HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-08-01, Page 11 „ Tilti CLiNTO 2 2tul Year • • CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST. it 1901 Whole Number 1176 Another Trial Offer The News -Record will be sent to any address until Octo ber 1st for 10 cents. 9 weeks for 10 cents. .11bAwilb•lbribemlwa • ilailia,40~Wa,446oreo Wall P.- apers rhe Choicest 1,! onmem=ii, !Window Shades Everydesign we buy is carefolly selected both as to color and pattern so that we offer you the choicest patterns from the Canadian and American markets. 160 .A We pride onrselves on having good taste and judgment but we are not, infallible. We make a few mistakes each year. Here are this year's mistakes : 30c Papers for 15c • 25c Papers for 120 15ci Papers for 8c • $ Your choice to clear 250 : $ Curtuin Poles • $ $ Our leader ie a line of poles with brackets, rings, pins and ' ends complete for 25e • $ _________ ' $ $ 4 We have 150 Shades 3x0, in various colors, mOunted on spring rollers, heavy painted shades, regular 40e, 45e & 50e. •$ Agents for C. P. H. Telegraph and Dominion Express : Money Orders, also for Butteriek Patterns. . $ •••416,111,011.16.411011wilivAllfrAlfr 4116,116,11.• • t0,111.,..•+110,411b/111wIlbellit.lbellb,lb,111,111,, *Intion ' 0 Ab.evesi-eveb.e4be,tbe.e:-e-sezes30).1es.e3Aet...tn,otespee-et.03.‘z-e-gli-43.11b-s5 W. Cooper, & Co. CLINTON. Little Locals. THE Naws-Racouri will be sent to any address until October lst for ten cents. The picnic announced to be held .on Tuesday by the Ontario street 8, S. was postponed. Rev. Mr, Wallace of Philadelphia will occupy the •pulpit of the Baptist church next Sunday evening. Cantelon Bros have shipped about 2000 baskets of cherries thisliectson and 6000 dozen of eggs the past week. MoTaggart's and Tisdall's banks will close at one o'clock every Saturday afternoon during the month of August. ' , Mrs. Thos. Keachie of Galt and her two daughters, Katie and Erma, are visiting at the home of the latter's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Iohn Croll. The ad of Reekices Prescription drug store quoted baking powder at 10c. per pound whereas it should have read 20c. Mr. Reekie's baking powder is a super- ior article'. iMr, Kethhen of Stanley, a student, occupied the ;pulpit of Willis church last Sunday arid preached with much acceptance. Ile will supply during the absence of Rev. A. Stewart. ' Quarterly service will be held in the Ontario street chereh next Sunday a. m. Pastor Gifford will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening. The Quarterly Board will meet on Monday. evening, The office of R. &J. Ransford is now located in the Perrin block, they hay- ing moved from the MacKay block where they were located for years. Their former quarters have been rent- ed for a business college. • The finals in the bowling competi- tion for the president's plate were played off as Tuesday when Captain ()mire, by defeating Mr. J. Taylor, •won the coveted trophy, Mr. Taylor won every game he played up to the I Whkt can vve have for a ch4nge P•• .. 0 9 o a o lis the cry of evely ho sekeeper. 0 0 o . WE SUGGEST A FEW ApPETIZERS SUCH' AS o Strawberry 'Pie Plant Pine Apple Chunks . -Stuffed Pickles - OhiliSauce or A Can of Spinach , . ▪ Save your Eggs and use Burriett's Coffee Clearer to settle your Coffee. • ler Leave your order for.Lettuce and Young Onionearly in the week. ; Ow le Cooper & Co. ; CASH FOR BUTTER IND EGGS. THE CASH GROCERY eit.15-bb-itloo~15•11.454e..e)..4bafee-e-falc.cipet-es-st.e-st.eites.sa.., vex* ..00.MOVJBD00 We have moved into our new store, 13iddlecoriabe's• old stand and invite you to call, Come and see us eyen if you don't buy. • ' • P. it. cR,Evv,,p.Export' Watch Repairer. 1172, •••••••••••••••••••i,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• r Wisdom Corneal: With Experience Better come here for SHIRTS where • experience has taught all buyers that every shirt we sell is iv motley -saving proposition, You have the opportunity 'here of selecting from a- stock of SHIRTS the pattern and style of which are axe u ive. Come and look over this stock, Its magnificence will astonish you, just received from a shirt factory a case . of Drill Shirts at a bargain and we are selling the•750 line for 50c. HATS A SPECIALTY, • • Morrish liatter. Men's Ready Alides We have them from five dollars per . suit tip to eleven. Our five dollar ------s--. line is the best value we have ever ----- had in stock, it is made from a dark grey, broken check Halifax tweed, one of those tough' wearing things that always give good satisfaction. The other lines are equally good' value. • A ..11. HOLLOWAY. The Foundations Built. Mr. H. Hill hap built the foundation oftlae addition to the Ontario street chinch. He has also finished the stone- work or the RattenburY street church and has been viaiting for stock to com- mence at laying the brick: The pressed brick will be shipped up front Torento and the whit from Blyth. • ' New Wheat:Delivered. , New wheat was delivered at Fairs' miil on Saturday last by Mr. Harney Manes of liullett. Itwas a lair --sam' pie and tested 58 pounds to the bushel but a load was brought in from Mr. E.' Butts' farm On the Base Line on Tues day Which tested in pounds. • Last year the first delivery at the mill Was made on the game date as Barney Manns', July 27th, by Mr. D." Centel - on of town. At the Standard elevator the first sale was inade by Mr. Harry Cook of aullett on Monday. The sample was not as good as last year and Mr. W. G. Smith considers the test will rule slightly under rather than. over the standard. • An-" At Home."' On Thersday afternoon last the ladies of the Ontario street W. M. S. tender- ed an At Horne to the sister soeiety of the Rattenhury street church. There .Was a large attendaece. Mrs, Gifford presided and the following program was rendered : • Solo, Mrs T. R. Shaw Recitation, Miss Grant Solo, Miss Scott Solo, Mrs. S. Murch Instrumental, Miss McQueen Solo, Mr. Percy Gifford Solo, Miss .Akarn Dr. Gifford made a few compliment- aryremarks after which a dainty luneh wad served. The ladiee of the Ontario street society endeavored to make the At Home an enjoyable one and sineeeded very well, indeed. •••••••••••••.**40.44.*********4114.****************44 4 t Very Latest Atioteti..e41.45invsnirs.em-lb We have jn usable for all the modern ideas which have made our photo- graphs what they are. Special attention is given to Child Photography and, consideringthe character of the work, our prime are the cheapest in the county. 0 re 043,-0<iteteeri-63,... riKai4^1,40:10 Ss sit4ii,tiiii-0-tte Henry's , Photo Studio 4,....‘00.060,064.0 Lacrosse. . The. lacrosse match played in Sea - forth, yesterday between the Clinton and Mitchell teams for the champion- ship of the district resulted in favor of the latter by three goals to two. The game, which was well contested, was witnessed by a large crowd, each team being accompanied by many sympath- izersr.-OVer one hundred. Cilintonians went down to 'cheer on the Strath - cones, CLINTON MITCHELL F. Johnsen goal Stewart P. Mathieson point lobes F. Kerr cover point •Stewart 3, Crooks •lst defence Parrott H. Doherty 2nd defence Heinbecker W. Blackford 3rd defence Prances A. Holm es ,centre May E. Dayment 3rd home King A., Sheppard •2nd honie Davis L. Whitely 1st home McKay Couch outside home Davidson W. Whitely inside home Graham J. Kennedy field captain Davidson E, Cantelon umpire Davis Referee—Mr. Mimeo of Toronto AUBURN. Rey. J. Kennedy purchased a driver last week. Quite a number of horses from this vicinity have been !sold to Mr. Hobert McLean of Cioderich for the South Af- rican erinapitign. Mrs. T. Clark of Dungannon is at present visiting ber mother, Mrs. T. Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. C. Uelwig spent a day with their daughter in Goderich last week. Mr. William Berford of Wingham visited at Mr, William Patterson's on Sunday. Mr. Hunter of Sunshine was the guest of Mr. 0. E:Erratt the forepart of the week. Miss Jenkins of near Holmesville, was the guest of her aister, Mrs, ,T,J, Wash- ington, last week. Miss Humphrey of Walton was, guest at Mr. Bert Cummings last Sun- day, • Quarterly meeting will beheld in the Westfield. Methodist church at 2.80 p. m next Sunday. Rev. Mr. McLennan of Alma will preach next Sunday in the Presbyter. ian church. Misses Martha Mole and Anriie Flu- irer, who have been at their homes in the village for some time, have return- ed to their respective places in Clinton. Mrs. Thos. Nicholson is on the sick list at present as is also Mr. Robert Mutch. • Miss E. Keith of Albany, New York, is the guest of her uncle, Mr. J. Ken- nedy. Mrs. Ross and Miss Ella have return- ed to ,Auburn after spending some months with friends. ••:. Mr, Herb. Cunningham of Brussels was the guest of his grandfather, Mr. 3. Sprung, last Sunday. " Mrs. Hill and Nisi R Young of Lon- desboro were visiting friends there last 1 Mr. and Mrs. Patterson of near Tren- ton are visiting at Mr. G. Sprung's. Mr. Albert Cullis of the Soo is the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr. T. Radcliffe. A number of our citizens Sundayed in .Bayfield on the lake, among whom were Mr. and Mrs, T. Riddell, Mr. and Mrs Jas Carter and family,H.Govier, wife and family and some others. . The 'married men were not in it with the Wolverines et football on Satur- day evening, the score standing't to 0. ' Rev: Malillan of Toronto, who has officiated , here in Knox church the past two Sabbath%le•ft Monday for that city.. Rev. Kennedy exchanged pulpits with Rev, Penhall of Hlyth last Sun - Dr. Turnbull was absent Friday and Saturday attending the funeral of his brother-in-law at Milverton. Mr. Taylor, who has been confined at the hotel for some time, is able to go around once more. Mrs. Arthur, who has been laid up for some months,is improving though losing the power of walking. • Mrs. Graham, mother of Mrs. Alex Robinson and her guest for some weeks, returned recently. Miss Mabel will spend a while there. Miss Sadie Carter paid a visit to the parental abode recently. Miss jernima Humphrey of Walton was the guest of Mes. RM. Cummings on Sunday. • Mr John John Mallough was also in the village and acccompaniecl home his son and daughter who have been • guests at Mr. Wm Waite's for a time. Miss Mary Tewsley of the West was the guest of her sister. Mrs. George Marshall,th e past Week. • Live Stock Shipments There have been big shipments of live stock from Clinton station thie week. On Monday Wallis & Centel= sent to the factory a double 'decker of hogs, Mr. 0, H. Reid a carload of settle to .Toronto and the Messrs. Itansford three carloads direct to London, England. The latter had an average Weight of 1400 pounds. On Tuesday Mr. Ed. Watson of 13lyth shipped seven carloads of exporters from this station alone, 88 head were bought froin Councillor Stinson, 22 head, from W. Graham, 10 from — Moffatt and 20 from — Stephenson, all of Stanley township. just the Pr iday previous Councillor Stinson returned from Toronto where he sold twenty head, making 108 he has disposed of inside of a week and he has yet anoth- er carload about ready for shipment. To be eble to fit eo much stock for the market requires a big tract of land but as the worthy couneillor owns about three hundred noes and has two hula& red more under lease he is fairly well ) eUPPlitia. 110L MESVILLE. Mr, Hagan a Zurich was in our village last week, Misses Alice and Bertha Stanley visited friends in Tuckeismith on Sat urday and Sunday. • • • Miss Gerrie of Brussels is the guest a her friencl,Miss Alma Yeo. Miss Ida, Britton of ConStance visited at Mr, W. Stanley's oh Monday. The Methodist church is being re- pairedbut will be ready for Sunday's services. The W. M. S. held their sewing circle at the home of Mrs, Phipps on Tuesdayafternoon, There was a five cent tea in eonnecticin with it Mrs, Rudd and Miss Jennie Rudd of Clinton visited friends here. ' PERSONALS. Mrs, Sohn Johnson and family are spending a couple of weeks at Hay- field, Miss May Herman of Woo &Lock is on a two weeksvisit to her home in town. Miss Tena Agnew of 13uffalo Is on a two weeks visit to her sister, Mrs. 3. Snider, Mrs, S. 0. Millet of Sau the guest of her daugh McLean. Mr. Newton Crich and wif• e. Marie is or Mich„ spent a couple of da (lien last week. Mr. and. Mrs. Slimes McCabe expect to leave in a few daysfor a trip to the Old Country, KIPPRN. Mr, George Taylor of „Thornb.edge Farm has shipped twenty head of ex- port cattle. He handles his own. We don't want to blow but we hear so much about and from North Huron in the bovine line we feel a little jealous and just wish to mention that Mr. Taylor's cattle averaged 1600 pounds' and a like number is being prepared for shipment on this farm, Forty head is about the complement usuall y fed by this enterprising stock and horse man, He knows a stock that will take on a beef finish to suit England's fastidious epicurians. .• Mr. William McMordie a London has been up with relatives and friends spending a week. Ile has become quite corpulent since with us formerly ,rid we would. say retired. life in Lon- don agrees with him, 'Mr. Ben. Smillie and wife of Ann Arbor, Mich., Medical college are spending vacation with their parents and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Smillie will be remembered as two of our worthy Public school teachers. Mr. Smillie is prosecuting the 'study of medicine and willshortly haye passed his final exanaination. No less than ten have booked here for the excursion On Tuesday to Manitoba and Assinaboia and no doubt many =reran avail themselves of the cheap trip and 'favorable terms the railway companies are offering, namely $10 to be paid to any agent of G. T.' R, in Ontario and $18 on return from startingpoint. The class of per- sons going fromthis district are the very hest in every. sense, -They have got nearly through with their own harvests and wish to make a specula- tive and business trip by working out, thereby. practicallY seeing the yield and the manner they' have of doing work in that new'country, peopled as itis priacinally by Canadians of enter., prise; Speak.th any of them now and they are all . convinced of the wis- dere of the acquirement of that coun- try and the building of that greet rail, way and they are not slow . to admit that our old chief's, Sir John,. under- taking, indeed was • great but backed by. the unyielding support of One loyalists who fought to protect' the rights purchased from the Hodson Hay Co. against theindians and half- breeds with misChevious political ideas. Sir John's opponents would have left the country to the uncivilized rather than have seen success crown, Conservative enterprise and fore.: thought in the securing of happy hoines for our. 'ciente% mutation. Grit and Tory are now reapers of. the benefit in free homes or cheap homes under the British flag which assures freedom •and. one law for all. It is too. bad the Laurier•Siften government does not give more encouragement to the laborers and farmers" sons of Cri- teria to iocate on the prairies instead of spending thousands of dollars annually in bringing in a people who are both uneducated and anti-British. Mr. • J. McKay, principal of the Kingston Commercial college; paid his parents, Mr. and Mrs Thos.. MacKay of•kipperi, a flying visit for a ,day or two and lett his little son to spend a time with thm e, kr, MacKay was a participant in the lawn bowling tour- nament at London t He is quite a humorist and a happy timer was spent during his short stay. Mr. David McLean 'sold and shipped twenty export cattle last week: He still has forty left which will be sold later on, They were a fine satnple. • Quite a number took in the Varna garden party in connectiot with the • .English church which ' has become a popular annual outing attractien. The following memberg of the lawn bowling club played in Kincardine on Tuesday : W. Sackson. J. W. Irwin, R. P. Iteekie, S, Emraerton and n, floward. Honors Were about even. The house of Mr. A, Oantelon of West Tuckersmith was entered One night recently and it valuable gold wateh belonging to Alm Cantelort stolen. The time pleee was bought Iti Scotland by her father and being a present adds to its value. Messrs, Thounts Ettigg and George Patterson, farmers near Cheeky, were kicked by their horses and killed. • STANEY TOWNSHIP. , Miss Gretta Kellett of Guelph is vis- iting her aunt Mrs. Geo. Bates of Millbrook Fern . Miss Mollie Shaw of Toronto, a cousin of Mrs Bates, is also a guest at the same hospitable home. Mr, R. Turner was engaged in int - proving his house last week. Miller of Hayfield used the trowel. Mr. M. Bates has had his residence improved by a coat of paint•, He 'Ikea to have everything about hirn look well, • • Mr. W. J. Stinson returned on Thursday from Toronto where he delivered a carload of choice cattle. Mrs. Will. Montgomery of Texas (formerly Miss Sarah Parker of this township) is home on a visit to her mother. Mr, It, S. Howard of Smith's Falls is visiting friends in this vicinity, Our councillor, Mr.:Stinson, deliver - SS head of export cattle in Clinton on Tuesday to Mr. Ted. Watson of Blyth. Mr. Charles Donaldson, who return- ed last week from the truce Mines, in- tends taking back a few good horses for the livery stable which he has bought Little Miss Eva Johnstone, who has been Visiting in Toronto for the past three week, returned- ori Friday, ac. ornpanted by her aunt. Miss M. Stinson and Mrs, K. Mac- kenzie of Clinton are visiting at Mr. T. Stinson's, Salable Line. Mr. and Mrs. A.. Johnston of Mani - Whit are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. Nicholson, at present. VARNA, Several of the farmers have threshed their fall wheat Which is turning out better than expected, Willie Beatty returned home on Tuesday from Listowel where he has been -visiting for oyer a week at his sister's, Mrs. Woods', Mr, J. Keys and wife of Nashville, Tenn„ will not be home this year to spend their bolidayg as they have been in the habit of doing. J. J, has been appointed lecturer in a Tennessee college to a class of students wlao are preparing to write for certificates which will use a month of his holidays. Mr, T. R. Walker of Clinton is busy building the stonework of M. T. Dennison's new house, Tom's work gives satisfactipn as this is the third contract he has had from the Denni- son brothers, Mr, 8, A. Higgins drove to Leman on Sunday and returned on Monday. Frank, who has been visiting there for some time, returraed tierne with him. Mrs. 3. E. Harnwell and her mother, Mrs. G, Elliott, drove to Kirkton on Saturday, returning on Moncley. The Misses Ward of Toronto; neices of Mr. Thos. Ward, are his guests this this week. The usual Quarterly service Will be held in the Methodist church on Sun- day next commencing at 10.30 a. tn. Mr. James Campbell and daughter. Lily visited friends in Centralia ever Sunday, returning on Tuesday. Geo. Andrews wheeled. up from Clandeboy on Saturday evening - and spent Sunday under the parental roof, Mr. P. Hi Murray of Egmondville was the giiest of -Mrs. :John Herb on Tuesday. . GeOrgErrester, who has been work- ing -in the lc oxon works,•Ingersol, re- turned borne on Tuesday evening. Charlie Card,vale has • been clerking at 3 E Ilarn,vvell's since spring, has • Severed his connection with that firm and now sings Westward Ho, He in- tends leaving On August Oth. ' , The following have been the guests of Miss Maude Moffatt last week and this : Miss °Minnie Jones and Miss Edith Kearns 9f Mitchell, Misses Lena and Dell Stapleton of London and Miss Hattie :Picket of Clinten, Itev. g. Diehl and wife of: Florence are 'visiting his brother, Mr, M. Diehl, this week. , Mr. 3. g. Harnwell has had his big ' settles taken out and fixed im in first- class shape. ,Mr P. H. Murray had the contract and they are now in the best of trim fOr weighing. ..• AWAKE AT LAST. WEST TIJOKERSIIITH, Miss Minnie Cooper of Clinton spent Sunday the guest of Mrs. D.W. Johns. Miss M. Akam is the guest of her old friend Mrs. G. W. Layton, A number of West Enders picnicked at Hayfield Ott Saturday. Messrs. D, A.shtori and Charlie Layton spent Sunday hi Gorleelett, Mrs. Joseph Townsend is this week the guest of London friends. We Understand the postmaster at Varna has been thoroughly awakened at last but, getting out at the wrong aide of the bed, be is quite Wrathy in consequence. , That he is aroused will be good news to the patrons of the office who may now reasonably expect that he will remain awake during business hours. Our interest in Irina begins and ends with that, He will do well,' however, to accept our assurance that henceforth the ser- vice at the Varna office must be free from complaints from subscribers of THE NEWS:RECORD, no matter if he is its enemy. If not, vie shall know the reason why. Wheat eutting has commenced at Souris auCireenridge, HAYFIELD. Miss K. Parke visited friends in Gederielt township for a few days last week, Our town baker is kept on the bustle now -a -clays, so much so that he hardly gets time to sleep an hour or two. The younger lads are busy pulling flax, They work like Trojans, Rev, E. C. Jennings was in Seaforth last week. Mr. Wm. Fee, Zurich, wits in the village a few days ago. A, few of the Varna ladies paid a short visit to our yillage one evening laet week. Mr, M. Westlake is haying his house repaired, Rev.Mr.end Mrs,Hodgins of Seaforth and Dr. Hodgins visited Hayfield last Friday, Rev, Mr, Wright, lately appointed to Middleton parish, called at the rectory last Thursday. Rev. and Mrs, Diehl of Florence paid a short visit in Hayfield this week. Revs. j. F, Parke and E, 0, Jennings have exchanged work for a couple cf weeks. Mr. Parke occupies the rectory while here, • A. meeting of„„the ladies of Trinity church was held at the rectory last week and it was decided to hold the annual garden party • on the 20th. More particulars later. Our streets and public parks were again :the. scene of much beastly rovvdyism last Sabbath afternoon and evening. Several young men, no we will not saymen bet degenerate beasts disgraced our streets last Sunday by the most wicked conduct and profane language imaginable, even to stripping themselves naked on the lake shore and going in bathing in sight of every - :body. and performing drunken antics such is would not be permitted. in the backwOod,s of Africa, Hayfield has for years.had an unenviable reputation in this.respect but justice to our village demands the statement that our boys are not responsible. forthis but rather those hoodlums who come here vvith their rigs loaded down with .bottles of whiskey and Other 'drinks and 'make this the dumping ground for their ,filthy and disgraceful coeduct. Why don't the authorities. stop. at? Their names, many of them, are known and we refrain for the sake of their friend a from :publiOing them - but we dare' them to repeat the outrage for if they do their names will not only be pub- lished but they will be booked to spend a day or so in the lock-up, pay a .fine and Suffer the, humiliation of having their nitrites published in the Police records.' . . • BLYTIL Mr. W. H. Fenamore and wife left here on Tuesday for Oshawa where he intends running a flour mill. The rate- payers are very indignant at his leas- ing after having put them to the expense of passing a bylaw to loan him the required amount to rebuildthe mill here which was destroyed by fire a short time ago. The hum of the threshing machine may be heard in our midst Mrs,Lowe and family intend leaving for Oshawa shortly. . We were pleased to meet Oapt,_ Rance on Monday, he having just returned from a splendid trip to the Old Country. • Mr. Will, Crawforcl returned to hie home on Friday after having spent a few days holidays with his parents, The beaUtiful rains that we have been having since Sunday have been a blessing to this part of the country as they were greatly needed, Mrs, Habkirk and family intend - leaving here shortly to take up their abode in 13russels. We shall be sorry to loose them, • A. number of our citizens intend to take in the 8. S. excursion to Goder- Leh on Thursday. Our reeve has been requested by it large number of ratepayers to proclaim Thursday next our civic holiday and he has consented to do so. BRUCEF/ELD, • • SACBLE LINE—STANLEY. • . l'he.recentrains in this vicinity have o the done , considerable good to root •Mr. R. Talbot has his threshing out- fit in good order for the season. A very exciting game of football was played on Saturday evening in Mr. J. Haus park. • • • A. nfirnber of our young rnen intend helping in the big harvest in the North- west. Messrs., G. Murray and Robin Turner, who had the contract of pulling a large quantity of fax have tompleted their job. Many from our section' intend tak- ing in the garden party in Varna on Wednesday.• Mr, J. Howard passed through our burg on Sunday. '• Last Sanday evening while Mr. Herbert Snider was wheeling from church some unknown 'person placed an obstrectiorx on the road causing considerable damage to both wheel and rider, Miss Kate Campbell was the guest of Miss II. M. Turner last week. Mrs. 111 Sheo, of Seaforth is visiting friends here. Mrs. Laird of Clinton is at present visiting her brother, Dr. Armstrong of this place, Mrs. ( Rey. ) Graham and daughter, Mies IL I. Graham. of Egmond.ville, visited Mr.and Mrs. Wm, Scott last week. Masters Larry and Douglas Rigging of Toronto are at present guests of their untie, Mr. B. R. Iliggins, • Mr. Will, Stephenson of Windsor is visiting friends at the manse this week. The Yr. S, 0. E. held, their picnic last Thursday in spite of the inclemeney of the weather. Rev. Mr. MeAulay and Rey. Mr.ICer- rin, both of Mitchell, wheeled through here last Monday on their way to nay. field. Mr. Chas, Runt and Miss Edith Sire - son spent Sabbath afternoon in Day - field. Rev..Mr, tiarnitton of Leeburn preached In the Presbyterian church here last Sabbath. . HILLSOREEN. , Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Troyer and daughter spent Sunday with Mr. Ed. Troyer. Quarterly meeting will be held next Sundarmorning at 10 o'clock in the Methodist ehurch. Quite a number from here attended the garden party at Varna on Wednes- day evening and all report having a, good time. SAYFIELID, Msrs.oJinaa osaepl: Orr and son of Hrant. ford are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. u Mr, Wm. Horton of Exeter spent last Saturday in town fishing, Mr. John McLeod has returned home for the summer after spending the past six months in Muskoka. The survey boat Hayfield anchored off the harbor one night last week and took on supplies. Messrs. H. Kemp, D. McLeod and 3. Manion havegone to Port Colborne to work. M.and Mrs, Gilmour and child of Toronto, also Miss lifeEsven, are Stay- ing at Mrs. IDQVVIO'St A large party from Goderich picnick., ed in Hayfield one day last week and had a hop in the evening.' James Abray. of Monkton occupied St. Andrew's church pulpit last Sabbath evening and preached an eloquent and able sermon on true versus false religion. Mr, F. H. Heath and family of Lon- don are the Qendnienegn. itverypleasant yaw,- tion at J. G. Staribury of Exeter Sun- dayed with his people at home. Mr. Walter Reddy and Miss Reddy of Usborne, together with Miss E. Cobbledick of Ailsa Craig, spent Sun- dRaoyiann.Bayfiel.d the guests of Mrs. Holman.. . • Mr. Dickson, postmaster of Seaforth, and his family have rented a cottage erid are holidaying here, • Three y,oung rnen Said to be from Wingham gave an exhibition on our streets one evening last week of very clever trick bicycle riding. Mr. Charlie Donaldson is buyin g horses in this yicinity for. truce Mines. . • • Berry picking has been the order of. the day and many large pails of this nice fruit have been brought in The tug Eagle Captain F. Keegan of Hayfield, came inth the harbor last Saturday eveniog and the crew Sun- dayed in towu, , Mrs.. IVIontgornery. of Tiverton, Ac- companied . by Mrs. A, Grainger of ' Cwleaenkton, called on friends.in town last ..Mr. Fred. Hess, Sr., of Zurich' was ' in the village on Monday with regard " to voters' list appeals. Mr. Hess intends • to try conclusions with the People's ' Harry at the next Legislative elections. . , Mr. and Mrs. Yenny, who were vis - ting their Unele, Mr James Donaldson, have returned to their home in Peter- • b°31rciss Maude 'Ferguson of •Goderich is enjoying a well-earned.holiday with her people at home. . • . •Mr. W..Pickard and faraily of Seri, forth are spending their holidays at • the Itiver•hotel. ••• • We have enjoyed the blessing of a splendid lot of welcome showers these. past few days and the parched grass is •again looking green. . . Mr. lames Johnston, of the Sauble Line who was seriously, hurt by a kick frorii a vieious horse, we are glad to say, isable to he up town again. Prof. Alex. Thomson of Lake Charles, Lousiania, U. S,, and his wife - are visiting the former's •brother,.. Division [Court Clerk .Ti3ornson, here . for it few days, • • We are informed that Mr. Stuart Thomson, eldestson of Mr. 'James Thomson of this village, has been ap- pointed postmaster of Lake Charles at the handsome salary or $2500 a year. We are sure his friends here tender their congratulations. The following are among the new ' arrivals at the Queens hotel : McLean, Stratford; Miss Harriet A. Corkins. Miss Annie S. Corkins, Miss Ide. D. Buchan, F. A. Case ; Mrs. Case, Miss F. M. Case, Master. B. D. , Case arid B. S. Case of Detroit, The many friends ef the late Post. master Porter of Clinton were sadden- ed by the news of his sudden death last Saturday. They all recall the splendid oratorital powers of thedeceas- ed and his many battlesfought, against the late M. 0. Cameron. Mr. Porter was a man of sterling character and splendid ability and his death will be muchivve rneogtri eo et t tehda, t application is about to be made to Parliament for a chart. er for an electric railway from Gode. rich to Lucknow, • Wingham, Seaforth and Hayfield. We trust the proposed railway will some day .be an aecom. plished fact and we hope the promot.i ers will receive every ericouragenaent at the hands and froiu the pockets of the publie and that yery soon our yillage will thus be open to thooemoumtusindie. el WorldIdoticiwrsi. oobHtniYdda.in Inkcedett.anitsiesi0s1Wi railwayenian of Clinton now occup3r the cottage formerly call. is an addition to cation. It is hoped the munieipalities interested. will deal liberally with the unitcleevrt.ask.invg, *Parke and family of AM- • herstburg are home on a 'visit. THE wRITE 01TV. The whole city is growing. A. camp frolitnl:Vmi no Ito; victor Miss ss floatsivono rvie m Iaa Peaceful Valley." The boys now have gaines of all kinds. Priends are welcome if they bring their own prrmisniumsber of young people from Goderich enjoyed themselves in in Jowett's pavilion on Wednesday Mrs. So� Itattenbury entertained lumber of her Mends hi 13ayfield on Friday. . After a pleasant sell and, a good supper the merry young people pent the evening in the pavilion, Gus, McLaughlin says the Clinton people always bring good eatables. Miss Minnie 13est of near Seaforth is visiting at Mr, Charles Stelck's. A number of our boys visited Hay- field on Sunday and say that balmy, breezy village is just the place to go. Messrs. Thos. jarrott" and It, F. Stelek intend leaving for the Pan- American this week. Mr. Geo. Richardson had the mis- fortune to strain his wrist last week but we are pleased to say is recovering. While loading wheat last week Mr. James aarrott fell on the wagon reek and had his back injured. PRESENTATIOR. To Mr, and Mrs. Charles Troyer Westhe inerabers and adherents of the Methodist church of Hillsgreen, take this opportunity of showing in a 'slight, degree our appreciation of your long faithful and efficient servites as care- takers of our church. We, therefore, present you, Mrs. Troyer With the tacking chair and Mr. tee with this couch. Long may yotOne spared to enjoy them. Signedin behalf of the congregation, It. F. Stelck Wm. *Whitt Mr. and Mrs. Troyer in a few well ebosen words thanked the congrega- tion for their kindness after which •everyone sat down to a bountiful supper which the ladies had provided. Mr. Geo. Coleman says he has had quite a nutnber of visitors lately but has one now that has come to skty. Geo. now wears it sunny smile, Great excitement has prevailed in the White City on account of the eoraing lacrosse math between Clinton mid, Mitchell and many purpose going to Seaforth on Wednesday to Witileen