HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-01, Page 7. I 1� YAtl * , , I - � . ,� -v , . "" . . I It . I .--- ­ I —­­­ , , -11-111- I - — - M - M , M � - M . ­ I � I- �� 1. -­ ::: 11 M =�==���- ­-�4� �'.,� ­­­- I �E L LA ­ ­ ­ , T"Wxr, Tus slLnw-04"K. - ­4�--= ­, ''Mmn,mi: ... mm�, I = by A Tribe 0 � ! �- - , � � M � + # 4 X .hQ4* Ad � .M �­ ,e,.4...;-.� 00" '­== ­­-- I 4 "N.. - � N..., 4. 4 ... �- ,.- 4. * 4 + 44 + 0 �.. , , I ­ I I 444-41.0mHo . -, � M , tt 01 watu CAA pooplos. DRUM o�0.10,�...�01*11,0111,01.,#.:�,�-1:�00 �, ,CEYLON AND INDIA I I N If. I M �.1 I WXI^ I Ilia UWAID At S-1 � M L M I , X101W wo '" A M Ay, 100 A14119t Vf­­ .. . your body, b not *014 by Qff*T140 pvelAtotwo, kut entirely ou its morito. I LEAF - silkerk, ,ue4,,t" ,z"'Ot"a, U11,101"I" to ha� 3' I- 1 44 A QIV*71S, ollugiltort" §- I I . � M 1= the sljk,�worm to the ilia- ,, Ma*dWs ' NATURAL , S:pVSTt1P , SIXPxzCXTy 0:V T= ; 0 W, 30 ,& M divoct roliAtjiliftes, LV24PAOUagOS,�3,10140'r'0$46000;k�*' , T IV "? M 1�111111111 M -_=r_ ­=*r^" . Ar r ... ? It ought to be eco- Tbqk quality is u4ito .0 ou,&MU 11 Ang.thor r%alsi W00,11 lobed product I —­-.­---­-­ , "I'M�'ll""I".����m���������llm""I'l�'ll,���m����m�=�.— ­ --.7- � �­­ - -�---- I 014AVIcV4 XX TO *'! I & 4* WWO,V'"TW there Would be no 111411- - go* $ W.O."" - � I ** I M - *j*jjj;iqk0j6 I I � . X to * 110ortla "Ittor"40'sto, �-' . I nomical, for AU to 0090000*0000#000011, M me � . or middlemairt'a 10 ' -fm Z50 Z - is Dainty , Inviger. ufactuT4 ; . 14atter, � aod M Mgt x4jesty Is very, U00,4ew 444 , , jmtto- . � PUnctup . %IIOQ- Secret.11101,40 ftc.,� ft#. Z.- L Aay PS01610'6f 10010ring )1060MO for divide, &Xd It ought tO, VVIe * .1 i . ill * Is Proo from . ea. tb4t suits fiseldious Polite$ Ond is whc. � fac-tion as to fit, I 0 , M , ,U UiS AtteA4, --OWN" . "S'." ating ; is the only t Ott 0 t so 1�7 I o"* 2 I '. , I .1 "'nee" are that Y I own, 00 Iting I. . st delicate digestions. , M ,Would be tickled to death, for, in 01- 9 am � PRINTERS � The easloSt Way tO see the I .... 44"",.# ,,.* .4..* + ,,.k .e4# - the, Mo as it Is 0 1110 I 0 ._# ..0 ..4 . ..e ...* . ....,g ,0j. .4 .. ..0 PRODUCT 33"t the oh . 0 -4 with him., says A .44-140-011#4*44-41�- e o his result � is to, go to chur" �lle�O.-O.,*.O.lt.,...*O.lt%eo�4t...*,-*.**.*.Iel..t.40 'IT IS AL60 �A 'BRITISH 111111=1!!� — - �- I ON 0 recent London letter, When he is in . Xrs, � - - ­, ;7� - --.1-M by a, tribe of South America" 0 "WWW""WW­""-Q" tAys attends morning, SYNOPSIS or parl,=1 DINO MildX-ed Thorpe bad COMO to I . I . � I ­ - ­�- - -� , done . III have to 4119W til I I —@��,- � I T"Qudoll lie Alm , Turner's nearly four weqks ago, "I'd v!------^" �—==�­ --� I aled Lead people, you won forth 0 1 4' I — gb. . , �� - Ion TO$ arel 0014 R —c-0 Services at the Chapel � Royall Sti CHAPTERS GUY Rartlel 104'700 � -ankly asked for tile very , omd silk -worm to crawl over YOU, 0 0 6 0 . AmCS!S Valace; when, VLt, Windsor, V,.Dglaud to find his- 1011% last Cousin had It lad, and the good . p.a�ket,q only, 0.1ack, Mixed, UOr-01 J . I cheapest room site I I , . I and back, until the Silken- flbrcs on- . it, qeorje's. Chapel, And when at in ,944 Vrancisco. 3441dA C%rring, Ilkadlotily, won at once by tile good. I V.Pylon. Groan. Firee SaTUR100 S00- vEloped you. ; P ., # E , themselves 0 # V St. Xu'ry's. No Man ford, An actress in that city, $5 Pes- ,,SALADA," I ox-Vasto" Tito People Who Clothe i 0 � SAndringliam, �nteot loafers awong%t ness Which radt(�ted IrOl�kr the P41Q A44ress ====M==M!" in silk in this romarkable manner 0 rinting laterial for Sale * in :V.ngI4Ad is more punctual And t,l-,d by g( . I, balit"t%kark her 0 1 dance upon (11- whoan is Caryl Wilton. who proposes but rarely 10VOly laci A- 0 . S t question AS to references ... �� .. lj�o far lip the Amazon, - and Axe 4*9 . ,.,#..*..".4.40..O",G.*.W..q..-0-, . . rejoe .0.6, I thark 1j;ing JWward, ,tQd� She learn in ad- studied the ftor for sav"Ai anxious ;'LLNETS WOBIT11 KNO Called the Slivas, 0 iegular in his atten, I lie without a wool They collect the 0 .. Vine Worphip, . and is y Wildred ]-urd paid hot, ront oiled him breath- TUT no NO Matter -whether he is at ii rpother's 'beirAyal b , � . . owe or story at liar I ­ ]RICIL_ bat monkorlta�' She w4t , -w-orm moth, And 4 ""W-100090=123ot 0 Sunday 1 o,- 1 Sir I vanco with perfect regularity, 1,10 attildenly looked ,uP 11114 . — eggs of the silk :1pWw- :XZWW:XTX,GJ- - X nevbr passes, a r .Richard HArtleigh. she had Rapt growing paler and Pal- lops)y- W,SICU capl,y them About in their � belts * . * . L Abroad, lie. . Constance, WhOlu GUY 1% I Calling ofittle Palo 410' 331TO 03? INFORIEATION � . About their bodies, Titus the 0 ' - � Without At least mornipl; .prayers ' ard's Child, I or each weak, As the landlady SAW ,caught tho in - , . YOU SHOUT4D IM I ady help$ to hatch a Y, ed 43x5,61 $1200 '* � 4 rule not to attend �g;aakiag, dies, anod Maida !In' , . with its anxious eyes DAIL 0 One Four Rolior Campbell Pres , front dellveV b 0 , , - Aod Makes it I tal,L- quit'o plainly. "YOU Shall have 1;110 place# and it' ­ warmth of the b, .. 0 $1100 4 . that pg tile Church ,personate., her Arid , W airlark' had the L . -- I the caterpillars 0 One Four Roller Carripbell Press, bed 37X52, . . . . ally ServICQ but . jndc�,d, tile good w sox, and I am mikiiItirg V. Iniatakem-which I I the eggs, When I d to 0 . I I 0 I on. to; Ifartleigh Half, WhOro' she be- eye of tier Calling And ciI her mind y t hey Are 110t.41110WO 0 . I Of Ragland. �110 Idol of.the liousehold, A L L OU -I will take V I tj Facts About AlVIOS come forth, t ........ I I I . ­ I . 0 people of London, Who USUP'lly L C Dpon to the doings at don't, 0 AS . 'ClUeS I r had kept it I believe, � L . leave the body, but aro trained to ­ � qB� =j%,40=X3V3E30. a The, lonor at Vyno , onse4uences ;VA,V,r,ytffang T,Tna,r the S=. show great Curiosity to see their fete is given III liar I a;. new lodger, and bad very early tile C ." id make it their hotao q I X . Alone an Sunday and Castle during Which It is suggested 11 there L decided that she The flooil Of JOY that illuminated I roam 'hog - 0 x0c)IMAX113rZa . 0 , . over It a, =Inuto of t .. , a tier. Stay One sailorta, 250, Is lost a About Ono ,4 ..a .Crawl . . $400 WAS not doin . V 11 sea, . Iding I i . ; ,Ing, lot him 'Ce. It that She tVL4O.ptk,rt tit SOMQ alne6tiiur I " as much. eatilig as 4 tile fair face WAS like A blessing to u Toligi. ,an's body would Mach post each , allow blat to lk . . . L $110 needed. th e what liaost, In Q;Q eye of the State a Or$ about C6 white ra him to doath� 9 Two 7 -col, quarto Brown F0 , I �Abla fact that last theatricals, young Woman, should, x1ly care- �qlla are stralla., be enough to tickle Moo-000p".O.- I 9 paq a romar - �— - , . -aid have called a crimint . equal In Au� � rAwling m ma"Moostoo"Woo".O.". . L . Sariday morningi, when there were no, great penetration to. understand wo. . I worlde, but the native$ IIAvO 'theak 0 3Xmc331nL:LM3A3304 e at least 2,OQQ People in the court- CHAPTER M-00"t'nued' -Mildred was . alone less art. I England is r4 creditor to the A, whole arraY "i "40-"40*.1b:L2XJW . I . 0 1 . . I ,WaS,0 Palace IWtaninO A shudder n0a throllgh MaIdA's the roasofi--Miss 111 will try to prove that you hava, ­ 01000. . about lor *two months, NX;V �Iorl Ind had neither Money for Over 4.1,000,00 . Z rst.class ordero'cach - - - $550 * yard of St., Jol . ., but she In the world, 4 ado it mistake," silo Said, sOft� estimating . tile of them. Leaves aro�stucic upon .40 . pographs,in ft . 0 to tho.=usie of the. . guard voins. at this Suggo5l She nor the means L of getting it, That not in ,,* [ The carAt ed - the Worms to food up- * Two Ro. er's Ty . billid at v gmv� no sigil of uncasilless'. L grain. of Indian t1no, body for OL � g , I 411 bat silo ly, ,,I won't try to thank, YOU, on, Mount, not more than fifty Or sixt, "Tbat,a right; don't. . I ,don't' Weight Of gems .is A and whII6 they are feeding: the I - MAt"-sooPot"-0000", - ,, 'L I a I I . . �y the membera of tile glanced from her father, who was 'WasLve'evdi4en4loticfilt'otemrs,thAendiELchta(It no Cal- , a w At, � � I issist each other in placlnu� I -- I . people, -and till with Ills indulgerit, ad- .race* IL -lilt you to� .:E mal doing them raor , he . natives I . .. Body and I)Isplay Type. a . I - household, were seated In the Chapel regarding, her lers� $lie hunted through 'Mrs.. Tur- w k ir about $50,000 is ex- tlic� food upon tne body so that 'Lite 0 . Also Cutting Machine, Stoiles, Stands, . . at court. past Lady. Gjadys � - of a favor than I am yokk� You Ake � * Bach yel . . 0 . a I 11"ho' day, And OCca$IOZIAI' I babit Of going 0 I I I Easy Torigs will be. Given, 0 Royal, which Opens upon th . Miring smile. Alm liar'$ paper each can you., panded ln,$And. in English big towns worms will form the . . An. was ,At r curiously, 'tot back too. good for tl in, . Wh011 0 . All tills Machinery a a r, Irst Class Order. I I 10 while eating, I I ant of addiv t (a I . ,ching he ly we . . I ror4 slipping.. -and . 0 Or Special Discoutit for Cash. Oil Race, �g a more I 0 -date .0 I There is. An outer entrance and at out, but alWmYs cattle I to prevent the horses f round and ro �19* L f the And said, s1milingly' to do paler and very weAry;. as it she had . 90?" - � I find I - Ing, ill 'be disposed of at a florAllce. . Inner one. from . "Any time ,today' or to -morrow. I The di and it laid in the 51111 Ali,,,* n ad 61 feed -X!k0bluery. mad,Typa w . hoped I anl� - room, it _ A cient pori to Plauti the A.bovo . .-- I ---Wl- ti�� reach 0,,If I do not decide at once disilp. � I I 0 I - otomoo � qu ., p%lApe, SO that the. XiUg1.MAV ire dis- for something and been dy now." I I thtil L Carried into a; dark , , , . 1.4 Ily, the worms want -.— . . . V , -L It from his apartmentS In yAribor- as- you aBIC YOU Will. think r 140, L to poirlted. . . ant rea . at ton Shows distinct phosphorescence. - , I spin - . 01 . I I 'ount on , -Meet me here to-morrOw their ca - 'a till. ' how 0 . into the obligl�g,. you raw V . I At first Mrs. Turner had tried to I o"I" they ara��"Oas I Q., -of Toroqto, #.I., d ough House Without going. I to . I k, mild I Will take YOU to tile Imt ls� estimated that tile electrical prevented by the outer 0 . f.7 . " .. a I I isil. the worsIlIPPOrs, QX- do,iny poor 'best. 1101. rooms And W000 you Qa your:W. flob would, it it The Wilson Publishin I 0 .0 I I open Air; but ; that Your poor ja(luce her to stop in my, rO" organ of 4 lively electric hell being destroyed, .because 40. - . 0 'I � - Ina d send I 'A . wo -rOIRONTO, CANADA. , ,a "I 11 �c", It u The . And tile ladle$ .1 am not afraid W, a Al I � I I . 9696019 I f that best Will be poor," said Algy "but tal�e a cup of tea, but there top discharge of about 200 v0lts� 7 Id spoil tile silk. 49 cept the royal MMI y , 1.11.1rig"', give a I I do not know What to 0 00000. . and gentlemen in waiting or have you yield. sinlPlY ways some excuse for not doing 60, .count by StlitM C!&rt1qnr P 1 1 1 al * a I riublic I would not fain to resort � "ThuWi� you, Sir," . A.- systematic '�s lynch-1rumUs -Oijlltbia�for,& time, but cvent-� 061900900000000100001900 . Ady, "a admitted At the A and in deilance. Of *illy mild the landlady was . would not Arid Mildred . We -at RLWAY feeling shows that there were 215 � IL . . I Courtyard- to please Ilia - I- Am to bolder measures. Silo -for MaTiv A itigs in the Unite St tea during thb itally, C.V onclude it- isall, right� . . I 4 . A . . doors In St. JaMes's strong tooling of yourowil ess it .say to liar Outright thp-t, she know ,happier ilia,, isho liad - ' , - -- MUITO Ond MOUVO . r small Arid uninterest- . L L Ask . . best results SHIP all Y6r,'( so " " . It is a ver� rude to pr ,,)ut silo did . if day. It did'not Matter if she did past jixteen, Years. . and tlroy'begin spinning the silk if You War. t BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY. A"PL26- otherF � . Ing.. church perhaps Itliere is none afraid I have been . . Pike WAS starving, . . ' L will r�bls ond Attained the native is do- il C,,Z-.Wcs0UarkebX1k#.. . . ., I ingto do, feel quadolily weak as- she gtai;iPed Out It IIAS been ostiinated. that ; it . 'worms . fjo bor4aSt.. ToroAto. . I more so In 061:1 London, There Js no- so 1106rd," ' the reSult. she was looking tot- soilleth Ion . - llghtedL And,they niakd the The DaWson.00m mission Co , "' "" " 0 I . � . . About, it Oxcelit . ,,Now you are Afraid of line; and,Miss Mildred Into the street, and . the react iequil-4 oightY-flv0 Men working Ov � -, -­�-- - I thing Attractive I lightly -as it i� and in what ast dava . arth thO critwl Lbout -them. rapidly, spinning . -- --- - . I Maida, as . efully told her that 8110 Irom. the tor'Sion Of't1lO P . !31,y day ulittl 1947 to un -0 . - ---- I . .r .. .. . . . .1 . . 1. as . ALTAWSTM . . .. . I .ITS SEVERE SIMPIACITyw ' laughed . nail Mattel, to her, had very grat I vor liar." 4. . i, I I. the- delicate Silkerk thread they so, I . � . . . . I . . I . . , :%#as Situation as gov- I 11 ont, re ruins of POMVei . .. . were a a' . I t, At she had coil- looking for a t., Ill bel" spinning Perhaps four . , ' L L tipe, that she cUme'a Mrs, Turher w oil worm I I * borQ this, long I L X-Jow glad - most. extraordinary ew . "What a dreary . . . . T '� AS One of the BAPtiSt Anti indeed, now .1 orriess, but that Oaeh L . to 'L he. -:Probably the . . . . t is a's plair L. to wish tile I i;bo. mid rsplf� :oven its alto- the world is published thousand. yards of shining filainent urnoy is ,ran in . . Chapels in South Lando Tile 'nost begax ell a place sho-wAS to- and I arrns "' UT , , !?, exclaiMed the L . . . . �:71 glas I sented, alto all . JLapplie at' a Round tild.neck, And chest, . . -for taking the part, W irues very harshly, bL- steadled herself b, "I WijIL . weekly in Athens, It is Niritt%'- an- . . the white 1111211101 suit. .- L . . windows are eat in ordinal 0 U1116 would be fused, Nernst : drink'a y 'go, As though racing - wero.takiliff . " . . . . 'or hangings, ma� lit it . no references. front of tile church. L Mo tills ilrely. in TorSe * . I "Why', I thoughtyou, . without S,U44es I ' I hand ASkS , even. the advertise . - mild 169B the . . I od A� for she. thoug . and .presently . - The QItW -is ,. '. to play Juliot.thati Constance muse she had . asked her it-slie cup of her tam It she I I . .6mch with the other, I . � - @ this. trip for pleasure,V columexxt . . . . . L badly �.. loan easier � �1� ,Therk Mrs Turner L noon. I shan't M ob, Wants. - L � . .. .. . tha.ivorlc of the worm is over. , ., .�eed Clamming . irid nctw� A`1DITI N 'a covered .With ,crlm are at d'f u receiving iftdr y the ralling in journal lu . 'E V H . I . � . Ordinary table, I u ei theatricals, played the piano, and on ril 33ut I Must not A North Sea Cadman carries. an I The trangforrriation is con"pletc. . . .. I the other man. . L . sure. of my Wife . . , . A . ally fix- � From a naked. Savage, tile nattv . 1, . cloth,. upon whieli.the cross Of St- Ili" gh`�dtjkmie 'the I "Thmt L IS Ali Affirmativ-0 �Answer, had asked bet how Weak I al L ., ,outfit of lines which extends eight a is . I � — i'l ain-for. the PIOU- . . . � ei of the then 't $a' ady. Gladys. to please dome down and �Play,fop Stand -here," ' 0;, . . and daughters-po I . ered In to." Silo walked.slowly hardly miles in'length, and has uwally ' . George and'lth6 Q2rSO Plan' away, " . I bell ad into A PerfectiVelothed being, . . I . . . , I . . prince of wAles- Are enibl`60 sow�tlkjng to look forward 91 ad *Qpork it the .amazing -num r of turn , a garin I ' tht, 26 tO SePt. I 1 1901 ' .. . . 1. I ,. are A of, tile afterno.oll hot, - - And MIqs Mildred had Will' trob conscious - -of how'weak she rQFLI1Y Which, with eat of Bill, Lt� III fit AUgust, 7 . !,T I ... 11 I . . Old rmto- Was. ' 'to . of , I would Ili . him . . T.qaeher ' . a the santence, '1<mte ,L .. � [1,0111 the S116'turned dizii1y,into Hydo 4,680 hoo Ake J . L ,L gold, The.ohly . ornaments During tile course � ly gone; and she had d�awli 6 I I ks, iavery or I appearance . � . . . .. 11,L .. I large brass collection Plate, two tile party was surrimoned I er who i wouderfui� music , Oat - Of the mas a b6Rd4,- - ' �-: and ballot daricer. � P . REMIU L . . . kj�ses Tpino' what is tbe:'objqat?­ . .1. L Abra. and VYn , I �d until she f0t her t b otaryLto, tj� � a Turk- on -vied of every . . - - . NIS - , le Pupil. (blushing) L 4 "She prob�w* . . caudal I drawing -room by Lady But now"Itlo,trap that, MrS. Turner had gone Park, find walkii , . L, � L ANC. Verna . . L . tall candles in.brass J L . -elaed to ­tll 1794; tile seer I . . . . 1 $51000 . . L 1. . I . se holding bunches .0 led the Wily to ilia lawa, ,r h6v .abilitics.. Silo I head going round, as it, si iined 1 .. - - , � MAO I . . I � ­ .1 . 1. � 11 . I . cifix or in place of the g,c .Tit It sliq stopped old 'Ile, ish Embassy in London shot an, ar ATTIZACITIONS I . two brass va a .an lawn, there had I cluite wild, ove ------+— Ably liked it." � . I L . .1, 1. I I - . L . I . � � ' There is no cru . . little refreshment, as� her. 0 . ' ­ the. 11rind- tile extraol- I . . . . . . . I . --- I ---�- I. � . �� �­, L ' L L Snowballs. . my max- had offqr.ed a MISS Mil" ag A bdoich. Vhiit . I � . . I r IS, a fine L . if by - magic, A 91 I D.1 way, but ,ainst the. back Of . t, I I., . I DiliucTORY. * ii . . " ' a U plays"Dail . " 1 1 over the alto Arisen, AS:1 - * Ill , again' Lee of 41.5 Yards,' . lid Y . MONTREAL NOVE1, f- L . I cross, but. Rubens, q1jee which Covered 0, Perfect doLnellng it Was her us"' ,b�ld *efus- happolled th011 'Bite pnly'liiiew V0, rdoi�&ry diatan . ... . - ­­J� � . painting Of the Madonna by 1 ad the dred, ,,Vitl-L A little blush, I , . � . wfiA, she was told, lor Ildr,first coil- I I the. 'wind nearly, fif. XISTK .. .. —1 .. ^M— ,V� - . , - , . ffiv - 11rilrUSE-9=111 udial ratia 6LU . � � a for its pi itform.' And uO souner . i . 'nod eaell. tilde that W&S being ba,gk w t I . .1 I ­ t.Y DREADFUL , Kul N&val. And military D's . .... .. which, howeva, is too, larg I I 1, .. ad train the groat ad, Arid L'So It bapPO . M ' . �Ciousriesq,ufter' -01 . � ­ . I ­ . . , I HT OEBTAGLES. . ;Z.��,w izi . 1. . . :.. - . . I . . . . I first guest cinerg magiv,jarls, -hidden that shOwent down,Luntli. good rs. 116, -Seat ,,Var. S lit' .. I 1. . I . :. . 13RILLIL4 . . I . . . L .. 11 I lace.' Are.sittings Joij about 200 entrance than the' liar Wits,. end,what to f;pntly,.IIlt6d And 'carried to t . The tip, 61 the- tongue is Chiefly . . . � - - 11 : I - - - . .: . P There ,Ilia Marquee, * Turner was ,at � 1. I . . . �asitivo to pungent and Acid tasteS SVIit SIGN, , . on either ,it .the further. end at gwdet lodger. � - of the bencht , BIRELY ffnh' RTELD'.. . 31§6�nbardment- of ' Takti r'ort§ L 'by' . . . A: " . .. ;�,.`., ­ . " " ­. . people -long Paws ritorkirig . ,�Iuing sounds. - do foi. 1161, . IL . . I .. I erriatioual FOre0s, . . . L .. . , L , I nk ­. I , ­. I : .. rith M , , . according to I .1 , 1 . .. - oxa � greeted them ,%V ?011 I � "What is the mlitte0" she asked, 5( rtion. to. sw6ots ,. and ­ . I . Int A . , ri,ile Aisle to the Walh. Lb a - " ' The worst I of, it was, t 11 thilik." , L tile Middle -po a back is confined . , .1 -- , , . . .1 Mcaigget-11VIlat.n kes YOU.thi. ,1 : . side of a sk I -Lave a it rnoi`0 %1�a L � -�-*!.Y.oa were 13rding 14-0 fairt L . — L . . . I � .,.'. 'L .. . � . . I . .r -wit -rig dis- , Nothinj .could ' C d WAS never I -ad as bittersi, while tit i roast THOMAS HARRISON OF L ST, . test Live 'Stock ShOW on. - the he..IsliPt a, gentleirian?" ' .. .-L - ' ,�� Tbo­.flist pew . bin � klieeli th OP- Mrs: Turnof that Mildre . Occupied , ' iiiis, dancing in , it was a lnan�.Wbo sp9ke,.'a entirely � to' . tile flavors, .0 I I . I JIL, HAV, -r I rig .. � �tahoe 'of the aitar ,r`01 is liglitful than ..., ,a t1*1an One Spark, Anything bU bravely arid cheerily looked . � I. MARVS, X. .1 MIGHT L -� � Greal . t ryYS L -Thipgumbob ... �"Re I 4sts that he ­ . . I , I ' - family, who an air; and as Marc . ' '01SM I or she vecovered'her - senses 8110 meq-ts ar�d-fatt;Y Substances, L .L ontinen . . 'All LQU.rL Count i 11 , .. .1 .. . . I I I . - . -.. . ali,d' his I . . Was never , I I I p,E-,�T O.PERAT�D ON FOR .' - ''a I .. I .Resources. ': , I is. . I . �. .. I ... ... . I IL .... L� .� L � by -the X109 .. . . leolilre(l, there. Was hopeful She . tl,tl 4 or, tip mild' saw tbaj ,.he I was handsome women I - .V� , L . I I . ­ I . . I igragation ,in red beauty (, ,dv with a -ly 1,060,060 Ili SpAin - L AppENDICITIS.. . I . I I .. , I . I � . .. . . prefer to.s�it with the Cox 9-05 . , reedont of short tearful, 'but ,.Ilways ram ,, . . I' idently ' Neal L . I � — . .. .. I .. ­ . landsomelY Added delight in'the f � 'L I . And distinguished loocing-ev in the irleld as, day lnbore'�S;L I I . � . . � . .. �. I i ill� Tmore core- sympath6tic smile for any 61 Mrs- . it of .tile Aristocrats. She WOO, . 11 I . . . � . , ev . " . . . . . , I than to use A gallery of I . .. . I . - . Y. . . I Novet and High 01'ASS Ent. t 0 Y. , I I . '. . I � I . froin the kirts in the Place O.., . 1 :cs, .joid tile, kind ,soul do I all'aristocra , I [ty � And 85(),,00o woman are registered as da ; . �rlosed s � . . ,'-'In� 1&18 . LIRINI LUM11810 ' . 8 'file . fla . . . I � . . cmr4ed Oak, which. .projects A .1 a aiiing'trains Of' 'Turner. a jpl;, thanked lIi.M �N,Vltik sweet digni ,. - . hey -Work L tot'. imis case Was I ­ ment; r, eatures. , -, . . . � I I w . SIB n . =03 I I I I . L . .., — I I I �. � -4d W . lious but ilack-bre . I no u$e *tryifig. to cheer ,vants - that 1 grorigly Diag . . . ., . . . . ­ � . � a, t I I . . . � I palitee,wall. a -lit I i * . . ciared it was. . �o see hila Move mWaY, scr, r L I 1, � Y4 .. th heated bali-roonl� ,cliaerful. HOW- sho. expected t . . There - ig no . -He Realized the 'Fact In ! IMO I I , P . . . cjrm . I . Probably N.ItITARY TATTOO, , AUGUST. r Job: , OM', L , sure their privac h6 daY# one'Who was. always ato have: forgotten� bel" their food, and lodglUg . ,rl: l3ull ino�kes'Z3,700,000 a year , I , Xing, tile. guest of 't . 601, k, S, U,il- but'lle scaMe . -6 where I - . . - .* ,. � ­J),dd7r, Kidney pills . . L �. . . .- I I . Out L6 * ­ L ' I . I . 11 . . clock while the 0 : is I , A y I .. I . . I , ­. � 'At 9.80 0 1 Not only as,, I I ever, . % . . n e such Class � , . . . 'L. . - 27th. .. . I the post Co. - -1, . I v ja�'P­t but ll�dause Of . Aida was �s, Turiter . t assured for -a MOM011t,; a I 1. . . I aent, hat 'Saved 35is Life. t . I L . ... I . .. � , ., . � I . . . . I . I . I 'L � -ctcir' � `,artook herself, " If, . Q-Aieen and,PrinceSSL I . ., and I � olunteer enroln . . . ; . ­ � . ­ I I . . I .. � .. . .. I I. '� — - . . . . . and -might, dred's' CaSO in .hand, � IC , f,parplexity, I . � L. . t , � L(Spe� 1 . . ' . . .. . .� -�ei L.. . � . I administered 'by the centre of attractiol) . 0. must savd'the young loo 0 , . . . I * I 0 I — * - ' . 11 Filo ri of tg . .. herself that all . ­ i I i;een bar bet b a tended rt'o Ireland, Ye. B.,,. July' 22. . I . per 0,� I O' co��kunicilk, ard. filled IlUtl she 'beeh ore?" lie never can x St, Mary%. N, on of � this Great 1:taurriou 6f Carrailian Old . . Ra Sv),Ur bas been used Ill . * ' :r. Shephard� sub -dean of d her c , I ber something Where have ' ' Ilion arcliety formed .. a 'T.0 SOOTHI, . . ... . . . have ha . inding . ' . . . d Old -C college -Stu . . L. � the Rev. 'M :oil she Pro- lady'-s life by f hints if Them; as -110 in ,tire daYS'N' � cial).-Thoulas Harris kitp. WINSLOI Is the outside doors of .1 .-some r(O", a Was saying to. 0 .1 enSj' . L . . clents! hjld,ren� mbilo teethisir ling 'but for L 'SL Side to (10. - So she ramdd All sort Of. . he �ikid part of the dot re inst'ru6tion .0.1 . I L , I L it soothes the ab' . , . * kid toftens the gums. L' . . I . YL']Loed Algy , looldrig lit him,. he.�ikid . pimea.,considers himself . a icirtuilfite L 33oys an . I millions of mothers to? their c allayspain buret . " . ­ .St. JA=oS I sit b . . liar . �. � L 1", tile: J L ood of. our natioll the .ube I .is.. j%live and wall to-,: TUESDAY, SEPTV1. 11'ER 3rdi '1,0 6welsiga is, this d looked. ,err L . and offered' to act as saw I I . L X h and b and lad . Some- suggestions, ." h ciin I (10 for you -- .: . nanh Wan. that .. . Ind c,,lio, yegulates the stoma a.ty Rio cell a hoist , Were close to , ..10 I n- w . . I . .the 'chlipel � An' I and. talk 'PAtli 111M' .1 I . L' 'Miss - aloud" "Y ,at .. L . . . 'as, by ja-,v, tasught to , -hs he was suffering? , I ol� testxelned� for Dt&vrhcO Ve a" la . . . group Of peopla� gathered .�gh once and flrkmll�, caMe, to . . 1 thank, you.,, . .. of the bow .W., � . day. .For Mont TR0,V`EL. L . kiruggints throughout the,worl& I .L I . A . � '(Jancej but in nci case rater . 'Notbiiig,� . . , - , , . .. . I . . I . . little vait their opening. TheY tililes silo did .1 ]QI , . . as everybody thought, with'appendi REDUCtig ItAtES-AL L LI . 31498 I Sold bY . I . . there to a'; w bog d With the advertisement of as it he tile Mon. mild. youtit Of - - rka. ,. I . . . uk.ftr " MRS, WINSLOW 's - 800TUIRG siraw I L ' ­ ge Mildred * a Stalled in An OasY -Way, . .. 11 . " - .. .. I . L . I �. .. ,. L kly dreaSed, � serious - �per- With Guy, %�ho had' alinD t . ;Itipri, -taking it for . H . * I �. Were Plair � , .,;he would .refuse ,'tire organist's Pat I I of accepting ills dis- �;ets are .41t.. in dtarnG, citis 1,rfim�ys What -he Was told ,find I : . . . organ. t, Archery. -targ I A­WDiLEW SK1T'ff,V,1Q-v,$, H, J, IVLI , . I � . L ,ends F,2 ,, . I . - - -that . . � . E� ach , '011g] .� . at look distinguish for that favor- granted silo could play the had. no no lox tile 'coil , I a What he was being treated $or. .. .. knager. �islj ' pe�son a! . ,sang, who did n ,trIVIal pl,clieXt, .' d mi Sal: she ii.iter�retod �the smile to. ter, and hiva'a gold spot in I President . and ' � - . ell, because �p "Ith it - she Was not. I . � f r to of tile " I.. IM?931 . . I (in meat, a- - , I I ,y haxe.been.Su lum on game but. and 4aup with And , it - turned - at . S . tre, Surrounded: by rings. b ad, But he 'greW' worse in: Bpi I 31XCXXWW400; : A -7s 4 .ydar . . 18B '3d on P : I ad, but jOaD . ab . . . .. d, determined mean .'as much, art ' d bcir'4n6desty took . . . . . . — .. � I . - . qu I ' ' . I ,ry deceitful,. Most .then,. .,turn . L . .. I 1. wrong,, for Miss Mildre . . . , -draw herself up with'. all. blue' black and White, witil a border' efforts exericil to help Win- . ­- tatoes; Z8 11� oil. wine.imil Ii. . or... .' ' 1, - . I .. . I - . . � . . .1 . 111. . , . . I . . appearaddeg axe VC Alarm; all(. a ' gen ally . . . I I - xne on fact' aiihough Bev =6 one 8130, -' . I I A at once, .., ., hardl ' ' Wary lilt in -tile. gold. is Ili -appendiciti's it' i . er . . L . .. I ' I of them ca , Carriages, soi . .. . � was ­ SO apparent to apply for tile PO! - sluclinati011 air of hauteur* 6ne.wo:uld have I Y ofegreen. . I . . an. Lop- ' . . I t' violinist, , I. I L ��- . :jL- .. ' the L, mriels bar I - , .10 1110 . HNS q. . . I .1 . � P fl� from Mis. Tur­ thOl L ' ,a, and' -Tarrisonvas 'lot -ad by, English . Itagnt J, . t ally" who, could..not. She swallowed .her di , t red. seven, Ili 'iary to. perforrii gre. ;.. oral of th6bm drove up- ;. in Her caPriciOusnOss �ght bar capable of. 140 gave.. a counted iiine, in .. he I thought, access . I Dr. Jorielli ­ - ' the ... that , - . 'b : Keep 11001n*, . . that -bore coronets Upon , blue five, in ilia blackthrc . That, Mr. 1 " , ��u honor . . - Start. and -inurm . the ­ I I. . has -; . I I . ray.he-bad Of-. to accept.any help - tile foal- quick . uecd,, ' L White . . . oration: n . . I be' I I . . . . of tile doors, - On, the minute of ten cooip�ahend ill whM N� . 4ttea:-;. neiv, and tot- fear' of. hurting Maida. 64 to undergo the surgeQ 's ids P in ptib . — I . . . . . - . Ili a black "d the . . 7 L -Now 1 know, She is like . in 'tile . orlb... .. - . raquir . r seaSe he never I ; -when, after Studying - - - aged 30' ' - ' . could who It-, . � . , . 1. . milijAry :auth ritles knife And that , . 11 ';liell " old *erger: leaded- and it Uttraet �d been so - vOl I to a di llillll�s 1001-�,isi3 'L Of'peoole I i),ollock an - a who not, ings of 'cile n a d, but ,hilike, too. . . . Ina !on 0 . ' . body's.1 a le 'jogeph Bohn tit. Le . ipzig,,. he I Two per cent. - gown, L taff, opened .ijbil o`1 Lord-Algir, .. . 1. kind to.hor drUnk, a. cup Of tOL1, and . Carr! gf r L I I ' . 1, The French t of Six had, is in' all Probability, no ,,, � . constAntly confined to bed 4�11 ­ . � . - . . TO . . . . , Waring. tile for ' P, r., . bdaring a long .rig,. .L are calls . 'At' 'faul S 1, . . was not ...L ' - -' L' sayi . � be. CoOtinilecl: . I ior it N A �d at aL concert and Created 0, Are ad" . . refiala. from . . "ionic c�I,L.. .)91,s, .Turner would . .1 : t 1;�t Ill own. F .. %a Age . I the doors to admit All Who desired . . -its. T cdnt.' of the. ,$Oay i1j.Unh . atd S . I . regialer -lie 330or, IV , . XIPSS, and. 10 per . . . . Then he closed and looked mopy.": - atcai-:Jor liar, 'or .'a ' . I . I railway lJ1JI)0rtkJuUa ,of . rUILI_ - afflicted �Mr. Ilar� .was then onl3r twelve . L I 1� I I . . .. I I I . to � enter. "L .Was, 31aida's low have tockc,d:a, . ... � .. ------�­4- -- . ,is: shown � L tile I . . appeadicitis that . M . . . . . I I I . I . . I - -I moa 'sorry, �,6d­AS * if Lhet' ,clicip, bolt did not da"a i4i offo lcst� . : I . 11. . ­ th031adder,. I 'ar-rc. . a For seven' Years he . . I . I . . . ill As soon as thO little congre . . I .. . . . . 1. lationu, and * tile new regi ris6a. -.1t w&s'StOnO in - '.' ' - .. . . . . - at. . years of '7S � .. . . . am. ve She Iciol . . Ir - Stra, studying . giltion. waw Seated the, answer 11 -ad. Should jaice , miarm and , . . at Lie . irger opened, � mild, L ' true expression I�Tiss Mill . I I " . AN OLr-TIXE ROkANCE, ., way OP II be reCl!uited from railway and It.was :Dodd"s Xidney pills that ,,a ,d In an orche pa - 0 . . . L. . I . ,fwn! - use I . I . adi .!Tito the pal- words were the. only I I . refuse to eat anything at all, I I 1. I ments "v' I drilled In rulk- restored lilm,7 to the Perfect health , 'd me."bile, aiid theA he went 910018 � L111119111 Is; a Dy: HYSI.C101118. I 1. "', a sift'door th: . � . . I 11 I*L . . . sivect hokirt," l- . I I servants who Will be I . . .. I � . . I ace . little' chair of, twelve boy 62 her feb lugs� ... proudi' ,. . � .he enjoys. to-�do.y.� , Ito. mr'y land obtained the appoint- I . ­ I . I L I . � . . . - and a . , t dance with ' "Bless hat, . . . trUills, destroying and repair- 'and strength, .) p 'L CQ Carta, tit 1, ­ I I . ac, you Ito . I ,ling, physician � (if .. 11 - - It ,Said Mrs. Turner, totlobing- tile, c -­ -Hald 'Up the' I t a year ago, ' he writes, "I - Lo' n I . - entered, singing the, Pro.. "Thea.w Y I ­ no . Nis . ' kind other "Aboql It I )irortor it is, claimed by a ­ I I I and� men'. , I IT .a , Onls6l graphing . , I men- ,.a . lit Italy 'thAt . �be Jumes a petroleum , ', . . - Chgir boys 11 depi 64 Lord A19Y in sur-, . . -0 I ' Ing tracks, tele . . . I began to suf1dr W 3 . '' , him? and I I ,as with- ber UPI JI as ler - I ... I . . . from paixi. In tbe, back I aim r. : J.S5 lie was mastor of, f * hyriiii , The * I , , . . I . I I I I I cesslorral, . . � nerB Of, liar CY . . I. behin(f . L "or" ­ Postmau And. Saved 1. I . duties, , I . I . . . . . d by A lethargy L IWPOA_ R er, and L. 'Vificioping eough. . 1-10 says * . ad In '106 U46rY of . prisO. ,, � ' d stead- Mildred -strut -ilia door . . . ­ . . ., ' . b to, -, acoarujimme . I the 11tv-0 At Hmcov will Care . . . . nt -Maid.mllookc I .1 - It I . V ather 1. I I ... . � A curioug,tram. line is that- I Y .... �fi,61,wllml S fq.=Ou� -. ,Were dres . :r� or 0, morne . . W or as I do,. .1 Ir . L I t ,overcome. I emplo ad' A Ards began hii I the rem dy 1§ not pleasant but, efrica, .. ;. .. - , - .. then . anawpl-ed, -If folk9'. only kne . . Yoshihomml wo sibIer 0 � . . L - . a . . . . . . I . , � 'Aux) AND dotly . . I tit ,, him, ' and ­ - . Id take liar , ti) have for sunshWa , I . tween Atarhl and two . I - n my disease ap- I " being everywhere � re C16us , I :. . . . I . I ... ily most fiercely. I I, thOY , . Izio, . who named ope,. I I . 0 I . I '�' I ual surpli6eg� Abruptly And Ali . . 1. L 'The Earl of-.Abo�cleen� spoaking -at �i lillys, CIA � . . *ihtf us . . I * � L. A L . . the ­U , I b t in spite Of,IIIS t�eat- ,the 0 . z g's ,no men and � like him, 012 dulf dAYS," . . alted , B" 11 tour a, 'ill . . wore . . . ,� I . .Ingdom cousi towns in the PkOViacO Of lop�, pendicit 9, . . u . � C.Zd J ,-r, kreatest enthusiasm. . W. P. V. �16 . 10 4 bana df crape ai,oui3A "Because :I honor t I do . ,� * ,*. I * . . .. din . japrin. The line is Seven M00s I ese mlid.began -to Pas ' 0 laid, tile foundations I . . . . 333a,ch had . Dall- Sit gle 'I . . 5 I Ili that, tour 11 . . . The M,ft.ilstdr lailowe'd and ij is better far- him tha ;q-1.,111111 said the organist 0 g ,�g t. rostal' mild Telogritiph, Service , ti,6. rolling, stork consists Of ?, . I merit grew. V 0 .. L .. -now b- . . � ­ Lrin� ' pi age him'in .� . oerdden, .* pii,id ... L fur- bloody,urlue, reputation Which has 2" .L . . I. I I I L a - jitne an, -anxious fridnd ide, L In August,48S . Ilia left 2 . . car, And the-irtotive povVer 20 L L . ' the the � I or, . . ,,you. don't a�olant $ociety.aj Al . I'D . . Z his Assistant, one taking not- d6aice with, him L tholornew's bluntly, . .. . Ii. a.,., world -w . 8- I themi. wil . . any other .way, 11. . . .. Bar .. . .1 1. . that *they had to go' back to t1V Old a �'About t I.$ OALVERT : . I . . . U P . , I very strong." . - Ill hod'by a, COUP10 Of Muscular coo- use - Dodd's jCidnoy 116 ,Was appointed condlIdtor, of , . the p I it 4nd the other the reading - W�itd hand on ook - - t$ to get the plcttfr� � actually.pusil tile car along. dvised me to :LSS,1�, ' on � C, I, " . desk. : , . . L' said , with* o!' Sigh - : "D t 1'am ,Sir- I am . -orvica, pills and.by tile time . 0ARBOL10 �- I �.. . I . I . � ILIgy laid his thin �'a little Pali " - niail ,coach da� lies,,: wh I , . I had. finished I ,rilm, and Ili L I tile po,stal, g R.A.M, n ]ap . . came u I I quite �Woll, -1� esquii.. ris'pect of wheiever power is necessary, ' When a Stolle ol.un- tile � fitl6th rsary of ills first. I Immediately 'behind 'thOm ' hors, and that! kri ;V I am your but that's all. till I I illustrate'this lie narrated,a. . do ,I,., the first box I passed '. annivo, I . . I in E6 I 111rell'.'... 0 . .. . I . . . . �, and to � jile,ear carries to A down gro, . to, he Was p ad- L ;-., I ard VII". (ircss6d. YOU ' L' . Assure you."*.* I I 3ccurved in. . ... . I 14011al SlZaL which 'a now 'in the' doc- resented � � 0 1 N T A.A. EE N T. , ICing EdW . � . . ... . . . Arkner, r�Ommntic. Incident xviliC4 4 , than, jujup orrand Tide... .. '. � ' , � . ' .. Public appoaran - . rrying a Silk friend." . � ore With a, Magnificent Viol, by his . . � blAck frock suit And am I h Was a little gruff 14 his ni � . . asaossion.. - - 1. . in . : . I . I I do. L , Qaeou , Tile remark,.. ebtaijIg �-At list of tile lashionable 'the ,reign. Of James IL -in eL V f -ranc) isl ,t9r,S P 1� to feel better and . - - , � . I . . s' I i� ungloved -Imn . femrOd wits the .orgai I � 1. Th . akarniki 6, species O' c . "I began lit once mirers, . I . . I for all skin a Imentso hat In h - . tinia, L And $he . . , was tile 200 years ago. ,,-�ir John Cochrane., ' L L . I ... . .. I. . ,Alexandra' ,%ad Princess. Victoria, . , Startled Mm�ida 6hUrCh, � lit' ilia Manner . I .. - ord said t�, be Ono of tile. .Most Intel"- tay judgb,of Illy gratitude for I . L .�— . . . 't in Some'. wmy� sq, had , betrayed, b O, fine old nobleman, L . The bil,d is * . . . 41. a. calvart & do.. Mlinshastir# EnglIkIld . . WhIern are taller than the ter . . athizer . , X-10 looked A )!tile -son of g6at birds known. - used YOU: XV 6pe thus promptly and SA161�, ;,(j-r�W do you like this stylb of . . I 1. bath� of . :, . ,sIghted SYMIP Worst Of him. .4 L one -of those.-WhO Venezuela,. Soritil my- caco Ho F . Xing, ,.followed quietly after him,. to this keen- . I boily close,- tit 31i . Idred wheil he heard hot' Dundanald,. WA by the kki.1,tJVCS Lot I . ea boxes 1 allF 1 — . 0, Id EI 11 . I I than she would have any I ivated the . light tile liberties and Inte . . 00 Place Of Shepherd 1javiag taken only till* curt 11' asked tile detective,, snapping 1 . - . and lie W r to state I alu absolut-ely .car I RS I 2'41 d.f. P.r. 1, �,; . and Ito Stooid, aside to allow them �to more ad, de-. eager words, . . Worc in dauger, Owing Ainerica, In. ' 11"PPS . illy k1'. Pair of -steel bra - colets -'the METAL 0 E 1110soifTo, ONT. . Allow tliern� to_ P . , She turned 4UiCkIY1 - - I - ' tile Country hCrdilIg ,turn ot, "I am a I I . 469 into the I Pew.' know .." . I .. . . by the willuing grace of her intinner I I . ,,eat of cybgs, for guarding . ItUd the rc . prisonci . . - -- . . I licy. of tile Goverill � wrists of the , I Mandedt - tilat?" .- . may�.bc," lie to tile po their flocks.of Shoop. it Is said that oil with no. sign Of I I It with it," responded ' I The Queen L [wore - a 90 . it Say "A trifle nervous, . iosistedit. ,.�qr- John. old trouble." Vood deal to-ke . � . I L . L and A, . -Why did yO . "14AVOL , -you ever,play- )lowever far tile ., yakautik illay %Van- . , ­ . ; +— . . 9 A& . - the � AY' I I � . .. . tier. . L ' , . black, A inrall black bolliket "BeCause T call sod .that you have said, kindly. . � Was betrayed into tile hands of the it never f1dis to . tile at . _ . IN , ­ liar, as Simple it costume as Villch, must bring ail. church illuS10" . in Edinburgh der with the flocks, ' . JdagageeLf, L who I I crepe CO Motives fur actibns N . . . . enemy and Was lodged . home At night, driving The ex -Queen of MI . . . . - L a$$ nd + . Id imagine, 'That of the an SUB- "Yes, Sir." . lie pri- hat re- a Or . . . . . . " . you cou . except . that you into trouble. 1. do not ev "I . I . jail.. One night tbc�. door of t the Creature$ entrusted -is ,low in Paris, is It- SOWCW Of passengers ar oar- , . I )t without . all you have. I find al . years formo, Etc. . Where?" befc r�,'IitWUY. . q09 - million Princes'' wag similar, I ­ # L for L - -d the Voice . fravicabIG WO1,11all, nail Baltic -189 miles at ll,mtrumontoo Drums, Lint she was a, btaek Silk hat instead a,' Dect them, and 1, would uc - d have' ,d It mortlent, and Non operted-, and.lict lical It ' .. I . t to the. English ried'yearly on London's BAND I re per.MWsion, but I wOul I She hesitate . 1. daughter Grisel; who Wall ,al- a of r - to tile r, alidand Is- ago V, . . . . EVERy TOWN CAN HAVE A a bonnet. Both Are beautiful Wo- iour , Answered,' as.if silo feared the of Ills ��'h', viNietIr Dluntarily Won' 'ducated, Ifer crom,1inC,- I - though ,Past �iLi-pgieve that I am, Your friend as then * I low to llavte nially talks with him. - Ot What InIssionaries. to be a r "-,.,W-,q"30;-,11.- .1 I . . ­ 0 oted, vine Catalogue � 'Queen, al other f. -Let would count 1191"inst liar: : , appear -oo-roo". J,oweat prices ever TI had ullowrl.� a I ft America." - . . , . M11while lie liews callic that Ills I lands seas.�, numoor . a firia believe �V­.—s000s", T- ­ I men,. Arid'tho ach 5-0oveved j11t,kj09ty, however, is �., .. I Goo illustr9,110110,itialle. frde.� Write us for Arly . .. -5o yoArs of 4e, looks -us young it$ much as If 'we � . . . .. . 'I . .. . I I wCv6,tJ,1,ar,be4t0n, MON. , - native 9000sayer, mild it,was . . � . . . - � thing In 3241614 or 01".41cill 11hatrullietits., I I or I - I Ica 'a v sizes seattered ih liar . is girlish . t�adcmlia�liol,l, had been set,tlad by Ito be gbter,� Her figure . . -my friend, but "Oh,lo I would arious -ophee. -Ila I Torputo, ont, and , . her . d, a a I a x , I I -by, W .60 - mil, . '14 "Won. , �, ,I bolt ' .4 PI V t t 8 ki - namat blonde ­I.Arn sure you are . t, -you bear Ina Sir? I might � ad that the Ilia -and ,there on Attempting to In cOnSOquenCy of, hi so-�ere cold haley RGY0, - , .1pogim".. . and 9"!ceful, )ter abu , I old as you � J . . � th - ills death War- I liere - us to visit Paxls� Tile , 1 Wag cured at A . . . I to bar V . 0 . I . Ine next wool?., W1 � is Surprised to she was anxio I . . � � I sign Of gray, , oil niust not think Of -.1 , a told her, I turn one Ovoll, 110 . & Freach of- ,%IJNATtDtS LINIMVNT- SON. I.. . � . hair % With011t a 1 " I suit Sm ell 'o I tiY A Youli, . WALKING - , , I complex -Ion is fresh And puro as, A , do ,P ­ L I . .. . I . t. -of course I'll hear . you. ranti `MIRB Urif"I Cochran ay for find t1lat, it is authored to tile story is.told I hat tile - Oxford, N. S. R., F. HE W . b . I . I . . I T Ek, she had 'to oro aw . I Vas present. t I . on , . -1001 orgall� Olut father ill t . I ­ . OUTINQ . . down here .fit the el I ajew day,;,.. Ile Said: "I hope YOU ground by roots Of .great strength, acer,. W 10 � V OLF-ANING ,a and ,15,11e. at4ndsrarld walks . . re soothsa,,p _-;.a 110 , Abe Of y I .1 . I . ellild%bo, firm, erectness of an ath-1 * . COAPTEU X. . Ind,," . I will do nothing ra -alto re- These . Are not boulders-theY ft ., .V1 itive of tile t I -was cured of a tbrrible SPI'min ty LADIES .L.M'" SUITS . � with 0 -im is CL lit organist for 4 country same W . down And plac �dl�" Mid kno,w�rk its the TanalAS- - do A. I Mildred am . ail r-1110 - place. in the World black dwarfs S LINIMENT, . . I - T#7 It 1 3� L all nothl 'lei ' I . late,- The princess Victol: enillaor.atiall , moderate, t, lie had brouglit­with Piled tllil,t She w O �rig ver� treeal NO Ott IllariI,y of "tot- ()redletdd, sonic six Ycilrg ago, that ,�TINAUV, Cab be dot,b S*1`60tly by c"ir French rroco"'i . ` bllt� ifl" IV urgh to would . : 1"nuD - Coul,-SOVT. H AMERICAN DYNINQ 00, . tic tAller'-thear hdr Mother, cbu��e,1,11:, - music' s rho organist look- .1'11. f�be rw can show such 4 Poe, 'turn in, lie" fortune ' - 0., NRITIS . 1; � , 10 front rudiab . � , i purely Engk; �t, .ri tile ,,cars of tell And Of the ra, . Quz3xm , _ , JPL, Her, faC04i Apply be WOO . as I,'c )'Oa�l ,a hot, old-riurAe lived, eat" growth. The 11glkland Islands 11 happy L first visit to France, . yarmouth, N, S. Y, A." & 1101,4T I 01TONTO. OT . & . so Plat I lileals, twelve, to Organist, At St.. Bartholo- hor Oil And 33orwick, wher I ,jig Polar wind., date from liar . On tile . L . . . L Itt . I I . I lish according"tO tbb Artists. * - . . . ad .Over her shoulder, Is 4S mild gaz- and '0100 gibe Changed hat- clothes are exposed to A Are . uttered . . . �d of Mick ErYSIPOIas "Y* . I I . L L . ItNolliallne, . %Ithougli her father is of GetW0,11 AU- In6wta Lohdon, W ill title, purged Up It 1. Then site which.renders it impossible proPllOe3f , Was I laud� 0 Ing, lady with ail All* for the V N. of a boy. . and 11CIT - Mother is 0, DarlO, A. IniddIL-agOd Woman, 01 the . ed at ilia yet ,lothe. grow in the proper forAl; XAtUV0 very dAv that Antallallftl'ivO Was I was cul'i LINI'AIENT. L , if SUPPLIKS, . I tostry WltIl. m k19LV-y COUII� that aid. -I'll hear ,you bof6k*6 I rode ti) a place botwecu7borwicic mild to . ad herself to taken, and onIV A few hours before AIINARDIS , �J, , A ... Aabostes (10401f, . � i6kilt to, decide 5 , sho matie . UVOGLY40. , FL. )uld find it diff lady type, but , , whore . inquirica, bag. consc�lualltly Adapt th queen was dethroned. . . Inglosville. .J. W . A �� I Plipa Govorl"It'L Ono WC [a the hamilsorner, but no Ono tenande, Withal, read tills aloud t6a d musi- lJolford, . . V. 6 1 Lubrioatinir 0110, Which,. I � decide whether you Are m.goo rig tile King,p Mail Masson- the. �ravaj ling couditiona'L Arid pro- a I . . �, I . . . Volt Of ik upon tU Queen of.Englavid young woman Who occupied the very J,Ci�aatr only an ambitious incour- .rega.r4i tip. duced this stratl9c 401-111 of plant � I � ----­+-- . I IL I.,. aveagas, oto, I I can lot - thaf 9110 is blil,lblost r00111 in her hoUsO. . After t ), � g�N and where they used to put h UIG Ex3illsi'XIOx. .. .1 ­ I -- 11 -."Z,. PA , I WM, lit(TTON without being convinced r �Onds," as they L - I I PLO 0 ' dif- Arriving At, a- staft" 'an n')OUlt fou "to' T Ose � "living ail � TOR024190's . ---- - -1. - 0 0 MLPI r44 Uit Vat a 0 i , I . , ' oxededin . L a to devoid of , -- --. . of IntelleCto. reffientent A'114 4 �gIV — . alto L had read it silo Said, . rosell ail , . to asked are Called, at .qu I 9 a . . if ..Ila had a! tion, And scorned so miles, ,001101 61 borwIck, ol L ', Is next to i1apossi- 8 great 13 TORONTO- Jakilt r a' Wo"Ifth . ,01,dposi . L Sonlot1king to, Cat, The hostess "grain," and It Title Prize List for Toronto' -ppianlirg find photography are the . � I I ami,bio atactee. "I see it Ill the paper, miss, An! X I said to myself, Silys 1, that be the suit that for alte it liolse, be up And,. Utilize them Annual L4�x . ,r reoreatiol�g of her � . I . VHV 3AOy$AXJ1 PARTY . tiling gol. illy top floor little concerned about tile ro bor not to III - ble to cut them . position Arid Industrial t1mvOrita indoc "Metal Works 1.1 %,very Identical L . 'lit to. regard her as either told . this yLar will be hold ad at --�­Stld shilet . Was &-tendad by a lady I'a waiting � An, so' I brings it tight he WAS rig . . C�usc, in the bax�bcd 010 X1fI9*S Wall for',101. _ J.'air, which �th to Sept- 70-1, hat' majesty, She ia Specially to . 1,111041110 goovIND SLATZ; In 100, ., I I I t ,oncelted. � +— . Photographing horses. , I W's gnpli )i Ana thrg6 goa- back. r good at, very t "Do be froilt ,August 91 IL I$ printed in ,YOI' . tUdorarech. a also in, plain black, 110rd straight, . 011i I don't need no I VOr� I [+. did not remain long Illeirsongor WAS 9SIC01), LATAUL&OXIBOARDS, 1% t1eniela in ordivay#Y Mourning dross, I olay hopes as But the resu clufat", Nbe, said, "with Your knife QOUUTIXG SuNDAY. come to hand. green, And presents . I — . , PublIdAnctRI9118040018 Thr011to)� noofin"alifpItchi Ad pew back thanks, I don't" I (Lit hot- Wood. aded with L 1. Coal Tars Metal Calling$, Our- . Not but in doubt. Silo hadnot played three rli;." $lie beg 0. nki,6 nOO-p1f4GT1LE (Bed Nev/ 014Y :011114 . i -,occupied the SOCO , all round. ano at settled bint- and to Throughout 11olland the'lour Suit- TOw 911 eararke lup- � 0 011le ,�, Toronto, ddr16 b7 our Arm). I ­ who .. . got lite sonic Witter lit 4 vory liandsoine APT L d * for Kind& aud 44 11 . ln%a em V4s0Mktc6fuf" . team the Xing, lea,ving one pew VVL-. how it'll stilt days in MoVdMbCr areL kept no fete lie(t,tonn )no 1963 . . Sorry to lose you your bars are the .61-gaill longer 11(3an you �5,00() Will be distribatc I . . ill , [shod for vork comflato or for � . V11partofthoornintr., lk . . ,eif back in, his chair, no ,,%VIly, a, braW lAd of . 'materislath . I 'o TorOntO , The first was 4- I'd be . it never - a hitatself The 488tas$ Amid-- '49&VO days, They are named severally wards 13' B, and $S0,0oo will be . . . . I I D. DUTHIE 28000A olalcle&widmor to. . . � I I cant between them. ature,',a� large SWOOt MUSIC -the likes on but rplaying tllco J'Ad .,go, but giving inusle like you should pup 0,1O.", . proullM . � . Man of enormous .at Item out bi that plannor befor0-- priont, of such ReVIOW,L DeClSfon, PurebasO, and P00- hi 1 special att),111- I . head and striking Illice, With, A h0m;VY I 'think luebby yould be 11APPiOr UP to the enjo,, oar. Whon. she you. no cold, fresh,Wator? if you unday over3f- spent, iA featureS art' L DEN-MoTTS vOR0011'. ­ . L L — I I . , of h.air arid &,� . as he did not of bad tu nod Wist- give, MO water I will pay you the session, on Iteview S a I I long gray board, !tali It r , , tions, Tile live Stock classes 11AVO . wborr it's hot � I . shock , yourself", Tbe Ilostess ono� -goes to churah, and ,After ser- roftyrti.aged In Some Justances lIlark is ail Ingrate. an ­11hank you Mrs, Turner; you are had fll)lslicd, afid 'it there was tiny $.into as for tile rLIC." -ade, Whorl been - Ills soul to Wrath is stirred ; , . -- IF I I A I The second was Capt., Tolford, ,�,p I will go now, I fully around to see ice there 1p ft church pat , AS not, I lCing, a Young lie oxPlallied that silo would IlaV6 to 90 v I md the premiums increased in others L' . I - 0 1 Aide-de-camp Of tile With A large very kind to ! " Ilope lot her showil, in his face, - your Man And Ma (101's 10011 -X class for I-Irench Canadian Cattle But when iV6 Cool, as like ii,jan tall and Slim, . � it is." , , , long distafteil 01`4 and till the 4 way be too late AS ad, loolited at her in wonder and ddiumlld- to tile well, a. , rI In - - 'OPIOS Of tile -Prize ays 9, Word- -­ - % ­ ­ ­- --- icho� The third An,, Miss MIldr . L . - it, Wbuld t4ko tOl Inutos, but tile at email other, but forbear speaking has been -added. C lie never 8 . L nose'arld Slight inuatt goll " 'Tailit likely- ad- ant boy - on Dgelolon Sundity each would-be Li�t and all information doNired can — L Domini Ina stairnehIPD . L I ravals Icnollys, the Xini alto a bite afOrc YOU . ::Whord did you study?" . girl -or rather the OL0Par jet Approaches the Ingiden Of BoWare of () MoAtterst to Vir Boiton to Li'vet, Was Sir V you Ought to t be had on addressing 11- J, III", 82 "not,; � priviLte secretary, M g6ntleMan of goes out, an, XLknoW YOU Min't ally. In New York, mild laoston . , mild persuaded tho�WOMAII to 00 for tile borked a corempnious bov, 1"Nast, Toronto, special Intmolit,q for Catarl*b . pool, pattrand 6*00L Via4deavA I . his choice With ;t, t1lat conts,111 x0ratilly I to". . narmoda4lal L bald, , ,with 0, gray Ilt you Just step , ran- WatOr, . frora liar roaPtsnao Ji4dges Whoth- T<iag v' ' do to increase lAt 04,navaitst,616tashim9undor a6bo . medium height, -cad3r, So war A little in San V went Arid "A*%C4T6, 846,0*0 abli StAter"'M . I thing� I cup with Me? I'd - Chicago, and L . I DuArg her abserloo the girl 'I JIB a, suitor or oficirtg are being Ina, on tills u,g oriordilry will Aurely dosttoy. tho lterigo of foralfbionda, 0401jilitteiltioAritAboat Viontap . mustache. -Vir 1% Cisco," I-thoro Wag the InO414 or he io acccl3tabJ4 . g Coll.w the excellence of tile Ifthibitl RinellandeodiOlObblyderan othewliblogytter" ItmidthitI& I _ d.cIA" wook"MolachilL ,pk #'Zoad Siloott and whir The Xing uttered the response iO 11 "Own and hoof, you, I would really," ,,8Wa0%,, follow ftot' On Purchase S1411day th account al the close proxilb- 9 rd U 4i 66 *9 ,e it kind 11ow much did You expect to the box -bei . firm, distinct VOfCO, all(f tile Quacrok tak � tho Pallor Of,thd 110bl hli; place I advertised?" . mos$611gor asleop--it I year on . wh4tiontariligit1hrought o utO 0611tir 04- ­ tag and SIX ItUtioul" apply to "I . I . A quick flush dynd Ills head, Sent Of paronts matt oual-dia,us is tile park.Ameriolin, �Sudh Iki,tiel6s phould utiver be uted escept an 111*46 W. L I A At t� � e wooing during the KY Of . tirsoctiotions from toputpblephYsiofang. as the 4(thil tAny, Of I Arid lIA04 4190 f011OwOd the Bar- , I I had no idOm* Sir. I did not With his. WMI bp,g urLder , 0 ILletaids Rill$ k0d� 1y'MV..'.'t.,`e'j,*'0d63�j"W4 L . 111ri .sweet face of Miss �,Illdred, find there to j9C - Oil i ho tablo sought, it th on. . .� do g t6li fold to the good $011 17 gt*t4 SK, 30SON. . . vice Carefully r ppy, Vosaosal +— d,mith,90 thdY will . . They bow�ed - their Wits an indication of ark Intention to I Would try� using It fOV A Pillow ously has been 110, . L When' 'Alra. Turner forestalled hope for very Much but week Or Wore coLnilossiblitcloriv,bfr6rdtb6T6- 11611,11CA-tafth . I heads when tile dean read Ahe praY .were his Pistols, Ana VOry ria" the first ftpiliear� ice Is an OVCII to'llp red by F.J. ObehOT, & Co,. To. I � .1 11 , �XqjdWard, L ISOVdre,gn refuse orapllatleoilly� , in Do pl, fad . . . .hard to Suit." � done than the 110st� Sundo,y� witnesses ,k+ 00611, At the are,, o ard'drY, anCL .keft in - f r111941rpt 0, lady born IWO ­SuIV? Great 110AV0111-Oxcuso r a,106oller wag this ITO the, V%rious lovers b osselitial to gpod war le 10 ..can %I 0 $ tp I 0 era or our - her by sm it- Irl Withdrew the Chargi)s. mace at efore the 11. � I L . Ira, "r sover A , 10, Seranity about, Lord I 11 . a traoti ,Upon the blued and ­ . . lord,- and "Aloxang -I know I you are My times too 9C tho g I V al or prospective brides bar, There to a to 68 I a sysitovo. in buying' 9 ) Might imagine I ago returned i. tth the Witter, Who World as aCtu I I Lord Chief LJUStlee' 0 0 in' 61111. A eig you, Wl'ag, bulb I don't SCO why YOU Why' !a obarcil, I on y AlvorgtonO, tile 4, 1 0 0011 'to L , Ainout � OAN .n lady," mid ont ont on the and bridegrooms. ted the Stilt it In %it Via d i o eact, F)RE , L that their 110SPOI1001"i were InOft 10r- t good enough to take 'of the musty "ttl A place for you girl finished hOV WOall W1 that bog promP 0 0. ti bft[A vent than usual Af e special need feel I AM Wish I could Make- road, Inado a, alrouit, 4TId Mot, the , Wrist amiable AndoVen Il I "' $ . MIER it cup, of tea with." .' - I T IS DZA,tt- that Ile is the I 1OW j4jolj: .,OUNT) ,U t on the fteil' . � - - -4csg � apojod judge Who over 90. � Vir gi ricA, I t prayer to GOd to Protect, %lid pro ­Olk, Mrs. Turnerl" txPelatulated hero,') call thAt I Way MAU I , eager, p,nd they rode tOgP I . tot one of his oldest . Silla b;r A 're tho 010PANY 0, sweetly "Oh, air, do you In I thor a bit, After a, 011 -Ort, chat silo INGS, fl 0 serve the life and health 01 the Duke With suell, . It nonall, RAIrs FAVIll y ,wall And York tiho YO�119 lady, ,,If You'll tLike Lit, a D"1109011s, Mr. 1 -Tope. X. WITIt Tttv I . and Duchess of Cort manner that tho good wo to place?" nd tile roteron- drp "UY Tho, following story 10 told coil� 0,, lit,$ Said, . - bave tj ,w A little nearer 41rd said', .� while exposed to th, - dePrOetA1119 I 'A W&ttor L of 111, donot think the vor lived xWericau ship, a lite averages � dAuglars, of tra, illy keep lip thO lictlart , friend, I 11ANd A filncY to" thlo Met" Ing two sailors Who happened to Wan 6 on their journey MrduAd tile Man could har, ,,you know I do cog Aro B&Lisfiretary. Said the Corti Ono of these decided ek's temper, tot 1 Ail f A British 26. . Vet of being Offended, you ,<now, in your case, but bag," "If It Is A JOUO"' be a61101-0, who could rouse DI , 18 Years; that 10 I I lit I -up OAPHOLI . Worli lCing and thc � luvvc; been so vcrY form, I messenger, "it is it pretty Poor OUQ," g big own friends ' I L utffpald rdhd L not feel So. yo me, Yes, it you are honestly believe be hasn't OAO- — ­­ , a, 130th tile it is expected of : ut m little Pistol arid pro- that after ViSitini I.. � — ! �!� � qejerVil n sang the hyrrins-At lout SP0114 a foNj day# With big !��L ��� � � � � I .1 . Quea, , the VVOWds, al- kind to We,'. and—" Boy, an, W,1111�g to take sixty polthdo a, year, She took 0 pulled out Ito would, -ality L ' I Allotso, * 0 -, their lips formod,, ,,That's What you always Can PlCkL Up 0 WOSSOngor tboUgh their VOICOq Were Inaudibl.0 lut what aftd,Wh4t YOU In muslo scated it, Th- il_tJ16 ilrot Woosinttte. ArrIV1119 It' the 110P I I I I I L I can't thfillt no'diocrent t . Ilia p1stoloi Ana anal Dt 1110, mato,A honto Ile Was horrified , �. , 'O + - A, , or . L / ; . the .scholars, you MaY have ft-" Vro throw it away and I , ''. , " I 46*.* -1 4i 447 so . . , � no4eiiraw Pumil 'of $100 WId & - , I I becaUS0 of the Chair. 01A 01 I k . Shot out of tbo Missed fro, that he had forgott011 the . - I I i, . wArda on moblob, 111tAT60 At ro Wits egoot! offended, Mrs. A pitoollis 100 lie h%4 to L to 110 � , r,lt ANNUM it . imlly approp6ato, you scorn Clio likes of we 11 . her-snixPI (*Ito After asking �rl 40��� 01 -1 pith ONNT. V . llymft9 , "Please don't be 6ar hazel eyes, and gildred amid, draw t110 Otl all bag, glild numbor of the house- Ili, anti oL / . ,%Id hAlt laktlY, f0f Which 'Ayat' . . the second stanza, reading " d ,T Vier' I Will Come doW`ft all My L ol . eopt- hand oVor the In 4. in TaIn Voliftmon, postint 46'.44� / crd bAvo thO rarsit. I ,ell, Ilia tourt,\Art WU , in. 0. lOVV totio: CrendeB Sir, Ox rode intO all 44101nigg WOO ) destrlotits tor'hill it-lend's hOUS0shO 40-� - What are tile morral �4 O� d the good "I I'VV0 1110 re i She opened t1lo bag, &OW out om le - -MAXI, UNQU95TIONARL9 61104RM- , it t . m� litarty", gai And gl1c, has known Caught Sight of m, toy windmill 4r7v "x -d.* J* ­ao I Ilia throne, . , ,boArliking Ing my landlady, ntter, and rode With it 0 I I What are the Pawed And the JOY tli4t' her round 11106 eoks2l, owal L yOred AVO cents I ­ , # . J-&.*- 'O - 44`17 1. 14 . oreatut�o, me bat,'k little oviap three W whoro It W001 aud, hailing him, ho of .01 I Irm1l,0iktt1ou14ta 6tf lapollOMAbno they Own I . ig %vitll plemsure, as she Went 'but, thuck- �116 Orgaalst glalneod ,quickly ut the Irer nUl'SO'S house, ,,a blow oil his buXle . I L . ,. . � 0 thmt. the bleosed OfICS Wit& it ling to herself. ,,Tito bleased lardbi I tVOmbIIWIg lip, studied found to 0011t4ill the d"th ""AIlt mgTeed, void 4�oidk Tar , I , Q7V , for , - . 4, ; 4 .0 A4 -,C-.* 4"'. F . 4Lnd A Pali) ftce and Tito waft 'a to, all, � crowd C70 V 1 *.,4 ,� 11 t116L honest, inficCont. it 0 4 J .*1 I 6ANADA PERMAUNT have sharo, - A-payin, of ber Tout tag lar AoCoat. of her fathm" �t was put Into tho I I 10 I ­ Tot All that they 101 � , 'for a WOMont JIM. go reaunle(I lior KII'J'S. alotheLft tilon RUVO t1lo Id avid stated 4t tho � 01 I t 111 starving herself tO 6, shadd t -p I � . A .1 SUR" CANA A tould as fully do or, rd L do 810191Y: to ,diliburgh. tiulokl,V. NathOvill 0, Wit- I ald " .. , . I AND WE . I 11 Clara. the Whaler oyes, mud aske - rode (Itiletly Iminbilleamy . . 11 .. """ot, I LL . . I rather she'd cheat me a, , bluk, OA "IS tbero 110 ano YOU Can TONt to and -Y that Y"Al"Ll sailor' well- .. J 1 - . I MOVI'MA09 OGNPORAVON, At tho close at the Aervico, after L That caused so much dolo td it . tho chair bad thing than to live Ott not L -- . :!.���� I L 1 4y a L , , I I I I I I , , ( I , , � .." , , t 8 V I , , , , ,, I I , , I I � , , I " U D - , , , " -­.���.­-­_ - , I - I % 443, , I � , - - I 'I I 0 - I , . , L ­ , , .. - , - . - , I - I .1 , � � , , , - I ` I i ! - - B , , , , - - , , I , � , , I � I - I I a 7 � rebtah you g 4 ttrn a M4 6 Chou V9 () Tot dap rho At 1) 5 Pill bee& , , , il I I I , I , /,0 �*, 11 I. ! . clorgymmit an'd ,110 Ono but YOUr landlady?" aonagodto got a r0rlo,V6, and do* VIts thCOW4 AlP mf Akoyl I Z*O)V* * � J, 1 164,40t4out'att'Torelfita. , , the Ahe'A b4ft 11 1101111' ,Of, My grMloudi I I Sir, I waig born in they 11 undorlItood 00- knoWn, Volt& #*claimed' "'qhlp I 'llapol, the Xing ntood at, "got & soul, 9pour pip*'* botu wattiftiv I 4 I I .1 � 11 'loft tho ,a f 1A but in the It 1lAv,a lived almost tbat incident, &# he .J�� I ­­­­ .... ­­ 1. - 4 'DOW And food 4upposin, X hoLd & # this e0UhtrY, tit ,Wdd, Ito (tho why, r4t4to, : J �0-1� ,a of llu I bil 91aA it Amid grdftt 611, . . 41.1 1 . I tho, entrafte vouldn't It yott dould her fitcher Was *1 4 . litor world slono, % U04P h4r tout dll my life in Avierift. 0 Int*r6st, In i hourk I 11 I . the tolftgroK,�tloft, wbilo Ilia dmug J5OW#L old WOM&A Would tiAllil Dotdo, Only fInd it, right to iryMe, air.' lipeakef) had P, PDX-0011061 lailtor the Cr0*d hd Vlwy coAlCM. , A .L 7 . I w%it 'w1fa passed Out btfore 111m, ITO Attlibbyy ''gel Coehrikne WAS a dlrd4C 41 I . I off him silk kat . in it" tiody till b6ttev th# lik" 4i The orglknist rubbod his uls friana *Ad, his pp,�O' . � . brushed tho dust th*$p must to whislws .6% tba O& ,of his fitot &Ad of 1,00 Auiorda6li. . . I I Vitli his handkerchief wS ho fd1low"44 " 'W" 1 1 q . I � I thavo, 0xough tho, "04 440t, . �10'� I 0 � � I I 1, I I . .0 I , I --1-----L "' ­ ..... .. ­­­­­­­ """" . . ­­--­­­ L" ". 1-11 - -- I I - W.6; .... .. &AU."I'll I I I I -1-1 ..'Ohis., I ,.,_wlmo__�l.-�---,.��'L-'"'��"����--l-I -- I ­­-,A*ft1bMN&,—­­.­- ---.. ­.­­----­- -­­­­­-. ­­ .,��,�i . 46�41101 1111MIL, ­ -- ,-- -­ ­ ­­ -1. -­ 1