HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-07-11, Page 2MINTON Newsm000n ifelndellehed every Thursiley at The Howe -Record Power Printing House AZBER'r EiTitEET. CLINTON. TIMMS We Suesonitteten-$1.00 per year in advance ; $1,50 may be charged. If not 00 vala No Paper discentinuea until alf arrearegoe ere peed. unleee at the Mitten of thepublisher. The date to ate% every subsoription is paid donetecl on the label, Apvesrenze iterse.--Transient advertise - /vents, 10 Cents 'por nonpariel line for fine insernon and 3 cents per lino for each neve quentinsertion. Small advertisements not te exceed. Km incesucit as "Lost," "Strayed," "Stolen," etc., inserted once for 60 cants awl \ each subsequent insertioa 15 oenta advertisementa without speolflodtrectione will be inserted until torlad and. °barged accord insty. espy for ;Mange of advertisemente on pages 4 and must be inthe °Moe on Saturday and tor pages1 and 8 on Monday to enema change tor following issue, CONmietee Haeres,-The following table shows our rates ter spectiled periods end space; Apemen:4nm names. 1 Ira 6 Mo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo 1 Column 470 00 1,10 00 125 00 18 50 40 00 25 00 15 OD 0 00 &Column 26 00 15 00 8 00 2 50 *Column 18 00 10 00 6 50 2 00 1 Inoh 00 3 50 .2 00 1 25 ferSpeotal position frona 25 to 60 per cent extra. ". Je MITCHELL, Editor and Proprietor INSURANCE' " T"ivicKILLOP KRAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Farm and Isolated Town Property only insured, OFFICERS a. 13, eteLene. PresidenteKippen P.O. ; Thos. Frazer, Vice.President, urucefield P. 0.aT. Hare Seey-Treete, Sectforth P, 0.; Iv 13readfoot, Inspector of 1038CS, Seafortit DIRECTORS; W. G. Broadfoot. Seatorth; John Grieve, Winthrop ;George Palo, Seaforth; John Watt, Harloolt : John Bennewies, Bradhagan ; James Evans. Beechwood; James Com:they, Clinton John elolaan, Kippon AGENTS; Robt Smith, Hadock; Reber McMillan, So forthaJames Cummings, Egmondville J. W •Yeo, Holinesville P. 0. Partiesdoeirous to °Feet insurance or trans met other business will be premetly attended to on application teeny ot the above officers addressed to their respective post officee. BANKS THE MOLSONSBANK Incorpotated by • Act of Parlirment, 1855, ()aerate 82,500,000 REST ' 82,050,000 BRAD OFFICE MONTREAL. Was, MOLSON NesernensoN, President James ELLIOT General Manager Notes discounted. Collection made. Drafts issued. sterling and American Exchanges lemeht and sold. Interest &lowed on dopesits. SAVINGS B4Nte. Intereet allowed on slims or st and up, FARMERS, Money advanced to farmers on their own notes weth one or more endorsers. No mora gage required as seourity. • BeREWER, Manager, Clinton JOHN T. EIIMERTON • THE LEADING BARBER s g STANDARD LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office for Canada, Montreal. Insurance in force, • - 8116,000,000 Investments in Canada, — 13,500,000 Estab hed 1825, The old reliable awl tavern° Oveum Smiths bolek, opposite Poet Ogle a D. INOTAGGART name% A Ciliirat [Banking Businesil:Tralwacte.d. Notes Discoueted. •Drifts: Issued. Ineerese Allewed on Deposita. GRA TRUNK 'Wag TIME TABLE. NRA IN 4mtvg,,, Interesting Items About Our Own Country, Great Britain, the United States, and All Parts of the globe, Condensed and Assorted for Rosy Readirig. CANADA. ' There are 20 cigar manufactories in Louden. • Ilamilton Board of Trade has a membership of 102. The Straits of Belle Isle are re- ported to be blocked with ice, There passed through the " Soo " Coma 4,51.9,075 tons of freight dur- ing June., All the houses quarantined for sznallpox in Montreal have been re- leased. The rifle submitted by Sir Charles Ross to the Militia. Department is to be tested at Quebec. ME VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. Trains will arrive Maud depart from (Minton Station as folloWs Bureau) AND GARIARIOR BAYAMON, °lag Et3t lacpeess 7:38 a. M. 2:54 p. " " Mixed 4:16 p. m. Going West Mixed 10;15 a. in. • Express 12;55 p, Gs I. 44 7105 a, na. al It 10;27 Axelerin Menet CLOTTON. Lanai; LONDON. BARON AND BRUCE DIVISION, Going South Express 7:47 a, m. .. a. Mixed 4;15,p. :a. Going North Express 10:15 a. m. " " Mixed 6;55 re 111. .t..4 0. PATISSON, F.R. HODGENS, Agent. Town Ticket Agent. M. C. DICKSON, District Passenger Agent.Toronto. j SCOTT 'BAFiRISICIR, SOLICITOR. Etc. Money to Loan. •Orrum-37,111ott Block ' CLANTON DRYDONE • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, - Notary Public, Orprore-BeaVer Block, " • W JACKSON . CuNtroN 0ONVEyANCING jOHN RIDOUT CONVEYANCER, COMMISSIONER, ETC. Fire Insurence, Real Esteite, • Money to Lend. OFFICE-RAMON STREET,. AGENT C. P. R. CLINTON TraVellers to any part of the world ehould consult the above in reference' to tickets, fares, etc. decked out in the daintiest shirt waist creatiene Of all White. The United States. statement of its PUblie debt shows that at the doe° of the liscal .year, June 80, 1903., the debt, less sash in the Treaeury, was 4,044,189420, a decrease dar- ing June of $3,7,78'7,374. On v.ccount of the fear of ghoul*, the body of Abraham Lincoln, which has been reposing in. a temporary vault, while repairs were being made on tho Lincoln monument, has been secretly replaced in n private yeah. within the inontiment. ENIMAL. Five Americans were arreated in Pekin for looting. The Boer prisoners at St. Helena, have started a paper. The plague mOrtality at Cape Town. is 40 per cent. so far. The Czar has contributed $475,000 to the landless peasantry of Finland. Deputy Minister Smart is inspect- ing all the offices of the Interior De- partment between Winnipeg and Voa- couver. Three prisoners in Portage la Prairie jail Were pardoned fer help- ing capture another .priserter who was trying to escape. Alarming reports regarding the Manitebre crop being in danger owing to wet weather are said to be un- founded, Grain -men eay crop pros- pects are lirst-class. Wesley Farrell, a Hamilton boy, stepped on a loose plank iu a bridge over the Grand Trunk which was be- ing repaired, and was thrown 35 feet to the traeks below, and fatally injured. W JACKSON AGENT G. P. R. CLINTON MEDICAL. VALur or ZIEN. • In Time of War Saidato, be Worth • ,§200 a Head. DR. W. GUNN R. C. P. and L. R. C. S., Edinburgh. Night calls at frontdoor of residenceon Raton bury street, opposite Presbyterian church. Orinez-ONeextro STREET, CLINTON. DR•SH" Ovaxes . C.NTelloe SIBEET, OPPoSlte RA1811911 ChArell, CLINTON. For milieary and .naval purposes the nations of Eurcipe spend. annual- ly. 3750,000,000. . They keep under arms contiaually more than 3,000,e 000 men, witlesix times as many rea- dy to fly to ,arnes • when the word e'mObilise". is spoken. • It is estimat- ed that the community loses at least L40 a year for. each man. who is kept under aems 'arid is, therefore. unproductive. For all Europe this lose would amount to $600,000,000, which shoald be added to the $750e- 000,000. annually paid out for mil- itary and naval purposes. ' . In Gereeitny every year more thin. 360,000- yeung men reach the itiite Italy age- and eater the Army as a mattee of Compulsion., Every son of the moire must serve Six years- tWo in active service and four in the army . of the ,. reserve. On a peace. footing the Kaiser hap more than half a Million soldiers at, his com- mand,. and in Mane pa necessity this number could :be raised eci 8,000, 000. • But the greatest militate/. pOWC1"- 'ea land, at least -is Russia, which Maintains an establishment of more than SOQ,000 men in timeS of .peace, while ander pressure oe war thie fig- ure might easily be to.uleipiled by four, or evea five. BRITISH ARMY SURGEONS.• , nn, o.w.ornomrsos PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. , Special attention even to diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and. Throat, WTI= AND RESIDENCE - Albert Street East north of RATTENBURT STREET, Cranes, DENTISTRY The monument to Queen Victoria has been hoisted upon ies granite pedestal in the Parliainent grounds at Ottawa. The Duke of Cornwall and York will perform the unveiling ceremony. . Carlisle D. Graham, who went through the Niagara Rapids in a barrel -boat on September 1, 1889, now declares that he will make the attempt to repeat the performance if he min elude the police, who mu watching him closely. ' MARKETS OF TO WORLD Beet root is to be celtivated 40,000 acres of lane TJpper Egypt. Tito Valley of the Volga will suffer famine on account of the intense drought. .A. terrible storm at Simferopol, Crinlett, weshed away all the bridges and drowned two children. On account of the plague at Con- stantinople, all nations will estab- lish 4plarantion against it. Cecil Rhodes will remove the re- mains of fallen Rhodesians to a na- tional mausoleum in, Rhodesia. It is stated that three large steel companies at Bilbao, Spain, have combinect with a capital of $2,180,- 000, In an Italian, regiment which Was marching front Pisa to Leghorn there were .80 cases of sunstroke, while many of the solcilers dropped from exhaustion. Tin4 French, Cheniber pf Deputies has voted supplementary credits tunounting to 80,000,000 francs to defray the expensou of France's Chin- ese expedition: The Berlin police are watching for Attilo Pieri and Enrico Gigli, anarchists, who are 'described' as in- tending to come to Berlin for a criminai PArP OM' ' A. fight has occurred between Ens - on the Albaniao-Montenegrin frolle choice stock selling at 11e to 12e ' under," says the proclamation, "and Eggs -The market AS steady, with ; Oreeervation of rights required there- sulmans and Christians at Gussingo, GREAT BRITAIN.. Lord Russell's bigamy trial will begin in the House of Lords July 18th. 'Six officials are censured foe errors coastructing the new English. roy- al yacht, Mrs. Matthew Arnold, widow •of the British poet critic and "Apostle of Culture,' is dead at London. According to a report just made there are 28,894 juvenile temperance eocieties be the British 'elands, with me,mbership of 3,536,000, King Edward VII. has accepted from. a member of Parliament a pre- sent of a number of American bronze turkeys, imported into England in a wild state. • , • • DR.AGNEW DENTIST. Camas AND BRUME WORK-. Osinex-Adielning Foster's Photo Gallery. CLINTON, ONT. DR. G. EARNEsT HOLMES_ Suecessor to Dr, Bruce. Clinton. Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work. D.D. S. -Graduate of Royal College of Dental • Surgeons of Ontario. D. e,--,Firsa class boner graduate of Dental Department of Toronto University. Special attention paid to preservetion of children's teeth, Willbe etthe River Hotel, Hayfield, every Motley from 10 a. m• to 6 D. xn. DU. 3. FREEMAN Suceeesor to Dr. Fowler. • VETERINARY SBIAGEON. A niember of the Veterinary Medical Assoefa tions of London and Edinburgh and Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary Coilego. Office ePtiosite tbe Commercial Hotel. Clinton' VETERIIVARi 111.0.1,1. WOOS of Cattle,Cheese, Grain, 40 in the Leadinif Markets, m.a Toronto, July 9. -Wheat -The loCal wheat market is quiet, with the feel- ing rather better. No, 2 white and red sold sit 080 middle freight. Mil- lere quete 03e to Gee law freight. No. 3. spring, 05c OR Midland, and No. 2 goose, 000 Middle freight. Menitobae in fair demand, With sales of No. 3. hard at 83,e, grinding in transit; No. 2 at 790, and No. at 74c. For Toronto and WeSL, SC 10Wer. Mineed-The market is quiet, with bran quoted at 33.1 to $11.50 west. Shorts, $1.2.50 west. • Corn -The market is quiet and prices firm. No. 2 Canadian yellow sold at 40c west, ima mixed 89ic west. On track here yellow is quot- ed at 450. Rye -The market is dint, with pre, CeS nominal at, 46c, middle ,freight. Buckwheat -Market dull and prices nerainal at 480 to 50c. Peas -Market quiet with prices =nine', No. 2 quoted et 68 to 69c Middle freight. Barley -Market is quiet. Sales of No. 2 at 4],c middle freight. Oats -The market is firmer. Sales tere at 2s. 6d. per day and free ,ra- of 30 cars of' No. 2 white at 30e tions. When they arrived there, high freight, and at 30ec middle however, they refused to work unless paid 58. per day. The authorities freFilgohutr-Trade rules quiet. Millers declined to employ thein at that quote straight rollers at 32.65 to Price, and they were returned to the I/2at..7e0ntsinatbil$Y2e,ers0' :noidvdeires fribeiz.g:pavrotr, IcroeriliteainCsainapp, rociamation in reference and shippers quote 90 per cent. The Gazette issued on Thursday shipment M bbls. to Lower ProVileces to contracts fox' the purchase of 38.10 is quoted. Manitoba. patents, farms and lands in this colony. or 34.10 to $4.20, and strong bakers' it,litgeataptiiiii•clatshe faio.rmaleaaasde loafraimaMrrinhge $3.80 to $3.00. OatmealMarket quiet' and steady. Car lots at 38.65 in bags, and at $3.75 in wood; small lots -20c extra. A bill will be introduced into the British Parliament legalizing hun- dreds of marriages now invalid be- cause performed in. unlicensed churches, • . Orders have been received a Ports- mouth for several ships of the, fleet reserve, including a terpecio-boat de- stroyer, -to shortly join the Meditere ranean squadron. ' • 1 2.00 3.0.00 Milkers and galvee. BLACK HORSES. ()owe, each, 00.00 45.00 Calves, each Choice hogs. per cwt Light hogs, per cwt IleavY begs. per eta Stags, per cwt ..... 0,00 2.00 0.15 7.25 The CavalryoukhilantsuReeotirutlr. ed for the 66..55°0 66..7755 A, despatch from Ottawa Says :-** Black horses with Wag Utile will be in demand in Canada before long, 4$ by the striet rale of ceremonial only ouch horses can be used, by cavalry forming the escort to their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess at Cornwall and York on the occasion of their visit to Canada. A suffici- ent number ot black horses to term an escort might be ontainee front the cavalry schools. and militia, but all the chargers in the perthartent corps are bangtails! No doubt, hoW- ever, the militia Department will rise tO the oc.easion and see that the proper mounts are available. On Thursday the GoVernoreGeneral ferWarded to the major -general com- manding a detail of the military forc,es neeessary for escorts, guards of honor, and artillery ealutes dur- ing' the royal progress. Maier -Gene Oral O'Grady-Haly will have to exer- cise all his military ingenuity to carry Qat all these elaborate ar. rallgeBlelltS With the resources et his commaacl. It will be impossible, for instance, to have a fresh cavalry es- cort from the local yelps at every city visited by their Royal High- nesses, so that mounted, men will have to be transported to several of the stopping places. At Ottawa, for example, where the honors due to Royalty must be paid with sere- pulous regard to military cereinouial the ca,valry corps all told is aot suf- ficiently strong to furnish an eecort. The establishment of the Princess Louise Dragoon Guards is '71. rank and file. A Royal escort tor the Sovereign on occasions of full. State such as will be furnished for their Royal Higenesses must consist of the officer commanding the regiment, CAPTURE OF BURGHERS. HOW a Nurse Acted as a Spy for the Boers. A deePatch from Pretoila says:- Permite for the return of the wives of Men ereployed en the Imperial military railways have been suspend- ed owing to the discovery that such 0, Permit lately allowed a nurse to come here, Who fraudulently took service and sabsequently returned to the 13oors. These implicated in the plot have been dismissed from the railway and deported. From June 21 to June 80 the var- ious columns took 160 prisoners, kil- led 74 Boers, wounded over 60, and received 13(3 surrenders. A large amount of ammunition, a quantity of stock, and 300 wegons were cap- tured. A large capture of prisonere is reported from Pietersburg. Fifty Boer prisoners were sent from the Irene detention camp re- cently to Niletroorn, having agreed to accept employment as wood cut- DA1RY MARKETS. Butter --The receipts are fair, with locel prices steady, but for expoet the market is 'weaker, Pound rolls job o.t 15e to I.7e; large rolls, ea to 15ece good to choice tubs, 14. to 16c; inferior, 10 to 12c; creatnery, boxes, 18 to 180; and rolls, 19 to 20c. proclamation orders that the pertocl between October 11, 1899, and a two captains, four subalterns, two date to be hereafter named, shall sergeant -majors, eight sergeants, not be taken ' into account in calcu- two farriers, one trumpeter, and 96 luting the period during which it rank and.file. The cavalry regiments was agreed between the• contracting at Toronto, London. St. Catharines, parties thet such contracts 'were to Peterborough, Kingston, and Mon - be in force. e • "All Payments required by the said itila.evailngarleietaldlegugtinritYertsni'in cities that contracts which became due during are sufficiently etrong to furnish a such period and all dots required ta Royal State escort: The streegth of be performed in consideration of the the Royal Canadian Dragoons, in- cluding both "A" and "13" Squad- :alek1.1.3 at pectively; only totals 122 rank atid, Toronto a,ad Winnipeg roe- : STRIKERS USE DYNAMITE. WEBS UBE) BY Tgilli8 X,ITTX,S TI-UNGS 'MAX N.A,BE RICH =X VOOR. Penny Postage Stamp Animid British Tren Xing -Other Curious Casea. It Was a common penny postage etamp that brought Hobart, the Peat 13ritioli " iron-kb:1g," to Itis ruin. At the ttale of the WhitsvOrtle Veriod, when there waa a, big crisis in the iron trade, he had agents in all parts of the world, who loPt hint posted. Sometimes they tele- graphed news to him in cipher ; but those in England were nearly always instructed to write. At that period his principal agent, who was oleo his chief partner, was in Sheffield, and wrote him from there, warning hint to sell out of alt iron interests for the time. on account, of • the Whitworth crisis. Hobart had frequent fits of irrita- bility, and he had been receiving a lot et understamped letters of no importance, on winch be had to pay double postage. One morning, in arte ger, he gave order, that such letters were to be returned to the postmen, The very first understamped letter received after this was from his partner, It was rejected as soon as it arrived. Censequently, knowing nothing of the existence of the letter or the all-important private news con- tained, Hobart pledged himself next day for more iron deals than oven his mighty credit was good -for. The great drop in prices came two clays later, and Hobart, once a million- ' aim, was involved in a hopelees bankruptcy, from which he never recovered. Geoffry Pask, once the prince of London's stock exchange, was fam- ous for being most punctual, never arriving it minute late, although he always . walked to the city from Sloane Square every day. One morn- ing he TORD HIS TROUSERS. tier, ten Christmas being killed aed many others wounded. The Berlin Vossisehe Zeitung prints an editorial, declaring that Germany, under xio conditions. would permit France to acquire Moroceo or the key to the Medieerranean near Gib- raltar. A nurt, whose expulsion, from a re- ligious order had been brought abenit by Abbe Fouelitird of 'Nantes, France, attacked hint with a club as he knelt at the chapel altar. and dan- gerously wounded him. . The King has announced hiennten- tioxe.of presenting the 4th Battalion Royal Welsh Fusiliers (Carnarvon Merioneth Militia) with a goat front the flock la Windsor Park, to re- place the one. that died recently, . . In- the Heim of Commons- on Thuraeay, Mr.' Chamberlain, the Co- loeial Secretary, anxibunced . that a bile would shortlY be introduced, 'cliaiging the title of. the King, to. as. to more, elearly recognite his sever- eigrity over the. entire British Em- pire. • , Tne anonialy in the laws of Eng- land which prevented colonial sur- geons Arom obtaining positiens in the British army and navy, is about to be remedied. At the summer ses- sions of the Onneral Medical Cotincii, opened in London, Sir William Tur- ner, the •president, referred to. tine matter. Ile held that as a reside of the important services rendered to thd exnpire by the eolonies, in the South African war, it was high time to remove the impediment to the ad- missioie of colonial Pergeons to po- sitions in the armee Several sur- geon:4 of high standing in Canada had\ applied to the War office but servicee could not be accepted, because the Medical Act of 1858 did not perMit a eurgeon of colonial qualifications to attend et) British emage eapacity. General eeatirte has introduced'• into the Ifritish House of Commons a bill to.remove thie_euxilAeatt_an.__ BLACKALL ec BALL VETERINARY SUROEONS, GOV. ERNMENT VETERINA.WY INSPECTORS eirICE, ISAAC! STREET ; RESIDENCE, ALBERT STREET, CLINTON. AUCTIONEER THOS. BilOWN LICENSED AUCT/ONEEIL Sala; conducted. In all parts -of the Countiee of Hume and Perth. Orders left at Tag NEWS Recent. Wee, Clintee, or addressed to Sea forth P. 0. win recent%) prompt attention. Sat - traction guaranteed or necharges. Your pat - onager solicited. MISCELLANEOUS CEO. TROWHILL HORSESHOER AND GENEILI.L. BLACKSMITH, Viemawork ironed. end ersteelase materiel and work guaranteed, Farm implements and ma chines rebuilt arta repaired. JOBBING A SPECIALTY, Aintree' Sente,r, None% Centroet 50 YEARS* EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKIN OtlicINS Oorivnionve &O. Anima sending a sketott and deserittion mai (rankle escort/on our opinion free whether an Itetett1011 preneeiy emote/ale. Commerdere tementrietiteentidentita. umnbooicon taunts sent free. oldest twenty:for egeoriteepatents, rittntf) AMASS oneuen Munn *tee receite beetientotket without ClAtrete. the SitittifiC Anitrican. dement illtintreted wend,. Veneta tea IL60elfiltterV,IntiotralliNterstitittri ea. 1411 V Ste witodostm 0 detnrosdraiy, ew ti* 44 r" TED Does your hair split at the end? Can you pull out a hapd f u I .by run- ning your fingers through it ? Does it seem% dry and lifeless? • • Give your hafr a ta chance. Feed zt. •-1 The \ roots are• not dead ; \they are weak. tt\ecause,they are starved --that's all. The best hair f o\o d s\-- - TRAFFIC THROUGH CANALS. Considerable Increase .$hOwn Com- , pared With Last Tear. • . A 'despatch from Ottawa says: - The •Dopartment of RallwaYe: mid Canals hap .received front the super- intendent at . Sault Ste, Marta a re- turn of the traffic through the Cala adieu canel for the months, of •May aed June, which snows a .cormicler- able increase weer the corresponding period ef last year. The number. of tons of freight 'pessed ;through the Canadian eanal was 1,235,055, as 'against 294,681; -vessel passages, 882 as agaipet 43'4; registered tone nage, 800,678 es against, 387',571. On the other hand the' traffic through the American Soo shows a falling .off ef half a million tons of freight aad 100 vessel passages.: • The retuens from the Soulange.s canal show that 6,473,588 bushels of grain passed through during the two months, . Aboet two-thirds of this -grain, namely, 3,946,057 bushels •were carried by, the Vinadian Atlan- tic Railwity, which also sent .1,290 toas of package freight' through' the 'canal. The number of vessels pas - Sed through during the twp months was 1,000 of a total tonnage of 294,915 tons. The Scotch iron and steel makers are preparing • to send an iefluential deputation of manufactUrers to the 'United States in September to study trade conditions with a view of dee vising means for better meeting American competition in neutral market s. Per dozer), in ease lots. Crated eggs, all rights requirea to be exercised at 8* to 9c, a 'tire° falling within said period Cheese -Market quiet • , and prices I may, have as hereinafter mentioleen, steady. Full creain, September, 100; I be performed and exercised as if the do., new, 9* to 90. DRESSED iroGs & PROVISIONS. . Dressed hogs unchanged, a few selling at $8.50 to $9. Hog pro-, ducts firm, as followse-Bacon, long clear, loose, in ehr lots,. 100; that tbe payments, acts and rights There is a rumor .that Rear Ad- miral Lord Charlee Beresford: wants tie resign the cOinmand of the- Medi- terraneexasquedron. next Vebruaree order to be free to ,criticize the• Gov- ertunent'e naval and inilitory,policer end its administration •of affairs in general. Great uneasiness prevails in Lon- don colninercial circles owing to the: far-reaching result of ,the German financial .erisie, Many British firms having dealings with Germany aro making inquirlee its to the stability of their cuetontere, incleding those who have been for. years on their books, . . Negotiatione halm been in. nrogress for some time looking to the estab- lisionent of a pared pose, between 'Canada and Mexico. It has been discovered, however, that under the United States . postal regulations, 'closed parcels cannot enter that country, so' no parcels can be alleWe ed transniission between Canada and Mexico across the . territory of elnele Sam.• 190 If' yottt, don't want your hair s::to die use A.yer's ?Nig o r once a day. it makes the hair growl stops falling$ and cures dan- druff. It always restores volor to gray or faded hAirA it never fails. al•Au a bottle, Ali dittegista "Oneebottle of Ayer% leen Vigor geared ,ply heir mixt noting eat, ind Medea it te row even meoly.e trues Wien, efatehl2801800, Canoes, fi, feeyend Nair' Vigor completely mum lama dartdrufettithwbien Wen lir yarn ieted • Thei growth of teingavadialule Lena 0,4erilltsto, •Arpriitt„ises. Nettrotairt.Y. It yeti darigftiotegatalag My be risitteceits tem hes been Wale taltrate. a. 1 iseried between October 11 and the date to be hereinafter named did not exist. and as if the latter date were. October 11. "Whenever it ls proved to the sat- isfaction of any competent 'court caee lots, 110, Short cut pork; $20.50. to $21; heavy mess pork, $19 .50. Smoked meats-Hame, lee c; breakfast bacon, 14 .to 15c; rolls, I.2c; backs, 14ec, and shoulders, 11e. Lard---Pails,llec; tubs, 11c: 'tier- ces, 101e. . HIDES, 'WOOL, TALLOW', ETG. ' Hides -The Toronto hide market is 0 higher, with receipts moderate. No. I. green steers, 60 lbs and up- wards, Sec; No. 1 cows, 70, and No. 2 cows, Sic. Cured, 8c for cows, and 80 to 90 for steers. Calfskins ITnehanged, No. ' 1 green bring 9 to 10c, and No..2, 8c. Lambskins -Market firmer at 30c to 85a. Pelts bring 300. Wool -The offerings of new fleece are sMall, with prices unchanged. Dealers are paying 13e for the gener- al run, and Se for unwashed. Pulled combing, 1.4.ce unwashed, 9c; pulled cHArivb TO POLE. Georgia Mayor's Plan of Dealing With Refractory City Convicts. . , A despatch fronx Dalton, Ga., sayse-For, twe days David Kitties, a horse -swapper, charged with Mire - beating, and John Staten, convicted of rioting, have beea chained to a telegraph polo in the town square, to expiate their crirees, with the mercury at 90 degrees. Kitties was tho first convicted, and he absolutely infused to either pay his fine or go on the public Works. Forth -With the mayor order- ed him chained to -the telegraph pole. en o, few' hours Staten joined him; preferring the pole to labor or Otto, The men hold levees for their friends in the afternoon, and sleep at night as best they can.. It is boiling hot during the clay, but the mon de- aler° they prefer this to the sttiffy prison, 'UNITED STATES, Geroniino Parra. Was banged for murder in. Texas which he did not, commit. Vourteee harvest hand$ in Stitnlier County, Ohio, have been nettle lir MAIM by the heat. Seventy-five miners from the Klone • mentioned were not made or exer- cised through neglect aad not be - Cause of hostilities, theb the pro- visions of this proclaraation shall not apply," The Gazette announees the ap- pointment of Percy Ilertstet as col- lector of Customs, and John .C. Kerr. as resident magistrate of Middle- burg,. An office he's been opened for the registration of new companies and to receive supplementary articlee from those already existing, • OixixrsE A.s °KERB. Colorado Post -office Blown and. 15 Moil *Killed. A despateh teem Denvee, ,Col., says: -News reached hero late Wed- nesday afternoon of an outbreak of etriking miners of ' the Smuggler. Mine, near. Telluride, on.the extreme south-western part of the state. Tne information was to the effect thae the postoffice had been blown up with, clynamite, and fifteen men had been killed outrtght, The • WireS leading to Telluride have. been :cdt by the miners. The neivs of the riot came from ehnay, Cola across the. mountains .fecnit Telluride, and was telephened into Ouray 'from the Camp Ilirde mine, which is betWeen •Ouray and Telluride. It is said that minees from the 'Liberty Bell, Totn-. bay, Revenne, and Cainp Bied mines have 'joined. With the Smuggler Writer Tells of %Their Ideas of. strikers, •and 800 men now surround Honesty 'and Practical Jokes. the Sniugglee mine. The despaech from Ouray 'stated that the eta:letting -A writer in the London Sketch, was seill going 0.11 when the despatch :Who sPealcs ,of having, spent several Was emit. The strike. in the Smug - Years la China writeS of Chitese gler niine has been on for soine time; find onlet recently a Citizene' Ceme on a nail thet was etieking out cif a fence. Tbat tear ruthed hint. Instead of going home, he went hetet the nearest tailor's to get e new pair' of trousers. They had none that he could wear but they mended the tear for him, and Were so tong about it that he was an hour late. That very morning was the morning of the terrible A.ustralian slump. which breke fourteen firms in almost as many minutes; and though Pask coeld easily haire saved himself had he been there te conduce his affairs, the delay. at the tailor's carried them beyond hope, and he aireven to find himself . beggar. He commit. - ted suicide a week later.' ' The mere motion oR 0 hand Tattled Cobbett & Co., one of the largest and *wealthiest' engineering lime evet known. They and an American firm 'tendered bids for the building of the .great Kaura beidge for the Ruse . Man. -,fe, „pvernment Jattob CobbettA who Weep' the brain and center of the busineatie; spent pix months'in the ee- signing:and contrdtxting and had ail his plans ready. His bid. was ae- "cepted and material was bought in en.ormous citiantitieste mea engaged, ,. engines built, and so forth,': A time limit had been seteeeth for, the come niencement and finish, aad Cobbett was perfecting hie plans and making sure of the smaliest details, with all the formulae spread out on the table: before him, when he* etretched Out his hand, supers, 3.5 to 16c; and extras, c s.ervants and their ideas of honesty to 19e. • - end practical jokes. • Tallow-Dealere aae paying 5 to "The most ominous sigd preceding 50 for rendered; and 1e to 20 for the present' outbreak,"' says the wri- rough. • ter, • "was that the 'boys' in Tien Tsin left. tbeir masters, as they aro IJNITED STATES MARKETS. also doing now la the south of Milwaukee, July 9. -.Wheat- China,. A ,Chinese 'boy' is a faith - Steadier; Close, No. 1 Northern, ful servant, and -when he leaves his '670; No. 2 do., 65 to 66c; July, master for no cause there is sure to 640; September, 660. Rye -Dull; 'be mischief abroad, generally with a No. I, 480. Barley -Steady; No, 2 secret society at the bottom of it. 54c; sample, 86 to ,530. If a'master in China: treats his 'boy' . Duluth, July 9t -Close -- Wheat- bnplicitly, the servant generally re - Cash, No. 1 hard, 6.74c; No. 1 Nor- sponds by being absolutely honest ; them, 66ic; No..2 Northern, 6lec; but if the master thinks he can take July, 66c; September, 650. Corn- care of his own valuables •he finds None. Oats -27* to 27. " that he is mieteken. I had at Hong IVIinneapolls, July 9. --- Close -r Kong a first -close 'boy,' whom gen- Wheat-Cash, 64ic; ,Julye 630; Sep- eitatioes of subalterns had nicknamed tember, 63e to '63 8-4c: on trttelt; 'Scamp,' the Only name I ever •knew No. 1 hard, Mee; No. 1 Northern, hint by. 'Scamp,' if trusted with 6VIe; No. 2 do., 65c. Flour and money, would always account for it, bran -Unchanged. , • to the ntmost farthing, One day- Durtalo, July 9,-Flour-eQuiet and it was eust before the Chinese New steady, Spring wheat -St -noel lots of Year, the only tire° at Which the ofd spot on market held at premium Chinamea make holiday and spend over newe No. 1 Northern, old, 760; their savings -I brought home Some do., new, 710; carloads. Winter. bank notes.and put them in a draw-, wheat -Higher prices asked; No. 2 er. The next afternoon I looked in red, 740. Corn -Quiet, but firm; the drawer for the notes. but they No. 2 yellow, 47 3-4c; No. 2 corn, had vanishede-el called 'Scamp, h7ec. Oats -Firm; No. '2 white, 33 who appeared with an absolutely ini- to Mc; No, 2 mixed, 31e. Barley-, passive face. He knew nothing Nominally 52 to 56c, in stet°. about the notes, and instead of al - Detroit, July 9. -Wheat closed-- lowing me to lecture him, read me a No, 1 white, cash, 70e; No. 2 red, lesson. 'Master' hq said, ,g9 thie cash, 60e; July, 67 3-4te Septeraber, side, go that side; he no savvy What 08Ic. he do with his indney. More better St, Loids, July 9, -Wheat closed- next time, give Scamp tb.ke care of.' Cash, 620; July, 621a; September, I tpok his redvice a.nd never lost 630: ANY MORE MONEY. Toledo, ,July 9. -Wheat -Cash and ,. July, 670; September, 670; De- "The Chinese 'boys' itre not at all comber, 70e, Corn -Cush atid July; averse to having a. joke among them - 44 8-4c; September, 460. Oats- selves at their master's expense. Sit-, ting at dinner one day in the Hong Cash, 27ee; July, 2'70' September, 270. Rye -Dull: 51c, 'Cloverseed- Kong Club, I noticed a gentleman Who hod come down from some nor - Cash, prhne, 30.50. INDIANS CAPTURE JAPS. 'Drove Them Into the Sahnon Cannery and Locked Doors. mittee was appointed at Tellueide to try to effect a settlement between the miners and the owners of the property. The sheriff of the county in which Telluride' is located wired Governor Orinan for troops to assist in sup- pressing the rioters. A call for the militia to assemble at, their armour- ies at -8 o'clock Wednesday night was issued frora the adjulant-general's office, and wag wired to the compan- ies at Denver and Pueblo, ' thorn part become excited. He had LIVE STOCK MARXETS, been brought a letter by a solemn-. Toronto, July 9. -To -day's deliver- faced Chinese butler, and he saw les were small; only 42, carloads of something on.the outside of this let - live stock canto in, comprising 1,000 ter which sent tim downstairs two steps at a time to interview the hall porter.' 'When he came back he told us what was the Wetter, The hall porter had inscribed on the envelope in Chinese, for the information ot 20 to 80e por cwt lower than lo.st the butler, 'This is for the old ba - week. Leaving out hogs the market boon with white fur.' Unfortunate - can be summarized in brief as ua-, ly for the hall porter, the little gene 'usually dull, with a. weakening ten -i ttrairtotthninevega:iaanfirst-class Scholar in • 11 d guage. He discovered later a fine joke which the chief sign painter of the island had playa . on the European residente. All the of - fiends and the professional xnen had their names in English and in Chin- e:4e, inscribed on a board at the gates of their houses. The sign painter had used his ingenuity to make the Chinese letters which represented the sound of the English name mean Something insulting. Thus, a dimin- utive doctor's name was tWisted to mean to 0. Chinantan 'Shrimp near the ground,' and so on, The finest, joke of this kind Was the listoriCal ono played on Lord Elgin, Who, When he sailed up the Pei-llo to Pekin aa eontuteror, was given sails, with on them, so the elaridarine sold, an honorific inscription. What the in- scription re_+ally meant was, 'A bar- barian bearing tribute.' " OUT OF 1115 SALARY. The President of the *United Statee who reeeivee Wary ef $50,000 a year, must pay for all the food con- sulted at the 'White House; and the expenses of getting up an elaborate State dinner are not small. Cigars and wines the President buyfi, and they must be the best. Ile has to maintain Itie (Ave equipage. The Government, hoWeVer, allOwet hint a valet, also a clerk, tvho anoxia all his lettere. All other personal servants Ingot be engaged by the master and mietresa of the White /louse. • -•, hogs, 780 . sheep and lambs, 600 N despatch from Vancouver, 13. 0 14 ars;-The •iirst conflict betWecin five cattle, 100 calves, and a few milch thousand white 'and Inman fislita- coca ... . . leen • strikers end the helleotrikieg Trade wae slow and for anything Japanese fishermen in. British Co- but the best cattle pekes are from Jumble took place on Friday. Five hundred Japanese made for the river to cast, their nets When 1,000 In- dians eltot opt froM the shore in their war canoeti, inid completely dike have arrived at e surrounded the Jews, drawing closer $1,000,000 In gold. and cloSer until they had them. at At IIIIntingdon, Indiana, an ex. their mercY. Tito Jape asked to bo th press train ran into a carriage, killing three pereotia. At Derby, Conn. a young man, Burton Griffin, dieh from the effects of a kissing bug's bite. There is a. xnovetnent among rail- road companies at Chicago to dis- pense with train vendors. At. Seattle J. P. Morgan & Co. have purchased the Northern Pacific Stectinehip Company'e Oriental lines. St. Agnes' Catholic Church, Brook - ism, was 'struck by lightning and en- ttrely destroyed at a, loss of $250,e 000. The President, -has sigted the coin- ntission of William. H. Tait, Ohio, to be Civil GoVernor of the Philip- pine Islands. At the next election in Iowa, there -will be warm eontest between those favoring arid opposing Woinan suffrage. PrOf. leranciS .1. 13artWell, ornith- ologist, was accidentally strangled to death while deacending from ft tree on a rOpe. Topeka, Kansas, has a. new order, called "The Independent Order of Men Who Defuse To Pay The Other Vellow's Street Car re.re." Charlee IT, Dandily, of Troy, has filed a petition in bankruptcy with debts $131,210, and ageeter except such as will cover about, $5,000 se- cured claims. A band of armed men held up and robbed a train near Malta, Montana, Wednesday. in the shooting that ensued several persons were danger- ously irintred. At a Wedding in Nes* York lest Sunday the bridegroom, the best xeletri. etra the bridoutaid wilt* *11 allowed to go ashote, OY Pelenitted to do So, but followed to the nearest, Balmott cannery by' the Indiano, driven inside like sheep, and locked up for the night. No tenon - shed took place. lite Jeps were un - maned, imidlidwamia14100*.mimi. BABES IN THE WOOD. Terrible Adventure of Two Little Swiss Girls. A despatch from Done says:* From PosehiaVo, in the Genten Graubunden, conies pathotie story, Two little girls, aged respectively three and Ave, who lived near that place, 100. their t: a great. for- est while returning homeward froth the in oun t Por two days the children must have Wandered about helplessly. At the end of that time they were found by one of the rescue partiea Which had Nett Sent in all directions to search for Gann. They were Wing clasped in each other'S arms, both dead front hunger and exhatlation. LEYDS STILL AT IT. Ilits A.ddrossett Anothe Lotter to the Powera. 4t despatch fpola Louden wow-. Dr. Loyds says a Itrussels corres- pondent of the biorning Post, has addressed to the Continental, powers and the United Otatee * protest against, Great, Britain's "barbarous treattnent of Hoer women and child. ren, It is said that, Ilolland will .support the There is little export, cattle want- ed just now; prices in the Old Coun- try Inarkete continue almost unpre- cedently low, No stall -fed cattle is Coining in now, and prices are Weak at a range of from 4e to 5c for good shipping cattle, and from 4* to 4ic for light stuff. Before business gets on stable basis again prices will halm to come down. The enquiry for butcher cattle is easy, and What little choice stuff we had here sold at from 4 to 41c, with 4ie per lb as an exceptional figure fer fatten cattle. Medium cattle is weaker, and coMmon cattle is sold for what it Will fetch. Feederfa stockers, bulle, and milch eoWs are nominally unchanged, in light supply, and light demand. Small etelff is easy; prices are weak, and the demand is sloW, Enema ewes are lower at from 2e to 20 per pound. There is no change in culled sheen and Boring lambs. A few geed inilch cows and choice calves are wanted. There is no quote.bie change in hogs, The best price for "singers" 18 lid per pottnd; thick fat and light hogs are worth iqc per pound, noffe to fetch the top price must be or prime qualitY, aud scale not below TOO nor above 200 pounds. FollOWing is the range of coofti- tione 4 Cattle. Shinners, per ewt 0.50 $5,00 Do. light..., 4,1•21t 4.8 Butel;er, choice, do 4.00 4.5 Rather, ord. try good,8.25 8.5 Dutcher, inferior....„ 2.15 n,o $beep and Lambs. Choice otos, per owt 8,50 8.'7 Yearlings, grain -fed, oft 4.00 4.5 Culle4 sheep, erteh 2.00 8. Lambs, spring, each 4.80 4.0 Duelts, Per also 8. "t* 0 00 0 00 BIG MILLS BURNED. • Fourth Time' they. Have Been De- stroyed' in ,Ten Year's. • A despatch from Halifax, . N.S•, says :-The large. lumber mill of Alfred Dickie, Stewionke, in in ashes, for a fourth . tinie in ten years. Thursday afternoon flames' were 'dis- covered spreading from a refuse pile, and in a ,ehort tinie the litre was be- yond control, The Truro Fire Bri- gade was telephoned for, and a num- ber of men left immediately by a special train. A. hard fight was put up by the ebraoined forces, -Without avail. The wind was high. AI1 the lumber, with the exception of one car was saved. Mr, Dickie was in Ho.lifax at the tiine of the fire, The &lest fire was in 1890 with no insur- ance. The second in 1898, with $5,000 insurance. The third was two years ago. Vollowieg the fire of two years ago, Mr. Dickie com- menced the erection of one of the best and most • modernly ecluipped mills in Eastern Canada. The old machinery Was replated by a newer type, and the capacity of the plant increased to 85,000 feet per day. The mill had fire apparatus in case of emergency, bUt the eanflagra- tion was so fierce that it Was im- possible to use it. The mill was in ashee in less than half an. hour after the flames were first seen, the high wind sweeping everything before it, and effectually preventing the mill fire brigade from working. 1 OVERTURNED Ale INK POT, and drowned the mest impartant of the papers in a black sea.. • Cobbett had a poor melt -eery. In a fever of anxiety he tried to recon- struct his Plans from stray notes. It was impossible, and he called to the Russian Government. for niore time. This was refused, mut Rusfiia repudiated • ehe contract, . on• the ground of delay, as their agreement allowed.. Cobbett could not get Inset Work through ia time, and the ettin-` Icee firm, who now advanced a cheap- ' er tender with cut-and-dried plans,, got the job. The loss drove Cob- bett & Co. to bankruptcy, anti the. great lecture bridge in Russia is Ana. erican-built. . • Something similar, but still More romantic, was the moment of for- getfulness that wrecked. the career of the great railway . contractor, Purbeck Jones. A millionaire in property and funds, he had under- taken the contract tc5 build the Mai - war line in Central India, and stak- ed all he lead, Security was ant:es:- Sexy, however, and he was bound to deliver by May 9, 1803., a sufficient quantity of negotiable bonds, ete., to cover- loss. by the railway synde. cate. The suni amounted • to over $10,000,000, and even Purbeelt Jones found it hard to raisd such a. sum, but his credit obtained it for him, and he. deposited his secarities M a great safe at his offices ie. Lome bard street', preferring that to * WORTIrit. And did you And the Chinese a brave nation? we asked of the re, turned soldier. Tmleed, he renlied, uniting a side - tom. glanee at the WagOnfal of loot, which was being unloaded, they were Menton worthy of our steal, MEDALS FOR NURSES. Queen Presents 'Thera on Maribor- ough Lawn. A despatch from London sayst-- Queen Alexandra, in company' with the Xing and Princesses Louise and tleatriee, on Wednesday afternoon receiVed 770 Victoria Jubilee nurses on the MAIM of Marlborough house and distributed deeorations to them, Many of the nurses have just return- ed from South Africa., and others have been engaged in city out -door relief work. Her Majesty said: - "It is a pleasure to receive you and help you to carry pn the noble work begun by our deeply beloved Queen Victoria. et is a satisfaction to be aSsoefated with you in your labor of love. eannot imagine a more holy calling than yours. I pray that God's blessing may be be- stowed on your noble work, and that lie will have you in Its keeping. CROPS SHORT IN RUSSIA A SAFE DEPOSIT. It was not till the morning that the Indian eaail went off that he ar- rived to dispatch the secure. ties under special guard to India, When he arrivad, to his utter dismay he found he had left the keys of the safe behind. They were in his coon - try place -Harwood, just outside Carlisle -and to get them in time to catch the. mail WAS impossible. If he missed the ineil his time limit - for the deposit would lapse, He sent to the safe makers for expert workmen and offered them £500 each if they could break the Safe open Within two hours. They could not do it, and Purbeck Jones was ruined, for the railway syndicate re- fused hint an extensioeof time, and the loss of the contract, which was the biggest any Single man had over undertaken, made him hopelessly bankrupt. He died in a lunatic asp. lum only a few months ago. SAGE A.DVICE OP A FATHER. Outlook in Saratoff and the Vol- ka Alarming. A. deepatch front London Saysx-A despetelt from St. Petersburg says the crops in the Proviote of Sara - toff are Withering and the grass is seorched, owing to the prolonged. heat and drought. The priee of corn sisariatitniopainagnauni tahnednetlitgehbocurtilnoaoltvg dietriet is alarming. The sear - city prolnieee to be as seVere as the famine of a 'decade ago. . ssssaaraagsaasa..saaaaaa PADDING. Tees-01,tr. Newman ;asked May H she 'didn't think you' had a, pretty Agure. Jess -And what did ttay say? Tess-Filie said: leln but she makes un for it,' Counsel That All 'Young Nen Should Heed, a'reterayt 13 o„ny,0"a saalied ltalatev ifaogn dm be utta igsae out into the world; 1 have nothing to give you but advice. Never tell a, lie. If you Wish to put one in cir- etthttion, get it, published. A lie, ctinuot Here, but, it takes one a blamed long time to fade ottt Of print. "Always read yottr conteact. N intut might consider he was getting a sinecure if he nVere offered a posie , tion pleking blossoms off a, eentury plant, but, you see, he wouldn't have remunerative occupation if he were paid on piece work. "Be not overcritical. Even the naest ordinary sort of a genius can tell when the other fellow is making a fool of himself. "Remember that the young man like the angler's worm, is rather bet. t6r for being *visibly' alive. ")3e careful in the choice of your surroundings. Phivironment will, do a great demi for man, Por ea.. ample, flour and Water in a china Jug is cream Sauce; in a. pall on the sidoWalk it is bilisticker's Paste. "DOn't forget that there's a. time tor everything and that everything Should, be done in its proper Netter hunt for 'bargains in nItibrellas on a rainy day. "You may make enemies. If von know who they tete tietiet Meaton them. Silence is golden; It Aiwa the money that, might etherivist r spent, in defending A libel, *Vet, f you don't knoW who they are-e-evoti, abuse lavished on a. coneealed is like charity indieerlinituttely be. koweal, TV* good thing ***tad,"