HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-07-04, Page 122nd Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 4,1901 ,Whole Numbe Another Trial Offer The News.Reeord Will be sent to any address until September 1st for 10 cents. '8 weeks for 4.0 .centa, .1belliesoe~wekeer100 l&AlWasilelekAisl 10,~00, $ S1 ILL RENOVATING I, $ +so When the improvements are complete this store will be far in advance of any Book and Fancy Store in Western Ontario. We are making a, complete change in the position of our various stecks in order that our customers may be better served and tbe stock better displayed. To make moving easier we are quotieg epeeial pries on many lines. Come and see our counters laden with bargains. TOP Ole On, TANK, The oil tank 'Which hi to be placed down near the G. T. R. station by the Standard Oil COq and from which die. tribution will be made to local dealers throughout the county, has armed. It is thirty three feet longwith a diaoa• eter of nine feet and will holcl about 12,500 gallons Of kerosene. It will be pieced upon four piers, each nine feet long and thirteen feet high, which Alb. Thos. A. Walker has the contract of building. .., A SutOESsPUt GARDEN PARTY, The garden party given on " the 1 grounds Of St, Paul's rectory on Friday evening last was a great success in all . points. The attendance has been estimated at over five hundred people , while the gross receipt e amounted to f slightly in excess of one hundred I dollars. The ladies of St, Paul, to whose exertions the success of ' the affair • was , largely due, were much gratified at the result. It must:, also have been source of much pleasure to the worthy rooter and his estimable wife who have but recently settled amongst us. 411 -/ ' stsa„ out a Ilxinlinock? ..- •• . We will he pleased to sell you one or more, A special line we .have is a Hammock closely' woven, full size,- full color, with -Pillow and stretcher, price $2. ° Second•HendBicycles $5 to $15. ,. , , , ..4 few leiti. .''' . ' . . $ • $ $ $ e- Co., W. Cooper, ec oCLINTON. $Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express " MoneyOrders, Also for Butterick Patterns. $ . . . . Alervawees/eve40.-eiserwea....es. • iiseei."4".....0.-tereeeireewerew,...40,es. t , (y4e1.4m.e4ett.webso-ti..es-st.stweN.04t-eebomb.,5-44e..es-stxt-sn,e4b;e5it.e-se..eoet..e • What .ca .ive have for change?• . •• • a) • • • Is the cry of every housekeeper. • • 0 • WE SUGGEST A FEW APPETIZERS STICH AS • le • Strawberry Pie Plait • Pine Apple ()hunks Stuffed Pickles *), Chili Sauce or A Can of Spinach • te fa 0 Save your Eggs and use 13urnett's Coffee Clearer to settle your Coffee. • O .Leaye your order for Lettuce and Young Onions early in the week." 0 ri O10 C()(3per & ion,aiCTTER. ANI) KGGs. THE CASK 61100EIVY e-stosAft.e-ei..e)--e>aims-ort,eceeerlt..e-cmt.-S4b.tvsb.15-sePeN;e4bqlo , LIMO LOCALS, The NEWiit•Bnottri will be sent to any Address until the let of September, fur ten cents. , Mr. W. T., Parlour has rented the Xnox cottage on Rattenhury ritreet and took•possession thie week. If your subscription to Tau NEM'. REconn is in arrears there is no better time Haan the present for straighten. ing Wrap: By doing so promptly you will much oblige. The rose garden of Mr, William Coats is just now a place ot great beauty. •Mr, ()eats is a connoisseur on roSes and takes great care and pride in their cultivation, Mr. Harvey. Davis toade•-•an entry, from his stable in the 'saddle horse competition in Goderich on Tuesday and won first money. Harveyer mount was a good one and exceedingly well handled. The firm of Parlmer and McOlay, restaurant, has been dissolved, Mr. McOlay having bought out his partner and will continue the business, Mr. ParImer intends remaining in Clinton. Mr. Wes. Moore, who built a hand, d cos r sidence on. Rotten. some an y e TUB TOWN WILL Loos mt. . bury street east last summer, is now Of course Clinton must look its best diadding to its appearance by, having M ma Saturday when the Old' Boys, their pa nted throughout, ' The work is be, its guests of honor. But in order that ing executed by kr. Potts, who is do - wives; daughters and friends will be may do se vvill require the heartY ing it so well as to please Mr. 'Moore it who has intirted.as much. . co-operation of the citizens with the ' various active committees which have AN AccuieNT AT Tee swims • the preparatory arrangements in hand. • mr. James Miller of Hulled delivered Everything is now moving along a load of hogs at the station on Mon - splendidly so that fine weather only is day and left his team temporarily' ill needed to make Satan:* one of the charge of his SOO. Presently the team most joyousdays Clinton has had for Started up and in trying to check thein a Jong time, Come and make -merry the lad lost the left line, Mr. Miller with us. The 48th Highlanders Band was on the right side and grasped the will assist in the musical program. team bixt the lad. drawing on the .sanie • . oVer whose body the wagon .wheels 'Rev. Father McMenamin was some passed. Mr. Miller was picked up and time since appointed Special Grand carried into Mr, Shaw's "[mese and a . Deputy of the Catholic Mutual Benefl t \ doctor • summoned ;•• but fortunately Association for the county of Huron there' wee no more serious. injuries and on Tuesday evening organized • than a bed shaking up and bruising.' Clinton 13rench No. 348 with a good . • inembership. The Branch, which will A RissAwaY TEAK . . . meet the first and third Tuesday of A team belonging; to Mr. Jos. Issard each month, will • be represented' at of Goderith township, while standing the Greed Convention to be held near Fairs' mill on Friday Iasi, started at Niagara in August . by Rev, to run away.. They galloped. up street Father McMenamin. The Officers for at a lively rate and when at the .Palace the ensuing year are as follows : . • corner one here) wanted to poi on one Chancellor. Rev D P McMenamin side of the street 'watering cart while .President, J..3`. McCaughey its mate preferred the other ,side. , The ist Vice, Otven Flynn , ' • result was a collision and some dariaage 2nd Vice, John Shannahan , to. neckyoke, etc, The • boy on the Treasurer, Thos. Carbert ' . cart , did, not see the runaways and Rec.-Secy., ' Rev; II P. McMenamin' was sonieivliat suddenly, aroused' trona Assistant, Augustus Collyer. • a snooze and sent up in air a couple of Fin Secretary, 3 ames Flynn ' feet but otherwise be was not hurt. Guard, Dominick Reynolds • ' Had the cart not contained a couple Marshall, Patrick Quigley , of tons of water at •the . time there .Board of Trustee); 0. M. Brown, D. would have been a .different 'Story to tell, no doubt: • ' - .. ' • Flynn, 3. -Tighe, W.. Morrison and John Carbert, ' . . cusime• wee AT tincutil TouRsAsieNT, Tee soResT seism TEAR Woe. . The boWling club at Mitchell held a The first cricket match to be played tournament frorn Monday to yesterday here this season took place on Mon. to celebrate its tenth anniversarl. day between the Forest and Clinton Twenty-nine rinks °made entries and 'teams, the formeewinning. The loeal the affair. throughout was well man players were almost without practice aged and successful. • Visitors speak so hardly expected to lead in the score. highly • of their hosts. Clinton sent They fielded splendidly though and a the following five rinks: 1—J. Taylor, month hence ought to be in winning -E.M.McLean, W.Brydone, W.Jackson, form again. , ' , ' Skip, 2-4. johriston, J. W. Irwin, E. J. E. Cantelon, c Maylor 0 .E.• Rand,. S.- Wieeman. T. Leckie, W. Agnew, D. A. Forrester, skip, 8—Ws. . .. • °mares. • 'G. Barge, c Maylor . 10 r• Spalding, skip, 4—Dr: Flolnaes, H. A. McGa.rva, b Maylor x Wiltse, A. Porter,.H. B. Combe, skip ; 0. Twitchell, e Maylor 0 5-1. W.' Treleaven, B.HoWard,A.Arm. L. Kennedy, c Walters . ' 7 strong, S. Ransford, skip, , S. McMurchie, c Bluetb 0 In the preliminary. first competition, • J. B. Hoover, c Brown - • 0 Spalding Won from Roberts, Seafortb, P.'Couch, b Bluett ' 1 Jackson from Zillitix, Listowel, Rans• W. Harland, b Bluett 2 ford from Anderson, Mitchell, while J. W. Chidley; b Maylor - g Combe lost to Wigmore, Canada, J; Howson, riot out 8 In the .first round Spalding won • EXtras 5 • from Featherstone, Listowel, Sackson --.. defeated Ransford: while Forrester 41 lost to Beacceri,of Harriston. . • - ., . . MOVED . c.• 1 , We ',Jayemoved into our new store, Biddlecombe's old • . i stand and invite you to call. Come and see us °yen if you dont buy. . .• • • CREWS, Expert Watch ReNdrera • •••••••••.i.• •••••••••••••.••• , • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . • see s • • t. . STORE NEWS Wakefield Hats Are the /;;et. It is an acknowledged fact that we keep the latest and best assorted stock in the . styles just in for sumtner. We are showing some very handsome NKOKWEAR—We have the prettiest stock of 50c tiee to . be found anywhere. We have made our neckwear depart - anent especially strong and attractive by giVing good yalues andnobby styles. We haye the most recent styles, trade, Morrish My fhtter. Alin's Ready- A=Ides We have them from five dollars per • suit up to eleven. Our, five dollar . line is the best value We have ever had in stock. It is made from a dark grey', brokers check, Halifax tweed, one of those todgh wearing things that always give good satisfaction. The other lines are equally good, value. A. J. HOLLOWAY. An &Act Likenesi line puller), the horses en to his • father ANOTHER C. M. B. A, BRANCH ORGANIZED. 'Tito '.,athere,.:Ati.Loggerboads... Tuesday Night's Meeting Of the Town Council Was Wurm•Quite In Keep-, ing With the Weether. Cause:— the, Sidewalic Question. The position of the granelithic walks —whether inside or outside the trees-,—, has been, a bone of contention ever Pince the work was uedertaken. Neither side has yes convinced the other,nor does there seem much probe- lailty of such a consummation being *night about. The "Inners" say that %nth the trees planted nine or ten feet frem the fence line, outside walks on lehding streets are all wrong as they nerrow the highways too much. They say that had the trees been planted three or four feet from the line outside walks would have been just the thing. Nor do they exactly approve of in- creasingthe holdings of the property holders to such an extent. The “Out- ers," on the other hand, claim that the streets will be quite wideenough with the Welke outside the trees pat such • walks are easier kept clean in the win- ter and better lighted in the leafy months. • Over the Rattenbury street, South side, walk the Fathers had quite a time. The Board of Works disagreed. ',Some ofthe members Would have the walk outeide the trees while others Were equally insistent for the inside, Akr the result there was a row, hot words exchanged and. the werk stopped, The question was dis• cussed Tuescley night. Messrs.: Plum - neer, Bell and, Johnson Contended .,that the street was tpo prominent for an outside walk as it would narrow it toe Much. But Messrs, Walker, Mac- yenzie, Cornbe and the Ma,yor argued to the contrary .and carried their point: Three other petitionefor, walks were presented: Rattenbury street, north ,side, from Gibbings street to the Pal, ace ; Ontario street, north side, from the easterly limit of the corporation to the Methodist; church:: Townsend street from Mr. Hovey% to Taylor's cornet, The Ontario- street petition calls for the walk inside the trees. Mr. R Irwin addressed the council at some length on the question , of assessnaent. He'claimed that while he was assessed hve hundred diallers rnore for a piece of Albert street property than he was offering it fors there:were numerous instances Where the assess. merit, was that moch naore lower than the actual cash value. Ile did not consider; that he was receiving justice • and asked the council to reconsider theSnatter: Mayor Xacksoo replied that the court of revision iiitYleg met and passed upon the assessment roll, he did not think it incumbent upon the council to reopen the question at all. With this Mr. Irwin was forced to content him- self though he intimated he would ap- peal to the judge. Mr. Hiram Hill, the Wesley church contractor, asked and obtained per. mission to use the losier hydrant while his building operations are in progress. Chairman Bell repotted that plans for the beautifying .of the cemetery were being carried. out, the trees trimmed, etc,, Me, The work is being done under the ,superintendence of Mr,' Reynolds who has already done so much towards enhancing the appear. nape of God's Acre. , Take any of our photo- graphs and compare them with the individual. Yod'IT see the likeness and appre- ciate the excellence of our work. We like to have you Make these comparisons. We know our photographs will argue our cause, 04000,0elillks 41),*000,01.4", Studio s „. hoto- ANN, • • • Forat.ST. Megroesb Couch . Carr, b Couch . ' . • Bluett; c Hoover. . 5 Van Valkenburg, b Ildwson '• 21 . Walter,. c Barge • 19 3 0 13 0 ' 5 McDoneli, e Harland 4 Pepper, c, Howson • Maylor, not out Scott, c Howson Brown, c Hoover Eagleson, c Kennedy Extras 10 In the second round Jackson won from Steele, Stratford, and Spalding lost to Bead= of Harristion. ' In the semi-finals Jackson defeated Beacomand in the finals turned down O'Connell, Goderich, by a score of 16 to 13. Mr. Jackson's rink thus won first • prize, a handsome set of carvers for each of the four players. The Clinton rinks did not fare so well in the second competition though Spalding won twice. 85 MR. ticistuamAN mittens 10 155 INJURIES. Mr. 3. McLaughIan, who was injured at a barn raising in AleKillop about two weeks ago, died last Sunday morning and the remains were interred in Clinton cemetery on Tueeclay under the auspices of the Chosen Friends of which society the deceased was a, mere. be. Rev, Dr. Gifford and Rev. A. Steward conducted the last sad rites at the graveside. The pallbearers were t 0. Iohnson W. S. Lawrence, S. W, Hill, W. Weir, Dr. Shaw and Dr. Macke% Mr. McLaughlan was &man of very pronunced charaeter, honest and honorable in his dealings with others and of a genial Ana happy tereperament. In early boyhood he Moved inf o Huron: county with his parents and became widely and favor- ably known. Ile lived for several years on the Base Line, He leaves two children,Maggie and. Albert, aged, respectively, eleven and eight years old. Their mother died about a year ago. Maggie is noW Ping to live with her aunt, Mrs. John Scarlett of Lead. bury, and Alberb with his aunt, Mrs. G. A. Tyner of Iduliett. Mr. Mc. Laughlan bore his illness, which he knew from the Arab wortid terminate fately,witir ehristian patience and died in the full hope of a glorious resurred. tion. .e. very noteworthy and lamenti able fact about hitt injury was that it was identical with that of hie uncle'the late Mr. McGill of Clinton. and is thA seventh daatli in the family tormeetion during the pasb six months, namely, G. Mettaughlo.n, father; 1V/re. Lovett, mother.in•Iaw ; A. Iteirl,3ohn Lovett, brothersain.law ; Mrs. W. 3. Menden, tette M. Mee 0101 Width and. hiMeelf, • A TORO THOUSAND DOLLAR 1101155 • .A. special meeting of the county council was held, yesterday to considee tenders for the erection tat a residence for the goaler as decided upon at the 30.110 Session. The decision to build was no doubt arrived at because of a belief that $2250 would be a suffl- dent outlay. The architect said $5500 was ample and,Woula allow for frills. However, when the councillors as- sembled yesterday only one tender was laid before them and theligure nismed was $3125. They were taken aback at this, it was nearly $1000 more than they had reekoned tmon, and a Strong effort Was made to postpone action until the December session so that more tenders could. be secured. A. resolution to this effect was moved and. seconded by Lockhart and Fergu- son, respectively. In amendment to the motion it was moved by Keyes seconded by McLean, That $3000 be voted for the com- platen of house according to plans and. specifleations, The intendment wile earried the following vote ; Yeas—Connolly, Chambers, Hayes, McLean, Miller, Kerr, Spackman. Naye—towman, Cantelon, Hicks, Ferguson, Lockhart. Lamont and Tor. VARNA. , Mrs. 3, B. Ilarnwell left on Satur- day morning for Kincardine where she spent the first of July at Mr. 'Thos. !laymen's. 0eorge Andrews wheeled up from Oernieboy and spent the First under the parental roof. Rev, 3. W, Andrews will preach re .serrisort to the Orangeman 011 Sunday evening next, service te commenee at 7 o'clock, • Mrs.. SteWart and her t wo daughters of New York are visiting at Mr, James McOlyrnont's and with other friends In Stanley. ' Miss Lottie Robinson of Bruce2eldie visiting at her uncle's, Mr, Wet. Purdy's, this Week. • Oliver Keyes is at Seaforth this week Mr. Samuel Moffat has engaged Mr. writing on his examination. Wm. Scotclamere for the summers Mr. and IVIrs. 3, Barber and Mr. and Mr.' Robt. Delgaty is having his Mrs, J. Lamont of Robb, South Grey, house painted. Mr. Randall of Zurich drove down to Varna, ou Priday last has the contract, and visited over thelet at Mrs: Bar- Some of our farmers along the ber's father's and with other friends. Goshen started 'haying last week, They returned on Tuesday, having a This is pretty early, drive of over 7Q miles. Mr. Wallace Johnston was in Gode- Mr. jams Armstrong visited his rich on Wednesday. daughter, Mrs. R. McCool at Drina:rho, Mr. John Macdonald was in Zurich on the lst. on Friday. Rev, Mr. Dayidson was at Mount Mr, George Bates made a shipment Forest en business the beginning of of hogs the 'otlaer day, one of Which this week, Mr Wrn Dayidson;wife and daughter .., • of London visited. his brother at the rea,nsefrom Saturday till Monday. The farmers are all busy haying. A pretty wedding took place in St. John's church at high noon on Wed- nesday, July 3rdswheti Mr. William Woods of Listowel was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss STANLEY TOWNStlIP. Mrs. Xas.,Dewar 0 Kincardine is vis' itng friends on the Bauble Line, Mr, B. PenbaTo purchesed a very handsome buggy in Qlinton on Friday, 1Wessre.W. Atwood and. John 1,Valm- slay have the contritet of building an addition to Mr. W. G. johnoton's house, These two nien are first-class carpenters and Mr. jolanston was lucky in securing them, Mr, John Sparks has sold his driver to Mr, Fred, Sootehmere for a good figure. Mr, Joe Miller visited friends in St. joseph Saturday and Sunday. , BAYFIELA sister at Chesier,. .• Hot I hotter ! hottest I* - Miss Bella 1Vhidclon le visiting h e Mrs. Obeeney and son Geoege of Sea - forth are spending a few dayata toWn. Mrs, ,lis, McGee is visiting blends in , Goderich and. Qintex', .'. . Mre, aephenson of ti;e GoAllien Line, • Stanley, is visiting at Mr, H.grWin's. Mrs,Bert Keight and little eon, Drew of gxeter are 'visiting the ferMer's uncle. Mr. ti., W'. Holman, . .4 Mr, •Keteken, a Knox' College stir, • dent, who is at present supplying for Rey. E. E, A.. Sewers of Brecefield. ,And Miss Ada Rouatt of Bayfield was the Rev. John McNeil exchanged pulpits last Sunday. guest '. of Miss Jennie jplanston on Miss Flossie Stanbuty, who has heels . Sunday. , teeching et Holyrood, returned to her - hoixie for the holidays laet Saturday,' The Orangemen of the . local lodge here will' attend divine service in , Trinity church, Hayfield, next Sunday, • Barrister T. 6.; Stanbury of gxeter , spent the ist of Jeleunder the parental .raMar.. and Mrs. Turner, Drysdale, calls ., .„, 9d at the rectory last Saturday. Misses Fairy and Blanche Jennings of Parkhill were guest; ab the rectory last Thursday.and Priday. • Mr. Wm. . Elliott, Qoderich Road, .. w • 1 a,..s, laid up for a dayor two last week, realized him $1020Who Says pork mis.•Harburn and Mrs. Ternpleton of raising is not profitable 1' ' Mr, :f. Peck, who has been teaching Staffs, Were guests of Mr. and Mrs, James Park last Thursday near,Orillia, has returned home for the . As we write these notes we are again • long vacation. ' , , Mr. Wesley i'lisssl\c, who has been laid rMoore, a reminded of the, ravages tune the home of Mr • 'of death. up for seine weeks svsith inflammatory respected citizen of Our village, has T. ' • rheumatism, is now slowly recovering. been invaded and his beloVed partner • McKwan Broshaiedinistred cutting shingles for Mr. •George Mrldleton of .taken from his Rae. Mrs. More was a 1daughter of the late Mr. Sellers, who *Gogesiois township and ar Annie, eldest daughter of Mrs. George . *getting died. a short time ago het e, and., site _ Beatty of this village. The tie ' that ready for the threshing. .a. .1..\ , Rathwell has pureased . '.. Jen M - i. VVilliana ia thorobred Shorthorn bull frore\lir. leaAvesv6toryntsol,u:estsereuiri lsoussndassurarrsoewhiori: binds was tied by ReyEa .. husband arid a family of snaall Waldron. , nings in the presence of manyguests, s convention Was held in Trinity church last Thursday rv.lien a large number of delegates were present from all over " the county. They took advantage of their visit here to haye a pleasant . sail on Lake Huron. •. Mr. and Mrs. Da,yman of Hensall and Miss Bella McLean. of Tueltersraith epent the 1st of July in town the guests . . of.Alhoti Mrs ll .gohlm.ath% ft. rat of . July our ' National day was not celebrated here a yery large number of people from in land took advantage of the day to visit . the lake and accordingly a large crowd. •r assembled in Jowett's grove and spent an enjoyable day in•rowing andsailing. :The lake was delightful . although the day was very hot. ; ' . A very. serious aersident betel Miss Maggie Douglas of 131a,ke, '• as she ' accompanied by Mr. Fred. McTaggart of Hansa% Was returning from Tows ett's grove Monday evenftsg...... 16. appears as they were brossing ite bridge a team behind them, tarloegi g to a Mr. McCIoy of Tuckersmith, . became unmanageable and ran away and colliding with Mr.,MeTaggart's rig ' upset iathrOwinglthe occupants violent., ly to the ground. Mr.' McTaggart, for- tunately, wad not serluody hurt. Miss Douglass had her arm badly bruised and her wrist sprained and Are shock was a severe strain to her nervous systems She was driven to Mr.' Holmtin's, and Dr. Woods' called in who prescribed for the siifferer; Mrs. . Holman riding, all she coulcl in the ' s, meanwhile to assist. We are glad to , state that after resting -till •TrieSclay evening she was able to proceed to her , home. . The buggy was considerably • damaged and it is hoped thepne - .. caused the trouble and/ dimage will . acknowledge the affair in i•a. suitable • • Well Anil Truly Laid. The Corner Stone of Wesley Church Laid on Monday in the Presence of Many People. The Proceedings Unique in ThatThere Was Neither Collection Nor Subscription List. • The first Deminion Day of tthe new century was commemorated by the good people of the old Ratterabury street church; by laying the corner stone of their new place of Worship, which Will be named Wesley church in memory of the founder of the great On the arrival (Idle bridal party the wedding march was • played by the organist Miss. • Lottie Weekes. The church was beautifully decorated with ferns and flowers and everything pass- ed off, happily. After the ceremeny the party repaired to the residence of the bride's mother where the wedding dinner was partaken of After wards a few hours were very pleasant- ly spent with music, games, etc., and in the evening the happy coufale drove to Clinton where next morning they stook train for _Buffalo and :other points for their honeyrimon. The very best wishes of our villagers and surrounding go out to Mr. and Mrs; Woods. May their future be bright, lia;ppY and prosperous. • religiohs body to which they belong. The services were short, simple, and unique in that -their was neither col. lection nor subscription taken. Pastor Howson said that his people had con- tributed so generously; to the building fund that neither was necessary.The speeches of the town rninistera were terse* balmy and congratulatory. All wished Wesley church a prosperous future. Mr. Lough held aloft the jar. which was to be deposited in the cavity in tire tamer stone, and enumerated its con- tents, which were its follows : Copies of Tun Ntweaxoourt, New tra,blail and Empire, Globe, lists of names of metre hers of the Quarterly Official Boucle, officers and teachers of the Sunday school, officers of the Epworth League, mayor and councillors of the present year, and also the name of the pastor, pictures of the late Queen, present King and his consort, the Duke and Duchess, of Cornwall and York, Dentin. ion Parliametft Buildings, and Legisla- tive Buildings of all the proyinces. The trustees presentedbIrs.W.Doher- by with a silver trowel, handsomely en- graved, with which gracefully and in well chosen words she performed the ceremony of laying the corner stone, The choir was in attendance and ren. dered 004301 appropriate.selectiona. i ranee. The yote standing 7 to 7—PatettettThe banquet to be tendered. the' of Wawanosh Was absenb—the War. Iluron Old Boys on their arrival den voted yea, so a $3000 }unite Will be on Saturday will take place in the built lot the gaoler. The house will be town hall, Active committees are 4040 with it kitchen. 20124. Very few' !awl malting ready for the eye)* • • , '<RIPEN. Kippen and surrounding are almost burned up with the intense heat. Thernmineter etood daily for the past •week in the shade from 93 to 980, but pleased to say no fatalities. ` On the Pint there was a general turnout for Drysdale at the lake of the farmers and villagers who pay that point. an annual visit on the ;day named. It is an old custom inaugao. ated since the time of Confederation and all now participate regardIees of political leanings and Our Grit friends have shown themselves adepts at fol. lowing both customs and politics with Birch complacency at to make Tories feel proud of their past record. 0 Miss M. McMordie of the London teachers staff, is home spending the vacation with her parents at the Grange, Kippen, Kippen had quite a day of bustle On Saturday when the many friends of the Rev. S. Acheson and family turned out at the manse and station with teams and willing hands to pack up and place in the car the effects of the family which left on Monday for Pembina. where the Rev, Acheson has a. charge. The familyintended going this week but to• do justice to the invitations of friends will spend a week with there before joining our late and •Sespected. pastor. Miss Isabella .Forrest, teacher in Toronto Public school, is home spend- ing the holidays as is her custom. This young lady intends visiting her brothers, five of whom are interested in farnaing and speculation at the Soo. Mr.Itobt.Blair, who has been visiting his brother-in-law, Illt. Robt. Elgie, for the past ten days,met with what might have been a. fatal accident. Be was at Itobt. Bell's raising and through smile mishap it. timber Hipped, falling and stHking him on the head, which caused insensibility for some hours, but he is now on the way to speedy recovery,we are Lunch pleased to state. Mr. Wm. Oudmore, the hay king of Ontario, leaves on Saturday for Liver- pool and Glasgow in connection with 'his extensive hay business. His sons are left in charge during his absence, Mrs, Isaac jarrott has been up en- joying the lake breeze e at Kincardine and speaks of her trip as invigorating. Her little neice has returned with her to spend her vacation with the family. Mrs, Luther Williams, daughter of Mr. Andrew Bell, is over from Boston,m her bome,to spend the sumer months with her son Blair. Mr, IL Shaffer, our genial hotel proprietor, had quite a trick played on him. He was in the ice house for some purpose and through abate Meting the door became elatit and fae., terted until Harry's temperature be. came very low. Big absence was noticed and search made, when he was found rigid, in the corner. Rot baths and hob drinks soon restored him but he atilt complains of feeling cold, and,notwithstanding public °pin. ion, he petiolate ha predicting a cool spelt. of our richest famine Will be more The pastor of the Itatterthury street comfortably domiciled. The following thareh will take' for hie subject next compote the building committee: Sunday morning, *orlisowned;" in the Holt, Kerr, Connolly. evening, "Iin important item of YetterdaY'e meeting eest hisalaries knowledge and how it WAS obtained." and niileage over one hundred donate, There will be the usual fellowship SO then Unron is &rich county, meeting at 10 a. ra, than o'er OA salon, • Salkeld of near Goderich. It is a su- perior animal. Mr. William Wheatley and wife of Clinton spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. J. Reid. • , Miss Sadie Doweonis visiting friends in Bayfield. • Miss E; Reid of London is at present visiting at her home. R. Greer visited the circular city the time of the fair. Mr Sam Houston delivered a fine draught horse to P. McGregor of: 13rucefield on Monday, Mr, Wilson Armstrong has had Joe Brown of Bayfield.building the found- ation for his hog -pen. Mr. Armstrong means to go extensively into the hog business. .. Mr. W. Garret has, 'added to his comic instruments a new graphophone which he purchased in Guelph and we have no doubt but his concerts will be better attended now. Mr. Geo. Stephenson has engaged Mr. King of Bayfield for the sum- mer. Mr, J. Spencer has purchased a new wheel from F. Gerninhardt of Bayfield. Mr.W. Higgins' famous sorrel Sandy is improving very fast and we believe would now make a mark which would be no discredit to its owner. Mr. R. Pields exchanged his hackney driver for a trotting horse with R. Watson of Guelph ou Friday and Ran intends to surprise some of our fast ones now . • 1VIr. and Mrs. J. W. Reid) who were visiting friends around St.lEtelens, have returned home. • Mrs. L. Clark and Mrs. William Clark Sr. yisited ab the home of Mr. john Armstrong on Fkiday last, Mr. John McOlinchey and his moth- er were the guests of, Mr. JohnDavid- sem on Sunday last,. Mr. Samuel -MBride was in Zurich on Friday last on business. Messrs.R. Woods and 3 .Dur nianof St. Helens visited at thehome of the for- mer's mother-in-lare,Mrs.A .Johnstone, on Saturday and. Sunday last. , Mr. and Mr. 11. Peck are visiting friends around Ripley at present, Miss E. Turner has retureed to her home in Clinton to epend her vaca- tion. Miss E. Peck, who was visiting at the home of Mr. P.Cole of Goderich township, has returned home. Mr, Calvin Dowson and. sister were the guests of Mr, Chas. Johnstone on Sunday last. Marge number from this vicinity spent the first of july on the breezy Shore of Lake Huron, Miss B. Harper from Holyrood is visiting ab her sisteros,Mrs. Thos. Rath well near Brucefield. 407./t. lowed of DayfteId has an ncl. on page 5 of summer eottages for rental. Prom preterit indication& "The White C1ty,7 as thatpart of the balmy village is called, will he more popular ILLSRREEN. A large number from this vicinity picnicked itt Bayfield on the first. Some also spent the day at Drysdale. Mr, Geo. Reichert gave a nutnber of his bleeds a hop one night last week. Messrs. gd, Troyer, X. Hagan and Andrew Love delivered pigs in Clinton Monday. Mr. Elenry Reichert will entertain 'his friends Friday evening with a dance, Mr. Sohn Hart and family visited at at Mr. Wm. jarred's Sunday. Miss Ityckrnau and. bliss McQueen of Ohiselhtirst visited at Mr. James Parsons, Sunday. way, At the recent S. S. convention held in hayfield, the Mensal( parish stood first in the county for missionary-offere ings. Several other S. S's made a good mark as well. Considerable of the sue - cess in the withering of reports is due to the secretary, lilies K. Parke of Bay- field. Me. Win. Dixon has been painting' some of the summer cottages owned. by Mr, Jowett. Mr, DonaldGalbraith has erected an air -motor and put in a system of water- . works for both hoose and barn. Last week Vire 13.14 the painful duty to record a sad drowning accident and this week we have again to record it shunter* accident but which happily did not end fatally, Oil Dominion day among the crowd. who spent the day, in Jowett's grove Was Mr, John Tor- rance. County Councillor, of ggmonds ville and. family. His little daughter Edithstbout thirteen years old,accorn- parried by two other little girls was walking on the north pier and going too close to the edge,it is supposed she became dizzy and toppled over into the water which at this spot is about six feet deep. The alarm was instantly given and a young man by the name of Ityekman from near' Ohiselhurst, who was bathing s. distance up the north shore, ran down the 'beach and plunging in boldly awans to the rescue. Ile seized the little girl and. bravely attempted to rescue her •lamt his strength began to fail him. In the meantime Dixie Baileyo. Bayfield boy, came up, jupaped in off the pier, and being a, good swimmer- succeeded in bringing the almost lifeless form of the little girl -to the pier where careful hands raised her to the top where several set to work* set ono to restore consciousness and were suceeisful. Dr.'Woode than arriv- ed on the scene and. she, was removed to his office, where she lay some hours in a critical condition. 'We are pi ed to state that she had sufficlentl covered to he removed to he 'Tuesday evening. Great redit the young men for the plucky in which they made the resort tween them the honor* are ly divided. It ,was it el emphasisesthe euggsetii often nia,de that thew picnics ilhovil ititAinst Thos. Wier of Stanier,who attempt- ed to commit suicide a fortnight age, was taken to the asylum. at London yesterday. Cantelon Wallie made a large shipment of hogs on Tuesday and It. Fitzsimons another 011 Tuesday, while 8.11. Smith and O. H. Reid shipped twO and one earloads of cattle, respee• • dimly, yesterday. 'Little Nellie Catling, who returned recently from attending the institute for the blind at Ilrentford, obtained excellent standing in her exams. Out of eight subjects the Princi pal marked het progress good in shr anddfalv In the remaining two. e,