HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-06-01, Page 24
___ _,.______,___, __.______.__..___ �,,�.----,---�.."----�--.--�-,--,-,---�.---.�.,� ----------- _.- ___._ ..... . - , � 1����___
6�,.ik.A� I I
I Is Published oyory Thur6day at
I . The News-Reerd
Power Printin House
TxXims Or IsVi3sontmigs-41,00 per year in.
. Advance 4w 01.60 may be charged It Rot so P0614
$Qpapordiscontittued until .all arroarago$
arc, paid. unless at the option of thopublIsUor.
The date to which every subscription Is paid
� .
16 denoted on the label. .
A*:ovpnTiarNo. RAT1rs,_Tr%u$IeRb advQr4so,
e ouparlel Ituti, for Arst
Insertion suEl 3 cents per line for each oubse-
quout .
. itl$ortloil. Small advortisoments not
to O,Xooe4 one Inob,84oh as oLost 11 "Strayed,"
"Stolo , il�" etc., Inserted once �Or �0 Cents and
each subsequent insertion 15 cont,4,
Advortlaemento without specific directions will
be Inserted until forbid and ,charged 406ordi
. ingly. ts Oil pages A
. a oemon. aturamy and
and 6 must beltithe oilloo on S
for pages A and 8 on Monday to ensure Change
, .
for following issue. .
. CO11TRACT ]RATits.-The following table Shows
. our riltos for specified periods and space;
I rr, 6. Mo. a Mo. Igo
!column_-,. 670 00 $1000 w 00 es 60
J Column ......... 4000 25 00 1500 6, 00
j Columli ........ 4 g5 00 1600 800 2 50
i Column ........ 1800 . 1000 060 200
I lnoh�'. 1. I .... coo 9 50 200 1 25
g&8ppolal position from 25 to So -per cent extra,
I , � 'W. J. MITORELU '
. Editor And Proprietor,
. � I .1 I
I . m BANKS �
. .
. I
. . � . . . - .; .. I i
� . .-
. .
. . f600rpo i-ated by .
. . I Act otParlt4 want, 1865. �
CAi1ITA'L - . . $2, . 600.000
REST $2,050,000
� .
' I President
JA*XES ELLIOT . . General Manager
,Notes discounted, . Collection made. Drafte,
fssuo4. Sterling and- Ainerican Exch
bouvittand.00l(L Intorestallowedondoi;WW
. � I I
Inter;st allowed on sumR of OL and UP..
. . . FARMERS . . . .
, Noney advanced to farinerson. their owit
notes with one Or more endor6ers, No mort,
gage required as security. . I . . �
. . I .
. . H, 0, 13RLOwER, Mallagor, Clinton
I _�___
.. , G. - 0. ,MCTAGGART . . .
. . I
. . . .
. . BANKER. . . . .
. I I . .
� . . . I . N .
I . . �
. , .
. . . �
I . I : f . , . ;
. .. . I . . .. . . . I .1. 0 , � ' � '
. .
A General [BanKng � ]�uslliasf Transacted,
� I . . . - I .
I I I . - .. �
I I . I .
I , . . . ,
I . .
. x6tes Discounted. . Drafts Issued I "
I . � . . � .
. . . .
, .
. .
. . . , interest AllovVed (r,l -Deposits..
. . �
. . . . I .
I � . I
. .. . . . , . � .
, —_
I .1 . :. � . . . . .1. . . . I . I
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L' . L �._. .. .
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. 1. I
I J.SOO I .. . I
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. L
. , , . , . L '
. . BARRISTE"R, SOLWIT011, Etc, . .
I I . . . . . . . L .
I .
� . . - Mofioy to Loan. .
i L . I . . . . ,
I OFFIon-911lott Block - . , , -... . CLINTOR
� .
. . . . L
- .
. . . I
. .
� "WBRYDONZ ' . . . . . . .
'$ . . . � I . . .
I . .
. L I I.. , .
, . .
., . . Xotmt-�'Publio, &a., .. -
I . I .
. , .. . .
Orrioit-�;Beaver Block, - �, � .. CLINTON
" . I . I . . . 1 .
.. - -
I �
.. I . a I . . I �
. . .
. I . . . . .
� TOHNRIDQVT '-. ... . : .
. L
, . ' . . I I . .
I . 11 , , . . -:
. . I
. . Irirc InAllianc cal Estate,
. . Money O� Lad, . I :
. I ..
. . .
. 1. ,.
0�inot-Rvaqx STREET, .. . . CLINTON
. . L
- ==__==_==�
I .. .L . .
I .
: . ... 1 tvfl!�DIOAL . -
I I I . ..
. . I I . . I
R. W. GUNN . I .
D . � I .
R. C. P. and 1,; R O.S., Eaftlburgh:. -.
. . . __ : �
Night calls at froutdoor ofictideficopollatten
bury street, opposite ,Presbyterian Church.
I . .
. I . . . . I
. .1 .
.. .
1. R. SHAW I . I I 7 � �
D .. I . I � ... .. . I .
� . I . .
.. OFFICE .. I
. . +
. . I .. .1 .
. ONTARIO .STREET,. OPPOSite English Church,
I . I .
. . . '
. . . . . .
. . . . r
. I
. DR, a. W. THOMI""30N ., I . .
1. 1. .
. 1. I .
Special at' tontion given to diseases of the )Eye,
.Throat, I
Alborb Street Ea't north of RATTExtruity
. I _ _, .
. . I
. -
-F, I . I .
I I DENTIST. . ....
L I .
I � CROWN A?fl) BRIDGE Wonic, .
. .
OrrICE-Adjohling riostoilg Photo Gallery
� I
� I .
G- . .Suceesgortol)r, Bruce, Clinton.
. Swiciallstin Crown and BridgeWork. .
D.P4 .-Graduate of RoyalCollego of D6
on .
, L, ,!irgeofin of Ontario.
K -First, Class honorgaduato.09 Dental
DopartmontotToronto nivorolty.14 cola
at tontion paid to preservation of chilgran'
tooth. I I I I
Will be at the River Hotel. Rayflold, every
Monday from 10 a. in, to 6 I). ill. .
. q. - ,- . ............ �_
. Sateassor to Dr. ri owler.
A nitinbor of the VeterhinryAtedleal Aspogfm
. tions.6fLontiottitndFdfnbtirgliaiidGrLtduttt
of the Ontario Veterinary Collqgc� . .
office Opposite the CommoreW Hotel. Clinton
____ - �___=Ttn!!=_1
I vE-r.-j:?1AJARY I . I
___ _ __�_
B I . . �
- � - . -...-- �
. AU0TI0i4EEF1 L
. ___
__ _ ...... __ -
ftlog conducted in all partA of the ("ounfleg a
P. Huran and Pettli. Orders left at Tun Ny,wS
RVOORT) oince Clinton, or addresqed to Scaforth 11. 0. will reeelve prompt attaill Ion. Sol
6faction uaran teed or no charges, Yourpal
onago Sof, cited. --.-- I
_____..______ _
___ � . � _ ,._,__._____',___
G n.N F, I 11 N'to . . xr,
Woodwork frollod and fIri,.t-el.,v;q material an
work stuavap tood. Farm linplonionts and ma
chinag robuilt (old repaired.
V.� .-.%;...,�-."14,�l...—.�-.;tt!.. -
- - __ - _ _.________ nn!!nn!�
�_ � t
12�;::;:;==_ I-----
';-'- ___�;:w;.�
MARKETS OF THE. WORU ,,"Barnyarders'l
are unchanged at An Immediate result of the explor-
0111 40 to die per pound. AtiOn. Ila$ been, the oetting apart by BRITISH LOSS SEVURB. .
- - -_ - - --- - �- .- ."
W.i.,q.. , .,
Spring Iambs are worth from $2.60 —_ the pille-bearing -_ -
:1 I
. .
Prim of cattle, chessel, GrA14, &a to
$5 each. t HE RATION Ol? regions around Lake Temag4mi ,as a COUVOy Attuke4l, But Boors, Wero
There was no change In hogs a- I forest INTAIMSTINQ
. �_ .
Farm and Isolated Town Property
In the Leading Navicets.
. , day.
reserve, in order to protect
N4W ONTARIO. Flually Repulsed.
the pine from. the danger of destruc,
only Insured,
. �
. .
. — ; ; I 1. :
The best price for "singers" is 7jo __ tion by lire which grows conftantly A despatoll, ftom rotobastroom sayo
, ,
* "" A \
J. D. McLeangresident. Rippon F. O. ; The$.
pound; thick fat wid light.hogs. V40010 Ot Arable X11344—TA14ber RUO I'alp more imminent, owing to the intlug: the lloorg Made two determined at-
ge V*x R040114,04 & 0094 old A al"
, go- 1 A
141`401% Vice- resident, Brumfield V. 0. - T. IQ -
I are
Toronto, . june ol. - Wheat -The
worth Gfo per poun4. 1TO94 Itegonweem-The 01111141.4te-Geolgo of settlers, prospectors. and tourists, tao)m on V, gTitish convoy irt a
. . . drift
Hogs fetch the top Reports,
gow smo the 41quor Trallio-peath 01! 1
Hays 0. - *
,a Scol-Treas.. Seaforth 11
Broa toot :o!,
Losses, S�afoith V
W beat market was steady be
to price must gists' � Tills will secure it supply of timber acarr Venteredorl
. .). The w4ggonshad
One of Baden-rowentp X*A,;,ft0,, 4;0, .
, �
,,. tispector at
today, No. 2 white ;xud red, below
of prime quality, and scale not During tile summer at 1900 the I -
a perpetuity to the adjoining settle Clicked, illa, .dxift. The Boors were
100 ,nor above 200 pounds. Government Ontario. Monts, which are certain to receive
, I
Mr; Alex, Ewing, long a, respected
W. G. Broadfoot, Seaf9rbli* John Grlove,,
Wilitbrolij Geowe JAIC, 8oaforth; John Watt,
sold at Q$e to 684o, middle freights
to Montreal, and it to quoted t
of sent out ton .
Following Is the range � of quota,� exploration parties into that portion considerable accessions of population finally repulsed leaving. fourteen dead resident
I,,,,:_ I )its
the The British loss, which
in Dumbarton, has reached
hundredth birthday.
ohn onnewtos,13raillia aku-Japleii
Evans, Boochwood; Joules Counleir, uli4ton
John foLotin, xippoil
At 084C to 69c, 1;6 rate, to
New York. No. I&oqoe
of NOW Ontario lying north of the within a few years. The underta%- on tield,
Cattleo 10 Ing by the government of the con- fwa,o gevelre, IS. not,ista". .
auadl4a Pacific Ra
Great draughtp of llcrringg h4ve ..
quoted at
67je, low fiviglit"ia a spring sold'at
Shippers, per owt......0.50 - $5.25 purpose Of ascertaining, approxi- struction of the Texulacaming Rail- A iiiiaoial despatch, from Protorto,
1 . Off
the past few days -been caught.
the Haddingtou, coast.
a it , llarlook; Robor a am
R btSm
to . U�
68c to 69c,' middle freight to Port-
Butcher,, . choice, do_ 4.25 4.75 matoly at least, the value of the way and the liberal aid granted to SaYS'.-A ILMLIted onumbeir of permits
' , I .
The Rev,
rt h Jam "Ou iningalEgolondy'llop. - W land,
cc, 0.
Y Agim esvi a
� .
and 70o east. M�nitoba
great natur Other railway argely -lie lm-
Butcher, ord. to good. 3.50 4.00 al resources 'of a then enterprises are 1, will be OTanted next week for t
,, Poter Nearns, Cold- ,-41
. .
t a esirous to effect Insurance Or trRUR
Pdr to a
th or omptly a
sacto business will be lit , ttended follows,
whoat higher, With quotations ' as
Montreal freight, g, I. t,!-
tile �Outcomo of the increased appro- Stream,
Butcher, Inferior __ 2.75 8.225 Comparatively little linown region, - goo!$" into Jo-
I rta'!*
rthern ' "'a"
)"' uneol iirlo� -�acb
Stockers, per owt.... 3.50- 4.00 In land, timber and minerals, At ciation. of the value of our No permit will allow Year
"I. .u' '
(lied recently fit the 84th, �
, �
of hiS 490 and 51th of Ills Min-I
on �
licatlon to ary. of the Wye Clears .t,j
1Z rt 0 to their respective Post 0111ces.
4 42
la. I hard, 92c, No. 2 hard, 88c;
pt bulls, pek cwt. 8-70 4,50 the previous session of t ,o Legisi - heritage resulting from the explora- th - ) not to- 6� teii Istry.
, Imp
Expoi h a .
— ... �'. .......,
No� 3 hard, W.c. ,ces Toronto
and West: -Ni), I hard, goo, No. 2,
86c. No. $. hard, 79P.
tion'. � :
Sheep and Lambs, turo the sum of $40,000 had been, to,o of 0 , pox cent. of which ,
Choice ewco, perowt. 8.00 4.00 voted for this purpose, the desirabil-I P . Must ba� ol'th'a Suitable for cold
Lambs, grain -fed, owt, el.50 5,2$ itY of a more adequato Icilowledge of SAVE, IN A THUNDERCLOUD. weather, and thirt , y per Cent. of has
, ,
Lolth will have 'r4 ji�%000 statu'
a of
Queen Victoria, tile Site for which I
been selected itt.the foot -of
Millfeed-Is quiet and prices stea-
dy, Bron, In car lots, $12 west,
Do., barnyards, Cwt. 4.00 ,� 50 . the country, with a view to its �-_ Clothing suitablo for the pecker
!)a., spring, each.- .0-50 5:00 speedy opening up by railways au(I wholtelinprksible Vxperjot*ee ora preaclier classes. Boot makivs. will be, allowed
Leith Wal1c, I ., .
The Soottisil office line refused to .
Mso Agent for .
and Shorts $18 to $It- West.
Bucks, per owt .... . ...... 2.60 $,00 ,other Means of communication, be- Arronaut in illngland. to import lgoodfr :act exceeding five permit
the body of George -Tuhustou,.
Corn - Alarket continues quiet
. iitted. - The. re- To be lit the very heart of 0, thun- tons,in weight, fifty percent. of which tile
Milkers and Calves, Ing universally ildit .
I"Ife Millionalre-hergilt, to be ex-
� Head Ofilao for Canada. Montreal.
h low quoted at
giorl, to bo explored. embracing some der clou(i and escape unharmed is an milat be . suitable for the poorer
Cows, each 20-00, 45 0
humed. . I
Insurance In force, - . . $116,000,000
Investments in Canadmi ., . - 13140010W
dole to 4101 and m'xc(1 at 4'oc west;
yellow, on track, -16je,
....... __ ... .o
�s, was, divided into unusual if not a unique experience. classes. A ball to Comment
Calves, eaol,_ ..... - 2.00 :L . 00 .sixty million acre , orate,the
0 tell exploration districts, -Tilaoh of That is what happened to Rev. J01111 eMtTY Of tile British troops will be
Out of 55. cases, of Infectious (Its-
se in Soilthend,
reliable and favortle
Establ_bed:1825, Thoold .
RYe--,TIlO Market Is quiet, with
Hogs. the parties to which a, district Was X. B-acon And Some companions in given. at .J`oha-qxie.9burE; ou Friday.
P ��
_�5 %vore, in th(
0'ercrim SmUllih,1161C. 0130041tPoit-oiII191
prices unchanged at 50a to S:Lc,,mid-
dle freights, � .
Choice -hogs, per cWt 6.75 7.2$ allotted comprised a surveyor, a. one of his baloon ascinislons from 211,911t, .
, ,
Light hogs, per cwt... 6-00 6.715, land and timber estimator and a Newbury, England. The elevation of Lord Milner to the
Opinion Of tile Medical officer a
health, due to the eating of shellfish , .
' .
_. ___ .1 I - __ � . I 11 . - I I � I. ,_�
� I �
al A
Buckwheat -W ita; offering, and
, 0 6�75 geologist, who were instructed to Mr. Bacon in telling of the exper- peerage created a mumber of new re-
Heavy ticks, per cwt� 6.5
Major Matheson, propl-iotor, of tk
-, k
, i
market fifill. I �. I .
tlinn ocIrds in. that line, He Is the first
Saws, Pet- Cwt ... � ........ 0,75 - 4�00 make the fullest investig4tions the, fence says. "Ili scarcely more . I
Lewis, is introducing young stair I
. I
Foas-Market is. firm, with'offerings �
, A- froill,
Stags, per cwt ............ 0,00 2.00 time at their disposal and the large twenty minutes from the Start a 1114111 W110"Was Created a peer on aV
England for the imprdvemen �
I .11 I
smo,14 Quotations, 66o to 67a -out-
- I r to be covered sudden and surprising change took day and 19112;e,tted the following Tuos-�
. . I day-Tecord tIme4 He is the first man land.
of the. various. deer forests on the lr . � . I
. .
Trains will arrive at and depart from Clinton
Station as follows:- . .
, Darley-brarket rules quiet; No� 2
. . � would permit, extending to every place in our eircumstililices. Our on-
. . I . w I hoo has ever taken his title from his
featuro or characteristic of vironment, which had appeared ab-
I 10 in He
THIRTY—FIVE. DEAD BOE �RS natural d the first. statesman
- . . I .
I .
Th, Glasgow. . "Municipal PubA ,��
Gol�gEasbRxpress 7:38 a. in.
quoted at 50c, lake ports, and a t
446 to 45c, .
middle freights No.. 3.
- tile territory havilig tiny bearing up- solutely .calm and clear, began
I -s�h " i h
C a Ing b�
. I on its Atness for settlement or Coo- ch.%nging, with the rapidity of a g�� .an received on his ar� ad
I -louse" scheme Is receiving the uni( I
support of tlielabor. organizatioA
.. ,14 .
� 2:65 p. in.
0. 11 Mixed 4:16 P. in.
extra,.43c, middle freights, -' . I . .
. . . . I Aon Searle. Below us- the a by itlmosi Member Of the
to devoIopment, - transfoituat every
Kitehener Sends -NeWS of the right 110111 1.
I . � The report the hundred feet -which -Separated' its Administration, w4S received almost
all([ the. united opposition of t,17' I
G ol�,g West Mixed I . 10:15 a. M.
. ' �
" EXP,16068 12:55, p. In
Oats -Market rules firm, -With sales
of No, 2 at 32c, mid ilia freight$.
of survey and ex-
ne�burg. from. the earth began filling 4n �with immeditxtely afteirward by the. Sov-
. Near Johan ,
, , ploration has just been issued by . .
but ereign, and the firsit
, . . 1
- I
The o ample of C.Iapgow in seel,13z
x �
:: I 44 -` .44 . 7:05 a. in,
. 1 10:.2 . 7 p. in.
No. I fipnx at 38c to =Je Cast.
. I lour -The demand is fair and pri-
a blue baze quite transparent . guest .within
A despatch' from London says:- the rrovincittl Department of Crown ,
LoTd, K . itoliener reparts� to the a mprises a volume of gl-owing palpably filinter, while memory invited to dina and Sleep at
Windsor foot
to run the liquor trafric; under pt, I
-uld: ow
iiiuiiielpal control i 1104
Going South Express . 7:17 a- in-
Cos steady, 90 per cent, ordinary .
bu bags,
. castle Avho Was commanded
� I about-, 800 pages, 'extensively illus- ahead, as also right and left, the
Office as follows: . -ated -x horizon at the level of our eye and to, Stay 11316thoft' illight. .
ti with Cuts reproduced fron
I � :
ship is extended to'va.rIoVs ports ?' : .
. I
.1 14
I Mixed . 4: p. -in.
Gollip North Express . . . 10:15 m. in.
p'mtents, � Y ors' sold lit $2,65,
middle freights choice lots, 15c to
11 Col. Dickson'si forcq6 at V14-dfoil- -hig.h.er opposed a dense tog barrier of A despatch from Queeastown Cape
I photographs taken by the explorers, .
,%vaa ThuTsdaYv by 'and infor- art ashon'lille, Overhead of' course Colany,caaystbo Boors are mmssing .
Renfrowshire. - . I I
Earl Aberdeen Inspected the . Edit .. 1. I
. Mixed - � 6:55 p. in,
. ,
20c .11tore; Manitoba. patents, $,I,',)5,
and .strong bakors', $8.95 to K
tein attaok6d on contains a vitst guiount, of
the sky. view was entirely hiddei tundw ti-ramaudant Kritzinger to-tha
,ere. V liting. The. enenty wag.event- mation Ili detall its to the resources, 1 by northwftrd of Bailey. There - i,,i much
9 . . I the huge silken, globe, At this time
burgh BatUtlion Boys' Brigade wltk� . �
in the �Morcliistoa Castle Colloglat,4.
. . Agent. TownTlokot.Agont.
. . ff. 0. DRIKSON, .
Oatineal-Market unchanged; car
exes fighting; f.rhe ehent,h wafc event- produett; and character of tile region I ,
. .
travQrsed, ' which be- of great we were being swept along on our local apprehension, and the town
. "
grounds.' More thati,- 1,000 lipys .
District Passengbr Agent, Toronto.
lots at $8.65, in bugs, and at $,'1.75
Ill wood, sinall lots 20c extra.
. . . .
. .
, . . �
. .will
Mallk driven ;off with heavy losses,. value , tit connection with future leg- course,, which remained sensibly iuvt -guard rentalila till night, in the tranch-
. 61-1. Passenger traffic to the north is;
leaviiag- 35 d6ad. I ,Tegrot that Gar is . speed which,
. Iti,tion. While tile main. r6sillts of altered in direction, at a sjuspended, and freight is proceeding
ca,gilalt" also ,lveire 96vare� .The kill- tile ,,-Xploration were made public we subsequently .were able to. fix at . .tages,
. . appi-oximately forty miles tin ho�ir- ivildor an armed escort. The baak 8
'since,' -are
were on parade.. I . . . . . 1,
Ali effort is. boin.", made that cot- I . .
rather than tenement house,% , %!
. .
� ___ __ ,
� ,
. . . . t-
Potatoes -The market. is quie ,
. .
01, and woundie U11- soul �tfinc there maily in- � .. . I . .r
d numbered One It a . . J olo6e. at noon, Builey is 11bou
"To ourselves the full signilcalloo t twon"
be crooted oil tho Glasgow municipi;' . I I
. � . - .
, AGENT 0. P. R.
. 1. .
and prices steady. Car lots quoted
� rrhey� sell out
27c to
1410 r officers. tore '
dired and, oeventy-four.. . , 1A I . I I si.ing facts -,with regard to tile. a * f . those Circumstances, -wag not int- ty milati north of Queenstoivn, on the-
wew)ov killed.11
. . North country here presented for the line from Port- BRizaboth to, the
land neat, Alexandra, Park, for Cecil. . .
Pp -ROY by. workingmen. . - . . ..,
. . . I
, . I
at .28c,
� of
StO* re at 35o to - 40c: per bag, ' ,
The nlow.5 oomas ;otrk the anniversary first time, . - - - , ,:. .. mediatel apparent, but the oulool�- Oxanga river. It is about. forty
of Lard'Roberts' ea�ry into Johan- ' . ers at our point of departure"the
. I I
A sensation has been caused in, - . ,
. � I
Field produce, etc,-OniQnS I 11.10
, I . H, . X.TENT OF ARABLE LAND town.gris worlis, now sonic live inileN railLs son( -at , .
. . . -h Stormberg, lathe als-
nesbarg, a -'aid 'the acetic af si:rIfe is,
Abordqen by the issue of a warrant , .
' �
— .
. 1�ravollers. to any parti of'the
to $�.*25 per bad, , Carrots, .45c'to
. ,
50c per bag. Parsillps, per bagi dOc
� . I . .
I .
Within ftr ma' itkL I Which General Gataore lie, . 11
ty milo.j� of the Gold Iteef The 9t linportant, discovery in out, wt -clearly di�teeted tbe.ap, t:r 10 t - I
. . . . . I . .. I
I . . . � . 1,
. —
for the 4rrest,of Mr. J. M. F ergu-'.
. , . ,I
sou, LL prominent advOCUte, for tile m ,
� �
j . , -world should corisult� the
I . I .
. .
tO,50c, . �. .
'a 'tuff-spillach, peck, 16C.,
%ty. The battle lif Vladfontein oil made by the, explorers, ts as to tile proaoll I .. . . I
. . I . I .
of firs C 1, A I UNDER PACK' .
the ,DuTban-Sohithnesburg railroad, extent. -tolass arabl. and avail -o TEAVY TH P 11) HE PENAL Y. -
, A
alleged embev,zleutblit.of trust funds. .. �
I I . .
� above in reference to tickets,
� . I
... .
fares, etc.
a ' n '
AV.t,i I 15c'to 2Qc, Rhubarb,
i . . .T 1. �
. � able� far settleit ' The ar and, its they I . IT .
orted_by Lord Kitchener, is, the ierit. La of
T el) 1. reasonably 'asserted, 11 I I
Au,litermuchty lias a mods r1n Sam -
son, Ile lifted four gates off their : ' . i
� . I .
11 . �
, I .. . I . .
— .
: . '.
doz6n, i5o. to 25c, Celery,� dozen,
. . .-----"
it Serious en-gagement since Get,- tho great clay -belt, ;extbnding wqst- .40 . -the wind., It tower- . .
)3ilo" ming against.
eral Oleinentsi, roverso at Magalies- ward fr6ill tile, % Quebec boundary i ed above the .baloou� now, seen,.pro- Negro 1JUrned Alivii. by a Mob, in.
I , .
hinges .and left them lyihg' on the . . I
, ,
. I .
. . . .
W, 30 .
$1 to $1.25.. Lettuce; . 20C. Rod..
ishes, dozen, 15c, Asparagus, doz
"bitrg. The garxision .of Vlad -Lnd Algoma und . ..
fonl6in, through - Nipipsing L I jected plainly ag"In-A Its face. It Florida for ku�der. I
- . .
� . . . I . . .
largely Yeo- district,: is lea4t, 'rtipidly
. I 0 but Ila
I oadway. lie d d it f r fun,' . d ., .
. � 1.
i;o paY 30 Shillings, for the Caper. . .
.JACK IN— . .. .
10 . . .
on, 75q to, $1� Cabbage, dozen 40c -
;Ipparently coimposed:of at ,
into Thunder Bay Clime Oil and assumed , for-
put out of Ile- ,)4,,e)oo -miles, .11 I ng till almost un�, . A.de patch Lrom, Bartow, Fla.,,says:
inattry, )led 174 I a, �i I S I
inidable proport�oas. The � baloon .
� . . ... .. �
. Air. Tiloinag I�rpnd, one of the now* ,�
. I
. AGENT 0, p. � IR,
.. � �
__ ____
to Vie.' Onioni, dozen, 10c.' . , -
' .
ley, dozen; 15c to 20o. I I . I
Dried apples -The market rules
,mon I
(ion, [rhat their m4iallants " t - 'illilltA cillfl- was flying. due west at high speed, -Ipwed- ltOchelle, A. no,gro, tIllrty4Lv','ralAdly
cam' 0 brokon Stretch of good fill � h I .
el lose, quri!rterp, and suffered. beavilLy :,jilliq -ii(�tirly three-quarLers th('�0i- and Lit apparently no great distaxice,yeax -of age; who a ,pbuts-
, , is . , $ . .t noon on .
. . "
diminishilIg band . Which : . ..
. I
I .
favined,tho."Thin. Ited . Line,", has . I . I !
I ' ..
. �. I . � ' 1. . %
. . '
. . . . . .
I .
quiet.. Dried apples, 3 to 3&c-1 evap-
- cat,
50 to:51C fat,
I . �
. .1
W, S.h,04VA by the number'of -dead left tent of the present settled portion. overhead the thurlderololad., wiis Pro- "d
0 . . in (I
. . y not I ay - c4ri inally aa�a,ult d* and then
on't-lie. field.. . of the Province. Aouth. at 1�alw -Ni0s- gressing fit It moder4te volocit .. I I
died lit Ab6rd Con, I n Ills ye Lit- , . .I., � .1
, _. .
ITO joined the 93rd Sutherland High-; 11
I �.
A bashful iyoung Man' went thlee
, .
orated .
quoted. at
lot% and -jobbing at 5,91C. . . I .
. I � muirdered Mrs. Rena Tag art, a well�
I . . . Sin . . The Whole, country As a net- aecurately� ileterinined . � 9
.. . . . " , . . . 9, . I but* one I .
� known "whilL.
. ,tile ago .a! !a . . �
landers in 1844, tit .:
. .. .. . � . � I I
times to aAk a beautiful young lady*
if he might be the partner of her
Alaple syrup-Mart,ot (lull; flve�galr
- . . . I work of rivers, stileams and lul�os* bast or directly opposed to tile Sul, and xespaptable :wo-
, .
� inan of this city, was birrued al; the
THE BRITISH FORCES� casy incaus of coinutuni-' face cuitrent. * � . . .
years. . .1 I I �. . I I
. . . I
Oil ille lapse of the period of - , '. J
joys and. porrows and other household
. . .
Ion tins tire $i per imperial gallofi;
$1,10 to $1.15 fat- gallon this, and
.Iffordiuk'an , -
. . I . . I
. I _ . . � . eation . gnll m, ailficent, wAtet wet s . OW .
4 .1 �. ag --Po - ,',And � with a whistle a. blind,- .stake here early next evening in the
. .
. - '
mo ii-nilig, it. is Y*eported. that the - - , ,
I '
. furniture; but each, time his heart
. .
falled him, 4nd he' took the question'.
. . I
8.15c, to goo for wine gallon this, ,
. . P. �
I � I ' ' for Industrial . en.torpills" I and. eleb- in , SiieLt of hail attacked. the aerb- pxeodnce of '.a tbrong of, people.. TIM
Ilearly 250i , I
bod St 11 .1n South nauts, stinging their - faces s(y �,harply � buirnlng'-Wais' on the Scene: of the neg-
jl�jcltl. d6vclopnient� :5foreover, the
I 0
Xiiig .and Queell� will i;evive -certain .. - ,
ar the -01d..Scottish customs d�
away unpopped. , ,
I . .
-s ,.om 10c' to
ll�neyDealei .qu'ote it . .
- .
3.0�L fat! 5, 10, al, 60-1b. till$, ac�-
4 . . .
... I . I . . I .
. 7 Afri0a. 1, . I vo. , ate -- As the it,;. to give the idea -it the stones .,ruls crime, wtthim'100 jards of the
. . .. , extens! w � surface renilL * . " , tin -
. � . I
. -
r . .
.ourt catenlonies associated with the . -
.1. She az �sv, the 'a tiguish a f his 96ul,
coid-ing to size of order. : Comb .bk)n-
. I . . . %
- 1*1 I . especially favorable. for it.
A despatoll .. from'. London 0ayd,,-A to ,Itojy g, were falling from a great -height, and ;�prine ' thia dity.
11olyrood Pala.0', '. 'Pile report a., 11
� Ilas - � .
I had compamion.on him. the
an'. I � .
n6,TtAlme he capic_she asked him.if
* - .
ey sell's at;$1.50 :t9'$2A0,. aocordiX '
I 19
. . t' riculture - a;i(I -stock.�raisdhg,', as it .immediately afterwattl from all sides Vheai the �cwime ,had been i;eported
- 'L N :ak
W, a r Ohbqe� ro-Lurn. gkvc.% the present - - . the j�ii6traeted- and close aaloulid;fiiiiheq of;lkglitililig. , lve,l med. pome ivas. soon moving
it against -
cLiused tile greatest sixtisfacti6n. 'in ' . ..
.. �,
14,dillviii-gh, I : . .. . �
I. .. . . . ..
lie bad,.t-,hou,ght,.'t,o1brihg a.screw-driv-
. . . . I .
to weight and -quality. .. I I .
'* ,
Hop�9-,Qu1oC Choice 1,900 growth
P11,41li-eq - I
fitrength of the iorowi 'u., i�outh At- ono of tile I shot'out' with remarkable' frequpney. ln,.6V&r .direction in setich of -the
. .1 � drougiii,q� which forlu . . y
. * I
'' ' ' ' � ' "
. � I .
'.-.-,,s . . . I
. I
, "
. little flutter.,:was, ca,used in : .
mr. with. him.,: - .. � I . ..
a. ..
Ile. blushe OW
a ad, Ivan ted jo �kn
I I ..
f5c, tin year-,
fire quoted at 11-c to, I d .
'. ,
I ..
- - cossrul fal-111- � and vividliess... We .e , I ladt, 4xitninal. Bloodhoundli Ive ,
rice, kay'l'its folla�Vs!� - . b I � iv i.6 a I re.soeurhd
011. I . .. groat (]raw Uccs to sue . I
. . .
. . � . - Clued- lit the thuild&- Yoh vas
iulriy and -All niglx(�a E�ultl&it§ a i .
'a lilt pmbos se
�' I .. I"
Glasgow when the news 1eaked out' . - .;�
. .1, ��
I , I - .
what'for. . .
: . � . 1. I .. 11
, .
. , . . I I .
'. . . .
links Lit 8c.to 10c'. . ...
13%thsT"Tbe niark4� , t is uncha � nged.
. � ,
11 ad0i, . ..,
. rairle courit - w ,
.� I � . . Offlioei�� -and R� I .
en, Ing in
. p IVY . , - , About noon, h,cbuxler ftr�
'' , I 2k$ 062 tion to this, aril.ble- ,area, I Which. I.,;. c folfd,,. Otller--an(t-� nettr .observers 'c6altinued.
%,� g u la r.% .......... * .;.'... '...- :d` . I ,
that.' I .. 'Jain el�, former- - �
All .
.- I f.-
, es, Wilson ]),I ,... . I
ly it, magistrate of the Olty and 'an I I
I - And ahc� In the'ldluesis of.her hea� t
1. e. ' . ,
,qr,Lid sh did -not knom.. but that ha
- . . . I -
Ovdilltlxy:�vhfte beans bring. 81,AO to
.1 I .
-1 I il ... ........ .,. 5R Its .receiving a ,� ,j I rillL�e - of'narrowly ,Fatelled tbe:phases of phc--!;r1vv:d itinnouncing.that, the negro had
Collon: . I . . .
I ...... ;.1 ... .... 821 j L ,narrow - negroes
eastern !n,oniena, now in�vrogress. These* Wdre � boan cap,tutred. by: two otlxei
ardqnt . tenveran . cc ' . reformbr, had � . � "i
, .
.1. . . .�
would want to. flex . e1v up. Ills courage
� .
�$1,50,' 1� choice. 'hand-picked bealls
. . , , . . I
1. ,
.�cttlenierit ;xt its ext�eipity
Imperh.ii Y�omanry ...... ...... 23,10i I ' the coul . 'it
. ... .85 adjoining - .Lako Teinkcalaing,': tile ' rymen who became Interest-! twwmlle,� gouth of th6 (-fly. Posses
Volunteers ... . 91 6 .1 " . . ,.
been arrested art Et charge of solicit-, . . ,;]
' . . . .
Ing and accepting a bribe of k(30O.. ��
I . :
before 110., left. I .
lie took the hint . and the- gLr , , 1. . I . .
8 I � . . .
.Daled, hay-Cholce timothy 01i
. .
...... ...... ...
. I. . ')0,101 I (Auy land ill. . . e�.tators and who presently � %Yeloe, immedjatZ-1y' on the trail,
. . ,
Militla ...... ... ... ...... I... .. ...... - . the townslii�s around ed sip � -
'Drydon district dame to our assistance. They sedrri�-.the capturera eira,ded detection, an
. �
. _�
The body of.a .mail was waWied,up , L 11
I I . � I . t:
; I . ------ 4— I- ..
. � I .
track here, $1i to $11.50. .
I 0 , : Jots , on'
Straw -Steady. - ar .
I In, tile 111ilily Rivb.t-
. � I __ ' . rard ,Ili 'ed to have.imagined'that the baloon, I Aucceexled In ,�vttimg tho6Lr prisoher,
'' I . -240,416 . - was- found to..extend nor(Im . �
. I 11 I bly struck, I -quickly into the. oity,..iin�d in
vaust be Infalli nasmuch
recently oil .the .beach a posite 1. 11� -
0 J
' * : I
Broadson, near FrasdYburgh. s ' Tne, : - ,
. , I . I . . . I .,
So you atty'you. .w.exe once chased"li ''
. . .
track �5.50 to 0'. a toil � 11 - . ., .
- * . I ..
. .turn-
... � �d of- tllo,%�.bigoon Valleyi"f6rining a to-.
.1. I
Th,2 r,og.u1jaYS, non-commissilone . . ' .it.'appdared to them completeiy'14- tin ,
it in Unit vichfRy of ubout as . At, It' over to the sheriff of Polk-
ficor% and nlen co,moriae 14,000 eav- tal * are .. ..
it ill- 1 In le -a than 10 'minutes
-e parts of . . � I
.head was gone, as also. wet -
. I .
the.:,, Arms �and., Jbgs, The remains _ .
. . . .
. L � . .
Arabs ?Said "EtheUnda to her bashful
. . . . . ...
-, . '
. . I . County. after
- . was,
antry 600 square miles. .1 . .... .encircled witIr lightning.
akry, 11,500 artifle,ry, ,95,709 lnf� . doed, the worst storm. -y- I e
the_:counti tTaisfer 'had b an the
I . .
- . I . .�
were identified o:s,.those of. .T_Tkfc�. . .
. . . ! .
. . . I
Iovor.G�orge, . .. . I
�, .
. I I
. ' -
1. I . SIONS-. . . -
I .m(tde, .S&cot;
13 619 . ' '- ' I
and .mounted .infantry... and .' I 'BER AND PULPWOOD. side had ,kitown. for many.yetlis. 'At I became congosted ivith. people, -and
. TIM . I
. . .. I.
g in
Gregor, tL youn an, u� cadi)or by ,. . * '
. .Yoa, -x6plled , George, three of. us.
ivero chased An entire day- bya band *
' . * .
� Dressed, hogs are f1rin. tit $8.75 to.
$9,25for. sma.fl�, lots.' Plovislons
lfloitlier.vl. I I .. . , . � I . . I I .
, . .P, I . . . I I � ..
Th�� toitol,nuntW-r of offitipri and , Great. anticipations lied been foini- I Devizes, only a few mi ' les ahead, it I the crowd, in q,pita ot tile sheriff and
' lasted for f1 ve -hours'continu6usly� A 1.a. guatd of extra deputles,who
trade, son of. John. Donald AICGre ��
alnissirlg ])cc;' - - 81:St ': . , .
gor, w ho. went .
. . . I 11 �
.: , . - . I
of them. L . . ... . .
III r in. Quotations are ,its fol lo*s:-.
x�tcnt and of,the
.inien kitiza or. di -td of.mipands,, A,is- ed as to the e. 1 little wo;y oil out- �right a - ho I to 'protect him
I end Of spruce and other tfinber growing on . use was. made every effort,
base, or by deoi dent up, to the
-the the
, .1
� ''
last, ,. , I . I . I .
I I .. . . . . . . . .,
� And you xeceived' no, injury I I . ,
No. -We dot away from. them, but -it
Bacon, long clear, loose,, in Car lots,
:too,. and 'Ili case lots, to. 10"C'.
, , strucit and burne& to -, ..ground, trom mob* riolelace, seoureid pris-
A�pril L9 14,978,.thlose.,,vooltinded ,.num.- the northern slopo. of the height of. . . I
: a nd oil our left a couple of soldiers Cater, and took up the March to .the
Information has, been rea%�ed al, .. ���,.�
. , .� , .
3, .
ihe death at Wareking, 6n' V . I ,
I '
wa� a.�xetty tigh . t squSeze.' , .
art out "pork $�o to $20, go:
Sh _ .
bar and .76,582 Lave left land, and the repoi . . allsbur �. I I .
- 11,209; . -ts of the ekplor-
, W y plaiw '. acene Gk the crime. . �. . I
niare than justified :tile most; ore kil.led on S . I
South Africa, of whoili 22 031 lire Phot ation �
. , ! Ir, i . ,
of Alexander C. Frasei r �.�& .
, I
A Whai T ; I . � I . � I .
I A tl�ght aqueeze.
hbayy , mess po�ic, - $;Lq.: to . $19 . 56
. : '.
shoulder Riess, $15. - .
I , " Though the storm progressed it The negro.. was placed on a barrel
inwillds,'!_ 47,7a9 invali ', 4,638 001:- sanguine ' estitimtes 'of. the forest . . to lagbehind ho'wind and chaine4. to a'stake, and eaus of
I , . . do, . also rippoured . I, .
Abriaichen. Dec'easedi nily . �
I I �
27,, was .Ili,.' the, employment of '�
. : I - f �
.. -What',% that? . . �
. �je;:
. Smoked ineats-I-rams, heavy I
. . - I
qniall�. I � ... .. . , �. I wealth Lore awalting ,Aevelopmeht; urad upon him - ai it his.
I . I . � . I . . I . .- I
that bore' it,. along, . - It did not seem kexogeneoll, t3o n
. I I . �., I I of course. the Closest' estimate that
lachitosh, .
,Wr, SYS. Macdonald & A �
.1 . .
I You don't know� what attght !�quee%4
istWell-er-thut is to smy�bless me,
meditiM, 13c; light, J.3-,�C, Rolls, 1*1
to, jj�c; backs,, to I I 0; I q L 1 1 1a.
I 11 I . I .. I I . *� to 4dVance . against us � as., a wholo,' clothes itatil Clothes ind bairal were
, �, ', .0 "... ,* . . 1. . - ... - could: possibly be .made by experts I ' . � I ..
. - . .1 . , . but rather about. us, forining itself well,gatu�atqd. I . �
I "
me ch4uti, .' Iverness. - At the out,.... I �, �
r -he was among the - I I �
. .
e war ' i
you know,-I�-er think it's about time
. *
shouldo s, 10ic to 11c. ' 1 -
. . of the covering,so .vast an. . . few � m6ments before , f.Vhe match was. applied, wild for fif-
- out. of, Whitt a, .
_ . . DUEL TO IRE. DEATHo , I oil time allowed � '
area, Ili tile limit trans- teen khe body burned,
. . i
first; to join Dadeti-PoweWs volull-- , ., � . I k
yon did kndw. 1-�-er-�-?will Iva you
Lai-47�Pails, 11c;.tubs, 101c, tier-
; . I .1 mlzutbg
! . . empty And' and,
. . . . had p eared mere
. . I., . th * * no, I a
am is I re y an approximation, P. . - . ... .
I f
teer force in defence of 31afeking 1-10
an Illustration. . -t . . , 1. . .1
And lie Old. ' I
Ces, 10�0 to lo�c. .-
� � , ' � .
. . � . --- . I
parent air. " . .. I . .
.1 . . . . . I . -1 I . . inability of . I . In half an h6u:r only.t.be charred
and, as o*lug to the- I
" The lightning as'se6j by'the peo- I
'Great Stand Made by Two. Austrai�- . Were left as a, reminder of the iiogrolsl
helped -to capture Commandant Eloff, "I
Tlie'body of the Rev. Valcolin, Die- � .. . ��
.1 , , . .
. . I . . � . i .
. . � .- ..
''. . .. ' .
. . DOG AND XITTEN. -� . , -
. ..
. .. .
. I
Butict—Recelpts are moderate, and
.1 f tile parties to finish the h
. : -, . .
. . . game O: . le, 'in the baloon * seemed,to leap exime. and ,bia fate. Tlle�crowd dis-
. loins in Cape C01onyo Cut rot- �thcm,.Iargo areas. from cloud'to cloud and,n6t.from the pexEied aq orderly as It, tgathered,and
- . I
. . . . �. I � . .
inan '-
Call Was taken but of the Cri ,
cantil ilt Ardrishalj� recently. The . . .
I .
. I I �
I A cbrrespoz,deat sends to the- Lon-
. Changed.' . Pound rolls. sell
P"'Ces un I
- in
Alic .
A despatch, fr6in-Cape Town says: were left unvisited,- � figuiles. givbn Clouds to. the earth,.and the noise of .at 8.3D the city� wa . :1
" I
. . . .� ., . s .quiet, I
.. . . by. Ila means represent the totECI.. tile thundoe colisisted of
- sharp � . - 1.
I �
deceased was. last soon shortly ,aft- , .
home to. theL.W .
.don SpectilLtow tiw f0116w$ag anec-
at 3.30 to 1-16; now, tubs, at'12ic
to 13C 1b; Inferior, 10c to 120;
,short, . ..
Details have reached -here. of the I . I I
. I I �
. . . I . . timber produdt Of the country. Tile . reports like the explosions of gun , , . . .. 0 . *
ten making -Ills, way . .
manse along the banks of the Canal, .. *. I
dote: - ,. � . .. . . . I . . I �
1. . ... . �
.Pak - ,
cry , bakes 17ic to :Ls,, and.
croant. I
- . .
. - i
splendid gallantry of two ).nail I of.. the. pim-boal-1:69 region does Act extend cotton without any of the �i,olling, re-
Tasmanian contingent� were &t- far beyond the height of land. In * , A BOILER COMPETITION. .
and as - his hat was found In the C.an- .1 .
. ' '
. T.ho Servant Mao al a family took
a klitten � to a with the intefi-
pounds 18J -c to Igo.
Eggs -Market is steady :at 3.00 to
I card on'the earth: -
- ' I vorberatio4s b .. . . - . .. _. ,.,
tacked by P2 Boors at -Gannalipek, ild Lakps- Toinaganii . . lie thun- , . . ........... " .. . I
. . . 1 . I . tile iregion arou aeronalits passed through: t . I
. -
- ,' - .
al in the mornirigi ti.awling opei'a � I , , � ,
tions were begun,'Witti 1110 result. I
. tio"a of.AxoWning. it. His in" terli
, I
Ile.. per dozeu,'in largo lots, and cc-
near. Cradock ' .. . and .Lad�t . Evelyn Ili tile, Southern dot - storm uniiijaied, but it'was try- British Warships to Test Two Kinds
. . . , �. - I
The mem were cut off from the portion of the district oi Nipissing', Ing to tho'.,n'LrVoS-' The question A
it where tlio I . I I
that the body wag foun w.
. - I I
,was I
dog went wbLh him, and whic.it the
kitten was thtrown intQ the, , water
c4SIORally I.ij6 ior Case' lois
I " ,
2, Chips, Sic to-Oc � , 1.
' . *
I I .Is, .
. I . I in 9, Raee.. - . ,
lider a healy 'd and white -pine 1.9 With , I . . _
'Main - bodyt . while u the quaikitV of Y�c the . lightning playing all I .
itand housOA'an '.& deopatch'from Mondon ys�_A. n
cross-fir6j and the Boers located the at �00,090,000 feet board d men being Sa ,
deceas .
hat Wa6-seen.. The ad
. .
minister at Ardrishaig, for ab Out. .
the. dog sprang iia and brought it
, � .
back to laind.. . I
- Choese-Market is quiet. Full.
6 do.,
creams, September, gic to 91c,
. . I around . . �
. . I .
fugitives, nes, total- - pino-bearing -
who :took. refuge.behind I sure. Tile . struck on the earth below, why was Interesting tor of boilers h�s . been
' .
. twenty years,:,but resigu6j quite re" . . I
. . ,.. .
. .. . I
A second, tl=o the man thT4w it in,
now, go. . . . . . 1. .
tree -stumps little foolles lit - diameter- area. in. t'hili ,;action comprises some not the balooll demolished li:� a' ax,ranged by. the Parliamentary. Boil-
., ,. I
. -----4b-- . .. .
- —
and again, the dog rescued it;
- Fl6ur-Quiot and
Buffalo, - ,Tune: 4,�
In the ensuing . duel the Tasnian--; -,LG50 square milais. There are alsO thundarb I al . V't , . I .. I or � Committee, which 'has 0,17deied a
ians mado Splendid prijetice, liorses sol,nd scattered pine tracts. In other , . - .
full speed trial between the seoon&
CIE, . . . .
and - -whkin low thixd time
. .tho
' to drown
t1a iservailt , tri! -ed .
steady. Wheat-SpYing, few cars
spot sold; No, I Northern, .Old, cat,-
., - I .
. .
and mail falling. The Boors attack- parts and considerable quantities I I I . oldssexulser Hyaoluthe, of 5,000 . tons
. I � . .
� ,w,lth Belleville
ad them *thrico furi6usly, Thd TUS� it'rolound fit. -the. Wabigooft Rivier re- , A KIRG'S ADVF,b(TURE. ,' I displaceniant fitted
. . 1. . . 11
. .1
. � I
— ,
. . . .
' -
ve the
I I , the d og. . as reaolute to sa .
11 belpless We the =A was to
loads, 83,1a; do., uow� SWIc. Wintor
done, No. 2 red, is
. . . . . . -
I their . .
.own horses gion. The great. factor of *futuro in- . -_ � I I
manians shot . . I , bellews and the see,ond--class cruiser
al -Bonus If Ships Ate t U f1t In
SPeCl -
J;Ale as
aest' ,t, swunil.with it to the other
rx# I
- '78c; go. I Wl'
iluotod. al.. lite, 77c oil
I I t them be captured, dustridt development is, of courpo, Royal Parly Closirged '%Vlth D I 6fr . a . uding Minerva, of. tlr�� same tonnage, fitted
rather than ]a . I -
Clio forests of spruce, jack- - ,
I . Canada. : . I ., - . I
. I 1�
.8:(.Ia Of the poolf Ywn cAl-.tho wily
4rack, Buffalo. Corn -Dull; No, -0
NO. 2
and cowered behind carcasses., the extensive . tile U8111fay. - wIth Scotch boiler�. The two vesselst
will Start simultaneously from
them,: TI-ooper Warburton, ine and poplar available for pulp it
A de�spatoh from London saya:-Thd .
I � .. I
h,D=3 with it, unta depoisited it before
. . I I .
tho kttchen firre.
yellow, 46,�6; No. 3. do., 46c;
- 10 .
corn, 45..Ic to 45),1c; No, 8 do., 45-4
.one of p
was shot I a d which cover t . 116 gj.eatcl, ,por- An adventilre, of the King of the
� through tile hoad, and his w a . I ho and run to Gibraltar with
the Belgians i%.m4king.thvxou,nds of the
fast mail servic:e nogotiiitiolW lire. in . .
. . r . I �,
more e lementary stage than the
. rixom, �hat 0me the dog. kept con-
. I
statut, Nvalch Over tho kittell. The
,15�6, through, bille& ' - OtLtS
Easy; No. 2 white, 3_04qc; No. 3 do.,
companion, , Brownell, .surrendered tion of the torritoily explored, ( he"Imino of dete.vintiming which class
I all
after firing -the last shot lit his ina.0- total estimate being 288,000;000 ltafl,an papars. w'rites. aRqme, c.orres- of boilpie can, be4t. st it the strain
a. . �
s. 9 made in tho'Canadian ,' - !
tatement- . i
. two Nvere lineepazable, even sharing
,32c; No. -0 mixed, 300, No. 3 do.�
Cords, of, which 100,000,000 , Cords * � I . . I . I . . of a long 'tim, at high pressure. .
' . I .
a2tilw, When lie cattle out One COw- . pondent, - . . . . �
him In tile distriot,6t Algoma. and . I I .
Parliament silggeot., The Govern- , ,;
I '.
ment, has no thoublit of Mr. Petersen 7 �
the Same, bad.
1 29,1c,, through Mile& Barloy-Too
ard deliberately irived, striking 41.0 .. .
. jesty, with his seoretar y, and . — . .
Day, Attlell His Ma .6
I i
or the '.Illder-lloxnp�ter Company In
irregular to quote. RYe-QuiCt;NO.
I fit store and o - it track offored at
. I I Le)o,000,000 -in.-Thunder , � . . . �
in the shoulder, . I � ... I I . .
g 'Of. th 4 two. ladlea, took four first -c
stripped both.luen 0 0 �pl,uco, which. 14 -the predont- 4 . lass re- I � . .
� I
The Boors
4 1
ootion with the �-ervice.. .
Cann �knu%vn liero, the Gov.
S. far 1�s
, . . � .
" - ,
50o; No. 2, oil track, .58c., . .
d inant tree .of Northern. Ontario, is turn tickets 14 the "direct" train from. . .
, :, - I I . , I I SNOW IN THE MOON.
I everytUing except their trousers, an - t and clunlity to ful- :
t rilmotit, in VIP11w` Of the rot. -Urn ofthe I .
� I . ..
� .
Clileago, Jund d.-Iligher Cables,
B . . .
the Tasmanians finally got back. to of 4ufllciell , Dlogn%-to Modena, and afteie the
- nad S;ipply -tile . . . P--"
-elle tillibel
shipbuilding trade to more normal
� I
� continued drought Ill the SpYllig
wheat' distrieLs', reports of damage
I -lit I .
Camp, whopo' Warburt�n ilted. 111,411
� I
da�ls outing, they.Teturned, not by the - Scientists Doubt the Alle.&ed
place I of 1,11e, pino its construction ".4 Lrect" train, as they should have English I .
- - ------ 0— I I ,
conditiong, is making It known that .
i,j -%villing to recolVe Suggestions .
8 of hair i's ,
by Itessian. "fly, Caused all active
wheat .markef today, Reports late
. ..
� . I and for Other indUlArfitl pisedve .
materla dome, but Inadvartently by the 11 exm ry., ...
USe.4,* , I
gress,il the fares of which are much A despatch from London itays,.-
lit .
ing hous�as, offering a ape- , I
from Wadi �
bonus in addition to.h subaidy to
vie a I t.h .
lit the session of rains I 11 the North-
r--W� . . I higher thirn those of the 1�dlro6t.' English sclimttsts are.genorally scop.
t,2curo the building of the ship -q in 11
in.d e e d,
west, the gains were more than will�
ed out. July. closed -',Lc lower. July
. A highly important fact esttdillsh�. The secretary , delivered the four
VIVO Hundred Skeletons FoUnd on a tical Iii regaM to the reported dis-
ed by the thorough InvestigAttla n "direct" tickets at door of the
, ,
Canada. Tb-� Canadian Vaotfio Com- i I
oally is Still 9pokiLln of as the most �
corn. ,'g,le higher, kTul,,V Oats, unchang-
covery. by Prof. �V. H. Plekering, of
Farm tn tho. Niagara Distriet. made by -tile explorers 114 tile favor- IlDlognit station, and. ho -and bio com- '
11,kaly comp.iny to aueocWully un -
I ly -to a
ed, and provisions from unchanged
� o for ag- I lol stopped and Harvard Obwrvatory, of snawAn tha
A do,,patoh from Sordan, says!- able Character of tile elimat panions wen tme UeLmly .
. .
. dertake th,j enterprise. ' I
0 1 .woman,
to .56 lilgher; July wheat opened it
W haf is likely to prove a very valu, Yleulture. - J,IxaggoraLed ideas aw to Charged with It it to defraud twon. One member of the Royal As-'
Hon. c.;I.drbey Floher and Prof. ndb-. - .
I �
shade to je to Je higher at 74C to
. the coldnesq of the region have long the company. The King tronatilip,al jSocloty said. to -day that'
ertson ilttve arrived in London' and -
. I E v e r y
74�o, � � .
A ilwaukee, June 1."Darlcy,Dull;
ab,ha fhad to collpotors . at curios and prevailed which ilia publication of ,was naturally greatly annoyed at this Prof, P� P. ]?Ickoring, of Harvard
to, the, history of this country Was �hc report should do much to dispel. contaretemps, - and Nvas eventually Unive.rsity, Wits a gi%at man, and
are intervie,wing the d6partmen't. I
. .1
io , .
I , .
No. 2, Soo to 57c, saniple, 40o to
I I ic 71lud,
un -P& -, Dean farm At wany of tl son'q Bay posts obliged to reveal his idoin ty to the anything he said w,,culd' be ,receivPd
rthad on. the Afidrem
� . .
. attraction i's
. I .
53C. . .
ne"Ift- Jordan the other day, in tit(! vislted,b�V tile "'plorem it was foun�l stationmaster to avoid airest and a. ,%vtth the groateist respect, but his
. I .
* veet, u Very diffident mian, L.
"I Y,�-to it.� We
Julle I.-Clovor seed-augh,
, " of I
ah A 110 about five hundred akoln- that gardolls, Were ,or had been kept police, Case. I . . brother, Prof.. W. 11. Pickering, iva,%
.ur. . . ,
to Mutself being :
have a bOok'We will.
0-50; Oetobee, $5.2-111.30. 011-Ull'
Changed. .
ton -4 anti bits; al curios, Th"'. skulli Where till tile vegetables 011dinarily � -0 not equally rell-ablo, Irk any case the
. - ,al Sootnty. Will not
' i Ontario, Ili- — - Royal Astronofill( ,
, in ,.qlz,3 from that Of an infant LO produced fit ,'.lotitheri
Was uniabla pwe,v,0td
introduced coo evening to dfa= - .
th.� fully dovo e clading cucumbers and toniatoes, , discuss the wittttr until it recolve.p
ing young lady, who, mficgundeTstand-�
bis constantly addressed
tells ' 8:t how to care
To, opto, June 4 -.-Tho receipts of
, tern cat�lo
IWO he
,711(191119 from tilli, fact, one 6vould lVelle grown. .go drawback is ex- The Scotch axe a truthful people.and .Vrof. Vloke#ng's photographs.
I hole vild Ile I from F � runitner frosts, the 'the man who tells thLq Story. of a -------- 0— .
;,fty. it must havo been a W I perle 0( I
I.ag nabin, - .
bin, as Mr. peter.9, Muoh. to the gan- � �
for the hi1r. I
yards today were 6 57.cat#16ads, includ�
- I
hgo de'itroyed by soma ruthl2s'4 (,n- , nillotint Of Witter- surface and tile ox, Scotch Oat must bd politely bellov.- UNITED STATES TOOLS.
were they? 11'hero,tonsfve forests tempering the Sever-
t1a,rilan's, dist.ress. . I I
L Finany: simnioniog up cou,rav, h,
t � If,yo r hair is too
h I
Ing 1,050 cattle, 850 hogs, 127
Shoop anti Iambs, 56 Calves, and a
dozen mil�,Ii
emy. !lilt ,who
ed* � . .
a settlement of whites there to;, ity of tile Winter. A charactoristle � "--q
WO *3 n . .
L advent' to districts is tile pro- I once had a cat Which always sat gpitl 19
Ve destroyed, and before the I feature of soil Sh Qovernnlent ntrodUe I
.. .
ea.raestly reanoos.trAted: .1
011, I don't call me retoxo-daIl me
11 9
01" 08_ �
We lied unmistakable sign% of a,
,tt up to the dinner -table with me. When
Of the, whito nien there two ,gre fuse growth of Illos.15 upon IOW and Thom In the Dookyards. '
ins, thi Hurons 0*1 th,3
trib,,*.% of Indii ground, which by graduat he had finished the fish Igepared for
peatl, �
Ali, b1t& I d(AWL* ka6w, You well I
f ing its oklycrl
reaction Ili the Cattle trade today;
while all really good stuff sold Well
, , . ,
wl c8t and the, Iroquois oil th'I 6,1sto (1(�eoniposftloix , forni.4. bodo of ppat him, I sometlints uave, him a piece of A &mpatell frvnl Portsmouth Says:
that tho Admiralty
eno h, Mr. Peters, sat the young
l4tdy, blushing, as she withdrew be.
lu ,",,cl& so
tit St(�ddy prices there was slael4oll--
by trealy to revognigo sc.�(�plll fi.et Ill dept1l. Tile Illoc't C'X- mine. I _It 19 und,!Ystood
_ 1;0t%V,��en tho tWagrOat , One, ay he wa.9 missing at Ills place Ila,; &,,ei&tJ to introduca Amorivan la�
thN t�rrito�y tensive of tlw,�o deposits tire lit ilia
hind hex fun. . .
. I
ed demand with it decitivdly 10wor
tendency Ill tile price of ordinary
lak,, froin, Niagara ex Lending wast- I,- ' )art of NipbsAing district to and (t k,ot appear until dinner was I;aurnvIu1_4 41p,pliancle.4 in Ili,,' Govern-
to'Y- Q114; 'ill J halt Ila. in two A-1)11011111',tti,
� I � . . I I
. 0
Cattle. I
ri. Ot-
Ward aboult 40 miles, Ili 11311=1 Over, rushed With ment dwlcyard-, V
the north or Like Abitibi , Tile peat .. I .. �
ritory. I tal.011 frolix illese bogs, oil 1111111,Y81g, Mice tn his mouth, and befoge he Could ting and drill'ag plant IvIll 1XI'logiall.
�� (
Good to choice export cattle Sold
tit from 41a to 5J,e pet* pound, but
b6 stopped, dropped a mou.jo on Ilia ed here, .i14 (ht,, resull, at natisfactor
ohow,; it high percentagoriof volatile y
-----.O— own plate and one on mine. In short trl�114 in 1�.11:1.1111,q JIv,- oruiqnr Xent.
I ; .
An antibadAy otites. in a medical I �
- I I
I i
light ohippers wen,v not wanted.
Still there was it fttll`� CIOLLY1111CO.
� . oonlhn9tjbl(, Intittep -,�Ild fixed earbon, he divided hI3 dinnex pvitb Ilia, tll,,r ,,�Yuorlean tool; are ilmv
only it trace of 1whOS- . as I had Sevoral *
FARMERS' SUMMER OUTING, "() 81111)'""' -"'(I racquently divided mine- with him. teelvd. .
jounnal thak the 'helglit of i very
tall wouan � Was, 60 yeax.s ago, 5
G r 6 w t h z, becomes,
�Soll" cc butcher eattlu 4old up
le Clio!
phorl1q, With a low pere'ontago of Wing .
This stwy accepted as its face value �44__
toot 7 inctlip-q, whtl%� now the� height
, t
' "
. Vigorous and'all dan-
to tic today, but there was it limited
were not, brNI-
-_ I .
. moisture anti ash, wilicit, renders It would bear out Hobble Burnla obser- .
Tirty-TWO EX6ur$ions to the Model it Valuable 'fuel. The land overlaid MUST PAY $30000o(100-
that .
� �&Ages- 6 fe6t 0 Inolies to � 6 foot
10 ina*",
. druff is removed,'
encipiry, and sale.q
Other gradeo, (it cattle are itielin �
by these . penty tracts 14 of gow, vatlon
'and men
n I The best lixid soliemea 61 inloO .
. � �
I 0
. It always restores
to woulioll, alid a, heavy rull tolnor-
. Shall -gley. __
tq have bet quallf,y,. an(I Whiin thp C()Ulltt*V . .
'n _ Gang aft a
Arrangemen , tlolnplot, have bocoule quiliciontly notited to - , The Indomirifty WhIalli China Will
. I
Tom, whom did you say our friend
color to gray or faded
r0W (W(�dncqday) litay cause, It Serlojlq
break fix prices.
ad, by the lyppairiment of Agriculture malto dralliago opeeettions practlea- . * *� . navo to Raise. .
13— Married t NVell, he married $200,�. 1
r. hair. Retain y o U r
There, was it good -denland for feed-
for thirty-two exau,rAtonl; to the Uo- bte ali(It proiltablo much, of it way be ,41)atell fronl 110rIfil SaYA:-It Is
A do,
brolig It Into eultivittlon.
000; I fairget her other name.
1011) Of L47 aX0, eqU4x its lotage fc, I �
youth-, don't look old
ors; the supply Wasshort, and prices
ratyger from 4a to -ig,c per
d,Lq pal -in e
,()I,()(;I,,qq,,,4, RNIPORT.14- .�Va% thill maii DeanIS , 6) Olttra ap,ml-ortl6illy Announced, [lint tile
.Vt Guelph, .aloxt month, url- (;I.,
. .
221by Of POtfttOo,$, 801b. Of 04xtots, -or . �
befofo)your time.
Light, fooders are Worth front 43i&a to
dit- the autipioes"of thtl: V.Irj.ouq Filral-
L�06,4�t�%. (JUeAtion of 01A amount.'of the. indent.
ors' ItiqtRutea. It Lq expPoted that 140 Specially linpoiltalit 1111ricral ot,ranger to 1you I ask,od ill() 01 nity willell Cllin,t Is to pay to tho
the re�
601b. of &aon clever. I .
I . . . � � !.; �
$1.00'abottla. AlldrugglsU.
4o per pound,
There Ivua it sinall ifewand for ex-
OwLv will be take -ii advantage of by illmovoriva Were Illat)(4, hat
. amining counfiol of it witymISS In tin 11aaVtV% IMA been settled on, tlic, ki lea
gists aro V
for(y (hou&and The dates portn of ille 90010. alimbla Important 1111tish le British
TsOndOn 110PItal k'0110CHOUS on Iloa- ,;I
pital Sunday "o divitl,ed .
so I
ill h1v6 used rout Illiar Vfg(w
. port 1jul1q; trado Was dull at from
j)eople, , case, of thtA pro
a,nd ex(mvilons are as f01IoWq.1-Xun0 014 t'st All isfi Ing, tim, ellaracterls*1c.4 of Swrt acLid (hj� NvitinvIA, %VhW44% Atll- p*10POW PlAced thpa-11111foZ"lity at 450
holp!Ulla and 35) dialionsaxiog. "I
now lor swivitts yeata and have
fontid it Splendid and 84tisfactor y
31c, to 4a per pound.
ioua rock formation4 and 1) I ft ar
111h, North a;d Centre Evre , * 2 MO -
cc ol'A with 11, pid We WaK tNAR11,11 Wfth w0fikI04 million la0s, 6'02, - 00, P Us I t
Puatlan is the:naliteg!"11 to all the . .
i i
In ovety Wa I bellove I I)XV0
y. I torL to,
recomptibadt this )fair ,V
11% are
few good to, Choice stocke
- 13t 1, North lhU4 fln't,16hillft Vr`o-'4,)
I'l � i �4 C a." a
dkientm Slineft , K181Y, f(W ))IN bAd bl�(`ft lVaVi"(l 0AL 1,
of 11;
, Ind Saut,li NVOterloo; and North Mid- gUldo V) th0f '(111111101's tn which their and exact Ill hilt an- ... ... ,
ha "Itutious 61 .
. heavy e6tt011 Or VeWet-Pllp fabries i ;
known as, Corduroy, M0106ki 1��
n, Volvo -
Inindradtt v)f rAy � 11% they
a)) "Il tho Owns Story. If any-
T�Illclt cowo, sold at from $95 to,
$50 owli today, Choice inlIkera are
are likely to illeet with ito
dit"40M " 1401, Vast 3,114diesex aild �Vost rosearchon Tr,iie(��q of pold Were found KW�7161(' Ia%Vy&T TfjI)A%1%
Xt�tlt; 15th, We.,qt Huron rind 11alt,on; ,4iiecosq, toll )114 question. STILL COMING r.
teez, and boavevteon. .
IT �
r I a I 1, rtot I y0colubAlid
the st 1kig g tb%gly I
Wanted. . �
Good to priulo veal calvim are
17th, Pool 1121d DfIlYtOn AgriOulturill fit flovorat plae0q, and though tile �
WtIl, AO, tiorr, Aftld I him witnes-s' With
or Wtat Wellington-, 18th, eitroful aliftlysla lilado (11(l riot do- � fl, andiltill VjeAfti ot 01111KIROUIAPht I lie -� * ,
. bid would to a Very happy %44rld
111' i
If people would alway, ( I wair th �
161, 1,
A 0i otti, ttlodkAyet's
it, I Or.,
Wanted up to around $10.0ach,
South otittiTIo, and 18outh Wilmot,, " velop Ito presence It% ilaying VIttall , coulaft 't bt3 that, ,fw, lot had but tild T %v a Hundraii goorg SUprend,lip to
PX0,441011 they 1do when th4Ny 11 I
tire h C .
ixg thaLv photogrtlpbA
. ? , . I JtAVAAo*,
I I Na"Ien, N. Y,
a#. 0
The run of "sinall Atuff" was light,
It till sold early at, steady and
19th, South oxford, Itaidjunintl and Ilijeg In any of tile nample%. tho re* wan Jvx,rm, wmi,i but Ila WAS apar. the British In reehualrial an(,.
last and Weat gults wope quell tin to allord OnCOUV .
North Oxford; 20th, 1, rtial AttA11#0% Wrtv 0IM 11"OrNeen
1, ,1-01), L
'the iiintly, r had A lie a
WM10 001044taro
U1101angod prico.q.
Lainbton and B'aat Huron; Mat, ("Olnent 0 closet, exallIffifttloA. him bet"s 'A doADIt6h &Om MPO TOW4 8aYA I
drtadful aeoldett the, ,other day I
It 101i dofi%Algi .11 tuo ihn#ki
"it oftt %$*of 06 vigort
� I tA
I 0
Export owes am $rm at from .1
to 4e per pouW ' I -
I . inatters Carefully bot� -TAVO huli'd-md U."ra havo surr(m.
North and West Druov a -ad Dufferin; Oil other tillinals, -1 A**-- .
�aad, NorrEh ,Ind South- Norfolk; 24th, Ad by'tbe explorer Were tile I tJjlt�,NVh*t. & ��u conmider th6 I&TM nt IX,slapy6, Doolluatnilaud, and,
. broka two of b
My, front t 6t , , Mily-
HOW painful I' 11ow, did it happon t I
. Wame oat 07V
"`16 -
. ... 3M I 6 lit t"s, 11
Grain -ted yearlings are worth,frow.
o I
, wa
J tho territory, 42 9901ft 10ftdfl, Of Ifieft, womon and
Xw,th Ontario Iftild 110,61 -, 1001, �"'Uth 111411,'alld VC90tftt101t 0 inforniation hradt*f Pt-oblolft ot A motn's 1)", to,*60
GrOy and PattY being full of
26th, r3outh ha"� surNtid
Idirm ered at Fort
Portli 11�
rth6l, thoughtitimal _-Th6y I
foll Off .
he slaboo �,
do Mid
I � "-, . Ing"o.
� I
r, I 111111111111111*11 1111111 11111 — — ---.. �
4;e to 51c, por pound,
Bucks are worth frow, aid to Be
. , tIlo volume
miln UNY-00%ttin F 111,1 own con"111 oh
14ound; 21th, South Uruoeq 28th,West tit Int,epent, both to the SPOrt") , .
, [ort,w), out 0, b*4 In tht Zornl Tult, ModoAfa,
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