The Clinton News-Record, 1901-06-01, Page 8Or "I P 111 1 111�1 1: ­­ ... .11 ­ I—— . 1 .1 ­ 11 - - -11.1 .. ­ ­­­ 11 ; 11 = � I I � 1: 1 � I I III, I .. -.4 'i e �;; ;4, : 10 1100 W I bad 4a lot t Rd Ox vftt ftbilde I clou"t know', but kniaw 'low I ca" low mv W40 Afacer olotb, liq MY M-101abors Vay it Is tbo� ROMANCE OF A out. I looked bar sitraight in the g4co sho lo*ad, U,9 it gbQ was dylag. BUT SAT XININ0. "LAND L DANGER T, 1,44TIIN11 1, AMU HAPS IN PDO bast Mailliat tbeW bavia, ever kAqwA 944 0414, '1 ilidlllt want to tell you, "I won't try and tell you how I felt. A city in Tax" That, xakoii. xonov out M irom SCHUBERT SONATA. mlw but 1 caA,t beip it uV1 and boy,but wbue,was doing ot "444 0;r0AtUrJ% w0itea Mrs. P4rk".. YOU'll forgive ii, rougli obwpi 1 0 me —1 had three year4-1 know. 14 t th CV01OUS IINFORK&TION BY TOR tl`nl� RUSSIAS SHIP CANAL, PROX FIN. 1 W Qgowo0k In, iny &oat Wl In or "log it In a -way as I oillonl4talt. tbaagbt of that poor girl was far LAND TO WHITE $04. At ran Autoulo do Box=, in Poole 9 01114A look's, In a beautiful garden woroo pftmlab�=At than the hardships Texas, extitv An Industry that is, par-, IRISH 'reiWe to cairpotilum fair it is so The isighto were burixtug, brightly,14 and toots strongly tempted to tries- of priulu life. I oft j an thought' then J.A Th More OASY kept 01MA. I OlAt David Suneutter 'a bar, and tb% "In' Ass, the beat thing for him. tok do is to ad th, roo 0 g7l; Win r74o*v1# tho moAt extraoirtlivarX oew sarsm. *Axle# Aro XUAtaipA, apts, am hatt an ounce of bemwox into ba, a put Nsembled wre evidently go right alway from, it, AAO tbat,aj h at "nata, ;is 00 used to Play. AWW104*48 Xtuolian Float coulo so 1-4 the world. TweAt X14ka 4way covier it with * oiy and I've tried to buln It over to- ray- '40"y 3r% there a FATOT114 l?"4X tar it to wJtb Otago, tnat4oe, and place 4t to tbis ave Spending a pleasant eveing. Rising 2;0104lag XU8 on the right to look At Y614 except as a I , ak va4t cavissi 104S WITHOUT A FREEZER, whia;vo, a rismaiins uUttil tbo, Wax 1,11; abov thosound at manty voices tboM - ady ,a tIlae was finished at last, and The latest Item In the QXpe'USJOnL Of =41=0 Ono V on kind to m%, but I tool, so, I wp,% a free men again, I was g RUSSIA Is tile great, sbip Canal which 41," ' I them, Thie 104 ail has be 11*134 AcAt R41 Preirlybody enjoys a frozon : dea- =0404, Wien I wais, the, Wiloloth was th, over to t0AU%aIAaAj Upon thou. Robeit :,N,. Xathesion, ho Juxt sound of a piano, being Play- 1 04141 9t4nid it any longer. and so back ta, tbe felt ow It She Is about to build from the Gulf wOtb wairm Mili: alad watex:, Uning 3 ed, and plyed wonderfully wall t 1 must ka but Clio busy hongewitie vL*tes flannel e to -rialand, through the swaravig and Air", of bats. yot it Is from. a loth, QV4 tbell X oj ver �t doolil d to go alway,' .ww wb4tbQr she had got topuliolied 0. Attlo fflow 'roluine, of 0`10% 4 bOthm.-: She takes ia '00o" with flannel IilippP4 into tbfk prepAT4- A lttle Gom4n, plaulait dowul on his "Tbicli a's she looked at'llio the toArs Oyer tb'D blcw� As I laic" at Nortb;44t Russla� to the bats that San Antonio M ad IRIV04 her, _gkoh, its legs tban a bullaxad page* QwA% In, 01tai.er4tion not Only the time collsum. tWin of wax aud t rub Ihok ha found I his tway, to the amp, 04IM2 into, her eyes, aucX she aid, 'But "I reached the White 80a. The peculiar Importance met OUTIOU4 152tarmAtIQ4 T444r4i, Urpenting-, and town Quo Saitur- MY, ed An. turning ol trwzer* but the it well with a ArY cloth,, This, gives and wa 5uPP00i*0 I dou't want you to. go, day afternoon. JvSt a of this Canal, whicli 1.9 betas missed A Milne polish . and a amdupoil to the degrading jimV. recoguizoa mo nd sta no or two in Ungland, is that Arch4ugel—one, T)w 9110TANW9. value of isea-bird WO the Xr14h The. title ymoding 4nd cle4ning up to be, done foxmi a Costing a000�stt 44 playiJog to this 00=40- "I'll "t tell you, any More about red a bit, but f the inost considerable parts In the 904110, hot$ for xmi years beeta rie, of the book ig I'Vtetteg and SvnQ4- no was prepared tot I ovie'r lie a3iolaitb that tielilitla to pro- Rass a word. aiviiingsP4 an Ice-cream fra0- rpoxvia. It, The beeswa atiould. be o- what Unappreciative, au4tenoe. tbat, boyp," said the old man., aorl rid sq, feeling just tile �Mjual as whole 409 Rusgia, and doing all ever- cogniseid by 'SUV44mea 44.4 obIottAn am.. Thore ore, boweiivr, number of Plued eveiry , time the oiloloth. . is W49lb- He 1144 j"t finished "$bie told me that she did not ro� I I Made My way �bxough the Increasing trade, with 1��ugl d—is wicald 0, an over, on acccrActit of this, vas Xamati Sh Iafor the Gatilawe ga-rd mo now in direct ommunleatiOn with ma-ttex Contain,- Ofeglg, atten Otfigero d ill Pub. e4, but this kieed not be so tToquantV proalglausly difficult sho(w, piece, and ney as a proper barrir be- town and; as it by ino.tinot, reached tT AA 0 good (10ep, that wre frozen without fellow�orexi.tqrm - 4ft the heart of Siberia, a e - For 4 14- Mr 110 1 1 Blank along nd - that, edba it—niatter eageatta to the d undox tWis treatment as without It. - he IWAA going to, begin' again,. when throkligh it, and by means of this volopuleat of OtiWrliag, %fo i1agro4letats. aftr vix� Us im t1te wbilil she made me �asi happy As a by, tbe ratlings, ho, ' Ito In 6" obing the Indexes of Virths tily lye witits1hil W -010th wheta it ping no one would those plalotA Pon (nig' owe P'OuXeia into a rateld and really d"oes not need it, simply because me at the Pullers intilrrupted him, man Could PcOsil)ly be, buq it wes"onlY Fee Me, and Yet longing for jLust one railway, FQ'ngland will be, And, in- wich hunyan belo�gs teed, u,,,, A DoatbA and X4.TrIa#acso fram wrhIeh pavload in loo i it .,Pkay US a a very little While. I thliiik, she told glance at er. deed, already Is, In regular receipt of loa tisam the, gmuct wed eamo it will bo isotoil tbfa� It has ba0A com- ud salt, lZbese, prepa- 1poka dAXU and dirt. T�Da wiWx and _ometlaliag with 0, toon in. her Aunt what W o6oUrredt and Mrs. "Thca Bud . 00y. Ute; in denly I board the a4und Siberian products. As a matter of train. tiny oxciap, of 6113(1,% the, piled Ivtiz a VxActIpal tend jo riew, X4 mt e frozen vieXy slowly turpeattinfe produces A pollab that It, boss," said be 'It want fire- QTM- of footstope 'coming Ow M147 w6a be a apliaton, getting alarmed, inA 31 fo;ot. the clatry produce of Siberia,, Jaaiui�as at jooqpt� O4T1S*8TA40e,d, 14 loato qukte a lanig time, And, the OR- wslike tilat,11 down the grav( eefa-Wrds, the freioz$ng, Awe one, paort ice to one Part elotih 100,ks Clen,, j Sometimes I e bar husband, Anyhow, I received path, a -Ad beforo I Could turn away principally At, Present In the form of ChInoba Islavda. Then anion 0uiacl Out Outslil% that plixoge Altogeth- a" lithi ato oad j. t at this point old TIW StQTM an invitation too to thia boU93 two Mr.. Stapleton came out of the gate butter, has or It 14 a Most Interisatingi and in- nalit, Mr, thia We. a,ad Sat, which pNm ep . a w pant-olath alread invAdod 1�ngla;ud this, but caiva;s olf Ise be ratlier cotairSei The prepar, San Antonio, p. q days later, and *Iwo I got there And met me. by thiaL rout.Q. As with butter now, that had be ea the Uci =. of the liuige de44 entertAW146; me h a d cillia elo)coobute ne"lie recognized me, at onoo and so it will be with the grain of the Toxiste tU s3wiiog would not have thought that in gtio4 of orisoMeito., IS poured into P, d go* in$ til claaUs' It, 'took (bis` pipe oat of his Ut n. i d that wals, Waiting to see me. veEUVOct a eal dt4b.t. Ark; It fwa�'W loot 1, didn't oeo anyone else except a Bar- tered an , exclamation; but before to vast, corn i1olds IP to lniw" thon Coreir pres ciften that be spoke� Hel was known, vant. I was show at oncie into the of Southern and tlktoen Inches framI Wing -t land there were flfteou. variations a$ % tben; b - with, a ,stri Could say anything to me I ra seaim.f Wad my Western Siberla; and It is direct _j p wi!0041p to tho were vit muisltin that has bep, dipped in CLEANING WALL PAPER, S A hardy, wild voirt 4 man Who library, I think it was, andi Mr. Wap- )land and spoke to 'him. due to the aukening of of which the' ftMaPAQ twenty�feur .4, 11 a Northern strewn; wAh, guano 'and tlive, decay. - Netted suet. Put A lae; gener 117 is. c a I a lietou came to Me theia. He boiwed ren't going to. trouble you, air; Russia that these goods can be r4oat IIW food bougt , latQ their undox- each of "Byrne and "Conugily," an4 T of the ice Put AA olid Union pillow-capo on to wiiis a a r t v to me, and addreisoed me as Mr, Storm, lluj going right mWAy from here; but Ij cheaply brought to Engand by sea. 191rollod diviallilatigs by tho - bats. aQtUQY twentysey n of "Conlio." and d'a Coiwx the bucket gad wrap a soft lyxDbm and brasha the paper bit of MUS40 4% 1 Should and begged we lbo. be seated, and so felt as if I inaist juAt 0 Me whole fin an Q14 blilinkt citr a piece cme here And from, AVelmigol today And from Bk%� gently all oveir changing the pillow- like to boa as mayllapell please you on, itill X felt like, a fool. Then he try and find out it.—It ahfo­,vas all terin It is Initeresting ta learn that the B,imingliam Ima twenty as J!Qltowsi of, exr"t tad le -t, stand folir or fl-" it tomorrow. V ew Englishman "bat - mt�oeisll of Son, Antonio axe in hours, *haa thei.iae my be unniold- ease wole dirt. Rub any dirty ispoIts all," 8414 IW, slowly. '%Ctls forty came to this, point. have ever heard Of yet It the hands of a, 33to4tiall ooip�poniy. The —4milig))AM, Bir,ralughan, Broinigamr wih somei Stale, lalvadcrumbs. G Since I Avanted to speak tat you, Xr, III thought his looks changed then, is Russias latest Part And is unique fil'st thing the ocionW"iy did was t 13ximaPA Brim �golin, PA aind. itsexved.. rages years, Vr'Aps mme"n, that, 0 In a SpOtA CaUL be wemorved, by claItC 4 heard it, but 6onletimles, it asoms t Storm, abaut a matter where I nd 110 ctuslwared in a kbader tone ll being poit, which is ice.- sinic a Shaft, a fBNV_ hundred feet Brralgem,. lj�umigtsr, prumma- Theslatle % 0th Jr.. _11 ... 0t -it ices served pasta of fulle1r, a aid hould realy have epeoted You to than I expected, 'She doesn't live theIye4r I!aund, And pecullar� away from th water or tho oays,, 9 elil, BTUmmagion, And the Irlab equi- take II6 initiative, but, as; I suppose with me now, my man, but YOU can aVal port fo� the by -oates Ott wh5rh peeja% W. obtal In ths majanew aTe par4aits. -wateir air to the papox be 9014' through my head nofiv. y 'd' Is mcim�b Of They Pipe IaY amid tea X. V, 1, P n-, by using And, w1han, dwX, bM31111110 Off. U Wa called. you are naturally reticent, I hao pot-: POLY her a visit. . She will raise no Intilro. nlentg—Caroall, Corish, x0rish, Xac be' viaTied indiefinit If one Cant Wemamber w at aid iftto ate, eaverint, to, 4ig-o at the tuffeirent flavorings, chopped out$, Application does not.re,im" the Ot"61113s "It's a. wuderfat tune," oc4tinue bas better begin,' After a few ob.�)eo % You will only have o go, WINPI R NAVAL FORT. d 6b u�tici ilano witbout unacily disturbing the Peeriah, Kago Gorlsli, cQbr� on'. try uapit "I believe 0, blow, JIMS,toirm,"Aaortar4 4ke0yJ>UlfB Lek aeociods h.bean again. ouple of hundred yards tip Russialn Europe has always been alaeing: bats, Te' gwitio 15. then Wk, A numbe-i Of no=.", on tlie other inToad pm is goa rule as . the Wine, Put you ha become rather intimate with t 11,1- and take the first turn. to P-alned by winter. Peter the ked $to bao., 0onveiyed to the coast hand ve, only been variant, such kide -soft like, as if yen think �ou my wArd,' naidio,'weft. at all'evouts, 0110 -left. it. 4 It- ffr.. 040-31alf Cup waew and one cup sugar wouldn't like to hurt a. skeeter Why an, intiictoy has sprung up rather, Great, opened "o, window On Europe" a0d sibirri0ad to the, TITAIted State, 04 BOX, for Back ;BagAter for'B x�- to boil. -SUT until the sUgur is naelt- GRE AT ME, N IN DISGUISE "I thanked. blih and Moved Off. -sburg; but that window is GxeAt Britiain, and, indeed, teir, Ide for OrUL a, 'er than is -usual between a.boa IIth -tboUt atirri . on- I know what It w4s,—p hardly knawing what- I was, doing, f OrW for ad, tbeal, Crack w! As, dL glazed with, frost during four man 0 ALL OVER, THE WORLD. in- and his fare. Is it not so?' didn't quite, understan a little at that syrop dropped was it—sonata. him, �and it of the year,, Today Another window' F —HOWIfaMoMaa faw-XoNamai Bentio, to old waltelo Jf4ll form. jW ball cvba INCIDENTS OF SOME OF THF41R fidgted,about, and looked at the fire.; all aeemed w> Unreal that ralmQst "or Soca's agani clif an Eng- HcyWJey,,,,MqXa;1�aa Ed .'so on.. -a I Vat onata?" asked- the place and paid, 'Yes, gir' t on Europe. has been found In Bkaw lish peem was I,n41ne =notger." Un� Is, 4 thougt It -was a dream, as I walked torina, and it Is an a em window All deir bitin, ware between the fingers. , Whip AMUSINQ in; "dere are tousaudg at dem. OUPPO9� up'the road in tho' direction he tald p a dazea moo wowking THEY FAVOTJA THE "0." aunder the Bat it lae0ame real enough in tlIa wbies at three eggs until frothy, 6-j L the year around. In its quiet in the o4veirns, Who j.A it Py?" said lie, *an T4owaitex the little It iaiaotwble, that In some dIitx1ot9 but not stilU; then pour the hot syrup.. waters, sheltered by'thorbJgh.ra1SIto PAXtY Used hisd.lbo be brought from, - a Ir it' in V. fLw) Stream, beating all r1tOXy'Of A 9044'o- Old'00404-1taPPY "Ah can't tell you .�tbat Said alrournstaccoes, as.her guardian. -Ifeel e-wate elifts of Lapland, R Russian ilect township mov L a laxge nuMber'of people have 6 DQ73 of t1ko- iieIr to the Throne, of no houses, he the aid It my duty, to ask youlwhat your in- down, the fErat turn tc'tbe left, and safely lie; and at Ay moment MAY on nlikis -awa7 In Iiia -h piefix ."b' kq their. the tie- Beat Until cold, then addj Aui�tro_nugary — Ative#tUrs of a don't rmember 'but it's a. * ntioris arol' j then, boys, I .9a.,v what he meant. It of the empty waggons, 0affee wan' the names. From Armagh it: la' reported the flavocrilag &. nuts. * A cup of real good 'Umik A claosio.1 Place, You. \,,a whole year that floot, ra puddeal usual dirink, the. =an y only being aa- _b -Y th�register that Itthese 1w FOrAnei Pros4dont of France, ;bill: Churchyar. , &y issue and -oil the third day''bo belch- all Sbur;tlai bla;nzlIted, aljen�4s out iii thin Strips "I fidgeted about again, and after was, I he were evenins. formeriy 'known Be. Neill now This" late Rev.. H. R. 11 -wols, the 'knoiiiv leastways; satil'it.was" the grave wit-li ROM re h .1 flro and destruction 011,tho Brit- -111be j!A: and 0XaiiI - Re , iil�, now, Hagan or a cup cid Chopped waJinuts, pecaz a bit'll ays, `Wtall,. air, I don't know a f a is 'Slie. aid It urtoortain.' flowers on,it, and a al'mph inscriptign is;, coot. ThJq is a new factor in walls oil this Coweas in tbousands. At ne (9:-,kagan, etc.' Indeed,"'the xegiq.. nirts or pine nuilis lbaty -be added, with. 14.-IIIJ1I69i6ed and populaii inc�mllant , 1. burst out. Jake� hy, aB I hame any I'm a bl, doe.tablespoon oLf vaiiii-lli ox.lerion ex- of St. Mmrylebona, London, blase gas it he. ai;a'�, thinking of a he, With. 4 shrug of on the tqmb, and -althougli . the . ri�tn tlie balance of naal power, ancl one blight thisy Come forth from the eaves k ov4ry loud in my traiet, or utge 2 tdibliespoods grate the" Shoulders which made ine feel began to fall very I renlain- to..be trar adds, 1 thin usdd to t611 In a do-nise blatok Stram, and for two distric, 1 an "usiln story of a what a iipor. fool I was; 'you then ed there a good while. The, railways have brought, 'and. h1ourn the choddlato Melte.4 an hot- Aviitew, or one t WhOL ))y, any possibility ociuld tange old couple who for Malay "LDDk:baria, boy.9,11. said ilkid, 4udde- �.40e no idea of ever arrying, the L ."That's *by I wanted to hear that Pro0eatiki of countless gza,41z the, '01 haA d cup *#Uft juice. Then add, one-haLf �'I've - never. told pie a of'ransic botys, for.Lit Seems to.:Will Continue to bring, the products mominallis pout,is forth to hut fe the , one, so, and this yqu. Any yarns 0 W49 only commenced. a f%iv years ago Pk-nt b=AM thla� baSL been hipped to m0aths. wexte regulgi� gtt�ccedautg at of Industry, atid, when ' nioded, the 1416ets - and 'food that kee h aii!orel though births regis'-' you've sometimes ask- "I jumped At that. It seemed as if' r to Me again, hen I Can re - as mooth the pply, woLl but liphtl, aicidUee as dimt- all w going a aft#'a all. 'Why, ou'ailgh su tatred the 10-1 but latei Chest; ic'. . a ed me; but, IIDI tell Yu one. munitions of war, to the groat'alid aal'ma.. NiivtUr�ny a solild frqM Mix the Crown in h'is all= "rills be the tima, and it'lleaps aay� J= am A tory-teller," he wanton, Sir,' tea4d, 1, It . h A� t I will ad lIv a h Y� dMissiod And insignificant asIV, we pl h growing, ports CA the White Sea dlid, af the CUWAD is not in. X austible,, T to Ekatorhla 4�ll he iog the riams, family ust have the the Lapland. coast, cares are divided iota "adits," which -0; prof driess it -up aw some opened Oncia in four yclairs end AjIs is Ma,( a in, Vier It di�peaoraiacie� - tl� w and I 46,ain't . V ere qul a con- `He bclwed'�giirt and safill"I should hut�-Vtslcs your nayal c ixed." A similar report'comes Y tant to tak Id, but:a have supposed fie. And'now as Half-U90OMs010uSlY the Q14 man abolit fXOQ1 Nountishannall'idAtribt; but, on -Qu YoUl't the Ships of w themsolvas, then obol d' s at the bdak so UP'Agailin,, as soon as the he - othow hand, Much the same, waik, tru.. I -have to go badik than guardiati I am und4r'ie, necessity of :-an air to-tha �vards, and -boo but this hot O� t1its, gallcxY, motil ��Y 111,064iolut -It tbrty-fiv, yeais, thiough hony much. putting A L questtion-whitch would nev- tbi! little Gerlivan, WIla.had left the and the maintaining, ist'A h is A roinieveta, . O t the. rogigtrar - of syrup ta omitte, And, fruit pulp sub- a curse� W-OuigbAbane district, Count3r AJJ�L 1�as dim, supply of them, during., It Wnter or unmie yemCaTe better than other% tx4m.sta.tea that P'Some famill�s.baa ovex.ed thnit the' Modest'. ad more I haVdly knaw'. I was a.youpg e;7 occur to ray joa romantic war,' P�al to the story, 'at stli4mtevd. Strcilwiberrieis or � rasp - Jones retiring couple, waxe the r1oh and so_ obfil� bU.t I wa�anit no arilster- Who in have ypu?' up and' ruSlied-tto -hiA instr even it summer war Nvfth tb� Baltic 043 yeoir, iniany thieft.lis xoJ)p6d the 10,?: as 01HAmill,. Hamill; bexr1ets are tubbed tbrauh oi Zra In g U andA of the'liats d Craft inelther, ad'I had no maCey.L 'gain. ajid the -11lack Sea with Ice dhd from some Unaccountale. reason, OIKafte,- X&Vio; 0,M 'ke of wif W 'Ida 11hr peo�cihes are ation*4 nd t mAsIbil con-t;T�o Du, -- wild Jbts' g �rh.t aii "Da he- exclaimed,. or 10 L fleet% W-11*6 its Aad 1, t13 Ca(copafuy Crew alamea, 641)onnpill; Don'tooll j Dor- 016?L - N 6 is the ziiarlL t1balough a Isieve, oppleo or phaeApple W4, .1 - lived In. Ehglwnd than, but I L .4 pomer, and. I Sat star- 0 Scu- hoS�f ?: 8a On the SUndaY f011b'Wims' the- isba!a't say i�hexo. It'll be enough ing t thjL fireplace and not-able to beirts soamt�. 'I A Major. I � Alave h Ana today, Russia comes Nvitli sio Valualtil A are graitemrL bapnas re peeled and disvor,,, '.'I Cali undd;r6tand that Y -C4 her ,;war. 'A great ship' canal, sfall Uwe tat a, good'year will wipe_away 7 Ott theitt they took to lay it was dl4ttle tori#= and . a 0 blayed'bi . an urioug note from maished. To ono -cup Ikult pulp 6da I'm hundreds of dimeal" ' L . . Thaws 1$, 4 the L feel this 4o ba'rabor !.dalicate mt-' Withoi pierco 'the 'low-lying areas—mootly this IMisate iDlimirrd. in. a.bad- one. prtty,'ona, and there w,* . bfi� of , xt more Ado he pla�ed, reg� rar of Moira district regarding One L Cup SUgW and lot, staht]. on ho ur. ther Beata a.t.th book (if this salary, , ber, Mr. Storin. continued; in big simple first movement thi na-i4e, Lavetry4 �'Of Laverys he river there, and --people used composed of lalws and swamps, This The Tex" bit estabiishes hiqiself Soak ons talolespo�n gif�latine InL � two one of tole of fiee�s of the church. "�at. to cQMe niost Polito tons; 'bu�you will see,th-at of the Wall - and 13,tay therb sometimogin t k Sudden awakening of Northern Ruz- w1th xcmark�,blp 'rapidit -y writes " there a Several in tabespoom col tiit 'is iarecaasarY for meo &� put �he ques, notwn gotiath-, And the miners 114t6u_ . Y in empt d in alliance.,. sia, aii&*tlila: great shi from: housivis ow,buiadinigg,. There avio' in., thiq y' inity, All,baytiag, Prefixes, An4 Minutes, tlen 41ssolye in cine-haftf cup beog am, Only � on" to le or .41 water for fifteen 'to thiam :am wath cil Vxofoun4 �bow, weather. 'Iid - just got' what I.had, hdiiifiaver, rot:Lat. all. ad tio be allowead th o6nduct for, a long time wanted. AftrL 4 lot the rk theL the White, Moreover. 'of"hia takliaig up I b6lding wate'r, 6tratin .'6 the, fruit extravagant ln� My notions, and A passed, and that wa re anyrema have . EL . meanin-, I 'The railroad- from 6s -abode in- pa. a tl tar . a in f 6L I frigidly4, denying.. n;l4tiollahw g I had managed a when a tearLwas re- common ascent, , heir axe Baun-, don't think should raise any objec- Pulp, andL When, todd aidd ona.-balf "teir graces" to ej more suitable S4'raPlA,& and 4avin -Strategic and. heart of quaint use. For the- police Lavexy, Bawn W1 to, buy boat, And I L wa ready to seen to f All on, old 'Jim l3torm's hand the iite-, Roe -Lave ryl ;Wall-wlilpped cireani,- Piour-intia the. Part :of tW. tion, to. you On that score if take-pel0ple out for a 'raw. hairp Thew aka'nu& a atberr� the enipird has been caii-ted thro4gh laur t at bobania. so in4 Rue, tedi and' Hir& mold and'fri4eze. Tlia deteoteA� Diake Itooked fQx- a i,I iwas. ably certain present i1jaciDnei. afti to all Nth bia a toler thpu4tLna xnlics�ofpwauip.and foi- test' ehu�'g` tDL_ its Lavery, ' bf these, is this: _m6St gqin' alloin the river -bank r lals. attention to. it-, and said, ed Nn t.,9 t) Upper W est, foil I ore t1 411a in encirmo. Rxiud Souffle: Pat 0 of Say. Yea a commercial pun'.. Po -f nd �u UP momeAt at his wife -with' disrniy. an One evening wen I Caught r ght'� a& 'I . . iw a voice hardly abc)�Vo L a breath-- fently adhered t d a t . . I Sua Y or Persia .0, So a. Young girl, pltoaps about ttvqentyl - . ' golng.to Stand, this.kindi it I!o -pose, It has been Joift d* by all � oten clwl�ba­q that thii bwildlag had' to be tibbut. air into a bowl, add live raw egg W�o , fa and then. "Come 0 t in 6. aug a t cryin milob so''that WeirAl I . , I - '�� tit was ished 'the I larger railroad fron. the great Siber- Atta4douied.. And, ­ % or long, and so I faced hinii )d4plai d old, walking on:thci: topi of,the Wliell the� sona In bwdes being ob-� #6re are known Onl b' tliolr)�;refli,' yolks,'wImp watff wall Mixed, then Saxah; thy,va found. us, out," walke hin], and said,- Y Way is to Jecbiana ble, veimin, the bats are them- tw auk A bit ahead. of me. -There, twas 01&'Man �roie to hia fedt, %viuttered a iantruilk line; and -this iail Pi the oat ot the `chUXObLW1kb.hex, and never a bit cif rk Path just by this r* must know; as T06s ny thin ko Pharley, Wad ol Da2f Baum, Many bioi�l fin hot waitex on laa nllriai think; on stome., and wfillp plowily uAU1, the mix- barry more than sacks of graln and solves Infested with Creatures, axea� people, W.&Uld'jaot k Wer,you that -few ida of excuse, and left� the. Abw whowe Any a move, 6otaXed its dolorts a4gatin, underetand, - And then the, be�uk went pilace.. tubs of butter.. In fact they. are oo-. afCa that . makes tham doubly una� thou people lived Wawa you"to call ture becom'S SOI.4 . froth, Of all this I 07a Des. of �pj� t up "He' rose frao� his chair., AYea, 3im' I itico lines, constKuCted'as.fd6der's of tractivo as close . nelgillbailr%. Hence thepa' by tho name Lairiew, 'th t 0o ice Water and be .1 it uro-pe -no to. thid road. 'T a young - Yo, wl, OU set the leawl at ullr! too. oif this bank., Stormi 11 thick I do.. know. Suppqso, -the new'northern port. They hro the the,pol-4ce �6uxtis.at:,Saa Alliodio, are thw: Vxellx; indeed;, he'lat-iciamed girl cia this t tA ooM. Add one-ft-alf. pint oweaDU onib' loves Metro, to ispeapis 'from: the �64 Ithink 131le "'.4atherin, wila. Lei. a Week ibiteadb. - as - "'The'Bat "nian in the, aii�vts a4b2pleis denies the M ourou.' ances ol.hls ratilk than the- f JOM,.era. agents,of dbuftrickee arid the challuela poV gly k 0 met' Ir, "gleaf � no ped to a Solid ftckth and one Tioi-agrald it'Ji,hardly, that�. si of *aalth,iii the piping � times. , of WaL her painte of'similarity b- Lave altegtother," ranols . Fewdinand,' sir to ..try and.-deserl a now., Maid, 1. but ..t1i6y tire *also, to . bia the two "Caverns', !is the fact 'FLOW a 191 ad glad wmeekened frulh pulp. Archduke r awgioln, to. FROM -THE UNITOOTATES t.wein heFireazee as dirreoted., IM19 E9 very e. act more.. -k NAMM. ARE. MAD. the of Astm-H.ungair' her, boys,' bat'rwhou, I see her there waVs And means of power when the that the piri�oajer.s a, unflioly spirits- rch ices. y- and pre Ill. I did nt want tt - look nowhere: else. 'And,yet you have the audacity, -that clock shall -strike. the hour' of f ar the most paft, tiInatancea'. oDt (t,; f, lFricizem Sea Fmila: Mix thTee tabW, who (at �UeP Such as "Mao,P! ow "Fitz,"' sub. His H"PIE'ST DAYS NOTES, Then, 611 of a suddaim, and before I ignorant Pisuniption, to casf eyes on, OF INTEREST FROM THE Anyorie. who knows this part OR Ift, thV d4Tk1'me athd, make night spoons corn. st'arch walth. oue-half c4p axis spent. to. loig, rinibles'ita kniew, -hik, iva� lrappenlng� her foot MY Va:r, and to tak4a advantage 62 OTHER SIDE OF THE LINE.'. Russia,—as 1 -happen to know it; Says hidequa With dxUaken. atibited for th.*,hole nowne; while in ng YOA Nodne odaes the nam If a 19 simply con - this countT, drcsoed illff' 'a peasant 'Blipp�eA She tried to Silva herself her' YOU - 'x0mantiO ideas? A. X. Briee, In conchisidn—will,.see cold wblk� Put ane plot milk.to boil, And braternizing with casual pedes" from jailing, and that t' t. � : �! .1 1 ;,. t;�Aot tho ases of Fred for Aaa oina-haf cup sugax -and e -half artd bar oan!t ap�r�oiata the difference in.edu- CylasInals in the -rimitied states—consamp. at once,that there is no real physi- 4, 8A In' On Wans a -ad waysid inlikeepam running down the bank, and before catioU,, if"you do't knorw that you eemwi,.Pender far Prendergast, and 0��-Jtisaspoon SbAL Wfi,n'.*k- boils'. add iolate .. all priniciple . a' of -grarn . roar, 111olit or Wrog Flesh --MOSS in ChleaSo— cal difficulty in tIie undertaking, and, HER �S.JECRET: LIBRARY. ROY Rom Molir6y and Royston. Va�rl- ne day loat. ounamer le was'llab- she'could stop herself she aV that, in consequence, a very - short eat for Governot narnesi tiahs are, a146 produed, , says Mr, obbiAX. with - the best of 4,_ isma-A the. and staffs, cut indeed is to be, mad a that 'Matheson, "by'athor catisai such aA kkciown Stowell, aind the'st4ifly beat- path Ana Into the. river.' .... In I every time -YOU SWak, SO 'that you t 1N. gaid an WNItiss Of three eggs. Let000k inn 6U the road betweisia Neuista4t'and with mplash and managed, to Oak, Jhe�e are 250,000 from -the Baltic to the. new 114v. U itaotiWo Fit would Mike her the laughing-st al Quee Viciorin, liad:n d"Stron. fi atites, add two, teadoons van- got her. out on the other''side . IE of awlety—perhas at. lealst You will, habitual, crina ats(' in the Vnited tendency to assimilate names to Olde4buirg, wea'a we-U-to�do'trpdes- . port, on the'Lapland coast. Here, ted ITI) in -lin�k9ngham ralitee. States. illh and paclir into the )guoild. When didn't know a lelf what to tay ordo; �e able -to nderstand the difference those, at diAttliguishod"perselai One man 4at tba laittew town, ido,�e up �iinil 'The Kinj then, are, her' -ways and means of IR is net gonetilly known thtLt,there regLtrat reports 'Nloilgoa, a; be- 'Idding -Jaa�m keep 4a eye on his howise, upplyibg ships continuously during s0, XOOX in cool, fireeze. ida,ka cu Soft oustard'of W whiethior I ought o offer, to carry her in money." r of'Sv�ede� hd% presented 1 -lie yolkis at the. freshment. nd PXasident McKinley Ith a signed -he Iat- wl tbiree eggs, one Pliat entexted this. kin. :6ow re home, or -what.. 4,11c rag the bell -violently, � .4 1 -PaJaQQ aalno�� 'Nelson while another, statex awiritar war. nd here is t r, I got through so Cat example: Of her unswerving onw1alf Culp suigai and flavor W ad a Y, nalatttes kilk, hon be. emaxg to, Pwell, boys roj6_ when aservant catie tpldl.hoi toi paxtrat. policy wJIibb durilaig the Quee:ii'o lifetime was -PaxIow' has become 'Parnell' V zen by oln, a krone, w, her. allow me thei'ilaar. is Made up. nly entered b Her Majesty.and her The gx6ater portifon of Rib lanzon. This may be. fro 0, the aangeg later, he Me: a how, and 1,rmomber that I so Thexe are 610 v"'gels and over 2,000 when, once her miud� Y In YxIale nurnainos, however, is trace. )icmmling it into i Class fruit jai, then be the young. mat6i who: was datid ully homm, and reoeivtsd the thanks at bar .'-"The i6ai;tIon' �.scian came. I 1asb_: badn employed in'this apeng Kearetary, e. f is4extes Able ti)'fax-off legislation, chiefly tG Ild d tha t a a ast An d t this xubb6i and on, t 121 orph bA: myself into a, rage, and, begin toi, L Flierida. holdiog.this xeim, iand whb, equall� aunt, I fOun In AUSTRALIAN blICKNAXE& Tlachambew is coustruoted on the thd statute deoxiselthig that,every Irish'. )id,'paok id too and, Solt and let'etfilid dutifully tilainked hLim, an a -ad: lived with air uxiolis and aunt. Curse the fate which macls nao� a, . The Kansas 'wheat fatranrs ara.or- atxQng-)VObW" Pinciple, 'and is call -i Man dwellIng. "betwixt or aniong R-.1ag. Jony?, hfmrs. When, about! to serve A few weeks In.-tex the tradesinan Mrs.'Stapletft viantgd.to know. whilt poor labouring 'man. � What ad the wfi5te. ice, an -a' ut spooil-- ld do for me, f6r Saving the done to b4 treated liket 4 dog? -, J,'f*asi ganizing itudehlident shipping.. aV ave ad the, 11 Qu 11shmeli" - In certain districts should was walklatFalbug he Rin lCople of* the. Different ProVinces B een's secat library�':Huu_ t6ke, an English, Surname at One gotwassa, in $be cm Xangementa with Of this. yelloitw. saxicie I about Vieniam, when a Royal equipts.4je, dash- life Of her irifects, and I anigested as good '- as be iwad, ad yet had to � sit 1 . , , lheirv,�yn Nkplinatines. dke4a of documents and letters are toWid," "or colour," "or arts, . or � set Owange 19&. , Another good im 'is ed past wOth an a�.owt- of Cavalry. ()f. thatif thby wanted to do anything till and be insulted'.that wy, just -A chestnut tree planted b,� King for nmtl�.thsy Mi 'Although the AustYallan. colonio Stowed aay- in Safes and eabinets. once, dil� office." Hance O'Gwau be.. by PtAg ane, Cup Strined the two occupants' of- the, Imper ght, rem4mbear me'the. because I wasn't.bown rieb, This was Edward grown be -side � the tomb. of ieods� to camoSmIth, -nade hisire- now been linked together In The, Q4eO.WS Ise6retary -had i Cowan" meaning A. smith ho recognized � one as next tinin'tbey �wiailated 6 raw. oil the theJdea. X. settled down to during the Washington at Mount., Vexnon,. . . . t one and ao on.- 3vagge jufde in ai - bowl, - then. adA, C river, and have mY bo�t. - They next few weeks. Of course I sawrno� Wdiw Yoxk cttV, as is anniouiseed,'will o4minotawkAl h, it is not joxobablo, that only. a te th � Of the papers . which, niaid, by 'baiiliai 03isih; tand 111c. orther'. to his n FORWG9NAM S. mp syrup 1 9 - Gna' P up amazamant atipu,, . jumped At. the Suggestion, 'and so thinj of her,%aud.1 'hadn't the heart he nicknames, bestow wwo.dooketed, and then on djaid ocitistexil was PXGfA to the extent of nearly' $3,000,- ad by, one P;or ly with )Uga)r allid am .6up- wutei�. tn.na!n- the, peas Ut.to Who he had oftiored uite a number of times I had, to row to -gettle dolwa t thi I ille permimion of his Royal mistress We !have much greater variet� a q any ing in, the t t s )Arl-en oald, add ia�ny prisferr6d a.-kriona- for holding his horse., themout and goit to know them -viiij of ork. 1 .000 by thb, low. tax rate � this 'year, Laos on- ano her will* ba. abandoned. . whor alone retained the key4,of the' of;" f6weign" nainog in Ireland,than air. mixture . of f r ults. Orainges M. Casitrair-Fiarler, . ilion. he was The first United States coalin* sta- The inhabitaxils of'Neiv. South Wales One, would hare -suspected. "In addi- Ir quitie wall, It seemed to open, out e.. to get her atmay for a white, for eclim- . wit an sma-11 pieces, Ix.a;dhas, but small rosident Of Iid to me, *and even now. a, th�igh I of ten passed the, house 1: saw tion on fare hme long been linown asr "ecirris talks,." Xt,h 'been a tion- to our�,'Celtio,, Anglo�.Saxou, and anch tepublio, ula w- wor ign Boil �. llas� been oom� aid that the " secret Aiolned' � oheirifies, i-stravAbeirries* -or took A in'dressing as Can't bielp feeling that,to think of Jac�t pletod at Pichaliuqae. on the west. an al.lusion to the length and slim- library! tells tho rivate history of XWman Surnames," writes the Regis� I I a great doPligil , bills of either her or her ant., b Buirope durinJg the past sixt -General, "we find'Highland Gae. -raspberries may be Used. Pour intoa that time J)olishes me. up 'a. bit and And it 4vAs wb its I was feeling like coalit of. Now Mexi I'the, average 1youpag New Sent y years, trar a ouv:rwr. ow Cis a clerk, And eACap- too. none 0, ThIsi is s f " -f 6 molid and paok in loo and salt.' rom, this ceremonial of his daily. suloatlis off iiomc of the. rough. angles. tht4 - that I dropped across a man Wow oxleans: is to at'tempt, to pre- native. OtOWians are� known and weiro the document made public Ile names. repireseated' by' " Mae. ually.seirved im tiny, glaisses. times they came together for whicifso' name Im noit goine to* men- as ig VA '5em'3 uni-Stlakews,"'. with reference to th,6y -would doubtless set the warld Doclsal," We fm long bicycle rides in, tb)dl ' vent Spitting, not only Upon the their row, and solmatimes Edith—tbat tion. I shall . have hard work to flOcirff the gum t n o- talking And the Paiess of both haMi- elsh namea axe found such as !Ror. 6ouicitry. on. one oceasion he �va;s rs the-girlIg nama—came. alone. I get- through this'part, boys, but I'll of public buildings and of ca.ws. but five txeea, some of whijoh !a relished &phe gan"* IIItichards.ft � "Apjohn.' 04niAb TESTED REOJPI�-S. cycMng max Pant-spir-S61;ne whon e the giewalks, lso. by Juveniles.. "Crow-eatisis," as appli- Ires. was.irdvited to go up:to their, house, finish now, samehowe This man I on. When the QUeen� ascand'd the throne names Appear, as " Dowdell Drum. halted at.a smiall waySiid jilln, and Berry Sibiartcake—Rub imito flour too, i3ometimea In the evening, and it speak of argued' just �th� l3ims wa No new State.�. were admitted be- ad to� the South' Augtxaliana, owes fts she Iliad In, oosm fitted up at Book- 9001e," " Gduld," "Opppingen' There asked for luncheon; was there that I heard that waider- 'as I'd bean thinkingi and to cut it tween 1896 ' d. l9bo. 14OW Me 'gLu to a statement that in times finghata Palace, f . or the purpose of Are I many Huguenot names, as "La ­ $1111f liciput: f&x three crusts As much - "I have noth4lig in the� house," the ail xico, owi La;rd as or.pits . " ful plecei qf music as I ineAtialledw '. short, he wianted me to help him Arizona, and Oklahoma are new the 'Of &011sbt te wheat farmers, . 'of starling all the paper% connected with Toucho, "Du Bodat, "Lefroy, 'Du� ust, after two landlaft Said- "but the best thing "DUring thosie feiv Momths I aaw a ivith a; fraud. 'I'd never een a re- t . erritorialeandidateg Ifol; Statehood. South Austwalla. are drivien to. the the Royal'Falielly. Nearly bouiedlen," 11 Le Vann," " Drolincourt to i;� to ride to. the butcher every letter teaspoons eieam. tartar wit it, 841L YOU can d . picture of uselfishness and goodness !1910U$ sort of chap, and I was just 40=06 suggested for food, "Wheat- written by. the late PxInce Consort 20cubtalil,"! . "Cro.riamelin, 'Boileau," -hi3 vilil a 61 'Tirlulty Churchard in New York $ M -ix with one dup too water, into W'hioh Jta -age, you passed. through 11 , inever believed in beforre, 'and' in this muctia. to listen to him. We fieldex a," IS. a, more euphonioiAs name to hexSielf 'De Blacqiiiera.— Italian names are. mbla down th road wad bring back as . d and III$ own, private friends d. With- "BASS' boo been dissolved One, spoon Soda,, Roll I've never scon anything Iike� it qiucoi Who had Worked so bard all our lives �*OwY Atom of -earth Is sacra nometiniefil used. for the aaMe prov. ax(I lobked represented. aS I," '?.Ceppi," into tree, cruists -Qr both sides a kiliotgrarams' of steak." up in safes. In 1894 the I I. butt Once on Oka river, wh.opia her Aunt would.-slinply take a small part at this' In the familiar inclosure liti blitombe ince fXho QUeenalindersl are known Queen Added toisor list otprivate pa- allid baka* ira layeirs, one. abovo another, Th6i -,vats an adveixtui.6 after the sn't here., sheaskad me about m fortunes of man who'had never work the remains or i60000 - of this people as '�lbanaua, landerg that tropical por abundle. of letters of the most Wellav;4 vxious German alatinate -wo Pr6t!4enfls owo. meart; andnotint- U, And we f3hould not beL found firwit Crush and a eted oneqUaTt berries lather and mother., and Avhen I ex- ted at Yoxk. one, " ind h I - . growing there . abundantly, Confidential kind which wleme sent th names, as "Ilovenizow," " Delmege," And wbign the musts aTv d. wp4. -is bicycle aga ML ho iluiekly xe- a From present lailloationo America West, wn Australians --:or, as they tire the. late rnest of Coburg by " plined that MY mother dLc4. wilolf I. OuLt I aaiw a chance of winning sivitgor", Doupe 'Teskey,l rate and place, ti b,.rry, Villing be- Nw"th Ic one. and my'. wq he Shixe " And " Modatet." Sowisli like pie a was a lit( -father Ra t eomed. too good ill ljoan ite outdoing Branca In the now generally called, Weatralians— Ilk brther, the Queen1fl husband, names are found, such As "Cohen," AN AV a chaAde to bma' lost. So 'this man' COUSUMPtifob of fxog flesh. the city a 1,11 "Aaon 11 And the Indexes are tween tMan. Cut I. hid serve PHTIZIX.G STEAK drunkard 'And usied'bo beat. wi out of awe, known in the, oaaf as "sand grolp- The library tells of royal Marriages, wAtai ortaim, and. sugar spiced with and wta Soon one of the most thn she was so, distressed and Persuaded me. X did the risky part of Xaw Yowk alone congumel, 600,000. or," or " gropor.9,11 The Westralta-ad birthet and deaths, and ot her wn L v enjoyable, mils of hili life, sio' sympithistle that I felt quita af the robbery, and I was found out. "hains," of frog -9 during. the jyear� theirl1i elves gx6up all'the Other States ourtship and Marriage, If King d- now showing this. rsult of the recient PIMA Aspaxaguis—Out title tender One. at the, best -of these stories is queh-ae. I could have retwed for hours "It w&q not till I was aetually Ill into 11 Vother iside," and, call the resi- L illuatr1o, migration to this country of ews. ard opens h us mothor's Ovnal dentis, I flotheir alders." Tasmania the room he, will probably, come aer * tald of M. TA RoTex, be ws ut saying aoythlng so long as I Prison awaiting My trial that I began It 13 said that thspirisicipal. trat from Russia. in Saa mines as "Robin- aspalragUrs I'll Phecas an inch as the PreaMelit of to French Senate, When could alt and watell, heg and listog.to to realize what it all meant. It was (Wgasaigatioiln of the United States and gireen little Into, that is much like En g OrItch", welacit", " Natutiky," baA obtil tendeir in waited Wa:tcr$ Clio vacaition, e; was travel- Wr. not Only that I as a criminal; that Caliad I a have, 6,723,. land in climates and other character.9- lettewK that PriAce Can silt ild Jarg'" a membexallip 4 is- III$ wife. I Freissell dwain, send to this tailila and serve. with 1,in,g with M, . Lopere, ',So Hie vet; on for some Months. dW111 Mean mUCh to me, but the 010. The Oddfiallows: have 1,025,073 ties, is igeewally regarded as very 11, Gire the Fronefi Winatook, enbaig," I Maisel," buitteir, vilnegur, salt and pepper to sqlomoi i Italy, the Pro. Then I wake up to 'he'truth one, day, thoght cante—what Will she thinkI members, And there ate ubout $90,830 quiet and xathor behilid tho times. I'Stafzumsky," " Ceplan,?l ' Wach- O.-Uit tante, Orr the dsp4ragus mk be hamqolf by posing cis and 63gan to feel as( if 1 Couldn't live Xjajt in the seat with my head buried Areeinagang, and W "tarred to as "the land of HEman," "WedecItstakyt," and IIPxId­ III be ofcan- secrvad whole allid eaten, with draw compianflows v,13t, w! thout bier, and then I saw bow laa t. in MY hands and htooded over this Iota of tinia" "the land Of,31 p ik toeWin bud, berg," Thislittle. bookwl butwk. 1 1. da 1A,6JiO0UmeZt to marle the grav I tsh to whenevex the tfavellers aVighted at ters stood. What was I to to to until I thought I should go mad, But a In lot,", and no 'on, whilai the inhaloteantal, Uwgt4 �13 .14 W�Dmaloi in his, WL aiderable use to students of- lrelabd,I Banane, Pudd(lig—Taka a good slz- ad hotol, M. RTla would explai&a to th!aik bif her? * I Nytta only a Common there wa, worst than this In stare, ArUdktoiva Cemetery, Washington, D. axe, called �'Tausies,` and " jam -eat- asid no tourist should visit the �Uurl- ed banana, peal and S.Vice into, a pud. ta =nufgov that bla master wag a m -in, but I kno,,;v -wall enough what foi me, I had a visitor as broka 10-1 01 Gewge Amidergon as'lleen, or- air$," the, latter being an Allusion to go to chuvell, and he So far p6va4aed try without J�ettlg a copy to put in - ding diabi, scatter over it one4ourth man of high atui�loin, Minister of the a IiW society draws between rich and tbroagh ray glum silewe. It was ltall by his tchmmer associates of the the great fruit produettion of. the on heir that She. dttiendd one Sun,, to him bag. tatienor, in 47W he waix1d busy por. It iv no tim—I must stifle onlyinat Wore the dato. for My trial, Naval Observatory. For 31 years he "Eight little !$land." 41Y ontato4ing. Ira-4viver. ' by mis- Cup Sugaw. Take Ono pkat new,milk, ll�uftlf In sceint? thcl-w thoughts and leave ban at Onoo. and I was still sitting In th3 old at- W a corineeted with the ob�exfttary. to a,, peiv., belonging I Jo thri room%, IrOkilig a chancle, she, got i put ixll but a few. Spoonfuls 071 thQ ofteir thn loagiCP., and generally d:is- 110W 11 fought the mttor out with titude thinking at hori and wonder- He, was bown in 9dinburgh. to a Xteguldr attendant. *ie!4 of a zealous. ser- inYWIf hether she already know, when Chicago has 488,000 atwa '111ya v%afWor went ot her and beekon- Steve azid let,cama to a boil. Take I I argued it all ways, And al- ing and %in, A8 LAND CLEANPRS. A ICITCHENER STORY, mi3 to tho same ocnaluslo the door opened and pomocino was Hdanoed dais Within the city Iimitg, Tha sheepr Li I among the most use- ed ber to -come tiat. At the same cia. the, remailiacler, oif Milk wad one heap- ways a, n, dIng Spoon CrWu3,ta;T6h, ariad add to hot snatural conige-quelicie AT that tile only Otuv9e for me WAS to Shown in. I didn't look up, for I stall -t the haxilictialium Commence, lilk, Take Me, yolks oif three ogga. Lspor,2 �VA13 treatt�,l whth The Utmosi leave her btford the fascinatlom be- never dreamed a it being h playing; wiltexIeupon the old lady, shak- ior, until and only 43,277 dogs whose owners fill and valuable, at do-mestio dnl- Ile is Not. AlpayA 46A nan ot Alocid a. -Ad beat Nvilith one-fourth cup sugar and and attanVion, . wille Al, cam, any stranger,, slv-, said, came. up to the L con5c. Bureau, an ut mats, being a producer of wool used 10ir head at the verger, swil, Iron." t "All arratigoultaft,ts were made, and "Ye, She iivag there, Auld a Sight of d , ' thell- 080,55.1 for th privilege fr olothlicig.and other purposes, and It's Wo, use 4010419 ma—You mun UMt al:640_8 represent Lord Xitc- add to this thiokoned milk. As Soon Riye�r had to be ovatont wf�th the . no git somebody also, as Ali oawt dance, ene in a, sotiriewhAt Stern light, Here as thick, paw over bawalia, New beat atiteabiloo duo to big asumoqd Cha, hem, came d y when I ehaiuI4 take ther face made me iftsob worse than. of ping the boast, Pr ly 2 t" at wholeome niciat. ' But the sheep ls were pro. Y' thS last imeOf Vor, She was deadly pale, and her h 0 also is of large value an( the farmitbo- this Whctea of three oggs to a stiff A,etar; but whien tho b; them out to Of these an als axe solutel3l lZroth, Add thiae, edn tia-blie-spoon.g. and tho esoile(l for boar", I hadnt told thoxia, and 1 IP3 quivierod-in a way� t had never ameleng. cause of his tondliesp for young ef One, Which shows that ovisit the mod - ,13 hN Minister didn't, at all know how, to do it, while' stoeu befom I tried to speak, but a R0110ift a llrintbrop, Jr., be, orn 1�man of bloat! and trout" can ub- Bfuga.r, 'pour o"r Da pud6ing and f;�i francs a day, whi, ay 'twenity, the I'vialetif felt n0t liking on the other hand to go lump camu to my thTOdt, and so 1, nowdoLll college ii�ioe ItIten3tIng ro- According to an authority there are set in oven to lixtown. To be evLtou bind to P IT 9-tv"I vrouts, and weisda. ASOX. band. Duxng the last Soudan rani. aiuP)y"`XdwaTdcd for Wa amiable * de. alvifty without saying anything tof Simply.lookod at her and then at:tho Ilea of the, first patrail, :as..Bowdoln, nearly 600 varieties a kilawn wtods, Look hexe,. ain't ya got any better pagil Xittelleter %�Wq n000mpanteil by IX Spatago Cak.- 'tea" the. -in, I determined as I'd toll them floor Again.' ing on old direas suit of black a 'hich olifeep, Will klud% sense tbat to, bo amokins while wefxo a telezraphist, to woan ho took the l!i99,3 two m!Dantes, add t1wee cups ou thl river, and I looked for- .. "'They Buy that Inotili Thea W I. you've admitted velvet, lined with white ilatin. -0 while hoirgdi '-battle and bogEr will ward to it with prefty excited feel. you,are guilty, Ziftft,' abo Said in 11 Ing these Rags a' powdox ? Don't neaxest approach to is, iftneyllis sterz X%9W WAA beat fivo, minutes, MMI)ING SPTT TREtig, L 0, Is also an aid daggeir And. a pair Of eat but a tow varieties. b is ap- bandit ingg I oan Ull youi low tone, as if every, word cost her, it dueling pistols. pxrent that avary farmer could well yo. now there WaS' an explosion last naLUX0 weUld allow.. After Khartoum "She owiw8 alcae, and in MY heart drop of blood, lsay afford toralso Ifew sheep if for no L . the, ttlogxaphlat ho4rd that his lootothet ;Ld twb oupig flout wlth two teASPCOAS. It oMn, happens that nicima of it kal't true, week that blowed tip a dozen men 7 g Jalth, that could n6vew happern y it Isn't trues, and I'll bollave pUrpmio other than the destruotion-ol h(,Ze. zroam t4ittar abliered in It, and beat th,, best fruit trdos are spi-Itt by bearo I was istad, alt hough RL made myttask 'Tim, Ba Thomm S*,dae Cooper m said tobe Ivaiv W And In wait at home, A6 ap. LIVO M`InUtets, MCA one CUP Cold water al- the hardor, you against all thc- world and Wr true this Olde.St paintoly, actively engaged In Why not f Plied fAt his disobrgo, to which 4 with Otis toasPoonsoda clissolmd In It Ing too heavy,a crop, it I,% very im. . "It wa,g a lovely evelilug, ant�lcan to you whatoVar happetm,' I felt as the, puault bf hill tttt, He Is norw I NVee& inoritast. in number and a portant to get theca MC11<10d It pag. reclaeftib�r how the Bull ao it gor1lear Sa t NV uld fin h up altogother., Ifticiety-oglit Yenr.%L entitled. Xitchentoz neat fail lUd beat o0a knffiltt. Add the grato , If t in , Bekage thoxelsonly two of Us work. Ti, 33, Wee. suggests the fol. to ho ior a MOM. 18go waa makfing his liing as a thea Atio.% as the country grdw oldor. Ing eXe. Ivan Ond and, halt the juIN6 of a letMOA ri�ttisg aLnt a gl6jr over hOr: How could I tall bar 9 old and as early as varl him and demanded to know why hit ,Our: e1bli. r - :TIWY ara �ound most abundantlyJa little 041t and two Mare. OUD3 lowing iltethod,. PholzIr the, Split face, that Ht It ap somsthing wan. telit I thought 1,4 l,tis W16110 td, ligave, The mark etplained, to her—any. t1041 SoMe, �paifitor, inoo thon be thly 014' idountriest of Europe, Their linid Wat to whole, 6w inifinatc. Bake OMMOA tO IbIV fallen tather than isay � Was guilty has exhibited 1280 pieturea at tho R�ng- A(eady filierease In thttv Country do- "D011't You think youxiactuld help yolif �a a hot oven. ThL% inako two 400. limbs together and winding ao.me- Into dreailly wood, for %-* wc'ent; on an aPP041 like th4t� -But when lish Royal Aeadomy, mands that farmer, sb4uld talsor 9TANDXXG HIU. OrlIf. mother Without going hom&Vi' �cakod itzed AbIftt9l thing Vghtly aot it, will kill the without her nopoaring to notleo'how I ItaCkied up to answer her eyes Boom. as clithar means lookfAg adith Kitchener. I'd rath go honite, Ol'o Atmogf * oy klfy�. two far a few years. A loag ex- It W49 is6tting. e 'to took , straight through imb, anA Gegor Vo3tor Peabody has Offered to ibott exteriiiLinatlain. —Palia, fifty's when you askhim 11r," roplied* the optratim, "Oh,,Vlorl 'bf b0lia achoiked fah My ba, perion" has taught am to treat "Theil Pha roused Upsud(Tonly-tobo. I simply Couln't 4C, it, to gEve; 035,000 for the orectl for my band he( W lgoing to.stand you Wed In 012 of I% 1).V III mean's get tw6 J>rJ three fewoq said Xitolimlor, oloshic the lo - wall 0A in the folloliving Mannar. fl6o (where We Word, iivia tsXCIalmod, 'I wish as I could;, but it 19 tru4, Young gen's Christian Association already brad and give, thi�m tb6 rum bar tox66W. abruptly. "You khow, yout moking cmquttlig. Chop "fine alla Ct r am guilty., TilIn, As t sawi hop�� die buil at Colionibu Ga., provided of that. tol pasturie. Inoroaae t-hoL Tlo doea, oh f awn Th&VIL do, tt 1111#0 th-,' GPI,intcrs and black, 'YOU had better turn tM'bftt r6und he, is going to in one, tabla- raloo tha prostrate parts Into post- Jim, IV -0, h,!Xvo eoin,#� inuch fartbor thw Out Of lWf and the' 1100k Of MOt- that to main- flock by limbdiag and purolwsc it ad. at 130 he ft about four fe, W Han& Dow. two through the uq rhatpxl M my omr$, tal pain ilia t ray words Cauged, t went tftin the) lu$titutjon. �kli .1;0 to leaVo, and he went it, lAd his Chia( A-060011 buttex, To- oinie, plat cold fi* idho, eltitew Aball Agree iftand YOU a Tbb day toamd for the lt4aJ#qrttphJs[ � vind He has Offeed vLsablie, until tbb.numbar is auffioi- ot _,t XL good Stiff punt at you, add 0913 tV Whito, isauce , made by brckooft and artbroken Parts and wifli, An effort, atid liet4tatfug a, on, hurrkdly. Yu see, 1 never $20,000 too a young Menla CbriatiAll ent to keep dqNva the woods, on a gIv- gooid-bye� " Ah." %ald Xitolibuor, thlrekaning one. d -UP awpiet milk with place in ithose hilos bolt.5 of a slo"o, 'good dtal, f)ald., qy6s, I know wo thought da I Aliclubil b� found out find Association building for negroaaL under on r 1zo of thp, lmliIs may Indi- llav#, 06ine farthtr than nau 1, 'but I how YOUd W arm liti, p�roperly eqUippeA With - Ow tablespoon f1mr, d�, frji�.d onion, that the r, d 0A, "youlre; "I foal to go, I would hAv A ok 0 fit; alld I W6111bed the, saIng ouditios. 'TOO H'AULY, giVen YOU it good poat htc,& you stay. 19,04190,111119 to faste, and two well- ote Aq correct. Pot 6, small trod I thiq mitht he a bit 16hor, molwy so badly, � atid yaur Uncle for uv- quarter indh bolts or Or& The will of 11eirarial Wolff, Jr., w1lo, ed. I'm vei:iy Tht bd4ttlft 099, 66't O%r the fire lahl"Ntho 10'st; iimoI,11 taunted me Wwith being a poor Man Mail 0AIlit-ed nd was reffiling, whet* VkAA abild, shape ifA- nary coo-lialt icidli bolbs, In one ".The �Ittsburgs makeit di- Ing alreakly for th,6 iqlUtiulner harvelt I Itm, ro,11 lqi egg, then !A targo, Uutterbut trob I sed 006-Imall la4t tlw*11 after a And' ilot lidug fit to look at you, and (1164 Xei36AEIY It I iwently v, illaoiv oign palfttotr RUSUOUMP-W411, tm� we don't begin 'Xitchienor oall6d out, 11104)just take allq#. 'I don't undsvistand you. Why --' I At*ppj�l suddenl, I couldn't reat boquejIt of I-lbout $60,000, inolud- I)la"L ana bolt Midway of tht, g It -the liaot jimsip . thtli AottN to that payA4ste:t fel, lalo,41 Armad Cr1aM1Xqf lind try brown In boll. r� go oft nvith her looking like that. TUC 04000 fW bonevolont Purposes, nall"ed who Woupied One�small t6w advottilsit ' fur boarders tLIt 'long, 101" 1 lad t1le 'bOtlt Af4y T116 10tA WaS Aoli"Xt4 and tV bear. (09 fat, lyrAn on Nvillito pamx for * I)roklll:h part,o bi . pieces Clam. o oeeatuo aw#y to all. Then rkittr a Wt. ishe , Aoko again, and provides that It his children 15hall POOr team, 174 'Chpket OtTeOf, DUI)Ilhp ar WAA wAlkilig away, wheche whom then trmiater them to a ly togthor and we AboVo. tho, June-, oth" ml*A.1 I nd Wr Words burnt Ifitdr rAY heart no dio, without Issue before his widow, tbit, was fauna In a l -Ag condition, and- trrisivorent *ibftJ'ternSL 0,411. ItShtoVel* 1.0ft which tL daintily fringed ture of tl* UMIA, so aAI to Ati,0114th6n ft�aid, glawly, TlierS wax� ilotbr.r that Iball slcVor forget thefti;— d - hIA dAtate of $00�000 shall expiried, thortly after T*iag takm to P61111Y" edled him back. 1111ni to gl" r" UAL Or Okill (ad Won l4d, Garnish with ht� in. th* batts 'with itw4all headA, th[A, hAd I doUldn't Io6k "'I AWT' tOProatchoa You, Jim. I be, dividttl ont-hmlf to go to the tho htii4pltsl. 10A his room hdiftg VCther—Nfy, tells tw, 1r you thia, by th(� 'It bLer, A t6r A 01 t ft relm -it VOU ha" beta MAk*V-q$f I"o tOL Witri eqUiftlent to tj jelo $A or MtSIA:1. and p1tice �A wasbor uiad" the nut, m6adA sho AAVP." OW611, W13had you, t* be rich. I ROIlklili And MarahAll 0011096, Laft- marchaa bank ticliteg and isieturweq t6 th III a, fW yearg both ends Will be vake agAill, aud I AMR WVer forgot ws PrApArdil tat accept YOU just as ftnter, Pa., 006 fourth to ClataWbil, the Van:N '69 fta thousand 11undi h6te, It Waf[ 0114TA00riltid of Xtteh. Covered twith. the growlt Wood and tlw litered tftl& d ho 4% y6u were. Oh, I ould have orn(� Collegoi, at Newport, N.C., fad one - ,r Vol%, NVeft, JOUAJ. I)AVJ05 Wan OULly about astING ron PLobit nlL.eLoTn. this 'treen Will bo Ittoatist thaa it IflWhy AfJJL YOU to 1*4tfe US, laythillf. J)Ut thia., Clubavl-11doin't- know Why, Mite, neir that ho would tot lift" a fingor 'I folnth of age, afka.WaNL not thoukht ShoWd &n#16 mo vut aluotig So 1*40440 AWJA rft4,WA would Uk* to ever Will% sho atkadtiquittly. "aw geftit, whothor 6h6 faint. 1"Of the Rofoirmed Church, mlly. to' dr#e' 'the lUfth tO StAy; tid that 40 IkVk- aty W4WY1 L 3ADL WAftt to *bk t1ititkea.