HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-07-04, Page 2W8-8E00R0
very Thursnay
POWer Printing House
Suestaurrtoris-$1.00 per Year ht
; $1.6Q may be charged it not kai Pa14
yer discontinued until all •arrearagee
paid, unless at the option of thenablIsher.
he nate te which every subsorietlon 'pahl
[40neted on the label,
IrNarlsrrIe RATES. -"r111,1141111 advertistd
tents, 10 cents per nonpariel for first
190010 and 3 cents per line for each subse-
tient insertion, Small advertisements not
o exceed, on'e incli,auch as "LoSt.',
'Stolen," alto., inserted once for 50 cents and
aeh sebaequent insertion 15 Cents.
lvertisements without specifie directions will
n) inserted. until forbid and charged accord
FarM and ISolated Town Property
only Insured.
IP- McLean. President. Kippen 0. ; Thos.
Frazer, Vice -President, ilrucefield (). T. E.
Ham Seey-Treas., Ideaforth P. 0.; W. G.
Broadfoot, Inspector a LOSSCS, Seaforth P.O.
W. G.. Broadfoot. Seafortli ; John Grieve,
Winthrop ;George Dale. Seaforth; John Watt,
Harlocic :John tionnewlea. liradhagan ; JaInca
Evans. Deeeliwood ; James. Connlely, clinton
John Macau, Kippon
Rol,. smith, Ilarlook; Reber IVIelgillan. Se
forth ; J1000S Cummings, Egmondville ; J. W
Yee, liolinesville P. O.
Parties desirous to effect insurance er trans
sect other business will be promptly attended
to Q11 SDP)1CLItIon 10 aDy Ot the above ofileera
addressed to their respective post offices.
,PY for change of advertisements on pages
ind 6 mnat be inthe office on Saturday and
521' PaReal and 8 on Monday to ensure change
!or following issue,
maws! Rames.--The following table shows
eurrates for specified periods and space;
1 Yr, 6 Mo, 3 Mo. 1 filo
Ielumn. . . -ON oe $40 00 $26 00 28 60
Doltimn 40 00 25 00 16 00 6 oo
Column 25 00 15 00 . 8 00 2 50
Oolunsn 18 00 10 00 6 50 200
.. . .. 6 00 3 50 2 00 1 25
I'Special position from 25 to 50 per cent extra.
Editor and Proprietor.
Ineorpo;ated by '
° A.ot of Perlis ment, 1865.
CAPITAL • • 02;609,000
REST 32,050,000
AMES ELLIOT General Manager
Notes discounted. Collectian made. Drafts
;sued, Sterling and American -Exchanges
ought and sold.. Interest allowed on deposits.
Interest allowed on sures of 51 and 1111,
Money advanced to farmers on their own
:rites with one or more endorsers. No mort-
;age required as security. ,
C. BREWER, Manager, Clinton
11. • General 'Banking BusInese Transaoted.
, _
Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued,
• "1.' Interest Allowed on DePadts.
Also Agent for
Read Office for Cailada, Montreal. '
Insurance in force, - 2116,000,000
Investments in Canada, - 13,600,000
Estab lied 1825, The old reliable and favortie
Orem Smiths boick. eppasite PostOft1 0
Atsnive Ccisrm,
Money to Loan.
Troia will arrive titan(' depart from Clinton
Station as follows
GoiegEest Express 7;38 a. m.
2:56 p. rn.
4;15 p.
10:15 a. m.
12:65 p. m.
7:05 m.
10:27 p. m,
Notsiry Public,:sca,
Orreez-Beaver Bieck, CLINTON
44 " Mixed
Gettig West jinxed
„ 4, 1C2P.r.ess
11 0 0
Five.liundred Passengers on 13Oard the Steamer but
No Lives were Lost.
A. despateli from St. John's, NMI., held on to rocks ehivering With 001d
until. reseued. .
says: The Steamer .Lusitallia with
5'00 parisengent on board, was wreck- VASSI)NOERS p,E401-1 SUPINE&
ed on Tuesday night off Cape Dal- . WednesilaY incrni'llg
lard. The steamer originally be- passenger% after shivering for houre
the unhappy
longed to the Orient Steam Navigar ott the hill top, traMped over weary
tion Company and was bcalnd from miles in their endeavor to reach the
Liverpool for Montreal in -charge of houSes of the lishernaem. Which they
eventually succeeded in doing', end
Cantab.), MeNay. The Elder -Demp-
ster Company own the veSsel, bat at where they are now sheltered. Pre -
Going South Express 7:47 a, in.
" Mixed 4:15 p.
GolagNarth Express 10:15 a. IR.
1161E06. p. m.
tvte eDIOIFST141 Ticket Agent.
District Passenger Agent. Toronto.
• ,
• .
Fire Insurance, Real Estate, •
. Money 'to Lend.
R. C, P. anal... R. C. S;; Edinburgh.'
AGENT 0, P. R.
present it is ehartered by the Fran- vielle te ree'ehing the tile pass'
engers passed. two hours of terrible
ca-Clanadian SteantShip COMpany.
The passengers of the Lusitania. aziNi°4' an the Wreck' There is hope
Of saving the effects of the passen-
bad a. terrible experience. The ilrat gers, as, where possible, they Were
knowledge which they had of the dis- stoWea aboverdecks,
aster was when, owing*to the ship
raising over the rocks they were all A TeARGE CARGO.
hurled from their bosh: tho shoek. The Lusitania -was bound round
Many of them were bruised flIld they Cape Race for Montreal with a large
all hurried on deck in their night' cargo and a shipload of passengers,
clothes. A scene of great excitement She misteolt her couise in a dense
ensued. 14'ive hundred people were fog and went ashore near Renews, 20
clamoring to escape while the crew miles north of Cape Race, before
tried to pacify them, and launch the daybreak. The ship ran over a reef
boats, The male passengers in their and hangs against a, cliff, The pas -
attempts to seize the boats trampled sengers, mostly insmigrants, were
the women Under foot and fought the
crew with knives. Some of the more
clear-heasied of the passengers assist-
ed the crow in their efforts to get
out the boats. The women and chil-
dren rescued wore alrnost naked.
Drenched with spray they were pulls
ed up the cliffs by the coast people.
Some of •the boats were dernolished
in the surf while attempting to land It is expected that the large cargo
and their half -drowned oceuptints of the Lusitania will be salvaged.
1 HEMS OF THE 'WORLD ti.tu'e is the range of queta
Travellers to any part of the
world should consult the
. above in reference to tickets,
fares, etc.
506 BOERS cAptukb.
Night calls at frontdoor of residence on Batten
bury street, opposite Presbyterian:church. •
ONTARIO .STREET, opposite English chureh,'
Special attention given to diseases of the Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat. •
Ossies min RESIDENCE -
Albert Street East north of RATTEN131711r
. •
; *area* I Shippers, per Mt... --K.50 CS -12*
Prices of Cattlo,Cheosel, Oraln, &a co light , 4.25 4.50
the Leading Markets, Butcher, ehorce,"4........... 4.05 4,50
Butcher ordinary to.
• 1 1 good .. ... 3.50 4.00
Toronto, July 2.--Wheate-The Mar- )3utcher, ................-, 2.76 8.06
ket continuee qUiet, with very little Stockers, per eWt 2.50 3.25
Export Issuhllesoppaitin•dewLta.m. b3a..50 4.00
bUsiness, Init the feeling is a ' -
bettek. No. 2 red and white sold at
6440 ottioSS rate to domestic miller% ChOice ewes, per csvt 3.60 8.70
Exporters are quoting .68 to 64c Yearling% grain -fed cwt4.00 6.50
middle freight. No. 2 goose is nom- Culled sheep, 00.011 „2.00 0.00
anal at (31 to 620 middle freight, ',Arabs, barnyard, per
and No, 1 spring at 66 to 664c on oivt 8.75 4.25
Midland. Manitoba wheat is firmer, do eprIng, each 2.50 4.00
With No. 1 hard quoted at 834 grind- Bucks, per cart 2.50 3.00
ing in transit; No. 2 hard at .81C, Milkers and Calves.
and NO. 8 hard at 76e. For Torento Com, each 20.00 45.00
Calves, each...... ...... 2.00 10.00
liallfeed-The market is quiet with
bran quoted at $11 to $11.50 west. Hogs.
Offerings small, end prices high for Choice hogs, per vet 6.75 7.00
this season of year. Shorts, $18 to Light hogs, Per cwt 6.50 6.624
Heavy hogs, per cwt • 6.50 6.62*
$1.C3oln0-7rehset. market is unchanged, Stags, per 0.00 2.90
with sides of Canadian yellow at
894c west, and of mixed at 89c west. MORE MANITIMA RATT-WAYs
On track hero yellow is quoted at --- , _
44+ to 450.
and wait 2 to 8c lower.
Itye-The market is dull, with pric- Canadian Pacific RailwaY Con"
es nominal at 47 tat 48% middle strueting Branch Lines,
Buckwheat -Market dull at 51 to A despatch from Montreal says: -
53c middle freight. In speaking of C. P. R. intentions in
Manitdba. during the coining year,
President Shaughnessy stated that
there seemed to be groat anxiety,
both on the parts of the Dominion
and Provincial Goveroments for the
construction of An extension of the
Walcada branch, and that the Domin-
ion Government, at the instance of
Hon. Mr. Sifton, had offered a Do-
minion subaide of $8,000 per mile.
Premier Roblin is also anxious that
a railway should be built from some
point in the vicinity of Brandon.
westerly or northwesterly, said Mr.
Shaughnessy, as well as having some
extensions made to the Snowflake
and McGregor branches, and a small
Provincial subsidy is promised.
The company has undertaken to
chnstruct those lines and expects to
complete Omni during the present
Panic-stricken. They stampeded a.nd FORS -Market quiet and firm, with
fought for the boats, but were over- 114). 2 quoted at 68 to 69g middle
come by the officers and crew, who freight.
secured control after a prolonged Barley -Market is dull, with prices
struggle with the rougher elements nominal in absence of business.
among the passengers, who, used Oats -The market is quiet with No.
knives, The women and children 2 white for expert quoted at 29 to
were landed first and the men follow- 29f,c high freights; No. 2 offers at
ed. The crew stood by the snip. 3340 on track here,
Plour-There is a limited trade and
prices aro unchanged. Millers quote
straight rollers at $2,65 to
Small Garrison Hold Invaders at.Sixteen Italians Killed in a Wreck
on the Wabash.
Three Leading Commandants Among
the PrLSotiers. " •
A despatch from N.atal saYS;;De-
tails' heed been received here • of the
highly successful ' engegenients • of
Kitchener's Fighting' Scouts in the
Northern Transvaal during' tbe Past
few Weeks. On May , they captored
Commandant Louis.. Triehard, 4nd
300..nien and WQ11181ii , Krupp gun,..
1,000 shells, 80,000 raunds of 'small
ansniunition;; end' consider able'.striek'
On May' '19 they: Captured 'Venter's
laager of .60. hien, 25, . wagons, 12,s
000. head Of „stock,' and considerable
arms cold ' animunitioo, and qrs the
'21st a small .litager- of 11 Wagons.
..On BlaY 23 . CominanclantS Van
.Rerisburg..and DUpreez. surrendered -to
Gen Greintell, who- , brought in 70
wagons and a 'hnge quantity of 'army
snpplies.: ' • .
On June '3. the• Scotrts - captured 240
nien and women, 3G- wagons,- 100
'HOS,: a 'Maxini- gun. tak,en from Dr:
Jameson during!' the 7reicl; 18,00o
rOunds of • small arm anunuitition,
and a large gilaritity of stock.
On. June 6 the Boers left seVen dead
on the. field;' arid abandoned three
•wagons and ,-300 head •of stock.
lIp Vs the last reports the Scouts
had only one man killed, •
Calowis AND 33R1DGE WORE,
Osexez-A.dioining Foster's Photo Gallery.'
Bay for Twelve Hours.
A. despateh from Cape Town says:
Boer invaders, tinder Malan and
Smit, about 8,000 strong, attacked
Richmond early Tuesday morning,
The town was defended by a detooh-
ment of the North Staffordshire mil-
itia, under Capt. HaWkeshaw, and
the town guard. • Three sangars 'out-
side the teem wore captured by the
Boers, the giu.rison being distribUted
priricipally at Jail Fort and . Flag-
staff Hill Fort, Owing to the cap-
ture of the stingers, Flagstaff Hill
Fort was exposed to a heavy lire.
Three times during' the day Conimark,
dant Malan sent messengers demand-
ing the surrender of the town,. , and
each time the demand was; refused.
The Boers took, advantage of 'the 'opr
portunity during •tlio. cessation of
hostilities to better their *positions,
and. on .the :last occasion, when the
messenger waS sent' in, a party ' of
burghers entered the town and ef-
fected the capture Of a saugar in tlie
Market Square. Not a shot' Was fir-
ed on account of the white flag car-
ried by the messenger. The Boers,
who were -now only 206 yards from
Jail Fort, were seciurely covbred, and
directed a continuous fire for two
heura upon the defenders, who
steutly held the position. Finding
'it impossible to capture Jail FOrt or
Flagstaff Hill. Fort; the Boers turn-
ed their attention to another Sanger
in the town: which was held by
eight men. These eight men, after
having held the position for eleven,
hours, surrendered at 5 o'clock • in
the afternoon. After dark the Brit-
ish garrisoti :strengthened the fortifi-
cations, as they. antiCipated reneiv-
al of the tittacic' in- 'the Morning.'
'During the night, however, the 13oerS
learned that relief was approaching
for the besieged rnen .and withdraw.
They captured twelve horses and
looted the _Storei.
Tha ongagenient lasted 12 . hrAirs,
The Boer loss is reported as five
men killed and seven wounded, The
British casualties are not given. ,
On •Wednesday morning Col. Lunds,
with a relieving column, entered the
town.. •
A despatch 'from Peru, Ind., says:
-Sixt%en 'persons were killed and
about 'fifty seribusly injured in a
wreck of train, No. 3, the Westbound
Wabash limited, nip° miles west 'of
this city at 12:30 a. M. on Wednes-
day. The dead are all Italian immi-
grants en. route to 'Colorado. manY
of the injured "undoubtedly will die.•
The injured include Mrs, Wm. Cot-.
ton, Wife of the general superinten-
dent of the Iron Mountain Railway,
badly bruised, and three children,
mimes .unknown, severely bruised,
Two sections of the train, one
coining from Detroit and tho ' other
from Toledo, were consolidated in
this city, into a train of eleiren cars,
making up the flyer' for its journey
to St. .Douis. It consisted of a
Combination baggage and. smoker,
day. coach, immigrant Coach, three
chair cars, three sleepers and the pri-
vate car of General Superintendent
Wm. Cotten of the IrOn Mouotain
Railway: Hayieg left this city one
heur late,: the • train wae . speeding
westward at high speed, When at • a
point nine miles west the engine
plunged •through a trestle, which
had been • undermined by the recent
fieavy:i rains.... The embankment on
both sides of the little stream 'drop -
'pod at a sharp degree, a distance of
40 feet. .0wing to the momentum of.
the train, the engine leaped acraSs
the. 'abyss, plunged Into the- Soft
earth on the opposite side, . and fell
back to the 'bettom.• • Engineer But-
ler Dad Fireman Adams were thrown
froin the can,. hut net serionsly hurt.
The eXPress car and the' first. chair
car were telescoped.. The iinrnigrant
car followed by two chair cars went,
down on the left side • of the track,
and the first sleeper. pitched forward
neon the rnais of wreckage. Its
windows and trucks were broken, but
none of the' occupants _were injured.
The reinaining ears 'also left their
truckS, 'but were hot badly :damaged.
.It Was in . the -immigrant and; in. the
day coaches, that most qf the . deaths
and injnries occurred.
Heavy foliage lined the banks 011
both sides 'of the Culvert, the ap-
prodeh to which Was over a reverse
curve. ' There Was no means by
Wriich the engin.e crew could see the
inipendieg clanger. In fact, the ens
gine ran snit 'upon :the trestle before
the strueture gave 'way. The night
was intensely dark. For a moment
after •the fatel plunge 'and dreadful
roar of crashing timbets a death-
like stillness prevailed. Then there
broke out the cries of the injured. .
Trainmen caught ep their lanterns
and .rashed to the neighboring farm
houses for assistance,. The fanners,
with their wives and. children,: bear-
ing. torches, hastened to the scene,
;and all efforts Were ben"; :to giving
first aid to the injured. • •
Pitiable. Condition of a Man Without
Food for Seven Days.
A despatch from Sa.skatoon; N. W.
T., says:-Governinent Telegraph Re-
pairer Harrington, 'reported missing,
was 'found by a search narty at Hun-
.ter's-Jarni,. 11 'miles .from here. On
'Tuesday, 13th inst., when, about 36-
mills'froM hero, the horse kicked the.
b.uelcboard tO . pieces,. pitching Her-
ringtim out, 'where he laid in 'a, stun-
ned Condition and too weak to 'Move
for three days. 'Then. for four more.
days he wundered over.. the pea vie,
•having no 'food all that time, but a
,little tea sugar. He reached
Hunter's farni. in du exhausted con-
dition, having been exposed to rains
and flies and witlinet food foe oiter
seven days. He is v?ry weak, but
has 110 injuries 'except a sprained
shonlder and neck.
• • •
Successor to Dr. Bruce. Clinton,
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work:
D.D. S. -Graduate of Royal College of Dental
Surgeons of Ontario.
L. 1). S. -First• CIDAS honor graduate of Dental
Department of Toronto University. Special
attection paid to nreservation of children's
WM be atthe River Hotel, Reynold, every
Monday from 10 a. nr to 65. m.
Successor to Dr. Fowler.
ventersant SIIRGEON.
A member of the Veterinary Medical Assoein
thins of London and Edinbtirgh and Graduate
of the Ontarki Veterinary College.
Oillee opposite the Commercial Rotel, Clinton'
Sales conducted in all parts of the Counties of
Huron and Perth. Order:410ft at Tim News
RECORD office, Clinton, or addressed to Sea
forth P. O. win receive prompt attention. Sat -
emotion guaranteed or no charges. Moue pat-
sinage solicited.
Woodwerk ironed and.first-class material and
work guaranteed, Farm implements and ma
chines rebuilt and repaired.
ALBERT STREET, Noma, CtniTcnkr.
60 YEARS!'
Is's-. J.
COPYataHtit &C.
Anyone sending a Skotth And detiereerott may
iersedy atteertam onr opinion free irnetMr1111
invention 11111robobirpgentrib 0. eentreunies.
MOS Atrial,' 001111dentIAL 11AffilbOOk OD Patents
isent free. ofdest Nonce- for aoeurfneitatents.
Patents omen through stein & co. %scams
001141 SOSO, WISIOCIt, CheOlIO, tbe
deittifit Jitritritait
daemelyillustrated treaty. Urgent kktr,
of any ocientme journal. teerms,p3
r menthe, 51. SOIct by 411.1160116011101II.
CO 86101,60E11ov, Nevi york
. tor of,„.vvabinitm.ut.
out help, a
bald spot
It keeps
e spread-
Qa lug, until
at last your friends
say, " How bald he is
Not , easy to cure
an old baldness, but
easy to Stop the first
thinning, easy to
check the first falling
out. Used in time,
ness is
With -
It• stops falling,
promotes growth, and
takes out all dandruff.
\ It ,always restores
color to faded or gray
halr,.all the dark, rich
color of early fife. You
may depend upon it
every tittie. It brings
health to the hair.
$11.00 a Wile. Oniggir6"
" Sate used your Hair Sager and
etti greatly. pleased with it. 1 inete
only used duo bottle of itsand yet
rat aliteViattfstowart4ftittieltngizeolltylt?.
Starch 284300. Cane* S.Dak..
Viritouths Itifirattoo•
Rye* do sot obtain an thesbenotga
itausorvitagetaitzt,..0f t.110
buyers' covers for export, and ship-
pers quote 90 per cent, patents at
52,60 middle freight. For shipment
in bbla to Lower Provinces $3.10 is
quoted. Manitoba patents, $1.15 to,
54.20, and strong bakers' $3.90.
Oatmeal -Market quiet and steady,
Car lots at $3.65 in bags, and at
$3,75 in weed; small lots, 20c ex-
Butter -The market 'continues
Steady, with the demand good.
Pound rolls job at 16 to 17c; large
rolls, • 14 to 154c; good to choice
tubs, 14 to 16e; inferior, 10 to 12c;
creamery, boxes, 18 to 18Sc; and
rolls, 19c to 2Qc.
. Eggs -The market is steady, with
goed to choice stock selling at 11i
to 124 e per dozen in case lots.
'Cracked eggs, Pc,
Cheek -Market . quiet and prices
firm. Full cream, September, 10c;
do., new, 94 to 1.0c. .
INDressed hog.s unchanged at $9.52
to $9.75 for sm•x11 lots, Hog 'pro-
ducts firm, as follows: -Bacon, long
clear, loose, in car lots, 104e; io
case lets, 103c to 11e, ShOrt cut
pork, $20 to $20.50; heaVy mess
pork, $19 to $19.50
Smoked Meats -Hams, 134c; break-
fast bacon, 144 to 15c; rolls, 114. to
12c; backs, 144 to 15c; and should-
ers, 1.1.c. • '
Lard -Pails, 114c; tubs, lie; tiere-
,es, 101e. .
interesting ltents About Our Own
Country, Oreat BONO, the 1.19ited
States, and All Parts of the Globe,
. Condensed and Assorted for RSV
Mule Transport Monterey Saved by
• Sailors' Gallantry. •
A despatch from New Orleans, La:,
says: -The British • mule transport
Monterey,. from Cape 'Town, has ar-
rived in . port after ' a 'terrible exper-
ience with fire at sea. Twelve days
out. from St. Vincent, flatnes were
discoVered in the alike hold and
gained such headway that the lieat
prevented the ;usual mearli of extin-
guishing fire on shipboard. '
Flames, aittl clouds of. smoke pours.'
od out from the hold, and when the
officials and 'crew were about to
abandon the ship First Officer Reid
and Feurth Officer Harrison. volen-
teered daring plan. They propos-
ed to tie wire cables around their
bodies, and have their companionis
lower them down the •side of the
ship until they were abreast -the port
opening into the burning section. It
was a desperate expedient, but -after
a sliort consultation was adopted, •
As the fire was near tile- waterline,
Reid and Harrison were. lowered
down until they were • submerged in
the sett nearly up to their waists.
Hanging thus, half buried in the
waves, with the ship under headway,
the men battered in the. port, hose
was then lowered to them and for
several hours they hung sWinging
outward and inward ' pouring
stream into the blazing hold. In
this way they finally succeeded in
checking -the Baines.. 'The vessel Was
badly damaged,
Officially Announced That It Will
Take Plate in June Next.
. •
Winnipeg will erect buildings this
year costing $2,000,000.
A Middlesex County 'Historical
Soeiety is being formed at London.
The Wire Nail Association naceting
at Montreal decided not tO advance
Priees for the present.
Sergt. D. O'Keefe of the Ottawa
police force, and brother of Ya,gis-
trate O'Keefe is dead.
The Canadian Northern Railway
has issued a new passenger tariff on
the basis of three cents v. mile,
A general investigation into the
Ottawa police force has been. ordered,
An all-round shake-up is anticipated.
Mortality returns at Montreal show
that 91 infants died in May, chiefly
from ignorance of mothers about
Berries have been successfully snip -
Pod from Grimsby to Ottawa in a
refrigerator car specially modelled
fee the purpose,
'Montreal, July 2. -:-The grain mar-'
ket was weaker today. Wheat, rye
and. barley have clroPped two or
three • cents iron' yesterday's price.
Other producti are principally un-
changed. The demand for eggs is
falling off,.and cheese is • very dull,
though prices are unchanged.' Grain
-No. 1 Ontario spring- wheat,. afloat
May, 7tc; peas, 76 to,. 764c afloat;
No. 1 oats, 85c; No. 2 do, 344 to
35c; buckWheat, 61cf rye, 55c; and
No. 2 barley, 50c, Flour -Manitoba
patents, $4.20; strong bakers', $3.00
to ,g4; straight rollers, $8.20 to
$3.40; in bags, $1.6G to $1.65; On-
tario patents; $3.75 to $4. 'reed -'s
Manitoba bran, at 513.50 to $14;
shorts, at $16; Ontario bran, in
bulk, 518.50 to $14; shorts in bulk,
at $15.50 to $16, Rolled oats -Mil-
lers' prices to jobber% 53,70 to
$8.80 per barrel, and 51.774 in bags,
Provisions -Heavy Canadian short
cut mess pork, $19•60 to $20; select-
ed heavsr. Short cut mess pork, bone-
less, $20.50 to $21; family short cut
back pork, $19.50 to $20; lieavy
short-cut clear pork, $19 to $19.50;
pure Canadian lard, in 375 -lb tierc-
es, .134c; parchment lined 500 -lb
boxes, 1146; parchment lioed pails,
20 lbs 12e; tin pails, 1140; tins, 3',
5, and 10 lbs, 12 to 124c; compound
refined lard, in 575 -lb tiei•ces, 74c;
parchment lined wood pails, 20 lbs,
3c; tin pails, 20 lbss 74c; hams, 12+
to 14c; and bacon, 14 to 15c per lb;
fresh killed hogs, 59.50 to $10 per
100 lbs. 13utter-Choice creamery,
et 20 to 204c; seconds, 18 to 19c
dairy, Western, 16 to 164e; Eastern
townships, 18e to 1.9c. Eggs -Good
sized' lots of No. 1 at 11 to 114c;
No. 2, 9 to 9.3c. Cheese- Ontario
and Quebec, 94 ta 10c; strong.
Maple products -New. syrup, at 60
per /I), in wood; 70 to 75c per tin;
sugar, 0 to 10c par DS. Potatoes -
58 to 60c in carload lots; jobbers'
prices 80 to 135c., , .
Trouble at Skagway Oyer its. Remov-
• al from Customs House. - • •
. .
. A despatch from Vancouver, B: 0„
Sayst--The British flag recently rats-
' ed .over the Canadian Customs build-
ing at SkagWay has been hauled
down bY an American and has caus-
ed -a great deal of excitement and ill,
feeling al the American gateway tO
the Klondike. The steamship:Island-
er, which arrived on Friday with the
news, brings the official..statement of
the. affair:. . It reads as follows: -On.
Saturday . morning, tit .8:80 o'elock;
• ki• ''D.uSby, Canadian. SuPervisor
of Customs, 'acting on . instructions
from the Caiihdian Department of
Customs., holated the official customs
flag over , his office. The 'flag' was-. n.0
&donor'. up then Mr. • Andrews, 'the
United States .collector Skagway,
called. on Xi., Busby and r., demanded
.by what right, he raised the flag
without. the, Stars -and Stripes being
raised above. . -Mr, Busby replied
that it was not the .• natiorial • Qin-
'blem, but the.. CuStome flag; placed
en the 'Canadian 'Customs -houses all
over the world, to indicate to the
,public Where tne ,office was situated:
Mr.:Andrews appeared to be satisfied
With the •• explanation; but asman
named •lifiller, ati .atterney from Eu-
gene, Oregon, and:brother of..Joa-
quin crossed...the street where
he had been. talkies to .' Judge SO1-
brede, •United .States. Oonunissioner;
and 'heeled 'down, the flag. Mr. Bus-
by followed Miller; .and asked 'him. by
what right he' had hauled down the
. flag, 'and threatened ,him with :arreSt,
in the: Presence.. of Mr. Andrews and
demanded 'his naine. Miller handed
Busby his card, whereupon Mr. Bps-
bY reported the matter to Capt.
J.enks; •cOmmand of the United
States treops at Skagway. Miller
left town, that . afternoon.. .
, .
On Monday' • the flag was again
raised, but Mr. Busby was informed
by judge Selbrede and .Ciapt, Jenks,
deputy United States marshal, that
they would not lao responsible forthe
violence of the *mob unless the ilag
wap . taken. down again pending in-
structions 'from Washingten. The
flag was' again taken: down,: but as
the flag Was raised .by. order of - the.
Canadian Governeient,. Canadians in
Skagway feel' that .Mr. Busby should
be backed up by.,the FederaFauthori-
ties, '
ToIntISTI1 $1.04TCII wrtszg
Tar imp= cutor.m.
An Alroost Entirely \/Porest °dun.
try-Zdost Wonderful Valls
The extrelnineEnTtPhe,.of Europe is
Mostly forest-Lappland is entirely
So. You must joarney eVernallie aa
through pines, firs and silver larches;
a lovely cOMbination--nionotonoust
Perhaps, but with the ever-changing
monotony of the see,. The forest air
is of ulequalled purity and clearness;
the sky of the softest and most kind-
ly. blue; the sunsets and twilight --
the nights of June, July and early
August know only twilight -incom-
parable. A ilne night in Lappland is
not to be fOrgotten-a shy shot with
eolers from blue and .green to red,
and the trees and hills outlined
against it in black-ehiselled silence.
A curious featiire of Lappland, to
ias stuhiantmteirlerstia.arvecislloerfoiwn Ltlanipp
are employed on the farms of the
Swedish settlers who forni the scan-
tryes pt oapruelahteilddninogf at
mad camps far up in the mountains.,
Those who are left are generally eld-
ers, who cannot •boar the. wandering
life. They are strangely clad in a
long coat and leggings of reindeer
skin, with boots turning up into a
point at the toe, end bound at the •
ankle with cloth bands. 4 high -
peaked hat of cloth completes.. the
picture, and men and women are
dreSsed alike. save that the differ-
ence ie marked by tho color of the -
boot -bends. A widow however, 'as-
'seines thoSe of her dead husband.
Tho farmers (who are nil Swedes)
must compress all their farm work
into . the short summer. This makes
it soniewhat difficult for the tourist
to get inen aet, as drivers or
boatmen, though -the natives are
bound by the Govoniment to provide
carriages er boats, arid books are -
kept at the 'various stations ia '
which: the traveller must eater his
name and the .number of horses or
rowers that he. employs: This also •
exPlains the. reason for the.apparmit
inhospitality of the inhabitants;
they never collie out to 'Welcome a ,
The creditors of the .Dulte of Mari- guest., or seem •tinxious to keep him,
chester have accepted 124 shillings yet • their kindnese and attention
in the pound. '• . when • their . interest is won are un-.
A . committee of the •House of surpassed; s The accommodation at
Lords has been named to arranges
preceedings for the bigamy: trial of
1.,ord Russell.
Cold Nireather Will Diminish the
Yield by 5,000,000 Bushels.
A despatch from Paris sayss--It is
estimated that the cold weather will
result in. dinlinishing the French
wheat crop by more than live oill-
lion beshels, as compared with that
of 1900. It le'now calculated that
it will be necessary' for France to im-
port M,000,00p bushels.
Cases itt Alexandria and in the
• Interior.
A. despatch from Paris says: -The
steamship Orenoque, which arrived
at Marseilles on Wednesday, confirms
the report of the prevalence of the
bubonic plague at Alexandria. The
Captaiii says the disease is also 'pre-
valent to a greater extent fri the in-
terior of Egypt.
This story is recorded of the Kai -
A despatch from. London says: -A 'set. His Majesty, when out riding
special edition of the Official Gazette •the Other day, was about to light a
contains a proclamation- by' tile King cigar when to his consternation lio
'Stating that he has resOlved to cote- discovered that he had left his
brute his coronation upon a day in matches behind him. He dismount:.
June, 1002, hereafter to be deter- ed from his horse and called mit' to a
mined, and that the ceremony will group of• small boys standing near
take place at Westminster. Only and asked for a light. The young -
that ptirt, of the function usyally ster who provided His Majesty. with
solemnized at Westminster Abbey the desired light went away beam -
will be observed. The ancient cus- ing with joy; the ICaiser, Says the re-
tools performed at Westminster Hall or ter responsaioblide towrerittlis%siltsorrky,pliteacdo
and in the procession will be omit- ffiVan 111111
for the match.
te'tilitis programme, which is in tic- TEA. SEED FOR VICTORIA.,
cordance with the precedents on the
occasion of the coronation of Wil- The Minister of. Agriculture of Vie-
liam IV. and Queeli Victoria, dispos- toria., has decided to apply to the
es of the rumors that it was the in- Government of India for a small
quantity of seed of the tea Want, for
tuition of King Edward VII. to re-
ceremotiey distribtitioe among farmers and oth-
vivo the picturesque
which were fornierlsr observed, ers who are disposed to. experiment
with its cultivation is the colony.
That the tea plant flourishes there
has been ascertained, but: Whether it'
lion With producees Who' have thcf
Ono Weighing 1,000 Pounds Worth advantage of cheap coolie labor is
Ethel, the two-year-old .daughter
of a A. Horton, of 'Winnipeg, was
killed by.tripping over a loose: plank
in the sidewalk. .
Trooper Mulloy of Ottawa, who
lost his sight in .South Africa,. is
being impersonated by fakirs for the
purpose ef making money.
The latest reported, Klondyke trar
geciy is the murder of "Dick" I3eales
by Mrs. Thomas Herndon. He told
her Thomas was dead, and so per-
suaded her 'to' inarry him...
'afr. Thomas J. McCaffrey, ,fermerly
manager of the :Union Bank of Can-
ada in; Winnipeg, will be business
manager of the riew assay office to be
established at Vancouver, B.C., •
Duluth, July 2. -Wheat closed -No.
1. hard, cash, 69ac; No. 1, Northern,
gash, 664c; July, 663c; September,
664C; No. 2 Northern, 610. Corn -
None. Oats -271 to 27c.
Minneapolis, July 2. -Wheat
ed -Cash, 641c; Jaly, 68 to 684c;
SepteMber, 64•3c; on track, No. 1
hard, 664c; No. 1 Northern, 634O -
Flour -Firm; first patents, $3.70 to
53.80; first clears, $2.60 to $2.70;
second do., $2, Bran -In bulk $10.--
50. .
Baal°, July 2. -Flour --Dull, easy,
Spring wheat -Spot dull; No. 1
Northern, old, carloads, 754e; do.,
new, 724e, Winter wheat -No, 2 of-
fered 74c, through billed. Corn -
Strong; No. 2 yellow, 4640; No, 3,
46c; No, 2 corn, 463c; No, 3, do.,
454e. Oats-rirm; No. 2 White, 82c;
No. 8, do., 31 to 814c; No. 2 mixed,
304e; No. 8 do., 293c, Barley --
Small late sold within range 53 to
58c. Itye-Dull; No. 1, in store and
on track, 56c asked.
Detroit, July 2. --•Wheat closed -No.
1. white, bash, 70c; No. 2 red, cash,
69c; July, 60c; September, 691c.
can be grown profitably in competi.
$200,000,Reaehes Vancouver. another question.
despateh from. Vancouver, B. C.,
say0:-There arrived at Asheroft 111".)141ITLY l'IXPE100110M13.
from Cariboo what, it Is believed, is SO'. Hoon -I an1 coneineed that. the.
the largest ingot of gold ever cast. groom cit last night:ST Wedding Wail
It represents the greater portion of either a widower or a blgalnist, -
the year's clean-up of the Cariboo Mrs. Iloon-Good GraelOual What
Consolidated Hydraulic Mining Coln- makes you think so?
ale. Hoon -Why, didn't, you notice
The bid gold brick Weight!' a thous', that he looked neither scared Dor
and pounds, and it is worth apprOXis ;Sneaking during the cerelnofty?
matt* $200,000. It, is Worth $10,-
000 more than one Which WaS'sent, to
• New York a year ago. It in reported in Paris that it nese
. The gold Was brought doeSn 011 eompany win 00on be formed, eapir
dray in Charge of three mounted ofil- talized by the Itothschilds and pee-
eers, They Were four days making 'ably by the Comptoir Ne.tionalm.
the trip With a four -mule train, The with the object of establishing a Una
ingot is three feet long and tiVo fec from Cherbourg to New York with Itogs to Mich the top priee *trust
thick, and is to be sent 16 the Glas.ivessela eapable of crossinethe °coal he of prime quality, and scale not
gow expoSitiono in five 'day8.,' .beloW /60 nor above 200 lbs.
tha smaller statious is scanty,- and .
Party of three is the. greatest num-.
ber tliat can •he conveniently accoin
mod ated . the • houses. •
•.Sir Edward Clarke has been retein-
ed by Miss Portia Knight in 'her l• jelikmokk is the •metropolis of the
valley, and stands above a beautiful
double fall of the ,siver. Not far be-
low this is a division, and le is up
•the lesser branch that we ore now ,
making our. way. The.other is prac-
tically uninhabited, but • it, contains •
the mighty Her -spring or ,Njcanmei-
Simko., said to 'be'the •
suit foe breach of promise against
the Duke (if Manchester
' Mr. secretary of . the Maar
ehester Chamber of Commerce, an-
nounces that an • automatic loom is
being pei.lecte4 in America.Which will
enable .ene .man to -attend to 21
In. tlui toime of. Commons Lord.
Selborne declared there was. not.the
shadow of foundatiOn. fen. the riPPre-
lienSion .expreased in some qUarterS
in Spain of poSsible aggreseion on
Spanish territory in, Gibraltar.
A:ccording to.the. new Scottish ben -
sits ' •Glasgowi has •760;123 inhabi-
, tants; Edinburgh .p16,479,, 'Dundee
.160,371, and Aberdeen 158,10E3. Lan-'
arkshire, widen: inchides Glasgow,'
contains 1,337,3a8 of Scotland's
population. of 4;471,957;
. • .
Toronto, July 2, --There was little
business doing in. butcher tattle; the
hot weather and increasing suppliee
of fruit haVe about knocked out the
Meal trade, and what little demand
there is exists only for the better
grades. Butchers, of course, will
now only buy for immediate require -
meats, and they do not mind taking
a chance of being a little ehort,
There was a slightly better demand
for a feW export bulls to -day, but
stoehers mid feeders were iri light
SIII/P13t, With little enquiry.
Midi COWS are Unchanged, no real-
ly choice cosvs Were here, but, some
APAI:e.air1)14dAnd la. mbs are unebanged.f
and fairly steady,
Export ewes aro Worth from $2,50
to 83.70 per cwt.
Culled sheep fetch from $2 to $3
each, -
Ducks are Worth feeill 24 to tle
per pound. •
Spring lambs are selling at from
62IrgetoarSeiit2e6raleyaea.htid unehanged to.,
day, and as long ite the packing.
houses continue the fun of bidding
aftitiliat each °thee the fennel% Will
ibte'satBprirefeeefilerW,11(41 ink,fereePren"11. is le
Pee PoUnd; thick fat and light hogs
are Worth Ofe per pound.
Lieut. G. 1,.. Greenshields, of.. the
Shropshire Yeomanry .Cavalry, . is
dead from , Wounds, .received in the:.
anace, . -and • resembling nothing so
'war in" South Africa. He was
niuch . as an . unused' v_dverLisentent
of the OxfOrti-Cembridge team whieli -hoarding. • This, We :m.o....given to un-.
'derstand, co nteals the prison -a
spece• 'about tWenty yards • sqUare! .
• The old Church is picturesqae; with '
high-pitched roof and red • walls- ,
when the Lappland • Swedes' paint * -
their buildings at all, it Is generallY
in this rich . warm, red color; which
lends •a very .cosy appearance :i;o a
settlement. Near it is. a. cluster of
low, misshapen huts, without win-:
Slows, and slitit up. in swamis, '
are where 'the . Lapps iiefe w ter, .
when they coine. down froi ',the '
inountaine to ..harter their mal fads •
ture-boxes". of wood and birejA , ark,
knives grith cuneingly-carved bone
handles, and . what' nots. What • a
wonderful, tiine, by the way,. Winter .
must -be in' this conntry! ' Frot -and
snow reign supreme -by • NoVember
the rivers• :will \bear sledges' upon
them, and the hatives get ap all
their years' stores by, this Means.
Gteat trading• fairs are held at cen-
tres like Jokkindkk-seenes of pestle
and eXeitement illuminated .kir the
northern lights, .whea . the day .of
barely six' hours is done. So, sud-
denly does the frost•rush ,desvn, upoo,
the. land,' that the Steamer en the
lower river, as the captain told Os,
-is sometimes' catight in the Midst of
a journey, and must bo run, ashore'
where she is, and surroiiiided with a
protecting wall of, loge,. to lie there
all winter. .•
..TokkmOkk AS the Hat neyorid
which ne intoxicants may be taken.
Beyond it, therefore, We lose sight of
that worst of Swedish :Melte-
.drunkeuness. is•a, crinfinal of-
fence to' gilic liquor to a Lapp. Any
dranken man may' turn to fighting -a
drunken Lapp often =Odors. Jokk-
mokk has one other interesting fea-
ture -solitarily perched in the main
.street, and pathetically empty of its
wares stands the automatic sweet-
meat machine!. .
13jorkholm is a typical uplrind star.
tion. The dwelling houses .stand.
rather beck from the water on the
Which may only' be approached by a
party folly accoutred- for camping.
Jekkinokk is • an. unkempt village '(•as
most laippland up-conistry towns •
are) a forest -clearing.. It haS,
however, quite , pretentious gest- .
gifvaragard or- inn, two ehurcheS-
and a prison) The .11CIV and larger
:chi:reit is a supremely hideous. excrea-
mice, .of light :yellow Wood and':
ground glass, and is• regarded by .th&:.
natives Much as we regard". West-
minster Abbey. • In „the inidet 'of the
teWn one is confroeted by a • high .
blank weeden *all enclosing a tiny
defeated the Harvard -Yale team in
the international athletic' games in
July, 1399". .
An Interne:tit:gad Congress of vege-•
tarians is now in session in London.
Vegetarianism its a cure for •druok-
enness is a .nevlr theory advanced at
the coegress. The vegetarians as: -
sort that eXperimeats ,made during
the last three neenths at the Wo-
man's luebriate,'Ilisme at Torquay
ha-ve demonstrated that a vegetable
diet is iin absolute destroyer. of the
liquor habit. • •
Commandant Smit Wounded and Ten
• Bolus Wounded. '
A despatch from Cape Town says:
-News has reached here of a gallant
attack by the foreo under Captain
'White upon the rebels in the north-
western district. The rebels occu-
pied kopje find were entrenched.
The firiOg lasted from eight In the
morning until late in the evening.
Five of the rebels wore killed and
one was captured. Thirty of the en-
emy's horses were slain.
The rebels are rePorted to be loot-
ing in the neighborhood of Elipdam
and in. the Richmond district.
Slim Boers were killed and eleVen
Wounded in the attack on Richmond.
Oommandant &tit Was among those
wounded. "
All I3oer prisoners have been re -
Moved froni Green Point, One of the
Suburbs of Cape ToWit. Moat, of
them are being sent to the new re-
fugee camps in the .Transvaal arid
Orange Diver Colony,
The TreasIon Court, sitting. at
Burghersdorp, coneluded its work
today. 'Pile rebel leader Paxisegrouw
was convicted. and sentenced to, a
year's imprisonMent and to pay a
fine of £1.,000.
A foie° consisting of the West
Yorks, the Cameron Highlanders,
and the Yeomanry has cleared the
Daasport Valley of the cattle thieveS
Who have given some trouble of late.
Ool. Fleetwood Wilson has left
1ParueuttOria, for Cape ToWn, whence he
Will take the mail steamer for Eng-\
Secretary Hill will not resign his
position in McKinley's Cabinet. '
Over 15,000. horses in New York
have grip. Clirnatic conditions the
The Cleveland. City Railway Com-
pany has iroluntarily advanced the
wages a. its men. "
' Clifford Howland, member of a
wealthy Newark, N. J. family, mar-
ried his mother's seamAress.
Toads • are in possession of Mc-
Pherson, Xansas. The hot spell has
caused the neighboring swamps to
dry up.
John P. Kent, with two positions,
twd salaries, two "wives" and two
homes, has been convicted of bigalty
at Chicago.
By the breaking of a seaffoId over
a great tank at Buffalo four men
were killed end Another probably far
tally injured.
The Croat Northern Railway Com-
pany has secured •eontrol of Superior,.
Bay front at West Superior, Wis.
Largo docks are to be erected.
,J. Pierpont Morgan has given over
one million dollars foe the erection
of three of the five biiildings planned
for Harvard Medical School.
Health of Dotvager EMI:trots Vred.
erick GroWing Worse.
London, June 27.-A despatch
from Cologne states that it is now
doubtful Whether the Emperor goes
on his contemplated trip to the
North because of the serious ethuli-
tion of his mother, the Dowager Pim-
Press Frederick. Authentic. informa-
tion is unobtainable, hut her 'health
is known to be growing Worse.
An export duty has been imposed
on all produce shipped from the Is-
thmus of Isallairia, ud ng „banan-
as, eaeCntriuts, ivory nuts, anti wood.
The lifa.drid Correspondeala says
twelve eases of bubonio plagno and
four deaths front that disease have
occurred at Oporto, Portugal.
The Egyptian GoVernInent, lute or-
dered tWenty-live locomotiVes for the
State red1WAY front tho trenehel firei
of Cassel, PruSflia. The State loco -
ti s have 'usually been ordered
Officials of the Akron Varnish. Co.,.
of Akron, 'Ohio, have disco-vered over
520,000 forged notes outstanding
against the company. The treas,ur-
er is missing. . . .
Pcilitical observers in Washington higher ground • with a, picturesque
discern , personal Presidential tunbi- foreground of • boats, high -peaked at
tion in Senator . nanna's earnest bow and stern drawn uP on the
work for Republican harmony in . his 'shore, and fishing nets hanging+ on.
home state of Ohio. • • long. horizoetal poles. ' The • Reoplo
The suit of n. Heller, of Abingdon, are. great . fiShernien-.inticed,. you
against J. J. Rodgers, for $10,000 must live on flsh, "kneckerbrodus-
damages for calling. the plaintiff a. either thin and crisp' like Norwegian
Court,' at Galesbury, 111.
"rooster" is on trial in the Circuit flat-brod; or hard and thick, a,nd
• made in great reund flat cakes. with
Joseph le. Tilt, the Chicago mils a, hole by which they may be hung
.lionaire shoe manufacturer, has giv-; from the ceiling by stringing them
en up his ma.nsion to live on a plane on 0 stick -potatoes,, excellentscoffee
with his workmen, to experience and milk, and a little dried rerraleer
their mode of domestic life. --this last of the cohsistency of In-
dia. rubber and quite undesirable.
Mrs. Decker, of PhiladelPhial, aged vs,,,,,„ „..,„'ai.„1",,„, -
if ever kept.. Ali
97, and blind, has been granted a -' ' '''''" '"'"""'"
pension on a lOng delayed appIicar apoii.t the houses and up to the very
When 'the
tion. Iter husband served ih the "°°"' ate corn 'fields.
war of 1812., She gets $3,000 !MM. corn is cut the shenares are spiked on
tall poles sat in the grOtind, giving
Archbishop Ireland has announced
through the .clergy of his diocese a very curious appearance. On one
oecasion we were forced to rodeo the
that'hereafter stings that are either d 1 i n. id• 1 i 1 th ir.
the muffle of the footlights must not '
c 0, or we arrived at half past
.jor to m ro n e
secular oe have any suggestion of bg°t7 Ptc°P ° °
be sung in the churches. usual half-hearted welcome in the
eight in the•evening, and received the
A certificate of merger of the i(rue:dat licoltreheuns, wohnere tias311.0rer own a:ark:lite;
Scherieetad3r Locomotive Works with
recentli incorporated, WWI a capital Ipleclils.Pretalli tWellhilee itithigeetic7450:fsaWslisltits4ePsi
the American Locomotive Company,
stock of $60,000,000, was filed Mon- swami the using opened, raw meepy
day with the seeretary of the 8100' men, ,women unct chndren looked
of .A.Ibiesys, out, revealing the fact that these
linbonie Plague is prevalent in AI-
- were bells, built, in tiers like the
ried people and children Om share
beetle; on a steamer. <Mirth° mare
exandria, Egypt, • the Main room -the rest, old men,
Geo. Sobileff prediets a Russian in- young men aud xnuidens, sleep apart,
vision of •India before 1914. peril class in their ti.Vri OuthouSe.
If. Will Cost the Chinese court $15,- Our Welcome Was kind in ()Very re -
000,000 ;t0 Move back to Pekin. specf, but that. of Cordiality. Senn
At /Tong gong last, seeek there ive and our biniSmetli, were drinking
150 deaths.
were 105 eages of bithonie piagtie and coffee, the prelude to a lerger ineni,
. while the gualt ro01113 (in another
six t3trikers were 1d1104 and twonfy house) were hastily prepared, and
troops at, Versara, nulY• ' People -to otheir ectO
Wounded 111 It C01111101 With Italian we left' the
slumbers, after warning them that
we required rowers in the morning
. The Army 'Committee of the Paris 4 1 ' • '
,„ cur ous habit they have is tl' '0
Senate has deeided upon two, year:, •4f putting sugar in tlieir anouths ni
drAking the coffee, an it
throliglIstolatsue i
put. ;their tint
tolli -of the Cup,
1 then eat, the 11,0a
in ringland. compulsory military service.
hoW to utilize sinoke in the menu- The recent, mine of Malta gives
facture of lIght. tie mixes it. with the total population, Including'
hydrocarburett, and a brilliant light' troops, as 185,000, an increase in
results* ten years of about. 8,000.
epos 'even
eat into the hot-
, uk the coffee, and