HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-06-20, Page 111 CUM 22114 Year CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JIM 20, 1901 SItECORD. Whole Number 1172 " News -Record Trial Trips are successful, Here is one 10 cents pays a subscription up to August. Mention this to your friends, Please. $ SECOND HAND I.1)ICYC4ES $ Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express Money Orders, also forButterick Patterns. $ $5 to $15 . sommiorogasuccU2••••••••••••• • We are clearing out the balance of our. Bicycle Stock which consists now of 6 or 8 second hand ones.. Some are in good repair. and some are not but the price will, we are sure, please you. Come and see what we have if you: are wanting a cheap wheel. The Lecture. A. large audience gathered in the town WI on Friday evening last to laear mid see Miss HUN illustrated lec- ture, Miss Hill has travellea extensive- lYsis a keen observer and a fluent talker 80 was able to describe in detail famous points of interest in Europe. The views thrown on. canvas ga,Ve points to her description and wade it so much more interesting to the aud- ience, The stereoptican was rnanaged by Miss Middleton. Narrow Escape., On Saturday morning two of Mr, J. •Colclough's'ehildren were in the field next to the railway track and had a $ rather narrow escape. They were watehing •the 10.30 train going past LITTLE LOCALS Harvey Davis has added another nice grey driver to hie liseetY.• Mr. A. A. Schrenk has sold his share in the livery stable to Mr. R, Warner, Mr. A. A.. Schrenk, Frost and Wood agenthad a deliyery of implements on Tuesday, Mr. R, P. Reekle has rented the house on Isaac street ab present occu- pied by P. B. Crews. Miss Beshie Murcia hes been re-engage ed in the Wellesley Public school at an increase in salary of $50. Cantelon Bros. shipped a car of 487 tubs of butter, weighing about 25, 000 pounds, to Halifax on Tuesday. . The granolithie workers have finish- ed the walk on James and King streets and are now on- Townsend when one of the volunteers who was street, on the train levelled a rifle and fired a Major Hugh Clark a the Kincardine shot at the two children, the shot $ striking within a toot and a half of the young lad's head. This is dangerous •$work and the perpetrator should be severely punished. •$An Old Clock. • Mr. James Rose,who went to Chicago $ some weeks ago, has secured a good • positiou and is doing well. In a letter to his sari friend,IVIr. D. writes that he is engageB. Kennedy, he d in the doctor (AN ACHE CIDENT ON TSIDEWALK, W. Cooper,0. CLINTON Arse-Afte-larss--gs-Asb••••44.-46,0.,41b..• lea-a414.1),i4b454k-opieS-15;46-e-st,.!-c.:49eema-ae.ea•eere..eesieeeees:eatiaeeia.e....steeyeesse, Wh it can We have Ibr.a chainge Is the cry of every housekeeper. 0 . 0 0 Review has been chosen candidate for the Legislature' of the Centre Bruce Cotservatives. The junior baseball team went to Goderieh on Tuesday and succeeded in defeating thb juniors of that -town by a score of 10 to 5. Cautelon and Wallis shipped a double decker of hogs on Monday. $0.80 was the prevailing price with still higher prices now ruling. Mg of timepieces of English and Swiss ,make and at. time of writing was en- gaged repairing a clock which was pre- sented to Lord Nelson after one of his famoos naval victories. The sum said t� have been paid for, this old clock would buy nearly half *the chronome- ters in Clinton, A Big Excursion. . .The exenrsien to • Guelph on Satur- day hist, under the auspice's of the Farmer's Institutes was as Astral a suc- tess,about thirteen hundred tickets he- eolds. • A large number, however, dropped off at stations along the route and others again* went further than Guelph, •merely takine• advantage of the 'cheap rate to that point The weether was all that could be desired and there were no accidents. The excinsimiets reached home at an early hour after having had, from accounts received,a pletiesent and profitable trip. Meeting of Smith Huron L. 0- L. : WE SUGGEST A FEW APPETIZERS SUCH A 0• S Strawberry Pie Plant Pine Apisan of .Spinach le Chunks Stuffed Pickles Chili Sauce ; Save your Eggs and. use Burnett's Coffee Clearer to settle Your Coffee: 0 -Lesaye your order for Lettuce and Young Onions early in the Week. 41. 0 le Cooper & Co. ; CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. (DASH. GROOERY • veb.e.s::,e43:...e-c-e-ses-ogbesAt.sm-ee56,4"&e-bite,e1:-e-C.e-sib-st• .itt-eAtto!""&03 • o . • OVED- sa) Qi) ,cP . • • We haye moved into our new store, Biddlecombe's old stand and invite you to call. Come .and see us eyen if you don't buy. 161 P. ; e. CREWS$. Expert • 'Watch Repairer. **********************************•************•****# 4 STORE NEW. 5. R).? Wakefield Hats Are the ;esti Thie an acknowledged fact that we keep the latest and best assorted stock in the . -...."4::,.....„\•-2-1 trade. We are showing. some very handsome • • • styles just in for summer. • • NECKWEAR—We have the prettiest stock of 50e ties to be found anywhere. We have made our neckwear depart- ment especially•strong arid attractive by giving good 'values and nobby styles, We have the most recent styles. • • • • * • • Morrish My !bitten' Alpfs :Ready /Hades We have there from five dollars per suit up to eleVen, Our five dollar line is the best value we have ever had in etock. It is tirade fram a, dark ° grey, broken cheek, Halifax twee.d, one of those tough wearing things that always give greet eatiefeetiers The other lines. are. equally good value. A..1. HOLLOWAY; "It • A young daring of our town manag- ed while riding ou the granolithic side- walk on Saturday evening to run into little Johnnie Hall and cense con- siderable injuries to the little fellow. The Chief, • Mr..• R. Welsh, has received orders from s the Mayor to have the • by-law against rid- ing, on the sidewalk strictly enforced. • The semi-annual meeting of South Huron L.. 0. L. was heldin Hensall on Tuesday. A.'yery fair representation ofofficers and membeie of the Order from the several districts was in atten- dance.. It was decided by an almost unariimoris vote to celebrate next 12th .of July' in Stratford, several of the primary lodges having previously ar• ranged to go . there. Bro. A. Nevin, W. 09. M., occupied the chair and his address to the brethern was very • practical and impressive and should result beneficially to the welfare of the orders ha South Huron. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4•••••••• An Attractive Store. Last weak Par.P. Crews moved in- to his new .sterd'afthe'" old 'Biddies Oombe stand and since then has had many callers who have unanimously, assured P. B. that his Store is very at - .tractive and that they admire his, enter- prise and ambition. ,The many kind remarks that haye.been made will no doubt inspire in Par. Crews desire to still further excel. Twenty Inch •Bass.• . • Messrs. D. B. Kennedy and john Johnson, are eery fend of fishing and enjoy nothing better than a day's Out- ing with rod and Sine. On Monday they visited one of their favorite re- sorts on the IVIaitlandand were success - full it landing to and a half dozen fine black bees, Mr, Kennedy's best catch was twenty inch fish vvhich • weighed fourpoundet two ounces. It was a beaety. • • Pretty up for dthjuly, A Visit th St Joseph. • In company with half a doer citi- zens we drove over to St. Joseph the other day. Some of us had been there before and others not bat (wee it strange) cin comparing notes . there appeared to be bub one opinion as to the "city,"etc., etc. We went by Hen sail and had,of course, to call on Harry Cantelon. No Clintonian could have done otherwise for he was one of us and will be again shortly, • It was pleasant to hear that Harry and his family are highly respected in that village and that the -people are sorry because of their coming departure. However fine is the country from H.ensall to the lake it can not capti- vate the eye to the same extent as the London ,Roaci. or the Stanley Lines. One of the finest places to be seen Was the farm lately sold by County Coun- cillor Torrance who has retired from farftiing and will in future live more at mine ease. Zurich is a pretty village and does ,a thriving trade. • Miller, Williams and the Messrs. Johnson are its most energetic pushers after busi- ness. • Once • upon a time as . the villagers. looked out to St. Joseph and saw thewalls a the new "city" rise they feared for their burg but as the • weeks rolled into months and. then swelled into years they began to regard it as a resort for the curious rather than a business competitor. St. Joseph has grown slowly, in the past twelves months scarcely any at all. The big block has been roofed and there youtare, There are otse and a halt million bricks in the block and just es many feet of lumber will be required to finish it. Li this is not included a kitchen which the projector says he will build away from the block so that the odors which float about when meets are being prepared may tot penetrate:into the main building. Monsieur Contine is growing stouter but dresses better and is naore wive and polite than ever. He has lost none of his optimism and pointing to the "city's" buildings, he said : "Pour years ago there wris nothing here, behold it now, and started without a dollar," He added that work would be resumed and the hotel completed and opened When the proper time came, but just about when thet would be he did not say. The $5000 grant for a wharf Mon- sieur thought was fully justified hut it Was, of course, only a starter.• Tun CLINTON Xlms-ttEcortn, saki he, has • been laughing at my enterprise hut the time will come when it, and other critics, will have to take Mali back, • M. 13eeigneul, Who manages the hotel, icon eXceedingly affable and courteotie Vrenchtnao who exerts hinaself to the utmost to please visitors. • Ile is a fluent talker and emphasisee his remarks with gestures, shrugs and an inimitable "pooh." On the Walls of one of his rooms hang a pair o• f duelling pistols of the lith ceritnrt which he Raid were heirlooms of his family who lived in the province of Bretagne, Old France. Me Ilesignenl has other turies such as pia guns, swords, ete. emsovoevotese aleillesmo•Nolooleleoloverm• iele 1 time LOCALS. • An auction sale of 20 cattle will be held by Mr, J. Sheppard at the Shen - pard block or what is known as "The Old Royal Stand" on Saturday, june 22nd. •Mr. Bert. Peterson has again com- menced boring at Mr, M. Maaggetrt's, leaving been delayed while securing new grates for the engine, the old ones having burnt out. Conveyances will be run from town to Holatesville on Friday evening at 6,80, 7. 7,80, and 8 o'clock for the cons yenience of those who may wish to attend the lawn social, A. football match in connection with the lawn social will be. played in Holniesville on the grounds of H. El- • STANLEY TOWN$1-11P. • Statate labor was done on tlae Babylon Line on Saturday and Mon- day. • Alt and Mrs. Wru. •Stanley of Holruesville were guests at the home of Mr, Gs R. Keys last week, We see that Mr. George Clarke has the foundatiorfor his barn completed. Mr, and Mrs, A'. T. Keys spent Sun- day with Mr. Dewar of the Sauble. The annual picnic of the Brownson, • Town Line, Goshen and. Babylon schools will be held at Baytield in Towett's grove on Friday, June 21st. Mr. Thos. Demon of the Babylon has improved the appearance of his house by giving it a good. coat of ford on Friday between Jackson Bros'. The decoration committee of the citi- zens committee for the H. 0. B. would •be much pleased if the residents of town would assist them in making as good • an appearance as possible throughout the whole town by decor- ating their premises with flags and bunting. If the citizens will only help in making their residences have a holida,y appeerance the work of the 'decorating committee will be much triore encouraging. P staff itnd the Ilohnesville team. • Mr, Ben Keys has his barn finished The band -concerts haye been discons •all but the stabling. tinued on account of the want of good Miss Ida Rathwell and her cousin instruments hut the boys expect in the visited Mrs, Rufus Keys one ,day last near future to be able to give the pub- week. lie better arid more suitable concerts. • Miss Franey Sharp accompanied by Mr. Brown of the eletric light works her cousin, Mr. Hicliey of Stephen, is busy perfecting his' six -cylinder visited her brother, Mr, John Sharp of separator which he claims will have so the Babylon Line, last week. many points of superiority Over those. P1r73oe Wilds and wife of St Lotus now in use that it will become the are visiting the former's brother Val - popular machine. entine. • A. game of baseball was played in the • Mr. and Mrs. George Spackman of park on Saturday afternoon between of Dashwood paid a short visit to Mr. shops 1 and 2 ot the o. f. The full nine Richard Penhale last week, innings were played but the game seem- Mr. Thos. Stinson, Sr„ visited friends ed strangely one-sided, the score stand- in Ripley this week. ing at the close 10 to 5 in favor •of Mr. joe. Mossop has purchased some shop No, 1, .• new machinery from Mr. Ben. Higgins, The last Gazette contained the our pepular agent. ' • following : 83rd (Huron) Regiment--; Miss Maggie Wilds returned op Provisional 2nd lieutenants F. J: Lin- Tuesday from a trip to the Pan A merit- say,j. A. Snell having left limits their can. ; •'• names are removed from the list of lkir. Percy Cole and Alex, Thompson officers of the militia, ; to, be 2nd lieu- of Goderich township were the gnests tenant aopertintearY,',0.44pbeyts0n., of Mr, Chasjohristoe on Shadily, The pastor of Ratteribury street 1- AIr'Scotchinere'ehas•. sold • his. •churehmoy be expected to take for hire [ black driver to Rey. Mr. Jennings Of entryPs A DRBAM • OP PI''IENDS The possession of the photos et friends is a decided pleasure and as time rolls on these mo- mentoee become more valuable because they can't be replaced. You should do your share toward laying up future pleasure for others. Our photos are life -like now and will still be works of art years hence. Life size portraits in every style guaranteed the best. 01-1).0-1s-Grtia. tii•tb4la•Stissille Phoi o Studio eliesellsoliaAs 0011041104.11,1 sulije'et's' next Sunday : At 11 a. m. "Christ, the solution of many prob- lems" ; at 7 p. m. " Rice, 'Rutledge and Jones, or Crime, its detection and pun- iehment." The public are cordially 10 Garden Party, On Friday evening of next week a garden party will be held on St. Paul's 'church rectory grounds which is in- tended to afford , an opportunity for our citizens, their wives and families to beeome acquainted with the reator and Mrs. Gunne, who expect to be set- tled in their new home by that time. • The Guild and the ladies of the church have made sir/hiller eventsbothpleasant and successful and hone to even excel thetnselves this time. • The town band has been engaged end refreshments • Will be served. The • proceeds will • he devoted to the building fund. KIPPEN: The excursion to Guelph and the ES- perimental Faun was. well patron- ized on Saturday list some sixty-fiye having gone from Kippeu station. The stone city has its repute and so has the farm and it has become An annual place of outing always given at a suits able time when the rural comp:trinity have a day to spare. This year it seems old friends in their kindness turned out to take a parting look and shake and sup.with those in authority and partake from the basket of loaves and fishes on the beautiful lawn ata say mild leng syne. Mies 1VteMordie of Kippen left, it is. understood, on an extended visit to London, the Pan-American and other cities. , Kippen Ocaiservative aisociation representatives attended the conven- tion at Hensall on Friar), last, which was largely attended 6m all parts. The candidature of our opular mem- ber, Mr. R. Bilber,. virt, heartily en- dorsed and the prelimins vies outlined for to be vvatched and attet,:ded to and things generally brought into line from the report of the delegates, Alex' AdNevin, Who has been clerk- ing for some time in Kippen has Secur- ed aposition with one of Clinton's bank- ing institutions and believe has noW en- tered on his duties. To know Alex. is to respect him. Re is all exemplarly young man of honor and ability. .Rev. Dougherty of St. Paul's, Hen- sel], visited his parishoners in this locality recently of whom there are many. In connection .with the con- gregation there is to be a strawberry festival and promenade concert in Howell skating ring on • Saturday evening, 22nd inst Would say to our 'Varna. and Goshen Line friends come out and let us have a re -union. Music will be furnished by the King Edward Band of liensall, • Rev, Mr. Marsh of•Harniiton preach. ed in Su, Andrew's, Kippen, Sabbath last. With the variety and ability that has been presented and no one yet selected. • Mr, Editor.—We are not looking for cheap advertisements but anxious to let outsiders know that a musical re- heareel of high order is to take place in d• • Methodist church, Kippen, wir ...a has been kindly loaned for the occasion. • Miss Is Whiteman has con- sented to the request that a public recital of her pupils be given on Mon- day evening neap and from what peo- ple know of the young lady's ability we have not the least doubt but that her pupils wadestinguish themselves and do her deserved credit. The pub. lie generally, especially music loving, should not miss this 'treat. The pro. • grain is out and would amply fill the • bill for • a more pretentious place. Will you be one. --Coat. Bayfield for a good figere. Mr. Israel Durand of Drysdale got a rib fractured by falling over a 'log in Mr. Stinson'S bush one day last week and will he laid off work for a few weeks, Mr. Stinson having hired Joe Miller in his stead, • - Miss Daisie Scotchmege while visit- ing at Mr, .john WatSons on Sunday happened with what plight have been a serioue accident. While paddling in the lakeWith her shoes off she • soine- hew got beyond her deplh and had it not been for timely assistance we might have had to tell a different storY, however, she got off safely with the exception of a good wetting. Mr. Alf. Westlake has bought. • splendid new yellow, geared buggw. Mr. Chas. Johnston visited friends in Hensall on Satutday and Sunday. • Mr. John Turner has been very. busy 'shearing sheep lately, • Thos. Nicholson has' got his home all renovated inside and new verandah on it. Mr. It. Miller didthe VARNA. -- 13'red: Purdy left to -day for Ingersol where be has secured a eitaatiou in the Noxon machine works, As Fred, wee a jolly good fellow he will be naissed by the boys, C. Pilgrim and son. Ed. took advan- tage of tlae cheap trip to Gnelph on Saturday to see his father. Be did' not return. until Monday. We hope he enjoyed himself as he does net often take a holiday. 'The following from the village also visited the farm; Wm, ReattY, j. E. Harnwell, Oliver and Marith Keys, Harry Arnistrong, Mr, • BAYPIELD, Mr. John Fraser's brother is visiting friends in town. Bass fishing is the order of the day and many good catches are recorded. Our soldiers of the Xing returned last Saturday from camp looking like bronzed veterans after their ten days' drill on Carliug's Heights. We understand Mr. Thos. Stephens of Seatorth has leased. the River Hotel for the sunanter. Mr. Stephens is a man of extended experience in the business and ought to be able to cater acceptably to the public. and Mrs, J. Foster, Mrs. Seacord and - Miss Jackson, daughter of Mr. G. E. ,Kit Werdjackson of Egmondville, is visiting • A large number from this part took her aunt in North Baylield during her in the excursion to Detroit cm the 10th, uncle's absence at the •Pan-American. • S. 0. RathWell is moving in the Mr. Jas, Marks, son of our respected Jamieson stock this week and will be citizen, Ni. T. J. Mark, Is visiting his ready for business by Friday, Be no home and friends here after an absence doubt will reeks thitigs hum in the in Seattle,N. W. T., for sorra) years., shoe trade for a while. • Rev. J. G. Zelland has resumed James and John Wanless attendedhis pastoral dales again after being in the funeral of their brother David of• attendance at the stennal conference. Windsor the latter end of last week. A. nunaber of delegates from here They returned home on Sattu•clay. • and vieinity are attending the 0. E. Mrs. Webber of Galviston visited at and E. W. S. convention:in Clinton the home of Mr. John Wanless last this week, week. She can tell some thrilling • Dr. Atkinson of Detroit spent re few stories regarding the late destruction days in town this week bet went back l of the city as she. wail at the city at the to his home Monday. The Dr. wil time and lost all she had. • The awful scene will be indellibleinpressed on her memory. •' At the last meeting of Court Varna the Court received a very kind invita- tion to have tea at the home of Bro. Joseph Foster, which was readily aC- opted and after the business of the court was completed all repaired to the *home ot Bro. Foster where a bountiful tea was provided by Mrs. Foster and family. After •doing • aneple justice, to the gond things • provirled:..,a,stiort time wee spent in social chat, after which the S. P.,S. A: Moffatt, made a neat speech. Also a , hearty,. vote or thanks was tendered to Bro. Fester and family by the court te which Bro. Fosterrnade e very feeling reply. A pleasant evening was brought toa close by all.joiting in God save the King. A WEDDINO IN MARKLIALE. • A pretty vvedding was soienanized in Christ's church, Markdale, yesterday in which 1V1innie A„ daughter of Mr. Wm. Lucas, banker, was united in marriage to Mr. J. E. Hovey. druggist of Clinton. The officiating clergyman was Rev, J. F. Parke of Arnherstburg, who was assisted by Rev, Y. It, New.. ell, rector of • Christ's church. • The church was crowded to witness the in- teresting event but at the house only the immediate relatives of the coni trading partiee were present. After • the wedding dinner being served and a reception being given the happy eouple left by the evening train to spend their honeymoon visiting points of interest on the St, Lawrence. • Mr. and Mrs, Hovey will return to Clinton and will take up house on'Tewnsend street DrOwning Accident. A sad drowning accident took place at the residence of Mr. Parlmer of St. Joseph street on Sunday afternoon about the hour of 4.30. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Whiteside and little son Guy had driven up that morning froth their home in Hensall to visit at Mr. • Parlrner's, On in the afternoon the absence of the little boy was noticed by his mother and Mrs. Patirner went Lo the door to satisfy her mind but saw the boy was not with the men, who were asleeplm the grass. Look- ing to her left she noticed the lid off the cistern and on going over saw it floating in the water and guessing the meaning uttered a scream which awoke the two men. Mr. Palmer eecured a rake and to the horror of those pres- ent the body of little Guy WAS brought to the surface. All that was possible was done to testore life but the vita' spark bad fled. The elstern was full of water and it Is supposed that the little fellow after getting the lid off had been playing in the water with his hands and had lost his. balitee. ile VMS A in ight little boy, only one year and nine months of age. The bereaved parents left on Monday ,morning for • Hensall, taking with them the last earthly remains of their only dill& The funeral took pladelhatearrie after- noon., Me. Parlmer accompanied the remains to Herteall, Almost all the farmers of the neigh. berhood are doing statute labor. , Mrs. James Walker and daughter of Exeter visited relatives in this vicinity recently. Mr. • and Miss Woods of Listowel visited at the home of Mrs. G. Beatty of Verne last sveek. • Mt Wilson Armstrong end. sister Ida of Tuckersinith spent Slinday in these parts•. Mr. William Reid, who has been• attending Listowel Business College,. has returned to his home. • The Misses Eva and.Ida Reid and Albina and Learn Richardson were the guests of Miss PI, Reid of Varna on Tuesday last, Mr, 3. Laird of Clinton visited at Mr. Andrew's Armstrong's on Saturday and Sunday last, • Mr. j, J. Richardson, who spent some tine° visiting his brother and sisters of • Wyoming, has returned home. Dame Rumor says wedding bells will be chiming in our midst in the • near future. - Mr, Robert McMurray,the people's popular fence builder is kept busy and has a large number of contracts. Mr, arid Mrs. M. Beteg and Mr, and Mrs. T. Dickson drove to Grand Bend on Saturday last on ttplensure trip. • Mr. S. Snider and son are busily ens engaged doing the carpenter work of J. Davidson's honse. Mr. John Davidson was in Clinton on Monday last on business. Master Charlie Rathwell and sisters • were the guests ot Mr. Thos. Ratit- vvell on Sunday last. • • MeEwari Brothers have moved their shingle mill on Us the property of Geo. Middleton's where they will be engaged for some time making shingles. Quite a number from this vicinity took in the excersion to the Model Farm at Guelph on Saturday last. Among the neither were Mr. and Mrs. William Stogdale of the Goshen Line, Mr. James Delgatty and Miss Emma, •Thompson of Blake and Mr. Wm. Reed and. Miss Gertrude Wiley of Parr Line. They report having a large time, there being about four thousand on the grounds. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Xeys of the Babylon Line left on Tuesday to at tend the Walker pieinic at Marlette, Michigan, but owing to illhealth Mrs. Keys was not able to attend. Mr. Archie Heys now sports it new huggy,no doubt it ride in it was appre- elated by one of the fair sex on Sunday evening last. Mr. and Mrs, j. Meitinley visited at the latter's parents last Saturday and • Sunday. • Two young Men of the neighorhood • of Goshen visited in the vicinity of Chiselhurst on Sunday last. return later for the surniner vacatioh. • Mrs. Chesney has returned to her home in Seaforth, after a brief bet pleasant visit here.. . Mr. John Stanbury of near Bruce - field visited his brother, Dr, 8tanbury, Sunday. •, Mrs.. Steveus of Exeter and. her daughter, Mrs. H. Talbot Of Drys- dale, visited Mrs. Rohn= last Friday. Mr, and Mre. Geo. 'Sparkman of • Grand Bend yisited at Mrs. R. Rouatt's • larr . Joseph Brown visited s rS7itnuardN theu' ctaughter, Mrs. Murray in Gode- rich, last Sunday. • We understand the pier improve- mentswill gel onaxle sun:liner and that the • south pier will be ex- teTntiehedre. is some talk of ektensve im proveneents being made to the Presby - i.. terian church this summer. - This ia step in the right direction only let be ' soem. A. new ceiling and about tWeiVe feet of an extension is needed Yery much besides A general overhauling. • Be up and doing, God's house should be the best and moet attractive hi, the town. • . • Several of the farmers in thenear vicinity took in the. Hurini.excureicin: to Gnelph last Saturday and 'repast ' • having a good tithe.. These re -unions: are getting quite reveler and ere very PrVihtepotato• a6lebeetle is proving a very, destrUctiye 'pest this'year 'and those •• people who have planted • early have • their handsfull in destroying the plagues One citisen rernoliecl. by .ac.. tual Count no fewer than one hundred S and fourteen striped•backs from one hill of potatoes. • ' A large number Of , our citizens took in the excursion to Detroit or the City of Toledo Wednesdays. We noticed Dr. Woods and wife and Messrs. Geo. • Irwin, Alf. Irwin, F. Getinhardt 0, Marks, Miss Lonna, Erwin :rind , Miss Edna Green, Messrs. W. and R. Bailey, . besides -O large number of otherg- of our citizens among the pesseneers. •Tlae five school picnic from Stanley will be held on Friday of this week when a good time is expected as this is the annual canting that the youngsters • The Clinton automobile or autowag- gon, as it is called, , has made several • trips to.Bitylieldduring the past Week and it Seems just the thing for a silent fast driVe,rio•sweathig cif horses and no .I"M.joh g roats. n Ga,rdiner,our geniat P.M., spent a few days last week up -the lake shore in the neighborhood of South- ampton and. while there unfortunately lost his driver through inflammation. s The horse took suddenly ill and died in less than an hour after. We often hear the boys talking of the feat of scaling the hill from the bridge with a bicycle as a wonderful test ot endurance. "Why it ie 'nothing at all." So says a fair cyclist of our vil- lage, who did the trick, the" other day and thought it just fun. ' No wander the people of St.Andrewe church are talking of the advisability of exteriding the ehurch for large con- gregations great the new pastor, Rev. John, McNeil, every Sunday and seats in the aisle ha ie to be utilized. And the people are not disappointed for the reverend gentleman's discourses are always Of it high order and well cal- colated to agora food for thought for all those who love the Gospel Story told in the most convincing and point- ed manner and with an entire absence of the usual "doctrines fashioned to the varying hour" methods too fre- quently heard now -a -days. • Mr. and Mrs. Sharp and Miss Keys of Babylon Line were guests at the rectory 11:14sk t1arers Thursday. Me, 0 now completed the stone work of his cellar. Mr. and Mrs. Weston of Goderich township visited friends on Goshen Lino 0. la. etES. 1111'dale'enings is attending synod In London this week. Mr. T. Xing end family visited friends in Clinton yieinity last Sunday. The annual county S. 8. convention of theelturch of Longland will beheld irt Bayfield on the 27t11 of this month, • Rev. S. E', Parke, former rector. of Olintoo, visited the parental home on • Sunday. Mr.Parke wean way to Markle. •• • AUBURN , PIrttobert Clark of Toronto was the • . guest. of his parents one day last week. • Miss Annie Lawson visited tinder the parental -roof last week. • Mr. Kemp andson of near St Mary's were the guests of Mr Samuel Marshall last week. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston of Wing- • loam have sold outtheir bakery. They were visiting the latter's father, Mr. .Lockhart. •Mr.J ohnston is looking for a farm te buy. ' . Mr.Edgar Lawson has gone to Wing-. hem to work atthe baking business ,again. Mr. and Mrs. Mallough of Saratoga, were the guests of.Mr. and Mrs, John Knox orisday last week. • Mr. Wm. J. Fluker was off work one day laerweek owing to having had One of his fingers jammed with a stone, • Master Will. Wettlauffer of •• Bos bock is visiting in this neighborhood a present,. Miss Sadie Carter of the ,Nile Sure. dayed under the parental roof, Henry Youngblut of Zurich Sub- dayed underthe parental root Mr. Benson • Hamilton of Toronto, who is studying medicine,• is visiting under the parental roof at present. Mrs. Willia.rn Leavy is the guest of her brothers, the Messrs. Fea,gan,, at present.• • Mrs. Glouser of Hillsgreen is the guest of her sister,Mis. W.Youngblut at nresent. Miss Flora Turner of Donneybrook called on Miss Eflie Kn•ox last Friday evening. •• • Mrs. Thos. Brown is imprOying little. •• Miss Eaith• Mble is improving very slowly. Mr. S, Caldwell is able to walk up street again. • Mrs. 8, Clark is visiting her son Tenetale at Dungannon at presents Mr, Wm. Robertson had it, loss one day last week. One of his cattle got out on the road arid jumped into Mr. Wm. Synemington's •field by the river and running along the fence after some •cattle on the,road it, had a long step. It weut over the pier. • • Mr. John Wilson is busy putting a 'stone foundation under his barn at present. • Mr. Wm. King Si. hadit large barn raising last Saturday. • The barn is 60 x 70, Mr. G. F. Youngblait and Mr. S. Naegal were captains, the form- er coming out Ahead but it was a YetY close race. • • A. strawberry festival will be held at the &them Methodist church on Wednesday, June20th. Refreshments will be served on Mr. Nicholson's lawn from 0.30 to 8 p. ms after which an excellent program will be given in the church, consistitig • of addresses by Revs. Dr. Gifford of Clinton. and Pt Wirson of Nile, and solos, duets, etc. will be given by other able talent. Admission 15c. and 20e. Mrs. Harriston of Goderich passed through our village on her Way home After visiting her daughter*, Mts. Wm. Campbell, at Westfield. Mr. Wm. McDonald is in very poor health at present. Miss ltditit Mole is very low yet. Mrs. Baer returned to the village after spending it few weeks with her son 'Vienna, at Wirigho.m. Quite a number took in the exenr- sion to Guelph last Saturday, s Mrs. Blair has had her fence painted which adds to the appearance of her Mr. C. A. Howson intends building it new house this summer. He is rush- ing it along, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administersd In the church next Sabbath. AUBURN. Miss Carter of Stapleton is the guesb of her brother jatnes at present. Miss Annie Milker of the Hub Sun - (hayed under the parental roof. Mr. Moses Holtzhauer is having his barn moved and intends eriltieging it Rev. Mr. Corry preached in the Pres* byterian chureh last Sabbath. • Rev, Mr. Waddell is to preaeh next Sab- bath. - • IteV 3. Kennedy changed pulpiter with Rev. Mr, Shaw of 13entnillee last Sunday. Mr. Milton Wray of 13lyth visited at Auburn kat, Sunday, also Messrs. S. Crofert, and Craten Bro.dneek. The boys, who went down to London to canny look hearty after their outing. Mr. Thos. Lawlor, while taking a ride with Mr. Geo,Yungblut, the horse gave it ierk, Mr. Lawlor falling baelt- Ware's receiving it severe she:Mogul:4 Two young meta from Londesboro, who Wei3O successfully aceotriplishing the act of riding their bieyeles on the sidewalk on rriday night, were nab. bed by the Chief, They were brought before the Major and fined, born forget the lawn social to be held under the ausplees of the Onto - lo street church on Tuesdayaune 2Ith, on the gromnis of Mr. 11. IL Walker. sTheerver an band will be in attendance and etrawberries d ice creatn will be