HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-07-11, Page 50. 1 , 11 1 1 July Iltb,W03. TSB CLINTON 1•ITZWS-RBOORD Fpaild Ads PURSE FOUND. A ladles' purso containing a sum of inonoY was found by the undersigned on Um Mill 'toad about inidway betweenBrueolieldand Egmond- vine. The owner can him the same by prov• Ing ProPortY Rua PaYillg the cost of this ;Laver. tisement. N.A.THAN PECK, euly eth. Varna P.-0 Wanted Ads TEACHER WANTED. A fornalo teacher wanted for S. R. No. 13, Babylon Lino, Stanley. • Apolleations will be received up to August 6th. Term begins Aux- ust 1t)th. APIA)" to . ,J.T. 1i:MS, 'Varna P. 0. Juno 27th. 31 SEALED TEN'ES. Sealed tenders be received by the Under-, signed up to July 3r1 for the , extenskin with and. other improvements as por plans and specifications of Ontario Street Methodist church Clinton,• Plaus, etc., at Win. Taylor 64 Sons Root and Shoe Store. Tho lowest or any tender not necessarily, accepted:• • - •• JA.0013 TAYLOR, • Secy. 33uild4ng Com. June 26th. For Salo Ads • BINDER TWINE FOR SALE. Binder rwine at iholowest prices. • . • D. C.A.NTRLON • •.orat Cantelon Bros. store. Clinton, June 10th. •• • •. • DURHAM BULL FOR SALE. A first-class Shorthorn Bidl 'for Salo. Good color and first•class pedigree. About 13 months old. If sold at once a bargain will be given, IL PLITh'ISTEEL; Clinton. ASTERS FOR SALE. • • . • • • I have a largo number of Aster 'Plants for sale. They are all good varieties and will bo reedy for transplanting about the ist of June.' The Pince Aster' the prettiest of the lot. got the seed from Chicago. have aso fur sale nuMber of Vorbenati. • . . • . • • . CHARLES COON, Clinton, May 18th: CEMENT FOR SIgE. . • Thorold Commit for sale by Edward Carter, corner William and Princess streets, Clinton. • Special rates on car lots, Estimates given on cement walls aud • floors and silos, All work. satisfactorily done and all orders -promptly attended to. ' • • • •• • • To Rent or For Sale Ads COTTAGE TO RENT. • Cottage on PrineessStreet. ArM1Y.to •' JOHN RIDOUT, • Clinton, July flth. .• . • HOUSE TO RENT.OR FOR SALE. The undersigned offers his cottage on Albert street to rent or for sale. The cottage is now „ occupied by Mr.Itookie, .druggist,. and is in a ' V good state of pre 'r Applyt m, 0 •• .TAS. STEVENS. SUMMER COTTAGES TORENT At tho well known summer resort "Jewett's Point" a couple of desirable cottages, furnished • unfurnished, by the month or for the season. For further particulars apply to W. SOWETT, Bayflold. Juno 17th. 2t •• HOUSE TO RENT OR FOR SALE. Tho Undersigned offers for sale or to rent the R story house !mkt the bowling green on Mary street lately occupied by Mr. A. A.. Schrenk. The house is newly papered and is in a good state of repair. Hard and soft water. B, KENNEDY. ' Clinton, Juno 171h. • • HOUSEFOR SALE:. • The nindersigned ofrors for sale a severproom• ad cottage on Orange street together with one• fifth acre °Claud. .Nevir cistern and well. Will be sold onreas•onable terms. MRS. CARLING. • Clinton, April 12th•• GALE FARM FOR SALE The Gale Farni, one of he best 100 -acre farms in Goderich township, Huron county, Tot 17 and part 18 on the gth eop.. 6?,• miles from Gode- rich, 7 from Clinton. The farm contains 'good buildings and locos, is Well watered and un• derdrained, Largo orchard and garden. Farm will be sold on reasonable terms. Will sell either 80,or 100 acres.. Apply to SVM. GOULD,. Juno 14 on the premises or Goderichle.O. FARM FOR SAI_E. The undersigned offers for sale let 20, con, 15 Goderich township, consisting of 80 aeres. aU cleared. Tho lot is situated 8, miles from Clinton and 2 miles 'from school. Possession given next fall. Tor further particulars aPP1Y on the promises to DODEPT DUCK, Clinton D. 0, March 711i. . HOUSE FOR SALE, -- The subscriber offers for sale a very desirable property On Isaac street consisting of four lots UP01:1 whlch there IS a comfortable &tune house With kitchen and woodshed. attached. There IR a good stable and a first•class W611 of water on promises. The orchard, consisting of grapes and apples, IS a good one. The property will besoId at a reasonable figure for cash or 4, cash and balance on time. Apply to the owner on he pronitSeS MPS, ZOIIN JUNOR Clinton Mao Oth imemiliwaritmetat acchsiismrsmegis MARBLEANARANin MONUMENTS. .RkeTTENBURY ST4 WORKS) Direct importere, Workman- • ship and Material guaranteed, SEALE 84_ BICE • PROPPIEUPP.S. • OUR IP SRLE OF -- 0. B. Koenig's Bantu% Rot has so far been even more Successful than we antici- rated, The stock, however, is a large one and although we have already soid a lot of goods the vacancy is scarcely noticeable. We intend to run off the stock of soon as possible and our low prices must do Come and see the bargains.we have, a few of which are Mentioned below': DRESS GOODS Our Dress Goods are all bar- gains but we have not room to mention them all, besides the goods must be seen before the goods Can be appreciated; A couple of pieces of the Feeley Plaid left at 25c and 40e Aline of Dress Goods in • purple and red. only at 12ec Some nice Dress and Skirt • length's at per yd. 050,75c and $1 Serges, Lustres, Henriettne and Oashineres at about wholesale prices. Dress Muslim at 10c Cottoned° 20c STAPLES Oue best Shirting for 10c end 11c Blue and Brown Denham 150 Toweling special worth 8c for• 4o Regular 120 Print for 10o Clolored Sateen, /eg. 15c, for 12o Cotton Towels a pair • 5c Turkish Towels a pair 20c up Linen Towels a pair • 20c up Table Linens at less than wholesale prices. Table Oilcloth 200 Floor Oilcloth • 30c READY-MADE CLOTHING The Ready -Made Clothing has been one of OUT. busiest departments and itis in this departMent we can make the greatest, redu.ctions. We are selling all of Our best suits at wholesale prices which is a big .saving for you if you need a suit : • . . Tweeds from • 20c up • Men's Braces at • 20e, 25c and 40 An exceptionally nice* Black Worsted at $1.50 Pants made-to-order from • • our best stripe' worsteds for $4.00 Odd Pants tiona 85c up Overalls at • -• 45e and 70c White Licundried Shirts • 45e. • Best line, at 75c Tiesfrom. • 5c to 25c Collars from 10c to 15c Cuffs 25c Oottoe Socks at 7c a pair ,Boys' 13races at '5c and 10e • . . We have a few black Sateen Shirt Waists left, Mostly small, sizes, to clear at - ., • . Another line in *Black Sateen, trinunecl with white, at .• .60c Two pair§ only Chenille Curtains. Koenig's price was $5, our $1 $8.50 A few Chenille' Table Oevere at • . ' 50c . In Hoots and Shoes We can show the higheat.gnality Combined . withthe loWest prices to befound in the trade._ . We extend to everyone a hearty invitation to collie.. and inspeot our stock and get our prices: • . . • . . „ • , • • . • .• , - • " • 1311s41GS... List.,1901.....1,I.CENTS,•••••....- • • FOR - • : Mienieipality of the ViFOR EGGSllage Of Bayfield, County of Huron. • Notice is hereby given that 1 have trans- mitted and delivered to. the 'parties -Mentioned in seetionsd and 6 Of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1889; tho coplearequired by said See tions, ' to bo se transmitted or delivered the list inade pursuantto the maid Act, of all persons appear- ing by the last revised•Assessment Rollof the said Municipalityao• be entitled to vow in the saidmunicipality at Elections for memberA of tho Legislative Assembly and • at Municipal Itlieetioes and that said list was drst posted up at my office at 13ayilord on the 20th day of Jufle, 1901, and remains there for inspection.. Electors aro ealled• upon to examine tbe said list and if any omissions Or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said error's coffected, according 10 laW. • H. W. ERWIN, Clerk of Bayflold. Dated at Bitylleld, June -20111, 1001. • . •-• • mo.P. Voters' List 1901 FOR U.'HI41 Municipality of the Township of Stanley, Cc:ranter of Huron. Notre° is hereby given that I have trans- mitted and delivered t0. the patties mentioned in sections iiand G of the Ontario • Voters List Act 1689, the copies required by. said .Sections, to he so transmitted or delivered the list made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appear- ing by the last revised Assessment Roll of lbe • said Municipality, to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for. Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections and that stdd list was first posted up at, my office at Varna on the 22nd day of June, 11104 and rein al ns there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list and if any omissions or any other errors Inc found therein. to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors dorrected. according to law; J. 16. IIARNWELL, Clerk of Stanley. Dated atIrarna,June.22nd, 4001. • POPULAR EXCURSION The Masonic Excursion to Brantford . , WEDNESDAY JULY 17 will be the most popular . of the season, See bills for time table and rates, OPINIPS.p. M , • - ereeeseetaelseeeleeleeeeeeseeeseeseesweereie Thggreat illuetrated Week- ly Paper of Canada is . Toronto Saturday Night and you and other enterprising people nuty positively earn money handling it. Over cep boys end agents at work. The terms arevery favorable and the paper is popular. just now running a eeries of articles on Egypt, Paleatine and Italy and readers are greatly inter- ested. If yon wish to - Make Mouey in thie respectable Way Write for our • pamphlet telling all about it. Address • elltatILATION • TORONTO SATURDAY NrO/IT. TOILONTO. itettinertisninitieranS#Lbranintilesteltariveraisa Tbid alghatUre Is on Peery btor Of the gehttilUi Laxative Broato.Quitlifte Tablete tetaeilf Viet teereiteee, sethlig. eiteettel; A large order has been placed With us for eggs which we roost fill, so in order to do it as Soon a's possible vie' are paying 11 Cents per Dozen. We.. also have a lively de- • nand for butter for which we are paying 14 Cents per pound. Delivered 'at our store this week. Good Prices For Produce. • 0. OLSON Nextdoor to Dr. Ounn's private•liespita A MUSICAL CENTRE Your home becomes a musical . centre when you have a first • quality piano there. You will appreciate the high qualities of theme I sell and how 1 can sell ' them. Organs and General • Musical Merehandise sold right • at O. HOARE'S Musio Etnporium. $2000 'WORTH OF SHOES to be slaughtered at 8, C. Ilath.welPs, Varna, A great opportunity to get shoes at less than wholesale prices. Having bought the stock of J. 13. Jamieson of Brucefield at a low rate on the dollar we want to turn it into money as quickly as possible, • Sale will commence Friday, June 21st, continuing until disposed of, This is a good, ill well assorted stock and w go very rapidly. Call earl and secure the greatest gains. Dotter de, Eggs and „ SIAM leredtice taken S. Om RATHWELLI lit4LIUstikt Porter's HIM — • As, Morgan returned from Detroit On Tueaday. Alias er(400 Newton of Winghate lit visiting at the home of her unale, Mr. 0, Newton. The smart boy who attempted to wheel down a hill but who was thrown off gettingas a remit ot his folly severely bruised le reoovering. Xre, McPhail is euffering from Ivy poisoningin her face. Misa Ivison has given up her position as clerk in Fred.Xorganie store and le at present 4 guest at Braeside. • Mr. W. A, Elliott, the Prinalpal of the school, has, resigned and leaves this week for the state of Washington. Be- fore the close of school the pupils pre - mated hinx with. an address and several maul articles as tokens of their esteem. Mr. Elliott Is an clever young man and we all regret his coming departure but wish him success. Miss McDougall and Miss Bannister ef Detroit are guests of friends in this vicinity. 1V1iss Bannister, who is under theldoctor's care.spends as much tine as possible by the lakeside, hop- ing •that the lake breezes may repair her impaired heaetle, Mr. Roberb Russel of Kluged arid brother Jas. of Sunshine called on old friends around here on Tuesday. Miss Jessie McDougall of Egmond- ville is visiting relatives around here. Mr. Wm. Blair bad a very success - f ul barn raising on Friday. Mrs. Gegen of Clinton visited at Wm. Sterling's last week. eer, Robert Cluff of the Bayfield Line Sundayed at Mr. Robert Beacomes. Mr. and Mrs, 0. W. Potter•and fam- ily artevisiting in Woodstock. • Mrs. Wallace of Sault Ste. Marie it visiting at the home of her fathers Mr. Williaro 131air. THOUSAND ARE GOING EV. IfiRIZ: DAY. To Wonderful Wa,shiegton,the ever- green State land of opportunities, of fine soil, splendid crops and indepen- dent homes. Now is your time. to .go to the Pacific Coast over the GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. Wonder- ful Washington, the ever -green State is the place for you. Climate almost perfect. Grass is green and roses bloom at Christmas. Eine crone that never fail. Pleuty of good land. You can own your farm and home and be independent. Good markets Good prices. .Good schools and churches. For illustrated description and full information about rates over Great Northern Ry. writes or call on Ohas. W. Graves, District Passenger Agent, 6 King St. West, (Room, 12,) Toronto, Ont. . • .1111111 For Over Fifty `kora' Alas,Wrsstow's SooTruxo SYRUP has boea Used by millions of Mothers for their children While teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by it sick Child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth- ing Syrup' for Children Teething. It will re- lieve the poor itte sufferer immediately. De- pend upon itjnothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhcen,_, regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic, Softens the Gunn s, reduces Inflammation, afidgivestoneand energy to tho whole system. Mrs. Winsloat's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea- sant to the Wsto and is the prescription of one • of the" oldest and beat female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty -live eon :s an bottle. Sold by all druggists thipigh • out the world." Be sure and ask, for Mrs. meow . Soomunto SYRUP. • Dreadful Kidney' Pains . Could Not Rest or Sleep. . _ .41 C P R, CoriductorPos Suffering's— Be is Now 'Weil. andGave Dr. Chargers Kidney-Llver PlIbi Credit • for the Cure. atm TV'. E. Berrymari, Conductor on the O.P.R.,. St. Stephen, N.B., writels:--, • "I have been railroading for 23 .years, and for ten years suffered from a severe case of Kidney Disease and Baditache, a trouble common to railroad men. It • used me all up .to walk, and after walking up hill I Would have to lie down to get relief, my back was so • bad. I could not sleep more than half • the night and then didn't seem to get any rest. I had ifsed an sorts of medi- cines and was pretty badly discouraged • when I heard of Dr, Chase's' Kidney - Liver Pills. After using two boxes of this treatment I found it was helping xne and five boxes have made a, com- • vete cure. I now rest and sleep well, my back is strong and the old trouble has entirely disappeared. IVIany peo- ple to whom I have recounnended these pills have been cured. ..knyone wish- ing further particulars 'write me:, The Sale of Dr. chase's Kidney -Liver Pine far exceeds that of any similar remedy. One trial is enough to cone • vinee anyone that this is• the greatest family medicine that money will buy. One pill a dose, .25 cents a bOx. at all dealers or Edmanson, Bates as Co., To - renter,, • '• NOTICE All accounts against .tho• executive for the entertainment of the Buren Old Boys must be filed Ivith the treasurer, 111. MeTaggart, be- fore 4.p. m. Monday, July 15th. A meeting of the executive will be held Monday OVerung When the business will bo .wound up and .no • claims will be considered thereafter. • 3. W. TRELEAVEN, Clinton, .Tuly 10th. Secretary. . . 11111111.1111111111111161111111110, NEW SHOE SHOP I wish to inform the public that have opened out a Shoe • Shop in the Sheppard store, 'opposite. Combo's drug store. where I am prepared to do all kinds of cue- • tom work and repairing All orders entrusted to We will be nedtly, cheaply and promptly executed. AMOS COOPER, The River Hotel • BAYFIELD • was opened for the summer on July 2nd. It is undernew man- • agement and, having been thoroughly renovated and re- furnished throughout, is met • in first-class condition. ' Torino moderate. Bus meets all trains. itt Brucefield when notified. THOS. STEPHENS MANAGER. W. GLEN. CAMPBELL Organist and Choir•Master of Mirth street ehureh, Goderieh, and teacher of piano, pipe. organ and theorz.is prepared to take a limited number of pupils for instruction. Leave word • at the Clarendon Hotel. Will visit Clinton on Friday of each week, DE THOROUGHLY PREPARED FOR BUSINESS, erd02/ • STRATIPORD, Mach ot your future nue the thorough preparation y fore be reveled when tue No two nehoois are Mike. Tit tattoo that our college enjoy,, age we receive, the epiencitil dente have in ACCUtilht and h indicate that rmr wheel fa one NT. tq depends upon receive, there ing le school, xecIlent rou- e largo patron- ITOSR our eta - ng situations, Ito yore best iereitiful eat - 1 partieulare ant the best get it hero. Principal intbo Dominion. Write for ot eloglie in which you will end concerning, our eolloge, 11 yot bueiness education you 01 Students can enterittaey tint )1, ELIA surnektitt.L., There has been no service in St,. Peter's church for the last two Sunday* but next Sunday Rev. Mr. Wright will occupy the pulpit. This gentleman, we understand, coulee from Brantford and has been appointed to falre charge of thia parish. The Summerhill It. 0. L. will cele' brate the glorioua 12th in Stratford. The fife and drum band will of course go too. Mime Saddler and Carr of Winghano were gueats at Xr.R.Miller's on Sundays Mr.john and Miss Edith Mulholland of Holmesville were visiting at Mr. Butt'a the other day. • Ur - Emmy Adams of Constance oalled on 3�r. Wm, Butt the other day. Mr: David Wright had his old barn torn down last week and es joing to have a greater one built. Mr, Henry Watkins of Clinton did . the tearing down, 'Hee etone foundation is ready for the new barn. Mr. and Mrs. Bulger and Mr, Alex. Christopher of Walton were guests at Mr, N, Bingham's on Sunday, Mr. Chris, Lowery has bought a fine two year driving colt from the Reid Bros. of Stanley, It's a good stepper, just the kind Chris. likes, Mr, Will. Maim, who has been teach- ing the yeungidea of Huron township how to shoot, is bolidaying at the home- stead on the leth con. Mr. C. A. Tebe butt of St, Helens- is also home for the vacation, • • Mr, A. E. and Miss Wetheral of Auburn passed through our burg on Saturday on their way to attend the Tinron Old Boys' celebration in Clinton. Miss Gertie Thompson of the 16th con. leaves next week for Winnipeg to spend a couple of months with her sis- ter, Das, John Sheppard of that city. Dr. Will, Lowery of Seaforth is spend- ing a few days on the .homestead, ••goxatnSVILLE. Mr. John Scott of Tavistock visited his nephew, D. M. Scott, one day lust Week' Miss Holloway of Toronto visited at J. L. Courtice's. Mr. Geo, Evans, wife and child of Toronto, Mrs, H. B. Evans of Galt, and Mr. Sim Murch, wife and daughter of Clinton, called on friends here on Mon- day. Mr. R. W.. McKenzie and wife of Goderich spent. Saturday • with her mothee, Mrs. Holmes. • Miss Martin of Seaforth visited at Mr. McCartney's. Mrs. W. McRoberts and daughter Of Mitchell are the guests of her mother, Mrs. T. C. Pickard. . Miss Jennie Phipps and her uncle,: Mr. Geo. Phipps of Toronto, visited her m other. ' Mr. Harry Willson and sister, Miss Ella, of Toronto, visitedtheir parents. Miss Ella will remain here for some time. 'Code and son Of ei:orrie and Mr. E. Leech of Bluevale spent one day last week with elm Leech: Mr. A. Forster and daughter and Mi. Reecet and daughter.of Markham visit- ed at W B, Forster's. Mr. -and Mrs. Annie Mr. Miller and wife, Misses Cowan, liaggartia and Mil- ler of Toronto visited A. ,T.' Courtioe. . Mr. and . Mrs. Fred. Jervis of Balti- more are visiting his father who is very sick. Rev. W. J..TIuesar and Mr. W. Stan- ley were callers an Rev, J. W. An-. rews at Varna on Monday. Miss Emma- Courtibe left on Monday to visit friends in Toronto. • Miss Edith T.ebbutt of Louden is spending several weeks under the parental roof. • • Miss.Susie Acheson left on Saturday for Woodstock where she will accompany Mr -and Mrs. D.B.Calbick to.VaneouVer B. C., San Francisco, California, and other points. ' Mr, ,Jas. Laithwaite of Goderich was in our village on Monday. " Mr. W. Rumball, wife and family of Toronto Ate° visiting friends here. :Friday evening the Methodist church, held a reception service for Rey. W. 1. Hussar, wife and family. • Mr. A, J. Courtioe welcomed theni on behalf of the class leaders, Mr, Geo. Holland for the Quarterly Board., S. T. Walter for the trustees, J. , W. Yeo•for the S. S., V. C. Elford for the 'Epworth League; Miss D. A. Holmes for ehe W. M. S. and Miss Carrie VValter for the MissionBand. Music was furnished by the choir. Mr. Hussar replied in a very suitable mann- er after which refreshments were served. Colborne Township, Colborne council met itt the township hall on lune 29th. All the members present. Minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. The following accounts Were paid • namely: John Taylor, five the cu1vertss$6,25 ; James McClure, iuspecting, $2 1-1.FHorton, road work, $5 ; Joseph Waley, road work, $2.25, Star printing, $7.65 ; municipal blanks, $1.90.; John Barker, operating grader and roast work, $34.65; Abner Morrie, team • on grader and plough, $10.25 Willliana Young, in- specting, $2.50, William UM, lumber, $15. A complaint was laid before the the council that parties of gipsies camp on the publics highway, with horses and waggons, thereby blocking the road, etc, and are considered a public nuisance. It was moved by Mayor Young and see. ended by R. jewel], that by-law No. I be strictly enforced, and public notices bo posted throughout, the township to that effect. Council adjourned to meet again on 1.7th, of Auguat, at 2 o'clock p, m. To Cure a cold In one day Take Lexative Bromo Quinine Tab 'lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Groves signature is oneach box-. raiz= Ja. Glilitoll Market Report Wheat ... . . . 0 64 to 0 '15 Cense 0 e2 to 0 63 . .. — . 0 87 to 0 40 Oats . ..., 0 31 to 0 82 'Peas... ... .... 0 60 to 060 Rye... ... 0 40 to 45 Potatoes per bushel.... 0 20 to 0 25 Butter rolls and crock , „ . 0 13. to 0 14 Butter in tub 0 14 to 0 16 Vggs per doz.. ........... C04 to 0 11 Hay 8 00 to 0 00 .. 0 15 to 0 16 Live Hoge per owt 6 50 to 6 50 Singers.. — 75 to 075 DressedPork per evet,..,. 800 to 8 50 Flour per cwt ..... 1 '75 to 2 00 Brati per 14 00 to 14 00 Shorts per ton 15 00 to 16 00 *Wool per Ib ..,. • 13 to 14 Dried Apples per lb, ...... 04 to 0 41 *M. AAP( '4#00ave P11081105inil) the artist RnItith, itemedie eoidahd reeomniended by all drUggiAtil ih Canada, Only Tete able medielee diaebVeredAAt PadatgaS vett to out,'0 au forms° Sexual. Weakness, (erects of ribose or eree416, Mental 'Worry, Fitt ive uge of To. baceo, Opium or Stimulant*. M. A on receipt of price, one package II, air, , :1,1E12004 tfOiteEleare, -Pamphlets free to It;. •kireee, The Wood company, on*. 1 or Sale by WattatOo., D, Ilovey,11 13, Cpuabo and 11, iteekie. • MARRIAGES. HEAMA.N—suuroN— At the real. deuce of the bride's parents St. Paul, Minn.. on June 29, by 1tev.Dr. Wright, Mr. W. a. Homan, of Exeter, to Alias Fern Dudley,daugla- of Chas. Skelton. STUART—SANDRRSON---At the real - deuce of the bride's mother, Mrs. D. Sanderson, Wroxeteri•on June 26th, by Rev. M. Gray, Mr. Chas . 0. Stuart, of Arthur, to Mime Annie L. Sandersen, MoBRIDE-111o1EIL—At the home of the bride's mother, Colborne town. ship on June 26th, by Rev. James A. Anderson, B. A., Mr, Thomas John McBride, of Faso, township, Simeoe county, to Miss Dora le., only daughter of the late Alexan- der McNeil, ARMSTRONG— WRIGHT—At the resie dance of Mr, Isaac: Wright, Turn. berry on July 3r1, by Rev. W. Lowe, Mr, John Geo. Arixistrong of Rainy Blyer to Miee Adelaine Wright of Turnberry. MONTGOMERY—SELLERY—At Kin- cardine,on the 261h of June, by the • Rev. F. M. Smith, Wm, Montgom- ery to Miss Alba Sellery, daughter of John Sellery jeall of Kincardine, Fo.anyeg—ROBINSON—At the rese denoe of the bride's father on the 261h of June by Rey. 0, Miles, B. A. • Aleeander Fordyce of Ishpeming, • Mich., to Miss Catherine Robinson, • daughter of John Robinson of Kin- oardine, IfooPHEE—MACDONALD—At the rose deuce of the bride's father,Kitiloss, on June 26th by Rev. F. .e. Mao- Lennan, Kate, third eldest daughter of Alexander McDonald of Kinloss, • to John MoPhee of Chioago,Illinois. 111RT Hullett, on June 261h, the wife of Thos. Hunking, of a son. WILTSE—In Ilullett, on July 2nd, the wife of Geo. Vil'iltse, of a son. . STUART—In Lucan,on the 4th of July: ' Mrs. F. A. Stuart of a son. COLQUHOCIN—Iet Mitchell, on the 30th of June, Mrs. James Cinque • bean, of a daughter. • • WEBSTER-1n West Wawanosh on July 2nd, the wife of Mr. T, J... Webster (nee Maud Dempsey) of a son. REID—In Turnberry, June 28, Mrs, • Wm, Reid, a daughter. • MERTENS—InWinghani, June 27, Mrs, • F. W. Mertens of Toronto a son. • . DEVI' ' • • • POWELL—In Chelmsford, Algoma, on • Julyelth, Henry Powell, father of IVIeFrank Powell of Goderich town- ship, aged 61 years. TREWARTHA—In•Winthrop,MoKillop, on July 3rd, Mary Cook, wife of Mr, Trewartha: aged 42 years and • 4 tnonths. HIGGINS—At the manse, Mountain, • Dundas county, June 28th, Rev. • Joseph 1.1. Higgins, M.. A., aged 42 ' years and 11 roonths. • NICHOL—In Morris, on July 3r0, Mrs. Michael Nichol, in her 301h year, WADE—In Wingham on July 4th,Grace Wade, formerly of Clinton, aged 22 WOMAN IS AS OLD AS SHELOOKS. It is not age but disease weakness and ill -health thet makes women look old, care -worn and wrinkled. You can- not look your beet unless You feel well strong and vigorous, with pure rich blood and steady nerves. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food makes good look because it makes good health, restores the health- ful glow to the complexion, rounds Out the form and gives elasticity to everymotion of. the body, • • Ashlieltil Township. • The townehip council of Ashfield met June 22nd with members all present: The following accounts were paid: Paid Smeltzer for gravel, $6' r .72 J. R. Hackett rep. cul. S. R. 9 and 10e.nd on. boundary, $6.,,Geo. Hunter rep. cul. D. L. con. 12 and 13, $3., Geo. Middleton shoveling gravel $4.50, John IVIcKeith .insp. $1.25, JaMOS and Paul Gilmore gravelling S. and R. 3 and 4 con. 18 13 $49.91, D. Quinn insp.$5, James Web- ster Insp. $5.95, John Baldwin gravel and shoveling gravel $10.52, John Webster gravelling S. R. Sand 7,$16.20, John Heineinsp. $1.50, James Mello ugh, ditch and tile $8.00 James Reid cul. and rep. bridge $11.,,Ios. 1Vlorion rep. cul. con. 9. 41.25, Pat Doyle rep. bridge:$2.52,D.Rutherferd rep. cuI.S.R. 9 and 10 and .rep. bridge also drawing plank $11,50,' M. Matheson graveling, stoneing and grading, 'S. le, 9 and 10 $35.65, A. Stewart ins $5.50, James McWhinney rep. road con. 2, 50o, H, Harvey gravel $14., M. McDonald plank $14.40, ei1 McKenzie rep. cul. con. 12 S. R, 12 and 13 $6,50,Kenneth McLean rep. mil. S. R. 9 and 10 50o, Jas. Quaid rep. cul.. Port Albert. 117.60,R. Foley ditch S. R.3 and 4,$2., Jer. O'Connor rep: oul.S. R. 3 and 4 and L.R., $11.75. .ler. Sullivan driving statute labor teams $6., Tim McCartney cutting of road 25c, Wm. Powell rep. col. $1, Jas. Alton, gravel $3.76, R. Twamiey gravel $6.48, Wm, Twamley gravel $9.92,R. Treleaven gravel $4,80, Jas. Scott ditch $6. On motion of Stothers and McIntyre the reeve was to intervievr the Cqunty En- gineer regarding Putchard's bridge. The next Meeting of council will be held on August I7.—W, Stothere, Clerk. SOMETHING ABOUT FAITH CURES. What a great variety of faith cures therenaust be some lute° faith in so -call, ed divine healers, others in certain doe - tore and still others in the medicines they use, Rvery person who has tested Dr. Chase's Kidney Liver Pills has faith in them, but faith 01 140 faith they cure just the same for they act directly, and specifically on the kidneys, liver and bowels, and make these organs healthy, aotive and vigorond. Judging from the enormous demand for these Pills there must be hosts of people that have faith in them. CLINTON MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS The best class of work procurable has been manufactured here for ni abyyeare past, WE WONT call On you e week after WE WON'TYour bereavement. ' make the work to sult, WE WILL tnhutekPerleteh.e• peke to sulb the work. WE WILL give you the production of the world duke of the • in design and material. We are the ONLY prae- tical men in Clinton in our line, to not, be • talked into placing your order without first tali. ing on us. ' 4. BIS HOOVER, PROP moo mental trete!, • , • UAL COAL •C AL NOW IS THE TlME TO ORDER We are now delivering right off the oars at the lowest possible price for the .best grade of Anthracite Coal. Tile Best is the Cheapest Owing to the scarcity of oars there is a diffi- culty in getting orders filled. We would advise ordering at once. in order to secure present price as coal will undoubtedly a vance first of n.extimonth if not sooner. - - Leave your orders at our store. - P. 2 Cars Portland .and Thorold Cement jus received. Call and get our prices. INDELIBLE COLD WITTER PRINT Suitable for Barns, Fences„ Gates; Bridges and all 'outside work . . WHITE AND 17 COLORS It is clurable and mighty cheap, too. Call and get color card and all particulars. Goo' assortment Oil Stoves.. Screen Doors and,' Windows. . CHEAP HARDWARE - HO USE , reweerweevene.oweeeryettAnoreewoweevy*mwe McKINNOW& .CO. 13.1E41(Pil. LUCKY STRIKE. vvvvvvvvvvvvvv.eovvv_m_ . Last week we micle a great strike in haying a traveller's samples of Ladies'. White Underwear, Wrappers and fine wool Dress Skirts at it great reduction in prices and on *Thursday morning we commence to sell them oft at prices like these : Corset Covers,einade of fine cambric, neck and front trine- med withembroldery, worth 35c, for 25c . • Corset Covers of fine canihric, 1Viargarite style, fioished With fine embroidery) regular 45c, for 85c Ladies' Night Dresses, in fine canabric, three elusters of tucks, regular 75c, for 50c Night Dresses, made of -fine cambric, trimmed with fine embroidery, regular 95c, for 70c Night Dresses, of extra fine cambric, trimmed with fine torchon lace andensertion, worth $1.75 for $L45 Ladies' Night Dresses, made of fine reondsdale cambric, trimmed with fine embroidery and insertion, worth $2.50 for $L75 Alec) a full range of White Skirts, Chimeees and. Drawers at wholesale prices. Ladies' Wrappers, made of fine percale, with black and •colored all-over yokes and fancy trimming, at 75c, $1, $1.50 end $1.75, worth one third more Ladies' Meek figured Dress Skirts, worth $2, for $1 • Ladies' fine wool Dress Skirtsen the newest style of goods, in different colors, no two alike, regular price .$3.50. for $1.75 • • We have 82 of those Skirts, made in the neWest style lined • with striped percale, from $1.50 to $5 each, which will be gold at half price , • McKINNON & CO. - BLYTH AAMAANNWOVveNAAANAWVVVVVAAANOAMAAAVVVVYV • ••••••••••••••••••••••••ele•••••••••••eee000•••••••••: • • •• • e e S. H. GIDLEY • • . BLYTK: • • • e o • . POPULAR CLOTHING.STORE . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • .SPRING NOVELTIES?: • DRESS YOUR BOY WELL . • • * • • ' • • • • You are proud Of that boy of yours. livery boy Should be thride • • of bis parents. He should be dressed so that he may feel the equal Jaby : of the boys ho is associated with. * • le • Let us fit him out this spring. 'We will make him one of the best at •• dressed boys in this county. The elegance and taste represented in our : la juvenile clothing mustbe seen to he appreciated. • • • • 'Ow vest suits ages 4 to 8, made from rich effects in haraltanue. • • • • • • • • • • .• 6 O . • ,, _ We are also*offering big bargains in Men's Stilts this month, Oat so . is ; and see the $6 suits we aro selling at $4 and the 30 suits ttt $6, 0 O I i IN O : 8 . ON H. GIDL Y kik BLvitTettioll: e 6 •• iiii$1141•6404•••• 611.041.114044111004.• 'worsteds and tweea, at.° very cute. • • For larger boys we show some very nebby suits in grey and brown. tweeds and bitte serges. We can sell yott a suit as low as $1.40 or as high • as $6 or stop at any point between where the price pieasee, • • • . MEN'S SUITS • a s.•