HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-07-11, Page 1TIIE 22ml Year CLINTON CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY -11, 1901 • , r- 7.1•PPY.-7, S4tECORD. itThaIe Number 1174 Another Trial Offer: The News-Reoord will be sent to any address until September ist for 10 cents. 8 weeks for 10 cents. .11.A•rsr•it,•ea.-et-Wresee • la.,11s-•MieetseSee. •e...41fr4er s STILL RENOVATING When the improvements aro complete this store will he far in advance of any Bock and Fancy Store in Western Ontario, We are making a complete change in the position of our various stocks in order • that our customers may be better served arid the stock better displayed. '10 make moving easier we are quoting Feeble' prices on many lines. Come and. see our counters laden with bargains. 7: . COURT PROSPERITY GROWING. Court Prosperity A, 0. P. Continues to initiate new candidates each meet- ing night. Mr, John Derry has been chosen by the brethren, to repro sent them at the High Court meeting • at Hamilton with Mr. F. W. Watts as alternate delegate. HARVEY IS A RECORD EIREAHER, !VI!. Harvey Davis, one of our popu- lar liverymen, is a record, breaker in exchanging horses, haying swapped some thirteen times in three months, On Thursday last he made three cleats, selling one horse to J, 13, Rennecly and buyipg another one which he sold to a 1 Presbyterian clergyman from Ashfield, Since then he has bought another driver from Mr, Acheson of Exeter and, made an exchange With Mr. 'Wm, Mason of Blyth. . . A RUNAWAY ACCIDENT. . While Mr. Ed, Carter, Miss Carter and Mrs. Bieber, a Visitor from Toronto, were ont driving in the country some miles distant from town an Monday, the horse ran away and badly wrecked the buggy. The. three occupants were thrown oot vioP en1y and sustained many bruises from the effects of which they will soffer for .some days. Mrs, Carter was most un- fortunate receiving in addition to other injuries a black eye. THE ENTERPRISING JACKSON BROS. Jackson Bros.haVe installedin acety- lene plant in the block devoted to the •reanufa;cture of clothing and will not Only fight up their work rooms but,the office, etd., of : Di. Graham as well. They are also adding new machines and are gradually making their ' estah- lislunenkone of the • Most complete of the kind. The enterprise of this firm is deserving of suecess and We are pleased•to hear that there is an increas- ing demand for their "Lion" brand of Clothing. THE FIRST PUMP IN CLINTON. • ' . 'Mr. DariMalloy of London, fathet of Mrs. Jas. Twitohell, was in town for a few days: a the past week. Xn the early days he was for many years . a resident Of Clinton and engaged in the primp business, In the fall of 1846 .he put in apomp for Mr; William Batten - bury in front Otis taVern, where the Combe drug store new stands, :Which he claims was the first °nein use north of Francis Town, now Eiceter, with the exception of an iron pump erected by the Canada Company at Goderich. . . . ALLEGED HORSE sTEALING. ' .. . Constable • "Billy" Gundry was in town Yesterday. having in Custody a man named Maxweli,a, former resident of Goderich, whorn.he had arrested on the charge of horse stealing, The own- • er of the.horse„ a Mr. Parsons of God- erich township, claimed it was stolen .from the Hotel Clarendon stables on Saturday. Maxwell,ori the other hand, states be bought the animal from Par- sons. However, he sold it at Seaforth Where Mr, Gundry made the arrest, and took him up to the county town where an iuvestigatien will be held. DEATH OP GRACE WADE. •• Miss Grace Wade' died at•the resi- dence of ,111r 5. R. Swede of Winghani on Thursday last and on Saturday' the remains were brcitight to Clinton ceme- tory for interment. 'Among those who accompanied the remains down were •Rev. W. Lowe, who performed the last sad rites, Mrs, Swart% 'Mrs. Wright of Toronto, Mesdrs. G. Swarts, A. Knox and the pallbearers. The de- ceased, Who was in her twenty-second • year, formerly lived in Clinton, her father, Who died some years ago; hav- ing been a phOtographer here. She had made her home with Mr. Smarts for several years. • HARRY CANTELON RETURNS TO CLINTON. • . The Hensall Observer of last week had the following : it Cantelon who has during the past year conducted the Commercial hotel with marked ability • and success leaves on Saturday to as-, sume centre' ofahe Hotel Clarendon at Clinton, his old home. Six years ' ago Mr, Cantelon took charge of the CoyneHouse, Mount Forest, which he conducted with marked success after Which he same to Hensel' where each soccessive •week brought him new friends and business. • His line family will also be missed, more especially, Mies Oantelon, who was an indefatigable worker in the Sunday school, Epworth League and choir of the Methodist church. .Always ready to assist in every good work ' her place will be difficult to fill, Mr. Cantelon takes his able assistants, Joe Blaney and Geo, Roes, who Will be mifsed by their Hensall friends, ''41-'W•Perf4,11 k IV( Irtfititta6 • 11111tunittag , . ,At4 • -r ie--A4Litt • • . -4N40••••,' What Abogit a Hammock ? . $ • We will be pleaseto sell you one or mote. A special line we , d , . have is a Hatnniock closely woven,.full size, full color, with 'pillow and stretcher, price $2. . . . , . . / : Second-Hand.Bicycles $5 to $15 1 A few left . . , W. ‘..;o,' er, . & .Co." CLINTON. a , $ Agents for C. P. R. Telegaph and Dominion Expreds Money Orders, also for Butteriek Patterns, , • eayser-es.-ess.-eveb,euAlb...esveseek.:- • 'veAstollellsAlsellela/glseissellie"1•"•i 0,.1...o.soifb,erittA46,415:.&6;a&elt;.eee!^•>,e,e.okoewitb45^4b,e•qt,,e4ti-e.ib-e. . • 0 What can we have for a ch-,nte ? • Is the ,cry of every honsekeeper. .WE SUGGEST A. FEW APPETIZERS SUCH AB •e Str a,wberry Pie Plant -, Pine Apple Chunks Stuffed Pickles. ; Chili Sauce or A Can of Spinach. •• • - Save your Eggs and use Buiriett'S Coffee Clearer to settle your ueffee. fa Leo.ye your order for Lettuce and Your* Onions early in the week, 0 0 le Cooper ct Co L CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. . THE CASH •GROCERIt• • 0ibelz-eigl-npelb.,e^it.,erg&.;e4t:;,eet.tb,eAteAt-himkeeelit-eAteAlt„o . . 00 i1VIQV15D00 • • • We have moved into our new store, Biddlecornbe's old stand and invite you to call. Come and see us eyen if you don't buy. • , , . . P. It. CREWS, Ex port Wotan Repairer. •••••••••ot•••••••••6•••••••••••••••••••44••••••••••• iC STORE NEWS • . 1 1 • Wakefield Hats I• Are the Best •. * • ....... it is an acknovvIedged fact that we keep . , the latest and best assorted stock in the trade. We are showing some very handsome ----........- stylesjust in for summer. , ,.. . NECKWEAR—We have the prettiest .stock of 50c ties to be found anywhere. We have made our.neckwear depart - i ;went especially strong and attractive by giving good yalues and nobby styles.. We haye the most recent styles, 1 Mes Reidy /Wades Morrish • My Hatter, it • We have them from five dollars pee suit up to eleven, • Our five dollar lioe is the best value we have ever • had in stock. It is made from a dark • grey, broken check, Halifax tweed, one of those tough wearing things that always give good satisfaction. • The other lines are equally good value. 1 .(1... .A. Jr. HOLLOVVAV. 1 • • • • • • • • + • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • • • +. ;dr suisossiossmonsommm Love kr Work 0116-0040.004.41100^•ire,tirtiKi., • If you pith love into your work you get better re- sults. Men who make photographs and would rather plow eorn don't turn out finished pictures. We love our work. Our picturee show it. It pas you to have us take them. Studio Alsaiissiseet~ii.eittelmoriseelregeselber*Wasteatiosesesitysis, FRANK PoWIELL's FATHER DEAD. On Wednesday of last week Mr. Frank Powell received a telegram from Chelmsford, Algoma, informing him of the serious Mods of his father. He left at once for the scene but did not have the melancholy satisfaction of arriving in time to see his father alive, death intervening at one o'clock on Thursday. Mr. Powell's decease was broughtabout by an unusual accident, he having been Struck in the stomach:by an axe which flew from its handle while one of his sons was driving stakes, Mr. Powell met with an ftee cident last winter which caused the formation of an internal abseess that wolild have proved fatal in timeand the blow which he received from the axe caused the abscess to break'and has- tened the end, so the doctor maid. The deceased was only sixty- one years of age. He moved to Chelmsford in 1800 having for twelve years previously been a resident of Mt. Forest, His wife survives, tooth. • er with the following children!: Mrs, ,S.Seotb and Miss &onto at Revelstoke, BM., George of the Scone province, • Arthur, John and Mee. M. Meltellat ab Niagara Valle, Prank in Goderich township and William and Jessie at home. George,whe had. jot returned from the coot, and Prank Were the ocily one Who succeeded in getting heMe in tine for the funeral, • LITTLE LOCALS Cantelon Bros. shipped a carload of butter to Montreal on Monday. Several of the ()range Lodges of this ,ffistrict will celebrate the 12th in Stria - ford. Mr. George Cottle has again been compelled to give up work owing to illness. TRH NgWES,RHOOltp will be sent to any address until the first of Septem her for ten cents, A. party of • young ladies of the Rattenbury street League picnicked in Hayfield, yesterday.. • Mr, Thos. Mason goes down to Tor- • onto this afternoon with. a doubles decker of export lambs. • Mr. Reuben Graham hes bought a pony for the amusement of his child- ren from Mr. Gerry of Blyth. A num. ber of our citizens now own driving ponies. . • There are only three Catholic priests on duty in the diocese of Huron this week,at London, Seaforth and Clinton, the remainder being in retreat at As- sumption College at Sandwich. Tuesday was the wooden anniver- sary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole and in the evening they • invited. in 4 few friends to 'help them to 'properly celebrate the occasion, • Harold II., the seven.year.olcl geld- ing owned by Mr. John R. • Swarts of Wingharn, won easily the 2.12 pace at the Windsor meeting on Monday, making the second heat in.2.10f. Rev. Alex. Stewart was unable to attend the Presbytery meeting •on Tuesday owing to illness and his sage advice was Much missed nin. the discus- sio% some.' of • •which were quite lengthy, ' A, lacrosse match will take place in the park on Tuesday evening „next be- tween the Mitchell and Clinton .teame. These areold rivals 'so a lively and in tereeting game is aesured. Your pres- enCe will encourage the boys. .A.couple of young men- frcirn Gode- ricletownship engaged in fistieuffs on Saturday but their little diversion was speedily quelled by Chief Welsh who 'escorted them off to the Mayor by whom aline of one dollar and costs was Inflicted. • The pastor • Of Rattenbury street • church takes for his -subject next, Sun- day, at 11 a. m., "Promissory Nates," and at 7 p. an., "Glad news . for every- body," • Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be administered at,the close of the evening's 'service. .4. couple of boys broke "•into Mrs. Lloyd's house the, other day and car- ried off some bread tickets and a pocketknife. Chief Welsh took the • Matter in hand, located the lads and escorted them into the presence of the Mayor to .whom they confessed • and •promised to be real good in future. • A. commotion was noticed among the 'birds in Mr. 5.Firich's garden the other day when ib was seen that a number of sparrows was teirmenting a pretty • white bird, A successful effort was made to capture the bird with the vain hope of keeping it alive but it pined to death. Mrs. Seale then secured and Mounted it so naturally as to deceive a neighbor's cat which pounced upon the bird and mauled it to pieces. ' ELMHURST FARM SHORTHORNS AREJGOOD. Mr. Peter Mackay of Tuckeremith paid a visit to Elmhurst Farm last week and purchased the well known imported Shorthorn bull Royal Don (64717) by Royal James (54972) first prize and sweepstake winner over all ages at the Manitoba. Provincial Ex- hibition in 1801, as veil as a number of first and sweepstake prizes at •local fairs. Lady Kintore by Gravesend (46461) the clam of RoyalDon won first prize and silver cup at the .Blackburn, Aberdeenshire, Show in 1802 as the best Shorthorn of any . age.. Royal Don has been chief stock bull in the Elmhuntherd since 1800. • • BLYTH. • • Quite a number of our citizens at- • tended the Street Fele held in Gode- rieh last week and pronounce it a very poor affair, Mr. Robert Drummond, an old Blythite butiwbo has been a resident of Toronto for several years, was visit- ing friends and old acquaintances the past week. • • Dr, W. Sloan and wife of Toronto were -visiting friends in town last week. • • Mr. 5.5 . McKinnon of Toronto paid • a flying visit to the parental roof last week, The brickwork of Mr, Hamilton's drug store is about Completed. , Drummond Bros, are busy these days fixing up the flax mill for the in- coming season's \crop, The boys are +metiers. On Friday the members of the L. O. L. No, 003 intend eelebrating the glorious 12th in Lucknow. On Friday much interest Was taken in the voting on the by.law for the loaning of $5,000 to assist Mr. Fene- more to build up the grist mill which was recently destoyed by fire. There • were only 4 or 5 votes against the by- law, consequently it was carried by a majority over the vote. There was an election at the same time for. a councillor to take the place 'of Mr. Penemore who tesigned a. short time ago, The candidates were Wirt. Mc- Elroy and Jos. Stothers. The latter was eloted by nine votes oVer his opponent, • Rev. A, McLean and Mr, Richard Somers attended the meeting of the • Presbytery held in Clinton on Tuesday. On Tuesday evening another of those • interesting games of baseball wits played in the /Ark between the benedkts and bachelors. The game when finished stood benedicts 20 runs, bachelors 10, rnns, The old fellows seem to have the staying qualities. Xing youngsters will have to eat. A little more roast beef and plum Dodd. Mg before they can do the old chaps up, AUBURN. • Mr. Shettler of Dashwood is the • guestof hie twice, Mrs. Moses Holtz- hauer, at present. Mr. W. D. Wilson has purchased a faten near Br ucefield. 1Mrs, Jas. Young left last week for Buffalo, • Mr. Taylor and sister from Dakota came here,to attend their father who was so badly injured but is now lin- proving slowly. Mr, Cook visited friends at the Hub last week. . • Master T. Gidley and, sister of Blyth are guests of Mr. C. Moore at present, Mr. Frank Naegel of Colborne, while unloading a load of hay in the • barn, • went to pull the hay fork back, it be- ing fast, when the rope brake letting • Mr. Naegel fall backwards on the barn floor, giving hirn a bad shaking up but • we hope to soon see him ai;ound again. Mr, John Brunsdon of Londesboro made a call on his son Albert last Mon- day, • Rev. J. Kennedy intends exchitnging pulpits with Rey. tle.Jewell of Hensel! next Sunday. • • Miss 0, Lawson is visiting at Hermit • at present, Mr. Garner, teacher, near Stratford, is spending his holidays with his sister, • Mrs. It. Leitch. . Mr, Geo. Marshall is lat hing out at Blyth at present. • • Mrs. McLaughlan and son Ilarvy are visiting relatives in London at • present. • • Mr. Alvin Wallace. of Toronto was around renewing acquaintances. • • 0, Howson's cement hone is gradu- ally rising, A. Jackson is makipg the excavation. for his cellar. • A. Askwith is malting preparations - for the briekwork of his buildiog, Seim Ferguson's fine home is nearing completion. , • The much needed rain came to us in torrents on Friday last while a preced- ing gale of wind laid oub some few fruit trees. - •• Several from this vicinity- took in the - Huron Old Boys reunion at Cllinton on Saturday last and report a pleasant On Friday A difficult dPeratiorx of re- moving ulcers frona the liver was per. formed on Miss Edith Mole, two Goderich doctors, one • from Blyth and our own medico' holding a consnl- tation. At tune of writing patient'is life•is in a very precarious condition, though hope of recovery had been abandoned before the operation. . Wm. McDonald is recruiting with warmer weather. • •. • Rey. Mr, Black occupied the pulpit of Knox church Sabbath •while Rev, IdeLerin will conduct next Sabbath's service. • • Mr. Leitch was in the village on Sat- urday on a bridge inspecting visit. His wife and daughter • accompanied and were guests of Mrs, Jelin Lawson. Mrs. Clark sr. ;returned to the village after a sojourn of sorne duration with her son Temple of Dungannon. • Mrs. G. Young and Miss Straghan accompanied Thos.Anclerson on his re turn to the Soo last week. • ••(Intended for last issue.) •The strawberry festival held under the auspices of the Methodist church in Mr. Nicholson's laWn on Wednesday evening was a grand success, taking everything into eonsideration. • The ladies didwell for there was abundance leftfo'r a social for the children the next night to which the youngsters were Admitted free. • Messrs. 0. E. Erratt and Frank Munroe did their part well in sellingice creatmletrionacle, etc. The program given in the church WAS well reudered and consisted of singing by Misses Patterson, and Tyn- dall, and the Donnybrook choir, recita- tion by M, iss M. Walters end a good speech by Rev. Dr.Gifford of Clinton. on "How to succeed in life." The proceeds netted about $40. ' Mr. Oliver Baer of Winghem spent Saturday and. Sunday in our burg, • Mr. Andy Youngblut of Reno% ac,, co:wanted by Miss Kraeling of Blyth, spent a few days visiting friends around here. Mr. Geo.Wenzal and wife are spend- ing their honeymoon in our burg at present. Miss Carling of the Hub has been visiting at Mr, Jos. Lawson's, Mr. Malcom Taylor, machinist of Blyth, while delivering a mower the other day the wagon wheel broke lett- ing it down suddenly. The trace:also broke and the lines jerked Mr. Taylor out on the road, breaking one of his ribs and injuring him so badly that it is not expected he will get over it. He is at Mr. A.Robinson's hotel, Mrs. Jane Turner of Goderich died last Saterday. The funeral passed through here last Monday, on the way to 13a11'e cemetery. The deceased leaves two sons and three daughters to mourn their loss. Mr. Turner died about twelve years ago. Ile used to preaeh in the Auburn Methodisb chureh. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the community. • WILLETT TOWNSHIP, A very heavy rein end thunder storm visited this vicinity oti Friday eVening. Mr, Tyerman had a, number of fruit trees bro ken with the wind. Mr, James Pairservice's, barn was struck bY lightning and part of the roof badly splintered up. Three sheep were tilo killed that were taking refuge from the the storm at the end of the barn. Mr. David Tyernian. of Toronto came up with the okt Boys to Seaforth and met his brother Joseph there And tbgether they visited with Mr, An* drew Tyerman of this township. Mr. Geo. Holt and Wife also visited the former parents on Saturday and and Sunday. • Mr, Lawrence Melville is visiting Mende he at present KIPPEN, Kippen saw a scene indeed on Mon- day evening when it became known that the time for departure of Rev. Mr, A.cheson's fniuly, Mrs.Acheson, Misses .Katie and Stina,and Samuel, had been changed to nurke the trip through to Pembina by Saturday ,next, necessita- ting their going sot ',than announe. •ed or expected. Ho /er,the changed date became known aud immedis • ately here and from the north, south; east and west friends poured in in over- whelming nunabers to pay respect and. express sorrow at the severance el' a tie of 10 years duration that was about to be broken. It seldom falls to the lot of people to witness such personal heartfelt sorrow for every one •was so closely closely connected in church work. Each one had a token of re- membrance in 'word or kind and collectively all joined in presenting a well lilted purse and kindly wishes for future happiness and safety to join our late and reverend, minister and friend. whose name will be remembered with reverence and respect. Carriages • were supplied and the family couvey- ect to Seaforth to catch the early morning train and a last farewell taken, •, • Mr. John Consitt read the following address on behalf of the 'congregation at Hillogreen : • To MR. ACHESON AND PAMILY,—Dur- ing your sixteen years sojourn with us your services in the Master's cause have been rendered with such toying, patient fidelity that the members of Hillsgreen appointment desire to offer tou scene appreciation . of your faith- ful and untiring. official duties as their paitor. The Sabbath services and pi,ayer-meetings have been a source of instruction and comfort to everyone. Your 'efforts to create cordial • and friendly relations between the psople of the different churches have been in- strumental in promoting sueh a union. of Christian hearts as will we trust be of spiritual benefit to ourselves and for our Master's cause in our midst.. While called upon to bid you and your .fismily farewell we feel convinced that the noble precepts which you have so, faithfully taught us shall be carried in- to practice in our' homes arid family altars. We desire to accompany'this address with a small gift as. an out- come of gratitude we feel in•our hearte • toward§ yoir. Long 'may you live in your sphere of usefulness and inay He who judgeth righteously arid repayeth bounteously reward you. • • . Mr: George Troyer, night- agent G.T. R. at Aylmer, paid us a visit. He looks well and reports business lively. He is 'en his way to Dakota to -visit his • brother Charles who is in business there. 'Mr. Consitt, Sr., and Thomas return- ed from their two months trip to the Old Country, Yorkshire, Liverpool, London and other points. They look fine and the trip seems to have been enjoyed. The old gentleman says he doesn't care what they say about Eng- land, they are behind • the times in • farthing anyway. • • • Mr: Robert' Blair. who was recently struck by a falling -stick, has so far re. recovered as to make his return trip, he and wife, to their homeat Gtirden River, Algoma. Mr. E. Ross one of the old pioneers was buried on Tuesday in •Baied's cerneterY. The funeral was very large LONDESBORO. flr 5. 5. Walker, formerly of Lon- deaboro, anti known by platy in Clin- ton, bas located in ,Hamilton, North Dakota, where, we are pleased to learn, • he has sueceeded in building up a good practice. His mother, who lives in Londesboro,will join him next fall, Miss Maceallum, who for several years has been principal of a 'piles' school in Smyrna, Asia Minor, but hes been home on furlough for some monthe, visited her brother, Dr, finac- Callutn,last week. She leaves in a few weeks to again take up work at Smyr- na and. will be accompanied by her brother, Rev. A, MacCallurn, who has been laboring at Marash, Asia, Minor, for a number of years and has alsobeen home for a rest. There is still an- other member of the MacCallum fain. ily engaged in the missionary work, a sister, who is advancing the cause of Him crucified in far away Ceylon, . Rev. T. B. Coupland wasin Meaford last week purchasing a photographic outfit for his seri Winfred, svh8 will take possession on the third of August, Mrs, jeffrey appears to be improv- ing. • • Rev. Mr. Kennedy and family ot • Auburn were visiting in the villege thie week. At the League meeting on Monday night Misses Lizzie Whitely and Mabel Coupland gave excellent reports of the convention which they attended in Clinton lately,. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP. • A very heavy rain storm passed over this neighborhood on Friday evening accompanied with very heavy thiinder and lightning. It was the first heavy rain there has been in this locality ,since spring, A raising took place on Thursday afternoon at the home of Reeve Johns When be raised his barn. Everything passing C off lovely. Messrs. Albert Good and George Sarno were eaptains, the former winning by about fifteen minutes. We ere sorry to say • that ale, Pletcher Gilders got two or three of his toes badly Jammed while help- ing to put the timber on the stone wall In the forenoon. Mr. john reagan and Me. Henry Dean of Goderich changed horses no day last week. We are sorry to say tint Mr, Chas, Walters of Bentniller lost a fine mare. The animai Was worth about $160, Which le a heavy? Ws. VARNA, ' Miss Fletcher of Kirkton is visiting at Mr. X, E. Harnwell's this week, Rev. J. W, Andrews preached a, very • eloquent and appropriate sermon to the Orangemen an Sunday evening last. A large number of the brethern attend- ed the service. The church was Mcely decorated for the occasion by the ladles of the conirrrmtion with flowers and potted plants. • Miss Cela Haminer of Toronto is visiting at Mr. 5, Mahwah's. She came up on the Huron Old Boys excur- sion and intends to stay ter a couple of months. Several ,x.arn Varna attended the Huron Old Boys celebration in Clinton on Saturday last. • • Mr, •Wes, Harnwell of Kirkton • spent a few days the latter parbl of last week with his brother J. E,, on his way to.his home in Kincardine. Mr. Gabriel Elliott is in this vicinity this week selling shares for the Pork Packing Factory to be located •in Clinton. We have no doubt but that he will meet with success as we believe such an institution will be a great . ad- vantage to the farmers as their hogs will then command a higher figure. Mr. Thomas Dennison is getting ready to erect his house which will be a fine building when finished for wha Tom Walker does he does well,.. Miss Pearl Wheatley of Clinton is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Ward, and intends remaining for some time. Mr. J. • 11. Robertson of Detroit is spendingbis holidays under the paren-• tal roof. •. • . The congregation of St. John's church, Varna, held a meeting on Wednesday eeening to consider their garden party. This event is always one of the best of the season and ie looked forward to by all as a good time not to be forgotten. The Varna people have established their reputation and the public can depend upon a sure thiug. Details later on. - BAYFIELI). • Marks' cottages are all rented end " The White City": is also filled or nearly so. From Present indications this will be a geed .season for those who cater for the. summer holidayers, Mr, and Mrs. W. Woods, who were wedded in Varna on Wednesday last by Rev. E. 0, Jennings, drove oyer to Bayfield with a party of the • Wedding • guests in'the afternoon.' The bride .is known by many ef our citizens all of whom extend goOd wishes. • • Sunday evening's service in Trinitv. • church for the Orangemen was well attended notwithstanding the wan. • The rector Improved the occasion by preaChing an acceptable sermon from Joshua 4:1 to 1.; A number of our citizens were in Clinton on Saturday attending the reception given the Huron Old Boys and unite in saying that Clinton manag. ed the affair exceedingly well and gave the visitors an enjoyable time Mr. Foley's new store is getting into shape rapidly. • . •• - It was expected that the Highland- ers Band would have driven over from Clinton on Sunday and Many were disappoioted that they did not oclo so, owing to the Uncertain weather. Four bankers have cottages in Jow- ett's grove: •G. D. McTaggart, H, 0. Brewer and J.P. Tisdall of Ofinton and Mr. Pierce of Seaforth. GODERICH TOWNSHIP• . One of Mr. Albert Cantelon's covvs was killed by lightning during the thunder storm of Friday night last. Mr, James Richardson has had his house painted on the outside aud grained and varnished inside, the result being 9, big improvementt in the appearance of the place. Rev. Mr. Wright of Brantford, who has been appointed to the charge of the Middleton parish will conduct the services, next Sunday. • The many friends of Mr, George Acheson are pleased to see hien around again. Mrs. H. Tebbutt of Redlands, Cal., Visited on the Out Line on Monday, The refreshing showers of Friday evening did, a great deal of good to the country. Mr. Alsworth is adding another building in order to cope with the re- quirements of his farm. Mr.Elliott of the Goderich Rood was laid up for a few days last week. • PORT ALBERT. • Walter Hawkins is home for his holidays. W. McWhinney and eon, James, finished their contract at the Foresters' hall on Saturday. . Mrs. Ender, whohas been an old resident of this neighborhood, died en Saturday at her son's residence 2nd con., Ashfield. The funeral took place on Monday to Dungannon cemetery. She leaves to mourn their 'mono son, George,and six daughters Mrs.J.Nev- ins, West Wawanosh ; Mrs. Posts, Brantford ; Mrs. joseph McCann, Col, borne; Mrs, Dunlop and Mrs,McOrait, Kincardine and Miss Alice Filder, Texas„ U. 5.4., ' • Mrs. II. Cromarty and Miss, E. Pet. low, London, aro spending a few clays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Pellow, this. Week, • Tbe following are among those who have secured tiekets from Mr. W, Jackson, 0; P. It, agent, :• Mrs, W. 0. Searle who left this week for Ind. lan Head, N. W. T., Mrs. 8. Davis, Miss Stephenson and Miss Gertie Thompson who leave next week for Manitoba, points, and Mr, and Mrs. John Mackenzie. of Brucelield who start next week for Seotland. They sail from Montreal .per the S. S. Skillet) of the Allan Line. 11111LLSOIREEN, • Messrs, Sohn and Thomas Consitt returned on Monday from their two month's trip to the Old Country dur- ing which they visited many points of interest in England, Ireland and Scot. land. •They first went to Yorkshire, the ancient laorne-of the Consitta, and, in order to settle the question as to Mr, John Conaitt's ago they went to the old parish church, where a register. of christenings, marriages and deaths . for three centuries past is kept, The sexton looked up the reeOrdg and found that Mr. Consitt was just five years older than Tia supposed. The only member of his family surviving is one sister but there are cousins in York, Hull and at other points whom they visited, They then weott on to Leith and Edinburg and in the lattee city spent a •week seeing the noany hietorical points of interest; In Glasgow they remained eight clays,9 The Exposition was a great attraction and the Canadian exhibit as good as any if not the best on the grounds. The attendance was not as great as might have been looked for but the Fair remainsi pen for several months and visitors.' luxe expected to increase during July and August. At the ref quest of a friend Mr. T. Consitt visited a cemetery some enmity miles north of Glasgow -where' lie the remains of Mr. Hugh Love, a former resident' of this section who died when on a visit in Scotland a few yeare ago. After- , wards they went across to Belfast where they remained a • few days when they sailed for Liverpool and • thence home. They enjoyed their trip very much but are glad to be home once naorc. We are pleased to be able to say that Mr. Thos. Consitt's health has improved. He has gained in, , weight and both looks and feels well, . Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Troyer and 1Vas. Ed. Troyer picnicked at the Grand Bend recently. •• Mr. Thos. jarrott, Principal Court- wright Public school, is spending the vacation at his home here. . Mr. Samuel Reiehert 'entertained a number of friends on Tuesday to a dance Mr Robert Stelck spent Sunday in se Mr. Will. jarrott was part of last' • week and thisi week writing on the Departmental .Exarirs at Clinton. The Methodists will , hold a lawn social,in the near luture• . Mr. Wilson .ef Newbury occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. • STANLEY TOWNSHIP, Several from this vicinity attended the wedding of Miss Annie Beatty of • Varna, to Mr. Woods of Li :towel on • Wednesday of lest week. Mr. G. R. Keys has purchased' ne • Maxwell binder from Messrs. Robinson and Kaiser of brucefield and has coin- menced harvesting. • We see Mr. Edward Johnstone has had the grader working on Clark's • sideroad which has greatly improved • On Friday last Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Keys visited friends in Goderich. We are sorry to say that •Mrs. And- rew Keys, who is on the sick list, is not improving, A Dumber from here attended the celebration of tho Huron Old Boys in Clinton on Saturday last. Miss Mabel McKinley is spendin her summer vacation with her g • parents,Mr. and Mrs, John McKi of Egmondyille. • Miss Reid o;. the 5th concessio Stanley was the guest of Mrs. VV Stogdill of Goshen Line on Sunday, Mr.Nathan Peck delivered hishogs Clinton Monday last. The severe wind and rain storm which passed over this part on Friday laet blew Mr. 11. Peck's barn Off the blocks an which it was sitting arid also • a small building belonging to Mr. G. Bates. Miss L. Reid was the guest of Mrs. A. Duncan on Sunday last. Mr. H. Snider is busily engaged helping Mr. J. Davidson taking off his bay. Hevb is a hustler and says he gets all the work he can do. • The farrnevs are almost through hay- ing and. it will soon be soinethif.g of the past, The fall wheat is almost ready for the cycle but the Hessian fly has the most of it cut down already. The English church garden party on the Goshen come off and was a sus - cess, reflecting great credit on the con- gregation for certainly a splendid time was spent. There was plenty of musie in the phonograph owned by Mr. Hess of Zurich and a good variety. The Hayfield quartette, consisting of D. Gardner, A, Erwin, Dr. Woods and. R. Peck, held forth in good style. Instill - mental music was furnished by Miss Lottie Elliott and Miss Eva Stephen. son who were much appreciated.. Mr. I3eatty sang in his usual manner, bringing forth encores, Revs. Davidson of Varna and Yelland of Hayfield gave good addresses. After all expenses were paid we learn that the sum of $3'2 was on hand, a result gratifying, indeed. The party was held on Mr. It. Elliott's lawn which ie nicely situated and shitable foe such gatherings. • Lendbury. • Mr. and Mrs. Duriford of Stratford visited the latter's sister, Mrs.C. White, on Saturday and Sunday, Mrs. Noble Lovett and Mies Maud Tyner of Summerhill Were the gueste of MrS, John Searlett on Monday and. Tilesday. Mrs. D. liodgens of Ltican is visiting at her sister's, Mre, G, Rev, Me, Dower preached to the Orangemen of Winthrop and Walt.o Sunday. His sermon Ives very mus appreeiated as it wn to the polo on Orcingeism,