HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-07-04, Page 311 I Opp I . . . . . . . . . . THE SUNDAN SCHOOL, OORONATION 100110MAL, BLEUT410 I The Portmall, I THIRP QUARTF.Ro, INTEM- SOME '07 TIM VjCTjtIAR PRIV. IXTV THE tiAPPI PEOPLE4, LIMON I Rr T= NATIONIL 6F.RlEs, JULY 7. 1=0300 OV VIGNITAUIX8. 0 Square Conspi. a_ Vo** 0 0* 1,00-P, (10*- 1p I 116 Of 4% Punctilious Observauco"of Ancient Why We Should Be Content With 11 0 I I 3% Ititem and Coromon0s. Will be ... ... . .... 0 0 0 eon. Ap prolp4goa. by the Groat Voott ure. and, 74now AU About MOA Such Things As We- Hal-ve,. the 40T, V. at, stearsA4., 'Edward VIL's cQroa4tIOA will not and X*tA,lx. EcopyrIg4t, 1901, 1),r AM.4404A 14014 Aw-d-al:1011.3 take Place Probably until next Jemmles, eroiwbara, And skeleton The day's. work over, Urnest Prow- It Is very refreshing t0 turn atter,so spirlDN. Yet, it 10, evoil, now, a, fa,vor- kom-arsout of date, Tb9*=ay'<W A daspatch IrQm Washington says: broad and Some fishes. They were per, .Evans 'would Often leave the long A time In our studies to the b9g'4- Ito topic of conversation. I Bometime for the old-lashloned. burglar wnQ eachod from put into 1114 satchel- He want Out -shop fit. Duie otrect 'find go for a but the —Ilev, Dr. ',Valftiago px t 1i a .130 following text. -Be content Into the desert. From -this provis- stroll Among various aquak(i � ild abir of tW* heavenly bQok, Qodo O.wil. before the coronation a proclamation robs the ,coulitry parsonage, with Such things no YO 11CLI/C _Ue. Ion, the seven thousand we 'Which Mr. Jarvis ta re fe4o highways from. g or I -Tie own Walk. but how to !will be Issued directing that "all up-to-date criminal knows a trick and the more they eat the larger the may just a little of What on . ght to bo said, 'loving subjects, who. by nucient cus- worth several lot these Qtft-of- brews xill. 0- on �Ilat I mention as loaves orqw, until the provision that. drew his lArgo and fashionable clien- oil so large and Important a par too in so tOm, do claim to Porfor , in certain date, noisy implements. . he se one satchel tole. brief a space is ditticlilt. The tulble be, kiervices," shall fit once send their The burglar of to -day t"04 ICA4108 to this spirit advised ill the the bo`3r brought in The exteriors of the vast inansiolls a perfect couditlon at petitions to a,certalft court, , entitled, ourse of leasone in chemistry, And text, is the covisiderati-on that the was viultililled .so lie could not have Inhabited by these favored mortala glas and ends with - carried the fragments home In six * nor. xxI the "court of claims," authorized to knows'as poorest of Uri have till that is indis filled the y�uug hosler with awe And gs onvearth (Goa, I And if, . I . . 4 muell, as an ongiAeor oj'Ae great satchels. you aay� "times wonder; And sometimes its, b xxil), no win, no curoe, no egrrowt Zia decide Such matters. Some of these properties -of licat an(l the 401stance, e passed and ive make a Pourable In life. a a e day,,pt mir- N -V -services soUjid o modern of mata le. Gen. III In-' .1$. ad r hard9bips, Out how down Mount Street or through Groom 40 aiifferlug, no devil visib 'UOY. ears. sfrange t o the Adversary, And When the Tottelthain (Unglaud) lacles lifts gone." I reply that what brief T�o Lord Great Cha little we talk of our blessings. on by miracle, be does venor Square, he would ca�oh. xx tells of his final deathly. suberlaim, for Court Road Post Office offIclals Y did th -urs 40YOA 1. A sublime and simple atatemient at Instance, claims as his. perquisite the found their safe, open,,'aafk minug its 1-lealth of bod , which. is, given, in glimpses *A the splendo now n some other way find by na- -world was made. Compare Pa. ClOthinji worn by the sovereign on contenti -quo morning fat spring, largest quantity to those who have Often he know the address, And never . tural laws. * 11X have beeg 31oung," had waited on the ins, how t4e I been petted And fondled And. said David, "but now Am olc xxxill, 0, 9; Jer. xxxil 17, A..a to the the eve 'of the coronation, And the they wondered what on qarth hA4 I, yet la occupant$. iq?olled of fortune, we take As a nl4t- Outside a certain house In. Park one by whom Qod, did At all see John'!, furniture of his sleeping room. He done the Ilamago. Therd;Wa* 0, i have I never seen the rlghtieous'for- ter of course. Rather 1l6Ivo this lux- I nK broad." rano lie would mur4iur, "The Holl- an con nor his seod begg , A TRAIN WRECKED BY BOERS he m to 800. The 4.7 gun 1-3, Cal, 1, U-10, The word hero trans- also claims, to serve the King with great hole in it� Which appearod'to Ury And have it alone, than without It.is high time that you people who ourabla, Ditice, La4ib-silk vests, a GSTAD. a t Grolingstad also opened fire on 1 . atedod Is A plural word, and we inay water in which to wash his hands have, been melted, though 14halt loolc out of 4 Palace window dozen"at a.. time, anid no marking NEAR GREYLIN tAre fretting about worldly olroum- the* *eneray, who uncoupled the on- see here the Trinity., Not only find com, before the.-baliquot, and eventually 'could have melted chilled steel An. on parIce of door stalking between stances and fearing but the plain initials." -Outside all- Recently a pilot tral-ni coilsisting giqe, and sent it At full speed back fort In the power of our Lord and Say, to have the silver jug and basin for one could At first iinagine, you qtiro com- ti house iu'Dolgrave Square It four, but what you cannot be -gin with Ilia own, together ds : A fountains and statuary, These Poo- Ing to want, understood s, with, the engine bitr towarils -the'armorild train. The with forty yar t last it was discovero(I.-Olat 4 Pat the P, or f as different. I -Tore be would Say: hind, wa latter, however, promptly backed, God do, not begin At all, whoth6 k Me Sleep sounder o,a, Straw mat- oath of the eternal God is Itivolved. W a blawn up while crossing a r a boo of. crimson velvet, A sum of money blowpipo flam.6 IrAut have boon used. tress than fashionable invalids on a in the fact. that you are to have "Lord Gargoyle, and coronets down culvert midway between VAaI and 'and the engine, 'mounting An in- or letter or transactign. however, is Always given Instead oi 'Xto thief had been arined- With sk bit' 2. Waste, and vold and darkness (see the -J,�rnitare. rquell of ivory and. eaglo's down. enough to cat and to. wear'. to his dressing-gownal" Greyliggstad. The trucks were stop- elbio, was brought to A standstill It. V.) are not, suggestive. of I God, and of rubber tubing, a blowplpQ, and a The dinner of bar . b I tastes better to Again: I remark that the religion The young hosier took an Infinite pod when half way Across the cUl- without mAterial Injury. 'Two TIIE XING'S CHAMPION. small cylinder of oxygeft,� a � gets Ua Appetite sharpened on a Wood- of Je rlst.is the grandest in 0light in these excursions And the vort, and brough�. the engine to a trualce, laden with petroleum, izal Ise. xly, 18, It. 'V., says th'at Ood 414 not W of doubling Sue 01 hicb, lime. the property thoughts they inspired. could. Sta f Doers, Who and flour, howoves, Y Make tbo. earth a. wasto 'rho first verso. The office Of champion Is.vested in the hent of a flae. : Fitting the ra4n's axe or a reapQr's scythe than fluenco to malco a man cout;nted. If he ndstill. A party a ot share In the state secrets of A Were hidden In some kraals 400 wracked And: burned,' No casualties Is a dateless verse and tells us'of what the Dymblie family, -and his perquts- tube on to the nearest gas-buill,er, ladeinvity against al financial and n wealthy indigestion experiences seat 0 as wo Boers God did perhaps tens or hundreds of Ito Ig,the golden'cup, out of which lie the oxygen was connected,, Ana the ad At A t%ble covered w1th partridge spiritual harm. I he spirit, ris n 0 VY occurred on he train. T t calms t , Ing politicia, I he at lea t kn w yards froxn the line,, arid venison and Pineapple. The dwIndles the eartli. into insignifl- the exact iz his firo, ou the train, -and several Sands of Aare ago. The second drinks his sovereign's health, After blowpipe flaftio directed ilpon the mem- a of his collars, I shot$ *ore *soon to fiAl from the fire of the thou. randeSt. 'luxury Uod Over gAves.O.' Cance, and swallows up the soul taste fit neckwear, and-h1s. prefer� hit the engIne, An Armored train Arinored train, and shells from Grey- verse tells us of -how things wete some throwing down the glove of chal� tali. which ran like water under the 9 ances in underclothing', which Was.following the pilot traiii, lingstad burst 4n t knockr 6,000 ychrs'ago whea God began to britig man is health, Ile who trades that' with the thOug"llt Of heaven, Oh I ; heir midst of leng.e. The. Puro of Norfolk, 16n terrific )lost of 2,000 off for all the palaces of the earth is yo who have boon going from place Bent on his favorite relaxation, brought its pom-p9m. and man Into Ing a lawmen overt- Two,' of 'their order and beauty and fpuitfuln6ss out' earl marshal, enjoys many privileges heit. ;ing, to find in change young Evans had gone, North one action. Afore Doers th( horses were killed. the chaos and darkness. The interval be- and, as'ehief butler of I-Dnglaud, he This is only . one of,many recent infinitely cheated. Bless God today., to PIACO expect a certain duke on that scene, bringing the tween the first alld second verses gives , I a a cup of Pure gold. The instances of science- Used, in crime.' A 0 man, 0 woman, that though you of circumstances something to give evening to qall. on jooi� forall the geological periods which i oce ve may be shut out from the works of solace to the spirit, I command you whom lie had �aived the . previOUJS desired, Duke of Newcastle, as lord of the wholesale tobacco shop In a.Korth- this morning arm-bearted, Standing against - the may be am a church;I ano a Bierstadt find a u- to the W , Afternoon. Iff.10 used inanor, claims the right to supply 4 bra town recently joat $4,000 III I practical, common-sense re- railings. of Portman square, he look- inen sat together In the same cosy orl" exclaimed the oung hos- 0,-5. The words "and.God on , at r, right-hand glove'lor his 6vereign's its.safe, which, from its thicknesso bens And a Raphael, you Still have e-nl far. ten thues in this chapte tell us of the Itery grander than ligion of the Lord Jesus Christ. ad up at the tall mansion opposite, roomin, Portman Square, "Yo I remember, X return.'ad his word at God by whi use, and also t6 support bfii or her was supposed to be entirely burglarl free access to a ga TlierQ,is no Peace, saitli. my. Lord,' There were lighis on three o . the "Well, it's to be tqinorrow?' said. u while holding the sceptre, The proof, The thievdb,had fused A ijbile the Louvre or the Luxembourg or for the wicked, And as long as you fioors,. but the blind$ Were rawn. the marquis, first account, with a note, asking things were made, The Spirit at Ood is. arm the Vatican -the. royal gallery of the -blin what the deuce he meant by it, the great worker and -the word of God is Lord ATayor of London can iUso lay by the' use of the electric Itirht' c ntinue in youl-, you will be , I -le passed on with a sigh, walking "Yes," said the young hosier, �clalm, to Serve the monarch with w1resI noonday heavens, the King's gallery 0 G od. . Make in t1le direction of as Mr Jarvis for a day off � And ilireatening 'an action for con- the great 1pstrutueot: by which Pod ac� of the nildnight sky. iniserabl. Coiho to , Seymour streci, "I've I ked. ' I splracy," continued the marquis. edrublishes all things. So the two wine in a gold cup. The Ancient of- Vienna suffered severely ne day hiln, your portion� and atart for heav- wil illl, ltuother and -a wadding, my o�tily'siser'sw­and, , I ;, 41the Spirit of God mov6d" an flee Is that of "harb-strewer," and last Af4rch from a gang of crilainal. ere tl,�olt Mr. No Tlitit fetched him. Ile came down" phrascE d , e Another consideration leading flato oil and you .Will Do a happy -in4n- loss potent customer. The door of I'm ready." d d At the ast coronation a highly born electricians.' . ith go. out the electric- a f I ew, here with his papers lie4t morning- "God said, "ell how Go oes all His a spirit of contentment, isi the fact you, Will be A liappy woman. one of the big houses I opened as he A 'month. of evening. parkles,' orin grace. As to. light single �11'!tdy with six inai(is to assist light * wires during a snqy7storm, ':not dependent b6fbiIe. breakfast too. .1 was. halt a that our happiness is 'till we are crosse& over, and a,young . : , see IT Car. ly, 6; her headed the procession and threw cau Ing tlicill to f tW4 tram - Let us relnoinber, if, man. em,, days at Ascot and Kempton Park,. B all upon upon outward circumstances. .....You Christians that we are going, after 'under the -marquis s asleep, but'ho fairly woke In ps, cxlx, 130, find on the division, between flowers in.frout.of the Queen. car lines, which so becalne charged -nilserable 4ni'd ergod, , A plcasant�:liftht escapod carried Out with electrieft . y, And most dangeroUp. Zoe people happy and W Awhile, , whatever be Our eirc4m- frolit the great hall, Ernest Prosper guidance, . Ifad put :the finishing 'A forgery," I said, quite kindl light and darkness see II Car. vI, 14.. :Before it coronation official orders Ili A fitinily stances now, -.to come to a glorious wbe;x he 'showed me 5rou siguatUrb. Every, horse that touched theii:4 with all circumstances. Evans halted for.a, moment. touches to is education. By a. pru- I'm r 6-8. Who second day's'worIc is a Armft- are given as,to the state robes to n of ance f 00 Baxter; but yiJu've been where ' the last loaf is on'the tale. vacation. Pitt Off : 90 did the young man, . The *, dent, Mv d o rtain soriIy�. his iron- As. in summer we subpets, meat or expanse, no something solid, but be won �by' the peers -and pearesses, shod hodi�s Jelli.. - Than,, and the last Stick of Wood on the' our garnilits And go down into the co had, 'a, divi - ding waters find especially AS to the style and 'when the' stepping fqrwakd,,, he .said * with Ev all, carefully tiqketed, he uld Pass something this or rar frightened: oecuPan0 Of fire, Sioll sometimes find a cheerful cool sea to. bathe, so We will -Put Off Imigh. "Why, you're mel 0 Come in- as the Alitrquis Canning in any corn- can :pweer it was youl My Above from waters belo III. 1, am Willing make of theli coronets. A'coronei calis and carriages came gerambling confidehee in God, while Ili 11 very those garments of ilesh, and we, Will side, and let's: -youl" -call . Swear it was youl' he to believe that thfise -six days were six is niade of gold, or.'stivor' gilt oi. out, the thieves,. under pretence of fine place you -,Vill see wid hear dis- step Into the cool joiaon. We will have EL look at Pony, i a debate, in erie.4. waving - hi,s papors-ybu know ordinary daysiI as Any. Simple person less valuablo. ruetal, gilded over, but it sis Completely taken by' surpris% the He , had'taketi part ir s Ong them, picked their:,pockets. cord sounding - her war -whoop o,�Ld lool, around for some place to lay ad riddeA,Ihis Kunny Scotch accent. . - . *'th young. hosior dumbly allowed the House of Lords, lie Ii. would suppose froli Ex. xx, 11, and that . on no account'niust It ba,ornament- Thewhole gang were,�:ro*ided hfreezing to death in a down our woarl�ess,.Au , d the tre I Qa Of a ROW, - dined Swear Away,' said I., . Then,. What ke'sa ,,tones. rubber -soled slices, to save -them S61f to 1)0.,Co*nd ad into the bril- in th with Aunt J"116", God did on. each day $Pat Ys ad. with.jewels. or.. IiiIeelous laying on -the Silk again-: 'The dat6?' way of readink from any 'danger , through ;step Ing c�heerless parlor. I believe real IP� tile grove will say: "Come And rest At his kind 119 did. The simplest, 'The coronets, of �ach degree. of rank liant hall, where, looking attended several� futiorals. � The piness oftener looks out 'of. tlib win- under our 6hadow," and the earill. companion, . he discovered that In- marquis, � on the iller ha'fid, 'in- I ap4ed. Scripturq ls, the best (Math,: xl,'2*�., 'The must . be' exactly alike in form and on live wires. dow of will say- "Hushl - while I sing thee :'He mentioned it and the hour. practical leasqua for the heart And life' style. . A 1. cor6net. of p . ure.golo. posts Wheii tha. strng-ro�al of the � Qib- deed h&e was his.other self.. The structed. by his accomplice, had Serv- I 'bf course I son'building in'Glasgow wail,robbed, A HumBLil, -HOME a cradle hymn," and while � six produced ln�/ dlak�. aall through this portion tu -very., simple 8425,- olie of silver gilt $90, and of likeness was remarkable. ad in Jarvis's shop, cleverly avoid,, ., On that afternoon,' .1 said, 'I and helpful. Verse A describes I ti ih' owners -and carry us out to 'purIA,st by such of his ac-� he heart gilded Inctal $80. The headpiece of. it WAS 4, Puzvle ' to - a than through the opera.glass of the strong Men to "I g6ing out," said the young Ing edognitiOn hadAwas 'up at Heath street laying the and life. of every unsaved person, and the Sur the burglaxis resting ' placq, and ashes,colue . a c6ronei is- in crimson Velvet, Police 'how , On eQrth gilded box.of u theatre, I find Nero man, 11�ut this Is really more m— quaintancesas patronized it; ashes, and'dust to dust, we will'see touiid`�tiori-stono of'-16e'new soup-� first dai's worl*.is Suggestive of the nay r6undect by the regulation gilt balls could. have known where to I fin will n1j' made up - account mea�sared numer- 9 ing Amid the, kitch0io. You will find a ftill re� birth And thedivision that at once mence op.orati gr(?wliii . op a throne. il Paul two scarred feet stand portaut." And he led' his i begibs d* t awbeery leaves. A, peeress ons. The - -latter * had singing in a dungeon. I find ki double into a spacious rdinfng�room, ous , customek6 Qr Shirts, and in- an s r ng broke. od,. and a, lacerated , bro* po.rC -.of Ille, -proceedings. On the to be made manifest' ia.the life. � The see-, coroiiet- is a facsimilo, of her, hUs'- taken *a house next door, pulled the -Ahab �oing to bed at,.no0n, through whose -. Windows overlooked; the, vented 4 now shape *In scarves. 'Hampstead "and High Express' and -day's work uggests how the -lite is bending over -the open earthi- While 111.'.'said't e gate bricks away, aiidthefi boT4d. the ear li� is NAb6tli ou,�e All right 'now h band's on�y Somewliat smaller. melancholy, while n casing 'd 'oice tander with Ali Affection and: s,quarai. of that �pavticlflar date; Also my o be, 116urished-not by waters.below; bilt 'eicactly beliin bontqnted in the' possession -of A v t with.' omnipotence I ! Will do- Ernest. Prosper Evans. Wa in- the 'lie evening; when they by: waters above, -and Is illustiateA by REGULATION DRESS. had migh where 'tl it, .prime 3Lniiiister very bad one_ but -well-. ic safe . stdod. They' clare. I'itln, the resurrection juid the Seventh heaven as lie sat, At his.base: were discussing matters over their is-, Jobn.i*, 13, 14� Rev. xxi, 6-,' dross re as st�ift- bltxsted open. the -safe vineyard. . Hama I 0 with a 'tiny -'to n nio, though 40 i. 6tiddlence to cigars. . �'Therels,.the topers; for, YOU meaning, I. believe--aild ;' the r ' owel'. �er 17. Thexules. as to and -got safe ok­i�ersla,' ifets himself almost. ithe young us til coro 'efs. charge of fulminate, lie wer 'night;. and, mind, Jew will' not life, he'that,believoth � 1. daL IS Up fh.the drawl. 7 0-13, On the thlid day the 'dry land is g6rit ose concerning n. eath.:becausc a poor . a doiid,1.'yet Shall lie live." inan's orders, a soleftrn,. ..butler to go to; to � :&t this, he grew -furious. W . ith.$8,500 worth of gold coin Id Ahi thophel, ono f wine and - f�igari, a d don'i-forget to say '.'But my''money .. y . ou've to iippaar,'hud He covers it,with The'rows.of miniv6r'on. the capes of a AY, W Itip. his hat_ al Conife'ri 'one another wAb these brqught them he test Wagne n got.. my made. %he peers! robe, show th6,Ir degree of and.jewellery. the gran lawyers of the Bible times.. though one day h body asks you. Aild. keep grass, herbs and trees.. . 5 began 'to feel.4s.. a so if an3i ul money!' ho.cried ands k and the longth of each,lady's beab.tif ar later, Peter Makdr, through fear of dying,, Ilan a. 1117 might -, enter Jarins' iler was It .9 and-.6rder il- clear bf old. Lady. Malet later, on. h for the.believer Is. that of -'a resurrectio I 9, Working desperately, I could al- tr4iA16 In accordance with her pqsi- better -known as "016 Sin with - fort lu inated �soefca� She's, trying. hard to land e life' find fruitfulness 'and is set & In. tion . -a, c e s. sell. DEP 1131 .1most See him Wallowing in the sov- u ih si will have� -her train caught in. Hull; �[lnglaud � axid ant up Why e "should BY WINNERS. satd his c6nipanion, that girl of- hers,.'and If You give P. . h passages as Col� III, 14; Phil, I, 11; Another reason �!My name," 'You' ve � got Suc three yards long, Lt- marchioness two or five 'Yed.ra, lie confessed that -he-'- ereigns As lie - spoke. to this spirit, inculcated in the "11§: 6dfining-�-thp Alarquis Oannin�'. her half 'a 6hanob, I'm cornered." iiji 10.- John tv,'I-11. T a seed And fruit -0 -ie a come * I il�eyl' lie b k d and his galfg,liad ascertnined the IqL uiy beaut f 1. - mo ad is in Itself ro� Who are'yoUT." 'I Shall, Stick -to Aunt Jane said his- kind whose gee and w half, a, vi9countess'a yard and is, he fact that EL11 the differen- Pur in. tM� face:I after afe" QL� transi- Inds - us that flesh produces ably that ab a *611 as the young hosiol. with. grin. "�Ig ' I. I!m blest :if.1 havel' mad6's otlOr sizAilar EnOrXOUS 8U=S dbtined For, 7a lialf While A. baroness, Inust,fiot cation Of the Gi SO condition are ine5t Prosper E va' n a, an: assls� And I in final -can a s , ex ied 'a yard. Carkiagei having everni, ces of earthly alit ai'. Jar vis'g, the Which. is'tieshly, �and the spirl I t her cL tory.' The housep you build,' the, English Race Rorses. hosier, in , Im off to the 'Empire,.and sup rang for b�ca' ast. Lerald's discoveries",.'by the se'of an X-rays culture, . the places In Duke'S�treet�­. replied our friend. p6r ai Jirnmy� Harding's,". said his ouly.come.by the Spirit. Grape§ do not builders are warned by the f lands, you Since the great race was first In- ".,But I'll coulltv-dourt youl. ligs on thistles*(Jolm. :c011ege: hth0: coronets oil the Pan- 40ill"attla-' which you baktor, are scroll to 90- in- The marquis grew thoughtful. lordship, making for the hall. grow oil tharns, nor if #,re mechanics bave the ': That' some crintilials stituted the Value of the' English. ,.You ould next day, -at three o'clock$re.� ill, 6 Tath.yyll, 10). The association of els -of, the carriages must be. Painted very high orde� is proved by P., to 6her hands.� Ilowevir hard. -you come in very pseful,'� The is has oixorm -left the "I cut him shdrt. the a and restir Der'liY . inners ously in-� lie -Said, looking up once niore, "At cisely,'Ernest Prosper Vv recdon in strict. omp.4&nce with heraldic Of a it if You Are ans. may have creased. ln'�rof5if of thig it is Only hailed . a All right,! Baixtor,', I said, the storlos'of Isaac -and Ionah'wiad. the - rules. crimeLrello now in the possesslO 0 dinners, andAn houge in Portman- ? SLquare, been done, and I'm jolly -a- retired. -officer.,. It, is 46 Safe-, tian the Scone will soqn end' ' Pain,., police oil, never knee ad, u mighi call � on ciLb, arld WAS ShOjtL1Y aft6rwards to mirriage in'Cana (Gen. xxil, 4; Math, One of the most EurioU �thlnga k at the funer YO you. ve . necessary to 'doxupaie' the price'put jile Zoi dand Apubille rather, an Imitafiiii saf*7 trial.,. persqcuti O' , the' 1lrst.:,winfte.r.o.1 the�classld driving'dow , It 4brillyrit Street,- glad. Casle of, -the biter biti : don't ill 40; John-il, 1), algo in Has. -yj, 2. 'connecied with, a coroli:ation is, 1.per-� Or, .and so light that ave. A coffiji, inade 4 Aunt. J.ane. She d'nev�r', know the -be seen i PioXi . ' e other On the 'fooirth day the sun, mLoojl* hias; the WOiding of the 4n*It entirely of, cork, ddor of the gr event, with that paid'for :Flying 'Fox. , L his Place: ou know, bongrufula,te th � Signs,' aations, t" gpod.a. difference. 9fidl. 'I could lead a. in*.dabgeiou§ MAY, to 'bu , Eiee 111riL. and stars,ire appointed lift it. AlthOUgh'-:WheM out of pine boards is 3US' as . . . 'I L .1. fellow� for. uie.. when. y or rather. summonids to. atand, .'A one mail can a couple of �reara ago. double life!" . Ire�Sprang up gaRy as of business., - Arrived.. at Mr, BaX- WS perfeet resting. place, as Okla i�nade but * of sil-�, . Tile first Derliy was �'wojt by . a lie spdke. * "What is your sA oftlee,. he gaily --antered, - a)'J­ Xou can go-, nbw.' '. And I liandici sons, days and yfiars, to be lighis in the formal suinmoiis� is' sent to every set' U i"Of Is e, nd to rule over the'day aaa ver mounted mahogaiiy'or rosdWoo& it'if. L 4,Y? to him over'tg Draper, who declared -firmemint a of the genuine Article with eVeiy de. hors6 cidled Dionied, the Property of peer.in the land, �'.cornmanding, is ' -folded' bg the res places I'll double you, agree. nounced himself at. the Alarq�i§ Caii-w tail , complete, yet .lt.'c o tig lbury.. - Several ­aM d1h An: 'ordin P blo down am $1 Ciiiarle terwards he - had neyor , heard - such night., We think of them In coikeetioh 'presence at Westminster Abbey. it all r. a'* But, The Young hOSiet "allied a figure. nhig, and was reverently conducted ftf rY1, ill find, that language". t4iian- �f 'the dead, and,you w Years lak- . Nyith seasons, days aid years, but are begi�s: '-Right' trusty and right all- And C le afterwards it vias - disposed of C&L put slightly.. in xcess of fact. int,'o the. . proselice of.A.he great I The marquis lWU hed. Iiea'tilY be-- not apt -to consider that they are'sign.q. �hough people there. had it great dif-�. to iin Ainerl r n can, the pri on: It tirely beloved cdusi , we greet, you it it burglar,' orldly you -double if ter himself. d' and wh�h attentii5ii Is qailed to Jer. xxxi, Its maker was. no forence of W ctreunIstances, -the paltry suin of fifty guin- fore proeee ing, wall and. command you to Appear;" agen now they are fill alike unconscious being.. yown be the Marquis CanUIng.*hen- "Good-41ternoon, my lord,"' said '.,I had to,go nortli,,thai day," he 35, 36; xxxiii,.20, 21, and that Isr4el is This is the way in which A shimi: insurane'd t , is a".. On 2the other.liand� Flylng� evek. sman,' And so on. . od of operation was to I r ice, eommand"' Bax,ter, a plump. Scot. , with "so.'l 'handed Baxter 6ver alweYs a natioa.�before God sonle people a duke is Addressed, and *.us the 4a�- ;I f The ' warm bapd. that greeted the F ox, Which AS boulilit. by 9'. Blanc The'Proposal sandy hAir, small eyis, and A. dis-' resumed; in some big -block. of but in in- Senator and tile presitient and the in the. i809," realized between: Evans hesitated. to my' lawyers, - I -wrote. to. you* are greatly astonishod.:, The suit turns gr6e, of nobility descends the word- WAS ver to He longed to cord tly cheerful manner, .,It's about -it. H6 to'k some time bemw ourittentlQu to the Lord God as our sun I g- is. altgeed. , Marquises, earls and stal his safe to give the,oince a usir r t on: four hundred s ' ve sicen your lor � . .0 n Z39,000:Aad 940'006.. It 'will-, thus ' 1 . Ome t and shield and 'to the -time* iben, the -like appearance, y . xnpting. a ifilg is stillas the hand -that hardO d and then, after. mcchatilos' hamine o7the be -seen thiLiat the end of.tho nine- play the Part; bu time allice I' lieviAg us-ninde stupid inquiries al viscounts- are addrdssod. - ,is -cousins Ties$ duping as many Victims as ei. t deea.hot teenth 'century . A . Derby winner w r�-and funerals, Public dinners, and hip,".. righteous. shall shine forth. as the SUU. * possible nitinufacturer a who ifty bank, And wasted � more money d counselors," but barons as Math. xiii, 43). .The an .. n a -week, stpal away, safe an(r all, *ny difference now,. whether Aunt Janol. calilt 'Say I've inissed you, IPS 0 . "counselors" only; And -not as make ver a. detective. Nowj ie's given - lxxxlv,111� A worth exactly 'PiO times mdre-nioll- "Thanks, very Jnuch,!P :sAid he; said Young Evans.' truth moon, which IS said to be a ruin of na .1cousins.." f, illness or mourning leaving no. trace behind. 'there fA a plain stone. above them ey than it was at the end ..Of the . I ell up. The has dawned' Upon 'upon is the light of the .1 gged eig0 has now "but , We -hardly''feasible. I have .,No;, po6pI6 generally don't,' It, ture and reffects Should Pretvent attendance, a; Even, the diru traveller Pulls. "WO ov com�s to peepch," SIng . -sozige humbly sciafttific.naeth- from which the eighteenth centuryl prospects that I must not er it d him,' and he�.s gone raving lnitd." Sun. -tells us. how we are to lot out light given place� to more Wo name, or a .., * -1874 a horse Evans figeted. in,his seat as that worded excuse sliould be Used. robbed Lady But so recently as shine that Gad may be glorified; by liing ods, The thieves who ,look." the Soot. - "NOW, what-Ican.1 d4 for d. tall *shaft, springing into the hem- ue ribbon 743arquis conclud r �f'her.'Jewcl-�aso la�.t SUM-. that baiii carried off the bl is it. to " a . - In, His 10T91 by THE OATH. OF ALLEGIANCE, Marrine iheir viktueg NAm6 them," returned the you this time? How much I !better, own up?' he $,id n Ilia, light aadbablding vens as though to tell . of the turf was sold for it more song. "Well,, I hope some: - day . to OPOn be?" oeeint Tesuionly. me must . have to t1le skies. In that.ailolit IA�d half -way towards repentance., Af, r In the Paris express hiq was: the. unfortunate ..Geo*rge fa chentical lab-, out a. hosiery est6tillshment. of my ThIrty' thousould-in fact, -twenty -�3. The fifth day shows us.the wa- One f the most interesting , care- been in possession 0 there are no titles for great men, ter All 20 f if �e'oath bf alle -they had. conducted Froiderick,, which After 'w1oning:- the� 6 6 shes me e61a t' glance, as ters and &o.air, with abundane ni oratory ln'.which ot Own!". wi;uid be enough." Thd*marquis interrupted.him. And there Are no rumblings of oha;r�� . ber6y, changed hands At tho. 11 and fowl, and. command,given tILera to be given by the. peers. The sovet9ign's elaborate experimental Laidy Var-se lot whoolp, And there,'is�never heaj7d. That's rathdr awkward, said the Mr. Baxter disditined the Smaller I . figure "The beast did me out of �- more -fill the. waters: hand is kissed And hid crown touch- 465. peer. "tilt You'll want capitai?" The marqui§ was. safe, and fruitful and multiply and riner, it may, be razilemberedi there the foot of -the . dance than thatl Serve him right. :and multiply In th4earth, The fifth day ad in token of loyalty. and. devotion, ad the lovely flowers which. a woman The Another' * Derb�y winner, Baron '.'Certainly," rep4ed young Eva the loan,the bigger'llis ut ui - -ged the conaci V, jyptlan guano hich i4 thrown on Rotliscilild's Sir BeVYS, . comniand4d .. ..We ns-. the. bigger 13 to associated with blessing and,abituidalit while the foliowfnk� words are re- in the,. Same compartment carried, eas; .:while -it may be. 11, I'll give yous thousand.at profits. stricken Evans..", inultiplication, for here'the words-. are pe4ted, ,II of Wellington,(or Othe" The � latter - presented . her 'With. tho, the field -in the East for the 0kch- ooly. 500 gain the and of flve,l�pyou come, here in- . 'fSay, forty,. If you like," he Said, IlOwning up. woult cars Illin..I.P. at but think'. of, do . become y egeman of tbat was the oil, is.the dust raked nows to some' readers that Hermit, my ills as first us'ed, and we cann ourli bouqueCAo sluellp and h steadw And T your. With a toin And there the matter rested.. "Tho'blessing of the war- out from the sePulchres of the kings the animal 'with. .7hich Mr. Irenry pting'prolongat .1 Ibn of the Vr9v. x. 22, R. V., life and' iiintil and of earthly' last the victim rdinenribered for . an hty. men. 0 1 the Chaplin scoje well. Yo ha he numeraL Eighteen months 1ater Baxter re toil addeili voth- . . . and faith'and truth I Will -bear hour or. more What 'the subtle 'poi find fords And mig his Sensational Derby same. as inyqelf--I-the same - clothes, Young Evans hesitated, smiled. L6rd maketh rich, and ship, db.4grift of thoso mighty men if. they triumph over the pluxiging� Marquis covered, find -forthwith retired. from jug theilio;" of Hiv blessing which 0 'been sprinkled Pil- the. siery�$o there can be no, Well; if you Will have it so," he 9AT Unto you, jo liva* find idle, tigainat Son that had after ag- 'business.. .9 three years' crop in the. sixth ll manner of folks.. So help me flowers was. composed of has neye had ever knoviln that in'the, of Hastings, was bought by the for- the same h * o r, nothing but one itgeed. sroal as of tho-world they Would have been mop g6atlpman4or :1i000 dulne 0 as, Vilstake.-or, ritthe Baxter "I'vo done pretty well,"' he said, year and fed.abundantly 5;000 men with God. been discovered. Xingeraft, the winner of'the 1870 long mistake." And the marquis �Theraupon the jubilant reviewing his past, Activity; and one five loaves. According . to. the Accounts 1;500 . is called Egyptian guano. smiled. "Say A thousand?" he cOn- went out of the office and, Instructed must take risks-they!ro part of the 24-31. On the sixth day cattle, and. notfibr reason why e should culmr Darby, was subsequently :disposed of Apothecary forthe g prepare the Ustial, dacu- pald to the royal CA ,Uirle cluded. judicially. go creeping things and beasts of the earth anuointing . oil. NADA)S: NEW I, t�lrp this Spirit of cheerfulness, is the for'500 a. horse * was his clerk to game;, I'll , marry nioneyp and When the Arch� What Is best or The young boater hesitated, uts. and live in the country." Are made, and man in the image at (;ad, bishop of - Canterbury has pl I acedtho act Service Will I- fact that. God knows nteredr for a. scoro of other races, two, thousand. Come, me .1 said fifty!" reflected Dollof T"t Dir his creatures. Y hat, is but a rank failure. It be -II . "I'll makeit "I wigh livid Ile -was so far Successful 'in thesq malo aid female, to have. dominion over a sovereign"s head, the proved four- hatiored a. year for five years, young Evans th Crown on th beyshout to the order of newer and, more, laudable Ambitions all; man-made of the dust of the ear , crease Trade With Fra31c8- ,best for your child, He thinks YOU longed end?." Baxter.' papers I 6 a -fall -grown, . perfect man, an crowd assembled In the Abl as you and two thousand d Wit lit the n hand., was, ba k that'the Autumn found him involved d woman arq not as liberal ith him I SXNGLE-RACM WINNERS. 1 entreated the ninfq=., made of . A Oart of Waillabody and given "God ave the Kingl.'o the rule Of Within� 0, Couple of weeks a.-regu-,. ought to bev- - 44o criticiffes Your dig- before, very 101�g- In various 'fornis of.roxnantle expen-, to him to be a helpmeet for him; and gil6lice In churches being, on this oo- , ill be esthb- hole Sold originally for the sum of 12,- 4�eouldsl't do, it," .observed 'the "You Will .sign these?'!-, lie amia" - diture.' Included' was h. 14ygd and He cas far f6rtnighily service, w and but :you look over, hew called their name Adath (chapters If and ion, disregarded. �As soon As the fished between Montreal France, 1500�guincas, Blair Athol *its In the v "I'll ant at least geous irpusWmu. This owned, the Peers' and d to oil ving that child, do oilkig hosfer. hovering Over 'his victim like'a'bird somewhat gor 'a field, and ybu, lo v, .1, 21. The Spirit tells us liy� Piul i monarch is or and 'the new selIvidd Is expected to what Iff Your . deliberate Jud'mfit is end disposoo of for a trifle. more. than jeft. You see, leaving the firnt -now -of prey. "You can read it After he purchaseld at a. brand now shop in -on their coronets and open up an.iinportaint trade between -r of the 1868 will spoil my credit with the manu- Eph� v, 80-82,'that Adam and E*e Are peotIqss.es put F,20'000. The winne wards" -a$ the'yoUng libsili delay- nc!nd. street. P. Evans" was - bishops their. aniters. . E-ach the two countries. The service Will b6st for.him. I Now, Derb, Bloo. Gown, met with a. very facturers. inscribed In, Kul , 4 leaf over the win- typ al of Christ and the church; aid the the )not till this moment line the rafteb-Canadison'. Iis d Iii Evigilo GOD IS TIIVu BEST OF rATHERS' MCIA;Cboly fate. once more the ni'arquis looke. with, a dov�s, and there Was something fa- SN.illt elsewhere teaches us that sts 'Eye peer's'cor( be operated by After being bought ny, the voyo- companion ttTt tively Up And down. flourish. a bullded- out of Adam by his sleep been carried by a small page on a Stearnsillp Compa Sometiiiies. his chilGIren think that by an A merican for 04, 000, on Millar, yet'alusive, ab6ut the movc� 'W' iij 21, 2,2, margin), so byirtao of' velvet cushion. . The pearosses Are Three vessels have, been purchased LMt he is age across the Athintie proved 1:60 "A perfect ,double," hb muttered- ,IIVa A wee bit firmer than it used, molits of the Assiduous Proprietor, 'age, nd et Carry fee and three more he Is hard on 000 And tb as fie much for it and It died. the -death and resurrection of'Christ, the not. Allowed a p it 311 to start the sory n *111 be built, not, no libdral with. them " petfectl I'm hanged If I'm going to be," said. Baxter, Stooping Oval, ,Do you. know," said AIr. Baxter I Hund'reds of have.b6on ordered a d inight be. But Children do not know - Whilat St. Gation. and I-TatveNter to waste hIml" Tben� ralsf g, his the signature, one day, "you,raillind me of a noble- true Eve, the church Is now being bull& their own coronets as soon AS Possible -The Vessels n toll You ran it dead -heat in the Derb of 1884 Voice: n 0 emy ad out of Him, and, When completed, coronation . 111c.dAlS are struck in gold it speed of father. I *an "You're sure :�Ouwon'ttak dear boy," returned naaft whom I was. once proud to d !silvor, which the treasurer of will have- it guaritnteed so ao much as a there was an enormous difference in three thousad to shall be brought to Him, and there shelf tin why, YOU fire ot largely afloont, and re . come here for E vans, 'I Arid now for the coili-ftll number Among my clients." be a marriage and then the kingdom the household se(Ltter-S among the sixteen knots and Will be the equal spo6tWe values. St. Gation play at bei Why you bave'not bqoh grtLudly suc- thel those five years And Ing open cheque or notes will do." "What little is yours, may 1 ask? (Itev. x1r, 7; Dan, vil, 27). eetators In the Abb, so the of Anything - now in the St.-L&W­ nded the lil4h price of Zi5,- neqps ked Baxter, politely inquired tI . the SP (Cing o� Queen Is a rence trade, boh'Alt speed and'equip- glut. it is because you cannot comma "Going racing?" as to proprietor. It, 1-9. This portion tells lax that on coronation of a I cog the teluiltation. It your pat), 000, whereas tho'harvest reaped by But young Vvmns only shook, his '11A little." stAnd 111-,'r��bankfng," seventh day God ended and rested fioni somewhat costly ceremonial. As a ment. Id have Harvestet was not�evcn one-Afteenth. bead. Tile Moncyamlander 9&Ve a Small Sigh -,And ie Owps me eighty and peers fire Ith the completion of the throd had been aftlooth, YOU WOU HIS work and blessed iho seventh day rille, a, good niany now IV a;Iefooted- of that sum. -A week later lie recelyed- a letter, of relief. )unds,!' he Added 'with. a fl. .3 I L Ion. At that of now vessels it is expected that *9, re- depanded upon Your own sun and sanctified It. 'We htve the practical' created At' u, corollt t NAll belostabi- iloas; but God, roughened hat path 0altee More, 9. very popular Darby staniped Wth the' Canning coronet I.Plungingl" he said, "iPlutigingil" IfYou don't VVIAlt to OPen A, More teaching in lleb. tv, where we learn that the late queen twelve iiecrages were �ular' weekly service I to. tjtk6 hold of his winner; changed hands at the hand- and cipher. -opeated. to himself as; lie wrote lightly asked the Ito4icir. =t�todanjn ontreia And Havre. 84� You havo he I accoulits?"' we can only enter Into rest', when Wo coniftl6moration. of tho. lishad. between' M htndl I( the Weather had boon raild, some price of 421,000, the purchase ,Come *round this ovenirig,"' it out the 011eqUe. he'll be here whose identity the rcMdOr, will easily cause from out Own Works no Ood.-did no doubt at least as It is also th(s filtention to estatlish y�u *oilld have loitered along the belog-mado on behalf of tile Russian read. "I think we can find the� cap- again bafore� very 10�g,'A an from His, Thus we may -daily #aJ9Y a iuqny' now, titles will be given next next year . s, line between Mont' courses, but At the first howl Government. it would probably itAl for that buqUilas of ou*rs,11 ho;ve all he likes. up t;o ry hundred .,,Not- Just now --not just nowl" constant Sabbath, white we wait for the when X<Jng Edward VIL Is real and Marsoillbg- With a. sixt&ncom car called Your Pace have paid the owner to refUse even This time he Was; shown Into it tbousand.'� Said Baxter, purpling. rest that remainoth. As to keeping one (!rOlvInad. knot vessel the time 'between Rini- g the storin you quiel stimated 4t,( heLvah*Ard' And - WraPPed around that large offer. smaller room, 'and one more suited The young hosier POOketed the ",The next article?" said Ernest. day In seven wholly for God, I know oi ouski and Ravl`0 Is t b ly I tion was caused when t An intormal'tete-a-tate. cheque, drew oil Ilia 'gloves, and.lit pr struction than In. Iviii, Is, Lbout 641,� days, which is consideka you the witrill robe of A SavicitIr's Quite a sense, osper nvans.-I I ondon Answers. no better in Would God that we it became known that, Ormondo had "Now, look.here, Evans," said the A, cigarette. 14. In this Section of Genesis the 0111Y THAT-� faster -thall tLnY StOamshIP servicd,.' righteousness. d cofaid. nderstand that our trials are been sold fit what remained for some marquis, as soon as they were sent- -,,I got Ananias this morning- name of Delty Is God used Just 35 times, The anvil lasts longer than the now operated, between Montreal all g for Va. JLJ We time a record price. This Derby ad. "You've got to be me after all, stral. lit, from the Stable", he .said. 19PACIE WILZ BZ SCARCE, or ri INy 7# Signifying abundant perfection, -tllat,s a poor, consolation the very best thin truth, winner held formerly belonged to the fat one montif. free, gratis, and.for It, 9 — hammer The reason for the establishment of clatfoil of -that a 9, dead'cort. Shall :[ put a bit nnd- whm Ood becomes all In all In us, as itud, An ppro a that into Duke of, Westminster, who had nothingl; And then, If you lIkQ, you On for you? Standing Room Only When t a He is In this porfJon, We shall be abun.. to a man that's undermost in the the Service Is the necessity -of direct th6h We would know Why it WEL light. communication with -tyr, In the very parted'With the animal at the price can be yourself again. I'm not ga- I'd sooner back your lordship. Year 2,950 Comes. dantly perfected. 4teamship, -,Tobn Noyes, the inal, Oriftonde was then ne- Ing to pay you; but It you like to replied 'Baxter. According to . a careful computa- Old age commands reSPect-excOlit f that midst of.1tho, flaftle reeLeheq down'and of Z12,000. 0 Ill t e wl or an egg, France it Canadian tra:do is to be picked up 0 literprising A 'ricaft help yourself, there's a fortune in Whereupon the young heeler bovil tion by JI %left Schooling; a statis- - Truth alwAYS PaY cariied. on profitably with no, of the faggots that quired, by an a me TRADE TRUTHS, s in,the end. Per- country. The lack of direct diolh- Wa consuming him and kis,140d itm at a cos And a It.,i, ed, and, with A, smiling "goocl-aft0r_ tician, wheft three hundred and'fiftY I ver too haps that's the reason why there's; 1),unication, hitliarto with the �eridh' -Blessed be God for the half times that sum, or Z31,950. 'IExplainl Said the young hosler. noon,!' closed the transaction. Ile ybang shall have passed the densltY4, The nionoy-londer's-It's no'. 'so very little truth at- the &ginnfug kind said; lepublie has '00 handicapped lu4nit- time When I was born to this prof6r- it Was said that the M&CIMS0 after-, "Well, you remember when 'You made straight for naxter's batik, of the earth's populatioll will be JAte tcy Imid. of it business transaction some. facturers and merchants- that Any- het7ho Suffel, With Iflift wal,,ds refused an OfTer of Z46,000 Sp6ke of credit . the other evening, and obtained notes in, exchange for such that each porson will have only Tile I&wyerls-A friend With deeds paying amouut ofbusi- two-thirds- of An Acre. That Space is the, friend We need. tillics. litect of IlIq tiling like t ,De content then with for his bargain. you, gave - Ino A. turn. It's a subject the cheque. Every man is the arel nesq Was out of the question. Tito jUch things AS, YOU have-'! St. ales, a rank outsider which I'm not Particularly forid, of. I've The marquis met him at dinner- fifty-fivo and one-half yards square, The t6baeconis : t1s-A puff's as good OW, udsfortuncs� 'service will also torm the nca6- Anotha)r eoAslderoflon leading S won the , Derby in 1883 With the had too much experielice of it, Six- time. will have to Suffice for All Purposes as it feast. . Where there's a kid, I there link in the chain, of transports - the as- odds At fifty to One, realized Z20,- ty per cent. compound was the In- -Excellent, I" lie said. "We must -agriculture, iroads, hollsea, pal -10,1 The barber's -Two heads Are bet- .'ary to the spirit of the text I.,; squeak, tion between the Sault Sta. Maria, iguranco that the Lord will provide ooO whan s;ld In NOW 'York; and its jorest I pd1d; but In reality It Was got these changed for gold, and then railways, and so on, Mr. �hoolhig ter than one. is mightier A rise (In salary) by Any other nd V rauce. Pran�o will furnish an SOMObOW. %Vill lie who holds the' much as 940,000 to beliove4 to have over a hundred." walrei Safe." . SAYS that when the globe�s popula- I The cook's -The pan naine wotild be as sweet, excellent, inarket for tbo.irou, steel W :0r,ji, te hollow of ills hand All- been refused for Afelto-a, another "You have b6en a borrower?" risk- By the end of the month tile young tion reaches this density, Which is than the sword ' (!ut your coat according to -the ind pulp of Western Ontario. at The widow's -Two weds fashion; or, better still, trust the Ilia children t(". a of thirstl winner. ad young R,vaus. greatly surprised.' boatr had, with the assistance of his About one thousand persons to the alitire affair to your tailor, In order that business may be dolxo be� who . 11attle on a 13ut up. to tile prefibni tfine the ke- "Yes-botore I came of age; before follow -conspirator, not only affected mile, tile earth will be, in his opill- than one. profitably with France it is,noOhs- Is and all the earth's cord price antuall' paid for a Darby I got th proport$r And the roady, I the desired exchange, but deposited Ion, full- The b,cholopla.-A little widow IS a thousand � Till - - __ "500 guineas fit 0 Mr. schooling reacheq his; conclus-1 d gerous thing. . I Tho Aarly disinfectant catches the sary to take atIvalitage of that toun, luxuriance of gioift find fruit, allow winner Is the 87 behaved like a, young, ASO I had a the hole of the fort.V-01011saud Of till, anhe dentist's-TV9 A good thing to gerin. trvls minimum tariff and this efth schildren to starvOl 00 Out'tO- Which T,lying 11oic WA acquired by good Allowance, but I Asked for pounds In a dozen; baukW. He had ion by a careful analysi ci�ly, ba donty by j�� line plying direct, at live o'clock, Into M. Diane. stacho, ordered growth, 6f the population In the nine- i look down in the moUth some 'CABBY AND TIM hetWeen a foreign Port and Vrance. lore. My trustees declined, and so also grown it mil teenth century, And upon that, basis timeq. ,ilAq wcfild4A a44 hba� the birds, chant. I went to Baxter YOU; know Bax. 'clothes totally unlike Anything Worn tea thopopulation ofthaearth The auctionoor's-330 content with The other d a The now service besides eatIryllig Con- I�ave had no breakfast, they scientists have determined that the ter, of Jormyn 4treet? ITO lef,,.da b the Canning, and com- con'Pu 50. . What will become 'Iyour lot. tip outside of Ono of Our. big hotels; siderable shipments of of I - . WWI lore they will dine, they plotelY =ated himself from corn, califted most.,;, laid, bubkWheat know not W11 pureqt air in cities I$ found About anybody with prospects AS much as of poterity fit 2:300 fis a, Problem I The burglar's-Talto things its YOV. and it young American jumped out, no Idea, Where they will sup; :25' feet Above the street, and hence lie likes, hgainst g more sigriature. the -old Portman square Voice and that lie does, not attahlPt to solve. find them, says the London News "WhOS Your. "td flax from Chicago, And 'the the, Wrds chant at . five off him in inanner. At the same time he had I - Wosternfitates, Ia. eXpeated to carry' IlKehold, it. is concluded that the - ligaltilloqt. 'I raised fifty tholisand disappeared from the Present populations to the ----- - fare?" he demanded; and the CX1141. to shipilidnts, of-pulli, Paper, froft o'clock in 'the iftorning. reluctantly 1: Ul%. ITOUSekeop-Xow, you've had larg I air, they SOW not apartments are those Oft the third two yeos, and lost most of It baek mile are: owned to half-a-erown with a cand- the � fowls , of t le Ing borsaa� And buyllig jewellery. I'm brilliant circles In which lie had been our Wilt; In Its q, and steel. The last Will be taken floor, Russfa� ., I. i5 your dintler; will you � chop some that olf SUAPICIOU. iiialtylat do they reap, nor gather Into afraid to 4ay. hoW inuelt lie got back; Wont to disport hIMS01f. IMSPRO hN United 21'Wood $or me? Wragson Tatters; - The oung American pulled out c. i-rom the 110W Works at Sault t0- her food- - rIC110S, fle, still icantinued to serve Mrs. Houslokeep- handful of silver and asked, aric, from Midland and from barlig, yet your heavenly fitt but it wag U. good deal oVer thellun China ...... ...... ...... ...... ::: ... ... afra,ld, lad.�, 118sly aor Tlorges, Quo -bee. bad a 0 a ' aud, I caWt touch behind Mi. Jarvis"a Counter- s - Wrs,98011 tmare ya".11ot much bettor Ilobby-Mather, wore all the r d th us nd, , ...... ... I. ...... ...... ... S)6 Afraid of Work, I suppose, how 111afty -slhilllng4 are there -in half. 'ad can. It was not till early in tile follow- From France will be linpor ...... ...... ...... an thoyt" Seven thbunand POOP16 men destroyed by the floodl ...... . IS() Tatters -No, lady, but I in a, Map- *'Three, Sir," Was tilt- tied and bottled 900(fs, fail thne went Into t4le d a- 11tother-yes, my son. ,HOW dois this affect me?" Asked ilig Year that the inoiloy-londer gave g6a tomaniad, all' I'll% afraid I'd steal eL r ih elitist's e Germany prompt roply� And the reprc�qenttt- -6, delod II its, ert, Tiloy Were tile iftoat linproVii- Bobby (Who hag Just received it the hosior, the nlarqUig tile tgport lie had plan- I V ...... ...... ...... 28o the chopper, �Wleg wines, ilquol tal. I tive of Yankee cuteness - Paid up W 101- I -Ary -dolltpeoi5l'o I ever heard 'of, Whipping from his fah0r)-ftAn. In ned. chornicals, crot1k6fY find AlAss 0. nother good? The tuarquis sullied. United Xingdom Ono ur. They don't know is bollpIved that the troLdo will TO there golng to "I'll Answer that question If The sequel' to RVatV8 exploit WAS Ilolland .. . .. ..... ...... ...... ; -toeturer-And what. mail ,a ost Illural 11111'.. . —. . 572 al quit6 everthin oil the other sido, every solneWhat ...... Pt to reach that elevation wholiee largely increased 'in %he futuk hiLve taken food gh you'll prolfilab to Como here tragic Delgi LIL Oil of the llrond." qhiplftellta. from Austriar ItAlY It costs $25,000' to Scrape, the evening for 0. 111611th, and be Ift- .,maxtees gone ravipg madt", ald Mr. Selloolillp, estimates the popu­ the earth may be viewed, 8 e Iort In ortiolig Of OtrOf barnacles off one of the l3ritifill-M611- structed. 11*0 a plam", Itho arquis, one ay, When ills. lation of thQ oarth noW at 1,600,- Va a f-wa n he- oPera- III I irien , Calfte in to ho4p * the lAtest 000,000, and'j'n At 02,l)73,000,-1 VOWO (in the audienco)-The ono Cork weighs 15 lb. per cubic foot, ner is , to inst doWft !oh to be repeated tWid# &YO&r ooks lai4r. tho. tWo VOUng I nOWS. .000, that. works in a� powder mill. gold 1,155 Iti.,. fes, Otte I e, Case of namrly 4vory vessel, Four W th