The Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-23, Page 1CLINT
2n.d Year
News -Record Trial Trips are successful. Here is one: 10 cents pays a subscription up to .A.ugust. Aleutian this to your friends, please,
Whole Number 1108
,es.aeassb..-ew,AW. • -elefr-eevae~eWilestieele. #
Express W Rom
au Your New :;aby
Carriage Ie Sure to Have $
Robber Tired 14, heels
The kind we give you are
gnaranteed aud, you run
DO risk of the tiro,
Another shipment of Carriages
received this week at prices rang-
ing from $7.50 to $20.00
nd Velocipedes
Some have bent rail around,
others have wood or iron box.
Wagons are a littlernore expen-
sive than they were two years
ago but you can get a good one
at $2.50, smaller ones. at $L25
and $1.50
$ Agents for 0. P, R. Telegraph end Dominion Express
$Money Orders, also for Butterick Patterns:
aiwees-ervaiaalaaikewia.Aresei • -ala-Ala.'•a-AseseeltsAb%11;•11e~greaiee
Oar Trimmer
The Rattenbury street Sunday
uoniverserYi which was held. on
Sunday last, was one of the best ever
held in that church. Although the
weather in the early part of the day
was not all that could have been desir-
ed yet that did not prevent the church
of his boyhood days where on the shore
of the great Atlantic he showed thein
the flow and ebb of the tides, the
changing colon of the deeptie it
changed from that glassy smoothness
incalm to moentain, foam crested
billows in storm. It is impossible to
convey a correct idea, of the speaker's
eloquence, suffice it to say that every -
from being well tilled for the morning way listened with rapt attention
service and et the Afternoon and even- throughout, the entire address,
ing services the old. church was pack- The church was very prettily decor -
ed to the doors. At the morning ser- ated with floweret and foliage. The
vice the Sunday school thole tairnished management of the school had asked
the music and r'endered with splendid for fifty dollars in collections and, as
effect the anthem "Praise Ye the is usual with the Rattenbury street
laird" by McPhail. The junior male
quartette also gave a selection entitled,
"LaunchAway!" composed by Steb-
bins. This quartette is made up as fol-
lcws : 1st tenor, S. Moffat; 2nd
tenor, IL Chown ; 1sI base, Bert Tack -
Doherty. Tbe
• son ; 2nd base; ja,s
boys have only been ii practice a short
while but they ac IMO themselves
$remarkably well and with a few years
I training there is no reason why they
should not rank amongst the foremost
$singers of the community. At this
service the school occupied the centre
pews, the older people occupying the
side pews and the galleries. Pastor
Howson addressed them upon the sub-
ject " Light" and based his remarks on
is Humming $:
these days tearing to keep pee° •
with our Wall Paper Sales. .
YOU should to look over
our sainples as we are sure
therecis nothing to equal them
the county,
A choice line of splendid Gilt
Papers sold regularly. at 20c & 25e
' on saleSatiardity per single roll 100.
• 800 rolle Ungrounded Paper; suit-
able for bedroom,one color only.3c
• W. Cooper, & Co., CLINTON.
it can vve h
ve for a ch e.?
,Is the cry of every hovtsekeeper.
Strawberry Pie Plant Pine Apple Chunks u e
Chili. Sauce or • A Can of Spinach
• Pickle o
people, they went above the mark and
nearly sixty dollars was received.
The contract for the carpenter work
of,the new 'Methodist church has been
let to Mr, Thos. McKenzie, The build-
ing is to completed by Dec, I5th, and
the congregation rely upon a ' goad
honest piece of work. Mr, Hiram Hill
has been awarded the contract for the
bending of the walls, and is to have
the work completed by September lst.
Mr. Hill can rush a job and at the same
time do it well.
., A well attended meeting of the
'Toronto Huron Oid • Boys' Association
that portion' of scripture fonnd in was held in that city on Saturday
Matthew 5,14: "Ye ere the light of the evening, when •it was decided to hold
wOrld.". The address •was illustrated the anniusl excursion of the association
by candles a different colors and Mies tc, Clinton on. Saturday, Jnly Oth. .A
which represented. the different' classee cOminittee was appointed to - take
of peeple, All these receive their charge of the arrangements for the
light in the same way and till show an event whith froin present iudications
equal light whether.ordinerypeople or premises to surpass the annual outings
wealthy people • or People in high post- of former years, A. band will accOrn-
tione. The address Was listened. to pany the old boys and their friends to
with pleaeure and Profit by. all and the western town.
was especially interesting . to the MEETING OP METHODIST MINISTERS AND LAME . .
children, At the afternoon service:the
sunerintendeut, Mr. W. N. • Nanning, The May Meeting of the Methodist
()copied the chair and efter . the usual churches of the Goderich District was
epening seryices the secrebarYs- mr,,.. held in the old Rattenbury street
Cluirch Oh Tuesday . and yesterday.
Lou Doherty, was called upon to read Thechairman of . the District Rer.
the yearly report ' which Was as: fol.
lows : Members on roil—Offlcers .70 Jasper Wilson of boderich, presided.,
teachers 20,• scholars,. primary 57, in- He is experienced, tactful and effable,
termediate 132, Bible classes 126,:aradle ..a.lici P6"litr vath his' associates
Rey. Inalas:•Greene of Holmesville,
roll 35, total 393. : Average ttendance
221. Verses . recited. by the boys. who has been in poor health.. for some
4808 and the girls . 0,973, total 8,830, Weeks past, asked for one, year's rest,
Payees' distributed during the year— .. when he hopes to be able to again take
up his ministerial dutieslip has been
(inwards .5,460, Pleasant hours 3,432, in the active work for over two 'score
Happy' . Days 1 950; Sunbeams • Loo, years and stands highin the esteem
total, 12,792. There hare been 39 new rif the people among whom he-. has
hooks added tothe library, making labored. It is not known during all
589 now there, and 2,688.have been ex-. those. Years that ;fogies Greene ever
changed dnrin g the year, anaverage of
pulled a
50 per Sunday. The. treasurer, Air.. .aVire in his'own behalf. . After a
number of delegates had spoken, all in
Lough, then read his :report, . after eulogy a him, the following ;notion
valich he took up briefly, the regular S. was unanimously :Wonted:
S. lesson. The Sunday School choir
And others, . tinder the. leadership of Rev. JGreene, baying travelled
forty-one year without intermission
Mr. Tenney, then gave a service enti- and finding his health somewhat im-
tied. Easter . Lillies, which consisted paired and being desirous' of receiving
of : • Chorus, Qrlad Welcome, choir, a ranch needed rest for one Year, it is
recitation,- Now we tell the story, mbved by Rev. a A, Gifford, Ph. D.,
Gertie Chant.; Scripture reading, Isiah seconded by Rey.: J,' W. iAndrews,
53. 243, Dente Cantelon ;. chorus, , Hear that We recorninendhis request be
our: prayer, .choir, . recitation, . An
. granted and at the same time assure
Easter wish, Welter Holmes, Sceip, Bro. Greene of our earnest prayers in
ture reading, John 19; 1,3, d4-28, Dottie his behalf that his valuable life maybe
Captelon ; Selo and 'chorus, On ' Cal -
spared to aid his brethern with his nos
very's brow, Miss A.dis Jones and
operation and the kindly and valuabte
choir ; recitation, In the breaking of
advice which he is always so able and
the day, Ida Wilken ; Scripture read-
willingto impart. .
ing Matthew 28, 1.-0, Dottie Cantelon ; "
Dr..I.Euxrisi rixtEsENT.
Duett and chorus, Chriet is riSen. Mrs. dederich—North ' St. ' church—Rev.'
A, T. Cooper, Miss Ada Jones and
Jasper 'Wilson,. R. W. Mackenzie,
'choir.; Recitation,. .,Easter tidings, ,
Victoria St.' chUreir-sRev. 3, W,
Johnnie •Rumball ; chorus, Lovely .....
itobinscii; john R. Milliali." ....' .
Easter Mlles; primary. dais ; recite, •
OlintonRattenbury St. -41er. W.
tion,A; Song or Easter,l`dillie Stevenson I G. IlaWs0A, :IA:. T, Cooper. Ontario
flower chorale, 'Mabel Greisch, Zetta,
St.—Rev, Dr. Gifford, RSV. H, A.
Chown and choir, recitation, The lillies Newcona66.. • .
of Eastertide, Vernie johnston;
chorus, Now Christ is risen, Haretarfao;t.h—Rev. :A. LRiissell, W
. .
choir, ; duet and chorus, Oh how
HolmesVille—Rev, I. Greene, S. T.
Iovejy, Lizzie Reid, Della •Wilken and
Walter. • * ' '
choir ; scripture reeding, Luke 24, 514
Save your Eggs and use Burnett's Coffee Clearer to • settle your. Coffee.
Leave your order for Lettuce and Young Onions early in the week.
(31* CO(D13er cf CD.
CASH FOR BUTTER AND EGGS, .•esaesea..esatale-taelerb4s-o.s5e0) ait,e5Att-O4lasemsee4e4t,,e•lb-orifizset
The S. A. brass band gave a success-
ful jubilee in Hensall OD Friday night
last. —The magic lantern services in
the barracks on Saturday were fitirly
well attended and on Sunday a good
crowd listened to the discourse given
on the subject "Four Horses,"
At a meeting of the directors of the
peek factory held on Saturday it was
decided to add a cold storage plant to
the faetory equipment. The want of
cold storage has been felt in this
county, especially during the fruit
seasorratind this decision by the direc-
tors ought to make stock taking still
more easy,
fallow • •
• • •
I have added an engravii3g machine to my store equips
Meat and can do your engraving quicker , and cheaper
than you have had it done heretofore.
* --pert...Watch •Itspairer.
. • , .
Tie Novelties
We are showing some of fhe newest
styles in neckwear. The leaders
AMERICAN, You will reqnire a
new one for the 24th. Call and in-
spect our stock before buying and
be eonvineed that We Are Leaders
in our line.
Hats Our Speeialty
The Oxblood is a New Thing in Shirts.
Morrish My. Hegittere
Wh,--it to Wear
Need not concern you it you order
here. You cannot make arnistake.
Beery thing' desirable is here. We
are always tbe leaders of the new-
est and best and this season we
are surpassing ourselves,
The ' teachers of the Public school
have been complaining of truancy and
have besought the aid of Mayor Jack-
son in puttiog an end to the Practice..
His worship has grappled With the
complaint in his usual, vigorous man,
ner and the other day so disciplined one
of the most persistent of the hookey
players that he is not likely to try to
evade school for some time to come.
Other offenders will do well to take
The census enumeraters are up in
arms, as it were. beeause the Govern-
ment wants to pay them off at so
much per name instead of three dollars
perday which they understood they,
were to receive. They are indignant
about the •matter and cannot under-
stand how it is. that if they erred re.
pay they did it so unanimously. grist
Of the sched uleshave been sent to Otta-
wa and in many cases will now have
t6 be returned to the ' enurnerators so
that they may make another applica-
tion torpayment.
'A quiet and pretty horoe wedding
was celebrated at the residence' of Mr.
'VVilliana Doherty yesterday when, his
seeond daughter Lena was united in
Marriage to Dr.. H, E.. Hohnes. • The
growl's father, Rev. 3', W. Holmes Oy
Latclon, performed the ceremony as-,
sisted by Rey W. G. Howebn,' Miss
Ethel Doherty assisted her sister while
Mr, Joseph Holmes was best man. Dr.
and Mrs. Holmes left by the afternoon
train for theirs honeythpon and cm their
return will take up •honse on fatten -
bury street east. '
Mr, Harry Sweet,. who three .weeks
ago was clismiSsed from the foreman-
ship of Clinton section. on the B Gs
branch, hae been re -installed. He did
not take his disnaissal just as tamely
as some would hay? done •and Went
down to Stratford- to see those in
authority about it, with: the result that
he gets back his old job. He has a•
brother, we understand, in some pesi7
tion cif authority cin the G. T, R. Mr,
C.H. Minna of Seaforth, wire Was sent
here teach as foreman; has been traria-
ferred to Parkhill. •
Mr. Jos. Copp bas had his Atoll of
riaperers and painters at work beanil-
fyieg the interior of the Rattenbirry
Kr. Peterson having finished an
artesian well for Mr, Henry Warren of
liullett, is this week drilling one fee 3.
& N Fair,
On Monday Mr. "3 elm Dayreent while
la the object of every
'good photographer but
we go a step further.
insist that Alt our
work shall be superior
In toning, printingfiri-
ishthg and mounting.
Pho4 o
Blyth—Rev. W. Penile% J. Wilfrid.
Acts 1, 1041, Dottie Cantel ; solo
' Dungannon—Rev. T, R. MeNair, G.
duet and chorus, He will come, Miss Stothers.
Oliver, Blanche Fisher and Elva Potts
Nile --Rev, 111. J. Wilson, 0. Girvin,
and choir ; God Save the King, choir 13eurni1ler—Rev. E. A. Shaw, A. E.
and congregation. Too nideb Allin.
cannot be said in praise of Mr. Walton—Rev. A. W. . Dever, G.
Tenney, Who conducted the musical Grigg.
part of the rnornieg and afternoon ser- Auburn --Rev, J, Kennedy.
vices. Possessing a thorough know- Londesboro—Rev. T. B. Coupland,
ledge of ulnae he also hag .the faculty Thos. Andrews.
of imparting his knowledge to others Tuckersmith—Rev. W. A. Gifford,
and. obtaining the very best results Thos. Townsend,
with the material at hand as the rend- Bayfield—Rev. J. G. Yellend, Jas.
tiring of the different 'lets by his Wallis.
Mr. Sohn Fraser of Petrolea, visited
his rootlaer, Mrs, Fraser of Stanley,
last week,
Miss Ruth Higgins, who was down
near Montreal at the bedside of bee
brother, Rey. a. IL Higgins, M. A.,
health, has returned borne,
who is still in a very poor state of
Shingling at Mrs. Soutticombe's fell The footi3all match played last
Thursday evening between Clinton
from the scaffolciing and severely in
and Brucefield was an excellent game,
tired his ankle.
Bell & Johnson have naede several with tour goals to one in favor of
Brimfield, The 13rucefield teen),
saiSs of 'horses during the past few
days. t'ia Mr. G, D. UcTaggart they deserve credit in conquering euch
sold a fine span of drivers and to Mr. excellent team as the Clinton Colleg.
George Cox of Detroit three horses. •
."pick up" football team from here
played. Blyth last Friday and was
defeated by three goals to none. The.
Clinton players were: .f, Forrester, J.
McCaughey, N. Fitzsimons, J. Mac.
kenzie, R. Helyar, G. Twitchell, W.
Armstrong, F, Payment, W. Whitley.
Brenamer, F. Johnson.
Mr. IL Brickenden brought into our
office on Tuesday a hen's egg which
\measured seven inches one way, eight
the other and weighed four ounces.
It was a big speciman and no mistake
and was laid by one of Mr. Hricken-
den's Minorca hens which are noted for
good working qualities,
A representative of the Cleveland
Recycle arid McBurney -Beattie bicycle
manufacturers gave an exhibition of
his skill on Clarendon square Thurs-
day night last. A .large crowd wit-
nessed the clever performances.
Seeley &. Turner handle these wheels
and have made a nuraher of sates this
The following appeared among the
militia orders in the last Gazette :
83rd Regiment—To be captain, Lieut.
W. H. Gundry, vice Vir, Young, pro-
moted; tO be lieutenant, Second Lieu.
tenant O. McPhail, vice J. Pollock,
retired; to be second lieutenant, Sergt-
Major T. W. Jackson, . vice B. Da
Grant, promoted. '
choir fully ter ealed,
Vaena—Rev. J, W. Andrews.
The evening service of song will not Rev, A. E. Thompson, probationer,
soon be forgotten by. the large and- COMminsaa.
ence which was so fortunate as to hear Stationing Committee—Rev. A. L.
It. . The subject was " Christ's power Russell, •
over nature" arid the different niun- Sabbath School C'ommittee—Rer,
hers rendered together with the other Dr. Gifford, Thos. Andrewa.
parts of the service were : Organ vol- Epworth League Committee—Itev.
untary, La triumvirate march, Miss IL W. Penile% A. T. Cooper.
Combe; doxology, congregation Sireteetation Fund Committee—Rev.
standirig ; invocation; hymn, Joy to T. 11,. McNair, 0. Girvin.
the world, Antioch, claciir and con- Mihsionary Committee—R. W. Mac-
gregation ; offertory mad announce- kenzie; alternate, .&, T. Cooper, ,
tricots; anthem, 0 Mighty Lord, T. Laymen representatives to Confer,.
Mee Pattison, Miser F. Cunningham ence—Geo. Acheson, It. W. Mackenzie,
and choir ; first scripturelessoir, Psalm a. II. Milhian, Goderich; A.. T. Cooper,
03, 14 ; anthem, Fierce were the Wild David Tiplady, Clinton; W. HartraY.
billows, Rogers, ehoir ; prayer ; solo, Seaforth; S. T. Walter, Ilohnesville;A,
Guide Thou my bark, Milks, Mrs. W. Sloan, Blyth; Geo, Stothers, Dun -
Mach ; Doccond serintore lesson, gennon; Charles Merin, Nile; A. E.
Petard 107, 23-35 t anthem, There arose 4lhin, Betuniller; W. K. Campbell,
Kreat storm, Herbert, choir ; ad- Westfield; George Grigg, Walton;
dress, What are the wild waves say- Thos. Andrews, Constance; James
ing, fl1ae pastor ; hymn, Jesus Saviour Wallis, Hayfield; Arthur Stevenson,
pilot me, Gould, choir and congrega• Varna; $, T. Sanclersen, Dungannon.
tion ; anthem, Praise God from 'Whom MIStrItEnettIg.
allblessings flow, choir; benediction. 1000 1001
The church choir has been for a few Godericb, North St 351 803
weeks past under the leadership of " Aoriar St. 208 234
Mr, S. Witch and their rendering of
the different parts of this serviee re -
fleets great, credit upon themselvei as
gingers and upon Mr. Murch as their
leader for seldom have they so delights
ed their hearers, every number being
rendered with most pleasing eftect.
The pastor's address on the subject
already mentioned was based upon
that, portion of scripture friend,
In realm 107, 23.20 Mr. now
son bas a numb wonderful
flow of language and can deseribe any.
thing very accurately, his word plc.
tures being of the very finest, De
late team is.
Messrs. S. Johnston, T. Dawson and
G. IL Keys have taken a speedy way
of cutting their wood. They bad the
buzz -easy to saw it for therm
Mr. J. E. Harnwell was around on
Saturday last delivering the by-laws
for the big ditch which is to be dug
through Stanley township.
Miss Mend Horton spent Saturday
and Sunday at her home in Usborue.
Mr. and Mrs. Tlaorncis Dowson and
Mr, and Mrs, Rufus Keys were the
guests of Ur. and Mrs, Amos Keys
last week.
The Stanley council have engaged
Mr. J. Johns o varn4 to break the
The many friends in this vicinity of stones on Erratt's sideroad. We see he
the late Mr. John Callander of London
were sorry to her a his death,
which took place last week in that
city. The deceased gentleman was a
brother-in-law of Mrs, George Baird,
Jr., of this 'place.
Miss Margaret Sullivan of Toronto is
visiting'•at the home of Mrs. John
Miss Belle Alkenhead has returned
from visiting friends in London.
Quite a number from here attended
the dancing party held at 111r.111cLean's
on the Mill Road, They all report
haying had an excellent tipae.
• Here is a quotation trona a Dakota
paper on advertising: " Early to bed '
and early rise, to Rustle like , thunder
And advertise" P.S.--Just like Amer
lean style in wisdom and Metre,'
. Mr. W. Dixon has taken the job of
painting the English • church. He
begins at mice and owing to the paint
not being ina fit condition there will
not:be any service next Sunday. '
Rev. R. 0.Jennings and. family are
spending the 24th with their parents in
Parkhill. •
Ntra'Ettapiel, we are infOrmed, lost a
valuable cow last week. •
Mr. Thos. King, oar enterprising
"baker,has improved the eivearance of
his store by giving it a cent of paper.
Me. Scotsmere, Brownson Line, has
the improyernents of hi$ barn well
The Citizens:Band on Tuesday night
elected their officers as giyen below.
The bandsmen are dilligent in practice
and are getting into .good shape for
outdoor and other entertainments.
Their open air concerts will be appre-
ciated by the citizens and it is expected
that in return the town Outwit will
give them a grant
President, .Tames McRae;
Vice, Bert Kerr;
Sec. -Treasurer, R, A, Downs ;
Leader, Ss Borland
Committee, J. T. Ernmerton, 5, Bor-
land, T. Wheatley.
Mr. D. K. Prior, who bad the con-
tract foe the brick work of the Pre-
toria ,bloas last summer, is leaving
Clinton and the other evening was
presented with a beautiful cloak by
the members of the Clinton Baptist
church.—Blyth Standard.
This paragraph is correct exeept in
these two particulars: Mr, Prior has
not been presented with a beautiful
clack or any clock by the members of
the Clinton Baptist church and he is
not leaving Clinton, nor has he any
intention of doing so, He is a good
citizen, an holiest and successful
contractor and will continue to make
the Hub his home,
An interesting football match wee
played in the park on Tuesday evening
between the C. 0. I. team and the
Brucefield Rovers. The game was a
fast one from beginning to the end.
The i3rucefield team had the . wind
the first half time and kept the Colle-
giate boys busy, In the second half
Brucefield scored one goal but after
this the Collegiates kept the lace well
down on tbe Rovers' goal and had it
not been for the assistance of 11Ir.
Welsh, Seaforth's old goal keeper, the
result would have been different, The
Collegiates were : Centre forward,
Brenner ; right wing, Aikeribead end
Campbell; left wing, Miller and Curtis;
half backs, McLeod, McPherson and
Xing; backs, Whiddon, and Helyar ;
goal, Baird,
Clinton, nattenbury.
" Ontario St,
Ilayffeld 200
Varna ii
Showing an hiereeee in the District
11,840 800
310 852
204 MO
The skimming statiops at Brucefield
and Seaforth began operations this
week so that the creamery' here is now
working fult time. The Crealy Co.
are much pleased with the amount of
patronage they are receiving and are
more satisfied than ever that their
under way. .
Mr. and Mrs. R. Snowdon, Sauble
Line, were in Goderich 19.4 Friday, .
Mr, and Airs. Iirk of Saginaw,
(Tuscola) are visiting Mrs. Blair of
Kippen on their way to spend a titre
with Robt. Albin's family of Blab e 8,,da
also with her brotherain-law, Robert
Drysdale, postmaster and mei chent of
Drysdale. Mr. Kirk speakhighly of
Michigan and says the intermixing of
Canadians and Americans makes a
desirable and prosperous community
and that the tendency is growing
stronger for more united common' in-
terests on fair business bases. In
Michigan there are many • Canadians
from this part, induced hy the timber
employment formerly held out, and
who afterwards settled on land before
we could offer inducements such as
are now, since the acquirement of our
Northwest by Canada's statesmen
with Sir John at their head.
Alexander Manson of Wolseley paid
his Mende in KiPpen a visit on Sant
day. He is spending a tune with his
father, John Manson of the Goshen
Line, recruiting up after so close &stay
with businese, It is pleasing, to hear
his report of the country and how well
settlers in that part have succeeded.
Mr. Manson and brothers conduct a
general store ,at Wolseley and have a
prosperous and increasing . buisness.
After ten years experience he has come
to the conclusiou. that the NOrthtvest
is a field .for business and push and
that our surplus Canadians need not.
leek outside of our own Possessions to
improve their condition.
has commenced work.
Mr. A.. E. 24. Tiler:neon of Goderich
was renewing acquaintances on the
Babylon last week.
• Mr. Wilson Campbell and. sister,
Miss Mary, of McKillop spent Sunday
with their sister, Mrs. John McKinley
of the Goshen Line.
Mr, William Sharp has returned
from Stephen where he was visiting
friends for the past week.
The Goshen Methodist Sabbath
school re -opened for the rammer
months Sunday. week. The teachers
and officers were all in their places.
The superintendent gave a very earn-
est opening address and we Irene to eee
the school making marked progress
during the summer. '
Mrs. Wilsen Armstrong was visiting
at Mrs. Seanuel Johnstone's.. We are
sorry to say she is not enjoying the
best of health. .
Me. J. T. Keys is doing a rushing
business this week. He has two men
assisting him en his farm.
Colonel Hoare of Clinton is around ,
Mr..Wes. Boyce spent Sunday at the
parsonage: •
, Mr. and tiles. James MeOlycoont
and &roily visited at the imam of Mr.
McOlymont's brother at Gpderich on
Tuesday last.
Rey.I.W.A.ndrews attended District
meeting in Clinton this week. •
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook and Miss
Maretta, Wheatley of Clinton spent
Sunday at Mr. John Ward's.
Rev. G. Andrews and family of
Fullerton visited his brother J. W. at
the parsonage last week. ,
Mrs. Harry Scott and daughter. of
Buffalo are visiting her parents,Ditancl
Mrs. Dennison at present. She is on
her way to Manitoba but will stay uweather here until warmer weaer as she in-
tends going back by boat. •
Mr. H. E. Fair attended the teachers
convention in Exeter Wednesday and
Thursday and intends spending Vic-
toria day at his home in Lucan.
choice' .of Clinton for the eental
station was a Wise one. Mr. W. Vf
250 216 Baskerville, who has been in charge,
212 272 has now the oversight of the stations
213 225 and does the clerical work as avell,white
823 327 Mr. D. L. McIntyre of London looke
160 100 after the manufacture. The last men.
2.8.8 208 Maned has bad several seasons epori-
111 encs and during the winter was in the
184 company's distributing stores in Lon-'
don. Ws 'predecessor here, Mr. I. A,
Donnell, is now In oharge of the skim-
. tnhig StatiOn at Brueefield5
On Monday evening the young
people of Trinity church gave a dram-
atie stipertai n ent in the Temperance
hall Which was very good and tom fah,
On Saturday last our townsman
Alex. Baker succumbed to the grim
reaper. He had been bedridden for
over two years. The remains were
taken to the Roman Catholic cemetery
in Morris. The bereaved ones have
the synipathy of the community.
Friday will be observed as a general
On Sunday morning the Sacrament
of the Lord's &inner was dispensed in
St. Andrew's church,
Mr. John Emigh of Goderich paid us
a flying visit on Friday.
Inspector Paisley of Clinton was in
toWn on Monday.
Mee. MeMurchie is seriously 111 at
present. Her many friends Wish to
hear of her speedy recovery.
Miss Allis Emigh of the circular
town is visiting friends and relativee
here for a few days.
On Friday our Public schools were
closed in consequence of the teacher
attending the convention in Wings
Our townsman,Mr. Will. McElroy, it
having a large building erected at the
rear of bis cooper shop for the purpose
of holding a large quantity ,of staves,
again trying to leave some fine pianos
and organs in this vicinity. They will
be much appreciated: ,
A number of the farmers of this
vicinity are deliyering their cattle
now. Among the number are Messrs.
Samuel Johnston, W. L. Keys, Isaac
Erratt and John Sharp.
Mr.- Nelson Keys had Mr. )3en.
Spencer digging a drain for him,
Mr. George Clark of the Babylon
Line had a bee on Tuesday last raising
up his barn and preparing it for a
foundation. •
Miss Eddie Stephenson. of the Goshen
Line was the goest of Mr. and Miss
Robinson of the Parr Line on Friday •
and Saturday of last' Week'.
Mre. W. Keys visited her brother,
Mr. Frank Hall of Clinton, one day
Mr. Herbert Johnston and the Miss-
es Harriet and Annie Balt have return-
ed to town from Hayfield.' Mr. Johns-
ton may make his home in 'lawyer in
future. ---Hanover Post •
On e. recent evening two mares
belonging to Mr. Robert McKinley of
the Goshen Line each gave birth to a
healthy foal, within a few hours re:
eech other.
Miss Theresa Campbell of Centralia
has returned to her home.
Mr. and Mrs. James Webster of
Lucknow have beat visiting their
daughter, Mrs. James Reid. •
Miss Eva Reid of Brucefield yisited '
at her home recently.
We are pleased to see that Mr. Thos.
Sanderson is able to be around again.
Quite a number from around here
attended the soeial in Hayfield under
the auspices of St. Andrew's cluirch.
Messrs. John C. and William *Reid
have recently purchased a thorough-
bred Durham.bull from Mr. Butler of
Tuckersrnith, well known as a breeder
of high pedigreed shorthorns. The -
animal bought by the Reid brothers is
certainly a credit to the owners. Al-
though only fourteen months old it
weighs in the neighborhood of bwelve
hundred pounds and for well Wane -
ed, closely knit all round dereloP.
merit could. scarcely be surpassed by
any animal of his age and kind. We.
are gratified to have rcien among us
enterprising enough to invest in only
the best, regardless of the cost,
Messrs. Clark a,nd John
Reid delivered cattle one day last
Week to Mr, Sid Smith of Clinton,
Mr...George Johnstone of the Goshen
Line has purchased a windmill pump .
The South Kuron teachers are quite
happy this week. The Institute raeets
in Exeter on Wednesday and Thum -
day and Friday is Vietoria Day.
Messrs, Boyce of Mitchell and Wald-
ron of Tuckerannith spent Sunday in
this neighborhood. Men may eonae
and men. may go but some day they'll
be tethered.
We understand that Mr. Richard
Peck is now acting as advance agent
for a piano firm,
Mr. James Stephenson of the Goshen
Line is improving the appearance of
his farm by the addition of a \ nesr
Mr. Norman Patterson of Hillsgreeri
visited friends on the Sauble on Sun-
Mr. W. Sohnstorl of Hensall visited
on the Goshen on Monday.
Miss Eva Wallis of. Goderich town..
ship was the guest of Miss Seamy John-
ston on Sunday.
Messrs, William Elliott and Thomas
and John Hurd eve renoyatingMr.Geo.
Dewar's barn,
Mr. W. Stanley, the popular fence
builder of Holmesville paid, tie a flying
visit on Monday.
Mr. Thomas Stinson is very busy at
present, getting in, .his mangold seed,%
Mr. Stinson grows three or four acres
of probably the best mangolds in
Westerri Ontario.
Mr. Chas. Johnstone delievered
load of hogs to Itobt. rittsirrions on
Mr. W. AtWood.' who hae been enr.
ployed with the farmers for some
years, has at last settled aoren and
pnrchased small farm for himself
and win probably be employer instead
of employee in the bitare. We wish
We have noticed in a lattlocal paper
that .a hawk bad flown off with a lady's
hat owing to a bird being on it as an
ornament and we wonder if the bum-
ble bees will not be running off with
some ladies flower garden before long.
Mr. John Follick of Dixie is busily
engaged shingling Mr. Cooper Forrest's
Alvin Workman spent Sunday at his
home here, .
A number Of young people spent a
social evening at Mrs, Wm. Currie's
Miss Mary Cochrane is visiting with
her sister, Mrs. Sohn Forrest.
The stonework under Mr. Elenry
Reichert's barn has been completed.
Miss Clara Allen is at present en-
gaged with Mr. Dunean Taylor.
Mr. George Reichert is this week
moving his barn.,
Mr. John Cochrane succeeded in
capturing a couple of young owls a
week or so ago. Sohn says he will
train them for the PansAmerica,n.
Mr. John and the Misses Annie and
Hattie Cameron visited at Joseph Hud-
son's on Sunday.
carried his audience away to the Beene of 05 members.
A very interesting football miatchwas
played here On Saturday evening.
Mise E. *woven returned to Clinton
this week,
Mr. George Pringle is again in the
Ash business. George has a good out -
It this year and knows how to sell fish.
We are informed that some young
ladies of the North are thinking of.
forming a searching expedition. They
had their first experimenti. with the
lantern some time ago,
Rev. Webster of Weston delirered
an able address in the ' Presbyterian
church on Sabbath.
Mr, James Troyer and Mary A,
spent Saturday and Sunday in Hen-
Mt W. Iliggine has improved' tbe
appearance of his farm by a woven
wire fence.
Mr. John WarnsIey had his hand
badly lacerated last week while bads
fence for John Tippet. While holding
the wire in his hand to be stretched it
broke making a nasty wound.
Mr. W, G. johnSton has purehaseCt
a handsome gray driver from Will.
Jowett Of Dayfitild.
• ;
Our school dominles attended the
convention held in Exeter On Wednes.
day and Thursday,
A. number from this vicinity will at-
tend the celebration in Exeter on Vic-
toria Da,y, •
Mr, lames 111cOlyinont who recently
moved here, has engaged with Mr.
Thompson of Blake.
Mr, Tames Love spent Sunday with
Mends at the Grand Bend.
Mies gibbons Of TOrocito is visiting
at Mr.1i1, Sibhon's of the Huron Road.
Ur. S, F. Dele has finished the
foundation of his new barn and is
patiently waiting foe Mr. Reilly 10
finish the barn,
Mr. P. Guttridge of Seaforth 1 build-
ing a concrete wall under Mr. D. Mc-
Gregor's shed,
Mr. David Lansing has sold his
span of well bred ponies for a hand.
Seine figure. They were a good pair
of driversand answered Mr. Lansing's
purpose well but he raises horsee for
profit and let them go. Ile bas colts
to replace them. him success.