HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1930-02-13, Page 8PAGE 8 —THE BLYTH STANDARD --February 13, 1y30 Londoehorw Mr.'an d Mrs. Jas, Woodman PE Chet- ham, are.ependmg.a few days in the vill- l.ige. The young people of Knox church are busy practising for their play to be given en Feb. 14th, Mr. Gordon Snell returned from Clin• ton Hospital last week and'is able to be a bout again. Mr. Carmen Lee has returned from Clinton Hospital, and all are glad to learn that he is recovering. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held in Comtnun- it y Hall, on Feb, 5, with a gond attend- ance. The meeting decided to hold their austral Pie social on April I lth, hoping that the snow will be gone and the roads in good condition by that lime. After the business was transacted group ,No, 3 took charge of the entertainment which c insisted of games, eta, at the close a pan {J cake supper with other good things were served, which was enjoyed by alt The Institute quilt was disposed off and went to Miss E Lyon, Londesboro. Proceeds fur the day, including quilt was $70.00. Rev. Wm. Fingland, M. A., 13. 1).. of Mimico, who was visit ng his parents, Mr and Mrs. Jno Fingland, gave a very in- teresting and illuminated lecture on Wed- nesday evening, Jan, 29th, in Community hall, on places he and Mrs. Fingland vis- ited Scotland, Germany, France and Swit zerland last year, His address was illus- trated with lantern pictures he had coll- ected on their tour, The place of out. standing interest were the restored (rem ches the far -stretching war cemeteries with their endless rows t f white stones, mark- ing the soldiers graves. The costly and beautiful war memorials near the battle• fields of France, Belgium; England and Scotland, and the fine buildings of the League of Nations in Switzerland, Mr. Fingland, who was through the war, mar- v.lied to see so many shell -shorn towns and countrysides so desolate looking in 1918 now restored to fruitful fields busy villages and towns. Londesboro people are indebted to Mr, Fingland for a really instructive address which was given under the auspices of Knox United church. renrinervererrrrrrrttrnr'rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsiimurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr r ■ r r M Canadian Chautauqua During the past twelve years the Can- adian Chautauqua, a strictly Can tdian organization, has been pre.enting Chau- tauqua programs over Western Ontaria and the four Western provin es of Canada Practically every large city has its annual gathering. In fact some of the largest cities hold Chautauqua assemblies in two or three different sections of the city, so that all patrons may be accommodated, Over 35 000 men and women in the Can- adian West underwrite a portion of the cost of presenting these Chautauqua pro- grams. Their object in participating in this Canadian movement is to bring lec- turers of international reputation, noted musical artists. dramas and other enter- tainments to their communities, to give people the opportunity of enjoying these programa at a nominal cost, In the ma- jority of cases the season ticket is sold at $2.00 and admits the holder to all the ere tertainments presented. This year the Canadian Chautauquas has extended its septic into Eastern Ontar- io. Some sixty-four Chautauqua centres were established for the summer circuit, including practically every large city and many of the larger towns in the province. So enthuiastic was the reception given the Chatauqua program in the East that a Chautauqua Festival circuit was then or- ganized for the winter and spring, Over ninety Ontario towns have co-operated to form this Festival circuit. Leading citizens who are participating in the Chautauqua movement were grati- fied at the great success of the Ontario venture, and are eager to see the work ex- tended to cover the entire Dominion. Tiley see in it a splendid opportunity to foster the spirit of Canadianism, a chance for the East to hear the message of the West, and vice versa. The artiste who appear in the programs come from various parts of the world, but the managerial end of the organization is controlled entirely by Canadians. "The splendid manner in which Chaut- auqua is being received by the people of Oshawa this year is proof that this insti- t e ion is making a definite appeal to the minds of a large body of citizenship. Per- haps the fact that the Chautauqua is, for the first time. this year a Canadian con- cern has helped to attract to it the great crowds which have been thronging into the big tent. There is something appeal- ing in the fact that it is now a national institution, instead of one operated from another country, and this may have giv- en iv.en the people of Oshawa a new vision of its value as an educational factor in the community, In making it possibie for the people of Oshawa to enjoy programs which are now entirely denied them in the theatres, the officers of Chautauqua and the local organization which brought it here are doing a splendid service for the community. More than that, the Canad- ian Chautauqua is renderinga distinct na- tional service in bringing to `the smaller centres of Canada a type of entertainment and educational lecture such as help to build up some measure of culture in com- munities which would otherwise be in a state of cultural and moral starvation."— Oshawa Times. Canadian Chautauqua will appear in Memorial Hall, Blyth, on Hotel Landon. F,b, NEW SPRING PRINTS COTTAGE PRINTS, PRINTED CAMBRIC. DUROTEX, PEGGY PRINTS, ETC. These are fast color fabrics and come in beautiful colors in mat patterns very suitable and serviceable for Dresses, Aprons, Etc. Also choice designs for lining of comforters, quilts, et,;. The quality is exceptionally good. We suggest an e: rly look as some of these patterns cannot be duplicated. We had placed all numbers on the counter and offering them all at one price. Your choice 25c NOW IT'S TIME FOR QUILTING As The Days Are Already Lengthening For Quilts & Com- forters Use our Snowy White Batts The best the world produc- ed in 18c., 25c, 35c., 40c., 45c., and 75c. sizes. Have You Bought A Coat? Ladies' Coats are all on sale at a tremendous reduc- tion. Dont miss this sale, Cloth Coats with fur collars and Cuffs at Half Price. Wool Batts Guaranteed pure wool thoroughly washed and shrunken and treated so the wool will not creep through. Opens out 72x90 inches, weight about 21-2 lbs. Special Price $ 1.69. Reg. 2.50 All Men's, Wom- en's and Child - rens Winter Un- derwear at 20 per cent less. Lay in your supply. Chintzes & Cretonnes New floral patter.,s, beauti 'ful designs with assorted color grounds, very suitable for box coverings, draperies cushions, quilts, comforters etc., 36 to 37 inches wide. Priced at 20c., 25c.. 30 35c., 40 45 and 75c, per yd. SERGE! SERGE! 200 yards of serge, all col- ors, double width at Half Price. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. YOU ARE WELCOME GROCERIES Jelly Powder. 6 for........ elk Soda Biscuits per pkg. 15c Ginger Snaps. 2 lbs 25c Factory Cheese (June) lb25c Seedless Raisins (Thompson) 25c 2 lbs 25c Lux Soap, 3 bars Many Flowers, 3 bars 1Oc Oxydo►, small 11in rrearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrierrrrrrrr■ '1'1111 STORE 'I'IHAT SETS THE PACE. M BE1E "Service with a Seuilt" BLYTH, ONT. GROCERIES Cooking Figs, 3 lbs . 25c Peas, Corn & Tomatoes 2 to 25c Kellogg's Pep, 2 for 25c Kellogg's Rice Krispies 225c Tilisen's Baking Bran, 2 for 25c Cascade Salmon, large tin17c Vanilla, large bottle. 19c Lux, 2 packages 19c Oxydol, large 19c 4 FOR ONE WEEK ONLY • Headlight Overalls or Smocks $2,25 * Men's Quality Lockportlllinois Gold ti Medal Rolled Oats Pandried, 5 lbs 25c. ti ti ti ti * Socks...............49c Silk and Wool 11 Hose_...._...-_ ._ 63c * to clear 2 pis 1.25 * Babies Rubber Pants 25c pr. Special 20c Womens' Suede Gloves. • 50c pair Special 39c * Women's Corsel- * ettes $1 Spec. 89c * English White * Flannelette j 36 inch, regular 35c i* Special .29c I �E 1* Women's Patent Slippers * $3.00 to $5.00 * Children's Patent * Slippers For Spring * Rennie's N e w • Seeds Arrived United Church Presbyterial Executive of the W. M, S. of the I luron Prebyterial of the United Church met in Clinton on Jan. 31. The members gave encouraging reports. Mrs, McKenzie the Christian Stewardship Secretary, report- ed having heard from 41 auxiliaries out of a total of 62 auxiliaries, Twenty -Lee of this number reached their atlocatiun. She expressed the wish that those who su nearly reached the total make an extra effort to obtain that amount, Mrs. Sea- bie, the Mission Band Secretary, reported eighteen Mission Bands with a mernber- bership of 816 and their givings exceeded that of last year, There are nine groups of C. G. 1. T. with a membership of 140. Mrs Greer. the treasurer, remitted to branch treasurer. the sum of $19,018.50 - which is over $400 more than the preceed- ing year, Out of 62 auxiliaries 22 exceed d allocation, while last year there were only 14, The Finance committee recom- mended the use of envelopes, Miss Con- sist, who was unable to be present, said there were 41 life members, and 26 mem- tiers were called by death. There are two banner auxiliaries. Crewe and What - n, in which every woman in the congre- gation is a member of the W. M. S.' Mrs. Doan, Missionary Monthly secretary, re parted having 1,428 subscribers. totalling io0 over last year. Much sympathy was expressed for Mrs Hogg, and we pray for her speedy recovery. It was decided to hold Presbyterial in Seaforth on April 30, 030, The meeting closed with a message from Mrs. Mollard, the president, "Trust in His Strength and Not Our Own. Mrs. Oestreicher, of Crediton, is visit- ing.her mother, Mrs, Phoebe Gibson, and sisters. We are pleased to announce that Mr. L. J, Williams continues to improve in health, Mr. R. J. Powell is in Toronto. He expects to return on Friday, accompanied by Mrs. Powell who has been confined to the hospital in the city. Rev Dr. Perrie, moderatos of the Pree- byterian Church in Canada, died at his home in Wingliam ors Tuesday. He had been in poor health for some time. The Ole Dr. Perrie was born near Brussels. Reeve R J. Cutt and Ns men went to Ashfield bn Tuesday and for the next month will manufacture flax into green tow, Mrs. Cult and Barbara will in the meantime visit her mother in Goderich. Mrs. David Laidlaw spent a few days fast week with friends in London, and on Friday evening as the guest of her daugh- ter, Miss Jean, she attended a delightful "At Home" given by the staff and stud- ents of the London Normal School in the 'l» ALL WINTER GOODS AT GREAT- • LY REDUCED PRICES DURING .ls JANUARY TO CLEAR OUT WIN- TER STOCK JAS. DODDS +ls WINTER GOODS BLYTH -- ONTARIO IN THE SURROGATE COURT 03 THE COUNTY OF ItURON. rN THE ESTATE 05' r5JIMA DIXT0at, OECEEASEu, Alt persons baying claims against the estate of the said deceased or against Hat tie Dexter, the daughter of the said de- ceased, are required to send them to the undermentioned Solicitor for the Execu- tors of the said Emma Dexter, on or be- fore the 28th day of February, 1930, after which date the estate of the said Emma Dexter will be finally wound up, and the Executors will proceed to distribute the estate among those entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to those claims of which notice has been given. Dated at Goderich this 711, das o1 Feb- ruary.1930. Loftus E. Dancey, Solicitor for Executors, FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire boar, also a num- ber of sucking pigs, Apply Alf llalgitt, tot 13, con. 9, Morris, CARD OF THANKS Tate undersigned de^ire to than}: nei ji bors and friends for their kindness and ex pressions of sympathy in their late be- reavement in ttte death of Ifattie Dexter, The family. BLYTH BAKERY WE HAVE ON HAND DELICIOUS CAKES ALSO PREPARED ALM- OND PASTE FRESH ASSORTMENT OF BON BON BOXES, CHOIGE XMAS CANDIES FRUITS & NUTS OF ALL KINDS CAKES PASTRIES AND DELICIOUS BREAD, F J HOLLYMAN 'PHONE 38 BL'i Til. - ONTARIO English Drapery Chintz 36 inch excellent pat terns 25c F • POPLESTONE STORE • McKINNON'S OLD STAND 131�.y.,'UytIi. - •- r�gtr tt ou ttarlay��',* ****irk*by***VaE�rEnr�**twin*0�h* i'lF�c%tvaye Men's Fleece Shirts or Draw- ers, Special 75c , JC Lennox and Pearl 4 Soap, 10 bas_...39c Sodas in lb Pge 16c 10 65c Japan Tea....49c Falcon Peas, or corn 14c Snowshoe Red Sal- 4 mon, big cans 4 3 for $1.00 4 Big Flannelette B'r n- kets, white or Grey Special $2.25 Big Batts, 72x90 Special 65c ?!F Crumbs Navy Blue 4 Prints 35c special 4 30c 54 inch English Tweeds $2.00 Special $1.50 Haugh's Overalls with bibs, Black, Only $1.69 Pick Your Seeds Early These Prices For One Week only ++++++++++++++++++++++++g 4" • UNTIL THE CHAUTAUQUA IS OVER 2 Cans Campbell's Tomato Soup : �» 25c. ÷ »I• 2 Cans Pineapple 35c. + 4. Now is the time for Oysters, Take a jar home. + .tat 'l» 4 Ice Cream Bricks Always On HAND GOODS DELIVERED »� e JAS. SIMS, 'ti' .1, • BLViM, ONT, 'PHONE 14 4, ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ prio.t......~.....ffamajr,...........i.........mi YOUR CHOICE OF A RUG 1 x Ig C►�.rS�1�'bc��j Will be simple and easy at this store becausb of our larg,,, and varied selection; enabling you to find,the very pattern a n d co1orstomatch your furniture, r, r wall -paper, hang- - st� Ings, etc. LET US ASSI; T YOU 4C E1 18 LJ UV 1