HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-06-20, Page 5. •••
For Sale Ms
)31,44or rwitle DA the lowest prices.
or at Contelon Bros. store.
Buten, Juno
• OrSt•clatis Shorthorn Bull for rale. Good
) color and tirst•elass pedigree. About la inenths
old. If sold at Onee a bargain will be
PLUMSTEElt, Clinton
1 have a large number of Aster Plants for
tilde. They are all good varieties and will be
ready, for transplanting about the 1st of June.
The Pinee Aster is the prettiest at tto lot.
.got tho8eed I rem Chieago.
I hove olso for sale a number of Verbenas,
Clinten, May 18th,
Thorold Cement for sale by Edward •Carter,
oorner William awl Princess streets, Clinton.
Spoeird rates on car lots,. Estimates given on
cement walls and doors and. silos. ,All 'work
sotisfaotoriiy done and' tat orders„ promptly
attended to,
The undersigned offers for sob or to rent the
li story house next the howling green on Mary
street lately occupied by Mr.. A. A. Schrenk.
The house is newly papered and iis in a good
state of repair. IIIird and soft \voter -
Clinton, Juno 17th. .
; ----L.—.
The undersigne(1 offers for sale lets 32 and 33,
eon, 7, Hellcat, donsistIng of 113 acres, Ite acres
cleared, balance gpod hardwood bush. • • A:
branch of the Maitetnd River ruts across the
farm which is woll eneed. 40 acresunder crop,
30 acreanty land. The soil 15 a good eiey loam,
The from school.chureh, store and pest -office.
The house is frame and was built four years
ago. The outbuildings are good.. If sold witl,
in a month will be sold cheap. Possession given
Nov. 1st.' • . .
May 2151. Surninerhill P. 0.
The undersigned offers for sale a sovearoom •
e(1 cottage on Orange street together •with one-
fifth acre of land. New cistern and well. Will
be sold on reasonable terms.
Clinton, April 12th.
: •
OUR• • •
— OF —
D. fl, Koenig's Bantu% Stoat
has so far been even more successful thau we antici.
pated. The stock, however, is a large one and
although we have already sold a lot of goods the
vacancy is scarcely noticeable. We intend to run off
the stock of soon as possible and our low prices must do
it, Come and see the bargains we have, a few of which
are mentioned below :
The Gale Farm, Ono of :•,he best 100 -acre farms
in Goderich township, Huron county, lot 17
and part 18 on the 8th con., (1§ miles from Goile.
rich, 7 from Clinton. Tins farm contains good
buildings and fences. is well watered and un-
derdrained. Large orchard and garden,. Farm
will be sold on reasonable terms. Will sell
either 80,er100 acres. ApplY to
June 14 on the protases or Goderich P.O.
O undersigned offers for sale let 20;. eon. 15
each township. donsisting of 80 ..tteres,
red. The lot is situated. 43§ 1111105 from
ton and 2 miles from school. Possession
n next fall. :For further particulars apply
o .40remises to .
110l3ER1 .111.7011, -Clinton I'. 0.
The subscriber offers for sale 0 very desirable
property on Isaac street Consisting of four lots
upon which there is a comfortable frame house
• with kitchen mid woodshedattached. There
is a good stable and a first-class we,' of :water
on premises. The orchard; consisting of grapes
nil apples, is a good one. • The -property will
bal101d at a reasonoble figure for cash or § cash.
id balance on time. Apply to the owner oll
le premises•
vats. ,IOng ,JuNcrt
March 7th.
Clinton May Oth
Our Dress Goods are all bar-
gains but we have not room to
mention them all, besides the
goods must be seen before the
goods can be appreciated
A couple of pieces of the
Fancy Plaid left at 25c and 400
.A. line of Dress Goods in
purple and red only at 12ic
Some nice Dress and Skirt '
lengths at per yd. 050,75e and $1
Serges, leustres, Henrietta,s and
Cashmeres at about wholesale
Dress Muslims at
Oue best Shirting for 10c and 1.1c
Blue and Brown Denham 15c
Toweling special worth 80 for 4c,
Regular 12ec Print for 1.0c
Colored Sateen; reg. 15c, for 12e
Cotton Towels lair 50
Turkish Towels a pair 20c up
Linen Towels a pair 20c up
Table Linens at lees than
Ivhelesale prices,
10c Table Oilcloth
20c 1 Floor Oilcloth
• 20o
80c .
The Ready -Made Clothing has been one of our
busiest departments and it is in this departraent we can
make the greatest reductions. We are selling all of
our best suits at wholesale prices which is a big saving
for you if you need a suit : . .
Tweeds from 20a up Men's Braces at 20c, .25e and 40
c •
An exceptionally nice White Laundried Shirts . • 45e
f3lack Worsted at $1.50
Beet line at 75c
Pants made-to-order from
our best stripe worsteds Ties from •
$1.00 5c to 25c
. Collars from 10c to 150
' Odd Pants from • , , 85c up 'curea ' 25c
Overalls at . . , 45c and 70c
Cotton Socks at 7c a pair
Boys' Braces at .5c and 10c
We have a few black Sateen Shirt Waists left, mostly small
sizes, to elefirat , $1
Another line in Black Sateen, trimmed with white, at ' ' dOe
Two pairs only Chenille Curtains. Koenig's prio Was $5, our
price • • 0,50
A. few Chenille Table Covers at 50c
In Boots and Shoes we ea,n show the highest quality combined "
with the lowest prices to be found in the trade. -
• We extend to ever.yone a heartyinvitation to cords
and inspect our stocic and get oUr prices. ,
A large number from Dungannon
took in the It. 0. Picnic at Donner
bronk on the 12th.
Lucitnow will celebrate the glorious
12th tins year.
A large number from here enjoyed
the balmy breezes of lake Huron at
Port Albert on Saturday;
There Wall no service in St. Paul's
church Sunday evening. Rev. Mr.
Ooldberg went back to Is'orb Albert. to
hold an evening service thefts.
The Ladies Aid of St. Peas congre.
gation are considering •the poseibility
of holding a garden party in the neer
Strawberries are beginning to ripen
in this neighborhood now.
Mr. and Mrs. jas.Curwin vvete visit-
ing friends in Goderich, townehip
week ago.
Mr. Jas, Wilson was a caller in Duu.
gentian last week.
Quito a few took in the trip to
Detroit on the City of Toledo on Wed-
• nesday.
Miss MaryBegly of Minh= was
visiting friends itt Dunga,nnon 00
The R C. picnic in Asfield on Tues-
day the '18th kine promises to be a
grand success if the Weather permits.
Mr. Henderson of Blyth is buying
wool in the village.
"Iv Nieg b••iielb.~41116,411~11"4"IVIIAlbegli,
10.1tlitrED I2 011I0A00,
The happy bride in the following
article taken from the Chicago Sun is
a cotton of Mrs.F.W.Watte of. Clinton:
There was a pretty home wedding at
the residence of Mr, and lam Robert T.
MOM% 7015 Normal avenne. Tuesday
evening when their cousin, Mies Sarah
A. McLean, was united ill marriage to
Mr. Williant W. Kincheloe. The cere.
roony took place at 8 o'clock, Rev. A.
Lincoln Shete of the Normal Park X.
E. churcb officiating,in the presence of
about 50 relatives and intimate friends,
As the strains of Mentlelssolte's wed-
ding march, played on the piano by
Miss Enarna Swim, rang out the bridal
party entered the parlor. First in line
were the two groomsnaen, Messrs.
Thomas C. McMillian and Duncan W
Boyd, the latter a cousin of the bride.
Next came the bridesmaids, lefisses
Christine Fioleyson and Emma McGill,
gowned alike rtt white organdie and.
carrying bunches of pink roses and.
maidenheir ferns. The best man, Mr.
John Husky, follovved, then came the
groom and maid of honor, Mies Isabel
McLean, a Meter of the bride,who wore
pink and carried a boquet of roses to
match. The bride was escorted to the
• room by Mr. McGill and brought up
the rear of the procession. She was
becomingly attired in white silk ratlike
demi triune, trimmed with lace and
carried a shower bequet of bride's roses
and lilies of the 'valley. Her only -
ornaments were a diamond locket and
chain, the gift of the groom.
After the customary congratulations
a dainty repast was served from a table
decorated with cut flowers and smilax,
Mr, and Mrs Kincheloe left on a,
:short toer and will he at home" after
July 10 at 150 Sixty-seventh street.
The groom is,proprieter of a grocery
and market at Wentworth avenue and
Sixty-seventh street,
'Mr, Fred Fawcett of Clinton sunk a
well for Mr. C. Elcoat the past week
only having to go fifteen feet and
struck a splendid spying.
Mr. T. Walker is busy this week,
building the stone fouadation to Mr.
George Watt's barn,
A large number of our progressive
farmers took in the excursion. to the
A.gricultural College,Guelph, on Satur-
day last.
Sunday next will be flower Sun- • HAUCHF1BLD.
regular Sabbath School anniversary Quite a number from here took in the
day at Turner's church. This is the
and in tlae past has always been a sue., exOursiell to Guelph last Saturday.
cess and been made very interesting to Mr, Moore, our worthy station agent,
the seholars. The racers and teachers has accepted a poition at Attwood and
are sparing no pains tn make this years
)311OWN—FINKBEINERmIn Crecliton
on Suriday,the9thilnet.by the Rev.1.
0. Lityilr. Chao. Browo toUrs, 3.
Fillkbeiller1 all of Oreditioe. ,
Methodiat pareonaer on the• 17011
Met. by Rev. Jas.liussar,D.D., Mr.
Win.13rekenshire of Stephen town-
ohip to Mimi A.. AndersoOf Crediton,
110VEY--LUO.A.S.-•In Christ's church
Markdale, en June 19111, by Rev.
3, F. Parke, Amherstburg, assisted
by Rev. J. R. Newell, Minnie 4,,
daughter of W. Locals, banker, to
3. 11, Hovey, druggist ef Clinton.
SCOTT—BEWLEY-4kt the residenoe
of the bride's father, so June 12,
by Rev. A. blaollab, A., gr.
John Scott, of Uullett, to Mise
Aantie, daughter of Mr. Richard
Bewley, of Morris.
residence of the bricle'a parents, on
June 5th., by Rev, P. Xuegrave,
gr. Levi Whitfield, ot Grey town-
ship to Mises A.nnie McPherson, of
brook, on June 12,by D. B. Mollae,
Mr, Wm. Smelt:Ion, to Mise Kate
McDougall, both of Cranbrook.
on June 7th, Rev, B. Sawere, Miss
Charlotte, eldest daughter of Mr.
Cook, Egraondville, to Mr. Louis
Eberhardt, Thorndale,
• on June 12th, at the residence of
the bride's parents, by Rev, Wm.
Lowe, Mr. J. B. Morrison of Lang -
side to Miss Bloomer May Heesian,
daughter of Mr, Thos, Hessian,
the Lutheran cleuroh,Ellioe,by Rev.
Wm, Weinbaoleon the 51h of June,
Mr. Frank Herman, Fullerton, to
Clerine, daughter of Mr, Henry
Sehellenberger, of Downie,
11ER,N—ARBOGAST—At the residence
• of the bride's parents, on the Oth
of Jane, by Rev, W. Weinbach, Mr.
John W. Kern,Fullarton, to Louisa,
• daughter of Mr. John Arbogast,
NICHOLLS--DENT—In ilifitohell, on
the 12thofJune at"Rovvanwood,"the
bonne of the bride's parents,by Bev.
J. T. Kerrin, Miss Mabel A. ' Dent,
to Mr, Chas. W. Nieholls, of Lon -
GENTLES—KENNY— At Bobcaygeon,
on June 5th, John Gentles of Kin-
caraine to Mrs. Charles Kenny , of
CAMPBELL—KERR—At the residence
of the bride's mother,on June 12th,
e by Rev. A. McKay, Mr. Duncan S,
• Campbell, of Greenock, to Mary,
yeungeet daughter of the late Mi.
Norman Kert, of Kinloa. •
services exceptionally interes mg.
Mr, T. Ashton arid bliss Powell of
Bluevale were Sunday visitors here,
Mr. Frank Garniss spent Sunday
with friends in Goderich.
Mr. Andrew Turnbull of the east end
was the guest of Miss Carrie Johns' ten
Treasurer Turner has not only the
deepest well in this township but the
most expensive one as well. When
the' tanes and piping are all placed his
outlay will not be less than eight
hondred dollars. This seems a very
a big sum to pay out for the purpose
.but it gives Mr. Turner a, complete
syetein of waterworks in house and
barn, good water and plenty of it at
all times. ,
will remove to that place shortly.
' Mr. Joseph Grey of St, Catharines Las
soured the position as 'station agent
Miss Maud and Master Willie Wilson
spent ,Sabbath with friends in Guelph.
Mr, Albert Aikenhead has returned
from camp on Carling's Heights.
Mrs. Geo.Baird,Jr,, spent part of this
week with friends in Guelph.
Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Thompson and
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Aikenhead were the
gueats of Mrs. Haines of Georgetown
last Sabbath.
• Mr. Beverly Ketoben of Knox College
ereached in the Preebyterien church
dere last Sabbath.
Quite a large number were at the
station on Wednesday morning .tolaid
farewell to their good pastor and hie
wife, Rev. Mr, and lira. Sewers, when
. .
. ExAmix.wriows.. .they were leaving on their trip to e
There are 871 candidates writing on
the Entrance Examinations in East
Huron 1—Brussels ,Seaforth 84,
Clinton 65, Wingham 73, Blyth 38,
Fordvvich 27, and Wroxeter 19. A.
Houston, at (Minton ; Wm. Watters Blyth were the guests of Miss El a
Mowat will preside at ea oi , .
Wiugham ; Cameron, at Graham last week,
Blyth ; Malcolm Black, Wroxeter; Misses Maly and Elle Mawan of
John Hartley, at Fordwich ; and In. Clinton were the guests of Miss Katie
spectra* Robb at lerussele. Where ' " bb th
Old Country.
Professor Bedford of Henson has se-
cured quite it large vocal. clam in our
town: This worthy gentleman should
get a very large class as there is no bet-
ter teacher outside the American cities._
• 1Vlieses Anna and Edna Hamilton of
We are now delivering right off the oars at
the lowest possible price for the best grade
of Aathra,cite Coal.
Picnics will. seen be the order of the
day, in) faot some have passed through
here already en route to Bayfield.
necessary they will be awe e y
.other examiners. The examination
begins on June 26th and continues the
two following day. It is expected
that the results of this examination'
will be annponced in the County
papers, July 19th. The High School,
Exanaination begins July 2ud and
• continues to july 15th. The presiding
examiners are as follows : •Seaford),
Andrew Scott; Clinton, W. R. Lough;
Winghane, George Dobson; Blyth, A,.
11. Musgrove; Wroxeter, David Weir;
ud at Brussels Inspector Robb. On
Part 1 of this examination, or as it is
The promptness which Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver Pills regulate and invg-
orate the action of the kidneys Hier
and bowels, is a surprthe .to everybody,
They are the people's favorite cure for
kidney disease, liver coraplaint, indi-
estion and constipation. The sale of
CARLING—In Exeter, on Jun-- 10, the
Wife ef T. 13.Carling, of a daughter.
FOUTS —In Stephen, ou .Tune 51h, the
wife of 'rhomas Foible of a daughter.
SMALB--In Usborne, on June 10, the
wife of Tlaornton Smale, of a daugh—
sOrnetirnes ealled--Pnblie School Leav. this great prescription is simply enor-
ing--there are 23 writing at Clinton • n3ous. One pill a dose, 25 cents a box
liVroxeter 16 at 331375h and 28 at
' Front tlaese candidates $824. has been
TENDERS WANTED. .EXCURSION TOSARNIA 37 at. Seaforth • 31 a,t Wingham ; 18 ai all. dealers. • .
Tenders . for the erection of tt, roler's res•under the atts lees of Miner, En. Brussels, .'For the .High SChool &mul-
campment L8.0,F., Wing am, on t,here are 243 candidates..
n •July 2nd 1901. EXETER. '
'clone° in thit Town of Goderielt wil be received
not later than 11 o c
Toralers must be address;d Co W,Lane,.County
Clerk, Goderich. The building will be of stone
and about 30x10 feet in Size. The material on.
hand to be ivied in the building. Plans and
apecifications con be seen at the Clerk's office,
Goderich. 'renders must be sealed anti marked.
Tender for the Erection of a Gaoler's Residenee.
The lowest or any'..tender not necessartlY
executed, - • • •
• • • W. LANE, Clerk.
• • P. •HoLT, Wardee.
. Dated at Goderich lune 18111. • • •
Subscriber has for serViee thorobred Short
Holm Bull. Terms 51.50 to insure, . . .
• . ADAM. WEIR, • '
Hullett, May 8th. Lot 27, Con. 4, Hallett. •
Organist and Choir-lVfaster of North street
church. Goderieh, .1,0 teacher of piano, pipe.
organ and theory, is prepared to take a limited
number of pupils for instruction • Leave word
at the Clarendon Hotel. •
Will visit Clinton on vriday of each week; •
• •
' At the well known sominer resort. "Jowett
Pole' a couple of desirable cottages, furnished
or nrifernisheil, by the month or for season.
For further riarticulars apply to
juuo rah... 21 W. R. Jelavktz Duarilele.
. • • •
Your home becomes a musical
centre when you have a first
quality piano there. You will
appreciate the high qualities or
those I sell and how I can sell
them. Organs and General
Musical Merchandise sold. right
.Spee1a1 Decursionsto the
Special trains will leave its follOwe 4
. .
musie Emporium.
466 Goderich 6.00 tt.
2,60 Barnesville 6.20
2.45 olawrois- b.30
2,30 Settforth 5.45
2.20 Dublin 640
210 Mitchell 6.10
2.10 Sebringville 0.22
Pan-Anterlean Grounds, Arrive 11.10 a.M,
Excursion tickets are valid only going and
returnimr on above dote except from Godorieb,
Bolinesville and Clinton from which points
tickets aro valid returning, on regular trains
next cloy,
Speciat excursion train leaves Pan-American
Grounds station after the Brilliant Electrical.
Illumination itt 111,605 111.
For tickets, folders and all information apply
to agents Grand Trunk Railway,
Clinton 81.25 I..ondesboro 11.35
• ' *151 lyth int alai& : 1.20
Returning, tho spaniel leaves Sarnia, ablO.pan.
on June •
• ' •
Fee131e, Wasted Nerves
Aroused to New Life.
A S'ulterer For Years Fr em Weak
Heart, H*Virasted. Nervels and
Sieeplesaness Oared .Free
Boxes of Dr. Clutee,s Nerve Food.
ITODGENS. agOnt, Clinton,
M. 0, Dicitsog, District Pass, Agt.
7011 BUSINtSS.
Whether weakened and wasted by
overwork, worry or disease, the re-
sult of exhausted nerves is felt In
neuralgic pains, nervoint headache encl.
dyspePsia,, Serious functional derange-
ments and intimately in paralysis, epil-
epsy, locomotor ataxia, prostration or
insanity, the remedy is found in Dr.
Chase's Nerve Food, as is proven in
the ease referred to below :—
Mrs. Chas. H. Jones, Pierceton, Que.,
writes :—"For years I have ;been a
great sufferer with my heart and
nerves, 1 woUld take shaking spells and
a dizzy swinuning feeling would come
Over nie. Night ef ter night I Would
never close my eyes, and my head
would ache as though it would burst,
At last I had to keep to my bed, arid
though my doctor attended me from
f8,11 to spring, his mediCine did not
help me.
"I have now taken five boxes of
Dr. Chase's Nerve n'ood, and it has
done me more good than I ever believed
a medicine could do. Words fail to ex-
press my gratitude for the wonderful
cure brought about by this treatnient."
Dr. Chase's Nerve Foe& 50 cents, a
box, 0 boxes for $2.50, at all dealers, or
Bdmatison. Bates 84 Company, Toronto,
Tile Best 16 tfte Cheapest
Owing to the scarcity of cars there is a diffi-
culty in getting orders filled. We would
advise ordering at once in order to secure
present price as coal will und,oubtedly ad-
vance first of nextimonth if not sooner. -
- - Leave your orders at our store. -
2 Cars Portland and Th.crold Cement just
.received. Call and get our prices.
collected, Of this sum $406 was sent Miss Elsie McCallum spent Sunday
with friends in London.
Mr, Swenerton, of Niagare,,on-the-
lake is itt present on a visit, with his
daughter, Mrs. J. le Roes.
Rev. W. Marton left on Tuesday to
attend the Presbyterian General A8.
sembly in sosion at Ottawa.
Dr. A, .R. Kinsmito, John Davidson
and Wel. Johns are attending as jurors
at the County Court in Goderioh this
•week.. • • ,
Rev. 0„ W. Brown, B. D., who luta
returned to the pastorate of St. James
St, church for a third year, will preach
at both aeryices next Sunday. His
oubjeet in tlae morning will be "A
imodel ongregation," and in the even
•ng "A true minister."
Rev. Colon Fletcher of Thames Road,
accompanied by Mrs. e ,
Monday for Hamilton, where they will
visit Rev. Dr. Fletoher, before proceed-
ing to Ottawa to attend. the Presbyter-
ian General Artsembly.
The ladies Aid of Cavell Presbyter-
ian church will held a strawberry fes-
tival at an early date, which; will be
announced later',
Dr. Rollins was in Detroit on Thum-
daylast assisting in a very critical oper-
atio n upon his ratio, Mrs. S. White,
We are pleased to state the patieot
though very low io now on the way to
possible recovery,
Lo the Education Department to pay
for examining the answer papers, an
$318 to the various School Beard
pay presiding examiners, buy ink, pen
and other incidental expenses bi the
examination. •
Messre. P. Lamont And E. Zeller
• visited Grand Bend on Sunday.
gr, Johnnie Deichert is able to be
out again 'after being laid up . for
several weeks.
Mr. Fred. klowald and Miss Bender
of Stratford are visiting friends here at
present. • •
F. Hess St Son have an order for one
of their fancy buggies to be sent to bIt on
Quite a number from here attended
the Consereative convention at Hensel)
on Thureday.
Misses Wettlaufer of Blyth are visit.
ingeMr.Rickbell and other friends here
at present.
Remerieber the date of the Zurich
ptiblic school picnio and civic Windily,
.$1_900ff_212ig OF
•Mitch of your future Succom depends upon
tho, thorough preparation you receive, there
fore be careful when selecting school.
NO two schools aro alike. The excellent roan.
totion that tair college enjoys. the large patron -
111 success our stn.
I)ireet importers, 'Workmafl-
. ship and blatetial guaranteed.
ago we noels o.
dents have in soeurliag and holding situations,
indicate thatour school 15 000 of the very hese"
in the Dominion. Wette for our beautiful oat.
alogue in welch you will find full particulars
concerning our college. If you want tho best
in business education you can Eget it here.
litudoets can enter at env time.
W. 3. iill.LIOTT, Prinelpal
to be slaughtered at S. C.
Rathwell's, Varna.
A great opportunity to get
shoes at less than wholesale
Having bought the stock of
J,13. Jamieson of Brucefield itt
it low rate on the deihr we
want to turn it into money as
quieltly as possible.
Sale will. commence Friday,
June 21,0, continuing until
disposed of.' .This is a good,
ell assorted stock ntl will
and secure the greatest b# -
HALL—loll/orris, on June 10th, toOr.
and Mrs, Howard Hall, a daughter:
SHERA—In Gorrie, on June 7th, the
wile of Mr. Jae. T. Shore, of a son,
SCOTT—Iti Morris, June 71h, to Mr.,
and 1Virs. Beht. Scott, a daughter.
DAY—In Lower Winghara, June 10th,
Mrs. R. j. Day, a daughter.
SALTER—In East. Wavvanosh,June 7th,
Mrs. W. Salter of a son. •
ARMSTRONG—In IVIorris, on June 9th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arnistreng
a daughter..
Mrs. Blackwell and daughter of San
Francisce are berejust now "Smiting at
the residence of her father, Mr, Alex.
Dr. 1'. A. Clarksein has peichased a
medical praotice in the village of Prince.
ten, Oxford county,and intends locating
there. Ile taught Behool in that local,
ity for Beveled years before he commend-
ed to study medichie.
Mr. Tisdale ofl Clinton is owner of
an automobile,the first one brought into
this county. lie was in Seaforth with
iton Sunday and the noel vehicle
attracted no little attention.
Mr. J. Itiehardson left on IvIondey
on a two Montilla visit to Scotland.
Ills father and all his handy connections
reside the old land and he gOeS with
thedouble purpose of visiting them and
"doing "the GlasgowExhibition.
1.1r, Philip Murray of Eginondvi Ile
has been appointed agent for this vice
inity for theNiagara vapor bath cablhate.
Thie is a health device which' highly
recommended and no doubt Mr. Murray
Will be able to dispeSe of Many of theln.
II OEN'TS go very rapidly. all early
FOR COGS pins, 4
Buttev 86 iggga and
' 4 large order has been placed
with us for eggs which we
upset fill, no in order to do it as ,
noon an possible we are paying t
11 Cents poi. :Dozen.
We also have a lively de.
mond for butter for which we
ttre ming 14 Coots por
poutol, Delivered at our
store this week.
Good Prioes
%tor )?roduoo.
.ktoat door to Dr. Gune's ptivato hospital.
Farm Ppdttoe taken,
ROBERTON-sin Brussels on Sunday
June 16th, Isabel Roberton,aged 21
years 1 month and 12 days. •
WHLTESIDE—In Clinton, on Sunday,
June Id, Guy Whiteside, infant son
of Albert •Whiteside, of Ilensall,
aged 1 year and 9 months.
PATRICK—1n Howick, on 'Monday
June 10th, Tennett Patrick, relict
of the late Hugh Patriek, Sr., aged
95 years, •
YVILL—In Morris on June 121, Eliz-
abeth Boyd, wife of Robt Yufilraged
49 years. '
RITOHIE—In Howirik, June. lltle Jas.
Ritchie, aged 60 years. '
THOMPSON--In Fullerton, on the 6th
of June, Mary Ann Thompson, aged
49 years, 6 months and 19 days. ,
CARLIN—In Staff% on June Iltb, Mary
McCann, widow of the late Joha
Carlin, aged 82 years,
GLASS—In Seaforth, on June llth,
Jartles Glass,aged 87 years,5 months
and 18 days.
WRIGHT—In Winthrop, on June 6th,
Dixoo M. Arbuokle, wife of Mr.
James Wright, aged 56 yore and 10
COOESON—IU Exeter, on June 6th,
Norman Olaester,son of Mr. Thomas
Cookson, aged 7 Months and 2 days.
Suitable for Barns, Fences, Gates,
• Bridges and. all outside work . . . .
. -
it is durable and mighty cheap, too. !Call
and get color bard and all particulars. Good
ssortment Oil Stoves. Screen Doors and
Windows.* .
Title elgrirdtite at every toe of the wade.
14XiitIVO BrOM0eQ11114111e 't &Mete
40000 th0.104$40A faillt-010-40.1)
.-HA. RLAND BR S. .. -
' • .
Mr. Chas F.MeLean, Valinerston,Ont,
says 1—'‘I suffered untold agony and
misery for yore With salt rheum in my
feet. 1 tried almost every remedy 1
could hear of. 1 was told by the hest
physioians could not get more than
temporary relief, I was induced to • try
Dr, Chase Ointment. After one or
two application reeeived great relief`,
and, when I bad used only two boxes I
was completele cured." At all dealers,
60 cents a box.
A Ply ChaSor.
Mr. John Matheson called at the
Canadian office this Week and asked
that the pliplie be given the benefit or
what. he had discovered as it rpeatIS of
preventing flies from annoying horses,
For it couple of years he has mixed
coal oil svitb axle grease,. to about the
consistency of castor oil, and with the
mixture annointed his stock. Be states
positively -that animals so treated will
not be bothered with flies. He has re-
commended it to others, who have
used the mixture with the same results.
404, Mt troOat 111081110abili
Thh oted .Engtith Itetnedv,
Sold and teeommended by all
druggiste in Canada Piny rele
able mediae° disteVered. 85.4
vaelca#et &deed to ttlY6 alt
Sexual WeakiieSS, effeetS Of abuse
er eXeete, 3fental Wotry. me; (?iUSO
taixo,Optuin or Stimulants. Id. d Oil receipt
S otnin S rap" for Andrea teething is lea.
it? Omar On 01).
sent to• to Ate and is the preset p on
of the cddeot and best foniale physicians. and
ntraes in tho United SEMI Price twonty-five
ont the world.' ilo sure and ask for
1 Effect ol A.dvertishig 1
1 ...r....
1:nwizIatelstualti 0: No: :vh e York infiupenhc:
of advertising is mentioned by
sician, in an article oil Saila-
parifia, He states that for many
years before 1850 nobody had I
osed eatsaparilla for any pur-
pose, but about that time a firm
began adyettising it, io the news-
papers as a medicine. Since
• then millions of gallons have
. been eonsurned every year and
Ian enormous sum is annually
expended in its manufacture.
The best class of work
procurable hes been
manufatturedhere for-
m any years past,
WE WON'T call on you a week after
year bereavement,
WE wort make the work to suit
WE mu truhaekPerleteLe price to suit
the work.
WE WILL give yon the choice of the
production of the world
to design and material
Wawa the ONLY prao.
tical men in elintOn hi
Our line. Do nOt, be
talked into placing your
For Over:Fifty Years
Itag.Wisstow's Soornnvo Brave has halo
used by milliong of 'mothers for their ehildren
while teething. If disturbed At night and
broken of your rest by a sick child suffering
and crying with pain of CuttingTeeth gond at
once and get it bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's sooth-
ing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will re-
lieve tho poor itto aufferor immediately. De-
vondupon itonothers, there 10 110 mistake about
It. 11 011550 Diarrhce_,,a regulates the Steinheh
and bowels, ewes Wind. Celid stifteila 1110
Gunts,reducesInflarentation,anditiveatote and
fo tho I ole Atom. "Is fa. Winslow's
order vvithout first eall-
log ort us. •
J B. HOOVER,18 pFtoP
ittnn Ilarket Revert
of pries, one package , Six, .
-4401Oftee. Pamphlets free tfi ddrefla
0.0 Wood company. Wia .1550*
rot Sale by VCrAttat Co., tlovey, 11
13, 00Mhe small, V lieekle.
cents art bottle., Sold by al 'druggists through
Wiebtele 80erilitre Mine.
Stores differ ! One has has taste, another hes not. One confines itself
to reliable goeds, another buys whatever it can get to sell cheap.One
marks its goods ill plain figures a,t the very lowest caSh price and gives eo
*d1so0unt, another marks its goods high Ana takes all 10 per cent, discount
and tries to make yoix believe you are getting 10 percent. all cash prices,
but in this enlightened age people know that 10 per cent. must be put on
before it ettn be taken oft One turns the experience of the past into a
conetant betterment, another pimps at conclusions'brags much about
enterprise and "gets left" smut times. We would bo ashaeried to have
nothing better to offer then cheapness. Price and quality go hand-in-
hand here; which means poor interests :we on a par with oar own. This .
week we haye received several cases of new summer goods which were
bought at very low prices for cash arid will be so14 at metes like these :
Blaek Cheviots, all wool, for ladies' tailor-made costumes, 50
to 56 inches wide. at $1, $1.25 and $1,50'
White Pique (P. 1, tine qnality, regular 20c, foe 12c
New Dress Goods, 40 inches wide, in small oheck, a good range
of colors, regular price 25c;for 15c
New Black Dress Goods, small figures, 40 inches wide, regulae
price 35c, a great snap at 20c •
New Curtains, 2,e 3 and 8 yards long extra value at 18c, 255,
50a, 750 and $1 per pair
Men's Heavy Cotton Socks, ribbed tops, 5 pairs for 25c
Ladies' Heavy Rtbbed Hose, fast black, worth 18c,2 pair for26e
I S. H. G1DLEY . -1. BLYTH I
s •
, . •
ii• 14...P•rpnimilammimminommil...............anifeloommel............i I/
* 0
• *
• . a
• o
a •
6 6
• Yee are proud of that boy of yours. Every boy should he the pride •
:of his parents. Ile should be dressed so that he may feel the equal ot any i
• of the boys he is associated svith. i
6 Let es flt him out this poring. We will make him one of the beet 414
I: dressed boys in this county. The elegance arid taste represented in our so
• Juvenile clothing must be seen to be appreciated. ' 0
to *
es The vest suits, ages 4 to 8, made from iich effects in htsndsome •
• Worsteds and Weeds, are very cute. le
• •
• r or larger boys we show SOMe very nobby suits in grev ana brown 41
• — .t Y•
et tweeds and bine serges. We can sell you a suit as low as $1.50 or as high ;
44 as $6 or -stop tst any.point between. where the price pleases, 0
• •
o •
s • . MEWS SUITS . . •
• •
• • •
is We are also, effering big bargains in Men's Suits this month. Call :
: twa nee the $0 suits We are selling at $1 mut the $9 suits at $6. 0
• •
• . s
e •
i So HI G1DLEY * f3LYTH1
'Wheat ....... • s r 1-,• • • • 0 61 to 0 115-
Opese Wheat.... • ........ '12 to 0 03
Barley......., 087 16-0 40
....,... 0 31 to 082
141i•rtVireVY)* 060 Of 060
Rye. ..... 0 40 to e 45
Potatoes per bushel . 0 20 to 0 25
Butter rolls and crock ,,, 124 to, 0 13
13utter in tub , 0 14 to 0 15
Eggs per , 'a 01,,, to 011
.. . .. — ... 8 00 to 9 00
.Wool........— ...... . 0 15 to 0 16
Live llogs per 6 50 to 50
Dressedrork per esvt 8 00 to 8 60
11S to ,2
Draft per ton.— .... 1400 to 140(1
Shorts per ton. „ — 15 00 to 10 00
Wool per ..... 13-18 14
Dtied clippies pet lb. to O4