HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-23, Page 6.43 . . � . 1-_1---_11_ ''I �'''�-'-'�'�--""""""'11111111� - "T __---__--1 . . ,� I 0 . � ....._-1 ­,­ ­ I . I _,_______­,..­­=_ _,______,11 ___-__1__...1--. . I — __ , , - --I------ ___ I ___ ..di - . the $oil particle,$, stlaking, to each otho THE BEST TEA you had over ta4od before trying I - . I 11 I I .1 1.1 1-1 . .--.-W-P"-.,_ "."-q-, - .1 . . -1 � - -1 or becauete of a surpluo of moistures I I I . 6 . Too, often iluolk, worIc to tor084 scion- I - , . k. Farmers Trials, I I P,9011-wl � 11 � - � . tim, booiguso of the I'laudooms ovm. I . 1. . 'k , , . " k*4_1"o . Heiress and Wife. I I ", . � Mr. N " 11 . oppear"we. Lend tlt" 34411agoda. . - it, I . I .. � 11 . I . 1. � __ ___-M I . , 'be a sandy loam WOU I N . . .mw- though it may , LUD'ELLA EY :: . . . . 1. — .would be mugli log damaged than . . I M$VIX OF A VAL-14- I - - I 0 perfoot 11441d -donliftlas for So i . I ABOUT SOILING CROPS. ,� i ola!y, . .Will not Ilairt . tItAt fine garftu becomes. a memory and a bacl �� I —�,. : *-i;�'J'�, � ..4 "' - *� I .. �_ - I . . 26, so, 40, 00 A so I . ' . An old adage bath ,it that Closing Wth, Which 10 go desirable$ porhapos MAD PAOKAQBS,' . - � In His, Witialsened Condition Ls 0411109, SY ING CHAP- ,,I have two errands hero to-Aigb . I the bairn nft" the thef I I =11,111111 - I I I I :1 4 11, . tM=======M . . NOPSIS or PUECED sa d to t e "i" Tooth aNd Mouth , . rastaned Itself'Oport Him, slad-BrOught TFAW.-Rox Lyon. secretly marries id the a a tval PI asantly. --E . t Of the borse, for the whole'lleallolo. .*AVW"W . 1. __� - -V WV#W* . , " 'r . . � _,ft`Wft1WWW%4'W% WWW'W I , � I Him Noxx tile Qrave� . Daisy Brookd. They are geparated hope � shall bring good AaWO, irk Ono lix , K willob are 00 VAIA- . . . not the best method of preventing' ItIoU clay land - is on. roumstaucea ou their sense; the other we will discuss later Now Size SOZODONT Ll 11 "' I of hig14-ola" Now tho,soAson for painting . -, � 1. . I livrglar;y. Yet it 1,% hold to bo worth able for the prodaotloI3 . � I , %181' 25a 9 I ily dam- . hed up with I � Mr. NVIIIIam Silver ig a well linowlt by forco' Of 01 014.0, L � . SOZODONTTOOTH POW ER, . 1;0 I romnat merioul � our house tone L4 Wedding days. Daisy thinkiii that ReX . , pll. hay and earn, a � � Get Y1 # , farmer living ,near Hernt"d, N. S., her I Whites,tone 11all 4rXQ LIQUID and POWDOR, 75c, g6p %V while as a dIqOou:rAgor of farther � I opot,uso any � , I . paint -good paint. 1) . .. a cast �. f. He, is true but be� The master of . . 1 avo4 by plowing and cultivsting,whon � PURE , 0 During hid life'lle has passed through lieVeiil t t glie is dead. According to made ,ao commentA; still be, wondered; At all Stered, or by Mall tor 06 1?rlm foring. The dairymen who this Past too ivet, beoau:0 when the drying Out . common brand of paint because At I$ 1 - Much sickness, but now, thanks. to ' mat r'41 dying vvish lie engages wily the detective bad aged the words - HALL & RUOKEL, Montreid. -summer has seen big cowashrinking, proceinii begi,us the furro I L . cheap, DoQ'ItusLa cheap, �aintatall, . _ I . 'I. Surely, I I -i � i feeleg Inolined to phut the barn doe . r. into lumps or clods which become, maro It is dear � in the end, 4 good - , . himself to Flu 11urlburst, the llone aense � tie thought, a at a Dtr. Williams! Fknl,7 Pills, he Is again � daughter by the first g -at turnin hia, loing-Wat child could I thoroughly baked wo break up "PAINTS., , Id brand that It s been koowa 10 I I marria e Lg pale, , . . L as the beat of the 1. a enjoying vigorous thealth. To a To- the master of WhIteatone Hall, U � by . or illirrial I advise youl, toL act How. may he do .ilia betit I If he has Lin increases. often the field Must . __ Canada for sixt,y years. I . . . r, not be dead. , word L A . I I . porter who recently interviewed him. Hurlburst'si second wife,l whom he Like Ono in a dream, Daisy J.leAra differently," I planted soiling crops like peas, and remain Idle for two or three 5rearii be- I L 101 "-I#.-.- - # I . I . . . loved better than the first, died and the detective go, carefully over the And, breathless with Interest,' the oats, Hungarian millet, an4 the fore t .. I . . .he unfavorable IuMPY 0044410A Colwt� CAR* Mr. SlIvor %a1:d:-"1 am now in MY her' child is f(upposed to have died ground With Basil laurlhurst-all the three, divided ouly'bT. the'silke.ri IiArig- - is Overcome. The novice Just earn- — I I IRANISAY'S P AINTS . . , . . I . I � like, and bag been auppl,antipg the dy . J 1! 02nd Year, And I may date the be- With her. After seventeen years! all- Incidents, connected with the 10,90, at ing curtains,,awot'ited eagerly furth�. .. . 5t caught in this Way� " 11 � aatarea with green feed in the mOnOing will 194, alt soils can lbe I 1.1 I 'a Aints I . ginning of my trouble to my mix- once, his dying housekeeper confes. his Child. Daisy llsfened out Of er developmonto Of ,the strange scene mg P often thinking that are the oldest and best knQWO . f " teentl To n from SO that hIs OW14 did not die, but sheer (wouder. Rho could not tell being enacted before them, barn or yard, be has closed the door warked without regard to quality or ".. . P.-."� * ?y . : eo.r when I Was: th w I in Canada, made to licauti Y and .% y " ... I , -L , d my ,Spine . ims Stolen, He sets out to fLiad.har. why. I . I Plumals eyes flashed like ebony, befoTo rather than after the theft. texture. .` I :i::. " preserve the house, We ,will send I P. boraeloi - back. and Ila 1. ­ a . Plurna Was . 1vito Moreover, the n eiielty for the earn- V or the double, Parr— 0 forward-, . responsible fo%, Dais7's re- "I think we have the right Clow," fires, and unrestrained passion 1. you a booklet showin so ewhat injured. This -WAS always movial. LesOttr Stanwl L' . have. , I ." I Lug aprin 'hen � 1-4, It . ­ x how some . Ia ok, her too], .r f nee g w 1. telling all . . continued the deveotive, "Out we written oil every feature at he - mar feeding of grain I atly less. I , painted, and , . - . - an took bar positiq It 1 'houses are .l. - a. a 41 4 gre . and g work and PIOWIII �1 . - p as a . m weak upot am,4 it seemed to leave threatens to expoge her If she will c wom: 4- . tile In Its most favouirable con- u will dro , L . no actual Proof to support our s�up 4 th� . , �)§ about paint if yo � . me moTe nusioBptible to other trou- not marry him. She defies him. position; there is one part still motly in front of her with folded ened. It be bag -no recourse to sail. , o klet AW 11709- L I . . I I I � dition, and also taking into account . �,',4� �: card and ask for .0 0 , I Daisy' after. many viscissitudeg do- cloudy.,, . . . e lug exopa, nothing but buying grain I a -ruts, and dark eyes. gleaming quit I I bleo, as it gre,w,� worse ad I advanced termines to vi if her Un6o . shrinkage. The Ver- that frost And %IT are veiry import- I .. . . is John'but The an strangely as $her blwa� Pluma, can lessen the I ant factoTo lu our .farming opera- .. 11� ON, I 'r There her mont experiment ntation has for many L - . sm 0 8 , t'. L . In yqv=f. ,'As 4 farmer 4 always had fallsAll and js�'cared for by Detective wordTIDIPoken to John Brooks.. through Sheer astonishment at I A. RAMSAV & I To L � Uona -we believe that a large propor . .. I 11 1 .1. - I I . -to Work hard, and often eXPO1,30 nly- dor whose aid is sought by Mr. W,as a moment at silence, broken" by pecullar, deliberate . manner, .waa years experimented .w1th selling crops ticita of the plowing' should be dope, PAINT MAKERal � - I I I I self tat inWenteut weather. My back Hurlharst , in searob. for his missing her uncle Johri'a voice. - For sover- hashed into ptrange expectancy. and recommend$ to dairymen the In the fall, commencing nit soon as - ..... 11 .1 .. � . . I ­ I � . I . I'll, ZTC>MWrc�R3[1.A,T.a. . . - 'daughter. Daisy sets Cal: to stop I ts lie talked rapidly,and Vor game mome-itts the woman. gaz- large use? of summer enollage and of . I ' I �. � it, momell L .. n 14 over, Thou the following Est'd 1842, tToublewaff fLuully�, aggravated by in- the marriage of her ii.itsband and ,earnestly, interrupted now and then ed into her face, coolly-doliberately oats, and peas sown at Weekly intar� bayi g . I I . . , I , . sprint the harrow, spring,tooth it I . : I Ant;- I !&,,,%,'%.,&*I d1gostLon, and as,this affected my aP- Pluma by tolling Mr. Huriliarat that, by', tin. exclamation of SurPrisQ fromi -her eyeg fastening themselves on Tals, and fed durring Ittly and V ... i g a necessary 6 %AV" as"W"W'm vv%,Q�qw V%'O .%V0.%-Wqb0%V?%MW%MV*-VW . � I L . I . . I no Hall, tad ineoklace which clasped wit. Ensilage is probably the cheap- ble, ,will t10 all'that i --- -_ . — - — .1 1. . , ''. . . . . petite, I was ver, . . for the or — . . I . y plach ran down. fille iq Rex's wife- I tbe manter at Whites-tc, Out diamo I f thoonitug crop. , ­ I I .. , .1 . ___ . Every Word J#bn Brooks uttered liler threlati . quivering with a tliaus� eat food; oats'and peas somewhat the . I beat resilits SHIP all . Finally a few, year.,i;.ago X wan attook- . . I . . I 0� I t rEft, 11003, P . . heart like an arrow. and gleaming lights. . . . better. it the formeria contemplated I . . :,. If You..Wan BUT Y"OurULTIM, APPLIS. other VOUJIS and IlItO111110111i to od wit4. Is, ' rippe, which developed CHAPTER XXXVIT.-Cantinued. pierced Daisy's - � I n Co. ujuitw Cor Wes;Xarket%nd . ,1 a . . 'ilic. uttered a little, sharp cry, but "You are ,well oared for," she said, as it steady summer diet for years, it The Dawson Commiss 0 Ubor�o St., Toro. nw. l, ' "You Will not let my-Itax know uu. no one bea She fairly lield WIL3i a harsh, grating laugh, that would be well to connider the erection . , Into prieunionia. My family doctor eac4 , , rd lie r. . ; - - - M=M-- , -thi�, - her with intense interest.% vibrated strangely on . the . girl's of a special summeir silo, preferably ROPRIETOR I ceeded. in Conquering, i trouble, but Lit I am far awayi'l she cried,! piteous ,breath ' ' . . . I troug,s first breech -loading � 'not able to lea . heard th detective tell car ' 01, on have, the good things of round, With a small diameter Bad a . I . or Six Inontlisil I W, s ve T 01 ., �. Y. . . HO;JV, IT NVAS DONR I. Arm$ fired � it-s1lot 5 � f . a riage certifl- -hen she I gin, invented in 18,69 t heni, the s.tory oif Rex Lyon's mar- life, while I have only the hardships. relatively greater depth. Enallage � A boy wag.sutamoned to: te the house, and all. -that be. could do cate in. D&r. Hurlhurst's hand. . 7-ge . surfacii in Suim- . . stify in y � r,ib. 'Of powder. , I for�me did. not bring back my ,,, riage with, her, Land lie liad conto to I a le a fool to. endure it. I have come spread over a lai WINS HIS U0,41 . man mlles� with cial I , i strength.. Finally' Iconsulted anoth- I am going to, send. for Rex to Wbitestahe Hall to stop the ceremony to you to -night, to help. me -and you mar spoils rapidly and loses largely I I . p a ca'se of assault, In which one I . ­­. . . . . . er doctor, but w4h no better result. come. here at once," lie made answer. about to be performed. must do it.,, . . � � . in to6ding. value. .If oats and'Peas be � ... I I . had' bit another- with a shovel., - A . poR ovER PIPTY YEARS � I . r , . . I I . I . . In fact befo�B I stopped do . - scarcely heeded his 41 [a that do6n instantly, hosen, they must be sown in succes- . . . ' ' . boat of 'wittiesseg )lad 'beeil calledl AIRS WiNSLOW-0 SOOTHING SYRUP has been . otorin I With a low, agonized moan, Daisy Basil Hurlhurst; Put the key i 0 I . . r I shall cry out ' Under vLn Unjust penaliy foir I I I He had� risen to his feeb with 0 -ace. I i intervals, the, two . I . words, for.assikit alve lots at Weekly . . , . w1ho, ',.beat about the bush" in the, L "sod by mothers for their children teething. 10 anotbas na4 tried" four different physicians, grasped his outstretched )land, scarce- tely, the peas first rath- ' , thechild. a9ft6withegumb. A1l1Y11P1ln-Qur60WlO4CO "'s . . ond. all the tians instead of getting I . it'great, glad cry,- and pushed aside have heard of insolbucii 'of beggars,, sown depara . I I . Eight Yjars . and is the best, emocly.fordir.rrhoea, 2506 bo'tlg'- $Old - better I-waa growing weaker. ,�cme' ly .knowing what she did,'- L_ . the Silken a but certainly this. is beyond all i er deeply find harrowed jn.- the oats . I mosit tedious and , provoking man- sildm%latualt sure ancl sk . urtalag Chat led m- .. I 11 ohroughout the world. Do . . by "Mrs. n lea clothing Syrup." . i I 110 , ' t . - _" I . I to, I : eighteen lmiintiia have. now elapged .b, ple-age do not, Air. llmrlhurst,�' study, A.% he did so'he came face agination. ' How dare You force your we or three days later and bushed _ . L, i - -1 . , . ner. � I I ) � I I . : I � - I L my - Ia grippe, and 9he Sobbed. * "Rex must .riot see me, to faoei: w I ith DaL3y Brooks, standing obnoxious presence upon me? I Will in. 'A botte'T Catch' is likely to -b f ' -_ I . slince . L ,if 0 Ae- BrIghtPs Disease Hold the Sentence a. This 'annoyed the lawyer for this L attack of I . , in fo.1. Ill= I motionless, ilke a Statue, be -fore him, not, listen. to another ward; yet! shall ouTed in this way than Sown to- Death over His Hand -Suffered all the prosecution W1,ho broke out Us follows; Only 12 acres in every ; dur g that time I 'NN'.4.9 not. able to do I shoald­ die It you :sent . guf f . . � . d . 0o t4quare .miles ar uud0 6ultt- '. I ; I .­ I any work. My Whole systelm. spemed � . . 1. Thon she fell, with a low, gasping c,r for,.thig outrage; woman! Open �etheir. The crop may be either fed bliscry. of Broken Health In the .Here, boy,, welve been going roan 47 ' 0 - ' . e I . I � . . uld noit. bear. if -indeed 1, could cry, senseless at -Basil 'Hurlhurat'A the door instantly, I say."' I � green, bayed, or put in the ello. Let Meauvrhile'-Ht&Deltveralmoo'byDodcVa 'tihi$ case fo;- 'hours, and yet have no vation. , % . I ­ . I ,� . � I . � . I .exha,vatid, oin(l my neirve.q sha�tored. '-a . I .. . ... . : � . ' I . � I . I . lookiug,.&Lt him, all feet� . , She did not. proceed any further in- those whose .XulY and- Aukust milk Sidney Pills. . . I e a -convict bhe prisoner, . --- . ! On flixe days.1 walild. go out foir a not;" �- She was, .. I . I . . I .6viddile . t I - ': � . I . Whil% but pfteab I would became so her. heart i . a her eye.%.andi as il..he . 1�__ . . . . . her -breathless defiance of retort, the yields prove disappointing try ensilage Dre%den, May 13, (Special.) -Ailau X�4v ,mly coutiva3di do , MGH*TREAL 116TV, DIRSOTOnY- L I I ,. nir,' he s,ava� "' - . � ' . I woman coolly interrupted her with or oats and peas next year. , . . � -011, y*ou illear mel 11 Want You tbtc6m," to. -- . weak and dizzy that I cu ' ' I � . I I - . �. op" wo-o"OUSC- . =5 lod.-trm . r of lier VIIII..., - " I . .. . .. Marnto4h, In riefox, of the .W., X, CHAPTER XXX ; I t1hat latrange, grating laughajoin; an . . . . . - - - -e � 101"11. - - � uld Scarcely he felt � magne Heal ly the ponve the direct point. Old you the. ;;.� . - . gat back rto . the hquse'� . .One. Ogy -, a I . turned - toward her,',meet- I . . I � � . _. '. . . . . . ­.�_ ... � .,W . � . . d1d not try glance, he . � she answered, authorita Lively. . - . . . I . �� ,.kuoivn Clifford HoAqe here, in doaver-. b 1. . .. . I I . . neighbor asked ntte,-,vhy I . . . . Pluma NurlburAt received Iter fd-� - ' . � I I low �trvokl . I I ... � I.... . . . I — . . '. . . � .1 "I shall riot, P14Y at cross -p S AND FRUIT qation at Itin boa i 'to -day, made. a, Ye.s, alt. . . . � I. Dx. 'Willixias' Pink Pills. t blue, up, iber's, summons with no Ifttle gur- . ., . . Se . . � I . I I . . . of. A�merloart'flour will makA aA . 4 � . ll,otight ing the - earrieAt .gaze of. the . . . . UrPOSes SPRAYING ROTATOR 71b.. . . . . : .. ager,-itist plainly ev6 - . All, haj chuckled;Ahe la,��Yer, rub- . -, with you amy It . TREES. * , Cement .that cannot fall to car- ­ 81 of Eng.lW4 fl0r&r? �. I .. �i . - ad-#,1Ce�.n4rht be wbxth ta,kiag and lifted eyes. . '. "What, eat% that-foo,lish old l � . . . ate . b- I . this I � I . . I . . prjs,Q, dent there is. little affection levit be, , . � . � . inilueIic6 bing hIFv,ii,tnds,,.W.6,havo ,araetbing Much bread as. I .1 I . . i ' - N�oriderl" She soliloq i . I . . I I -sent fox a� half dozen boxm of the ' The light. foil .full. up an wa it, 1. U13- . with it the weight and "­ ': . I I I dill ,her fa r -actly a,j .1 It Is no' to. work upon. . . . � , .i ,' M I I I * longer a question of Who- ry . . . �Jcro, my good lad - ' . . Pills, Before they -,N,i6yii,Vone, ,there I I ed, clasping 'tile diamaild-studded tween ui�. You. Will do ex . I I � . � . � . . . . . 1. I I . Flume; yott may spare yourself - the �app . , - I fla4lied face, anq th.- bonnet and 'bracelets on. her perfect arms. .q So y, � . theT or iaot it piya to sprayVior this ot � ,aker, � � � take'this eaup, handing.him his. walk res Estew I . . . . f wis'n6 doialtt''I hi.,�d follild R. ing (Tiv. i a el . ' . ' - . . me h ti - -4 the blow rblarb builuelit (H Per, . . ' . . veil 0ho had 'warn had fallen back �a treat .deal that may be. unpleasant hag'long ..beeu. settled In the af(Lrm- "Oentle n," 014 0, ,#Mdd- I.K.id- -in ,how it , Was �., . . . .. , . � I . I .. that was; help,_'tn�r mo, alid I gat it . . . I I . .%hall be hea,itily - glad When I am . . , tg-A . - it � Yo . siaw . I ___ . I r , C� . I , if you.will,60tonly listen but quiet- - in k!ok.: . . - . arthex supply., I, ciaunu, t'aking from the oldon head,. ' - - - -1 iihall soon tell - � . cured me of Bright's . -Dis- - � I you. must know .� . . . . k C ed a . : Rex. Lyetti's wife. � . ative'. ..N I I ta Show UeY -Pilli . the .4aY . . �� . n, -in pretty plain,words,� I 6ra ly obey.mta� Oth'erwiao_", . dar y all 'exp6rim . , eage after elilli years of torture." - given. , i- ' - :, 1 , , , . f ollowin the one ql� -N,Vhioh it is due. - , , - I the pills for about three months; and . at. seemed to coinc be, him, the . . . 41(11y. t:o her feet. that it does, although some seations it . ` ' . 9 .. � I I . . . . . was feel- A sudden ntl his it t . at,bls,beck ai�,J call any -longer. Pluma sprung. Nvi. 11 . ­ . I . To qay that his hearers were sur� � Yes, sir, I-- . . ...... " . .. j btfme I quit usiag them! I . fore his eyeq,. and .be'- Caught- 0 . !'Obey you I bboy you I" . - . pays better than others. The tiratt pr'lled, but faintly. expresses it.. Mr. - Now, then-, no w o rd,,d about it, I I - - 1 ' . � . iog bettor and strongei� then I had ' . �i COML to him 1 nstlitutly', indeed I I sha ,�' sh", I . dered . the interrogato. Miquills, Llp,h�ont Jures Cargit iq Cows& I doile far Teurs; Every oymp'tom of breath With a, sharp gpLap. ould have. sereamedflea words and method of applipation,and the ma- MolnAosh looks sio far from an inva- tell youl tbun I I . certainly -do 40 such, thing,!* she, mu - I . � . . . I I I . . th-, weakness that It' Ia. "What did you, say yourname .was tered. * . . 11 . . in her ungovernable rage, had not a . I . or lid.at th6 prownt tinte, thatt,the naws Or. I'm the 60raplhinahj arid, you are . , .: r-_� , . ad tollowed . � I . � . Yqs, Nv:lio terials to be used are important.. F . V', JuNt TAiS& the I F rance P I , . I I.. . . - 11 ?,. look tfrom this *oman's . aff lletion With, a dread, 'the Prisoner.- ' NOT, � ay� Great BrUnin; 8500,000 . � � . . Sk6d, . "Did .you .speak, ingdomolse a - of his former .. . ­ , I I � grippe was goine.,'-aM my �aclk wbich 'before lea ,,veto married?" he a ­ . used her name with-sucli ile-bred fa- ftult-Aroea.oua ispriaying before the - .and sl6ow''the iDourt. , .. .a..y of submavine - . : I . � . . . sked the potaid. ' - I : '. . . .1 . I fill. malady, like Bright's DiSe4ae., .9ti6k,- I car for -the,. use . . I ... � . . .. had botheired-in6 for. so many Yeats in. alaiv intease voice. "I -L -1 -did *a . I mixture, iireal an'd; improbable. . . I I.. . .. : . , .$ millarity, actually frightened her.. baft . open, using � bordeaux ,The .bewildered lad aid #'raise the cabkX, , w 1. . . I . . .. was'all)1(yat'as stroing'as in boyhood� , I . I "No�l' replied : Pluhia,'glanoiag At ., ,, . . . .. 4ounds � u . . ent it came . . - . � . - . -h that -gUt- . -to provii t Scab and rust, ' wo P�: 0. I 1076 a . I . . . . 'I havia si . - ,ziot quLte understand." . Be sensible -and listen to -wileat I 'Zhu Subject arose frona. a converse- .stick ", and the next molm . I . ­ . . . . nee. done m,iny a1lard d a y'.s . , Lja.� little joweled watd intend you. shall heat, and', as I .Said isi advinabl'.9 In I _ � - upfin the ba Id pa, to of ,the aik- � . .. . .: . 1, I . . I � I , 6" , your overseer's tered in its onow,white valve��'case. In add-� Lien in whicli one of the gentlemp dowi . - I. . __ - — . . . .. ..'"'Voik, ,and been exposed ��to bad "Daisy Brol . ,,. . 4 . and rep - . othek, .to Which , . he. Mr. tonMed lawyer,. and sent him'stag� - —_ _._,.� . .1 �7 I , Paris green present Complained of backao I I 1. I I . I . I 1. _.� . I" - . 11 . Weather; but wlthout,anY evil, effects, al,ece," phe.'qnswoied, slin4plY., .. .S.be took it up with h caressing move�m ,eat, obey.. You have made a ' Then give an o his I . . I . . . . g. ed. .. . .. , , - Work slight mistake in defying.me, ,youn .for the codling moth; XCIntesh at once advised Dodd:S Kid- gering to . -seat. _ 1. . I . . . . . ent., "How foolish I , was to a '-soon. as the blossoms ire nearly all . �. . � . .1 and I car;'toaly say Dr:' Williams' :'S& wondered why h6 uttered 'Such ni I lady.. J hoped - and. intended- to be S ' 1; - , : . � . That's -�he -war it was done, sir, Said CALVERT'S .. .�.. . � I.. � I I . . . I . . myticif up into-suoh a fury. of e:icitd� off, One or two applications there- ntY Pills. , - - : - I I I I ... 17'', . 1. I I . ' . . .Pla.k Pills bavia xqitpred mA.:to.vLg9r- g he.' . I ­ . , . your f rieud and adviser;. but since you , I i � ssion the boy, anild'the'shriiiks of� laughter . � .1 I . . � sl . . . . . a dreary niligh a muLterea, half ment,' When'Rex se�nt far. me to pre� after 'at .intervals Of 10. days to �t*o Followlt - tar. d son 6 dis-� * :, '. I . .1 I . . I . � . . � - , * "' t , headt to Show, � g game � furtl le uitr6an� T. h , 0ARBOU0 ' *. - , . . . ow. maiabood." .. aloud -,h fo�1!3h. to: Ca ,at ever the jewels I" sh6.laugh hiive� taken it La 0 -your , me MiXtaTe Will. g0ner:- on. the' nierits� of Etod&s Kidney Pills of the who co� - - I . . . ­ I . .. . * I I Dr. W411tiams' Plok Pills cimre such I CAV . . � , y sent me. with version to. me, it will he So Week,$ Of the sa I . Blue the . - . , ­ Such 'an, a' .1 . . � c. -jstatemBnt above quoted. coratited counsel, with *a ghastly At . .� I . L � : 1- - . . ed softly, , laying down the watch, and . . ),Ily be all that is necessary. . id that :h6 h . --01NTMENTI;' � 11 �. . . . . w.`6rsB 'f or"youi foT, I fully I . .. d'Bright's Disease ., for over I t ..to ijinile, Pa ad . . I . ... . 'Caius .46 the oUile: noted. above because, straw. of hope. ' . . ' , -Xi g ,up an exquisite jeweled neck ,or potatoes the same materials are terap , . I . I the,y create : Carefully 4,D examined, th� tifi- i ii - 33�LUO'h the . X . . . . . I , . nev�,, rich, Ted blood, thms cer i t�nd you shall det beriafter ,under ' - done With the-,witneas-thel evidence I . .. ent, I . I �. laoe,. admLred Aie parity and beauty n . led rii," iepiated.Mr-* Xelfitosh I .. .. . . I . I ., :� F0 al I 'I . istirength, ng weak and shattered W .my.instructions, it has Spoiled Y01A al- ,us -the bordeaux to Prevent blight I �� get' absolutely nothing 'tu 'aii direct. - .. . � : . r I .0111- id1.M8n.t8-. -.1. ­. . I Cate . It was too true: I .. W . . . I .. : � .1 . . . . . .. ne.rves,,'They do not i;.urge and weak- . . . . . . of -the 1%oft, white, gleamingatoneg. , h Id the reips Ili your aind rot and: the Paris green to Kill . .. .. . . . . .1 " . . y . . xf ; , Tbe'tu#et-bell had pealed the, hourt lowing you to . 0 . . - � . .1 . . . — j. C.'Galvgr . � - .1 . I - I - certified Be ord, Lyon ,and Daisy . . . the bugs. The pumps must be star t-, e, 'Bright'A Disease was -in . . . t,& 0c.ii Manchostors England � . an like 6ther'Inedicines, but strengthen . I . - own, hands uncblecked."� . � . �` I ad* early; in fact, much earlier than help M . - an n ; .. .. . . � i . I . I — - DOUGLA 0 9 � � . . JX, tr�ok� nver6; 'joined- together in the ,of eiglit; ahe,.La;d .yet le.alf.. aii .hoax - 1, . .ur.bI I found. My back *W . � . .. .1 . : I a no .. 11 'the first dQ%e to"ti-e la5t. Sold . . 110h, you - horfible Creature! , continuck), ache. My urine, was of . . . . � .1 .� . p iT 1ETMETAL .. I I . .. . . orn. .. .. . . triniony ueaily a, year- .- She never totild-1611 what 1-mrifilse I , , is thejo6&mon praotic6. As soon as the � �. .. I �... . 6TRE.: ... � IN Allets .. . . . . by.all dealers, is medicine or sent bondq of . me I . I I . - ­ - .. . . . . I . . .. (30RNIOES I IdIro.trI.-atoi 014. . I . � ' - And then he, looked at the 1 ompt� 6 s, ind' shall hilve you arrestea, aud�-�l' that dark-oolor ,which is the 1. . 1. . 11 . . . . . . I ." ' . . 'poist pajid att .50 ce'nis a box , or ,�Ix. before. . . )i 4 her to c1asP .th hi ing , The woman interttipted. her . gasp- vin(i$Ottro nioely'up give them�an apr � most.al� . I., . .. I . I , I � . . - . I I I I . � notfice 'of her. gems around, her white throat, even . arming symptoin of the disease. � I . . (" � . . . . boxes.,'foi $2.50 � b . d4dxessafig . the, paper. -, cointaining­.th4 . . g, vindictive words again, mq�e bri- -Plicatioca of weak- bordpaux and To- ,,Centleraim, I tell ' on, J4 1 1 . .1 Ll Wofts. I , � I . I . goff and Shoot Mob . . . . Y. before she had .removed her- dressiag .Ink,. , . , I Y,ag in a 1. . 'ING . ROOFING a I . , iagid'dcath, which *.Daisy had read . periou's thatf, before. .' � - peat this from five to seven times at ' Alfred A, Taylor, of Mdrgaree, 67A - I I LAT . li* zh'olh I Dr. WHIiam'..Medicilue Col., grockvllle,� t . ' " ' 1. . .. ly i rightla -Disease means - . . . Roderarsen. SLATS BLAOKSOARDE We an or . .. � � : . . . . -and carefully. saved.' 6urely,.no robe. - ' . . ,word, 'on will intervals'. of. 10, days. each. This will bad . Way.. B 'One battle of MINARD'S LINIMENT . R,"- a M- *14 . I . 0 t, " ... . 7 ..a . . x, hi She leaned - back dreamily Lit her !'-Rush! - noot anothe'r Y I . .death if. you - doin't cure it and I rubHo and High 11ohools. Torpito I U . . . . . , � . tses New Bull . . .. I .�. . .., . __-`0`_- I blam& colild be atLaehed to Re .. . not. tell. any. onis a; syllable of what Prevent the t;pores from getting , a alould get notbin' g' to cure i,t. 'in fact, cured a swelling of the. gamble.-jDint, � Into, Toronto, done by our Arm). Metal Celli , Clot' I I ousifioited chair, W'atching'� the ,ef feet I . �. . ; .., . . . . I th:i fac.3 61 th so ' - . I has. pas.led in. this .room." - ' footbold� and it is only'im prevention 1 ved "a horns worth 1140AO.' � nioaa," Hatimainfuralsk#d fe, worke,jn:Tlotoar for ­ .. ,. � was iuoarable� and be-. and na . - . I . . . . I . . ,. .� . I Iwaa told it . I ustetisball dtoa I .. . � I , c prioofs - .1. Ybono IN& ' ' _. . . NOTED PEOPLE .. . . 1. He was sorry to le..'beautiful, in the. unirror opposite. on nued. "' � thatany good is,.accomkilbilied.' -The 'But'.1t isn't. Dodd's Kid-.' . I . Ir* kni part of th,t, conDtr : . . . . . .To Be',O t1i lieved it. . d N8,A slaide&WIcirner to., Teronte . �. . I . __ . I aughty heiress;. to.r whont this terri- -i Steadfastly. she gazed at� the won� ' I 11 I Paris green may be added as"rideded. Thai(, 1V-..PaY,ne,.of Batliurat,-.save 0. DUTHIR ga I . . I I . . - � . ­ I I It ,w ­ - 6.1i,i e picture she ­ . . I �.. . . ney Fill,i.'can cure. it.. They cured . . 'that,tne . --- - , - litei;Xting Gossip Ab6nt Pr mincent lien ..ble news ,ould be a groat iok; .-he drodis loveliness of thl . . . . 0 1 I With't.hd improved. aprayers,* which dd,s the life ,of a vu .. I "a . I . made,. the dark, lustrious eyes; gleam- I . , . . me. 1, used . seven boxes of Do , luable hbrise I � , .. . . I and lVanica. . wan sorry for Rex, he had! gr Wit .so . I Tooth or*,' .cover foiir or nix rows at onoe,: from . Kid V.et. had igivan, iii� iwith a feN.vl battles I . - . . . . . - I - I I w4i.rmly attached 6 him at laote, but in . g with unwonted brilliancy, WiLh T POWd '25c 20 to 60 acres may. b ' gon . a over in a -Boy Fills. and Bright's. iDisease� I . . - - � .- . - . . I me. Only for Dodd's Kidney of MINARDIS L.'INIMENT. � . ---,4 ' . � I .. . . . The Duallesig of Fife is an excellellt V f Tinge; thii rich,, red .lips .. � . . 0 . . . I I a' lef t . . . . . . . . . . . . . l o ry for the fair their jett: . . . ...) . I I .. I . .day. of., 10 hours, ao. that ,the �expenso - . I . -1 . . I I .. . " . . . . . piliEl you wouldn't see' me. here, before . �: . . . . I I . . tence;r'. , .. - .. -child-bride,, toward , whom he felt and glow�ing checks. of labor iii slight. ., , . I 0 . . . 1.1, . . . . . � . . . . . .. I ,,, I . femv-'such f a es in the -, DINING WITH THE, KAISER.' i . you, this �m'lnute. I I . . . L � . .1 - .. .11 I . . . - I . F -sympathetic: pity. - "Th,ire are . C . I . I : Apray rivai to fine and evenly in I I I . . . . . . I . . . , I 1 ikke * oaliary oit the- YoUnd Xlq� of such a Yearning, I .0 -, * .Tile .. � -as rel' - .. - . I � . ... . . . . - �WAL . . . The � great bell in the tower slow-' world.11 y1he told herself triumphant- . . � -"� � , . . I The f do ta aied by Mr..Mc. . . I.. . � . . ; I# 14,111 I . - - gpai& Its .CI50,000 4 wetax. . . . I I . . . . . . I � .1 . I 'The, Servintii Do Wall Out of it 'Court .distributed : A. heavy.. applioa.ti.00- of tas;h are universally - oonfirrnbA by the , .: � . ­ MEANING.- I I . . . . . ly pealed -the : . . I . . ' _____ . I i , , �, - � Th, . hour'61 eight,- with a IY. =11mer. I , , . I . big drops runs oft'and..does not' !t'e­ People ckt. Dreo,den'.' I ,, , , - l -.1 . I . � _0 OUTINO I . e. Geimian Emperor is isaid ,to kO�' dx;l ! heavy' clangi an& he. suddenly - Thboe were tlie bapplest moments , . � - - � complish an'much 'as a fine light mist., I . � SHE CEASED .TO TROUBLE. LADIESI o.. . GUITS . I . . � 1. I . .1, . THEN . celye, mioire Llidus .600 letters'. n; 4aY.011 realiz ma Hurl A Couir't di6er i - . . Try It. I . ed -,,diat wag to -be ,done must proud, peerless Flu 1hurst,was i , n. Germany ig. a Paris'green, is commonly used.�itt the - - - ' - Cau be done perfaftlir by our French Process. . I ' . - . ala avlax4ge. .. . . . . .1 . � . be I done at ,once, .. . . 1. . .. . ev6r to know .... �'beforo the hour -should 1 most I ela I b . orate affa I ir. I , A high ser- rate of I . Ili to 150 or !:00 , galit W-ater . � � � I . .M � , A geutlenian whoi was IA I0vP.WIt1A ,.. BRITISH AMERICAN DYKINa GO. '., . � . . ' . "I muSt . 'send for both Rex, adad wane the fruition bf all :her hopes ! ­ . 1, . . BERLIN'S MODEL, P. 0; SYSTE . .. � I . -_ . Few mein of the Bar are,more, able . . . . . :v far both potatoes �Apd' apple troes. . - . � partlicity. to. un- MONTREAL. TORONTO. OTTAWA. & Q119BRO . - . . . . . I Plum uld be attaixte4.." ' .. . . . ant hasi:admitted th ing save . I I . a, lafli, and had no-opi .. . 1. ' . .. a" he. said laying his hands. on wo . Bordeaux iii. made -by slaking 6 'the . __� . . . . . . , . her I I I . . . . . .. and popular than. Mr. John'G..Buticli- t . I ,No feeliag* of remorse stole over her the, line o. 'I I . ve .. . . � * . . . edutitul bo'wed. head; "but, if it n, pI te, China and gl%s� is fre h ,' iy fold his passion, appearea before . . . he 13 � a .atone, lime in- water; then strain 14etter 'Bases *re xow cleired V ' I , I K ' obty, of Will comfort'you, to hi' unobserved .e 'over * aer Vod. twice .at Court talil(14- and dilute to 25 gals. v4solve 4 Iles I .. Fifteen ,If aules. . - house and,cried out Virel � .. I . '. �-T I aidd mom�alr -f �r - the, * e riuta- . I firet. fire; . . Pli .. to im . � . . . . . I . throw up. -the WLndo . I., I '� Y9Tk,.En1ZIaAd, ,J!be. spni.k an Irl6h. durin' thii infi6rvi6w, you shall ,have pbfintb�tlh=gthts. .1 . I . � I upou which she I . -.1 I . 'He � and when ready to. Spray mix the two. . . 9 Thu%.:bottles. at wine that"have been sulphate of Copper in 25 gals water Although Berlin's postal service is r. Htatt Omw I � . blshop,.ha had avoiy brillilint.oar"r your wish." - motioned her to, one .She had, lived in'a world of her � . and atsked Where-, when be placed b . . . I 0 , ta-inbridge, captuttag. .a, double of ihe curtained recesses, find plaee& Own, planning and scheming, %vesting sene up, -end not uncorked, huge, Several . firms ,have ;undertaken. the :,Unattainable model. for fbe'tefit hand upon big.hegit, and said, Here, . . at , � , . to ' .1 I ' , . . . . .1 . � . . Instrurnonte, cruins,. uniforms, Etc. . . hile hi:s elder her in da -easy-chair. He'saw she her,YCuth,Aier beauty, and,her ge)fl� pleews 61 ,mieat,_ game, poultryl and prepared mixtures similar to th Of Europe, the excellerlo6 already at- here, beret ... � . I . . fitratiaAd a fellotw�h!P-, NV . . make e . . . I :1 . - EVERY TOWN CAN NAVE.A BAND - I . . : brother, I Professo,v Batchor, WA,s a was trem6ligg violently. - - . to - cocamplisb Ulm sweets In- P�Ofuslon% are of necessity _- Is and Paris, g does not .satisf the postal , , ' - � -- . 1. . . . 1"', the one great . . . I rop olassjo� In spite 61 his forty- a hard. bxdcal for htm[ to (go timatU.332--�winning' Rex Lyon' . bordeaux or .to tb Teen tained Y. , . , . I te catalo � I �; lien: fl love, Lowest pricao ever quoteav Fir 011001 . . - - It was f t over. , The,qe, become the PBr" combined. They aa�6 called. by -various :4 tborltlo��. 'The . hedfred. WrItou8foratayi . h, :but there .-wag " no alter- She took from fier bosorii a tiny Zi W u � I . , problem, of course,, : - KAWA1:t,THA LAKE$. - .. 500illustratidus,ma, � . i1i yearko b.3 W a- sbnik�uj�arly �outlifulm I . i d heir lass is quite 8 1111stritruenti. . . he ii�rst "took. I .� . I I .. . qUisites of the serrantg, who, as can names an t . . 3113fae, I distri- . on, ' . the, many 6xoel-. thing In 11tuile, or Musica . . ­� licoking in", and,w.buri = I oonini Wite, flaky cryS- . L� the accurate Collection. aw - of tus-finest of I T6rento On& indt- � . . S p6pulaTlY lVillo, - ,He'.tOaC -ed the boll.�wlth ashaking t4lii, . 'J Shall not need this, no*," be wall imagined,.Ao very �Ml out toiry� . They need, only to be added to bution ai mail matter Ili. t1heLshortest ,lent Aiammer Outings open to the whaleybyca & Gulp winn5ek;WZ � - � . s6lik" wa, wa as 1 1 the boy. I It . � . � .. . . water, before -applying. ,, �. ,..l I .1 . �. , - a, . gh , - I . I , -Q.C.,11 Mr. Butcher lis a keen cyclist., hand', thrusting the certificate. and. she .. told.. hdrieff. "If Lester Stan- of :,,.Court, ainUeri, ­ I I . ­ I 1. . -perlod' of time. . By a recent toutint on holiday is a trip throu , - I �ohasex.and paper into hW desk. ' I ­ wick had intended to interfere. lie - t i. . . � .1 .. . . possible . the Kawartha. -Lakes, Lln,doa.Y� Cobo-v land has. been a flne steeple . The Kai%ar has made I newt f ash- inn * ation � the' letter boxeg in the r . ate DoMinion Line Steam6hlps . I � , I . .. . . . "Summonmy-d(ititghterPla a.to'me would have done so. ere this; he has '. . . PRUNING CURRANT BUSHES. Ov � � couk, or Lakof leld, a o the beat pol . I IAY' . hoiatex, . . � .in - !on in Gernia ' .. � I I � ','.O.'I'!"rsl.�tt'l&d'VOL*IL,.M'o'.*'Lto"Vit.oQu.."' ' * . ' . I . .at once,'.' -ho said to the.seivant, ,who left 'me t6 my4elf, realizing his ny for ho.st-and hostess, . p principal .thoroughfares -are mOlv to ntaTt irk from, and theacenery is no. . . T-1181.1�mr Contxoller of, the. Navy$ . own tho I am not certain as to the best,wa . . , I . an�wercd. the Summons, !'and bid Mi. threats were all -ita. vBin; .yet I have th git side ljy'sicle half -way; d . Yl i, to, say.notbing town. . . . . � olea red -every fifteen minut" during well worth the time I . Large and Feet Stestashipse I Superior onoominodstlat v . Captain W. H..May.- R.N.,. olt mms., - I never -3 ber�. ,wirit6s Mi, A. G. Sharp. MY practice . t e . I .. . I � Lyon Come to me here within; half an been. nore - -afraid Rek.will table, and noT, at each encl - a . the .busy hours of the day. Illustra., of the ir sh air the traveller Can 'in- for -all climsei Of passenger& Saloons and.-StiLtarnea4 . � Excellont, has. haid a very varied ex� hour." 4 � k,now that I lied and sobamed'to ,wlnL . riv, at has been to begin with tho, bash.L at . tive of the'Verf cation to wbicUl the As. bibei The steamers which ate rdn- axe Idallips. SileO1slstt!8tlOnb44b6an9Iv6Dt0 . . pefriance, serving'.1n, .the ' Arctic Ex- Ile aaw the man hada , -ove, or that I planned thu remov-. The guests are supposed to ar two, years .old and ., cut back at least Lis the follow_ oute'L 'IT :,'d"S.I.o. and Third- JAM wecitarsociation. P64 . 4 . . I � I letterl in his itts I his Path, 46 pitit-ment has attained . . nin the r are all last, Safe r, -A of Passage and all 0641CU'Sys, apply L to any .48*0 � . . ­ . . .. I . I .least. twenty ralnuLes before the din- . ' heL now i I or g in at I , 6, and . annexing hand, . I . . . . al of Daisy Brooks, from ' . L ng ii aft and .8 well appointed The. ottkedonlrar!y,ot , - I , . he 0 1 b Fqu one-third to oue-balf of t tory. Also it is an instance in' 'Lakes are the L �ummor R 1, �.p% ,I 1,1,1 I .- # C I - .Montreal . pedition, of 1876- Vixont 1895 'It You please, sit," said the inan, cleverly; he -will never know that I nor is served. T a tua a c t . . . .4,.. V. Torrence k t'o_ . - I .CJ1T1st=0 1%la.nd Int 1888. havo� deceived hisa, oiz the . I growth each �ear, at any time,when which r4tern officialism saved a,hu- Kwivarthit , I kn4porusni I . L tda 1897 Captailt, May was Assistant- .1 . .wretched doe.,% not last long. . I I I 9. man life, A young.girl wrote tober ,pleahure V9111149 Of. the COntinent' I I tataln, I , L . . . . "an I was coming, to answer youri bell ' ' . — - -.-..- .- : . ,of my folly agd. passionate, , bunh is dormant, either late in , . - I . I I. . . Vxeotm of , !Torp Clio of the I mat John Brookil, your overseer, in story I ve. I aouttl riot have borne A man in Berlin,'wilto had been diti- the . P.Vlr3nts exprii8sing,ber determination . . . L : I . I .1 , r�lt­ ponts� in as with periloaa a I lee, boast- , commit auloido'L The, . lyfisaiicardia, .HOG *Rio . —A— L . � .. IL . most ej n ei'll?f4i., the hall below. .A stranger w Ull or very early in the'sprilig. Also to 4 find incidentally � pital'of . I . . . I Jubilee him, Who requested*me to give you the alicarno and - tile exposure,, L there missed from the Royal servi . . larg ' � � . I . the Navy, In the VialmUnid . .. t__� Av ld baVe bt�Cfn . out out all �he suckers that may have mentioned Lthe 'place Where her body Janeiro 14 tale ,est in the warld, , . L . I this without delay.11 . on but one osoape!'- ed that he made ble � She mailed the let-. treated in. a PXOcess5o!nLhe commanded the Na,v,al -quibe Unconsciously &be Slid the vial ' I . -Ty year by selling ilia leav- started within the �ianL In this man- Would be found.* I i0otl pa,ttents, are . FREE. TRIP L . � .cotatr.(ngont, the'seetlon, of tile Piro- I l4tvii] Hurlburst. broke open the seal, Income evL �ho Kaj�ser'g feasts. L � Ile Jae ' Let,. Her father ireceived it within - . . . . , . There, were, but ,it few penciled words, into. th, pont.kat of her silkehi robe­� "I ing%. from. t . 'r. thore is no great shook to the year. . I . .. . I I . . . L . . aaL hour of its befteii posted, hurried to . I I �'. . I . L cessil-oln, which undoubtedly came in fox, .- ­ . have lived a.cowurdlA lite ; I should asserted 'that many of the restan- I it makes - -irk the Thio-gartan, . w are . I �. 1. . � TO . t he which ran as follaws, : � plant and - a Stocky, stiff, up b . I , Incat eulthil%uA10 applausel So �., dli have diad a coward'A death." L 1i � ,the spot .SLt . W , . . . . I I adm5rably had the meia­beea selac,t6d Mr. I-ALr1hurst.-Will you kin rants. in Berlin Subsidized in to se- $JOO Re ard, $WO� I I grant me an immediate interview? I "It -!a time 'to Commence arrang- cure bo,ttleti offimperLal Wine find! de. right Plant, taking less space and giv- the body Wa a be fouddl; caught his I . a4W so well oir,ganiaed, . chance to get more pla is, on daughter in- the- Commencement of The raaders of this t, spar -will be pleased to 11 � . I . shall detain yon, but.a. few moment$-. " Ing toilet, madomoliallu'll said lleactea from tho table, a sour6e.of ing a . n. her rush attempt, and took herl bfittlil, exre, that there ig at eastone dreaded diss:se � . � I I , the 4 approaching her softly with income that, it true, can be well Im- all aore. � . . . . . . iiat adlence has been able to Cure 'I'LL'all 'tS L . . I � It 1119, in t-413 pex-foeting of all the "Yours, h y * mi'�'Id'.'L -' In robs, anti ggilled . . - . . taiteol aild, that Is Catirrh. 11mrs Catarrh : bY_pJay of lii:6 prodpatloci that SIT ' . �t�i%,,rly Tudor, the WhiL6 glimmering .%atl 11 . as being peculiarly lUcra- It keelin, the Ush-more Comp ire M the OnlY positive titre now known to To anyous who.wants'a plano or organ . ' 0 Ives fleecy veil over her urm, -kViY L f I it� five. . 'L. . season : �1. medical I ra6ternit, , we willgIve areturn tiekeD to Toronto for , "Of Tudor, Peek & Co. Dete tL # . fruit-ahaded. It extends the y� CatArrhbellnx A la. Ile woricl; us I . . '_ . jAWS PY SUCCEISSIONIA , _ - C809 t1d COM I Hoaafty Irvii* qxce . Baltimore." . . . . gets dra deft, but,yo.0 have. not one 01 I of picking. inuf oftsea Alzo' and helps to " Many p . ,ittitional cllwoape; requires a, ti tieut a distance equivalent to the amount of . - -halrd ha frainiqjr Lira, hulmlbleSt Of his tl, -y that montent to 13pare't . I ceep the fruit up and out of the dirt. been confused by 5rommant. liall's Catarrh Cure to takonintor. I thibir purchase. (5D mile raturn'ticket for L . -be. iti'll, Ifiever forgot the ei I. o6ple have ea master's lip!� as mm wavell. ,a- LIVELY I-AVIIE, N HE ME DTS HE, IV . nally, actiqw direct upon the blood an?. nit from his liie� off with an i . I on which mucous aurfacca of tZ It YU11chase of $50 find so oh, I I , , opla as lite, dow ba bringing out the . LIL A plant left to ALSOlf will grow long the varioua laws of 8uCCOSSU a system, tbetabY do$' f the . pel tejDoig pciinitg inhis own pwrt. read those brief words. . . � perious gesture. I An officer, who had been recan Y Atllln4 a7jd atins that when loaded L . 1 i Zarope. There are tliree Lroybig tho foundation of the disdise, end n addition to amagalficent stock a is . motnt J,Yes, tell him to Come upf at once;,, ",*;at yet," she said, "t suppdso I t prdvai in, %ty1% the pationt strength by building up the celebrated Newcombe Gold Medal (Par . JU uakes the men, take off their hats, ran4ferred to a new garrison town, with fruit and dripping with rain will v anti tition. and amisting nature in d0ln�� ittl Exposition) Planes, W6 have a great VAX - 11 * bend down ao that much of the fruit L dIf4 qlh6 proprietors. hoLve sic much fait 11% lety of used planos, by well-known makers, I ' the length of theIr hair It m, here. . might UA well go 410wo fi a erdiit'�6yatems, the most general . and ii,asp_�,ct - 11P Cried; "I Will 16 1 it, waa , . ire a i,j lie forgot Lhe momago he had 'sent to, M10 Whitt in the world lie wal , -highly dis eased to find that the I work. wh$ ... . I . � . . V1 lies, ff�t upon the ground, to be apat- liellog that imown it$ tile Salle sys- ".0crative powers. That they, offer one Run- In good order, which we offer to clear AD ,� I I . . jol airrixoges the proportion- - gra.,is-plots oil the exercising &,round tored with mud. Some branches will tem, under which w6men I are !i, d Dollars for any Case thab it falls to cutal, froin . .L I . ., ate elem,en)ts of youtts,and age In the for 1-11uhia unit Rex - ft�rgot the with ine; hit �;hould have comoto. nil, . colft- I I . I . . Send for list of testimbiclial'o. I . I I mob. Mls,S ,Xeirry is (it great aiisis- shrinking, timid little figure in the it ht- had NvI41ited to see me so very ,69 the troops Wore iargely.utlilzedbY be broken with the winds, besides be- pleLely excluded. TWA 'is the rule in . I . I V. Jr. CHENEY& CO., TOLEDO . . I anning a. prcdue� sh,adowy drapbry of the curtains - liarticalarly;ll and the diffiful daugh- the ittliabitunt,4 of the littIt townt for ing much it, Way Of cultivation- qd1d. b�drufal`Atyl. 750, the be$, . QNE HALF I hum air j,he, voices down ter, dirtswing tile train of her dre.4.14 Ia. regard to trimming or renewing - � tan4o to br.ani.lix pl. ' ' , Belgium, Swoden. Norway. Italy,Den HAW$ &Mi r Plus are . -W0- . I tiaji. ,Tbley disciass frankly at the re- even die gay ihe purpcN%o at bleaehlug.their linen, L Is or that poseor WICAW, anti the stralits of music, or flakelas.,sly over har*itrin, walked swift- . 14sued peremptory orders old plant4 long neglected, Iknow of mark and Germany. Then there h . ___, L . .. � . I hearsals wh6ther thi that tho fatal marria9d momentwas ly through Lho. b.i-ill'ittintly lighted 110 'Lit. 6403 no, bottir wBy than to cut the whole � the German -Dutch system, under Lady Roberts braught from South NE FIFTH pkico of business will I ' /0 . ' ti, . shoo IS velry partioalar abutit I corridor toward UwRif I-turlijur4t's th'Lt all Certificate$ of leave for thl'4 bush oft near the ground, wben It which male% in alI degrees of relation- Africa a wonderful collection of I 11 ti,ve � Ile waa wondering it tho doUetivo's study. fih�, turnid -ULL kno)) und en- privilege were to be withdrawn. the root is worth navirig it will Bond the plantK, which she presented original prices. NO 140MV, Is complete . � his antil--lic aues, and Vatastaki.b.cir In visit brought him it gleam, of Ilopt'. tervd. Thc! a'OLIJIL Wil.1.4 11I)II)armilly de- 'first year. ship take Precedence of females, without a piatio or organ# andon theaboya I the car& wi!th which iihe 'axTaaLms that A, Nuvortlidens, a few days later, as lit) plenty Of NbOOt$ ths Queen, and they are inow in the con. Surelv be could have no ,Ahcr obi,jet sert,z,d. "Not livrall, she inutterc e thrones Passing to the female line offer no Ono need bawl thaitt one. I I 11 . this foitissitno pa,ssages shall not the ground These can be treated in th same man- Otion Of all servatotles at Osborne House, Some EWOPMBE & Co., in calling so hurriedly on thig"_:ght wivil surprise. 'Vall, my dear, cap. he marched his troopi; on ner thereafter as a two-year-old plant only in dage of the bXtin rare and oXqUlft1te orchids are among 0. N .I, I come in at inoppoirtunamoments when above all other night,,;, 1-jejous father. .X .nhall go straight for exerelse, he found the wbolo simply by i3electing it few of the the male linen, bowever remote. This them, qnd several of the curious rook 107-9 Chu 1h,et., Toronto,. they W411 dx4Avn her Volce. . A decanter of wino alwayk sat on T)dek to any aparlment.4. Yon 01 -all grass -grown surface completely rtov- begi; shootg and trimming as at Arat Isi the rule) in Holland-frora which it plants foata In the TxansvAill, , I — \ . .1 11 Of Mr. Luke VIbides, R.A., who hns (he atudy ttible. lie turned toward c(Afto to tnt-Axercafter"' A,1 . slid described. Keep .all slezddr. weak takea its name-Ruosia, and some of � 1, I I I . I . it rl.o�w with feverish 11nipatieW,e, turned to irct.raoo her steps a hand er0d with.'every description of newly. sterns out out or pLuelied out as they the minor German Statei, Tha third . ..THM. . I . . be,eat lwoto!oed by the command to , poured.out a full glass with his nor. was laid upail, her ohoutder,, unit a wmilled linen. Intensely raortiflOd plyear. system is our own, under which fe, Kinds Liniment Cores Diplitheria, � - , the - " parnt -the official partralt of vans i ' 0 and drained, it at a .worna,41.1 voice Whispered closo. to at this( contemptuoug treatment of ' Perhaps 'it might be ai:j well to treat males are excluded when there are I . — . . . . has latterly painted many sin Ing -T 1:1 half the bush at a time, taking two in -ilea in the, isame degree 0 he first suhmarino aable -Y I I King, glu dm.,8,ii her eiii: . his orders, he oommandeil his troops �f relation- T ' .09 laid . � . . I pat: trailts. 111i lew.k-koown pleturei; . A inowent later the detective and , 1,1 was almost, aftald I should nliss to go through every speolos at ovo- years to renew thoplantation, and at ship, but take precedence of males in August, 140. between Dover Luid Canada I o.re perbaAi ,,The Villag VeddLngll John 11rooksl looking pale and co - Y -fate ig Whil." I . lutio-a-illa,rell, eounter-irtarch, righ-t- (lip name time growing some fruit wbop degToo of relationship is not, (J,Ape 1 tiez, I . . n oil . Or s . c � e I C. V the innocent ' "-- 1 . "'Mr, I ajjftd "Thd Dootoir." . Air, Rildes has .9iderably OX01ted, were usherod into . Pluma llurlhurnt recalled train the about-face, -Ove on, thc,plauta� wbElo row -wing. In this so close as their Own- 'Thus atk elder . I i . I - - . � it good story of &,ru,stio !whom lie the Stud�.i . I .. toueb, fairly holding her bre, th, bed-aheatq, ilbirts, etc., etc., until sud case tho.plants will require more fev- daughte'r of the ruling Sovereign gives I "I I- e, man ent . . a a 9 Y' amd ust - donly, pale as death, anti With loose -othero and I employed as &'Inodel forr tbo hrld& For . We instant the master of speechlOss with fur . . oilsh flying hair, the oblumanili g officorla ttlizer an well ati Cultivation, tO miIke all to all her yownger bi 1J__ I - I UXODM iin the �ormeir work, �;ofl Whitestona Hall glanood Into the de- in,mt. I 11 both fruit and a good growth the same �tvllar [$suet but tilkes precedence of . alter tho draiv6lig Wgan the ar0qt teetiVo'A gray eym for one ray of hope, ,,Yo;i insolent creature!,, she orted, own i4ervaut-maid rup,hod on to (lie Wilson. Currants Will stand a good male cousin or a nephow. Thin sys- 4e 9417�� I � An'-dVESTERN CANADA . noibleed that hk 'model became, Very. as he silently graspod hl. -4 extended. "I wander .,it your boldntlas in.'forellig acene and, wringing her hands, brolto k(l)-dressitig every ' year it fruiting torld Wthe rule in Spain and Portu, T�ln teignstarii is on eyaty boir of the contitnt Morfik* W-1- 6,00rooration. pale. Ile made himtest, and present- hand, your preRexice upon Inc. Did I not forth into the lament.- Irl Wh,t( iWavily. , t g.%l a,l Well %ii in U'rigland. , . lVe Broino.Q11111ifle Tablets . ly work was re,so,mied. . Tile. model "I Aeo we aro. alone," said Atr. Tud- 1vtvo you thruAt from t1c, ltou,qe all "Graolotil Ate, master, S . - I I . - . Laxat a cold An 000 dAY4 — I � � or, glancing hurriedly around (Ile hour ago, with the full understwiding will the MISSIB sa ?" . - . the rameo tbsA cotsis , Soon became more gha,sily than ever. 11 had t say to INIPORTANCH OV GOOD CULTIVA- . I �__ . I "You don't s6am. Well," said !NIT. room ­"we ihrw, I mean,,, he added, I would not Men, you, no ma,Lter who 1,Vhat the "Inissis a I I I � I I A QUES'JJON 00 11ASTAX02. 1Npr,L.1XIT�J,'9 XUSTION' . , 191H . I I I ikfldes. "I'm a' rigilit, zur," aasw,ored Suddenly Basil Hurlhurst thought you waM or what you wanted -11 the ruthloas destroyer of his Own i 11,10N. A traveller 'riding in a wild part 9AVINGS DIPIRT Ts I. t1b3 nilodel, "cialy ,for holding my of the young girl, quite hidden from "I Wa$ not at Clio door an hour linen has, wo regrat to inform thf : Whenever the soil crumbles it 'Can what kind of Man is 'Tippst find upwardol to0alvoct Oil dopoelL . I I - View. ago," replied the womtri, coolly, "it reader;l noL boon Communicated to -. Of 11 go!$ thla kind, If YOU, inVilcil him 0 1 Diterest v0d or Compound-. to/ breath go longl'l The poor rustle ire, . rle Worked for the greatest btnbf It of Calthilefis came, to the' edge c, hftlf'J0ArIY at ...... 0 .......... 31/0 Air "No," he answered, leading the, way must have Imn aoms Ono lose, I have us, . - m. . I voted it wils j2e,wA%A,ry for tb3 POr- separated frora been hero -to, Whitestana 11all-sov- — I- � I . . I i u limut growtb. I-Iow often . we oat 1110ra%% . Seeing a ponaillit-boy, Ackar, to dino with YOU.0nd h91 lost bl"q ucu- � 1!�� received f6f .t � should hold toward an inner room, whether the bog ware brol SO held make s . tria-1 to he totkto that Ito the.Atud3r by & heavy Silken, curtain; cr&I timA-s before, but you have at- tile., plow titarLed when every farrow he laquIred . Ia at yourbou . too; Ate itaudd JW81 breath the whilel . ,,but in thj$ apartnielat ,wo, shall cer -3 4t,000 vil, L4 to Lon -1 the bottom, pay for it. . ..i- . . att#4hed 4% . Ways eluded '.M, - You.shal[ not do Lsft4 a day tire, pad 1 � I'M Mke of CorAwall, always Ve tainly be, free from. interruption. 40 to-hight. 'Y'ou allall listen to don pawAbroktr.g, I .. �... ... ," . looks as.. It It hBd been, run in a mold, hard at quite hard', ; : . I "' ho Can. ,What I have come to say, to you," ==h�_ -------- - !t___=�!!!n 11 ___ Oh, By, rooll6d the lid- 0 Udmmt cures a � formed WA full duty wl,,6,, he wa Your tace, reveal$ notting.lo * 1. oamured, the traveller spurred migarh r offlear ill th,3 Navy, 9 tinued, in an agitated, voice, "but I For once in her I y forw&rd, but, to his dismay, the h r60 __ - : Toronto Street, - TORONTO : � believe you have brought me nswo of Willful Wretis was complet take� �001b, of ra1v towl roducol under Admiral 81r.r'Btdf,o.Td, the VeA. my child." aback, and ollp bank Into ely arm- and Its t1der isdink rdpldly Into othe Voiling, I r6aqt1ng it to 151% t � bog. to 801b., . . .1 , , _", " , , " 11 80-1 wail colving OIL syrarifta, When � 0- J3141 d1urlhurst. had no idea tho. chair so lately occupied by Basil I N ' It . 11 ... ­­'. � I.A Vh J il 160� L�l Lin Ife the. haught � V� 9 ,I e.onafartablei T.U#rVsh 11"ha came on ocinvoniation carried on In the isluall llurlhuraL, GEYLO ANU INDIA I TEA $ Here, you young, rawall shottEed it .W�t�� . tho apdrtnient to which he had conduct. "I ohall 'Tlng for the dorvaints, and -the affrighted horxeman, yoti sild It I I . I . b".rd to ;dy, 14A T-CAPMUS to E F. N !OR GLAO K# W04 hard at th battolat I . ed them. 0OU14 be overbetird train tho bavo� you thrown from the house; sudh ON r " But � � . for Curtained ,recess ,Ly, sir I w" tud ailln roply. I le,�� I graindson; &I th,, groit; queen. At in which Daisy Impudi6fidid is unheard of1l YOU bliflar- , 1. � I ,L . 1, I., . I .. .... - I I bt.i-Ag received with duo Ceremony 110 nat, Mat he was ralatakhal, Daisy table erelturel` I— � Is lyt haviiii pt thtitt yotl , 4159 1 a* � , � .0 , I I asked for 11-P-11., and was Pointed oat Could bear every wokil. of it. She madd k motemimt toward the ' D01,111t Vlolr.gvet the Floacts � � , ,0116 .. I .1. k, . I I . . I I 1. . . "", I I � � � . a01)al4X1g,r1,M0A offiter, who WAS She daMd not try out or wallE forth bell -rope, but tho� w6man hAAtilY I I . . I 'hte , I or TWO, . .. I (, aulmn ,ndinig the coaling Opera- from her placie of coridemlin6at leAt thtuAt her back into litr Aeat, Crow Britiall Grown to& ig uncolored and 016allily. It fS MAOM118- A OU0101-11 I � � ,L I I ­ I � I ­­­nlo .. ". I � i'llons, Anyorin W-110 kno,wl what she should roluo suddenly face to faco ed 6*6r, turned th6 key ka the, look, .& lauraw ,of 0144ACOW x0aboolboys A � - . ­ ­­_ __ - � / . ­ I ­­_ I ; , 0 $ $ No 092% F�_ '2�1 , - La L —A & C LO � I I II I I - iti:, 0 � v., �;U � -_ . I - 1 4 ���� 0`2ffi 11 � . . X 0\. I - L I I I / I I h1, , 118 1-4- " _n,_0 ^ zi A , , Z I &I // U41110 toal'Ut-g ausalag on lim,rd it man-af-wAr With p&jt, and hilAtily removed it. Basil Hurl- rolled itnd contains no Adatteralats. XOithor JAPAN nor tvent Ifito a doictorox fidnAulting-roant — r .1 C L &�4 1 � �4. . . will at onim Ubdo,wqtand the pondi- As itho, light hAd fallen an sohn liarxt tind -Tahn nrooko were about to to avitil thewolv6o of tho rotportt. � __ P, 01 I I .� I" .. fibix In which thA_.M,ke of York Wan 11rooW honest faft, bow Ao hkd ru0h to, her aftsinfitum, but the) de- (,,JJJX.A tC%g poggeag ffieso cliaracterlstiCS, 40ta 4 1 1614* 4$44� ,�, '. at thit Ulme. TM look of Iftc-tedilli, longed to mortug forWard with ft-gla beetivo andiltaly thrust tbAm bock, 11, 1. i - . I =.J=��,­, II'l _­ � � ­,_ -..��_ t16416 offer of it" rovikedination. AV I I � a �� __ !, � opstirtion walk oomplated oil(' . . , . I.. . 9 ty and offe,aaed dignity on th* fece little cry and throw beroelf into his holdda up lil'si hand Warningly. n. A, 09 06yoon Toots �ars sold In "itftid I ift'ili"islioty - wis asko'l to g!Ia big, , , . . I I I � 1� . , litng-lbly biN vx- slittmg. sheltisvirig urmAt a oryet'll he Whispered, "We Will At IV, . ­ 11 444."Ole of th-t Panha calitooL, 8h6 woli. , lea&d pitekato ionlyii no I 44040 rinill tho BrAwar c4lft!!k Welt. 11 I dftaoriftoid pr-643ed �4A wurdat, and to thL,% day, he dorod phildi8bly WhY he Wso tletrii walt until we know what this str4nO, 601a LA 11011011V mr-1111 riiiiks. but mit niAld- 91 , . btlfiovos that the matte.r was an Ill- -with Xr. Tudatt, tho detotetive, Who" affair meaum I oball request you; d op = I T'hor a&, mt R I . d. I both, to rain*ia V*rf**tly 4tillit Until *�qd COV110to Ge'"n, "M04 04 6*611140ant Addft" 41 SALADIN" 1*600- #11-AW0614 VAlakittrwoo* . tl*Wd joko itt bU e0*046 10106 IA# DA4, I4#tVAtIT tj1C099iXG ­­_­ ­­__­___­.­ _- ' I