HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-06-01, Page 1LINTON
22nd Year
News -Record Trial Trips are
Whole Number 1170
successful. Here is one
10 cents pays a subscription up to August.
Mention this to your friends, please.
areasersee•seeisets,,maele....eseerylealaseas•eraseisatesaesata. elaaebaseawittemla I WGENcG COG MG RING?
$A Two Weeks Renovation' S le
Wes. seat of London township,
In a ebort time we expect to make a coniplete ehange in
the interior of our store, We will connect the store, that
Mr, Crews has 'occupied with our own by an archway and
make, it into a tasty China Department,
That will necessitate a re -arrangement of the stock and in
order that we shall not have to )3rove more than is
necessary will give the public some very close prices as an
inducement to help us move the goods. Here are tfew of
the lines
Le either gets
$78 Strong Leather Belts, in
black, tau and colors, good
buckles, regular 25c and 85c •
Your choice for 10o
$A large assortment of buckles,
• regular prices 85o, 40c and
1. 50c. 'Your. cholee for
Cups and Saucers
48 Odd Cups and Saucers,
regalar 85e, 10c and .500.
Choice for 250
25c line for 15e
Polley elts
Satin and Silk, in white,black Five O'clock Te Sets 0
and colors, regular 50c and 3 plece Tea Sets, nice china, 9
00c, for only. .... ...... .... 35e pieces small, regular 00c,
now only 400
Fancy Five O'clock Tea Sets, . $
7 pieces with china tray,
regular $1.25, now
elt uckles
use Sets,'
Ciiif Links, Studs and BIA-
S tons, regular 2ac and Joe.
Your choice for 15o
$'Bios Webb Elastic:Bel ts, two .
inches wide, trimmed with . • .
steel jet, regular price. 75e. . •
$ , Sale price.— . .....: - .. . .... .400.
I ck stic, belts
Special prices in .Wall Paper and
Window Shades. ' .: •
Ruby Vases at each.... ...
Large Teecbers' Reference
Bibles,boundin good leather
regular $2.50 to i $8,50. your
choice for., .,...... .. . . ...,.. $L50
A •Box containing 50 sheets of
paper. and 50 envelopes for
, only , • •
W... Cooper, *i.R .Co., GuNTox
$ Agents for C. P. R. Telegraph and Dominion Express
Money Orders, air for Batteriek Patterns. .
. •
4reveire,.8.1z.ii,re.r.e-s&e-v5.0.41b-03 ee..e;s5^1b.,0-v,..es..154,mb41>esit..$)-o,ei-lbs,
A • I'M it can we h.ve for change
Is the cry of every housekeeper.
. •
Strawberry Pie Plant . Pine Apple Olitinkri . Stuffed Piekles
Chili Sauce or A Can of Spinach
we your Eggs and use Burnett's Coffee Clearer to settle your Coffee.
Leaye your order for Lettuce and Young Onions early in the week.
0 ge 'Cooper, &. Co. fa,
. .
I have added'an engraving machine to my Store equip:
merit and can de your engraving .quicker and cheaper
than you have had it done heretofore.
Po I.. CREWS, •gpert Watch Repairer.
• •
i What to Wear . . .
i Need nob concern you it you order
here. You eannot make arnistake. 1
• Everything:desirable is here. We
er aro always the leaders of the neve- I
1 est and best and this season we
are surpassing ourselves,
1 t A. J. HOLLOWAY. 1
1 . _
Tie. ,Novelties
Thrtriordhii ry
:We are showing some of the nevvesb .
styles in neckwear. The leaders
AMERICAN. You will require a
new one for the 21th. Call and in-
spect our stock before buying and
be oonvinced that We Are Leaders
in our line.
Hats Our Specialty
The. Oxblood is a New Thing in Shirts,
Morrish My I -bitter.
A Ore
it Snip
in Photos
We are (geeing for two
Weeks only one $3 cab.
panel for $2.25. WE
have also n large assett-
ment of all the very lat-
est styles in picture
frames and mouldiegss
Branch gallery in Day -
field open every Wed-
44"61,4.1v0-' ..16-41•11-041t04/64•,'
wire came up last 'week to attend the
funeral el the late joint Lovett, had a
small aluminum ring upon his watch
chain Which bore this device, engraven
large: q T 1899 18. Mr. Scott found
the ring upon the leg of a dead pigeon
picked up on his farra and is A little
curious to know whence came the
bird and what aleaneth Q T.,, etc, Can
anybody hereabouts enlighten him ?
itet retamit Aeons= snli temanses,
The Rattenbury street Epworth
League had a most interesting meet-
ing on Monday evening last. Rev.
Mr. McNair of Dungannon was a visit-
or at the meeting and upon heing ask -
Ied to give an address he very kindly
responded and spoke at some length
I from the subjectaof " Malting the most
I of our opportunities." The president
Iled the meeting. The members of this
League are all intensely interested in
the convention to be held in Willis
church On June 18th and 19th.
The merchant has about as hard a
rowas anybody o* earth, soya an
exchange, and ..4. has got to look 1
pleasant and nabs on to the hoe i
handle no matter what happens. If a,
pastoNsalary is a little short the busi-
ness man must fix it.• It John Jones
loses a horse he must help get anOther.
If a celebration is going on he must
dig up some: If a beggar comes along
he is the hrst man tackled.' If be re-
sponds te every call he goes broke. If
he refuses be is counted a hog. Still
some people who "hold up the mete
chants" will send away for 'geode oc-
Rey. D. MacKay, a world-famous
missionary of the Presbyterian Church,
is dead .in Formosa. Dr. MacKay
who was ati uncle of Mrs. L. Kennedy
°and Mists MacKay of Clinton, as born,
in the county of Oxford in 1814 and
after his education had been completed
was ordairied by the Toronto Presby-
tery in 1871, He offered hirneelf for
the missionary work and being ap-
pointed to labor in Chinahe selected
the Island of Formeia: and with the
exception Of two short visits to Canada
remained continuously in the work.
He established churches, sehools and
colleges and exerted a wonderful 'in-
fleence upon the life of that country.
It has been said. of hirn : "1 consider,
his missionary work the Most success.
fill of modern times." •
• Miss M. Washington of the 0. E,
Union . says of the convention to be
held here in a fortnight : The Huron
County Sabbath Sehool and Christian
Endeavor Union will hold their con-
yentiou this year in Clinton on June
18 and 19,as the location is central and
of easy access by train Eery EverY Sun-
day Sehoel and Christian Endeavor
Society should see that they are well
represented: by delegates. The Local
Committee is making elaborate prepar.
ations for their reception. An excel-
lent prograre is arranged, including
some star speakers in the province,ancl
we look for a good time: Don't for-
get the date—June 18th and HO,.
At a meeting of the Trustee Board
of the Ontario street church held ors
'Monday:night it was decided to. ens
large the Church and the plans prepar-
ed by Mr. Gerry of London were adopt;
ed. The in3provements include mod.
ern seats and gallery, stained window%
ete. As what the Ont. street people
take in hand they invariably carry out
successfully,it is taken for granted that
not only will their place of worship
be neat'and cosy and one to be proud
of, but that when they take possessien
after the contractors have completed
their work; there will be no debt,
or next to none, on the building. A
handsome sum was raised at Monday
night's meeting when the following
building eomflaittee was appointed :
James StevensaIohn Brickenden, Sohn
Gibbing% Jacob Taylor, David Tiplady,
Henry Stevens. • Mr. Sames Stevens is
chairmen and Mr. Taylor secretary,
The annual meeting of the WestArn
Branch of the Worneia's roreign
sionary Society of the Methodist
Church was held in North street
church, Goderich, on Thursday of last
Week with the president, Mrs. Leach,
presiding. In the absence of the sec-
retary, Miss Washington, Mrs. H. An-
drews of Clinton was appointed pro
tem, The firet session opened at lo
o'clock a, tn, and considering the very
inclement weather there was a large
and enthusiastic gathering of Christ-
ian workers who afterwarde enjoyed
the hospitality of the Goderich ladies
who treated them. royally. Words of
welcome frorn qrs. jasper Wilson
were appreciated. The Presbyterian
church was represented bi.c.ilrs. Stew-
art of Goderich, who spoke in the in.
terests of the W. O. T. U. work and
prohibition. Mrs. McGillicuddy read
an interesting paper, her subject being
"The stranger within our gates." She
also moved that the parent society be
consulted regarding a medical mission-
ary to be sent to the Galielins who
have settled in our Northwest, The
resolution was seeonded by Mrs, El.
ford of Hohneeville and carried. Miss
Howsoh of Clinton, notv of Toronto,
gave an interesting talk on the work
in which the Deaconesses are engaged.
*The question drawer was answered by
the talented Mrs. Gordon Wright of
London. The evening session was full
of interest andthe commodious church
was Linea with attentive liStentara
atlXiOnS to hear evert Word of the
speaker of the evening. Mrs, Gordon
Wright, and as we listened to her
word e of eloquence and earnest zeal
for the cause of M1+3810110 ab home'and
abroad we felt that surely such ear.
nestness Would Inspire us with fresh
seal in the Master's eause.-11.
ews, Secretary pro tot%
lane 1.0CALs.
Oantelon and Wallis shipped five
dears of hogs on Monday, 214 porkers
from Clinton, 150 from .Blyth and 74
from Seated's,
The Misses Mountcastle of "The
Wigwana" have on more than one
occasion bad ferns stolen from their
garden. The last visit of the klepto-
tnaniac was paid on Sunday evening.
The Frost So Wood Company have
rented from Mr. George Stanbury the
store formerly occupied by Me. N.
Robson and which will be used as a
wareroorn by their agent, MaSchrenk,
The residence overhead will be ocs
copied by Mr, Schrenk.
Mr. and Mrs, G. F. Loft from Michi-
gan expect to take up their abode this
week in the H. Morrish cottage on
Albert street, which they have bought
We understand the price was $1375,
Mr. James McCool, the late tenant,
has rented a house froth Mrs. pree
the other end of the town.
The annual meeting of the Farmers'
Institute of West Huronwill be held
at the Nile•on Wednesday, June 19th.
A. large attendance is requested and
expected. The annual meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held at the
same time and place.
The employees of Jackson Bros.
have organized a football team axid
are now both ready and willing to
meet all comers. The boys have intim-
ated to us that they are under an obli-
gation to the grin in the matter of
supplies. The officers are :
Hon. President, W. Jackson
Presiclent T. Jackson
SecaTreasurer, Q. Boyer
Captain, G. VVitzel
Manager, O. Ocnartice •
Committee, J. NicEwa,n, M. Morris,
A. Colyer.
The League of the Sacred Heart or
Apostleship of Prayer was established
last Sunday at St. Joseph's church by
Rev. Father McMenamin. Seventeen
iady promoters received their crosses
and diplornai and over two hundred
associates or member s received their
badges. The officers appointed for the
present year are : President, Mrs.
John Shanahan; Treasurer, Mrs. J.
.J. McCaughey ; Secretary, Mrs. .Tames
Flynn. Since the arrival of Father
McMenitrein he has established an
Altar Society withover forty of a
membership, The Apostleship of
Prayer with over two hundred' and
fifty merabers in it and now he has
just finished organizing a branch of
the Catholic' Mutual Benefit Associa-
tion. : •
Next •Siinclay being vehat is called
among Methodists "Conference Sun-
day," the pastors will be away and
pulpits will be filled by others. In Ont.
St, church the a. m. service will be in
cherge, of Bev. Mr. Newcombe while in
the evening Mr. Thos. Murch will
preach. In Rattenbury street church
Mr. Robert Holmes will occupy the
pulpit in the Morning and in the
evening the choir and Amoral League
will take the service, the president
conducting the meeting, The choir is
preparing spetial music. = Following is
the service that will be given, com-
mencing at seven o'clock :
Anthem Blessed Be thelord
• Hymn
Anthem 0 Light of Lite
. Scripture Lesson
• Announcements
Offertory ond Organ Voluntary
Address W. C. Myers
Duett Jesus Died Per Me
Address Geo. A. Rorke
Quartette Give Me Thy Hand
The Parkhill Gazette in its last issue
had the following The largest con-
gregation that has met in St. James's
church for some years assembled on
Sunday evening last to hear the part-
ing words of their rector, who is about
to remove to Clinton. The Rev, Mr,
Gunne has been stationed here nearly
four years and under his direction the
Parish of Parkhill and Greenway has
made substantial progress. Mr. Gunne
is riot only well liked by the people of
his own ohurch but is very popular
with all denominations. The reverend
gentleman chose for his text "Awl
now, brethern, I tommend you to God
and to the word of his grace," Acts
20, 82. Rev, Mr. Gonne will .leave in
a few days for Clinton, to which par-
ish he has been unanimously called by
the people and. appointed by the
Bishop. His removal from here'
though felt most by his owir church,
Will be a loss to the town arid will be
much regretted by all the denomina-
tions. Broad in his views and syn -
pebbles he became popular with all
classes of our eitizens. Ile was a
Christian, ininister first ; denomina-
tionalism was a secondary thing with
him. Ilis attractive personality, more
even than hie ripe scholarship and
reeognized abilityf made him a force
for good in the community, apart
from his pulpit ministrations. Strong
and decided in his opinions he was
not impatient of the views of others
ami was willing to recognize what was
good. and true wherever it might be
found. Though a scholar and a reader
and devoted to his specialwork he was
practical enongh to take an interest hi
What Materially coneerned town end
district in which he lived, In his de -
white Parkhill loses riot only a cap-
able and devoted minister but also a
public-spirited and model citizen. The
hest wishes of our Citizens will follove
him and his estimable family to the
parish to Which ho has been appointed,
Making Ready For
The ON Boys
The II:Own Council, Too, Says the
Welcome Given The Old Boys of
Huron on July 4th Shalt Be One
Worthy of Clinton.
Messrs, Forrester and Ransford wait-
ed upon the town council on Monday
night to ask, as representatives of the
citizens' committee, that the council
givea guarantee of one hundred and
fifty dollars towards the celebration to
beheld on July Oth on the occasion of
the visit of the Old Boys, their wives,
sisters and sweethearts, •
Mr. Forrester outlined the • plan
which the committee are now perfect-
ing. It is the intention to make it a
greater than has been day. The town
will be decorated, the Old Boys' party
entertained to lunch and the afternoon
given over to sports in the park,
Weather permitting, said he,. Clinton
will do itself honor on that day.
Mr. Ransford said the Old Boys were
our old friends whom We are delight-
ed to honor and the reputation ot
Clinton for hospitality should be most
manifest on an occasion like this. He
believed the damns were unanimously
in favor of a guarantee, as a rainy
day precaution.
The council granted the request of
the deputation.
.A. little disagreenient with the gran-
olithic contractor was discussed. His
agreement is understood to call for a
Grey county cement, whereas, having
bought a large quantity of Pennsyl.
vaults element he wants to use it on his
contract. He maintains it IS just as
good as the Shadow Lake article and
• is willing to abide by the decision of e
government inspector or any other cap-
able person. The councillors talked
over the matter at some length and
finally decided to abide by the deqi.
Sion -of the experts at the 'School of
p.ractical Science or Road Oommiseloti-
er Canipbell.
Mr. J. Miller, street watering eon
tractor, Was granted the privilege ' ot
using the hydrant at: Irwin's corners
for filling his cart. This' will save
tiine and enable Mr. Milier to send the
part over more territory.
The. Means' heed was. given a re-
bate of ten defiers on rent of the town
A bright boy wanted to learn print-
ing. Apply at Tan N'EWS Enconn
office. •
Centelon Bros.. have shipped 11,000
pounds of butter to • Toronto within
the last few days.
Mr. Harry Cantelon a Hensall has
rented the Hotel Clarendon and gets
possession about July 10th.
Mr. James Scott celebrated the
ninety-third anniversary of his birthday
on.Saturday last, Be is now the old-
est resident in town.
Mr. Jos. Afienson, the Boss Gard-
ener," leftspecimens of his early pota-
toes on our table on ,Tuesday. The
33oss Gardener ta generally first.
The Citizeus' band bee called off its
open air concerts for a fortnight owing
to the absence of some of its members
who are under canvas at Carling's
Heights, •
Among the good and early gardens
about town is that of Mr, D. B.
Kennedy who will shortly have new
potatoes upon his bill of fare, large
sized ones, too,
Mrs. Gifford read a very practical
paper on "Stewardship" te, the Ontario
street troulag people on Monday night
last. A solo by Miss Akaan and a duet
by Mrs.Viroocliman and MissNewcombe
were highly appreciated. Next Mon-
day night the meeting is to be taken
by the Lookout Committee.
'Mr. WM, Scott has his barn almost
Mr. R. M. Cummings of Walton was
home last Sunday.
Mrs. 11,,1.Nicholseri and children left
last week for their home in Brigden
after spending a few weeks with her,
Mr. S. Boar arid Miss E. Tindall were
visiting the Hub last Monday.
Mr. 3, .1. Washington is to preach in
Methodist church next Sunday.
Misses Moody and Armstrong of
Lucknow were the guests of Miss Mc-
Lachlan last week.
Little Miss O'Neat of ths Hub was
the guest of her sister here lad week,
Mr. Thos. Cleft of Dungannon was
the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr
. -
Jas. Nicholson, last week.
The following young men frem here
are learning soldiering in London this
week: Herbert Knox, Earny Seagess,
Walter Moore, Wm, Perguson, gd.
The football match played last Sat-
urday between Westfield and Auburn
was an excelleht but nice friendl y
genie whieh ended in a draw.
A lawn social will be held on June
20th tinder the auspices of the Maim -
dist church.
Rev. Mr, Kennedy is attending Oon.
ference nt St. Thomas this vveek. Mr,
Wm. Campbell is also there and will
at the same time visit his sister, Mrs.
(Dr.) Rutchinson of that city.
Mr. and Mrs.Johti Nicholson return-
ed home on Monday from Serepta,
near Dashwood, where Mrs. Nicholson
sprit ten days itt the parental home.
M. l•licholson drove clown on Saba, -
day, thus taking the only holidays he
has had for months.
Miss tam Mole wahines seriously
Iill and her sister Martha of Clinton and
brothers David of Guelph and William
of Penetanguishene have been Called
Chas. Donaldson intends leaving for
Algoma the end of this week or begin-
ning of next where he intends to speed
some time visiting several Pointe with
a view to business
Mr. A, Armstrong was in Seaforth
on business on Monday.
Mr, Jacob Miller of Clinton is busy
erecting a windmill for Ur, D, Dewar
of Sauble Line which will save Dave
a few hours hard labor in the warm
weather, He is having the latest lin.
provements ivitli it. All Dave will
want when completed is wind then no
mere trouble for him.
' Miss Lily Miller of Clinton is spend-
ing a week at Mr, Chas. Denaldson'‘.
Mr. A. Scotsmere is busy those days
putting stonework under his barn,
What might have been a serious acci-
dent betel Mr, Johu Wa,n3sley the other
day. While engaged with Mr. Jas.
Dewar putting up ferice, the wire he
was stretching broke letting James fall
heavily to the ground and the stretcher
struck him on the head, tle talked
energetically about things in general
for a fetv minutes., •
Mr. B. Spencer has been busy dig-
ging post boles for Ur. jas, Dewar and
has completed his contract, Ben. is a
Miss Ida Miller, who has been with
her cousin, Mrs. 0, Donaldson, for some
time returned horae on Monday..
Mr .R. Penbale lost some cattle lately
and was somewhat surprised to find
them in Bayfield pound. There are
laws which some people try to enforce
and others they fall far •sliort.of, in.
Bayfield. , •
Some of Bayfield's boys are indulging
in a practice whiCh if persisted in will
get them into trouble. We refer to
their throwing lighted fireerackere,
whole bunches sometintertunder horses.
They appeer. to take much delight in
seeing the horses take fright though in
more than •one instance the occupents
Of the buggy have narrowly escaped.
being injured.The village constables
should put a check on the 'boys who
are engaged in this practice. '
The councillors of Stanley township
took a promenade along the big ditch
on Monday last. -
Mr, Alex Robinson of Auburn was
in this eicinity lest week.
Mr. and Mrs. W..L. Keys 'attended
the funeral of thb late Mr. Horace
Newton of Goderich last week.
Mr. Rob. Robinson and his Sister
Miss Mary Ann called at the parsonage
"Net FridaY. •
Mr, and Mrs. G. R. Keys visited at
Mr.Jehn Keys of Blake last Friday
evening. • ,
Mr. Beta Keys has the framers work-
ing at his barn and they will soon haie
it ready for raising, ,
MIES Dora Erratt has been laid up
with la grippe for a couple of weeks.
We hope for her speedy recovery.
On Monday ef this week Mr. 3. T,
Keys delivered his bogs in Clinton,
Miss M. Hortorr; Miss A. and Mr. A,
Keys visited Mende near Holinesville
this week.
We are sorry to report the severe
illness of Miss Annie Dawson of the
Babylon Line. An operation was suc-
cessfully performed on Tuesday by Dr.
Gann,assisted by Drs. Graham, Woods
and Meirs.
Mr.Geo,Bates sold a very fine heavy
horse to John McMann of Seaforth for
which he received a good- figure.
lVirs.3. Pollock of Bayfield and Mrs.
3. Eagleson of Clinton visited at their
sister's, Mrs. John Davidson, on Wed-
nesday of last. week.
Glad to report that Mr. Jas. Reid,
who hes been on the siek list, is irn-'
proving in health.
Mr. E. Johnstone, one of our town-
ship fathers, has been having the
grader to work on his beat fixing the
road. •
Mr, Arch. lieges of . Egmonclville,
who has been visiting at the home of
Mr. Geo. Liwrason, returned horne
a few days ago. •
Mr. Sohn Harrison has secured a
position as engineer in the Egnionel-
villa brickyard.
Mr. Herbert Johnston left Hanover
station ou the early train yesterday•for
Toronto. He will also visit. WhitbY
and other points before his retnrn to,
town.—rfanoyer Post,
Mt. John Davidson, Lincoln aventte,
left this Thursday afternoon by G. T.
R. for Seaforth, and from therice to
the Bronson line near Blake, in the
township of Stanley, where she has
gone to visit her father and mother.
The latter is hi rather poor health: -:-
Galt Reporter.
Mr. Will, johnston of Michigan,
formerly of • Lucknow, is visiting
friends in Hay and Stanley.
Messrs. John and Will Turner and R.
Talbotatre at the camping grounds in
L°Mildr.6T13: A.Stinson andwife of Bay.
field spent Sunday at Mr. Thos,
Stinson's. •
Mr, Jas.Dewar has engaged Mr. W.
Dixon of Hayfield to paint his house
Mr. Dixon is a firstclass hand' at wield-
ing the brush so we may expect a good
Mr. R. Grier has purehased a new
cream separator from Mr, T. Clark of
Mr. Alf. Austin is teaming wheat to
Clinton for Mr. Thos. Stinson, lie
takes about eighty-five bushels to a
toad which is pretty good considering,
the roads.
Quite a sensation was caused in Day -
field s. few days ago in front of Mr,
ttortatt's hardware store by a couple
living riot far from Bitylield. After
doing their shopping they both got
into their rig and started to drive
away but the horse seemed disinclined
to leave the post. They eat for a while
then endeayored to go again but of no
avail. They might have probably have
remained there for seine time had not
it kind friend came to their assist.
anee and untied their horse.
The following—pa—ssed tit rough our
eoeporlcporkers00j. T. Keys,
ioehn: cwt. Linewt.Keys,.Reilurn
Road; W, 80
Foster, Parr Line, and jaes Stephen-
son, Goshen Line. William Foster
also took one for James Workman,
one for S. Rathwell and another for
Mrs, Barnwell, mother of Xerehent
'linemen, left on Saturday for Gode-
rich. We understand she will leave in
ehort time for British Columbia
where she has a sister living.
Isaac Rathwell and his sister Susie
of Ethel are visiting friends in Gocie-
rich township and Stanley this week.
George Granger and Geo. Foster of
Alviston are visiting friends in Varna
for a short time.
Rey.I.W.Anclrews left on Tuesday to
attend the conference in St Thomas
and as he will be away over Sunday
Mr,• Andrew Reid will take the service
on Sunday evening at 0.30 o'clock.
Mrs. S. 0. Bothwell and children
left on Saturday last on a visit to her
sister, Mrs. J Barber of Robb, Grey
Mr. L. Beatty is able to geb out again
after his recent illness and we hope to
see him Soon enjoying his usuel health.
Miss Lottie Robinson is Visiting her
cousin, Niles Eva Stephenson, Parr
Lin& this week.
• At 2.80 p. ni. on Sunday, next Rev,
Mr. Davidson will preach a sermon to
the Canadian Order of Foresters in
the Presbyterian church. Slayers' of
the surrounding Courts are, invited to
AEva Stephenson and Miss
Lottie Robinson visited their friend;
Miss Josie Foster, in Varna on Mon-
day- last. • •
George Andrews has secured a situa-
tion as clerk in Clandeboye and left on
Thursday to enter imon his duties
there. George is a,' jolly good fellow.
We wish, him success in his new place.
Mr, Joseph Foster, our enterprising
citizen, has taken a position with
Brown Bros„nurseryrnen of Toronto.
Mr. Foster has only been out a few
days and is doing a good business.
Mrs. R. McOool and family returned
to her home in Diumbo the latter
part of this week after visiting' at her
father's for aome time
Mrs. H. Scott and daughter left on
Tuesday for Manitoba where she will
visit her brother part of tne summer.
Mr. Andrew Bell of Itippen has gone
on a visit to his son Robert at,Zimmer-
man• who has aesumed the 'manage-
ment of the flouring mills at that place •
on his own account. The old gentle-
man, who is quite a genius, ran the
Kippen mills for years but of late has
successfully had the management of
his extensive farm with the aid of his
skillfril and devoted sons.
Rey. Mr. Budge of Mandurnin' ad-
dressed preparatory service in St.
Andrew's church and administered the
sacrament on Sabbath last. He ap-
pears to be a very pleasing and affable
gentleman. ,
The Rev. S. Aehesoh's faintly are still
occnpying the manse but it is under-
stood his son Thomas will come home
soon to make arrangements for moving
the family to Pembina-
. Cooper Bros, the therobeed Shrop-•
shire breeders, bad • a flock of some
twenty pasturing on the west end of
their premises adjoining the bush
which were attacked by doge, his own
included, and three • valuable imported
rams killed with others more or less
badly worried and torn. Fortunately
the breeding ewes were close to his
residence arid more directly under
watchful supervision otherwise the
pecimiary lose, as well as to the coun-
try, would no doubt have been greater.
It is said a carcass had been partially
13uried and exhumed by neighbors'
canines which indulged in a pow -wow
and afterwards a fight which attracted
the sheep no doubt, for those thoro-
heeds are spirited and spunky and if
alarmed congregate for an attack,
either defensive or agressive, and
hence this great loss which is regretted
generally. ,
- Water supply is A conundrum in
this district since through drainage
and the dry spring many of the old
time wells have gone dry.
Mr11. Talbot left Kippen last *eek
to investigate the latest appliances at
Petrone, for boring and drilling and
intends purchasing an outfit to meet
the regoirement No doubt the depth
is all that is required for wells in
this distriet at from 130 to 150 ft. with
windmill attachments have en inex-
haustible supply,
Wes. Harvey his purchased a driver
from Beatty Bross Varna. Be is more
mysterious than eyer •arid you have
got to look quick to see him at all now.
William Kyle has disposed of his
Wilder Lee colt, to afancier ofSeaforth
for a good figure. The colt was not
the most fleet it was hit style sold him.
Arthur Anderson has also disposed
of his colt Tupper to Mr. Connolly of
Goderich township.
While working at Mr.Jaines Green's
barn last week Mr. Bari& Shoalt was
severly hurt,
A football mitteh will be played on
Saturday evening between Varna and.
thilsgreen. Everybody come.
Mr, Chas. McAllister had a Success-
ful rnising last week.
Rev. Budge of near Sarnia, occupied
the pulpit in the Presbyterian• church
Owing to Conference being held this
week Mr, johnston will fill Rev. G.
Long's place on Sabbath next.
Mr. Albert Mains has been elected
captain of the football team and will
no doubt till this position with credit
to himself and the team,
Mr. and Mrs. McCartney of Lucknow
vieitecl it few days the past week at Mr,
Mrs. Chesney of Seaforth is staying
at the Commercial, the guest of Miss
We are pleased to notice Miss Ina
Fowlie able to be on the street after a
protracted illness,
Tuesday and Friday are the days
decided ripen for early closing by our
merchants and seven o'clock the hour,
Me. James Fowlie is erecting a nice
'store on the corner opposite the
Queen's hotel.
Alt'.. John Gardiner has greatly
proved the postoffice by adding it new
glass front thereto.
A large number partook of the
sacrament at St. Andrew's church last
Sabbath. The preparatory services on
Friday were conducted by Rev, J. G,
Yellend of the 1VIethodist church.
misses jennie and Clara Erwin
have reterned from Exeter after.a
pleasant visit with Mrs. Chas.Stewart.
Some of the boys indulge very care-
lessly in the use of firecrackers on the
streets, to the terror Af Many -a
fractious horse, This is dangerous
sport and should be stopped.
Now that the season for bass fishing
is approaching it would be well fpr
fishermen to take notice that steps will
be taken this year to keep them within
the proper limits of catch.
The council ab its meeting after
court of revision passed a resolution
accepting of the tender or offer of Mr.
Wm. Sowett to supplythe town with
electric lights but we are informed
thatthe affair as fallen through owing
to thesaid contractor failing to sign
an agreement a
Bayfield's quota of the 88rdBattalion'
of Huron volunteers marched away
Tuesday mohniug looking so "hand-
some •and grand" in their red uniforms
to put in their annual drill on Carling's,
lisights in the Forest City. '
Rev. E.c.Jennings, rector of Trinity
church, took advantage of his enforced
holiday;owing‘ to repairing the church,
to visit the Pan-American. Mr.
Jennings speakes highly of thefairtand
says the buildings are admirably arts
anged and the grounds and other sights
and the exhibits are well worthy all .
they claim for them. '
The sympathy of the community ,
goes odt to Mr. Switzer of Goderich
township and his family in their sore
affliction through the lass on, belov-
ed daughter. - This is ' the third -death
in • his family during the past six .
in on the. . '
•A few- evenings ago severa of our
citizens heard the doleful» music of
What apparently sounded like a fog •
horn, and many thought it a, belated ,
vessel but itturned out to be the "Bay-
field" saluting its namesake as passing
within sight of our town, which was
courteous indeed and a respect rarely
paid to a lakeshore village, but there's
nothing too geed for Baylield,
Mise Magg:e 'Campbell spent Satur-
day in BaYileld the guest of Mrs Sas.
Quite a number attended the funeral
of Miss Emma Switzer 'of Goderich
township on ISloirday. •
Mr. Herb and Miss A,ddie Wallis of
Gedericla township were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Johnston on
Mr. T. W. &ebb attended the
funetal of the late John Lovett at
Summerhill on Friday.
Messrs. Frank and Wes: Scott of
BirrSundayed with theit brother, Mr,
T. W. Scott.
Mr, Dayrnoncl Crittenden has return-
ed from Zurich, the situation which he
accepted not suiting.
A number of our citizens left here on
Tuesday for Londoe to put in a few
days' drill with the volunteers.
Mr. Mitchell, jeweller, 'who has been
in the employ of P. Metcalf for some-
time past, leaves here for Lacknow
this week where he 'intends opening
out In business for himself.
Anderson and Elder have had the
brickwork of their store renovated
with a coat of red paint.
Our postoffice is being brightened up
with a coat of paint which will add
greatly to its appearance.
There is some talk of our grist mill,
which- was recently destroyed by fire,
being built up again. We hope it may -
as it is a greet loss to the town.
Messy, Watson and Ataigh shipped.
from this station on Monday a couple
of carloads of hogs.
Miss Maggie Glousher' was visiting
friends in Clinton on Saturday and.
Mr. Geo.11igley wheeled to Goderich
on Tuesday.
Mr. Will. Emigit was in Goderich oft
Men and teams have been busy the
past few days loading square timber
on the ears from this station for the
Old Country. •
We are sorry to hear of the serious
illness of Master As Mair, eldest
son of Mr. M. Mair, Bioad-poisoning
is the cense of the sickness.
i`A., Asa Moir and wife of Cobdeti
are visiting friends on,the Riese Linn,
Messrs. S.Bulger and 0, Christopher
of Walton visited friends in this Ie.
cality Sunday,
Dr. Lowery of Dungannon visited
his home on Sunday,
Miss Lindsay of Rith concession
visited her brother, Mr, Thomas Lin&
say,for a few days.
Mr. 3. W. 11111 has purchased an*
other horse.
L. 0, L. No. Mg held Its regular
meeting Monday night,