HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-07-04, Page 501 MINT011 lIEWif3-11110OR3 TEACHER WANTED. • female teacher wanted for S. No. 13, Idahylon Lino, Stanley. Applications will be receined tin to AtIgnSt Oth. 'rerIn begins Aug- ustistli. AvelY to J. T. 1CIYZ, Varna P. 0. JnIte 27th. tits SEALED TENDERS. Sealed tenders will hci. received by the under- signed up to Jniy ard for the extension with gallery and ot or improvements as per plans SARI speeifloaf ons of Ontario Street Methodist church, Clinton Plans, etc., at 1Vm. Taylor 8G lion'a Boot and Shoo Store. Tile lowest or any tender not neccastrily accepted. June ?Atli JACOB ldi TAYLOR. Secy. Buing Cont, Strayed \ Ads STRAYED STEER, • Strayed steer, one-year•old, came onto the undersigned's promises about ion days ago. Owner Is ',equated to prove property and PPY exPenses and take it. away. TYNDALL BROS, Matt, Juno Nth,' Foli Sale Ads1 BINDER TWINE FOR SALE, --- Binder I' wine at the lowest prices. D. CANTELON or at Cantolon Bros. store. Clinton, .June DURHAM BULL FOR SALE. A first-class Shorthorn finll for sale. Good color and firsi.elass pedigree. About 13 months old. If sold at one() a bargain will be given. H. PIX MSTEEL, Clinton. ASTERS FOR SALE. I have a largonumber of Ater Plants for sale. They are all good varieties and will be ready for transplanting about the 1st of June. The Pine° Astor is the prettiest of the lot. I got the .sccd from Chicago. . I havo also for sato a number of Verbenas. CHARLES COOK; Clinton, May 18th. CEMENT .FOR SALE. Thorold Cement for sato DT -Edward Carter,. corner William and Princess streets, , Clinton. Special rates (MI ear lots, Estimates given on cement walls and floors and silos. Al work satisfactorily done and all orders promptly. attended to. - • Real Estate For Sale. SUMMER COTTAGES TO RENT. At tho well knowastimmer resort "jowott's Point" a conplo of desirable cottages, furnished or unfurnished, by the month or for the season. For further particulars apply to W. R. JOWETT, Bayffeld. June 17th. 2t • c-30-. BENT OR FOR SALE.. The undersigned offers for sale or t� vont the fl story house next the bowling green on Mary street lately occupiod by Mr. A. A. Schronk. The house Is newly papered and 'is 10 a good state of repair. Maxi and soft water. D. 13. KENNEDY. Clinton, Juno 17t1I. HOUSE FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale a seven -room' ed cottage on Orange street together with one. fifth acre of land. New cistern and wen., will be sold on reasonithid torfns.. MRS.. CARLING. Clinton, April 12th. GALE FARM FOR SAL The Gale Parra, one of the best Macre faro in Goderich township, Huron amity,lot I and part 18 on the 8th con., si miles from God rich, 7 from Clinton. The farm contain s goo buildings and fences, Is well watered and u derdramed. Large orchard and garden: Fart will be sold on reasonable terms. Will .sel either 80.or 100 acres. Apply to • AV 11f . GOULD, Jun0 14 on the premises or God erich P.0 FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sok. lot 20, 000,1 Goderich township, consisting of 80 acres. al cleared. The lot is situated n mites fron Clinton and 2 miles from school. Possessio given next fall. For further particulars appl on the premises to ROBERT ncex, Clinton P. 0 March 7th. . • HOUSE FOR SALE,. The suleribor offers for sale a very desirab -- property bp Isaac stmet, consisting0110111 lo upon which there IA a comfortable frame hou, with kitchen and woodshed attached. The Is a good /31,0bIn and a first-class wertof watt on premises. The orchard, consisting of grapes' and apples, is a good ono, The property will besold at it remonablo figure for ettsh or cash and balance on time. Apply to the owner on he promises MRS. .1011N JUNOIt , Clinton May Oth SRL - OF O. B. Kneliig's Bankrupt Stock has so far been even more successful' than we antici- pated. The %tock, however, is a large one and although we have already sold a lot of goods the vacancy is scarcely noticeable. We intend to run off the stock of SOOi). as possible and our low prices must do it. Come and see the bargains we have, a few of which are mentioned below e. DRESS GOODS . • Oor Dress Goods are all bar- gains but we have notroom to mention them all, besides the goods mustbe seen before the goods cap be appreciated; A (ample of pieces of the • Fancy Plaid left at 25c and 40c A line .of Dress Goods in purple and red only at 124e Some nice Dress' and Skirt leugths at per yd, 05c,75c and $1 Serges, ,Lustres, Heririettas and • 0a,shineres • at about wholesale. Prices., Dress Mishits at 10c Cottonade 20c STAPLES Otto best S'hirting for 10c and 11c Blue and Brown Denham 150 Toweling epecial worth Se for 4e Regular 120 Print for 10e Colored Sateen, reg, 15c, for 12c Cotton Towels a pair 50 Torkish Towels a pair 20c up Linen Towels a pair 20e up Table Linens at less. than wholesale prices, Table Oilcloth 20c Floor Oilcloth 80b READY-MADE OL.OTHING The Ready -Made Clothing has been one of otr .busiest departments and it is in this department we can make the greatest reductions. We are sellihg all of 011r best suits at wholesale prices which is a big saving for you if you need a suit : Tweeds from 20c up An exceptionally nice Black NVerstecl at •• • $1.50 Pants' made-to-order from our best stripe worsteds _ • for $4.00 . Odd Pants from Overall's at Boys' Braces at 85calu 45c..,a,nr1 70e 5c and,16c Men's Braces at 20e, 25c and 40 ' White Laundried Shirts 45c est line at 750 •Ties froin 5c to 25c • Collars from 10c to 15c • ,Ouffs 2.5e Cotton Socks at 7c a pair We have a few black Sateen Shirt Waists left, noisily small sizes, to cleer at Another line in Black Sateen, _trimmed with white; at 60e Two pairs onlyptienille Ourtains...Koenig's price was $5,. our ine A few Chenille Table Covers at • Boots and Shoes we ban show the highest quality combined with the lowest prices to be found in the trade: We extend to .everyone a hearty invitation to come . and inspect, our stock and getour prices. $3.50 • 50c 12.1.-4JNISTEEL & 011313ING$ COLBORNE TOWNSHIP. Haying is the order of the day. We are glad to see Mr. Wm wStereautitu ughanneesa.round again after a few Quite a number took in the Mese. moots m Cloclerich, on the first. Harry paid his last visit on Thursday, evening, We will hardly see hina after midsumnaer holidays as he will epend part of • his holidays Olirrit mirven of Nile occupied Zhao pulpit on Sabbath. Mr. and Miss Worthy of Kincardine were guests of their aunt, Mrs. Fowler of Cedar Valley. on Sabbp,tb. We are glad to hear that Mr. An. drew Young is getting around again after a long illness. We are sorry to inforra inany of our readers of the death of Mrs. Turner of Goderich, who passed away Saturday marning at the home of Mrs. Tyndall of Carlow. The remains were taken to Cioderich cemetery for interment. . • GODBRIOR, We wore shownone day last week in the garden of Captain Lawson a Pear tree laden with pretty large pears for June, one of the well laden branches near the top of the tree hav- ing four fine white bleasoms on the upper side and lower down it little branch is growing out of the tree witla a single white blossom upon it. Early in Mardi there were blossoms upon the same tree. • Mrs. D. McDonald and Mrs. ' W. Brough spent some days last week at, the Pan-Annerican. We were very sorry to learn that Engineer Williamson has been laid up for some weeks at his home here with it very badly crushed hand, the acci- dent befalling him upon the steamer on which he was engineer. Mr•Emigh has sold out his restaurant in McLean's block to a gentleman from Stratford, Mr. Emigh and tam. 111,11,40.1j1WIT.1110.1!___ Voters' List 1901 11 CENTS. MunOnicipality F°f: TtH:e Village of FOR EGGS Bayfield,Connty of Huron. Notie0 is herebir given. that 1 have trans- mitted and delivered to tho Partiesmentioned In sections 6 and p of the Ontario Voters" List Act, 1889; the copies required by said See tions, to be so transntitted or delivered the .list made pursuant to the Said Act, of all persons appeal'. mg by the last revised AssessmentRoll of tho said Municipality:jai be entitled to Voce in the said municipality at Mations. for members of the Legislative .Assembly and at Municipal Elections and that Said list was first posted up atmy officeat Bayfield off the 20th day of 'June, 1901,. and remains Were for inspection. Electors ' aro called, upon to exionine the said list and if any omissions or any other errors. aro .fund 'thereto, to take immediate proceedings to.havo the sixid.orrors corrected accordinglo law. • H. W. ERWIN. Clerk of Bayfield. Dated at I3ayfield.. Juno 29th, 1001. ASblIeld Township. Zion Sunday, 114401 held their anneal picnic in lifr.Middletou'e grove on July let. It Waa fairly well attended anct everyone willed to have a nice time. Mr. ChaalloDonnagh waa in Toronto laat weak aa a, delegate from Parini:tont IL T. of T. Arohlbald of Toronto Is the guest Ohio OCUSirli Mr. joint 000k. • The weekly night prayer meeting of Zion church le ohanged and in the futons will lanheld io the hones el the different homilies of the congregation. Next Thuraday it vvill be held at Mr. J. Gardner's. Dont forget anicome to Luoknow ona the 12th of Ally. ' Mr. Reid of the 12th oon, is very sick at present. Quite a few took advantage of the excursion to Guelph last week, ' Mr. Hank Erwin was raarried last Wednesday to Miss Johnston, both of Belfast, The Foresters of this mart held a picnic in PortAlbert on the lat of July which was largely attended. Hoeing roots is the order of the day, The Western Pair, London, Sept. rith to I4th, 1901. The first Western Fair of the twen- tieth century promises to be a record - breaker in all the essential features that go to make up a varied exhibition of the products of the soil, the skill of dairy- men, the judgment and knowledge of our bleeders of thoroughbred stock, the skill of the artisan, and the general per- fection to.which agrarian operations and all that pertains thereto may be brought. It is only when such are concentrated and brought within the compass of a de.y or two of pleasurable sight. seeing that one is enabled to realize at a glance the richness of the section frorn ily will remain in Goderich a few which the Western draws it patronage months before returning to their hotel and the vast possibilities of the land. we ab Blyth. At present they occupy a inherit. •' cottage. At the Fair grounds all conveniences Miss Bettie Farr of 'Tennessee is the have been improved, and exhibitors will guest of her aunt, Mrs ra,re, be pleased to anew of such addition and large order has been placed with us for eggs which we must fill, so in order to do it as soon as possible we are, paying • 11 Penta per Dozen. • We also haye a lively de- • mand for btitter for :which We are paying 14 Oents per • pound. ' Delivered at poi, store this week. eood. Prices For Produce. .o.OLSON Keict door t� Dr. Gunn's private hospital IINVIMMII.NSGZOIMV.M.2.1110". BULL FOR SERVICE. Subscriber has for service a thorobred Short Horn Bull. Terms 81.60 to insure. • ADAM WEIR, , Erotica, May 801. Lot 27, Con. 4, rholett. • W. GLEN. CAMPBELL • Organist and Choir•Master of North street church, Goderich, and teacher of piano, pipe. organ Mut theory, Is prepared to take it limited number of pupils for irsitrOorlOo. Leave word itt tho Clarendon Mat Will visit Clinton on Friday of eaCti week, immossolossmsairsinoisessmorssmiSmsi* ' . .„. 'MARBLEAmDBRANITE IVIIINUMENT5 RATTENBB• RY ST. WORKS, Ilieeet importers, Workman» eilip and Material: guaranteed, POPULAR EXCURSION(• The Masonic Excursion to Brantford . . WEDNESDAY, JULY 17 will he the most popular of the season. . See bills for tinie table and rates, .1"..11.Wiaeslor4eareswenArs.weneleienst. The great illustrated Week- ly Paper of Commie is , . Toronto Saturday Night and you and other enterprising people may positively earn money handling it. Over 600 boys and agents at work. .The terms are, verYfavorable and the paper is popular. Just now running a Neries of articles on 'Egypt, Palestine and Italy ahd readera aro greatly inter- ested. If yon wish to Make Mottey in Chia respeetable Way write for our painplilet telling all about it, Addr088 CIRCULATION DEPT., TORONTO SATURDAY N/GIITt TORONTO. „era:II/too fbla argeqtroo, fa on ovary box of the genuine Laxative Broino.Quiftine Tablete ties romedit that indetinA alterations in the Prize List as are calm- TH OITSAND A.RE lated to give the greatest amount of sat- isfaction to the exhibitors.. The speed- • • (WING EVERY DAY. bag in the ring, always a feature of the - Western Fair, will this year, with en - To Wonderful Washington,the ever- larged purses be more attractive than green State, land of opportenities, of Aver while the incidental attractious are flue soil,. splehdid crops and indePen- the highest -priced that could be secured. dent homes. Now is your time to go The gymnasts are all of the first -Mass in to the Pacific Coat ever the GREAT the vaudeville world to -'day, and not the NORTHERN RAILWAY. Wonder- least interesting feature is a full troupe ful Washington, •the ever.green State of erfornaing elephants. Prize Lists may eon app ica ion o r. J. A. P b had 1' t' t M J A is the place for you. °Mate almost perfect: Grass is green and roses S bloom at Christmas. Fine crop a that Nelles, ecretary. never fail. Pleoty.of good land. You can -own your farm and home and be independent. Good markets Good prices.. Good schools and churches. Fo,r illustrated description and full information about rates over Great Northern Ry. writes or call on Chas. W. Graves, .District Passenger Agent, 6 King sp. West, (Room 12,) Toronto, Ont. For Over Fifty Years mns.Wisistow's SOOTIIING SYRUP has bee4 used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed. at night and broken of your root by it sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cuttitp.Teeth 'send at o onand get a bottle of "Mrs. inslow's sooth- ingAm. Syrup" Children Teeth ng. It Will re. lieve the 001 itte sufferer immediately. De - pond upon itLinothers, there is no mistake about it. It mires Diarthcets, regulates the Stomach and bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the. Gums, reducesInflammatien, aitd. gives tone and energy to tho whole system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea- sant tothe taste and IR the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United StateS. Price twenty-five cen:s an bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the world." Be sure and ask for "Mrs. 'WINSLOW .SOUTRING SYRUP. • MUSICAL CENTRE Your home becomes a musical centre when you have a first quality piano there, You will appreciate the high qualities of those I sell and how I can sell them. Organs and General Musical Merchandise sold right at Many School Children. are • Pale, Weak and Nervous. Reyiew of Reyiews for July. In the editorial department of the MARRIAGES. B4CIOUS-JOIDTSTON-On Wednes- da,y,Juna at the reeidenee of tUV bride's mother Huron road, 0111. C t]A Goclerich, by Rev, If. MoKay, John , Edwin Precious to 1(14,01400 (laugh- ter of Ms, Robt, Johnston, both of Goderiela, 1.101,E0D-ALLEN-At the residence of the bride's father, A.. Allen, in Dun. lop, by Rev. Mark Turnbull, B. A., rector 01 St George's ohurob, Ctocle- rich,on Tueeday evening the 25th of June, Annie, eldest daughter of A. Allen, to Norman McLeod, of Look» alsh. FORDEN-PORTER-On june 26th 1901, by Rev. janiea A. Anderson, B.A., Alexander Forclen to Isabella Jane, daughter of John Porter, Goderich township, LOUTIT'V-FIFE-In Winghara on June 26th by Rev. D. Perrie, Mr, A..E.Loutitt to Miss Jessie L,,claugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Fife, NEWTON -CAMPBELL -In Culross, by Rev. W.Lowe, June 26th, Mr, A. Newton of Waterloo, to lase L. Campbell of Culross. BELL -HANNAH -At the residence of the bride's parents near Seaforth,on Wednesday June 29th, by the Rev. WaddelI,Mr.Thiss.Boll,of Farquhar, to 1Vliss Hannah. • . STEWART-STEWART-At the rest. donee of the bride's parents, on Juno 19th, by the Rev. J. L. Murray, D.D. Mr. Win *J. Stevvart, of Kincardine to Margueri Leviana Stewart, daughter of Archibald Stewart of the township of Kincar. dine. FINLA.Y:-BALI,ANTYNE--At the resi. denoe of the bride's parents, Queen St, Kincardine, on 25th ofJune by the Rev. L. Murray D. D., Mr 6 Albert Arthur Finlay of Winnipeg, Man., to Miss Margaret Ballantyne, (laughter of ,John Ballantyne, Esq., of the town or Kincardine, MULCAHY-McQUADE-At St.james church, Senior* on June 25th, by Rev. Father Corcoran, Mr, Patrick Mulcahy, to Miss Margaret, daugh- ter of Mr, John McQuade, all of Seaforth, • BEST-ABELL- At the residence of the bride's parents, Seaforth, on June Min by Rev. Buret Dean Hodgins, Mr. W. E. A. Best, to Miss liauclaildesb daughter of Mr.Joseph Abell, all of Seaforth. REEVES -SHADE -At the manse, Egraondville, on June 26th, by Rev. N. Shaw, B. A., Mr. Frederick A. Reeves, of Seaforth, to Miss Mary G. Shade, daughter of Mr.Lucas Shade, of Harpurhey. BAKER-GRAVISTIN-At the Metho- dist parsonage, Wingham,June 26th, by Rev. Richard Hobbs, Thomas J. Baker, Culross, to Miss Mary ;A., Gravistin of HuIlett: • • TWAMLEY-CHAPMAN-At the red - Review of Reviews for July Dr. Shaw donee Of the bride's mother, Mrs. discusses the • prospects • of the wheat and corn crops, the conditions of our expert trade, and the recent growth of American capital on the political side the' decisions sir the Supreme Court in the insular cases are reviewed and sum- marized, together with Cuba's accept- ance of the Platt amendment and the outlook for Porto Rico and the Philp- pites;1111n:Carnagiels gift to the Scotch universities,the choice of Dr,Remsere as the new president of the Johns Hopkins University', and the launching of the Washington Memorial Institution are among the educational topics treat - in this issue. Debilitated end lEtianated in Mina • and Body -Dr. ChassePa Nerve Food 15 • Surprisingly Deflexion • or Children.' •. . • The severe and ever-increasing strain of competitive examinations coming at- a •time when every boy and girl is undergcdne trying physiological changes does much toWards making ' mental and physical wrecks of school Children. Run dOwn in health, • with the blood thin'a.nd watery and the ner- vous sYstern exhausted, children have no chance to escape the many ills that beset a feeble body. There is no treat - *lent known to science that. so natural- ly and thoroughly restores strength and vitality to tho nervous system as. Dr. • Chase's Nave Food. • It makes par - eats happy by bringing back the color to the faces and the strength and • elasticity to the bodies of their pale, puny children. • Blrs. S. Dempsey, Albury, Ont., writee:-"My little granddaughter, nine. years old, woo pale and weak, she had • no appetite and seemed to be gradual- ly growing weaker. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food proved invaluable in her case, re- storing health and color and meldng her strong arid well." ' Fifty cents a box, at all dealers or Bdinanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. • O. HOARE'S • 11/tis6 EmporiUM. $2000 WORTH OF SHOES NEW SHOESHOP wish to inform the public that I have opened out a Shoe.Shop in the Sheppard store, opposite • Combe's drug -store. where I am prepared to do all kinds of cus- • tom work and repairing. . . . All orders entrusted to me will be neatly, cheaply and promptly executed. .• AMOS COOPER. IT•STIKES THE HEART. Not only is the victim of rheumatism constant sufferer, but, he lives in con- stant dread that the ',disease will reach the. heart, which means .sudden and unexpected death. Rheumatism oan only be cured when the uric acid is re- moved from the blood by the healthy salmi of the kidneys. Dr. Chase's Kidney•Liver Pills make hearlthy and vigorous, and so gradually and .thor- oughly cure Rhenmatism by removing the cause. One pill a dose, 25 centa a The River Hotel • BAYFIELD • was opened for the summer on • Ally 2nd. It is under new man,. • agement and, having been • thoroughly renoyated and re- furnished throughout, is now in flrst-class condition. Terms moderate. Bus meets all trains • at Brueefield when notified. to 'be slaughtered at S. C. Rathwell's, Varna. • A great opportunity to get shoes at less than wholesale prices. ' Havingbought the stock of j.13. Jamieson of 13rucefield at a low rate 'on the dollar we • want to turn it into money as quickly as possible. • Sale will commence Friday, June 21st, cOntinuing until disposed of. This is a good, well assorted stock and will go very rapidly. Call early and secure the greatest bar- gains, • tatter itt trege and Farm. Vroduoe taken • So OA RATHWELLi vAltmik. box. • • • The Cosmopolitan For JuIy. • What to do with one's summer vacs - cation is a perennial question. Most people have neither the money nor the wish to go to an expensive,overcrowded, seaside or mountain resort, and yet every man needs a few days.devoted to pleasure and a complete rest at least once ayear. The Cosmolitan for July gives it solution of the problem in a well written, illustrated article, "A House- boat -The Modern Palace ."Undoubtedly howie-boat•offers a cheap and comfort able vacation, and the ranks of its devotees are constantly swellihg. THOS. STEPHENS - MANACER, BE THOItIginisEPARED --e-,ENT1? MeV STItATTORD, ONT. Ithtch of your future success depends item the thorough preparation you receive, there fora be careful When selecting it school. No two schools are nUke, The excellent miu. tation that our college enjoys, the large patrofl. ago we receive, tilt NPIOrRlid Bravos our au - dents have hi Securing and holding situatione, indicate that our school Is one of the very best 1(1 1,110 Dominion. Write YU OW beautiful cat- alogue in Whieh you. Will find full particular5. concerning our college. If you want the, best In business education you can get, it here. Students tan enter at Any time, w.J. Ehrao"I'T. Principal Mathew Chapman, 2nd con. Alma, on Tuesday, June 18th by Rev. A. P. Moore, Wm. Twain*, to Miss Lavinia 'Chapman, both of •Alma. CARR -DOUGLAS -At St. Paul's, Ont. on June 20th, by Rev. E. N. Baker, • M. A.,of Stratford, Mr. :Relit. Carr, of Brussels, to Miss Liza, daughter • of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Douglas, of •St. Pauls. STJTTON-LEICH-In Christ church, - Port Albert, on June 19th, by Rev. M. M. Goldburg, Mr. Robert Sutton of Brantford, to Miss Martha Jane Leigh, of Port Albert,Ashfield town-, MaFAD7.EAN-H1SLOP-At the resi-• • demi() of the bride's father, Grey, on June 19, by Rev. Dr. King,vf Galt, • Mr, janaes McFadzean, .to Miss Lizzie, daughter of Mr. Andrew, His- • lop,,both of Grey township. • NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER ' We are now delivering right off the cars at the lowest possible pricefor the best grade of ,Anthracite Coal. • • CHARACTER IN MEDICINE. There is character in Dr. Chase's Ointment -bas made Dr. Chase's es- teemed and adinired the world over. Dr, Chase's Ointment has stood the test of time and remains to -day the only actual cure for Piles and itching Skin Disease. It is the standard Oint- ment of the world, You can rely on it just as you rely on Dr -Chase's Receipt Book, becauee you know that it is backed by the sterling character of Dr. Chaae-lAniericati's Greatest Physician Wm*, After, latianis• IV Best is the 011eapest Owing to the scarcity ofcars there is a diffi?. unity in getting orders filled. We would advise ordering at once rn order to secure present price as coal will undoubtedly ad- van.ce first of neitimonth if not sooner. - Leave your orders at our store. - GREENWOOD -In Logan,on June 25th, • Mrs. John Greenwood. of a son. °HAUB- In Logan, onJune 26th ,Mrs. Harry Chaffe, of a daughter. • SIBERT-At "Eden Farm," Logan, on the 21st, Mrs. Frank Sibert, of a • son. • ERB--In,Dovvnie, on June 26th, the • wife of D. K. Erb, M. P., of a son. TW.n EDDLE-In Brussels,' on June 25th, • the wife of Dr. Tweddle sof a daugh- •HENSOLIFFE-In Wingham, on June 26th, the wife of Harry Henseliffe, a son. • . mEirriNS-ln Wingliam'on June • 27th, the wife of Frank Mertinii, of Torontora son. MAXWELL -At Knox church manes, • Ripley, on June 18th„ to Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell, a son. • Scribner's Raattzlne for Jul)'. Soribner's Magazine for July hag an at tractive flavor M adventure, sport, Travel, and holiday -making out of -doors, these are entertainingly preeented,both in the text and in the abundant illustra- tions of the strange countries which are 'the subjeots of the narratives. The leading article describee the re- maneand the historic past of the Is- land of Sicily. The author, Rules B. • Richardson'director of the American achool at Athens, is particularly well suited to write of the wonderful Greek rules which there abound. He also im- parts by his vivid style a very ItOdern note of pleasant adventure. 1,00at 161101115110aine; drest Engtith Renal/. _ Sold and recommendect bYali drtaiSta ill Canada. Only ten. isms xneditire diectivered. Eft Paehlties fiti, %%teed to eintalt forms o SO/USS1 Weakneas,.. effeeta of abuse °rendes/4 Mental Worry, nae •tve use of Teo' 10.060$ ()Odin or Atimlilatitd. 7.1. on reeeieli as peke, one paeltage 0, ex, $5. Antos iffetOff4eart. Fainphiets ftSO to 111 ,idrettbs TM Weed COMPatir* WL.S. Irg or Sale by Watts& Co., H. Hovey, It 'B. Combo Itookto. The captain of the steamer Pennsyl- vania was fined $25 for running a Sun- day exearsion from Buffalo tO Port Colborne. • 2 Cars Portland and Thcrold Cement just received. Call and get our. prices. INDELIBLE COLD Wf1TER PRINT Suitable for Barns, Fences, Gats, Bridges and all outside work WHITEAND17COLORS .. . . It is durable and 'mighty 'cheap, too. Call and get color card and all particulars. Good assortment Oil Stoves. , Screen Doors and Windows. OHEAP DE_AT_RES MoLAUGHLAN-In McKillop, on aline 3Oetabris john 3. MoLaughlan, • aged 53 y PIPER-In Seaforth, on ,Tune 21st, Ada Barnett, wife of Mr. Harry Piper, aged 27 years, 9 months and 9 days. JACKLIN-In Grey, on June 25th, Mrs. ` Rufus Jacklin, in her 24th year, KERN AGII AN -In Morrie on 'Tune 27th, James Kernaghan, aged 69 years. MoTAVISH--In Wingham, on June 22nd, Mary, relict of the late Dun- can McTavish, aged 51 years. AITCHISON-In Wingham, On June . 25th, Sarah Alice Currie, wife of Jas. V. Aitcheson, aged 32 years and 10 menthe. SHERRITT-In Illyth, on June 24th, Mrs, John Sheiritt, aged 77 years, 3 months and 7 days. THOMPSON-In Mitchell, on the 26th of June,Eciward Stewart, eldest son of F. H. Thompson, solicitor, eto,, aged 10 years, 9 months and 1 day. TUER-In Mitchell on the 21st of • June,John Tuer, aged 75 years. MoDONALD-In Huron Tp. on June 20th, Willena Mary, second daugh- ter of Malcolm and Jane Mc- Donald, aged 25 years. LEITH -In Huron township on the 19th of junejane Branlev, beloved wife of John Leith Esq., aged 50 years, 2 months, 10 cleytk. HARDWARE HOUSE The Imperial Government has con- sented to a, scheme for State -aided etnigration to South Africa, To cure a cold In one day • CLINTON Take Laxative Broom Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W. Groves signature is on each box. Imilmamoolmft .11ffinomioloinamvxonov...ovl Clinton liark ot Ieort 0 64 to 0 45 C,14Nnse Wheat 0 42 to 0 63 0 37 to 0 .40 81 to 082 .011,01111.V•4 * IV 000 to 0 60 4.11N•.votroYfrirv0,111 0 40 to 0 45 • Potatoes per 0 20 to 025 Putter rolls and crock 0 13 to 0 14 Butter in tab- ...... , .0 14 to 015 . Eggs per doz... 111,•• to.0 11 Hay ...... 8 00 to 0 00 Wool... ....... V,* v. 0 15 tO 0 10 Live llogs per ewt, 0 60 to (350 Singors... v Yr* ...... V*0 75 to 015 DiessedPork per et • 8' 00 to 8 60 Flour per „ 1 75 to 2 Dram per 14 00 to 14 00 Shorts per ton ., ......... 15 00 to 10 00 Wool per lh. 18 to 14 Dried Appleirpor ib. to 04i 00 MARBLE: AND GRANITE WORKS 0KINNON -MILLINERY We are closing our Millinery department for this season and we take this Opportunity of returning our sincere thanks to eur numereus custom ers and the public generally for the very liberal patronage extended to tis. This has been the best millinery season we have ever had in the histery of our business and during the next ten days we will offer staetling bars gains in trimmed and untrimmed millinery to clear, its we 'will carry nothing Over to another seasim-'everything must go : Ladies' Sailors, in plain white and colored etraw,silkhand, regular. price 40c, for 2e . Ladies' Sailors, in Mackinaw straw, worth 50c, for 30c Girls' Sailors, in white wad fancy straw, worth 85e, for 20c Girls' Sailors, in white and black, Worth 25e, for 12Ac Ladies' Trimmed Hats, very stylish, , worth $1.50, for 93c Ladies' Hats, trimmed with chiffon, flowers and l'ollage, regular price $3.05, for $2.25 • Ladies' Tuscan Hittsstrimrned with veiled roses,foliage and 'black velveCribbon, worth$3.25, for $1.05 • Ribbons at greatly reduced prices to clear , A large collectiou of Flowers and Foliage, regular prices 15c, 20c and 25c each, your Choice for 10c • The best class of work procurable has been man ufactured here for many years past. WE WON'T call on you a sveek after your bereavement, WE WON'T make, the work to suit the lame. WE WILL. make the price to suit the work. WE WILL give you Ole ehoice of the production of the world in design and Material. • - . • We are the ONLY‘pra6. tied men in Clinton in our line. Do \not, be • talked intoplacing your order without first call. • Ingon us. J. B. HOOVE111, 0.Rop ,• •••••••••••••••100641,00••••••••••••••4 Nozt to Oott000rolal Hot& i00414000 GENT'S FURNISHINGS Men's Flannelette `Night,Shirts, regular price 75c,. for 60c Men's Duke of York Neckties, something new, 25c Men's Silk Knot Ties, in fancy patterns, 150 or two for 25c Men's Cellars, iri all the new shapes, from 10c to 18e . Men's White and Fancy Shirts, from 25c to $1 ' MoKINNON & CO . -, BLYTH . .... .............o...........,.......................,.... • : i S. H. GIDLEY - BLYT!-I 1 o 6 . 8 • : • POPULAR CLOTHING STORE * • • • • • o • • • . • i SPRING NO V E LT I E S [ 6 .. o . . o 6 . . • : DRESS YOUR BOY WELL : o . • . • . . ,• • • •• • You are proud. of that boy of yonrs. Every bey should be the pride 6 : of his parents. Ite shOuld be dressed so that, he may feel the equal of any : o . of the boys he is associated With. • • Let us fit him out this spring. We will make hint one o t e • 2 dressed boys in this county. The elegance and taste represented in our 14 i juvenile clothing must he seen to he appreciated. • •• e The vest suits, ages 4 to 8, made from rich effects in , handsome 0 ' fa * worsteds and tweeds, are very cute. • • • For larger boys we show some very nobby sults in grey and brown la 6 tweedsand blue serges. We can sell you a suit as low as $1.50 or as high 0 • as $0 or stop at arty point between where the price pleases. • • 0 • • a • 4no • i • MEWS SUITS 4 t • • . • We are also offering big bargains in Meth Snits this month. Call ' • : ana see the $0 suits we are selling at $4 and the $0 suits at $0. • do • - 0 • : S H. GIDLEY . I. 0 4 BLYT