HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-30, Page 4- 1* , I .1 I I.. I—— -.-,�l---.----.,-,�----------,.,�, I—, 1---1----- TER CLfffJW-JjjWS-RZ00UD " "....., -1-11.1,1-1. ---1----- . ..... ----11.--.- . ...... .......... . . . . -.---1 Wrl F
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�, ���- Oa F plolay evening of next week tbo 91,01SE At SIUMINGS 0 Vhipl,Mn Jim
�� ,.--,-. GODERICM CORRESP01111DIENT $11thOrlArA has been
F 0. 0. F. intend holding kin lee cream -, --- 'i -1 � ,� T-
. I On ,401 In, getting his schooner oil
I Noel -11 On W, 19tatilev's lawn. Mr. tho W.. olair vhoal%
- 11"lliott. H. C. It., 01 Ingersoll, Mi'. to # The Volta, an American yacht, wag
� CT41"MT, MAY -90TH, 19% Gartutiv. 8. O., of Bragitfoid, and Mr. In out, port it fe%v hours last week.
' I . Win, Bailey of Dungannon will be A�Icnlc wits In order at Dentaillor Mrs. Luxton Hill and bah�' -)label of Wedid not bear of hpt.,tepival 11) Mine
em!,! !!!�� for Ictoria Day but thorain threaten. Loridesboro spent NVedue"I'VY0 Wool, to N. isit, her,
. 13kidea there will, be recita. , ly tho P
. ---- =114d music. This is the, $test I" mrty all Went to Dr, May, In town. ThOY were the guests We will sorin welcome Mr. Charlie
VVI14111017'8 and bad it 1110st ("'joYable lastweek of Me
IT e W AdvertisementS. socilki of the season and it is Aokng to time. . . a- 'I'll's it' ""'Opt who Shannon 11001P froin tbe Yukon. Ilia
19nap ia Vhotos��-XC11406 Studio ...... lie the beat, so On no, account miss it. is Ill at Begimiller. family tit tho Park
. I Everybody come und bring aciateone The steam barge Ogiesh.i, bound All", Ma It in
sheep DiPs-R. 11.AoouiQ� ...... ..":::::.**.: 4 � froin Duluth, Captain It. J. 'Walters, Y L4'111ottl late of 11"I"1011, is At an eatly date. Hou." expect I
T011ders with you. Come early so as to avoid the taking it six weeks, holiday attheresi. Mr. aeorge Morrow captured a
W40ted- .7.19'�Haruwell,. . ........... 6 rush , Tait served fri , ma six to eight.� with 10000 bushels of wheat for dence, of her Mother preparatory to "' ninety
8orv%fit %ntod.�ira. itia,pair ......... � .... 0 Mooer's'elovator, Arrived last week. oing to the Millibar. I -two Pound fish on Saturday.
Mrs. Howell of Otionglago, spent' the On Tburaday labtion I - v opeulngis at H(a hits bet,gi. hauling stone fro",
811irt W41sts-Xolycognbes ..... it h, t our rounds we Wow York in July. I Attrill'.9 and when on the bridge, his
-Jackson Bros ........... s Aoltneq. I -go barge apparently being Mrs. McManus Of Bothwell, OrgAnist bright little boy looking over Into the
XWO Ordered Suits - 8 holidays with ber m9ther, Mrs. Raw
4104obed CQ4011-U04goiiaBros .............. $ , towediribythoolvedging tuy Huron, and musiclan, wits last wee4.the Auest water, said "Ohl Pit there's a ground
, Mr. Leftoyd, wife and daughter of It was the John Harper and, ditre we of her sister, wife of Express Messeng, boyin the r1yer," and sure enough on
-,----*, searorth baye been visiting Mrs. tell it., we were in time to see bet, or G M 3
. , o re.
� 1XF,U4,AXJ) Tarm Ron �Ied g*e. , I looking down lie saw something very
R, I stranded when the Hurou steamed Mr, George Pickwell of Plattsville is Jai -go switurning
Mo. U. Howell of Goderich visited Away. The Ifuron did not tow her it) _ lakewardand picking
. spelidingsoulo weeks with his cousim, up his pick lie tbrow it over the bridge
. Those 'patriotic gentlemen sent to friends here on Victoria Day, but she went, out and met the John Urs. NVarner, and listened,. Presently he heard a
Harpor and turning the John Happell Mrs, Dietrich hits been very Ill from comigiot
Ottawa to mould and cast laws for the Mr. and Mrs. S. Walter,and son arid followed bee in and stranded . !cin in the witter and wading
. more eacincirtla and Mrs. Harry Tebbatt visited friends in On a took A severe attack of blood p'
, efficient govern. Wi,ghaug recently. or a clay bank for she broke a cable, , Oisgirling into the water he found the pick and it
caused by the Prong ofit, buckle panw sturgeon 0 feet long And, weighing 92
. which she throw out when bearing the tuga� ober thumb. I Ilia. The pick stooll; it 'in one of its .
ment, of thevountry have shown tie in. Ups., R. W, McKenzie of Goolorich elevottor and which was fastened r ud
the raost' practical manner t1lab WbRtl spentViotoria Day wif-h her mot -her Mrs. Charlie Orabb And aills me m,� 4. u ,
� . . ., " .-.-. -1 .
I ''. � I I 1. " 'W'%~%e*e*e,V*1#,%-%-,* -0� -%,-**,�� 1W , �
� , . I -M it '0
In Sheep vips .
� We Have the Following, *
. . .
1 . . I Littlo'-s Kemp'$ . . .1 . I
Shepherd's Miller's
I . Brigg's , 1"'tc. /%,
I . Re P. Reekile, "U""'PTIO" DRua STORE,.
SUCCOSsor to ,Sydney J'Ack.0ou.
I X. B.�Our',Oollipotlild r�xtraet of Sarsaparilla still leads, . .
.0 I ,
#1%1�-%�1%e1W1%-114k1-%-'W (?%.44%�-%,%,J�.W,1%�-%,q -%�-ftA .
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I . I � - .
1. . . I .
I .
. I
, .
SHOEV...... I 11
: laver May be their views on economy in . t around the first spile west of Mooer's I I My oci t home after . �
, Airs, Holtnies� I elevator. They sald they heard the children of Seaforth spent Victoxift having it welghadf. Sturgeon is ii, rare I . . . I
. general it does not apply to the Day wida Mr. Orabb's mother, Kra, Q dish tiod we fresume a. greab number . . I .
I mselves, Miss Cameron -of Byfield has been report tip town, At the elevator they Cr,abb, - . ' .
This, let us be charitable enough to . the gueeb of Miss Bessie Pickard, said the John Harper did not follow in of friends w! I be remembered with a Colborne Townshlip. . I .
. Mr. and Mrs. Tont Bates of BrAnt, delicate steaki I . . I I - . .
suppose, is noti so much due to their ,&Its. Hi.,Iks 0 1 Toronto and Mrs. Me- the lit!"On's wake but got outside the ford intend removing to Little Current We niust; congratulate Mr. W. R, J. T. Goldthorpe has moved big port, BARGAINS . . � . .. .
lunato selfishness as to an exaggerated Leo4 of Rincardine spent Victoria Day channel, . We do not know but it for the surnmer, They wheeled from Cralgle an his new citizens lee delivery %ble sawmill to the I a . � . .
. with their brother, Rev. J. Greene, stuck fast within a storie's throw of Brantford to Hamburg to spei Black Ho �
idea, of their Own Importance audo ad Via- the canvas top being painted in choco. has it running fall blast, 4 . . .
, . f Me. McIntyre, butter maker at the elevator and the harbor water was topla, Day there and after staying. a late and and crimson with % block of Mies Hattie Symonds of Toronto is I . - .
� . the value of their aery'ces, - I� is A Crealey's creamery, Clinton, visited as muddy lookin r Asit could well be, week or two there Mrs, Bates will Ire In white. I . spending a few weeko. visiting her We haVe Some . Special ., I I
severe strain upon the imagination to friends here on Sunday, . - However, af tat, tliat cable snapped the sPend it shot t time with her paren ts, Mr. W. Wallace has bad his resl� inother At $alt.ford, � Bargains to offer yoii in all . .
entertain this but let us endeav barge righted herself quickly Mr. and Mrs, Warner, Later Xr, I . . q I
I or,to F. B. Holmes of Goderich visited The John Harper sailed f . deuce beautified with handsome green The Misses McOool of Londesboro kinds of Fine Shoes'which we bought at a sacrifice and . - �
do so. . . . . friends here on Friday. ' . I rom Duluth, Bates will join his wife here and both $b6tters. . were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wil- . I .
. I . � . . Captain A. Aines, with cat -go of 105,. will go on to Little Ourraht. . Mrs, Reynold " . son Brownlee on Sabbath. - : which will be ready for Your inspection Friday morning . .
- . . a anti daughter spent . . I
: � � Mrs.'O. IV. Thompson and -sons -of 000 bushels of wheat for Uooer's ele- Mr, 3'. Roberts. of Duagantion was in Victoria. Day, Saturday and Sunday At . Mr. G. Fowler and -Mri - William I . I .
Clinton spexit Sunday at the Parsonage,. vator in export for Portland. . I � I . I . � . :
several from here attended the'Nile Mrs- Roy, who spends the summers Miss Jessie Macdonald is stenograph. residence in Toronto, ' . . . . .
. Witlithe Oxtr4fl,ve hundred dollars � , I town on Tliursday. 4b Me&, Reynold's old home, the Bond Maedel speared a. sturgeon in the .SEASONABLEICOODS AT WHOLESALE PRICE$
I � in his pocket and a precedent establish- Maitland river on Saturoloty )art weigh- . I . . . I . :
� � tea-meatiiig on Friday. a 1. at Goderich, Is hare earlier thaa� usual or and book-keeper for Lee and Shop- Mrs. Black has eighteen varieties of ing 02 0ounda. Men's Fine Tan Boots, up'to-date, all sizes, only . $11.715
ad for future sessions, the average Miss Beatrice Greene is the delegate and is the guest of Mrs, (Captain) Gib- hard. We congrabtilate Miss Jessie on begonia plants in her collection, Misq Mary Walters of Saitforcl was - Men'r., Bicycle Bootsf they Are. heap see them ', * W
8 11 . I � . I I hoe promotion,. � . . $1,25,$1.150 P 5
member has a self�sakisfied air. To be to ,the District W. M. S. convention in 0 - Me, Reale has been improving his. the guest of. Mrs. Robert Allin. on ' ty Button Bcoots, now goods, regulAr $3 fog, $2.35 -
. . . . L"ol
.sure he is busy making excuses to'his -Goderich 61'1 Thursday, I . .. Dr V rank Turnbull of Auburn was . Airs, Lindsay Elwood and three I ittle residence by having a very pretty Sabbath, I . ,LadiMs"' X)K1n9g-QQg1t`t1111ty Laced Boots, regular $% a bargain for - .$ 2. 3 5
. . 113 c;nsultation last week here with sorts will spend this slarnmer at the verandah placed before his r � Men's $3.50
�. . suppo ' rters but be is trusting to their ' . Mrs. O'Dell of Alkmer is visiting her Dr, J. L. Turritnill and Do, Guiia, esidence Me, and Mrs, Samuel Allin spent Ladies Kid and $4 Boots, up-to-date, now going at .$3.00 � I
: partly fealty and forgetfulness bob to parents, x0dr, And Airs. Ladd, I . On Wednesday evening, 22nd -May, residence of Miss Dark with her. moth. overlooking his nice garden. He has Sabbath With Mi,, and Mrs. George . ' Oxfords, great value a,t $1,50, it special snap only, $1 22i J
i . r . I to 'er, Mrs. Slack, . also, built a trim looking tool house in Ourrie, Jr., of Wile. - . � Ladies: $3,50,and $4 Kid Boots, about 30 pairs, your choice ia :60
I ornember it against him when the . Next Sunday will be Roy, R, Thomp- the Brussels football teatry drove Miss Jessie Swaffield was very Arnuch his. yard, ,. . .. .. MissHelyne wits tho'guest oi Miss . Ladies Tan and Rid .Oxfovds, I
I . .
. . Period for elections, rolls. Around once I Ron's last Sunday with ,us. - His sub. Goderich to have a friendly contest better last week And we earnestly hope MI 0hrisbine Mille-ri a trained Annie Grummet on Sabbiath, . 611 s4z6s, well.worth $1.50 for * 0.00 �
. more, . Jet t in the morning will, be I lieaven!' with the G6derlch team, � After an tbaishe may soon recover from her but,sestof Kineardine, has been employ. An old trairip wits roving ' and *several other lines whIall you cannot affo - - . I I
I RaPpy should be the M. P. who and in the e��ning -- Mysteries," hour or so both, parties were tied but prolonged indisposition. ' - _ around ed to miss, We
I .
I . has constituents thus constituted. 'Pickard and Master,Roy Goderich scored the third time, win. I ad here in her official capacity. she is 'people's houses recontly. and its the ' don't want to Put these goods into $took And Ab tho Above prices
- Mrs. T. 0. .-The ante Y . . I they Nvon't;bo here long. . I
�: . . % I I u- ance etaminat ' ions to'Fligh a graduate of Wood4toefitiospibal. could' not. get him away Constabl, . I . I .. I
: - . . spent the holidays at W. UcRoberes, nin6'tlge x atch. The teams were as sebools will commence 6a June2fth. Alp Tutt, who -Olaude . . . Come and get first choice at the OLD RELIABLE, .
I I . � . . with, his faiitily had Blake was sent for and he and .
� . Since they have voted themselves Mitchell. " I . foll'o*s -, I . Part I Junior Leaving begins on Tues- typhoid lever last year,, has, b6eA laid Mitchell lodged Mr. Tramp in gaol. , . . . I � I
. . . .
. . . .
' The cheese factory started. Monday G6derich Brussels. nd ; Part I Junior Hatricu. up front some affection of the bci�vels. , . . � . . . . I
the increase the members from this week and they made 6J cheese that S, Pritchard goal � , A. Lowery ldaZ,o'n",'y2.JuIy 2nd, PlIrt 2 Junior An operation was necessary to ensure . - .. . -
ounty will now cost the ratepayets day, which is t;he best start in the hisr J. P. -Brown' back * . 1. Gerry . D-aving and'Senjor Leaving or Honer him, Any ease, his, suffering was so , - , St.. A,ligmt1ne.'' LOR,& ' 'SON .
aboutfive thousand B. Passmore back- - G. Irwin Matriculation on July 4th And Parb 2 great. . ' I I . . . . . , � . .
. I . I .
. . I I . . .
. dollars per session, tory of the faQtory, and last Monday L. Yee halt back Macdonald Junior; Matriculation bit July Ot.h. Mr. and Mrs. William Sillib visited . .
.. Rather expensive ftting machines. � they made 10 cheese, being two more . . Mr. Obarles'Webster of St. Mary'sis . . . . . .
. . - � . . . thati lasb year ac the satim time. So G-Oooper :: A. XeNaukhton. A branch of the league of Children wich Lee And Shepherd-. He oomes friends. in Huron township recently. . .. . :, Cash and One Pricd I . ...
� . I . . I this shows a great improvement and G.- Macdonald . G. Barker of the Empire has been formed from well recomratinded, Miss D,tvidson hits been sewing. foli . Butter and Eggs taken its. Cash. � ' . . I .
� 10 In the, clays Of TOPY XU16 Cartwright, speaks well for the factory. I,. -Bryaus . - centre' - G,1 Ferguson, the pupils of Miss Ball'a room in the Despite the Mrs, Wallace the past week, . . . I . .. I ... .. . . I . . 1. I
� Laurier & Co, to*ured the provin D. Allison ' forward . . , . Good Central. Itwi . 11 be known as Victoria Vi . � .rainy afternoon of Mr. Qhamney's youngest daughter is 1. . . . 1, . �. . . . . . ..
.41 . T Rev. MI - And Mrs. Jaspar . � . I. � ''. � . �
, ces de- The officars of th Epworth- League G. McDowell . � Rot -he Branch arid its regular Meetings will Wilson . fu fi improving after her illness. Silu !T!�-- � I � . .
. . e ctoria da,
I . . .. * fso to be 11 I - . --- I . ,
'. . elating that the country.. w6s- being for this year are � J. Thompson 3C I lied their r . ... I . . 1. . . I � . I
I recklessly niiigoverned, ..The bxpeqdl� � ' President, F. 0. Elf�rd . . 1j, Snell . *1 � .1 W. Cameron be held on Friday afternoons. present at the Nila� ceur?cuhl I on that only three years old but has bad a at. . I I . I . I . I .. . . I.. . . I . I ,. .
. . I J. Kerr : Miss Nairn left on Victoria Day to evening, The . entertainment was of sickness and we hope to hear of her '"Ib-�A&,,W,%-,%,-%.,*A.-%,-%�,4b.1%� I -ft'.%Ift'.411�-ftIft� �, . � I I
tare was then $37,000,000 but sincP the . Ist, Vice, Miss Bessie Holtnes . I L. L. DariNvol referee . visit the Pan American Exposition. I a rnbsb successful -one, $50.80 being thm re.c.ove.py soon, .. . . . . . . . r � I I . . .. . . I � . . I ... . . � . . . � ..
me to power it has d Vice, Miss D. A.Aches'on Mr. Rawlink left 'for 0hictigo on While in Buffalo she will be the guest handsome sum realized. The Sunday school and Epwortk .1 . I . 11 . . � . . I I .
; I gone up by leaps . And bounds.im " . Thtirsday. lie is travellingfor.s, busi- of Mrs. jo - . Mi" Wilson League Of Donnybi ook intend have *.& . I . � . . . I . I .
, Liberals have to in . �3 I' d Vice, miss Susle Pickard lin Robertson. . I . bandled - his sub act ":What 'makes a . , . I . I I
V'e, , �
. til it _ � . J .
. . 4th , Miss Oarria Walter ness houser . Rev. Dr. ,MacKay, who has spent the nati 'r8lkt P " in statesmanlike style . . I I
. has reached this enorm6as sum :, .1. . % Se'..Trea r, D. M. Scott . .. . . ) I no 1, t ,, J: son * On , . Picnic in the near foture. � . I
, , . sure I Some one -,vas art a u ug i opot last thirty years as ,,v missionary in And Mrs. Wilr Mr. David . .
I . . _ ,on. brought down the Tisdale, wbilb.working I
. . , Main estimates, ., ... I - - I..., 1 * Z413981828 Organist, Miss Vina . Tebbutt, ,tbb little clok owoed by Mr. .James Formosa, its. in & critical state of health,, hcruse with. her 'hum'Oeous r6ndering with the framers,on SaturdayhAd the - _ ..'s 1�� . .1 $ � . .
. First SUPPlerglebtaryestimates 9,869,241 I . .. :� �. A101ath. ID was Poisoned at the .very o.WiUg to an affection bf:the throat.' with' -the brogue on the tip of It misfortune -to sprain ,his ankle. .We -0 � . . . .. .
. I I I w . ., � . .door where It was with the child. I At present his life is despaired of., tongue "Teddy O'Neil.11 In an at �hopo to see him around soon. I I . -- 1. .
I Second supplement ry, esti- I I , . . swerto � , . .
. I I i .4 � : ..� , (10139RICH TOWNSHIP. - � . At Knox church a larger. number of, Rev. Dr. MacKay olitce taught school the verk hearty'encore Mrs. Wilson re. ; ,Me: Goo. Alexander and sister vlsited . . - I . $ ,
, . I I I -
I ,
. . mates ................ j,.,..... . I,M,4�0 . . . . . . , . -the congregation than .usual; .attended successfully tit Saltfordi ,many* of'clur spoodeO with "Katy's Answer.12, Rev. . frienas in God.erlc4 ti� few days last ���,��� �� � . , I �
. � Rail -way subsidies ............. 3,552,472 . . . . . the Wednesclivy Prayer meeting. A- citizens being great personal - friends Mr. Irvine delighted. all present .with� week, - . I . I . .. I � � 4 1 . I . . I 1. � �., .
� . . . I -"0%M"= ... 1, , ,r,,� - I
. , . id a very edifying discourse, was.. given by of his and will regreb very' much, the his fine address, ." The Making of R in- M . .. I . . . . . . � � �
. ... I, . Mr. James Dunbar of Oth con. Pat rs,Johnson of Ashfield s'pont a. . ' � . . I . . I . . ,.
I .� . 1. visit to his folks in FOX t, L Albert last the pastor - AftO the* benediction- sdrious state of his health, .. pireJ' Miss Laura Brydges won much - week visiting. her son,, A. - - E. Johnson . SL , I . . I .
. I . I 1. I . $63,561,012 week. � ... . . . . . . giveriby t.he Pastor the outcome of so The up-to;date Saults-Rouse, oppos credit with her fine rendering of the of the eth con. . . I . I . I I . ., , , ..
. . � .
I . .. An accident; th0 might; have pwved many meetings held'of, late by the ite the. G.. T� R.- itabion is a credit, to touching reeitatiop "Patsy's Story;7) . .. . . . I .. I . BI-GY0.11 8 1.0 Y 0- L E 8 . . . I
I .1 .
. Speakin Ladies' Aid came tOthe surface when our ,town. -.The . - � i . �, . . . . . I . . . . �
� 9 ofthe Sixty Tbre6 Million more serious befel. one of our neigh- whole building -has Miss Ferguson recited very . credit. ' - . . I . I -- - ... -- ,
, .. , I
. Dollar Session of thet ,Dominion par. bore last Friday. While Mi. William . Mrs, (Captain) Gibsbri,� Oresiderib of the been newly painted, p6peeed' And fur-. Ably oleo. . THOUSAND 'ARE I .. . . . I . . I . I. I . . .. . . . ..
. I
a Farmers' 8 " ., ... � 1 ing woo bear . L.-�A., came forward and, pregented .nished for � the accommodation of"tbe, Mr. and Mrs.* . I. .. L I . ", . � � . � . , 'FOR SAL IE ,.,Q RN � .1 . ,
liamen*t, th . Connell was S�litti d the Morrow -and. Mrs. I � - GOING. 'EVEIRY"DAY., ' I . I , I..
I '* I an had the house a small stick fiew upwards'and the Rev Mr. Anderson, in tbe name of ti-dVelling pdblic. The bar Y�ill be fit- ,James* Stroltigh. all drove. up to'the . . - I . . . , . I � , , . � . . RENT
following: .'� . � � .. .1 . L the ladies of the congregations with 9. . ted in the latest eiby style. 66od, ac-- Vi . , . . . . -.., , , . . . - ''.
- . ,
� . .. .11 I . .. came in contact with Mr. Connell's . ctoria Day entertainment at Wile To.Wonderful Washington,the . ever- . -.'� , . , �� . I . I I. . . . . . :. L I . � , . I . �
There ire to sayj no obh headjustabove the eye. He wits un- ver� handsome new silk gown, made commodatiob, has been prepatedfQr the church. . . � . .
Is, we veritt' er . . � . . I green.State. land of opportunities..' of . 1. Having bought",oub t . . . I
I .
. English speaking. country -where it conscious for it -short time . and at 1�y George Harcourt, Toronto, at a cost agricultural porton.of the 00mMunit7i : We wore , I I .;. � he whole stock of . . � , - I
,pleased to learn 'that Itne-'soil,.splenclid..cr(?ps-anc1 -judepan- . . .. I . hicycles frorgi,'A,.T� 006 a (14 wheels,) �
, . J - * of.$70,.Sundity last; 26th May� .being withwaiting and reading roorria. ,,The Joseph, . . ' " I .. I . P. 110 I .
would have - been - 0 ' present wears an ugly sear.- . I. � . eldosbacin of Me,. Joseph .Hoe. �Ienbhoriies- Now.is your ti $ '. I I . . I I . � � . . I
" I assible to: sedate . the 13th anniversary of tlie � pavers me to go - .: ,�, I . . � I . I
such subsidies fr.O . . . Mr.and Mrs, Wini Jenkins of B6 llett g6nilemin's (irst.pr " Ind hoqse;is also, lit by electricity. ' , ton,. - has obtained - the - Position of to *the Pacific Coast ov.erthe GRE . 1 2 laA'RTFORD-S " - �, ,. .. I X & D. I * 11
. . In a legislative body each-ing to tbe. con- tit?, Moss, now of P6rt At h6rt, has, steward on, the North W. NORTHERN � Woh AT . 3 -vVOLVER11119S ' ' . ".., ... . I . .1 I , . .
. without a v . . I I , tdwnsbi p paid a flying visit.to. friends .gregation. At Knox. chuirch. Mrs. Gib, �5old his lovely. home. oribarribriA s6reet; sails fro C I( . astern �which . . RAILWAY. . cliar. F ': . ... - 2 . E. Z. I .
igOro.us fight being.ritaile' in. tbis localit last week. . I . . in h !ago. . , - � - ful W4,91iington, the ;ev6r.greon St, .. 2 OLEVELANDS, one:w.itli coaster bviike. . 1 I I
. .1
� - . . � . - a fine Address, pitying the afi present occupied, by Mr. Peter Dr. -G. Sinith Gduld.',of� Cleveland is the �Jaee'for' you., ,Climate almost: � .. - Ns .
�. . y . . I .son -made Ate ,� �� . . -
against t1g*.. � The United States is* ' Mr..H,ugbWelsb,dothinieb'fS.S.No. 'Pastor a, high compliment. upon his Bisgett to Jardine of Wiwan6sh.' . I . 2GEND40 ? �.. : : $ ,
. . I . . I , . . � 1. 2�,CRES:MNTS � . .. .
� I . .
. often held tip to,us as *4 -country where* � . was iu'toWn last week *cm professional perf6ct. Grass is. green And yoses - . - - , . ;;: . � .. . .. . . . ... I I . . . �
. . 0, was off duty Wednesday and Thurs. patience in All matters' a�nd for. faith- . The funeral of the 'late Miss Jessie business. if , - . Alf ofthese we intend to run off at a low mar,gin to make n
: Political corruption prevails, vat.suah day. attending the Wait Huion's a was. the guest . at Mr. .bloorn at Christmas. Fine erop,� that u ifor .
: .. Anyone in need. of a bicycle would save inciney 'T I .
* fully, practically and fully, explaining May Elliott, .second daughter of Mr. And Mrs. 8waffield. ' - � .' neverfail, Plenty of good- land. You ' --- a r' " , �
- .
- Teacher's 0onve,atiorf held in Exeter. - to his congregation the-.duties.of a*.ThbmasEllibtt, took -cim his .. one 0 -indwof repairs kept for bicycles''wheels ,
. . I _place h We are sorry -to be called upon to note can own your farm and home and be I �et . .
t repa t fse. All. k , A 01 : ,
grants are unknown it *a.. - , by, a , d
.. . shington.. . - . . - 0 New , k
At the last session of' Congees .. The many friends of. Arthur . Co6por' Christian itrid hoped that the robe residence on Friday. Funeral private.; the death of Mr.. Dan. Pa -independent, 0 - � . ,, tires $6.00 to .$10.00. All . w
. a the . up and I I Th6vocinglady wis the'pride of her tterson, . cod markets Good, .1 oi- guaiant6ed. -
l ' . .
. Republic 'witiI. I Jai . ge majorities itt 19, A of righteouen will I pareats arid being. in delicAta, -health that of thelate Mrs, John prices. Good scliools'-And-churebeo, I * BLACKSMITH A ' * . . �.
.will b6 I d to learn that he is ' would, be symbolic of'- the robe , * - ! I .
. . . ; ,
, again ,after so I long confine- ass which be marine%1�110' I .
, . an$, around �.. . I �. I . . Bail. PatIterson has - been most For illmitrated description:and :full . .1 1, NO. MACHINE , SHOP- 1. .1 1. ...... I , .
, .
.1 � . . . I
. . .
. both branches, , made'an attempt; -to' ment. , . I . Wl�erg unto usif we lo,ve and so�rve God. last September her parents. thought unfortunate .for ,the past eon I about rates o�er Great ' a we are i,k . . .
. � . . . . .
� carry th . estiming Airs. - .. Gibsion * in - a the change from Walkerton. to G6de- ple' 'of informat on . i , I -�n.,Ogibec�ion with earn �. , . I . �
. . * h ' rep .repairs I ,
rOu 11, A -skip subsitly bill. -'The *. -Me- Oliver Jervis': bad the, misfortu' Years being the Irictim. of ac6iglenfs. Northern By. writes-,cir call on Chas. It prepAred 'to . do all kinds' of wo .
I ' 9 ' tie bright way. added �11 I hope Ybu'll rJoilt anight be benAficial,- Wt taking Virst he-suffeoed I _ airing. � All thd= Points -and. '
amount it . to'loos6 a flue mare %nd colt lately; A . . months from inflam. W.. Graves, Distrkt,Pass�nger Agept,.' I& - Zoprs st UringTadforgdegieral
. was proposed to.grant'was Dss of thiso kind is not one t6..be appre- last one." The 'Ladie�' Aid :have a n some unaccot I is ,of one- eye, then. front some 6 King St. -Westo (Rocir�,.12 ). Toronto, I .a ,we still k6ep in a � tock. . P Arid repairs forthe . I . I
.1 he spated to wear it but as yoa diatbe cold I intable' way' thl : matiofi I , � . �Ibyl .. '. . . � . . . ... ..
I a trilling one for the United Staties to ciated by fartners especially as Mr. I 1 spring there seemed to be no 'sure swelling of his band an*d when 'he set Ont. I. 71 . . . , . ....... . . I . .
make, as com i b president *he is always. able to give auto! . for. the lovely* daugbter of the his.- . . : . ... .� . Tedford Flow, gang rePaIrs, .1 . . I � . � . � . I .
. Pared.wikh thesubsidies Jervis a o liged to purchase another., nets on the ice -iii, the SoVing, one . , Niller and. Tedford Plow . . Fleury No. la 1�j 10, 21
. . . .1 I . . . .
. . an, address. Rev. Mr� Anderson house. Hat face in her easket; looked day I I . . . . I . � .
: we vote at: Ottawa, Yet, the proposal Mr. Russell Forreater- sacF Miss E . he with ciiheri lost them. They : . .1. I . . I I I . Sylvester I -To. 7 - . - I
. . - thanked the president and ladies pres-- �ollower-like,.that we truly thought it went out with the icei On,14th.,M,%y he .. - . . . i . 11 Tedford No. 8 - . . - Hill,$ Patent, Old N6.1$ . .. . I .
aroused a storin not only in Congress Blake were most,welcome guests - of eat in it manneo as solemn as *if lie was sad that so lovely a maiden- sh6uld was hi To cuie a cold Jn* one (Jay Wilkinson No. 7 and 21: and 2;farr6w Plow., , .. . .. . . I � . * 11
Mr. and Mrs. R., Grigg of �Oth con'. .: , . ]Ping to unload a schooner. At - I., I I . I . I � I . 1. . : .. . .. I I . . .
but throug4out.,thb ciountry' and the Aivits attendibg the Feas6 of Pentecost, be taken away from her, -happy ho'mei 11P. rn-� Mr. Patterson thought that. 1. Take Laxative Biomo Qui , . . . I i . : I I . . . I
I . . .
. I .. I
. . . I .
effort 19notniniouslyfailect. , '. . , . Mr. Alex - Oox iind sonw ire busypre- whielt he bad been describing, for Miss Elliott had reached the age Of 17 the steam shovel had done working. lets. All druggists.. !nirier tat) $ , . SIEELEY A.'TURNER ''' :� - . -- -,' .
I p%Lri'ng thecellar�for. their new bain on theii beautiful and timely gift is he . refund th�'morgey . I . ''I
! � Years arid 2.,.tbos'. -in Walkerton she ing for the, night and he prep Goo . 1. . � I . . . . . . . I - .1 . . . ..
.We appoint;:cominiRsious 't6. inquire ,the'7t;h colt. They are 'hustlers'.. for said- if they ever bappened to examine became- a: member of the Epworth go home, ate ' aied . to if it fail$ -to. card. 25c. E. W., . I ves ; , , � . I
. . into elactions and employ offi* * I ' ng. - - . � .. , .. . � pping over one of the siggistute is on each b x . I I . TedfordIg old. St;§, '. ' , . . I . .. �. .
I 0 ., . . � - � Ratte,alit I
. 014 s, to IMProvi � . I the one that had Acme duty for tfiir- League, of v�blch.,;Society she - was a r . . I . not . I xr;� Street I ::
.. I . go,pfespeoriftected with the stekin shovel. . .1 I . � . . $ . . .. . . o . I . . . .
. , I . . . I .
. . Prosecute. the man who tak�ea u'glcillar, ,. Xe6sps. John Hpolie and Peter Cant- teen years th6y would be surov to.think diligent And much beloved Worker. . tdriately that instarif I .. ..... I 1". . I , I 1. 14611%, ,%,AW-44'..%W-%,.%�.%W,%146��-%wft. . . � I
. I � the.�bovbl I � . . ; . I . . I . . lobwl%� I . . . .
elon-are improving. the looks 6 She Wits a gieat; lever of' sacred music � . . 1, I. . I "I . � I. I 1. . . . 1%1 -1%1 -,%W,% -,%W,%.,%.,% -,%.-,%..W , , . .
. . . I . . I � . .
. .
fot his vote. Let us it the same - f their that- he teally requited 'anew ',one. wag in motion again and tlie'unf6rtunu. I , � .. . . .1 . . , .. � I I . . �.
inquire as to the' destination' of time farms by adding witie fentes. , . . . - When I looked at my gown,"be said and. with her last, breath sang 11 I'm ate man found himself astride and at . � . ' i ! I . ; .� � � . 7 I I , " I .
. . . . . � . I I . . . .. . ..
I . .. �
. . smilingly, 11 I have often w6undered if going home.". - She also was a membor. the mercy of ,the rope, . which throw . 1 ,000000000eeoeoix - .
.the , ,
. .The many friend . ome 9 . . I . I .
. .9 of'Mr. Rill. 'Elliott Wele, T ' , .1 I .. I ;
money which Parliament is . I ,esticulations in th6 pulpit were so of the Goderich R, L, Lovely, floral him several feet up and than failing 6 , � . I . . . .
� Toting so. are glad to see how - beg's improving. toy g � . . I .
. lavishly and.withOub visible cause.. - He had a Gevere cold and great and'frequent that my robe stiffer- tributes 'covered. the caikiet. - Anion I .1 1 46 1 .
� inflammation 9 among the wheat arid - his :injury -- is 0 . 0
.. I . I � I . I *
� 'Due of th -one of his eyes' but by care- ad thereby.'7 He - also said that the the many from relatives and frieuds so grea6 that surgical'skill, 'miits, of no � , , � .1 . , . 0, . : 1. .
.a !most flagrant of the sub- settledIn ' ' . . . I I I . , I 0, . , I S . � J I * , .
. , if), , arge lovely pillow from avldh hi body. being so - severely'in. . I I � . . � 1,
. was the grant of . . . 11y) 0 1 -factory Aid of beantiful' gred� is . I ,
' 1ul. nut -sing and meaical atteqdaited he E113� f the remark made.to his fatiher� the- . .
t . sidy jobs , 1 $48,006 entation of the now robe reminded were ; A I . . J.A . : "I
a little sixteen Ile 1 13 -� . � I . . organ h The funeral- took � place; from . T I . � - . 1, , . I T .
is gaini g itipidly'. is I � JACKSO S I EAT'. �,�
- . .11 .. .1 . I . X � .
I.. . . � I . . .
'the town of Aurora and the village of, .r. Allie Gardner and sister Sad!& Otta*w.cong-regation. by one '6f Its. white roses front the 90worth, League James Anderson* 'officiated 'at house. . . . I. . :, . 00000 . a I 1. , 1. . . . 11 I . . . � � . .t .� . I . . : .. . . I � . . .
In .railroad between . M I in-lawaiter preAchink a sermon to an whi, at, Tesidence On* Sunday, Rev. � welcom, .. GR r�' .1 , -
. . to roses and &'loyely wreath of . . 111() I a � ,� :
I * spent Subda I '. . �. 4060 0 , . . I . I . . . . I . . . .
, , . .
Shomberg. :'Was`Ometimes hear sub* y with friends in C61botne. meagibers, the man ha,ving no.Idea, that of North street church. Rev.,Jaspar and grave, - The pallbearers, were . , � . � 1. . ", . �� W . ; . . . . .. � I . I 111. 0 . . 1.
. � � . 77ING''GOES ON. - - *'
; , � . . .. OF CLOT I
sidies defended an tb ; I I . I . . . I . � .
. Miss Emily Proctor is now YWting he hiid relatives in the city, and .here Wilson officiated at house and grave; Messrs. Alex. LTohqston,T, Fitsimmons : *, * .., ', . I 1. � I. . it ... r .
� � .0 I . L � . . . . . . . . �
� a ,ground that .friends in Whitechurch, 1. . is the temark, " That -was a Very fine Thapallbearers all were members, John: Macd n, Ribbara .. '. . �, . 11 - L . . 0 � ,. � I. .. . I r . � � .. 0 . .1 . I. I
. . they open up, new territory, but'thli Misq Vran6la Oakes returned home oil serm6rithat young man made but his North' btreet ; EpwQrth of I onald, MeNevii . Thi6 week' 'we , i�. . i'cornmence to slaughte ' * �
. . 1, .; -
I . . , . League : ' Baxter and' Captain Malcom Macolon. . Evervb elcome to- : I . .1 . I. � .; . I
railroad runs through a Thursday' aftera.week's., visit with earance is greatly agaii,st, 'hirxi,11 Messrs. Benson and Spencer duest, ald. -The rno' . . .. , .ody is I IV " I ' . , . . .. . � . . �. I ... �. . . �, I � .
I � urners.from 4 di' . I . . � . .. I I .. . . ..
. . - . 0 old settled frkkncls'in Hlubbe$Villeo " . ' . 1191p stance 06me.and tr . . I I . . � . : . . ..- . � I : . ,
disi;rl t reiteration of which by'tbe pastor Will Robidson, T. .McGillicuddy "(W6 were p chi y the Ne* Groc4y : t
I ct within M .At haid Butter rica. . .
It, of' Dublin and Mr. Archib .1 ,
about bwenty-five miles biself made much Merriment. Rev. of,Toronto,), J. 1J. Brown and Herbert ville, a biotherof Mrs. Patterson, Mrs, and I I am sure you' ,vi 'OVERCORTS, SORTS ,'aliff, Vt . ' -
. . Mr.*Tom Burrows of Goderidh and hi ,of P * ,
of the city of Toronto. The road is Miss Laura Wilson visited the latteela. Mr.. Anderson said,that, wiW his new Davidson. The r6mAins were interred Mul ril-lbe o:t I � . .STS .: and PUTS : , I
9 I I . � aid 0 .. � 1 � I . . . . . I . . . I . . . .
� _ - controlled by an electric rallwak cow. cousin in Holmesville last Weak, . robe he hoped -that instead of lin,vitig in Maitland cameter Forbes of Dublin,'olster and tie isfied for our goods are fj ' " . . : , ,. I
I . . I Y. . . phew of - I., . esh' : : - � . . . ,.1. I I I . � I
PanY that runs oat from. Toronto . in thirteen ,years outlived 'here the ,Mrs. R. Hawley, her son, Mr. John tlie'lieroaved wife. The funeral coo. and ourprices are riAt. * '. 0 . .. We have a tremendo s --sto .. . . . I 0'' .
I . , - . ood that 4 eiergyman. should .do that -and Mr%Tom.Hawley opened tege was very"large to Maitland cem. - . , ,0- , . 0 - - I '.
is to be operated as a; branch of its , , surirle I L .. I Hanley, � 0 . . .. . 4 ck - . 0 .
line. No wonder some ofthe old stag. . I .. I I RHILLo . fe would.grow-in grace and in those the American a ason for'. Godericb, etery. Me, Patterson has lived. herie I have agood line of Catsup : � to sell yet Ut prices never . 0 : . �
'at 6 . . . . I I . .. . . . I 0 .. .
. , � sthat pertain to the dwellers - 61' The Eawl6y party are at preserib in almost half a-cefitury and was well that I am selling c a bottle. O' - equalled . in . � this .county I I I & I I
I � . . t .
I .
. .
ers almost baulked At the vote but they Out teacher, Mo. Rail, attended the Chn"It's kingdom and mentioning the Mrs. Bryan's cottage..We welcome known to,all. . � , . . : - I a . I I � . .. . I I .
allptintoline, - , . . � . West Rueein: Teacher's Association hold ft on the evening previciuia from the. the*Hawley family to Par toivn. onbe gibe best of the hotel Colborne has It. is ex� cellent value. . � . � � I.. . . . � . I . � . a �
- I . In Exeter labt Wednesday and . Thurs . V. E. members ofa, series ,of Andrew more, They have been here for two been bi , . I This will'be a real, Bargain Sale ., 41 .
1, . - �. . elxtlltif�ing his house by the- addi. Don't forget that I sell. Seed t It ,Will b e'' 'un- so' .
., I . � I . day, atid,cluring his absence the con- Murray's works''also pointed. touching- weeks. . . I I I tiOh Of astYlish balcony &M Romeo and . a becessary to qu�te pr.i " .. T. . . I . I . 1
The following, is from all article in ly -and limutiFully, to that standard Mrs. Dan. Melv6r has gone to, Buf- Juliet, - .. . .. I ,oes in .this 'advertisement as evei 0 I
. . . tracter utilized one of .those, days in t .. I . 11 .. I I . I Corn and Turnip Se . 0 , I ' . '
the Irish Canadian dealing w ith � the moving' the old schoolhouse to make which he-president"portro.yed as I ed also.. 9 - .
,a : �hllg will be Marked with rod tickets to show the'eat We
.. . ' th falo to join her husband. I . . Mr. Heaton of Toronto a0c(mip ' , I also intend. havin ' 0 . , : ' . �.,
-their Visit to Ridgewood 9 MY is in tend to make. .Alf We ask is for you to cothe and -inspe6t, 0 - . I ..
procrastination :of the Ross Goverw' ready the ground for the new building standard of a. Christian minister. a � Mr.Gecirge Smich ok Noble Smith his family On ,anied ' �
.1 . .
mont: - I . ivhichwillsoon he conimenced Mr.) Put On the robe to show the ladies how Bros, here'lias sold out his business at Park. He bai been fine Year away. Millet Seed in this week. � . . . . I T . . I I.
. .
� , " D. Prior of Clinton has taken th; con- beautifully it fitted him and qoIng .to Hensall andhas returned to the Store The Myles lay at Mooer's elevator an to satisfy yourself that this sale will -be one Of the I
Instances of this- policy of chronic de* tract, for the brickivork of th theoloorihanked'each one I 09IR out bere. ': . . , Monday with a cargo of 42,000 0 . - Don't forget ople that I : . 1, . I I 11 . , 0. I I . .
a new I � marked ushels . . . pe . . . . . . . . . .1
lay haVe of lite��.Iieen numerous, The shool. Me, C. Johnson bas been - an, for the tbouglit-ful aeb whk§ Mr. Allan Spatting of Toronto. spent wheat for Riabards5b's, Kingsto . . . : . . . . � . ... . . a I .� ..
Registr tiship of. . . ' - h pay cash for. Butter and Eggs. . I . . . - 0 � . . .
. �
a Huro � ,raged to dig the . dralw through the that evening by, all remembering his Victoria Day witli his family here. Ladies interested in hospital scheme Come. and see us an ' 'Sale :4 . .
. n County has f . I � . - Great
been Vacant for two years, Had there ichool,grounds. - . . 13thanniversary so becomingly, Mr. Archibald Butter, who Attended 1114 On the third Monday .in May by 1 I . I d I am : lost -and . Cheapest -
. Me, C.Beacom Ini; actor James Reid was out for a *the funeral of his brother I . . . I
And wife -visited,her d -in-law, I 14 Mistake. � . I .
not; been a demand for a Catholic apw brother, Mr. James Madrillig of Coli rive last week. r. We called upon one of them .Sure you ,*ill be more Ahan 's I 0
. A� oil Monday to . . 1. � 6, I...
I Mr. Fritiley, tonsorial aitist, has fichforajiliteetiYears. Reisagracer lady said 10 0 1 Miss S. this is -the Sth . � I I a .1 . .
PointmorittlilsoMce'would no doubt 'borne, on the, 24th. 1. 1. ,. .. 1.
. I Dan, Pitt terson, has not been in Gode- ask the reason. The. SatiSfiec That evei, has -taken place.� in this county. We. would *
. to , , . , . .
have been long sibeefilie Miss M.A. Watkins of the Base ,me. had his parlors papered with such'at- �in Prie,6(vil a in South Grey And keeps a Monday in 'May, The meeting Was . . . , : , . urge our friendg from the' country to colne in I .. . . ..
d by same left last week to visit her sister, Mrs. tractive paper that he will possibly our , I feed store also lie is A fine held on the fourth Monday, last Mon. , I I 0 , �
T h -M,KiltyofDelbi. � - draw all the aesthetic custom In town, looking specimen of ' dayalright. Ofcourse,we.wa , Oil Satu I $I, : .
good Scotch P ,esbyterian enchmattof G . rday bringibgin theirboy'
Mr. Ross. an enterprising ited for OR.. Be RATHWILL i - 1 . . . - . . I .
J�utj as usual, reluctance to Mr. 0. Lowery vksited his brother of 51,15.JoUn Biggart. accompanipd by business nian. and we believe much the 4th Monday 86 Vre found out the .0, .. , �, I ,. . I - . . 0 .
lipt-daugliter,bvirs, Stinson, and little respected in the village 11 � ' HILL'S OLO STAND I I .
place a Catholtaln*a good berth, even Dungannon FividaV. . .1 I 1XI which he fore cling. . Phone 63 r . � . : .
son John of Bayfield, drove up front lives, a regret to learn that 3fes, E, : .. I .
where the claims of Catholics for. , Misses Jane andPearl Wright visited . wt , 0 I � . .
riend,j on the Base Line last Bayfleld on Wednesday everting. to the Mo. Henry Moorish and family hav . e Campaign is laid Up with a severe - . -- � I I . . .0 I .. T* . jACKSON's' �' . . I
recognition are undeniable, ,hits result,. week. residence of Me, and Mrs. Charlie . . I � -MM"W" 6 . . I I . . : � �
Mr. Bulger and *daughter of.Seafoipth attack of' Inflammatory ]rheumatism 0 .. . I .
. cainpokponeknebt. The Catholic olec. visited kb Me, N. Birighttat's on St 8 I . returned froth attending the Westfield . after an attack I . . .
. inday, olmons, Mrs, Symons being the sister , W' , siless000set*0000000000,*:
M adding.' I I I . of I& fFiPPa, We sytit, , . .
vs. Jjfggart. - . % . t �
tore of Huron have given. a . niform Air. Vice, a stude � . . � . . I Pathize very much w th Mrs. and ? ,98 . .
U tit from Huron . . M, 1 . , I I I I I .1. I . � I I .. .
rm eause formany College, Londoti, preached in St- ppt. I . 4 6 I 1 ----7 . I .. ,,.,�-,! .. ! . � I
. . I
. Mr. 3oho Falconer, Bayfleldi I of the took place froin the, residence of me, � . . . 4 .
support to the Rafo The funeral of the late Alt, A, Bogia C&Iripaign, . . Combe" s
� . Pe,s chureh,Sanday.- We understand gow3mmentsoirvoyboat Bayfield met, Bryolges on Sunday, Mr. Bogia Menesetung Park. will be under new . I . . . ,. .1 - I I . . .
years,,yet the only bffice I t that toun. that Ate, Rodgens, is the clergyman.. on Monday week with quite a sepioils was management this season. we learn. . . . . .. - . I I � � . I
ich bit. ' sp eling satisil. I . ' I URNITURE, . I
ty held by an Irish Catholic Is that of who is to be stationed In- thi accident which might Probably I .well known in Colbornei where he has I
arish. 'ninare a resided. Not fe Visiting Bros."s cordially invited to- MOVINO . FINE. F*
Jailor, to whi 6riffin was ap. . We extend to him a heapty weleorno. WaY,4 than one have proved fatal. 'The ad attend the special sermon which is, t6 Baking. Powder. I ,�
- alwl1a growth which appeated tb be be preached on Sunday a. in. next for - . . , .
pointed in 1801 ,*vtrs.Geo. Farquhar visited at Mrs. ,rie, baving ]not inercla . .
. With Very good rea. 1. Drownlee's Monday. Dayffeld wa,.4 in Lake 10 (111112 . . . . * - * . * * , I
. I sing "Port Ilia Person he Yisited the C. O. F., the 22nd anniversary of is ma r mrof 11 ' .
I orse and o4t Sandusky, taking. soqtiding�j it Toront() ar"I'wots told that he must formation of their order, at Victoria de of pu. e Orm ouse cleaning time Isab band,
I son t6 Catholic appointment to thd Mr.G, Hill bought another It Afloat tieing somewher(i In their vicin. underg* an operation bub he came street church, .
. Aegiatrarship was demanded when it Mr. J. W, Hill sold one to Me. Archl- Icy, while it, new lighthouse is fo be . Our Atick is complete in every
'ved over built At some uproachli,ble voint near operated u on. He then made up his ,something now in the line, of the, V or quality our goods are
becamovacant, in 18W, I I hald of Seafoftb, He recel back to Goderich vicit willing to be Tartar and. is guaranteed and you will, no doubt, require - I line
. - $200 for the Animal. 16 littys to keep by, it was r. ralconee's duty to -- - - I . 11 . . to b . � . beat and for ,price the i
good horses. ;W-1 � � - � . . I . ! . . .
. . I
anporary down the streat way and remained in town at the resi. . . Price 25c per lb. . � In BJWROOU SUITS we 'have .
Our conttt throw out the buoy and till being in rnind that; go must be treated in some e absolutely pure, Furniture. ' � cheapest. . I
Mr. Thomas Archer had a bee haggl� readinessliedid so but unfortunately denceofAIr. Brydges that Ile ,night b . . I � .. . . I . . . . I . � some spatial snaps to offer.
says that �Conwarvativas have advised "n Manure last Monday, I Ito bad bia righti foot, tit) tind the loop (if better Attended to than ab his atignee No'Triffing I
. that the heW.postoMce be built upon Of ere retto have to record the death file fine encircled his foot and draw When ab last lie wished f(* s�ur . I I . . I . . Do not fail to see them,
property Owned,, Or supposed to be, by Mr. lohn Lovett, Wednerday At 6 a, it up to the odge of the boat where gical . OFINTEREST . . � .. . 1. .
at the residen the weighG of the,inchor Wan upon it aid he was too weak.to lie- operated . . . . re Deal8rg ndertakers 11
. the'sittiag in ce of his booth ,: UPOn so) that bho With thO MON88. TO SMOKERS B FOOD ' and U
-ember's fathet. " ,,,,,,t er-in- 4 hb be . . ROADFOOTo, BOX & C0.9
I A181some G. A. Tyner of . The trutil the engineor shub off all stearn, V t t a An. ,Wl1,6J% YOU C,L,n!t sleep at -nightit itnd � . in order . to due � . . . . . I . . I I
of our citizens Are 4 little carious to had bee all' nt a When they reached Goderlch,Mr. Fal. licipsy that Ills trouble was it) , reality rO 0 our � I
,A�v removed. 'it Was fv6nd Alto
d - a (.t at� ,rd n in for .%be . I
know to.hat, it any, ConservAtlyos are year bub wits not confinlel to the house. Coner was driven to the home of his cancer. Ilia noice, Miss J30gie, lald a Oils in inlidry lbilthic for daybreak to. large stock of 100 Cigars . I � J. W. 4012idle,)r., N I anaxer I
advisingtho) representative to ouch 4 until last, December. He was the sister, Mrs, Charlie Syrrions, wherp, he hitnolso 00tAt, do not Yield to the tortiptation
=ertieriarycoupse, perhaps t se 'nX, the In,jurod of the valley and carnations gg to use morphine, cocaine or other opl- ofTering for one Funeral Director, Jr. W. Chidloy, Xing street, -opposite jolindry., I I I .
cotid son of the late Chas. Lovett ,jpent all last week nuesi tne, anchor of white roses, Miles I Night and Sunday calls answered ab residence of our I
he genial and. was industrious, strictiv, honest ankle which was very badly lirdised, Pon Ilia AL TheY OnlY hasten deday. we are
Writer will inform them through h'Is casket. Revs. nd tmt reason rule, Get right dowid to I ,
I arid conscientious and thead 4palibles, bliss Falconer, 0 - well all favora, I the fo Iveek . ftimm I I I I I I I 111111 . . , -- , .." I
'S 8 Up the system b3r using Dr. Chaile,g . . -- 1 � *
00111111118- We hope" that his 11 As far together with his genial die osition, known to out"Citize"s And o an JAAPftr Wilson officiated at house arid undation of the trouble and build
I )n for him the . the most of her time with, It r stunt, is . rave. The pallbettreps, were Messrs. � . -M-"1"-ft--
reagect; o a larl . Knox J W ]at wervol Feed.
99 circumstances will Allow), ignot in. wf F, .1 zolges, John An. Bostons in boxes of5o at moo `
circle Of friOnds, His unpral will ta a ts aug . I
place af,2,30olalook on Friday after. , ark, The Best' ire ence is the Page,
t , 'a lif d hter� 0 tive fir In pill forn, 1tosebory'A 11 80 at $9.76' Ir
t011ded a . 9 a loophole clause. drOW", V * 01 ' 4'. Maxwell and knol contains the very elements of na-
il Mr. Switzer of Clinton or vidnity Hardy of Colborne. The deceased tUreF Which go to f6riii ndw red cor- galisburys ,11 4 150 at $0.00 .
. �"-!,��T----'�! , noon to Clinton cemetery, has purchased the bous-3 at present gentleman wits a brother of Ca tain Pub@ox In the blood tud oroatd n6w. . . 1%WftWftW001%1-1%Wq1W
.- -- ---------!V led by the Misses Dark (In Vic. Andrew Rogio, Ashlleld� and, o the herV6 tolls, . .
I � I
00DERIC VV I , ol�ciitlto street. The Aliases Dar r . . There are few fence users in 'Canada and the t1nited States Who b I i �
, �
. .a TO Swam for, k will late Captain James Bogle, sa well it Is worth while t6 remember that . I . . new Aver bob . , �
OAR991M AND CHARACTIMR, remove to the large handsome' house known to, our marines hari), j3L%foje Dr. Chaxt's Xdtvo Pood to not rd of Page, fencing. There h in the neighborhood of 00,000 Iniles of it in use "' J
1 .
i I I I
( I
e I
. medicine, but the gre,Lt a patont , He 8, COMSEv on the farms and railroads of the two Countriee. It is eVerYwhAro 11OW accept. �
864ttk, Webster and Miss S. OV ABItAiIAM LINCOLN, on thO Writer of Victoria, and St, lie dip.d on Sittin day Mr. Bogle i1st Prexer[ption .
8vilrl;ter of Ashfleld t0wt1shlP visited .� . David streets, the poo.pertv of Mi th IoVely, touching sang of Dr. A, W. ChAitt., author of the Ian%. ad as a standard Article of the besb quMity. The seeret of our great sucepsa in
. as ill hymn 1, There'll Ogrs Ohemist, and Druggist, its manufap
the latftlf's brother, Nit. Thog.. Web. An address by Joseph Choate Am Dark, at, Presont, occupied by Air. and be r,o inove 8r)rrqW there.,, . tecelpt book. . . ,ture is not, wholly owing to file fact that we have pushed hard and
star of the 0 W. c0h., last we0k, bassador to Great l3ritain, Z tho'* Mrs' flodgens' of Clinton. 13r� cha.se'll Xorve Vood Is An up -t6- � I I . . I .. .. � �. I -0 I � '!" 11 long for its Introduction to the publid but largely owing to the fence bein ftlade - .
. 1)e&th has been very buar the past data, 861pritiflo pr6paratton, wwoh has . , - Oil correct Ptineitiles, which are fat, In advance ()f anything, in .this line , f
I Mrs- Joilin T)OMPSOY is spending & career and character of Abraham Mi', 30sePh Whit-elY has purchased week. On Victoria Day, at file home proven itself to be speelfic for jg1l Ift %le Ore
�Ob_ or. �oiaok # Cotto Itoot Coinpotat thoughb of, and to the fact that we use material in the fence twice as good as Is
8�16 of weeks with her dau nov, Lineoln-his ea0y', lifo-his early Atrug. from Mr. Charlie cral b OfSeafoilth the ofMt1.11oborbJohnston,Ba e"9091 It Cannot fall, It Used tit Put in any other, Everyflorizontal wirois coiled into ap
. T.J, Webster of 0awa. Iles with the world -his character as lot he owned on Picto) CAU96 it Aetuilly tt- Au! 61allyttsoc fawithly, �erfeeb spring Its entire
I length, buf; that colling is not Clio whole tiling. It would be usole
'Ills 13011, build 6,001A410s. 806,6906toal. lAd 66 ask
. " street, town. 0 , . ovat
f his niothor-in-law, Mrs. I PerAlstendr, bb deg b�
nosh, hear Dungannon. w5res'Dempsey ( eveloped in the later years of his lift, I M118, W, Grnen and children Arrived. who was sp6a 11 And rovitalket the Wasted il"t 0
f%ebottipittliedhern)aud Want On to Mid his ftolminist,ration, which plaeed ft0fli Detroit About two Weeks ago and ding the day with bee 'fl"ve$f 'It Is 6XV60110 ,V readiftnitended ori?j t d J80 forZosk,t Coon" as to Coll a.
ft�ft common Ateel wire, as the coil would straighten out with the first, strain and
N his ".�. . hy, I I T. -11 0".d Alt,, ,I,r,uu,,. A all mixturd, pim Ila LKIC I
LueknoW for the t1l. dAtiFtIlte* Who WAS' Ill, while Sitting � for Ills bgniill[A,� #A *,AA,,h*, U-6,... .J� StAYSO, So we havo made specially forus at the Page Wit- a -A ,
G Is A 041 1, 6 wotl
Mrs. Otter W118tin Ive ate 811d to honor and famt. has beon T
War !Alin roving. by, the Chicago, Milwaukee &
AIN G, �;- Proctor returned home Ifnilway and may ba had by
from tuaRnow on stinday. Ail (a) Centel Irr poatago to V A
Rev. I.W� Robinacip preaebod to OfAerAl Phssenger Argent,
Voly latgd cotigtegs,t1ofi on Sr%Ad&Y`r%G lit. " I
, .
Will apond ther summer at their rest. Oil t
denee hoet.. Abprpsmt they are tho graill
0101080 Of Mrs. J. Pedford, mother qJ uve,
Mrs. W, Green, her 11
A matrinicitilal contrAO6 ]A now ex. were
Aectiod daily betweell Godotich aria arid t
eaforth, tome
,V. .. .
Id died -suddenly 61 boArb fail-.
a only was noticed to lifb up
anti Was gond. Ilolo remains
an to bar home at Durtga,nnon
interment took place in the
P therar,
. I 41 -*44" , .4,$
UCUL" V6 nom ar All deAlerap Or by A210
on.pre Obigme1j;L
NOa 2-".1&0
rV; r 0 die
issilortgaftolangorotis. ArrU16 0. 1.413dr
r,%1X*.%,16d.0 68,Atrong6r,R1)efb0X,X6.
I 2,wiliddeilrea6l t Of pilee Aftit twomeolat
I I The 060k M tWilidg6p Oidit.
.. lftdwl 911d m 1116IL444404
a aD 5" In 0 6
No. I and No. 2 Aoild fit 011tibm byWo,ttl & 00
Z 110're'r, Rt 11, 00thbo md S. isekson,
ribe P j�@�"�---hi "' -��- , 44 , ' CC ^E111 Ab I
880 e a a ft 0 a ping 8t,j 01 �11`a- Others claim
a 11 & bar a e as R as 0 go but f� 111 fair inforior. .
a on 0 ago 6 a co e � 119111psof qoderieb, 'StAnley
il , 0 y I q �a
I lit
bolbM h b� � �
! � d feel wl , )o .
ltig"� t f r the li, it V t�h *
a a - 'f I I'll tow
volhorno ill 88
W it % I it and Tuaramir so far tbi eason I have sold M rods 0 I
r auto Abd I will Call oil yout
r4Lrr A XLEY0 . -e�
. Wit 0 JW A%- I - Holmesville. P.O. . *�
4 f V *