HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-06-20, Page 7SYMPTOMS OF CONSUMPTION bequests were pundau Graham had drawn money taUea to Soo that Its s NQ MeAns X"y to 4409913198
gl), And properl carried out. trout the 'estate long elloul 1, AND MILITARY NOT9S OF
or it, tire meanwhile the three ropes s + must live—as he had 11%4 to 00 t had quarreled, nd two TqOW th,tt the valuet or the opoil.alv THE BRITISH 9XVIRS.
yomr—b his wits. alater many A. % ON THE FART401. one. . day, soon After Ralph Jelin- winter Appearea at our office and treatment of consumption has beca
12W of" x4torailt to,
of Made a clie%u, breast of the conspiracy FsWAP41I
lan had taken possessiOA re. demonstrated, the great importance *A - 110W
JoIgh. Maxtor, x rewivea orders to Lvo In which lie had bliad a fittal Xtutfliry 404 Ptva
igh Manor at an RATly diagnosis of the disease Tololmy Aw" Iwo* In had been butler fit Unable LAWYgIrs. STORY down there, to get some lease's sign and 13ell w FLF4404. evident. + ad, as the now Squire was going as his sorr�jn-law, and both, hid been respectablo men, until Ow" 0� thz flir# emu0als !A 0, IV whi.olt abroad for a, weelt or two. it Iq by 40 MeAual The 3rol uffolk people U140 on Y airriv%l At the Manor I was they had got into Jobilson,` plate ilwe $� compactiresi or 404- 1899, and
easy to Tao0gaige the disease in its In December,
knowa as. lCilowing from 'Winter that adY sity. Tills quality 0-otonl insures the early Pmpt011im are u doing garrison duty
admitted by a Mail III TAQ IIVcrlr 01 always carried her will Inelplarlay, for voulab has bee
their will$ in all mariner Of Qutlanu an, Whose faco was strangely 11%slileigh 01 VAOOl, but it Affords not diAtlaotivo, and the 041101, Of the mt Guernsey and AIdOrApY for 13 Ish places from the secret drawer of .9, footon. me 1111to -a about ith her, Johnson had 0011- 3, better Yield id 11114 familiar. Rem Showed, tust storm AU4 t_ month,, has left quern,sey for Vol,
ItIAQ geliretWN `rQ Ali vf�4 ralted the ceived a plan $or getting rld of both better protection ARA falling health is often not $11080 ,he lawyer with worall study, and, As I AV "unt, and. her will at one fell h%rdter Animal,, 'better 0$ai.xsQd -teapot, SAM t his C 0 master of the all until the, disease has become firmly
appearan and had Promisell Bell a able to vvjtllp�tanol exposure. close, 11 W110 (1, SmAl! ; but the story Of L44Y ltas- 0 think sweep, CarleS Laking, 17th Lancers,
Do will is perhaps Up laost cilr- house, I puzzica my brAin t 0 TdOgU4 StabliAlled,
10git's perleacos in that 01" where I had seen this man before, hoavy bribe to run. th 47, even, dense 00we *441th AQ. breaks The Symptoms calling attentioll as- fought at 13alclava, and wbo%a f4th- peror oil to the rocks. WA4 of 0,11 my OX but couldirlt. for the lite at me Vocal- f the body; A warrant was issued fQr,the r- sbould cover Lill parts .0 eolally to disease of the lungs awe Or wes at rection. lect. At length.' the door opel�ed head, Illeba a m KOYal 10,'190 !a Windsor Great Park,
onda�r-somQ years '490 'low b4sort ;l1falself rest of the two Confederates, but the Inclodilig tho nd under Igene:rally late in appearing, And the
'(I find Ralph Jo dsor workbouse, I Win
vivrove- wlit1st .Serving MY LlWO as art'01L t all .0 birds had flown, And, so, far as X ts. The tell4erloy in I suspiolons, wilt usually ts an inmate 0
dIAmp basic. to nip *trice been Seca or Solicitors of like a flasit-thia racecourse At Ain- Infl-nul of Cble wool-produotno �qualitfiss 'Arlerli; with Mesrs. know, nothing has Is The difrootors, of the Crystal Palass
-ift4p, the Well-kno'Ni of thena.-London N hAve. been fixorraod long before there is Sent to Liver- treo-the tipster, the two rogues eadof Modern breads has been tolvurd any severe cou ,gh or prpfuga, expeo- have given a large numb, r. of r
ilfl' ilfl' Qlaimeery Lane, I WILE whose convers4tion I had overheard the fleoQ- 1101101rD 00=100tely M tickts for the forthcoming %level and 0001 On business foil tile firm. Tills towatioz. k W oold for the Led., and theJ at the little restaurant. Ralph Military exhihitialis, tc s 3 be,44, face, l5mbaF and lower f iTat there is merely A failing of the SOIKIlars, A44 $all�
th IOU44 to my ftight thati it was tile Johnspla. and his footIllan TZA, The IlAvantage, is. a -at heAlth ;-the P61-8011 t or%, riairmllipnl Association. I as 20=11 I. alittle bollef it
quondam Cpp,on and his at( G go, Iletermill yield of 'Wool' gra`W�a belovi paw." and ilia friends reark . rand N4tior),Itl DAY, coal ter, RoLahleigh Manor and Sir tha increased: ad., to escape. for ol, law hours f millions had indeed fallen vtX, as -that is d little that be 14.1mlag flesh. He I's not 40- At Hythe recently Major-General
the prolamic reRlms of bridle and atil- Janaes's sea Sir IAR amiltoo was pres3rate with into good hands, STORIES OF NAPS THAT COST OP thle'sc lim Kapany- ill, und his condtfolt call
ponfspolliencei Out iil the 11000 -lbuted davit tile Opportunity XONSY AND TROUBLE. him little all eedom, of that L,,orollgli, W ra- , , a and to. tr, 4e ' d better �xtety, beba�; att:t P; wit, �ng thQ elAgsle race At Alll� )kry business was oon transacted, Ing tendency to a larger an to a Tufah of wor1r, or to worrimell riess and than, slohnson pleadeol another, yield of wool in all parts. �A bbaro" eogsl.tion of his aervicea-14 SOUtb At -
tree, Vas over I made t And left me to my own And boarelegged sheep is always caulielf by a business bitch or some
crica. Subsequeut to the presentation
After the big race v engagemen Scotch Ninister Lost A arer, gays i'fQf. family txouble, there wa-s a receptl�on and a ba qUOt- ay lVom, the rive -shilling ring deviceq until lurachooll. time. After a Yl!fung A rel-ativalY Ilght she n
24Y VY F � Appointment by Going to I -A Contrast With But na time, goes oi:, and the sup-
-so, and was. Soon strol In t Is gardens I want around 0, p. Curtiiss, and -General Sir Alfred. GAsOlve, to,the open Coil' London Grocer's Ex- thIs the yield$ I heavy (1000O fLieut.
atching the do- house to Inspect Sleep �A .cauee, of the torouble has been
to the bAcit of the generally of a better removed, the patient does, fact recov Chin
eyinterested In W And Coming to a Small parlance. on. a. Jury -Half -Hour fixid the won as, the cornpli00011S I
I too the stables.. ost Caused a War Irom these having a.ard S1141-pers tv� 4 A, his mtrangth , on tu Contrary, the. Inge O snooze Alm. quality than fire 9ettle, and hifi service an. safe, (I jatsam of so- I looked like, a harness gradual decline continues and a d of the
oom,� whic I ly be.%pared from tll!3 cbraniall
ther flotsaln an the Q n , but rather scanty 60ver�n -h Of ticable pallor appears, The 1ps are troops, wIIII go to India idirct in- cloty which hol,int, out, racecourses room, I opened the:door slid peered livelihood by ins do, expecting to find some of the flarvious, Scotch minister received a , plitnesp, length and strelogt -all, the eyes atro abnormally white, urning to. England. and. ehe out QP efts I . . Friday lately Asking -fl-ber are e;seratial (flualities in m blul sted cot vet preying oil the Purses of the unwary. grooms at work, there, but the place, tologram. one t I
good.fleece that Should always have -the pinkish huo of the trails fades OU , oWho Suddenly above the babel of voicaN I was deserted. on the floor were 4 him to preach on the following ,Sun- nos considered in the Spice- the mucous Membrane of the raoutli W. D. Coun the stentorimix voice Of. A tip- number of labelled boxes otud part- day at a church III an out-of-tho- PrrmMe quall- is Vae, in medical language, the pa- ffor it year or tw,Q pm%t Itas been com-
heard t1cn of breedig stoolf, as these manteaus, ovigiently the squird's lug" way part of Sutherlandshire, ket ONE OF KITCHENE S, BLOCKHOUSES.
star. One tlei-s largely det tiocat is anuentic. manAing Rayal Dingineers at Dover,
ormine.the mar With all tile eagerness of A, novice rlgainst.tlfe� wall at its side. it tvippered that the congregation t or undue exposure of. b;ats received an appo,intment in Can, minister, Negleb A prominent characteristic of the towers wlifoli were built ft hundred This pall" is �a auspilioua sign ', an that, quickly of these -a long box covered with were looking for a new Ot at,okoloss, or ago to assist in repelling the anot4ex ymptom of marked'signiflo- aa, And Major E�J- Boyce, R,E.� has I joined the craWO Ad not yet been fast- and there was A strong possibility the flock, a period e warla South At- Years beats
gathered round him. you?. hat do black ' leather -h anything that induces unthritt and at as to feared Napoleonic invasion, but all'oe, I$ a wapid pulse, .one that been gagotted to succeed hi'm 0 DOV- "What did I tell ened up, and the lid Wa retired at. hi. olotairillig the vacancy if Is tn�palred vitality invariably revults n rica, is tile reversioll of both , of . which Lire flow obsolete slid ruinous. continuously ninety or one hundred YOU think of your old pal. Wilkins agAtust the Wall at its. side. One sel-mon suited his hearers. 1-10 spent dimint3hing bath tirte. length - and the Methods of a Century ago, A third-class gunboat could Shelf, times Minute, At'thio time there 'Athis trip? Didn't I tell you the fa- glance at its contents and. I started almost all ight oil his diSCOUrSQP ce. , Generally it flOS08 hollow a Unriello tower Into a bagp of road IS Usually also more or less fever, al- The., 9rd Battallcui Ith FUaili� stmngth of fib) Big uns, cavalry charges ik wrong 'un? :basic, with Eurpriso,Jor inside was a, And neirt day started on his long value a -Ad yield I in half an hour, arld a Beer though it -may be so slight as to be CUy of London Regl,rri,int, whieh Was Nvorite was g, rar. ' . ' U red condition. begins to decline in. squares,'and fortified places carried Illeta -to t n outsider that complete Fleusa diviag-dress, Pa�ger- joilracy in A. very ti he fell sound Shee becomes four years old. at t -a all Long. Tom would demolish a block deteotpol , Only � by a. frequent use of sent out to Crete in 1898,, find thedco SAY a ose who ly I. bets oil the lug,- The result was that -a conslol- e et ar .Was CL Now, th scrutinized the lot Ort, to SoUrtees and Pliancy are to. put on one side, and Doer and Drit- house at a, sillgle Shbt, But, as, a the, thatmometer. were sent to Gibrattare' where they
dead cart? Doted, ad- asleep And woke at C. juncti OrAb,O extent due' to- 014 mecretions A kC,wth eymptom, of importance IS. followed your old Pal .Will tins are gago; they were, as I xP' ved him ish alike trust to mobility, tilde- protection. -for rifleman against rifle- increased perspirati on, ugually most are nw ot-partred., underAt CQM- jingling the, thicl� 'ims irk their PO(11�- dressed Heist6ii-Corriwall." - find that someone hood relic of t,h-- okin. claar pink Or *Yellow- pendent initiati-ve And sharpshoot- iiien, the block house is adequate, mand or L"..eutenant-Colonal G. X at ou there, what's on My,way back to town, I put on of !its bag, purse, arrol ticket. etall. skin is+ an indlea0ce o o Our picture is of Fort Napier In- mairked in. the first hours after mid- Brigg% are to be moved'. direct to. aHit hit hit Y irry, and began bl,isb ing. ni ig chaps that raped out in it liv "permaneritgarrison' ght�-riight aweata-but sometimes F the good of followil Ing cap "and pondered over -ju quality 6& wool, pae or Reliance upon. striall arms of of- Natal, and its ggypt, aly the station -Mas- ,,kia is generally acoampribol, by An lie King's Liverpool troublesome in the daytime Ali well. doet, know racehors fi�om- a rock� the = Ov,stits of tile day:' Illy rem; to tell his story to uld the oily fence has morcov- is as O& orders have been -issued at Aldei-', r broiight in again of nine Men of t
itig horse? Ally Inofol patronize your Johirson and his foot- ter, who, very kindly said he WQ j�ferlor fleece. Te yolk 13 0. one regiment. . The Liverpools were one Cough oluxing,this period Cognition of him On to.blis destination, To sh gives color, %of tness, pylinitive methods of dof4ac lunteers, ten abeent as breseritt and In any And 2nd Battallong of old pal Wilkin?" And leaving the man and the discovery. of the diving see for tu.iiato secretion i4lk of tire most strildag. examples of. of the fi�st of vo, shut for. the- let tipster busily disposing of I . his cards dress.- It was quit6 eviqent 'ttliat big horror, the un young pli'llacy , and luster to 11660e. The this, is Lord to.go out to the front, and were is eldom store than A nervOns ths� Royal Garrion RegLment to be way back, to the analog- found that he had absdluteIV composlition of the yolk consists Of a Long the fecently ' welcomed , back to Loll- hacking 1, late-, it becomes Word per- hwith to friff.estab- 11 made my this contilabntal trip was a blind, for man of the plae�: )ally animal Oil of. a system of, blockhouseg a: slatent, find some expectoration ap- completed fort !he - trante- matter, princil arms. and men the nearest istra� (1011, The f ort is + solidly . built of
Holston I know Was the -railway
That night I was dining in a"quiet Inc t . line like that in bur illu 1 forgoitatTfi this time. the pliysi- from the -non-a
tion to- tile spot where Lady Rash- stA. i.n master's suspicions wqe end potarvh, wh'ch pro 'tion. They are coeval front a mill�-1 cemented masonry, with its walls pears, -But b DOW present or- attached to the bat- Aroused., and, despite h1s,+proteSts, gxo-,�Itb of, the f�peco and prevents. -0310rally detest signs I of v !a Nv to their little restaurant be:forp setting oil alit had been wreckqd- It, tvkry polat of view with the Martello 1 pierced on Lill � sfd�s for rifle fire.. ola:rl can 6 f tablio. This ia lvith a
Ilea 'eoh�s ya Ding the minister was hattled ff to the ti a; -lag, of the fibers and lung; trouble. by an examination Wediter-, journey. back to towa, w Wear -earlier embarktion for the on Was ulte certain :Johnsoll was 91 He missed his last "101 Good feeding, �-h3lterL and tho.chest, and-te discovery of tuber- the sound of voices behind the wood down thore. Now, what 'was his. p9lice station. c.tti:g, seeratiorl, of N�hsn' the expectorated ranean. of a DI ants at Aldo- one Of the ayhome on, . xprislare., mad alk AN INT 0 matte is ntudled ore, Addressing his cons titw ted 1)Id he suspect tbri the. trainj missed his ppoiatment Ad ear t i liberal th,- i3ciwa in -June even -if the p tures speakers I missing a r,, In lighter ATE LANGUAGE Under the fall on partition in.frout of.me attreir little gaze? Monday, it a " 0, all soils y t.eod L111 my attention. -will *AS somewhere Aboard made his ar,� good, but' you ma, A is with a fixed resolve never again, to ill-�.I-�e:52ujKlt in injury to Nil olj4y olkirtinisli- Zatiin. soppe, will, remove all doubts as to the 1>Urgb, C6pt. Pretyman, XP -t. 4LOrd At once recognized by his-vOicO as the suakell 'vessel, and was he or li 0 alge in a sloiepin a train... ing the yO1Ik,. naurra of the� nifilady. the tipster I barl Seca on the course. servant going to try to got posses- di Be, sii Via to lnreas6 the rations as - -Persia 61 the: Admiralty, spolop gratl-. vy carriage,was The secretions are allwa1g.-more tent His co Anion had evidently been All English rally %van as the- pastures fail a bit, as all 0 CIA REPOATS ON, DIFFI- Of Couse, #�he who hag Id
MP Sion +of it? I ilgh temperature, , . 4 1 fioa�! at a. recent vilsit, he had. pai, imbibing not too,-�Wlaaly but too . I., an might -easily recently the scene. of .4 still more , from li anaamia, a wapid pulse, night siveats,
knew that two in a-bundant under -.1 ecinflitantent 'in te get any returia cuLwiES or, cniNES. raix"ii Squadron. On and and, pfelrbap� - f ever; is not to Mediterli
wall, for every now and then I heard malt , a -Use of+ a - louse diving -dress, NA hen& blam the excess brelbe nall�nterranpe, TaA .. .. �'6411 1, r ituarters the o3cagion ole�, - . . wil in *the efixty atagOsi'of consumption, 000 'Soillors arld,maTines wore leads Germans Were n 'Canniot be ee the pro, uo on I do*, to br� 9 Learned Thoroughly ground for sus- ostbr was Urging r, t dr renders'a di �clotOo warni ioll a Shoo 'as it the tir.. t a a ver in d I finer fib- althbusli theire IS travel- a t in insure a him to scautioll; you two of- whom were er A li�beral Seciat!'011i 61-yalk,is iure unless you Foreigw Or - Fully il-,ife�u. Pvan lf1he is, howeverr,there at. 3%alta, -beizig, the. la-rgest number 0 a, -the IT Never erad a lb atx�-puinp
evertheMss,'r and All ling tog�%4ev' cc,-,Ni3 from th79.1r. ma Can Nev
v iiorr' floated, of words of. their co�i� cr0a �.brsorAe 4PPaVat4s-'tiiat� 'a good ssiv4 alaTm, -for - the men landed from a fleet in the Ms" ,el jav6rable to -t , polu6t!on of over the screan to my ecLrs- Ibrothers,the third a chan'co.`aCquainv h r it, - your of Xaster Intricacies of LanguagO nee be.irro -exce almost'pog tory of the, �vorld�
09 ge is with the Old. fast toned three ent to sieep, f leec Iyat'the yolk abould be 'elm �k a ghort� -Twenty Years Study, to 6selige at this Sta' Well, Cap'en, lucle -to Dick. if -tire depth wero )lot tance, Number a, ' tb6aik and Don't be left thts, year vt1th to tile Mogul Can' it would be as easy for had a nightmare, aild, Under tbd'ili- and�transpaidlit; not too . a off roaccull,,,fat food. ' Speak Wall, tively caTable, un Its early deteo-, Coerterml Sir. Zvelya Wood" .Bell and.bad luck and e quall- ag' I d tfierifforo (I. bleasing. , I . ,ession that.the, otbers.were, about gummy. In. additi-ah to th"M The =*t 4,tiecossftil farrnrs an ',who Clan. i.A 0. B., Adjutant -General of tha forceso: pc(J to find fiia.way' pill Infantry officer, all +her' backers- Who'd.. have 'Johiison, so equip proing to the door -Shpald ossasg the �pro- 3. in their apr. An Englisl Dick would dow- to he cleck of the Mogul U in- to murder 'him, a: ties, 0, fleece dairymen are unanimDu has been making...a study of -the Chin- oin the 18th ig thought alter all that threw it o ell -and flung himself Out-. extif,.s -of evenness and niformitY- lult. entered Upon have had the pluck to run her cleaU it experienced diver to, P I �- proval of the- a' service. -lie 46A p r as for a,. g de ty T age language in connection* with'the pro any rrit TheL ere oveii nail a as m1any. head Of Joattle can O the rails, 6xch a 'I- d a, I felt. sure.he . other'two �w .Arrested for this rftrp to 0 orrim, I -to AN WAS had Come 0 a L att L of the British' Gov e it HOW AP DERNIZED jazIred the Royal Navy on thel8th of a= quality. be� kapt on Any fmrJo�,.�ind At efforts ahave a try.: just fourteen" tiful cropper?" intended pied. ilaprolek, and, as the In encourage the- study of 1852, wheal he was In.Soite Of, tile remained insensible, they dIf4 pas- tiered. remon- jured matr greater pro�Lt, than upon the d u My t mngryabri,,has rila a a. t a Their houghts flew Off at a ei3Oor trial. It happiened tre an4 meadow system. L -as- in IM, in hirs-eighteentla year,'ha lef ances of , the maoldre. sed as. Irsati6h. I bad t aER Which' L IS to diSoarteriL A. Large Ar.rxly and Nav the, navy- for the- army, recevaig a l3tr nVp f hem, wa& oil his way �GA part X -War- n" he went. ou-� "Alit Cap'en, 6111tr�y, esbeelally '�O Scholars, �.'The. subjects: of sary. to Absorb Har cornet's commission in.the 13th Lig eavd, itt-the LiVerpa6l restaur- Ibto, All broader.$ . P . . I I,1,Vr1,:, � - I , 4'. I I Dragoon , no%r PIC serve ti ,Is iri the Gef QIC AND FERT L there'll be some fine Pickings Eirit., Could It, be that thd Mogul not Kiang-l-Isti-have the most anclerif riors. 9 The delay made -it im- farm, do..' rids Spa and Written 'Jan as be _vVelght: Tile' men who have maAc NVho WTO be- Lord RobeTt-5 s. you draw ja� stakes. Put� you 1, - but =ibttllelut� j6ia, in: tinae Whe ort"oe of gmth ring 'i"t 1,000 pou wh I "ee
not a vacehorse� after al Ze 8 imp Uc won't forget you] in eLr !n ll4,ld, pal Winter," t Mogul u p ' or had "'Old tha the yacl OjL.and did it 69(� rids �Qf Aothe simplest -An consil and .P;ktChL *&,a i�t, length. Set fVed dur- J Alarcluisa, Ito,' Count Itagaki S? Ile continued, in.rila,lialin toines, ted p:prlods all 'eggs lal 0 eigh _y are "id be be the
u, first call on Had t lie -was arre' pounds of nitr 1, -I tio!io -lis beerl'ilie topic of illeir conversation? Vivo,at t a depot, sted as At Sta ad 11 o,,pl,adoxically, i1nivers'ally others now dead-wereAteen-ilghted ork of.Lileut..4ol. H. W06wan; R.H� Whiter,that gave yo ',,a ,,I,gul been deliberately ruri th's ing- the day.. 'a to be alifiost enough to sea that to preserve the suffero ol.a. man and teen ponds of pho�pofio. acid., And -eigners L who Dick's services.. Old Winter that� age this t]infablbag + 1. "diTcult t, astar. Foi o1ficlai vvith brillimat'Afghan oil to not-tho ralls but j116.roo�ks b L y CL I)risoiinl�dut before the IvEcire depends 'Upon potash. To th, :a . ahol dignity of their- A an I buy. Is un language independence ieri bro a I The conversation was evidently not I man Bell, Whoever he was? ol ire.a�t to two, pounds. of d, rite the Ouiltry it waa addessaVy to, figlittili c4Lrvloa. The D ld,lIV6 ih,PQO polfidared'ovo�r the mat- 11 the fingors Pons-, tr W this a d lifibilt:tban the uninitia to was a '6uth London grocer ttrogen.ta ratufn to thil'sdil' could freely, +a iaown Wet to' the CELPIdn's lilting, for, aftei ra� awbe 'cou ted on *rrce. told that h3 was
The more this not onli. co3t about $3,59:, ofadjltLl qh6sphqric to the f oreigiler with be more hispered N17amilrigs, there suppose. Regularity - in of the -balid, arid, according ,�,mDre for '.th3 b4sutt. ter the'stronger became my, opinion �ncy to-stoutriesa, Par- mail belonging to the L little fib the
,logo jo�IIOL I . I 'acia -c.ovt, about �.I- 1111 Sell-. IiInglish. office They were all a Shuffling of feet, ai�d I; raW.t*fie.tiP7 ver- w seoures the day's *sUPPl3r Ot 09gs but r Who niadd inve., i . ton's desp*achea, gL h it of it heated. . . -.but,. Its a a on. -outside. St.. .1 tied 6 the haps, explains his EiaVeS them from bacomi. M hereditary,--g6ritry of Japan, 'V riocracy of gentiln star leadin III 'onapani in' �u6bl ar� aninial rat3ea 611 the far �rits of his victoties.
a-minfite Cat -naps, At odd ad: to the wreck of 9 gation, twenty years is riot consid' e ma
-and partially ddled, andlarm Produ worth oto it were, to, th6 'flat didn't art 6 Won Evideritlythese tw.o.,Wer.e AS am I Mogul 1,�Mperor, - and this opi taking liv by cts, about,01-50 a l an eriod to dev to high haunted a iction tiines. during the 'day.,- A few months r. hours" incubation 'by of f er'filizing material. is Aaken. �o acifulring aft oral inastpi'Y'of its ity, None Of* them belonged think G' d pair of lonaves As over was'-chaagad+ *,a abs'bluto collY age. L 110 . Was called to serve., on a eLzad with a det6rm.: farnilies and- in the. old order of racecourse, and had -been. erigaged in bran, linseea msal or otfior'giairi when., oil reaching tOw", 3: learned a A long and.drpary- 0 Intricacies. Every: word is a mono- uld t it, servjc�o circles Is -whi6h;-by the Aid -It Wa. set I .=to �feed it,, more. thhai this go iheir 6piOadid -Abilities 'Vfo It ste,�Dms tha, some turf swind a ' ry' syllable, ome 460 In: all co'listitut- thin ised them from Obscurity, -a hat,:a' though �y: had. brought to a that. the first mate Of the iti-fat.d u nd. of thd day -y be adde'd to the firm, thare is-mitall, surp s of the L jockey, the aand towards the, a ggi A"Chwed to collez t in Clio It robabl ing the'language, which.has feither not have ra ri And lie are r)ubjiet to vArl, it. personal ambitions, therefore, issue. ROWever, I was vessel WAS; notmed Bell 1,,Zit proveol too ptrorago' y after day I agrowiag r lnnumbeir rior'case nor gende With: re- CY for the relef at RuMUL Sir James successful I went, to see Duncan Graham that dropped off.. -The time came foi. the Ward to noulls, nor tense nor mood Coin Ided * exactly vitli the Poll rolih-d a t ans rniw6hanoeg, �which Cause actual. wtj,,�& if th �.h: y aad grain it can- t '%v..Ls ..IICcejSavy'foV their JVillooctI3 Aia awa peridetly Ignorant of..turf itiat are, im. With their pay and. go la�vs to the' ownai� ongsumad had been sold of arbs, and'so the convqlasation-.1 bad over aIf& it �Ild dequainted h jugy taut receive Not least � f the farm, it argon with. regard. . hey. saw -and the Iong ovardua brovatroolOn-. the �Ilscoverfg .1 had:made and -0- Ang :baen robbed c country's welfare. he 110 to -whan �it came to thO 91 th,.650 the danger'of. their he if gnuoll 119V P s,ifilo to make these-dis- ard quickly faded from my mind. theories biclubd hav . a Nor I%. it po I ', the power they el�y, Ira+ -has received too, recoggition So. der's turn the coroner suddenly r� InDr . e, 01. 7laving obtained brokle by mean to wOVk w Arrived at -the -ofAce next, morning formed thereon by *the beiisl .3 into s of prefixog ' c6aduOt Ofth� awaiting impressed was he with my -story. Izd illit.this Juror Was sound as- - Xgj Ca'order -to add one. tinctionis ith ininds f-elightdried fhis nst full of at Paris OSOL - do not PXiSt, Set travel A of varolou; ca:nPo.!gn-L- ad. Nk9ther 'd to . go down - to lee r. Arad th:1.3 o -woo su'llixes, foil thi )ut by foreign rid totally (11111111- p-svtan1 an toildijiti.m.liad been receivedIn that lia!determine P., ntor� to thi trambe sllic word Witlic att& 't 'L lar Aolie, said, -till Therefore the a, y�.Iiieh beian Only a on the pi-evious day 0. Say Helatou'pextL day, and at his requC�t 4 avQ h way for Inaugurating -the f, S. hm,4 cipated from old-faglitoried ideas. A-1- a XARVEUOU$, POS IBILITIF Oral- may be used as And and.61 -w.1 th bil� Loroda I Agreed to 4ccompany him. ' Soon. 'don't wal*hilla, tip So ha+:W-as blow,,�aEl prepni-ation f6i been that Lady RashleigWS Private yAcht worae ha-bolit Of Pitting eggs , v noun, a verb, an adjective, An adve III. Wor6oVdri. ftny* the ..grand scheme -of modernization, tle of.0balmm,' wt soil. the aftu our Arrival at the little Corn, left Unpaid, t slumber ill..LPOMCO not ea&UY .cured.' t Xn- or a, participle. ' ' , , : . were Completely and inaft� defeat. the Mogal Emperor, had run illage JObns6n And Wilitet ills dark Wit 0 +room. -. Thof. rames, Tho:riias A. tdison$s t4tes , the cause. destroyed the old foilolfti. System nish v rt W 'ag frilght deprodators. on "our p ve nPlicity is, ed. rocks near- the Lizard during al�defmse pearance,. beng� joined w I . . aft, -sudden-. - or th lowland vetitions Will ork Wonders. It's ry Sir made their ap was more serious rats, cats, skunks and�crcmtod a new order'of society. fog, and had become a; total Wreck— who, iin where he Storage of its great diffictd�y- SJID6 the Lady . d, all oil b1fArd., a few hours Iviter by a man,. w ly, and unable, to agine lugger,l.': are'Lsure to find the eggai ordin- But this tremondbtla revolution Rashloigh an took,to 0 gather thaeggs. Thomas. A. Edison's new- number of words fit the Most with thi from his sea-frLi-ing attire., I. wasi the sleepy grocer fell Out Of the good -plan t -go' battery promises A, rovOlutiOli ary I us 'is s6tolwhero betwoori 3#000 brought with it consl rr�. 6 okception of tho fir4t Mateo be the fl,rst mate Bell. and twisted -his-ankle so near -noon in cold %iveatl�er, r.", , - rt tho, lit whereof It a .11 had tt vjt9t afTect oil thol'toll top" ilve, powe full exte I "4 0,1 a, ChlnOM nOWSPELPOr'bas M'Ve t diMetiltin 'm Wlj�LTJJ Af.4D FOOD. ad been.drowned.' next mormn ih badly that,he Was fear of thir Chilling on. very Cold. to predict',, The ..great try,s policy, Jt is no lashleigh w thy daybreak to. early ry t ,as the Weal A 00) and ther number of 'La:dy. I At tom especially Lf Y or ��01%% less, absoluto count 0 rollod down to the - go oil Intend Using IOr by a a - of glo-I-adian niagnatO, throe - at Vp Foit SI;K WEEICS. days, . L . . a duc t I o Ill. AS dead Weight us 9 a combinittions MOTL I q We Ittell 171,re VO an An-h,em. -for haLclilrig- SWeep" Away Ltincet 'cr entered boat, - -lour very I as po sible monosyllabi an� institution Tlall -nd been returning from ki Uise got�har nwhich A - snoozo of.- hall'aill itl the pe ant storage bat there triist be Solna way I+ Late 4nL the: At terrroqn, Oaj O'Clook, I Cre4Siag the stroko of the peni but it -is a Canary, Isles. when; the disas-; had evidently. been h4red ter is 'its- remarkabI6 feature. Iis Only 4:601 of . jounds .= lwmr th.m. tile on the Pro- a serious ru gather your eggs dkir- 1-66 of in number d ithut a,vust atural to wllicb�'tho nearly caused pture bd
ter happened. evening, tween IlVazil 'And Forttl9til 901110 �3 the tima to of requiring a Weight, of 'distinguished sible I 0 0-90 man of wealth. WIRO n As she was one of vious urtn' iltg warra.weather, Tha layers aro' stead thenoW bat. to enable ords:to. lic disturban6e., - The. the reput- diving -suit had carried d 9. A. Portuguese man-of�war I dolila work 'in poulds per 1. orse power, ROAT *THIt, 011111.311, armed. �ly. pays o0j"j,jerably =a s our richest clients, and as Grw, the : III Well, out, of years ago. through '-withL. their 1-6�011-c 53.3. ponds, TIIE1 ONE F A great militaryL ad heir to her -millions-Durican was expected in A $outli,13 re to ccor -on and &n .r than gilt. Iceoping razilian . tery Will only . w_ dingly -done by giving n:,
Its directioll, 'and' You. AM 811 y for.� the This, is pdra; of tile Old nobilitYi "'an , boreakfmisti. lifinall- -WUS On his Way. back front sight �Grbain and IWatched their and great purepar t This seams to.. open till: --disdaiing (100 is II3 any toward A n t I Imber. of -are laid. olectridity 04 M InOtOr evaVy .alollosyllable: four' different bred flglitin but ham harbor; ktions were rotai
America, Where lie had been on 0, movements aa they rowed made to NVOICOlue, Ildr find all. !hat - gvIng,your. eggs application of toaqs�tbat is irt.Peloirlaso.. 16 some only to -- the Lizard. Should you be s of vChicies, ineluding . labor, - And above all, trado-wOM n old. muzz) 04 all ding g�ns, Viere amy L to day for hatching,, be'l L to fOre- other dialects tlicro alle as - ninny as . t MINLIIS InUer for Rome tally iind hunting 6%pedition Among the Rock from It, seeing lei I the praetteallyLeASt Adrift withOu tea Instructed to go flown to Bal ned the divin powder, arld a' uard sta toL -hot day, Cled- seven. y 'to Imagine was at one time no daily? We doubt. it. W.L. 9' ad with Ishadow also the substitution melit- cii,usud to fluency in Of livelihood" It rect 1-31 stat- I qulckl�,, don turn them every,oL It'is ca.
Rashleigh MaIlDr, 'g6A1 up all the dress And was lot do it , if to tile tioned to fire Par . td %vibi6h It not aitnded to, WM cmuso I vall- inipodl: uncolilmontbing to 1111d a, In ryoor Ifty or The day .*AS hot, find tile It Coptic whosu ug thal; tba rmao� who boys common valuables there, and. bring Lady. ater. 'The boat'was only f the'00letants to' adhere to the shell trielty for stcald Power Oa ttl by the observanO Of ;tlJcsc "boy" 'or a jbirikell.
Rashleigh's Will. sixty yards, from the shore,, so We �y slow about putting vouds as�wcll as Oil stwinships. It talce.g a month or two,' asset voi s,1,.j%ioiit useless for getting. distinctly ancilstors had -been soldiers"'Or a d e front guess v 1.4nally, tile 6IM7 and be The comI.MOAOPOlY is tilde, to train t1le-ear eggs Wstema cl plovers, eggs, I romemere drafting oldt tilt' ould w , atch. their; every in a appearance. threatened by the 111. the first instC hundred gencrations, and Who call head instead of turtio, -and A ously-all 'the tho Cliffs abo leap In the v6r on.c;tantlY On arg 1.+tllel,e is a difTerenc stly higher, even In calf' isome -six months previ Va. der In charge fell as Y liower. to re�ogiliyo that 'If va folloWin triell ployinellt . of . electric d.b iered hilnw more distinctly 9 Out After being under water for About Act of fighting a cigar, and his LL r, RtiM ON THE FARM, ing Car when tile tones tire pronouncO y a a than, the. Inillionalte pigeori,insteira of a partridge, is 'the Bell ro'L roCkel"SL ilia povertyj Lady Rashleigh a quarter of An hour SO . to lost -no ti=0 ill tntiowing his e.k- Prof. �Frailcls J3. C Ivo, even with the greatest. am'a oceentric,wishes, it �vcim the Odom- -y diminutive the surface bringing With film 91 1111111- Suddenly. one Of thorn was The haraes III tbC country are not inalle fit 1806, that Coal would be nal �t they fire of the Ut- merebant.whom he served. gainver, at any rate I
I -Lad been written in vei pliftsis" anti ya ll(A micalty nutrltiv�D P,.int of view. In on a small Street of to awakened bya steallnev's whistle. He by 016etricity with This class was a great danger letters rolip, bar of st-ticles.Duncan Grabarn re- so abunda tly supplited With small banished entire. trUL, got lll()st Importance, lot' -tried gov- otliar wrda'.th3 price of an article, n - in tali, years, 211CLY Yet cOM .0 embarrassinorlt to ille re(di note paper. - The� Wit I Was tv Very ognized as having b6anged to Lady Sprung UP, And rolftsed his officer. A fruits as tbay should be or could.eas to tbtl,� tono I is "tObttee I , CUP# ione. ia, Sets upon its short one, and with the OxCcPtlOI1:Of Rasillaigh, so that it was quite eL Dal, aeotordflig to'- besides tlles� obviously S01110 Proviion had to bo. fooA.,by no =eal pre- pound of cl je,blutionary joc..i and there-8h6wel it big vessel -Was entering the Ila ily to-- with, a littlo, niqroll� attention.. in�vdntor, need is + al tonet inado for theni, and .*alua and the d*1JfarOnc40 re
fl P tthe . . o ineaning, ."Yett a few small legacies to personal tairl he Mid reached the Xo�ul 11, youca the a lee ...A. .1 wall known cities Oitber I'lliSialtabl ented bof;'wlserl the price of chaul� friends and old see-va'Ats, bequiathed peror, but the disappointed looks,of guns ogent. 01T,with 11 drstricts wbl3re peaches far GO )light into large otliLp mean- outbroiLks here one bango, be-brc awould.hmve been -oil. A.- large Scale. A s glie and ginger.beer, betW01311 that a I h ling r-1,nglish oxt, as to ba exparating and to gf,,VvC as fuel III factories for en- *1 Posse. - pa Igo, ate., is thO. the whole of her vast Possess(0116 to his companions shoWed-131 Illy O. tho.' captain. Of, the I 1�gs, thirty-fivC; thirty-nine -ce"UtnecossarlIV lar9p 2A .took -narvon" into �tbc or if, households big Police for . of oysters ai Palate, her adopted son�-DuncaIi Graham. bad not succeeded in finding' what tramp-stenjiller Cat NvIk2r3 ills apples still. pears are grow- I1,'Ltnd,fort� In tono 4. to a foreign. OYdWa9 formed' Tho paid for pleasing ibi�� [on Was tak- cooking, PUITOSes; In I h
the Manor I followed. d to got. hold of- belief that a new revoluti , Ouldt, orge presents still creased, Price ;anea Ls probably I 0 lag 8carcer year lay.year OU ace Calculations, :The writti:',u; 1mug-ol progressively in extraVal
On reaching imtruction9. - but, at- they Most desire t iinut"o ., it is destitute Of Lips, In'the idea tIlAt the out my firm's, the will. Leaving tile to wmtcll the Ing place. te's of instats. and other :a to de that, furtbCP Obstacles p�nalty of a mental rather than* at a lol. all- of tli,!� ravilf. though I carefully examined' Lady . r arcourse of events, Grahall Alms! thei.e.was 110 IlowdL It Sete off for PC bodily demand- ii-ts could bo CUT- alphabet; ovary is vep'" a country domm;ided At, Impies, not a. trace the Portu- eneiniov, smalt frT the coat Of an CIOCtVia Plant Jarge bsymbol or allarlietep, which Io dispose OfAlic masses L- Its, akin to' .(IV
a I of t
Wit all'
Raabfldigh�S P t poistoffice, and wired for. other Charge SO, Whdtl but �VargelY But phyiologidally' I
Dissatisfied i,C11Vr::S PrOiously engaged by half an hour tivated jV:lth1pUt. Mud extra laborer enough t.o furnish all the light, heat The substituting dialvofIg for coo -IS in the could I find of liar will. guese ship stedned up -n the, feet a I f, little Ia- - + 6f any greht city bas only the slightest connection of diseolitentOd
with my Investigations, my prinal-I Oxton and. lCinsman. All . Istel., her captaill first business Was lnxpenw- Whe And luotive I)Gwet d must be learned oxpnslon Oj -the navy. further'lielped steam engine, luxurious foods Arco eased it i not would be Im, thall pl,Os6t expeadi- with ally othOr an I of these pals went down themselves but that day our rivals W&O' to Inquire why, the -common Courtesy bor nd expen;C, is expr is Some sorb these men.. creature otmforts, search likewise proved futflo. bIttorl at work, but their gloomy, -dis- of a Salute had been onlitted. Nor tbar intention to, COrlvo3t the Was, that tures for coal. In general terius his by shear as thirty to AID foods are bodily necOSI- U, plain
their I do not joluira either to p all to generate electric power charcters have al still fur- wh!1
A visit to the bankers showed that appointed looks, when they Want was Ile satisfied till he had obtained s,m%l thom,' for the, contrary 63 Imiles Ol' MOVO from dots and strokes. Going htw�4. it must be. admitted, balwevOri the missing will had not heart de back to their hotel, showed their at- a Eiperlild pology from -headquarters. PradlIme in the at a point tel alit it through Ono Or , are confronted that, as a rule, go=
ther afield wo no -aver the truth, op,poewally tI16 city naeats are necessarily tender and
hew., so that the of trans S, posited with t forts bad been futile, �l as sl&ill- L13t in more �ialnfeedfllg 8taf1011s to transa- the different kinds of 1611guagO the't ri riting our divers arrived, Initier 01 li-bor it% Wel )f assirriLlation, But
th 11 L�t b,
,ohvidtion began to force Next tio ,itoase thi fru:t gra'*Or is Otis Who formal, sub -stations, where, the pV09- exist, There I,; thd language of the easy )c
Itgre Able e Ixat our� eccentric the move inodor � a limit tcF,th6 itself UpOri us t 'a. took place be- And would'br., reduced to 250 vOlt$ allcient cis'ICS, learly (bora frall, m rried the Will find a stormy eon NUMB13-It SEVENTY -TO, to supply the paLlie market Mcial Her Tramps Have Gone to the Af- a food by the body, c tween Johnsoll' and ,try COM- 'th, _ a to iguage, of C ent_looklug old country ricst ia own untg or fot"feeoltug luotorp of all kinds : by lantyu go, ti tall jicau Vfav Apparently, appropriation, of reached just PLEX about with her, and that it might pauion, when we , appeaved A. beevol 4 and the epistolary laugu I and this, limit may W )do plain and 'human A Waxwork lcoal mark2t at W4 honlim. documdfat� One of the most notab a dodu ( means of go( ow for ever lie hidden from of easily la�
oil , the scene, . but this farnier wandered into to the metro- To ugage Ild th�a 'bAq1uC3J5 In -an CX- very strikink feature, Of the Bur- age, fl -11 which differ III no small fit connection with p arer' ken in the deep recesses olf the Ocean- ofiling in allow while (an a risit Of the degree fro' the spoken' lariguage, meats issued tender food mg.by food Of a T did not- preVOIlt us from J tq.n4lv Way requires skill, muneY, falo r,,xposition I.,, itsxhibit nuilierous dia:- -pool: law administration for Many The bodies of Lady Itashleigh and Tito CIO -40 Nvlilcll again POSSOsqC8 sort. the 6,111111st the. search, and every part of the polls. E�Dmot,lm3g plt!CnCO, OSPO"1- electrical devices. front,* one which has just been gul�Bm- Ho found little to Intexebt Win, hOW- UM! au� itlerlug a, widely According to thiS, view or
Several of the Crew of tile Mo: submerged -vessel Was.thoroughlY r doe) not select )XImit of NittgrIm. Falls is sug- lecs, d front one v- in, qlly %%.1�:a tb.3 growL Im YL J.',111glish local '90
.'time been washed Ver, and, feeling tired, eat doWd (11.0am of arlother pr,,"V:d ly be peror had by this overhauled, but not a trace could bo p with tlio� utmost care, gestive of the greatest great phys;lologlal ext had a. chair near a gr6upor figures, And his yvau,.IX troas tit. board on' 3L day to day- TA the
ashore, but VoeY little W17cckagG found of tile missing Will, but buys ftorathe pktur�s e9bibitOd ifoolorn science, li'lle late Dr. Wll- province callilot understand those ornille n on frOn
ity of these vaty III ea�
,V11 collatI03 o�9 the same sort Of
matter of beverage ,t, so that it ucit dentur, began to doze, tvaillps and Css- coc-:ars. Enormous
,�Ls yet strown the coar That night, utter as youth, seeing that of thO Stock, and finds when the Fa.119 In lrolit aliathef. A peatilill plOV generation Cytravagall,00 johns(in agreed to lot us examine A Xhgehlevol 9 b.,m hubug- of I diftlects,. however, Is that their ('It- : 0 a a
was probable the yacht had Sunk in the old goliticlifish was �obltvtou,s to t,o la t�- that h,3 ha� 3876- and in tile f011Owintr YOM* r the leveled Ile solely. in the fact -tllttt ual clotal; had been t1i de P ir Of SO- rices, are given !or a particularly, deep water. The disaster had taken the articles Previously taken Train re- ged, it f,4 Q13 man, who turn% his Ilvered All ad(lve.ss as president o night, and go quickl the int, dings, Surreptitl Lones are given dil refortnors, and the hardest pro- but here, agalfis it is
ously Cho'
place in the U 0 at attient, 13ritish Iron and outift r law adininistra- itain thfAt tha,humarl. wpeck, but vve found nothi '"I ola to it itoidentally to which �Stool lustitute dillereat and 1 I
h,s` mbe�r card from on am practleally so
had the vessel gone down that Cho among their, likely to ald out, searchi M11,;,ca the - attient',on L3 directed or rathir to dl- which, contained a, remarltalo (OrO to tbe clirctors. The written lan- III of all for p6oi Colorionly gaing
mo either, to don placed it Oartifis the far of man to inci- Cast. qpOaking' Of tile gradual OX, guap is the Sarno all over tile Cal- t Or%. M we are to believe t1IOsO , 119' little or nothing by it -
crew had had no tl _.Toting Grallara's disappointed 100k$lm :he flitanthan this Class is now decreashig SO I who drinks A claret
get out the beat T 'tg ed to 0 safo dis� rect I oe.s the vileal: a ud retit, D,
lifewbOts or 1, a. The as We turned to depart Johnson x4 IMBOSS', And Pekinese, Which 'Very law Years choice vintage fit, say, 10 shillings,
first mate had managed to Kutch a ait the devooloffilhents. fin-ritally doi Eoo. Th work wOUId to bitustion of the earth'q -stores Of coal pire, however, is s aluted him with a brutal laugh. I tnoc, to aW Cl th3 lie stated hi beliet (list WA,tcP PO is practically What . itilowi a rapidly that 'within drive an$, material a
r_0 platly found plc%maratar an . prag'.ti not War d ale bottle, d olvant-
Ifkbuoy, and was found clilitOng to Ill -lore, don't go without It keep- 4 I it the qua,4- Inua at, it, Will be extinct if the "It' It big Untexi 3-plSed, and Ovall t some day Veplelliall tile world's Ituan 1KW, or, they Mandarin I if,g over the
Ing a Ong, stoppe�,,l is front of to W do, Tllo report man jVho drLo oo�k And a I It All kitife energy. T�Jo do , fhe offi(qal language recOgnizOd Of dOcreasO Continues It stt next morn Sake of the old givi" , he said ttty should ba so small th, tock of %,of. -, IS give, Of �11.%Ualq fit Nor- 6111ing battle, of vin ordiftalrof
picked up by a pilat-bont. I -Te coarsely; "tal(0 be false teeth, and the old countryman. Ids%I; of cash. proff,ts must I,;,, ocluded clred that the XEWSL Of Niagara throughout. the, ciallirO. .4 the number a four years, It, any, drlse, tigs prices Ask-
cia . told out I lie yacht -mured the f an aln- And Suiyulic for tit doubtful. hd spot where t May they help ou to Chew the oud vt�cy Itte-like I milt does It thO- Pro iC9 to Oas's 0',N'n ainily In'sAt �WeVd Continuously Wasting lit N . orfolk the figures ad for W,1116 At big hotels are sot Mon -
)it, lady, It'l wonderful I Whoul of fared is liad sunk, and several attempts were of bitter roftectlion a -ad ruillinato ( Toprej,ant V not iij� lgt out of con,%ideration, 18 o,jat of power actual to that -of the BEWARVI-nla- NVIS111, I the tout Years are 2(),037; strolusly high mild the wind
made b divers to got down to it the-pleasureEr of beilig-A, pauper," . ae, weptied her Compnion, iv>t that a ca.sh Is not c"ry' Whole. world!s annual Output Of Lr),'095, and last yea only oso, often bd that this fact aloho as- but they to�dtbat it., was IMP0% got delgailIg 'to notice him Gra- Lst me a th*ng that adds Comfort and nonvell- �coal, allot Suggested that It 'night apautiful geonery hero, is, it IlOtl 1,2S; J a corresponding polunts for 4-4 Increasing demand for
al.agite. No, 7 Solitary, 739. It, uiytfllt th There sible, for = to do 86, ' a 00 Ship I walked -briskly Away, and m mo-, ohCmt a � hair 'rhig 0 "est hImIth and better living �gerx� garlic dtiv be taken front it and trails, asked the young mn of 0, I frolit 23,903 to 12,838- whilskay as a dinnei beverage was engulfed in at least thirty fa- , h se eeth had fallen. , . I't Thomas Palmer, ont, orally m cash valu�l if jalot all out mitted. in the form of electricity, fOI' C aveller Whom lit found Paoing along erae1. 0 counties the decrease 19 Considerable Ploysiolo. Or. . mailt crash, Without a of tha, greatest tirlminals of the last � I r For the tw is obviously MItt4d
thonig of Wat la,mant at, his foot wtth ;a Century. Ile poleonall 1300PIO Whole- tal-I for oompet,011004 Only a dream m distance of thirty Yniles. tthe, seashoore. the 'stranger just 00 Pdr cout. Prom, the details gizal sin and Want011110AS OOM
In the Meanwhile a new 0 and placed them ta culailt. wag rcceWol with smiles NV,all, no, lveplied mther that tile do- f food and in the quan-
word lie bent down, said, An awful scoundrel, acaOvdltg t Ills audience� V�th ya. I think. ibe, of the ratUrti.wo g n lft th�, 011oice 6
appeared to thc estate In the person in is ove Val over s out of 8 Ity 00111:61111110.
of Lady 11ashlolgh's, dis ,rcoat pocket, litile dream- to, all faccounts. It's 0, Most repulsive 11gMNINE1 DAIRLY WISDOX of * I , neredulity b can't agrea N, is no aueh Ocean. crease is gone I
xoptitable ing that by so doing lie Wa*4 Setting face, I&n,t ILI What a fiendish a%- X"elthele4q, Power t1rawn, from the ceerin Is too 8111011. It. poor law unions of Anglim- ,1,111S ohn- the seat to his future fOrtUlle-q, rL 1. TV-, C mts I nephew, Ralph ohnson. It 's thz naglcted Cw that no g at, Falls In Already being used at as My mother used t<r haVc Tile laolq conservative defenders Of SmRVICLS rt-INDEnviD. son had started life as all officer III oil the journey back to tOwII Ma prossion T" tee says?" :Aboatod or fill; ths milk pill, coasiderahto distancen front them. Put the, ukS fg Magnificent bore, things Its, they are will hear of the ,d for exclaInation of joy Whatl that ip, and ) traIllp.ja tile strange tire the experlOnccs of the
the Array, but had been & cow Wa7ot bli-a th3 WIntfUt of in- 1.�,Jcctrieal exports lolig ago declar- Lq it.not t tha old gentlemn, starting t of drawing Ow aoirwvs the top, Of t1V groat. A famous 111USIC141% Wma� tell-
011eating. At Cards, and had after milion, slid , care and attentlota If t the practicabilit Toolow and nar, re Isn"t country irk ny Considerable numbera
Jay ttention to illy collip. � tht, Stranger, and the I; his friends of the queer pri2og he
tving play to hiq blackthrn. I be he Od
ulillinited liorse-power replied Ovallont, 'A few in wards drifted from bad to Worse, SO to; Illy lmf:� ell of clatil . fol, when climbing the .0alent I found him Por- awful Scoundrel with a repulsive f aco, nafits of practiCU11V i, , the lla(l played that lot many years Lady Itil,,41101911 of foreign Tiottliaper, .r oi:tp�ota, to reap the be: caurazt, and dOliv a it, elther� � Besides, it in s0art.hdro Still Are, bu
be I I I poison, folks Wholesale, do I? tAwnD train the - goOlaigh fir i had disowned lifirl aild forbidden him one glarlao 'told Me WAS Old lapectablo man biq eving it by WIN 450 milea CLIvay 1,4111t property le�oll and doesn't Sit' Such' arity of CaSuals tire the ladder of fAM0. Jo ShOW )lf.q faed, at, 11a.141110fgh Mall0r, Casuall feeling rit tr4ah 'ee to, call a he ymorn w1la, milk9 y18 Cows, ill on(y direction at Now York and plumb over tile earth. I Will ft'ii very great Maj am , blainals who (to- I remember ho laughed, being pro. e nought.will, , of 'r moth- loafers and , I
However, at no Will ill favor of ansr- long pocket, his other direc- POO- i�cri
. fingers i.hogtoatei3t irimindf of the eent'ry, a 'r�00 11tilOR aWftY In UIO sky., N�o 1�uofh sky aS. MY by the public of ItotherhaW
hfq Overcoat, , And the, old Wart aulphaSioled ach with porleo t regut1rity - �vlll geouri liberately prefer a vagrant, life and 11 eated
one o1qo could be produced his claim In , III contact with the false a ta manner The coalless age e�t Used to Ilaver, - with half a sheep for . it couple of
to the property could not'ho dispiit- had Come jLetlatioa fn each forelb. thanif there I.,, A tion Itt Chicago. ad Your Moth- living t1poll, odds, aa(I onds question had drawn then, Out, may be nearer thall WO think, paxdori me, but apt (It Violin Solos. teeth, and lid ley were. Then he, that the hOnOYMOon %VAA SPO*1t 'or A tellth f an hour Ot go every day. or a speolal sky, find ocean other *will ably pteked tip to tilly atter ilothing I oxclalmed a grura-
day or two� valriatiod go In,& torlher. A mi%ft
ad. tiled. lndugtrS�. It is this class That
Duticaft GrEdiant's plight, Was lll� wondoring what tI r latnt dutits In- uficee n. old resident OaMe up Wiliell is being absorbed in some Way toy old follow
noticed votuathillif Which, in th6l ue4t�wltflt the origitial datte of it D�) not L2�t Othe
dead a norrV oi O. illpouglt the In- had e, Tojoldlog at the Own- terfore With the Care and 1hilkilig of, young mail aside. ly yes -
And dTaw'th6 a. 11131r; or other, At anY rAta it is ollsap gave, half a, cornet solo on
darkneqq of the previous night all wnt O; Ararle Joanno. Xersaho, whose I)OWt you talk to him, said It I I Iid he Obtained .0 I pie
fiflonce -of all in d, v a and Illm, but ollich llow At Ono Of 'big' 60tiptrid, 130111-ing from the voads, and ftsumi torday, down our 'street In, AAhover,
a Oerkship at the Admiralty, Ilia attention. When J01111- tha co%fl comfort. death on tho Island of Groix fil fra%y- 116 a"d 'to W Always t an old boot, 0; dhut%k Of.
Y6,1 must Wo wife, what lowbly cakes, paddtli,l, wards, slid With It Is decreasing l I '
-two 1109 aseventeen eggs I
66t himaelf to feted lifs alterod dir- then, wAth. a, crash at his d happy. Xeep them in 6ut Vraneo at the age of soVehty Ills nost U11pleaarit of all the toal an
g 0
manfully, soft prill had Anal)- been reported, b4d the distinction of nd PLM 111S othar Used t45 MRROO nUttO the I man had vl"I'Ei feet a sSeper" 01 �6111dll and to al- If ti I wolliftil nea-captain In slid the UAKt go%v on him. respoludbilitic'; v0st ll I for- INIOSsrs, Oxtoll (tud Xins ped. This jag boUrld together Maki tom, folad of you, Y cial boards of guardians., Actor-Whon I Ain Al
been Appointed salfeltorri to the new tlIc two t �, �Irl d�. With 0 - got everthing About Me. I 900
� beets if gold whith formool if, has been calCul tell f11 t ways xpwt It tareim, and they Will 8116 went to soa 6�jlidr of Itaghlefgh Manor And use() the thing like %,250,000,000 Plata of fe, I Tim, father wbell Site was twelve years T) Ia8t IndiffIt familler ercitted A noturtl twice bor nothing but ZY role, The Ou"O the Plates of the tooth, and In ; VILondoners and #Ivof more[ milik. a)fa of 'd it after his death she eaptitill wovlo�lg record ill lamina reItaly's 0,0101li0s
Exct ilidueO vcceq1 botwo011 the Will liad are Imb Ths dalryman must bs kin of five, disappears ontirel. I f:10114-1 don't tfiefto good olfflee4 to trr lbod yearly b,
income oil noussaty to tontalli, 'ed boat, and obtained f0vOill- Getllanny
h1fin to settle ft small that, the teapot er baving beca Six 1111111011 People do- 0Wft Dlvol tllo'40 wonder at
uneaft Graluxiii, but Itallill. ohnson lain hidden. ierly shapdol, r4lade, Inedal tild Illoncy rewards foi- 1101 that. at tlie deLtth And t,5,,T,%oSSrS. Oxton Atid Xivialumu toleft- this amount, it proV Moans la, 10AA -of Money, APendant oil tharity for many + times hot the Will aft ' one they had would Comfortably tke in thO WIIOIO � tho Zia tot takio all gr4ld 6,%Vo;y from.1qM on the Wat0l'. oil dutleq Would cripple hln renoUr- UP$ and StODS Wtrb At once of St,, V411ra 'Cathedrato. t* io 1§4", time, and AOW44 ll4t draWa