HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-30, Page 1A2u4 Year CLINTON, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1901 News -Record Trial Trips are successful, Here is 013.e 10 cents pays a subscription up to August, Mention this to irour frie];ds, please, HAYFIELD. -RECO Whole Number 116.) leeeta•eserseeaseeeeeme......46„wobAse, • ..•,,,les,era,rofraseAteoftesse•vera•-•,,sie, THE LIST CONTINUES TO OROW. THE NEWs-REPOPD's subscription On Your New , Care ge \— — gibber Tired 14, heels aby e Sure to Have The kind we give you are guaranteed and you run no risk of the tire • . Another shipment of Carriages received this week at prices rang- ing from $7,50 to $20,00 . . . . Express Wagons , nd Velocipedes . Some have bent mail around, others have wood or iron box. Wagons are a little more expen-• sive than they were two years ago but you can get.a good one at $2,50, smaller one at and $1.60 Our Trimmer is ,Humming these days trying to keep pace . With our Wall Paper Sales. You should tiot fail to look over our samples as we are sere there is nothing to equal them in the county. • SPECIALS yob, SATURDAY.— A choice line of" splendid Gilt Papers sold regularly, at 200 & 25c on saleSaturday pereingle roll 10e. 800 rolls Unereunded Paper, suit- able for bedrcionteone color only 8c • W. Copper,:. &. Co;, 'GUNTON. Agents for Q. P., R. Telegraph and Dominion Express Money Orders, also for •Butterick Patterns.' `11"11-16.111';116:"Ilv1". °A What can We have for ch nge ? 41 4 the cry of every, housekeeper. ..441 7 Strawberry: Pie Plant Pine Apple 'Chunks Stuffed Pickles ; ' . Sauce or A Can of Spinach list continues to grow. Our Trial Offer of ten cents to the first of August is also adding names. MONSIEUR coNTINE INyITES THE COUNTY COUNCIL. lieonsieur Contine of St Joseph has extended an invitation to the county councillorto visit his "city" next Week. The distance is, perhaps, rather long but if they go Monsieur will lavish his most bounteous hospitalty upon them and give them the biggest jolly they have ever experienced. It is because of his success as a "jollier" thitt Monsieur is looked upon by his associ- ates as somewhat of a wizard. LITTLE LOCALS, The Collegiate football team play the Goderich C.I. tomorrow for the Hough Cup. Pair.Will Marten is spending a week with his brother-in-law. Mr. BOh. Ball of near Auburn.. Mr. R. T. (Ruff was jolted out of his buggy at a railway crossing the other day and as a t esult has been off duty for a few days. The choir of St. Paul's church is ex - ceiling itself under the efficient leader- ship of Mr. W. U. Latornell. Last Sunday evening a quartette was beau-, tifully rendered, Mr. Latornell taking the baritone solo, Mr: Homer Andrews has bought 1 CLINTON WILL ENTERTAIN THE OLD BOYS, 1 three acres of land from Mr. D. 4. I A. meeting was held on Tuesday i Forrester lying between his farm and evening to make preparatory arrange- ' the railway track. This is the second' addition Mr. Andrews has made to his real estate of late. . The local dealers, Cantelon &Waffle,. 0. H. Reid and S. H. Smith, made large shipnaents of live stock this week. Prices still rule high, particularly for hogs, for which seven dollars per cwt, was the ruling figure. . County Councillor Torrance was in ments for entertaining the Huron Old Boys when they visit Clinton ow July atb. The intention is to make the day :1 so pleasant for the visitors that they will long remember it. The following $organization committee was appoint- ed with power to add to their number: Captain McTaggart, J. Ransford, W. $ Jackson, J. Bell J, Bair, Mayor Jack- son, Dr. Shaw, Captain Combe, D. A. I town on Tuesday and will attend the Forrester, D. Cantelon, R. Holmes, connty council next week. The report Jas. Scott, J. W. Treleaven, 'W, P. that he would retire from that body Spaulding, 0. Johnson, originated in an ingenious mind up A GRANT TOA HOSPITAL. at Brussels, Mr. Torrance will stay It has been said that. the citizens of which will be a source of satisfaction Goderich purpose asking the county i to all admirers of good county govern - council for a grant for the mainten- melit. ance of a hospital in that town, Suela an institution is a necessary and de- serving one butif it is to be. county hospital it will, of course, have to be located in , the most central, place in order that it may be of the greatest good to the , greatest number. A county grant to a county hospital lo- cated, on the fringe of the county would be, well say an absurdity. • As it is Clintori,has a well equipped hospital to which patients resort from all parts of Huron. 41 fi • WE SUGGEST 'A FE W..A,PPETIZERS SUCH AS Save your Eggs and use Burnett's Coffee Clearer to settle. our Coffee, 6. .Leaye your oilier for Lettuce and Young Onions early in the week. .0 - Ogle Coo.06. &. Co. CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. THE CASH GROCERY 41 e•beAtb.e;ibaiiltz..e),a6Ab4P46•eit.iteevere.em.eietS.,es-eiseit-et-os.sseesateee.are>e0 rzo • LET 11$ DO' . YOUR iNGRAYINO I have added an; engraving machine to my store equip- ment and can do your engraving quicker and cheaper than you have had it done heretofere. P. 1. CREWS, tx'pert Watch Repairer. •111•101M•0 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t Tie Novelties Extrordinarj, : : Hats Our Specialty The Oxblood in a New Thing in Shirts, i Morrish We are showing some of the newest styles in neckwear. The leaders are KING EDWARD and PAN- AMERICAN. You will reqeire a new one for the 24th, Call and in- spect our stock 'before buying and be convinced that We Are Leaders in our line. 1 What to Wear . * Need not concern you it you order here. You cannot make &mistake. Everything desirable is here. We are always the leaders of tlienew. est and best and this season we WHY PATRONIZE STRANGE PEDLERS ? • The strange. pedlers Who Prow' about the county do n profitable trade or they would go out of the business as they are 'not in it for their health. But why people patronize these itiner- ants and run the risk of being hum- bugged is hard to 'understand, Last week vendors of silverware, that won't Wear yery long, and gold !spec- tacles, which won't stand rubbing, made a canvas of houses in this district and effected some sales. They. have a •big profit so that a -sale here and there pays them well. But with known and reputable business in all the towns and villages why patronize these fakirs at all.? s • REV. GEO. M. KILTY REFUSES A CALL. Rey. Geo. M. Kitty of 'Delhi is a very popular clergymansays the Vindicat- or of that place. Recently the Or- angernenpresented him with an address which fills half a column in the Vindi- cator and pays him several warm co131- pliments. "We desire to pay you our sincere thanks," etc., it goes on to say.. From the same source we learn that "Rev. G. M. Kilty has .received a call from a city in Michigen, The offer, though quite enticing, we understand has not been accepted by the Rev. gentleman. This fact will, indeed, be very gratifying to his numerous Delhi friends." My Hatter. 1 C,... are surpassing ourselves. . A. I, HOLLOWAY. --..-------,_ , Mr. Kilty has a host of friends in West Huron and while it will be a a source of gratification to them, too, to learn that his ability and zeal are being recognized, it will be a pleasure to them to know that he remains on-• • • A number of our citizens intend talc - this side the border. 'rug in the circus in Goderich on Thurs. JACKSON BROS. HAI/EBOUGHT THE PERRIN BLOCK. day. . Last week Jackson 1;los. cempleted Mr, Daymond Crittenden has secur- the purchase of the Perrin block which ed a sib in Zurich. was built about twelve years' ago at a The stone masons are busy building cost of in the neighborhood of eight the stonework tit Mr. James Remit - thousand dollars. It is rather out ton's new drug store. of the way for business stands so Miss Ernigh has returned to her proved to be a poor speculation and home in Goderich after having spent a drifted out of the hands of the builder couple of weeks' pleasant holidays into the maw of the loan amongst friends. company from whom Jackson .Bro. E. Livingston shipped a carload of bought it and will there establish the linnbet to Brantford last week. manufacturing branch of their busi- The Orangemen of this town intend ness, They purpose converting that celebrating the glorious Twelfth in half of the second floor now used as a Brussels, place of worship by the Plymouth T. W. Scott was yielting friends and Brethern into a workshop and will also relatives in Hire last week. use half of the ground floor. Vrom Mine host of the Commercial took in the rate at which their business is ex- the races in Toronto last week. 'pending it will not be long before they Quite a. few of our 'itizens spent Vic - will need the whole block. They in- toria Day outof town, notWithstand. tend putting in a gasoline engine to ing that the weather was somewhat drive their machines and in other ways disagreeable. to add to the efficiency of their plant. Geo. and Erna, Higley of Blenheim At the present tittle they have fifty are visiting friends here for afevv days. three employees on their pay roll. Since starting in business Jackson WEST TtICKERSIIITH. Bros. havihad two hundred and forty A th f BAND CONCERT TO•NMIIT. The Citizens band will giye an open air concert this evening when the fol. Bowing program will be rendered: March—Roaring Lion , Covers Cake Walk— Uncle Remus De Witt March—Guard .de Come . Hall Waltz—Fleeting Shadows Teitzel Two Step—Trumbles Club . .Farrar March—The Pirate , Scanton God 'Save thaKing. A RECEPTION WAS TENDERED REV. T. SMITH KILTY The following appeared in the Sani- lac County Republican of Sanilac, Mich., in its issue of May 2a : A reception was tendered Rev. T. Smith:Kitty, •'the new' rector of St. John's Episcopal church, at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A, Lee, on Monday evening .• About one hundred called to pay their respects to the new rector, and the evening was most pleasantly spent by all present. A light lunch was served- by the Guild. Mr. Kilty resumes the work of St. John's church under'flattering prospects. BLESSING A NEW STATU E. At St. Michael's church, Blyth, on last Sunday took place the ceremony of blessing the new statue of the Sacred Heart cif Jesus. This statue is life size, most artistic and was recently erected and donated by Miss Mary Lynn in memory of her deceased par- ents who• formerly lived in the town- ship of Morris. The statue was turned out by a Canadian firm at Montreal and is one of the finest in Ontario. It stands on a high' altar -shape pedestal, decorated in white and gold, and is erected in the sanctuary ou the Gospel 'side of the church. Rey. Father Mc- Menamin, the Pastor, before blessing the statue addressed the congregation and •thanked Miss Lynn in terms of gratitude for her very generous donation to the church and worthy act of devotion to her late good parents. Miss Lynn and several from Clinton and St. Augustine par- ishes were present for the occasion. KIPPEN, lifr. William Oudinore has a very distinguished visitor from Glasgow in the person of Mr. Polloce, wholesale produce and commission merchant. Re is out in connection with his busi- ness and expresses himself as very much pleased with our Canadian ap- pearance and short style of doing things. Be had come in contact with the productions of the county. of Huron in Glasgow and bad a desire to see the country and people who can produce the beef, hay, grain and Poul- try that he has handled in that market with each eatisfactcon to himself and his customers and credit to Canada. Mr. IL Either, M. P. P., hire been communicated with to call and ex- change, 'views with his admirers, Perhaps it may essume the shape of a public address in our town hall, after- wards an entertainment by the Con- servative association in connection with details for action. Later, when our worthy representative has been heard from, the public will be made aware and this is all that will be' necessary to insure a most cordial and enthusiastic reception for our popular and worthy. M. P. P. Harry, as he is familiarly called. Mrs. John Balfour, wife of our merchant, and aunt left on a visit to Forest and Strathroy last week. Mr. Thos. Doig is on a visit to De - Unit to see his brother Sandy who is studying law there. , Mr, John Anderson, one of the pion- eers of this county, is dangerously ill, so much so that his family were called home but we are pleased...to is easier but still yeyy little hope is held out. Mr. Andersori has hen resi. dent On the Town Litre for over forty years. , Mr, Win. McLean . was home spend- ing Sanday with parents and friends. He has a positron in a wholesale and says London life suits'hiin. ' H. Shaffer, propiletor of Kippen's hotel, has had two decorators and artists from Clinton renovating and re- modelling his spacious hotel. It is now considered up-to-date. The reputa- tion of this hostelry' has gone far and in consequence his table is besieged with epicurians of taste and hungry men in want, particularly of the corn- merCial class,who make it a point to be at Kippee about meal times inyartably. Mrs. Shaffer and her staff, under her supervision, supply the Most tasty and dainty meal. ' BLYTH. 4s40•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••44. **MO.* eares-elieele-aia~ettria..sereie--sewee-sia/les-11 Issessoseeseseeesesiel t Sn in Photos We are offering for two Weeks only our $3 eab, panel for $2.25. We have also a large assort* tnent of all the very lab - 'esti styles in . picture frames and mouldings. Branch gallery in Hay- field open' every Wed- nesday. (041h.0004,114.4-160 Henry's Studio AUBURN. VARNA. We are sorry to say that Mr, Nathan Ur. and Pars. Fletcher of Kiricton, STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Peck is suffering from it severe attack visited, at Merchant Harnwell'e last of la grippe. We hope to see hint week. McOlinchey were around St, Marysi C. McGuire of Morris, last week, re - Messrs. Henry Erratt and Robert family visited Ids brother-in-law, Mr. turniog home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 3, McOlymont and better soon, buying' cattle recently, Mr. Percy Cole of Goderich town- A grand calithumplan procession ship was helping his uncle, Mr, J. T. took s place.ke pt on' tghse lively sttorreaet.wiTiihee, forosnr, waE eaf er, v:Wanlessac,nyusn lda sactna asi aeks s. g f n Wellingtonr IdthondtsoilnPdeuolgie in such luxuries every the ladies got kissed that Jhnst the Royal Teinplars Lodge of Varna day, Tahnedbanypspenaitaely ttohisenajnoyatnhneuma! last week, Mr, R. E, Robinson and his sister, selves. This year's celebration was A collection in aid of the Century Miss Mary Ann, were the guests of ttiniernbteDstafyowr sitohmheistiwmier.e and family at church last Sabbath. Miss Fell of Stet% on Saturday and Pir. R. McCool of Drumbo spent Vic Fund was taken up in St, Andrew's Sunday, Miss Dora Erratt visited her sister, James Armstrong's and returned home Mrs, R. MeOlinchey, a few days last on Saturday. tuor.d aMyc.Donogh of Michigan is week. M. Horton attended the Teach- visiting his uncle, Rey. 3, W. An- ers' Convention in Exeter on May, droelwasiciratRpyraensr Higgins' father, 22nd and Md. Bebtirned to his AO' iallihitogInines'. Mrs. Thos. MaA.sh of Varna was the Iwyhmotelri,yer all guestofoefek. Mrs. Andrew Keys, one day Ltiumer on F. riday morning for a short Mr. R, Fullerton of Torontoi accom- p anied by the Misses McKinley of Eg Norman Boyce of near Mitchell mondville, visited friends in Stanley' swahtetierldeadyupla'stto. Mr. James Keys' on recently. There was no service in the Goshen ,Messrs, G. W. HernWell and Fletch- English church on Sunday, owing to 'er of Kirkton spent Victoria Day the absence of Rev. E. 0. Jennings. The -schools were closed on Wednes- day, Thursday and Friday of last week and on the first two days the educators gathered at Exeter for their annual pow -wow. The following were among those who delivered hogs in Clinton •on Monday: Robert Stephenson, James Reid, George Clark, Samuel Erratt and William Stephenson. . The: township council met on May 27th as a court of reiision. After be rug 'sworn in the councillors proceeded with the besineesa. Oply two, appeals agaiest.• the, assessment were put ir; end neither was sustained 'by the court. After cornialeting the business as a court, council then took up the regular brisiness. Different subjects were brroght up and discussed, the chief one being the prohibition 4 live stock running at large at night. Fin- ally they passed a by-law prohibiting all live stock from running at large froin 7 p. ne to 6 a. in. the following danfrorn 1st April till 15th November, Council then adjourned.—J. E. Harns well, Clerk. Mr. William Garret Visited at his home in Blyth for a' few days last Miss Lewitt Erwin yisited at Mrs. 0, Johnston's in Stanley during Saturday and Sunday. Dr. Pallister took in the sports at Parkhill on Victoria Day, Court of revision was held in the town hall on Monday but there being no appeals the session was short, The high fence surrounding the recently enclosed open air skating rink has been torn down and the rink is a dream of the past. There was no service in Trinity church last Sabbath as the new paint is still wet and sticky. Mrs. 3os. Lawson spent last week in Clinton the guest of her fettle, Ur. R. Jas. Carter hitagene te Dungannori where his aunt, Mre.Bell,fell dead quite suddenly. Donald Stevens was the guest of his ihster, Mrs. John Lawson,'recently, Wm. Dobie has gone to' the West while Frank has returned after a lengthy stay in Rainy River district; MO. Jas. Clark of Dunlop visited Mrs. G, Young last. • Miss Teen; Cowan is in the Vicinity again. ' • , Mr.. R. M. Cummings Sundayed at no er o those pleasant events three names on their -roll some of took place at the residence of Mr. whom are With them still. Henry Carter at high noon on Wed* WAS IT DICK HORTON'S BODY ? day last when his daughter Charlotte The other day Mr. tired. Jackson, and Mr. Frank Plewes, a prosperous secretary of the Oddfellows' lodge, re- end well to do young yeoman of the aeived a communication from a coron- 2nd eon., were joined together for er in Johnstown, Penn., Which stated better or for worse. Rev. Dr, Gifford the badly decomposed body of a man of Clinton tied the nuptial knot.' Mr, had been found. on the banks of the John Pepper assisted the groom While Connemaugh river. There was noth. the bride's sister, Miss Annie Carter, lug about the body by which it could performed a similar part. The pres- be identified but a parcel had been ents were both costly and handsome, picked up a, short, distance away con- Among those that might be mentioned. taming a photograph of Dick Foster, were a Doherty organ and a parlor late of Olinton, a copy of the bylaws of suite presented by the bride's parents, Clinton \ Oddfellows' lodge showing while other friends presented nuttier.' that Richard Horton had been initiat- ous other articles that will prove 'very ed in 1885 when Mr.William Zones was useful to them in their new home. The Noble Grand and the late John Callen-. happy couple left on the evening train der Vice Grand. There was also a for Sarnia and returned home on Sat. letter of reeoratnendation for the metal'. That their journey down life's same man given by the Los Angeles stream will he smooth and pleasant is street railway in 1;'::. The ItiCh- the wish of their many friends. aid Horton mentioned here liv* Me, Chris, O'Brien has engaged with ed in Clinton several , year his the J. E. Cooley Dairy Co. to draw father had charge of the soma- the milk on the route from this end to phores at the litrietiOn—and left hero Iltucefield and commenced his duties about 1 for California, Dick roster a week ago. and be were chums and the finding of Mr, GeOrge Watt has his barns in the photo with the other articlee leadsshape and is now awaiting the stone to a suspicion that the body may be that of Horton. Mr. jackson Is mak- ing enquiry and correeponcling With the WOW in regard. to the Matter, Mr. G, W. Holman spent last Wed. nesday and Thursday at Exeter in at4 tendance at the West kluron Teachers' Association. Mr. Holman has been sec. -treasurer of thee nstitate for fifteen years and was unanimously re-elected at the recent nieeting. • We understand the pretty girls and noble brotved youth of Hayfield and surrounding neighborhood will haye abundant opportunity this summer to hand down to posterity a facsmile of their gocd looks as Mr. Thos,Cameron has leased his photo' gallery to Mr. at Mr. J. E. Harnwell's and returned term. Mr. Henry, we understand, is a Norman el, Henry of Clinton for a first-class artist. , May 24th, around which so many . glorious memories cluster, *as not celebrated here so most of the people beto-ok themselves to ether , towns where the day was, no doubt,. celebrated in the astral fashion. To those of a reflective turn of mind the day seemed closely associated with recerm eyents which had a ten. deney to give the day a sombre' aspect and recalled to mind Victoria the Good, now numbered with the past. We notice that an appropriation ef. about $5,500 has been placed in the ' estimates' for further repairs and im- BRCCEFIELD not sorry to see this: 'evidence of the provements to our harbor. We are government's paternal watchfulness Miss Edith -Sewers of Wdstminster of our interests and we hope the men,. spent Victoria Day at her home here. ey :will be expended to the bent advan- in London on 'Friday. Miss Emma McIntosh visited friends will be extended and the river mouth tage. It is suppesed the south 'pier ; Miss Sproat of Tuckersinith was the dredged so im to afford 'better facilities guest ot the Misses Gibson last week. for merchantmen of heavy draught to • spent Victoria Day with the Misses enter and depart with heavy 'cargoes Miss Florence Nichol of Westminster Sewers of the Manse, . • Mr. John Rum ball pi London 'was the guest of Mr. John Aikenheed on home. Miss Fanny Arthur of Parry Sound is the guest of Mrs, Arthur. F. Munro is home from Toronto, • The remains of the late Albert Arm- strong arrived here from Toronto on Friday and the funeral took place from the residence of S. Searles to Ball's cemetery. Death was the result of an accident in Muskoka, Mrs. Arthur is improving in health. Mr. Wm. McDonald is not so well again. - Robt, Leach is,recovering from the effeets of a jam from a log rolling on • his leg, Mrs. Geutznaer is poorly, also Edith Mole is very ill. Auburn sports a new boat on, the river. The launching took place last Friday evening. - 4.-lth ei..-‘•• pfavorahln ''ra- ther the 24th did not see' such a rusts. for centre of merriment as usual. A few went to Nile tea -meeting, others to Lucknow celebration while the foot- ball team and some others went to Westfield but the weather interfered with what should have been a good game. The evening's entertainment, however, put the lade in better spirits though the lee cream might cool the Uloat fervent funny folks. Some of the Wawanosh sports are getting to be trick riders on the bike and don't object to going up a log heap and back on the roadside. Mr. J. Ferguson has let the contract of diggipg out his cellar to Mr. Geo. Peadle, Miss Vida Stalker of l'ilinghara has been yisiting under the parental roof. Mr. Sharp of Listowel has returned to cut staves for Mr. J. Young. Mr. and Mrs. Yates of Goderich heve been the guests of Mrs. D. E. Munro. Mr. Ed. Helwig has returned home St, Helens where he was helping Mr. Conrad Heltvig. Mr. Lawson of Kinbuter Was the guest of his son, Joseph, one day laet Week, Mr. alennit Beer, who went to the Soo has teturned and bought a house in "kringharn where be will reside. Miss Gibson visited at her home in Blyth on Sunday. Rev, Mr. Kennedy attended District meeting in Clinton on Tuesday and 'Wednesday of last week. Mr. Richard Penhale and his better half paid Mr. George Spackman of Dashwood a short visit. last week. Messrs, IL Talbot and W. 3'. Wm: son. took in the Exeter, races on Fri- day. ' Messrs. James Dewar and. Valentine Wilds changed drivers last week. 3im has the horse usually known as High Charlie and we have no dimbt ,he willuse him right. Snowdon Bros. have, we believe, erected a new steel. windmill on their artesian well, Some of the boys of the neighbor- hood washed sheep on Friday and re, .port'a pretty cold time. Miss Maggie penhale is sewing in Hayfield at present. Messiis. John Watson and W. G. Johnston visited Seaforth on business on Thursday. Mr. David DeWar bits bought a new ovviiinladtomni.11 from Mr. ,Jacob Miller of Miss Maude Polloek of Hayfield is visiting friends at Drysdale, . Miss Lizzie Stewart of Lucknow is visiting at her sister's, Mrs. Chas. Donaldson's, Mr. Jas. Johnston was in Clinton on. 'Monday engaged in the hog business. Mr. Shoemaker of Zurich is build- ing the foundation for Mr. Scotch- inere's barn. Mr. David Stephenson spent Sunday with friends in Goderich township. Mr. andltirs. Brownlee of McKillop called on friends in this vicinity acently. . Ails E. Turner, teacher of S. S No. sneot, Victoria Day at her home in Clinton.' • , h hr eGo riltS I:ad.:4S last.lnnlerhilli visited Mr. Pearsall of Grey visited some of his friends in ells vicinity lastweek. Mr. R. J. Itichaldson, B. A., and his sisters, Misses Mrggte and Clara, were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. 3. Muir strong' of Tuckeennith last Sunday. Mr, Henry Peck raised his barn on Thursday last. Miss Stella Ratheell was the guest field, last Sunday. Rathwell of Bay - of her aunt, Mrs. 3' on Saturday evening. Varna and Brucefield played a foot- ball match on Saturday evening last. when Brucefield scored once. 'Mn. B. A. Higgins was in Goderich on Monday last on business. Miss Annie Howe of Clinton Is visit- ing at the parsonage this week. George Andrews went to Winchelsea on Monday afternoon in quest of a position as clerk. Several of our Varna people attend- edthe celebration at Exeter on the 21th and also took in the cir,cus in Seeforth en the 20th.,.,' THE NEWs-RECORD paper in Stanley. is the popular' ' . At the meeting of,Ontario St.League last Monday eyening Mr. Shaw led the Bible Lesson on " Paul's latter years and death," while Bev, W.. Gifford gave a very practical talk on "Lessons from the life of Paul." Next Monday night is Consecration meeting when the topic will be of a missionary' cbarae- masons. ter and there will be special music to - The young people of this locality further add to the interest of the meet celebrated Victoria Day by a party leg. All are cordially invited to Ur, lloger PepPeed in the evening, " attend, , • HiLLSG EN.. While working at barn last week Mr. Ts his' hand severely' cut Mr. 3ohn Richards° Uri. Wm. • Rattenbury, and little daughter Aliee spent the holidays with friends in Toronto. Misses • K. Hart, H. Canaerori and Messrs, 0.'Saavere, W. Baird, G. Camp- bell and A. Aikenhead, all of Clinton Collegiate, spent the holidays at their respective homes here. Miss Bettie Gibson was the guest of Miss G. Marks on Wednesday of last week. Miss Helen Macdonald is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. N. Yellowlees of Bowmanville. Quite a number of our sports took in the races in Exeter on Victoria Day, Quite an interesting game of foot- ball was played last Saturday .evening in this place. between Brucefield and Varna,resulting in favor of the former.' Mrs. Miller (formerly Miss IN °emit Callender)" of Prescott is visiting friends in Stanley at the present time. Messrs. John and Duncan Aikenhead spent the holidays at their home here and returned on Monday. Clee. Reichert's c Hudson had n some wire. sold his driver last week and has a yin purchased another to fill its place. Mr. Geo. PringIee hotte took fire last week when all well away from home and would likelYilave burned down but for the timely .ssistanee of Itobt. Stelck and Will. &rat who put it out with a feW pails d water. A. number took in the cehbration at Exeter. on Victoria, Day while some spent a pleasant afterrtoot on the bonny banks of the river. Mr, James Green had a yerysueeess. ful raising this week, Mr'. Chas. Blackwell is agair in this Mr. Wm, Jarrott is moving boos° to the village this week. Word has been received fr Corlett and son Thomas, wh some time ago for the Old Co They, reached terra firma in and felt benefitted by the trip. Miss Mary I) °Won of the 13abbo spent a few days last week as the gi,ab of Miro AtInie Consitts Mrs. John McLeod of Kincardine, Sis- ter of Rev. J. Greene of Holmes - vile, Was Killed on Tuesday. Kincardine, May 28,—This evening about 5 o'clock, on the Lake Shore - road, Mrs. John McLeod met her death. It appears Mr. and Mrs, Mc- Leod were out driying, and, when passing an encampment of gypsies about a mile from town, the horse be- came restless and Mrs. McLeod, in an endeavor to get out of the buggy, was caught between the wheels, receiving injuries which resulted in her death an ,hour afterwards, Mrs. McLeod was a 'Miss Greene, and came to Kincardine after her marriage to Mr. McLeod, over 40 years ago, from the 'neighbor- hood of Toronto. Some 20 years ago they removed to Portage La Prairie where'Mr, McLeod carried on a suc- cessful business for a number of years, when he retired, returning to Khmer - cline about three years ago. Mr. left try. ety Mr. McLeod has been singularly un- fortunate within the past two years, losing two sons by death, the Rev. Angus McLeod of Regininand Duncan. Word had been received Within the last month of the death in Germany of Mrs. Mills, a, sister df the deceased. Mrs. McLeod leaves a eon and daugh- ter, Richard of Minneapolis, and Mrs. (Rev.) W. L.Rowand of Fort William, Rev. 3*osies Green of Holtnesville is a brother ; Mrs. (Rev.) W. 13, Hincke of Toronto and Mrs,Alfred Frost of Owen Sound sisters. Mrs.MeLeod was highly esteemed, and Mr. McLeod has the sympathy of the entire community in his great loss. of merclaanclise. , Considerable sickness among horses has been prevalent this spring, no doubt owing to the continued cold and changeable weather. Mr. Holinan's driver is recovering from a severe, at- tack of pneumonia while a good work- ing horse belonging to Mr. Robt.,Blair dropped dead in the harness the other day while working in the field. We understand there is a movement looking toward the early 'Closing of our stores during certain evenings of the week. This is, no doubka move in the right direction as merchants and their clerks need an evening or two a week to themselyee as well as other people. Mrs.' IVIurray (nee Miss Brown), who recently married a young gentleman from poderich,has taken up her abode in the circular town. Miss Carter has returned to town with Dr. Atkinson's two little boys and, we are informed, it is their inten- tion to stay the summer. Messrs. W. Erwin, E. Reid, and. A. Brown spent Sunday in town, having come downfrom Goclerich, where the survey boat Hayfield Sundayed in port. Prof. Taylor, the hypnotist and mind reader, gave an exhibition of his poevs ers in town Saturday evening on the streee and in the town hall. The blind- fold drive was performed but it Was punctuated with many stops as those in the rig with him were rather too skeered to think continuously of the pre -arranged route but the Prof. seem- ed more at home in his evening ex - h Miss Beta Stimbury, Hayfield's entecl elocutionist, went to Exeter on Victoria Day, where she took part in a big concert held in the opera home on that evening. No doubt Miss Stan - bury received a splendid receptien and • highly delighted the large audience present on that occasion. Charlie Whiddon of Ripley spent several days in town during the past week, having wheeled down to pa.yhis cousins a, visit here, Mr. A. D.ThoMpson called on friends in town last week, Mr. Thompson was formerly principal of the school here and we undrstand he is now a full fledged B. A. and will be ordained to the Methodist ministry in June. Messrs. 5. W. and W. J. Whiddon spent Victoria Day in town Visiting their parents. The Sacrament of the Liord's Supper Will be administered in St. Andrew's church next Sabbath at 11 o'clock, Preparatory services will be held in the church at the samehour on Friday. The suryest boat Hayfield has been up and down the lake between Gode- rich arid Sarnia, during the past week and is expected that she will be oper- ating in this neighborhood for some time. BELGRAVB. -- A natarrh quack gave a free show on Main street one evening last Week and sold. a lot of catarrh cure on the aide and between acts. Rev. Mr. Neilly of Owen Sound preached in inox church last Sabbath. H. 1. 11111, the railroad king, who has been such a prominent figure in Wall street of late, is a cousin of Hobert Scott near here. H. MeMurrtty attended the funeral of Mr Woodman at Lendesboro last week. The Presbyterian sbods are to be raised this week, we hear, SELGRANE. Mr. VanNorman's e new house is progressing rapidly, also Was. Wat- son's, Rev. J. .1. Matte has accepted the call to Knox church here and will (D. V.) be inducted on June Vith. The brickwork of W. Watson's neW house is nearing completion and presents a fine appearance, D, Sproat and .Walter Scott intend going to the Old Country in a. few days '\ and will take in the Glasgow exhibition. " Simeon VatiNorman is getting well. on with the repairs to hie new pro* petty, Mrs. G. 11. Wray and son of Stratford are visitingwith W. Wray of this vil- lage. —7111.,1