The Clinton News-Record, 1901-07-04, Page 8IDT 44 tIlCli he difficult to get oft tile It t Q TREAT YOUR PIPE Xi
*0 ONE BIG TIT-FOR-TAT8, NOVA SCOTIVS TJLIIBVTH TO THE BRAVI SPLIOND A MAIN ARTER. few but tile forlauls of ha 0 "llillil so near the of Ole Stck -low You May Get the Moat Bull 0 will very often causo it to settle to Love Conquers joy kent Out of Tobacco. one side, I ON THE FARM11 hen it will be alit to take, r� OZXS WnO DID NOT O7FXR The Memorial Which Is to Be 14rected, In Ualifax Death.,00%
0 water. 1,1ven it In Used TIXE OT3191t CHEEK. TO SAVS A Ljleg. Of " tile several ways ill which to- for gotting the bay on to the stack it + v it too high ;making it In a pipe is undoubtedly +++4 is not advisable to carr. by the Residents of th e P . rovinoe. Diffir-21t to. To bixeco is used, the original one of lie least harmful. It it Is not "A As. Mrs. Z tile
now' sUALL Wi.., JUDGJl COWS. for high winds will most surely tear now a Stoanlahip CQ, Bought Out 11 Whore tho Now .
t 19
to 0 1 no 0 all lig osa feet "a , Tprgon bent ever
There Is, little, it any, doubt that 0 1 a Government in Order to. Piece Commenced so :Per too early in life nor carried to an wood hea,
t of hay from wettilf but much Work WAS the Vnion Made. p in the yard of her Aus-
ho COW Ilk, a state of rature, with ill getting the stack retoppedl After Ontd6 a Rival. OxcOss, it Is, We think, "Cult to trall4n, home in the dusk of the early
7110 %ids In food or shelter, would be :tile J�rovo that pipe smoking is Injurious Stack is complet(A and tile top Among the marvels of modern Bur- lit Any degieQ whotever. The as morning, she felt Q. sharp, fiery sting little, more than a mother, giving It Is not every clay that Lt, Whole gery Is tile do b " t Ili her aria, and looklag,down, saw 41, 0 weighted down, go over it with A Government is bought lip in order vice of, a Itusslan stir -
only for a few, week.5 each handralia, remove ll the loose tiny, td got "it bit back" at somebody 9004, who has repaired the great pipe Is, made of briall-root, With a italic glide Away antong.. tile logs,
short And otralglit, at, vory Blightly , says a *writer In Youths' Compall- POSsibly under, favorable circumst"u- stl.aighten out tile protruding �nds who has got the better of you, But feworal artery. Ila spliced to it an curved, atem. Tito mouth-plece Coo ftnd with txbukidmit good tills cow and give them a downward directiviii tile ship of I -lope, artificial length, just as A plumber ton it had passed the night to the
shoulil be amber, or ob.onized lialova- I easy to hold WWed, had Stung bar. -flung might give some milk for her call Property put up, haystack wil might solder A piece of leaden pipe Pemba. Sue I heap, and angry at being (JIB -
!our The great v- IYLL", cr, Co., managed it. through It'a PIT a
turn water almost me well as A hr owners. She started from Lou- to a brass one, in the mouth, and cog not interfere hIs far rQrjaov6d from the thatclied root. (1011 to tile .1liver plate to got a lood escapes ith reading. (town her Armful of logo and rushed 00 he strength And rulk- a for hile, and into the house, .. after a little the WWI= breaking Ili a now pipe, It A sharp butcher
Ipo or of' the wild cow, which cargo of hides from, the Argentina, vessel Ile flat and Collapsed. Ali knife lay oil the table; this she selzl- fi Q or to rotect, herself by flight EVILS FACING THE CHU.nCH. and a friendly but rival Une—tho artery does not. Its in at * is should be filled with cold water for -odand cut the wound and then sucl�- Tier to it moment or two before filing and Avo been transformed into what is Temple Line-- so arranged that a series: of stiff, fib- lighting.' This should be repeated 'ad tile - blood. But she ad little
now known its flifterve force," or all- CUT HER OUT COMPLETELY. nous rings surround it and prevent hope, for the bito was from the fangs
erg,#,, abet -Taught by Rev. A. for half-a-dozon. or more times in
the now admitted controlling ^'PA The Temple Line firm, a, fortnight it groin collapsing. That is one of or that the char shall begin to Of a Venomous and she he'll force Is motherhood, and milk ela- 11. Percival, of Chicago. after the "Eadynkion' had sailed, the reasons why when n artery is burning the receiYou tile full force of. the poiso.a. boration, . Strong And tortuous A is for Ambition to be on oqlL . uIl cabled over to their' agent at. the a form without really already she seemed I to tool the first sev Iled blood continues to, flow groi wood., it is not necessary or desir-
milk and tho whole blood see- footing with, �othors in stYle of River Plate to buy up all the hides it. Able to dry out the bowl before "yfilp"Onks Of coming death in the retira And propelling system show livin.- and it possible, fit tile district, and tit tile Battle tinle f This was only one of the problems every filling, but morely to t niet VULLULY lethargy which crept through
go a it wonderfully con chartered two big vessels at Which confronted Dr., Kallitsky when nor limbs, The thought of hor bab-
outstrip. them. other they brought to Structed udder what nuist be the de J3 Is for Blanking the, church for 8outli AmorJear, ports, by cable, ilia hospital in St. the water. !a$, now lying Asleep in tile adjoin"
Mand u , Pon the mother functions *bf col Another point about the troatminit Ing room, further agonized her, for P,
the COW. Attar of Poss—apatIly After giving oil- and hurried them. round to tile Petersburg a.very rich farmer and of A new pipe is not to smoke up all likental picture rose before her of her
The agont was so. successful that lie 6. cattle raiser ramed Ivan Poltinkosh.
orgies to, outside organizEttions. I It 1.9 not 0, In the tobacco until it is solneWhat sea- d otrelkg�tb, but. of tile Vitalit Of tile 0 is for Covotol-isliess, Card playing, cornorod till tile hides, and contract- This man, while driving in 4 sleigh, f O Ings. starving slowly' to death. soned. The weakest Part 0 a Pipe -And how slid would be their er's.
-with a stunip. He was is the bottom of the bowl, alka '11"ay home-comingi How terrible to find'
cow, the perfectly constructed form . And Craze for pulpit novelties. ad for the supply of all future ones had collided and the harmony fliat not only Cre- 3) is for Debt, Divisions tin-iong $or it mouth; And wbeu tile 111,�kldy- hurled out violoutl.and in falling
was impaled Upon u'llrokell. branch. L ract�ce of al -I the wife and children, be had left
9tted this notworlt of iierVo force, but mlon" Arrived she found every avall- a Christians, Dancing, Dyspepsia, of 0, pilibli or 0 Of to- ways leaving alive*aild well lifeless corpsesl maintains it at high tonsion. This spirit,� so !hat. neither the mill; ale little being loa4ed into the. Tom- The jagged piece of wood struck Will is stimulated in its work by the skil- ple ships At Tlfik, It was a nasty 7M�77 just below the hip joint and ranged b%cco unburnt in it, TheA her mother -love cried out for not, meat of the Word call ba 'as- When char begins to make tile
ful art of the feeder, and the condi- downward for about f6ur inches. time, only a little. time, in order
bowl Ot tile pipe appreciably small-
neda knock; but the "Nadyntion" obtain- that she might provide or them. tions of stable and care, that leave ad instructions front , home, And The wound produced was An
U, is for Erroneous views of God's exopailingl ugly arid ragged -one, It er, it should be q1it *out. If tills is Her husband had been away shear- nature only to digest And assimilate a gorgeous tit-for-tat. Word. not (toile the. diff6rence lit tile con -
the food, and Ili turn Qlab6ilate ELS Tito Argentina Government *Was in vole was directly over and in line with Ing for six weeks.. I -re would be
ri is for Frivolity, Pcillual ty, and tile femorlal traction and. expansion of Char and a fortnight, and sho� must
much as possible into A 11191, grade False teaching. A fix, for a revolution was pending, artery, which siipplics of the wood will cause the bowl to milk. Here the, Artificial charactei%, G is for Ganbling� and Gossit5':' aria Dl"z; the President, wanted the ortire leg with blood; but, lit care must be taken prepare enough food to Ice T, them
split open. 33 for that time. It would be of no
.%T%l f9i -is great vessel of the modern dairy cow becomQs although tI in cutting away. VIC char not to re- CQrspicious. Breeds play 'all im- 1-1 is for ITasto to be rich And scar- money badly to fiklit, tile rival claim- �win sit%, t use to try to take.' the children to ircly laid bare and badly bruised., it move it all. . When it, is out too the nearest neighbor, fifty miles dis-, portalit Iiurt. iF)oine broods ar city of 11olkles.. nt.. For $10,000, Hope, Ward & for
ao.� bought up All the Governinclit tunately escaped puncture"
a dis- qualititles of I is fell Intemperance, Indifforence, a:ken to thin the wood will burn, And make tant. she would the oil the way and
fluty rights of the Plate for a. month, the fact.known lit extreme cases' OY tingtilshed for great F The injured man was not t
common milk; QtbOr breeds give and Inconsistency, the hospitaluntil three days after e the helpless little oncs.lik the !1nd at once put alk eiglit-per-cont. � L;4:., quantities, but higher Ili fint cracking sounds. In Bum,
61rallei fat, the accident and it was at once evi- Ing pto�css should be cart. The old orso-: raight know
J ls for Jealousy in the 1 his would have frequ
duty Olt hides, e So far as we know, ilia crossillf, of K Is for Knee -drill, -neglected. dent to Dr. Kain sky that only er- enough to take them to their destion
ilen, L is fail Love of gain and Low mor- Illeallt a eadloss of $7,500 to 1JJ fill We * resorted to again. these breeds to ol;ltuilii the exce measures would save either life . nation, but probably he would rel, -11 toile Of Politics. end of or A LONG BRADAWL; turn, home. There was.ample flour - t T61nple Line, and � the ctes of both have failed, And a rbsult was that the TomfAo ships liqd to leg to his patient. It appeared
has been attained that Ila,, well-nigh M is for Mi4taklug means Of kraco -a size is the best implement In tile house; 'she would bake . and lymioll!,- to Dr,.Kalntpky that gangrene was of madini
been a failure to qbtaili. anything dd- for -race, sell hides to the -4n( I'threatened, As nearly as.the SUr- With which'to clean out the wooden cook,� and figlit back doath until on It. cox� price. Silo loade;d them in, I Billable, hence tile array of iallflons IN Is for Neglect of family religion. I for home, and had the Brit— goon could estimate he had just part of a pipe stem. - When awaY,odgh . food was ' prepared to keep of cross bred dows that fire' giving 0 is for Orditianced Irregularly at- three days before an opqration be- from hom the children Alive until their father's
ish hid(-niarket to herself for . Lt a a;,bit of* steel wire of the tolided. their owners less thal. three tbous- fortight, Tho� $1P,000 pa�ld to the came absolutely imperative. He had size Used Ili making 'bicycle spokes return. and pounds of 8.5 Pei, cont. wilk P s for Pleasuro-seeking, Political if Q...; .. . ............ ......... already determined upon the heroic will ll. it. canbe With feverish haste she ran back te- 1' "took. the shine". out Of yearly, as a penalty for trying to corruption, and Poverty. ilia proflta,--but it Was Lt oPer4tion of removing the injured conve ontly carried Ili a' pencil-caSe the wood Iteap., where she. found the Itharmonize dissiVilar func,ilions and Q is for Quack evangelists, Part of the. femoral* artery and re�, alongside of (I pencil. A.istralghton- snake pinioned under one' of the logs traits. R is for Rivalr betwoeli- denomina-.. SrLr,,NDIIY' COUNTR-11IT. placing it with an artificial substi- od hiLirpin will generally do in , tie- she had flung down in.her horror. It is not- here' asquined that every tions. A u . nique way of ."gettilig ono's tute. fault of aklthin*k bettere-- She quickly killed it; 'then she re- cow bred so And so, and built Along is for ' Sabbath desecrationj Skep- .O�vh back" we,; the dodge adopted' NEwls=rrioNwADE, But tile great point of all irlipipe turned to the kitchen, lighted the the lines of.a certain -type, will be ticism,'afid Slander. by Mr, Crawford Ames, the - -%veil- Dr. Kalil . tsky wanted to make a smoking -Is to learn to smoke slow- fire, put'on, the camp bv.en,'knead�d a great producer.. There is a ub- T is, for * Tito Trinit of evil"the -t and York- tube 'x inches long, which should ly. When this habit 'Is acquired, the up tho* dough. she had prepared over- Iknown t ural expel full flavou of tile tobacco will , al- night,- 'and put the loaves Ili the kyloul
tie something, which Ili., be Nyorld,,the, flosh And the and shire owner. Ile ha.oneof he O'closely resembie the actual tissue I'lonainated individitalisin, tha� has for Theatre. finest Inodel.fruit faring Ili -England, i 11111111 1111 lilt I 111[lifffilll ad, b:ther to do Ili the prciducti6ii capacity Of1 rM at a hilinau:artery-that it ways. be enjoyed, every smoke will oven, Than she prepAr TJ is fell Thicharitabloness, Ualvorsal- V.Vd is.socond to ho'body at growing borne be a cool Onct and tongue -burning batchcs� of bread, and placed without protest by the orgalk- ism. 1)1�lzi. fruits, � is� nolghbo, ism in which it. was to be placed. e. in them its; to profit; the differences cows,- aid inakes wide differences k-- M r.. will be - unknowm It is however,, them in the warmth to ris
JV is. for Vanity in indIvI.dUals and 11',firtley Travers - was more of ill At the end of those three. days Dr. very hard for nervous people to E -Ary few -minutes' a horrible between the best knd 'poorest'.of A tliai� A. fruit- X , alkitsky, tired, but triuniplu smoke -slowly. We know of cas6s drowsiness came over - her but' breed of, evoAit - bet*celi. -cows. of a churches. %clentifid experimental %tit where smokers-1ave tried fbr years site resolutely fought it down? She .W.,is for Woeldliness. growel", and was, particularly' Intel. emerged from his abbratory': family of a breLd, aile so -uarlied, X 'is for -R,xtravagtince, Exodus of fist&l-'! fit'helphig, b to cheek'their smoking iipeed_ with- niust.: do her, wQl-ki and death must y mdalis. 'Under ilia best conditions the' ilia- It wa ' done..' even when; the breeding has bQen out success. They. probably did not be forced to Wait until.1 a guided by a recognized expert, that :good families. Of Ilia pet, section of* the femoral artery is a Y 9 for Young afid Old, dominated study was tile Italiall-villeya,r& mctli� NOVA, SCOTIA'S A-IMOAJAL TO HER SONS WHO r -ELL IN SOUTH dangerous Inake'the effort early enough The children awoke and call.ed for piece ' 'of work. and. here a mistrust Is lit tile minds Of Mary :by -your -oil' o -aln from scELttercd in their'smoking careers. With good I'mamma."'SlIc.,attended thdir.#ttle .. 1-110 oy. f inddeili. r WAS'M Case where the Vassal wa's, its to. the reliability of, the claim that Nova SQ6tialis at home; as, wall: as in. Slglit.�'. The vai,16us bases, will ow Self nd don't -get hurt.�' cloiids by heavy gull -hie. most, Concealed '. by injured tissues... tobacco'and a root pipe, the slow wants in'EL kind of dream. Every n ad to d6 �vltli eel', Whe in, :Aons all&. of. ,the . Prov- be Ili Single Pieces, -so iiiat they can koe' attain a tie - re� of pleasur-. pLnd' a,�alrk she w , ould S . wa. and near- SMO ZAs for Zeal for the glary 9�, God ther there is really ything At last the artery was greed and the 'I tainty inore than average thlngEtl , , .. .. I. 1. I 1, ard not. -be, Affected or thrown out of por in Ing of which ly fall,. but always With a'strong of- 11, afid'th6 alviiti6n�of aouls,wo,nt� W. it" is'd iriatter of' -opinion;. but, lice who are aw'Ly from home surgeon showed his wondering as- able enjoyment In is jusi,ified,ilk inany . ; likup I In � as t1le sition by frost, This mistrust Ing.: bought the old 1,.' tr 6t� ill sistants that nearly, four inches of the rapid smoker,hits mot aii ink- fort. of *111, she would shake off.the Nova, ecitia. The four c6lurrins 'Will be a fatal coma And,- address herself -to Instances where ped1greQ, and, :CL Oe�rqfitn-battery of, muzzle -loading the vessel Was ready to disintegrate. ling. tain external forms have becil sought armon fr Ili' -1-1ull! and * used which � I,, to,bo 06ctud in Halifa, tiful Now red ' granite t know s6mb.'new task. c 0 1 ' . them- All eyes watched,'Dr. Raintsky as he , Perhaps (ill smokers. do no without insi§telloo that high per -m freel when the conditions thlited.1to tho licrolsin of the the -bronze inadallions;'.enclosed by, that it makes any differdnee . in. the- The ater used Ili the house Wake -CA�YSES OF COLDS. Illmselt * placed - clam a upon the big forru=0 should -40 them, and, success'l-Nova, Seoians who gave, iricir lives the four columns, wil be most arter3e. flixvoiLir of pipe tobacco how many drawn fiont. a well near by, a supply, Ile icoliked to have very'TaIr fancy was dcisjr6d more than milk for Queen nd J,,�inplre, during 'tile istic repilesentations .of the depart- t A cigar inust be secured and placed within te - Tile : hi 9 pe goes OU �at Any I*. EL good deal:. of rain . . I 1 1 ,tery clamp ilavin' been fix- times a P' Still, it'is ail adinitted' outh Afritan war, tire froin ljaiifax� ilia battle -of the horses At They Are More. Common in Sum- rol lowea ijitj nd the 'ad, Dr. Raintsky cut: away about:.which is allowed'to go but once has reach of the children, -very few cows. are great which are - des,igu been prepared. by PtIardeberg, and other battles its flayour il�lncd and. is most ap- must -be talmil frorn their.:.paddock laket Tha� in:_.Winter. countrysidd believed in it.-.. � But -'Mr. four inches of U6� rter�. From the .long dairk types Anjes,- who wanted sun for his fk.Uit:1 Ilaillilton McCarthy,. of Ottawa, and can preciably termed a butt'. A -Pipe, and put in the one. where the sheep: not well built, it A onl� be fully appreci- pocket 'in front -of - big. operating ' is been noteworthy- I it well-known CalibLdlaii, ated .w.hen, they Are cast' and oil ex- I obetter. Were gr4zing,,, within reach' f. the for less number of cowg are poor Thero Ili a till(] n6t ralul protestedi an; as io -e%v it sit howevoil, tastes, it anything I gown Dr; Xaintslcy ill ver a- 'lay water� tan a, -the sedtic ctie, This Ile 'opened � find from I inediciii. .opinion in TeCOIlt has- also undertaken the contract for hibitipil.- dn, the dentre ba�o' will great c Little Nor ones that are of dairy. tVp6 And tain- Change it could )lot giJ for going qut.'. perament. Tons of -tliousands_: of years oil the subject of taliffig cold.' at idea of b the c was , that ov _�inplotlon aiia. oraction of the ])a Lit hiscrib.tioi to tile memory of smol;Qrs;alWays. lfave'at ie eldest of' -four children, ,�.'tbat have it pol�uhlr 'idea, uying 2100 Indian Jill-, corner stone is to be Nova Scotians'�wlio fell Ili. South Afo.'. it draw a sinall, hollow; elastic at of. ilia younger tows are great producei and', turning them, locao� oil Ili$ r - most coldrIess tubcj'abqu� :]-at two:,pipas at hand, kind:' never tal& ' care by the: Dkike, of CoriiWll and.1rica, CkIctOSed il� wreath of laurel, -'it has *ent -ely - shon d have no known distinct* lines'of breading, are iuvrjikoly,�o suffer from. cold., boundaries. .. . ..., .. . I - fill or -Until ii cooled ones when mankma long, Almost immediately Dr. Kaltv. . io yet ninety-nine Out,of tile, hundred in tile -wiliter;. but; 'as' a matter of York. on.lils Coming -Visit to -Halifax and on. either side will be . the off. , This is �ct, - help towards - cool gone. to sleep." Thus'tho , day Now� Travers was interested in l' tsky began'to plape the,Artificlal. ar-� will store well Ili dairy teinperament fact,' they are most prevalent Ili. growin nd tile to� be dompleted,not Canadian' British and. NOVEL 8cot't icry, lit position. Ile� drew it be- sl]101�
all kindq of gras,s-se.clds oil Ing and raiLsonable liffi Ili a- paswd in ceaseless activity and the and form, and seem built for milk. suinniqll. Wilen, free from every form Itit(-r than Victoria, of flags eklt;�ined, with �hc Mayflower, pipe. teit'by which to*teV dven" g foxind the mother still alive. if . 1. g. , -tit tuld coat of arms. On th a in an Into the The man who; sclects cows, oven 3. of neryous it person inny ex- maple leaf of' to Only once had she fall
Ili. . "a Anches are May,. 1902, tween his.fingers so to expel the
'Lloatli" oil gr�ass4sced. air, find placed a pair artery for� you Are smelting too fast is -ads, needs to., p6se lillaself to draughts',. dLonpnas% wi hold the"bowl Ili your hikilidi, it it comat9se state -which. precedew death. they are nof thoroUghin Phe t0lid height of the memorial reverse still, .11 be 'the'names..of al, 'And gues" by, the Saint) and other causes. of cold, and- escape -TIMY WORNED SAD IJAV 0 will be 25 feet -o f, . which bou 14. Nova, - 8 co ti An q caps upon one .end., . Than -lie slipped from snake bite,..and She was'roused judge 1. Q , Who- gave their- Ives hot: to do: so, . tit en you. m . ccorded to 'tile -feet -will be .�f .Nova, Scotia, and for their counry. 'It will be a bEfal. one end -of the aftory into the - -tube to too . My istandards As,are a entirely,. whilcAt another time, %\,lien With Trav&s'. gra5ses,. and Ames, know - thitt.yquil. gpeed,l to d great. from .:this stupor by little Morila, blue books of the lierd. eary -of- depressed 511Y cause" Now Brunswick grallite, sllrkkiou!�t if 1 1 'of art�,okio of thb.,fincot and �titched-it into Place, 3he had -bidden n' t to ii iral compensation to tit ti Li war c whom i 0 et mana- Paid libo Quickly the same.. prqcedure was In regard to ilia of �.hc. inay � beColue .el Vic I�T a,fatfil other latfilciwilers. and'farmors .wlI0 ma".sloepfor one inoment,and,by the oil 'Nova Scoti, soldier 11 montiAents Ili CAada, and the ad�- carried o . ut .1 At �the � other, end, ' and -a -is -ack of iMictilhoutil, I '10 niuch comi)l4ined. Aniltlker es. br6#'zo, 11 feet, high. T mirtitku, of All who..-iee It for all screams of tlie younger children. She cow signs no absolutil att 11 .260 filich then Dr. Xaintsky removed , the a]-!- Ithile to Como. like agreement, even -by'�tho- altd,� oll-.00 ,other. ill the act (if I -is holding back lDIANATIC CONV 11SION. had risen. and run up- and dow clamp, which w, and what one man lt**s gre-ut stress gin of colds supins to be icedgiZOLl Traveri; began to boinbardAlio- ,k blood from tile illended artery. The. nthe hexviness- tXPENDITtRES FOR,WAR.. blood rushed through its new. Chan- Nvhu liave'nido is, " -tly left er' upon. -another passes fightfy. by, I and J)y all jillysieian. for more'rain. pal n" lit had corn I 6,11 lays stress on another Sign thiLf iln- special tiqdy of acute diseases of-tlio The feud became so. strolng �-CJILI.f SUMMER PROBLEM. Even now, when ig no]-, pumping out tho.'collapsed'itulid; Burglar Places I -!is Xit' o.f Tools- In this all fire 111figs and throat.� and the: children were -peacefully pressed.'him most, the neighboring farmers intiarposelli and it was. actually -tell On* the Church Altar. Ile agreed, that femininit 'is tho'.basts It is explained that tile' tempora- with it Ple for arbilti-n1ion;. nd tile To Xeoli Out the Mosquittles But Conflicts of the ViAeteenth. - Can- the artificial artery , from the real sleeping, she did not date to of desirable. outlinel' but with tile ture ofAtio , body is. maintained by aftir euded ln,a: friendly. banquot. tury cost! $P,0,000,000 000. offle. A.rather dramdtic confession start- down lest ilia should.never rise agafn realter,number kidications of. nerve the nervous system, And,. that.. the t 3 Not tIke'Air. ,'..An. extraordinary it-for,,tat wa. Illstant, t s ttending all:- She*logked round with intense sat- At the -Santa oo, a good ,led �tlle .300. person r. w - and' ca, dig'est:and least failure, or. relaxation of nerv- th; racilig. orld. a A writer csfinie,ted :the cost of , glous services tit the Pacific Garden isfaction. On the pile of loaves i;he iic�oinplished in The usual surianier problem of ]low w U 0 floalthy pulsation could be felt In the ss at arc, nolv. placed well causes'a diaiYge of. , tile ars of the ninotdonth cent ry..t le..' mission, - Chicago, last. w ' k. Wil- had baked; ht least h6r babits would few years ago, when, Skyjight, a big best to koop, and flies ank ee o th f re-, ana.tbii trim built bodily lint, and hapahls� the power bay horse, used to CaLlry all beforb out Of your .1.0 nearly reach'tbe ,enormous sum of liin Hill advanced to the altar, arid., IOt-starve., Then ho bills and atthe same N9,)0�,0()0"0()0,000: t'lloW much is cow that has tho'bright, prominent of 'the body. to resist-, the approach Illm ill ttu 1,1 Ju. -is dawn, If 'She had lived.throxigh the le, i,,il a bult 'u$ IIIUCI it billion? lie ask$. . It is one tlious� ov * idelice of his: good faith, - laid r? - Then a M., North -country tilile to .( I air. aq,possi + day,might she not mebive..
eye beneath a brain that indicates in- of, diseaso. It *is a wonderful fact raes. His owner, Mr. Llovd, was ble I poll fail solution. thereon his revolver and -kit. of bur- telligence, 1 and %deep proud' of the her$ S no-Nv 0 millions: but that fact, is not ox- glar tools, and signifi6d,' his inten- dim recollection came -of : having body that 't1tat under any change 6f.6utsido a's extraordinary As tiie best inothod of keeping 45ut I and Y A gp**f prossive. There , are olily P,lr)5,- CHEWED B 1410N. Who heard that if one could ward. off the might be balled licar Sllai1c, rtini the temperature, even if oil , roin qualities, hich rafted, mainly the itiosquitoes is, ill InO.4t cases, tile, tion to turn over a Waiv leaf. -a polso fact Of its deptl -oininetic to lie equator,. he673,600 accords ill a ceilturyl. It we S' Detwiler; - of St. Paul, deadly coma until'the snal, n I and pi o just Che Arctic regions t strange antipathy Which all Other' Worst for froo admission, of take Archbishop Usher's chronology, Itev. s -iident -H was worked out' of ilia blood life 4 till,, .body , =A di I A Hunter's Experience. With the and Assistant , uperbite arry in , front'of the udder. the licat of tit(- e ns At to him., Ili a race. tile it air, seat ifori from at least one r tile world I.O. be 15,904 pear shape and width also goes the ibou , t 08 de�p,cdq. a almost inevi Iting Of Beasts.. onroe,* of . the. Mission, bad beell might be saved. rest of'the field draw side, 'and , of these.sou"'os B60m years old, we find that the iiations Spurred by this, hope'she went but slightly hollowed back,' with looBe -'But lot- its regulations by the ner- F during'the ilin preaching,' and, the. latter bad just ac, *,yet wall knitted vous system, the )teat. of - the bod LE T HIM A OLEAn�;Lb'dU1192- 'table-' lla,VQ speat oil war a- On board a"ship returning froni At tho, " if ight.walking up and t y I I .. far teenth, celtary tit the . rate .of. si finished Ilia address w.hen Be - And passed the n, .1robablythe best iliethod so x U61 rica, -it few weeks ago, w The niorning' found'her'weak with muscles,'and tile J,folvI6 arch', could not rentain onstant;' as every by the rails; they. would not rull sug ested is -Line which has beell ad- at.. Lieutlin confessed burglar, walked to, tile Al- down ad"arid long. inuscular' oxertion, would � raise tile with Mr. .4 Ies if, ininute Since th& creation. art carpaux, just out of the hospi- blit alive � and. hopeful. prominent and set.on bro who Own- opted , .extainlively n Southern - tir and, weiurly� hips. - Itibs t(re well - silrung* with i6 -aturli. ' I The jilost costly building � it].- . the tal'at Damson, to which he Ila ' it been .-,3Fr1ends," lie 'said, �"l have been When the -little ones. awolte th0Y Itipoi Weariness. axiety, (,,it , it ' Very good horso that lit) World is the Church of San. Flotk�o. slant, forward logs' thought ought'to boat Skylight, but taken after ail interview, with a lion.. racking sales, robbin stores and cried out to her: 110 rhankm4,'Llon't backward a dopro4sl6u, and the like lower the It' is the xestilt of the observations in Vatidallo, hiloWil,to US as - St. lieutenant thus d6sciribEid wide apart, and tile 'polilt of tile allionlit of nervous energy, and ran- for tills peculiarity, tried . to Induce. Of Lt. scientist, who ascertained that Pater'9 Rome. It lias cost not less thO Picking pockets -a y years go -to* sleepi Please don"ti" "I'se so coldg, . meeting, which' seems to havQ. been for a living. . I have served terms in Sdaxe(ll PICAS4 Clon't go to $loop!" sholilder and the- blades' havo An at-! der,the Skylight's oVid? to fitop ruillli in 'fact, all tbn'$740,000,00.0 since its found . I . Sing Sing -and ollet. But to -night . Team of 'joy. and hope. I filled the body 'susceptible to 1119 flies, nio.squitocs, and, a- an unusually lively end: most distinct separation..from. the dually'disappeared. The,oarthquake tile obectionable animal;.but Mr. wingod ingoct,s tire afraid to enter an tion stone was laidi yet.nerly 300 one morning I started off ta see eyes as she kissed them, body, so much So tht the hand call rrom tile least bx1yosurc b disturb- Lloyd�'whb enjoyed the joke, Per- i 'Am going to end my criminal car- mother's be pushed well . In between them and ing the process of regulating the sisted, opening, oven though -it be several i other churches of actual cost could be 'what I could do in tho way of lion- car - and start out on a, new life. X sa�lng, '�I Won't. go to sleep at all- Ong. as 'built out of. what the world Ila$ :hunting. We had not gone far when 'all 'the time till .thnes theii own size, a. 1,
the body. This goes %YQII with tile temperature, Ile was; Paid a. very novel there IS darliess beyond It, spent on Wars during the nineteenth was walking along State street to- I will stay with ou so., W' I esplod a superb beast with Lt glor- night when I heard the -men speaking father 'comes home." And sharp China, and the roomy heart way, however, for he hail Jockey . Ile soon put ]its discovery to 0, century. The costliest building on ion$ milfic. I fired, and lie ran.. far- from. your Gospel waggon. They proved. Mrs. Morgan did not die. ispace that tell, of large vital organs called Brooks, ilia only man who Practical Purpose Cover your OP-! this continent is the Philadelphia' ther into the scrub. I felt sure that Said seemed to Her mOther-love, aud reserve power. Given these few something that, which had firststill, 'could manage Skylight. This Jockey on windowwith 'Someclicap rotting public . building, Which rap asents lie was watinded, and went to look n: had saved her I.9 r touch me. ' I followed, the waggozi mulattil her to actio ,
signs, the. othe a, to corrOSPolid, QEJEER NEWS SERVICI'L *118 , Ivan a month's holiday before made either of whito or light'colored early $30,000,000; yet nearly 700 fell him. red, death. must be largely in harmony, here,, and entered with tile crowd. life., Love conque Chester races, and spent tile holiday, thread, with meslics an inch, or more, copies of this great pile could be Aftell beating about in th' Jungle I Here, then, 1 - a the lessn. Given it Exploror Tells of'Curious, Telegra- b'Mr; Artlynard'a Permission, at tile Ili diameter. 111io-. comparatively 0 'lle more -1 heard the imore I became hard of COWS With those signs ill evactod out of the money spent oil for sonto ttuiej came to a, small Convinced that thisi is the time fdr gentlemaii's cqtablishiiwut,� where largo opit 0 war during the last hundred years, clearing, And saw, fifty yrds off, the P Ievidence, selected. -to do- good Work; phic Language. Brooks'q relation 'lv6ro iilnployed� f �the not will not me Aa reform. I want YOU people a less. effective, but, The world spends upward of mako it $500,1 lion facing I me and lashing Ills side to help give me a start in the right direction, I have found it'casier to whatever the- brcod� oil.. it or no A French explorer has discovered a llliaynard-had the jockay,so oft the contrary, is the chlof recOm- 000,000 a year on education, 1i ii, witli Ili. tit- I. I dropped oil one knee HATS OF VAMOUS MEN. brood, cross thom. a -sire, of most Curious news service in Af�a !I- ��oll. treated that' lie forgot about his inandation -of tile now method. spent 37 times as mucli it would not �Ldmed.,at tho.hoad and fired.. The wall known dairy , breeding , keep to tioll 'a I I"Ong the savages of' 'I CM. "triduffig," and began to put on � While the meshes are lar a allough equal the war expenses of the steal than work, but now. I want to 9, past, brute,' roaring awfully, bounded Ithe West sires of thatbrood.and faml, UY tills Ineaus news of . important flesh tit Ali alarming rate., 33y.tlio. to admit Several nitisfillitOCS Or flies c6nturyl.. The population' of the forward work for illy living,, And you will Some of Thera I -Tot so Large as Ily, anut. do not . try mixing breeds eVents in tile, interior; oftlio Soudkin time lie got back for race$, toward us and my help me I will work for your mls-� Might be Expected. or families with Wide apart P I couliar- �vachcs all the trading ports on tile it month later, lie was.,ludicrou sly with extended wings t ilia same w(;rld is estiniated at 1,500,000,000; coklirade� ran off into the scrub. sion." coast in a. very short tinle,'although fat � a tinio, it will be found that, 'tile flies tile money spent on war between 1, fired again and hit the lion, but. This significant cbnversion *as re- Not long ago Lt hat: worn by Dan- itiog, ShThere is little rea oil why lid out of condition, unit Sky- Will be excluded simply' 11-0111 their 180:L and 1,000 would, givoto each without killing him, and In a moin- ther 'I'll not be a substantil bet- there is no electric telegraph at tale- Jig f r torment of the dairy, The question 010 no ill tile interior. ght. was unable to ailine in lily dread of Venturin croSs Clio thread- man .,woman And clifid'alive to -day ent we were fAc6 to face, . I was e.eived. with the.greatest enthusiasm, i0l, O'Connell was passed round 0 better than forth: with Ilim. The rmore than $13 as pocket nioncy. -lien knocked over, and feltnkyrigh Tito man left at - the close. inspectioli tit a meeting of the Coun- at,Gi And udder tie- - ThO 4202111111111'eat'EIU is mado by plot WILS aigl was balled t of tile inaoting, first promising ty Kildare Archaeological Society tit of irtilk elabor It(" beauty -�iff tills method is that If -it man counted 200 a minute, for leg,crinkle as If squeezed in'a 41se, I Mr. Monroe to return the tifixt day, Naas, Says London Tit -Bits'. Tito valopmelit Is Ei,fto of great mygtorY, IlleallS qf variops instruments, the as one of the Wggrcst, jokes lit the arlillission, of tile air IS Ill no way I 0 hours a day, Nix days, it week, lie tried to seize tile bi,.uto 'by the threat
The wisest know little about it. Most commonly balug-,cords of racing. impeded, the of tile would have counted one million Ili but was too firmly held down. when ail effort will be miLdc, to get name of the famous owner wag - writ- There is a close connection between horns, toni-toms and whistles. - The however 'great, tire The him work.. tan inside it,' in his own handwrit- itV to horns art, of solid ivcr,v, inde. by given to allow6ig the air to enter .11,110-1.4t A. eight-, days 8 hours find 210 minutes. footing, that I wag lost Came home to True to his promise, 11111 Appeared Ing,. and it had been made by Chris -
intelligence, nerve force, cap -to . "getting back" at elch freely its If tile windows were Ullctl-� At tile same rata,ho.Would need 8,- me with terrible force. eat nd a power to amimilate food, hollowing out tusks. The other front time to tillic; and when at tile office of the Pacific Garden ty, the wallknown London hatter- making and the nerve tom- Is itt the side. Those France clos-ed. . 33 days, 3 hours find 210 Ininutes, Suddenly I felt, the lion's grip. re. Mission aa promised, and declared, The hat WEIS of considerable dimen- blood 0 . nritaiii a badly The main objection to t1* PVC-9cut not counting -SUndayq. To count lax, And What, seemed to we miraeu�;
perament, And so we look to the cow are (it all siAes; but tholov6V Ilia Ncwi�undland fisheroy quas- Illethod fit usitio, a very cloqe notting twenty billions wouWtuka t)32-ybars long, he moved off it few feet, and that he had not reported Ilia rosolu- along, tile. width inside being 8* in- 'that Is of'this typo and'tompera- 1MV01-ItO 01101f, are Very long and give tion,. Britain gave hot. ti -for -tat in tion, but was rather more firmly dq- ches and its longest diameter iO in-,
ment to do the work of milk mak- dlutilkct� notil-4, produced, by it wily that. would tit.16 is that ..whilp li'is Undoubtedly its of- Jr0 das, 0 hours aiid 40 luillutes. stood looking in the . direction in termined to gain an honest liveli- thes, Tho� chairman Caused some . Lt good del fective, although frork.a. different . I I It lie Ing, Just as We look �or peed in a plugging thil niolk0k. wRii corks Of of boatitig it, few yours rLgt-. 3, 4 i .. which lily man hall � fled, hood, Mr. Uonroo started otit witli amusement by putting the Ittit 6n his rangy, little built horse; for beef in 'Irbe ordinary tolki- . . ollNollk ill keeping out tile Illosqui- WIRM) THE FE1TCr,P68TS. thinks me dead," I thought, "Per' the new convert, at once to see If he lioad, which it entirely covered, com- p, blocky, flat'backed borthorn stoor I" EL 109 Of w't1I if. Brr, . L t k7, j., I . S , toes and flies, it excludes it great liaps I may bLP saved.#1 While Ila could got him some employment,. Ing down to his thin. Over one end. of the air tit. the allic tlllio� stood I was Able to got hold of my The late Mr. Gladatono, required a .gnd for fine wool on a little, wrink-' lkn136taill Was hopelesly "had" There is but one condiltioll to tile Prof, Bell Tells -of ilia pirst'Sue- rifle, and rapidly aimed and fired hat Of tile Size known, as 17 f inches, suggested ys- just a lie was turning round to fin- ly, meatless Inerinc, shcol). over this treat; but it is n6t under. Proper working of the , a work nedds bodily form to corres- follo%ilkle itritallce will illus- Stood I'llt Thlitaill's couittor-lTt U -ht Illust enter 0110 cessful Telephone. which was exactly what Lord Ma- loll Inc. 110 fell dea(k caula's measurement was. the wy'j;1 which these native tho, Vrench potitlon it very Lord pond 'if ilia b at Is desired. side of the roolli only, for it "You Prof. A. 0, Bell, tho Inventor of My leg Was in M fearful state, and ADAPTED TO THE XARXET. 33orLoonsficid, however, wore a hat of barron victory Tile treat, which 11,
emploed. The post %,Vc %vindowq oil tho Opposite side
-it Stanley Fillia was lit- IS ail old one, Provided that tile tile telephone, writing ' in a New so� were illy chest And shoulder; but. 7 inches, tile size wtilch,nicely fits
coninvoider . also tile ilipg will pass Qirough the York Paver Saya no bono was broken and no main dward VII. STAOXI by it native of.m neighboring French might lili for coil along ilia after Eruitg, and Vegetables Must Nq HA'k IN THP nettbio. obsttl- Be Ills Alajesty Xing E
Newfoundland ache,;, which belong etc ilil'y "It Is,exactly tWenty-six years artery Cut. Fell twenty days "Good Shippers.10 Charles Dickens, the late Lord Sol- The tacking of tiny Is hot diffi- Y'llat;o that Lt Provision train had targ Intel, however, be i)aslJ Overcome, by pull- since 1 put up illy borne, and Mr. John. Bright all, Wore attacked by two days t( (.town tile or one set of . first toloplione, A� the Lceident I Was Ir the hospital.
Lt it Point 18k) miles further W O' I was visiting it my Those who ratse fruits and vegeta- hats of the same cult. Start the stack where most the Vrench clainiell'thwt they Alone that tim size, 71; butTliaek-
billows, especially aq it I hardly f, convenient and oil high ground, so down the Congo. . A later tile had the and Britih fiherniell ever desirable to lla�vv tile salshlike 'ttherla house fit Brantford, a. bleg for the market find It to their cray required 1 -inch larger, A former that It will not be surrounded 'by a ilia coild not be ullowed there. Britain I ;�iall city In Ontario, Canada, We advantage to develop varieties which Archbishop of York, the WeII-known
party colifirlile and, light colne train both sides at OUT I -MI, WIDINT.
water at any time. If tile 110 is 11he had reached the ht1d her IMILIS full lit tile And obtained the pernkis will best stand shipinent. This Dr. Thomson, needed a, hilt fully 8 stacked in the field, place the stack story In 1, could not (teal thoroughly with tile once. adian Government to use it tole- The following is related of ail aue- does liot necessarily mean those Inches In. diameter, but his friend, of tile alh-gea attack at ilia q,110 ame systoin. of netting may be
so- that the least amount of hauling little but the Which No France got )%or way. graph line four miles long that ex- tioncer'wilcy waa provokingly annoy� Which are beat in flavor. A tomato, tile illustrious Dean 9tailley, found will be required. ill the big the nativeN had fak(011 43 inflicatiolls Put 11-ittlill, by Way of retort, gave uplylied to liaminockq and is equall tended , from - Brantford to a reigh- while In the exercise of Ills pro- no mattee how delicious, that be- A 6�1. of sufficient size. Joseph Ili fact, it is well knowil tit financier, Ila -
fields tile stacks arc scattered All of Ej conflict with r0bbors had been every and hoill to , boring village Wo put up our ap- 6mes I'mushy" under a low liouils' Hume, 'At, r" the gre
over tile illoadbiwa in wore or losa ro;� iii.ttJ at ,, her of till natiolis Tint vrolich that. Protect themselves f�Ssiolk, by Vic ludicrous bids of a 'Contiell's;
(I of front Ili Lt sinillar innuer, cov- paratus In it friend's house , kindly Shaking In a. freight -car is unprotit- quired a hilt aA large as 0
gularity. As tile buy Is recently, wriell'un Witter of In and tho remilt .1 I loaned for the purpose, and as It follow whose sole object seemed to tibia, except for local markets. Tito but the present German mporor
gathel,od up; from the ;�Indrow �rftll tile (,orgo, eallia If) glqtlt Ili Was that exterminated, ill(- U!"Ir cas;till.q was over halt it Inflo froill tile tale- be to make 8port for tile buyers, railroadq have made the range of finds coullort, In it 6; liat. big horsorakag, Olt wheals, tile ad- , Ile throu!.'It Ille Illeshes of which raph line We Wore obliged to himself to buy. At.supplie for the tile acel(rolit Nvft,; 1jort- Pretich became till rather for every region so wide Present Loubet is the oposgossor of
Vantitac of field stackbigAs ftPPELI'- Ott tile next Illorning at ., Vill agr . e JAG tile fisherman to Lt fifty gi I afq 'I'lie net- length, enraged beyond endurance, that 'tile first requisite Of any Per- I a notable hat. It is the silk one he
Ila liallur to a telliliq lengthen tile wire, o additional
ent, wboile it-, will be little wire Was Available, so tho: ffiable articles is that it shall be a, wore on the occasion of Ills Visit to
st easily talc- by knight of the haminer, looking is
all to tile feedlot. lictlo it should itribe a Sort of I round the room for a chapion to "good shipper." the Autell rates reLtrly two years also be on A, �volllldrahwd spot, and Ised With four notes, what (to you think we Yet ige Ilia wrongs fixed Ills eyes .Scientific agriculturists are now ago, when he was assaulted by Bar- xylophone is I would never guess. We could find Aver so -placed that Stock get at fly of which thn natives hold 01-1 NAq,fONAL nothing fil tile stores but upou A, biped of 'huger dinionsion, Lt bendilig their energies toward secur- -on Christlant. The latter struck it else illuell waste will ocour. communication dititallem A R1,1MAUTCABLI-3 CON , stovepipo wire, and we had to buy very monarch,lit, strength, and criod irg by crom-brectling, a, Combination tile PresWent's liat with Ilia cane; "ri, tit(,- field tho'ettinnion longra0k in it kind of telegraphic lantiti9q. illy till tile stovepipe w1re ill l3rant- 011t'— of delicacy of, fliwor and of gooll whercon, according to the 11twi Ill- td. Warlow, what sball I give you to travelling quality. The Jim
is preform This inu be '14. to 16 The Arabs ue thIS Instrument on Alt ()no of tile largall0l, There are pioducts Of tile ford to make Ottr 11110. long 011011911. : I ve at- garo, ail American millionaire offer- # wide, and at; long aS . 11c, trilig find warliko expedi- COS lit Liverpool, several put that fellow otit? read accomplished lll�ch. Ewlery � ad Z540 for it. The hat, however, gin by placing a Strip along the rlofioa of their Ill)- tic tudentq of 'Old coffin wfT0. Coil- (arth upon Which, to till extent that We did not trouble to Put up, Posts, I'll take five dollar. year soind new fruit or vegetble oil- did not change hands.
tions to 91V( is itlinost, startlitig, under modern but tacked itip Willa to the fence,
middle And tramping It, sdthen to tile nalve oil to Af- Dono—donel You shall have it. tells the general marketg, and bet- One of the vioat extraordinary hats c011diti011s, tile g0l'ttt'104 Of nations The conilliullicati011 that took place Assuming the ferocious, knitting ter varieties of the old are intro- ever tuade belonged to Oonerat Grant
so, that Whvil they readl it tile value or Cert turn. tire coul, got([ and Iron. ive 11 q no
gradually Increase the width tintil ala r t1li,i r. C. telepho wire Wag his brows; spreding his. nostrils like duced. the desl6l give Is e -cured, Pat on ' village visions of, C(iffis for sol"O 111110, all old fellow Ill Mal turns tile Whoola of Industrk liot 9. converation, but a mono- . and wag, Presented to him on flul oo-, layor after laver, taking desired eolleej�d and 04 of tile roonk, ald lie h . a lion's, and putthig Ott the wolf all 111 these tiliftes not only casion of Ills visit to Mexico In the.
tile IntlikitiOns dand cominerce and furnishes the me- logno, as wo had the transinitter oil over Ills head and shoulders, old but tile eye inust be satitf"O -,,car 1882. It wag a Mexican soin-
ready for their- it coill Willett bore the of the tive force of the great nalval Pull ly at one and and tile receiver at Clio Ifai-low strode off to tile aggressor cry inust be white, strawberries brera, find was said to have cost the outor edges arc not'pachod, but be equally painstaking Ili eonittact- i.nother-in-law. ']'lie corlpally gilics of modern warfare, Gold, be- "I tile rilddloi byl conqtant trainp- wouldn't believe it, but the old man Cause of its mall vaittble qulitfes, And, scizing the terrified Vretch by must be; red, and ail. apple attrac- fig litakell as i,1100, 11199. 1<00P tltfa filgli tuld solid all XN111W TIMIR HiLTIMV find Mid that lie Would fiq till, Inoispensable basis of the morill tile callair, said to lifin In a whi- tive . In color.' Any now variety, 14cotland's national poet, nobort tile Wage - _+ per that Was heard all over tile however excellent, tbat. does not, Burns, required a hat of - 7f Size; *fly UP. Avileft takeg r A:0 tllttt Ile Could Pl'odUce It. ystem of tile world. Iron In room.— Como up to thee sWridards cannot while Hir Walter ScotVq headgedr Place, the outer odgeq ok till) 1rother—ra your letter to your hul- exelallned one of thent, and itq varions forrv4 eater into every AXXIOU.14 TO MAIMY, M good friend, you go out witli expect it wide inarket, Will go, down inuch fliattr thall tile veady 'to inaW tho ItioneV wti 111110 old Inatorial Parof life, To out Off tile Wds just + smaller, The size taken. mi4die, Tills gives the ontell naill thet; handed it coill ovel- for In. Supply of.thette Would paralyze till, MUrrijigoff,ble Women In Servin, have Inc, find I'll give you half tile money. Then nature puts "trade -marks" by tile bake of Cornwall and Yrk
es"lk distinct downward oxileptrli, tile. tll(-,Y till ShOUt0d, world until had found ubstl,, a queel' way Of announcing the are Done, done[ tried the follow. upon Certain varlaties, find so great- is understood to be d1r.
V copiplote wato,,hed, to Bond Ill(,, Some More, illoiley, 1,111 tilin it; Only lilt ordinary poll lly I I I tuteg for ilitlill. The possession of ilk tile mittrimonlal inarket. A dress- Hurrah, hurrahl shouted the audl- ly aids their Commercial success. The ,
ling' t1ke lt of paper. blit; you ,,list tigreif that tile then% In clulltitle"I and Power ed doll, haD9 is one of .4cvoral kinds of JO
tralli- looking loll ullother hoe Ing ill the principal ance. ot make, Vie 5411elc write it acrogs tile lines. Ift that of t1w Present cowitituto indow of u, holiqo, indicatel tllfttl The auctlono�er had the good wrisa qeodlesq porauges, bIt It in so din- 'pecially it tile p1tching No, I Indc0d. He'll pretend he and soi of course, important olk!luollts of fia,tional JG living. there ii, Woitivai who is to join Ili the laugh, iiii(I coolly tinetly marked as to bave acquired r, ngland exports urabrollag to tht
one hand, Not only will it couldn't read it, the nilolloy was k!�Jy won, trougth, Anxious to become a bride, handed over tile money. almoot a monopoly, of tile field. valuo of 4:010,000 every