The Blyth Standard, 1930-02-13, Page 7Does rheumatism
hinder your
«'99'7HILE working in a
VY quarry as a driller,"
writes Mr. John J. Hogan
of South March, Ont., "I
was seized with rheuma-
tism in the left shoulder.
I followed treatments for
some time without relief.
I had heard so much con-
cerning 1)r, Williams'
Pink Is that I deckled
to give them a trial. They
were certainty the medi-
cine that I needed for it
was not long before I was
as well as ever. Now I
take them every Spring as
a tonic."
This is one of hundreds of
cases in which these blood -
enriching pills have proved
effective in eradicating rheu-
matism. Buy Dr. Williaau'
Pink Pills slow at your drug.
gist's or any dealer in medi-
cine, or by snail, Sal cents,
postpaid, from 'The Dr. Wil-
liams Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
POI 1103
IN e4 coUNrnlae .
One cannot bear one's neighbor's
burdens --you may break your own
heart out of sheer pity, but your
neighbor will. not he a whit less op.
pressed. . , This is not denial of
the power in sympathy, counsel, af-
feolion, or comradeship; the power of
such gifts is incalculable, but they
cannot bo transmitted ll 1
, . ley 01111 011 y
be exercised for the neighbor's bent: -
'fit and eneouragonent. They cannot
lessen the burden, they cannot affect
those unuttered and unutterable
thoughts which dart through the soul,
those hour's of absolute and unreach- "\That's Ilia rennon nSwift (1003
ab10 solltaldnois, those moods when not apply for 1 df '0)101''
no one really counts and nothing real- •'N-hy his w'fo 100 10100 10 muuo-
ly matters.—John Oliver Hobbes,
planing and 1)0 Il inns 'he might as
n It oAL"
Eskimo Name Tells ,r - Owl Laffs
Strangest of Stories
"No Feet" Recalls Trial of
Starving Man Who Eats
His Own Feet
Edul.mlon, Alla.--our, of the straw;e
est stories ever Inld, unhelicvahhe 1f it
were not contained in au 011101,11
I1.O.A1.I'. report, reaches Edmonton
from Sgt. 1',, 0. Ilol- 'r, in charge of
the llnuntte0 post at. Bathurst 111101.
The story Is that of 0 man who oto
his own feet. -
Told in the plain, unvarnished lan-
guage of the P01'''ant, the story 1)
dramatic enough and has behind -11 0
theme of humltn suffering and forti-
tude almost alparalleled,
111 the wilds of Lhe farthest North-
lands—beyond the fringe,., of etvllioa-
(ion nod In a section of the seemingly
eudlass wastes fit the Arctic lives
Eskimo No Foot,
Lack of 111;3 pedal extremities has
given him his name onl ho takes ro1-
siderahle pride In his disfigurement.
His story reached this city only
now, following receipt of mail from
Cambridge nay.
",No Feet," says Sergeant 1101100,
while out en a hunting trip early
this winter got loot In a storm, and
unable to find lila way back to Ills
Igloo, froze both his feet.
13elbre he was rescued, he camel
near death from. starvation,
As ho reached this dreaded point,
he realized that as his feet were f'pz.
en and 08 they ,would ho of no fur-
ther consequence h1 Ills mobility, that
110 !night as well use them as fond.
.Accordingly ho severe'il the foot
from the lower portion of the logs
and ate them, thus sultan -1'11g life on
til aid arrived.
He is act1'o and walks around on
his knees, Also he coo run mons
nide n 1:og-sled as ion.; as ho hoops
one hand on It for guidance. Flo is
balmy and is said to enjoy Life.
Another misfortune Inas overtaken
him. ills wife is both Mind anti
Ilot No !fait may soon have to beret.
go his sobriquet. The I-lydson's P,ay
company has ordered a pair nP artlH-
ciai feet for him and as they are ex-
pected soon, 110 May shortly 00 wa'k-
111g as he did In days of yore.
RED -11 1 nonsE To Fit the Case
plows,discs,uR) ale" 'Tbc* were fishing 111 hr rano!.
ilut ono light 1 know.,
lint one !loam 1 10100,
"rig (110 radian( glow
Shining from your lyes,
But ane flower I'll find,
But ono bloom 1 seek,
Tis the fair-enoltriued
hose upon, your chook,
But one bomb 1 pray,
1)ut oto wish is miuc--
1 Sweet, for nye 11d aye .
110 11y Valentine! `
‘The Started It?
It is estimated that two 01111ion a
year is expended on Valeutlues, it
0110111 he said that here le a case .of
Art for Hearths flake,
"P01011," called her mistress from
upstairs, "I hope you turned the gas
on In the kitchen as I told You."
"Yes, ma'am," answered the hew
servant, "can't yott 051011 1t?"
Never in the history of the world
have the women been able to please
the prudes. The print IFS used to scold
woolen for hieing. And now alley
nay it is immoral for a woman to go
about without a corset. No wonder
the women finally have decided to do
as they please.
if sow walk as a friend you will find a
11100(1 whoever you chose to
if you go with mirth to a far strange
land you will find that. mirth Is
For the strangest part of this queer
old world is Mat 111 'Ill 10111
IF THERE ISA BABY Ladybird Frees Firs Classified Advertisinid
IN YOUR HOME Of Predatory Bu
There Also Should be a Box of
Baby's Own Tablets
'1'o keep her little ones well Is 1110
constant aim of every motion and to
help her In this task she should al.
wlay'n peep a box of Ilaby's Own Tab-
lets In the home, These Tablets have
saved many little lives when illness
came on suddenly.
The majority of troubles which af-
flict little one ere those which arise
from n disordered condition of the
stomach and bowels. It is in quickly
correcting these disorders that
Baby's Own Tablets show their value.
They banish constipation and indi-
gestion; correct colic and diarrhoea;
break up co1d8 and simple fevers and
allay teething pains. Concerning the
Tablets, Mrs, E. Roberts, Cap arts
Os, Que., writes:—"I ltltvays keep
Baby's Own Tablets In the house as
I know of nothing to equal them for
little ones."
The Tablets are sold by medicine
dealers or by 01011 at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„
Brockville, Ont.
Ilave a 00111 of your own. 13e your
true self. Thinly, realize, rellget, un-
til you have a measure of nlborrov-
ed conviction, which establishes a
centre of repose, and is a sourco of
happiness and contentment --a centre
which yields to no outer tumult, but
lo ever receptive to the Divine Self.--
Iloration W. Dresser.
Minard's is Best for Grippe.
A101 who, 0)011(0 with love for his fel-
low -man nn answering lova will
You can tell the female worm.
When it -tunes it Isn't t'y'ing to get a
better view of the ankle:
What this country really needs,
many folks believe, 1s a "post no
bills" sign on every snail hex.
One difference between a sweet
heart and a "sweetie" is that the
sweetheart says, order',"
Organizing is ' e art of gelling
mon to respond like thoroughbreds.
When you cluck to a thoroughbred he
giv, s you all the speed, strength of
heart sad sinew iu h1m. When you
elicit at a jackass he ]ricks,
The boss should remember - how
hard ho used to work when he saw
the boss coming,
Household Hint
A fairly t00d quality of "Jackass
brandy" can bo made by usl1g the
following ingredients; One wildcat,
two Galling guns, 0110 pint 010'101111
acid, four rattlesnakes, three Pouu)1s
htin (L )IWttu m er "1 .ly, lien said Dur (nn lc,^ of red Pepper, seven warhead spikes,
ulh, r(1, "What: kind of bait are you ushig to 000 sinlnk, feat' 1)011(1'01.0, two pounds
LAUNDa9 loses a t; 8., Distelbutira cotel1 your lisp with?" of fish scrap, and three onn0e0 of
Hh Lister 1310011, 1{AMILTON, ONT.:01111 1(00(0,'' replied'oilier.smokeless gunpowder, Stir' well anti
Meat bones,' exclaimed tho first. set In 0110)101to con],
"What kind of fish do you hope to —
ee'eh " I It's ell right to prepare for
lVII VV, llol;li..,11, or course!" was the w'or'st, but better still .to hustle
Itching Ends in 1 Minute 1. ply. Hie hest.
"Had eczema for months, Single application --
of ----.-. .--- -----
'Soothe -Salva' ended itehInd huts in1minute. "Asking' 101)01)0to disarm is 1111)1 most of the girls now have in-
t box ended disease for good.° Jane Paula.
Sootha-Salva"ends Eczemaquickesttimeever n0k10y, a 111011 In Chicago to hive 1111 ln-olllpt° complexions, '!'hey Indite
known. Itching (tope instantly. All druggists. I hi, llrt. 1000,1101,0,e_.A\Ill Rogero. I them lip a0 they g along%
is nowonthe press and Will he available. shortly.
The demand for the Almanac from ,year to year is very
heavy; the entire edition for 1929 was exhausted some time
before the end of the year.
For those readers who desire a copy of this year's
edition, an application 'faire i5 printed below.
Department of Health,
Parliament Buildings,
'I'oron to.
Please rend hue a copy of the Health Almanac for 1939.
"} F`PliltllPs-
`y� g MAGNes
For Troubles
due to Acid
oos00 11AUSEA
the Acid
Siek stomachs, sou' stomachs and
'indigestion usually 1110011 excess acid.
into 8101110011 nerves aro ove'•stlmu-
latod, Too Hutch acid makes the
stomach and intestines sour.
Alkali hills acid instantly. The best
form is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, be-
cause 0110 harmless, tasteless dose
neutralizes ninny times Ito v010100 in
acid, Since its invention, 50 years ago,
It has remained the standard with
phY-0lciang 0001)whei'e.
iTake a spoonful In Ivo ler and your
unhappy condition will probably end
in live minutes, Then you will always
know what to do. Crude and harmful
methods will never appeal to you. Go
prove this for your own sake, It may
save 0 great many disagreeable hours.
Pe sure to get the genuine Phillips'
Milk of 31algneaia prescribed by physi-
cians for 50 years to covescth(g ex-
cess acids. Each bottle contains full
directions—any drugstore,
"1f It toots as In1tg Le spend money
as it (lees to earn it le
the stores
(could go out of 1010iness.
Ido—"Tho talking 1(110)100 are Still
in their infancy."
Sho'Penhaps that Is wby 111ey lisp"
His Worry
Hubby --"Another new dress! Where
ant 1 to get the money Lo pay for II?"
Wife --"I don't know, l'111 you'
wife, not your financial adviser."
You are definitely ndrldle'age, If
your doctor doesn't. k00w' what is
wrong with you and 1100100 it on the
gal bladder.
He—'Cam I mite you Homer„
She—"Sore; do you live far?"
A night's sleep, what a nlir0cle of
mercy It ts; null a new day sod the
waking up with 11001 111 to Mee it; aye,
even 'a pleasant meal with one's
household, is not that worth 0 thanks.
giving? Cr, en interesting loot, an
hour with an old friend, a Sunday's
quiet resting afters strained end
weary weep, or 00010 now 11141it of in-
terest of iet1011g in 000'a .favorite
lino of study- 1t is such thins le
those, far More titan gloat speclall
hissing , (thiel1 mite np the strut or
happy i things, 1 life; £7111 it is such I l Y d , I .h (heli,. , if
ono would think of them more, and
not be always lancing thou ai a unit-)
for of course, which would 1111 our
days with tllauksgitillg,—Brooke Her-
Use Minard's for Neuralgia.
Calamity Is the occasion of virtue,
and a spur to a great 0110d. The very
apprehension of a wound startles la
lotto when he first beer's arms; but
an old soldier 11100)111 boldly, because
he knows that a oma 1110y lose 1 00011
and yet (til rho day. ---Seneca,
ISSUE No. 6—'30
It is the glistening and sefftly-epolte
lie , , , the patriotic Ile of the
historian, the provident Ile of the poli-
tician, the zealous lie of rho partizan,
the merciful ale of the friend, and the
careless lie of each man to himself,
that cast that black mystery over hu-
manity, through which we thank any
men who pierces, as we would thank
one who dug a wet h1 (ho desert.—
Life is to be fortified by many
friendships; to love and to be loved le
the greatest happiness of existence.—
S. Smith.
London. ---Thanks to the ladybird,
the giant Douglas ilr whose growth
until recently was beteg hindered ff
not completely c,heeked i11 Scotland
by the destructive 111000E denims
('0110311 are now showing signs of I'e-
ebolooce and recovery. To -day there
Is more greenness about these "101d0
of the forest" than there has been for
two years.
These facts were brought out at
the 1)0111x1 meeting of the Aberdeen
branch of the Iloya1 Scottish Arlene -
cultural Society in Aberdeen, John
Mettle said the eliermes cooleyll was
discovered in the Now !forest in 1913
and had spread north to Inn'erness,
leaving the west coast of SC-oll1141 1ut-
Johnston Edwards, the I{U1g'e for-
ester, said he found at Balmoral that
the ladybird had increased e110l'ulou0-
ly during last autumn and said he ho-
lieved they would end tine thrcati0,,il
destruction of the Douglas fir, D. O.
Duthie said he hoped that when It
was known that the trees condi be
made particularly Immune there
would be a more 0ptlni0]lo outlook.
Half the word is on tiro wrong
scant in the pursuit of happiness.
They 11)1010 It consists in having and
getting and lo being served by others.
It emloi010 in giving and 1100 (log
others.—henry 1)0010nonrl.
X: "What 110 they mean by the.
'witching hoar'?" Y; "Don't you
know? That's the flour when the
wife greets you with 'Which story is
1t this lime?"'
Countless remedies are advertised
for constipation. many relieve for
the moment but they are habit form-
ing and must be continued. Others
contain calomel and dangerous min-
eral drugs, which remain in the sys•
tem, settle in the joints and cause
aches and pains. Some are harsh
purgatives which cramp and gripe
and leave a depressed after effect.
Avoid lubricating oils which only
grease the intestines and encourage
nature's machinery to become lazy,
A purely vegetable laxative such
as Carter's Little Liver Pills, gently
touches the liver, bile starts to flow,
the bowels move gently, the intestines
are thoroughly cleansed and constipa-
tion poisons pass away. The stomach,
liver and bowels are nolo active and
the system enjoys a real tonic effect.
All druggists 25c and 75c red pkgs.
railing Hair
Jcl1 likes'
nru to a proven bait 00(1001'--
8111100)1')! of course. 10111 cleanse
x13111 of d0ndruff 111111 promote a
healthy, 010s0) grew'111,
Rub 1011) ..alp foul time: weedily.
00103Es FOR sAL.1
1,4 of onnai avoid: ,,vu 4100 6 t, Int;. 00'6,04
I v r f„, iiieholont 1011 loI Ind
I(or, r• 111 1 0. 411(1 1ryr--,
( III .. 1 qui ul6 1iorst.8 11 in
t )dcned111u 11011 sololy t- g) ('1011 tn
wort., tU)1 l.. Ifo 117n,• t: gel threw, 41.11
hors,s r0 hand 11) Ill 10000 I0irn1" enh s
1 a rt 1,c, aur 1110.1,k-ssI(lmrtwent iv
u'.11 tqw.1,isl to1111 (110 .1011 ,rrnnd-halal
hewers uP all de"erlpli ,;, R'i'i'r un 1'nr
111l:1l,,'. The ltpnsll oyt ?t, Rt9"on
lit„ rab. Woollen All us_, 190(2:..)
List or -Wanted inventk.te9"
[toil bull Information Sant Pr,*
on Iton oust THE aAMEAY CO., Dent. W.
273 rank St.. Ottawa 010,
S�r�KINN� shamed,
aanda gain 5 l0 IS lbs. io 3 ,'cola
with new lionized Yeas), Skin clears
like magic. Nerves, constipation
vanish overnight. Get :.mired
Yeast tablets from druggist today.
t4° a eafness
qq�e y'�t
8Ua IN MCH eons �e%{a
OF YAIi$ th R7 edr B�aJ��@��
Inuottaea,... EAR on,
21.25 an owed, 0 ,110tlre folder on reaune
70 r"Inh Aro., New fork' ('lle
e magic,' soya 'r, - 080)01ny.
Thousands write kidney and bladder
ills, constipation, ind(oo"lliun, gas, hacks
eche end overnight with "relit -a -tire)",
Nerves qulel, Sound sleep at once, Got
Feoit 0311vr," f m druggi:;t tndny.
Clear i'efna-r Skin
or Uis 11 gotrin,T Illcmi¢hes
SC Cutieura
Sump(, Soap, Oinrmenr, Talcum free. A,13renr
"Curie,,,,,;" Box 2016, R[mureal, Canada.
11Ua-,. Eta. -6.£i` ''1, 010,1 11 v a-
aan l' Ila-uu„h use „r Uc J 1( Dull 19
rlrcrn 1101,101,1n .16!hn a Compm',1t,
lis (00000(11 Ntno)e 0011,11' soot Ilea :nal
rvl h)0u,.
Originated in 10011 by 1,r.
:und, rnrclallst in respiratory olin-
ea6n4A16o .elle ars r1,1.01-114 Stand, I'd
1OIngdy at (110(0151::: 30 e.e0(0. till
Geula ;In,l (1,50, ('0101,' 01' 01g1:selle
10601. ((end 1'or FREE TRIAL pooh -
or a 01,sdoTites, ”%In1010)111 Din.
tr'ihutomO, Lynlaa1, Ltd,, Dept. CCI,
200 St Paul St. West. Montreal,
A speedy, safe, proven rmmAh'
�dd uull ts.
now�/CKLE ■'S 00,
Arts ((1(aIlash •AS,01 0
Inserted Point Saws
The. special steel 118001011111010I10 the Simonds
plant and is the same wear -resisting steel
that is used in the most expensive cutting
tools. Simonds Saw Bits hold their sharp
edge under the most strenuous INC and give
exceptionally long service.
61 M0N05 CANADA 5001 CO. LTD,
51001'0004 . VA 0000000
10.0000, 01.0. - '1001)510
•x`5.14 ....
How well you look!
I a (11i01r 0 e ngem to express 71(11 a
0J1116 u,.6ta,de J r 6, • eoniuured-Gowers! 1
7.1atta flied )fool/ (('y darty dose of
ti a hen, only lyra 1Mek n roan incl 106 into
sate ane n few months apo fuhen 1 teas rrinr'lr,l
uvih rl"'unmlism), ' 1/is lirdl remark.. Vas 1ma
11d1 1 looked. 1 761144, ' .yes, i bare only.
£reacher 001(0 to than.',.,' Ho said lie inns
feeling 'off colour' and a"ndd (tart th,' lirr,.s-
011611 hood next dug. 1 ,Iernya rr«nnlun'ad
il;'osehea Sults," d r, le, 1{ 00l.,crat-
"rt1:::J 01,, -,nam for iuetgrl xat
llrtachrn ‘,nits f) .Iblolnah!" nt ,lru;l :old
depnr111njnr, store:, In C:111,1113 Id, (ire. a bottle.
hnnln nada',, ,',004'(l to last for 4 , r 5
mouths -1,10d 110)111 aur 1(015&coot a any.
Children will fret, often for no
apparent reason. Eat there's al-
ways one sure way to comfort a
restless, fretful child. Castoria1
Harmless as the recipe on the
wrapper; mild and bland as it
tastes. But its gentle action
soothes a youngster more surely
than some poverfui medicine
that is meant for the stronger
systems of adults.
That's 111e beauty of this special
children's remedy It may be
given the tiniest -infill--as often
as there is any neer!. .1(1 cases of
colic, diarrhea, or similar disturb-
ance, it is invaluable. But it has
everyday uses all mothers should
T myna l5 )l)irk:a:
xl0vn11 )000,1m,llmph:rauu
mucro!. Nor Nesco'r,e
e.w so,
A helptulti otrtSe
pl o
and Forarlahoesa and
re lelniangr,__n1A
MSinee Sil+wr'•"d
me eemwara,4msoATnra
understand. A coated tongue cads
for a few drops to ward off consti-
bpation; so does any suggestion of
ad breath. Whenever children
don't eat well, don't rest well, or
have 21y little upset—this pure
vegetable preparation is usually
all that's needed to set everything
to rights. Genuine Castoria has
Chas.' H. Fletcher's signature on
the wrapper, Doctors prescribe it.
I have to work in the store and
do my own housework, too, and 1
g) men'ote and rundown and was In
bed nearly all sumnur.The least noise
would make me nervous. 1 was told
to take Lydia 0. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound and 1 have taken
seven hordes. It has made the strong.
er and amt more color into my toce.
ani looking after' my store and
housework and my four children
and I am getting along nicely now."
—Mrs. 1. hfalin, Il. 11. No. ,y, Barfon
St: East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada,