HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-02-20, Page 1Elite Stationery The Blyth Standard A large assortment of Writing Tablets and fancy i'apeteries and Envelopes at The Standard Book Store .......•••1N041..1........H......N....HNN.N.H ,........«......•...1-......1.11011.11944.4",” • 1. THE `STANDARD BOOK STORE Bonin, Stationery, French Ivo, y, leather Gonda, Novelties toe Magazines. VOL XXX IX BLYTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 20, 1930 No. 33 •44+444+444++44+444+t+t4i44 WE HAVE CAREFULLY SELECTED THESE CHAUTAUQUA SPECIALS Everyone Is A Real Bargain. This Sale Is On Till End Of Month Jergen's Glycerine Soap, 4 cakes 25c Hot Water Bottles, reg $1,25 for 98c Nadruco Cod Liver Extra;.% reg $1 for79c Pinkham's Blood Medicine do $1.35 for 1.00 Talcum Powders (assorted) do 35c 19c Yeast Vitamine Tablets do $1,00 for79c Pure Castile Soap 7 cakes 25c Elgin Watches 17 jewel reg. $20.00 for 15.00 CHAUTAUQUA— FEBRUARY 25, 26. 27, 28. 1 Prescriptions Carefully Dispensed. BLYTH, ONTARIO R. D. PHILP, PHM. B. + 4+++++4+4+++++++++++++++4••.rw44e+ 4444+++4+•++4.41.44..•++•++++++►++4•+++•+++444+444+44 1 • • SPECIAL REDUCTIONS. During Stock -taking for next ten days we are going to clear out all lines in clothing and men's furnishings at greatly reduced prices, this also applies to our own Made-to-order tail orings for orders taken this month only. Spring Samples Here. These are open for your inspection, including best quality Worsteds and Serges, also Spring and Fall O'Coatings. Best value in the trade and one price $27 00 Per Suit or O'Coat Top Notch Quality is the Best. GiDLEY'S Phone '8 and 133. Blyth, Ontario, 4+4+•444.444444444444.44444444•+•••••6••+4+4•••••444+ East Wawanosh. The regular meeting of East Wawa - nosh, council met Feb. 11, with all the members present. Minutes of last meet- ing were read and adopted on motion of Councillors Reid and Yungblutt, A representative of the J. D Adams Co. waited on the Council in reference to the sale of road machinery. The Council however are not contemplating purehae- ing any additional machinery this season. Committee from the Retail Merchants Association, calling the attention of the Council to the revision of the Ontario Statues in regard to the Transient Traci ers Act passed at the last session of the Legislature received and filed. The auditors presented their report of receipts and expenditures for 1029. The Abstract Statement showing total receipts of 855,499.21 with an expenditure, of 856,025 77 leaving a deficit on the year's operations of 1528.56. The report was adopted on motion of Councillors Camp- bell and Walker. Moved by Councillor Walker seconded by Councillor Yungblut that Wm. Robin- son be appointed weed inspector. Carried The Engineer's report on the Elliott dr. affecting certain lands in East and West Wawanosh and Kinloss was read and pro visionally adopted. The taxes having all been accounted for with the exception of those against the W. H. lot 38, Con lo, a further extension of time was given the Collector till Mar. 11, it being considered that thi3 amount would be forthcoming before that dale. By-law No. 1 1030 confirming the ap- pointment of Tp. officials, By-law No. 2, 1930, authorizing the borrowing of suffic- iient money to meet the ordinary expendi ture and By-law No. 3, 1930 providing for expenditure on roads this coming season were all read and pasaed. The following accounts were passed:— Municipal World, supplies838 38 W H Campbell, auditor 12 20 F Thompson du .., 12 00 F Anderson, salary .120 00 Fin. Statements, war tax and exch. 35 40 G A Jordan, storing crusher........... 20 00 Patrolmen 14 00 35 40 4 18 10 rivivtioloviovvimikviliviii SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES. ! WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS 0 SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY &SATURDAY Aylmer Vegetable Soup, 2 for 19c Oxydel, large package - 19c Jewel Shortening, 1 s 17c Royal York Tea, half -pound 35c Pure Strawberry Jam. 40 oz. jar. 39c • Chateau Cheese, 1-2 ib. box 19c °S1 Free,' Fruit always on hand Ovaltine, Small 50c, Med 75c Ovaltine, Large - $1.25 Ingersoll Cream or Pimento Cheese, pg 14c • Royal Baking Powder, 6 oz -.- 30c Royal Baking Powder, 12 oz. 53c 5 String Brooms, Red Handle Special.-43c Millionaire Sardines, per tin 17c McLaren's Invmclble Jelly P des, 4 pkgs 25c R. J. POWELL PHONE 9 WE DELIVER GOODS BLYTH -- ONTARIO 4.4 VIVIi/%111,11111,11/t1,144,11SAIAA4 Special Weed. Seed and Fertil• izer Meeting. rA meeting dealing with weeds, seed and M fertilizers will be held in Community Hall, Blyth, the afternoon of February 25th, at 2 p m. and one in the Hall at Walton, on February 27th at 2 p, m. The weed menace is one of the most ser- ious problems facing the farmer to -day. The Weed Act now in effect in the Prov- ince was made necessary due to the in- creasing number of weeds and the wide- spread loss they were causing, Through these meetings we hope to make every- one more familiar with the clauses of the Act and to point out the necessity of unit ed action on modern seed cleaning practis es. The subject of commercial fertilizers concerns almost every farmer, but there are many points in selection of fertilzars which are not well understood, Many high analyis, high priced fertilizers may not return any greater profit than one of lower price. We must know what a fertil izer contains, what each crop needs the nature of the fertilizer requirements of different soil types, These with other fat tors are essential before we can be sure that the right kind of fertilizers is being sown. Three subjects, weeds, seed and fertiliz- ers will be discussed in detail and will be under the direction of the Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, Clinton, assisted by M,; C. E. Toole, of Newmarket, Keep this meeting in elan to attend. Roy Toll S. Haltahan M. McDowell Jt Chamney G R Vincent 10 75 Council adjourned to meet again on Tues. March 11. A. Porterfield, Clerk, OPEN LETTER To My Fellow Citizens:— Another session of the Cana 'Ilan Parlia- ment is at hand. %That part shall we as citizen of North Huron play? Shall we sit idly by. admitting incompetence, and leave to the rest of Canada, the making, amending and annulling of legislation? Should not we. one of the best and most intelligent of constituencies, play our full part and make ourselves felt in the Coun- cils of the Nation? This can only be in- telligently done by each and every home instructing your representative as to what you have in mind that would make for the betterment of conditions. Already many have written the regarding various mat- ters and for this I am truly grateful and will press hi have their thoughts crystals• ized into legislation, Every home has thoughts about wrongs that should be righted or laws which would make this a better country for our children. Kindly let me hear from you on any matter. I would be delighted, encouraged and strengthened by a letter from every home. addressed to me, care of. House of Com mons, Ottawa, Ont For the time he. ing I am your advocate and hired man. It is my desire to serve all, regardless of poli tical affiliations. I would like to have a letter from every pupil in our Public, Seperate and High Schools, stating what they are most inter- ested in, (everyone should have a hobby), and I will mail literature, l'ooklets, etc., on same. Any farmer interested in feeding and care of any kind of live stock or in any other branch of agriculture, who will write me will receive every thing that is publish ed. Millions of your money has been well - spent on research and every citizen inter- ested in any line of thought can receive literature on same. During my incum- bency I am anxious for every family to get the habit of reaching out for helpful literature on every phase of life. Faihfully yours, George Spot ton, The kcal agent, Mr. Howard Brunsdon has made arrangements to exhibit by moving picture in Memorial Hall base- ment on Monday, Feb. 24th, at one p. m, a full dsplay of Massey -Harris power farming implements. These pictures vividly show the mechanical workings of tie various machines. There will also be views of different parts of Canada. Every body welcome. Free, Famous Chinese Statesman Here at Canadian Festival Dr. Tehyi Hsieh Will Be Heard in His Notable Lecture on Present -Day China The blood of China's ancient aristocracy and the spirit of mod- ern democracy mingle in the per - eon of Dr. Telly! Hsieh, noted Chinese diplomat and Statesman, who will deliver his stimulating lecture, "Inside Light of Present - Day China" at the coming Ca- nadian Chautauqua Festival here. That Canadians may gain n truer view of China and her prob- lems is Doctor Haleh's mission in coming to the Dominion—and China could not have found an emissary better suited for the task. Doctor Hsieh is a brilliant orator, a master of the English DR. TISITYI HSILH language and a keen student of international affairs. 11 has been said of him that he is the national Interpreter of Chinese aspirations, Philosophy and hopes. An editorial in ?the Toronto Globe speaks of Doctor Hsieh as follows: "One of the most cultured as well as wittiest visitors Toronto has had in many a day is Dr. Tehyl Hsieh of China, guest of the Board of Trade. Doctor Hsieh, in addition to much Oriental lore, knows the Occident better than most of us. He is a graduate of Cambridge and has had wide dip- lomatic experience on both Bides of the Atlantic. He is typical of Young China, which now is rap- idly taking over all that rightly belongs to China from the en- feebled hands of the Old Regime. We all might learn a good deal from ?this brilliant representative of China " Memorial hall, Blyth, Feb. 27. ♦ n01.11,10.00110.1.011•0•111.1.1111.00 I illbodp.1.41 {11.01104.1111114,0 1104.111H000,Il.fl,•r DR. W. J. MILNE i wishes to announce the complete instaliati. n f of physio -therapy and X -Ray laboratory and ; radium institute. Will give special attention to cases suitab'e for these treatments on Mondays, Wedne .days and Fridays from 2 to 4 p. rn. t Phones—Office 28, Residence 29. 4,.,w,,.r.n►wowewowetwn.rr,.,w„wrwewe►s.,,.s.,,.rwnws • Mr. Frank Garniss, of Lucknow, spent over Sunday with friends here. Mr. J. A. Mills spent some days last week in Toronto visiting friends. Miss Mary R. Stewart was a visitor with her mother in Clinton on Saturday. Friends will regret to learn that Mr. Harry Bowen is confined to his home through illness. Mr. Stanley Sibthorpe, who had his tonsils removed in Clinton Hospital fast week, is back at his labors in his tonsorial parlors. Mrs. Nicholas Cumin, who had the misfortune to fall and injure her shoulder some days ago. is not progressing as rap- idly toward recovery as friends would like to see. Mr, and Mrs. Russel Shaw and family, of Auburn, are now settled in their home here, Mr. Shaw takes over the duties of C, P. R. station agent. 44+444444444+4444++444++44.44++++4+++h++++4++A44+4+44+9 INVEST YOUR MONEY IN SOUND REAL. ESTATE SECURITIES A PERMANENT SECURITY Real Estate Securities when financed in accordance with approved Banking Principals are among the strongest Investments available, as this class of security yields a higher return of in- terest that can be obtained on other securities of equal soundness. G. A. Stimson Co., Limited 159 Bay Street, Toronto Dear Siis: Please send information on the Real Estate Investments you re. commend, Name Address (write for information) GIISTIMSON i a LIMITED The Oldest EST. 1�3 Bond House Manacle MO DAT 8T.. , TORONTO 4444++++++++++++++++++++++44++444+6++4++8•+i++4++44A41A The Late C. A, Howe EGGS AND The passing of Charles A Howe on Saturday removes from our midst anoth- er of the pioneer residents of this section —one who, in the pioneer days, played a full share in the development of our country and evidence of his untiring lab- ors is manifest in many ways. For the last twenty-five years the late Mr. Howe was almost a helpless, victnn of paralysis, which affliction, as he ad- vanced in years, became more evident un- til during the past few years he was a constant care. Born in Prince Edward County almost 79 years ago; on December 9th. 1873, he was married to Mary E. Townsend, and the following year he and his wife came to Morris Township. first settling on lot 11. concession 9, and litter to lot 3 on the same concession. Some time later he moved to lot 3, the farm now owned by Mr, Robert Newcombe. While a resident of Morris, he took an active part in municipal affairs, serving as councillor and deputy reeve for a num- ber of years, He was a man of keen vis- ion and the township benefitted much from the services rendered so unstintingly Twenty nine years ago the family mov- ed to Blyth when it became apparent that owing to his affliction that he could not longer continue as an agriculturist. During all these years the late Mr. 1-lowe had been an invalid. but notwithstanding his affliction he was cheerful, a good con- versationalist and well versed on the lead- ing topics of the day. • In September 1927 the late Mr. Howe was bereft of his wife, since which time he received kind and patient attention at the hands of his brother, William, who had made his home here since Mrs. Howe passed away. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon from his late residence under the auspices of the Orange Order of which deceased was a member for mane years. The service was conducted by Rev. E. L. Anderson, pastor of Queen St. United Church. Interment took place in the Union Cemetery. The pall -bearers were Messrs. Deioss Taman, J. E. Taman, Wm, Bryant, Ab. Taylor. Arthur Barr and Herbert Dexter, Mr. Wm. Coombs still continues in a pitiable condition as the result of an ill- ness which he had over nine years ago, which has left him in almost a helpless condition. I -Ie seems to be gradually grow ing weaker with no hope of recovery. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union will be held at the home of Mrs. Ben. Taylor. Wednesday, Feb. 10th. commenc- ing at 8 o'clock p. nr. Subject—''Life of Frances E, Willard." Visitors welcome, Mr. Jared Noble, of Wawanesa, Man„ has been renewing acquaintances in this section after an absence of thirty-two years. Forty-two years ago he went west and this is his second visit to the scenes of hls boyhood in all those yearn He is a brother of Mr. 'rhos. Noble, East Wa- Wanosh. POULTRY This is the time of year when Egg markets are un- certain. Market your eggs promptly and regularly and avoid loss through falling markets. Clean up your poultry be- fore the chickens become staggy and take lower pric- es, We are in the market for any quantity of duck feath- ers for which we will pay highest market prices. FOR SALE—Three piece parlor suite and a kitchen cabinet. Apply to Trios. H. Taylor, Mrs R. J. Powell returned hone on Friday from Toronto hospital where she had undergone quite a critical operation, She still continues to improve, which fact is highly pleasing to her family and ft lends. A. 1+ ERSKINE, Night Phones 100 or 46. (McMilla. Produce Builds ) Day Phone 100. Night Phones 100 or 46 13LYTli, - - CN'I'A1110 IN THE SURROGATE COI°RT OF THE COUNTY OF HURON IN THE ESTATE OF JEAN HENDER. SON, DECEASED Notice is hereby given that all persons having claims against the estate of Jean Henderson, late of the village of Blyth, widow, deceased, are required to send the same to the undersigned, duly verified ori or before the 13th day of March, 1980, after which date the Executor will pro. proceed to wind up the estate, having ref. erence only to the claims of which he shall have received notice. Dated at Goderich this 17th day of February, A, 1) 1930, Loftus E. Dancey. Solicitor for Executor, 5000 Facts About Canada The public will welcome the 1930 edit- ion of "500o Facts about Canada" corn - piled by Frank Yeigh. the well-known authority on the Dominion, past and prey ent. This 80 page book is a marvel of condensation and as revealing the story of our country in a nut shell—a story that is as stirring as it is illuminating and one that no Canadian can afford to miss. That it has not only a national but an Empire and worldwide circulation is nil. to be wondered at. The contents ate comprised in 50 alphabetical chapter;, ranging from "Agriculture to Yukon" This issue contains much new matter and many new features. Copies may be had at The Standard Book & Stationery Store or by sending 35 cents for a copy, nr sI for three ecpies, to the Canadian Facts Pub. Co., 503 Huron St. Terento 5.