HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-06-20, Page 20
_""�� . . I I
11 #
________ - - .1 I 11 - t'throush
I per wt... 6.0.5 .6,60 throvell lit$ tvotb and, pAlevot 11
- Do �.nd only 0 pile, up
I IN60MAN09 - ' ' MARKETS OF THI WORLD L,,',q.c',vt,v "h -Dog,% per owt... 0.25 0.5k) thtt� 0-4t tall I
� ;,���.':��'-777�:!;;.-:-�-7Z7Z-.��,;:--.��=77777�7� SUARES FOR TER EIGINN, R
_ .
T"O.".N.T. 01sNad"!wersy T`h!`r0#d`vR,J I �.. I . . Stilgs�, 'r 0 . on tlr,� 14,410 it WoUlent later.
� WKILLOP MUT11fi FIRE 0 . k, . li.,--� I I .1 4 pe cwt ......... O.QO . .1-Q0 . —_ "T
. ThoNewx-Racord: THE IN , i COMPANY UON. A* S' UARDY D 11 .. I.. 19 Fricos of cattle, O'he eve, Grata, &oo .�O , ,,, . IL14VSXONS OF THE RAIL THAT TRY A �,, ruz rlxn� 'wa.".
Power Printing House . . � NERVES ON LOCONOTIVAS. One night, -a loaf; time after that# �
� , FRom, THE Kirws HAND. I wa,i killing timi ,
I Farin and Isolated Town Property In tboLeadlug Xar)iotv.� . -- �. on a oloarau4b. Tbo
ALBERT STREET, OLINTON. only Insured.. I . . moon ivwi about full, pretty 1voll � . .
. 1. , -- I
. I OFFICERS 11 1 Died at Toronto General Hospital I 0404 Of A Fig Ana A Red abirt - The det%vo in th"� west, and there was 4
Toronto, June 3 8._AVhe%t--Thp PrountatlQu of Xe4ats to Afr1oall rw,mtom inogman A44 A Wornillf $itlff hreQ40 frQ= the RIWO qUgrter. . I
TXu*g olp 9v,IapqiRxrwiox-4I.Q0, per year In J. B. McLean. President. Kippon P. O- , T Mill: .
, an paid ,.'razor. vice-Prosident, Brumfield P. Q.: I
Advance t $4.60 may be chargod If not I . I wheat market continues quiet, with , Veterans at Horse OUXV49, That came Tras-narmleso objects I remembered ;lQues,s tiagman, and -
ro . of Appendicitis. Tug$ 51mulato porili, . novor have 4
a3 a SOOT-Troas., Scaforth P 0 * W. a. � -
$Q paper dt,scoptlultiod until All AtTearagoor 1$rola foot, PspectQrotLosso%4e'atathP.O- the; feeling irregular. Sales are A despatch from London says:- decided he would ,
,Are paid, unless. Atthe option ofthopubll�her- DIRECTORSt reported of No. 2 white and red Loadon soldom, 444 ph finer spectacle I wonder whtxt wais the first, In- better chance to got Caught. I 6but , `�
The data to ,which Qvery subscription to paid W. 0. Brom"oot. licatorth - John Grieve* winter at 60c, middle and. low thRa was witnessed on the Horse otavtoncons, Sensation of that off and let her roll on aliVro4obbol;
IS idonoted on 00 141104 Winthropj George Dal,e A despatch from Toronto 00,Ys:- . CU -
AID RATRO.-Trl),11010iib an; James F or almost P, week Mr. 11ardy has . the stone houtsek,
,, 8oaforth i, John Watt, freights, and 65c, north and west. Guards parade Wednesday glover who, ran down Jumbo 411 t a the track, cast
Harlock ; ohn Bennow ills, Bradha . , " morning, he Waving sballow,s 01
VXRT1sXXG a.dvertloo' Evans, BQeohwood, 'Tarlies CQuo 5 NO- �' ,90080 is nominal At 04z to when Xing Lidwaxid presented inedals and Lb,031103 on
Inaints, 10 cont.spor nouparlelline, for first John McLean �16:r. Clinton Wit between life and death, follow- - , I tog. Probably no engineer ever had by trees the bank I
uipia.rtjon sad a coats per line for oftoll subae, ,, loppea ing upon an oper4tibn for apponol- 1 04*e, middle freights, and No. I to three thousnud.soldiers, ex-parti- lble, $DIU- .
, AGENTS .1 I %, � 'Spring at 69c, on Midland. Mani- cipants lit the ,Soutll African cula. a Stronger shviok; but t.hocks- strange above, riuggested a Peas
quoinitinsortIon. Small advertisements not RObtSmIth,9ar1oek,Robor Momillan, Sea cW4 performed early �9uuday morn- - . tQbu, hard wheat dull. No. I white paiga. The great square was lined and otherwire, ,are the portion tion ot th,.� mystery, I kept MY eyes -
forthAJanies Culp-mingo I I ... . I lot ev.
bo Qxceccl one Incli,such As "Lost," "Strayed," yoo olmosville p. 0, , ZZA1011011101, 4 W ing of last week. Ho,had been Per-- tit 99c, grinding lit transit. No. 1-1 faotoned religiously ort, U;e t3P,OtX0Ue9
111stolo . as feetly conscious during the greater _llmia_ -, with Guards, drawn from tile var- cry man who, %tands atL U locomotive
u,"ete.,inserted oncefor6jecats and PgRies desirous to effW Insurance or trai quoted tit 87c, g.l.t., and No. 3 hard had de,siorMxJ, and prescutlY OM
9ach Subsequent Insertion 15 cents. sact other business will be rolaptly attended part, of the time, and has borne his :;_w at 780. For Toronto Jous regiments. and was 06 tbrottle. Ile must get u,scAl. to tht,r,3 wa.9 solnething there. Gradu- . 1%
144cr., ,6,p loatge ,t.o.any o? 9% 1. . . .
-Ile d S plt. t� ,he, 4bov" officoro sulTerings with the greatest fortitude t1w., . "till west In the cantre at tile gro
AdVert1fleatents without eye( , L IroCtlOaQL Will lair Vaet 0. 6. ,., prices of No. I hard are 87c, and of nd ataud them as best lie can ally the M -mg tool; forox, ,until. sy'llea � *� I"
be Inflortod larkta forbid Land charged . Awgril : We postMo. and clicorfulness. There had been I . No. 2, 840. 1 Purple -covered dals Surmounted by, tbe"n a.. Ithin . a train length, I Could have ,� 1
1 an Indian tont, with silver corner -or flad some ocamixition with,less w4
Ingly, I . . se -ml rallies lit Ills condition, and I ' I si%iora that a Inan, wifts, in front of ]no I
Copy . I In the early part of last week there ... . Milifeed-The market Is firm, with- poles, In the spaces between . the nerrcui strain to it. Most of them -avlag a flag.
, for change of Advertisements on pages 4 JOHN T. EMME TON � -a. ,4
And 5 mu , at be in the offico on Saturday -and 11 , L I I I . ,P ,. L was even a falat hope of recovery,, I , mit change In price Bran, lit car dais and St. James' paric were. in tbD buslaeso got hardened to the 'I Pat an bralce's, slowed right down � I
. . I 1, _ I lots, $11.00 to $12.60 west; shorts, drawn up three thousand bill Ild .
for pages A and 8. cu Monday to ensure change , TOE LEADIN 1ARBER . but this was quickly overcast. On o $18 to $14 west. - cars a unexpected, w4oh is always happen and gave an an%wering toot tOOtt but
I ,
for follievotng issue. AlsoAgontfor Thursday Air, Ilardy oank rapidly, 1. - ir I . L Corn-Uarlitet Steady, with Can"�' men of the 'Gu ards, . Household "Y- Ing oil .the raits, 5vrIte4s, an old an: he p,,ild no attention.- TWO I
.... I rs,
QosTaAai� RATI;e,_TbO following table ahow$, STANDARD LIFE INSURANCI 4 COMIZAN x and wits unconscious for some time. . I dian yellow offering at -xlv ww.v, alry and City Imperial Voluatoo' crawWd out on the run )word and
Our rates for Specified periods and space:. geed Office for Canada, Montreal; . belore, the end, which came at , 10:08. - %, with a sale tit 401oc. Mixed quoted 'ill. of whom. had served In tile caln- glacer. loolned at tha moon, whWh wai Just
ADVRATIS $0 RATES, Insurance In force, - , � $116.000,000 The Cause of death was given as I � Y A, . VWGIL. The . Admiralty, Horse One, of tho werst starta I over had vlUbla above the bank at my right,
13,600,00 V I
�I luvestmentsin Canada, . - - paralysis of the heart, follow! g ups- L I �14 at 0c west. .oIIQw, on truck, 460- Cluards, and other official buildings [woLa due, to a large lazy pig who bad Ail tba M0,01o, myso�lt anti the xxian
I yr, 6 Mo. 0 Mo. IMO n I . 13 ly Tile market is dull 'With , ,co - .
4 column ......... 07000 4400 .Nstab lied 1825, The old reliable and f4vortlQ Olt tile operation, . 1 Ile r9noral ddle, and froating the parade were all & r . 11
LQ 42500 $850 - nal at 49a mi got on my mind, Nothing will 611da Oat6c" into bin.e, a became blurred and
vier, SmIths bolok, opposJt Post OfflcQ8 Mr. Trardy was born December ated with 11ags, Tile Lord Mayor, inaWknot, and I oh9erved that a
#Column ......... 4000 2500 1000 600 "' I - 14-1 1 I 00c east. . I L a -ad destructive- -mas also
i Column., ...._, 20 00 1500 $60 2 50 .,-,---,, ___._.____ . .. - _= 1887; called to the bar 1865; created I 4 1311okwheat-PrIces nominal, with Frank Green, attended lit State a tra-In more, easily small pine, tree on tho, bank
J Column ........ J$L 00 ,IQ 00 050 200 1 [1r1lL" -�2 - 'Queen's Counsel 1870, first returned . I . � ',�' very little offering. I 4111(t the members of the speclai ly from theralli than live Pork. Th -lis clon"51 Uto Mao with U�,. when tbo
lIn b_ .......... 125 ',I j4 _ I to Parliament Ili April, 1870; enter- � 4.., (ii -ket IS firm, with few of- Moorish Balbassy, Ili Picturesque, particular specimen had a habit at M. lvgali Complate, the f lagman sprrad
'IQ 6 OQ 850 2 QQ WOW— _ I I Peas"Mai . I Ott lo'st form, . I .
OWSPeol4l position from 2.5 to 50 per cent extra. . ed the Uowat Government as Pro- . . ferings, No, 'I> quoted Olt 68a east. 00atluol('s were interested spectators. burrowing a-longsido thia track, and t and I I
. . . TIME TABLE. I vincial Secretary and Reg Barley-Uarkot Is quiet, with pric a Promptly at 11 o'clock the K'ing, Next time I.saw Xonvs I -told Nm
. � W, J. MITORNI'Ll mall !,i,,1rftr THE LATE MR. HARDY,, a L it was a fair Presumption that nooa� bout it, and be exolaUued; ' I
Editor and Proprietor. ' kw,4 1$77; became Co as nor I — , - ". nominally unchitagell. No rail lots in a lield-lauxslial's uniform, the I a
Trains will arrive at and depart from 011uton of Crown Lands in January, I , olloring. I Queen, Princess Victoria, and other or or later h3 would tf,!Ad something "Well", I'll be hange,ar,
L I ,.� I . Stationnsfollows:_ . . 18ft became Premier of On- Then lie pagsed through Rockw.00d Oats -The market, . Is quiet, . with members of the Royal fulaily, ar� to Interest him b9tween the rallg, and On lid,%, ni&xt day 9-ff Jou3s dead- . L I
. . . IlUFFALo Ax�n GODERICII DIVISION. anged. Sales of No, _4)! r1yed and took up Places oil the dals somebody would go down tl . haade
BANKS QoIn a . a tarlo, July 1896; -retired October 18, Academy and began the study of 14W Prices unch to bank. . xl. b0i. the StatIOU-XlOar n
. . .g Ea t ExOross 7:38 . in. L hou,so and tramped four miles with
.. 1899. � X�ilr_ LLt .500, high freight for export, and the ceremony began, The rc- e
. :::;:� ' 11 11 Mixed � Wil p. m. I � lit the ORIC& Of "is unclo, IL A. . . I was coming down a hill one day tin RXe, Irlia �spDok flagInan .UQV6rL I
. . .- 4,10 P, In, T17n, HARDY FAICLY. dy of Brantford,. and litter lit To, while 83c is quoted to local millers. elPlent of a nieda, a lit a - ong line at . Illigh.speed, and craning my Back bothered him nor any one else there- . I
.1 GolugWestMixed. � 10:15 a. m. . . No. I quoted at 31je middle freight. Marc d P .the'lCing, received tile - I I
, ., 11 �xpi,eas . 12:65 I). in. The Ilardy I amily according. to ronto, with the firm of the late Chief - oration In ills Majesty, saluted. for - . a coratort1lug si-ght of piggy ln alter. , � . I
. 7:05 a. ill Justice 1-Tarrisda, of' which Mr. I'llOur-ThO market. Is (lull. Millers, OeC . .
. .4 quote strong bake L rs at $2,70, lit and passed oil. '
THE MOLSONS BANK . _ . ,- :" .I " IL . , � 20:27 p. ill: thp trilditions prosor�cd, were orig- � . his accustomed place, when, us, I Pop- I .1
I Incorpoistedby' , . I ilially Ivest country Scots, who fol- Thomas H6dgilis,- 1<, C., the present I i1i — I ��
Act of Parlic ment. 1055. LONDON,'IIURON ANV. BRUCE PIVISION I Afaster-iii-Ordinury, ,;tas a3so at the buyers' covers. for export, and ship- Lord Roberts Came first, followed 'ped around the carve, a br!ght red . I .1.,
� . lowed the blue and silver banner of . I _
� � I I . Going South E xprass 1 .7:41 a In , g the "kil_ time it member. it Is interesting to pars quote 90 per cent, patents at,. by Lord Milaer, while behind them fliag ir�saulted my anxious gaze. The, . - �
CAPITAL . . 1 $2,60D,090 . .0 0 .. Mixed I 1 4;15 p: in: tbe Covenanters. ,Durin note that''Af.r. IIodghis was subse- 82L,,(30 middle freight. For Shipment came crowds of generals and-. lesser oaftn�ctllqn between that f lag and the L YOUNGSTER. SHOT.
REST .: . $2,040,000 Going North Express � 10:15 A. ill. ling times" they found a refuge from L . I - " .
L . . . lit bbls. to Lower Provinces $3.15 officers. wbose'llames have Lbedome p1l; was Only 0, Lbtt df mieutal . 1. .
I .
HEAD OFFICE . .MONTREAL. � . 1, 0 Mixed I 06 P. m. pLrsecuttoii, like inany others, Ili the quently for soveral�years Afr, 114- and strong bakers', $3,90 to K. familiar owing to�the war, Bullet,, thc,n on my part, -but i t wais very vivid. six-Yoar-old Harry SedgeW.Iek In- .
- A,,O,PATTTSQN, r,R HODGENS dy's desk mate lit the Legislature. . I I
WM, MOXBON MACPHERSONt President . .. k t T;wn Ticket Igenti North of Ireland, where' there was a n is quoted. otalAtolm, patents, -$,1_115, Ian Hamilton, and a )lost of otli�rs._ I Shut off and'graipbed the whistIO .. s . . .
I �
JAMES ELLIOT. Qeft�r94 Manager W87DICICSON, ,strong .Scoteli , colony, Almost a Mr, Ilardy passed as.,a solicitor I Oatmeal-Afarket unchanged. Our Among tile members of Lord cord, but before I coul,d Screech for tautly Killed. . .
District Passenger Agent. Toronto. cent 'Captain . 1861, Ills first taste otpolitical I � I .
Notes discounted, Collection made, Drafts . - - __ . � ury later 'John Ila.rdy lots tit $8;65 in bags, and tit '$3 ' 75 Roberts, South African staff. wh9. breaks I sa-w that the flag was coly X despatch front Toronto says, ' A,. -
issued Sterling and American Exchan Is 1 1 work was oil, m f Hon. - d small lots .1)Oc extra.' - received the modal was Captain, the ,
. iqt the Irish ]ionic of tile family und I woo ; A red flannel shirt, Nyllich the gaod shot from it 32 -calibre revr)IVCr ClAfiel
bouirlit and sold. Interest allowed on depom,lt.- — —..- - " K L . �Otled lit the colony of Ponnsylvullift. George Brown Ili Toronto during his a I � . Duke' 9f Marlborough, 11 wtoman of th.N ahanty to which, the tile �Ijfe on FrWay afternoon of �
c SAVINGS BANh.. ' w JACK80 I just before the outbreak of .the re- studeut, days'. Ile kept up this in- . DAIRY MARKETS. - � 'The procession as 'a. whole was plg belonged bad hu -Dg on an- impro Ilarry Sedg6vick, ft, six�yoar-old lacr �
Interestall Y;�doasumsof§tandup.. W11 0. � volutionary war. He was a Loyal� terest Ott his return. to Brantford to , `-and ' vlEed cloitheslime . I
. . % . � .. . I I Butter -Supplies ar6 good, most - incongruous . The officers of jetween the tale- who lived with Ills Parents at 701 1
FARMERS. � , . - �.
monal.dy.V to farm.r...All - 0. P, R- tile attractions ,of law Were Ililm alluell. of 4 scare,, but it repre- ist's shop,. Tae shooting occip,red I
Lair = AGENT istj -and when the fortune -of Nyar practise, but for d time. it seemed as prices steadyi With demAnd for fresh, the Guards, Lancei,s, Hussars, and gill -Ph Pabe'31 That may- not �ounil Yonge.sticet, wlibre they keep, a ilor-:
_ , ft - rolls Highlanders, Ili dazzlfri
more endorsers. No mor , � - deter- if u'bs, Found
notes w th one , I went against the Crowli.hL . small r6lls.and t Le uniforms;
11 onger. than those 69 politics, He , 1:7c .
gagerequired. as security. #V1 ihined, to remove to Canada. With stv . job at 15c to ; large rolls, 14c to groups Of solemnly 'garbed ,,tell 1, sen ts a type that turns the . railroad in the front sholl'in Pie presence only
I �
IT; 0, BREWER. Manager, 01111toll I CLINTON -I .1 . him. ca�nlc Alexander. Hardy, - grand- entered the lists again9t I -Ion. 11,- B.- 15c- choic6 t-ubS, 14- to 16c, inferior frock,cQats. (doctors who hacl:served man's, hair -to a delicate ash rOlOr. . of.4,is sister, Olive. Sedgewick, aged
� . I . , ID LIGHT IN. FR-ONT. . �12 ye4rh. - . I
.. . . I I . . father 69 the ex-p�eiuler, then a boy. . Wood, . the leading counsel of t4e -I6 'to 1,2c: croamery,, boxes 18 to at �the f ront) � and half. a dpzen f or- . RD I . . � �
. . I Travellers to any part of the V, ,,, , century, therefore, Mr. Har -7 Branti'district, "no boat him ill some ISJc, .and rolls, 15 to 20c. eign, attiche's In uniform . .. - Tlidr *0 Railroad men ' - have 4upplontented. - The. boy *went. home front school at . I I
. . I . I' I
. . �� . . � . world: should consult the 've beell. resldents'of famous cases, matching - 'With. IAS 14ggs-Receipta are fail- and prices th,_jr.., 4, o'clock, and proceeded apstairs, to �
0 . � � . I � I - dy', ultcestQrs hit xact mowledge: were-RIs'o groups of time --expired nien' the rules , with addltioins,.o� ' Ill - s clothes. : While rum . mak,. I .:. . .
I �. . . . � . . above in referebee'totickets,. ci�iarlo., Oil his mother�s side ills hunior and 6 L of thPf unchanged at Ile !per dozen in �Iarge I , , for Ova saka. of -convenience, and ! ebange . � I I
� , I .
.. - . ., I � . . .fares, etc, . ancestry also is of' � Loyalist stock,, - fuct;i the more ponderous eloquence lot . and .at 11.1 to 12c, for edse lots.. . n, civilloLn clothing, I pollceinlelt,. &Lad �wji, . I When -A man ing &,round he 'discovered -the revol- .. I �
. . . BANKER. . . �. I . . . . . . . of'his rival. � 1. . I ' a'. Nvounded soldiers, liniping along tit 0 expedite the work. been ill tho*house for
. .1 .. . . I — . :, . . .. 1-1 is intiternal great -great -grand- * . .No, 2 chips, S�, to go. hospital clothes' . I 13 sent.out to flaig. he gets instrue- 'ver, W111CII lifts
, i
I . . . . � 1. . , .. -father was Thomas Sturgis, . w ho ill 1 1 . TRIUMPHS 'AT THE BAR. Cheesem-Alarket, quiet. -Fullcream, . told t � lat ail i 12 -years, ana contained three Shells, � .
. . . I . . 1% . . . . I September, 9+ . to 16c; do.; new, go The ceremony lusted .nearly three tilons. . PerhaPs he is Q I loaded. , . . I
. . ..... W-01- JA0 KSON . - * 1802 ..me from ' Pennsylvania and I L.ter he met Hillyard Came'ron. . . ,hours, the,.Queen standhig beside thoo regular tralo,,� pass, but to hold qv� two,,of w.hich were . .
. . . . . I � 16'. 1� . q . ei-ything- c4j3e; then he understa)640 I With the revolver in. his hand
I � .31 ' . - .- . . . . '. .
A General [11'ankin . g Business. ' T,ransaoted- . � ; I ... . � settled near Alount Pleasant,- whell Crooks Cameron, the' BlaRfl. B 13 to 9 � I(ing throughout. I . be
. AGENT 0. Ps, R. . I . . . . c nducior will have his train vienL down to the store, and stood I .
. � . . . . �.. : , . . .. I . . I � Bra,lRt was still a wilderness, peopled Oslop, .Thomas..1/loss and others Of .DRESSED 110GS ANV PROVIS-. . . . I ,� . . .1 I ttha t It i.a a .
� . � . � — , .* . . . . . 0 . . . in the stilling when tttoso� trains or- afopitd - playllig vVit,11 ,it* While 'hisi Sole-
. . I � .1 . . mommul2ow� chiefly by the. ladialis 'of the..,iiX Na- *tile most famous pleaders of tba.(In� �. IONS. , , ., I . �
I .
. I � . I . . ' * MOTHER AND We.' ' "v'O, � � 1. I . bon ... ter waited oil a lady custorneir.: When, -
I Notes Discounted. Drafts -Issued . . . ,
.: � 11 � tions. The Ilardys, , , who Cattle In turto bar. His 114PUtati011 in, west- Droissed hogs lit limited su - and .
. . � . . . FIFTEEN WERE KILLED � . . pply, . I . -t . to according to the girl's story She had I
. � . - the first wave, of settlement after the era biltatio was, great, .and 1;,o�weon r*iees firm at $9 to..$9,25 for small . . .� . � I A f re4h train had coaasi
. - - ,
. . � . I � ; . � . I - . . tb6 pther tractir *tlw I -
. . ' ' i � . . . . . . . . I . . 1.1 . � . � , .
' ' . . . , . ' .. . �. � Crows to' but ,re finished, the boy, who had been Pok Iv,
. . . .I ,
qd ou Deposits. :, ... . cloge'of thof war, received -a grant of 1865 and 1871�, hie -V ended no loss IOU, , Ilog Products braj, as follows, - lia I
Interest .. Ailqw .. .:. 1. . A. CaFtr I I go 'pa6tory ]@XpIOSJ-��-. laild . from , tile Goverahient,. near. . .W long c . lear, loose, In car lots, Promilipt z Montreal People. Shot ,%%asn,ft. time t0l'br,OSS. Ahead of th-i ilig Some 81 I pebbles down the ..
I . . I . . .. . � . _� % . By, t:han sixteoa.persoh�M.e used' of 'mur- , . �, I I _� I . I - � 1,;jm . ited wa's sent afioad with - muzzle,'. told her to "let it WT," She . . � .
I I � . : . . ' On' 6no Oc&dfiloli, 10e; in case lots,,;,LOJ toAojoc, Short I . . � , . ,
. % . .4 I . I I � ll� 114d, 43 .Baqoll,�. and Killed.. .. I A.man
11 . �Queeixston ITeights*, and their home: dor I � . . . * - orders to.. 1-4. the limited by and hold sald'she would -not, and a In , I
� . I Near Paris. 'I and crilulaul, 'tit one As- di�t porl,, 0.0 to - $�1120. 50 - " heavy moss A despatol .from Montreal Says,_ A ' 6r� rang out, , � , �
. .. ��;_ . . . � . . : - .� � . . I I � 0. -L I I . . was, ..Ill hospitai, on the-filstorle day . briefs,'eivi .. I . .. I . -biling allse � unti.1 he should. be . or t 6 afterwards ' inute . . ,
.. . I 11 . .1 I I ' ' . . I . I . . . 0cryL .. . w arep,
. . . A dospatcli'frdim. Paris says. -An of Brock's deatti.'Xr. Russell Hardy,' size. I)uring. the:years from..1878, pork, $19 to $19-50, -Shoulder. mesa, terrible tragedy wis enacted at the, called iia. I was fLriaman on tho lim" ' ' i . ..
. . . . . . 11 1. I and her bro�ther fell to the floor. �., 11 I .
'. rC factory Sit-. fabher Of the ex-prenilor'. was. borif Ili - when lie wai, elected to the Legisla- $M .- . residenee. of .Mrs, A. M. Redplith, at., Lted that night, and the place 1 write The terrilled girt run for Drs. Wil- .
ALBERT STREET CL&TOX. explosion ill A Cartlld� . .
I . . I . ,
I I .1 � I - uated I a the suburb, of Los , 'Mouli- Britat..'.00illitty . bli 181�9,, his father -ture aftev:at.keelf contest against Mr. 113moked Neats-Ilams, heavy, 121, 1065 ,Shev rooke � street * oil. Thai- I sday of wa,.3 in' th,a .., . .
.. I . I .b mlddt�D- of a twenty- son.and,Spencer, who -were boat a few ..
. � . ne"Lilk has �resulted. Ili tile lo ,s of - � a I . .
?" s .15 Aiii-ving.- !'removed there shortly,' fter' J. J. Hawkills, to:1877, whibri-Ille an- medluill, I -8.3c; light, 14c.. R6119, evenin , :About siX o'clack:revolver ,gineer made' -ft Initiates in 'reaching the Sta, , .
I � ... ' tle of, ,QllL aStoll. RUSS ' ' . . .., . 19. I mile run, whoro the on . . re� bui. ' '. �' - ,' '
LEQAL , G S, 14;6, t6 " I Lr)C, � and shots. Word. fiollLrd. -'��oceading from 'r -ing tip any little . ,4 few I . . .
. . . lives and tlie.iIljqringPf 20 person-,,. ,the but I ce - all.tered. the overninent, Mr, Hardy iii, to '12c; back . .. .
. 1. . . I .. I p actle,a of, catch the ,b, oy. was. dying i and expired
� 1. . ' Hai-dy Was �,, ft. � ',morchunt - �d Ills ilvactice, but after that- -- , . 11 tj I.; I . ut speaking an . y .1, . .. L . I
. Th6 victims �vqre.liorribly mutilated. I and 'continue . sfibulders, lie., . . ., . . me provi;*ii��ly lost..
. . . i , . I . , X.rs.' 116dpath's rooin, and when. ille . Initiates later witho I I
SCOTT L,. �, .1 I . - , :1 . A tliajorit�,of those inju�red were we- stoie6eper. tit- Mount Pleasant, and Ile ,seldom appeared Ili -court. It can Lord' Pails, Ile, tabs 101.c; tfer- servaiiis rlllslitid Lin they'loilild' . * Mrs. *IL latbon os word to explain - how it I . 1. .1.1
, . . I . . I , . . I . . I . ll�,ard a sudden . exclao . happened. .. � .
J. ' . . I I Ithere Ili 1,937, on December 11; the' hardly be doubted, judgiiig front .tile -ces,. 3.01 a, . - ` Rptlpath' and,, her young. son, . Clifford George, .my engineer,. --,,,hut off *and . Olt examination it was found tilat , , . . L .
BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR. Etc. 7"9" . . , . . , Sir Allan M j3henalliell'al success Its a, counsel I L U I -tepp I ad to the had ' h . .. -
I L. . .. . _4 , . . day when neNab's dol- I ' .. . - - , odpath, in EL .Pool of blood on the �nkpjyed'on the a1r. I a .. elitered the boy.s efta . .. ,,,
I . I I , . . L. I . . - 6mokin"'L .the-blillot . : .
I. . . .. . . I tinill luarched through the village to � which he had achieveo while. ,/at. . . floor, with a,L revolver bai- gangway. +and Caught, a. glimpse of -a just above andL behind the left, car. - . .. .1 .
Money to Loan. . . . . . un- - . : ET. . . - I- . . . : .
' . .
. I . . . ... .. I . . ., THE WAY PREPARE D. " ad- der lorty, that � baci :Iic'.r&mained:, at Toronto, � Juno+ 18.�Following is. ' .� Mr".. K:iodpath, -atic . , 1. -
� . . . 1. .attack the force. oi` "rebels" gather ; tN,Veell them. - d.iod 'al- fello1w, waving a red light frit a Y .1 -All, � examination of+ the revolver +
Okywic-ElliottBlock + . . 7 . I CLINTON` . I I 1. Red-* �,a, IV,L- f le w by. In . another 'ins t an t . . .
- . 1. The house, ivas -da:rk,- and all.' was at Scotland, ,Ill., soil',%. Arthur was the - bar li6, w.6uld'liot -only have se;. tho.'range,of quotations:, ' I most immedlatdly, and young � shows'that ono'chatabor. is.:$ bill load- - + . .
. . I . ,� � I . ' I., , .
� - d - . -ed,.o'ho ablitains..a, Shell
I . a large faluily, -and, c I 111ove all un �
. . �� , 1� . I -still. A, buiviar -was vary busy"stOW born..�,Tbero was urdd a greater finalicial 'return,for, Wheat, White.%. i . ,$ O. 70A'- $0 71 p4th. wasj-6 , 1.11 . conscious iqe' rounded the lcurvo,- and � which has: 'L .. ,
. .
� . .,
BRYDONL. -. . . , . '' Ills labor than lie. did .as a Minister, WhoEit,yod., . ,., , . ..,., 0 '70i .0 7i I Condition t� the Royal Victoria Hos- a hE , .. 11 I � .�, �
. . . . - of jei -although - comnipidiou, . I . . �ftdk!,ght. rightla &ur lace and eyes. been fired recently, ..one .which, from - . . . I . .
NV . I I . i129 away a fine Osortraenl wels tile ,store; ' $I . . Id . have:'rankad 16V'ith Whent, goose . - ' I 0 611 0 64i ! -,lad, I t Ili - it, wds fired some time . . �
. '
, , I
. BARRISTER, SOLICI . TOIL N I . and .igold plate,'whon his blood wa . S.1 scare . cly'afforded room ,enough for - but . lie well � . .,et L.. pital, . wilex-6 Ili.' died at 12 ci.'clock. George "ho—d "er over," . .1% I I
I .
. . , . lby.al Sharp grip the upbringing of. six.girls. and. four -and McCarthy, as. .a Wheat,. -spring �., � . . . 0 ,09" �: 0 70 I Tile afiftir is shrouded. Ili Consider- thought lie.. would surely. pull' th6 - .an -wis a,re'tInritY. * I I .
, , fairned to'tice . Blake,. ,Osler . .
. , .. . . suddenly- t . . I . . . ago, d'the Ott ... u
�. . -
. . . Notary, Public, &o., - ,1 .on his left shouldex.� He turned his b6yS. . I .. . . 1. . .. . . , �, % . leader of the bar. . .. , .- Peas . . ..I. ;'. . . .. ......,10'66'. '* 01.00 able mysterY, and it is not' yet siand lever Put by 116 'rooLs,, but'in - Mr. Sedgewick, who Is 'in Buffello, .. . . .
. . . � , .1 . . . Olt .October 18;. 1,899, 3&� Hardy. Barley ., -� . ... - ,', -- - - 0 42 � O�.'" 0 .Ifte . . . . .
OFF OE-BeiV'er Block, - - *I. C TON, jantmn on the figu ,and, .7 � .A . i WS -SI � ,. .. . , 1. . 0 I � _ ..,. . - i 11 . � . , I known. whetli�r ,Mr.i. Redpath .S�ot spite of all, that .he"ftht a ,up was notifled .of the. sad occurrence by . � . �
1; . I 4 -IN . . - . . FARIME DN . .. . like a comet. Of'o6urse, we I.. . .
. . . I behold A venex-able-looking old gentle- . . � I -was' forced - by' ill -health. , to tetire Ry - 0 .53- ,' 0 00 %I heir,: soil: or the .Son the mother, or On us wire. : . . . 1: . I . I I :.
- I - I . I ... . . . .
. .— . . I . . . . I The � Store, wag. ,exchanged -for a � f rom,-thdc .Premiership, which he. had' 0 it S . . .':. .. . .. - lo, wa 4 e assed .. . I. .. . . � .� I
0 I (a , �, .m I ng sadly UPDxi hini* " � .1 . I � . t I . ..O 37 , O. -87J. whether . the boy Was shot in Ett� thought the other fol NY. i r : _ . . : - I . ... ..
ONVEYANOIffl . . . I lv�yward farm. and ther future pr( held'gince the retirement ot Sit Oli-� Hay, cholce,'Ver ton 00 . over c * I � +. .. .1. I �, I � I
. . , . I 'an, ,gazi ,-mibr goi: Ills 1 .12 18 00 . in' car. track, di; he wouldn't .1. .�.
. I . . ... . oh" my . . friarid_moaue�� . I tempting toprevent hia-motherfroin � .. . . . . .. q i 1. . I . .1 : �. . �
I � . . . . , early train ,,went 'to ver Al wat. I -.JuIy,.'1896.,xr. 'Aar- I -jay;* mixed, per ton.10 Ob I . . I hwe. ihtggad7us; it didn'C.M�kc any � . . I .. .. I . ,. 1 . I I . I .
. . . . . lallu lielvoux"W; -sorrowfully., ' wouldat � . Ing: there., Ile . , 0 Ill . I1,00, committing suicide. - I .
JOHN41DOUT I . I . . . .maT Turn, I be,,jeech thee, Sellool at. Alount Pleasant, with boys dy left public life a poor. man, and Straw, - per. ton - . - ., ...S. 15 0 .. 9� 00� . ' difference, that he .h,td. no right. to be ' -
. .
. . . I thou TOV . - . . . gre. Redpatli, who was 'a' . wollian . POINTER: FOR bAIRYMEN. _ ' ' I ' ' . I.. . ,
. . I ,� '.. � -9 00 .,9 .25 � . I -w 6'eorgo yelled .. .
CONVEYANCER, 'COM . MISAIONEAi ATC. -turp fr.Wh .thy evil' -vvays I Leave like George Bryce, aiterwards prinei�'ftcc6pted the.office of Clark of the Dressed hogs . i. � . .. '45.years of age,.bel there; there he .a,s, . I � I . I I
. ... . ' . " Proce, � the oldest'an . d most fdshi . onable -fain- - I '. I .. '. . __ . . I - . . ... . . . I I
.III t of as'. and Surrogate. Reg n Butter, itf lb. rolls . 0 i5, Ile - .
I . those Stolen goods giad.dePar't i pa� of 1%lani. obtt- College,% and one: . istrar I .0.20 or m6 to "git . off " ' but' a' single . -
. I �
. Fire Xxisurdnee, Real Estate, peace, for, I arn merelful. and for- Canada's great Presbyterian divines. Osg6ode Hall.: - , . .. Butter, creaniery . . 0 IS ' 0 21. -�jd gtanoo- at'Q6 gricrund -siatistied"ma '�EXpert Tells Them HoW to HaV - . . I . .
I , . I . ... . .. . I . I . ilies� in Montreal. .She was the N � .
Money to Len&.. .1 . " . .. . I ...., � I . � I . . .. I . . . I . Chickens, pe'r pair � . 0 65 ...'.0 00 I ow of Jol I in . , � J. 11edpath, a, son of tile with. my C�ndibiaa where, ,I was. , . . Ch I eese Th . at Will Grade F t. , - '' . _ . I
I I I . . I . give I Beg6nal . , . ..�. . . . I � .. . _' .. � �.. . , . L .;. ,
OFFICE—HURON STREET,'. . CMNTON 'I'lle, burglar, overcome, with tEank- - I . . . I . . � ,oil spring ... . ., .. . . 3. 00 3. 25 .i,,1o4nder of:the Redilftih. buildiAgs of A moment later we rolled pa�t* the� . . . I .iones �, .1 .
. I . . . . . . . �
. I . I I -. of all, perhaps, .is ,the case Eggs, per doz. . .. .. ', 9 3.2 engine and half the train -which was 'A despatch from Otte.wa. says, , * I . 11
— fulnewq, rAvilk Swiftly, off Then the TAE EVIL OF. EATINd',AL6NE. - Worst . 0 3:4 - XcGifl University, and she lived with . . I .
11 I . I ... f CiTogiviiig pld gentleman, ca'ref ully and . . I . . . . . . of the gol.i "ry,cook. - Ili the m3- Potatoes, Pbr bag ..'., 0 ,50 - 0-60 her two sohs in a fashionab1Q.house aft its. own tra4k. , Th -e freight coh- Mr. J.'A.'Ruddick, chief.bt-.t%e.' .' - .
. .. t. I .
� — I.—. . a 7ii !London :there Apples, choice, bbl. , A 00 Z 00 on Sherbrooke street, . . . . duotor climbed' up on qur eugiuc� and dairy branch .of the: Department of 1,
M&DIOAL � - -selessly finishad,:the packing, and - ',. . � .
. . Jum .. - . . . . rialls, of sniall'ilat I I . . . �
. 1. I
I � . I it of the ,hous�4 and in . (micted . Goorge. 4Z. that blaxiked toot Agriculture, has.issue(I St. leaflet to I I
� .gtole, Softly., QC. -n Talli and Companionship -Are �Es- ,are Lllous%nds of woa-w.irt "doing" for Beef, forequarters i . .4 50 6-00 ' .. Mrs..'Redpatl.i had been subject for I
. I . . . o' to th6 I ollent:nig - � " ..".... .. . .. I I cry. ma6tord or mistresses. Beef, hindquarters . . 0 00 1:0 .00 a I tta�ek L - lbred I dairymen telling them'how:to avoid . I ..
. � I
. D R. W. GUNN , ' I 1. .. . .. . , , . ht � .� . . sential to Froper,Digestion., . , their solit t. onle years to -In. a of nervous hadJl,aggeid, George sput , and . 'bodied or �'op " . I I
. R. 0. P� and L. R� 0. S., Edinburgh. � :, . For lie,,', bo�;; wftS,ft burglar... 1 .. . , , . . . I These women, ivh".1; main occupa- Beef,. carease . . .. . 7: 00 7 50 &,I' pt,a,mmicl-ad wRh ,lftervcusnisss before b,i,i,g. :� ,j.weak" . I I .
. . . I . . I - . . . 0 id mclftncholia,,�'aud it is presumed he- toftlad his, tongue, but when he . .. on. . I., .
- . - I
— 11 .1 - I . . . ' 13cef; medium, - . -
I ... . ., . . . . . At. a time like the -present, when tion is -to. Prepare f000z fdr others, . . . . .. 5 50 50 that during one of these spelle this . cheese, . 1. .. % . I .
, ,
. I I %,� . ,� . - I " I : .
I . ..0 . I .. 50 q ' sonlotWa : '110P " heese is th&t which lows '. I
Night calls at front door of residence on Ratten njoy, or even. Lambj` yearling. . -. .; 8 00 , 9 tha;t *bodui,tor heilrd . g that on a ad I I
Vury street, opimsite Presbyterial, church. * ',,T11 ACTOR SCORE S AGAIN. ,tile marrying age of tbe� average, man find it linpissible to e avening, she attempt(�d -to, take her ' we I . I
I . . . . . . I I
I 1. r, . ,. . . '. . -o Spring Ian . i *a life and that her son, was wais -11 -ning to. Such '
, .. , , I . a, food theinsdivaq. . Aa , 3' 50 , 5 worth. 11ste .numerous . irregalar air -holes,. ,whil
, -1 I . . . . A certain acti>r.ii as quick-�vit tied of ilia middle classes -is being more t tak 11 - their . coW� f ibs . .'., .. 00 0 , shot A. 6AWD, 6P ver�bal 0yrotechnicst- _ 0 . .., I
. .
. ..
bFrxc2-OxTAIuo STREET,' CwNiliox. - . , . and. - more postponed, tile physical fectioners twe said to give aR- Mutton .. . . . . . . . e) 00 6 50 while attempting to prevent hbr com' George exprosalng� himooll a.bo,at thii weak-bodicid" eihcese� are of the - , - - I � .
. I � - . and, ninible-ttongv,cd a,j - any-otherl � room come increasing- proutices a.free run of tho stock of Veal, choice . . . � .. 7 5O.. 8'50 mitting the -deed, The -family is r I. - I same character. with some excess'of,. . . . �. .
__ - ., ilk,3 of bachelo . . I . . a- I- I
. .. .
I .. . the medical ; the shop for tile fil st low days, . 1411our, 2) 15 a low- tkeent 'about the af . . 1. . . I I
R. SHAW . aill'ining light off hW: , club, which -is i ly under the: notice of, � BuNalo, June IS,! ., . I fair.' The inys- ,conductor, and. ha about t)l-,. flagman moisture '- ' 1. I . . I. , .. . . -1
D . . � I pi�tcd'.for ics bill1lant nitembers. 116 ' . � -me hears.but once; in a lifisilme. ., , . .., I
. � OFFICE . 1. . inall. - It . is no,r good for man or , Out it will CiTE,ettially Care �er; quiet.. Whctat�Spring dull and i tery , may be "cleared up, at. tile in-� . , . I I � .. Mr. :E'ddick so;ys . "openness" .in ... I .
. , '01 lvith neatnsssand. 'it ry . S I I I . . . sually the result of an In7 .� .�� 1�4
, -
- �
. � I .1 I . I is -cieaibed, with having o�,aqhcd'an wow n to live alone, Indeed, it has �31poewtiiltlg, afi6 7ards, so -tile. women loWer;.No. I Northern, old, ,70q: .do quest, although sluce*.both victim ' , 11AR311LE,SS SCARM .. Choose is if. �__ . .
. i
ONTARIO, STREET,, Opposite English OltUrOlh . . arlo . A nowly.16oated watchman" a oban- _PC1fficI&nt devolopm,eni �of acidity in ' "
. iniplairtin-Ont couns . .1. I been, 'Well said -that for solitude to who tire q';ways occu.pled i0th buying, now;' 7-5�,c, In. c ads; No. I Nor- are.. dend'the dircumatances'itttend-
. .
I .. . . .. . I . I ZIPPI-teh, 1. . . . , . 1. . be,succeAsful a man must be either and propixOng food grow unable to therii, now, .c.i.f., !74c; winter, un- ing the tragod . -a end -of a th(.3, curd before salting ail .1. .1
OLINTO9. , - - . � y may over remain u a- ty-hooking. exactly like th d putting I .
I . I . . i ,s,� In �a cas,.,, and. - I . ., - g one 'to 'press. . a. "'' . ; ., . .1 ".
, , .� % ... a wil-ap .. . I 1. 1. . ;' � ,
. wl, '�, qli�stlouhed by th,6 opposing hich is cured . .. a . i
I T wa aj� at 'or devil. This refors. per use it f6r thbinsolveS. - These People, climilged;,No.. 21'red, No. .1 wj)ite and rev.ealed. I I . � .. I A�ox,car-i�e,t my calp-to tingliIi. - . . .P
I ,.
. . waii. lioig 9 � d ' I I i''track;.- State 'ivheat Clifford 'R . odpath, the .son, ,was At o en,,Ioose:.bot1y I . . .1�i
0. W. THOMPSON ' I - . . ' ''. in *that was, not parti- haps,: mainly to the ,moral aspects. suffer from yspopsm, w mixed, 78c ox rl�ll a night., There h9A ,never been anyt, sometimes. rmused.,by.lack of suffi- I .,. . ..,
. . , I ooun�wl a�way I ily else ma . .
. DR- I .- . I I . .. . . of isolatl6n, -and with those' we If �sonldt); ;.le;ges titair. kit�- held higher. - Corn-4alet. and.citsY; b t young follow; of 24years, and thj'Lng there but the river before, ag6%� cioni pressing, , Some curds will not : . . . .
. oul,arly to lits, liking, but a olbuqx . .. I. . : ` Pok allowing. the new billing No. 2 Yellow, 45c;' No. )lad just graduated in law in, Me I '' . I any , I 1.
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. - I . , �.Iiow no concern, I clien. for A. -Nr ? in to. I
I Special atter . Alon given to disc - asof.+ of the. ,Eye, Was reaclIPA. when the lawyer, In the IlftV0 I "' - 11 do - No. 'University., , . I . . .Gill. when.' the headlight g)ared an tImt make closo,,solid cheese under .1 i
, �
,h adopted. to i - . . . . I . I 44Jc;. No. 2. Corn, 44ile, . . ... very srubstantial structure I was amount 'oil proSsure,.yet, on the ot- I .
. Zitr, Nose and Throat. .. �to There are Certain 'physical ills, take ni,jil.s* ulthout. pleparing the' I . . 0", no che . . . I I I
I I . in'sulting. no, too ,Olt! ,� are 1106 t:110 least it wols no moralist to declare the : - su call'had, arrived. , .. . -
11 , ro My I -
' OFFICE AND RESIDENCE- vlltaps,ge�. sald:w- . . . iowever, which - Zi d o, 44e. Oats -Pull- and weak; - - � . . . . ]ter )�an ago is ei,iier as Close � . . I
Albert Street East north of RATTnNsulay * ,Y,Uu.ArL ail aCtOr,.Vr, ''.`J)o you among the,.disadvantilges. of lolicdi-� evi Is , -..) f le,ariftessl.. Mali'and wO- No; 2.whitc, 82J.,c, 346'. 8 'do" Sijc; .. I .. .. . . . Anotbai time a tool box in a tun- as -it la%ht be unless heavy pressure .. . I � I I
. STREET, CLINTON. riess. Of. thesq there -is mally it Clerk mall.is a gregarious animal. Physi- No'� 2'mixed, 30c; .No. 8 do !'O '--" 6; SMALLPDXAT LA PRAIRIE. n.,�l partly covered cover - N4fh cloth' I
not conisld,or acting a IO%V calling? . . ,. " as has, be�n'gradually and persistently � I .
.. N, fa,London,'ma.ny a young barrister, cally and Int011eCtUallY we improve. now billipg. : Barlcy--Storc, � quated . , , I .. 1 -.71 . I . And a coil of rope, started Ina for thoo applied. The defect mentioned ma; I . . .
. I . . Neot, wben I Compare it 'with -my .risil)g, perhap's,.-but not yet 'far with companionship. ,Cortainly itis at 56'to 59c, for fair to choice. Rye __ I . �. I . X � I � .
oENriamy fa,ther's, was the, answer. - . . . step, under the iniprossian that it wAs bo.o-�crcome by-allow6g more acid
. Wb,at -.j,,aq'your father's calling? allough risen, Inany a.bushics4- mail not good to eat and to drink alone., -Dulland weak; I No� I oil truck, Uks Inereased So as to Be a Serious a'rook fallan from tha roof. But .
— . . . . I I . � . to develop In the cur:'.� before salt -
I or journalist who will'say' that Ol it is a. sad fact of our big cities that ks - . I
. . ' to . I I 1) e; do,, Ili store, 57ic as . I Monaco.. . ing, that is to say, xxv,,�re time sbould .1
. � ) He was a I,ftwyeri replied the octal-. . , Iced, Caawl - thi-so are mere harmless scares which
DR- AGNEw - '. 1. ,. � . I . of the most trying feit,tar.es Of' his they hold hundreds of mail and we- freiglits-Dull &lid weak. . I � . I � I help to keep olfte awake. The an- be allowed from, tbA% drawing of -the ' .
. . DENTIST, I . . .." , I � Who Ili the'day '.al.Q too busy Chl,ago', Julle , I 8__�_Wll eat ,�,jll & despatch frozn� -Montreal says:- I- .
. . I 17 -it N., '," . ' I . ... I uninarried lifu. I,, to have to � eat alell , g &A, by them before. yod'get off, -whey until the curd Is salted and' , ' .. " I
. I � . . .. aloac.- And a premature dyppepsitl. and Lit night too lonely t � yle o Sniallpox� has broken out lit the vil- . you are back in your teat again'. I .1
, CROWN AND BRIDGE WORE. . Ile--D,on't you I think that V21,4s I �ss with ally pleasure. "I' 11*01 lage of Laprairic,' on the St. L&w- ii Oress. The less acid there is ' � ., � I . "
o feed Witli - Ided to favot p conditions
. .. — , I .. . t girl I , . .8b is tile Only thing, thatever takes him prollt, mile I le . to -day, and July s�al'Lo,.: to ,je low- b t 1.6 anathema maranatha Put to
� 10110,4 he a very gw 0, . - in tile curd when the whey is, draw
. Oviricc-AdJoining Poster's Photo . Gallery. J . , " 1. ti) hfiq medical inan. There are sonic . � . I er, - July � corh close Al�q, 11 under yos- rcuce near Montreal,. and has ih- agftin�t th,.� thoughtless idiot who was ' I .
. .., I CLINTON, . ON% ;: . _;YeS,'. So :wall pXaS ad.: . . I .1 I � . I . � thi, caiuge of it All. T �n there are tile longer Will be the time require? ., . . . �
. er� - � � few happily disposed iiidividuals who o I . berday's final price, July Oats. ,40 creased ,to such an extent that, It Is . h I I I
I . . --- ' I 0 . . . a severe Ill -ounding th, other kind. . . to mature it properly, . � I
I .. ------- � — — . . cat, dine aloite and not cht too fast, , . I � loweri.and provisions from a. shade eliace to the Sam a . . I
11 11 ___k_1 � - - . � .
DIL G. -EARNEST HOLMES , I . . I . . . . � I I already aj� polking up a 1,61 . . . . . .. I
. . 7-V 1. -V_1 � I lower to 7-1c above., ' . I 1111111 f w, . * I
. Successor to Dr. Bruce. Clinton. 190 As ,AZ ag nor too much llor too little. With " ' . Icipalities.. Crises have Ig 4,111 lina, I : 10. . � I . !
ociallob in Crown and Bridge Work. , a, . tile majority it IR.:'difforent- The AITCROJ34S.FROAt THE, STA..RS. Tolklo, -June is. -- Cliovorseed . appeared ill St. Constuaice and S't. night, -when a rad light ,suddenly I i �
D.1pDontal . I average mail Puts . .� 24. PhillIpe, ,which call be tra . th- 11 . .
, W -Graduate, of Royal College, of . ro N his novel' or hill any livilig crea- Cash, prilne, 86.50; October, $6.3 U, ced direct- F��&-,vod up, foll6wed . I
su eons Of Ontario. - him and thinks that he a I to .'this source, The municipality. er, indboating that the caboos-, of the TRAGEDY OF THE.SEA. .
' ."Mist-classhonorgaduato of Dental 11 I ture. to p as.- i f rom cite plitil6t, -to an- ATilwallk0c, Wl Julle adopting the , , . . — . . . I
L. P, So many papel"bprove IS.-narley Y
Sgecl� - .. .11 . As -NO, 2, 136c; salliple, 40 to 114C. has been lax. Ili neces- precediag train was just. allead-and . . . . I
, ..
Department of Toronto niversity.L ,I �4 1 -s I W! . I . I � � : other? �!;Cicntists uo,Nr Say tha. ' t it I , I . astonish- .Chine$e 0C)ok Murders Yate, and li, . ' I I . 4
Attention paid to pregotVation of chll ran a person . - I I . sary measures of 1)"(Talltion, and I virlm c Calling tip � to it with
. � team . . . I _� have hair I LEW(IT111,19'OUT TITE' AINAL . tot only possible, but, that Minute LIVEI STOCIC UARXEIT.8. - Dr,' floaudi-v_ one of tbe'provinclal rapidlity. .1 Yelled to lily fireman , . �
� . .. . uUlly readit- � � , I Then killed by Steam.
. Bayllold, every living �Crcatures have act . , 11119jamp" and we had barely landed In . . . .
Will be At this River Hotel, , with (Ilia doliboation'by reading' a . . T&6nto, June 18, -Receipts tit tile Inspectors'. is. now lit charge. . * I
Mondav from 10 a� - , ed this: world from other worlds hun- , . � . I am Ilonolulu, via I
I I I . . I -.1 4' - V'. . we's . � ,
. . , " -Dot ..
- -a , . . . boost of th3 train ahead alimbld all .'lull I-Iranciscoll' says� ails: of 4 - .
nl'�Oiiu`u�- - "L that i s. little ivith, and moi - betweeil, tile dveds of , milliolls of miles awa. tern cattle inurl(et this Illorning ,-.*.— I thaa ditch wism 9ix cars and th3 da- A despatch!f .
I . I �u6coisok to iir.' I - � stubborn courso.q. , Ile will just employ Ills er sovellty Carloads of live I . . �
D" " FREE` - -' Fowler. � ' Xwery votjrjiundrads of tons of mat- were, ov � I
mind onough to )tell),, and too."t"C'. ter �iillvd siftil-du8t, are attracted to stock, including 1,8200 cattlei 1,100 over our engine. The train had sensationdl. tragedy (Lt sea Were I
VkT�RINARY SURGEON4 and dult NO PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. 'in tiwo,, and this wft,.3 the rear . , �
. A member of the Veterinary Medical Assoals It � to IlLtel,foru with, digestion. Ili fact! the vartIl. The stav-dulmt, consists of flogs, Boo sheall' and lainbs, 100 1. I � . broken brought last Sunday by tile Amork,
tions of London and.0 dinbawlt and Graduate I I I It won, lie will Provide that gentle wenta Small alatcorle fraglacilts, ,which calves, and 15 milch cows. . I : � �,_ s-potl'on that hw-.l tr.un.dled down hill call Schooner J. A, Canapholl. (Caph . . .�
of the Ontario Veterinary Co lege. . accompallfill-111t, which with happlor haVe b(,ell 1)111.1111�,,, tilrough S c is no change In hogs, which. Statement by Government teader In on top of us. . � . . tain A. L. Smith),, from Port I
r o w . . . . ,pue(3 ill,- Ther I . � . . .1
Office opposite the Commercial Hotel, ClIntoll' ipeople eunversation gives tO a. Weal. our are steady at,current quotations. . British House of Conimons. , A MYS.,TERIOUS MAGUAN.- I Illakely with lumber. The mate ot
. tit they have been di,awn toward . .
. I
. I I I I -A. �v h 'a t , S Thi,4 Is', -,,*out, solitary's excellent phillpt, like Irou-Illings toWard a Small stuff .Is inClIfied to - be it A despatch from London says :-A, rtreqI1,211tly I hAVO been a4ed it the vessel, Adam Huber, was mUr- .
Vgi��MWA_ky__ - . son? �Iair � Idea. - ju r.vality lit* becom" vngros.,i- waguet. 'Atany �ycars ago it was abdile weaker, especially youtilligs, J. Balfour, � tile (lovernment. 'lead- rallroa,d men are: su dered by the Chinese cook, and Old . I . .
. - . the rea I is reading till ouddeu- . Choice Cxport Cattle 1.4 Steady Lit ParstitiOus- I latter, after terrorizing the whole . I
- . .. s suggested tlla� ifie, lowest form of P er, answerli)g it quostionor fit tile thilitik not, though they might be par- crew b� holding possession of tha I . .
. .
BU&CRALT, & BALI, , , � �, . � - I needs help just as I ' 61v(l fliltli(lwlilklgtttlil"%Lcliol,i Cold lie demolish- lifebacterla-fulght, hu've been front 4.1. to 5,1,0 per Ill.: light Pill - House of Commons oil Thursday,4aid dolled It thiny w-cre. . " during I . . .
. , iything else does at.. I ca � It '" a .few amat"ful'; ,Or else- lie brought Ill thin way, but It was pars tire worth from 41 to '11c Par ther tion. for tile I'll- � One might, after tho'meeting Fred gp.1ley foi- nearly 24 hours. I . I
VETERINARY SURGEONS. - GOV� l, - al � finds that ho'la bull9py "lid littyllig There Was a steady demand to- .a Was no foundu which it -Was every momenit. feared .. .
. timm- ; The roots re- Ito attelltioll to thought that tile Intense cola Of Ib" motlis afloat of Peace negotiations Jcu,�,; ask-,�d, w� h.fairly woll .
IMXM9NT VETERINARY. INSPECTORS . " the book, which Ile ' day for the best Cattle, and,all of it ' 'I., 't 118"1114- lie would Set fire to tile vessel, Was .
,� . . . . L Nrtica %vould. have made it, impos- . with the Doera. The Boor strength edIndUleranen, it ,Inyo' YOU f ll!rs' qubjvated,to a Steaming process to
1". % fling,4 aside, lit) rashes ijil-ough Ilia , - Sold early. . I I
. 001PIC0,19AAC STREET; RESIDENCE, At.113MUT qttire feeding. -,.N'VV/hen Hffile; I"'xperilliellts, with Ill uid air, lit tile field was estimated to be 17,,- had t-p.en a mystorlo,;I3 flagman at bring bim, out, bu.t lie allot himself
STREET, CLINTON. . . food its fUSt LOS POSSIbIC, to Plunge I Glood to choice butcher cattle sold
I . ll,awevc!v, have .shown that the lower 000 wen. I I t Ilk'ar i he. e.d fAone house, -this . I I
� hafr sto s - growing it , into Ili.,; anaelittir unit literature Lit- W0116�1i.b from 4 to Ile pot, lb." with 11. Two or rather than onle forth and be cap- ' %
—_ . . , I forinq of lifo*ara able, to survive the Mr, Balf , our added that the Gov- a of -0.1oudorf's Fi c
I . * . . - ____ torwal-cl. . lit vither . ruse the lonely lIttl more for ch6ica lots. For.itt I -XI tured. When tile crew finally enter-� ' -1
. . � AUCTIONEER lose's I 1 9 Iniall must digest tit a disadvalitage. Inteusest Cold.' Temperature of 800 ferior grades the enquiry Wits slow erntilent had no information with -thre3 of kh�, men looked around, qu*sok a they found the China- . �
1109� BROWN it's Ius- Por due and c'asy nutrition food degrees below zero -does ant kill them eakelling* prices. which, at any - rate in gen- and sharp, us though the question ro- man's body literolly cooked by .
ll 1.91tould be. slowly taken. and the mind After exposure to such coldi they be- "t w I oiltlille% tile public m.'advil th,2m a[ som6tloing, but no -
T soon as Vor expo�t bulls, feeders, and eral stealh. I
I If - c. - stockers there Is only a light enq iry was . not already acqu I I
LICENSED AUCTIONEER. ter. It k f be intensely exet Wed our gill to multiply 11gain its . ainted. body udmUted ha had. I I
Every olle lalows Placed in favorable conditions. ul t be- Darn funny," v,ald Fred, Puffing at .. P I . I
. ,
Salescoudito M .1 Ifig the process. .. . I und prices tire not quotably h1t6red Tile war was no longer a, Coates Tile . - . � . . I
todinoll'pittsof the Counties of IOdkS " ,a am. I I I ht�'3' cigar Ilk- a "Inog" on a grade,
Huron and Porth, Orders lof b at THE NEWS WIL thut violent, 'bodily excrelse, is bad I . froill Tuesday, tweeit large orgqo1zod bodies. ed if I CANADA'S WATERWAYS. .
Ruporib office Clinton or addressed to SO& dead, i r ;sbi"uld n't a � Doer force,; Were .scattered tit the 'I've �'Ccn "m tlwleoe, In dang .
forth P. 0, -0,111 receiva'prompt Attention. Sat- " NMR4 'jusf after, a nival, lid mental exer- . - 1 .4.- . . Plxport, ewes tire unchanged at froin oln make. lot out,"
staotion uaranteed.or liochargds.' Yourpat- . .ii,.", MR tiol., Js equally '40, 1 1 . I ' ') 2 a por lb, 01-ange River Colotiy'and tile T�aiiq- In r,P::t,pwm,i to careful pumplog, Mr, Schreiber Convinded That There
onagogofi .1 . A Wise p,ople do not. even argue dur- - . . 8t to .
cited. 1. I . Ilk, , ECONOMIC VALUE OV BIRD,4. : 10raln-fed yearlings are weaker at Vaal tin(] Parts Of tile Cape cololly� .
__ — . ,e ing or just after dinner, aad observa .. . I Thvir commandocs Wore small, gen- lcn;,�,� told =i th.it on two o-e.as*ons, Is a 14 Foot ChanneL .
. ,� - 'law
I . 1% , vw or It is averpe(l from 4 io 4'A,e per 11). crally collslating of from 'too to L100 o"I tho n)ghl. - trip, a fel had from Ottawa Says:_ �
. MISOSLLANA�OU$ I's � of . atter-dililler. Speeches will . that, the destructloll "Parityards" are- worth front 341 'Plung out from. bih:n(I fit,- ruills of A despatch
.v Oua t1lat most A F; of birds - � .
. _ .._____. — act$ almost instantly c0tivilwo till, � peakei � in Vrance has Produced dis � (o 4.1, a per lb., atid are not wanted, incti. Tile largest knoWn numbered ill,- 62 .%tone hottis antl flagge(t Ii'm Mr. Schrelber, DoputY Minister Of
4ves hor ex. ,4 effect9 Bucks are worth 2& to 3e pet, lb, About 600. I I -a-L uilt.h u lanip, t3thaugh it was Railways, aft(q- his recent careful ]it- 0
lleither widure theolse 080,011. . upoll. agriculturk., hot -
CEO. THOWHILL . on such hair. It cite Ili tholt, hearem any Aovera.ln- ticulture and tile gra 0 industry. Ill Spriog lambs tire worth front $2.- , _.w_ ___ I wronce cantLis
I telleattial offort. tho Department of Ifivault. alone, it . +_ , p';,glittimo, lut %iilth a flag. lie ntop- spection of tile St. LA, ..
XrOnSESHOE'R ANI) , gwakeng OeW life in 50 to $4 each; . �, but hoo. man was to wiark.q, said lie was.satfs1led that a,
GEA In fact, tile expel-lenco tit count- hits beon Calculated, tile destruction from $1 BLINDED BY A BLAST. 9.'," 1*11' t"'T 14-f()OL nil,vigo,tion, existed through-
. . Calves are unchanged at faiind, nor was t1i3re, any diocas!on
. Woodwo I & fronod, and flrst�claosa material anti I the hitir bulbs, The less geaerati(yas, from the I -ed Ttl- of bird:4 atc,11,0oln"(1 io fi-ed llymn fit- to $8 each, Good veals tire ill . — . ., for Vaggkig, . . out tile System, . I
work guaranteed. Farm Implements mud mu. effect is astotilshing. di,%r. of the Wood -,4 to the Wbito-qhlrt� Poets costs a loss of more than. 0,- steady request. I On th:� ,iineondoceis-'Ort Ilia condue- Mc.gqrs. J. T. D-104, of Uontreal,
C, -it Part. f �Vinu oyor.v mntl% - - . 'right. road franknoin a,1ld I
chines rebuilt and repaired. � cl (111lars of it model v, has part 000,00ty 90101-s 0 (100 ht- No cliallgre lit milch COWS, good We -103ley Man X00t9 Wit" & r (�:-r 11,!Xfl.�-tl with rall, Itoger. Miller, of ln,-�01'9011, have
I — vur hair grovis, be- patilated tile lessoll that it II)an Sonto birds consunio abit) � . ful Aeoldent, . fbat , 'lid I , I
jz� W , tit types,are wanted, \
. JOB13ING A SPECIA . I udi . Sects each daily. alid u. single 1115el't - Jctl-'i WWI 400Y, 63 JOL04 8 beat awarded the contract for the �
AL99RIV STRURT, NORT9, . onles thicker, and all Roll[d Tlot, eal, a-lolle, nor think ni ' ' " "I'lie best price for 11singers" 18 70 & despatc) froin Wellesley, olit., bf, woutl disregard the 1'ellaw's rilg- t Parry Sound. Their
.CWNTON� � at ON tilull, but lillould toll; ttud be . eal,JI)g Species, ,Wfoasleur Levut esti.. ' hogs are sityp'_J01111111ast, of AVelleplo.V, W�aj) n�xl If JA[.� ever va,w him again. A,t, 10 breakwater it
. � -1 I 1. - �_ I
-1-11.-. -6 dandrUff ir, reMoved. .. Afost. pea, , 11111W8, Inay be the mean" of savilig per lb; thick fat, anti, light . � I at contract Ill"Ce % Ill tile vicinity. of
—.-- . talked to while lie Woo �Vorth 61'a pot� lb. d-0114, h,) rolnornbered tIlly th 1.
. 1. 0 - pl(�, d() aot j11111b, IllUpil W11,oll, tilpy ;1,L'of) grains of wheat &laid 1,15n blasting 1%, large .qtotio Ill a 11iijil oil - - moon- $200,000. � .
I *60 y ha �, And tile ,0 -fl -Ina I I Irogs to fetch the top price ,must Ill, Iletior 11, 11alitzils faria, Just bioth ll'�ght,4 N�lcra brUliantly
. I EtXPERIENCt ' till[(, and. tallilng In it, natural ati,- grgpes per, dfty, 1 llohli of tile toWn, and was rainnillig l"I ana tilat a geed brecz:5 ,�val blow- + — I
, color of eartUffe' ig collipallitnent of . I . . . t)e of, prill (- (,utility, and scale not —
� . . . 0 *---- � 41 11 H belo'iv 160 lior above 200 lbs. I home tile Packing when tile Charge Ing,
I restored to 96d or 144'rING AND DRINKING, - I � Cattle, About t�vfo moRib;1 lator, I KRUGER AND BOTHA. I
I I . . . ouddenly and unacootintably explod- i 1%..�, fall. after a heavy raln, 1"tIn ., r4fl, -- I
I I. '.0"', This is HIlippers,per cWt. _$1.50 $5.25 ed, 1110 faOO, eyes, anti handn were tatCo. a bad roolk-alid2, a quarior ot' a . .
, I _ �. A gray halk" Xrow does it fare with the many A SUDSTITUT111 1001t WOOL� Btitther, choice, do, . 4,25 4.-.50 Been In Direct Gorrospondonat
I � I solitary woman Of to-dity?, No bet- I terribly torn and burn0d, a4d as he . '[one llouse# Ills Hoe
. . 01ways the cas'eo*-, " ter, we know, thall with tho 141)111 - Butcher, ord to good 8,50 4100 Was al , time he Mile blyood th,� CIA ", tl�o� f6r some Days. .
1 - nferior. ... Z 76
$i.00 , a bottl , a '% Artificial wool made from turf fib ' one lit the field p't tile f1romom waq kll�liaA, btit ha 110 ( d
, All drUffirl't-S, iloyed at Dusseldorf. Butcher, 'I 110.11 �, 4 1
1 but� din'crondy. Alone or not, It (.)Vp is now ctrip had gr0ftt, difficulty In 9VOOP1119 w1th a spramod anklo. a A despatch froia, Brussels saVs.- . I
- qtockers, per eWt, . . 3,00 845 d 0011. hZbblfag up to Ins a dftY or two lat The correspondent of the ln6pen.
g4 I hilo ralleii Ayer's H&Ir Vigorp tnl,1n lafty generally be trusted at any (Jerlymay, for pianuforturing Cloth, � ,1.00 )Its Ways III AT, almost blinde R
01011ANG ift a Ml itoblihed at thO rate to take food onough. (We out)- ' R dition, to the house, A rig Was &� ,is t ws.s o,fl,lng round and liald, donee llelfto at Amsterdam tolo.
174 PIRIGHts &d. oo it h ne In kooill tny Ton Slearg have elapsed qlace the first Sheep and Lambs.
� bandages, hato, rugs, aild flo loptli. ,xport bulls, Per cWt. 8,50
Aifty0no!4MAPA link t 14 damdrittioli 1114y out, t a the- I pol8lor0f courlea, tilat ho can got it). C w t. A.50 875 , 011CO procured and lie was taken to, 4 -Wal, I (vone It,,, I gralilin that for Home dayo Past 3fr, .
4 too * otig at fro , to in I turf wool, and it Choice eWeo, POP ' "DA,a Whitl" .
. utokit ascartAtim our Opinipti ,ing I best tollio I Ave Mod, And X With - -woman it Iq difforent" Sho is attefflPtIA to Make ,r,o vr, 01alster's office, Where 1110. .1,1� X1.11grer lytv4 been in ,direct eorra.
, EAD ended to, I
'I I
1 i I I
I i I I
I !
I" I
-1 I19 @
I _J
on is 01,001yratmthble. ?i6mul CA* . r6comt0mrid it to Inorc, emotional. Inoro imagillativo, -4 4,25 vlJonden
Event, , Ig avel-red t1lat receat IlaproVements V�arllllgo, ginalt-fied'. ., f.A0 4; �Vouilds Wore properly ktt 01t,ull h IIiat,%[m.ehou.qo flagn, I
0611%rli!�,y 6boill t U cer With tho Door lenders at
, IS61111d6ftt ", IlfilidbOtikon I?Atotktd
- it,ontii,, 610011y I w,tA L.f� 11,lo, ye about; wonder It
sent tee. - I est alenoy folp6mring Ill fho PrQ(1dSqV14 hftV0 reWlted fit the Lambg, bo,riwards,oft, 0.7i T,
t & 00. _f4 ftla ), . and less inclille .
p.Atanta tAken t rec.IV4 'a to realize tile F111000 .00 0110 eye gppearod to bO 1101)
" , . 11 . "it Rott. . . � reford, piloductioll, of X noft fibyowl Material, Do's spring, each ... 2.5 SO 4 ther, 1XItholigh thivIll. think I'm dow now?" �4tttndcrtolj, tlltlaiisvixal. Ito adda '� "
0*" MIA wittioUt"ev""ge, 'it'l the . 01 . ButlIngtou, X. 0. ti(,%eqqItles of existence. The D ,per eWt . . . 0-50 3100 r,41nod, but 'tile o . that Lord Xitcheact, authorizod the
— tho %voMalt doomed to dine alone as which can bo ppUll Ap. readily as upka burn0d aild lao6ratod, may be Saved, ff':� went ,-xi to toll tts tbat tba
$00tifit Amerka"o It I&A"do fitit ovtem *4 tile %t6d often tv; not d000 not dine at all, . sheep's wool, and will ell, beAldea pos- , Milkorg and CAIVO.q. Ill$ hands were ft,so rldm�, fellow flagged h1m: the night vf tW111011ligsioll of thO dcsPatcheq bo- I
Veilikiy. tArstailt dto . casing excellent aboorbent proper- COWS, -00,00 45,00 T110 wounds on tp, Xrur -noel. InoLd. .1 ;-- - �
A hindsoft,61Y 111dittAtOd _ , elp6d6d fronn tbo us# 6f tbd 944' tion hits not, dulnefent praotiOA; a Iq 0041 ........ :.:m-, , .00 10,00 found to be sorloula. , thc, necident- but, with bt3good man tweell 11 ,,or and tile -A
culAtIon Of Ally rinni. erifts, pa # each ....... .,,,.a for the in mind, Ile dropped her down a note ors. The (%914� (39 tile C0n9UI-(JCftQrftI
611tifte 10 . vigor, tholDoo.t6tabbittit. ,
, Ina, to capable of being bleached nad 'Calves,
Ir I tour montUat 41. So d bly all 11401*4083at"A. I *31 ok'elriak rAW6110 MO. mail gets it becaune btla funatio" Afl%*Bast started (tt 01100
gHtLCOSetot"dw-ky, AWV k 1. 11 11.1.1 ! . practise it too often In tile wrongo toCilopt"d top uGa In variouA textile, In- : 110gri broa tho,d def Lanea at the rplat I of-tho Netherlands is boinguSed.
yo NOW :1 trk L duatrion: C1101co hogs, cwt'%., 8.50 1,06 general Ilospital In Toronto, . .
a, 11 6d.A41P".W#AbASt0U. , —, - , , _ IWAY. � I . . .