HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-08, Page 2e crossi Q. fiold Goorzo HUM-' THE CLINTON NEW$,R9C8RQ be of pr a q ality, and scale nOt BURNED BRITISH FLAG- pulillobQ4 QVory Thurooiqy a -S LESSONo gS IMETS. OF THE WOUT below 160 nor above.20 lbs� orickhouse, It fs,r;:a9r of Wells.1, Indiana, was attacked by n� mad buW So 'a it 1kin EVil Following is the range of -quot%7 08 I I 1018111 wh" crowd 0 T1. I . The News-Rocord and killed, vearPored gee nitntserA of T r Brav v! That to Scrofula. F)PI405 Of CAM10, 0110330, .004414, &Q, A black tiger- with Robinson's cir- Power Printing House No ollSeavl to older. lutbi 1�0&dlnr Nargets. Shippers, per cwt $,&.76 $5.00 Logansp�rt, Ind., got far A despatch from Itochoster, N.Y., INTERNATIONAL LIMON, So disease la*really responalble for a 4:45 4.6! enough through the bars of' Its cago, says :—The Sight of It large 37-mg1tsh. A'rjG. I 1. A111VIRT 0TIUUT, CLINTON. . 0 light ... ... .... :::::: THE VERY LATEST FROM cum at larger mortality. Butcher, choice, 40 ...... 4.00 450 to illy open to the bone the flesh on 049, Included among the decorations Tguma or rowtb. Toron to, Aug. O.—Wheat,—Ther 3:7r, ALL311E WORLD OVER. 01.00, per year in consumption 10 Commonly Its outi; e� Butcher, ord. to good.. 3.!�5 the top of the 'head and face of 4 6- adorning Uaiii street. Allilon, while Text of the Lesson) Gen. xv": 1-18, not sopald There is n Butcher, interior ... ...... :0.75 3.00 year-old sonof John Rush. all Indul- the annual parade of tile Western a excuse for neglectingi It, It was A qWot trade In wboat to -44Y, I,,— Golden Text, Gen. xv., I -NQPAPer1UsQQntIuuc4. until all arroaroges, Indices its presence. known by so 14, Any With the feeling rL trifle weaker. NO. Shoop god Lamb -4. gout father, ho bqld his boy close New York firvinell wits In, 2 White and red winter , olTored at 65c Choice owes, per cwt ... 3.30 3.50 04rostilig ItoMs About Our Own to the animal's cage. drove John J. BleBi-ide, one QfL the X. "After these things the word of The date to which avoryvubscriptiqu IS I paid signs, Such as glandular tumoro, cutaneous high freights, and at 66c. middle Culled sheep, each ....... 0 0 8.00 U0104 Mrs, Mary Torroy, of Muncie, It ., visiting firoluell frantic, and the ban- the Lord came unto Abraut in a vi - is denotea oil the label, eruptions, Inflamed eyellota, Sere cars, rick- freights, With sales of odd car lots at 'Lambs, each ... 2. rAQ 3-60 CouUtry', (JrOAt Or ' Kill", 00 id nor Was torn dowli alld burned aluld sion.1, Among ,these thil S, I u t $1119tes, and'All Parts of bo Mobs, is violently insane train Injuries In- Ig I ll. S eto, catarrh. wostingnd general debility. (35*c middle. it 60c Bupks ... 2ZO 5'.00- A aTisiNe RATES. —Transient advertloc Now wheat sold 4 per cwt .. ...... Much Outhuolasin. McBride, who be included the Alelo�hlsedvk Istory a& in Itts, 10� cents. Per nouparlel line 1 Children at J. . Mo011in, Woodstock, GonOoaso,4 and Assort04 for 9",,y Mated by it xejected suitor, Peter clalnis ho wt, 0 for first gilddla'frelght. No, I spring is quot- Milkers And Calved. Tillbury, who asked her to marry a froux Euglaind the hapter which -the 1101.0, IllsOrtl0itunil 3 cents per line for ea. subse. Oat., had Scrofula agires so bad they could 45,00 Renolus, him and upon her refusal lie emptied .nce, ch, ad (it .60c on Midland, and No, 2 COWS, owing to ,his outspokea sympt0hy Spirit considered of Snell, Impolite Small advertisements not not attend scVooi for three nionibs. When at 00e, to 04c middle freight. Calves, each ... ............. Z00 10-00 CANADA. for the Boors, lialls fi-oil! Adain's that lie pealen of It and its relation to exceed coo inchsuou abi ,Lost," "strayed," different kindo.of medicines bad been used C411111tetoba wheat dull, with No. I Hogh. it b;ttie of carboite cid tit her face, a village on the Canal, to 0hrist In ex Forest fires have destroyed a thou- blinding her, entirely and burning her , and !it Ileb. , ou" Indillit,04 once for 4OConts and to no purpose whatever, these sufferero w4e hard quoted At 80jo. grinding fit Choice hogs, peti c neal, this city, and as, a womber of vi and'vil Lot no teacher tberefore - . wt... 0.76 7.205 sand acres ot.tiniber In Cumberland,. about the upper part of. the body. each. subsequent insertion 46 cents. cared, ccording to Mr. McGinn's voluntarY transit, and No. 2 hard at 78jo, Light,hogs, per cwt .... 6.50 6.75 N. S, the Doluge Volunteer lio-io Coni.pall, pass It b�- Note the new name of AdvortlRements without specifloollrections will' testijuenlal, Oy grinding III transit. F or Toronto Heavy hogs, per cwt ... 6-50 6.75 Delegates to thq Now *ork Chain- n on to participate In iiie Delty "the most high Ood, possessor :Brantford City Council, bus Pro- bet- of Coninjorce, recently oturtwd be Ingortod until forblil and' cbqged Accord zr_ and West 20 lower. tags, per cwt ...... ,00 2!00 convention and parade. The of Ileaven and and nsr1i Uod's Sarsa ari hibited tbo.use of trading 'Stamps In from London, contributed $25 P "a Milifeel:,-The market Is firm, with ___O_ d. owhich has effected the m9Bt wonderful. i 000 to the Victoria Memorial Fall' company to whici ho wa attachad lti?,- use elsewhere. Copy for changp at 9d bad just turned Into Main. street Him who owns all thing elnble$ Us vertisemerits oapages4 Offerings Small, Bran quoted at $18 And 5 nuist be-sn the *flice on Saturday And radical And permanent. cures of Scrofula middle freights, and Shorts t si5. BOERS MURDER NATIVES- Hp,traltoll City Council f#ofs the , George and `oseph Prothers, farm- when McBride Sighted 'th,3 1,1,ngliit to rise above the tempt I to look *change In old and'young. ;piddle freight. Sunday Watering of streets traversed ors, were instantly killed at BMWs flag, and let out a yoll of derision. ator long fol- the thin& tho Illelp for Pages I and 8 oil Monday to ensure a cks. Ville, Indr., by lightning, which struck for following Issue, Corn--43uslness . quiet with prices, 1jilarniod 45.0ape Boys" $hot Down tree under which they had taken As the, company arrived under the o2l, this . world. All believers, asCQNTAAOT RATEP.-Tile following table shows INSURANG 111,111� No. 2 yellow is nominal at 48, The telegraph line to Dawson Ci flag litcBride, accompanied by two ch dren. f Abram, must not fail to In �914 Blood. ty shelter. our rated for specified periods and space to -19c West, and at 53c at) track, Will not be in operation until the end stalwart ilromen, lt�ait out of the give At. lu,"t the tithes to our Met- ADYNIVIISINQ R . ATES. Toronto. A car of United States A despatch from London says*.— Of the present month, Walter Sheppard was shot and In- line, allot ti'le, exile, mounting tIlO OfilSed9k. Note the suggestiveness of I Irr, 6 Mc, 3X6. 1 ATO HE WKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE yellow sold at Toronto, but Lord Kitchener telegraphs the war. The census returns, It is thought ItIntly 4illed by , Usury Vittatoe, shoulders of hi, companions, cut the, broad and wine. We have in our 1 Columar ......... r4 0, 00 $IQ 09 $2000 *8 6Q T IqSURANCE CQMPANY holders are quoting 08 to 59c. Office from Pratoria, that 200 Bqers will show an increase Q r U'dge; Ky. 'rho young d,Wu the banner, Just as the 1. -',pg- lesson - tO-daY ft good f 6,000 in the Dan, manr�r words 11 ' had quarrelled, 09rhimil ......... 4Q 0 live--Mic market is quiet, and pri� attack a a detached patrol of Ybo- population of Wright County, Que- I an lish flag fluttered and fell in the nuid and pbrages Used for tile, first time. 0 2500 1500 600 Farm .and lsol)ted Town Property ces and then resUmed their quarrel. i 001=4 ......... 2500. 1400 $00 2 50 nominal, at 46 to 4"c, middle manly, numbering twenty, and some bee, a following. t1IQ hose oolll_ only Insured. it brass ban r p such a% "the word of t1lo. Lord," native -scouts, near Docnin. River, pally . "fenr not," "shi old," "reward,'� i Collina ... r .... 1800 1000, 550 200 freight, At Kingston the customs Import R. L. 'Poshurgh, the father of May tritalc U the "Sta rSpangled 1 Inch ...... OFFICERS Buck*110at—Mar4et, dull, with pric- 6 )Fosburgh, whe. was shot and killed I ri 600 360 2 00 120 , U. McLean, Presideut. Kippon P. 0 - Ithos - range Itiver Colony. The patrol duties for July were $9,311,48; the ai u5insul ,believe(,, ghteouNness etc., &W$peclal position from 25 to. 60 per cent extra, as purely notinal. had followed two carts and p, few Inland revenue collections ere $15,- igust 20, 3,000, at Pittgflold, Mass., followed. The flag had -no, sooner Frazer, Vice -President, 11rucefteld P, 0 - T. E. d'us tl.e first use of c4 wbrd helps Hays, Secv-Trwi-, 5eaforth P rr O.. Peas—Trade quiet, with prices nom� Board, fifteen miles when they were has withdrawn all rewards previous- ground. that'a, Illatch was us to. undersaud its sIgnificance, we W, J. MITOPE.LL, 7001821 struck the Broadfoob, Inspector of Losses, Inally unchanged, Iv offered and substituted one of have k most illIpOrtnt. lesson, . "The RdiLorW and Proprietor DIRECTORS- Barle—Trade continues very quiet suddprily cut off by a burgher fol;co. N, J. Peterson, rncher, near Med- arrest and conviction "PPIe4 and it Was burned. The word Of the Lord" inay refer to the Q� Broadfoot, ScafQrt�; John GrIev. The Ve Small $1,500 for the remnants were -eagerly Sought af tin- manry took refuge, in 4 -op - Goorg6 DAN. So e 0 middle building and fought until their am- fettle Rat, committed suicide while of the guilty persons. -ani or it WjIlLhi iforth; John Watt: No. 2 ls nominal rtt 424F Lis 9ouvenir%,. message whidli came to; Abi. Harlock ;John Bonne wlei, Bradtin D;James, freight, and No.. 8 extra 410 middle haying, cutting bis throat with a May Toler to � the inessenger, the Jamos Con inunition was exhausted, arid three BANK$ Beechwood, nl IM, pen -knife.. xIx, John T1iIcLeAn,.X1PPen yi Clit freight. New food barely nominal (it of their mail had been wounded: They Lord Hilimlf. (John I, 1; Rev, 38 to 39c,. August shipment. . The Deput Minister has returned There are 3,000 B 8 HAV E APPLIED. 13.) enwe radthe word of God "TS : lially to surren- oer prisonem In * AGEN Robt Sinith, flarlo0c; Rober McMillan Se Oat�Thc market is steady, with (ler, The Boers then ordered the na- from. all inspection of the Intercololl- Bermu da. Must aCeept.the as spa- forth * James lummings, Egiftoadville W S410S of No. 2 white at 84a middle fivq scouts to hold their hands UP, Jai railway and. reports it in excel- '."fear not" ciallv for its, � This THE. MOLSONS BANK )art- Locally, it might whereupon they were mhot dead'They lent conditin. The CIzar Is getting fat. sin" kis 10 iesdefdrous to effect Insurance or Iran% freight for exF APPlioations for Land R to the many 0.0lev sivii ar locorpo %ted by Fart probably bring more. New s6ld at recent illness, ecelved us ng sact o qr business will be promptly attended also Shot dead in cold blood Y�Omalt 'The Canadian Government may. words in this precious book, amo &t of 111aklit luent, 1850. to on lication to nify of the above officers 31c.iniddle freight, August delivery. F Alnerleans are barred fr9M office in From Ontario Veterans. Inch, saying lie was a "Cape Boy," protest to Groat Britain against its which these have beian and are 6. addra c to thob, respective postofficeB. market'is quiet, With Elvidence, on oath has been taken'of giving assistance to. induce poop�e to Cuba under 'the new constitution. A despatch from Toronto Boys'— great lielp., Isix. Vii, 1; XIL� 10, IS, V.,050,000 om exporters. Nine- the murders, . . I demand fr settle in South Africa. Colored,people 6f Cape Town IIELve- About 8,000 voterans of the xiiii, 1: -Joel if, 2 ., Mark v. 6, cent. sold at $2.55 ir,. buyers' . 2-3. "And &brain said, Loird -God, MONTREAL. ty pet In another despatch under Thurs- resolutions f confidence JOHN T. EMMERTON � U verott, a graduate of To- passed III canipdIgns of 1866 and 870,, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go 'WX, MOLSON MAMIRERSON; President bags, middle I Ight% �Stxalglit rol- day's date, Lord, Kitchener s4ys that ronto University, has been appoint- Lord. Milner, and of the South African- campagn JAMES ALLIVII Clencral Manager TX1H LEADING BARBER lers In blils., for Lower. Provinces, Gell French, who Is attempting -to lll)�Q have upplied.for land under the' Oii- childless?" He reminded God that I - ad instructor in. the technical classes The British warships Glory, 1W Ile was, Still childless and Seemed to Collection made AlsoAgentfoi $3 to $8.10, anitoba patents, $4, dri -Boers out of Chpe Colony, arrived UnpxPect , - 11 Notes discounted ', Dr. ve the fit Ottawa Collegiate Institute. and Daphile polly to- tario Government's altar of, quartm issued, Sterling ittid American' NY and strong bakers' $3.70. of wondei4 how 'and when the promisek' bouVht and sol(4. laterestallowed on ol.p.3t... STANDARD 14IFE INSURANCE CoMpA, has received , letter from the Boer The man burned to d6ath in the (JELT4t Amoy.' All lEfqulet there. section to each veteran or next Head Office for Canada, Montreal. Oatindal-Dfarket, is unchanged. Car coinniander, KritziDger, in which the kin, The rush of.applications shows seed w8uld come. His faith was stilt SAVINGE BANk. frisurance InVorce, $116,000,000 lotsrat $3.75 in.,bags ' and $8.85 irk latter announce,. his intcintion of fire in the Garnett House stables at A Paris. automobile : firm is plan present- no sign of abating, nuitz- rng. , Faith ' cometh Interest Allowed oil sums pf $I and UP, llivestinentsin Canada, Shooting all natives; whether armed t In, 'be is being received, dally. 13,500,000 wood, Broken lots, Toronto,, 25c, St. was George Engler, son n4ig 4 tor -driven flying machine, at As the by hearing the word of God Logan Town- not. It batloon but sopiething like it. FARMERS Est4b ho41825, The old reliable slid favortlo per - bbl extra. of Christian Engler, of 'is x, 17), and the more,of His Word we their own or unarmed, who are found in the hgrant only inade to those who Money advanced to farinerson OFFICE BmithFi bolok, opposite Post employment of the British. The de- There have been heavy withdraals were actually...in; the fielol,. inany of hear and receive the'niore faith il notes With one or more onclomem No ort- from Germany.- of I 8, a W gage required As security, tildt'there have been Goo. W. Dawson_ assistant InsPec- foreign credit III tile No ..DAIRY MARKETS - spatch adds these applications may prove on ex- Will: will vis chiefly by French and English bank- 11. 0, BREWEIR, Malkager, Clinton Butter��Rccciptr, Of choice many cases recently. of the cold" to" of penitentiaries, , it. the amintion'li9t to be entitled to land, record the failings are onaitted, and raded blooded murder of natives in the penitefitiaries and jails from Mani- ing firms, only the Anighty faith is seen. , so are only moderate, With prices firm,. 0 . . The number is surprisingly . large,. rX toba t6 the 'coast. duking the latter .,A BLr owever, Wour stor Ishnished It shall ba- e Pe 'Colony. Ifil, paper s declares that -the and even if, say, onl 6 000 quote selected dairy, tubs, 16 . I D. MCTA.GGART TIMETABLE , A despatch from Pretorla. say- the part of August. only hope for An Improvement in the are found, to be entitled to the grant seen that the precious blood Iths put to Ilia; clioice' T -Ib rolls, 17 to 3,8c; block -house system, which, was. re- f the Gorman iron market 14 i a continuance it; will take over forty townships, at away.arll th'at wa-, oE As, and there- seconds, tubs -and rolls, 15 to 17c.; cently adopted, by the Britis A Daniel V agan, the president a its of tho,labor� troubles 1 iqro inful, and only,that which was Trains will arrive ht and depart from Clinton It, is evi- li America. 144 quarter-gections to the town- locit 1�us new 815,000,9PO stee;I trust, W kation as follows:-. creamery prints On6liEtnged .it dently-a success, ..The b as born in Oalt' and received his educa- The. Spanish.Minist . ry of 'For6ign ship to hold thenij. And as only'.one wrouilit iii us by God f;hall be seen., Note ITeb. xi, IV, BUFFALO AND GODERICH DIVISION. solids, 20c. now extend for It. long distance. The tion in: the 'Qqntral, and, Grammar Affair is engaged upon. an oxtrad ua tion ill each section is to GQI�FEast Express 7:38 a. in, 141ggs-Thc,. market. is., quiet- with construction has been rapid, only a 4-6� "And lie believed. in the Lord; ..! Schools in that town. tion, convention rind general � treaty be gi-antod to.a Veteran, thts moans 2:55 p. m. Jim for rigil- Mprices uncharnge4g. y strictbi forifilght' having been, Occupied ill Once, and, 1-ftendship With the- that 160 to�vllship% would be requir- and He counted it -to 1; teoushess A A, General.1131anking Bushicar Tra quote 12i Hamilton city Councii.thinks $10,- Of p ed. bra psacted 4:lb p. in 001 _0 'United States. rbe votrans are to be given in. IS_ a suked,that n 10:15 a. ni, fresh, gathere( 1. y, 12 to or- building enough oi.tbem to cover a S West Mixed '�milcs long Ater E12:55 indinary candled stock, 13. to Utc; Stretch of country 3:80 9,90 is loo. much. to, spend on a his Iibfr sliall not be tiny Onp 1 erqly their l4rid free of gerteral taxaUcift . '. : 7er but slfall.,,be his' Noted Discourit6d. ',Drafts Idsued., 7:05 a.. m. seconds 'and cul]4' 6 to 80.* New Thi� dvstent. has resulted in'r iii.ter- t4ifiing Dul;-ecif York, and will Comte de la. uIx, the aeronaut, for tell rS _but if transferml to bon ill Ills houic. 10:27 p..m a -time -until it*ae6ides the' 'Who Will attempt' to cross tho Med- ad I gubj' LONDON. HURON AND BRUOE DI VISION. laid, xet:4il at 3.7c. rupt�nj 9onimuinication. between dif- �vait fol a balloon about the another ttr�; the )a S Oct, tO' y*)join hoavonm. shalf, Interest :Aillowicl on Deposits. Oficesc-14arket, 'I$ firizer -day, ferent,,J)Odies of Boers, and'enablea amoulitit willgrant for the purpose. iterraheart. in full taxation -sitie ill due'time givehirn, '- 1101V Sugg0s­� .4� a. M. to and settlement d S. Going South E4r6ss demand. Ilion arrived in In any case the land is-subjeoit,tothe .,for ilinest. joods. the,British to'obtain, Accurate knO'.'tV- middle :of tAugustj ha tlVe the toward Mixed- 4:15 p; in. Wit I good Xontredl's,.Civic Reception Com- To suparbitond. tho� propara- heavehl 11 nniis sl�oulO -:be the atti- InIttee, ter Stril 't tolly: arrangements., fcatui-c t a -c are US .6 nuniber of:Vete, overy veil. a001�� North Hkpress 10:16 a. m. Prices in jobbing, way are 10J to lodge of the movem6lits of' the.but- School tnxo,,�. A proncitniced gglin� With lie ino e0,55 P. in. gbers; A ti ks- OiLifie railuO Wf the, �,,xsd is"the 0 belie U60S monto qiiestl.on. wh6ther. they I!Iight of, the commercial aying updh Lin �arbi 0 '.flesh' A, 0, PATTISON, Fi R. HODGENS futile where the block�ho Vo present th 3rawall. and who intend to settle on'their gent.' 7own Ticket Igent, a Ducliegs of 4 ban Russfti_ which nor upon a y huniall. device, but ,UP A.LBERT STREET CLINTON. been completed, a d at the -present ks'lti Kharkoff, , d` an n 0 M, Cj DILIKSON HOGS ANDPROVISIONS. OYork wlih it bou at. of red. or -,in in many case where the veter DlsWct�Pasq time nearly 2,000 miles' r.aJIWA White rogeS. qu war .ocar� . I S alone. The record f �nKer,AgeUToronto. y a: I ktiy.takcri libasession of )y themselves will nof go: their 6 ns oil the Lord ress9d hogs are .�asier at $9.25 are protected. ' Captured cattle can ovornnlent'lns�ecta,:r, -have been wilt be placed oii the farm. Thl' the next cha�pte� had never been if the C1 $I L 9 0 A.L. to $9,50. Hog products unchanged. now''be brou line, and oThe half- ozon. pion6ersm6f -the. Me- arrested, 'charged viitli having mis- proinjses a.big thigration. to Now 011, Abram had j)ersisted in lookingiie&- gh alongithe d . .. 't We quote: -Bacon, -long - clear, the Boers are, being rapidly�deprived lakan community,who have taken tip appropriated tile fund.s., of the nSti- the grants are made- out. venw6rd . L Ill.ia, �uq we noticed r. 11 JL ta to w. art SCOTT. and. caselots, Moss settleme tutions. with which ti were cciu- the promise that his, eed should be' , JAGIFS 11 tOL il'e, pork of their stock. Breaks fit the Intil ht - . III the Saskatchewan Val icy - 0 N greatly ley,'Weat of.r$aSkatociri and Prin a nepted. The,llabilltieq of t as the Star � alid.its probable -.50;.do. short'cut, $21. ay,by the Boers itro nckw, '10 banks. S. B.ARRX§TI9R, SOLIC11TOR. Etc. W c, am -nificance. Abram received theorcl­ P. R, Smoked 10i to i4., r6oluc6d. Col, Kitchener has ]told an Albert, -are ell satighad ith r th- , oulit to $10,030,000. AGENT ed THE QUEEN WEPT.' Literally I )to amen'd (;ad. -o aid Money to Loan. brbakfast. b.accin, 3-4 to, 15e; r rolls, �engagement with '4na defeated, Com, country, and ill repOrt to thc . The c(institution. - of. -the 'Unit. ir s The I-Ioly Spirit has' 3:2c; backs, 14Jc,. and -'shoulders,,11c. mandant Viljoen between RQAsonckal rest of their community,. who are lo.- Stafes, precooldd tha.*flag ill Hawaii, allibil. to. Go CLINTON '11., all lla� captured 25 cated in klo�th. �JUSSI ;4ccor4lng t t rendered op. NTON ails, tubs q a decision ju , EvIdehees of- Nor Popularity Afrfdat-. notice(' 0is tllrSeL -times in the New d the railway. 3OOrg6 D.L of Boers,'. 36. wagons, and.ct POUI-POM Tile Mominf6ii 0 overriment analyjtSr by Cir IV' 3�- cult :Judge C ed Her.'Majetty.- '21 92-1. W BRYDOWE Travellers t t of the Cos, 101g, -C X�Onl - any par The 6enth and -Nineteenth Hug- endorse the idea �ropounded by medi- A wh6lesale ja1 delivery III, 0 ; jrts..il, 23) and 9tron., A despatch from Lonclon'says Should' - consult: the bul-gIarp,-Iar.cefti6tLs and ly 'emphasi7tp' this great truth, th =. gallantly. in'the light. 'THE. STREET MARK 'T. a King Edward aild Queen Alexandra BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR. above in reference to tickets cal men that - c4iffied s : Inion should of murderers, of lignbgsj w1iiell, God reqlftir� be stamped with the dato on Wil'Ch. other. criminals is -threatened un er -n'ooii! the 3"ghtco. fareef, et6. , - - . left London 'oil Thui:sday 'after -(,-tlx can xiev.er be Notary Public, &c,,. rain: on the street- to- the fish has been, put up, and that it the decision, and Honolulu Is greatly tor Cbwe, ' of m Receipts of g .9, iiinid U. scene f great en-' wq L re Small. lieat steady, a GRANT TO OBERTS, n t, orks ors, but.only.by..faith AA ale bey -will r -Ing. J $us Christ (Rom. iv, 5 -Eph.- 'if -7116aver Block, day .0 4 a disturbed eye the prospec . . ftridn CLINTON should -not, be kept fdr thusiasin;' Tbay emain dui load of�white selllng.tit'70c i1nd. 150 cortain Inimber r 'of yeettisi on the. 0 the I regattti.," Their presiei)6 0 ON V_= YA N 01 bushels of, goose at 681 to 69c. Oats is liable to 'deteri 8; 9.,: Titus, III, 5)' W, JACKSON House -of Commons Passdd filbasure., ground that., it 01'- mi)kill CO, NG Cowe% will� easier., 700 bushels selling at 3S+ to ate and become dangerous to,'- he DIED IN HER'CHAII a forn y AGENTC- �P� -averyih ng alid 40C :by 281 to 73 satioll: of th, lalj;�riod of 7. t1l in the Lord," -That ..should Hayr in good �supplyi with sales I ever 11161IT'llilig-ALS efiv.,3t: of 25 loads at $8 to $9 a for A,�despatch from London says: -In , u. Noti6r how � it � begins and .TORN RIDOT GREAT BRITAIN. Portirig event dOEI by them "a new, and.$12.50 tb $13 for old. the House of -Commons on L Wednesday' GU 0 1 -!It hs - great '"I wills" of 0 In . proposing &-resolution granting sineb.the death I (bleen Victoi even YANCERI.COMXIBSI NEn, ETC. I Elderly Lady of BroekVille Expires s TTED BY. FIRE. Straw, old at 9 to 1 $1 0 Ev ton for . . . .8 , . . Flold Marshal Jl�ari Roberts P,100 - King and Queen have go . ne to� While Talking tQ'a Friend. The King, and iaijeon rodd in aiIJ 1,Eo'clus.vi. 6-8. Notice it as -n SUN Fire, Insurance, Real Estate, old and t $6 lot- new. ason. forrall that,rGlod re-, OMoney to Lend. illo is. the riinge of quota- 000 -for his services. in Soth Afric� Cowes., 'A desPatch from.33rackville, OnC. op6h tve lije ( -6s (Ex. xx, .TAV� Flat In Montreal's City, Hall Suffers lIQWIng (in accordance with the recommohda-, .,Briti4h.torpodo boa'No,. 81 the Xing's extending, uit f them I ' all all :oFrIoE­,RUXtON STREET, CLINTONL aged x' ., .31-33 ; xx if; 43) and mage. Wheat, white tion. of King Edward, announced r. in beelIL.Sunk oft the island of Alderney', says:-m-AIrs. Eliza . 'McDougall,, front Marlborough' O Victovia xxil ........ $1 70 00 years, wife �of'tho late George Ara-. supIcIcIA -assurance to them thatr "'a mier', in the -English Channel' r No details The strpets'wer� A despatch from Montreal says Whoat, red ...... ...... ....... :70 -do the House of 'Lords by tfie. 'Pro Pougidl, died suddenly on* Thursday will do what xxxvi, MEDICAL Monday last) X. J. have been roceivet! boyand 'the f4ct aol'the indows, '.alon�, the rental 2, .12, .36), aiid t truth T v Hall had a narrow esc4'a .69 'to: * -were The - O learn he Cit. P Wheat, ..... 8 Lord Salisbury, ni­ht� She* was sitting in a chaii from destructionrby: fire. dt An ea Wheat, Balfour, thd Government,. leader;-, !it that there Was no .loss. of It that all, nations have ye t t DR. Ny. OUNN rly spring .... : . ........ .(59 .00� liatt,ink with ,a. friend,­wIlen she fell the course -of an -eulogy. of the ],'laid Mrs, Sar 11. Collins,, an 4inoirlean, c I At�.'quo.r(kXXVili, 2�1), 'r . .1 I : I hour on Wednesday morning.: r The Oats,_ .. ........... .......... .. a -d md,.- Xrs. AfeDolig ..40 rall, .114( �SSenger oil the (orwai .dL -icans, R. C. P. and L. R. C. S, Edinburgh. III .00� Mrshal,' whom he compared 'wiih WIl& hundred Ainat 8-11. "Lord God, whereby shall X .6 was; discovered shortly after six Peaii . ....... .(3(3 ood, 39elsion and was It Saloon dcomplained of feeling Unwell foi. M Po -11 . , ­ti?�'; . r - o'clock in the law department,` and Such men as aollingw Steamer Furnqssiu, Wi4s nat1sl lust y I r I utdoor afrealdencooaltatten Barley ....... .43' �00' dav or. two before with rhoui know' that. Night calls At frd bury street, Opposite Presbyterian church. 55, .00 Wellington, said there was no. doubt. Wigs and . OAS C at. Belfast for SIlI.Ug nbefore the flames were got uhdei­ con- a.. but ho:d not. been incapacitated. Ilet : ad numerous shiall'Aiud�icali , astnan'we that. but for Lord Roberts" daring g1lug III thro bouquots ifito the car� ;to trol onsiderable demager W d, athree pounds of tobacco -a. and w up and down, eeins a_dopp: ... 13,0() deatit was due' to heart failui wa CLINTON. uge.' —ONTARIO STREET, A The tempora�ry offices of the City Hiy' new, per tell .....,8.00 j),00 and Strategy, and, -the rapidity witti trunk. have been the way with him as lie St ra, - 10.00 which his plans were . carried . out, nor Their Majest'cs' evinced dcL !w in race and In tba ItAowledge SNAW Attorne's Dopartmelit, and the CItSr par t..... 9,00 ; - 950 Kimberley and *311afeking would have The delay ju`%t�poIntJng .4 gover ITALY'S DISCONTENT. r : r tilose near the carriage gr( -a be Alot'discbur�- tioli" and R'lectrician's office, on the top gtore3� Dressed hogs ...... .......... 9.20 �Of * Victoria in Succession to Lord of God Therefoi sit would, have by Vt6_,. saw 'a 14 allell, 11,000 Britt ellused th Queen:, Alexandi wa. oak and -trembling one, for of the building, were badly gutted,, Butter, In. lb 16 .20, I Bmissey . ha li�,en. aged, w ONTARIO STREETj Opposite English church, some Important documents belonging. Butter. creaMorY ... .... .20 .25 been starvod into submission at Lady- torixes, refusal to Jrl&ense the Parlia- weepill'g.* the Lord will perfflct 'all that con� ith Poor Pay;.Poor Poo and Social- to: file city. destio Chickens, per pair ........ .50 .75. sin - and there would' hvL*e niontary griLnt of $21S,000, 167hich Mr. a's saka. The yed, And cofisider� certiq yon for HIS nam able damage. done to the corridors Ducks, pet, pah ........... .70 ,1.0Q a general rising of disloalists 111 Chamberlain thinks t6o small. ist Agitation. croaturcS o that lie took at God's S Africa., . Great Britain Inight ttriol,'offices on the flat benorttil, in- TiirkoyA, per lb ........... 10 .12k Outh t � at� +.,Ali American yndicate is after �Of J I ICES TO. DEATH. command and prepaie6d as it sacri- .0 cluding the City Clerk$' olllces,. a laid; doz,6.. A(l 13.7 have fecovered ier6fro* nii+ bu tl From the 15 line to the 5th BRIDE, DAN (ice comprised 0,11 ever lised its types DR- a w. TH mp$ON aWhat 0, CoSt?r The country was sav�. fOrty-year ftiase of this South-Vitstarn, of. July the wheat, ro and barle�r Orr of h ........ 14; harvests are in In Italy, greai. Sacrifice of tile S I PRX�ICJAN AND SUROEON. the large counnittee,roo- adjoining. 25 ad from this li� tbd*gcniuS of. the Ilftill -ngland and 'is road �of. the.' eS of the liar to, r Ito old vay, in'i L Special attention ven to didead This �flat hacE :recently been gone over as, new, bush- 1:00 I' 1, g an Ind. the, Socialists are taking this FiniShol Ninety-FOUPth. Round Of God- It - you E '1'.00 inau'llo now invited the House to deposit $5,01J%000 as � I ask. "How sliall I r,Nosuaud 'hroatt by decorators and palliterg,.'and -had Tdmatoes, a9ket ... ..... .75 of it three per cent.' dividend the first �i.jtical.tflllc 11, the agricultur kno�V?"' the answer the 4" OFFICE' AND RESIDENCE— been put !it condition for'tho public Beef, toreqUftriters ... .... . $.50- reward by a unanimous vote irre 'al In Room and E . xpired. Lamb of God." Soo the love of God ATTENBURr spectiVe'di political differences �year and ultimater ly five per mit, it, tho gift of 1-119 A.1beit Street Rast, north of It reception to the* Duke and Duchess of B60f, Iffitolqdaitersi.. 8.00 dustry to spread the gospel of dis de4r Son and be -v STREET, CLINTON. The Liberal leader, Sir Henry At a great-Protestalli, Illeating beld, ebnte'itt against the'coaditfons of A despatch from McKeesport, Pa -cass.. 5.00 6.50 . I . , Vitt, ) � I and York oil the occasion Beef, ine.dium, cal = Cornwall Choice ...... ...... Clampbell-Bannerman, concurred in in St. James' Hall, London, a resQ- labor. s and taxation. It IS Anna, Brudowlez, aged 212 liev(3 .1101 of their visit to the city III Septem- Beef , .... 7.00 7.75 Wage entV-four hours, , 3.2-16* The shadow of coining 0CNTISTRY bar. Had the fire occurred it , few Lamb, yearling ... ... ... 6.50 %8,00 the motion. lution. was adopted protesting fearod , hat Inrge farmers will be years, a bride It' at her wed- events �asts Itself upon Illm,,aild the John Dillon, Irish Xationallst, against any change, in the King's ac -.1 ruined byArlices nrhong farin hibor- danced herself to dent houlv, earliel, or had it not been dis- Lamb, spring . . ... ...... 10 -ISO 11.50 4 Lovd, tells hint. of the coming centlar- Re -pro- ce[slon declaration. -ial n telkes a, a V. All' trongly opposed the Vote. A memo! ra ding fe st here on. Wedriesda, It, AGNEW I, 5-50 6 50 9 !as, of a great bondage and a: great 14, .1 quite Pas Mutton ...... ..... a .......... be sent covered when.it ww its married. Alonday g I- tested against mentioning Lord Ro-' bodying the resolution will day have occurred III Italy since Feb� BrudowJu. w D DETIST. Sible- that the whole. ISuilding would Veal, choic 6 ...... ..... ... 7. . 50 berts in association with such man to 6e I -louse of Commons, riling to Jollij Brudowlez, ona of deliverance at an appointed time, ruary, the movement affecting all 1110� it carne to'pass. He deelrarest have been deste0yed or Very badly the leaders In the P011811 Settlement And so Will be At Dayflold every Wednesday damaged as Marlborough, Nelson, Colling trades and classes of working..men. 'tit the end from the beglif.hing and from At tiny moment It feared that. n, of McKeesport. The Wedding wag . afternoon. -will . Minneapoli, Aug.' 6-Wheat-On...Wood, and Wellington. Ile, declared 13NITUN) STATES. Ia, as the participants aro ancient times the things that arer.noti Tlle,.Ios.4 to the building Itself Lord Roberts had Shown the greatest rk might kindle a conflagration elaborate on OyF09-Adjoining Poster's Photo Gallery. not amiount to more than $410,0o. tra6k, No. .1 hard, 681e, No. I Nor- Inhumanity fit South Africa and said An ico combine has been formed at Spin fairly Well-to-do, and it large number. yet done, saying, "Ary counsel she'll the -IT, * 66JO; No. 2 do 654c. Flour The 5ocialist loadors, plead for peace-, U1,114TO11, 0.4iii.. The greater oamagerLwag done tor �Jle lie had employed barbatious Inethods Toledo, Olilo-L L ful ineans of bettering the condition.4 of wadding C$ts attended tile fOS- StRild, and I will do all my plea" n and brau�Uncljangecl. nd and Corrigan of labor, but the Italian people tivities, stire" (Isal xlvi. 10). Compare . Ex., City E ectriclart'g department, o -s-rl lour-Plini. and had ppioved himself a, dismal fall- Archbishops IrelA Are here Were many BuffalO, August 6. lie celebration of a Polish wedding x1i, 40; 41,. and noto how all came It. G. )CARNEST. HOLME'S the top floOl'. T No,. I uro,. 'will be -made cardinals. inflammable ;%nd they are notorious- T ;9 just as the Lorol.'said. See successor to Dr, Bruce. Clinton. Wheat-Spi-Dig, limits llrm; Usually lasts So v-aral days. This Was to Pak valuable Instruments-, which; it is I Vhe measure wao.passad by It Vot6 IS 2, And XX Itings specialist in Crown And DriolgoVork Northern, oldj'aarloads_ 761; o S'dUthern ' Pacific to equip its ly underpaid and underfed. They are D.D. 18.1-Uraduato of Itoyal Callego of D;atai now believed, will be It total loss, now, 731c. Winter, No. 2 red, 7�cl of 2$1 to 18� L' I . scheduled to occupy the balance of also I 'Kings x1l, though it is possible that some of # . lines to burn oil for fuel. so argaly III the majority that they tlllS It I,; customary at this xxiii, 16, 11, as an illustriation of Surgeons of Ontario, No, I'wlifte, -74c; mixed, 78c. Corn hold the remedy in, their own hands, bf D, 8,-Ffrst� class honor eaduato'of Dental, lltcrai� and exact fulfillmont them may be itgain made to do Ber- wert. 14 deaths from small celebration for oVerV U1410 gubst to thO DepartniciltofTbronto rilversity..8seclo ThQ loss will not be less than yellow, 5841.c,. * Noe 11 'po.- in New York State during .Tuiie. if they would but 11SO their "we" 'I'- dance with ille iBrudO_ pi-ophacy. 'Neither Abrain nor his Attention paid to preservation - of blill 1 ran a vice O.. 11 corn, 58 to 58je. A . CURIOUS STRIKE. With t1joir out- telligently and toward it definite end... y-jourth seed could Inherit the land. just then. tect It. A portion.of the valuable oats -Quiet; No. 2 white, 42je; No. Threo; coun wicz had finished the ilillet Will beat the River Notel, a�fleld, every 0 cit3r and lit w . are discovered in It South Da- IlUt the DILISH of the people arO MIS- - b6cause the iniquity of the inhabi, Monday from 10 a. in, to 6 v, In', law library � belonging to thil .0 mixed, 40ic,- Barley -61 to 560, RUSSI&II Prisoners Refuse Food Prablv ignorant as well as poor, und rourld of the room With as many dif attorneys was also destroed. Th kota Canon, guests whell silo complained of tunts wa,4 not yet full. One - reason "right of the 11re is It mystery. in storo Ilya -go. 2 offered at'58c, - are Sent to Hospital. joubly helpless and Impotent. .V our Lord does not come and J. FREEMA Chicago machinists' strike has and- feel feelilig sick, and almost Immediately W11. DR- gucceqsor to Dr. V owler. on track. despatch from Moscow aal- Od. The day is -Irmly as, They have only brute strengt1i and . dropped ovor Ill. It faint and died, judge the nations is beqausp. their, ji� aSt. Louis, Aug. G.-Wheat-CIOSO4 0 ty political tabillshad. lives to throw away fit fruitless ri- stated - yet come to a head,,,. no hundred all(' forr ant; that death WAS iniquit has not -Cash, 65je, I.September, 66je, Who Were kept In volutioll� Physici There Is it ptoper time to l4uC0 9L A member of the Votorinary'lladical Asgoolt, prisoners at Jue to ovee-exertiOu boil. Our Lo tions of Lolidon atid Edlubarl net — 0 . — handGraduate ST. VITUS' DANCE CURE'# it, ug. S�oljtapy coil flneinent fit dark collator A locamotiVe on the L k,, wun rd will not be too late tli6 0ntarIo..VqtorInary Co lege. No, 2 rodi.eash and IUIY, 68c, Sap- four illonthc Pa., REXEDY AGAX14ST ILLNESS. — r . S without any pretence of I-ailroad blow up, at PaIIcOASt, in attending to the gatherffig.. Ofilee opPosite the CoMmarefal Hotel, CIIntOU* taluber., 60c. trial or exantfilation, agreed by some killing the engineer, The sin6king furnace and the W Must L16close Limbs for Days In R Igid, tile Cripple 25 KNOTS, AN HOUR. -'17 Milwaukee, Aug. 6,-Wheat"Stcady inysteriouq mean.,; to strike by refug- The uly production of Which Prevails burning lamp describe the way of the VETERINARY -Close-No. 1 Northern, 706c; No. 22 Ing to take foo,(L Crock Mines. Was July Clar'ous . Custom -in Versia, people of (Jed as they journey to the Northern, (,*8J to 69c; September, They reolu tely carried out* the pro- dividends, $002,000. kingdom. There will be the furnace,, A despatch fromPails ays:-Prof. A Idammoth Xew Steamer for the LACIZALL BALb 6811c, Itye-Weak: No. 1, 54je. Bell Ject until tile pi-ison. governor- was Itobert. Liverpool A physician who has just returned but His word will prove alt unfailing Ilianchard, lit It paper before Lhe o.2, 61. to 62c; sample faced b the choice of.the gr rooks & Co., of says that III that cou- Cunard Lillet the world we shall have V.ET=INAR,YSUA0EOXS- aov� Academy ()I edicine to -day, said, the Icy -Strong, N ave ecall- will build a new reflnerV near New from PcrSIVL In J')1 to 513c. Oorn-�Jwptcmber. tit) . 4rded a VFTk,'RINAItY INSPECTORS Another of 1110"Cillito prolid- d,1 of 14() prisoners ding at, n4sond- York to light the sugar irust, try human tears are reg S a n A deqpatch from London says tribulation. We must through much Aug. 6.-Close--Whoat ing them to the hospital. t the. United infailible remedy 'unard tribulaiion Ifflimeapo Ile sell against certain Tile Telegraph etar that the C enter the, kingdom, but. wr -, ItPSIDEsm, ALBERT' gatas iseaseeven leprosy. The 0old, fit S ompany has decided to we twed not be. troubled (John xiv, (Ic)jc: September, 05i -c; Do- theill to tile hospital and they wore chronic DFFICE; XSAAC STAr .4 tloasulv STnL8T, CLINTON. Parislan C1JJPX inamIttito �! less ter- now amounts to $505,354,297, In order to have a Sufficient SUPPIY build a now Steamer, and with her 1, 1-17, xvi, 31, Acts Xlv� Uath. rible. Ile advised tilt,, dellteuction of usoot . I relealied.. largest alualint Over hold there. of toars always on hand the priests. make an attempt to capture the At- xxIV, (j), for nothing call collie to tile I�rvav by plaefl g petrolcuill In __+__ � theln in AbOTIONEER I caAly. No. 1. hard, 702c; No. 1 Nor- Pour cars of a, freight train on the collect 'IngUlar Illanner. lantic record. The contract has not us that will not prove to be tbo best water, and s%vvct oil In LOYAL DUTCHMP.N. blown Way Whenever there is a funeral the offli- yet becit placed, but the designs have f�l- s. in the light of the glqy, and IIROWN drinking Water. 671a; December, (372c� Corn-32ic. by it cyclone near Hamblin, Kall. elating pi -lost distributes sme 11 been prepared and estimates invited 1Jiq pesnwill always tifillain us DRobin announced that expert- luour"t's, With for a Vessel capable at making 25 (Itoill. vilk 28; rSU.. XIIII, I'L 2)� LICENSI 0 AUCTIONEER. ments, hadbecn inade by Dr. Huyghc Parade Graaf Relnet StroOtg on Way Two afe-bloers overPOWOPOd the sponges among the to Join BVItl8h. .14 N. 0., Which lie instructn them to remove knots an hour, She Will be built �io 18-21, Here we have foi' tile first :.,s conducted In: all arts of the Coulntieq of of Lille fit cupilig St. Vitus' dance jailer at Devil -q , od. the tears which thtY t1lat he call be u';C' a8r an Ltroted time the, boundaries of tile land well uren and Perth. Orgers left at Tim N1WAr bV fit rigid Tor In Cl'paftf jl' in t, three other prlqoinets and �Sca� frout their eyes ECORD 0111CO Clinton, oraddreAsed to Sca . enclo%ing limbs for days onto, Aug. 0 -To -day the rath- A depatch fro a �j� , $at. bandages. or harm run of 72 -loads of live 8ys--Another batch of prisoners I-; Loading photographic dry plate fac- are In duty bound to Shad for the do- cruiser, and It is possible that she defined, not, silliply- what we know [is ,otth P. 0. will receive- proMpt atton Ilan r- caused. will holve U, protective deck. Canaan, but teoni E'gyPt to the Eu� stoelc was received at the West0lift After the ceremony ho COIlcctS tile' phrates, kin ablindant posesioll for l;factlo arantecdor. no charges. Your Pat- expecLed. here front Caindeboo. They torte of the United Htatc and I' .011age ."Iffulted. cattIc market, I licluding I 100 cattle, are mostly rebels and consist of the oPe 1119.V combine, with a capital 0 . f Sponges, which by that, iii -13 are l;mt- all tgrael when they shall hove re- 0 1 Icep, 900 Iowa -fdars, $30 , 000,000 efully close oil 2,00 ambs and 91 %r class of Dutch Wood I urated with tours, ind Car Co P. R. LAND SALES. turne(t to their own land front all 'MISCSLLANEOUS hogs, 75 calves, and a few milch lime burners, laborers and shopherds. William Lopley, a blacksmith, Was squeez,09 their cojtItcIltg into a, large tlio nations Wherp they tire now IX, db oals and The men, are described as extremely killed by a boal' that I,; kept on a cattered, lot' they are toy dwell in - inRclllb� Choice export cattle Was dejected. Some rebels are still lIOV­ hibition at the liallsada boat GEO. TROWHILL Cou h" w2vth ' 5e, and for it few lots ton ering lical, New Bethesda. A grati- Ing, at IOWM 13=1 in his medicine chcSt- as 374 Moro AGrOS $Old LtLst Month their, -it united people under one cents njoro Was in a fow, asA Short tilile dgO tile questloh w 8 . lUng, never to be i.kcattered or pulfed aid, fying'sight here is a number of tal- C111cago. wfll have, an Irish demon- eptkal layinan whether over July 1000, 111) out of It U11v lunre (I'Zck. Xxxvif, raised bv a W ONNURALBLACKSMIT11, Out live IS the representative Ingure. wart young loal Dutchman pAvadIn.g Striation August V-3, at Whiell Michaol trocodil; tears filled by, llypocritleal up to die with 0 A despatch train Whffill)eg 20.; Antos Ix, 441 was give Light exporters are -worth from 4J tile Street%, fully equipped, oil then- ."Ilgland 0 treat, mourners were likely to prOV0 as Of- S folb Woodwork Itonod and first-olasa material Ana I)aVitt, Will peak oil I Tile land 'sale *Tuly by the C, P. 14, 15). ITe, will yet perfni'm the work guarantOed. Farm Implemontamid IDA quick conSumPtl0fl- I then begAn toAjgla per II), way to join tho British columns as inclit of 'the Doers, fietteJous as tIld-110 she,d by trite priests did not it. Land Department atuoulit to 40,r ti,lith to, Jacob and the mercy to elitues rebuilt and repaired. to Use Ayar19 Cherry Pectoral. I Tito same conditions governed the guides. These young follows are ex- Ona of. the horso.e, of the ers, but the. . 080.08 acres,fol. $15.1 Good to choice they Chicago lourn UreS 01,110 * This Abrain whi011 ho haS AWONI front tile buitcher market, p rt Tiorsenion anti shots, and repl, No fig I, a Vor,v satisfito4ory. Showing and (lavq of old vil, 20),T May wo 301113NO A SprCIAL. improved ot once'). and am now in a fire brigade,foll dend while -901119 to condescend to AtUxurSrAEET, Nonizin CLINT perfect health"-ClItis. )g. Hail.' butcher cattle sold at from 4 to 4jc; are. all doing yeoniAl. service. Pro- its: death. The obtainable as to the (JUMItitY of -indicate; an increase of be' fully What Ood was paid, mitiont Iteat eallsed toars which Such M-SpoJige Will oVbr tile Aulno month 'IftStL Vi'ar. has onilsed Ile iq able to, perform for selections it little more aniong them may be mon- il, fire. Won cattle a I% )ricqts, bottles are Mtn, Gibbstown, 14* Y. Por medium and cow tioned the sons of the Black Rod Of men It d liarrovi escape. yield, but, as tllOA whon the sales aniounted to 40,71155.- and fearing na evil, walk'hutqbly 56 V91t9so rIc6s are unchanged. the Cape Legislative Council and Twontv of the tWelity-six judge.4 In ever elnptv, it Is evident that, 010 ERIENCE Ildq Of Persian niourn- 4-8 for $1*2j),48, - The !n- with Win fit cluie 11 les. too risky PThere wag a, rather better enquiry 0 Oad 01.)ok County, III,, are taking vacti- Ilryinal gia in naroaga: was 8,34.60. dence. playing oth r I Ing Dutchman, swelter In 1110 —.F for good feeders at from 3 to 31a per tionq,'Whilo 1-05 prisoners cr.q W�e alwayn ready to Comply With crease . . . I Jal and '15,000 a way be made up- with your cough. lb, jail awaiting lit ivit any domand which S)ieop and lambs Were again, Slow 13OE;RS1 -SURPRISED. 1jultS are unheard, on them. NO GRANT TO 9ULLER. A The first thiog you of sale and weak; the Supply Was Tatiles Itan ad 1oa 'it, WILL APPECT CANADA. itow it will be doWn large to -day. Lacrosse, Wfq_ held up And robbed a -1 "4 to fV0111 $1. TWO $On$ -,Of 6611- PrI0166 Cal hour. thOY Were liam It, would be Wiser TOP MO )lot GoVerhniont MZTPPOte3t Ag,'Itifts Calves tire unchanged at tUrOcL witIlln two Willialn-chance me, t HIS, fit 8611th A' le.1, Vot to 9nd to $p, er RAOt MOW& deep in your lungs ly, witil an oliquiry lor It arrested, tried and Sentenced to thl'o-le marry again. mIstal Emigriation to Afr�M ba i.eviavld- DESION13 tow cholee vealq, despatch front Xrotinstadt Says' ears at luird labor. Awtatasla deal,. " %VIlo, knOW9, but the A capVttlot"Tli &C, Ithe ptly will be Over, Be- at from -Uajoll' Phie-COM11 left Holling- NjcCabe, 4-1 yeapq of age, tables in�� be turned this tilnel A despatch fro I: -It A front A I 1,1,xport ewes sold to -day 4weldy 10WtAln nut opinlaim frio * ethor an �,n,,a4rly with Ayerg Va,ja to $10.50 pe . r cwt, sprult with tile 91,11 and 15th Mount- (ioldmittod sulelda at NOW York- Ire is said the to the Mute of ptohilblyr 0minufflea- attoll of 1111- Ilon. A.t.l` 11111 - Invention 10 � FktentAble. (I mad to � LadyJI'llo feet, Of thO ladles of prote $entfre6. 1:11, 40bilddilt OLL 11ratolb(ift aft FAtOntA Pectoral and stop Iluck1 vell, from Pi to 13n por 1b, t(I Infantry, 1,1,qqex Volunteer and 09- Rt agalli4t tha utlIIP t1oftsettiet tit front $,_1 to $3 folodshire detailq, and -surprised Cel- 110- d bten a, striker, but ratu cria i desto hnerforlecurin AtAntm. Cullp are War Daily Ile waq hooted and your country tire I be- 1) I fundg, for the purpo", of in- fout,. the murill, 1 red6lTo Pattho takaYk WOO gcpc 4- between Walall'a work, (lh, 110, dubigg, Inilnigpittion from tho PrItI.sit ply, 1() it by John M0 Zlx loet(41,110tioe, without cthrite, In &.6 the cough. each, by the ntrikern and his 1101911- lieva? JapaneqO Att4elle- sed ait 111 nutdam; that ig a Ullflieso South Africa. , Tho ronten- Irish 'kilt. 0o, Lambs are Worth from $2,50 "to Irop and Doornkop at dawit. I thought Ile waa drive custoltil, Islas to ftd it 9 tioll Is that If the Home Vovernitiont luolit. did noL ta kisk fol, , A E C quick col 0 use n1prove. Pertact Marto (3, WAXOPFE"Rlil N" Ft , it A to Ile per M. 4 were eaptur6, ill. borp 0 '6t t U t6t ofoil $3.7iii oach, of, front 4, We JAI)= allow Our ladles The bast prIce for 11SIngerall is Ilt cluding two Of enerat Prill9loove nanassisted elulgralltl.q, It would have It gralit, o)t inonc to) .911. it for, Utac4t,g I .0 (roiltely) not allfftl- TbrMS33A 4 A won' material Liffect tipon the trend of, liuller (III of AOIWIM i 1 8� moit 00 per Ill; thlak fat, and ligilt hogs are Sails allot n, quantit of horses, sad- Lail and two) nen were taken grow to their full tO rival t of h, h r6!' ld I odt , 0 to "n Alt C 'O 'worth die per 1b, dles, rilles, and alunniftiti011, toll Into frOI llogA­to. Jetch tilt p priee must our hands. fottt Month$ it 'ht�@0144 n jail and lylll!hed� at Carrollton, that they can ver 11151,0 -Settloillent to Ca.nada, UILNI&CO 1610toadiott. fleW Y Apeeted of inrder. yourg, luflidam. to