HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-01, Page 8. polo
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sopio exoltoment, alid I was not dis-
"Go judgq,11 he laughed. "Well,
have for 0100; ENGLISR
awpoluted. The news #Qw over the
y shall P., cheque
placo Ulm wildi,firc, and all I could
bear for the next hour was "Mr.
1:14, our address in California. If
you, find your way out there, wall
Rupert As coming this afternoon."
And I smiled all by my lonesome.
and good ; it not, that is your own
look -out."
Monastery Description of th10
At five o'clock MISS Curzon group-
I thanked him, at course, ax&d do-
0 , d us all on each side of the porch,
tormined' to lot things take their
Institatiog bya
while she herself stood on the steps
way. Bob know what he was about
Xin W 4 a As Fxince
g Ed, ar. $a Way, a
At Oka.'
to give himu royal welcome.
and I must not Spoil blil game,
Thil Late Q . ueen Victoria as a
h the CVr1%00 When Saturday Came. Mr. Woodrow %*Uesr,. Vo And Bob was down on our luck and the pair of greys which: had been .arrived at Slindillinda, and It to" Is' Ing Edward VII. is going to via- a bit, I can tell you. Every- sent to, , t he station swung up t a o'cloc we all drove to. the church it William Waldorf Astor It Olive. thing we had planned went As crook- drive, and, amid our cheers of Wei- and Rupert Errol was quietly max- d an, say the English papers, In the' OAA N Q) r Ell V, S AT ed as a dog's hind leg just at the come, A andsome, brown -boarded ried, to, Misu'Nelly. old days when the King was Prince last infoute. We had worked for man Stepped to the ground. Then when the time came we till of Wales his visits were hardly nar The story al Trappist inollas',OrAcs slight elevation—we should call At a
near a month ori a, darluglymplannea With hardly A look at the Servants went up to say "Good-bye" to the tione.l. events. e visited an gArcon has been told before, but not by, the hill in our flat country—Is an Orm, scheme to relieve Lord Tallport of lie dashed up tile steps, aacl in 0, 0 N pon of it wome, writes Miss 1G. toire witl% an imago of tile Virgin,
le- happy pair, and as we passed by 'wherever . his facy led him, al- rl I
his plato, and just when all was other Instant, before us all, be,had with 4 liand-shalte tit() bride handed though 110 Was a tremendous stick- Veserve, Ili tlio Chicago Record. To From here it splendid view call be ready I'm bleat it the sheriff didn't Miss Nally Ili his arrus, Igissin her each -of us a choque.- he en, forbidder, obtainecl of the farm of 1,000 acres. 9 ler.aa to the houses which his wife g
walk In and collar the whole bloom- and—well, I didn't think lBeautiful When my turn came I went up cold round. R van the guide books, which Tito old house where tile Trappists
Ing lot just to pay a few of his lord- Bob had it in Ili=. d'honor by her presence. like it . oil, Uaid that spent. their, first winter Is near, and
and, received A cheque. for Z:I.00 Queen Alexandra never Won. mirago, lure one ship's beastly debts.* ",Rupert, Rupert I came bacIr- at and. as Bob shook hanas with me he her hildbInd to a racing hQuse-party, women must stop at the door. Those farther all the old onvent stand$.
"Well," sas 1, "we're broke. last," she said. says, "We shall be seeing you Again Unless the host and hostess were Who had been there said that wotuen The. barns are large and well kept; "Just A bit, Bill Jack," actys "At last," he Pays, "my happiness shortly," and I thought ho gave a great dignitaries of the realm, and were received Ili the perhaps the fields promise abundant harvests#
He always called me Pill Jack COO Is bomplete." wink, which 1, returned. never visited'itt r3, house whose host given i.x dinner, but not allowed to the pastures ontain, thofiriest breeds
I was christened William John. Then he kisses her again. Then he I came to London that night and was a bachelor, save in the one ase visit ny part of the grQuilds or tit cattle, Huge Porcherou horses# X hands him -the paper, and for a kisses ber again, buildings. So it was with mInY imported Ior thei monks' use, are 10
04 1: he was hav- ob. went on his. a i y oo tmisgivings tlint I took tile morning tile stables and hogs Ire raised on a B 11 I a in 4 All of the one visit to the I�Iarl of Fife few minutes the rest was silence. Ing 'a real good time, was Bob, thpough the succeeding days I k@pt who, later, became her Son-in-law. Then suddenly he Sys, "Listen to Then he makes a speech to the a boat froui Lachine for L" Trappe, very extensive scale, for besides tildir or- repeating ray chum's words Now that the Prince and Princess ey, butter and cheaso the
thi" :-7 vants arid thanks them all for their "A weak 'after Rupert Errol dis- Of Wales have become King "lid But even an outside, view of tile witie, ban Wanted—A man to wait at table welcome monastery accrued worth. the trip, monks sell large quantities of pork. appeas from Sandilands Hall Beaut-� Queen, their visits h -;-
and assist butler. Only those With That evening I waited n them at iful Bob will be awaiting you here about by inore etiquette. thall ever, ON THE WAY TO OKA, AN QJPX�X GIIAVE), good references need apply.—Sandi- dinner, . I always knew Bob was A with your share of A fortune," and it is supposed that only tile The boat stegued up the Ottawa Tito old comotory is the square lands Hall, Egham, bit of an artist in the way of to- for two hours, passing many point, formed by tile building, but that is Trembling with excitement I wait- very elect of the Kingdoni will be S
"The mancing, but his. conversation at very thing," says he. ad for Bob at the place appointed. lionored by permission to entertain hallowed by the blood of tile French filled and the later cemetery is out" used to know something of Saudi- that meal was an eye-opener. - 110 He was not long In making his certain am ap- them. There Is a 411 Pioneers, To the lovers.of history Side. It is a beautiful spot, adorn- lands Hall, when old John Errol toX(l )ter of his travels all over the pearance, but a more forl rn, woe- English set that has always been this whole country is full of -charm, ad with flowers and shrubs, arid in- was the bass of It, but the old chap world ; his uck tit the gold�digglngs bego.ne-lo Qking. Object I 4iave seldom the royal house party set, its It was -down the Ottawa that tilo closed with a high fence, . The cros.- died about six months'agol and 'I in - California, Ou as- seen. rs being all eligible to invith- Iroquois. used to come. with their sea may be seen- at a distance, also the trelooll(I S don't know who . liVes'th*e now. tates he had purchased out there; "Wh, 13 1 ob," I says, "what on tions to a royal house party and wild cry of "Hohe, fiche I" Over the the open grave, and the silent white- But if tlie'Errol family Still live and the :bcautiful palace he had a r;th I sma;ll for- built. A onderful place It seemed have . you bee ition,of host and hostess. the sorrow of thearnall foiit It Villa, at their devotions. there, the plate is Wo' earth ha happened Wherever most of. them being. elig4blo to. the rapids at Ste, Anne they Swept, to robed figures pacing back and forth
n pos tune, . What you've got to do is 'to to be, complete in every particular QUEEN VICTORIA, SOUTH AFRICAN MEDALS. Marla, now Montreal. It was up Not the east impressive feature'- d, he answers, go to Eghant, got this job as'wait- save one:. ::Quo this same river that Dollard, with (it the day was the bell. Again fit- Qpod.11' I ys, surprised, '"Why Above is a fac-slml,lo of the war modal which will be presented to or, learn all you evil, and scud the , 19a, Who, though firm In mat e sixtdon men weat to meet 700 Iro- teen minut:es;of life is gone and it "And what is this one thing that d were'S.Nell those Who took part In the South Afric news to me," an y etiquette of royal visits Was, when ail carnpalgn� Th4 bars will, 11Cood enough, I says, "And is missing;, Rupert ?",she asks—In- "Nally I of coutiae, be changed to c ver prominent enga I gements In Which the. re- quol 1 3, oach. man vowing to. give no rings, and again and again. It does Who's� the'? Haive you an invitation had once been accept- 0 quai ter nor receive any, They found not seem at if life could ap what about my references nocent like. gone d4ft ?11 . . . . ad, a most genial and - delightful spectivo.participants- took part. the Long Sault Rapids, I fast, cod SO "Love you, I'll writd'you half -a- "A queen my darling,; he ans�- . 'Nally Curzon, the jirl you met- wers, "and' I s soon as my palace guest never Issued orders as to tile but their daring deed checked the Nine years ago, when the new tied t Egham, Church last week," ever they visited every. little shop In'. the process for extracting the gold dozen, each more flattering than the guests she wanted invited to meet inroads of the. Indians for many building was dedicated, the whole wa's ready I set out for England in "You are mad -:-I was in quad last 11 years. other, and no two in the same hand- tll' or, The list was, according to eti- tit() neighboring 'village blossomed values,ho started an. the mispIckel, a hope that .31 could bring you back week." place was thrown open or inspec writing." with. me to share. my throne. " quette, presented to her, and -she ex- out in royal coats of arms and ac- knowing that white ar, About twenty miles from Lachine tion. Vast PlIg-rimmages of men and
"Now, look here, Bob, you can't amined it,, but, of �ourse, there credited glory. genic could be the river widdus into the large, calm Well, after a long talk I parted "Oil I 'Rupert, do a a a made from !�. The old mill built women came here from all,directions YOU�dO you bluff me like this ;. you nicked - the. would It n :on upon it who wits In bealififul lake of Two Mount- with Bob, and after dossing myself. mean*us to' leave England ?" - one tiny,village the shbils werev by the Canada Consolidated old during eight days to see, this home fortiane, and X want my Share-" n6t known to be persona grata, nd a alus. From the boat Mount Cat*rtrY of silence. The woman might then up I aot out for E gliam. . Why n t, my . darling ? 'we - two. a' small that the official attending Mining Company was again brought "My dear Bill Jack, you, don't the Queen never suggested additions to suel., may be seen, drowned with three of examine all parts, the cells and beds Acting on Bob's Instructions I ate aloneo in -the world, arid with matters sent . to. the shop- into use ; all the old machiner for its seven 611apols. . Readers of Mrs. where tile pionks sleep; the confe4- seem drunki but you talk like it. I to the list,. Unless there was Some keepers. Singled out for 'the honor %�qiich he had no use was pulled out Catherwood's "Itomance of Dollard" made my- way to the side-ontranco you by my side the plabo, Ili Cali- have not beert'near. Egham, and I urgent reason. why I certain person royal Sivis Smaller than the ordln� * sold for scrap iront. and the .0 and atonal, the chapel; but Since the of. Sandilazds Hall..'and iisked'fOr fornia �vjll be a Paradise. I propose have not nicked a fortune. should. be 'inclUdQd; The FrInpe and will recall that the wife of*Dollar I$ their curious eyes have, noV Paris- 1 tried ary onesi Tito sturdy villagers rose furnaces were' reconstructed to suit d the butler, to 'sell Sandilands and. get away as to pinch a purse to provide'the neces- Princess of Wales, on the contrary. a supposed to have siopped for . one Twenty minutes ater I.was f3emted soon as we can." -rid 'protested. Thei- would, Shy- the new 'conditions. Much money trated, 'Still, from the cordial man-. In'thia private sanct m,of the head sary funds for our enterprise, but I often mado out; themselvos, the list lock like,, have their poun ulglit-with her Indian cbmpabion in - I am lm6st con-� ,u - Well, I Was so: flabbergasted that I d of wood was expended on. various export- ner of the mLks, utler, whose name was Bloxam, arid got nailed and fiburteen. days in the of persons they wished to , meet; in ajidgildibg, no matter how it ob- n otter of thOsa chapels, as she followed viriced that they do -not exclude. us b drbpped a bottle of fizz. I was al-. jug. I came out this morning. ionts The industry was a new one lier husband to,his certain death. that, worthy gantImman Was � busily ways under- the impression that Mob a certain neighborhobd, and the list :scured the shops. So th6 signs were for th'is collillient,'. No one could because they hate us, "Then who—who, came, to Sandi- fre4tiently included persons Who changed and.indiguant SuViects were I)e,fo A QUAINT INDIAN VILLAGE. In spite of' what might be called perusing. llay . beautiful testimonials, would c6me to me some fine night, und who, thoroughly Understood "Your testimonials look all.right," and would loot the place Coin- lands, married Miss Nally, sold tIlQ wotild not by position and -prece- appeased. hardships, La Trappe seemed riot it we -t a business and'there. was practical- reaches Oka, a bad place to stay. . The foods are b4'when I heard him talk- "The real, Rupert Errol, according. ly 110' literature 'bear,mi qitaikt Indian village, .,the lauding ayS he, "and I like the look Of YOU: fortably place up, and paid the servants off?" denc'e ave -naturally been'ifivited. By. the way, it was at- the bogin- The boat boW :a I'll just�Ace Miss *0urzon and get Whather the King'and Queen , Will ning of this same.visit that an op wholesome and. simple,the hours are Ing Of 'selling t1le. place so audacious- to,the paragraph in tbLday's Paper. follow the Same custom remains. to I- Ing on this subject, tile Arsenic ulan- I)lac tot, La''Trappe. , Tito stage*wlls eeffula - r, leep is sufficient' clothing her opinion. She's the lady of the ly well, my breath see ad a. bit sode ..'oeourred which makes one'ai ufacturers Of �lie old country keep- waiii I, -for the. monasm; Itall'u M s home: in saw an account of his marriage be seen.* heart warni towarcl roy -When hat they k' lig at the what is eace of tight on my chest; ulty. -4,119 W new about it a pro- tery. lies in 'the hills three miles bc- comfortable'and clean, p Adopted daughter of the late -.John arid his beautiful place In California, Queen . Victoria, 'during -her, reign, the -royal tile YOU119 follha niftid is theirs... secret. Nothing daunted, Mr. yond, nd we soon wound slowly � The monks themselves gi I Dilmor was over mud trolled But did - you really thinl� Rupert never once'visited a subject � 0 -did 'faut low little. It' I . . twh elp. yourself cat Princess. upon it 31111ti. ve ev - Errol, Es.. H Out Of into,the drawing-roqui I didn't, Errol was *13cautiful 'gob ?" not 1wid high hereditary rank:or, a anti im Kirkegard went. right on and -after over the onco of. good- caro1n. their fine''phy- voiild be -hard- that ni and madiately With, rapture began, a short -time in making to, find prattler sceriery than --that this While I go arid stie'ller." d sea Bob ' agida ht;:,� but just � '�I did_ I did; and he gave' me a distinguished position gained by ill- bouncing , violently p and siql�o.*, - Same faces. -.aii6 siadderiedi down. the desired white arjonlo, and this along the 'Ott i�oN.v'the !or He pushed a decanter of.port, In 'after breakfast- chequo for Z100. tollectual anil personal merit. She The Quecri�rdrnopstrrtted. has' proved to bo'evert whiter and is .�ju sight, no the next morning adme are spititualized, some tire full a glass ioWardsaue, and left me to 1,fi , ss'aurioil'teus: itio to'send it marx "Good, - go w� hidden from view, -of mirth, no life of -silence and pen- my own sweet thoughts. ad ; that Puts Us ill stea(ifastlSr Ignored the itivitaiolls "Oil I can't help it, grari," gasped over to-Richinond to ask Mr.. Wood� fu purer th`�n ally 2nado in Europe... afistocracy; end, If "It. is the loveliest Having ra a few nds It Lilly of the . moneyed Suddenly Lit Trappe appeared Mr. Blox, row to came to Sandilands at. -once. But ' .,all I th� P�Incessi estabilished that th6 -gold �pefoiie...��ils. - Ii building. is ilAce can . quench, ..,Uut whatever "Who's Woodrow ?" I tile King goes to Cliveden,* he will Tic ptory their faces told, they Were all ass ., that, I was, I I Jumpiest one 1, ever struck," Ili he minutes with the message, that lie sked Blok- thcualli'it'was your bogus; cheque do w�fi`at': his m'otilar, would riot have A. "', - 'I -I I , as to take lite to MiS.Curzon It . a : . 1, .. . . 'guest we,tiat luight.*soe'lu could�'bwel tiiia&ted.;4ud arsenic fo�m of. W.-Ailaare around A Central e4lially, hospitable, and' cordial. W d6no. 1 - ..'' . I , I a� made " from the residuo.,� �'it is made of gray ' �wn.j init."' could be 0 once. andlit my pipe'. most human. "Woodrow 'Ho.s the faintly low-. �j will 'Bob Said Among 'the notables who are, eligi- at erwfse it wRst6 product, tlie-com-* With several toWers,.aad is very-picr not r0peat what Pretty ? I should think she was. widenQd their scope of opera- till, .0 AZT. esque agains .`A GOOD BREAKF yor... but we've not been such good friends ble to tile position of host dud host- pany t a background f A. perfiwt'peach, .daluty as a, � fairy, -I.:tl,ou t Bob Was Playing, a very 'tions by dbubling-the crtl�acit of grdenhIlls. : Both'the building gh since, I sometimes feel rather glae. ass -td -the sovereign, qertain , ones and kappiness r whole This building �t. X.eans 'Success. and lant, "starnp mill.. and the lomtion o:rd*-new. with a- voice. II1,4 6. silver bell.:,, risky, game, and I began Lo quit ner-' that Miss- Nally. was not deceived in h always, on, the grohald oi:p,err...NEW CANADIAR INHURT talriesenic work In. Life, is . ille says vous, ave s, " - and adding a. 16�go old =on- "A ' rid so' this The lawyer turned, up about lier happiness but many a time, wrial liking_been. . singled out for Was erected in i896, tile: she. ',',What did you SEW his lla=e midday, 'and .'after the.three had had h h i-oyal Visits. air compresing plant. to furni6h aster'y is farther down tlie filll,. and busin6ss. of breAkfast is a was an things look blue, I think. re� t, 0 most frequent a long Conversation they started. Oil' power for all. the'urideitigrourid ma- is used.for an agrictiltifral school, Most. Important and,"' said a famous Higglus, miss,", . 1.� answers, 1, ni6rsefullY of'.that lost fortune.— . Tito Duchess of Devonshire has MANUFACTURE. -OF WHITE AR- 6hinery, drills; pumps, arid hoist, The riionk are-exe Ilent,farmers, as London West ithell. the preserit a 0 1 Mond6a Tit -Bi rid doctor, "for it it's. possibly, entertained. SENIC IN HASTINGS and the reault"is 'that,ilow they' the'llelds, vineyards -arid- arehcLrds 'stores. the-humn battery with power of, course, arid tile King: and Queen more of on In any, liara JohrX,11iggins very much It. Was wrilting', t th the other hostess 'in Engiank and has COTJNTY.- have - as flue alid uj)-to-date- a mill- testify, but riot; on6'was to be cen for 'th d your se vice. a. ay ff. work; ...tA good break- h b6.fou d an. The good fast She Inti. me. through a rare- roug - '.'Couldn't have � happened., more, -superb suites, reserved* lor. royalty at Ing plant as call n ywhare It work tit, that 'hour gives & man staying qualities, a' i t I was IT in the 'country. Thus we..see. that fathers arid. brot] end -tumble of qu stions,. bu convenient,".1to a *d, "Lord Saito- COSTLY.,K C.IXENS. Chatsworth Hdus'4 Devonshire liers were . taking and equips film for almost any ein- itInAt to at ergeney likely to occur. a ad erday arid ask- -Abbey. The suite ructive 'Exhibition to be, Saerl-,skill and energy can accomplish in -their nooli-day nap. They ilm pretty Wet prim�d scraped House and, Bolton at the.Pan-Arericafi. qvercoming what hpilbred unsur- 11 o'clock, then leep from_11:3G. to iabatL, I through rather neatly. ed me if Sandilands was it! the mark- En�rmou.i :§umt Spent in. Pitting. a't.,Cll�iitsworth is particularly n"Tile. first; the mporttLrLt, 'You"ma having r 0. Caine a month on, trial,' ei. said.' 314�u. riot that, !,was Some., of Them Up. been refurnished In most mountable natural difficulties:, Wo 2:30. They' cc tainly need tile rest, itoin is ii'projitainary meal' Of fruit (Spe6ial.by Martha Craig.), hope tile Canadla'n'.GoWfolds.' Coin- for, though- they retire! ell1i'lY—at 'oranges, grapes, apples., . ch6rries, or she says itt last. that if it was elaborate fashion in'preparation for nd 010 t In tile , any
'Thank miss," I answer of '; lie rep)1c,". a -kitchen t*r1m:and the On Ont6lng. the Ontario inintl1g. Pany will eap, the full berlefit.'and seven in tinie winter a It other seasonable -fruit' in which you , a -he woitild'buy I t � a � I 0; stands, . lockt - Th is � by no' means 'the 'by' Q.uee.u. VIC. 0 division of the Mines Building t The live. f6 suiamer-�-Ahcy . rise, atAWO Fruit and backs out ;vith'.331oxam. Stock ' ixnd . barre 1, ' all, except .. tit most nsignificaul; -epartment:of a Prince Consort . profit they, so richly,dese r e. juice predominates over. fibre. - We went back a,331oxIm's. den, a house, judging by. tile. 6norm6us sums Pan-Ametlean Exp6qijjon, - much May having p . ersevbred. -and spont'largd morning. juices takonearly on . an empty 9tom7- horses," THE DUKE OF PRTLAND- Z OlilLe milliolaires and, titled fdlk �spend it! be seen'that is at tile ame. time in- money in .. developing - n RIPCEIVED MOST CORDIALLY. ,hap" 1,Well, sums of at rich are converted into alkalieg� keep; arfd het. being a' sociable lie 'can -have it, arid: the reousI3� f tereiti g nd: Instructivb,. - Not I asti, only 4 process for taking the gold 11 gorg ittink� P their coQkq� at Welbeek.Abbey has: winagnificent P 0 tbe,blood. normally alkaline pre produced a.kresh battle of -port and.. horses Can be sent- to Tattersa][Vs.. u yal. from out - of these refractory ores'� ii1tor. P venting saturation of he - systerlw, digaxs just to Celebrate, its lie put "And you Will send qaarters, indee�d, it is not uncommon ro suite, whose state bedroom amQngst these� is -the exhibit I 'Phe..inscrl tion in Latin over. th . a, my jaw. els.ovor for a greater amount to be laid out contains what is perhaps the love- tho,'.Doloko, , &iue of Hastings Ca,. do I or bespoke Welcome. With uric acid, and warding off the it, . Then I thought'I :would do, a to�morrbw ? RUpert is so. anxious eerybody' had ailed, but for start- "Happy are th ittle pumping, Ont. On examining. the displa . Ili. Ing ail: entirely fie 6y who dwell in.the storins of.,sufferihi which aileh -a con- to. s66 ine.decked- in- the family dia on he kitchen than'. on any other, - liest artrait- of..'the Queen �Ve.r w. industry, In Carl- n t:. lielp or favors room, . Some of,the'most 'costly Pat to he bIndsome show case, ve' find ada, without asking house.of the Lord."' ditloapr6yokes. 'IF Juices act its 'correctives to
--Much company. here I as] a. monds,' r- White us' ruit kitchens may be. found. in the West - The Duke of Newcastle has nte arsenic, This 'is '.something from the-Governitiont. We also-tvish. The wilt a -robed idthers receiveil Company Bless you,'the place 1.11 shall -bring them over myself." 611y arid talked' very. free- the digestive organs,, . whettin rid of London., notablSr that at APs- tained innupierablo *royal house par- new anflone will naturally ask "what to congratulate the"Martager, Mr. moift cordiv g'the w sinecure. There's :nobody.1lut ' I had heard a lot about those Wit,- .16y. House, over which the first'Duke ties',at,Cluinber.,.. has this to 4o -with a mineral &xhib- Xirkegard,. and his Staff Ior having ly, though .. f6r the �most part , Ili app'etites rind increas hg , the Miss C But. things * will morids', and I IS tions Of the, urzon. miled broadly, as I of Wellington is* said to. have ex- Oi� fiirther investigation.'�we French, Some of, the brothers. were gastrit-juice. - .When.. change when Mr.RuP The Duke of Abarcorn is the favor-, it so abl' 6onduc�ed tllis.;w6xk. * Such art comes home. tbought of Bo.b's Smartness: Y also pregent. They I ruit is eaten every morning, . diges- pended $35,000.. The copper uten- Its host of. royalty in Ireland- ., Lord, learn that Arsenic is manufactured .woar,the,�browfi b men'are what we need in. Caada to Quite a roniance it is. Let's soe� I tried.to... have. a'woTd or two with sils: al no are 'Valued at $5,000; and: Lady Lorid6nderry are gariticu- from - thO. arcs we see ill the am' 'do.. I - a' -robe. tion isoatisfactork, the *head is clear ys seemed to frown volop our mineral resource . Th6 . 0 eR g and'Queen cases. . Thesd Oies � are. known as Canadian Goldfiel The first enquiry—aud a very has- nd, an� agreeable fedling of general it's. about eight years ago since Mr- Bob,. b.ut. h lWa. ilo slibr-plated, stow�p(dns (it sioo iariy:favored by th -in Rupert quarrelled * With lils. father, when I approached him, and I re- eitch, spicc�boxep_aiid other culinary . arid no place in Gret:Dritdin shows . Mispick6l, 6re�.', Looldrid iiito. this Corripany has, —was � whether we ]had had wall being is -ex set -a.gQbd . ciarnple in another i- pita�ble one parlen6ed- one Nvould dine '766- much emphasi cannot be
and, strange to say,, it Was all about i.nembered �his instructions not to account for $15,000. more - ponip in conilection 'with a, more closely we learn that these.ores rection dy, that of loo dinner. Of course.tio is miss Curzon. She was the daughter speak to him -%until I was Spoken to, namc,, , king, to else here with- ii� dinner at the con- laid upon this'matter of'preliminary' Lord Shrewsbut7.'s kitchen cost royal visit . thAri'Wynward containga.ld its well as arsenic, and the wdlfaro--�of their niployees. They . w of the-surato then, and Mr. RI'Pbrt . But to. tell the truth I began to, tthat!the.g.old, is extracted first from havo built a comitiodious hall for'thit' vent in pkospecv- eakfast; If accustomed to $�5,obo in fitting!3 alone; everything, Lord Londonderry's, so Tile Was fruit ;,br u sooll. served, for �,guests are. ahlays 'the uso-of their'man anti famUl I r4ri?ex- lighten 'the noon lunch � and six�- wanted to marry. her; but Old get a, -bit. iroubleci.abo t Miss X ell I eating a small, breakfast,.y6u alto Id, ally- v to ranges; ll�ing_ borildred Lord Alington'S Crichol.. has held the raw ores,after. they. have* been, ca. or re- Squire Errol wbuld have none Of -it, I thought Bob.was going a bit too with siiver'platd, Another expensive royal guests from the time liglous serviced, School and enter- To them La Trappe o'clock dinner. You will sleep bettor of ,crushed by staanpar�s. We read lit I. expected,. but they Ire with
find packed him off to foreign parts. far. It is . Ill very well'inaking UP kitchen -is to be. f ound in the E arl Oil . arle L down. Then there arb'the ptimphlet a description of tits mine tdinments, ''and'havo.astalillshod' it. captions, mea. Mr. - Rupert .aware. . that, he would to it servant when you warit'a, bit''of hirbv's town 'house. . In apPeal-7 Duke and Ducliess.of Montrose, the fro . iii whenco,*it I &me. ' This � also fis iii freely open as 'rin country and rise with ail �apetit6.- If the y not return until his father gave his of, informatiorit but to make' love to ance -,it resembles. a lavishlym-built Duke . and Duchess ' f -Sutheilaid gives . an exact ' des Ano'libriar therein. home could be. -fruit -does not appear, to agree with criptiott of 'the , formed a bruid. consent. a, bhautiful. girl like Miss The employees have. The dlning�.-roata Was'light an airy, y U at first try a -am '11 beginning. Nally and -dining hall, the mountings. pit-, who*.have.1 at Ounrobin'Caatle, what p9cuifiLr formation in which e 0 Stan- eve f! twelve .. pieces ampng.thbmselves, clean,' with I touch three years wer.had ad& it fix up the worldifig day'was, to 'of the� finest isr perhaps.tho most splendid Queen's arep.ocCul_ Illustrating by, -citts.'the 6nd spotlessly Take only an:orange; drink the.juicw lars. being everywhere and'this bad gives1requentpen air of.the feminine in the muslin 'arid, rojeet the fibre. Persist, and the all news of , him, . an& then -came the my iiiind, bnly complipating things.. marble, 1which ran'Up a'bill of $I'/,- attite'la. the.kingdom; Lord and Lady whole vein. and "describing -art . d, wyer turbed UP,, 50b '*hllo,� :the cop.pe . r and'-plato Cadogayi, -the Duke. of Richmond, silence which hag1asted five Yes,M The next lit. the process and mothadi used far x_, concerts. . All of this t 9,to, a bet-, ains at the windows.. The- repast stoiiiadii will adapt itself. Gradually When Squire., Errol -could hear no in tIM6, L for d-1 for )rerign tracting'both gold'and aronic... ter - feeling L between. employer and we$ bountiful-7"'rOriat' moat;. Vegeta. add Lt bunch of grapes and -an apple., A inner, bringing with uteni,M6 could.. not be purch.ased who has entertained moie ic -inny, well be cooled more of 11r.'Ruport lie grow -relriolrse�L him.il heavy brass -bound box, WhIcli $10,000. I I persona . gas than any other Aliother most ' 41teresting feature employees arid Was,. bread'and bqttdr, and Wine-- you Will be surprised at the fa�rw roya to mbtual advarifagp, by any'. large but a whole lice, Ing benefit derived frovaso. slizi- ful, arid W11611 Miss� Curz6n!s- father* ',was go' traight up to Miss Nelly's, Jard this cixlilbit.is that the pe not'a tiny glass of it, ell Royal .kitch6nb ;ire invariably ex- English noble Lansdale, about 1: !ter and brought her employers of labor..� cider, served. &�ad he. adopte( room. pelisiv,e.,� though that at Windsor by Vhom the German. Emperor has via- culiarities of those 01-9 deposits and tumblerful—follow6d by ple?� I practicel." to live here Until Rupert. should turn 'them The Cairadln:n Goldfields Company Tile Wine is of their Bob was ready 'to receive Mr. r_ it : . no means comes.,first in value. Neve itoO,.. the Duke, of ltii�claugh, at the formation suridunding 'IS �cmnarausl�. up to claim her. plainly 'represented -by actual rock ',8 In English Cbrupany. . It is - a own 'Ing the daik wine called Woodrow, . and.L as they discussed a tfieless it contains nearly $10,000 whose Scottish Dalkelt Queen Vic- elbso corporation,. ,-no stock, being Loretto, TLA ES TO CURE DISEASEL But -this Air. fluport May be: preliminary sherry and bittes'I tell worth of copper and $35,000 worth. torie, held her. only *Scotiiah draw-' Sample showing.the veins arid. court- St. Hilaire, the light wine 1) look you - my -chum - did a regillair L f * Silver and -gilver-plated 'in In miniature. This is a. novel, for sale, and this no doubt accounts 'Tjoney :Was setwed, too,.' made by -occupations Which cause dcad." 0 g�room; Lord Rosebery, the Duke try for the friet'that very . ifule has been Itch, has There are "She is confideui that. he is alive-, 6ok, with his evening togs and his George Ill 6xiiended $50,0i)d of Marlborough. All of thabe noble feature Ili an exhibit and it valuable their own bees, and. cheese, *1 disease and Occupations that May be r high -repute, and that is. why you are, engaged. diamond. stud, Goodness' knows upon -the fittings, which Ire mostly persons have entertained royal house one from an educational point. f heard about this mine; although At won for -the. molikE prescribed as cures for Certain dis- She keeps up I the full sta(I of ser- 'Where lie got them from, I don't.. of black Oak, and apart their 'parties, There re others who b view And reflected. groat credit,upon Is only -110 miles rom.' oronto arid Their cheeiemaker wag brought ova fov_ -ything read Just then the door opens and in historical interest, have a P. Kirkegard lid discoverer of this.. has been suedessf Ily Operated far from 10ranco, arid the cheese is cal- .oaseso As example; tIke hay vants so as to have ever long to th list is n, is - considered -a y a elect, but the at or, This complaint new -process. There is much to be about rive years, . This Is tho. only led Fort du Salut. when lid returns," sail's Miss, Nolly� Lord I theL blaze 0REAT14Y:DECAEA$FD IN VALUE very long, rich man's disease, associated with Soon after this I' I � CSSiL I The laarned-Itiont, this little exhlbW it arsenic producing.plant on the Amor- frequ . a.. The occUPI4. itteresting convor- of . twinkling,, light. Oil f the- dirt- S on, the Czar tyb�ng Duchess bf Marlborough LIVE 011, TIM. ant sea. voyage r stands alone as very unt continent mInufacturing.aserile gon after his acc it n
ostens- mondr rubies, th a quo and ican. will satiQn I took, my' departure' theL . I. a sapphires. I at $400"000 in remodelling'and wa. t American hostess �� to On ri� L ro- waited on the tions which I hay favor patle t 'traps, but really toi shut my yes, turned away, arid , t. the have the honor of. entbrtaluing. the -there is nothing else that can be commercial scale. The 'p Obed fELtilei find most healthful are those which furnishing the'Royal kitchen A white ibly to.get my gasped.. And these were all to -be Winter Palace, St. Petersburg All PrOsont,'Queen, but other Americani, compared with it. duci is 40 to 50 taris per monthnd table, and he Was 'very communica- am-, report progress to, Beautiful Bob. -Dbloro 'mine as, a most rem, tl a tend to keep his body tit a low t I ' I I . Ii sii� the Countess of'Okaven, Uly, Duch- The It. Its output is steadily increasing. tive, %'.hay did not . at lucat, 0 parature. '. The man Who works In He was hugely delighted with my durs; i irie,and Bob's., the Cooking 'utengils.are of so d . . . -. . el . . . I . . . . . HOW11 something: at ass of iarkable history. It as first dis-7 sald;'but had broad, wine, clicese and, refrigerating estab
success, and li�liened attentively to over, 1 learned ver, �and include' fort -pana, Marlborough, and Lady Ran- or cold. storage y siewing 'Usually, til6y have but 011(, -all the news .1 had gathered. tile- dinner, Lord Stindplito had none ' of . which could be. purchased. dolph Churchill, 'Were favorite host- coveted during 06 gold excitement ua from' ,,So, now," concluded, "Just dgreed to,purch over thirty 'years ago, It. lisbruent' is practically immun ase, 'and -called under as many pounds. The Spice- cases of the Prince of Wales, It Will was own- mcal a day but in the busy season hay favor, . 1116 smell of aft water ad by the.Gatling Gold and ilver A VERY TALL C131XNE V. tli6re is luilh at -four o'clock Ili., the f- 0 0 ISOA give mo I week and I will arrange, 000 dirt clicap, The deeds to b ire -of solid' gold, engraved be interesting t6 see where the King a ends to cure hay fever. A su �QuslY fall draws the. line, and: what friends *of Mining Company train 1878 to 1880, afternoon. forer who would live the life of 'a that everyone, shall mySteri be prepared at once. This was Z10, with tile Royaj_Arws, and the rang- during which tiVia considerable worlt X-lighest in the World is One at They perforin manul labor five asleep and ww can loot' the Place -4t 000 each, for Bob and, me. nil ovens ai-6 edged with silver. the Prince of Wales are pushed aside Sailor or,light-house, keeper wouldbo Then after dinner Bloxam wa' as it tile by royal otiquett and dignity. was done Ili. it, and a PO Stamp mill Glasgow) !3cotlaud. houfs.a. day; the )?Cat of tile: time pretty certain of -being cured. Sul- our leisur-O. $$'-all- The actual Cost; of rebuilding was built. - Some of the arurfaeo ore No, 'Bill ack, I'll' going to make ad to assemble the servants In the kitchens was $160,000, the -purest L :.EN111BRTAIXING ROYALTY . they are at study and prayers. There ferers from dyspepsia may find relief SpeCial'L So YOU Must was. milled ith I profit, but at very There is at prescnt� to be seen at are fipe Trappists' monastar's 11" in almost any simple occupation.in this something hall. I iworidered what was Up, but. black inarblo-boing used throughout, isn.1t, after all, so Comfortable and shallow depth tile, area became ror �Glasgow I very Interesting sigh OP I was soon tor know. L t, Ameii1ca—three 'in Canada and two which. they perform. downright hard
leave it to me, and tile decorations wero responsible delightful I thing that men and wO-� froctory, Containing 0.0 Paz' cent. and' Tln,111013tf tile ropairing Of Tennant's in the United 'tatog—ono in .'Ken- work In , the open airii L It is Saill "Why,wha.tls the. gains it it ain't And then Bob made -a spacch. It for In Outlay of $25,000. Among men need cry for It. Tito honor 'is more of mispickel, - "Arsanogrito' L ', Stalk, 48 it is commonly called. tucky and'the other in Iowa. Tito that the work of groorris, and In loot completely knaeled me Into silence, the cooking uLexisils should be men- great but',tho troublo� is greater and when these.orcs were reached no pro- This Chimney is nvot, 400 feet in law L of silence Is 6fidinatifty obqcrved U t, but It seems fatit anything that keeps one about "It is loot, till Jack, but not A The sdryans till listened arid cheap tlona& 8,000 silver spoons and a the responsibility of tile hostess is cess then known ould extract the licight, and Is the property of Ton- thro ghout the convien lu L horses is. excellent for consurnPtiV69 k -lantern job. We are ad. until Bob came noar. the, errd4 gold, gridiron that belonged to the it trifle Wearing. M verything Is pro- gold,,4ntd work was discontinued, niut's ClIcluical and SOIP Works- to make these monks ant talkers and, dur or those suffering 1rom weak -lungs. jemnly .110Y to than they got a staggerer. dreat Catharine. The chief . cook 0 11" at few Yantis the Steeple when they tire permitted to speak. Farming is also alleged to be excOl- going to pU;1 enough this. jogr b,000 pared with porall, and circulastanco, In :L property was bought by Duping tile 14� last ljjc,�tirao. Now, listen , Ili -at "And so, Viss Curzon and myself draws a Salary Of $,I ear,- everything is suVor- the Canada Consolidated Gold Miami jacks have been repairing It at differ- Tito sign language JSL Used, and two lent us 44 occupation for consump- r to be quietly married next Sat' and lie has -six gubordihatea In r&- but, of course J;� LL of tile royal i-ected. ant thil0s, arid now thicy are takin� I want 9, photograph of, . Rupet 11 dinuted to the Ira nionks may often be seen talking to if it is to be had." UrdtLy, and when we leave Sandi- �reibt of Salaries ' ritrighig between Ing Company, whom It Once a t, largo reduction works 6olisistibg Of the whole top off the chimney arid each other Ili that way. lands Irall -it will, be. to return to it $5,000 and $7,500, to say. nothing uor, building it on to the no* Stalk. q,11 see it I can manage th , at Ordinarily,. the host and hostess a dry crushfng mil], and chlorina- They work in silence, passing out Al- no "US We till to our new. of hundreds of upornumeratle and or gUeStS Sod Corepara tion Works Considerable develop- - Some of the coi)cstones WoigIl o thd fields in long, single� file; they says. home across the San, ill far-off Oali� togetlici, the Czar's kitchen expenses Ill .T11MY ALL KNEW HIM, ,,Than I must havo�a fiver *to 'pay tively little of � the royal. guests, merit work was done during the about cWt. or 5 c%vt,;, and it w cat in silence, and, of course, pray my fare to Southampton and back. foriiia. Tilts will be a great IJIOW anlount to S600,606 per annum. though tile, prince of Wales Was al- building � of tilts Plant arid - thIs Was give ail idea of the difIlaulty arid and meditate fit silence, E very American feels as proud of I suppose I must do a little sleight- tb Many Of YOU, aWit will 1110011 thO The next'inost costly Royal kitch- ' rd t, finally staktod, Crushing thousands danger 'tile steoplejacks have to Coh- once it week—on Vridays—they cas- his native Stato a an European is
get theLt.pp loss of a life-long Situation. But in en belongs to�tllo Spanish court, tile Ways distinctly St fre- of tolls of tile area, but all was wast- tend with'Whon It is stated that they tigrite themselves. With a whip. Some of hi native country. One that
of -hand in a Crowd, to having I face informal, * In the houses 2110 T1 a cc elma.trs t tie Ives and halled, from,Ohlo, and wanted all the "And, thim ?11' 4 order that the Circumstances will cooking utensils alone quented by royalty the royal suites ed. Work was stopped only to be have only one. or two sinall Pla It r ru q a 0 1 Mae "You go back to Sandilands, Hall. not fall so hardly-tition you I have, value of nearly $75,000, (Lad Lire of are quiter shut off from tile !,eat of Started. again, and again, trying first testing oil 'Wooden bate �S L slung carry the wounds for L days. Thon-world to know of it, lately arrived To-dIY is Wednesday, On Saturday arranged that those of ou x Ito bave it great age. Tito Shall Of Persia's tile house, having. -even their own this, than that, but, all in Vaiii, tile squaroWays Icross each .1 OL I, the ,there is also tile daily confession 'Lt at Yokohama and put up at a Warge
Miss Nellie Curzon Will receive a been Ili tile service of the faintl for kitchen at Teheran is, however, tile private and secluded gardens ttach- mispickol Would not give uP Its gold, chimney. . two 01010 it Ill tile moi-ning. Tito hotel there.' � Now it happens that
wire from Southampton to say that, ton years Shall receive it rbeque foi most valuable I-Itelian In tile World. ad, Meals are Served in the privato Tangible -evidence of this exists to- They -havo ii, ladder loading front hionks " olublo before the bishops the Japanese word for ."good morrw Rupe t Errol has arrived." live Years' Wages ; Ili fact, -,otl Will Even tile cooking -pots are lined with -ooms, dinner being usually the only day fit tile IleO Of talliligs. around the bottom to the top. This ladder of th, ca vent, and it any one has Inglo is I., 0 hasroll (lit. "honorably
O.W r all bo paid for hall fho tiwrn LYOU gold, and the plates and dialies used i ks, though those are Is constructed of it number of short duned lie prostrates. himself on the' arlyo, all ?" ineal which tile royal guest Olects tO the old wo "A low hours le,tor lie will arrive, s3rvad," lit the Royal table are of solid gold Out in Conipainy with the host and gradually disappeal'1119,A110 present ition ladders tibout 1,1 feet or iloor, confesses his sins, and learns Next- day the servant who Conti vants will assemble to There was a lot itoro but this Incrusted with Precious Stan(,,$. it and the other guests. T110 w ers uOW: reaping the benefits of 16 feet long, With sockets fitted into What lie must do by way of Ponallco ' to his room, bowing, low, SaYs, "O A11 the sor f hostess ft 110 the stuffing of the goose, anti it wel-a possible for. tile contents 0 al visitors bring their Own armor failures-. Ili 1883 tile ini ne another and hold Steady and firm gleet the young mastor, William Was tOL toy 8er- f J W11011 110 1111IS110d they gave cheers the Shah's, kitchen be put up for they may be served by long iron Spikes driven into the olm Higgins amongst them. Your Vallts,* go that was finally Closed down and remain At Lit Traijild, the atmosphoro is The globe-trotter, blushing slight -
business is this . don't attemOt any tot, both of thm. auction . they would realize over a b.st attendants familial. With their Led idlo, until 1806, -when tIlO PrOP;- briekwo . rk a. few . Inches every tab .lno of colltirluotis preparation for ly replies private conversation with Rupert Things,wore, going Oil splendidly for million sterling., habits and tastm. al-tv was bought by the Canadian fO0t- leath. Witlifn tile entrance written .011ow6vor did you find out, I come
Er I until he asks YOU, for Informa- us, but I was worried. I did' not The Chosen few, who are ]!Italy at Goldfield Company" Thi Company It takes I persou with it rri,0101- )a tio walt Ili Vrench are tile words train there.$* to _+� .d to join royal by building n. large mill strong nerve to Walk tip a ladder
tion , and a weak titter Ruport I�rrol see any necessity for tho wadding, any tinle to be lnvIt( also tarted 400 it may be hard to livo fit Lit Trap- Later on comes down to breakfast. Sandilands Hall lc 3 ONT41 QUE STION. 'house parties, never accept sileb. all tile Oro by feet high, especially when thl� , at to dic here." flayo," sayg the liall-pol-ter, front and determined to risk it andspe tilts tilue inallipulating )O, but it is swL disappears to Bob, Satire willell invitation without taking with them the dry Cl'Ushlugo and 11romogftrildo chimney has.beon proved to: owing. Mere Is always ait open grave Ili the bowing Is Is the custom of Oriental Beautiful Bob will be awaiting YOU over 2 fect lit a, Strong wind. X The 'anioun 0 full outfits, of mourning, It, IS In1 0 q,bis Was only partially As Soon as that is servants. here with your be conveyed In ail apparently harm- so very long, ago I. balloon will L share of a, fortune. It was riot until Tattersall's men fir cosq. ittle, coulatery.
ir-yott—you can never (10 it.op gasp. came that I thought I had an op- perative that every moinbor of such successful, kollic 5() to 60 per cent. thk )CCUPled linothar IS dug, Tlio bell Ili "What I respect they all have for portunity. Bob mud Miss Nally had less remark was Well Illustrated in a it party Shall wear exactly tile do of tile gold vrkitte was recovered but Was Passing in tile vicinity of t.bat tower rings overy fifteen inill, Ohio Ill exclaims our hero, entering conversation which recently took if nlourning prescribed by the Lt,() Proce, ed X. ss wa so Lixpensive t1lat, chimney narrowly escaped coming fl�
thcrd f4 not much risk, gone to the sta'bles to say good-bye groo C With it, thOL OCCUPall and-. ites, inarkhig off tile brief moments tho brcakfast� room, whereupon a I'l In disguises, arid to ,tile horses, and I 'followed them place in the writer's presonco' A court; arid, now that royal rotation- tilts Was obtained at it loss. It WIS colltact to I it lffd� lihe monastery IS opon to dusky Walter rualacs tit him With. 0, you know my Ski I found Dob standing by him- number of business men were discus- Ships are O complicated and far Ilot until 1808 when tile presellt 1119 all a SOAP wit'40410ap connootec, �Vell tile worst staneig. Mon from. bill of fare, and bowing low calls out Rupert Errol, Just come from abroad out, Ring the sudoon rise in lite and I self lightilig it cigar. lot .4 ca,,- reachilig, tile ca ar$ Mr. 11. XCIrkagard, Was professfoll4i who have made groat urt is likely to be kailar with tile Works.
will be sure to have a board Ito looked 'up Is I approached tain wealthy manufacturer. LhrOW21 Into inourning at it Molent's Placed lit chargo of tile mine, that Tile last. time the Chimney. was be Histakes lit life, retire hero. of M I taught him ail 1140 knows, laid I, noti a inning lit anything like, success wau mot With. Ing repaired one of the 'Glasgow CIL The American, on recovery from know we ax6 pretty Much him. I a . A house. party bet, -i Ono end of the building is dovetail Ilia flt of amazement, blurts out '.
height." "Wall, mnWhat Is it ?If gentleman. present, who belongs to it blue. often nd5 izen' reporters want up to tile top c mah I've been Just one tigiit in
"But, Mibs Curzon mse ro6d color alid sky Durin�, title summer Of 1898 tile to boarders. Them ally
"I Say, don't run it too hard guv- race amous for Its money-gotting in dead black. mill ab( , )vo ruentioned wan destroyed the Chimney Oil the Stoaplajil,66 aCatholic, priest art she wag r whic was swung 1aY* this forsaken country, arid Its garn
will n6vor suPOCt eapabiliting. I remember litin what% r, on ItOY OR, by fire and work Wag Bus , it lie chooses, and It
Al, VISIT pended for winging chair, tay
Soventoon when Errol went nor." lie Was it little tradesman With it from the top. and lie stated after "'a till round the location—a man from
Ve4ro makes some Just then ViS Roily Comes Out 11, as his host, the' occasion -0, time. ThO real AUCCOSSfIll Work' Vg Whief in said that Priests who have Started Ohio's stopping hero,"
away, and eight , I hame, and my Words. turnover of about $15 it Weak. 110 an, we Ilte and ale, All the local Ing Of tiliq whie dates from this os h i ectric ecti I mia often Urged to La, Trappo to
difYor,01100 In a man ;besldosy. had it tire which broUght him ill it isn't all C a close to the efiffilne appatirec; I nOUg Of her young "What IS the matter, Itupert ?11 tip and call up, Lima, TITO VanagOr havIlig ocen tits P 89 their oula. got to knOW Q It "I don't Itnow. This man wta thousand dollara at- so dilid enabled rise weak points lit what had been dono no larger than children's, toys. Attor dhiner tile chapel Waa throWb days to convince her that I am her him to extend his business. After on the royal guoscs to open bazara, up to tht. time, $lie beloved 11uport-11 .. something about, being too L ard.1" that he had another lite Which ILLY plant trees, give ,wisely it,voided the it tot, my eyes, though I was
to my Ilow oltU* "Oh, I know, of course it , an medal, Inak(y speeches. Floods. of Shoal, 110 built, a 10 Stamp mill, trictly forbidden to step ova;' tile Tho rotte of n, Ilan can be heArd Thitit night I %Vent says 8110, brought him over five thousand d 40A who had got solne little &tIon at 1,11gliam, and by the klrqt "you ee, 'dear, lie has, WIly 'beeft, he found the money very useful, lotterg, all asking fA61%, Pour into adopting 111=19=011011 Oil Olactro. A loor-Mll. The altr was doeorated farther than tile sound of ally other
Aw�A opper platcq. This Was fol- Smattering Of 2001091CCLI lore Sftf it excellent tasto, though iny din- living . r tur V,_�Wpost in tile Inorning a photograph here a few (lq.vq and, of eollrso, tile Vory Interesting, remarked a quietr tho'bouse, Social delegation and Plated c concentration cont- one day to & novice, that rocodlle� front it inade it ininute. do- , C Ca a Xe%t eome the cry rrol.Waa an its way to cheques you promised the servants man;'but there Is one thing. that I— Magnates Call tO present Petitions, lowed by double Of it byena, and then tlie hoot, of tho
of Ituport 1,1 blued with classification and weto often soon in 'Loars. Oil, tha0 :(Irlption linpossibip. Then Owl; titter these tile Panther and the
Ileautiful Bob. wag not mbit Will not InClUde him." and I have no doubt others hero also Every Shopkeeper hol)09 that 1.118 i
for tile noeL, d by nothing, rojolned the novlee, Ive Of was gratitod, to visit . tho like Bob except and will not include hm—Would lii�e to know. lto�al Ilightlesq wilt buy something the Concentrate treato The donke Can be hoar
slirlilar al two ,What, bard luck ; anyway, we of him and. no give bilt tile right, to broluo - canide. ThIs double ten myself seea whalos'.blu.b.bor, .;,roundq, timosr farther thall �110 horse
i;bey woraL 'almost [to What is that? treatment Proved to be tile wouldn't hold the baby , "It I agaill.qt tile ruleq for WO111011 peas, but.1,kn6W mY ellum"a SUM In inuat alter It. You look a likely �Vall, valtj tile tIllidt man, you say a splendid sign beftrilig' the In v4 wid tho at ton times farther thait -UP Aild 101t DO feml% voung fclIOW--,hOW Would you care you taught MI., _. ,tit 116 know.4, "IlUrveyotq to thol X-111g.py que 1. solution of the problem, not only ,qo neat, tile t1gorla, tap,6, Nora, Xol,a to go bout those groundq, but you: the, dog, tralitto its It, Inay Seem, ,,rAmko �ivftlg a high percentage of e lylay f 9
A eloVell a'ejaeft oft 14aturday to come to 911' victorim and tile I)rlueosse Were I xtt'ac (tbe lim-,o)—Thero'n tie muni. 1, at the ruloa for to -day," the .,tile er,� Of a Ilare can be heard far -
We should liko very inuch to bear d natur tion but also greatly reducing the qATI, t tit, ttlleronMd. saw it telegeaph, boy enter "I would folloW Miss Roily any- how 110 Workod those re&, ways delightfully good-natur ,at' I 11 mall -eater, and ther thall that of either tile Cat 01'
oha wroundg, and than 1. Prepared for I whore,111 answers� And th4n allstoo rolped. about tile last function, and Who working cost, 11aving established lilld is 0, girrUl. i lll� front, of' tile mala building, on ii, tho- dog,