perfec I pla.rtg4eints 416r,l offerings laid. upot . which �he Will ratuiri to hot I 0 at 11: , I wild - find Iiing its blies,. While ,the Sleeping �a ' � , � to hot 0 I : � i the * casket I ill - - Mr� Ernie - Roberton at, fare, to be content with. making an To prairie lands, . .were away no r 'were Very beautifdl, among them ,be- Detroit , . . , �th � � � ' .der another oof .Alid a gueiitftf � :. (unch counter to ad clpaint Villages and r 0 to this we fetired and all appear.. , I .. 1 ' 'a a . . ­ ,d rch ��', pr6oeat, . ass thrifty towns a log :' A handsome pillow of pink and Me, X ibald Forbes. of 'S6afarth , I .. � until about u4be Ir six hundred miles If I " I White roses, sweet peas andferns with has . m .1 ch in beilth �� � Mr. J, Gardner spent a few .days at su�,pijtho inner man bamlets, on -fc A - ed to sleep the steep of t d just, improved very , U. - . I , , ' . � o1c Oc, in the evening, After a very ends of saini was the last to rustle out� and whoo. I the letters 1� mother's from bar family ; since his visit to our town. , � Logan- last week., � )ugh country that through the grazi6gl . , pleasant' Tide thr( bola iintil. X. �alight at Ma e Creek, a went in search (if my breakfast U01ts ad. till' I lovely baske.t,Ovbitefloiv6is,Mrs..Tam�s far, Harry Spence return 8 �`,' - Mr. John C�Ills bf 1311HXIO idi renew. . we came to North V who bad, gone before me An& bad ge casket bo.quet, Mrs. week'to Toronto, after spendin P, . mostly familiars ... place of absbut fiv� or six andred inas � . III' I iv -cridaintances argulad Auburn at WE's r— - -in came to a stanastill i_:4-� t. but the centm of: a vast r- ,f M 1� . -- arin sl�fpiacks: Stewart.; larl .. Its MT M. . .� I I . 4s . 4-6- +h- uest of is 11 , , . � , . ., 0 4 W - " W, _ A�w - ekie, � s B It 0 Re ' `,, axing Powder 4 . . a � . Allwayo Pure . Alwa$,$, preou U�sjlable � AlWAY4 pace goo ppr 1b, " . I , I ­ ' U . 5.1. - . aucc Ro P, Ree.kies p popQr to oyduoy xaokooa, ` r No B.—Tanglefoot, end Poison VIY Paper, and Rubber W0001. for . . , + Frult ,Taro, always on band .�, - . . . � I ;1 . . . I .1 � I ­ I . ...."'.." ­ Mttso�_­ _---1 �.- .1. . �.. - I - , --L ­ I ' s . . , I � . 1, . .. � . � � I . Shoe Bargains Special ,. .. .. I . I 1. . I . h � . . I . 11 . . . . ,___,Q=� . . . . r I I . . I . I . I , . Raving secured the agency of the colebrat94 J. D- King & 0010, 611000 for Clinton and district and expect it big shipment of thern in a Couple I of weeks, wo'bave, decided to make a. clearance of bath 11100 400 womeri'a fine. shoes and you rosy expect t0i�90t Santa . . . . I � I � . . I . � I . . , � I r, Genuine. Bargains. - . � ... I I � � . . . . I . . . � I . ­ I . . , � � I As they go. . I .. . .-. . . . �.. . I . � I gee our North Window for MENIS FINE SHOES. I . I . . � . . * . � . . 1 W43 bavp several . , lines of Ladies', Oxfor4s, also laced and buttoh6d ' I boots that wo.are wlllln�. to let y9uhave without any profit as We want the r,p6m for King Qua I - jity goods, . . . � I . . .. . ' 11 .. See our South Window for those Bargains for . � � I � I � . . � . . FRIDAY AND SATTJRDAY, , � .1 . � � . � . . � A line of Mda's Harvest Boots'not heavy but good wearers - . They I ere well worth One dollar bqb we are selling them for .70 cents. . I I . . . �. . . . . . � I I . I I . I . . I . . .-� . . . I . : � . . � . . . � - . I . ' . I . w ` Th OR'- & . SON. 9 .&V.14 L . I ... . . I ... . . . . . . I I . I I . I. -.1 ' .11.1 .,. � . . . I Cash and One Price - . ' . I . I � . . � I . . 1 Batter and Eggs taken a's Cash. - . .. .. . I . I . . I . .. .� ­ . I . I I . . � . . . I . . . � . . . 4 I . I . . I . . . � . I . I I I . - . I � � I . . . . . I I � . I I � . . � I I . I I .1 . , . . I . d I I 11 I I ... . I . ... I . . . . � I . . . . I . , . . � - . . . .. 1. .. . . I. . . . . . . I I . I . c I . . . I , . . I .1 I � s � - I � . I . I � . . . I . I . . I .. I . .. . . � . I . . . . . I . . I I W , . a . . . .X. . ­ F 11 M Harper ; wreatia, Id So AVY "l, 0 ­ t, � ,v _­ U. . I I . I . . . ­ . . I . . I . . . . I . .. . - proseut,'HelookB bale just in sight of the station, the IiAta, double . . I I .. . � .. . . I I I . " and hearty as Day, let whore not a.blade of told him that he might as well I casket "boquet, the Misses Harr* ' � I I . . . . . � ,W . is; mother, , . I I - . I . I . I 400410011011"Aft"'W , I . . . � . . . . . l . 1. . ' Loft,`101011-11110`1`4111� .1 ­ 14ft."W1�41111W.4 , I . 11 usual. . . Ivealed shower boqu6t; Mrs. An8tey; boqyet drdim 'at �� . I frord which, To � tome the f. act that ranching,dir ,d where all is wild tin- 011111.,AW-lev"of . . . . I left tilat wb6at is seen an the dose -for Rorke never. knew when Mrs. A. W, Stable and chil I . � I . . I "' Mr. 3 aines Stevenik went to LoudeP�, a not Tot . br . pket I [&ncls and as such "a he had enough, sci,acqordingly,tbo dose $eafor,th have been visiting Mrs. Rana? . . � . . I I I . . . � the first division hal I i prairie 1. of roses, Mrs. John .Nicholson. The � a funer,, , - va We I bustled for*� the nature of ihe I . . . . ... . ��- here last Tuesday to attend �th . at so grabbing my' ion likely to remainm,,, was doubled and the stack of cakes that relatiVes-froin a diSitance were-, ,Mr. lin of town and friends at,Dungano'on, . . . � I , . . . .. � . I . . - Jeffre , �o'q'v3E'th, track .ad reached theat%t rain is required e feet at and*Mrs',.T. Mrs 'George Belcher left for the . � 1. I St, elous is the myself into the $oil .18 such that greeted my eyes made m W.. Blairi of South East- ' . . � I . � . . �. . ' r�,� - miss Wellwood of FAI ., just in binte to owing � to grow i�ay kind ofgr%iu and a rainy barrio in an instant. I might add that hope and'Mrs. Dawson Lind Miss. Blain N ' . I I � �al of the late Mrs , I I tit and J . I Qrthwest on Tuesday. 1. . : . I I It - ' .' )Slrpp� tar,Miss , , , .. I . I I I . rear coach as it began to move 0 season here .is the exception not the Stick -helped me out nobly ' with. the . a . tr ford. - � I Mrs.(Dr. ion and da h ' I guest of the Misses Blair at present. .of WL.nossmi,,the f.8 at I .. I ;i mip$Ruby Yourt rule. �Maple .Ureeleifl situated in the cakes while Billy, made An eagler Miss Moggle Smith left the: PAU7 Maggilo.Simpson of N ir .1 I I . g has returned After the satisfaCtiOn for �ew i rnnswick, . . * . '� Itold ,rom which third., By.sixasglock we were on thi, American on Thursday.f.dr. 0, -two bavo,been f& Some time the. guests. Of. . . I . I . ' in friends. -bad . . . ,i, a w66k's visitwitli Winglia, last week surprise in my friend's fape whdri valley of,the little creek f r. miles .to . � I . - I �. . ',� -, Mrs. Janies Carter spent . , her that 1, had' jumped 'offmy train it takes its name., T*ent3 move again and poached the ena' of weeks' Visit after which she -Will Mrs, James Buchanan. -Mrs. Simp­ � . . I . . . - - - ' 'he Tents at the d -in ahead and caught that one. pro�eed to hei , I 90. . rat to Montreal for some special� I � I , . m - . I � . . * r;�L as the'guMt Of r pa ­ � 1 .an I � the south at -it rises tile Cypress our journey. .about the middle of the r'hoUie pot Chics ' ' Son ea I . . . L Nile, , I . . � � Rowover, here MY troubles',onded. for Rills,, and so. clear is. .the. air that at afternoon. . Here � we 'met with A Mr. Stringer of Port Huron was, the treatment' and then came oil �ci visit L I '. . ­ I . I I . . . . Miss Daily Carter of, ClIaton. visited -bread and *water were sure V�oy .little clumle of - guest IAA Week of Mrs. J.,C. Harrison. , her uncle. :1 I I I � I � ..,. . I A - I . . . . I - . I I . ., V � that that digiance *arm reception from the. Sharp , Bms . � - . � . � , I.' , � � - her brother James of the. 'village 'last nowt lacked? I about noon the follow- bur,hes-can cleapiy be distinguished on Who rare also engaged in cattle raneh- .' Mr. Fred, J61tasion of Kineardine I . I I . V I � � - . I . . I ­ was the, I . � I.. I I . . . * - : '�. . .. . . . The Misses Watson, daughters of: I I . ... . . . . 0 . . , , , I I , , , * I I I I . . � * ,. I . Wits ' . idest last week of WE airi., . . � � I ST. - , . I : ' U John. who are students in Qtt&Nva, are spend- I B UGY 1 E .� I . ��.' *01alk. 'Her Jittld nel�e S�Ceompaald�d. ing'day we came, Ili, alpht of Lake: SU, the iraesyglopes-' The bills appear, so ing. After branding the' cattle We �, 'Uncle Senator Watson, of Portage Lli Pr i 'a , ' L . r � 11 I * I " L op. with all its grandeur of scenery.. 'near that, anY,Verson not'arcustOmkl bid brought theywere turned out on and Aunt, Mr. afid� Mpg, .Job BICYCLES I . .8 I I. . . . . , I . . . ­ I . . S Aided .0 the 0,' P' �' 1�,' to the co - untr L Y would be Sure to gr,da.t- to the Tango And there they'rhibst"stay I I . , - ,. , I I . I I. �. � � ingtheir vacatiow here the go . - . ,. I 1� 1. _=___�w: , _____ " I . I . I , 11 �'�� : Archiellablnsori% brother.. im.'d = the point WhOr , at . . . , -. '' ., ests of . . . _: _______ .� ,. , . :,.... �.. , � ., . I .1. � . ... I . . ... � : , . . .. — . , , — — I � . I . . I - I I � '.. I I I'/ with him in. the village. - first touches the like- until you, reach ly underestimate the distance. 16 fact - ' nmer and winter andJu9ble ,for � . ma.'H, Dennis of Cbafbam, mother. the Misses MbLaren. . I . . .. I , , . I ., . 1 . I 1, d friends 'wonderful and grand, 'comers 4iie called .. . . . - . I . � I 1. I . , 'an a. tenderfoot (as now : su' m,elves, Only calves and weak " one of the cornerites of ' Me Rellmuth Qlucasj composer of * R - REN . Misi . Abso Yohngblub' Port Arthar all is. the of of Dorothy, - .... I I ,ing old acquaintances in : it , its . the _ .' . I I . . . .-- FOR,44ALE �, -10 � . — - � . � , .. . 11 I" , animals , being boiised daring iam ac-, , , L� I and] at once impresses One With the � . , I �. :1� were ren6v.i by the ranchers and, by..the W y . . the Mall and Empire, Chikitl ,, . music I home " . I . . . . I .. I wkble are the *arks �'S�es,Ulag - of)i am told . I �, London, left far. hie borne ­ l0000lool00000loo-_ I L I � .. . . - � . .. , the via e ua I I . thought. ,,How te oob�myself Isi . I . later boonthsi * Messrs. , Sharp Brbo,, com on -were -the guests, I -, visit .. . . . . 1. . . 11 � . . ... . � �. . . I .. I... I ., - Dungannon � Is. a ';f the Creator, in ,woudbr. bath: He I � wi I , panied. by her a I I . bn Monlay: After a .Short... .. . . � . , . . 11 ... .1 : ' - � , III. � . Nibs Tgo,mpson 6f � . started out One fine morning to Walk ha:ve under their cars about seven' last Week of Mrsi MAry,COX. I . - � � here. - ., ..-. -L,-_� . .. - . .� I . . I. . . . . wh6le stock of ', ' ' - - . * $.. , - - . .. I . . . . . guest at Mr. Soseph La*son"s. . Ldetheai ekll,,, Ib Would be� iale,.fOr to the hills. but -got las't in, the flat%, hundred head of cattle �whlcb, how- VraXield of;Chi6igO* . Having bought put the , �.. , ut is.�also .home at WE h ,'I U. . I agthe,guest of . Mr. ToinWright, miinAg er -of Wordi .. - w4ee at) ., : : ' . . ... 11 .. . I . . . I I . . ,� 'Henry Yourigbl' me to attempt to dxPl6in the beauty 0 � t t e between them and the town overt is - as -Only",.& small' her mother, Mrs, W, 8 ' - . .� ' ' �icycles from.A. T. Cooper, 1(4 . I i.. . I " � . � - I ., I the dee re- a regarded . with, Jast,week. heimer's establishment, Londodo . . I ­ . . . � 11 ,. . '. � .. I , 7 ., �. I present, �, . aping rocks, I 1. P but which cannot be seen, from the But with .their. splendid Mr. Robert. Mciteanhas been Seoul. .: I : . I . . . . . . . . . � 1 11.* & 1). . I ..., I 111.� � ' 'it all; the tow, . bunch. � . ., spent Sunday the guest of. his' father � I . � . 2 RABTPORDS , I � . . . . I �. 11. � �' Mri. A. Ktiighb i-tnd famliv are visit- I the,country thi d I .. . � I . . . . . . � . I vinesotunnels throughwhichwO PASS- starting point. Ail - . . B location, their up-to-date, fixtures, -an only this county, but possibly I I . � ., .2 .. E. Z. - . . . . . I � . is very much c . are no , Far. in. � . I . .. 'OLVERINES. . . � I., . I ­ � I :.: 0 . .. I . .... . . �. I . . I � . k at Mrs. Flake'rls, . . Side of the hills rowded, their . personal ability, - they' Ing no to get'perfact , the.proprieter Point inging. .1 . 1. a W . � brake. , � . . , . � . . . � ,I this wise ad; curves lathe road five or six, ikiles ,ther,b Animals'for ship- , MIS - A.111�6 Rothwell, while sw CLEVELANDS, one With C( � . , within 8 . . , , ijiter k i, * . .. I . .1 . . ". - . ' a South , Africa and, it seems . . tigms. 0 . . �%,,�r., XIb6pt and'.16hn Oullis:are In extent,bringing you'back to a reason. doubtan the fjIghway.to,- success fall . 2 .. . . ,.with cattle m0ii for the sImPl' . . rnerit t bough of it tree, fall an& bruia- . I ; I I .1 2. CUMS . . . j , I . " I yen, bad a on a ,� � , - 2 6ENI)RONS . , 1 . . � . . . . . payinlia business visit to the Village, A short distmnee of *where * an abundant supply 'Of -who can only 29hors6s.o4'of 70.Were selected. 'I * arm. which has . ­ . I � � � .1 . . . . .1 � ..., , that there is � . ­ . � , with some capital . qt I , I * .. . . � . . way of creeks;lspring . . , I L be muscle of her . . . 1.1: ..� . _: I . . .. ... I ** . I k " I . . . �- 'Mr. idt purposes retiring from the been. th6lakea dotted with islands,the I water in - the I §' Co'the man - u"a leeplem- 'we intend to run 'Oft at a low: in - to ma e room for ... I . � � . I 11 ad0b himself to the life -success comes, As 'being fit fot transportation. ,The her much pain and 'a . � � , h I srgirt I .. � . � � milling business -and, starting a .fl6ur radutijains. in the distance and -the ever- untain � � . I I. . " . �11 of t esq )y by. buying. .,­ : .. , I . I . .1 that - flow from. the me - The following. day. offiders'present o#behalf of the British ness. 1, , . I ., .new . ones. Anyone in.need-of-a'bicy.cle WOUICI'SaVe Moof I . I '' k' but it being Saufty and no -church within . G' e . Captain H. A_ I yeles, wheels clean I. I , and feed at )re in Hospelei. ;tingbills along the sides'.of Which. � etc r&t)idly and surely. .. 0 . ad and $ , . c lak - a . sides. � .Every . man in 100 ing ovbrnment war Miss Anhiej. and MaSter-Walter one of these.. Ali kinds of repairs kept for ble� . . I . �, .. I . � I many a harvest swiftly ,arried along. , forty miles, We'didf:the next best thing; Maudsley. ind Veterinary Surgeon * , th their aunt .. r New 'tire $10.00. All -W , . ... . I going out on th we. wero,being . . loc�tlon suited for ranching purposes . - Buchanan retained wi . a '� $6.00' to' oik guaranteed. .. . . * ... epaired. : . . I . . r . . � . . . . . excursion tb I . I , . I � . . . . . . are found - irivilege of son)0 hooked up,A te d drove M - ' R. It both of Hi2gland. .. * Mrs, A, G-.. R6id, a her home a . 1 1 is week to Manitoba and And as evening arew �on And we geoum a water p min of -horses an I a or . owe, t t . . . . i' hom, Are : Ire in a level,'xountry I I . I . . I . I I . . ... ;� amon� w � ourselves Once I kind aso6lomeateadand ,can often in to a neigbbouring rithch where there ;IT. iLnd Mrs. Chapman .and'littlei: I . I I . - i . .1 .� . , I the 'Northwest, I Arthur, w� felt . . of land . . . Palmerston- where'.thL-Y will ..'spend 11 I BLACKSMITH AND MACHINE. SHOP ; . ., . . I ", I Edward. Male, Jos., and dqAr Lawson, 'that that way control larfe trac a was a lady shack-ko6pep, and, 'it felt dAugbter of Win'gliam ,were, here .oP. their vacaition. � Miss Buchanan will , - I . . i I . 11, . � I I I . . . � I I � . . m Etling. to the wdst of �Moi seen that .afternoon , t, , . . . I � . , ... . . . 11 . . � - . ; , �� ; . John Robinson And -. Willia the sights.W0 had I course the Ian is of -no use to nything 'We Thaisday last. I I . tion with-saine we are prepared, tor do. all kinds of, w0flit I . . . I . sick and did. . -th far more than - the so- -. of . I more like.a church than a . . . , also V*isit at Walkerton, . � .. . In'connec _ a and rdpaifra ' . .. . . I ; Up. J. GravistOR, too' k . were alone War To WhAtpu I rpose anotherwithout water. .-.. . . 'had experleuo�d'ofi the'trip, besidei In a asking of the floriculture In , , Mrs. John Raid 'has retuitied.from � horso shoeing and -general. repairinF. All the Plow Point ' , . .1... ... ...,:� � . . . . . � not go-%& will next Tuesday, . Ed. female cooking seer .I , 11 At the hill . . : ,pafprdwel ptill -kee in stock. Points and repairs for. the. . . . - 'Robekt price of our tickets. - - it, is.�vonderfai to what, extent - every . , I aed. to .produce ndlmim Oliver 'said.: her visit. to'Mrs. "d the 'Misses kept bY.Xr.T . p, . . . I I , . . , . . .: , � *11' 11 i, Helwig and Mr. And. Mrs. Ill those'rocks ,of brown granite � be mau here is interested in Stocks either better thoughts. After a quiet.and very stations the hedges -are beautiful,, the . 1. . I : ., . 21. .. t . � . . , , I wife will also go on, that wl Thompson of L * k W. . No. i3 12, 10, . ' Robeiton and I - . ins yet to come? Who y every ay bye, and rose ,hedge. particularly, .the climate- ' . UQ 40 . Tedford PIOW, gang r . . I . . " '. I I . . -put by gerieratic . . out of horses, cattle, or sheep. . Nearl pleasant d we said good Mr -The pson cif�Luekriow visited , OP&Irbo; .1 � - .1 Fleury Sylvester.- No. 7 . 1. .11 I . . I date. - - .. : , can sa* what an endless area , oian in the'town has X -bunch of some turned to go, hoinie,leaving behind', us �ririging out the ''hue ,of -* the rose frienhb h,rme lastweek. � -.� . . : Xill6r and, Tedford Plow I . . 1 1 qQ. 13 . ..- . . I � . " , The Old Maids had their annual bdilding material long after our'forests only lady with ., . . I . .. . be garden part to be .1 'Tedford-1TO..8 . ' ' .. ­ " . � Rilitis Patent, 0, d 1 . � _. � .. ... . I ! I Splash on t a Olt) I � . . .. . . 'Miss MaeVicar. and her little, noice . king, 'No. 7 and 21 * ' 2.farrow plov7. , : ' ' - he flats With tb - have , vanished the rocks will still be small, bixt all have their hopes can. ttiat; p * t - I and .. customary MiA of stock,it ma,k- bb greati it � WAY the in %opty� miles of boafitifully.?' -' - Diana forket t 1�11 .. 'last.- 8, . held At "The Maples, In aid o7.lnver- . wil on . .. ­. I . � 11 . . - �.. . I ­ . '� accompaniment of riln on Friday . . . ' . ' .1 .. . . I . I . � . . . . .. . . � ,gply their part 9f'the inaterial for 1� tered in their Stock and all round ob Crirrie�of Sarnia are guests of Mr. and I :Oak a trip to the Poinb - he works,forpalatial. dwellln�s. and . vase Camp ah Friday evening.. . I I , : .. . . . � � . 1. �. . � 11 1 . . I , I . a town Are'to,be seen * 1 The rci�to by which we had come Mrs. W. W, MaoVicars - . I It proul'of . . I - Several I I pu After & steady run. I side,of th r. Mrs. Abbott Clarke is qoi a I R - .. * . . Farin do Suvd&y'fo).? an on in�, - for , . .� . . The following is from, Ottawa .: The I -deid. ��* -SEELF.Y;' ,& WER.... .. , , I , . , I t, humble *komes, stops, =es of cattle and horses feeding 'With the cattle as -over ilia trackless her gar The rasp , I A full .house greeted tt . ev, Mr. of forty 6WO hours, includinif all. rairie igra'sses., ; Here one ra�rie, but in returning we'chose a h d laphic' survey'of Like ' Huron . ' _bereles Yielded .... . . I . I .. . I .. . .. I , , � . 0 A , q ' crop Arid hot tall dahlias were . ' . .. I . nb Streoi - . � . . -- church, by . * r I . Bette . Ury . ! . ... ,,� . . ay x �61ves In the busy ci of. on the kich p u F, ,,erroute_butbrie.ih&t gave us the " . TedfordAs -bid Stand - . - - I I .. 1 $..1._..1'1 1 sur. sees some ai OnE , u' 6 a � . . . . Motean,o! we foniid oun city musingsights. , 3 at as'.1 wucg, is .being cooducted by tbe overed with level flowers of all . . � I � ' . . . . �', indleatilig .the reverend gentleinan's Winnipeg, � The Part of the . . I advantage of 6, well beaten trail. By. . Marino Departmenf, will be completed shades. This' Season has. bean very � . . I � . . - I . R.depot is not All write one..of the mounted police Pagggar .1 . � b..��ftw�woftwft,, .ft^J,,-dn,-ftA11~o,; . � � t populari - , . nailing the C. R at '. . 'At a tb6 Way, we -called. on otbor'iifipberso, . _%W-11111�-%elftll" . . oft­4`11o� . . I I . I . . I - , I � .t ty. � . . � . ­ : To � raywinabw on borseback."going this seascii. -The work !sunder the severe on berries and flowers but Mrsi . I .. . . . . . . I.. _. � - I - - - - . I , . 'Jewalks are of -Wood ivith the tongue and One the.. owner, of about five thoupand direction of Mr. Fred Anderson, who - __ ­ __ . , . - . . . . inviting,.tbe sii aarb trot . . � .— . . I �- . . good'sn Markets berry bushbs"yielded well.and — - � .. , . . I . 4. .. . . . I . , . . . I I � � .1 . � . � � . I slid very rdbgh,the business places are Bels of's, lumber waggop'. iiheep, where we found. tba shearers at, is on board.the steamer Bayfield. The. her dahlias flourlvhed�' We were .pre- . , . . , , tures and 'two frQut.whi . ' liv"quickly 1 . I . . . � . I P . GODMIck TowNsHip. poorbne story .wooden struc attached by a longrope to4he been of woric and Awas amazing be last got vey. of the lake. was made 60 sented with a b6cluet of, theiii .. I '00008060000.90000000o . ,. . . 1. I . , . � . . I �,.: - , — - . . . 11 . � .. . 7stNorwegiards, Icelatol .- get there Ell I .thpy coulO take off a fleece. One man I . than bushels. of -w glan . . I . .. . ., . T .0. , . Occupied by i am rt of a , � years ago when. the Vessels. on the in, �. . a I., while about thei derot there big saddles 86! s , Colborne and Bufrovifs shipped 6009 b : 1� Sees OliveBates and Ruby ders,etc. 6 . ', you know. - On anothe.j. noticed performed the operation in one . land waters did',riot; draw more . �, . . I ,. . Mi . McLean .'a be seen the d sgusting 16ok to: ift , yard of a, li�va a a a, and a� half minutes and others in two to at.. It was done very beat to. to d I' ,at .: .1 . 1) U, : ;. : . I of Ooderich have, been a ling a few is :e*er.t a flithy garments as,' he Occasion in the ' t bi 12. feet of wat . week. ' - I I . . . 1. . h . 0 - - . � .. . , pend: es. J6 s-eph. foreigner Ila hi Y,1watch.. three minutes but the Work . was very hurriedly.. an& ilia. soundings. were . - : , weeks with their aunt,. M .. � justOPPOSIte tci'wherel boar roughly performed. Very few at the neither numerous nor equiplote. Next _� A bargo' with a large raft,of . I I . I . . . � I ." . 0 . � � , a the train Or loiters t ACKSON S MI ,Currie. ' �.. . . .. . loaves or boardi a yards. 'Of,coursel If ied ii yodank fellow .trying to -break in I cuts in the skin left be dock 'ard. Monday for � X t;LWV 0 � . I . � I . I . .. . . 0 .. ( � ,bout the stalloi abucking, broncho_a quiet.docilo'look. sheep. escaped -without season,Lake' Superior willbe surveyed Island. - I 1 . .... � a � I . . 11 ... . I . � � I I . 1. ,: . . . � - A large number at the! young folks Q a . . ands they! but a new steamer -must be procured Mr. gale � . � . . I . . I ' . I . . these I I frig-'tirittero'but with a mind of its own, met or less., From.tliese*oi 'day . . -)r"AIXG GOES OTC, - * - the garden , belfigs corne to Our shores they I of tbis'locality took in .-ohritry .1 . 'o M onald' is holi -' 0 1� � � . , Im. acd, , 0 .1 �. . I musfbedgivens; pla0einodr-i . etiniesdio owingto thp.heab of -j waters of that lake. th' . . 01V . . . � - � 11 pArty held in Varns I . eat Wednesday . . 'the It allowed the'fell6W tO'mount, then Sam , . . . for the storm a . inot his home in Lucknow. - dU .1 I . . . . . 0. . . � 11 the affair 'a decided and in but 1earts., bob ' surely a fun,'that'is for those'. .the sun and the files.. . - . . Bayfiplct beinp:. considered -too. old for . 0 - . 11 .. � 0 1 . evening a d report , . .- . I Mb * commenced th It first backed, I I . . . I ... . 1� ro. Thos. McGillicuddy Of Toronto � � will cotameli - -,. a . �� I 4 . � .: ,Government roakes a gee mistake in ; Wool is not so profitable this year as .any f dirther use. her time visiting -her : - : '' This week W,. ce to slaughter. ..' . I � �'. suedess. . . wbo-are looking on, � , spent. part of . . . m . . . ,. . a I ;. I . �, lotting forth any effort to secure .tin an the I �, - . . ,a . . 0 P . . than �.itched, first talone side$ th last, t a Price avin fallen 04DM CtS, ev.. 'Jaspar Wilson, although sister, Mrs, Deodman, 'at Brussels- : , I - . . . .. I . . I . . I F,:.� . Mr. Ed. Miller !sable tOb.e out aka�] inflow of Snell 1111migration.supposingla, other, fare, . I aft, thim . ,drawing fill, R almost - the actual figures Mrs. Doadman'spent a few days here a . I � . . 1. I . . . I . an] . . erl' last earto ctsthis ear. at I I . after his confinement. - � man takes hip family nose be-- . Ov I'nt% e PUTS : �' �, - gDectable wbiti a in a four feet into, & bundb'put. its ay 4 pett Ao be a. lo figure bub let great bean contest �. at and . both ladles were guests of the a nVE-RUGHTS' MRS, 0-YESTS Md A " Me. Art. and Miss Agnes Cooper' To He seeks a here I a U � I %, spent lasb Sundej with their friend, ana comes West, � kn6ea, curved its back, .,gave a I here. is .and of Our -shoe stores, would not.. . . 1. . I . . . I 1-1 � I ag aPs & tween its , . it be reme ere t at 11 oo. � . I -misses McGillicuddy. . . I , .. I . . . . . . I . . :1 I I [ . * terswith. .new parb:of the V ely life.. a jump straight - upwards And 'c scil, *on ashe . :' ' - . � - .. . ,. consent to Accept ... the prize, a , Mrs Tilt of the British txeh�nge' : , - , . . ... . I . . . 411 � . � Annie Carter of Tudl, . I I awe . I . Wits been I . . . . � � . 3M�q I I - . . ticket t thb Pan-American, air Or - 0 . Miss S. Stanley of RipI at -as- 0, section of. land and begins Alon .a E6 chucki You should ' d t1le'noxt in order in guessing, wasvisitingheir sister at B �f . . . I . �1, I er,'Sab'�' pres He indkes improvements and caution a down with n a great .� . 6 a .tremendous . stock I � . I , . herishing the have -board the young fellow,s Thiiis ddoub%lng tobe awardeo few days this month..' . a : ­ '. . - , W� 1av I . . . �. Il. . entvialtingher riends, A . I , . he. flock ate bo- M I � I ,, Gee, Hudie of .7th con. . to do so all the time, c bones rattle, but still he stuck, to the aboep country. 0 2 lay at, 0 � I yet at prices never . 0 . I . ic ai�,� a oroasing at. an enormous rate, though iSS Minnie Stokes, . organist of The barge Lake Michigai 0 ... . to : sell - I � . . ' hope that the, ri,h and fertile .PI h' 'camethe finMact. Rear. I Victoria street church, . . , . , - . I fts hind legs . Ili they' require, M000rlo .elet,ator on Monday with a 0 . , ,in- iflio :County,, - . I , .: , . . � Mlss.Bertho, Grahame, of`tthii nth no saddle, -Th6n . g. . much closer attention � Mrs. A. G, MaeViedt of Toronto and 6 of 20,003 bushels of wheat, from a . equalled I , . . % - - . with Which he is surrounded wU pickly fell . . , con. is at present enjoying 'the com Of ing upon i .During the day tb r carg . I .41s . . I . I - I � . .. . . . . . .. settled with a respectablei class the rider gob tbilh cattle- %0,,a a - oung of .the same . , I . � I . : - I I . Irish., 11 , 'lliam. no 131. straight ba kward and , a t igh h�r sisier, Miss Y Fort Wi � . *try of her friend, Miss A. Oree ieople such as English, ScotC . I . always attended,, by border city, are the guests of Mrs. (Captain) I owned by the ' , argn Sale, it will , be. nn-. a .. We regret -to announce the illness of T keirrisa or American settlers, and just off. . . , earalled - af night. The 'cattle are 'MacKay I ' Tho yacht. Yuma. . : ' This will be r I , I ' 0 1 . . . . � . -,'Mr. J. Holland of ( 1. Methin 'very fascinating and Miss MaeVicar. Mr. Fletchers.of Detroit came'Into port on . 11 . . d ertis6meat as eyery- a I . our esteemed friend iinks his cherished hopes are There is so I , � . all branded and become range.broke ^ If in thi's a v � . . tbal 10th bon,,'Who, We Understand, is as he tl - .about the country k A not like . n. MacVicar will join them.this week. Sooda fternocm with a party -of 0. necessary to quo e priceS. . ,: . .0 condition. I about to.be realized he wakes up soino - and the few that do stray away are Qngrega- yac�t Y o' : h' i 11 be Mftrke:dW to show;.the -out we : - - . . I. 0�yo)mu Zel youn. . TheNorth street church. c kme on board And lay at anehor ith. red tickets .. I . I . , . ,in a sen us elayed the fine morning And lo ; on the plains it at flist, butgraduAllY il . . , generally secured�again,,in the round ti , on had a famous, outing. at Broad- a my. .� in wir id inspee 0 . I I I ,The recent r&jnstorm has 4 . - up, I might write vouch more but 1. ,view Swaffield's old lariiij now the. lak � u to come AE 0 , I II I . . I I I . . heir harvest e. % � , in t g I to. make. M1 we i * i are encamped a horde of ,,Who knows self being drawn: to it' I . until and .They are going up the :1 enc W66 fOi YO t I I farmers somewhat ilk t I than what," men And women,fottl, in persons There are Several nice little churches am of the opinion that there. WIII be estaido of Mr. Wilson Ivero. ' . . . f ' . S I . ,e will.�be one of -the � '' : - . 4 . Which will this'year be UL711ter .1 . 1: this Sal . us &I owing to the dry weather and in -dress, in maunars,,iUIAogu8,90,!dis- in the -town but the people canhot be �UOugbOfthlS,SU6h4sIblg, ' Thio schooner' Sinfapore, Captain Mrs. and Master Wesley. Gilmour To, vto satij y yout elf that . . I 0_ I � ; u . .gu�oing* all Musthe staY,inusthe called - a cliurclikbing people, never- I purpose complet . Ifig. toy Journey Jim . . Sutherland; -- - c eared turnedonMondt. fr6m tldei� bripto . .., . . ... .1 . . .. .. . . . 0 . . . . . consequently so much ener& *ill not t' " ( 011, I . need to b, . his f1mily With these for Play- theless good work- is being (lone. - I am ' . few ftys, ter. Thars light On Kingstont and atertown, N. Y. - . . . 'S' le -'o* : ... . trierlog'It. ring. Up I I . . dinonton in 4 .af day evening far Collind' Bay. - Rey. Mr. McMillan of* St. Enoth's, 0 1 . I , a dihplayed in ga mates,for companions P yea or sacrifice told. tfiat a. few Years. ago wood, 0 I We regreb'to lose Mrs. Cooper from, Toronto, preached most. accepi . I , I were ' I Cireatest. a . . o � I � Mr. And Mrs, Alex. Elliott, who Ali And begin again. Oh, but you pays hay, stock, etc,, Were brought in to which I may return to this point I tably, lid Chap I . . I . . . . . I . . 'Visiting for over's fortnight at the - - again. I I I I . . . our widst. 'Her millinery And' fancy both morning and evening in -Knox s. . I I I , ' . 1 . � we have seen pictures of these erafiii town and -sold on the Sabboth day,. .. I I work Word ap-66-dato. . by. We WOUld, - : I . , arentalliomo. of the latter, Mr. W. 0. grants and w1hile they appear. add plaq6 of business wero open, etc., . . � OEO, A, RORXE - Mr. and lips. Tindall, (nee Luey church on Sunday ItLet; . ea. That ever has takeii place, in this. coun- 1. 0 I . . . . I RIlicitea, returned to . Philadelphia on enough we are told thattheY are clean while now the sacred day is fairly wall Mr. - E do Gardener of the London 0 . . . bh. - Cattle) have removed from Stratford i feiends from the zouiljt4 to come, in ,a ' ,. man eV.- Mi. Wallace and wife, And. well conducted, Thepro6fof'ths obaerved,allithings considered Ableast, Maple Creek, Assa.,Iuly 20 male quartette, accompanied by Mrs. a' lurgo ou . 0 . . . I . to Obesley, Mr. Tindall being employ. . . also thh' ,' ,city at Brotherly -, ' � ­ I I t - - ' ` '.0ii Saturday bringivg ly , " - a . Love padding is in the eating, see for your' no business is openly transacted and Gardener and two little children, spent in their bo s. � � I. 11 . . . , 1.� who w1epa guests ab. the Elliott home- selves.,11 they are dirty And filthy this Improvemenbl nth told is almost - 1. ed in a furniture factory there. I.' a few days,in town lastWeblc. .. 0 1 . I I . . I . . . . . , � 1. . I . . . 0 . . be I , stead, went back to..the cityw, the � . I . . Mrs. Taylor of Victoria street spent Mr. Coplin James of Superior, after , . . . � I I 4bame time. The part1were acii-ompan- aboard a train or in a city, what will Wholly due to the efforfA of One man . . . . , 0 . they.be on the plains away iron! di'vil- Who tieduplea the �ulpib of one of the . - same ddys last week at -61inton y is! visiting his home in Hamilton,was the 0. . . . - I I : : L led by. Mr. George , itiott, who has A Case of Appendicitis. Ing herfather,.who is ill. Met;. Tayl ir the uest while here last.. w�ek of .Mrs. * . I SOO , " : . L . L. I . 0 . mith. . . . 0 * L . : , - But as you took at tbem* in leading churches here. for a' term of . I I Ith her W, I .T41. .� .. . been ill for many weeks and makes Nation, lition. the thought . . alcpects to leave for London wi : I I . I . their uninviting 0011C thred� years, He would talk to them . — a . . I .. 11 .the trip in the hope that, a change of USAIom personally . until thpy WOU14 llallg- . Mr. Will . , I Churchill, go"d . of Reeve I - "' Taylor havin severed his Mrs.Dan McDonald and daughter . - . 00#0 . **'goffs, L , . ' . . covery. comes to you, the New Ser , fc','rn01'i'eye'tM1o4 here with I organ fad" ft on W 'dnesday, of last, weak to - .1 . . air, and scene will hasten his To has three gates on every Side, on the their heads and protol8c to bring no tOL � . . . .. le " :0006 '. L . . � . 1. I., .. � . I . , Mrs, Scilin Carson of Toronto is the 'three mariner of merchandise into the Place Churchill of Goderich Wildhip. IhAG tOrY iisit .the Pan-American Exposition. � I . L L .k. -111111111111W11111"1111 . 0 . guest of her sisterg bir9k Mr. o. Elliott. east "three g6tesoot on the Wi5pt l Mr, Charlie Watson of New York is id ' I I I _ I south "three gateo," and ba. the Sabbath. Lab us See, Is there been unwell for months andi medicine - home is is Mrs. McDono,lds second visit. isssss.m. ill I � I I-- . �M� . I I I . . . �, . 11 We underAand Miss Elliott, -si8ter of gates," on the. Is to, all. lessbn in this for iot removing thp'cause, he entered the, spending his Vacation At big The Misses 04berladk of .9affalo . . . on the north Iltbred gates open any cubton, What, 4 . . I I . I the- late principal, has been en,tag,c], by Clinton , M.M. , L IL .ri E ., � ' . ,'�. , mankind,. go let us hope that Whatever is it that is bought and sold from door hospital on Thursday last and. hIM, Ti ling was called to Wingbain . arrived in town list week and are st . . th Sea at the Porter'sHi school. oSegaS roMyLin time was opert.vted:dn for appeU4� the he a of their brotber-in4aw, Mr. .. I 'L . . . . 1. a trust good they way to doot o'n, Sunday ? Whose skirts are , nexb day � last wet to attend the fun6ral of his in . . . I No N FU NITURE 1. . . . . . The township council at its meeting ' . I dicitis. The operation Wag entirely 'pling, James Clark. I .. . I 11 I I I 'L . _� =me ithe eviv and as they come in clean,? , . I -Ti . I I - _ e" � last Week struck the rate which for t W th higher ideals Of life MAY . . . . . I.. su�ceasful and the pabienb. is Uowre� sistov, Miss Margaret Looloo � L.. I IL L . _- � . ..� I . . . townshl opposes alone is 9, 1 -IG mills, 9 1190 I W69 covering, as TAP, -ex� who died While nursing bar Sister, Mrs#. ment=Mmi�&_ -_ , I * * * . * . ' . L . I 11 DO I learn "Jind pu� into prgotise tile, proverb .&bout tWOr We" Idly as could. be I I I I . I . I ' ' . . . .. ..� . I .. . . . L ;. 8.10 mills Icag than last Year. reach- Cleanliness is next,to godliness. I given an oppOttunitY Of- A .trip Of. pected, He Will not reader much R.B.JeffreyofLondesboro. - - . . - I . I . � I I I . Mr.,Robt. Young of Goderich P L about fifty wilea to the nbrtli of this asolstarioa this harvest, thodgbo Mr. McCreath, caretaker of the ' . Out stockis complete in OV,dry I , . . . bowlipg reen, is being highly compli. Rouge Cleaning .time is at hand, L . . . lba to a very large coligregation borer on But speaking of Winnipeg# let 16 -be with it friend who was t%kin Out a . . ,- . . or d . of Cattle to a il to his L . . . Will, ; .� 'Sunday. , . remembered thilb most of the 011Y 18 8, ,few choice head 91 . . mented ?or the excellent condition of P I GN I C S land you no doubt,.require ' line, For quality a ' . * I I . . . the beab And , for Price the I ; . I 'ad . . - - I . Miss Vila Willson. of Holmesville teat surpri .. There ard--stAt,01r, bunch. of course I took It in, three of I 1. I Me lawn. , I..., something now in the ling of. I . I I I *Iaited her cousin, ?,Also Laura, Willson, guildings of the beat materIA1, beaut , its if% all, What atime w�.had, My : �L ,,The dramatio.club. appearid in 6 . Z .� ---1 . L. . . I cheapest. I .. f I . ­ I . .. . . . . . A . � . . . . this, Week. , jigPdays. � ' t Eas . I fal ijivitltg hornOS'Andparkso good friend Jack, alld. Billy as .helper, ana NoWsp#PW�;Wertisl ' � yo0a on Friday evening in. a benefit . . I � Mr. Theta. Burrows of Goderich was Street Lear djeevice and Whibil. the raya6ffi Billy started, earlier in the - . . . 1. If to the proposed hospital fund.. to a well Nd* lo.the timefor pie- I I . . . ' . I . . I . . a gue4 at Mr. Otter Willson's this work on - the, btreets bOW morning with the cattle. Jack end' I . . — , . , '. , filled house., L nicks and to proylae 06 . I . I . � I XU 13.9DI:tOOM SUITS Ve 'b&Ve . , .. . � dend Under Way is completectind-WinniPbg ter dinner with!One saddle horse Mrs. William Miller of gincardine I . ' . . tome %ecial Snaps to Offer- I . . L . . I Wi6k. Come again Tom, WeLS2 . .The manager of a B6afatf theatre, L a . . . , tastir lunch is one of the , ` L I I Dariot j%ILI'to goo them. . t Id waterworks, and its I If and her daughter Miss War were the , . I , .. I . . �t . IL � tti�otl i6boatty welcome, . with Its gpldndi I will lead MI 16 horst) andbuggy. We took turns *be, has quit using postem in order to nests last week of Mrs, 91 lorls, SlAter, L principal featurdo . . .. . I , . . . . . . . � he fattoets around here are nearly enterprising business men . in the saddle, a fact that *its plainly put the money which they., coot, fnfo�' 1; L r1l . I - . . . I . . . 'L' . I 1. _� through. harvesting, � . � . where many. of the cities Of the older evident to - me for several days , after More newopliper spaceltas given as big 2sa Dollib McLeod. - 11 I . . . I � I L D6 lers'and Und6rstakors - I . I � � I I � I. . . . province# will- be comoolled to follow, nor return,' sort of a bumped feeling, chief reason for the change tbab a man We felt we had geeur6d quite a prize 'In CANNRI)MID&TS We have some-*'' BROAD FOOL'. BOXI C0.01 Turn. Iture a. . I . I I � t�_._ , )f two -.da gin the city you know, We cAme' U? .with- the m*y look At a poster a, hundred times the other afternoon whou We called on thing that canocib fall t6 plesoo you. I 11 . .. . I I I . I . I . I . . . . After 4 stay,i Miss B. Weiton Bill, who,al,ways ,finds � ! .. . . . . I . . . UOLXESI�XLLV. " . we North Dakota cattle about, the mld4lob tha After-. ,jripassing without ever taking in Ila . -We have . . . . : .. I . . 1, -took & run down into a, niost Wol6cime retreat fto * city " , I.. ., - Jr., lvv* 4011idloyo AKIM . . . .. � N much that was of inter.': noon, they, after reovin for nboi4b ten meaning, .so bu rson takes m .. . . I ".. ..� ! . I . . "or I where we Sal . which, . rpil6o,came to a atop,,Xch they were. lifeatthe home of herlmothers, Mee. tutibil Tongue Veibl.Loaf ,: .,� 11 .. I I � , M"NrAlbtldoYand dieter of Wing- eabd'.tbousanda of aggeV of wheat on. 4Q000t - Tit Ig for.the pure,ose Of . . . I � allowed to do _of . the )Ila gaper U , - eye, has een at- HarryBell.' Misallell to her travels Cottage Loaf, Lurmb,Badori .": I � 11 '.ald6n " , . . r . liftnt 06 *181119 their unelb,' Mr. 04 , romise of almopt more than soy rea In an wheri hij - ibeen sufficiently fortunate -lucky -. - - Night and SandW. calls Answered rat TL Co. of Our, I I � W41ter ­;' � . . gave Toula.hope ,for, great -fields -Of beat, FiridingoursdIves-neAr tb_'Itho tracteN an advertisement he Will has . ' BoneaTorkey ' '! V . . et, opposite fotlfldry�, me, a - wealth shack Of A ran lukd I - e -to ,b - , . ;I 4!1eral Director, 3". W. Chialers. Kit . g'stre � � Mrs- kelt'itUd !son of Colinsville are fisic that promised lberease, of ,. cher,,0ow vve bidb re4a it Athfull. understandingo" a ems a better word �o In posses � . . . .. . towi w0decided-to leb y , slon of a fac-almille of the Log all at popular, pticoo. I I L I I visiting atT.,'LeoUard1$o- '. to the owner�and homes that appeared on, his Way to L I I � .1 [.� .. 11.1 I..''.''.''. I . ­ . ­ ... ____ � I � . Miss Solibathnotif8ummi3rhillis the tobe all .that human hearts bould. the eAtbla'jeeC14 &A test and to,halb ' , . book, owad3a ana kept by Christopher Out 340 per large battle Plakldi' '-- I . I I * "I . 61, , w ­ guest of M1611 Olivia Stara de;lr6o But tot &II such, for there are, Ourselves fbr the, night, Billy, had told Columbus. the discov4dr of Americ94 , OL beatAn. 1..' 11 I I � . . I I mat -gin . I - 1*4 R. Holin6al; Iola' W6st , Lond' I Alfred H6 m6s ,of Debr,11 is 'Visiting 09vert,Werb tO be seen the ba,trou places, Long TIM, aA the rancher was called, . L , The book is a rate proAuction of pon. earmobb I 11 I oor haroas, marks of ,poverty And of 046 we Were likely, th halt there for Do manship, It is Illustrated on Good Redi Cannea' Salmon at -ern Fair. 0 n � I , The QaafWrly seryidoes of the Motho. I loilluro. Park RIVe our desbinatibb, the night so whab did he do'but saddle , Mist4kos Happen. and uridep notes, With floWers,animals, per cahl, . .'I � I � � . I I � . I � , . � glob thur& � Were won attended , on fag reaphea And % stir big horse #And off to tbwn saying be . . , . 1. foliftf Rote is one of the I . , . . . ere with ,in � .I.*,-,- L ,8 and Sunsets, � b, , a from the 11 Log. to It is I � � I ondivy, )-o plea did ,jet witit to be - bothorM with no, . . IA6 We note We have an enticing assortment; 04' - , , Sth to 14th 1901 . do time passed quickly awiWo then a SEPTMER, . . . I Mil, Vtd&; LaOnfta Was Made hAPPY With & ecimparildor of bylegone d L 04 I - owever, he left blar aback Which Was NoWspap6rg are often called to Re' 40OVer. Partwoddysandtwonighto fo,Uoy biscuits at 150 per 16, .ob I I r I . . 0 .1 1, I Y #JL son and,heir Arriving At big home ,Atattloa on &driving tout AW&Y in al we vogrited, We, found ,A*pAdlodk .count for very hrlVIA1 mistakes which :I have not closed mine e7eh And pool. - L I I � . . 4,!;­Congr�Atalat, do, not, in fact, amount to, mistakes, main slways on ye d6cke. 1 M168 Pell If you th " I , 1, a sands long, Peg& Western part of the otAte for A, d on the door as� a sort of ceremony but lak of picnicking pall &�W . I Unt'riag dolose SepteMbor 4th Istante � I . r , 'Itorn hers 16 To illustratw : 'werito � . A AtIM& Billy, Mawr produced the key fiom a A young lady of eolor Says the original "Log?' 'book Is In a - 860 us, . N I I ft on Tues,, of eighty mile# the firat. twenty milt$ - as a servant in a, kelitle- Museum. ., I! ?'I A, home 61posiltion of genuine -New, exhibits And leading &y fol, vMauitoba) among WhOta n -and Wds 6111PIO . L . Mdohrtney, no no Foettbraba timp it NometlaiLl falrit trail out W6 came, I gates I bAd better ,,,', f,,,Ft,ed,,,kd left the position very The MISSO$[, AWAffiellat- Who I ' 6.0ractions-Lockhatta's performing Blephantsi-The Three Graces and by a fairlygo&I road, then by A Rome# Ohl k In the wall and in WO Went o,ocom. A fall stock of staple and faher . I eto .G.- "Tom Tom" the baby elephan�ssnd many other tip(lefaltiesofiihig,horder-9tt4tk(lI * , liver W111dow , .8 a(StIfit I ociolle#'whom tile nobbagjlwhy� foFfear, this should fall audd6ply, telling -her friends thAt they Pan(04 tholvi bt61:her,:.Mr, 3- Swi6fileld, groceries always kopb oii hand. t gall of China" and IcUking I . �Revo &'JW�.�Rogg&rf WIfealldfam, tbW�gh plougta and: Ato the Into t 6 hands of t - a are now via. . twl;: I fireworks displo,ine uding-ildspregentations 1% ,_,�, ­4�* ,� . l wA,ber Was so deep AS to ran I hat shack kee or, lied about her, She said that thOY AO- Arid. big Wifd to alevelall � . $ � - L L leis We, J()r'ffle to gav U-1 I n6n.ja , RITHWI , 'I. , For 042011ste, Programs, etcqapplyto I . box, thou Over the track Enough _ thM e godT. King friends In Sb, Thomas, '; -��'^ of Pekin., I Spools( trsdus over all lines each evening after fitoWotka 1� "Y " left ow� Wtdricaday for a trip to buggr It on. oused hor of stealing a pookptboolt on IdaylUg in "I 11 , ( 66r­*I&,TboAt from 06dolleli to pegir e until we found the trAll l6ading I amo 16termted In t [figs out- taining five dolh%rs And that there as mee GArrow it holl I . k,ib Wip � n't Ashbtir .1. . I t. 1, T ; I . I , lit"m �',,-- to, Dovills Lake, our Polfit, Of Ilot0b"t. glae. Bat Mail" Out the sho 1 - olily, 4.85 In It and she Just won Y, ky Now York. . . I � 11 - ' A,'N911I.q# i ,4 wo utide W34 Me,- :011111 30VIN Jim H"64t the efifilil 9 a lovelg -spot, Arter PORIV the cattle stand .itio NO80 of the Arldw,nees The ;f18'1e%'JAn64LndFr,%ftd1l# Mocks flk i LID, � , rounds we spoob & I ,- - M. QoUftore, - " , - -" "J. .0 - 'em -alk and Pic etirif the againot eat ga, tit ArWulte #A 114- of Tot . Ltid, Col. . 6 I . .0 ,� �(,, h 4T6Fsi0tN0AfftU1n0tA11I0J fi§wdo,ym,&Salidoyltieltided,kn;&bAeti- Into t 0 , -onto are the goesta of.their � I IN � . �: I . " U a4ill t 'a 016tavin-14w"Urs, 10114 Anoxt 'Ptaw4fiti, - , , 100 . rfo% 110A6 (0 ' IftUVIS "O NVAXIA I .. pwotay . I =P tot sm.- deA Pundayo '$oti knoW, TWO V60 '110840 We 1104 90116 UP 00 to *6 V 40 Of Vbt tit . - � � I � . . i " _ _ .1 . I L . 4 I . I I * I L I I . I I . . I t, L 4 .A. J- �-- -1.11 _. . . I . . I � . I I . . I , I I I . I . . . I � . . . . � I I , . -0 . . . I . 11 . ,� . I � 11 I '. . � I 1. . . . � . I . . �, .1 . . * . . I I I . . I ), I ---.-,---"",-L��---�"---,L---."�-'----L--'--�-'L-"��""'- � . . � — ­ .. ��_ - .; � 1; 0 ­�" � 111 I �� - - I' Lj__ ----.-. __ . -­'­­­­­­ . .— ___ —_,._____ _____.___'