HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-06-20, Page 4The itu ws.Reeord,,:,
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Walrelleld. Bahl -A. J. Morrish' • 1
Beady Modes,--A.,-Je-TIollowai• • 1
Illoydes -VW': Cooper & Co..... 1 r
Sarnia Excursion. -I. C. O. V . a
Pan-Ainedean--0, T. B. 0
Everybody Cerrie-Cleo. E. Bothwell 4
Home 4o itent -B. B. HennedY 0
Cottages to Ite»t--W, it. jowolt '5
1.Conaer8 Wanted -W. Lone
Shees,--S. C. Bothwell 5
Juno Speolois.-Iledgens Bros i 8
Press Qtrods,-,-Neweombe's 8
The annual reeetthg" og the Conserva-
tive Assoelation or Sonth Huton was
held in liensall on Thursday last.
There was a large attendance, one of
the greatest in the history of the ,Asso-
elation , •
.4d:dresses Were delivered by several
of the most prominent men M the rid-
ing, all at whom spoke highly of their
able and popular l'Opvesentative in the
Legislature, Mr.'''. Either, and prophe-
sied for him almost a walk -over in the
next general election. The Ross (*QV-
ernrnerit was criticised, It has been
robbed of the surplus story which
ovincial Treasurers have been relat-
ing with so much gusto and anequal
absence ofjustification. The report of
the Royal Commission, which was
appointed to examine into the financial.
.sti&ing of the .provinee, shows that
llcasb balance is a fraudulent myth.
M.P.P.made a ratitling speech
dealing with the new Ontario Cry
which has been Witten up to hide, the
sins of the Governmeet, the pulp wood
agreements made by the • Government
behind closed doors in the dying hours
of the session and givingthe resources
of the province to foreign 'capitalists
instead. of Canadians. The work of the
machine, which:slipped cogs duringthe.
general and bYe-elections, was. Also
. referred to • in scathing terms. Mr.
Eilber was in gmid form and. was: fre-
quently applauded .during his speech.
It was I esolved that the sepretary be
instructed to. convey to .Mr. William
Graham of Stanley township the sym-
pathy of the Association .because of the
. great loss he recently sustained by the
.death of hiskeloved wife, • •
• ResOlu•tione.of,confide,nce in Messra.
Borden and Whitney, Dominion and
Provincial Leafier's, were also adopted,
after which- the', assembly broke up
-with all singing GodSave the King.
The matter of calling a' convention
•for the selection of aeandidate was
left in the hands of the executive..
. .
OF It T. OE T.
ear` assa.
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Floody, Secret ry Old !toys' Associ don.
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Ars. James Smith, London, spent • Mr. Shier .bas removed his family
some time inAmberley the guest of from St. David's to Gibbons $t.
her uncle, Me Dail. BaYd. and came Police Magistrate Seeger is having
through to alederich on Saturday with his new verandah painted a yellow
another uncle, M. Alex. Boyd. green. The eavetrough and other
While in Goderich on Saturday Mr, trinitnin s are of the same color.
• Alex. Boyd of Atnlierley was the guest
ot Mr. john and aleis Mitchell.
Mr, and Mrs, Sterling are mourning
the unexpected death of their only
son, Mr, John Sterling, Manitoba,
who took up a farm ihi that province
some years age, and had not been
home for some eiglit years, The first
telegram was delayed which inention-
ed his cloth, followed by • one the next
day which advised them of bis funeral.
We sympathize deeply with his par-
ents and family. Mrs, (Major) Young
is a sister of the late alr, John Sterling.
Mrs, II, Hale after spending six
weeks at New Haven, alicbigan, re-
turned per steamer Toledo on Tues-
day evening. While at eTew Haven
Mrs. Hale was the guest of her daugh-
ters, Mrs, Burkholder and Miss Maud
Miss Minnie Hillier, vslio has assisted
Mr. Outt in his store since opened out
in her father's old stand, has seveted
her connection for the present from
Leanness and is taking a well earned
holiday. At present Miss Hillier is
visiting some friends at Crediton.
Mr. and Mrs, John Kernighan at-
tended •the excursion to Guelph
on Saturday. • •
The W. C. T. U. held a crusadera
tea one evening last week,
Geo. N. Elliott is visiting at Buffalo.
• Miss Hill of Toronto was last week
the guest of Mrs. Charles Lee, el iss
Hill has made twenty-one trips to the
Old Land and seven to Germany and
Engineer. Chossley is at his • post
again on the Advance. •
Mr.• Archie J. Dickson of McGill
Collette is at home for his holidays,'
and hire beeriappointecl to the place
in H. M's Customs until a new officer
is. selected to take the place
made 'recant by the death of Donald
Calvin Straclaan.
Mr. Tom Bates, late of Brantford,
was a passenger on Sunday a, na. by
the Ossifrage tor Little Current. Mrs,
Bates will follow after.
Mise Macara left this week to spend
her vacation at Roanoke, Virginia,
with her sister, Mrs. Glasgow.
The Government tug Bayfield has
quite a pleasant Onset. this season lying
at our port •almost every Sunday:
The Bayfield has the honor of being
the first survey boat on the lakes since
Captain Bayfield himself made a chart
of •thent in MO, Every half mile is
marked upon the chart this tline. Mr.
Faldoher; who injured his foot some
weeks ago upon the Bayfield, is again
at his post neon her. •
Dan. Slattery, son of Mr..and Mrs..
Slattery, East St,, is one of.the crew, of
•the elyles. •• .• • •••
Dr. and Mrs. McLeod ofCalumet,
Michigan: while in Glasgow will be the
guests of the Doctor's brother, a mer-
chant of that city, the only •ona of his
family wbo remained in Scotland.
Mr. Walter Bowlden, who.sailed for
three years with Mr. Joe •Brophey,
came to Goderich on Saturday with
the 33rd Battalion. Ile is a resident
of London. ••
Mr. Fraser, . eldest brother or the
Misses Fraser, left last week for Kan-
sas City where his Philadelphia firm
has taken the contract for a very ex-
tensive bridge. •.
Miss • McBrine will leave on Satur-
day's trip of the Ossifrage to visit her
brothers, Messrs, Moses and Johnstone
Marine, Port Arthur. • She may
spend the sum meg there.
• Mrs. Jainee Reid under went a very
successful operation by which on Wed-
nesday, 121h June, a cataract which
obscured her sight was removed. It
was as large as the scale of it fish.
Mrs. Jardine and little son left on
last trip of the Ossifrage for •Sault Ste.
• Marie where she weuld join ber hus-
band. •Two gentleman also took pass-
age upon • the same steamer. . The.
whole_party came fronaaSt. Joseph on
Saturclay. •
• • Rev. Mr. Parke, rector of Amherst -
burg, arrived on Saturday .night from
Windsor per • steamer Ossifrage. At
the pier Miss Parke, his sister awaited
his corning. •
• George Macaricar 'of Toronto ,sen of
Mr. James elacVicar ' spent Saturday
• and Sunday with his parents' here.
Mrs.Christophersen has taken away
the pickeefence from the front of her
Newgate residerice and will leave the
lawn open for the future - al
The congregation of North street
Methodist church had the great
• pleasure on Sunday'eveninglast of
hearing Mr. E. • McCrummis,h sing.
'The Palms,"that beeutiful sacred solo
in lieu of the anthem generally sung
• by the choir.
Miss Ethel Sherrie/in, only daughter
of Mr, W. Sharman, went • on the
Guelph excursion and spent, Sunday
and Monday the guest of ber uncle,
Mr. Kickley of that Royal City. •
Mrs. Jameison Reid returned on
Tuesday from Detroit. Mr, James
Reid returned with her much benefitt-
ed by the trip. •
• Mr. • Morningstar left town recently
whether to return at an early date to
look after his strawberries we could
not learn. •
The Ossifrage took up • it large
quantity of empty strabwerry btiskets
to -Kincardine. E. Davidson was the
name upon their label,
Some of the departments of the
organ factory gloried in a short strike
one day last week.' The weather was
wenn lard so were the mens
• A party of ladies and gentletnen
drove up from St, Joseph cn Saturday
p, rn. They had a colored coachman.
Miss Ella (). Fisher, teacher in elocu-
tion, leis returned from Saginaw to•
spend Mr vacation with her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Prank Nicholson with
their family have removed to Duluth.
Mr. and Miss McLellan have re-
moved from their woolen factoty on
the Maitland for the summer and have
taken the houtze lately occupied by
Mrs., Elliott, Toronto St, • Mr. Me.
Lellan finds it impossible to keep
his woolen frietory going in summer,
the water in the Maitland being too
lose and fills it position during the sum•
mer months a,t Washburn.
Mr, and. Mrs. Frank Hale, late •of
Guelph. have taken up their residence,
at the Michigan •Soo. Mr. Bert Hale
has obtained a position at the same
Miss Helen S trang, nurse in training
at the Moses Taylor hospital, Scanton,
Pa., is on it visit to her parents,
Principal and Mrs. Strang, Britennia
Road. Miss Helen greduated this
term at the the bead of ber class of
flU rses with limners and after a brief
vacation will return to continue her
duties in the hospital Until her course
finished. ••
Miss Seegmiller and her sister,lars.
(Yameron of Nebratika, are at present
guests of Mr . D. 13. BurrittStratford,
They PlirPose spending the summer in
Mr. W. Tilt has returned from
it well earned holiday among friends,
Miss Gtace Strang, we were starry to
learn, has not been in good health dnr-
ing the last part of her term itt the
University, Toronto. In spite ot all
at the reeent examinations in that
educational establishment Miss Grace
was 5th in first class honors in Mod-
erns, standing first in German, 2nd in
loreneh, 4th in Italian' and 3rd class in
English and Phonetics. She also stood
4th in first class Latin, Principal
Strang must feel proud of his daughter
and pupil's abili ty.
Mrs. James I). Long of Winghara
and little daughtee Elitia returned to
their home after a pleasant week spent
with Mrs. Long's mothet, We. Ellen
• Mr, E. Floody was born in tne township of Cartwright in the county of Dur-
ban', March 26th, 1857. When he was twelve years of age the family moved to
Huron end settled in the township of litalett. • After attending the Clinton
Collegiate Institute and obtaining a teacher's certificate he taught school in
Goderiela township for three years, He then embarked in the newspaper busi-
ness and bought the 13lath Record which he afterwards moved to Clinton. On
retiring from journalism be wentinto the merchantile business and in 1890 he
located in Toroato, Five years later he wee appointed excise officer end is to-
day regarded as one of the best men in the outdoor branch of the Inland
Revenue Department. He is energetic and tireless and it "holy terror to moon -
shiners." Mr. Floody was one of the oagenizers of the Huron Old Bois,
'-a.ssocia thin in Toronto and is indefatigable in promoting its interests. The
annual pilgrimages to Old Huron would not be the success they are were it not
for the exertions of "Ed." Floody. He will be here with the boys on July Oth,
The serni-annual nieeing of the Royal
Templet's of Temperanice for. thedis.
trict of Huron .was held in the Tern-
peaance hall, . Varna, on Tuesday,
June 18111. • The- morning session
. opened eliortla after 10 Caelock•with S.
0. Miss Oatimnell of Gocierich in the
chair. •
• Miscellataeone brisineSs was disposed
of:reading minutes, report of creden-,
tial committee, reception pf communi-
cations, resolution arid appointment of
corrunittees, Session adjourned to: Meet
The afternobn session was very in-
teresting. The committee on Temper•
ance work reported as to the best
means of increasing and holding our
merubershiP• We should make out-
siders feel that it would be: a benefit to
unite with us: for thethselve.s perhaps •
More so for their influence upon others.
Sociability.and good programs in the
council rOQW, personal canvass and
open meetings were strongly recom-
mended. Committee on state of order
'reported. While some councils show-
ed. a decrease others had gained largely
in membership. . ••
On opening and resuseiating councils
One council had surrendered its charter
two new ones hadbeen instituted by
J. T. Westcott, one Farg.ahar with a
strong membership. The special com-
mittee appointed consisting of A, E.
Wanless, M. Vincent, and W. Lewis,
to consider. and report on the com-
munication received from J. A. Austin
of Toronto, Grand Councillor of the
province, reported in substance as
follows ;• Brother Buchanan's meet-
• ings through the county were success-
• ful not in point of number but in
strengthening temperance sentiment
and enerioraging many who were des-
pondent. We endorse the wisdom of
pushing the Royal degree but strong-
ly recoonnend that the select degree
be instituted ineach council to give
permanence to our Order • We recom-
mend to Christian tnee and women
and all desirious of taking up insurance
who abstain from alcoholic drinks to
insure in a, society proclainied by the
courts in our recent suit against the
Economist Co. of Terouto after -three
• day's evidence to be sound and the
statements published libellous.
We recommend and endorse what
Is termed our," new policy" which in-
vites all in sympathy with our work
who cannot attend our meetings to •
• become affiliated with our society by
joining as associate members, Re-
garding the suggestion of Local Option
tot the eminty we cannot recomtirend
• it finless nearly all the townships
would carry it. In settle country
• hotels where the receipts from the
liquor tancle are email and no ()thee
plan would Work well we suggest that
the license be placed at the outside
OTES. o ooNvE401.10• N.
Mr. 1‘1, Vincent, District Representa-
tive to the Grand Council, gave it very
elaboeate repot t .of that body's pro-
A etrong communication was read
from W. W, Buehanan sizing up the
condition of eaeh council in the dist-
• J. T. Westcott was appointed coun-
ty organizer.
1V1iss Lewis and Miss Brown of Credi-
• ton were instructed to organize a jun-
ior society in that place.
• The secretary of each council is
member of it program committee a) ea-
• raw fot. an entertainment oil the
• evening of the next district, meeting.
• The next meeting in Seaforth
J en itary 1002:.
MaeVineent sang two fine solos in
his merry style to close one meetings
The citizens were aery•kind in help-
ing to entertain our guests, 3.'h1a was
• the largest and most enthusiastic meet.
• ing Walleye aeld for sotne time.
• surtriERtmL,
• Misses Vina Woodyard and 'Blanche
Mcilveen visited friends on the Base
Line Sunday,
Mrs. F. McIlveen and family of
North Dakota are noW visiting a t,Mrs.
. •
One of the largest hennries in the
county is Owned by Mr. Wm. Gould of
the 7th con.; who has over .one hund-
red Plymouth Rocks. • They are pure
lireds, it fact so well known that- Mr:
Goold frequently makes salesto out -
Mr. A.. Mcl3rien and wife of the Hub side points. The Rock is his favorite
visited friends on . the Base Line Sun- hen because it is both it good layer and
day. ,,
• Mr. and Mrs. Manning of Clinton
visited at Mr. 0. Beacom's last week.
Mr. H, Beacom of Colborne visited
friends n this vicinity. •
• We are sorry to hear of the serious
illness of Mrs. E. Ball, a 'former resi-
dent of this place, and also of the see
ions accident which befel Mr. 3 ohn Mc-
Latighlin, who at one time owned the
farm now owned by Mr: Thomas Lind-
say, We believe but slight hopes are
entertained fot his recovery. •
• Mrs, James Lindsay is visiting at
her son Thomas' at present. •
A number from tliis locality took in
the excursion to Guelph on Saturday
and report an etijoyable time.
• Miss McCartney and her brother The roads ' have been 'put into their
visited at Mr. Hayes' on Sunday. •'annnal disorder by the pathrbasters.
• M. Wm. Miller and wife of B.ullett • Mr. Henry Oakes has. bonght from
profitable for the table. Mr. • John
Holmes of near Goderich also has a
great number of hens; '
Mr. and Mrs. R. 11. Elliott were
called to Goderieh on Wednesday
morning of last week on account of
the death of Mrs. Wilson, 'which took
place at the aesidenee of her son, David
Wilson, Britannia Road. • The funeral
took place onThursday. afternoon to
Maitland cemetery. •.
• Mr. John Middleton will build two
silos this season and ashe is an up-to-
clate farnoer in every respect they will
be Of -eoncrete. From present appear-
ances there will be more silos tmiat
this year than for several years ;past.
visited Mr. S. Lowery on Sunday.
' Miss Mitchell of Clinton visited her
cousin, Mrs,‘Coliforne, on Sunday.
." Mr. E. 'Butt has &tided to his prernie-
• ises it square silo which will hold con-
siderable feed. ••
Our young' Canadian heroes returned
from camp in London on Saturday
night, all well.plea,sed with the sojourn
in the city. •
The people are nowairnproving our
roads (anclet the same time spoiling
them for the time being) by coating
them with gravel. •
The'rnembers of St. Peter's church
have decided to hold' a strawberry
festival at the home of Mr. C. Will
Hams, Maitla,nd con., on the evening of
Friday, June 28th, A good progrrim
is being prepared. 'Admisaion 20c and
15c. Come one, corms all, Watch for
the bills.
Mr, D. Barr attended the Semi•
annual meeting of the South Huron
L. 0: L. in liensall on Tuesday.
Iu last week,s issue when men tinning
thotte who assisted at the 0. 0. F. ice
cream sqcial several naines were
omitted, among them being Mesdamee
Battles and W. Pickard, Misses Lillie
McCartney and Gaorgie Rurnball and
Messrs W. Millerand W. Pickard.
Rev. A. C. Farrell visited at the par-
sonage an d preached an excellent
sermon here on Sunday evening.
Mrs, 'Geo, Tebbutt spent a few
clays as the guestof Mrs. E. A. Fear of
Attwood, •
Mrs. Walter Le Roi of Sea,forth
visited her mother, Mrs. Routledge.
The first, sale of this season's cheese
was made On Saturday for 0a crs. 11
is to be shipped on Friday to Mr. John
Isaac of London.
Dr. Blackwell midwife of Cincinnati,
Ohio are the guests of his father, Mr.
Colborne. Township.
• Rev. Mr. Kennedy of Auburn
occiipied Zion pulpit on Sabbath in Mr.
Shaw's absenee.
Mr. and Mrs. Kerr of Goderich called
on some Colborne friends on Sabbath.
Mr. Samuel Treble has sold his • driv-
ing horse. to Mr. Thos. Tabb at a good
.Miss /Wylie .Was the guest of Miss
.nn1eGrrflntnett on Sabbath.
Me. Wilson of Nile preached it set -
mon to the Canadian Order ot Forest-
ers in the Nile church Sabbath even-
ing •• .,
• Miss Term Cowan of Goderich was
the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and !Ars. Itoberb Straughan on Sob -
The hay crop around here will be
]ight. this year for the want of rain.
OP' Will the fall wheat yield .over lave
bushels to the acre as the Joint worm
has 'cut it down,
jos. 'Blackwell,
A number from here attended the
Guelph excurition on Saturday, over
70 tickets being sold here,
Mr. Jos. Holmes, wife and cbildren
of Whitechurch visited friends here
this Week. •
• Several from here attended the S. S.
and 0. E. Convention in Clinton on
Tuesday. and Wednesday.
Mr.and Mrs. John McCartney left on
Tuesday for Souris, Manitoba, where
two of their daughters, Mrs Robt.
Mitchell and Mrs. David Isaacs, live.
Mrs, Henry Cook, sister of Mrs. Mc-
Cartney, is also a, resident of that
neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Mc-Cart-
ney will be away for a couple of months,
11 18 the former's first visit, to the prai-
ries but not so for her good men who
first saw the "gardens of the desert"
it decade ago. He is somewhat of a
traveller and has been through the
northern tier of states and in British
Columbia. He will likely take advan-
tage of this trip to visit old friends in
different parte of the province.
A lawn strati will be held on the
grounds of Mr. Elford on Friday even-
ing of this week nn ler the auspices of
the E. L. and S. S. of the Methodist
church. There will bd ice cretun, straw-
berries and cream and music galore.
A pleasant time is assured. Come.
his brother John •of Winnipeg,' Man.,
the sixty-seven acre lot on the Mait-
land concession, -being the north half
of lot 50, better known as the Oakes
Messrs. Adam Cantelon and G. B.
Hanly attended • the semi-annual
County L. 0, L. meeting in 13ensall on
• The officers of Goderich District
Scarlet Chapter are as follows
Knight Commander, Adam Cantelon
Excellent Companion, R. S. Oox
Chaplain'G. B. Barfly
Scribe, Jatifes Cox
Treasurer, F. McCartney
Herald Knight at Arms, E. Elliot t
Inside Herald, •0. Johnstone
Outsidellerald, Chas. Johnstone
• Eddy Miller, son of Mr. George Mill-
er, met with a severe accident at a saw,'
ing bee at Mr. H. H. Oantelon's 011 PO -
day last. A traction engine was being
used in sawing the ivciod and the driv-
ing belt slipping off Eddie undertook
to put it on when his right hand got
caught between tire pulley and heavy
belt and wag badly broken at the wrist.
A Clinton doctor was summoned and
on bis first exrunination the break
seemed so severe that • amputation
seemed necessary. 'However. •the
wound was dressed end there is now
every prospect of saving the hand --
its the right one, by the avay-but it
will be many weeks before Ed, will be
able to do any work. • ••
During the electrical storm of Fri-
day last Mr.R. Achasonhad it valuable
hog killed and Mr. john Woon lost
• a. steer.
• Mr, Thos. Maim' little son, a, child
just able to walk, Was bit in the cheek
by the house dog one day last week
and it doctor had to be called in to
dress the injuries. That clog was
speedify sent to the happy hunting
• grounds.
Mr, John Anderson of the Bayfield
Line is not, we are sorry to hear, en-
joyieg verygood health • at present.
.He is now eighty-two years of age, one
of our oldest and most respected citi-
• Mr. fwd. Mrs David Beacom were
visiting old friends on the 13astfleld
Line Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Mr. John Holmes of the Huron
Road has bored it • new • well,
reaching it fine spring of • beauti-
ful water at it depth of fifty-five feet.
He did the boring with an outfit rig.
ged up by himself and eOnsidet fl he has
not only a good well but also it cheap
one.. Mr, Holmes is rather of the
opihion that wells are very often bor-
ed deeper than there is any necessity
Tau Nnwsdlitcoun gives more news
• from this township than does any
other paper, consequently it is the
• most popular. •
Mr, William Weir of this township
is • it progressive farmer and being
strictly up-to-date laeneakes all things
work together for prralt. An instance
will suffice. For some time whenever
theta has been a delivery of hogs to
the dealers Mr.Weir may be seen there
also and picks up the light hogs which
have beeti sold at at reduction. The
dealers are not anxious to ship them
and readily sell to Mr. Weir who takes
them off to his pens and soon has a
140 pound hog up the beam at 170.
Just now he is fattening some 75
porkers, That's progressive farming
Miss Jennie Tibbutt took in the ex-
cursion to Detroit Test Wednesday,
Ur. John Cook of Lucknow hits been
yisiting his old triend, G. W. Proctor,
of the Out Line and other friends on
the Dal con.
Much sympathy is felt for Mr, Ed,
Miller of ninth con, who met With
such it had itecident, that his friends
feared itt one time that his hand and
pert of his arm Would have to he am.
putated. We hope to soon here of bis
speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs W, Dodsworth and
Mra. Wie, Swan of the Ifith conces-
sant left onSatutday last to visit Mrs.
Dodsworth's sister, Mrs. George ()Iota
don and other friefids in 13erlin,
lir. Will, Weir, Jr., has disposed of
his bicycle and secured another of the
MeDurney & Beattie make from Seeley
& Turner of Clinton.
The gaiden party announced last
week in these eolutnt18 Is to be held on
Thursday' evening, June 27th. at Mr
Geo. Cantelon's of the 7th concession.
and not as befort3 satted.
The olborne House Is getting
fresh omit of buffpaint with green
trimutinge. The driving bouse is being
painted the sante color.
Young Deitrich, who met with in-
juries in the Northwest which caused
him to remain in the hospital for sorite
menthe,is now visiting his parents.
The bicycle contest for a McBurney
and Beattie wheel came off on Thurs-
day evening and was won by Richard
Young. "A. farrow" won everybedy
called. out.
Bear in mind the garden petty
which will be held by the Young l'eo-
ple'a Society of ICnox church on Friday
Ag. B. Cornell has been enlarg-
ing his workshop in the Hotel Bed-
Mr. E
lislea Maw, late of Sheppard -
ton, left per the steamer Ossifrage last
week for Windsor where he will reside,
Mrs. Maw and son have since left OM.
coniptinied byher sister, Mrs. Bell,
who will visit n the same town, These
two ladies are daughters of Mrs, Oar -
motleys of Toronto street.
The Huron Regiment received quite
an ovation on Saturday on their re-
turn from Oarling's Heights, They
were met at the station by the mayor,
council, warden, etc. and a large con-
course of people, Forming Mao line
the Hurons marched to the square and
around it once, Mayor Wilson read
an address to the Regiment giving
them their mead of praise for leaving
so cbeerfully their different avocations
to attend drill at Carnegie Heights,
and on their splendid physical appear-
ance on their return: Several citizens
also addressed Mee Regiment to which
the Colonel replied. It was an era of
nice things said. Refreshments were
then served to all and afterwards the
regimental band rendered it number of
very very fine selections. Both officers
and men appeared to enjoy themselves
and our citizens were pleased to have
this opportunity ef seeing our brave
• oMievi
Franks returned from her
Mr. Clem Newton wee the guest' of
Mr. and Chrtrles Newton on Tuesday.
Mr. Elliott of the organ factory with
• his family removed last week from
Church St. to the house on Cambria
Road, •lately occupied by Mr. 3. Yates.
Mr. James Yates and family have
•Moved to the house owned 00 Church
St: by Mr. James Doyle and lately
occupied by Mr. Elliott.
. A sad accident (neared at Leeburri
one day recently. Little Evilest Roche
was playing at the noon hour in his
uncle's blacksmith shop and pielted up
a piece of steel. • Putting it on the
enyil as he saw his uncle do, he stroo,
it with, a hammer and a scale flew
from it into his eye. The surgeon was
sent for and the steel taken out and
the eye bandaged. • Some pay the little
fellow has lost sight of that eye but
we hope not. •
Mr. W. Cox, Britannia Road, who
ha,d one of the largest vegetable gata
dens in town, had the mortification to
see• his lovely vegetables fall a
prey to the June frost, ,
• Bass; maskinonge and pickerel can
be caught now after Saturday, June
15th. Sturgeon is not upon the list of
fishes prohibited at the dock.
• The Sarah, Kincardine, arrived in
port on Tuesday with cargo of posts.
Mr. Dingman of Stratford is baggage -
man at the G. T. R. station in place
of Mr.Murray resigned. He has taken
up his residence on Newgate St. next
Mr. Shaw's residence.
• We are sorry to lose • Mr. Harry
Moore of the Bank of Montteal here,
who, while at camp teat week at Car-
ling's Heights, received word of the
change, and had to don his civilian's
clothes again.
County Attorney Ira Lewis, class
1844 of Yale University; has been hon-
ored with an invitation to be present
•at the celebration of the 200th anniver-
sary of the founding of Yale College.
To Wonderful Washington,the ever-
green State, land of opportunities, of
fine soil, splendid crops and indepen-
dent homes, Now is your thine to go
to the Pacific Coast over the GREAT
ftd Washington, the ever.green State
is the place for you. Climate almost
perfect. Grass is green and roses
bloom at Christmas. Eine crepe that
never fail. Plenty of good land. Yon
can own your farm and home and be
independent. • Good markets Good
prices. Good schools and churches.
For illusttated description and lull
information about rates over Great
Northern Ity, writes or calf on Chas.
W. Graves, District Passenger Agent,
0 Xing St, West, (Room 12,) Toronto,
_ Laaaa
To mire a, cold in ono day
Take totxtteive Bromo Quinine Tab
lets, All druggists refund the money,
If it tails to cure. 25e. B. W. Groves
signature is on each hot,
St. Helens.
Mrs.. (Pr.) °orlon of Ripley yisited
this week,
Mrs. Martin and dnughter of Tees -
avatar are visiting Miss AlePhersou.
Mr. W. Oak of Whitby is 10 this
vicinity at present looking after bis
Rey, A. L. Budge,M. A. of Mandan.
min will occupy the pulpit in the
Presbyterian church Sunday evening
Merida in this vic nity air a, few days
Strayed. from Fair Farm,BaynoldRoad,Black
Felled Angus Steer 6 years old, two outs in
right pin. The above reward will be paid for
information leading to his recovery,
• 5,11. SMITUI
Clinton, Amu 10.
strayea steer, oneyeavold, same onto the
undersigned's premises about two days ago.
Owner Is requested to prove property and pay
expenses and take it awaY.
Hullett, June 19th,
A quiet honie for two or three boarders.
Information given atTme Nnws-Itnooan Oleo,
Clinton, Juno ith.
Librarian Duff had two holidays last
week, the rooms being renovated. Ile
spent Friday in Clinton.
On Wednesday morning of last
week Mr. D. C. Strachan of H. M.
Oilstones died suddenly of heart fail-
,ure. He was proud of his family and
his Mane, a man of strong convictions,
possessing the spirit • of honest integ-
• rity to.a awaked degree, devoted to his
church, being one of the managers of
Knox for the past 15 years, it great
lover of Scotia his native land and of
all its customs, • games and lore.
No better Scotchman ever breathed
than Donald Colvin • Strachan.
• He was the youngest child and only
son of the late William' Strachan of
Ouldutbel, Inverness, His father hay-
ing died when Donald was young, Mrs.
Strachan inheriting an estate in Nova
Scotia, came with her 4amily to the
new world. Nova Scotia to her look-
ing wild and lonely at that time, she
came through to London, Ont., where
sbe ha,d some friends aud Donald was
sent,to school. Being a bright youth
the Simpson firm bf grocers took him
in as clerk and shortly after Mr. Smith.
manager of that firm, opened out in
Goderich and Donald was head clerk,
After Mr. Smith solcl out his grocery
here Mr. Strachan was taken in as
head clerk by the late James Watson
to manage his grocery department
Later Shepherd and Strachan became
the proprietors of a large grocery. At
the Customs he was the successor of
the late Captain Dancey, • Mr, Strach-
an married Miss Shepherd, sister of
Captain A. M. Shepherd, Mrs, Shep-
herd and little son died some seven
years ago. The funeral was conduct-
ed by the Sons of Scotland and the
Canadian Order of Foresters, of whom
he was an esteemed, member. The
A. F. and A.M. Lodge also attended
dressed in citizen's clothing alone.
Rey. Dr. Tire pronounced • the
benediction at the house and
Rev. James Abderson read the funeral
service at house and grave. The rites
of the Sons of Scotland and Canadian
Order of Foresters were performed at
the grave by.those in office. The eas-
ket was enveloped in floral tributes
from societies .and numerous friends,
His sisters were all at the funeral, Mrs.
Seymour of New York and husband,
Mrs. McIntosh. husband arid daughter,
Mrs, Meek, of :London, Mrs. ICeyser of
Toledo, Miss Kate Strachara at home,
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Hooper and little
Donald of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs.
W, Thompson of London paid Mr.
Thompson, Mitchell, Mr, McLaren of
Hamilton and De. Clarke of Orange-
ville. The Sons of Scotland beaded by
their piper, Robert, Craiglia, beaded the
funeral procession the pipes playing
"The dead march in Saul," over to the
Maitland cemetery and lively airs re-
turning. The postoffice and other
flags were all at half mast.
The knitting factory employees bad
a half holiday on Friday,the late 13 C.
Strachan of the H. M. Customs being a
director of the establishment,
aking Powder•
1 is made of pure Cream of
Tartar and is guaranteed
to be absolutely pure.
Price 25c per lb, •
• In order • to reduce our
' large stock of 10c Cigars
• we are.. offering • for .one
Bostonn in boxes of 50 at $3.00
•Roseberys " 50 at $2.75
Salisbury's " 50 at $3.00
Chemist and Druggist.
Mrs. Sam. Itobinsort of Locknow and
Mrs, Harry MOITI9 of Colborne drove
to the residence of Mrs. Mien Sallows
and spent ithe , day tvitit.her and her /. six (0) cents in postage to E. Miller'
daughter. Gaberal Pedraniger 4,genb,Chicago,111
Wit:L. RIJN •
60 DAY
• •
' Ilmniota
• swanitiver
Regina . 0
Moosejaw $3
prAl Itor
Rea Doer •n
Edmonton • f ...11,4
Going June 181h • . Returning until Aug.. 18th
•• (All Rail °I.'S. S..Alberta,)
Going Jnly 16th Returning until Sept. 16th
• (All'Rail or S. S. Alberta)
Going July 23rd Returning until eept. 22nd
(All Rail or S.. S. Alberta)
• Asst. Can. PAS% Agent.
IHing Street East, Toront�.
June 20th, 1901
$ PURE Wholesale
PAR IS and
GREEN Retail
P. ,alsuccessor
nsonipTion Dittnts'ic)30
to eydney J'ao)oon.
N. 13.—All kinds of Sheep Dips always on hand.
ahaelaaeaeeiseaseeestaaaseevaeareateaaratelliellselleaalealleawasealaw6" 411allha
ome :
. Came to the place where you
can get good groceries and the
prices are right. have in a
• good line TIM. have good
Baking Powder in one pound
tins that I am selling at 15c.
You ought to try it for it is
good value. •.
• I have also some nice Bo-
logna at 10c per pound and
also some nice Cured Pork at
15c per pound. Try it and
,am sure you will be satisfied.
Also .1tape Seed and . Buck-
wheat in stock.
Cash paid for Butter and Eggs.,
An address by Soseph Choate, Am.
bassador to Great Britain, on the
career and character of Ahrahain
Lincoln -his early life -his early strug.
gles with the world -his character as
developed in the later years of his life
and his administration, which placed
his IMMO so high on the world's roll of
honor and fame, has been published
by the Chiettiro, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Railway and, may be had_b sending
Dent Nearly Double
With Bright's Disease.
A litirere and Torturing Came of
Drischt,os Dhseame-A Juktlee of the
Peace Certifleo to the Cure by Dr.
• Chnse'm Kidney -Liver PAUL
Mr, James DellihUnt, a xnueh respedt-
ed resident of Consecon, Ont., states: -
"I was a Wearer from Bright's Disease
for several years, and at times the tor-
tures of mind and body were almost be.
"'end endurance. The pains were in MY
head, between the shoulders and down
the whole spine, concentrating across
the kidneys, where / Was never entire-
ly free from pain. When I got up in
the morning t went about bent over
nearly double. It gave me great pain
to urinate, and at times the water was
very ecanty. Medicinee Seemed to have
lime or no effect in my case, until I
began the use of Dr. Chase's /Cidney.
Liver Pills. The first dose relieved rrie,
and Ave boxes entirely cured me,
arrive no pates in try kidneys, and earl
do as a day's work as 1 ever
Mr. S. 3. Ward, 3.P., of Consecon, cer-
tifies that he knows Mr. Dellihunt's
.tatement of his cure to be correct and
true arid without exaggeration. It seems
feoliah to trifle with neiv-fangled medi-
cines when you can get the tested and
proven kind. Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills, one pill it dose, 25 cents it box, all
dealers, or Edrnanson, Dates & Co.,
Totonto. Agents wanted for Dr. Chasers
last and complete Receipt I30011.
Cook's Cotton Itoot Compound
15intocoodtary tge, mottit1?. by over
0,000Ledies. 8ste, effectual, Ladiest atilt
your druggist for Cook's Cohoti Root Cto
pert Take noio other, as all mixtures. pins and
unisations are dangerous. r155 1o. 1.51 bdt,
X 4.* No. 1,10 degreeS stronger, $5 per bot. IV&
1 or 3,11utiled oft redeipt of price and two &beet
f MM. The 41001c compatty Windsor, Ont.
0.4.rriponsottibloinanttidAtiters aintidcroeodline ended 171 all
No, 1 and No, 2 Iola In canton tyWat14 Co
r.novey.n.n. Combe tied 8, Jeek,soin
. Datieglets,
Nothing Succeeds
Like Success
The success we are having in selling all kinds of footwear gives us
the confidericeto say that we have the best assortment and the best
values to be aound anywhere and to make it still more interesting for
June Buyer's we hays placed on our Bargain Counterfor Quick Selling
which are, without a doubt, the greatest values over offered in Clinton.
as We are positively going to have the greatest Sale of Fine Shoes
ever known or heard of in this part of the country. Our Great. Sale
Friday Morning, June 14th
We mean what we say and a, call Will convince you that you can save
good money by buying your Boots & Shoes et THE OLD RELIABLE'.
Cash and One Price
Butter and Eggs taken as Cash.
. .
"trAla• mlivia.-vbrila.'s.Asa.Aiviss.....410.;Asivlia~sr^ei.;ltwvabAlso~se3, $
Having bought out the wbole "stook ot
bicycles from A. T. Cooper, (le wheels,) •
2 HARTFORDS •1 E. & D.
2 0LEVEI4A.1STDS, one with coaster brake. • •
, .
• All of tbese We intend to run off at a low margin to make room for
new ones, Anyone in need Of it bicycle would save money by buying
• one of these. All kinds of repairs kept for bicycles, wheels cleaned and
repaired. New , tires $6,00 to $10.00. All work • guaranteed. •
.. . .
In connection with same we axe ;prepared to do all kinds of work,
I' horse shoeing and general •repairing. All the paew plaints and repairs •
kept by Mr, Tedford we still keep in Stock. ' Points and repairs for the
• Tedford Pio*, gang repairs, • . Fleury NO. 13 12, 10, 21
• Miller and Tedford Plow '. . • Sylvester No. 7
Tedford No: 8 ' • ' Hill's Patent Old -No. 13
ViTilkinson.No. 7 and 21 and 2 furrow plow. .
. . .
. ,
. ' . . SEELEY • & . TURNER
• .
Tedford's 014 Stand.Rattenbury Street ..
. . .
• • .
- •
• •
• .OF Cli ' ' IIIIsTG GOES. ON.
• . This week w,, ,fill Airmence to slaughter
• •
: OVERCOATS 0 i i 8 and, VESTS 'awl KINTS :
• 1 -1
, . ,.
• We ; • e a tremendous stock
• •. to ( t yet id prices never
•• eq Jlt d in this county,
This will be r .1 eal Bargain Sale It will be tin-
• necessary toquo` • riees in this advertisement 118 every-
: thing will,.be ai d with red tickets to show the cut we
II intend to make. A )weask is for you to come and inspect
to satisfy yaws. LI: that this sale will be one of the
: Greates t and Cheapest Sale
iThat ever has taken [place in this county. We ' would ;
• • , urge out friends from the country to come in :
• on Saturday bringing in their boys. o.
a •
• •
• •
. • e
•••••”•••••••••••••••••6•••••••••••••••• ••••••••••00 •
• •
* * *
House cleaning time is at hand, Our stock is complete in every
and you will, no doubt, require - line, • For quality our goods are
something new in the line of • the best and for price the
Furniture. cheapest.
In BEDROOM SIMS, we have
some special snaps to offer.
• Do not fail to see them, •
BROADFOOTBOX & Coo, Furniture Dealers and Undertakers
J• W CI4dle3-5 Manager
Night and Sunday calls answered et residenceotour
Funeral Director, 3. W. Ohidley, Xing street, .opposite foundry.
The Best Wireaence is the Page.
There are few ferice users in Canada, and the 'United States who luta% riot
neara of Page fencing, There is in the neighborhood of 00,000 miles of it in use
on the farms and reilroads of the two countries. It is everywhere now accept-
ed as it standard article of the best quality. The secret of out' great success in
its manufacture is not wholly owing to the feet that we have pushed hard and
Tong for its introduction to the public but largely owing to the fence being made
on correct principles, which are far in advance of itifythieg in this line before
thought of, and to the fact: that we use material in the fence twice as good •as is
put in any other. Every horizontal wire is coiled into it perfect spring its entire
length, but that Coiling is not the whole thing. It would be useless to coil it
000101011 steel wire, as the coil would straighten out with the first strain and
stay so. So we have made specially for us at the Page Wire and Steel Mill ab
Monesseh. Penrisylvania,a very fine quality of spring steel wire. Others claim
to be usitig it hard steel wire as good as the Page, but it is far inferior.
1 ran agent for the Page Wire Fence for the townships of Goderich, Stanley,
Colborne, Hullett and luelterstnith, So far this season / have sold WOO rods.
Write me and I will call on you.
STANLVito nolmesville