HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-08, Page 3t HARVESTS AND ORCHARDS, ZQN0 COUATSUIPS, SOM10 of the X -041t Aemitrkablo ------ 0#4 Ine mats for a, sideboard Or toblo Are ma,do with Qk rquall white linen Centre, into which, a full trill bordor STABLE BOY TO PREXIERl THEY CURE EA01 OTHER, Of Suf,*ar, i kindl.v. They are aniniaN just it lit, c4sev on Record, Abolt 20 00M of crochot is made of fine linen Nibbq to linve m6e, had any Part fix Last year the ungrian village Of KeesIceluat. WAS take thoir niastors and t4reRd As follows: Turn the edge or the linen under uitrrowly and Catch The av0f4r#,d yearly product of aniload Vn9liAll 'cow In 2nilk butter AUU WEZQQN DOILTM FOR TAULP Analogy Between Proddction of scene of a marriage between " bridegroom of I" FAUIT VLAVORS THAT BLEND. then cover the fold with row of solid double crochet. T;sing ARQVT RAUQX WARD. SOXV AILING PEOPLE.' arid is '-Oil, Crops Growth eighty-two, arid It bride of severity- eiAlthough `tbe couple had been engaged foil fifty _catjoil of A sort of goner", claselil the, latter As a, founclation, make the first row, 8 chain, one single crochet UOrAttatic Career of AA EUS1184 130st Cure for �evoml Diseases is An Attack of Some other GROWING MAX03OLS. and of Grace, �ookrs extreme pQv- urty bad theh, the various Tkilt flavors that blend in every (19tible crochet; second $table Boy—go. Lived In The ground should bor thoroughly V prevented marriage, arid it Was Only when tile mail felt Will not PrOVQ amiss Just UOWA but rather form D, most Convenient "P- 4. laIn Centre of every 3 ch. 1001); luake ton the Trying Times. aploughed "Set and harrowQ.d. Thilt Upon w hich potatoes or corn was raised despatch 09411 Washington says-, Ing Over. your Inlirmitles for thirty that his end was near tebat )to re- solved to leave at least 1110 nottaol to Plement to, the numerous choice pre- varatiolis that have and more rows after same manner ola the second row, The article recently published on x; % microbe to4 catch it mi- crobe " is likely to become edi- 0, In the previous yea" is oreferAblQ. It darlo: loam with Yellow clay 144- Preached front yeas. -Now give One round shout itVxt:—llA1v 16 over your You say I the woman lie bad.loved so long. IIQw unprofitable it is to wait for preceded, a ready reference for the busy 'housewife kin t 11, g ho) loops olle Stitch lQuger very roNO. Starch the edge Baron Ward, the L-Inglish, stable bQy who became Prime Alintstev, has cal proverb. The cases which. led to the discovery. are very interesting, a $()if so much the better, gark, the, the buPbwidmxin."—jolja*xv. 1. yrou have It .40 hard. YOU might Will it dead mork's slices must h"vo been who wishes to substitute for fruits not lit hand, or exercise slightly arid Iron out very thor- rought is, Says the London Daily Come time ago. at Brixton, Lon- ground with drug its You Would f0X* planting Corn Ili drill rows at least -ca not 4e appropriate If Illi � ell have it worse. You wonder Why u harvest serinwi? We were nearly thIs great cold trouble keeps revolv- the experience of ii, couple who were not ago Lit Binning- her inventlye Skill Olt something oughly.' 4, tion train I interesting comxxxualct�- a.gentleman fix the City,, dqn, a lady arid ber husband Were attacked by quinsy t tile Snake three feet apart. A hAu4 drill, Ili All of tie born Ili tile country. IVt,, Ing through your soil )ike it grind- OroPpqd corn Ili the hill, four, grains ham, England.. When first betrothed they determined to little different They maly be corn- blued with t6 same palatable re4 CUESOf whose late father' while clininberlLtiii Tuscany, time. When this was at Its height and tile excellent for Sawing, whiall, Should be done Its early as tile Season will stone, turning arid tuining with black to ilia 11111; kind went Olt Saturday hand oil thQ crank. Ah i that trOu- wait until the' ""til Of the young mall's fath0l'— .ilts in inany of . the well-known fruit slitlads; permitting voirlous sub- ste of the day inclines Was OnO of Ward's closest friends and al. Patients were almost chokod by tile swelling la, the throat, the poritilt, says it practical farmer. The only fertilizing I used is to the mill,. tying the gilst In tile ble Is tile grindstone oil which you centre of tile sit Cks, so that tile Coll, "I .0 to Sharpen your sickle. To the: then In a critical state of. I Should PItice 0, SuffiLlent amount of stitutlons,. as convenience oil fancy to franking photographs and rints p wittiQut nats, bringing the fratne tgentleman has.4 jo ail- . 1. abled us to supply ome further husband got a BAD FIT OF TI1U abottt,;1.5 wagoll loads of Well-rc)#014 In tbq tents oil either side tile borse bal- fields I wake up I Take, off your lanced each other. and drovii the. eat- green spectacles, your bl.ue spec- nioiwy at, their dispos.41 to enable them to buy a i xxi 11 business. J a The mey suggest. Cranberries arid raisins colublite In delicious close against the picture, as Is done in.olls. If wats, however, are pre- facts of this strange career. Ward'.4 success WAS achieved when GOUT In his too, This. turned out a., bless- waitur which is harrowed previOus, year for potatoes. After .tie 4-4cld. our bart, feet wet with tile tile - las, your lack 4ectacles. Pull -ode proverbial creaking door, owever, it most 4avor, when used $it the proportion,, of A half4eacupful ferred. take the . pictures to the deal- the Italian principalities were the Ing In disguWe, For, As It by magLe, ]its quinsy - disappe ardil itumediately. tile seeds tire fairly tip I 00 througil thojjdlof�wjth the c9xilmou A-hoir- dew; and I the horses with tile up the Corners of. your mouth its far 32,alter to thek brook until we fell cift-, You thent down. TO ilia hung long upon Its hinges, find it Wit$ not until thirty-nixto years hold of roxisixis to one quart of cranber- ers arid tr each mat oil cacti PIC,- tulle, ' never trustixig to chance, or hotbeds - of intrige—French, Aus- trian, Papal and Piedinontese— Lind Thp Ife,s quinsy allowed no signs . row, repeating this As Often As Once as pull ,and hunted the inow for nests until fields I Ueu . Of Reap I elapsed that the old man's decease ries. RitistrIs and nice tart apples a, mellow toothsome flalvor, anytbing but actual experiment, it Was undoubtedly bocaugo %big Ot abatement, but ran the Usual vourse, t hus prOving that tile it week until large enough, to use the- cultivator. This I use frequent- e cupants Went cuck-: The Saviour folds it lamb . lit Ills �Irxg away. Ili Bible times the land bosom. The little childl filled all enabled them to make an ap licit- P tion to '" clergyman to up the ,yield while ,upon the, pineapple we inity Artists lily arictilly do. this alust You. . Cullsider. tile color of tile prilits rough I'malishmark could neithqr be bought not- bluffed tliat Charles gout, in her husband's case, cured tile ly, always exercisin r his 10. Was so plentiful and the Inhabitants tile house With her music, and her SO few that Noah was right when lie banns. The abduction of eligible recruits ring a great variety of changes. P ap a arid orange, let- instance; '!"a PI themselves arya ilia color of tile wans al which they are to bang. Tile Louis reposed so much confidence Ili him But Ills earliest merit Was that At South Kensington th ere lived work hall be (tone before o'clock in the morning, as the dew Which tos are catter (I It tip it o' Q a a,4 (I wit ggve to every lilhatlitnt a certaiii the stalra just as 'she left them. was often put into requisition to p n d lialia, pine App a file le ppl, 4. lexuan; banana culd lernoll; simplicities are always to, be pre- OUPOrsorial eleanllness.und smart- tt lady who suffered so severely from 0'yspopsilt that she was on tile point has formed during the pi -civious night contains xxluch ammonia arid oxygen, portion of land. that land, if culti- What It the hand that plucked fauv- swell the ranks of Frederick of Prus- pineipple, banana, arid lenion; hall. Served, arid no frame ought to dis- )less. 110 had gone to Austria at the of -losing her reason. Doctor after thereby ff4ving the little plants. the vated, over titter to, be lite Own pos- O'Clocks out of the garden Is still ? Session. AIL classes of people were $lit's glant Grenadiers, Almost oil the eye of his wedlitng was Terrance ana, and orange, baucium, leirion and tract Attention from the picture It- sell. age of 3.4 to take some horses to Prince Aloys Lichomstein, arid foltir doctor tried his hand, but witaut benefit of these illiparta,xit Plant It Will wave In the eternat triumph. expected to cultivate ground except NViat it the voice that ,,tide IlluSIQ Flynn, it stalwart Irishman, kid- arangb. Raspberries and currents, two aa years titter, fix 1827, entered Duke. v rill. But one da the patient de- veloped eczema oil the back of tile foods by inixing them with tile soil. All other crops requiring such. care tininisters of religion. This wav tile rule Ili regard to the iii the home Is still ? She will Sing tile eternal licisanna. Put a white "Thou napped by craft arid Constrained tO Join that celebrated regAillont Dur- :Parts of the farmer to one of the latter, blend delightfully, and,there SOME ASTONISHING OASES, Charles' service - as undergrooin. Thence lie was promoted, fox, the rccx�, neck. Fxthe first time in tart years She fOlt hungry, lite a dinner, Should receive It at this time of day, The thinning out to three to six Ili- culture of the ground: Shalt 080 hI rose fit one hand, arid a roki r part plough with tin ox and an ciss t, I, hand, wr Ing thirty ears of virtual bandage be, contrived at Intervala to let his 'is, a perfect harmorly In red raspberry and lemon. Strawberries, so deli- sons mentioned,, to be )its valet,and then mallater ofthe horse, being sent good arid felt (julte free froax ilia dyspep- slao. -When Chas apart, according to r4ohness of Sol ox. when thol.plants, II, be don and a e Cath of together," illustrating the folly of Other orange, blossoms ail the b ever putting Intelligent fill(] ' useful. row—the fiancee know that his heart was still al hers, and when at length, I con, cious in themselves, form delec.table basis PABTOTJS xnX WI -10 NEVER to. England every year to puqhase: horses. the oczerml, disappeared, h9weve 11, tile Indigestion returned. should are � to I In. !I-, diameter, Al ter 'Out arid pliable mail ill. as'spelation with wliite flower for the victory, the red fl6wer for the avlour's sacrifico, the triving to reach )Its native land, lie compounds when used as A. with following additions: 'notably XET ONE ANOTHER. 1501V WARD GOT ON TO THINGS. tater oil ilia eczema Came back, and the Indigestion want. -And the two tile weeds are once pulled but I hoeing is necessary as most Of the stubborn wid the unwieldy. The vast majority of trouble Ili tile orange blossom for her inni,riage cloy, I found that she, too, had been faith- full the logg-postponed ceremony with orange-, pleasing with 16moll when sweet strawberries are -used; Duke Charles Lois had beeti in his diseases have continued to keep at -ittle the work can be done with the culti- I churches lijid in tire ref 0 Anything g.linstly about tliat ? Oli, Ill- I The $tin went down arid the no was celebrated. while strawberries with vanilla yield Lb,d Salisbury 2Kas'Ne ver Spoken to' Mr. cradle selected King of Etruria, . a brand this see-skv up -to clate: . 011010ra, is another Cure for chron- vator. If frost is likely to, come early, )rIllatory stitutions carries from. the disregard of this coinniand of ilia Lord: llpwer shut. The wheat threshed Though a fifteen years' engage- t I comparativel short, the cIr- 'men, is a peculiarly delightful fitivor diflicu it to analyze, strawl?erries, John Xorley-7Curiclus Cases'. new kingdom whicli NAP01001 1. curved out of ilia old Duchy of :ic dpepsiu., -X gentleman lives In they call be pulled down and thrown ililes, � shalt not plough with ail ox arid all .Out of thp "Door Lord, give ass together:', There were larg6 sixiiI the dying' boy, the cuiristances attendant thereon Ili the Cincinnati it pineapples, bananas, lernons Lind sweet Florida � t Tuscany. Paul, ear later it was swallowed up fit the French Kingdom North London who liad to give �up ,is hits 1116SS, SO1110 years agO, Owing ill as they will not Aiot enclure very much freezinj while grolwing. . an-ounts of proporty Invested fit cat- "Oil of no of my elden. Case Of it couple.niuko worthy of note. Their long prob[L- oranges, all in one, combine Ili Ills- cious effect Ii titne be them. to V911 it Would not, as' 4 Ina- -V at this thnil be n6cessItI. at Italy. and Charles Louis wix.% left I to tl-Ae terrible stato of Ills storackell, Ile Cut oil the top, 111 handling do not break ilia bruise tle. The 1%folibites paid over one Lord, give -lie lwclosel his eyes and awoke ill glory. t!Gli is due, not to any bieelbion or given blend in one harinonius whole. . of day to introduce. Ur. Chaxxkborm; it" Infant witl­'t a throne. When happened to go to Hamburg When Cholera Skin or otherwise them tiny more than can Possibly be hundred thousand s4eep oxq ail annual tax. ob had seven thousand sheep, I have one more thought to pre- dilatoriness oil.. their part, but tO their having never during tile whole 10herries blend with Maraschino al,. Nqyau; they�also blend with Iftin to LQrd Salisbury, 4b ceremonial V i allixost'as illciedi6le would have been tile Pence came in 1814 and NaPole011 was crushed, all the Bourbons canio : WAS RAGING IN THAT avoided, as this injures their keep- Ing ' Store in dark,. three thousand cainels, five hundred sent. I have Spoken of the plough- space of' fifteen, ypaxs been out of pine- apple if tile juice from a call of pine- indispensable a few �yeikrs. ago, Says In foi- something, arid Charleli%LQuis city; arid lie was stricken by the dt- quitiltiefi. part of the cellar free fj t ,am any possibill y yoke of oxen. Tile time of vintage Ing; Of the.sowing, of the harrow- Ing,. Of' the reapilig. I axiist now prison Lit the. saino time, apple be added to ono'cluart, of Char- POnciloll's Weekly. If tile. late Was Made King of' Lucca, a state sease.- Ile Pulled through, and fQund I -be was usberod Ili with inirth and music. The clusters of tile vine were Put in- P eak a nioinent . of Thogh Miss was efigaged slic� was lath, by being wed, to fore- ries, and this frozen c circling �o re- a a ceipes for frozen fruits it will Parnell, for instance, bad'encounter- ad Lord Salisbury Ili 'private life which had been formed of tile tarri- tortes of Napoleon's sisters. - Be- when recovered, that ]its dys . pep- Sia. had gone, Since then he has Tha stock to which I feed mangels to tile wine press and then five mail THE go the ardent letters Which she Ile- please tile most exacting taste. 110 wotild hav?. -required a. formal in- sides, this lie received it pension'froin be6n lit perfect health, Lind says lie are more especially cows giving milk arid young cattle. Ili bctlj instances. would got into the press arid traxxipl� out the juice from the grape until Where. is -the - garner? 'Need I tell . calved froxii. her lover,'who too was I ulwilling to Stara tire tide' of his ries, blueberri as cir.grapois Will never disagree with tile lemon, neither will troductfoll to the Premier, for these two great 'Political' leaders never Spain, and he was. given it charge ou, the revenues of: Tuscany - to comperi- Could (ifgest horses' ho6fs, or even boarding-liouse roott be6f. I got most excellent -reslilt,' TO e6dli cow I eight (liftirts of the cut' their garments were saturated -with YOU? Ohl' no, so mr kily IIELvO 901101fiancee :own Is as U a amprous .epistl . So i ir pear, a' - quine pftjcap� pple at a; peai inet Difficult as tile faCt is. to be. sate him for lils-loss of the Kingdom But much more scrimis ailluen ts give mangels thi -cc or four tione during the wine, and they �ecctxxxe the, eat- out from your circle—yea, from engagement continued, while tile car- . pie and cherries; chree delight l' s n IIOVQ it is und oubtedly true. For of riltruria. The Archduchess Mailic than dyspepsia ha,ve hart by the week. About -half this amount blems of slaughter, Christ himself YOur own family, that you hiLve had respiandence . if it III time last its' one, never disappoint; arid for am- sixteen years Mr. Parnell was, a ran- Louise of All stria, Widow of I . Xctpol� other diseases, and so succe�sful are - is suflicient Jor young Cattle, Give wounded until , covered . with- the youi, eye ork that garner for many rx! * passionate e;vor, - grew ever more brosial effect lit the Way of, a tutti- spicuous inember of the- I -louse of eon L. had been provided for with oner oil two Of:these, strange reine- to the animals. Just wateriAg, blood ,of crucifletion, making use of Ye ail. 1VIiat hard time some of essential t6 . their happiness, Years frutti. of enridied fruits you may add Coninions. Yet during the. whole of the Duch of Parma, and it was fur- . dies that they are.being used Ili. Ger- .41ter During,00 live years lit which I have this allusion. When.'tho question them hotd. In Getlisenianes, of sluf- passed; thoiy:. ceased to be layers, to a pure, sweetened, 'frozen i -cam, that time Lord Salisbury not onI y ther decided that on )ter dQatli Char- �Lucca many Lit tile preent moment. T)ie the)jk I have noted a incirkod refore art their red fering they sweat great Was asked: "Who drOPs Of and, Would 'doubtless have died- imus cherrle,9, strawberribs, apricots, an- did' not speak to him, but uever )as, Louis should surren ' der to German dbetor has added ta,h,sigitown. healthfulness Ili my stock and art lit- .-j3nd, thy g6rmentS, blood. They took the trel lit thine apparel abling cup It" it Put it to their. hot lips and wed, had -not the lady:ln her decli4- :gelica, pears, Chinese*oranges and a 'P'erfeqt Once 'saw Wall -We have the states- Tuscany and suedeed to Parma. , He beautiful STL- pharinacopoeia. the poisons of ty' aid ; ph fever, and erysipelas. Of lie crease lit the quantity .Of mill, pro.- Ilke one who treadeth-the wine vat?" "If Ing years'- experienced a reverse 9f little candied ginger. -With Wall's Owki words ter ihis, given in married a princess of course, cluced. For young': cattle they are he responded: "I )lave trodden tile Cried, it.be possible let this cup fortune, which determined her be- harmany.of flavor you, may- combine a public speech. a littid while before Vo, and when Ward catered his act-- uses them most carefully, gives he most. excellent. wine press alone!" pass frm tile ' Pursued calid hound- 'remark, trothed to ful fit tile promise he had sultanas - tigs, dates and citron Ili �he Irish letler died. Tile fixct is vice Lucca was'the pleasure resort smallest possible dose, watches how In the first place I In ad - arid crushe'd, with tongues Of made nearly half it century before. the sa;!; way, it Cut fine, and add one- of t I he m-ost remarkable Ili the of nearly all the continental, 4-oyal- It acts, arid keeps it -under strict HOGS, grace as Ili the fields there burning agany they cried: "O Lord, Sixty years' ago JIhn 111cir -three also, if you wish, mits.and shredded history of public lite. StuallL tleg. In its but 1501liant court control, I . As Park products. ak�e ninlanding -co MUST BE A PLOUGHING.. .. deli-�qr irly,soul. But they got ever wbich -call -it. Tey 411 got over 'It. Garner�-; gan 4 young milix of twenty-two, Who kept a.,drugo.,storeln New York, rill cocoa t Arost,of us.'havo the idea that at tile majority Ward, whose English always retain- 'ad traces, of.hisrustic origin, picked, xT all Used With. ]proper- CL d judg- a inent, typhoid, fever Call be'ruade to -s than be ter price for, several 'years, t I That theologians con- ad a ed away.. Thir, � viction is only tile p1puglishare turn- let" te r 'I burd lift-�'teen.. became. engaged to a I girl of Seven- STIC of our public and elainent men al;. personally, known up the manners of the polished woiild: cure diabetes. It 1*15 SUPP65ed L .11lat ik -will be to the Interests of'farmqrs keeping. cows, and especially where abottif heir ons in up thu'sins that have.beeii root- id.d- The Couple wer - ambitious RECIPES, this quit a with amazing rapidity. Ills Italidh the,typhold bacillus eats ll-,thd su- there is OL supply of milk the yeav ad, 0 I lie Lord of the ad arid xxiatted Ili the Soul. A farm- nordd T to his indblerif Son: "There harvest will not allow those Sheaves ilas Johni's. bsi- lit' sanguine,' an ,less promised well; made a vow to Spiced 136ef.—Take from four to 'beef for aranted.wen, the notabilities are occupied. with 'similar lite Ifiter- and aristocrat! Wils' foxultless c� and, lie Spoke French 'And Germa.11 Rqent-7 gar, arid: causes 0 S -'Ile nlyster4clus chanke which prevents tile waste of eourid, to pay knore attention to er said are ali'ndred dollafs buried, deep Ili 'to peAsh.in the equinox, Garnered! wait urit.11--he had. . rmt-cle. $25,,000. I,, pounds of from the, middle Cut of the shin, Wash. It, -pick OLT oSts and foll6w thei-k pursuits al- ly, any. more, of ill is, sub, stall Cc. I `lypho keeping Swine.. As nOW 21101-P. than farmerly,- light that field."' The soli went to work- S9MC of6us remember on the farm u and ploughed the field froxalenice'to tha.the s,hea�ves were put on'the top Then trad4 iell off arid, though lie. tried I Ile hand at mti� things, the freigmehts of bone and'. cut away ittly is nkost� side by:side But to thfnk .90 is"to be often very DIPLOMATIST A" 3ARON.,, Gradually tllc.extravagan�"of the a ' id fever alsa cur ' es AN EXHAUSTING DISEASI�, el -a more Ili request thail w glit licigs'art heavy ones, it becomes Possible with the fence, and lie ploughed it very,daep;* of tile ra,ek which surinountdol requisite sum -seemed as far off as Part that not sweet . and clean. Cut: into `,sev6ral pigdeql put ill a wide of ilia mark. There Arle Several. Grand Duke *as hurrying him 6 a' Called l6ucacythitexrxia, 'Tilis arlses good ixtanagemea 'to iiiise arid fat-., and then complained that he Iuk:d wagon, and these. sheaws,wdre-Piled. found ilia ill' hn e higher and higher,. arid after I it while; ever, Until tW6'yectrs'sjnce a, lucky' speculaticin placod'it at his disposal kettle Cover with. boiling Witter. eases abnost as'renidrkable as:th at Of Lord !§allsbury arid Mr, P crisis *fill his.Council, and � that. -Ili from. tile presence. of too many w hite. Ili. the blood..', When �f pigs in one tell two broods a year, they'will bo� not crop had been gathered cld sold for tl '1ioises,,6toxrtQc1 for the barn, andii'lle 'arid. folloviing week he niarried. hi� it .� ca Skim %s xnes to a, boil; then. simmer until the meatjoills't'o pieces people will believe, , for dinergeac, Wilerl' discontent .Was everywhere. around, Wa rd Pro a sed corpuscles ill . 0 typhoid germs. enter the blood these as -at six mokiths old , '17�axdy foil market and cx��goad pricco. a hundred dollars more than any. these sheaves -swayed to fro in flarldee, whom' he )lad courted -for . . : 'sixty and. the. liquor is-;.iecluced to lialf cc example, thra Gladston never I ne op . tilat tile lielp of.tlib Duke's Austrian White corpuselbs make instant war �Tlkis will allow of a good -number -previous Year, then tire young mail the" wind. and tile Old w4gon creak- meant when lie said there as ", hun- -e- d, arid -the -liorscis gavil 'xi-st,ruggle civet, years, plxit.� Remove tile meat, season. the liqor highly wlth� 'dpper,, salt, sage P j.9p9ke. to LOrd, Melbourne?. Yet., this is an L"Issured. truth. .. rotation lt�,was' I 8 should be :secured it peiijoup cmbassy:jn that oil iticull and flipeasualty lists' are so heavy that tha�. patient is- rid of. al pigs being grown and fatterred. with a, inadel"ate-kged dair Y. " I . :. .., I., :Ill. that 4nd pulled so hard tbe liarheis came dred dollars buried doW .1 up in loops of leather onAheir'bacic, —a— and thyme, -iLdd- it to the meat anol FOR OVER TWELVE YEARS secret Coxrsj�iracy arid intrigue, but both enemies. 'anyone. I I . I . ' To, jo.ike the business, most pr,ofit- -should field. J)eeo ploughing.'for, a..'crQp- Deep ploughing foil A.soul�..,:Ile who ,arid' that when ilia front Wheal 'THEI ORtPla GOLD. W - until the meat IS. all mix ith a. f6rk al, a br 'oil: -Place in brick -loaf - thCS6 two . men were, iii. Parlianiefit, lie agreed to go- and so 4(blilrable was t lie repor� which lie drew up: (in Wbark, is afflicted With rheumatism,. nothing better. -could able, bi�ood sows be kept oil: the farin and -the pi gs.raied for use, makes, light of sin will never, amount. I struck- the eldvotted flo6r; of'thdbarn, . pan drid-Oharr Cold slice thinly-.. .Nice for ar y life together, cheak by jowl, :its Germall) On the Briances of Lucca hlippe4 to him thiin toget,an: at`� thus the Cost L Of buying_ be -L 'ch enied ap. if the lo4d. w6uld -go'no to anything Ili tile �Ikul ol� Ili the.1 it so Additioins 'Been. allone it were. But tiley ever spoke. tO that lie quite wait over theArcholuke tack- of typlioidlo�vbr. Inumerale ,ides -liaving such bieetlsi.as are. best world. If a mail ipeaks'ol sill its.1farther, until tile i,�okkrnexk gae. - a �'hQkxt, last That Have Made Quick, read. --7Uhdxpoeted company :rkaer the -it. Ferdinand -lit 'Vienna, and secured.in. . Cases are .oil record.where, people f al- the j.urpose.., though it wei,c ail ina6curacy OI,L L it great and .6an ,with one jinistake : instead of thil tremendou. strain. the horses pulled It In Recent Years.. sometimes. decimates the Of; ciplained I fact arid Can. be Put. clorn, to"a curious chance of .1843 the I n, onetary. arid, Other sIp port Which'hig , SP onclibrift 'xxjxkst�r crippled -by most painful rl�euxxitism hae.beert'perfectly cured by -typhoid. lyhere Lit sow proves to be it. ooh mother, gentle arid easIly:.xn&naqed,-. -tianing!i1i theload, Then the�r were unhar- abominable, consuming Lind di God hatcs�that man I nesged, arid forkftil after foikful �.bf Wild aratual meeting Of the Royal' Statistical'Soclety was eld oil Tues-' bilead'so reAs thtit the not . enough,io last over Sundaly. Where short. bis- f te. strange. .113lit'it IS wonderfully .'It is n,dt 'nearly so - �lxrprfrng to, needed. It was for this advice' that lie Bar -9n -Wird; lie It lins" ,dried'up many . festering, s6res over'wlifch -. anii�cptia droiss- it will be best tb.lceep 'her 'raising Pigs -its long its ilhe will do well, kl� thing that will neveryield. %. I fell' into .'the irlow. O'iny iaf.vc?st cif'usefu clay ill the roonlA, AdqIP`hx.,Te rrace, London cults ard not appreciated its a .sub- sfitute; try this recipe: . Scald one .', know that Vir, Gladstoe never' saw was nictole and 0 r ' f finance. Ills s on became ministe a ' ings. held, no 'influence; it has causocl this I' preferable" a frequiprit cha nges, s t friends, Our gethIg into. heaven may 'be very.� liaxd -pullj but Lord Av6bury Presiding, Says the London 111clegraph. cupi 'at . milk. and put.it 'Into it large Prince Dismarck,. Wast people, how- ever f-haxid, 'that those would say erearie s- r fessod to see in p 0 his arbi- ilia absorption arid disappearance of . 'ilia will. bring two - litters Ili 4 - the The difficult. with a great a ljull,. a, isthat they only these silieaves arC bound 'to go Ili. .-Aftex- ard 6 ppa, per,was read by' Wynif4rd bowl' cniaining half a clihspooinful I of tivo,grectC me.- met'a hundred.tirnes trarlIv lowering . tllje..�rlco -of: earn,, Als the tuniors,. and may et be turned, to accaunt'irt the trexttment of cancer.. year,, and when. not nursin g pigl*� can. be quiteche"Ply kept. polople are ub-. The. Lot ed i%,ith Conviction when the 3 -d of *the 'Ittio-VoSst )Ills prom- 1-Tooper Oil 'The Meant Gold Pro- duction Woild "I' t', ha f sal . I lespoonf I butte' a tab u r., Wheri ihe.milk is - lukewarin. *add one ill it ie course of their lives, knew. and piirtial.�tipudlatloxk of debt Of Lucca, signs of popalarity� It has cured maiiy 4 1 4ksois of.oical- pigs . - are raised Ili I cold'We I a- soil plough of God's truth ought to jS0d it, I see tile, load at last com- deal, of tile I'll''WhiCh Ile yeast: cake dissolvoct'in one-third'eup niarck really so. little. of the English t that',ho,usially hunting but it is C16ar thaille need sulnPtioll. . Ilut � its . most sUce.es,"ful 'affected that* It will be necessary to -provide - be put in -up to the bealn.. gymord Ing to'th Of the li'eavenlv gola- gs t all Sabbath-schbol The'slicaves of , tile -Clk�iftiaix 1.4oul geve a. statement -of. that.. production Ili 'five yearly perfods since tile. year of,Iukew.a:rni Witter, then stir in'flour st" esman spoke.of. gint as. "Professoc.1 " fox. 1eiornk. wits urgentj and Ward Was not. afraid to withstand the Mob. cures' )lave been in'- the lun- Mtic licsylum'. For a., long time it warm., oll Comfortable quarters, h. . .1 riiishect. therit'... and w ere -these .are fix 0 all parents, t6 all . Chri - stiau:workurs: sway.to arid, fro itf the wiltol'of i851 shawing the value of. the miu- until it Is stiff enough. to'kpep, its shape when sinootildd over with it . To give one more.straiige -case, front' when it. wag necessary. has been known to as luniphysicians, y Should be lie. trouble with holn.' - 'Plough deepi -Plough deep, And if death, -and ilia old body creaks un- oiral�wcin, aCcordhig;tc,'th.e'various knife. Cov er, Set it in a: Varin tj.1C;WorI.d of politics,- Lo�d YORKSHIRE GRIT. that the - most vlolent . Mania sub- With jin - clghtebii�dow daii-y a sow ridards.of valuation. .After In your owl' perstinai- experience you, der tile lead, and.as the loa strikes Act 're- are apt to take tit lenient vILw of -tile the floor of the celc�tial gaimer ' it mai'l-ing, Oa. the. Way Ili whicli.`tliat _ place'and.let it rise until it, doubles abaut'oxie py has never spoken.,to , Mr John Morley. This silence, of L;oullse The year of revaiution,..1843;.'gave sides wljaj� tile pIltialit gets ollic vere be (lily -disease. Cholera, er should bring enough Pigs f6r the',use* of the.farm and sometirlics: InOre, 'fly sinful side of your natur-Q, Pilt (ION'ru. owins its if It call go no fartlier , It valucitiaii had fluettiated, - and oil 'ilia Its bulle, and a -half hurst-cl, ,Ili Cut. it down, , p,, into it 'Oaf:wlt"- may be broke at any' time, but it haii been.. Whi ail anxious time, but lie did al'" and IyOiold fever -are - eppe The pigs should be weaned. at of Old, fact on.skituralik. beside yo'ur s�)ul thoi ton c6minaild- is the Idst struggle until tile voices. 'angels affect which inoilern. Improved mcth--�; ouit'knecoling, leti-it rise.again until,ta. undbubtedly pr�scrvecl. up 'file not fillich, Tile Archduches, died, ly eff6etuah' .,This knowhadg.0 iiil now I . week,i Lind then =ents -which.boomed froxii the.,Lrtil-, of aind the voice of 6ui do;- Oils would, be. likely to have fit the it doubles its bulk arid bake about it,, present, Printe brinistei Duke Charles Louis succeeded to the being: turneol'to c Colin t, �iiiid when an d butternWk frojaAhe dixtry, qolu-� leried mount,' %rid study, the. holiness parted kIndred,..tuid thc- wele.Ornint gold �Iqlcls where m large amount of. �. forty Ininixtes. bois only onte or. twice been. seen oil throne of Pat,.iuct, arid AVckvd with. it *df all drugs, moral infliience, arid tile Indlicing -,con with, a. ..small. of God, and before you get through, Yolce,pf God shall give 'it shout that. stuff even of inforl'or grade, was. like- 'Ithe floor of tile House.6f Commons. staff clorks. want to oil- as I) llipdt 9 redt lie6ler 'Pime have lailecil' the. grain -feed, Increasing it as the jjig the team with: flaming ndsUjis will hall Send in the. harva��t'rolljxxg in-' nied and to tile eternill tritfinpli, while. Lill -up be harnessed to -the Sharpe ly to be available, he showed'theout- Put 'Of 'go' last' tweniy Id' during � tile the to- 11 . Iatoeq, - 01100shig, gooil solid ripe. . . Tie wrt; likernbex; of. tile- Lowe Housd as 'Lord Robe'rt. Ceell befbre tiAry to Florence to arrange.for the Itransfer.of Lifecti to Tuscany,. The' patient Is given d dose of typhoid ba,614. . in, -few days his madn' ass. older. ' T14 idea is to kb' grow ep owl them healthy'and hearty_'gr rig glittering Coulter that will turn up and -down. the sky the cry is heard -. ilia deepest detithn- Mirvest horne! Ha -vest home. �F()ars,'clamlfYixig it accgroliuTjotbe countries of its origin.: roxxi�this. ories, by scaldil 1g.."d 0ecling', cut in pieces ax.rd till t.he'jars.with. the solid . 3.868, but lie has never been. observ- d in lie Peers' Gallery� This is. it t Grand DukLi bf, Tuscany tried.to get ldnv to -enter his service. -No," said begins to'facle. . away. -And by the time lie is well enough.. t leave lit 0 a and, fattening at the s[Line.. tJme4 Al Iddlings re.the best until within a your soul to plough up to tile Cros. Alin not Lit -ad thitt. -sit: it appeal -..of tile five gi part �of the to.airttoi,. list out, the wing Screw tile the -ecord ... - I nitself. -ty I di the Yorkshireintin, "int e. before , bad, lie is -perfectly sane. once more. month ol.' sWeeks' before disposing either arid of ilia horizontnI piece of ,ftlio cron.i. but.at the upright pti-TP, XING AND A9D,'rkAPZ, gold , producing areas, only Rio sixt seemed not: progressive, The author. juice., caps on calls Without rlibbeys, have it a wa.5h boil- Aloolbrii history coil a tallis two or t1iree ast6nisbing. cases*. al foxhlou§ 1. Show ingratitude to mY,dear Duke, who., raised lite front rcihing, Lind But,, -tholigh. the cure is ofteii Oar- .;� manant,' it sometimes is effective. of them, when. cornmeal Should bt fed With the rhilit to give thlon . e at the ceutro.of it-m4he heart.0i aillritied that,; 'WhatQver,- the *arid'.-, �er ready with sirips of -wocid oil itie liken who never inet � one. another, or 9 avelue, titles and honors which I 9xily for a1ew weeks or days. good finish. Son of God who bore yaui� sin,4 Lind k inight,'have. be6n'.tbare Could have been -material bottom, or, what is better, it cited Wooden. bottom. Set the Cans if they me)net a-, strangers call only,try to preserve. The lower Ersipelas holds the next lace toi At I the pigs Should' six 111021ths oil Igh two hundred 0 und live' tin )nade satisfaCtibil. ' Crying . d. What Edward VIL Can Do and weeping will not bring. you- through. 'What He' Can 'Not!D6. -no vadditions to it uniiii, lit aft. -events,. within Itfie, ill I the boiler not tlienijo . NEL8bN AND . WELL�NG'T. ON . ill a Duke of closer Will I. stick to it is liard. to tvr.,I;Oid fever, and it is often' u�e a by doctors as a remedy becituse of el p . . I I eight. Thcgrain� feed will cost M'Hiin hath God exeilt. ad to be it' last five Yeltrs andprobably till with- touch Rach other, 1111 With cold Witter met only once, arid oil that occasion ve a.man who, could. act *arid belie* the east' witli li�bl..cft n . carly $2 each, arid the balanc6`xnay prince arid a Saviour. to Tile fiig oil England may not leave tile confines of the 1jinpire IT, tile lk;st, live Yeats only, but that every till bout fhree�qtxarters up the sides of ,.the cans, arid. boil ail hour and a the other. The - had y talk like, that was merely, as some IT CAN BE L IONROLLED.. be credited to the Inlik froon the dairy. pentance." Oil, . plough up to tile, . without beffig accompanied by a theie was, probability of a ina� tprial addition being within half, reckoning he.thrie train that encountered one another quite. by clitiacelit Lord Bathurst's wititing- Italian writers liave. alfege,ol, ail illm- competent jockey' who muintained Ery4ipalas has 'cured the worst 'Where it �can be done 'it would be' cross. I Minister or 8tate.. Tire 069tcillw Of reniark, In grace, 0;: In - . tho State itself, might , Nvell depend .ruade the net five or ' - years. of 1870 to 1885, at which boiling actuall beiiiis, The contents Of eacil ca�n Will have roorn,. arid. there entered into Casua conversation. It is very liltdrestiii' 9 -his power by big knowledge of disre- court secrets. form of cezeme, of thirty ears' s�txndixkg. This IS a wonderful feat, better -to have thal brood 13ows. run cut oil the ground'during Warta. wea- the field there ''. on In-4tant action, for Instance, 411 )TIUST BE A SOWINCI.;. invasion %r, Hooper that, assuming shrunk it little; fill ill) ftom:ono jar.' AlOistcn the rubbers in'the. Juice, to know that each of them after, putable . baron Ward'§ weotk 'and nerveiess for*.eezdma, Is one Of the rapst in- ther. ,the ainount of inariure that. train army of might suddenly ap- Ili the autimmal wetI, oil, ' find por aill: . off the coast of England, : in the requiriltilanis,of the arts -and of the coinage 'to be, say, -Z20,000,000 , put on arid seal quickly, There is wards Irecorded the fact that lie thought. the otbav " no colunlOn ibilister Was in'dihger ;,,i Parina, and Sent for him Ili llaste4 Riding, alone tractable at diseases.. But erysipelas Wbrks' greater wonders. It has been call be made the progerly .at rk h: I it f ate eie one sow, it p a ty a in . r- the fariner going acmss tile 1101d at which ca." 'it Would, be necess . ary to a year, there bould not have been ad- no question of their keeping. if pro-. mail across tile' Appenhics, he.was�c ap- kriown to cure cancer, to cure lupus, Jai for thu purpose is art item war- a stride of ltbo'ut t,�%,exkty-three Inches . call out tho militlik. This could 716t puts his ]land be done legally without ilia sl and at eveiT stride; lie gna- deal Olt balan 66,. to ilia stock of gold more than, say, �4:1,000,000 a, part . done; and yOtt 114VO'your to- y matoes in glassinstead of tin'. The Duke- of. Wallington, never'saw Napoleon. 1 o opposed Jilin at the tured by it hand of Italian revolu- living 'a life find many kinds of Skin di4eases. it ha4.permanontly cured epilepsy, and thy of the most careful attention, aiid will go far toward paking for l k oftgrafn* arid lie sprink- ture of ilia, King. Therefore It Is ye4r, .a,. z15,00D,,000 ill thc fifteen years head of ilia British aviny for six tioni.4ts who wc?e of brigandage fit the niountains. ,Who has removed a palypus from it 111an's the Care bastowed on this Ichid. of les it' over the field. It look'silly Provided that it responsible Minister comprised lit that perlocl.* Since ITOUSE HOLD HINTS. years, but iiairci* met; bts 917011,t'all-� Live . you?", the.V. 'asked. I am nose. stock. to a mail who, does not know. whi.ti, of State shall accompany- tile King 18135 there had been an lxicreasqd I tagonist, Even at Waterloo the biLt-;. Ward," he replied as coolly as ever. it w6uld be supposed that nothing lie is doing. He is doing LL ver,V ha- whol�evor. lie. may go, to present output, tire average rising.to In suminer-time, try fojdl�g Sheets, ti�i was lost and won without 'the Well, you ,level, did us any harm .road c6uld be Said ofinifluenza. But GREEN F EDE D FOIL HORSES_ portant work. Ile Is scattering tile emergency Acts of Parliament tO ' 366,000 a, year'during the 4ec"do tablecloths and.pillow-cases And runl: Icaders of the strife once coming they saidl; 11koin peac6,"' Hft.repre the Wretched microbe of this disease It require-; no -special powers of ch- vrinter grain, . arid the'sn6vit lilay 'him for signature, 1886 to 1895. . This stakxd-� fact, ning them through the in- clio5sc enough to see One another, - sented nxonarcli��, they tile. abolute sonletrin,es makes compenaadofi. fat- servation to note the fact that hors- come. but.1he noixtycrip there Will be No mattel, hOw tired tile : X11119 Of Ing' alone, would suggest that stead of lrcxxing� -Publid life Is fult, of mysteries' W won -a revolutionists, -but they lit the injur-he (toes. -.In fact..he 16 a as require more succulent or green, op. Now, that 14 what We it great cr England might grow Of Ills I-C&POn-, during, this period there was added Profuse Perspiration Is very bad a kind similar,to these' What nine- Thornas Ward a, ical man, 111clist powerful curative agent at . and loss carlionaccous 400ds during are doing when we are -preaching the sibilitles, be could not abollcato. to stock sbme - Z031600,000, �But for the hall-, so In warin weather -it ty-Ilillo -People 6ut of cc hundred con- times. A )jtdy who. houl. Consulted ilia summer months. thark. when the gospel, when, We are Ndhttering the' There I no pmcedo.xxt tot, such an .4 ' MI., Hooper argued that -00,000,000 C§t. to go Without a hat as mile Is b 1), sider must h,Vc inevitably happened, MAKER OP PRINCEM the cloctors in . London for severe cofd weather makes the consumption seed. It is the - foollslifless of action, arid, as is .well known, pre- on the other side of the account for� as possible nd when one lawarn it Ili a Surprising number of csiges'nev- jVheft he reached Pitroxia, Ward had chronic'catarrh got a.bad'attack'of of starolky feeds necessary in order preao?hing, . but. it'is winter* - grain, redent Is ail Important factor lit tile WQar and tear arid tile demands of shottld* be light' Ili weight and.well or'lla-Ppened at all! Is it easily . not only to deal With the revOlu- Influenza it COuPle Of years back, and . to keep up tile treat of the body. I and though the snows of worldliness British (lovernment, : the arts, wptild be too small to fig-, von tilated. dible. fat, Instance; that the late tionar socie�ies, but with the tire- Olt the very d ay of tile atfack ilia You %Vill n6tica. for instance when. may conie down, upon it it will yield No XIngL' of England, con force CL tire during perfect fit which the Teach- the boya and girls to put Lord Randolph Churchill until. late 16s intrigues of the great Cavotti, Catarrh disappeared. Influenza. hits laying by your. corh that -tile team after a while a glorious harvet. Lot subject to acccf)t a, paernge or other world � was so prospercitig, and ac.� their things ill their' 'proper -places. in lite had not only never read it Who lit the nane of Italian unlky cured.Chronfe brollefiltis,and other will ra�enously eat the gropyr, leavoisr us b(3 We' Flow the.rIght-Atind of title of n6hility. "I'llf-M are few cordingly lie argued that but Z38,- You lka�ve heard that before? . Seeing word of f4holikepeare, but had novel! Was Pushing. the scheme of Plednion,�,'. diseases, and under proPer and alp at grass and woods when op- seed. Sow mullein stalk, Lind mul- Englishman, Indeed, whol, would ra, 660,000 could have been. put by,. to Inc. I have. But, I wits going to seen ()lie of that olf-antatistiq plays 1�101- a� while Ouvour triumphed, Way(I control, become it very useful relne- portunit offers. When you put them lein vtalk will come, up. Sow Call- Nool to be inade exit,14 it tho lionor .But things appeared very different add that. the best Way to teach this acted. Ultimately lie saw Henry ]I- fled Ivith )its master to Dresden, Lind dY, Ili the barn arid feed,theux, Corn they ads. thistles Lind Canadit thistles were offered them,. but ilia Xing can Ili regard, to.1lic figures of ille'last, to tile youngsters is to have it place vijlg play Irainlet. fit Dublin, As.the they lived lit great poverty. But Ca.- - Typhus fever Is too terrible an don't seem to relish it—they eat It, Will Colne 4. so ' %v� wheat, arid do no mores thall oftof It. five vears. During the clulnquon- for everything unit their not forgat sail fortunes (it Opholla, unfolded vour. was foiled by Austria, Uoi ogent, to employ vdiuntarily.' But of course, but their craving Is for wheat will come up. Lot us distin- Ili time of peace the King of Eng- njual �nclfng with the year 1900, tho whore that place, Is, themselves' the iftll%Ous Stilt6smaxi PuclvV Of Pal-ina, W49 ,Vhen it comes of itself It. sometimes succulent feed. gulail between truth and error. Let Jand inn maintain it'standing i army averdge Yield in tire goldfields was When. badly uinburnt do )lot wash. muttered, ­Doar me, this is, very and Ward returned there as vlc0raV doos good.' Air Indian Army Officer This should leach the lesson which us lone* tile differonce between wheat without ill(% consent of Varliament. nearly Z50,rs00.000 ayear, arid thus the, face soon after: wipe.it gently rthd when the play WWJ Over Ile had been- it stable boy lit 14;.he raccrolg that for 'many. years )its liv- Santa fitriners illied to know: That and hellebore arid henbana and. colo- Elvery year it is acces.gotry to intril- In the period as much as L1207,'000,- with vasellne- or cold creant and dust he want round to the actor'g dres- was a. viceroy lit 40. Duke Charles or V,%,; so bad that he could scarcely farm horses.should have. plenty Of quiliticla. The Lord Jesug Chrit duce hat is called ilia Annual Ar7 000 must have been added to the it lightly With corn starch, It you ing-rooln to thank 111111 fail tl, nO'%v Louis was too weak to rule, alul eat polfricient pasture grass during grass season. nineteen centuries ago planted one my 33111, and procure its passage by world's gold stack, Thus, for ilia do wash ft, use Water as hot as,'edit During ilia Week followliig with ]its full consent Ward draw u P fO KEP TIM ALIVE. It is an excellent scheme to let them red seed of doctrine, It sprang UP. b6th Muses of Parlialilent, . first, time since the year 1855, tll6ro be borne; -dip soft cloths lit the Witter the Performance Ill, spent many hours ill 1649 the Act of. Abdication arid run Ili the pasture every night. The ton ona side of the stalk are all ilia awas. ' an appr&iablo addition. Air. culd lay thein over tile fctee, renew- continuousl reading ShiLkespearo's, the proclaination of Ills mail. Duke 110'hae4 become inbro kin ang, belie, bowels lira, thereby kept Ili good con- churches of Christendom oil the Hooper did not think oven these ad- In they grew cool. . . 1plas. C)IcLrles 111. I-javIng SeEtted Ills wheri, ?,�-tujilitel fa� hini, lie was dition arid the general health of the other side of the stnlle are -all the LAU011TER, SAVED SHIP. (Ittions. to stock had been sufIleiant I 15o'idil it dress skirt 'across ' rather Air., John Ilard, the actdr. tolls it, innster's cill oil 'the throne, lie ,.a- attacked"by typ)ius fever, Oil recov- jzoliials Is Improved. free governments of ilia earth, and Iturnor has heart credited with the to bring about a fall lit thc,valui Of than lengthwise, It gets lengthwise stolly of one (lay at dinner, lie turned to Vienna lit trium pit as his aping frow this hol-found his 'liver We havc� known farniart; to feed on the top there shall be it floWering millennium after it while, All frc%in sit'ving of inany things, but -perhaps 'gold, Ile nug gestled that fix tile parz led 1001,10 the average annual golcl a it Wearing, so fold It acrosa-9at I to counteract theill. Stretch it.OuL ne-,t to ar Well-known bishop. The idea of tin alliance between onvo, receiving there the Order of tjj(% Iran Crown and ill(% most coil- in l5erfcct and it Iraq never tr ubled him 0 since. Typhus fever green corn foolder its an evening, and night feed, and it is it common pra:c- one red seed of doctrine. Rvary never before )%as a ship been saved by its judicious application. In a output was likely to be holarar Z10,- full width, then fold down from ilia Church anti Stage had I iiot beer' , dial reception train the Emperor. 110 also cures; orysipelots, dropsy, Lon- tfca lit some ections of the' country word that parent, or Sabbath qchoo�l mn years ago, it 000,000 than Zftdoo,00a it year belt to lit the trunk. it too Wide, heard of then, nd Perhaps the blah- find some diplonlatic contoats wit) stilliptiou, an.4 St. Vitus' dance.. to feed, ilia horses liberal quantities Christian worker speaks for Christ, ship's crew llall at 110 Pointe Out that chaneres.in. firle- give tile last folds lengtliwiqe, This op inctv be excused for asking the ilemuminister,, prince Now, it has been Shown that cc- of freshly cut hay in the evening. comes up witil compound interest. prayers, ,�'Jicn it boy burst Into it fit of via- c§ caused by alterations in the value to -ads to smooth out ilia lines and popixla� nctcir "if he had ever been. but Ward quecossfufly ;'emit CllreS dyPOPSIU., erysipelag 'and, A hor.;Ct shouKi be able to nialn- You, saying One soul, that one stiv� al ing tell, ilia tell it hundmd,, tile hun- lent lftughtcv, Being reproved for of gold must be ticcomitril Much Smaller and must take place mile)' mu5SIlless of wear. Do not, allow the kitelicii still. or to the theatre." IntareAs Xttj�j dignit, anti in Vienna. lie Was It per- UuTq OCZ0111a, typhus level, eures el 'yAlpelas. Obvious(v, till we know tain strong vigor and good health If fed about two quarts of oats, five or thousand ton Ills Ill-timed mimh and asked the dred it tholl.;lkild.. the reftSon for it, lie said, I was ruore, Slowly than those caused by ill- tber bonelt by the Wall to serve us it *mail ronage of great consideration. want Is solilething that will make six pars of corn and it little mixed thou.gand, tile tell thougand it liurx� drod thousnkid�on, on forever. It IcLUgliil)g to think What a I ifshig tll� teratialls fit inarkat conditions or by lit tile methods of pro- common totlet rcom for the when the. come In, from their work, NO AtAdEnSFONTE111,14. CONTEMNER OP ARISTOOR&C31r. tphus fever harmless, aild We have it cortain cure fat, dyspepsia, Arid to clever arid t1knothy ha three times it day and given access to good grass - t to q make seems very Insigniflcan 00 It red nose Will her chi lit, ­2�;w I When it comes in contact with the 11uprovement4 duction. and trampoftatioll, If cacti One cnnot hv n. room to There Will be tic inoto night at- tackw If Inflitary peove Ills Wife wtv% it Vienne". girl, at as humble birth its himself, anti 1; i4 it great many people this cure would be cheaply bought lit tile cost of till,, pasture during, the nightg. And, of tile Impater Inother teaching lay me down to siceP." wat7or." This ludicrous reircirL, sot himself, cacti room call have a boivl and pitcher,,and every nioniber what they prol;jIse. Trial,4 tire now'norotted bv it writer in TollIple, D'al, wholi- cycle of diseases. course, questlail should IiQt be -Overlooked, 0 A�railx I Ill grace s in the the crew a -laughing, Inspired them of tile household )its own comb and betrIg allode With, all Illuminating 'bursts tbat when lie Was made a bnron the any deaf People' recover their A horse inut, be well fed It. Ili* f"rn, hewith now Spirits, and by a great ex- There a n far xao�o lirtish. ry e's own Shall that fit the alr and proud arid insolent Luccheso aristoc- bantling for a titne on getting it fit Would o hfs best. q6rvied In harnes. ertion they brought the Vessel gate- TMJST Bli A REAPIN0, ly into P�rt, t)aslly Imagined than Lord Salisbury carryinr clay to tlia brick -makers room Is tile place in- WhIell to make the toilet. entit.9 a flery body of globular zhapc,, Which vividly litrilts Up it large alTa racy had prepared some delightful glfghts for the foreign parvanus. But of dizz,friesq, Mid others, who suffer Paverelv from dizzfnes,'are relieved g1liq to. nicker It lie be about nine O'clock lit the forenoon that is, xgtuy Chrigthins spek'of religion Its for the erolctloin of some oecles'astl- Skinitned railli; is too little appre- for a. consideraGlo tfure. Tile ekPorl- Ward outflanked them completely by by till 4tack of deafne.99. A girl Ill ; evi- dance of a hunger that suggests thougis it were it inatter of edoftota- arar (starting F r hoinia from the rl'116Y coil edifice. Yet, ccording to elated Upon most farms. To be sure I niants are tot, th"mopose of ImproV­ nover going Into their soclety. He, ct London hospital Was lately (lying "reant moloning feeding, though, of ies op of insurance, 0XPCCt tO station).' Please, Inck"nin, do you roa,p fit the ne'xt World. ()Ill nO, wear false tootle? Visitor (for which has just rached London, this is precisely %viiat has-been done by ;Ing It Is a, little thin ds a drfbl..*, but, whall Ingtolad elf In bread-, and perfecting bombs that are now nUtdol foil tile Purpose of OxPos-� al' gat with nobles at the councif be it and whail they rose he went hoina. [rill from povertv of blood, when'slie got attack of acarlatiria. This, ln- course, it 0 at cunning habit of some intelligent hor.qQs to hunger ba - now is tile time tO I 'Cap, 011010y' UP tile Sirt Partner- Ohl I The of the Christian religion 'this be the Prime �)Iiniqtar of t1gada, Tile in the Used wixter ni1xing, tire loaves tire about tell per' Ing the position of art onethy lit )light, and to reveal tho character of t Ile was Ili tile full tide. of Ills tc�. I Stead of hurrying her to tl)e gravel affect toth they are Ili tho field two hours, jo dont mean to Curious. Only this MorIling, this elftur`Q*11, thib night- Iroad is a leotle rough, "d It youl, huge red eathodroll Capital of the 11rotectorate 144 to be replaced cent. richer In fiesh formh food. But froftj one to three hours longer defences to be attacIted, The pro- colss, wileii lit March, 1854i Duke Charles III. was Stabbed ill tile ,iO.jght cured her, A. blind bo haq had his 11 restored bV Smallpox. A child Farm horges tire Worthy inuch San- ill- treatIn011t than Is acedroled them If ytt have not ds much grace all teeth ain't good and fust you'd'4ot- would lik- to have, thank; God to I., In by a, substantial ntructuro­,of brick. Alwo appoara tdliav& are required by the. sponge to 1,10. Jectfleq oxplode,.on lmptict, liberating I, iltaxting compound, one compound, unds of Ilia, palace. Tho.gatiog of 'oil dosed, but tile Its last 100 With, 'whOOPing- by by it ninster who novel, lii studied you put, 10111 your packet, fer tVillft:t N011 )lave, and pmy for st everyone lent 0, helping hand, The native Be Sure to have our mattresses oescaped only turned daily bitt afrad for: colisloting of Sulphur, .mltpetre, 'arid city were ahaits- sin by the rubbish heap. cough was oaved an attock of niamles. A medical mail d.vintT Of'consequant tile of fecol to tnergy a rid Power to work. They aro yet, .1r,. no worse onsfaved More. other: I ant surprised, my clear, Joseph, ti,okibleol than Christians aro supplying tire labor, 'and al, least ail hour. 14,ach child 'as It it hydrociu,bon, is a blue -light. mix- ture. The illumination lastg as long which had accuniuliated tigailist the. Coll quinp, tie it was cured by a bad apt, I entitled to much of ilia credit the -than oil worse thatyclu, suffer a man to kiss yout Vila David, al- Wdrso tempted than Daughter: But, mainina, I don't call the Walling ladles-111cluding even 601116 of' tile Princesses Of th& becomes old. enough should be taugl* i -tile from the boa - as tho 'SaItpetre supplies oxygen to. old Wall, and diod afterwards In Ant- orica. The clethbod ad- tack of arlatina. 'farmar gets for growing large crops. "O ' ;it horse ,kriyel,ing, Vag Iialljol. at, wors,, scourged than it f, Royal 11usoliold—havo beer% cutting cover. to remove I dally and place tholin lit a current Of maintain combustion. linittod to " his a9sembled servants jtd and good crops ixto oun d oil the mile farm, At this was Paul. Yet amid the rattling of down forest trees for burning tho air, and also to upturn the Inkttr053, that the U41l Wag tho just punih- aiglish peoploil mo -11571b.q. ix� hand , time Of Year they, should not have to of dungeonn tatters arid tI10 9100111 Nflinkind, said art -orator Certainly "di anild the liorror of shipwreck, includes Woman; for doe 'not man bricL*8 arid darring the fagotiI ba ek upon their )leads. , Nay, oven more. It you do 11ot require tile child to make her own boa at least require VD. �13 aleat of u, private wrong, arid them not till' slightet grouftol -for the a year of Wheat and flour, 10 Of bit- eon 0 at btitter, 40 of egCs, and 85 boa fOr green feed. give them rill thdy wallt alld treit +11AIII 0AllA0Ouqltf lmd they triulliphold In tile Pl-Ace Of 00d, In this house thi embrace woman? the Itatikoro, Who Is the Prime wri. has her,%* air it. I argued and. argued ith. you nor . of thiot WI%rd hints Ills death, life, hed Of Suf,*ar, i kindl.v. They are aniniaN just it lit, The weakest mail ister of the taken the Nibbq to linve m6e, had any Part fix tie iliatt thoir niastors and inorning, has 500 acres of tpfrltual MY do The av0f4r#,d yearly product of aniload Vn9liAll 'cow In 2nilk butter in digging May for the bricks it to the bi DOILTM FOR TAULP %, he Ififlueneed,by your efyorto I lq 9brved IM Dourbon.9 faithfully and be The tuplanders aro the shorte�qt Ought to 11ava, dit goo,t thing., to t, joy kill ripe. you not go arid is '-Oil, viug etAd 4art, got o, much n6tv that, I carkit wall, and no need po to fix turope, mail avertiing 4(t 2 udll no, legal on Which to' Arid rootp li *1 YOU have been goati- against .015. from a, Dutch cow. brg, rReeptionally light ad alry-looka *stay oll-6.,frid whore he to-, Ashamed of Thomas Writtol. aill., Women Mt. gin. V