The Blyth Standard, 1930-02-20, Page 8PAGE 8 -THE BLYTH STANDAIt1 I+ebfualy 20, 19€10 a Noted British Violinist at Canadian Festival MARGUERITE AUSTIN. P R E. M I ER VIOLINIST W IT H THE CUTLER- AUSTIN ARTISTS, HAS WON THE HIGHEST PRAISE FROM THE MUSIC CRITICS OF THREE CONTINENTS. SHE WILL BE ONE OF THE OUTSTANDING MUSICAL ARTISTS AT THE COMING CANADIAN CHAUTAUQUA FESTIVAL HERE. Memorial hall, Feb, 20 .-ondb' bora• Mr. P. Brown spent several days last week with London friends. Our assessor, Mr. R, Townsend, com- menced his task last week, Mr. T. Manning, of London, visited friends in the community last week. Mrs. Geo. Lyon was a guest at the home of Mrs. Ernest Adams on Monday Miss Stalker, teacher in No. 8, spent over the week end with Mrs. Robt. Wells Nies, R. McCrea was called to Belgrave on Monday owing to the death of her niece. Mrs, McCall. who was visiting hrr sis- ter. Mrs. Simpson McCall, near Brussels, has returned. Mrs. J._Bloor, of Mt. Forest, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. T. Brunsdon, for a few days recently. ohs, NI, Hooper, who was isiting her parents. Mr and Mrs Elsley, has returned to her home near St. Marys. Mrs. S. Carter and Mrs. Earnest Ad- ams were in Wingham last week selecting some new furniture for the parsonage. Mr. Chas Stewart was in Wingham last week attending the annual meeting of the County Orange Lodge of North Huron. Rev. Mr. Johnston was at Constance on Friday; also attending a Valentine So. ial in the evening put on by the church. Messrs. Fred Johnston ano John Mel. viile have been quite busy finishing the interior of Mr. James Fairservice's new home, Mrs. George Lyon, who spent several weeks al the home of Miss Esther Lyon and other friends, returned on Monday to ler daughter, Mrs. W. Hunking,l13th con. Mrs W. Mountain was in Goderich last week to see Mrs. J. Pipe who is in very poor health and does not improve as well as her many friends would like to see, She was accompanied by Mee. R. Yung- hlut, A Box Social will be held in Ccmmun ity Hall on Friday evening, 21st inst., under the au' pices of the Friendly Class of the United Church. The committee in charge is preparing an interesting pro- gram and a pleasant and enjoyable even• ir.g is expected. An entertainment will be held in Com- munity Hall on Friday evening, Feb 28 commencing at 8 p. m , by Group No. 4 of the Women's Institute. This group is preparing a splendid program consisting of a short play "Mix Well and Stir," read ings. songs, dialogues and Tom Thumb Wedding. Come and spend a pleasant evening, The supper and play which was given in Community Hall by Knox Church L. A. was fairly web attended. The night Das very cold and frosty which no doubt prevented a great many attending, The supper was excellent and the play "Moth• r r Mine" was well rendered, each one taking their parts well. For the benefit those who could not attend on Friday night, the supper and play was given again on Saturday evening but the turn. cut was not so large. The W. M. S. of Londesboro United Church met at the home of Mrs, H. Lyon on Wednesday last. Mrs, J. Tamblyn, President, took the chair and the meet,- opened eet:opened by singing a hymn and Mrs. .Tamblyn led in prayer. An invitation from Knox Church to meet with them on the day of prayer. March 7th, was accept- ed; After the business was concluded, Mrs. F. Wood, captain of group No, 2, welt charge of the meeting. A hymn was sung and Mrs, Wood read the Bible iess- un and Mrs. W. Lyon led in prayer, 2,lrs. Edwin Wood and Miss Mary Wood s rig a very pleasing duet "I Know He's Mine." Mrs. Frank Tamblyn gave a reading "An Offering of Self, The Way of ■sTrrrrrrrrrrr■■■rrrrrnrrer■rrrr■■r■■rrrrrrrrrrrr■rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr■ Chautauqua Specials DOWN PROOF SATEENS New floral patterns, beautiful designs with assorted color grounds, very suitable for box coverings, draperies, cushions, quilts, comforters, etc. Reg. 75c. per yard. Chautauqua Spec- ial per yard 59c Chautauqua Grocery Specials Soda Biscuits per Ib 1 Sc Peas, corn, tomato- es, 2 cans for 25c Cast' e Salm'n, large 17c Brunsw'k S'rd's 2 tins 1 1 c Golden Net Salmon large 32c 1-2s 16c Cooking figs 3 lbs 25c Ginger Snaps, 2 lbs.._- 23c Arrowroot Cookies lb 29c Kellogg's Pep 2 for25c rice Krispies 2 25c " bran flakes, 2 25c Tiison's baking bran 2 25c Jelly Powder, 6 for . 25c Flannelette Blanket s Ibex 12 4 white, grey regular $2.50 a pair Chautauqua Special per pair $2.19 Don't miss this snap. Ladies Silk an d Wool Hose A wonderful collection of hose, placed on the rack for quick selling, all sizes, all new, Val- ue to $1.25 pair. Chau- tauqua Special pr 69c Men's Overalls Black or blue. Sizes 40, 42 and 44. Values up to $2.50 Chautauqua Special per pr, ;$1.25 Men's Work Shirts Chautauqua Special 69c Get your spring supply at this give-away price, val- ues to $1.50. •ro••«•••«e•••.•.««•«w.••«w•«•«•ee«••ee.«...«...•««.e•.«•«•e.•ee«««««. wr•••••••«o••ete.” «e.ewea««••«•e«•«• COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. YOU ARE WELCOME Chautauqua Season Tickets for sale here Season Ticket $2 Student Season Th.k- ets _ . $1.00- '1'1i11 STORE 'J IAT SETS '171E PACE. ZA BEEER "Svr.icn with n Smile:" BLYTH, ONT. Remember the Chau- tauqua Dates Feb. 25, 26, 27 and 28. A wonderful treat for everyone arrrrrrrrrr■rrrrrrrrrrrr■rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr■■rr■arrrrrrrrrrraerrrrrrrrnararrrrrrrr BLYTH BAKERY WE HAVE ON HAND DELICIOUS CAKES A i,SO PREPARED ALM- OND PASTE FRESH ASSOIRTMliNT O1' BON BON BOXES, CHOIGE XMAS CANDIES FRUITS & NUTS OF ALI, KINDS CAKES PASTRIES AND DELICIOUS BREAD. F J HOLLYMAN 'PHONE 38 I31.'"rH. - ONTARIO Lite." A chapter in the Study Book was vary ably taken by Mrs. W Lyon. A eading by Miss Lillie Garrett, "The Blessedness of Giving." Mrs. (Rev.) Johnston closed with the benediction, after which the group served a dainty lunch and a social half how spent with 30 present. The Carnival The carnival held on Burling's Rink on Monday night was well patronized and the band. under whose auspices it was held, is to be congratulated on its success, The prizes were awarded as follows: Girls' Race under 12 -Irene Brunsdon. Boys' Race under 12- Ernie Robinson. Ladies' Race -Clare Brunsdon. Men's Race -Norman Floody; Keg Race -Nor- man Garrett. Best Skating Couple- Brunsdon and Murray Scrimgeour. Oldest Man on Skates --Alex Baird. La- dies' Comic Costume -Mrs, Shaw. Men's Comic Costume -Geo McNall, Girls' Comic Costume -M. Hirons-Boys Coin is Costume -Bertram Elliott. Ladies National Costume- Isabela Cunning; Men's National Costume -Mr, V. Bray; Girls' National Costume -L Munro, Boys' National Costume -D, Munro; La- dies Fancy Costume -Mrs. C. Toll. Mens Fancy Costume -Murray Johnston, Judges: -A. H, Erskine, Robt Somers and R. M. McKay. A hockey match was played between the married and single men which result- ed in tie -00 Mr. Frank Kershaw, of Goderich was a visitor in town on Wednesdry. Mrs. Burnside, of Goderich, visited with her mother. ,Mia, Colclough, during the week. Mr. Walter McGill and daughter, Mar- ion, of Saltford, were visiting the former's si:4er, Miss 011ie, and friends during the week. Mrs. Howard Brunsdon will undergo a surgical operation in Clinton Hospital on Wednesday. We trust she may have a speedy recovery. x++++++++++++++++fir+++++++N 4, 4 4. WINTER GOO7r i„- ALL WINTER GOODS AT GREAT- LY REDUCED PRICES DURING JANUARY TO CLEAR OUT WIN- TER STOCK JAS. DODDS 4. 4. 4- 4- BLYTH .4- BLYTH - ONTARIO dr +++++++++++++++++++++++44% ABSTRACT STATEMENT Abstract Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the Village of Blyth for the year 1929 Remmers Cash on hand Dec, 31, 1928....$ 2 686.10 Taxes 17,344 47 Fees. rents and fines .. 119 75 Licenses 22 09 Debentures 2 919 79 Loans... 6 250 00 Miscellaneous. 856 22 Weigh Scales .. 420 10 Waterworks 74 00 Exeleenrru r$fi Election Expenses ..$ Salaries .................. Printing; advertising & Stat'y Heat, Light and Insurance.... Fire, Water and Street Lights Law costs Roads and Bridges......... School Board Levy Debentures Loan ......... ...... Board of Health.. Miscellaneous Weigh Scales Water Works Sinking Fund Bal in Bank Dec, 31, 1929 12 00 1,817 00 151 00 143 18 1,372 59 120 52 248 49 4,206 00 7884 41 6 474 01 3 10 2,841 65 141 28 32 35 816 00 4,447 95 $30,692 83 830692 83 We the undersigned auditors certify that we have examined the treasurer's Cash Book, Collector Roll. Scale Book and all the Savings Accounts held by the Treasurer and his accounts and the accounts of the Hydro Commission, checked all vouchers pertaining therero and find the same correct The balance on {hand in the several accounts corresponding with the balance in the Bane as per the foregoing report. Frank Metcalf I Auditors W. J. Pelts. Blyth, Jan. 29. 1930 The regular meeting of the Y. P. S. met in St. Andrew's United church base- ment on Monday evening. with Miss Jean Pate presiding. After the opening exe1- cines Rev. E. L. Anderson led in prayer. The missionary subject for discussion was Tile Doukabors in Canada" Miss Pate gave an outline of Russia how this sect first originated and their life history. Mrs E. Cartwright read a paper prepared by Miss Toll. which was interesting, Mr. E. Cartwright gave a reading and Rev. G Weir closed the meeting with prayer. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of land, being North 14 Lot 40, cnn.3 East Wawanosh, On the prem ises is situate a good le storey frame dwelling; barn 50x110 and 40x60 with stone stabling. Ifen house 20x30, driving shed 30x30, all in good repair. One and a half acres good hearing orchard. The farm is in splendid state of cultivation, well fenced, drained and watered. For particulars apply to Walter McGill, R. 14 No. 5, Goderich. FOR ONE WEEK ONLY Headlight Overalls or Smocks $2.25 Men's Quality Socks.............4 9c Silk and Wool Hose 63c to clear 2 prs 1.25 Babies Rubber Pants 25e pr, Special 20c Womens' Suede Gloves. 50c pair Special 39c Women's Corsel- ettes $1 Spec. 89c English White Flannelette 36 inch, regular 35c Special.._ 29c English Drapery Chintz 36 inch excellent pat terns 25c Women's Patent Slippers $3.00 to $5.00 Children's Patent Slippers For Spring Rennie's N e w Seeds Arrived Men's Fleece Shirts or 1..-;raw- ers, Special 75c These Prices For Lockportillinois Gold Medal Rolled Oats Pandried, 5 lbs 25c. Lennox and Pearl Soap, 10 bars....39c 65c Japan Tea....49c Sodas in lb Pge 16c Falcon Peas, or corn .14e Snowshoe Red Sal- mon, big cans 3 for $1.0O Big Flannelette B'r n- kets, white or Grey Special $2.25 Big Batts, 72x90 Special 65c Crumbs Navy Blue Prints 35c special 30c E4 inch English Tweeds $2.00 Special $1.50 Haugh's Overalls with bibs, Black, Only $1.69 Pick Your Seeds Early One Week only 4 A 7R e4 414 ?'F 1!C a'F JrC POPLESTONE STORE t McKINNON'S OLD STAND 1 yt:fl1. Orra.taria 3M.* * **** *3 34++++++++++++++++++++++++X + UNTIL THE CHAUTAUQUA .+ ++ IS OVER k +, 2 Cans Campbell's Tomato Soup 4. + 25c. 4- 4 + 2 Cans Pineapple 35c. + + 4. Now is the time for Oysters, 4. + Take a jar home. + Ice Cream Bricks Always On + +HAND + '. . 4 4. 4, GOODS DELIVERED 4. + 4- + "1' 4 + BLYTH, ONT; 'PHONE 14 4. irwm.sampommr.momaramit 1 W. JAS. SI,.�.�, i YOUR CHOICE OF A RUG Will be simple and easy at this store becausE of our large and varied selection, enabling you to find the very pattern a n d colors to match y o u i' furniture, wallpaper, hang- ings, etc. LET US ASSI, T YOU L. 'sem. I! , c INT&op .��