HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-30, Page 2.4lill. - - 71
DOMINION PARLIAMENT At A o'clock Thu'rodgy afternoon his MUKETS OF THE WORLD MUTUr KING EDWAD11 IN DANtIrR The Nows THE "ILLOP (,,J.F1%PA"y JNJV Power PrintinX House ceeded tottb3 Chamber 014 the I INSURA. 0 0, Notes- of, the proeileafts in 09 �A-Itz Form an4 1solitted, Town Property callatuslA House of Common& In tW- Parks.tviont Building CALM% Chem, 00414,
AXMT jSTUM, CLINTON. only Insured. , a., 4,44 to* $A $11te Loadig Mliftsts. """ hI4 seat UP04 tb� tbrolue. The mom.
OFFICERS Shamrock 11. Dismasted While His , . bori of tb3 R,aite being -prose,14 and
oir 0vilwasuvtow-41,00 per year In XcLen,Prisidpo Rippen P. 0. ; Thos. IDEMINIS LETTER, thVlmembr% ut tb�D.Hauso TIM VERY LAMT FROX
*4v% be obargealt not go paid Azer, Vice. roililent; 6rucogeld A 0*11 A, _ct Cam_ Torloatq, May'. 28i._Wboat The
H V I " Majoesty Was on Board., On otion to go into spply Mr. nitan'I 014VIUR Wall summoned to tbt�. Wheat 011orket wa quiet to ALL THE WORLD OVER.
ad until all4rrearagesk gt' " T -i", r of the soata, big k�,Xcelleaoy little aballage, In Pr -day, with
WO Paid, Union At the option of3bepublisher. Mito"o, I I Wilgau. Lennox, IdWeN MtteAtIOU to A 4, 0. � w it . I The d4to to, which every subscription As paid DIRECTORS; p�lleased 0 ro too N ndIV- 0- Aroadtoott, 0eaforth, ohn Grieve# lotter by Mr. Charlog A. Devlin, I rogue the firat session, 114dellotm 'A despatch from Southampton gays: Oth3 Oth parliament of the Do Minion kreki said to T411ler4 at 60o, on a utoroathilt [tot"; About Ouir Own
4 oil the lob Ocallorth; John 4oVMVIS 1 ol. WInthrouGooe 1) "%Vatt, 214 the titute, 0 the Accident, and migration Agent in Ireland, printed Olt 0-jetaa witthlbt� following ;peech; fTeli'911t, and It Is quoted at 07, 1-3
IXG Bradba bWwIi;g occasionally in etr
RATEo.-Tratialent; advertise- 141411111 -look , ohn gu ; James -,Xho ancAt dramatic Incident 14 the 14 the NoPtroal Herald, 14 vrlo the Han. g"AtIlenit, couatrv, Great OrItabi, the United aa!�Beechwo lonitio y, Clinton u o(i! the Senate, 804- to 68o, ralld 10 coots, per nonpArlolline to)? first "Ila oLoall, Il,ippoll ad; Jairl history of the AmelioWs cap Ocor. e guts, but thare waa nothing I� 41a ftolght to Montreal. States, and All Parts of the Glob
w$ght Olt it t militex hVirlibly criticized members of goose, 67.1-2 to W C0110111404 A04 AsSortoil for Vpsy�
Manion Of the House of Commons a threateni disaster. relieving yoafrom, furth.,ratteud.
1114"Work And 3 cents per ling for each oubse. -AQFNTS red to -day, when a su4deA lsitutill oil be Hou�s, Mr. WII§Q.a submitted ance In on low, xato queot Wortion., Small Advertisements net Robt Smith, Harlock; Reber McMillan Sea XING EIAVARDIS 'DANGER, t
forth -Xames Cummings, ftmonavAlo; , desire o thAnk to NW. Yo.irk; spring, 70 to 710 east Readkig. to oxceed one Inob,suob ao "Loot," yoo, ft;lmesvilIQ V, 0. W the Solent rOnapletely wreolre,4 the that if Mr. DeVILU hR4 the rio 4nertod oncefor400ealls And The ti.w* ladies on board hd! a ve fit to You for till? U&SUitity nad goal with, Mauttob wheat is. f1rul, with No. Vartividesirinvi to effect JuRuranco Or tran" laarroiv emapew The f1rat, words ir .4
new, Qhall*ngor And endangered the 11,11 0srItIolzo members of the House, eyory you b"'s acHRIde'rect the many AW, 92 . 1-20; Xuatreal h
each 4ultsequ, Mot othek busisma will be promptly Mtendo.d life, of King 141i r loot Itwortieta 10 couts, le urtt" He eg t, dvor0soments, without specWo 41rootions. will to 00 11 lication to Auy of the Above 9111cors d1vard and several dig. King swbd were, "Is anyon civil eirvalat iU thol cauntiry bad the I'mPOrtunt liubj'cts that have beel� No. 2 haxid, 090 and no, g hard, B A now theatre way W built At
addressm to their respective p9softloop displayed great Presence of nagd. Illi 00 Hamilton. be Inserted until forbid and charged , accord tIuishold pexaong, game brought before lyou, 'Cho yach first Illotilan after the, ,debris of the 24TH AS Al unchanged. Mran, Tile prtv,tito subscriptions to C t ta were to. be (wrck had olp o Mr. 0 It 1hats bee pleasing to na a AV . 1:44ngular can ared Away was to 0(waA-DI4 be tell the truth I to that in car lots, #I$ West, And, shorts, 01� Beirnfor's Polar expedition mount to
adeements onpagoolt JOHN T. EMMERTON rise similar to one of sond a. tolegram, o Queen Aloxan Mr. Wilson -No, lair; he Old not tell the act makIng. tho 24th day of May we ,dra for P4908 I And , 8 on Monday to ensure ohs e TAR LEADING 11ARUR the AmerloWa Ou, series, Tb entrance i;?ayl4Ig Out he wAs aafc,- the 4atti. a legal holi:day has M1111 wllth such Cowln�Mttrket '14 quiet, with C4 og I a - . 4a- The cOug"Us will likely Billow GucIP p
Into the race, of the tya i0ij Inesinbers, of the Ro,yat,l Mrty 'rho time, Mr. Wilson al Approval, evincling As it does dlap. yellow, 41 I -Sq; and far following issue. Also Agent for wl Sybarite, 4mro oteated co deck, close to the flAid* W49*00 oner mixed, 410 POPUlal;16A to bo, 11,7111*. It was 19,537
following table shoWe STANDARD 141 V INSTJRANCE COMPANY about 99 feet over all, placed the cap- 0. Aersire to PAY a arthy triltute to 14 4911 The'Xing was swI short to gleal the subject now,, the Insmory of a, Sovereign -%vho waF4 West, OA toack thee, 47 1-2o.. 1 A baxich of tbe,alo,ago, tin goods Oar rates for spe,pilled Poll and $Pace;. Head Office foc4uada, Montreal. tailus Of the two f8haanrookA under the ling keen plals4re, watching the flight I but lie would bring it up next so$- i�od.ear t r sabj2ots- Theastablisli- awket i$ with f4ototy is to, be eatabligbe4 at Point
ADVRIt"OlSo a-0921 , I at be Ryle --Tho an quiet,
Insu k1noo In'forcot, %10,000,0 neoemity of driving their lboato at full -which Captain Sycamore was 1114k- Vc7
A 5rr. 6 go. 9 go., X Md' t itent6in Canada, Alan, to k1how that either the.repprt. WPnt of a branch af tWf Royal In
speed in order to make any creditable !lag far th�, advanLago at the start. ut Priam lstlictdT at 59, to 51c middl'o Edward, Ont, 00 $a 60 9.stab1*qhedJ825q The old reliable and favortle column .... 470 00 vo go The yacht was racing, alongside At zi� of. the Xntarlor Department, or the 'in Canada linakeisl a Il parto,re frelghtd, The Halifax gaIlriao regimout is up in our monetarysystem, and fivgratl� jBackwboat 0 st oin'ttl showing, And Promised King Ei dward I i�rml,dab�e angle, and the loping staLeMenta of Mi. Devlin were lncQr- -MATkolt dull at 530 east, to full strengt, 000 ,o
001111aft ..... ... 4000 2000 U 00 000 _Rvviov Stalths bolok. apposit P9 .
tin opportuat tha pride Of thio people ovl� CQ14pnil . 6A , (yig to orults having
2590 15,00 $00 250 ity of witnessing tit ldlmk, with. a, mar fringe 09 rail, xo4t, For the present be would only deatclug it doe been recived. pir And 5to middle fireights. I$ 00 io 00 AlARTteAt race, Of the series. There was iseemed rather parilo a. plae for I p the inereas! Peaa-xafrkot is firm, with pales HOn. William Mulook esay tbat.M;� Dorllalg letter was un. wealth, and prot3peity of the P expects reo,
...... I 000 Boo some delay in establishing a stuxting 'accommodation Of 1111P Visitors. west at M and valoddi, Er , lits, At turn to Canada team Aug . lie aOout
As tliq wweckuge owept �the dealt I -op. a eig tra 4&*Sveolal position fro, in 25 to 60 per cent extra, ,t fair And untruthful. 06 August 20th. TIMFZ TABLIS. line., The wind freabened con iderabl W, J. MITCHELti, was moit-44to t Ito one was Mr, Sifton would gay nothing far- XISIT OF TtOYALITY. Baxlely-Markot rules quiet; No, Win
nots, or two ae the.for the present, jiv.in to )repeat -1 am, 1glad to qb%,-,rve tb�- Jatoreat nipog !a to have a harse show proprietor. Tral and blow tWalvo to thlirtem.1 Jc linjuined. Vtal. =11m. t, t sold at W lake parts -, and at 44 the Duke and Duotoss of Carla� Editor And Its will arrive at and depart from Clinton with the, pr p t of mag i h rat In so, ma,ay oliti,e-s and tow 8 extra, 4.1c, wall visit tbe, west.
Station As follima M iso nLf cent rc- to bet very grave. him statement of the other S. 0111 Its middle. freLghts t*45o w
BUFrALO AND 99DERICH DIVISION. Ink- � Ring Edward, desiring to take Afost 3 forward day !s. sup� throughout Canada in the a-ppi-oaoli- middle fxafght4. BANX6 Goln -4 anare, actve Part *in the pr6c ply, that he would see to it that no Wg visit at thi I)ike.And Duoh,:-ss, of Oat Lord Mlat9k an(
,FM tExpress , . eedingsl went -overboard. WAbin, � -five see- $-Xaxkat ruls firm, with sales . d. his suite will pay a a, In. than was pm4iiblo frod eomi-official visit to the Maritime m the deal; Of on& at tbe (V'isusiter th $lia=(roolc 1, official in hill dvatrtment would York., It affords an assurance that of No. I white, at 33a west. and No. Prlil
Mixed 2:m P, . tile 1,)rbn, waQ taken on board 4:16 P.. in, the boria around to iender pas,!t9tanoe, th-L-Y Kill receive a hearty welcome. at 31 1-2- tol 82c'went. as next month.
001�9)�qstMixed 10:15 a. in, ch llenger Accom r transgress, in that, way again. x anieIl by.Si Thom� When she (in turn was CL:%uoht by. the TRADE wi ri*ANo-F., demand is A man has beanairrestod In Milwau- L-pton. STIMATES. prices firm; 90 per cent. Patent uj� kep who, is beli3vad to
THE MOLSONSIANK 06 32:65 P. in. �A ars THE CANAL E Flour-Tbo" fait-, and be Winton, .11 7W5 a. u. the, Y40.1its wer squal,l, and lu�x gaff and topsail sp .0ontralt. The (Mbsidy arainted for tha est4b- X`4 Oav, 0414 uz� 82.65, middle frolgi, s, wanted bar(,- for obeck-rAlsin
10:27 teir helplessly orip- The Hcqslo then went into bh f for the ;Itart 4 Squall.came . witho Incorpo (Ated by * Itshmet of a - line of steamor be- `
Act 09 Parlit went, 1806. LONDON- HURON AND BRUCE DIVISTOIlI. ut pled. Mho, Pross tg, follow,log ;tile tee on 'Aupplainontary estimates for Oveen Canada (Lad rtrance will, I am; ChOltOP, 10',i, 15 to ;Do, ruope. MataLLOba Tames cker Of Port Dover, wbo Going South Express 7.47 a the glighte-st waTtniaig, and the, bow, x4aors, nlongs.:de the. helpless caalo. patents.. V4.25. and strong bakrs, ,]tot himself at the Cam 14 :. "I": sprit Of t confident, eid materially in'develop, pbell House,
EAST Mow . ... Mixed J.15 p )to oballeagai wan carried yacibtLq, a,nd a boat NvWch was ().a, the item of 4,3 Caledonia, died of the wound'. Going North Express 10,15.1%. III. iiway fillort. 00,000. tar lmiptove� Wir aud linoreas,ing a trade, 'with HEAD OFFICE A MOSTROA.T,. Mixed P. m. t! The toxi.n. strain thus 10. ih* - vloinity and the Syboirlte sent ineat,% at Port P-nce that will prove advantageotiq unonar-ged i car An agreement has Won, reached be-
throillv'o-n to topmast proved too boat to tha lit axisweir to a Colborne, entrance Mr, ra lots, at 03,05, lit baga;
MOLSON MAcramsox, President the ap bo, )hoth 10ountrieS. 4 it t 03.75 In tween auernbors and Senators at Ot-
"VX A. Ot PATTISQN, F, R. HODGIQNS. much fait, r. It Whipped, broke a, -i- Blal:,r . ex wood;-aniall lots, �)Oo a an MiCELLIOT Glen Manager I ant, Town Ticket Agatit. - hQU 040tallo. %,cainano sent a re p!zdned, it as Intended to xtxa, 'awu to increase the i4emuJiy 'to
a.14 otf to lee.w=rd, 'carryIng mte-594,go tliat Aln board had bui3d t 0. DXCICSON, lind doubled RA T. TO P. E, I. t
Note4discounteil, Collection made. Drafts Distriob assoutTer Agent. Toronto, tho.,whole weight Of the iaoky&rd and wo laxgo projecting piers to Act Providing for a further THEI STREET Issued. Sterling and American Exchan . 64 wd feki gear av'oer tit ascal? lithaii,t injury, As quickly contain two clevalto , tile contract for
baul?htandsold, Interest allowed on depos to, a a terrible tan- as Pa3s,%113 tbo Xing iatrid the Royal rA nee )to thia pro-vitnoo *of. Prince, AccordLg to Llie return d gle. 'Almost as . the top which ad iibt been let. I.Vhe channel Yet and 1111f4rUrable weather , p receive
mast fell. the Party were: trainisterreil to the E4n, d. Island Irlem, ented Tarmerg coming in to -day at Ottawa the populatign of Centre SAVINGS.11ANX. giroat steeel mlamast, weighing over would be, 22 feet deep, And woirld al- oves from cotro- pre
-JACKSON- Ike'. x6n1sr, acco verty a -long clal.m. agains� With grain and produce, and Toronto has increased. twent.Y per cent Interest sillowed'on sums of.S1 And up W -two tons, and carrying Ispars and gear 11� 1=1 xu;pan�ed liy low Ateaer to Proceed straight to the 130anialam, and has been accepted consequently 91. S 1'� Ir sLipton, hande are nominal in. EAost since 18
FARMERS. ,we!ghing an dditionl6l, tharee or ampt-an en T 4 at.SDutb- the dealt livIthout turning. in full 'mqUafaetion fol all damag cases. One load of whLte wheat said Monsudvacc6d to farmerson their own AGENT'dit P. to LondoiI. Duiring the disoussift of the item of led The Government has passed An oi-
notes w th one or more endorsers. No morto f0ur tong, sayed for a moment, and Edwaxd Said, - arlsing . Out act the anon-fulfilm 0-t 73c, -and one load of oats at 87 1*2c, der in Council restricting --the export hamptod at gage required as security, thein by l3reat good. fortune plung 0500,000 fair the o6w Lachine canal blvnt- of the terms Of uWan ittl respect Following is the rangi of uota, of- speckld tout. td one package of
'the ed 10.15 p.m, and dTTelved in, Loutdon At look - at Montreal, Mr. Haggart ex- j� I H C. BREWER, manager, Clinton -OLINTON over side and Into the ater, M!1datight, - The King dToviel to Ma:rlr Duld be between. the tions, 25 pounda per fisherman. witli. the sound of breakingi w4 presoed- the hope Met it w Apples choice, ire nd bonuuth House, whelr� he was cheer- ind and the mainland daring th 'per 1541, 403 500 The Dounintoo, Govextiment if 1"prob-
`Xravellers to any part of the tea -ring gear' in the air. From, the ed by madea sufficient width to acconiwo� wlattler r�eatca. choice er ...... 400 $00 make a grant of $1,500 fok'the a $antall twowd awaitinj his ar'! date the class of -be pxov-ld- .- 1 13,
MPTAGGART world. should, consult the suddenness With which aft the pars Nqmoroats vessels to Chlaks, pet pair ...... 060 085 - Mqhment of a blologWal laboxa- telegrams wete old fair by the, Georgi4in ay TO THE QOMMpNER,%. 0A ......... .. 0 4,7 14 018 1�2 estali th above in reference to tickets, aA canvas ,ere ripped out of the him fTlom Empexor Wali canal.- cattlemen tory a, Georgian. Bay. . : b a n am, M,",, Blair-It'wL11, be 60 feet wide, G ctt the Hal of Cam- Rye fares, etc. challenger it looked as''though every- I the. crowned e ds* of 4 ope gi.nd ...... ... ....... 000 o ii 1-14 The, Pxesbytarlan Synod of 31
anMiling bald . bee(n. ' Itl out of.. heir others con,gratulItbing him Mr. ftaggart-.rha� is exactly the W13W,* Wheat, white -'..-00721-2fO7S upon his width,, but I would- aa -v I thank Ton ,,oat And Ottawa has. anemorialized the'
gusit. The wind, wa:,o fresh es,oa pe4 lAe..anotheir six ' for th,�tl liberal supplies ,What, red ...... ... ... ... 000. 0 72 I22 ont, .Inc4es in the-!dePtb of the mitre sill. yoti &a.v3 granteid tci�rard- 'tb,'� do- Wheat, goose x1al and Quoba� Governments'to W., JACKS'" 0sources. ...... 0681-2 069 p Ore
our Thl ac� Wheit, spring .... Q72 6721-2 PLEA POR BOBIDAYGEON.. �t , 4,f make lumbe cam g ni sanitary. Transacted. tk-n is'amply justjf!�.d'cVfflI19 to th� Peusi., ....... 000 006 Ottawal"El Mayor and.several officials 4L 06�6?0 111banking j3ufAn.esf' AGENT 00 P.. oi. DO YOU WEAR QUAGGA? HAND 13LOWN OFF.' Mr. Vr6ozaan put n a pleajo,r.the of thli -a , g rave . nue tha lasit tlW0. BarLoy ... ...... ..... :0(10 0-47. .have been served with writs to pre- -'in -ment Boycay,geon d 0 51 i_2- rept construction of a contagion dfi- prove liates Discounted. Drafts: issued. W.oh', he saiil,�waa absoltAoly nleoesw Rye ... ......... .... .. ..... 006. F- ' WAS VERY, POPU' Was Holdilig w 111117 men at the Oats . I . aaaa hospital on the xM NOVEL SEWINQ MACH11i I ' Young Van a Romb Honc ali3 Gentle ...... . ..... ...... ... 037 1�2 0381-1) e ran e site, LAR IN EUROPE Z,'vhi,�.dredgbag work Dow being Senate, .9 Bay, per ton ...... .......... 1200 la5o' Lady Minto has given 1100 to be SOME YEARS ACTO. Wpea it Exploded. ante lln the Ttv r Nvats to be, of'971. GeDtlembn of the House Of COm- Straw, per toil ...... 85o 90 rateribb A mail an 'Dl6pouits. A Paris rhysician Itag Invented a ITtlerul n 13rizea; of $2�, 015 and *10 1rom. Zoronto says,-�,A awarded -i aclAine vounds. distressing and'iminflall celdent a a -Dressed hogs ...... ...... 8 75) to the ;rsidents of -OttaNVa h, have 4seetired From. 44 oograitu-latp, �rau upon th adop- Butter, L4 lb,. 0�14 018 the best.'kept gardens aboutotheir' ling -,as �uii to'bras in -south haPPL1e 4,,o 'Mr. Arthur Blabrstj�d it ntgolit be that an tion cif atiay inijilor aul Michel, a famous PX&n6h phy- Africa -Deerskin Is %ha Fluest skin for tant measures. in. Chioke�,s, p --r pair...`.�, OUD 10 85' libses., Igo'' t_J 86 Aaa, to those naiwd and I sloiMI, ha�'Invenbed.a novol.and,most :'Croeodtle At aven-a-z -on Friiij, !iopk:niz irito,tht,,' mattw be would addItion do Do 'spring. I DO
...... .. ... .125 Willtant. A. Birteh hat i>eez awhrd�. ArI&T STimzT I CLtNalolf, US L I 1notr Le 1116" In might abaut 1 ar- :,om� to tbe, comolu%!,64 -i� deserv6d'4t- not dobt that -th" wll contribute -Egg;: per doz .... * .... ... ... 012 0 12 1- -il the Humane Society's I modal at e& umeut for. effectively , 4criat zi�r of O'Hara a ;n S� era 4v come
He was of the, opinion that to the gen I a an, nt,and vequa-and Quo ros Potatoes,'psr bag 052 040 flamlltUi for conslAotious,bravery lit 15titchbia wounds uickly -and without game years ago, tho.European. W., by Whe-h he loizt'hiz entirerright- .'lhj� 6xped.11=-A could be Met: put of the. patient. Herat perity of he Dominion, -Appbe.s, choice per, bbl. 0J' 503'' iaving Harry, Bellamy frona,drawn- -cailMng paw ip, 0- thex were filled with. a,pecu- 'AM Txeinteatnatl vote. fare 'wounds were ptitched by hand. Beef, fore quarters 4 50� 5�50 ing At St.,Mary's. Ch3y had ulivoUng off largo RAILWAY Becf, I ,r. Ind. of'skin, which; whan launpd,. bliad quarters 80.9 95o. The con ail of.`Winn1pe& hag b an and this operation waA not only some- k rack*,�ka all day. IN DISTRESSili; carease ....... . 70 800' oompletedj-he last p tSCOTT, what dA71190TO11.8 And slo;w but also do- -gare leather f a fine quality, the. or!- On t -h3 iltemof �5,000 "to REFUGEES- ip -is h,n aalcJ-'tbj!y must armati6li� and 0 . L . . . .. .1 - I L I aving'21117i It . parwwi f.n gathetring'inf Calvs, each ...... 701 go aperbaring been oldedly paiatful�' 'to' -Census Comi4sioner . t .zial bf!'Wii.ioh was, howere,;,a mystery. have -nne 'gowl-nLglit cracker, o' 110 with i*,ferejaze tb:,a Lainbs, 8 : ARRISTUR,.80LIOITOR. Etc. The -taew iAstiument` consists of A, 91-1 ..... 9 DO 100
faIlepS L . T s ul e n a sto-ia on Queen street and �yaly Cam The, Pollitugue*se Government Will 9 L L 600 AloakmaA on Wednesday. The popu- Money to Loan. or 'pincers and. of - a.case a r -'. he.leather wa , sold Ander numerous ''Mr, 11lair explain-, pl.ing lambs ..... . .4�06 0 lation will be between. 40,000 and bought cub--�of iba hu Assist Them. gzi,dynnmi ,,a that Iso tb, Mut(oix ...... ...... ... 700 03pion-Rul6tb Block CLI*TOX j1hea-th -Which cotaing a nuniIb�x Of aea, and it. was not:. dise0rOxed.till valriety'. 1. . � I . I 'L� .. . , I necesisary a 8 00 5D,000. 3rick ho6kA, or bands sburelwliai sim- Some': t.. 41a -Cal mptoy e6uits�el to draft, A� deap.%Lch',fxotm'Darba7i'isayo.-The V<,af, choice., .... ....... 1.50 'the anty of Hoche , I g al IM's a - e lapsed. that the hide. t n a ue., ce� ilat,to thoao Which c�IIS of the tC, are, frequently 'was secured from t xi�pands igh laitendini, no doubt a# 04 the Baritish rtdajoft from,th6 ARYNl-4LR1'CT'- 'i-' S'US "OtUrnS ioceived. :at Ottawa, BRYDONE aeon o 'W:AOO .68 as on the N14, MS. "W lj.�RRTSTt SOLI �of quaggas and zobxas, while even re thei col of cardboard Into thl� I - O1 d w; ii.� Txanavaal have, left Larenzo are Thodera o, an(i 9h6w.a. striking increase: of 55 1-2 per Slight prassurd Auffices to arques., R CITO tum bad burned duAin, but(,it. On the vas. ftxt� -new rGainin to' thlu Many of1he P,irtagucso mfugeog ' wit , I 'Pound s o�ll cent.: This. of 11OPUl icelands, gem�gboks,. und - otheIr African a sf I ac, �rlces unchanged, 0 -would ihilidate -a.
free these b6ok-A irom thi! sheath, and. 8- forced to o 14c, and large rolls at 12 large growth fa,l9t: itar hEnit, wA a iTakielke, House of Commons bbildiAg, Mr. Hag- b are a the faet a I in
16 -wing, t t the dis- #otarY, Public, 4c., -%y1thin one minute -between twent gairt he had hoped to see) a pro- to 141; -Poor 6 medlu�i qualities, W txict. of Mo(utreal.' a animals, supplied the demand for hiss it. ireachold - the craeker,1 which ex;- that.the local ais indequate to tie- al brouh� down to add a new lleve thellc ' ditress. it is .. probable GRIWE" BRITAIN, Ormoz-Beaver Block, CZYNTO and thirty of them can be placed on quagga" babtta: ploded in hl�. band. to 110; lareamery, boxcs,, ft i-2 tot Igo; P Ad Pounds, 181-2 to.'190. -v jivound in -such, a annor that thei Li thex trafti, thi that the arttigue-je Govornment a ke. All o' i boot, and -The affect Nstwi shooking,'Almost th2. wi-ag to.tb� Pairlitament bdilding. Bet- Rnt X 01A R
OOAIVEYkNOING �rilt ffeetivel Close Tbe reason ire ight 'hand wa' blowil cetm- r xmcomodatl - shauld. be. have to aggist, in jetting thiesz refu- gg%-TTade is fairly ctive, and The National , Council of. Women IA why.J,b�,� cause, no pal becaus leather tradeias its deo�i)flons.,rharo offer ga an session at ..London. pl;.tely. 4,ff; n:h1d a.1140 to the * mlem- y fxom Ldrlonio Marque ee.9 awn, In odorate. Quotations, it) itChip.
sit theiiir ituy.,rounAed -points only pene-- 'a.re stUl, boots sold, 'as' tho' In t should be b ou.94'. to 110, 14 caw,lots; NO..,.' mead Bartlett N'.P' Ugb'L -ens. Tho'memb.�r I J09NRIDOUT and!itot the low� firoM quagga) Vot the, demand has v.x- the r1rug uto-ire at -Jolin, C.. a .. , . 1, It - wzal i-ol-1) ueeGr, It -nil �' Cs .er laye!r her adv. leAr molrlii. Great laughter. CONVE .6f skin, Ot intages Co,�, 1,400 ONTARIO MINES' oUrpu.T., AND PROVISIONS. The YANORR, COMMISSIONER. ETC. opedea the Aupply, and, (he quaga is It, i British House, of Commoild hich. the. t they Can w Dressed hogs in-,moderite offer, and adopted . the kilug,g civil list v' tt.j�a th. is teldph5itied,foir, I e saw-ih:ti a a;ni� rate, t -wotilid. 1m,prore the first
rim Insurance, Real Estate, - beieWilly'diginfected, that 1L is no tou. I.practleally extinct, except li:t the v.,ery te House. madiig, by 24 v Money to Land. amputatioa at tha* hvrkkt joint of priops Tale''firm. Q110itai.1011S, $8.75 to
.0d Iteport Prevailed by-ilke Iturean neA $9.16 for 4W31.1 latS. P OV 8, to 49: oto b16 to zemove the= from� the sk!h af-.- Lw t aLd il0moltest parts of tha.Af- Jnevltable, r* lie sent himr to oshowX Tilt -ty, Per Cent. Increase. QGatfta a. L are �" follows:- Bacon, .98 i thdVin- Ma. Tatte, sa,� r LcjiDns firm. irr the. wound U cYhGc�pltal, here DrI. PI;Jert,- ho wholB qupsllop during the recess, The Brit !Ali,. postal authorities will
OPPICE-11URON STRE1 CLINTON d that rlicam. continent. 'Like. the godpi the ergen, cin
-trace -of a so The Ontario 0urea'u..of Mineg bag Ioiali loovo, in car',Iotj§,. Joe; anti' :not adopt tha starnp.�book�systorbt that they leave liardly* arly ur. � gweat auk, and th6 American. baff0o, ws summoned to porfornt the! opera- VI(vk'ORIA MEMORIAL ]�USEUM. I . I Li' le . , Dr. Michel hag received congrixtu-1 t-IC.A. With o tile 11011s, �Prepared a report howing..the out_ U aS6 Itat, ID 1-4 to 10 1-0 14 in u4i� in the United Statei., latjong� &am he - most dis - Liniguipbed it has fallen a. -victim to man-tha I, u rgec . pi. I n'L connection wth, the, itinn of $50,- cut. 'park, *20, to .026.50; he, ia reported that Mr. Zimmerm, oni;truotion put Of the metallife' .4-ines and aVy meFts - It an, uropean hysicians, and -his lastrg- hunteir. 00 for caameja6ing the a' ro%. n Pork, 4PIR. to 19.50, oboulder, moss: $15. father of the Duohew% of' Manchester DR. W..QUNN linent will rapidly, be littroduped into -in 1850 the Boeing h -�f tle Victal me"qil museum. works, of the province.for; the three ..heavy 12c, will develop accal minfo on th6'D 4, trst woRe* b,p Stinokd Mea is; Italms, I uke? Va% 011arke'aked wihat )v.(.xmld be. �be matiths ending'Mach 3ISt, HoreL' e medilum, 130; l,hgih,t :a- rolls' 11W Irl(Ah esiate. the, fact that the myriad v6ld;antmals HIRMEN LIVES LOST.' itimute'e-ot;t of thie, building, 13 1�2 t T and thewxeturna A. lianugo,rip 131ble, recently 111u. and sbotelder. 10 -00. Night calls tit of residence on Rattelt ,vibeher campeticon'bad Vasa invited . . 11c; tub3,' Plboh,aq quagga,.iintelbope; an,(] zebxa,� Quantity. V.Alaa. 340; tier- minated, of About year 1410, wa( Vur3r street, opposite Presbyterian church. S. yL'ROOd �a the flutritilihing of pialasil" Iron ore, tonA. 10 1-2a. sold at Auction in. L bad La veir rks.L.a4le value in Steaftibarge- B 11tiWore Sank in Lake . ..... 96,503. 044A00 don Drosltexday�, addition to being adiblp, Tarte repl�ed Ithat the. plans Iic'm 't.Ow. -9 694 Baffabo�, 1�fay 29.-Plour-Qulct but far 1.,2oo guineS. on oiqrak�-ONTARIG STREET, CLINTON. Imem . . . . - 'hatd baea.. urnished bi fbe mgo, the junior her Of An African traveller,' who particim N! 438,659 .11 uron. la' I .k I lh, -Sprbrug weat- n4 lowex; . The Rev.,. Dr. Edmund Warrei head irritating ted in tho. eaxly -hunting: i-.xpodi- ef of the depart .1,805,691 100,858 Dult a the fir=, had -a pl�aallarly p, A deapateib, U-io.m. CWcait) says,--, ,4W , I Copper,. lbs. .1 690 391 75,625 llid, gip6t,. sneeze. It Vega -o witD n elaboirato has. -left' mbaxige . Balt"."ID-ore 9dolt: w! dut w1b.Te mierely tenativa. 11 mo:,st,ex of..E ton Oollege,'hwq been do Ifying series of'faial coavul-! 93 3-4c- do, round lots, 82 1-2c, caratd With.
llcn.,� of th5 Bovirs, Arsen!,, 084 12,040 -
nd terri that, litexally. millions of these aat� Firidiftly blakween, An3able d FLit- tb..' created for the Rol Victolal an Gold, ounces. 3,15D 54,52o tax red, 76 1-2 to 77ebtd; OX er by Xing Edward VII. Rions, and ended With a most; Is me.and on ak,- Hlu,ron, 'gee d! I .11faseum iyould. cast :abcut td ONTARIO STIMPT,. opposite Fngllsh Church, Wal were Sfatlgbtercd for their skins I or ng c ve, Oun !I. 76 to 76 1-2c bid, track,. impotent paroxysm that always- dig- a Lf a ant I i 20,077 f2,040 The officials of the. CLINTON. Alone, thoix boldlos being . left . to rot eLvorulma recelinid i1ore, land thirteer. tho Duffa llo� Coirn,-Stra,ag; spot, No. 1) ,,appoiuted the expelatant'cbsorr6r - and White Star. line deny ilia Neg. Your snooze, paid- Mr.. Gring6,, , he upon the veld. Out Of la'orelv Olt Efteelill W4 -re drown.. were to ijachado a 'S,upre-mK� Court, tin .0827A60 yellow, 48c tusked; No. 3 do otterod o THE 111DE& O,VT AIMALS. ed� Ain engineir. and firemln, the a 47 1-2'to 47' 3-4L; No. 2 earn 47, 14c; Ork reports that the tw6, lines oR. Q,. -W. TROMPSOX lt4y, and a nt,'ohal flabexy For 1900 the total I D on1Y'AI1rvl!TOX5s by th�L- Oa ts U , 111, parther,'aftor value of -these No,: 3 do, 47e, t,hrottgh 10'6onsolidate in ord6ir 'most tb(, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. thifatigh oue, of h1% mterutatio-fl, 1 such as the sable, Antelope " tilt' 444 tae to 1�as�t I Tawa,s ': L would cont.about , products waA $2,541t191. Thus the out. org rtbeest a -wortb Io-ilay boat e 'I,,- put for the threo months -Past is. So - %vb a regular clrous,- e, ar I-Irre theIrouie that flone of f ftim; No, 2 . 33: 14e; No. 3 do; ettention van to digetiso of the Eye. 'The Datlitlatigre was own. th( 3Z 1-2c; No. 2 mixd qaoted, at 30 1-2o- UNITED STAT S.
a A.cicuel said Mr. Bingo.' I Wo glollas. apiece. Fashionable ba(IL- -per -conL above the three* Inontlig at Bar, Nose aodq Qd b '000 Vote& wo'lald 6i'. i 'liroat, - P. TL .1 1906. The.largest lnereages� Are in Iron, 3 46, 29 ;3-4c, thiroulgh -billed. th o1dTtlJA(' 'OFFIPH AND ' RE DENeg— o�; sir, was the. re1oluder. The pef.,P glaukeff� Will 6waranted (heir bigh- (.he iila.6,4 had be*A oettled. %13arle��'-20,000 bus,hels old la� Billy Ricto, the lanit.of e Stre fornimoo, never oome;4 lip 'to the. ad- - no, . . . . ron 1, nickel and dopper smll' 111111841sisi is dying`at Chicago. Albert 0.1110"s PaLlrozis 01at '.palr of- boots ore and ip! ii at East north Of RATUNBUR P, - T.T. F aind Co.- gire WrLANTIC 8 rmmCl."i remain- at' ny-il-Noithimg .4 ftom tiny. about the :�ance moticea, ande, by thelp 4,1,e ltaslil same level of SUEET fir i hlots vt�,zlttj trip 4�,, done; N i9t dena- at Rooliester j CLINTON— .
kIll'sare. that of O the all hoirA the, pre During the dliwussion of o, 1, in are4 59c asked, Thomas $mith is a I f the steam- P.roductiol arteuld lshows a decided Ofileagoi'May 28.-Wboat, rated easy N. Y., agod 101 years. Ile came
zeb.ra, at, some ijuith 4rilmal, CJex,� ililp subventions lit 143 HousL-, Dr, increase, hile go I 14 and IjU . ver ave� bo-lday. deispl-te. hilghleir cables. - ;Tully '1' Q--Nr1SrRY MI -IL :M, -IL h'.3 wif'o enquired wbethar: ilia Gov- fallen aft, The, gilt.%fte,: Vrowino r4 G asgow,- Scotland. TUTTERING CONTAG.1OUS, killed thak lik , mkin rilay aBrotbern, first �,rninent'had l6at sight or the cloLled,1_80 high(yr, July 00"Th', 14 to P- H, MlDiriss�y, of Bloomington R. AGNEW deied contagiou ous Bow- "sjamboks"'or wb.!p. whopluiII4. 0 dt,lilrabillty of. the fast Atlantic ser- INCREA,'W IN MON. 1-4i and provlslona & to 22 1-2L III,,: hit$ been re-eleOted Grand Vastei D consi , W. 620 The, Halreau of Minas, ,re, lowler. loads for ex� Olt the Brotherhood of Railway Tr�aln- the
DENTIST. There are, over 80,000 anfioixA jolds and nallyt, druxas. V11P 14, Part says. in Geru-Lany. gh quantity of bron ore smelted i0to part wore. reported. CROWN,AND BRIDGE NVoRM, stutterhig chilct.vn in �tha; schools'of beat "olepliq4t a4d rbinGerros sking deck Sirillicliaril Cartwright j�#Pfted that Soaboa:rd ciear,; men. that country, and the number is stead- find thpk, do-ithialloTl in dck hand, thVdInG luld been inope t (6r en- P',9'Won at the three furnace$ of Cn� anices of w1heat aad filotur were equal Senator Stokes, .twho shot. his min. #r Una -Fez ollid 9eward; P. twing. into a colIX, razt, for puab it oration, w44 48,Wl tons. of eil,itq ft?I1 c 1.1 . L-10, all of which are in steady op- to 626,000 bus. AMioneapoll-s'and Du- iste, Rev. X. Woil,. �At Williamson,
Opmez-m-AdJoInIng Foater's Photo: Gallery. lly Wt g th6 Pt to
CLINTOx, 0.47. wheel -4 that V041411, 400 firsit congla�v,r, �orvlce, Thert -Wtd been an .083 tans.woro.from Ont Wit h 21,-� lluth Xelported 202 cars, agnizist 152 V, Va., has been 6quitted'of che ;��t;etinee to say, I lie rk:nn G1 t littsp tili!- 111137, Of Ullivalukee *tIs .Inereasio IV th:� cost Of Ve'.11SOIS 27,580 tr%na. w arto r4nes and -lost .wielek, a-nd 243 a year ago. charge of murder.. G, EARNStAOLJllfE,8 641� tile ouly Go" stilLable 'icii; fire- and the ti-P4t of aas compared imported are. 'rho Primary receipts were. 433 000 basih.
JL -F Successor to Dr, Bruce. Clinton, with a4dW Fears a&1O. 'Thp (f proportion at native. oreigmelted Ilqr� Lol reoeipLq weie, a7 oar�, n000 of d According to the ew York Tribat(. I Specialist In Crown and Bridge W T410ting rumors are again pre- 'ril tile nty thtA,11! tiny ahang- bid kept the subject e ork. , OWITS fag tile quaXte roge to 48-pOr cent, contat ,grada.. Estimated recetpt�,; V
P.D. S.-Graduato of Royal College of Dental IL it ftLd to C111nil: !]tat althoil., nt in London with regard to the
Surgeons of Ontario. I in ruilid, Lind it Of the Whole- as against 23 pex co4t. in tot to�mOrrow:-1Vj1wt, 90 cars;: earn health of J. Viet'Pont, Morgan. miht b&-falo m49 P:xtpxinl;Aated for had ma J -might bj;� tt6urs!a of Cwo or 313- S. -First- class bonor8raduate of Dental - , I - I � e1.900. In additi i to Department of Toronto E leathe 14 irl flo way thma months thev on .the oxe 6,480 435 cafrg; in-ts, 290 cars, hogs, 291000.
iliverAlty. 4 ecial tong of peal The Board rs at Harvard I elviln nb0lipid of the would be in a P0,31tion to obtaint, som' e'.atld Mill .014der were. , Milwakee., Ardy, 28.-Barle�yr;-Dull.
at tertiou paid to pr6servation of chlllreri�a 111-i bidetl the .hlda� lip smeltedf Wednesday, voted to ll,ita ord1nary oX- 0 a ihe Ast (Yf nacies rs on tha subject. , it 4 Ujiiversity,' on Pain back of your llrobeNl, Of pho J�uffilo were ta grfdt g,4 r4,"VaAAbIc offe No. 2, 57o; sample, to 540. N%'h grant the dogre must be roinembered. th;a:( it"twas The total quantity of 0 of doctor at laws to Will beat the River Hotel, Illayfleld, every WrIM29 tile salakel and.00p� Tol,�do, May 2801overseed-Cash, President McKinley, The degree WlIl )(Ondav from 10 a. In- to (No. tit. eyes P H v pressure de on Vi6ti th�, b(n.t ssaq. , also. to negotiate with* Pe'r OrP tnnid during the period was pritme, 40,50,, Cle,tober. 05.25, ''4tet tilts mpn. tl�n, Re,d Idin)1q, ind iqtve by tv And We 1�,04(1 tons, being be conferred at the commencement In lit YoLtrhe!ad 4*0 pol4ld have lvnli )JU!ii( at Gibralthr, in making pro ortional � In, KSlico,ossor to Dr. Vowlor. Ou sometimes faint and tll. in 18811, i*-tttod l ad was such a. contract, and thma nego cToal,le as et ared ivitt the, quite j!0.eJly lfciinA. There 1.s pa, tia- P Whole nia]) as an $40,000. Ifoo Of 1900 of 31 por cent. The 4ew 'TWnto, MAW 28, -Good to eholce It 41s, reported that President Mellon VETRIZINARY sult(itcoX. d Izzy P Is your tongille of export cattlo so,,141 to -day at from 6 to A in moiTe. exasperati-nig c4k� is .Cargo, ti s.nvera allow going on. niekel-!oopper and 00PPer Miningo of the Northern Pacific is to succeu Omber of tbd Veterinary Medical Aagoola N th aboul ON THE rA F4 L16T. on" 5 1-40 Plate potumd; and a - would
10 a Inbr, Mr, S. It, Callaay, President al -thg coated ? Bad taste in extelraninator than tW d 0 V 0 panies 4:rp begipiqtng to r Ise oa`Dga� bave been ta4mn had te staff been Nw York Central,. who has reploted
ti6nsofLoiiddiiatidRdlitbitilghtLitdGrOAU96to Amexican buffalo� The bill,4 tta, prollvj�a lead 'bounties of the Ontario Veterinary College. yout Mouth P And does a ,It Vn tow bootm,ri k arable quantities of ore, but not Inuch
la hexe. �For a fe plaked ifat la el�,gh t h t�aco3pt the Prosdenoy of the A ri.
11111te OPPOsIto the Commercial Hotel. Clinton., and Ito ur h2at root sugar on the of it has yet boon szqoltoll. The quain- In
your food distreo You P ThV soft 'A (iliT. fr�,e list were r"tj t third time. tttY of gold oTo'crughod was 10174 Qood can Locomotive' company. 'In . e in! is de" WOrO, WAM 13e*-ral, timai palld.
Are jrou�nervoug and 4dian 44ioca.minis Of POTOUS and 4fter so -me k1mv lind boozz spent In toats, 01 tha'Whol�* ibe 0�f 1 llight and madlum ighippin cattle AtOld V-61r.-RhVARY, IOOY4 is The Court - of Special sess 0 buck -skin P0; 01ion was made to for � decided incrie4me dt1-rirlg,' .a at from 4 1-2 to 4 7 -ft pe pound. rltlibieP %ID6 yOU Oaft wa. a ni ' ':qs, travelling:, -AeMY DrIV611 Into the H1114 ato-" boots and f X -Many 9d irl't al AUPPlY. Mr. Xaulbach brought elnt1byear In 'tho'qUantit has do ld d
LACXAtli ALL haVe thd * blues P And up flip hea an�bartlrt;, ft4ces are tim'din In On'lly that 'trubbernock" is not An oppro- ib Captured. quo-ition of Bond-BIAIIJ20 we'll, mtl app,aT16dtlY ogyeit flhre are
'54% er Or treaty, dwoll!ng tit some length on the Poduce of Ontarlo"I J4 .
are you tr%tbled 9botit �A,14OY430 ilaiticles . etalli- no findketl6tts of brlou� term, anti it fined Zrohn Call. ping? lura dospatcli from Drb.,lm, says- forcing mines a:qd turn ceg ZRNM9NT VETRINARY INSPECTORS Wee Way, of 0011,190 Point, $10 for - speak. injury il� imuld do to 03nadn, fish. Butbot Clattle 1-1 Also stir Yet it MI& lt Zomembered that PoluMn., whan coming int2rtiA4. He isugge.4te thIj J�e "'g; and ing u. holy �*ho, so characterized him .11 . I 0 .96mo piced latts to-dy fe'tcali'a 6.10,5t
DFIFICS, ISAAC SMUT, IEWDENC9. ALBERT ylogivisvel, Is 12, STUB many &O-d4led qndcet or deer -skin from V61ksr41s't1 iy4i$ qq4jeateq to MuNter pf Alarine. shoq�d. appattl. to on five Oonts. Chnitee butcher, rAttlic, ET, CLINTON. glove tjyj flacretary of Staia 'at home and aff whotwor arro
yiOtblue.artare.than artfully sdrarta ilwrdmT and ropir pl.. a r d OPDS ANJ) ENDS" soold at :&o1m, 4.14 to 4 3-40; good from It witt take 18 VMTS and 020,000,00d MIXIM to dra-ift a�a guyder Zee, nesbaro, 111fles Gvernment, with a view to having Queer and intereAtinz liting Oitsherc stuff axmad to 3 1-4c. pe.r pound. AUOTIONEItR or 86 -We oboup Lvotlaj)�q tX�h'a uk hat 'h "approach the American 3 14 to 4o. pounid, tam& 00
gut there is a tutte. 'Tis the. old reliable took P�rl* 19 thass action 41
A " specfalt,,o In the tway of the W�, - T4PY them understand that England can" Pilot" Nally sources. We Mira amid Strike riots� bar&.. ocaurr
capitally, The 13,0,.rf; Afookerst are fiftm and . ad In the
1108. BROWN mo r o cotton willa along the Xova, Itussla. T use of skin rs to be found in that driveD into LW hiIlls, an no, allow the Amerl;azi flag to be A .4inted. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. d 4ter ele�ct,; Planteii 1p unless there cup of hot coffee is U4 Unfailing Ther,� I's einqullry Ilar export . All electric submarine boxt is being f coveing tile of die'm Wore cleverly agpbtirad, &q. Dorto RICO A104 doriduc I toil In I &6q of the Counticst of OF $'WORDS,. cluding Commandant sw Was an airing,-Inlont between them barometer, It you allqw a Jump of bulla just Amv,, but on- built for the Rugglad Government.
ro an orth. t4at there �hrtll be no hostile. tariff sugar to drop tq t4a botto)n of the thalaged, At Cape TawLA thre.have been 010 araloftat TIIF Nzyrs such as pre- ag the 'United Istates aid cup and watch the atr bubbles qriso Tbiafs Is A fair dolmand for mileh cases
aas if or addressed to 8 Tho'bat of Urge 1302ir ar0 lsal!& to at% atatIOA swap nd othes, tire of 010 loo of Istge quant! of bubonic plague and
wil roe 0 prompt attention, Sao, 275
r Ale tio ek =13 italilt and lror colonio,4 ri6- 0 deaths.
at Uarante at nocharges, Yourpab,- lyton possesses properties and mitia-rous wgiggo4t. Iw1thout disturhing- the aoffee� If COW.41 4ttt b6tte, 'I were Paid t a ` lspetit in fish, the bubblos, collect in the middle the datr I7 bt-Ator iclte rI4 nofI13 )4oLjng, by Col hs bought from lapan 10, -
other akt 41qs are. In reat use Zuht 11,4 de.-nLed. Nativ;!.s. in t,lio weather will bg fin Good to eholo611-1 Cobras' PWATTU, 13;LIJ9 PASSED. 8; it they adhere w,vi are mch 000 rifles and one Million rounds of
tv`ho 'Waro. harbourIng ljotr st�ook Th� last jif the private bills wag to the cup, forming a rin,g, ft will W`4-ntdil; Prit,48 are U110114AVII at fro amm1,n,,tiOL among tha,':�thjneso for makin . g f(d attao-ked by tionir unit , thou. �4paged of at 'the evenling se ion. either ral� or oA , aiqd if th.,, bub, 01 to, $8 ofar, d _ aw, Zhe Fonch ecknaus returng show were be, Separate- Witholit assuming. any SNOej) d.To StLj�l oasy, Ainli t., beautiful and durable pissed - ' * r 14t t
E00 T The. dlac�txy that oral skin sand, aad of cabqo, wort) captured, to�day, when a -ha following as fixed position, chatig.eable, 1yeatba Ila Population 6f Mranoo Jim
ROWHILL ade, the, loot, deereaged by 12,883 lo live years. bar Wa.% nothing anore nor Itespecting the I'Montr6a.1 & Sol2tb- may be txpeoted, BXPM�-t Owes at! w',ortbi from 6 1.2 ltonsgsnonn AND nattzral lee j ftfV. tha;be result of an a FIRED ON THE MOB. cliapay-L.Vir. The Gorma4 IV 4 a4c peir poulnA. usst hall rejected an Amerioan
d inny y0aZ9 ago a sportsman, Offe-r- to Supply 000tria Power tar the
Oil 1040'y4tiOn �s,,hleh will affect car- 4 142 street Woo-twork ironed Radfirst-Olass inatetial And pl� ed a pAxtioularly fine spe- To ame4d an not pssal during the to 6 1.4e, peir.pdamd, % 01 St, Petersburg,
Workguaranteed. Farm implements and Ina 9 'estnt , to re,4pandonola, It is propPoed.tat make "Mir are, unclb�anged al, tt fa Nald thalt title decoration of
0111409 rObtWt And rapbrked. oeodile, had the whole skin Russians tone Pollee and ,Troops P) essiplu ontitled "An oat it compulsory to use evolop, q of 41 t 1
They aet directly on,- a souvAenlx. At ones the u3 1, '-1 1"It*00t Of thO L0916a Of Hotiattr will
lueorpora to th 46rt Qu'ApWIl-3 U01- 40 Per pound.
SPE OrAITY, grain and marks on the wnv Compaiij-��fi, Douglas. Specil 0120t The varley of sizes Bucks 411`0 W01rth from 2 1-2 to 3c, be h0st011"Cd On Mr. J. Plorpout War.
the liver, They Ourej &ad4 A dopatialt 9 came apparent, as wall as . ays."A To nonfer 1�4 the ConlimIzatonor of OU14809 1,089 of tims to the German per pond, gan.
consdiPadalfibiflou-sness, UAtheir despatob, frow St. Poteral4tirg, dated Pa7ten ts. "i postal autharit 08 in the stampingof SP. tho, lu ug softness givon to var- -ortairr p3wc,rs for tha relief poltmtrks, lamh3 A50I at. frern $2,50 to Nvill ply thg lirst of its thirty
stek headaclX) 11SUS92 . �% g of No skin. May 21, Says,-" The st!06rs at the Of R10d6ra filbbal.4-Mr. Cowag, . aci ho6y -intend to put $5 annu;af iftdoomnity jasto.1ments to tlIe
i0a. 0 aja end to, It. llr!,gq Aft, s(644 nn(I Unchanged. POW:I3 in hal of ne:tt year, It is 50 VtARSI and dYarlepsig, Ta'ke a "Oug 0 116 ball was net rollngo. and Obuchoff Iron LEG USLA"Tiv 1", Thu Work at Alexandrosr� Tht, $11,0011,000
IAXafte'ddse eg&h nighta, the a ntlou of c,r000dile and alliga- Sky. in M9 vicinity, had a collision Tn. an,mvinr to Mr. IlUghes,,Vlctoril, It has Ivan astertallied.'by exparl. tat. and light h -.g,; i4ters was turned to this now with the'autho Oil.- Pc�aaier 9, so the, tole p,4 r Six hu.
For 60 yests yesu's thty 0 of income. . E ver ince that 3,690'rioters at rltla,3 yesterday. Some Dintarl en- twqts that persons %v4o u P�r P. nd,red and filty-two bousm,
Orno In al the polize, injuring (itld art- Act to R xtend. thN 100 have been do.
" Stgodard 041I`14ocodilo leatbor hwt boo 1Airl;floo phone habitually beat, better with tile Hov to fetch, tbri top. pr1rq% yn,ugl. )�,c tivolve of the. cf i.,h� eglmtativ Strayed by firo -lit Brost, lit thv pro,
FAMily Pills. 41"odemand for ov�ery kind of bag, w, The polke we.�ro ra- � A&8�qlfttlily of 1116 left Oat thall With the right. �rlio of' of' Itussift, at LOSS
infareed by Aoldlers, jvhai . Provine,:!f Ontariq., ImAnot �et--n can- OODIM0 practice tot te telephone
Ildca 9 CeML A19111milsl1it. or even such trifles as J Brad throo loliv 16) al;3v,, 2oa dIre -valles, killing t%vo men and wound� by th� Governmontr 000painleg is to Pima th� telttiphonti Vollowitig 1.9 the, ra36 at, quota. of 11,0C0,000.1-Oubteg, ntl alartAto cases. Ing semen. One It so that It will be mppliod k tig ma and nofals covarpl with era- undrod and twenty & APAANX. o the left Aft IAT1Y tot six Won 1118, TIMV ha -11116 THJ,,1 SAVAGE BACHELO:6,
cured me of a ovlitto al, sko d, penmng were urr4eated,o' In to Ur. It. L 0*rden,�thta Oar, I ftn now"lk froin 0 to four' 0<410, akin itake, vexy handsome arna- Pro.tater titated the cli.in tif A ourtoiti trintinal la.1V exigta. in L lifts, bean In 0 861 4 On Rai
M1168 without ga or ptis (a. Itelt again art has stopped: ...... I 4S6 b
9 tit lt� 11 y v d
Anjrm6 x(tfillfair it 06toh Avillf doerf9to Of WWII, same4tbil 1 425 476 t 0, Savage that a man is
4tifekly Me0rthin Mir optnion it" W et 6 tin 'a 15ham orocodile; ki & Matlin tordantageT arla- arocae, A, mah, W110 is t. are goat. , r�, i� i1xTention IS pr61111113 1*111tAble, bftn Able, to do for y I - of of tlIft h t a Short time
9143111. As sham gotd, In both X SPECIAL OCCA816% l; 96q'I ... 4�. 400, duo to feel J& ejeape,
yr q
ttondottrl�fflr.600d6ttt 0.1. H11110130011I on AL dilt* odled t4 two years before Iluteh.�r, ftiftlirt*r ftex his wife bpgini.q�1e eanpertlIA
iAt4 ill 0
WE nto"
fo eiv
sta old
sontfrea, IdestAfafterfol? en Raftfly efttrddt had been ........
lomtlng t "8ult 10 tb6 same, It As Vitst Tramp -You otter Soo Btu reforred caurt8, the exedutton of t4a genterice, Famids takeft t Tit" unit t 4*� I 1�0 ths tv . by en1ling bibj deareit."
$notk4wiiliout wpm* 11111 6 gena"" Atu" that resists goin! over de, lewo wtV de baI1 after ivt �075 4 rg� JWtatabiT4411 62,6111ni ravaea of Efta,e. BXL14S :VASREO, A, oft4ttary niblo for use In tho A& 711, —
d0fic la 1. aal A SICILLIOUT, It6 it pu n 01r0,
balts beeft #. Thi- last Itoall c' coaeurr,e,nett wtitm mWstr1tJo# -of o4ths hag bee t 0 1 A haftasothelly 111ustftted wilAkW iv. totimt 4114, fr ou via 1. r ptr' ton,kin, 0. vaqqed, dd thl;, supply hill for our- tlw market. It Is bound with tN-111te Lam'oblo ""' 1)"r owt- 350 " bookkoe-per Of 14101611 Of ourn6l. M44 R tilt INV% A. H. Simpgon itnuolteas that Vid,st qlrarn-Sh was d# only ivnt and hiin oxWndtturls 1S,f, p�r ewt. 4 M
116tar.r4ofthl,41 SoldbyAlItewed R Intro- Instead Of 10(tther, and It Ilm, f, T, floem-sl to to Afek.
100 Go, Was cantributoa to the tinije t ovo yt It through all their -an, tbvrof,ore, ypert tge., ]All Ifti, �-q 400 4 rw Xa, llplitv tho lbo.gt . "In k seen lini whet. bedidn' 038" bi Ivadied and d1affi. do,, . ... ... 2 SO 500 M, We've over, had In the ;btogdwaypy X111144t][111A Alltuft lilt jilitri. Look t0aidl tol tUldg' 4 ads. a) 1 4 lit
I D , ed froiti UMa to time, 11upkill, Por ojw,,, .yrh Boo eitablLsh