HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-07-04, Page 9Otte -Price on all our
Trimmed .Hats on. Saturday
That Price $2.50
For Saturday, July 6t13,, we give what is
beyond question the Millinery bargain of the
season. It is the choice .0± every trimmed
hat in our show room for two dollars and
fifty cents, There will be no reserve. Hats
that sold at $4, $4.50 and $5, all 90 on sale
Saturday • at each. $2.50. These hats have
served their purpose as models and now to
make a speedy clearance of them. we offer
them at this remarkably low.,price for Satur-
got Weather
Come to . this store for. hot weather
hosiery of X11 kinds. This stock of ours is r
a good stock, only reliable qualities find a 4 •
lace in it and the prices are down to rock
p 1 fy...,
bottom.. If you do your hosiery buying
here you .get big value for your. money OW
every time. you exchange it' for our hosiery./ok
the past few w eeks.we have added
to . the stock several lines of summer. hose that are extra good
value. We mention here a few
of th
ep. They are better
value than getanyou' are likelyto anywhere else
For Ladies' Wear
Our Ladies' Hose are full fashioned and periect' fitting.
They will be found very comfortable for there aree no
seaths such asare found in
many makes : ,
Flack Cotton Hose, strong yarn;
seamless, spliced heel and toe,
willive. satisfactory` wear, 2
. pais for' :2
Fancy ribbed cotton Bose, very
tine quality, 'spliced heel and
•toe, Iiermsdorf dye, par pair,. .2U
Ladies' cashmere hose, light .. ,
weightfor summer wear, spliced
heel and, tee, sdiimless,,plain
or ribbed, .. . .2 5
For Boys. and Girls
Very fine qualityblack cotton
'hose, silk finish,real mato yarns
lfermsdorf 'd a extra hig
spliced.beels,,doible sole,a good
• stocking at a popular price, per : 2 G
. Pair •, iJ
Fine quality black ' cotton hose,
stainless,. Hermsdorf dyne, feet
of pure and soft natural, wool, ,
spliced heel andtoe, one of the "
most .comfortable' stockings,
.25 ...made for summer wear, a pair.
We sell •hosiery that stands .the hard usage the average
x •.
boy. and; girlgive their stockins. You'll et.' 'perfect satisfac-
g p.
tion; buying any of these .;
Children's' ribbed cotton hose,
wide rib,•elastic top, fast black,
will stand hard wear,.p1 :. ff}}
all sizes, per pair.. . 122 to .,G 5
Extra good quality ribbed. cotton
hose elastic top. narrow rib
double sole, triple spliced heel,
fast black, nothing better to
stand real hard wear, 25.&�QO
small sizes2Oc,large sizes. iJ U
Children's plain cotton hose, fast
black, seamless .feet, spliced
reels and toes,all sizes;
' per pair .■ I'U & . 1:21
Fine quality ribbed cashmere
.hose, seamless feet;' double heel
and knee, one of our best. sell•
• ere, neyer fails to giVe satisfac-
tory wear,
atisfac-torywear, all sizes in S5 50
•stock, per pair::..... . to '■
A Good:White: Skirt •
for $1.15
For one :dollar and • fifteen cents we are
selling . a white skirt that is extra good
value... Itis well made from good materials,
will wear well. `. Altogether this' is a very
stylish garment for the looney
White Skirts made of fine cambric finished English cotton,
seams double' sewn, full width, trimmed' with frill •of
wide and fine open work embroidery, special at.......... 1 '. 1
'Nett Belts.
Some new patent leather
belts came. to hand this week.
They are soft and pliable and
will not easily crack. You
can have then. shaped or in
straight styles and with buckle
or dome fasteners. There are
several different . styles and
the price is '
Hotter belts, in all the fashion•
able styles at each 60c, '7.15c & $l
and he healthy out in the
fresh air and sunshine. A
hammock is a great out-
door comfort and affords
during the heated term a
cool spot where to recline
in pure and healthful air.
It will relieve you mentally
and physically more than
it will yam pocket book. It
is one of the primary arti-
cles about a home which
go to make up "The Eter-
nal Fitness of Things". and
not at great cost either.
Our prices are as low as is '
in keeping with the quality
and they are varied in color,
• length and style.
Glad to have your inspection,
Agents Parker's Dye Works,
.h. Fair
W. D.
Often the Qhe.wpest, Always the Best.
About o .0
• We Know
Mfrs. McRae and Miss?,acia spent Mon-
day in Nippon,
Mrs. A, Elliott of Wingham la the
west of her sister, Mrs. J. Cook.
Rey Plumsteel has seemed. a situation
in the G. T. R. otlice at Goderich.
Tho Misses Jackson of Seaforth are
this week guests at Dire, Woitbing-
Mrs. P. 13, Crews was the guest• of her
another; Mrs. Pridhaan, in eoderich
trio week,
Mrs. Wildfang a 13etlin is the guest
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett
this week, •
Masters ,Gay and Glen Blaokall will
spend their holidays with their grand
parents an Ilderton. •
Mrs. ;Jos, Grigg of Grimsby, a former'
resident of Clinton, has been•yieiting
a number of old friends in town.
Misses Maude Andrews drill•Maude
Cantelon Sundayed in 0°4=1 0, the
Gusts of their friend, 'Miss Maude
Miss 1i arlee of the Collegiate Institute
staff and her sister Mass Donna
Parsee have left for their borne at
St Thomas.
Manager Frencli „of the House of e.
fuge was in London yesterday on
business in connection withthat
Mrs. J. Callander and Misses Mabel
and Bessie Callander of London,were
guestsMondof ayClinton, friends Sunday
The family of Mr, H. E. brewer and
that of Mr. J. P. Tisdail as well have
taken possession of their cottages at
Bayfield for the summer.
Mr. George Hemp came .bonne fronts
Preston for Saturday acid Sunday,
He likes that town and his appear.
ance bears out the assertion.
Messrs.Claude Fisher and W. 0.Meyers.
leave for San Francisco,California,
the hatter part .of this eek, They
will return by the northern route.
M.010.4 '1M♦♦N♦♦*!911.44. t1 ♦N*t♦*N♦**A♦411#!N ►.114 ►+
"A Somewhat
'different Store "
Mrs. Turner spent Sunday in Goderich.
. Mr. W. W. Ferran was in Elora on
s .
Taa eda
Rev, Dr. Gifford. spent: ,Monday .. in
Mr; Geo. Emmersen of' s Goderich p ea
Sunday in town. .
Rev. John McNeil of Bayfield was in
Clinton on Friday.
Miss Elia Metcalf of Blyth is the guest
of Mrs. Root. Chowen.
Miss 11, •Whitely is the guest of Gode-
rich friends this week.
Mrs.Gec. Rorke andy left
Saturday: for Mt: Forest.
1VIr Harry Holden: of Kincardine is the
Linen Collars 5c
The linen collars. adver-
tised last week are going .like
the proverbial "hot cakes."
It is no wonder for they. are
perfectly new goods and the.
same quality as . is sold all
over at 124c each. Ilverry size
still in stock.. Better' lay in a
supply . before they are all
Ladies' linen. collars, four fold,
straight band styles,new goods,
sold all over at 12Sc, sizes 121 to nn
14, now selling at each...:...., +U5
Summer Gloves
A fresh lot of summer
glove's has just been placed on
our counters. They are Lisle
thread, taffeta and pure silk
and made by one of the best
makers in the world. We can
safely recommend them for
satisfactory wear, white,cream
and black, all sizes at
25c alfa 50c
Linen Waists
guest of his mother this week.
Mrs.Patterson and babe •of Chesley are.
t eek
g s...
hi nests at Mr.
J. Leslie
Miss Flo Pennebaker is this week the
guest of Mrs. L ?rout, Woodstock.
Robertson and wife ...returned to
:their home in Slater, Mo., on'. Man
Messrs, a en ury ,
attended the races in:: Stratford on • Moffatt, Beecher; Dell O'Neil,` Au-:
Mr. R. H. Crowder, who has been dis-
posing of a bankrupt stock in Wing-
haan, returned, to town on Monday
and will take things easy for a few
days. ,
,Messrs. D. McGillicuddy and, J. T.
Garrew of Goderich were in town on
Tuesday on their way home from
Teeswater where they had been
attending Liberal rally
tt n aL
Mr, A. P. Westerveldt left for Clinton
this morning, after spending
th e
nightin the city. f . Pieipurchasing
a car of Shorthorn breeding cattle
the e t - ' ne hHerald.for w s . tx 1p II •
Miss Belle Paisley, of Galt General
Hospital, who has. been visiting rela-
tives in the. city, left. for home in
Clinton today, accompanied by her
nephew, Lionel Dunsmore.-St,..
Thomas Times..
of Providence,
Mr. -.dud .NIrs•` Frye .. P ce,
Rhode Island, are guests at Mr.: S. G.
Plnmmer s. Mr. Frye is very much
pleased with our. farming country,
even going so far as to admit that he
never saw better.
ommcnces Saturday, July 6th, to
continue until Tuesday, July 23rd.
of Since this store opened, ened, nearl two years ago, have we offered such Bargains as we'll' have ready for you'
•N A �
6th.• This is real/ the ver beginning summer and right now when you need the goods
on Saturday Morning, July T � really y of
we make the most sensational announcement that has .ever been put before the people of Clinton and vicinity, •
•t . buy t the newest and bestgoods at a saving o.. ONETHIRD.and ONE-HALF the regular prices,
Itwrllbeachance to h ,�
The following prices speak for. themselves This store will be open. all day on Saturday.
1. 10c Prints • at 6o
2.000 yards of this seaaon's choicest Oanadian and American Prints,.
. all warranted fast colors, light and dark shades, included in the c
lot, is 500 yards of Indigo blue prints, with white stripes and .0U
figures, all 10c values, sale price ,
Tints �
12/d P wide ,Arnerioan Madras Prints, in light and
.000 yards of 36 inch 1
• dark colors, in stripes and floral designs,suitable for shirtwaists, 7
0 ete., our regular price is 121c, on sale day's only, per yard.... , ... .0 1 2
150, 200 and 25e Wash Goods at 10e
400 yards of Dimities, Piques, Gingbains, etc., in the very newest
shades and designs, all warranted fast colors, regular prices were „„
15c, 20c and 25c, en Sale days, your choice per yard at......... , .. ■ 1 U
sot and 350 Satanas, etc. at 18c •
na s 'i1k:L,awn
Lawns, Dimities,
fSta a � D ,
800 yards of the latest novelties o a ,
ete., 27 to 30 inches. wide, in elegant designs •and colors of blue,
navy, gray, red and white, for waists and dresses, the season's
best sellers, that were30e to 35e per yd, all to go at one price sale � i Q
days at i V
Pox Jo. o
Mrs. W. 1 x incl'. son e ,wh
been visiting at Mr. A. A,.Sch.renk's,
last week where
went to Milverton a t
they will spend 'a couple of days visit-
ing her parents. From there they
ge to their home in Winnipeg, Mair.
The following teachers are spending
.: their vacation at their homes in town:
M R tt b and Jas Flynn aIisses Eva Cooper Dunlop •Mand
'We regret very much
that the Iinen waists advertis-
ed last week did not reach us
in time for last Saturday's
business. They are promised
without fail for next Satur-
day and are very stylish and
will sell at
$2 each
Monday. , •
Mr. and Mrs, Henry••. Kerr of Wing -
barn spent tL.couple of daysin town
this week..
Frank•Walker of :Tun Nlivs-RECoun
staff is holidaying at Seaforth and"
Miss Florence Cunninghame has been
visiting, far' the last. two ..weeks
friends in Detroit. -
Mrs. John A. Cooper of . Toronto
arrives today to spends. few . weeks
with Mrs. W. Cooper. •
Miss Manic Houston of the CO inserva-
tory of Music, Toronto,• returned• to
her home on Saturday. • •
Miss Ethel . Doherty of Hayergal
College, ;Toronto, ' returned to her
home in town last week. '
Misses Mable Cook and Annie Summer-
ville of Acton are this week guests of
their aunt, 'Mrs. A. Cook.
Miss Lillie Mcfwen,milliner of Doupe's
.store, Woodham,' returned to her
home in town on Thursday last.
Miss Fisher, who has been the guest of
Mrs. (Rey.)Greene for several weeks,.
returns to her . home in Kincardine
Mr:and'lVlrs. William Moore were visit-
ing thellatter's old home in McI(illop,
Mr. James Mann's, on Tuesday and
•yesterday. •
Mrs. G. Cartwright and two :children,
of Wingham have been the guests of
Mrs. j. Foster and ether friends
the past few days. '
Rev. Mr, Stone_ was in Bayfield on
Thursday last attending the annual
convent i n aLn
Deanery of Huron. •
For the
"Old :goys 1aece tion"
Coma to this storefor decorative su lies of all kinds for
e pig
the °aleuron Old Boys Reception." We have bunting in all
shades andia big stock of flags of various sizes, Royal Stand-
ards, Union Jacks, Canadian Ensigns, etc.
odgens 'Bros.,
- • • • •
meeting of -the S. S nt'o d
Mr. and Mrs. John'Smalldon of Grey
township were the guests for a few
days of the past weekof their daugh-
ter, 11irs. James Dunford.
Mr. and Mrs. J, • E) Hovey 'returned
from their wedding tour on Saturday
and have taken up house in their
pretty cottage on Townsend street.
Mr.I. Rattenbury, who has been away
for a couple of months, in London
and other cities,returned home Toes -
day night, looking remarkably well,
Mrs, Young of: Blyth and Miss Spar -
ling of, Winghara were guests of
Mrs. John Cunningliatne on their way
horse from the Pau American last
Mr. J. Thompson of St. Marys, Miss
Gertie Thompson and Miss Myrtle
Murray of Granton were guests at.
Dr. Thompson s from Saturday until
.'1 Ir. Frank Herman has returned from
Preston, He has been very ill ° for
some time with inflammatory rheu-
matism and will remain at home un-
til he builds up again. •
Dr:W.E,and Mrs,Smith of.St.Thomas
arrived on Saturday to visittheir
daughter, Mrs, R. P. Reekie. Mi'a
thisbut the Dr
Smith remains
returned home Tuesday morning,
Miss Eva Cooper leaves on Saturday
for California to attend the great
Epworth League .convention in San
Francisco and afterwards to visit
tithe latter part of August her
sister, Mrs. Armstrong of •Ontario;
that state.
Miss Belle Paisley, who had been
spending a week at home, returned
on Tuesday to resume her duties as
nurse in the Galt general hospital,
She was accompanied by Miss Tena
Matheson who will take a course of
training for . nurse at the same
Mr. W. 3, Paisley was in Wingham
on Monday acting as yaluator for
both the old and new landlord of the
Swartz House, Mr, Paisley's sound
judgment is so well recognized that
it has, become quite the • thing for
both buyer and seller to agree upon
him as sole valuator.
Dr, Lowery, who has been practising
his profession an Dungannon for
some time .past, has entered into
partnership with Dr. Fowler of Seaa•
forth and was in town Monday on
his way down to commence work.
In addition to being well up in his
profession Dr. Lowery is agentle-
Men of sterling integrity rand high
character. • ' Ile grows in esteem up-
on acquaintance.
Prom the Wooster (Ohio) Daily Itepub.
limn :Miss Pearl Van Nover,a highly
respected, young lady of this eity,wjlt
leave the last of this week for .Bulla.
lo where she expeets to spend it,
couple to weeks, and will go from
there to °Baton, Canada, where she
vn'i11 make her home for a time with
her aunt, Mrs. Thos. Jackson,wife of
the mayor of that town. Mies Van
Nova's hosts of friends extend their
beet wlshes and trope she will have n
ifafe Journey.
burn ; olive Heylar, Colborne ; Eva
Stevenson,' Hensel]. ; and Flossie
Kan Dashwood. King D w
Mr. Will. Taman of13lyth,was in town
on his home from `.
yesterday waWeeks
Detroit. Dating his couple of e s
absence he underwent a short course
school of cutting.
of instruction in.a s
It is Mr. Taman'.s intention to go
into business for himself.
'Miss RubyPaisley, who has been. at-
tending Y
tending the St. Thomas Business
College during. the past term. left'to-
day.to join her sister, Mrs.Don.I3ow-
• en, Tecumseh, Mich., at Detroit,; en-
route'to, spend• the summer at Sand
Lake, Mach.—St. Thomas Times.
Mr. R. G. Reid, •Principal of the "Sum
merhill school, • was in. town Tuesday
on his way down to the •homestead
in Stanley where he will spend part.
of the long vacation. Mr. Reid has
done good work in •Surnmerhili P., S.
and is as well' popular throughout
the <section. • • •
Mr, and Mrs.' : James • McMenamin of
Montreal, who had keen spending a
week with their son, Rev, Father
McMenamin, returned home on Fri-
day: They leave in a short time for
the Otti Country to visit Glasgow—
ancl incidentally. the Exposition—Mr.
3,1cMenainin's - birthplace.- From
thence they go to Mrs. Mc111enamin's
native place in Ireland and will after-
wards visit various points in Eng-
10c Lawns at.61 c.
I 200 yards of White Victoria Lawn, 28 inches wide, regular lOc' ��.++1
d on sale days, while.it lasts, for.. 161 t72
pert' , Y, ,-
1 '.
10e and 12 2e. Shirtings at a/c.
00 yards Light ht Oxford Shirtings,.:7, inch wide, in assorted
y g
0 1 e, sale days a+t. p1
Colors, regular ii es 1 c and 2
designs, all fast c C � , Y
, g P
per yd
Mr. Eli. Watson of Blyth was in town
Monday making a shipment of live
stock from this point,- In • speaking
of the high price . of , hogs7c is still
being paid—hesaid there does not
appear to be much fear of collapse
though the price will, of course
vary somewhat as is usual. Mr,
Watson gives Canadian packers the
credit of putting up such a good
bacon as to command a figure on the
British market only inferior to the
Danish and in their anxiety to
supply the demand our farmers are
reaping F1 good Profit.•
Mr, John Hughes has returned home
after spending a, fortnight with friends
in Stratford, Se, Marys, London and.
Mr. John Cartwright had his barn
jacked; up on Saturday which . needed
the help of about twenty men.
Miss Cash of Seaforth was the guest
of Mrs. James Fairservice for a few
days lately.
The masons are busy with the base-
ment.of Mr. John Medd's house.
Mr, Andrew Tyerman had some
honey stolen one night recently.
Miss Davis of Clinton .bas been the
guest of Mrs. J. W. Crich several days
the past week,
Mr. Chas. Layton lost a -valuable.
horse last week caused by the exces-
sive heat,
Miss M. Nott of Algoma,who isvisit-
ing her uncle, Mr, J. Nett, is having a
rather:painful time with her arm, the
result of yaccination. Dr. Graham
of Clinton is in attendance.
Me. Will Stanbury took in the De -
teat excursion of a week ago.
A large number of the young people
of these parts picnicked in Bayfield on
Saturday last and others during the
Mr, D. McCorvie of Clinton has been
working through herein the interests
of the proposed pork packing and cold
storage company and met With good
success. -
Mrs. N. P. ()rich of Michigan is
visiting tinder the parental roof.
Rev, Mr. Gifford preached his fare-
well sermon last Sunday on this cir-
cuit. The year just closed has been a
success under his, stewardship and
young and old will always he pleased
to hear of him succeeding on broader
fields of labor.
Mr. D. Ashton of London will spend
the next couple of months .with the
farmers here agathering the harvest,
Wag Ma
1•ilGGXNSON•--TUNIS.--At the nate
tenbury street parsonage, Clinton,
on July 3rd, by Itev.W. (I.. How..
son, Abraham1#igginson of Gode.
rich to Miss Bertha (proline Tunis
of Dundas.
street to ren or oro ale, his ottage i inow
oceupiodmby Mr. Rookie, Stagglet, Midis in a
good state of repair, Apply to
JAIL S'1'iil'VS,110,
Gre3r Cotton at 4%.
600 yards of. Grey Uotton;34 inches' wide, made of fine even .t ,
if bought to -day would -sell ..at'Q to 7c, sale .'days :while it lasts...
• 2.5o: Sheeting for 160. :
100 -yards of 72 inch Wide Grey -Sheetrn , intwill and plain, good
eavyq quality, re atarPrice to,da is 25c,Bale days„
lin at 3A. LinenTowel
u lit well q
'n natural
Towelling, #► ,
400'yds of Pure Linen eZlcolor, Y q Y
• 2
worth 6# e, sale price.,
' 1'
I: . oi.
i n.T we /
I 1 0
ne o
2� L 2
'nchee wide, extra
• .• 5a -"ll. ds ofall Linen Crash Towelling, 17 iheavy
qualitywith fast colo border, oucre ularl2isc qulity, to' go sale
.days.a.. ,... r g
♦♦•••••••*.••*N••*•N•*•*♦H******••••••♦ *♦N♦♦♦••♦♦•♦♦NN•*♦*NNN*♦♦♦NAL+*N♦e•N*♦N*•♦•NN••••••••*:
10c Vests for 50,
100 Ladies' Vests, pude of'good cotton yarn, with 'short sleeves,
regular 140 value, sale days at each
15c Hose for 10c.
300 pairs of Ladies' and Children s Ribbed and Plain
Cotton H
ose •
all warranted fast colors, regular prices 121c and 15c per pair; all
one price during sale days ............ ...........................• "I
At Less Than half Price:
• We have just purchased from Canada's leading importer their entire
sample lline. of •Summer Hats—over 200 in all—the regular prices of 1h'
when trimmed would be $2,50, $3.50 to $8.00 each.
# ollo
Dawiriug our fifteen days sale we have divi ded them into three lots as
Anys; Trfmrned Ilats that were. $2.50 for , . .$1-00 ♦
• ;63,00 to3.5t1 for. '$2.00 •
, 2
• $4,00 fo $8.00 for
_ $•
Your,rhoice of about two dozen Leghornette Hats that were .$1:00 and 0
51,25 each, sale days at 2Sc •
4 •
Lace Curtains at. 196.
50 pair of Nottingham Lace Ourtains,Y2tyards long, on sale. days,
while they lastr. •
for 68o`'
e',Curta' ins worth 90c Lac
air Nottingham Lace Curtains,
, 3 and
3§ yards long. in the new-
est desi ns, w tblock-stitch edges'. regular 90c value on sale days' c
your choice
at per pair . U U
500 yds of this season's newest designs in`Embroideries, from '2 to:.
5: inches. wide, made by the host makers in St.•(xa11 > Switzerland.
regular prices were 8c, 10c, 121c, sale days at
t. 49c.
'� and 1 Corsets
5C a
: Nearly 100 pair of the very best 75c and $1 Corsets, all perfect in
fit , and' finish, filled with the best steel filling, to go during sale
1 days at per pair,
• •
♦ •
♦ ..
�tlrr,rnr►rrrnnrr�rnnrrr�rrrrrnr rrurnmrrimff rrnrrmrr
r rnrrrrrrrr
ri�r�tri�r�rr��r�rnrr�Ir��r��ritr�ir�iritr��rn � r a rrrnrrrr
For the Riot Weather
you will find with us a great variety of light summer
clothing, something that will keep you cool and
something that. is very:lo•w. in price. Perhaps
you wanta light Coat and :*Trousers for the summer.
They . •can: be made. to . your orderon a day's notice.
'You can get a big selection of goods and the price can
be made as low as you wish.
The celebrated English Harris Tweeds, blue and
black serges, flannels and crush goods are the popular
goods for skeleton clothing,
The Lion. Brand
of Boy's Knickers
✓ - oe
The only way to -convince yourself of the trrto merit
of our FAMOUS BOYS' KNICKERS is to come and
see them for yourself. We will show you a character of
goods not shown by any other house, because wo are tllo
agents for the "LION". brand.
As a-
rule in everyy
bo s' suit the Knickers beat the (:oat and vest to a finish by
several months and hencee the big demand for odd Knickers. An the Knickers which
we handle are made with double seats and double knees, sewnn throughout with the best
thread linen t ad and finished with the best of trimmings. You will not find anything on
the mare
k e t to e.them equal theand our prices run from 35e to 75c and at these figures you get
a good selection of patterns.
444 0 411M4J�1.AI1����tNl illi a ii►1uivaiis ram�,�u u►at��u�i��►a► ��a � t�t� � r r ru auto