HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-02-20, Page 5PAGE 5—TAE BLYTH STANDARD—February 20, 1930 The Standard Real Estate Agency H, A. McINTYRE, L. D. S„ D. D. S DfaNT1gT Office hours -9 to 12 h to 6 BLYTH—Tuesdays and Wednesdays Evenings by appointment. 'Phone 130. Dr. W. Jas. Milne, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. CORONER COUNTY OF HURON. Office—Queen Street Residence—Dinsley Street. BLYTH, ONTARIO J. H. R. ELLIOTT, NOTAP.Y PIIBLIC & CONVEYANCER Fire, Accident, Sickness, Employer's Liability, Plate Glass, Automo- bile and Live Stock Insurance. BLYTH, ('Phone 104) ONTARIO, L(WTUS E. DANCEY, BARRISTER, SOLI CITOR,N OTA1tY PIIBLIC, CONVEYANCER, MONEY 70 LOAN. Office— Queen Street BLYTH, ONT Si1N MR ASSURANCE CO, OF CANAD6, PROSPEROUS & PR.OGRESSIVB It leads the field ening Canadian Companies. H, R. LONG, District Manager, 0 oderich THO\IAS GUNURY, AUCTIONEER, CODERiCH, • ONTARIO Farm Stook Sales a epe'talty. Order left at the Blyth Standard Oltice will be promptly attended to. Telephone me iotas at my expense. Dr. J. C. Ross, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office hours -10 30 to 12 2 to 4 7 to 8.30 Except Wednesday evening. Phone No.—Office 51; Residence 69 BLYTH, ONTARIO MY OPTICIAN Waite CIt� Drax Store DR. W. J. MILNE, Fine Spectacle Ware and Accurate Lens Work a Specialty. QUEEN ST., BLYTH TBE WINGK81= Al GitIZ1 has the largest and most complete stock, the most beautiful designs to choose from in MARBLE, SCOTCH AND CANAD. IAN GRANITES. We make a specialty of Family Mon- uments and invite your inspection. Inscriptions neatly, carefully and promptly done. Electric tonle for carving and letter. ing. Call and see us before placing you' order. Robs. A. Spotton, I'INGHAM. • • ONTARif The Industrial ago ani savings Cot SARNIA. ONTARIO Money advanced on first mortgages on lands. Parties desiring money on farm mortgages will please apply to the under- signed. J. H. R. ELLIOTT, Agent, BLYTH, ONTARIO. C. E. TOLL, L.D.S. D.D. S DENTIST Hours 8.30-12 1.30-6 Wednesdays at Monkton, 'hones 124,4212 James Taylor License A tioneer for the County of Huron. s attended to in all parte of the co Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay ,dere left at The Standard promptly attended to. Belgrave Post Office. PHONES: Brussels, 15.13. North Huron, 15.623 The Standard Club bing List: Standard and Daily Globe $6.75 Standard and Mail and Empire6.75 Stabdard and London Advertiser 6.75 Standard and Free Pree 6.75 Standard and Toronto Daily Star 6.75 Standard and Family Herald 3.00 Standard and Farmer's Sun 3.50 Standard and Can. Countryman 3.40 Standard and Farmer's Advocate 3.00 Standard and Waekiy Witness 3.85 Standard and World Wide 3.90 Standard and Presbyterian 4.50 Standard and Poultry Journal 2.90 Standard and Youth's Companion 4.50 Standard and Northern Messenger 2.588 Standard and Can. Pictoral3.95 Standard and Rural Canada 2.70 Standard and Farm & Dairy 3.00 Standard and Saturday Night 530 Standard and McLean's Magazine 4,75 41444.4.14+M411.44444.10444.111441444.1444.41444+644444414444440_ SCHOOL SUPPLIES We have now in stock a complete line of Public and High School supplies: Text Books, Scribblers, Drawing Books, Loose Leaf Books, Exam. Pads, Rulers, Inks, Rubbers, Paints, Water Colors, Compasses, Slates, Pencils, &c The Standard Book and Stationery Store ++4444+444.1444444446144414 FA. Brgtit , St:andard, 4: It It Costs No More To Fireproof Your Building WHEN you build a new house or repair an old one be sure to use Gyproc. Gyproc also gives quick construction;' insulation against cold and heat—and fuel economy. Write for free book, "Walls That Reflect Good Judgment," containing interesting infor- mation on home planning with Gyproc, Roc- board and Inauler, CANADA GYPSUM AND ALABASTINE, LIMITED Paris Canada 43 1 0 13 1 ,_. • Rpm , Val boar itglialPIIIMINIR777 For Sale By Myth Planing Mill - - - - Blyth, Ont. The following very desirable properties have been listed with us at very low pric- es. We also have a number of farms and village lots which we are offering for sate Get in touch with us when you are in the market 10 buy either village or farm pro- perty:- 14 atorey brick dwelling on the corner of King and Wilson Streets. Three - eights of an acre of land. This property la in excellent state of repair and can be purchased at a very reasonable figure. 14 storey frame dwelling on Morris St. Three-fiftha of an acre of land. This is a desirable property for anyone requiring a comfortable home at small price. 1i storey frame dwelling on Dineley St. In good state of repair and most de- sirably located. This property can be purchased on excellent terms. 14 storey frame on Dlneley St. (known as the Graham property). This can be purchased at a very low price to close up the estate. 31 storey brick modern equipped dwel- ling on Dineley Street. Desirably situat- ed and can be purchased at little more than half the present cost of construction A real anap for anyone desiring an up-to- date home, 13 storey frame dwelling on Morrie St. Half acre of land with small stable. This property can be purchased with only a small payment down. 2 storey brickdwelting on Dineley St Modern in every particular. Stilarter of an acre of ground on which there is a good stable and garage. 1 storey frame dwelling on Queen St. North. Quarter acre of land with stable. Get our price on this property. 1 storey frame, aabpalt clad dwelling on Morrie St, In splendid repair. A good buy for small money. 1; storey brick dwelling on Morrie St. In splendid repair. Three-elghts on an acre of land on which is situate a good stable and garage. 2 storey brick dwelling on Queen St.; Ten acres of land. Good brick stable. A most desirable property for anyone dealt.. ing a small acreage of lead. A very desirable 2 storey brick dwelling on Queen St. One quarter acre of land. Property In excellent condition, Most desirable location, This property can be purchased for little more than half the cost of construction today. 1'z storey frame with cement kitchen. stable on premises, lI acres of land, A good buy. 10 acres of land on which is situate a good comfortable frame cottage, barn, driving abed and the land in a first-class state of cultivation, The property known to the old fire hall on the east aide of Queen Street. This building is now used as a garage, It can be purchased at a very reaaonable figure. Frame cottage on MI Street, i acre of land, A very desirable and comfortable place for persona requiring on a small home. II atorey frame dwelling on Drum- mond Street. Stable on the premises, Can be purchased at a very reasonable figure. The Standard Real Estate Agercy BLYTH, ONTARIO DOUGLAS D. MAJOR, 1., V. C. M, Otganiat, Choirmaster Knox Church, Goderich Supervisor Music Public Schools. (Certified.) Teacher of Piano, Voice, Organ and Theory. A few vacancies for pupils Apply CT[rnlo, Mrs Poplestone, Phone 80, Dinsley St., Blyth FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of good land, being lot 21 on the 12th con. of the Tp. of Hullett. 10 acres of bush and pasture. On the farm is situate a good 11 storey brick dwelling; frame barn 5600 with stone stabling and water in stable. Cement driving shed 50x30 fret. Cement hen house. Drilled well. All land in good state of cultivation. Hydro passes the farm. Farm situate 14 miles from Blyth. Twenty-five acres fall plowed; 3 acres fall wheat, For particul. ars apply to Fred Austin, R, R. 1, Blyth. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres one and a half miles from Blyth. Comfortable house, good barn and outbuilding,, 6 to S acres of bush. Apply to N. Radford, Executor of the es• tate of the late John Scott, CUSTOM SAWING I am prepared as usual to do custom sawing. Bring in your logs now while the sleighing is good. JOHN HUTTON, Londesboro, Ont, NOTICE I am starting up painting. decorating and paper hanging and would appreciate any orders, which will be given prompt attention. All winter work will be done cheaper, Apply to GEORGE BLACKBURN, Care Geo. Lawrence. Londesboro Phone 42 on 250 Seaforth FOR SALE—Three roosters, 2nd r:ous- ins to Lady Victorine who holds egg record for world -358 eggs in 365 days. Apply $ Jos. Postill, 'phone 21.10. Martin Erwin Players to Present "The Patsy" at Canadian Festival 111111011146 SCENE FROM "THE PATSY" One of the wittiest:, most onlerinining ronINdies produced in a decade is Barry Conners' popular comedy "Thi' Patsy," which will he presented at the corning Canadian Chautauqua Pcsiival hero by the Martin Erwin Players. Martin Erwin has won recognition. throughout Canada as an actor -manager of the highest type. The clean, excellently produced play companies which go forth under his name have all been assembled and coached under his personal direction in his studios in Winnipeg and uphold the high standard of quality which the Canadian Chautauqua assures its patrons, "The Patsy" is a delicious comedy telling the story of Patsy Harrington, an adorable young lady who finds herself the Cinderella of the Harrington family. Patsy decides to be her own fairy god- mother, and wins the respect of her family, and the love of her Prince Charming as well, by a method all her own. Sparkling dialogue, novel situations and appealing romance mark this unusual and charming play. Memorial Hall, Blyth, Tuesday evening, February 25 Great Comedy "Give and Take" Here at Canadian Festival A TENSE MOMENT PIROM "GIVE AND TARE" "A laugh in every line"—is the verdict of the critics who reviewed the popular comedy -success "Give and Take," which will be presented at the coming Canadian Chautauqua Festival here. "Give and Take" is, in truth, one of the funniest plays ever written, It deals with the hilariously humorous situations that arise in a California fruit cannery when the young son of the owner, fresh from college, endeavors to pit his untried theories of an indus- trial democracy against his father's axed principles of how a bunt- ness should be run. Of course there is a girl, and a delightful love story runs throughout the play. "Give and Take" will be presented by the celebrated Martin Erwin Players, organized and coached under the personal direction of Martin Erwin. Memorial Hall, Blyth, Friday evening, February 28. Distinctive Musical Artists at Canadian Fesival THE CUTLER. -AUSTIN ARTISTS The Cutler -Austin Artists, who will appear here at the Canadian Chautauqua Festival, are exceedingly popular with audiences in general, and a joy to the genuine music lover. The personnel of the company is remarkably fine. Marguerite Austin, premier violinist, has been acclaimed by ithe music critics of Europe, Africa and the United Stoles. I3oru in England, she is a licentiate of the Royal Academy of ,Music. London, and a graduate of the Brussels Conservatory. t t,'rett S. Cutler has a glorious tenor voice, a winning personality and a rare Interpretation of words and musts. - Irene Smith, the third member of the company, is an accomplished pianist and a pleasing singer. Presenting the music of the great masters, interspersed with lighter selections and costumed musical sketches, this notable com- pany never fails to score. an outstanding triumph and is sure to prove one of the most enjoyable features of the entire Festival. Memorial Hall; Blyth, afternoon and evening, Feb, 27. SEE OUR FINE LINE OF GOODS FOR XoZIciczy Gifts CONSISTING OF UP-TO-DATE Footwear, Men's Furnishings, Garters, Arm Bands, Ties, Scarfs, Caps, • Braces. A FINE DISPLAY OF Towels, Handkerchiefs Ladies' Scarfs. G. Aa MACHAN, Phone 88 BLYTH, ONT. 4 r F,Y r 7 Y I The following very desirable properties have been listed with us at very low pric- es. We also have a number of farms and village lots which we are offering for sate Get in touch with us when you are in the market 10 buy either village or farm pro- perty:- 14 atorey brick dwelling on the corner of King and Wilson Streets. Three - eights of an acre of land. This property la in excellent state of repair and can be purchased at a very reasonable figure. 14 storey frame dwelling on Morris St. Three-fiftha of an acre of land. This is a desirable property for anyone requiring a comfortable home at small price. 1i storey frame dwelling on Dineley St. In good state of repair and most de- sirably located. This property can be purchased on excellent terms. 14 storey frame on Dlneley St. (known as the Graham property). This can be purchased at a very low price to close up the estate. 31 storey brick modern equipped dwel- ling on Dineley Street. Desirably situat- ed and can be purchased at little more than half the present cost of construction A real anap for anyone desiring an up-to- date home, 13 storey frame dwelling on Morrie St. Half acre of land with small stable. This property can be purchased with only a small payment down. 2 storey brickdwelting on Dineley St Modern in every particular. Stilarter of an acre of ground on which there is a good stable and garage. 1 storey frame dwelling on Queen St. North. Quarter acre of land with stable. Get our price on this property. 1 storey frame, aabpalt clad dwelling on Morrie St, In splendid repair. A good buy for small money. 1; storey brick dwelling on Morrie St. In splendid repair. Three-elghts on an acre of land on which is situate a good stable and garage. 2 storey brick dwelling on Queen St.; Ten acres of land. Good brick stable. A most desirable property for anyone dealt.. ing a small acreage of lead. A very desirable 2 storey brick dwelling on Queen St. One quarter acre of land. Property In excellent condition, Most desirable location, This property can be purchased for little more than half the cost of construction today. 1'z storey frame with cement kitchen. stable on premises, lI acres of land, A good buy. 10 acres of land on which is situate a good comfortable frame cottage, barn, driving abed and the land in a first-class state of cultivation, The property known to the old fire hall on the east aide of Queen Street. This building is now used as a garage, It can be purchased at a very reaaonable figure. Frame cottage on MI Street, i acre of land, A very desirable and comfortable place for persona requiring on a small home. II atorey frame dwelling on Drum- mond Street. Stable on the premises, Can be purchased at a very reasonable figure. The Standard Real Estate Agercy BLYTH, ONTARIO DOUGLAS D. MAJOR, 1., V. C. M, Otganiat, Choirmaster Knox Church, Goderich Supervisor Music Public Schools. (Certified.) Teacher of Piano, Voice, Organ and Theory. A few vacancies for pupils Apply CT[rnlo, Mrs Poplestone, Phone 80, Dinsley St., Blyth FARM FOR SALE 100 acres of good land, being lot 21 on the 12th con. of the Tp. of Hullett. 10 acres of bush and pasture. On the farm is situate a good 11 storey brick dwelling; frame barn 5600 with stone stabling and water in stable. Cement driving shed 50x30 fret. Cement hen house. Drilled well. All land in good state of cultivation. Hydro passes the farm. Farm situate 14 miles from Blyth. Twenty-five acres fall plowed; 3 acres fall wheat, For particul. ars apply to Fred Austin, R, R. 1, Blyth. FARM FOR SALE 100 acres one and a half miles from Blyth. Comfortable house, good barn and outbuilding,, 6 to S acres of bush. Apply to N. Radford, Executor of the es• tate of the late John Scott, CUSTOM SAWING I am prepared as usual to do custom sawing. Bring in your logs now while the sleighing is good. JOHN HUTTON, Londesboro, Ont, NOTICE I am starting up painting. decorating and paper hanging and would appreciate any orders, which will be given prompt attention. All winter work will be done cheaper, Apply to GEORGE BLACKBURN, Care Geo. Lawrence. Londesboro Phone 42 on 250 Seaforth FOR SALE—Three roosters, 2nd r:ous- ins to Lady Victorine who holds egg record for world -358 eggs in 365 days. Apply $ Jos. Postill, 'phone 21.10. Martin Erwin Players to Present "The Patsy" at Canadian Festival 111111011146 SCENE FROM "THE PATSY" One of the wittiest:, most onlerinining ronINdies produced in a decade is Barry Conners' popular comedy "Thi' Patsy," which will he presented at the corning Canadian Chautauqua Pcsiival hero by the Martin Erwin Players. Martin Erwin has won recognition. throughout Canada as an actor -manager of the highest type. The clean, excellently produced play companies which go forth under his name have all been assembled and coached under his personal direction in his studios in Winnipeg and uphold the high standard of quality which the Canadian Chautauqua assures its patrons, "The Patsy" is a delicious comedy telling the story of Patsy Harrington, an adorable young lady who finds herself the Cinderella of the Harrington family. Patsy decides to be her own fairy god- mother, and wins the respect of her family, and the love of her Prince Charming as well, by a method all her own. Sparkling dialogue, novel situations and appealing romance mark this unusual and charming play. Memorial Hall, Blyth, Tuesday evening, February 25 Great Comedy "Give and Take" Here at Canadian Festival A TENSE MOMENT PIROM "GIVE AND TARE" "A laugh in every line"—is the verdict of the critics who reviewed the popular comedy -success "Give and Take," which will be presented at the coming Canadian Chautauqua Festival here. "Give and Take" is, in truth, one of the funniest plays ever written, It deals with the hilariously humorous situations that arise in a California fruit cannery when the young son of the owner, fresh from college, endeavors to pit his untried theories of an indus- trial democracy against his father's axed principles of how a bunt- ness should be run. Of course there is a girl, and a delightful love story runs throughout the play. "Give and Take" will be presented by the celebrated Martin Erwin Players, organized and coached under the personal direction of Martin Erwin. Memorial Hall, Blyth, Friday evening, February 28. Distinctive Musical Artists at Canadian Fesival THE CUTLER. -AUSTIN ARTISTS The Cutler -Austin Artists, who will appear here at the Canadian Chautauqua Festival, are exceedingly popular with audiences in general, and a joy to the genuine music lover. The personnel of the company is remarkably fine. Marguerite Austin, premier violinist, has been acclaimed by ithe music critics of Europe, Africa and the United Stoles. I3oru in England, she is a licentiate of the Royal Academy of ,Music. London, and a graduate of the Brussels Conservatory. t t,'rett S. Cutler has a glorious tenor voice, a winning personality and a rare Interpretation of words and musts. - Irene Smith, the third member of the company, is an accomplished pianist and a pleasing singer. Presenting the music of the great masters, interspersed with lighter selections and costumed musical sketches, this notable com- pany never fails to score. an outstanding triumph and is sure to prove one of the most enjoyable features of the entire Festival. Memorial Hall; Blyth, afternoon and evening, Feb, 27.