HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-23, Page 2. . .- -1 � ­ ___­_­___­_--___,. -.-,. _­­­ .I I ­­­­ . - ­ -.----­-­--­­- -11.1-1 ... _1_-_-,_,_._-_-__.,__ - - - 4911pi 0�7 - I * I * , . . -1111mr I I � - I =WP . I , .,:�-,­I, ­­­ I... ___ - .�l-l�.�'llI.I..�."..".,-�-��--- ____ , - , , :�, . 7,;;. ;,::,--7 4 , " I . 71 . 1. 11 . 1. 11 -7.1-- '(114 CLINTON NXWS'R . ­_ ___ - . �_' - 7 .. � i4_114, F . - 0 1 1 I. ­... I - --- - --- - _1-..-_- =I;7t!�! -I, I.. . i ' - - , 940110 (NSURANCir AtAllets. drowul 4 out 4 rtion of the . - . WPU411444(1 overy Thuoiday at ';; �-_ -;;: -, = � -, ; -;;;; � THE OROPS OF ONTARIO4 crop already ptt In. 4otW4tbllt4Ad- MARKETS OF TRE WORLD J30BPI LAAGBRS CAPTURM. ' - __� - 1rh4N6W4.ReCor4 THEMV01 MUTUAL F1 Irl,ly _" , 1,419. tbig ftamw. eig, the 1)ro#PQotJJ for k _" 00101101 PARLIAMENT ffORBORS of SOLDIER RUN, Power Printing Ho 0'""CE 08 mio HgSSIA.N spring crop* are , 04 thq whole ca. prioes or cat — , . *-**" 0.0-0 .,use, . 8 A DONE ,BY THE U 0. 4M XXXIAA 044 494 00140rable Am. 'Not" . . 00111=9149- A few corriopco4ent* ria. choose, oralit" . '41001caT STREET,, 010INTON. FArm and IsolAtod Town Proporty FLY IN 50101 PARTS, port potitftA as llavIrIg, beat planted, In the LOWAF markot$, muAltion Taxon, . of tho Pro"00094 14 t140! THE SITUATION IN CHINA BINCA . -only insured. __ whiob N Nomewilat earlier that, usual I , C440144 House Or COM10904, TUB ALLIES CAME, � . Tk"�Xa OF SUASQUIPTiON-41. 1 OFFION)IS Isolicillo. issued by the oplovie 4) 1 A dospoob. trom. st%utiewton, aayv. , . . oviiri� for that cropi, P -e! ". 00 Per T4*V III J, 1). MoLeangrosideathNippen 1). Q. t Theis. I URAX4TS OF TRER WORLD. -SWOW4v columas moved from bare STEEL AAIL, PONTUACTS. — . advance ; 04 .0 may be charged itnel, so paid Frazer, vice. resident, rucoilal4P. 0 , T. X PIC1411 of Agriculturo-To"4104sk of the 1 ____"14"_"_ , Toronto, May g!'-wileAt-Tho wAsAt to effect A Naito# Doom Ar*uu4 VOIn an4 . ZfQp4pord,ticontinued nail 'lay$ Seal Troas., Seaforth P. O.; W 0: vreps ou Isit ot 111lay, 190Z . � � Brea t, actor at Losses, $o9goh.P.Q. W�.00OAOQ RAILP,0 mar 'i We. 0 WbitQ And from fl�e PlUtren wtolst.wa� Voo Ito V19101100, or story* LsAo pald"441008 at the op I All arrco,mgas , aloe 41i I .AD, Markat 14 fir A jun'"94 W" tile column Xr� Hneg4rt enquired what or- , gonvithopubijaher, DIRECTORS. . V' 11 WillIeRt-BUt for the lAjUr,y4=4D red ,4, On the marol, tile Irengemeat bad beat made with Mr. 0494-T4#10 40411044 womtonly Aud,v I Which every subscription is paia W. 0. RroAdfoot, SeaforM; J"Oh" 01 � h T4 , rho date to . . Winthrop �,Iove, by ilia Hessian- fly- in the southwest. �­ , w1ater sold At 07' rat(ldle freig ts 00144as xo,ei 4 considerable attea, CIOT1914`0 to induce him to enter Into omolir $IOU, � Is 49310od 94 the label; i 09olf of Soatorth, John Watt , Illreet Tru � a I . . to Dal, crA part .of tile ProrvIrice . � nic 1,149 From I)RpbAit to to Ugutml; Uxd 07 1-� to, 6 -20 cu 004 from the Boers in the WILY Of an agreement for 25,000 tong. of steel I LOTICATIOIN0, RATE& Harlook; ohn ennew as, Bradba an RISM4, fall wheat . 13 1-90 x4to to now York; No. 2,9041441 0441ping, Tbo latest mail from China bag �Trqzsleilt Advertise- 11,'vans Beachwood; Janice Connie 7, - lluton, could be clAs Johannesburg, li Aed 4a, a moat promial, ,, . I 0`40ts- 14 cents par nonparlolune for i1rat john $Acuac, x1ppen . � . a& , T4,a fillatle, aight the Plat- falls J.44te4d of the. lgi;,000, Set fqrth� brought to the 130pArtment now �, taqQrttOU41Ad 3 OQUtswrIttio for each oubse- I AGENTS, I OTOA U4fortunately, every county A despatch from Durban, Natal, 40 1-20 to NAW, York, And 655o, middle rgAd Column reached weltevredeiI, the 14 the, vx4er-14-00aaoll. Jptoofo, Of the, terrible and porhapsi Ir- � . (AtIOU0089MOU, Small advortisomeints not Rohl; Smith, IrAvlook; Robor MoMlllau� Sea so -th , SaYSr.-A. correspoadvat �b4q rpeetv freight to Montreal. Spring. to gel . , u a line .drawn from: Hamlltoq ,ad I- et. ,, ,� OSWLY04� " forth * -Tames.CummitiWo, Rginoadville, , W I Olt ., &,IpY offering some appoAition, . Xr. )$)air replhed that there bad. retrievable aOqdItJoag1,wbloh exist ua- to exceed 049 Juall'suoll A$ "Loot, Yea, J10briesvIlle 111. 0 Ing to �Aulex% at 700. naalicbm Wile A , "Istolou", to Sarnia has; auffeVed considerably 14formation of IA big, scheme of dovei. At The next day the Doors, laalrer at b0QA AO, change in. the ag,reement. der the foreign military rule in nortli each subs Gt%, 1110eXted Once for 60 cents and Parties desirous to ;Ilecb JuRina nee ]or trans from, the fly, anA a teiw Optical Which has been sublaitted to SteailY, with sales in morning of No, Ultkyk iy'ag Aurprised by Colonel Col. ceatraot was, made. With Mr. iplergue Oblaa, inva, ; . ,equeut insortiqu, 15 cents. s4ct other buoineos wilt be gomptly skte�!Aed � towaollips a . Iving, a ljjtug�tou not hith, I , I hairid at 91 I.go Men 44vart(Rome t I littl4o to the 4 avo, alsorbeen via the APPDX141 GoVerament, A SYAdI_ trelght. 9"'t" ,I to without specific d1rectionawill ,30djorn Ali i= to any O the aw a ollibors . traA V414'4 Column, which bad mairobed , a easort a. arth 14 - , No. ,�q 11 far 25,000 to orto tally realized. The character 01- -4 1*4 Inserted until %Qrbld sad. charged accord rospactivopolitome ard, At 87 1-2.0, end there from Heidelberg. Three wound. , a4 to be, ilollrer64 this . , � :. I - "...- — ited I>Y the Peat. Some ficido will be Cate has, been eatablilshed wit -b 4 caplt� No. a ed Boers were taken peiso I 4 Y04Z, and the Government wag Under tbO Information In Summarized Is I Ugly, � � � halvd at 79 to 79 1-2o, At To- . -4e,v% an � , . Ploughed up 94 this. account, but not al at 47,OOP�000 for thl four waggons, tb�rtoag, borses, WQ 11, Moral obligatio- * 4446104 tboluthe Office 00 40, In , rge an acreagq as 4 Purpose, And 4-04tc` And West No. I hard, 90 1.2e. c for the 1gubmeqae4t fou, 'written by one. of the in at 1POPY ter Change, at advertilpomouM on pages 4 JOHN T. EMMERTON I . . � 't IS Propo"god tor t)alld' - stile, a -ad a quantity of araniunitlau 4 Year . a to take 25,000 tons the following extracts from a com, . pAturda . I . r years, munioattou 0 A' ,y mud ,f the poor .con- immediately A_ At close, of da ore -was as);- were, CA , . . for Pages A And 8 on Monday to insure PhAng , 0 TRE LEADING BARBER ditiOn Of tbe W%Mt would warrant direct railway trunk line, from Dur� ad. �ya 004t. m . lit aired, I Provided everytillng'wila Satisfactory, trusted officials in service, abroad and I . I ,, . . U30 0olu—MWA then Continued the With this arrangei,tent MX, Clargue for following issue, � I .41so Agent for On Account of Me grain having been ban to 10robanneebuT9, Cutting through alillfeed-lKa:.�L,et, -ttablving another lang. was perfectly . =41.10 from Pekin -a xoontb Ago. I CONTAAow R*Tics.-The following table allows STANDARD LIFE IN$URA..NCE COMPANY "aeeded de,Wn" Wit&,. gr4,% Outside the, 11111A. ,The trains o , . 44 iflteady; brau, a I but Oath, a , Content. I I , u this, ,route $I$, W X . . . . U 11120co W13JIG a Xaxii . I Headolffoatoroana4a, Montreal the, Boers offored no re4i4t- The question of raipling , derw OtIrtA409-fok, speolfled periods and space*. . the c0u I 0t', And 4boirts, §14 w�at, West- ii*Xordeafeildt, RAILWAY. CHARTE US, � . the In � � . ADVERT181r;O HAT10% I Insurance in force, I . I $110 0.()D 000 , Atles! affected by tile Hessian WIL I aa4ka the, trip In twelve hours, art, Willerg are �alllnl; small lots of , .r.n the Sankie Qu the motion to With_ ulty though one Of t,he moat 0ortout i . 1, Yr. 6 Me, 3 Mo. I Me Invostmentsin Ca some waggons, and stores fell Into dra,w ilia bill roapecting railway for the Obinaga Government, is not I 1. . . nado, . . . 13A':600 fIX fall wheat looX% well. Some ia� which is about one-balf thie present. bran At 015 'and aborta dt 017. our hands, The I - lCulumn ......... 0.7000 4to 00 V25 0o 6s6o ]GA41114"hod 18S. The old reliable and t%vortlo jur time, and wilt Also be4tthei trA . L . . � , PlAtrand column Charters, Introduced by, Mr. Caggrain, .Y Wag done. by ice ant ow,IY!ng or in$ on. 4 Arket steady at 420 for , I . 9--rVICE Sralths kolok, opposit Poo MCOFI� , _ I Colra-M now moved tow4rds ilia vaal, and on paramount A611 the ,people Who Are L 'i 09111014-11.�.;­ 40 00 20,00 16 00 6 OQ � - — t 0 Poorly rained landS, but, as a rule, the, other route ooils'14erably, The Canadian . yell . the, lith tho, Beers ,mad Ined Ur. Macdonald, Prince, B clward Uland, likel to i�ow declare that the Oblo I I I - - -4 . .a a 4 Y . i Column ......... g5 00 1500 $00 0 60 .. - synidloatc, also IlIxopeacs to dredge the osy, west ; and at 47 1_�o ,eterm ,greatly regretted the dee, ton to with- . , . . , V tile Drop pregeat$ a luxuriant , , .attack upoaMunro's Scouts, Who He th a peasant can atand no greater Lb r . i column ........ 2800 1000 659 200 . aP- bay and construat wharV to 480. TOWOntO, mixed. is In )I�Ojd,a ' L Suo- a as I . u - ; , eo Abd Piers, quoted at cee464 &aw. the Lbill. . ought it time % I Inch-. a "' pea-ratice-the growth ,having been al-, Big man ax& behind the Scheme, 14 W their positton, Dar- that' e4aure shoulidt be enacted � . . ...... 1. coo s 40 L . � 41 1-2c we t;. Aingrican Oft bare for Inc the attack we, bPA three den of taxation than in tho,past, so I xtex gambling. Such a the question resolves, itself largely to I ocial Position from 25. to 60 per cent extra; ral*t 'too rank in places i(tv tile, fall- A P.roolamAtio.4 Ilag been issued At No, a yellorw, wounded. The enemy were bUl all I � . ........ "I'll, "I'll awpli . . TI F. TABLIS I'll, . . a" .two, , 'ruled to cililllrk 1011144a ;� . I . and Neveral. cou ay be expect- ule"Pal gOvern� Aye-Ths, market in quio,t, With eveatually. drIv`0A Off. I I Quid ,have been bltxodgeed reducing tile- expense of collootioll, , W. i-WITCHRLL, � utles w Pretoria provi4jag mu . I I . Maut for Xohalla�mburg, by a To I Years ago� It would hav,e prevented which in Ciuna involves radical forms. , . I Adlor And Proprietor. Trains. will arrive at and depart from clfilt6a ed to give y1oldil well up to the Tecord.L Con wa Prices steady at 49c middle freights. - 1. . ,charter hawking, - . WX06-.M----0--"� , - I Station as follows:- . UOU, Which will be nominated by - . Am,aoma.people ob- Another pioppRition for meatiaw the .4 � , I L . I L. . . WHIRRV TH14 F Ly I$ PREVALENT, the, Governor, . . . 1BUOkWhoat-Narket, dull at 430 CIL% tained a Charter they tried. tap sell it. indemnity- is to grant lucrative 43411.-� � . I . . . I )31UI`VALQ Alit GOD9910H DIVIOsM, , . COL011T,rAL,S . Cast and W, middle freights, MAMMOTH BATTUESHIPS, - If they failed, they applied for a sub- Ing and induatrig . ­ . . BANK$ 00111 . . . _I concessions, to for. I , "g Ea tEXP annual repoirt, of the Agri- LOSE 17 MEN, - a pse -7:38 a. M. in ,the I I Peag-Steady, at Q50 0 1 1. . 2'56 p. A despatch 9 west; and at " I 410, And If they did not Succeed in ows,bat that meats bartering their . I .. I I - in. cultural college for 19()0 Prof. W. rOm' Cape Town S6.YS: 6(lo middle freights to'Montreal. uild Three of obtaining a subsidy from the Domin . . so . 4-26 p. in. I ket 1.4 L Ad'.'Pendeac,Q and laying 14ii, endless I - " Mixed . , Britain Will B tile ten Goin -411 An engagement with the Boertin- J]la;rIay­Xar 'demand but no � lot tb f v- trouble for the Chinege,.wbo are quick . � ..9 West Mixed L I tiou South of Maralsburg. 0 Most Powerful. - . .. he pro' I . . .'MOLSONS 'BANK . ', Exuess . -a He nize the fact, . . . � I 10,16 a- Ill. LOchboad thu.4 refers to the vialta raders . THE . .1 . , . 12:151 p, -- ot th g4an fly: -"Many CQnAplAlU(S MOnday th3 L , last r4il Iota offered. No. 2 quoted ot 5W . laoe� to recog . . . - . L L. . 20:27 P. in. colonial defence forces lalre, powta; and -at 44 to 45c middl. A despatch from London mays, -The Mr. Allan -1�reatly regrette4 that It the ,,wholo horror of the murder , I . I fXe . 0 '.1clits ; �N L ' I otAtedby- . T,014DON. It0ox AN:c Euvor. invisioij,, . . roach AS tregaVding the prevalence of had six Mim killed and elevent wound, To, 0 -extra. 429c, middle Telegraph says -it learas that the Ad- It bad. been thoug,lit that thexe At ' t at Pap - I I Ac r1k went, im, . . QolRg South Express . - 747 a. in, the HeAslan fly, and observationo ed. I fxeights . . I I ., was and Village done between Tientsin id , I I A . . CAPITAIL, I . � . . $2;6 . W,000 I . .. Mixed . 4:25 li. in. I � I miralty will lay down In 1901 roe, I L is bill. There Pekin- Comes, to be understood the I . . poln, . V en' Oats-Fj�m .vvit.h moderate I . W40 an Unaalmou's expression of opin_ Sum of it is So great a' Pi RNST .. '. .g N241A locvra�s , .10:15 a. ink A1101V that it is pre 'al t in all the COLIONIALts IVALk 070 MILES. offer- battleships of 18,000 tb 330 t1r4a to discuig th a CQml)ared -to . $2,050,000 xe I I . 1109s; No. 2 gj�'14 at �l I -2P to 82o' for tons 'each, which of'.t.he principle of the the number bf Christians who . have. 1.4 0*55 P, in- 04124tleg along Lake Erio, viz., Essex, A column under X3jor Paris � w9l be the laxgegt . ion in i� READ QFFXCE ,. MONTREAL. 4.0,PATTISON, F.R,HODGiRs. has damie'st4c use, but exporters only'llild- bill In =ttoe. It Was an napless- suffered at the hauds of tile Chines'e. 14.1 returned tot Kilt-berley from Boshof, ding 31c and most power, I .. . 'IV MQX,so,x MAOFIXICItSON, President 1 'C Ticket Agont. Went) Blffl,' Norfolk HaIdImAnd, 'Whither it escorted a convo , .It ., ful vessels, of their Class Over built. ant fact that there was�a great deal tha I . : I,L";'t'�I To I t, rightly Or wrongly the Obluese I a Er'Wor , �i ),I,UJS0"vN'.. ' FicMr-Mile market !s steady. with. Each ,will carry four iton 12-inell of speculation in ob4rtora.'The ,bill are likely to be -held - General Manager K , go �t Welland and Lincoln. Tile wheat mat,,lib oppasitioniAs it Y gain. 1,L14k . District Toronto, ueAred its 9. And ten instead of tw . I � . I a dl,co .... led. Collection made. Drafts - __ . OrOP of'Xiddle4ex,.Lambton, Huron, destination, 'but t � , 90 PC" 11111t. Pateilts,. bayars, * Olve 6 -inch contained a number of clauses which THE INJVRED PARTY� . 1:1 " i S sad American Exchanges ------ MMM -E he Boers were d1*8- bagg, xapid-fire gans.* Tho. red . las I.rl,.g Oxford and Brant h4si alao beenj badly parsed. ' Their lift$ Is unkno L quoted at $2,65 ; fcsir all-1,pinout east, action; in the would be 'beneficial, and he 'hoped it � b.aill, An '.14. Interest allowed all deposits, attacked, and occasionally comptai retutting the column was I sm. Oil 42.60 b4d, middle frelgibits; ohoic& lots number Of RIX-ill0b, 9=4 is due to the would'paga next yea,r. .1 , . Lancers .-,van t only impaling little chil- . . .. _SATING2 BANli,. We JACKSON '. . Its* fifty - Boers, b OpPo3ed by 15 to 200 mor I iiutx(iduction of an c6t1rely now,wea- Th.e.bill waa wi . . drdn. by the Wayside in t I he Streets of L Ut they avattered When e, ManBtoba.' patents' . flida-awn. � . Zatereste,11owedonsumsotSlandup, . I . . . I .. have COW- from Perth andSlincoe, 04,25; and strong bakoxa%, $3.95, ' Pon, namely the 7.6 -inch wiwo-wound i Pekin are noine of the leaSt of , wall . I . FARMRRS . I Bruce, . . a POU1,POU1 b-Pened fire on the fixereoll-loader, which. L i's Adopted he- W. E authenticated li I , L . . AGENT 0. P- R- I . Grey, ,NVeIIiUgi;oR# WnterlOO, British -bad a fe 0 m* 'Rho Oat-nifeal-Max1ret is-unchunged; car orrara, and to some . �11 Moneradvanced to farmer"ou their 011111 . . .. I I . w asualtlea on, the ' onia", 8 -Inch Landry Asked it'�the Govern, foreign, soldiers a. de4d'Chinese .Ohria" . reort ' � . I rapid,svoik, and gamothing is 'needed I i . poteswIthoneaTmore onaorsers. No , Dufferia, but tUe countleg east of latter occasion. I . Lots At 113-55, 114 )YAgs' and at f3,65, l9unA are too beavy.for ment had any.'information of tho ek- I �Age required an security. , . . ON ., A sergeant and Six colonial 114 Wood; &In%LI leits, 26o'extia, . � ViSit.L Of L H'R.H." file L tion is just as Satisfactory an evidence Z � , .. Toroato ar6 pi�ac-fically free, The troop-. act date of the . , . � � VU14T . .1 I . Of no glu� rter a a dead Boxer -the . I . CT5 Buffalo; May 21.-�-Fiour_4ulet alad between the twelve And. six-lucliers, I a a I . I . R. 0. BREWER; Manager, Clinton � . . .. . Ion , � I , Who Were ,released by rebels; and Steady. W14va-t-Spriing Closed qu,mt; Bich ship ,Will Cost fully ;61,2'50,000, Duke Of CO=vslall aiid . 1411 or - . .. .� � ;_ . I - . . __. —Travellers �to an 9t open falls; of I Adrift in khatikas . country, , . Bfx.. R.. W, .York, . neither' env u I . . , y pArb of the ,have been v . th" Pask two years oag,t , care. for ouch t.ri . I .1 L Cry favorable t . NO. Northern, old car loaas,'83o- The paper cites Capt. Malia'a and 4th� Scott 4atdltha public had ling distindtions. .. � . . L . . . lot I er naval authorttle.�i iia-favou _ � . I 11 slioplil - ConStiltL the Inc of Hes�sla., . ot, .the broad- northawest of file Transvaal, an May . do., CiLf. as the Govern Theallies, even if they -could agree, .1 . 1-0 MCTAGGART . ­ . . files. Reports of tbe� 3, have, rea . Chad, , do.. i1n, otore, rowhd ' .18, 820, L , . . 0,: . . . - I = in reference to �.ickets, dateg of. Vanrhynsdorp,, 160 I ships, and, it PJ76d'etg thatbattleships Ment had _ . could act set Up' an it'dinfilistrative � I . I . sawing of the fal 81 1��O; %1410ter, few car.4 ' L " I . � I . . . . fares, etc, � . . I wheat in Mike from Piquabberg road staijoin . . of"No; I w1rite will noon reach a ditpi Hon. li; andr'y-Tbat is illot miloh� maoiltnery of their own for the, am - I . .. I . . I . � . L . . tbe infected.dl.gtricts make it quite Cape Colony, af.ter m4ki,ng their 11 SOW at 76 1-2c; No. 1 xe4 -fed 77 20,6�0 to a acenient of from 1: . . . ' � RANICER. ' . . . ., -_ � .. . . I clear that theLt,rile of th , I Way -�e, On t-r4ck there; Cor"!_rtroag; . 0,000 tons. _', . . I . . .*hUDG.U,,S'.'SA I 'S. - . " . . . . . I . . . . Aowing of on foot for*VO 141109 thrOugh ,Bush- I I , . . 1. LARII, pire. They must restore ithe power - 1. — I . I the Reed should be p�stponed till tile Insillaild. ' L Tht. , .y - 1 16 - NO. 4 yellow, 48 1-2o; No.. 3, do., 48 to , . I . _1-14p_ Mr. Mills, ig-ang)w,er'to Mr. Macdon- to Sortie native iiarty, and the quicker ' . .� . . I . W. JACKISION . .L lust week in Septvinber. W-horesuoh hardships.: . andured tert . 'a 48 1,4qc;. No, 2 6 ASO; No. 3,'#Jo., 47 . aid, . Britisli,'Columbia, Statied L I theydo it the, betterfor Chiina�' The . J . . . . . . � I . I . 1. % . orat, : L that 110 Chinese estinate ilia . . . I . . . ' : 840, thirough. billed. - Oat$ ­Strong . . 11 , t one milliou og I . � 1. . AGENT r"L P. late ,sowing hAD been dbae the crop , .. . I � SOUTHOF MAFEKIK had Prepared a bill to revise the.sal. ' I A General [Banking SUjlnOI;$'- Trdosacted. p , I . ft. has escaped the fly. � It'la often main- . _��* " - No. 2 WhRo, 33o; No. 3,'do., .32c;,No, . I . __ . I . Arles ot the''Jinpr , I their People have lc$LL their lives by. � I .� . I . 1. I I Sur ' LSe krail throughout eM3 COurt judges viole , I . . . I.. L . 1. . . I . — I � . . .., — Coined that'Oeed aown afterthe-first L I . 2 an�xod, 30 1.4c; No. 3, do.; 29:1-2c -Boers Attemp countily. 1 It,would P 1 mt,deat4a.o' starvation- *about , . . I L . � I. . L � . . week 'In Sieptemlidt does. not produce I , L E A 'JURY.' L I tdhrQaJjh b:,iled ,t to I Prl . , Lhe . . . I . Notes 'Disco' ITALY "AND FRAXLCF6 . . MUST: FAC Barlay-o,i-ji, Offered' .. , . 041i . hAvie necessitated an Inoreas., of f9oj� , ,k , and Tientsin, since the allies ,- L. ;... . � Unted.. � Draftj ., Isaii 0'.- . �.I. L I . I I I I a yield equal t:o'th&tL produced from , : - . __ . L. -, a . . , Gapploon. . L . . 000 in thd- expeadi � . ame. L Well informed tor6iijaers,loag I I I I . - __ L. ,­. L 56 t OR% R'y�-No Otfferlmgs;�No. I' . , . . ,tureof. the adminis- .1 . I I . I . r . I , , L I � . . I L I resident herov, 'do not. regard the as, - - . . 1 L L .. I . aeted aown p Joi- to that date, but, on par , 'No. 62on track -58c, 1. A despatch fxoiu Cape Town say.%:- tration of jos�ti�e .. . .i j: . Inter I . . An JU1103106 lletwoon These Cou4trias jqta othe.rhand, it doeAnot take many . , ry sound kan' (;o qIXOted 590; 1 'L � a sum, representin(r . timate -as axaggemted;w : . ; . � , , . Nst.�Allowed on Deposjt�. , , - I . I � mmitted' on a Cli'(1ca&Q, May. 21,-I)ry' uleather, -Four parties, OfL ' the Interest on "'900,060. 'ell- - . . I .1 . :1.. : a . .. L Not st.All Probable, . . 'Hessian flies to Make 'a I � Charge of M ' 'L . lloe-r.4.. visited Xraill ,1,1.9, seem "The North China News of March 26 , 11 I I . . . � L ., . . material, rem I urder. , and damage Claims gave an upward lal. Pan-gouth of Xaf6kin L I . Qd too muth.'to some. In O Terri-. , . I ., ' On in the yield of. an Infested A despatch from . . rifish.. 061umbia; Ait An. earr 4tioll, .. . L I L I. . The recent vigit,of the-Itali4a naval ducti pefims to the, -'wheut .9, Cape 001.011Y,' tortes and 13, andeavoring, to till. why each a situ- . _� I . — . I I , field." . . I PaIrDY'SoUtd,'Ont- . mo.rket, to -day, on tha,mOrning of M . L . I I r squadron to IrpUlou and the atten& - - . I .. 1A And July closed 5-8d . � ay 10i During the ly -date it svould ba, A . , as the one alleged can' exist, 4� . . . . I � I'. . I gbLYS:­--The preliminary, bear ,Jii�cheir, ,Tul� ecassaryi to. take says: -',Simply because Chmese civil , , it . . e*remoalss recall the vis,it of the by the .re- 11 . ­ some ineasures tfi thisdirection.'The, % . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . � ant'c . I Witter' rye­�J udg�ag Ing ofthe Co'Q Closed 5-86; And Xuly oats 3-4c night they -took a,positiou on & kopie . t'y has beat suppressed, *bar- ALliERT STREET i)Drt$ Of correspond e little Parton caga..was ooatilnua,d before,thi �Iu; V� J1 -6 under .this bill � . . . . ii. �j opened fi e We ' itui , . glan fleet tothe'same, city several rye is bi-eing raised for tj� grain', most Police magistrate' on' Friday. . Mrs, -W'isi,0114 Xlul,2d dall. And at' seA 'wit, Uld ,. be os,tensib-ly - s15,600 'but as . . . . . C1;L'rrOW' Rug. . _qh,a,.r. NO, aii .ts gaited 2 1-2e. P,r;: f1rOM- W ich the, Hoe.r gum icreased expand authori I I . L 11 . . ried, driven a,way, and notbing.sub- .. ­_ . 'L - : * ' I . & laout on Oetoher,12, 1899. They . . . . - ... . , . . I � Years a O'� On that . Of the crop belbg cut for green -feed,. Isaac .11UX4 L , ' te'nila'I CIII(tAge" '' L I . . I 'pillaged the Wine at the, judges,.j stituted for. it. Tlie country between L I I . 9 , . occasion, the. im- '' me � I h�ad beca' 'broug . . - , � . - , 111,013do, ma Yes who"were living oin�:thb kopje, UP to MdAtreal it -would affect. ll� thogea.and Pokin'bas been ddv4astafed ..� I I . . , who 1 ive;s in -th. ' . � . . . - L I .- - I __ ­ . ___' - P111give Fren hinan embracedellusslan scribed .as looking.. ,veil. I . . ­ bOUXhO0& Of the, Pairton'tarm testi- i Y 2I-,-OIovoraeed-Ca,gb killing tW0 -And . Aw!'Otisly'' w ouAd' avi a L Paid L the p I . . . . . t�aQAL: � . , a Wher�grosvz however, theoko� is de ameigh ant! � . . . ; � I � '. �L - L 1- Sailors in the stredto, and th French , f izn!lm� $6.50; 0,,o,,�;, $5.25. - . Ing & nir in, traveiliag' expenses, so the: � eopla. hav:e. )ALon., killed. in- - . - . I L. press Went wild over the allia, th A, . . Uil.%iraukee, I - Ma� .2 1. . . ' Then tthey crept uo-oa lie t. sum VV0 Id Ile', about $7;800. I"In' L . , �� , I . J - SCUTT - , . . . Clover -It m4y be gaid of j.he ,to,. fled-th t�qt:fba mo�nind Of the fub T three. others. . . u disariminately' or'driven',put- of .their i . � . � . . 1. ace wi or that. the crop oame'otlL of I . f ' f "Barley -D611; the, iairtison at the giding buttasen . as to beeome,bandits. Wd Sb6UId* * , , ..... I . . I . Russia. There have -been pre on . the Win' while. Ovlsl� at Edward: H' NO., 2,..57; ,aaxploi *4o and -54 ' .. � - DE' AMENDMENTS.' have ' ,., , . . BARRI9111an, 86LI(IlTbit; Eta, :tbut the later an dict' 8, for in about the same 000djtlofi-a�SL talking 0 ' ' I . urd a Place, . I .Cs . . try discovered the pre , I .CRIMINAL,CO L . . thought: that one, o the first . . L . . , I I I . . .. , . L val, demonstration ' I f th :� , . .1 ._j- L L I .. - L sence of' the The,.41oase ' ittee on a, I . I . L . would have Politicalbonsequences sim- it 'em t4red it, the darnags done b ., HL � a . occurrence, Par.ton ,4q , . . .. . I burghexs and their attempt went into Comm eta of the foreign. Administration at- ` - I "� I I Monalyt.0 L-oan. . 'a �iit � DRB�Shil) H() .D-FROV Af.'alil.r- the bill! tO'. 11-111,anil .the Criminal Code. tbr Tekin was relieved would have . i ... I .. I . -ilar to the earlier, "&aving" a6id 'ice bedn' . Y c me in. o id that lie &ard the;. � ­ G S AN' . ISIONS. P.08(3 was' fjruSt.ra fed-,.. . L . .. . I . . . g Very small, . . . . orylolt-Bluot . And that Ital 7, Cortespoad,eluts do not =-ant.* . I ups 'Qsed that L 0ontinu .. -E .. Ki. 1, :Danduratil, movieci to been to strengthen. tba Obinese 'civil , - , : 'J t,BIOCk. ­ - , " 'CuxTox wj3uld help �tcj forin'Ii,now.'Trip4e All t I I ion uny, .blit1dren ' fairs lid L �'Voronto, May 21,w-Receijpts' 6fhoge � At dtqb,feak .1 I 1104; ' i L . . . . E� . .. �, .11 SuPP . a mall , L and the, lde]mand g the m0linied:gcOO 8 4mmd the elaus� Living reference 4:16 muthowity allCI make it respofis!)II6 for. I ! . . _� . j .Injury o the crop b�LlasQlaja._ Clover 014 made the noise because' OfLL . , §" Dod, OOMP6,siag part, 6f the;`gArrisot -made . . , - . . . . I I . ance by becokning-a. party to 'the;i 1 --fields had'heen, , . L tbe. Pxfees� Are firm tit $8 mail :11. sortie .) lotteries" by �14minatlilg­ the, sub- the lJreoefva-tl0n- of,'ordir. But :%srbat .. 1 'W, BRYDONE; :- I I liance between Vranc6 sia given d good.!stArt by 4- L" d A 'k L10 said lots-- Provisions in �: for a .British '.'p While,at the same ttille tb(, Clause �wbicbs ,f.. Present exempts Le ' M49lafTate -Can ;b .� - L . . .. . I . I L' a. ati L liald a. � there, He - a I - I 9 � .and Rua. timely r,ain% andl warm weather, and lie, .Supposed L I to 69 I ITe'wit: �� .. . . . mand and fina, ened fi -li.a. 116rdeafaldt . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. , . NO Such'reault is probable. It *is the fixe-was,caused by, Quotatioms are . . . . . , . 0 61 tPoelf to put ­- , . � . . . true that 'therb ia.(Jimsatiafaction in ware presetting an excellent; ap- til� L . 'as follows -Bacon, OnL tile .Bo'exg, who'.13catfored, Ca�pt. Crodit Yon6ior FrIanco4CanadieAL and at'.-hiis post tfnd exerth'exims to remain . . � I . . . P�aranceL asioorq wro . a! lamp in the).childmein'siroom. I a' L I . . I, CreditL Foucler Du Ba's CAua:da dowh'ojiposition to foreikiiera when : - ' . tarY Public, &­ , '. Italy 'with the Present Triple - Thl long clear. looao, in car lots, 10c; and Tupper followed the retreating burg- I. . I . NO . , I -Alliance _qpondents t I testimany waA'0iV1.eIi very positively, ,in Case lots, 10 14 to 10 I '. . heirs until' nightf from -the ope . . I . L . . . , � : . olr-Drelbund,'In mbich Grerinday 4 YEGETAT, -2c; shoit all, whian the chase ration of the Act. at any moment a f,preign, Lieutenant, - , � , .. I . OFFXor-Boa . vor - Oak; -, . " iaL , ­ . a, I I - I . to OL I 20.50;,he�vy ties$ was Abandoned. I One. Nooat* was siv- Sir - Ackenzie Bowell Wished he hoc witli a. handful of troops inay come - . . . , VagetAt Mir � . I � luded lotteries, bazaars, etc. .. �� to him and -da'11110.' sum of money* ... Rl , , * ,l), ,,ad was un,14haken in the croSs-exam- Out'pork, 020 L d, . 1`01101WELL ADVANCE I 11 . CIJNT-017 Austr are.partners with Ita.1y. The : . X L . - __ __ . — ' ' - lan' :­,Corresponderit$ Ivilo' inatlog tvy , . Vowel ­. J '... I . :e.rely � w . , . . Inc. ad. La* L . . IX I.. Pork, $19 to $19-50; i5houlder mnss,'Sir). . ounded. . I. . . . . . � .. I I I __ I . . I present Italian 1VInister of Foreign e. a of Mrs. Hurd's �L.atemeut is �drx,6011y*at 8 . I Hot. - Mr. *Dandurand was quite pre- an palo, of ha'viiag -big -town or village i . . . VOYANOING . . A:ff,,Lixs , before he Tesumed tb6 respon;- W-rall � L . few days before the l'st alb,ked ineats-Hams, heavy 12c, Later advices are ,to the effect that: - . . . I I . . - I . . . I COW. . 00aii-Ide'red tbiaseason as-raihe variance -with oth. abooilata of I . pared Ao do so, .next iessidn. I The buirnod 66wn in ease. of 'refusal ?" . . . __ I . I . 1� ex. the. medium, f3o; light 131-2c; r4 V care, are still in the violaity of , 1, . .- Abilities of office, led in the attacks Binyx I r4l", 11" .the B, L , . . . . I .1 con the *Twiple, . . - - Te I , r affair -given by the prisoner, and%(Ioes apd'abouf&rs* 2c. . . . Krail Pan. ,� I . . . . . . . ainqAdindutwas ca.rried .and the.�ffl, , ., ' L L . . .. . I . I I ... ... t * � � ' ' : ' � Alli'ano. an the ground ports aftet that 'date spoke of rap- not coindi,de.:with the evidence of Mi-s� :Lard -Pails,' Ile,' . . . . � . . . .. . passed.. :.. I I .-.1. -1 L I . 'L. ­ .. . '. . . . .� . I ward, but'fh,� who sent in thel 101, I , . "' " "' . . . � that it . ,AU 4 ,10&4e;,fier-, .. , . . . . . . I I �.. , � � . . . I . . . Co$t.ItA1Y'noaCh'Lmore thab id grQwth.1m� both field 'and forest,' .. b I _L . . L'.. ­�---­­10— . 1. . I . . 4 0MMISSIQNPR, ETC. it w jv I - olle had. dif-- cis,, 10 1,2e. . . I . 4", L' . . . &XVV]llYi��..., . -Parton, who i%tated that C . o. . . . . . I 11 ..­ . I : - . I . . I � '. . . � I . As (*th. Moreover, there Are which:had . . .. . I . . 4=9 LAROLT.11 LANV. ,.. L :�.!.�' � . . L . . . . . I � I . . .. . . I . . . . . .� C o inperanient ba.� Or more brought ve6titlon 'rath- fioalty In awakening har, husband. . , - 1: � � . I . . MRS. WHITE' -COMMITTED. . in the House Xr.- I3. F. Clarke inor. ! WONDZRFUL CLOCK.i.- - ... I . Fire Insurance, Real Estate, " . : � . forward tha�u Usual. The Thevmasgiatratg, .1 . . I . . . . tot send ­ . . .. . . . .. . . Mon6y to Lend. ! . . tweet. the French -and Itali nh. Half eagtoin port! * .­ in view: of this evl-- DAIRY WEATMET& . - - . I . . . . ed 'the ailioulabor, bill back. to . 1A __" .. . . . I I . A on of the Pr , , . 1. I b -I" L' . I . � I . 1. . . ovince ap- dence, Committed the pitp' � . .. . .1 I . 1. . . I I I . . . . . A. centUTY'ago they were on tornis,' of pears t.q havd ... oner, fok Prof. Bills T i Wei c0mmittee� to ' insert therein aL pro'! Nine .fik Ychi,i Were occuptea by ilia . . ; been rolati-veli'-itore Lad- txial. 11 . . I . Btltter�-'Jhe market is unchanged, est to Finding 4e . - I . . QVFX4OZ-1tUaOX ftnnar, , 41DWTON ' L' I - . Small .ii$4611 empowering parties 'ov"'Iler fik "Uslillus It. . . T L . . . . I . . I L .. enthusiastic friendship. But I many vdilood in thig � respect than IM -vv�st, - ' ' ' ' - . . . I , 'with Pound rolls '13 to 14c -large- . u to setthe . ' . - M� I I , * ; &77__��� ... � roll . , and AMO lit of Strychnine. , .. toAn .� . � . . . I I I I . . . � . I . L y , .. . . . � . .1306, old tube, poor., to me- 'A despatch frotom Brantford, Ont' trate., This was Votdd down � .1 . . - . . .. , ,filings have happelaod'irt tbiA interval. Meadows in tillie, beginning of May af� . . s 12 to, . law in fol-Ao fly an application. Frank Ilaseek; a BohemI6 watch- , , . . . ME010AL - � and .for twority 'Years Italy has -been forded excellent pasturage for, sheep LLE 'L. diuTA,jo to 1' ma I . . . ,_ . . . I L. . I I I 10; creamery,, boxis, 17 . .1 . ­.' � . . I . associated . L ORCE DARADNE S.- 1-2 t,> IS 1-2, � � . eviden I . I 9P plaker � of Chicago, has 4 w ' . ­­­­� with Germany,--fha tradi-` ,and aL fair ,bite, for other. live. stock. . TO. F � d he cc ' 6' L ilia witnes 3 by , to 66. -The bill.then passed a I 1� onderful, .1 . - , .! .. :. . . ; An pplin", 18 1-2 to 'Siaya:�T S I .. , 11 � . . I .. ,� I . I . . . I . I . . which lie hag.been . . . I I . 'in the White Murder .case on ThOrs- � . - TRA , L _� L �. - . ' - I . R. - - flonal enemy .of Frince,-and with An Xssex correspondent writing on . .. ­� I I mr-, . I I . .. L . . Igo. . . L . I . L � . ,third ,reading. clock Upon work- - .L . - 11 . - I I I . Eggs-Reeelpi ,�. . I . . . '$ . ' I , L R, C. F. Land It. R. C. I Austwia-Uungary, -in th ' d pilc6a d. � � Dl&.WXTH FRANCE. Ing Silently And nine I D ` GuNN S., hdi a allidnea .May 6t,h stated that: peach. tLreelf were They 'Ravo Resolved on: common ta .a,re large an . se�retly for ubilrgli." ', -i: ' whi,oh was One of the, crowning- Ile- ..then it. profuse bloont'. L - I � - . I I I , waff the lame as that at tho'cor.- . ' L I .1 - I.- �- � . . ­ .. , I hieve � L. %­.. wlsr .. , ra. � . L I . � I . i _ . ... I '. , Ao.tion in Turkey. � " -u4chanced at 101 L -2 to m per doz., one hkuest,-ex Ta OUpply' the�'mafl and.'atearashiP teeipi,yeii,' ' . ' I . I I I. . Y - Bismarck;$ Live - atock-All. 'claisseg . . . � .in aa%s� lot&;:N� , cepting that . ... I . I . I . . X t(!.ilwit.frontdoorofresldendeonYtatteiip .aletts. 'of 'Prince, of live . L , , - 2 and chlips 8 to go I of Prof, sUbsidleg 'were taken Up. Sir Richard' -Xfor twent arg . the I .� ... � . � . %,. I . Efflis,'Goveirminent analyist, wfio,test?m Cartwright explained th %� . Y ye .11 clock .has I . . . b%h . ' ' Cheese-kitrket qdiet.� ; F'Ilcjoa�i ,to finding thr.e I ry. ok i_oanla through the. winter In ' ' A . deSpa . tCh . IMM 'Lxxado'P' jyg,-_� street, opvos.ite Presbyterian. church. adroit diplomacy, They have not beat Stec I . U At �he * gay . I . . . . . . , . , = . . SePtegubar 9 to 91�20; new, 834 ad e -eights of a &ain' ern I dream and one passion, of . 0FRIb"HWARI - altog Orales especially iniotNe. correspondent of . - J . meAt, -had arragied for a-direoi been the . I the . . I . 0 STRENW, athaT , Progperous-. years for 'good condition, ' H The 00168taLt I . L to . Ifi . . , CLOTON. L . though - there may be I . .. . . . I .. . of- Strychnine W ' ' ___ 0 - , , . �, . Italy, but .the blam6* for that does; look..Nvell, , at 9q � I I . the Stomach of..de- service )%srith Frinco; twelve vci,gas, old' man, and now that it is almost - ' . . .. ,. . ., rest with :,L - a -... - - . ,A L dell,gh' . I - . .. . nq.t the alliance. . it is t many cases of t u ani gh I it . the D411Y Nahvis � o ays, he liefiev a that - * . . . I caased,.Chaxles Wbitei !'III , .he- said, frobi Montreal and - Quebec in the, Complete, lie . I ; Tj�t. S]JAW - . . . . . 0 a g%s d It forms * 1. . . - is led. It is a . . I . ... . . . .be :scribed ria' -of dNtemper reported.. the Ambaisis . 'L - . . . . . . . �,,, . . a ther' to the, heavy debt . Cattle Ivere 0d1ors cansida the -position - . LIVE -STOCK, MA`11111.04TS. Showed that there was,maire 'than summe i - and six voyages in the - t - amotc� 4' tell curiosities. an' - � - - I . ­ .."., I L , ­ . ., . '. I the L . , this in the Stomach before deaill, took� ter from St.john and Halif I ax.. I win giali , � W � . . � . . . , oyrrsbic . . . whi6h .Italy Accumulated during her rather thin, but OU �the whole -are Vr"W�nk. %Vt � Olf P'Ogt-bfflc�a ' trouble&' Toronto, May 21. -At we tern place. �`I,hia I . . 4. W , He bad� not yet' anglyz6d the was dome to follow Up that advaritages so large .whe . I .. GINTAU10 STRZiir, lei%, 6 'healthy. . A few cases (if trouble in. sisriiiants, and .t t ha e Ivnd cattle, yairds thjtq morning W 8 a, ount .4 - t&e work on it .- � . - I . . � op�6.lt� gegll.h _. Obu 'Unification, .And I t tiostly colonial ad- tba hey - v reso a had i coating of th stomach, The III 14 ,_ _ , . r I I , 11 . . . - .1 L . rentixies. , , I . .1 Calving have been reported�, together on6onainonaetion iagaJnsifT0xkey, He , rian for a Tuesd L of our,exhillits at� the Paris exhibi- . begun tUi t B4amk ha& to moVe from . . . . � , , I i L . I PLtmif, . , I . . . -, The Triple Alliance runs. by ten-year, with ail' od& meAtioA of "blaok-leg"L UddA U Jis Im = AY,' as 73 Car- found so far Would not.cattae. death. tion.i and 'the miaiisttw thtstight. he saw' his llktLIe hoirie ',At - West .18th 114A , . ; . .I-,— �� perloas. and the present per . lad does In Leede, and Inioured"that the AmbasL. of li've stock odmia in, comprising �9tryvhnlne, be 'Amid, was iised in:fluid* X. chance - of gr6atly'adding to* out -Wood streets into a two-story frs)dog , , , , " I . We arra,xkged for a Frenell 1,220 oatile, mea.rly ,2iOOO hog;;i, .250 Or, P.L . It foran for'a, ionic, I ­ . . � . . Renfrew, and of lampy- Sad�rs` lhai , ]DR. -C. . W. . TIJOIMPSOJ�t'- �', . .L not expire until 1903. The German jaJW Lin Huron. 'Shoop arii report6A fleet ' I I Police, L � ' ' trado wit ' maxl- -house, w . . I . I - . to go,to Beslika. �aty, betwee.6 tle sheep and III -robs, 50 calves, iiil.4 -a The ma,4LC Conlinitt L, I h that:country. The i IIWII ho'bitilt purposely to ac- . '. L LP,]JySICIJN'AND StJRGR()N. . L � Chancellor bag recently, declared taji to be in particularly fine form Scab OQaStL Of Aslu.� Mbnoir kind, the: north dozeia mi-ich cosys;... 1 . I. � I .1tXate 6d mum subsidy - Which the gov6r�aincilt 60m.modat.e -the clock., Now- ,t9c.et - , * I . - . . . . I Mrs..W.bite for. trial,_. ... I . . . ' .. . would have, Power to Pay *ssi a hun- it out., he will have to, tear down L the, - I . 11 . . . 'L ... . . * - 'L � L the Triple Alliance was never more has diiaipeared, and lamUs are plenti. end of -Able. ishnI4. Of. Toned "Pie'ta-arket f , -_ i . attontion Van to'discasos of the Eye, LV I 11 I . . as, to 1sup- or cattle was, isteady L I- -.11, - I . . _ . 131%,411, Nose aadgViliroat. -, Solid that I it is to-diy, and there tul.. and igarotis. Swine have. ca=- port An imimedilwta, 4amend'16j t-bje Te. and. tine -hanged; prives a' . . dred- ihic�ru4j& dolhirs, though it wag walls Or else t'sk'6 tile fimeplece apart"'. - I � I . . I re .firm the .. . , . I , 000101i AN') RESIDENCE- _- I seem manded mom atto t .expected that' na6re tUan' half and act it up agaiA...'. I , � . I L I 1. . . JAY Would be fact, feet high. and is fiffeen feet - I . ,�L . ' s no good reason'fok Impugning . ntion than,ever be- storatq.on, 'at the. st,t.". quo, , -ade -was brisk, I Would be used; ' 'It stands nine, ,.' his sincerity, Italy wantli concessions fort- Owing to encon raging PriOes',� hilt de,maAd Ill the tr . and an early ;'i,.r- READY' TO CARRY 'GRAIN. to . J , ace Was affected. . . � ., I— �, . . . I AAbert Street East north Of RATTEXAVAT from Germany and, Austria in Coal. while Jitters, have. been large there is not C.Olaphad with the fleet -a I . . ,'rho Sabel . L . .1. . . I paid to the Fralloo-Canadiall Lline. Square at fle' base, Its uppermost' . . . $TA.paw, CLurrox. L I -,vj,lt,fKxr-' 'the Dardanelles, A'apported We bad a good .trade in export Catilldl' W.blch was beingL reorganized ' ' :part eX . I I . . .. 9s, And. during t -he .. IT1113 COTTIOSPaude at's -statemants frlom.,4 34 tioli dly I . 11 for -Business. , . dy. I so asl to � I mercial treaties which are'liending, ll"�a been heavy losses amolig t 19 d4ttle; good to, dbolcia� sold, . include a number of Prominent Can- the houge, there being no floorbig in - , , . I ADAWNrISTRY . t May be 'that She thinks that a Young Pi hose by a ufruPeall. miandate.' I All. 90rth0PA NOaPly. Rea tends nearly to the roof Lilt ' . . and I * . I latter part I I - I . little coyness regarding the renewal of the Winter- -many. -hogs suffered tiot con&r .d I are. 1-4c per P ' 4 ight . .,. I , .. . adlan business mien. It W�S.expict- tile flibcoAd story. . . . .1 . I U1, Elle Drelband will help Iler to get from a form of rheamaiilsru or "s�tii .. L. iM6 frem ,"he't sources, ' Shippers gold at fromi 4 I- t� 4 6-80 A despatch ftom Montreal ft U niould, be able 6 de- The one Part that rexuaia$ to be . . . . n. AGNAN' - - — I L f- I . . . is Ys:" .ad that C4 ada, . L . . D I , � � what� glie Wants. . . aning," -wbioh, however; appea I . I I _____*__ Porpound. Th.4 quality Was -above the Mr. William Mackenzie arrived here inelop a large export ot "Iti. Then add d ia allL . . . 0 . L I . , I .. _, . I 1, 1.11. . Average for'Lao(Me time r . . . I , red t . . . . , , I e . . I . DENTIST, . . '. Wear off whan the animals were . ura . . .... L 'ast, . orobesitra. and a phone, I ... L � I .. 0 . t - as it, lively demand froza. Now, York on ThuTsday, . Mr. agai'n We might do a respectable trade graphic' attachnient, which will do - ,, � . . . . ad, out In the. spring, IA- 'WHAT, -CAUSES � EYE TROUDLUS. - There w In !ran and coaL With saine. moder- the talking for the thirty alit6matragg _L . . CAOWX AXb BRIDOE W 6�M, Jersey hag Sl,bo() out of her 0.9' moat, parts . .. 1. I � butchex for Mackenzie stated that the section -of L � I I . . — ,000 of the Province there was an abund- . __ , . �attle, at birm. but Unaltered ate Concessions there, was abundant Carved by tI1/a*BohemIaIX.WoodCAjVSrS , L . . . Orplax-Adjobilax Post*es Photo Gallery" Acres under cultivation, Tile Isle Ot apOe of fodder for live stock durin . prices. Gocid to choice. stuff sails at the Catadiali Noirtbern railway be- OPPOtrtutal-tY for enlarging Our sales the only . outsido assistance Bohac6i , . ,� � . . : . 11 . . Kan, 98,000 out of 145,000.' : the winter. t,lthoug4 itLfew fa 9 ]RO"Inx IFIDO Print, Stitchlas Embroidery froin 4 to 4 1-2c, pat pound, with from tween Wfibrilip4g, . , . . VA.Mos, ,014T. I rMers stlad lVej.tvisix f4bils is Part Responsible. anO Poxt Arthu� there oof..food pioducits. Xrom. .France called to aid him. Four dialsi appear , . . - - . . I . . .--n.amm"n"Mme tire ad An Would be OOXOP19-ted in time to petrinit fil: re,tu.rn we would, get faucy goods, on the huge fron I t of.thet clock. - The ­ I # I - , Isaid to have -been tonlpoll te-a to fifteen cents metro per owt, , , lr%R. G. EARNEST HOLMV-,S The change's which come to the eye- for prime lats, .,Ev16rythIag­ fouriA an tfie, Canadian Northern to partiolpat silks, fine woollens, etc. L I a, � . I , . buy feed in order to,%upplement their s�s the result of age are beyond ilia 'early Sale- . In britging the wheat crop from Man, Mr. Monk enAors,ed the so if a ,represeu fed. t ho sun, the woon . . . JLJ Successor to De, Bruce. Clinton . a large,%t'one is in the Cat . I 8g.Xiallst III Crown and Bridge Work. supplie-A. � I . . . . . . g 1 � aL eXporrt . . bal heme foi, ,I '' ar ter, and o . . DID, .-Graduate of Royal College of Dent4a; Form suprPI lea -Far=,rs di:far more Power of the, Individual to re . We*had tittle; doln, )a, itoba, and the North-Weat to Lak6 Increasing our dealings with France, I . I I , Su cons of Ontario. UpEfia tile question bf Supplies thanup- U4 true that I the t I inedy* It feedaral and stwirors a -t prices which Superior, The entire line from LakaL the c,arth and the four aeAscus-t The .. . . L. D. ST, First- clam honortraduate of Dental . !me for� the. Wearin . Mr. sm;ltll, Wentworth, ,said ,the Sun is succeesfully imitated by & . I niversity. S . . Damrtment of Toronto L I edw on any other -topic. - A scarcit � . 9 are _qu4Dt;6b4y -nuchanged., L .%upeirior to the Red river I,,, now, un- overnment s1puld See to it that the large red electric globe which is plac- . . surplus Are frequently reported by of tho. $50L p, to da -contract.. Mr. Mackenzie was in steameTs are fitted.dat. with plenty. ad. irk the Contra of the dial, &tter.tion paid to prbservatloh of chillron's .1 y And' a �f glasses may be hastened by abuse "Good nlil,ol Cows Are wanted a 9 . . tooth, 1 4 neighboring correspondents. While a . eyes, but. with ail Care . . . . Will lid at the River Irotel, .Rayfi6ld# every Everbavothem? . . possible A head- average of prices to -day New Yark, boaie.rr,!ng With Prernier cold Storage accoolmodation, - and of To the outside edge is added a . . 44 nut4bev speak or it Scarcity of hay that one.may.take, the eye that hitb- 'Vag from j25 to,$45 odicill. .L Murray, of Nova Scotia regarding the . ventilation chambers for the -carriage world globe. A rtilvor moon rdvolvm - Mondar Irani lo 4. in, to a v. I in. I -L L — Then We C401t the mnJDrIty of.correspondeats'ara��i orta, has ,b A few good ealv,es Are Wanted; Lthose building of the Prop�'Ped line from of appi.e.g. . about it 12110111:11I.Vir And planet and sa-, . . I - - ' .F. eon tormal,will need short- hare to -day were only Of moderate Halifax to Yarmouth. , ,* I .. 'L I . . tell you any. Di4nion that thore Is more Luau en- ly bof*e, or it maybe shortly after quality; pxltog. X -r' H' B' 0310 r he'ld bo' L develop trade tellite make the circle around thestia D' '14 "Ag"N Successor to, Dr. r, owler. I D . range from 01 to 07 . : , with Buiropean countries we, in, 365 . thl 9! sibout Ugh fCT horaL demand; and so with the age of 45 the aid of glasses, So eac4ho but ton dolluxt "____V_ must The 'World globe, 'or I VETIMMAItY SUR090N. 11 jv4*-at, and DAL% although there. L.q. -not Would be read- L earth, days, - A m6inter of the Votartnart Modleal Assoola 0 .1 the you , , t lattor universal is this that ail Oculist, in ily paid for aaYLL vo I - I appoint many more Commercial agents r1v01ve4 .every., tWouty-four L . MP so much*ot 00 grain; on hand L I _a a w4rLh the, BURNED IN F;.VRNACE. theire. Every one know what uS& the bour$. . .1 . . . I tions of London slid Edinburgh and Gtatitiato know' hOW d4rk I's 14-5u,", It. huvitl'4 I)PeU 104- more his examinations of the efraotion money, I . 1. I . L 11 ;, -*-" I . . United States lad made of her coa- surroundime the , . � of the Ontario Vot4rinaty ColJoge. . l L an ever 014 ilia farm. What I r L Of . " small Stuff,, wag generally idull to. . lar -.,*rvid& abroad. ' . . huge dial the sea- . . largely th , Ilia eye of his patient can determine day, with the son$ are painfed,.a' 011ice OpPosite the Commercial Hatel, Clinton* everyth9ng looks has bev.4 ould of Stuffs applies also . 'ca of Choleo . ad through them I I � . . exeepti Shocking boath Of a ChiLthalfl, N.D., S`Sdr Richard Cartwright said that . the Planet and a I .,;__�__ _____�===�� and 110W you gre about to fat and store tiatt tit. In ilia same adOUrately the NiUmbor of Ilia years, yeaIrlingA, which sold at a shade hic& . . Young Man. L . . atellita PaS9 accurate- I . VarArPlIVANY eady to give up, Somc� 418trilli-1; a avarolty and an 41a%ndanee The re4pollsibility of much eye trou- or. . . . . . 11 L tb,e 9LOVeTianwilt 'Was now negotiat- IY- The s%oad dial is of the ordin- . . .. I I . , are sometimes reportolf, Although 1 ble, however, tan be brought direct- Light owes, 136 to I LA. despatch ffotn Ch4tham, N. g., Ing se,mi�ojflclaliy Witb, iba, object ary clock, Tbe third 14 a twenty_� , L - I U 140 lbs., axe worth of improrving our trade, relations. With four hoUr 'dial, PACKALL & BALL I � . ow, you can't throw ON Use roand-up It Nsill likely be r44 ly home to the Individual. lt is due fxOW 4 to 4 1_.,,g par . P9U,n4 . L 4ayl -Thursday morning the bonos of The fourth lfA one - , 11 I . 13 VgTt I RINAILY SURGEONS. . GOV. I the terrible depressim thrit.thime are har lid to the reckless expandituro of the qe- Heavy eWeA bold � the Preoch republic, ,The Outlay having three hands, which mark re�' . (Ily as Inany of � to -day at from a Larry Guthro were.founit In the saw� Was approved of, , Sfeet'vely the day, the mouth and . .. llniblftfs to be disposed I . . Pit)Xt'r 014-49 Of . Right. The service ,of the eye Is de. 14 to, 40 per pound . I -dust furnace, Of Sanator Snowballl.q I W the week.of the year, Itaido the . , I 0. P. R. LAND& . . .. 9RNMENT VETERINARY INSPECToRg Are things really so -of lt�l usual, '40114e correspondents naanded In any and every light� The GrUin-fed yearling's 13811 at from a mil . clock are loeated, the thirt 11 . � d Lby reading, I- HO, alld .two others were engag. y figurea . - Mr., &OU was informed by Mr., SLf- Which PAM every, halt hour before all Orviog, X#AA0 STRXET", RicstOnDrom, AtalmT blue? Isn't It your nerVes, plaim thil't. Ole bacog IndUstry fia4 eyes ate most trip fine 1-2 tO' 61-4L* Per pound. , the xetuse. They were at work about ton that the C.P.R., h(X8 Selected 2,- ;opening above the dials. Uaro re , . -__-_4_,1_1_­�_1 .. . - . ! . I ..------- - ___ , suilnutts raised by Oniario, - We, Mill closad, And the Other five I . . Stwmr' Cumpog, 9fter 011P � That's Where "I I ` at k-sactied the ,number or! print or doing the fine Stitches of 040k,s are 9vorth from aLto 01-20 the, refuse. 'Choy weto at work after 27(1,18,; Acres of land in UaAltoba, and repr6aelged every - president . frold, . th e troubte Is, Y 0 u.4 �r sawing or embroidery, It the print P" pound, . . I � . - il L . AUOTIONgER tErlmh'OeIg'si', X#A 0 would also appear as I$ 11 glamay paper, whoLqe stnooth-itir. " Baxny&rd%rs" are Selling ut from did not miss their companion, Who ap� 11,874;007 aerkis, in thc Zerrktori Washington dOWA to RoXiialey. The . ..0 . - L 100"Jes a.ra being 00160n0d ft All 011159mi Ot live mtmk Are recelv. faim reflect", mirror-Ilke. the lig 41-2) to 6d PeA, pound� L Mhe mileage, Of tke read f a which 8s' . . ' I L. _ lit. pearit to have slipped over the dum original giant applies. the others are figures of TJncIO Sam, .. I T90S. PROWN . , on the $M11119 lambs ure; worth from $2 ruld fallen into the fire -pt is 372 in Uhni- Dewey, Franklin, Columbia, and.an . froM ibe iMpuritles in lJ?g bt-tt'er t1are' thLaA over before, tile effect Is, bad up . eyes. It t. When t # toba . the ephroWery Is t 4nd 755 in the Tarritorles, Indian. The Clock rivals the Stras. I L !?R01T THR*N JIRO�NlfSlt,, WJ!1,.LT,, ,,, to be, done cu sat- a 06 each. A,�kivj of the xight kind hands went to Work In tha morning a LICUNUIDAUCTI014n, EIRL your blood, " (W upon canvas, with it.1 bewilder- 1114 wanted. . seed, sad a sea . NAPANEE'S POSTMASTign, burg wander And haa thus far cost . . , . 'Ountl A of . . . 1"Mit ft`eeA-N the western portion Ing niaze, of mashes, t waa rAL rch revealed h s At 8 condue d In All parts OfL the C a 1* L of die JYroVfqo,L,, whore. Inc.% lie Strait is Noon Hoga again advanced to -day, g&per remain,t. Gathro was a lad of 18, Mr. Taylur was Informed, by Mr. the maker $4,000. It is operated by � Ss and the weart. c1syt., and are firm at the increase. -*�.Wew_�_ . on and Perth. Orders left aV THE Nzwe L t of the ghow;m in tile radne, . no a ca Clinton, oraddressad to Sea � orrhards'are to W found, fruit trees nags of the a), Suffie.riand th�t Dr. R. A. Leonard, five ellkty-Pound Weights and will rill, ' . forth P, 0. Will receive prompt attention. Sat- . a$, WoMen's eyes But. (XbG be,if price for ,,Singeta is I 1-4g 13 L ILEP Meently appointed postmaster Of Lthe eight days. �VLEIIOut winding, I ofaetion unrantoodog, noofiarges. Yourpat- � k I � have roill.e (firopg1l -the NflAter it, fargready from the tax of veil.,, It Peir pound; thick fat and light hogs 0 . EXPLOSION. town of Napanee, Is paid by ociamis. , I . . I . OhAge go lotted, I ... I ipleudid 13crld"I"' 111 tbi� "Untles. Only Shows the grea t adap.tbility which ,4e pdr pound. . . . Sion, Last Year the. commission from , 11 �, I I .1 ! _! -!-I I I I � I i�t—__!rt—_ 111049 the St, lia,wrensia, how 10-4 � L eyert all t'hO 0YOR Oita" With PverY othorpart ' - the 0iled, Amounted to $1,929.15. 11, A OttRIOUS INVESTIGATION. - . . are' "'Or"' " O'� I . L stornill fli t.iiw spring had �Ija ef.i of the body, that tile Veils, withth ir CY and scale not be- , ) Is not allowed to cootinue b1g practict, Monsieur L Delatinoy, Of - the French I . MI LLANZOU19 Aft'.M. "_ lift Igo . I � the to" price must Throe Zen Logo Thelt, Lives at I lqe,aki4 e ===========7�t��_ IL WK ' 11 , g off 14anY Of the 1,utricate meshes and nuin,irotts, dots 00ilbs. L . . AS a physician in A - - 6tn"4109 and' In sor4e cal.401a "Ogs" 'n at ('11 . ddition to his of - be' of ov, I . Ill low 2)XbWw�fa(blt MIZ06th Bay. . 0. THIL . �_ Wiling of embroidery audiolloull1p, do not oo. ll'011oWiOg is. the range of quota. A despatch from TAttle Current, fielal datlos A8 politmaste.r. , /, . GE , *A'r1u'nLbcr of fruit. tron oa.%Ion More trQUble than fboy do. The U411-11, .- nouno ln� L . L . . L ., the trees. 3 Aoadenly of ftlanoeg, hag just un. . ` 30 RF . in the. noirfli�r� districtg a*rO h180 Te- fir,9t thing tOL do Ill geleati Ont., says.-Threa inert, named Fred, SATTLE OF W11WNEY onp,g1c, ad the result Of a. Curious I . I HORSPSAODR AND '�, 09 avail, 0 q9NERA1A31jACXSMITR,.. purifies the b1004 and parted t,O,,,1X.Lv,- cited, altbou cattle. 'ml tworth, WAS I the "preferred ' . 'i . .ch file 4 - Eaton and Orhomag Rowser, of V4114%a� -Mr. S ith. at Wo n- VOSticatIOU cot eraing Stil L pauf%l �a liq,ati glyent o" -has t4erey "Pon the ('Vag 'a to 811iPlierg, per oWt. 'A numb6rWl of ille inhabitants of dif .. -%ranteed. It'ArmilnPlbbientsand nia . Ones PoWer and ,Qrohards (LI.41 its effect Upon the Siriti;t, fo See 0525 both Bay, And Thos, Gaffney, of.Mount fortwid by Dr. Borden thAt the Gov- . ! Work U, -class matorlat and L S. fernment bAs voted 421,500 tosviairds de. . lezent count a Work Ironed and OrSt bulty Were oomf Butcher o-hoide, do,,., .... ... 0 84 1256 4 615) Forest, Were killed b� it boiler explo- .ri6s. The basis of the in. ,4g into bloon; as oorre that tile weave P� not confuslogy and Butcher: ord. good ...... � 350 3 Ir, sion in J. it, makillan's Mill fraYIA9 tbA OXPOAses Of erecting a vestigailon is chino rebuilt and repaired. to th't flerves. It makes : Pondents Wrotv, apd nearly (,'Very, . ...... I � 1� I . t"t. til' dots 40 'lot 001YIe athwart Butpher,, later to 25 at uli2a- . ; __ I pla4i of ftq1t �Yam giving promise, ot .( the halth Atid strengtho notivo . 0yesi, for v-)15 3 bath Day, ca Monday. The cause f ta"I'lant to oommemorate th,e V!t,- detomina,,en a StUdY of the Various L , I Stook - ... ... .1, . . JOBDISO A Sntmmr, ffeperog� yield 1;hould frost andlovavy , ers, per oWt . ...... ... 0 a Of inoiley, AtUtRTSTAguz Non'ta, , Itly and abgerfulniss. . . . 306 -4'�63� the, explosion. is tot known, The fur tory of British arms at the battic, of postage I I rams �%,p of dqrlqR e4e� neiiocl of 1 ____04 --- � 14,xport 66118, Der. cwt".. a 7r) . r4toboy Orevk, Mr, Saitith, also want- staniPS', and Othe,T Measures, It . � CLtNT0, at F A' $ oi0 � 'i . 4 naces bad just bein siatted about pea,rst that nearly P. C*___11*�­%__1_1t__ :�= �____=_____ "I -- This ft vib I .Yet. 8 "Settl"it" all o4gli, r,pme, At4te that I Sheep uAd Lamb3. ewcnty=lhUta`iwben the accident oe. ed to knew whother the, GOV011111nion All races Shown a L L , = � it Wit be, a f;�mparatlwly PPffyef4r11 . OUMOVS. . , , I mrked preference for the ,ftuyube . I I ('110100 "-we%, Per 0,wt Will contribute two gUA carriage lei in. Y9ARtP wilf d.0 foryou. it's the for apples. A number of corrdii)ondo First 11c0kkeCp0r-Dob.qoA -has been _ 400 415 eurred.' . I the five, cantion now on the ground " tw`Or," "threts," andL , fla I � � FAIIINGIZ I . Oldest Sampgrifla lo iflo Ap 1.4 virianap4rtm of thc% T'rqvines ohU0141ing to, 111raself over his work 1XIIIIII4, 9,f,, per eyst. ­. 5.110 025 1 1 1 five.' and their , � I I . " . t% , . do, barnyards, per owt. ,4 to Boo L .0 at the Wttloffold. Inult-ples. But the Rohammodana ) land, the, kind th9t was ii-elop to the prago4oa at the t.orlt cat- .111,4ay, 110 inuat gee q0t"ethingvery dZ spring, oath_ ...". 200 500 L 9"VIST1,114A.T10 UCONOUY. . C. IS., it. LIANDS, I I. nvo,'A tho vivalber '*three,, ,,Neither L ,� oipIlW1 Nzt, V#4s pe,91; does Ilot Ap- abluqing in ilia. tiguros halo Working gocis, por owt . ... ......... go# I . L . In Turkey nor in PeTala,tv 11 Old before 1011tr $08111- a& ,JL re Atir, R-khar(l 'Says Mon. . 1. A � pear to hA as oom.1464 w( It %V 'at Willi. . 3 50 Tha idea of yothr felling mi I'm ex_, a in�(Jt,, Ayn, Of tisgar, atfored. aleur IMatney,, ,, does , I parI11461 Woo hnown. 4.. sg�*, 0411 Wll'ti�lq maq 'Matj� of In- Second Vookkeeper�Tllttt "or ?, JVej Atilkers 14d Calves. ffav,aRaa('1 prot.03 . "(,n tn _ 000 find a trace . L _ let% ILVAtfill out and got away I' ted Mr. Chugivater, P-rhnie�t in little et'k"'t that tll(' Gcv' .Of till$ humb*.*, nad It 18 scarcely - 'This also gecounts W jury to fruit tr" by fWd Mice. tit �' COW -4, eachi;:::­ ,,,,,, ...... ... 2000 � 4500 wben I've Aavo-d $500 in the; I.Ast ten f111a ' " ringing 1),L,tore 01p court.,4 foubd In Rlksrpt." Amoniv ilia 14"r6ach I 11 I Spring OkAing-Ta'klng thle, f1rov. tilingte; Cloallir-ult time comea, ilia Calves., 4041c ...... ...... ...... 100 $dil yearq M one il,cm alone, by a little ci.l� qWiMZvA of tile exemptEon of ,%ad otber Latin peoples, "two" itud . R. land.4 f.tona igxation, S TfIA09 MARKS the sAylat) llon6 bouto )ja ,r, spring. amving might be, �p. threo-yaar,oll boy b4.q been. a g IrOge. SuOf-dvainll . ,hould " five," ate more Popular tilan ,,three,,, . . .1 .oft ow ( Sayi - . make the. ocintontion th!Lt tho 1210-yom... ocalaNs . plAyer's Is worth threo m6rlbo4 as being about balf do'ho On- sop4ething cute again. Choice% liogA, Issr OWE, ,, 07r, I What itont 1,4 thatl demanded Atm. . W11116 thO English prefer "two." and I COJ%VftJoWrJ1L&d. , 1. ,O)e 4u, ftf,6116 $ending it skotell and 461arig I bottla of thb%ordhisfy tile lat of R%yl 111lboulTh 'IV a few lo- Ught hogs, W.r ewt ......... go 0.25 Chugivate.r. L ,301111PU-01h, Melod bogan Nvhen " thftO," And tile 06rinatS - three ii I cklf lks"rttln OfAr opinion . . �­­­.­ L I I palttfas 7'r, evat-ract. igronting 'the ­4,Ub8lAksq 'In rind -, flV(,v, Tile 011ift tab 6 a 111YOnt 012 14 lit0b Ably f 140. OMPAIlay , It was alftlmoa, Vattlli,g Jawn My )Ile ingaralleo Oise, reSe I th I thjkt the Work A NAW WUlNXLT . fr�,Avy hogg, per awt. ... dt6 _?,11t#fitAb a 06hirkaftles. kttld.*' N_ iva's Practically Ompliif,ftj by tbal 11 615 d4k�lll iIIIA, land wa.9 ratified bY Parlia- Latin rate, in their ohoi , while the fOnAdaht A!, omdg�6kau pt,tant* IV. 14owe. tiet owt.0 .... trom, S"000 to $1.000 ad U612#01`10t I , 17 . 0lit ftft ( IdMt on(w topeourikku'st, ' , I . P1Y tF1 I 9 I �A" � ==��� , . . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .Il. I I I I , I 'I, P he h I d6k,"a ri of a , , N C& 4 Z PE V' a I I , ToIxor , M,%Rl�gl l)J:sn,4t4si ".,.,.",,..' ., Pattutt takin *tArno till" t =4 , fha M414 wJA6 JJr4,J Id1Y sklinjoing tile : ve a Str0fla' likifig .. �arly 0OWn gral4s foond an The� l4ear What',4 thI0 016111101,6d 'Stagtt�, Imr cwt ...... ...... ... 000 Soo _____-46� .Mr. 91taft dtclarml Cliat it) I for 11 LW6,111 ,The, number ,,Sev,�,,,, is !f, $1.60 % 601U, Aft *980" flIA0, 11, . ...... ... 375. 400 Mobt. 1"Opla Of bdia lut ' "JarAj$* I ' oxa.-Ilent v0bed, 140to 631*01ally on qA _ Witboutot.swe, in t 4 1*040 t" APAWAA, L ­­ 4 )a of ji. fiffiefitft L i, 14 "t tw "y =14(tititial"" . high and W,011 -6414M latlaq; bqL a 'fa.611101" p1ge, L -0— . THP.RD ARX OTHLIAA, ",% fi a ,Te.�,*Jat'joh Would tJ6 fh6 hands taost used in Ruagl& and dthor Slevle . , I I ; $dthfillc, 4601" 6 of'the Govaub,V,At, in I)t1filging thp, countrlea, '.theL lifelibr "Um � 0* I ofti . 1-1 "ad= ' 'Jftq CRITICISM, N , Ato thl, .. . heal'Y Ago* ArA 7414 stom, raging W11408 Wh4tf I alrod the o l; 11,4 Alialidn I from tho 1901 to th�! 21At of April, 1t;Says bo"re'U"ghOrnS Will M"" ire Would ""r have b6dwm me Ad- titatte't be�vr* ths couttq tho Govern- Act Muth uAnd 0100pt IA t,3va 144t litaggg *46kiz 44f*"t� I r U '46 , W a'a h r1trat DrAke-I think tbi%t young diotod tor drink It it hadn't bo,414 for ffiltint %Vefald bo gafdiod by it% law. of- Irl 440ua. / 0111*1116PO any Udo;,tl fl JOUM&I. . 40 "S. Y*At,, Our Man s 0 "islo"111' 14 &'Jv&dC , . ft '46t - 'dL liuraftNI'. I'V'dV sard of a drAko 4 V'6r.v StUI)Id. tbeA trouble 'he bad, Vi.mxn, VIM Would Mko, tht econtt-.h. t r, 6 " : , � gave 41stilig o1wristions a 46bl4ed - UA'�%4 till , :4 k j J� 86 4 byall 124WOM E., frie , e,,f OAMI,�. ShIF F, AOF4C= t . , MIR Leo, V_ 11 .L -­ ­­­ '­ . , -11-1111111 bmit by floodlhg low-lyltig 014oa.j a4d Ahb4hfftl. but, 4 log-borW6,"O%v to W. Second Duck -Oh, fyom I Ile doesn't what troubl# did ho fia"I C., owl in m6xido," 't -nineteen iiln "I " - I 8101110 , . I ... � I I I not *Uly pret-enting farth4br noWing I �UPPOV, t1#11t; trWlers 4rb rmpon. know enovo to atay out wb#ft t ,and " thttty_ot6,11 in tho h%llfpI)JaeA.L , ta _ �& - .11, & 0 -Al . astamAgAtt, NOWT wyh.Ad brMlible; ira keeplat ,%�y&y .1eyh wb(t,.h wa3 )>t,1t for t L, " &S V bt,�, WoAlar6w, I '11,6 , 11 . for k week -or ,so, but iA a6zo In. Al 14: to it, Tho roo�lwtion, wAs lg%au Tht people 'of Halvall, grd ,IINNA , I ralAst. frota it 112 I Aulte fond of 11 th1rtd(!ft.)) 4aid -- __ + . . , . . I I . L �, . a