HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-01, Page 2a 10 '' Y 1, F�.00000`­ To0*10""', . 11 rl__ 1. � — , ( -,-- _111-111.11.11-1-1- . fit CuR = � ______ - - ., � � . TON-11IM-090000 � 1N$URANQX - T k publisitc(l Over? Tbulvday 0 tt - -.=11'... -1 . .— . '' , TQ LOST BOTH LliGs. ' .11 .-1-1___1_.-__ ___� ­ ­ ... -1 I 10 — -OF - i ===7=========t*� I ThipNows-Rocord THE I It RE , [[ . NARKET8 , To WORLD[ OEM BADBK-PojV15L�L . . Power Printing House THE c 111;X41016 101OMPANY 1111 1.0 IN 9 N[I Tftdble Aeoldent to A OrW14 Trunk . "." I- TO SUNDAY SCHO , AURT IsmaRm OxaNTON. Farm and Isolated Town Property lo-WO"i " I viremaiii. PrIC05 Of Cattle* Choml, OrA141 4;3 anthudaguo Crowd$ GrOat HIS Ar- IST --- OL. Son BETISH FEBRAGE31 only Insured. I � A T . -Ry 'LATEST FROm from Toronto Say$ -_ I 11, the 1.04414V IWO rival at soutbampton. AAWATIONAX, LUSSON, AVO, 4, no E440 on, S63SQUIVIVIO14-41.00 per year OFFICERS THE VL A despatch � r NANT100ru "I If, 11 Prmtden Joseph Ryan, A , fireman -on t1la . � ket,% A 0SPAtch from so Zf � uthampton Tqpxt or $U,o 1,0 � Tw or A VXW 44 14 I-AX1111"Til ts: Klppe)n,,1Ve6;.T,,V . ��g ALL THI .1 , I I Di WORLD OV4 Qrr4l:14 Trunk Railway, w,AS rljn,ovvr say'R-GOn, 134den-powe a liero I rg"cO;4t.00IAP,Ybooit%rgcdifnotsopa nay, ,See ... R, . X I � 11, th 4494, 004, Xul, I. 0� 09.1. , Q I.TrCt,$ijogte`A �;'rllchofif, p - ** ' O' I by an ougin Toronto, July ,30._W1104t 40A Text, Jx4tu VA it. Gauant Rose ,p in the Yard$ At Little r4lind lot. $ And -now chief of tile , Are paid, unless 40 the option otthopublishor, cases, 0044,;Rb, FO. * , , Vheat a And Its RewArd- Paporotscontintiod until all arraitrages Broafoot, aspector Of �o York at a quarte4, to 0 olo , to_day w _The (Ia� ,,of Xatoking, Tri 11 . Tito data t I DIRECTORS., AS good, Tro'nava"I volice, landed here At 4:30 14. Abralli went up, out. of L,gypt vial Incident W032 a A ilwh1ohevorysubscriptiolilki paid W- Q, Broa.4foot. seafort6; ,Tohn Grieve, Interesting Items About OOr Own 110adRY night, .and had loclg Wpd- with Prices highor. sales .01 No, ,2 On. Vriday. Afternoon. Re �Wlis recelv- to 110thel, unto the Place of tile Altar Ago. I IN. '8440t0dwitbolabol, . WAtt, 'Country, OVO4t lit$ right 109 whitO and red w1uter was made At ad with t , he greate Pear . - NVIntilr9pj 000go Vale Scaforth; John .at 4 � Apy . , arital", the unitoo out off midway between the ankle (14 -to 67L ln zlthusiitsm� which he ,had made there At Ar$t, TlIerQ fire feW, Pages in fictlop . I. . x"IsINO UAT44-Trazislout ativertlso- HarlOck. obn ellnewles,Brad Id4lo freights, and the In all Interview Gen. 114dozi-p9well and there Abram CA1104 oil the namo more, remark I MO Yvan $ and Imee. t ,,,,, %Beecb.Wood , 44mes CoAhn'lLojaya, io'llamos tAtes, and Ali Parts of tbo QJobe ""a 101 log was 00 b&d� Quotation north And west is 66c. Said Able or fascinating th441 . 4ts, 10oOntO Y�t 4oliparicilloe, for l3rol; 01,04n, Ripoon - Atall. I ly crushed that It Was necessary to No. I Spring Zola on t ILD did not care. to prophecy the 14041011 04,3 cou(spor line for each suhop� CO"de04ed and Aosortod to of the Lord - such is It, brief isum- the stories of tile orj In of so 0 1 r Easy * he Midland at cud Of the war. It was easy in such Mary 11 9 . , , AQENT$ - amputA.tc, it when he W48 Admitted 080, ur verses. ' We ,do tile 134tis.1 M Q quoptbiaortjozl� Small Advertisements not Robt Smith, lr%rloo�- liob'or 3641114tl ReAdlog. . . . . And NO- 2 XQQSQ At 650 on the A country for small rovill ands to I � Peerages many of which to . f , so . . . to St. A14,haolls Hospital,, .g b not read of an O-Vecitd Ono lneb#aitch AS co, Olmoarillop.0 ., CANADA. .. � , y altar in L,Igypt, for trace their ,(Icsceu� froin romazitio - � '%Osb," "Strayodtl) yrthAiamas.( ,JL1lnn)II)N. Z9monVille, ; ,'�, W The Injured man Midland, Manitoba W.heat steady, elude dcfeklt Or Capture. Weverihf.- there Abrain was out of fellowship sources, "1140114 trout a *9104,11ow"Insertoil onvotar4ocentq and Alartiesdegirous to WileatinBurAnce . was frontal; in with Sales of No. I hal , . each still4equout ins or trans Ottaw , . and less, he Was inclined to think that With God, Uillking of his QW11 Pot'- Mance , love ,ro- 15Act othor busipefis vyf)l be z, .have planned A j6II Toronto and unless there to all earlier dramatle 0OU41 Safety rather ilia 0 A l0ttOry, says London ortiou 16 c9ats). . rolliPtly Attend for." rubernt'n Party engine 988 with engineer Jazzlos Car� of No. 2 at Soc. p. or'd I at 8 . 2e n 4114,41ory TIt-Bits, t � . I AAyQVt1gOmqAts without specific directIQnswill 10 I 41) of the above oil 0 t 1p C tht"V00 it'nd And cAme, with a freight train west 20 lower, ending, the Door resistance will, have, of God, . If I age tothotprospocitive post , I You ll4vo Ivandel-nd A century 91, SO ago there was liv- - 44TI1. ,NlIcation to Any .ic down the fro; Belleville, Arriving At 8.40. XiMeed-The, mark6t .rules quiet.' been COMPICtOlY Crushed I , . be 1040ted until forbid and OIL , 6iffinctis" (�tt4NVa rapids. on 4 crib of ,square Xtrimpai4tely . 1401Y. 1 'Arg04 accord I "I - � I timber, � . . oil their arrival they Drazz quoted a n three or from God, And 11091OCto-I the altf4r : Ing lit Du . . I t ;12 to $12.50 mid, four nionths from And b1114 Luke White, dealer in Copy . . I shunted down to the co, � now, Allowed -%aything �() i.111,10 bf,_ Second - 'Pile vessels Which .al chute and die freights,. and shorts at $IC76to Go". 'Baden-Powell spoke W, P -and books And keeper of li for Change Ot advertisements on pages 4 JOHN To EMMERTON, � are. conveying were Standing there PropAratory to. $15 middle frelgh - . Ith re, twoon God and your Pool, return to Jvttery�ofli.eo, 811461"114t1l0utlill OMQ. oil Saturday .And Canadian bay frQzn St. J41.11LIS, N. loading tile tonder. RY I , te, aPect And admiration Of the Boar il,�, HIM 40 quickly as Possible, for notli- rulls, Cup, day, so the story I . .f. I 11494slandaptlMondayip TRIPP LEADING B�ARBRA , B., to South Africa an, was COTA-There Ia 110, Canadian offer� An individual. He.sald:-�-"They have CU looking through a accond, .. . . ensure chAl3go . are Msllpg,� all Standing on top of the. tender, Ing, And price Ing can 111440 up for lack W" i AlegApono$Or a Are Purely nominal i lsled. I do not ship with .1-lim, and Mo following Issue, 000 Brotoil. coal for the trip, , One of tile men oil the chute saw .At About 480 West for NO.2 yellow, think that the time � is remote when "Only , . of fello, . band boolt that ))Ad recently CO . QXTHAOT *TAR.-Thefollowingtablo. shows OTANDAR L , , � I no 'a saying' "'to "'a POSscsslou, he found be - 1) IVS INSURANCE COMPANY Vllill]) Wagner, a Dominion Gov- engine 08.0 coming down to the U. .S. yellow quoted at 6OC to 600, the Boor "ckuOwlefte thino till . 11 . . - � . 6116,000,00,0 toliced to live months, Imprisoninvat A h married unto YOU." (JQr. Ili, is, 14: to part With. As luck would have area, -sliding child, for I am tickei, wbieh lto.Wal our ratti0for Specified Porlods And spaco: He4d Offlco for Canada, Montreal. arnmout Interprotek, has been seu- chute, tender first, 04 the same laid down here, 14kc, And rail. and 13ritoll will settlo peace- turn, 0 ,back ,. quiti, tween, two. of, its leaves A lottery APYRATMIlle RATES. , Insurance In f ablsr side by sid% And cordially work , wise enough not, I Yr. 0 Up, 3110. I Mo Investments In Cauada, . . . 13,50,000 at ]�j Mont A "AtO Of speed that Ryo---The market is quiet and prlq- together for tho'good Of South At- Ro . ­ ...... WO 00 4400.0 $2500 68-150 Eat" hedJ82s, Who old reli,%ble And f4vortto clans d ,on for swindling Gall- It Would collide with 93% and Shout, as a lu, vii, 4)- I -Ila wife an x column. , . . toady At 470 middle freight. Ilan,." , d Lot And it, the ticket won 0, ,Very valuable . � i Column ......... do 00 25 OQ 1600 000 OvArle" suill'lls bolak' Opposite Post 041ce Th . I act a warning. 4110110r Varrpll Duckwheat-Market dull, with p,�Ic_ . all that he had were affected by his prize, which tit Once placed its own- , i column ....... �, 45 oo - 1500, 800 240 -.-,. ­._. 0 cOzlVOc4tiOu Of U00111 univer- Opened his throttle, -And pulled out as Purely noullual, , I , Referring to Lord Milner's speech wanderings And return ; I . - to avoid the collision, but in said -that, its qth unto himself, a NVnec One 1'v� or In 4 Position Of Influence, Three � doing Poas.-Trada quiet with a sale at Offect must lie to gi Ad in at, be of his Bonn be . 'Coll"API-1 ..... 1900 �0 00 660 2 - _ - , . - - mo�!T00,0�1k-a-m—M sity in Montreal, At Which the degree At tile GWIdliall, to illb ve An, object les- careful llot ,c I auto Army CQIOuOISL " A LL. D. Will be conferred upon the so 11yart was either jolted off the BAIIOY-Thero Is a quiet trade, No. son Ill a Stumbling block Ana members of parlialuent, And tho . I'lich .... � ....... 800 3 00 2 00 I 1�05 LWA , k I " I ; ,� 0 1 . good goveramant in South or Occasion . fto MUR RE.,, , to I AW � . il"K ' tender or he was knocked from it by 701C middle fr topf'24 tit 44o.ther's way youngest 0 Op"I41 postuou from 26, to 60 per ceet axtrt6 Duke Of 001'Awall and York, will be I eight, . Africa. IIQ added: -Lord blibler, to, (Rom I f thOln, was creat . . . . , -_ a brilliant affair. 11 �. 8). . ad. Baron . TIM . . . tile e lite. Ile fall on tile track lia- Barley -There is .4 quiet trade. No. Whom the Empire owes An overlust- 5-9, Abram Arui4ly in 1868-A peor4go which is . , . I . ­ . .. W. .T. MITCHULL, A TABLE. The population *of Rull, Accordl �Wpdi t I In front of the approach- Zia worth 4-oic middle freights, and Ing debt of gratitude, exactly hit the there, be no I a captain in the � � .. I . .1 a a Y 0414 unto Lot. Let held tO-daY by - I . . . Aditor And .proprietor to VIC 'recent, callaus ug' Ing tender of ougine, 982, And it had No. 8 extra 41io midillo freight. liall'on I I strife, I pray thee, be- Scot& Guards, I � . . . . Trains ivill arrive at and depart from Clinton . ,.is 14,200, or do�o Its te I the boad. once give' the tweeA 140 and thee, and, b6t, I ween my Wit, , like his fortun- . M; - tation as fallow4:-, .. � .3,0OO more than in 1891. I . rrible work a laoinclit 04t -The market is firin. with of. BQQrs 40 ancestor, bea 0 , . . . - � I. I AtI.FFALO ANP QoDARIQB MVX816N. IL . � to understand that they will herdmen and tby hardinell, for We be of -.Luke, Wlaite.,,"s tile lucky name COulltY Of Wright Is shown to hihp`� later., Dr. Riordan, with Dr. willt- jerings restricted, No. 2 'white Ia- be governed justly -and wisely, tile brothrell, . . ive, � , , BANKS I .1 ,rose- I I . 44,500 souls, 01-8 800 more than in , ors, amputated tile left limb a� St. quot 0 ,q4ja north and weat I Lot also was rich in I . QolpgRa tExp . ad at 8,$ t . . , 70 A. ill, 1,89,p . . : . , , rest will -bo,'easy, - Depend upon it, Ilocks And bords and tents, mad the A GALLANT Dit,30,p. . . ., . . 1; .." .2,55 P. in. ., - , . . . . . Michael's Hospital. . and at 80 to 36a middle freight, Ili the end we . .tile Doors Ally one who Chanced to be posts - a Mixed . . 4.,lb p, in. - ' aind livos Exporters are quoting 04 i -will will ,over . great that they coul(I not. dwall to_ I . . Ob19WestMtxcd '. , Montreal's . Ryan 'Is 20 yew's 6f an, � I 0. 34ie to our side." ng At tile tIMO ovoi L6.1idon, bridge ress . 10.36 A. in, the Duke inclu citizens' recePflOn to In, Belleville, Whore he has 17L Wife middle freight, , . I gather. They, were in the land f I THE MOLSONS BANK :', ','. E -P dew An addr . Gen., Baden-Powell- -has not yet God, and ,or one day in the devolitconth* colitury, ass, driire and one a 14 c 11 - Ilia parcilts " the heathen were In the migh I . 4 rest MA, h d r1lour-Deniand is f4ir, With a few gone to London. He will go to the land,� tile Canaan t ba -V0 Witnessed a. gallant deed . . Incorpo "ated by'. .4 . 1. , :4 , I 'V'455 ip ' ln"I: to Lord Strathconals donee, LL. reside 'in Brockvill ' . sales. wt . Ito and the Periz� . I , . I I 10,127-p, in, D degree next, day, inspection of . a. . I Doty per cent. patent$ were country for a while for rest, zitO, and before these p * Performed by ' . . Act of Ptlirlit Input, isM4 tO$DON, 11UROX AND RRUoE,pZVlSJQ.J � ' ' . bought At $2,07 'Middle. freights, in , . eople they a Young apprentice. A . . � . Victoria bridge and run of the La_ �_._ + 1, Young lady had fAllon Into the river, � I � .1 . CAPITAI, ... GoInR SouthExpro a , I buyers' sacks. Straight rollers, In Must Witness for God, tit it d 'was in imminent. danger of . URSW I 1. .. $2,600.000 .. .# ss 7,147 a, in. ohinUrapIds, . � I 82,050,OGO Gain r Mixed - . I � 1. 4"16 P. in, . � I bbla, for Lower I ., Q_ there must be no strife, I crefore n ,.0 No a -15 a. in, I . ­ . Provinces, $3, 10.. to . or " the drowning, when she .. tit lcxpros : BUGLER DUNN INJUkED . $8,20. , HEAD O'Friola . ,_ MONTREAL . . Mixed . . 1.0, I I . I servant of the Lord must Aotp was roscued by . . . 6.166 P. ill, . . - � . . — _ . stron .Manitoba Pittouts $4; and NAPHTHA EXPLOSION, I triho" 4 Youth Who. bravely plunged into, . . ,WM. NOT40N MAC.0knin"ON, President A, O-�PATTISON, F. R. HODGENS, � . 'GRT)AT BRITAIN, . . . 9, bakers' $3,70 . - ... . (2 TIM. it, 24) - Who Shall yield ? the rive�', .And with difficulty brought � , I I ent, Town Ticket Agent. BOY Who Led Advance Aero$s Tugela 041tmeill-Markot is'ull4b. , � � . — F or -if strife AS to ce . I 'Manager , %nged. Car Central POPtIOA Of Batotlin, .Russia, Mu * ' visa Some Qz1Q 'let' utioOlisci011s to the Shore. The I JAMES ELLIOT General V C. DIORSON, 1. At London Alfred Austin I �. ., lots at $3�75 In bags, a � ad $3,85 in . See, the greatness of gallant 'Young rescuer was Edward . I I . I Notes discounted.* Collection made, Drafts District X'assQn4er Agoot. Toronto, rev.ppolated ]as boon Has an Accident at Cape Town, Wood. . I I 1 st, yield, . issued. Sterling and American Exch . poet laureate, , , Broken lots, T Laid In Ruing. tile one to Wixom God had given the Osborne, .An appreatice, to 4% worthy I - tell froin Cape Town says .1 Per bbl extra. . orozito, 25c I . . ��_­__­­�_ . . . . . � : land . . � Suaboruicts for. horses have been -W . � A despatch frorn BAtOUM, says: with whom Lot was sojourn- draper on London bridgei And the bous,lit and sold. Intorgstallowed oil do= A.despa . .. UVINGSBANIL, 11 generolly discarded Ili Lond � bile practising at the Greonp.oint . I . . I . . -A Jng by, Aliram's, consent, Who Illight roscued girl was tile . . oil, CAMP on We n aday DAIRY MARj<ET$1 .1 , UrrlblO explosion of naphth%,Qcc4rred have said, This is 411 mine, give it ,a . foi� the,roception . I . . ,daughter rind . Interest allowed On sums of 41 and up, � Z,uglan&g ivIleat I . . tit n6on on'Thursday tit tile centre me by God, and You and your hard- i OSS of his employer" . 0. . . it 101 � W. C crop wiW be flue to tile Duke and Duchess of Cornwall. Butter�q,bc . r Such u r . , Mone FARMERS , . � I I I . . I ill qualltyalid Oxt,,,i,, in quati- And York, Bugler Dunn in t with all Market unchanged, of the, town, which is now -in ruins. men must be quiet or else go Mantic" OPItlodo . could I Ave but one., I . . . I , ,T, advanced to farm4pon their own tity, - � � . . . .. ,a With good grades wanted WQ q,uote Many Persons wera.killed. Many of to . Soule other. land away appropriate issue, I . .. - n � AMENT 0. P. R I . Accident. tubs* Iiiii to 17c; the dead Were horribly mangled, and This would married the girl Tip had Saved from . I Otes W th One Or More andorsers. ' No mort- - . � . His horse - bolted And dairy T',dward Osborne . KWO reQuired assecuritr. � � I ­ � . . . I . . . , C wheat ll&vost has begun SO" 114 0111Y'have been right'In tile eyes of death,� succeeding to bar father's ,' - ' . I . - Tit in stumbled n had one of 11110iocto ou(-PQund rolls, 17 to ISO of bodies were 'scattered many bizi listoti to Abrain. 0 he.of- Wealth arid business, and founded Vic . I i , * , n-C.BRAWER. Xonager, Clinton . . n� a4tern Kent, WhIch"s an earlier be- Ills leggs broken and the horse suffel, Seconds, - tubs And rolls, 15 ; � . . I .1 'CLINTON :*� ginning �bazl usual, , - , . ; fr�gruant" I . � � to Ile b,..4.,,t by tile force of tile 0xPIO- fers Lot 'th I — ­ ' ! ' - — I . . . I . � . 00 - *4 Wiliflar injury. The animal creamery Print$ firm, 20 to 210, slou� Tilt, number of lCti2nS cannot p frst choice, meekly- noble Ignilly of which George Godol- � cal was �: . . . . ... � r us � I . . . AGGART - �,' - . .. Thieves stolen historl 'Dunn i.§ tit , v. . . whAtev , . Duke of Leads, Alai- . 0, o Do NOT . ' � have shoC SOIlds, 18*c to 19-.1-c; . Saying, It -will be, beitel* to .1 . I I WrAvellells bb any Part of tile treasures and . . yet'lle estimated, - but as tit or area Af� ' . to Willi. Osborne, . . I . � � - . I .. world' should consult the I larg . quantities, of a flftcezi-year�old Buglet, Egg,s-`�Tba - market 19. quiet, with fected was the most thialcly.populat- Sep r ;� er part Of quis, Earl,* Viscount arid Baron, Is' ' .. . �. I . . above Ili r ference to tickets, Silverware ,: frolif., t(31113 .. Duchess 1 of of' the .P Ir,st. Royal T.)ttilll'u 1,,usillers prices unchanged. I � . . tha�ja`,t�d you prefer,. anc I Will be prosen, . . , � . . .. .. I a I ' I . We quote strictly ad Part of the city, it 1.4 . .t - .� . . . I I I VANJUR, � . .-I . far6, at(,, . Sutherland, ­ - . who *4s -wounded three times at tl�� fresh -gathered, nearby, 12 to j2je, the loss of� life was great. feared . that. ted to go elsewhere. Till$ % � I t .head, . . I . ­ . I . . . I .1 I . . . I ., . , . . I . . I I . .1 . .� � . . .1. . conten I . . A PRINCESS -FAINT. . T�D� . - . I greatness In the. sight of. God. .. . I .. — . . .1 , � Lord Dthiraven has � been' . � battle Of COIOnsO Wbilo Sounding his seconds and culls, 6 to Be, . � 134tourn.ls the well-known'Ruisslan I . . . . . . . .. * , - , _ ... . I , . -designated orderb. He wiis one of the first to. ph�eqe­Atarkets. reinains steady .oil Port. One ,edening- in the early y I cars of . . . . I . . . to c6mmaud:the liew corps ,of Yoo-, cross tb4 q, it is situ ated - on -the'east ' 10-11. Lot lifted. up his eyes '..And the second George, . . . . . . 1. im, Q0 W I U991CL a ' itor. sounding the with good doulatd:for Allost *gilods shore- of the Black Sea, -alld hits 4 beheld all'th4 -plain of.Jordau, .that when a certain '. - W. JAC"ID1101"I - ,. - Maury 81141'Pshooters that, Is being 01 -der to ad . , � 'nd Wealthy lady was be- . � I A Gonaral ID40ing, 34usin . . I fokill6d, vd,Ace Who'% he returned for 'export. We.quot f About si000,- I it wap� well wat n;uC . . . . I esi Transacted. .. - I � ': . I �1 efiliest,.old 91c; population 0 ored everywhere , b Ca t �If: a I . � . . L� � . . . � . . AGENT 0-P. 0. �- it .is. .to 'Onglaild toL.roaupel,ato Queen Vjr�. now, choice, 9J. to qjc;� t I 8, 9 ,to . . . . led in her Sodall, Chair 'to - . : I . . I . jlepol,tqd that Icing 11dwarik toria prbsent6d him With' A. silve, , _ W h J . . � . . . . then Lot �hosa him -all, the I . .. � . .1 . . , . . :. * * Plain O' Drury La.ac th Notes Discounted. Drafts - Issued � . � . . . . . -0-.1 . . �. � Jordan, and . they agp'arated, them. ea,tre,� she was seized I forgiven the Duke of Oklean�, mounted bugle.. He was aftekwards )a . I I . � ­ with a iuddeli attack of faintness, . I . . . . - - I( � �' .. I . I . I .h4q DU�,SSE D � AIJOGS - VROVISTONI$�, - 11 I 1. I . . - .. I . -Leeduder will return sent back to South Africa -at his oN�ll � life Set - I . I I . I . . _ . � . & solves , t a oile from the other, This . . and tile Prellell pi � I . . � I SOUTEW CHINA. ' � before us 'in Abram consist ,V,,rt1AILatO1Y at thp moment bLr allair: .. . Interest Allowed on, ,Dbposlta, - - , . . . . I R INCOXE1. NOW. to Il,naland to live wi,th Ills Ducils I Pressed hogs unchanged here 'at 1. � 1. . was stopped . . , I . .1 . I I ' � . . . esti� request� Ho,sppnt 6ome tinio Ili Not- , 1. � 1, - — ­ I . ' � . . . . . .. I ,� . I . . . . ., - I I ..... I Lord.' Itus.9el), ,*Ito W -serving ' -[OsPital,. where. lie ' . I . $0:25 t ... I - .products * . . . ad of ,d series of separki,tionti unto OPPosite,tho. shop of I � . . . � � . �� . . � . � a 10Y. I i�' - I a $9 75, JTog . , ,one Hugh Smithson, all Apothecary, .. . . . .1 . . . 1. was visited active demand, and prices. llrm�- ' Ill Bands OfArm` Od.; llobb6rs A ' God; more and more fully .till o' . . . � I . - . . LOlig :Ago $50,000 � three Months' sentence � for bigamy, I$Y '. several ,'MolotberA of. I al We . .. I brbadln Him, from-, , � t thto Which. th , � - a ' Year Wus is Ill, being unable.t6 :Sleep or eat, fAm.iIY.._.. . . ., 11 7 ., . p. ' ;6 't'..1c Rov . �uO ie:-D�con, - long 'clear, ton,' and '. . , Ur, . frout H 6 Wilting ,heiress . was _ I .. I ' . .. L . Suffici6nt - in London Society. I . . � . . ­ I .. . � I �: Nigilt - Raw'. � , , . I � . � arano from callried. The 1. . . . � . . Terith,'from. Canaan, In which.he It - courteotts zzlinistra� . . I . , . case lots, 'U''Alo llic. Pork -Moss': - lonl tio . . . . . ALBERT STREET% -i . .1 I . . And has it doc � tor in,constalit at:- .:, I . , , . . . I . I ad, 119 'Of. tho' .young chemist, t6geilier '.. I � . I . .0voTox. . Th6, London' 8ppctq(;-.)r, c1i., �o,.,,Irl * tondance. .. . .. I + .. $19'.50� . � 11 I . 'A despatch fronl Canton, ChInai I Y his tent, and, al tar, front R gyp t � . I - . I 1. I I . 9 . . . I . . . . . , do, short, cut, $21. . . , sitya:-A band f over" forty , , 'With fils IIE�udsdme citeiior, .Mado�:'. . 1 . i __ . -tile new" standard. of vib.tith.ill.fede . � SuLOkOd Ineats-Hains, 13-1 to 1&0; Q . armed .And :now from Lot. Jt is, only . its � . . .. . . I . . . nt Brigadici�-Golleral Sir Alfred' Gasp- . . .. . - succe its we di -e willing to be :sei;aratea unto SUC4 A� '14yorabIti Impression , oil ILI& - I . . I .. ' I Years� remarks t1lat. 'i1rt;,7 " ­ le . I HULL IS FLOURISHING. breakfast baconr 14- to 15c; r robbers for iliree ssive nigi I , .. I . � . Yeal'.3 L � . . .. , . . I . . . . - as I I . ,— �. . , and shoulders, lie. pposite _ arid thus 'L ., I . ... '' " � P Fire Had' a Beneficial Effect , , L. I . 11 -41s, Ile; tier-� have,. Ade 0 We can know anythinkL'of a intimacy which 6adod �- - itccouaVa and Conituander of the Lard�Pails .* ili.c; ttl The Chinese a t'ahorities the sufflet- � . .1 z:":� ­ �� d sufficieut . at,xin - ;t' �.064 Dr�d r of -tile Attempt' tottlnterfbrO�. 911cy of: God, , foi, ,while we Acan on in their Marriage lit 1740, To this . L L ' "I "lade a MaJor-garierar .� " . : 12c; backs, '14jo ers- and all also that, I portuility , . � ­LKQ.AL . ­ . . I I ago' a I 011s, has -been lootiilg'* Shop oodfroin 'all oth, ,Patient tbat'sho Soilkht� another 6p-�­` 1 " - ' L L all income 0f,ZIO,000*.W I aa�,,, la� bee , lCit'ght (, I � �� to llib'I " .Shateen. of seeing him - I . JSCOTT " I *_ .� .' . lace- Ili, society . L 0 Indian Empire for Ilia .P.4 Rex, . cesi, 1016. , .. . . L . in n cbminencea* a � , L . . . P . r)iS("'j,�i1i 'Que of Services in *'(, .. - I a re alarmed, aught Oise He cannot reveal.Hiniself . . 1. - , - . ­ I ­ , ,, .� ., "bina. L IL . obneftl, Prospwltj�. . I I . � . ... . L ' ' A despatch . ., f L rol . 11 . . I 1. I 80._Flour�Strong; .1 .. romantic , L - I . . OLIMOR. Et , Tito -engagement of the da. , bit4wa Saks, - and I It is to us (2 Col.. I , incident, it is, Said, the , � :' ' .' . BARRISTia�, B A310 'keanest� obsorvdrs (., i �:.l . ciety dc�' . I I E.U041b, July I Tile Cline 6 themselvos. a I I i 0. , 'clar6d pg'hter' of, ' . iWood. demand, . Predict seriolis trouble. I I v , 116-18). Lot,. hice Dukes of NortburnborlAnd owe their : 1. � . I . . � . Spring.wbe moat PeOP14,_ L . I . . . I . . that an inc6tue. OUXBOOO ;�fts'a, Wal ter lVinalis .of .Baltimore, -:. Aid,; to The . City �of 11.ull is in a.much better Winter wfioat---�No -Fair understood the foreign consuls It seemed glad enough to , ' . . . . . L -Aloady to Loan., . . . �L. !. ­ � I - .. . veritable Aluddiffils jazilp.'but 'vealth � ' Position ILOW than it was before tbL- 861 tit 4eeAL Whrned 1. . la�ve titles And vast ostmtes the first - of I 11 1. � , Sir L Alerriek li . 1,: northern, old,. . . I now begins ayinand Burrell.-, and a . . c; * do new', 75, . t6 pre take advantage of Abram's generous I :, OPPICE-311110it, Block . I . - greatt fire fifteen months'ag6. Tile 11 .`le; No, �1) wt lig. . I I A . .... �parp- for An up- . . CLI , . nter I-Isi , , magistrate .. of Shuntall' - 116 had'not .th I . I . . .NTON. early I 'With p"il'ineome OfZ20 00OLI'lietitanant, in theXtrat Itov Dr4_ 78c, 'No. I white, 75C. Corn- . e. gra their .. nkany titles of peerage dating '. . � , . it, I . . red, I . .'offer . . - --- - Y I W 'tell,. if tile ''O'OSSO.S.' I , . .. . "ce of ull- I . . " . .. I .. I 1 4-011- JiV-ca go& S, is I , assessillent rolls *'Whfeli L*ere - all re- 'Strong, No. 2 yelloW, Glfd; Xo.m�3' : L Sbness. Ila lifeed tip Ills- a * ' . Soule little yau-s later than tbig �Ing- , . . 1W BRY'DO. .. up to I 6 d I "ePOrts, that robbers are increating Low , I . I I � . NE . .. . (loss not l6avo I, , nnouncrid, in Lou On, calved at tit " .('itY I . in his iiistrict. . ular; . Alliance. I .. . �.. ,. . . . Us _ I . .11 . a -, -rail on -Fiida� do, SeverityrAve robbers but"n,6t even to t16 iiiii,% Oil yoa' ' 'L * � .. . .L , . . . . . � . him- U9 fr,p,eo.af,"t"i,"i,l,'Ilion*c',v-,cal,es as The coulluissioner appointed jo eu_w it '% L, , � I . Aio�e thall. tlijkty�ydara­a . %., . . . . I . . I . .11, . , 614c; No; ' 2 Corn, '6ft ,No.., 8 do, niu, less .. BARRIST \ , though I , Morning, place ,the taxab]4L property� 60jo. oat N , haire been beheaded at Skertchaiy L fter L this RR, SOLICITOR, � k. . . .Ile. was. rdhIly qui . �, to. the. Lord, from. whoin dvery good . , ­ .. �. I . , L I . . . . .rich.' Tile re into' the use .of Arsenic in.beer in th6 Tkansportine City At $3,165,- NO. , S-�-F in; I 0, � 2 White, 43c,' during the last two'luOriths. . , ' gift' colnes'I Jar. fit --' Tas 11 17.) romance of Drury ,.Lazio the first ' L ' - 1. I . � . . a repo a e. . . -fortune of tile . . I L . L . '4 country boupe h1rdd shoot ,h a rted that th xC6$SL of " arw; .(.)OOL. 3 do, 42;t,c; No.,2 mixed, 23 . . 11 . t I . A.iy 42c,' . L I I . He'Saw only the " I L , ' . .1. stone of,th& �family . . �otaiy publio"ka., � . '% I L . ear ago," before tile build- Xo.'3 do. 4116. Barley, -Nothing .. . __O—_ ., We I watered plain I .; , I L I I OPPICEk-BeaVer JSIO � I . I � . .. - " Eldon was'.1aid when John - * - . . : . CLINT014 fors' dress;, It'liloor in Sddfland. =t' d , thO. ,, use � of eel -tutu ingredients, and t I . NES1, BOXE to .. =,_, I Zia in brewlng� is una�voldable.� with Ing operations follo*ing th6 fire wer6 'doing. Rye -Stronger; No. . . 'of Jordan Lind its $coming advant- par's Of . oftdoll house, 4.wife's and .(Ia. 'I Ok, . 1, 580 : . . .. . I I . mine ,tilvanced' the estimate was $,1,700,- a's k 6 . . 1 . . . . . RSo , . ag,S I S�Ott, ilia young Newcastle student. . I'll � . I six weeks' yacliting leave, little free reco 1 'LL4 1 '_ L I . d.' . .1 CHI .himself. ; ' L : : ' . .. . . � I ., that.it, standard test be 000. Before that, it' sed- . L, .L . . . .. . . 1. 11 . I . . I . 1-2i . 13. . Abram, . continued - in . . ' ' CONVEYAIMIArG cash a . a I I I ate the, titxablv Detroit, - Jtily 86.�_wbcaj CIq .. . L. I . .... __-T1_. . I ... . '� I Ill L : . t " u� . . I . ('I'. I Ills head to elope With , , I I Many . c .nd nothing for improv padL - defining -the proportioh Property Was valued at' $2.5' . ' . the '!�Ilal tSu, toss, the rich barikor's .: , � � . . . . . . . . .1 . - 'of, arse I(: ,, . . � 09,000, wo,:. I'l white, 'cltall­ 730;.. No. 2'red,.. Twenty Thousand, Banded Toget or Ia' t Lot dwelt In the , fdaguglt ' with her over . L . . . - . . ===; mpenses which- tile riell incur . n to, be used. . . I I :. 80. that the 'City is $665 ahead ag a' cash -Alid-L July, 73e; S )f I L � h h country ; bu bg'�erl'fid ratio .1 . I . . . . . . . JOHN RIDOVT . " ` - . without -'thinkillg inust, be avoidcd� , .. I . , - .. . . L , The differe . Lice is I eT ember, .73*..' .. 1. , , . h . P. in, and . not heeding thb Widked�- I P � � In,deflance of ng �- , . . I . . . . And dt the olid of tile year tile �pds_ . — result of the. fir' t 0 .. noss r L I L ­ a. � , I . . . . L I �4 t St. Louis, July 30, -'Wheat closed ' � . at U-Ch6w. ' 'of thd 'Men of 1§0'"m *'Is L even.'. pat. I pursul .� � ep I te r, � - iat runaway ournby was I I.. I I . I lu . I I .. . . I . OMMISSXONER, ETC, $essor 0 such All income wili I -L .. VNITED' ST.kTES., � - � -, r buildings orecteO. The - non7taxable 7Q4d, , " . � `A'deipaich frq Victoria -,B.. C., �11 I . CONVEYANCER, C' . . . .1 . . I - 1. accounted for -by Ile better class of �-Casll (39c; July, 691c; S rabe Pitched his�tont toward SO(lom."The r�a ly ibbT i , .f I . . thiuk . .. . I . . Ifst sta,qe. 01) the way' to . . .1 Fire -insuraii ' . . � Whether this or that could )lot be The daniagO to &OPS'll I t, , I . I SaYs'-'News was re ceived, �by steamer stories of.. 'the plains in' Scripti0ro. I tlle '- WoQiSqc,k*, and to the ranks . '.Of 4 . I . . . ce, Real Est4te. 1. . I Y, -OlItIl-ch, schools, ete,, ' are Duluth, .-July ea . . are not. I , . cebliqmized. I 0 L Cash, 4 rule*so"refteshing L � . . toil aj.L$.)O 00 I 3O.-Wh t closcd-�;­ Ddke �f 11 . as I Money-tQLorid,, . L I . I tile beat -IS L eStl�ua 07- I= at. ab - , 'Ife' that all organization , As ba�on..Vlscount, and eal.14. which Eire - . . . � L . I . . L - TILW is true, assumilig that Ill ad-' 000. - ,. . .1 . . I . .1 ., I P. ut $L,000,000. The NO.'l hard 74'J a; L No, 3 . Nor- called the VelAge Uill6zi Lienchu the stories of-Illp mouiitains.., .80 borne -to�:dayi,by, bit,,.dascWiidAni, . tile . L . I., . Olil"OE-Hunox STREATi Cj�ttozj . . . . I � .1 1� t 01)1114tiOn 'of tile elty,.according to tbOi a . July 72,;c; Se�- Hapi has "i u4n.'fiv.6 datricts all the PlAill of Shinar. and the. plain of . � . .. . . . I . I . . f ithill a month'L id- .be assessment r . olists 13,994, to y casl,i,� 72i a; .third, 'ear] ' , mantic ,.. .. . I . I �. �� il I , ��:-.,- � = horited tb6'-"PI-1zlt'�bf luxurl i JraS.W . . . . h Of Paoting. Enquiries 'made I . n- Alattoo .., has: had IS Incei I August, .72).Le; October 11O)rt . who,- -like ,Ilia ro . I . . . . dition -to Z20,000 a year tLero fs�l ' Ili Ill 111�01, �� �7 , rise Isring (Gen. X!, 2-4 - ze,611. v- Al ; - ,�o .c , "ur" I ' I mull starting in $2,11,00;0ft. . .. L . ,� . . I L . . __ . . . 72c - "Djah. on . o r, 10 I .11. 14OUs life 1 cry ,- � . 0 . . � , Do mbe it Pr genitQ biars the name of J hzi�' _ .1 . I WEbIOAL ' 4 . . ', but in tile tasfi , f I , . Loss: . . . . . I . . M. . I, ng have Dan. I 1) and contrast F, Scott . . . � . . .. I _� L . . _ - 0 � , L 1. ., I . . ... , L � , 721c; No. 2 Northern by the .Frdnch, from paoti Carmel , the tratisfiguratiall;. Ille-as, . I . . .. I . I .1 I . . IL .L L I I lmlCA'PO 13, July K"WhOat clOs- discovered that ,the insurge . . . , , ; . , � 11 . . . � L�� - , . � . n and other hill stories, Tito IT -dAr . ... . . . . . . . I I . I . a.f Lto . Ills . I TITLI"', : � . . I . 1, - Poorer Pdr- four mail. at Leavenworth, Xan, Ono . �. . . . bar L ' 11 f O; on' number 20,000, is,bau,ded "r . . ,.a I I I a i ::::::::;=:=:=::=�_ - society . ,klft.h -rill 'Inc6ine of -t_-0,000 HENS ARETARI ed -Cash, 7:Xc; - September, 69J to 'haVo their headquarters,at rct,111= censlo " .WON.1 A: . L L* -OWN I and no -plant- he I f � . Mirliael I(elly, While,� insane, shot . NG WELL, ID"a . ­ chas, I . . Is tit . 70d; Decent of the h . L I R. Cl, P. and L. R; M Ing 'aixd iogtalling himself -, L . — . . , , mostly d IS bett r. ­ Somo. . I . . I . " , . 'It ta.-dead and two Pthors may, die.. . I . . . .. track, 6. I ilard, 73,,,-, No. I litor- . times God all 11 . I I . L . . — -9., Edin , burgh, " ' � suitable , town,, ,juld country .houses � . . . . Governinent's, P6 N ,soldiers Lind boxeis. � . . Ows 'us to be Placed . it %was, a trivial Incident that won "' . . � . Sight calls At frontdoor ofresideiietion Ratio� in 2 . . . 114PY RaIS1329 EX- ti -tern, 71c,� No. 2 Northern 691c. ' L a L among tile. wick -ed .that w.- a peora.ge'for Lord Lyndhurst, one . I . . . �ur.v.'strOOt,6PPositoPreab�,teriauatkui.ch, ust cost 4130,000- reducing his 0. J.- P11104 ana WILL, Morgan, L .. . perlments*a sueeass. " � . I 11 .They have Usued circular calling I May OIL tile al.eitto . I ' lord chancel� , I . I . ,� . .. � I . . free incomp to ,t].4,0O6, - young farmers of Thi,ce Xfle, IV. Va,, ' . � I . . Milwaukee, 'July 80;�AVhe4t closed ,Upon tile throne to p�tk . there shtn6 for, Him,. inalting flis . St of our . .1. I I .no foreign L . lors. - - A - Ottawa sa�s . �Iiiglzer; No, I Xorthc�n, 72 to 73c,, indemnity. ,' . I � . . L grace suffidient for In Soto of his unepnimon gif,ts . - :1 ,; OPIPICE-ONTAU10 STARET, CUNT As' he approacbes 50 years of age seriously -wounded each otheir with despatch from - 1. us, but 2f. he ty topy�aj�jon.L .' ' I . . 1. I on, No.' 2 X.rtborn; 70 to 704; Sep- ,. L. I .. I . -,#; ' : - leaves the elt6lecto us we silo and, a. great unll�orsi . - -7'7� - � - wances 'for Ills spils, 21.9 and shot.guns. in a; cjuel About a girl, Tito PC q1try­ral sing experiments ' L .. . the . . . . 1 . L, MIJO, pallsio . . - .. at tember, 72je, Rye -Firm-, No. 1, 56 . :1 I �. I . . u I d re- he had, been called to bar seven I ,. . . 1. I L thcr clainla,will'inake a Still furth Whitby, Ont.;. I ,member Ps, I 'I ; - . ., , . , Dlt' "Z* o .. .. . I . 1. . ­ 0 - In- a trial- trlr "of the torpedo'boat which are being e6n- . I � I —0-- . . cx1xv 1, And.keep �yeoirs- before' a single brlof'came his . . . . . *1 Orylas .. . . . � ­ I �. - er k4auctioll.., lie will be well fed destroyer Stringham Lit Nowlio,rt 11, dtidtod under the supei-intandonce L of. to r)GJLC. Barley�Stoady; Xc,i.2 .1 . . . . _. . �% � . as'far away a� possible fl-oul ovary I I , , I . I god;L - 1 66c; - saniple, 86, to 54c. - Corti- P� - I �, appearance of evil, ­ 'way, � ,. He. Was oil tba: -point of' . , . . .. I . ­ .� : .", and lod Mr. V. 0 Hard, poultry expert -to 1, . , 1,T61i ONTARIO .STREET, L. I but will worry regLard-: L� a tube in the boiler blow out' d ' 7 . t mr b r . . I . I A, WHITn CITY� . . " cout4l . -ness is not a a in despair * -'. , Aud I , 5 I ""a ' � . .,, b lidoning his I�roresffj6ftL . opposite Vugljsh� .limb, Ing t1le,position of Ills children x .mail were. scalded all,, bilrapdalL the Dep, I � _ . � as $in (HiLg, it, '31-33). I I . artment of -Agriculture, are .role I [c�., 0 jL I . . � . out ' M may llot w tell, I . . , . ' . L ., � .. Will be anxious Ill a alldme-fitc0d WAY *1 A strike 6f - egg c . I woving . Illy 3Q.-Wheat-Cash,'.1 I - . ' .7- ­ . . I .' I The men of Sodo I While -sitting !-it court'one day, . L . . I I 'CLINTOM I I ., a,great sllccesg� � Chickens I . . havotona of tile, co I ullsel ' ­ .. I . . I . that Ijis gons do no,t seek to I to I L . andlefs employed just t,jolve week . July and August, 721p; September, .Lkrchangel, Only has Three V 1. a ad, very . Wicke - ,'cilgagoLd I a case , , I . - __ ­ ­— ' , L I . s old, on a. diet of j7:3 , December, .`�51c. Corri-Cash , onth6 a ent .. . r ne- argo firm, in New . Yoyk' ' I , Summer. and Sull E;bineS . Lot, but they . TjaoXrSa]� . :L ' ' _* ' . by it 11 . a in tile tiv�,4 of . n . . . .. � L R. 0. W. .. I ,less brides. - ' " L . I � 'as ground oats and skim milk�,aud with le were sinners 'exceed- was taken soriottsly. Ill;. and the Case I I. jD . .1 .. . . 4 �L- -ad, 'They demand 6� rt- . .And July, 556; f3cipteluber, ,66c. oats ' I I . ..L . scerned likel,V toL collapse, ,This was , ' ­ . .. * . . ROEOS. I ' L tile ),qia�jh been ordat A limited range for-oxercise, have . L . I Continually I . ingly Wore the Lord. L . .. , . - PHYSIOUN AND SU TI Pectator does not thilik ill abor from: al- -Cash,.. 37je; July and 'September,- I ,. I . L Job Singleton Copley's dpportun- : Speglairl attention t of till$ Is b at Auction of tile hours of I roady 14cached a� ..-Weight of three (I r3, I ,. overseed-A tive;. -higher; Vor three - moilths, in the . Walk through the I , ased upon lux- 17 to.lO , I � . . �)l 14-17. Arls ity. 11 To the relief of the c' . I M , vent to diseases of the. 9YAO urlousliess' t day.' L I . I � L . pounds eight ounces. . They will Winter land, ln� the,- 1'30'ngth of It and L 'the Plaintiff's SolleltoL' qurt and. , Soso alid1hroat, . or wastefulness. pboulial, . Wfill, be October, $6.15. 011-c Archangel, now,* to bee' In the . . Unchanged.� . olne the great, breadth of it, for I will giVo It UAW r ,he volunteer- � I . I ESIDEtTOE- -iousness And ;moqtIt individual In a Dayton� 0,,'. month � longer and th6 Or a Minneapolis, . July .. 3O."Flour- OP I ORWICE A11D R ­ to to -day. Such luxui . a th,a t�llcr's'back wits turned e6titillikod on U16 prosiint.,diet I westera port of Russia,, scarcely sees ad to . take tile d arted. coullseFs . I . - 20. the sun, and for three months in jh6 .1 . .. , I . Albert Street East north of RATTp,qBUUy wastefulness 'existed equally foriner- " ' k a, go io tile Higher, to thee- SOPUration.14 .Unto God al' Placa, "and conducted .tile , case 'so . I I ' L . I STREET, CLT14TO2;. � l e, e ill. the number ban . lifted 4 package of bills from fattening 'coops for ano.thek month. . first Patents, $4,10 to Sit. , Summer soldom. loses sight 0 it. yet 'Ways. bring Increased blessings and ,.fill, that I - . � . . tile cago� with it pair of tongs 'ar.d : second, 68.90 to 64; first clears, $3 f .b antly to not only secured I 1, �f .rich MCA has Caused an increase, . When ready for tile market they Will to $8.10; second. do, $2.35. 33ran- there is no city in the.whole a new revelations of God to the Soul; 41 veriliet, .bUt achieved by'dne Idap '- . . . t L J!;'__1Vr1'qrR?' L ' . in the price of everything that VINUAPed' - : L . L averago Ova 0* f B ur- having by the grace of Goa . . 1. I . . ,the . - . . r six pounds In weight. In bulk, $Ia to $13.50. PC which lies for so nuittly mouths -1 Magnan- " reputation Which Soon, plac6dL him I � I . rich seek, ,especially line houses - and� Rev. � W, D, Leach, formerly of Can- Tito farmers in. the neighborhood of ., for the greater part of' the year In Imously y1elded.and lit a sense taken on't! a right I road to the WOO)S._.Ck.. '. . L I D'"NEw I -- L furniture. OPPOlItUril ties for sport, adli, Pileaebing. tit a Cdulp mootinp WhIttly. are -intinifeiting great inter- . .LIVE STOCX MARKETS, faft-under A mantlo of SII&W ; �Lnd second- placii, God now confirms to Ailre tbaii . two centuries ago ,� . . � : Such " rich man's hilbing, Coot from near . Chicago, said Ile exileeted, t' Oat in 'the exporfmcnt�, L him L tho gift of tile land with'a new .. . DENTIST, � � . I 0 1 L . I Toronto, July 80.�At the Western because of this; the Russian fondly Smithfield boater, called 11ider' had ' � 1. I I . . . . .M00O to Z4,.000 annually. ' . find a lot of Women ILL. heavoli, but, i , catt,o, market to -day 100 carlottds of calls Iti "The. White City,- StfttCMaat that Ills Seed should be as A Clever pot, Whom rho WAS i�;Xfouo Will be at BRY1161d evetv Nvedbead . Ay There is no L proof'that vice lias in- Very to* MOM . I . 1. I . O� . , . I . . L live stock- were received, I ,including White, too, I . the dust of the earth. � I' Afternoon. : I ' Gambling- certainly has ... . — . . . . .HEAVY LOSS.. , - . . All'the t is In other Ways. appiiaring(Gen.. xv,, 0 the n 4 later to Put Into the Church, whi lo, - the ' � .1 I I � L \ creased. 1,1785 cattle,! $45 sheep and lar 0 Lord told boy was rosoult t be a Im I vyer. So- �. .- ­ � . . � — . . no ,L .,I .. L. '. . 1. . L 0 v ubs, ,chief .buildings glare a. O, . L - Wastefulness Seems greater be- . , GV - I , till "v'th him that his seed should be its the obstinateIV is . Orrzox--Adjoln - I I ,NZIRAL. . I . . — -L 800 hogs' I 0 cal as, And IS inflob. White nds. The cburches-and In . was t) point -contested - . - I . . . I . . . I Ing POster's 'Photo Gallery- cause,,lnOrO -money is Wasted, but ... I COWS. . . stars of heaven ; . then still later between father . (ILINTO,V, L - . � haVOL . 4 Russian city theko are not few .And soil that it. be- . . - P"' L . . proportionately 1� As Ila * gre The � Russian artnY is't0--be 14' one Th6us4nd,'gquare Miles -of 7' (xxil, 17) thel Lord combined the gan t6'soom, probable that tl a I 4 1 1 I ,�. __ 1. ater. creased. by 380,000 men. - . . 1. . Pine ,The ruits been largo lately, are ` also of Pure white , only t 0 .boy . . . - , Our graftdfa-thers did not chroniclo, L I I L Burned Overw I . And the supply to -day exceeded busi- cupolas are greep,.and the, crosso,q two, -and In connection with. would have, become aliuslor I'llia his- , I . DR' G- EARNEST HOL"'Es everything,' While. newspaper adv A r band of.. thloveq it. succes .� . . . . I Ills giv- I � . S110009sor to Dr, Bruce Clinton. . . or- I sfully .A despatch from ' ness requirements, and as aresult on their summits gold. And White I -Mg up of Isaac told'hira that his iti.ther in.default of, A. solution, For- '. I I I . Specialist Ia CroWn and Bridge W . Ottawa says: -A I D.0 K-GrIaduato of Royal College 0 ork. tisement of to -day IS responsilgo.for operating on Varis-Glonava trains. trade was dull, and prices, except are the private hous6s of icect should be as the stars I beaven tonately tile matter Was subinItted thousand Square miles of pine forest jolt a few lot I the better I Surgeons of Ontario. f DontA.1 much of the -appearance of inade FUTorts tire beiiig made to - reduce are said to have been burned over III a of extra choice, woke sort except whore Norwegians and and. as the saiid which Is uoi;611 tile for finalsettlenicilt-to an.old- frieud . .. L. D, s'-pirst. class Iloilo li-mury in I'Meopean soclotyj . the strained relations between dor- � Weaker. . . . sea share, Afterward the tw�fold . . -1 i m1raduato of Dental . Germans IN.% for bluff arid blue and of the family, who Plumped in favor i Dellartmontof Toronto niversity.sleclat The -,SPoctator thinkg'that a vpce- mafiy,and Russia. . . the recent fires in the Temiscamingue txport cattla were oil from IO to red then streiak and diaper the pine promise is divided and the hettv6nly of tile law, - alid thus the boy was ' att6r.tion paid to pre8etyatiou of ch I 411d KiPpowa. districts,. althoug�h tile Lad 5�4 per lb .. teeth. � to earth- . , il ren's tat rgently required to do- reports are co The money best representative price , tc-day, strect-posts, I ly to J46ob. (XXVIII, ld;).. 'Tile first highest seat Ili the, bough, And to th . ; � , OVII to -day Is tile Increased In- Carital is u $1111,50 per Cwt', 40 Wits the Walls and edge tile gable ends. But, part is given to ISaito and tl Started oil a career which lad to the I .. , Will be at the River Hotel, Ba.vfield, ovary olln"lon to gratify !MPUIqO Without, volop the promising. cold mines ,at less Is placed 111"C', . Katea, Pillars, walls 0 . � . Wouda,V from 10 a. in. to (I V. in, at fr�01119 $500,000 to from 44 to r,e whs a common quota- fonaos-thOsa arc all White. Arid 1�1 ly to Jacob (xxvi, 4 � xxvlit, 14). foundation of , the fortunes of tile - .. I 1. I . - ,- .---- � . reference to old restraints and a present Idle In Brythrea, Ititly. . $750,000, and while tilt$ loss will be tion for good stuff, and light ship- .the sumillor, for every oflejal you The Arst becomes last'and the last,' Rydera, a Is of Harrowby, . I . . certain reactloh against goodness, Blub,oritto preparations aro,boing falt at Once, the future loss will also 0ors " DR- J, r' REP"" successor to Dr, 114ow1or. which Contains more intellectual pos- luivile for the reception of Count van be great, The Young pine , sold at from 4J tb the per lb. see in a, blua-.or gray tunic, you sea first , tild to Iny mind . I .. � . I � simisin and Which Several loada were left over, I .. . VRT9 ARY SuRQj1,o% � ,I at Ila= W tell In White - C 9 and white u refor to IsraLl and the ­ . .06 . . . R114 , laSS' deflance Of beaVell WalderSoo -on his arriv I , . ore destroyed would have boon cap ill- Church, . I .. A r4offiber of the 'Voterinary, Medical AsSoola. than such movements havo usually burgr on August 10 from China, Commercially . valuable Ilutcher - Cattle was dull a' few forms through whom as Abraham's O;Lrthly .... I . I 11 , . tionsofLohdon And Killuburghafid Graduate had. . . I Ill 0, fow, Choice lots sold at 44. to 6ic, and � B Ight, color and heavenly seed God will yet'lliess ,� , . years,, but It will be many yours be- 0 1AXV, A, LADY, . . I . . ; . . Of the Ontario vetbribary 06110ge, , . � Albanian Insurgents and Turld live or ton puts over was it law Wlen And ohirtaldlorellne ;Ispllenflt btlo th � ,all nations. These, two comp lleg . Oftleo OPPOsItO fl)(i0ommorcial Hotel ClIntoll, . . . � '4�..".. . � regulars have had several encountert; the C oil as, . �, . all fore . the new growth can replaco, tifiles paid, but for ordinary cattle green Skirts, of the redeemed may be seen in on. Francis, said the little girl's maw� ' --, - . . ­ . i ,m, Much of the Old pine trees scarla pett a - icoats, I . 2=7 � ­­­ - ­ - ...... . : % oil the Turkish frontier,, with many (Iftmaged by the fro CA, a Prices W01`0 IeOla 15 to 25d lower Orange aprons, and blue korchlef I And it ; on t][io fourth day suit, Ina, Who Was entertaining Callers ill . . . . -4 n 0 I a, than oil Tuesday. , a, I IV '� - � , WOMD"S BIGGEST TEAM13, killed and wounded on both sides, short tim d M, d b ut It � __ 0 An a a ready. for the . Sales were slow, are Common enough ; while, a ro moon and Stars are for signs, alld arlor, You cama down stairs.su I I anch Govarxilliont, is now on� Tito principal losers Are and it good quantity of the stuff of.children will alwayZ loo . the I __ T%0 r, I. Mora than, 20,000 prisoners from all market. _ t, 9 up Jar xxxi, 80, 30 tells us that tile, noisipl h ba- licurd till ]BLAOICALL & 13ALL le k like a V I gaged Ili the restoration of what parts of liussla, ,confined in Moscow fShepard and. Marse Coulpan was left-, over. PrIces, weakoned.con. Cluster of old English fower�_ 'Are Signs or tokens that Israel 19 a)- over the -house., You know 110'w to , Y� J, It, sZrably towards the close of t _ But I ., ­ V2TARWARyst.yagEage, G V - has been called "tile greatest temple Central I'll ,distributed Booth, Alex. -he ways, a nation befake God : Ili V'Iph. 60 it better *than that, Now gu� . ,,- 0 - -1son, will be rL Luinac!eii, tile Rull . otherwise, - ill stlininer lie In Winter, I ERNMENT vETHRIXAny INSPRcTons Over among the old .and now prisons of Lumber C market. I 8 - - note that Adain Lind : back and , dome down stairs I I Ike it built on tile face of tile aartb," . 1� . lompany, Gillies Bros., arid Th6re is ntl' this old city qf Avallftligel, now dol� - V, 31, 32 Wd, , . . I . , I . a� UcLachlan Dros,, of Arl4prior, * 11 Only a light (inquiry tined � to be the capital of & now V'vc axe ty . . - U98](DEXON, ALB ,gypt, which for over .3,000 Yeat's 3 . , for feeders and stockers, feeders are Russia In tho. near west, I church,, - . . I Frances retired, and after the lapse OPIPIOR, ISAA0 S'fnftT This - is the temple of Icaruitir, Ill 14",luropean Itusst Pleat of Christ and the IpdY- .., I I- S'lltrul" b1litom. Mutt, L The fastest tbile across RUSSIA, I I _f , k . wofth train a to 144t per Ill, I a a White . ------ �_�____!�,:.t!�,_ _,�� City indeed. . :ot a few minutes, rc-enter�d tit(, iyat- . �­ has boen falillig Into ruins, Origin- 42 dr,yR� and the price of a. ticket 18, -Then. Abram removed Ills . . . AUOTIONar;Ft � . ally the temple was 370 ft. wide and 1.3,257,tio, bui, jvIlell tile railway Is � Export owes kind lambs were Weak- . . . I . I tent and came And dwelt Ili tile plain lor. . r I I I I . . ' I .11". I . 1,200 ft. long, or twice as. large its complete the time from VItidivostoelc MM FAILED TO EXPLOJ)E 0 -or t6.(.Iayl I . I . __O_ . of Mature, which is lit Hebron, arid, � Did You bear me come down .stairs 11 nos. WtOWN d . I . I�Xpokt ewes are Worth frolli. 0,ao . . built there an altar untcy the Lard," lia? .. I ��L=��� St. J?otor's lit, Rome. It was , begun Will be reduced to 10 days 'and th � . r this time, mami T ., 1 2,700 years before Christ, sind %taa faro to W,42. . � . to $3.60 por Cwt. . BEST SHOTS IN TRV,, . I Ilebrork waii a hill country, for Calaty No, dcar. I am glad you cam$ , . .11 . . 111OHNSED AUCTIMM9n, . more than a thousand yovarg in Gen. Delarey's Plan to 13loW tTp Train, Ducks soil ut from 21 to ft Per 1b. WORLD'. said to Joshua, Glvo.mo this. moun- down quietly, Now, don't let me, � I arNw Lbo r,ountleti Of Russian iialwapapora are discussing . Culls at front $.1' to $8 each, The teller of the following story tain, aud.Hebron became his Inherit- ever have to tell you again not to Pales 00tiduoted in all building. �"lx Mali With extended British activity lit Abyssinia, ctud Wag Abortive'. Huron And Pettil., OrRem left at TItg .NEW arms call hardly reach arouild 0110 demand that Russia and Vranco Larribs Are worth from $2.50 to $4 bits applied for Membership of tile ance (JOSIIu&,xiV, Ia-I5) ; thisplaill -come down noisily, for I see that you ; "Acolin Office Clinton ovaddrossed to S 8 . , COLIVOR tire unchanged, and call come, down quietly if you will, forth P. 0, will rodolV6,pron at% of the gicalitle. pillars Still voluctill. take , A despatch front Millborloy sAy$-.. CalVos are wanted, cholc� famous 1319. Fib Club, Doet; lie do, of Alature must have been it table- y not attook t- step4 to oppose 'tilt;,' tonstruc- TWo buildred rebels under Vanzi tit. . I servo It? I Now tell these ladies how you man- . sfactio I) narantood or nochitrgag. y0c',!�t8o, irg. . land, a plain Among thq hills W at, ft9a4 to come down like A, lady the Onftg# sofieltod. Pat- tion of"British railway lilies through tacked 80tlagoll Friday, but Were ka� � A few Choice Mitch Cows will sell Ile and Ilia brother, 110 Says, Spent Abram long continued to enjoy fel- l! �� ... 16, . ... . . ��W,�wa-..-,�..-,-.�..--,,..--���� tit(., country botOPO It is too IIAO f9r :Pill-sud. Gon. Dolarey is reported to UP, to around $50 each, . a-vear In ,and about the Rocky lowship with God far second time, whild the first time you � � ----.-. ' . -1 - '11 Ipp 10 i.1 E imc - 11.1. such action to hu'vo May efrect. I hitva, boon present. ThOPO Wag Ito quotable change in 110untains, above and made .so much nolsa. I .. I �_ MISO&U.ANEISOUS . � 11 11 � lie afterwards ,They had two rifles, one away from tile atmosphere of �Sodom. - ��--Z.."L--..-�;::!:;;::::":;;:"� 11 _ , . 11 —0 rCerot-'sed Into the Tranavaa:l and at- the ho rkat to -,,Jay, The run bullet, and one keg, of powder, Tito last thlie I slid down tlie bait - GE 0 r 7 - �, tClnl)tC,d to blow tip tile Wan If . There, fit due timor Sarith died, and isters, O�Plaiaod, Prancls. .' THE BOrDIVS LITTLP10 JOIC311 railway, I Wit" these tlICY 1611011 Oil An (LvOr- It(%, bought tile field of Afachpolah And � . 0 1 ItS The British oil) . cops in tllo Irkallo- coaled 11 I . . 00 HILL. on aj - S Z . Bevan pounda of dyntiln1to Wag cozi� I, , price tot, singers" IS Ila .age twenty-soven hend of buffaloes it tile eave that was fit it its it burial. I . — 11 . uIldOr thO rails, and a. rifla PQ,�- thiCk. fat And light hogs 411'�,' (lily, Tito fact that they did all this place. HORSUKRORIt ANn t Vaal, Who are Inclined to enjoy il, was concealed And act go ari to ex (61tapter xxdfl�, and tharp, to . at, N14R4L 13LACIRSMITIr, _4______ ,- - wo a, Pot, Ili. With tile. one bullet led � to tile fol- this day'lle, tile bodies ill Abrahaul A CHANCZ VOn GATtDEXV1JS. . I ft" go I' I I 3" -_ joke, '% 01111101tO When it train Tro . to fatch the, to lowing oross-question: "aruh, IsaaaandRobokah, .Ta- Value and fortune await tile I it "yliatover the reaction, atic, do. pfo(la , tj�o P prien must .and S . W Work Ironed tit%(! fit8t I lighted with all anecdote ffi- Work 9 -010689 nultttrlal and I have, used. Aydrls Hair Vi or 1`01MU119 to PaRSed, Tito rails Were not deflected be of Prime quality and scale not 'low did YOU kill all these buftttl-� � cot) and Loah (Chapter xfIx, 29�31,) gettlou horticulturist who call sue. � 1,01fat"W04- I"arMIMPlOmolitenad m0i for thfrty, yearar. It is eleggnt lot an lutervieW botwt;du Hitchener an quilicictItlY to Pivot; t1le noodial �,lld bolow 160 nor above 200 pounds; oes With only one bullet? I : awaiting tile first ressurectio)i And . � . r6builtallatOpAtmd. , (!c it bait, dreissing Attid toy keepla the Iloer goncraf, Botlia, 'at; itit Producing a flower that is. . g the several tkillus Passed Without flag -ill. FOROW1119 fS tile range of quo. Well, I stood on one side of a but- tilt, fifIfIllment Of tlIC, pponlispo. A entirely black -a. problem t1lat ll.tv;_ . somm; , bsur trom splittin at tile and$.,, At tile Conclusion of thp� fruitlogt; A ­gftngpr,, discovered tile I 0. . tatipfis � $RIO and my brother oil the Other. work ls being dono at Ifebrat A SPROYALTV. I - zzi A - ALUAlIftilaft, 14oilta, . . Ctlwoog J. A. Orueoehf=a r� Granttork, 111, conforcried to arrange tormg of peano: .1 I Cattle. Brother firod; the bullet passed hitherto d0fied tile CLYorts that hnuq ­�­-- � I __+_ I 11*01X) niong the Jewsand Moslems' t Botha said. � I to- Isr I;i Jeen MadO I'll that direction fogult,l%,. ___­­_ 0 101, . through tho, animal, and Into the b,V. t Wildmay Motlical inissioll, I - . Well, I niust bd gone, . ' lie it h � .1 I . I BOM TAKE Ni4w HOPEL;o ShIPPOPS, 1)01� OWL$ 4 IS. $ 5 1!21. barrel of my rifle. I ill -ed at the Whieb, I am thankful to ba-ve it pray- than t'rea CentuPies, lyast, Vlor, uot- . I Hair-splitting swits Don't be In a hurry, said . . . DO lit',11t ... ...... 4 24 4 05 withstanding ilia sensational novel, X00144- llutciier, cholco. do 4 110xt 1311(yalo arid brother caught Illy erfur And r1nalicial Intere,qt, I exparVaNcs or; hospitably., You haven't got tp -t", : of Aloxandro 1)UMa.1, entitled "The I friendships. It the fiair- patch a train. I Butcher, ol-dinaky ball In his rifle, 8VO I -opt up, the , . —.-(I--- MO& Tullp", there 13 no such 011111; � � splitting is done on your � nut that's Just what I've got . to D0111141 In AM001144M of RUM0,44d - to good ... ... ...... 0 ,_,,5 a 76 hullt fOl' twelve months, killizig n6al" CAUTION TO LADY CYCIA.14T.S. aq it really black flower in 0. Istence . L . I A L werod Botha, as lie took Ills, P0400 90gotlatighl, . 110tCher, ittfori6i, _ 2 7ti IY tWQ hundrod buffalowl por week, � x , . - Own heid it - a 00 Aild the same It, 18, Very M44VIsable, boxituso. ft ft1thOugh-tilUlOst OVOt7 COIQI` and : loses frf�ndg 11,111, A despatcl� frol Shool) and Lailzbo ,yet brought back , I go si,,ado of. the ralubow 14, pre,jollt in . � :. It Ainstcj�dain Says, ball we started with. is dangerous, for ladies who I � � "'Ave" of I wt.". a ao .,, from tbelt, honies on bleyetes to do flow - 10i yqu$ For every figir of And so lie )lad, tot, two dttyg later -With reference to tile rumops pUb�. a do -11 I 10 I oia and blossoma. '. � I . . . I I I your head 8 st friend. lie caught And looted ix train on tile lished In tbo� I ("'U'(11pte sh,,,1,,01;*,"V.a'�cII ... !� 00 4 00 I I 1811OPPtng to earry purchases fit It _.__O____"_ � TfMbC MAAK* DOTA904 line not far from tile plaeo, tllg� 110gotfationg fop police in uth - eaell ... - _ 2 50, 4 00 010ANT10 V ORTUXIM net -bag swInging oil one -oldo of tile I v9sioNt ", a of moothig, AfP10- al'O PPOIC00019, it Iq 0anted , , * handlo-bar. MoSt of thOln are fair OnVIAT IXORVIASMI Ibt vo,Lla�N. wr�a ir Vigor it! 14 'MaTkk�la,' -to &d. AyetOs f 0 ) lik Cwtaud Calves. 1 Ally A 96 4000yoltaft IV em - ­ a fio a 00 T110 I&WA Of 001111001cut Are M11011t Cyclists, but 'come t4r behind ","A I'dfnttwk6toitgh446gotittiTtinsy advance w It prevent tfie _+__*�_* 1101`8 tKAt X�,uger 1i; preparilig 'to each ... ....... go t1a 45 0(i . 011 being 4spert . IMILIM9. Inven't1oft 16 wobably - Me* ot er an . Apfittilog. It tho SpIl I tting London public Ilbrarles 110wo OVA# end Ow WAV. frlstewl, 40, Uyda, Oalv,04, slight awarve Therefore, with a Tito returns of thp�� 11pItigh 0tokIP"043ttkin 6�r OpLintaft f �0 cows ,the subject of the will of a, wil- � .?4At6fttAb4 P6121MVinift, arn banflIg gkoaf of the machine, which - V*1411- - I I . � . � . I I I : . . I I I I I I I d 1`0 _­� =Z=7_���� 1 � I I I '.I I I .1 I I I - 1_� I 'I I I I .1� : G I , ho � 11 11 II I pr � ti tc, - frol't�falt I I , , � - � 0 Their joint hopep t)IJ . uyper Trogs. owaying, tile Centro of toor force for last year, which Will 0011t r6e. 1448tir"erfeummied'A , . ly left all astitte of four 111fillonar #ot.4 the, bar, tl6gJ rietyodnadent,%I, Hk",db;OkoftpAte-Atg � fivo 011111011 voltillida, azzil othap noeIfa Daph ... ...... a Do Ia no 110"41ro "Itulod Plant, who 1104 IOU- , I "tentel. M begun It. Issue Is twenty-soven million - wtiol 01101co Trogs, wt,_ 6 76 ot gr, 0011449, Tito to -stator doolarfi,q that gMvIty to 111terierea with,, And, 11ka. shortly be made Public, will thow PA"ints takin t roug ul,lr4 * ollocolvi I 1tvill stop tho faOt that D1 . X< tilftfiUilotim, with U4 t .Vol C 40 . o.1 1 11W a Wk. Ali Oft,iii" ulftclo. . I I' A (411004 W111101intha, 114',4 sulil, � hog tho tstato I$, ilot, to be disti,lbuod ly 0�1 not, tilofe fZ. 41, upt4ot. Considerablo increase of 2�A. I 00'0,1 I'll 1110110d V) OPP% fl� Y16V pilbliief, Is t; T,44 . 0, atot. ,,,, 4 r)a 6 76 Ladies A, "11Y . Satfifific , ii it" k 4 0 1 00 mis-i (1-Irlizini-All, rlglit� Sir; I Allall strong Poor ayillpii.thize�. Rip and ffpav�r hilgq, Owt..., a SO until 40 VAIUD is $000,000,000- Would ba Well adviaod It thoy had, strength AID Compared with 180% 0 It Your dth At elkhtot " . 0 76 A1%#Ado514b1tftto#jrw,r*e6k71. JA"ftt*qt. 6 W, ARMY " %%te You for brooth of pr stdgq, Vrob4bly,-tho'law courts will bring propor baskets. fixeil to their hatidle. dowqoquent upon the lapgot, recruiting ftlftl 6 'Any " f ittxd W6 1*1 6 omise. I'len- Daron Van Lyndo ry of the por Cwt. .... 0 00 2 00 Comilldri setift. to boar ott the Will, li.Va. resulting froin the war, Tho nom. I . rem ; T& ill fi. 4, i a, "Ittapoftlo. )MAtIpTilifid I t 0 ton-Yould bettor liot, attoropt it. If Iftliguo Arbitration Court, havo hew Oat filtrtnontttle 90MV1. iawfido,% ,11 vii h MW6 *­-_+-.-.�- . 161% of $cot nfttftl '62 t, � �., ji" .And insUrC, tho diatributlon of7. the � bee -of "etholents" At tile 0 I 'Ay �., 41 I 44t � I 'AyVIV8 .0 W I Youdodr a Allist, you for *&ylng I hopft Oat tbr,V Will dpvltio soljo ygitr .on gn *Vcraga in tit* South of Wait lit an ironelad of 10,000 t - � Leo go 1, C., A Y .0 (0, I'll bring ttn sLetiozz for ftequout consultatiollpi, ti4ti tho, )JOerf, q)(I of tile MIN 4 ��Iew .1_11- ­­ .1. -1 , I � ,, � 1. I—, I ill =: 8 Mr,y Is, tho Aunyllest thonth of tho $90,006,000 In haud rather thAn I .1 , # OC, �* F W*sblij�ov. J 9 1000 001d'al ytar was OVpr _7().O()o XT4 il 100 I ----------I-"---- PrOPOS#d Ito 'You. for go'norations of quil ons. ilia . '. I , $00M of P4400f4l, Inforv,ontlon. gliftlery weighs 1,400 tolls and Ilull all 111CP04so of about ,ja,oOo v1pon � 19mAilad. O*#r thf 4800,0000000 In tile I 3.400 talm. tile "6IrJCI0nV'*rCtu11A ofja6o.