HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-16, Page 714 R ip-! 1 food. 13eet, duck, [goose and park aral-WEN-POWELL'S MILITARY NEWS ,W.— IN BRITIPH ARMY, I not suitable food for the obese. The ELEPHANTS, MENUS FOR FAT PROPLE1 list of vegetables allowed 1110111�p al- WE OWE TEDi gpADE MUDU AWFUL COST OF WAR IS THE TIDI BORN? ; --- pliably fratU44. tBrI94111011 for arevt Most every variety but the Potato- A IWARING WHAT IS GOINQ ON IN BRITAIN'S muig Former StragrIes 41110 Variety of Nvoru. D1911ES THAT I%AY BE EATEN WITH large variety of foods is essential. FREE STATE BURGHERS CAMPS AND HARBOURS' sk-11,90V Iyar Milt Not, Been ft- SOME BIQ SECRETS WHICH NATURE THA 0 . RlIkISH UNIr-ORN. FOLKS WHO SPEND THEIR LIVES art" Ono of the most Intoreating features MPURITY BY THU QBESE- pensive, ST 1, KEEPS. ES OF THE SUN aphs or Interco$ 19 00.11L � IL of the British army Ili I IQ Q presented to ECLIPS 114ligeted by (16to Condensed roralillf TO11410y IfxQINCx FOR FACTS. There appeaTs to be peat excite- -- Alselurba(eln, voinwitty 11� 1111111ary 4,1411 Clyl tau —,low ijbleu the layman in India is furnished by An English rhystelatilo roystal" of Itedur veo ran$ %Ile moot in� certain circles, Over th fact ftvts or tuo interfor or tua 1130111, y 9 It. 4441ley-114ey IIAIVO I'M Alkluill Fargo In Dille P,oubt R'4 to lency Ottho 0,10, ttoia by 11114a"s ot. Plet—varial r Food That 11APVC11tell 191 Years WbOSO Oreal 1110 11 ggla.w4old—ciecertil No Longer Ally 1, up's al- Are Very Not—TIteoVICS, an the 474000 tile Teiniilrk"10 attic Allowed, Together , ITAIlt 60WO Wine- xv,puta Live In Me DISKO* gr Alan. Loyalty 014 .8 Nemrlya hundred aorog of g ound at x,lylltiquo curno From that the wr to South Africa The x?d usiaili—Ilywr of the PIRAOS pliant brIg4do, moot highly develop- T Reir i0olonellill opeeeb. . r In more than of anxious to reduce 01900 calculations have established 11 , I � sed 'iyag Ver Ruem tile 6amo 04490 'gears ready Cst Gratut Brita ad through the skill of the Burmese Many persons A correspondent writea fro �A Tenby Burrows are to be purclia Age. §732,000,000' , CompuTed with the I hen the earth quakes bar hide, in handling the giant animals. Their thow weight have an idea that starVA­ the law that regulatea eclipses, not, Bloomforitein, under a late date, as by the War Office for military Par - There are nearly three tbouaguil t f f the great w4r.1 of the menno to acoom- thLfqtUTc, but. in the pastg ollows: ego 0 Some 0 dentally shatters a few cities Usef I only In poses. ;Lail incl ulneso in India can scarcely be tiOn diet Is,' the' host olonal 0. W, H, pit 4 the, ideiiired result Women Cape- I a,,Iltt, a. books in exisence dealing with the last century, bowever, ih to t4e93 mathematical I s and kills a few thousand PsOP101 we imagined by one not familiar ith 0 The other dqy I Nvitne,-oad one Of B y the death of C as ord- reau 4 -a, appointment eye alaoig history 0.3319YPt, and Ill hardly a drop in tile bucket- cially are frequently heard to boast 'rat commonly accepted Tat tit the last hundred and M 9 call all see the results; but even the. the amount and variety of Work Which ha I one for days with- historical mletakes In the dates of the most curious scenes of a caraticagA pares officer, first-olasr, at Gibraltar written within The most PolstJY war of all ti -0 W4 wCoest of us can tell very little of they acoom, lIsh, but it would be R that they VO 9 -1 f, I which haq been full of surprises and as becQrae vacant. 11 War of 1861 - P V a London Answers, the Civil -'65 In the' Vait happonea, lima a big hat ibis out any food except beat Capsules d1 11,qh,.et=s have been rectified fifty years, say 'a I sta. It reminded ope irresistibly Battery -Quarterlmaliter�sergeant Al' been o.st the North, what has really serious julatake to imagine t t- Of the birtIni and death routr, If no excavationa. had ever ad States� That War- a the depths 1� us cavern someware'down III s, attained solved in hot water. The results, a a = blls been award - total a 401- degree of usefulness I 0 Egypt, where Doryi4h soudanese bert w Bomber, R.A., Made *iit the land of tb6 Pharaohs, its 0ria States, below us saddeal fallen tat Some Ay aptitude of the unw1oldlY tained in the, been corrected witlif the lot commission as a see . I , 1 0,200 nal y th ough a as cases are always More le Oil r"at has Cray, and the -two facts prisoners taken %it one Jight,wero an- ad a Combats, puple of thousand ara wile the South gpet mlore,than- d lieutenant in the orfollg Regi- a C painful to -31;iserve than the acoumu- help -t-stron history, up to 6 say so. others talk Vaguely of animals or natural tendency to,wgrdr ralled and drilled and ­fough� in the On' years -%go, would be almost an utter 2,00; Million in addition. And tbis. masses far below it, It is due, solely and entirely to lated, fie h. Haphazardbantlagme.02- established as follows,,. Tile CbTI0- ment. riptiOlks does not oonsiider the orioriandus, oz- ti 1. to, explain S. he hioulth, tLan crA6 began. in reality with the next action asi an Egyptian battalion, blank. As It is, the lasc the surface, They fai the, wouderful ability of tile natives oil% are seriously injuring t - Considering the loud protestatiOnSQn It s announced that a British naval found under piled -up mounds of sand pese of the easlon, which have been huge animals and of many injudicious women anxiods to year instead of the year 1. as OOM a ollemy guadron,will 190 to Spezia on the what has mad% ihow. masses saaP in training the the part of a portion of th launch of the new -five years, - a believed, That furnishes us; to the occasion of the and rains have told us in recent paid for the lost thirty Others, again, put the damagedowill mtural InOILD4 Much about the Next 1.0 cost to this wirr w ocn . , ttain the fashionable fragility of the monly latirely new solution for the tbAt they intended flahtitlg , coun- as the to water leaking down, through. too, highly'al n,�C,no� with an e the death as lorlar as a, man and a rifle Italian 4rmoured cruiser Begiria Mar times almost as, - . Erattea,Prawtitia war at 1870, It tiono. This cannot be nod recently been prepared tiresome question, "When does gherita. try as it was fifty oeatrlos back ra, 2,600 Million CP praised. Neither Must it be imagi ill only Were left; it came somewhat as a Sur- 0 AN FLOOR, As an instance, ot, in round numbei ataii4s CRACKS IN THE that the use of elephants in army twentieth century begiril" It tlaysills, prise, -to aeo ranged -under tho.Unloll The war in South Africa neceggitatoo of dollars. The Criean war into 'steallim, and shaking life is not attended by great disad- by Dr. Yorke Davieg, licautlatQ Of the Incresing activity Fit the four GOV- emparatively re- turning it is n9yal,C 116ge of Physicians of Lou- in the year 527 A. D. that D EVERYONE WAS PUZZLED third an the list Of cc One Ile least of whic priest, fixed the Jack about sevent st4lwavt Ox' ornment manufacturing establish - cent W1111's Wkth a total cast of 1,7.00 thibgsup. Wits effort tOOs*aP6- vantagus, not C U1- Exiguile, a: ROM&TI 0 late , r, roe Stato,wear- ments at Woolwich, Eaf!1314, Waltham as to where the Egyptians came from the difficulty with which they u*rP 4Gu, on tile dieteti cure for Corp when the burghers. of tb one of millions, as point only is generally agreed Upon, transported. . Naturally the elephant enoy. of food are given that date, of the Julian, period !forms, and commanded and Btyralfigbilm. originally. Professor Petrie, .. Africa It "that oao4 to beg! , Ing 134tioll an The little affair in South earthquakes proceeld from A inimal. Ile can n era Was oupp n. Tile flotilla of torpedo boat destroy - a . diggers and cost the BrKiish. up to date, less than lvered is not an tatelligelit in which may be eaten without any fear of their CUrlstta by 13 Itish, officers. But there theY, the most ctboat stIO 4 States CQUOUssiono or sudden, b)[ow dot be tau,ght remarkable things bles . r g do era, whiell. has been, cruising. along explorerg who ever went to EgYPt, ane4entb, of what the Utie Contra, his 'Istrpngth and endurance Iii y,an increasing the weight, Ile also, re- King Herod, who ordered the b doubt, spent I in the four ytirb of ttj great underground at a definite ver, a 'arin tabloid for killed cit the time at the birth of the were, uimistakable either 4.4 re ar the Coast recently in the neLghbour- says there is. no longer. an� Da-filot, and less than a third as called a seismic focus, Which remark important part. He can no commands he oacob Son *o.f 'Kary, died, according to tile their former nationality Or Present up the l ivil C� r, pore ornm these feats without 1004- use as a substitute , for sugar, tile 'ewlsh historian artly hood of the Mersey estuary, Will Paoli They came from �isla, Mitch as 1),ratiee and Germany poor-, Is We were a Josephas, all yei J all —gtout, kee-eyed, at bdMO d visit Man- lives us just -Aa wise as xad dirootioll, Ab- egiance the the Ship Canal an- 3T.,caopotamia. HO ed Cut !,a their short, strugle. show that this on their harass, and in and originally from rork is uzlftP- greatest fatmakor of all f Code. after an eclipse Of the MOOTL� All as 1 mlon Inual attendance I , safter, debts belforo. lotractly his. power of V tronamic.al tables gypt measures of Te Present aggreg. Jerusalem � On handling of While exerels.ng at Chatham, LlOut4 bag dug up in F ate war a directed by skilful The ILjta of dishes gi�en, with meth I . their rifles, tripropsed the nations in the world are We gather from �Ira dozens of Vol- preclable, -whe it a was visible at. spon4 withthose of Of all ill ods of preparing them, dis. ec ps '-there- men they were too, who have of their enamt Charles Trotter, kd Cheshire length which corre at a�,j to oiitbrely pass t.ompre- umes' that treat of� volcanoes itt hands, however, March 13, 4710, Julian period. oks ala� so. g.re IT IS REM RKABLR. -. -a this, or t— su*n-dried lork to more. than 30 - aof,the A old theory that the person wishing fore Christ was born befol own initiative taken up arm% no Engineer Volunteers and m nephew. the Babylonians, They unt, I there are parts at tiny rat facilities which to , . I a martyr, at �thc latest in December, 4709, in- ds—,Ito carry, on 'of Major-General Trotter, L"Vao thrown aind goal- As there oi transportation reduce, moat become only to use their own wor illoo mn. lians of dollars, other Babylonian invention,. a iinteripr of the earth, whioli are very The temd of. I�ecembgr; 4713, as comm "Accidental ed Cylinders, a. I peculiarity Of PC nearly lj500 infAlions at people in th canoes of- are provided, for' the 8010 use of - the the titigary and starchy foods a -an offensive. Warfare against thdir from bl horse'and killed. W orM . that, it equAllY hot. But, even though Vol ble I I While believed, death" was the Verdict. It Will b6 seen elephant, are quite a.3. romill-ka I I id d there is tin imposing The. world is four years older than same people. �d anvanig them the worWo war ton remain quiet enough' to give,isci- witnessed receitly,adds the riter,tbe t b former compatriots? but' to-, I The new solleme of army reform, That t by sea, he thinks divide 11 ,IV Ban s, f ish, we irmagined, and if a Waut to be uders* debt would elve w . a tpoke I it, d detraining of a lot Pf ele- x`trC=CIy desirable p . W lives and pro erty from Mara . .1 i;ntiisto a chat �e to vjait� and Dix ing an oxa6t,- we had I)qttor date oui! le�ters, P says the Chronicle will provide that doubt, for the earliest ntg'on the Madrtia, raib,ytty. Both BOY-, also is beyond AGE OF 018 APIECE a this al"ciath, May, 190, instead fifty h' a shall be attach - AVER bout in their craters, they are still ph, remarkable brocesses, III ganne and sweets, to select from ilt least . Oi es , a quaud- were crages and. wines that are strictly bar- RGHERS ENLIST. ad to a I It infan . try regiments for 'the y Ing a rope is I tombs he has discovered bav far every ni4n,. woman, and ch-ild in first-class mysteries, Some Say t P fastened to big foreleg, May, 1901, Astronomically it is also ad ivory fish in them; tile world to crr5% ey To and pull at red out by theaverago. reduction lc- Crucifixion took place ace purpogo of training the men to act AS Bum; F proved that the lies at slate a ]Q.van Illaie startUng are the figures work by. at, Joind that th a and it lot of nativqs bunt 1 in tbig new, ng- in the 4,746th year of the; ulian per- The so X. I witnessed took moanted� infantry it required. although the absence of fish figures dy for active business it to induce the Onimul to take 'Ile thod,are admitted as an ich show What war lifts cost -Ili the always Tea .oa the Savior bein some few miles AV in *life. In t . his suits first steps into the car. This lb Only lish system Which is Planned g cit . the time over south of thig Place. ajor Edmund John. ph ipph-Aornby, in later tombj has been used when atmospheric Unction of hum4 pressure accomplished, however, by admonisll� PLE, S 36. Years. of age. us fact in rotor. where the Bloemitintein Company of �M so Artillery, who coal- at the Egyptians were eo�y is that inflam- ON SCIENTIFIC PRINC-T But another OUVIO P of the South V,C,-, Royal HOT argument ill, also the Unitd State -S, Civil War them, -I third t1l hunch by means of t is found the Barghpr Car s never a maritircle people, Is . tands in first Place, lVithr. ft'total of Utready Ing him in'tli( stop -taken It.alms at the. attainment ta normal cries to the death of ChrLs inspected manded the famous IQ" Battery at intore illian 80(, In bt- 'Mable gae,is always pourlug.0 ii.tusk, The first . j tlt,a records of eclipses. it refers African. ConstabularY were Sannaig post, has -been appointed to sixty years ago all we knew of ) 000 men killed a to 'q until lie weight, improvement 1 to the great eclipse of the run which nding'tho Earl Robert's Personal staff at the aa aled anar - disease. to Catch fire at a chance spark. The idly f I wed by the Otlial. . or- n health and 11 role wounds This V by Colonel R. Ridley, comma Babylon was what tile Bible told us tI` It of their outbreaks is only stands safely oil the Cal 8 of result. . of the time de- "I C�asa to. tillis teirrible record is that irregularity accomplishedcom- permaneac phiosop in tba:t Orange River a Tip- uzzles connected tion.of the'tusk is .1 IT" to . Colony division of the War Offic and impbrfeot deso a ��e�d have taken place and the ishort To wwr, in -.vhW.h 150,000 one of the many p er, wb�ncom- The'German reduction mothodabave -a' in paratively easily, 11OWev lie, is a, but would now, force. There are In. all, three Captain G, A. Wilkinson, lot LIv il Or';ac thorg. a' t' r' lives, W tions of a few Clasic an MO. tesill-i title the with Volcanoes. )lessor- you *tneet ,kits his pared ith tb� next. At firt, ways barred r f tuLds with. meal y a e In a nd imotil, an.4 which I ent, who,'haa been noted us conflict the losses Every pr( but I .0 Lrresi( With the, sti o—stationed - To c. Iva y tit. pool Regim a history, of the by the laelI� plain fluids can be, con- ind . 1 laden companie ape for promotion 'Completing -'ix 00 day we have the whol. 00?1un pyright theory on the� timid and. slightly frightened, -kness t. at jell upon the City. Of on. Own special go] starts )Its fear iswpn- d they are free from d&i hat Kroonstud, Brandfort and BlOomf011 bIgke*St city Asia ever.saw. from 4000 i W I has lately w.hen the oat, . sumed provide 11 ' cituse a may ride sugar nd ptarch: Briefly ion of of the r�d rain.whict b h I& Though outlined the� Teru-salem. �vhan the tein. Their enrolment was a matter of, years' service,in recog it' hia io those Who aire re wsh in.var, derful. to 6 0 hi B.C. cordedtC bi:vl;U� and of dig- beou spiling the, family W omes objects of tits system. are, SAVIOUR OF THE %'%TORLD. tjonr, to Colonel Ridley., distinguished conduct in the f laid, c�.dylita' in Les, he nevot Overe deep. con Travelling along the banks of -the undreds of iousplaceo over more' than hall it Con -o a hundred Clan gh 'it is much more Pro- . Firat�­To, improve rby' exercise- thp th on the: areas. 'rhig, to only joined the army 'from * Sand- Were other It a Sahara, this fear thou ave up W% breal regard r Austen Lay�ard Was aTom tit'. issue land by d14t to -keep 9 who,was. at firat. tiaelinetl burst, !al March, 1893, in the fight at Tig ilk in 1840, $I wc;�.a maiine in these �tinsnt. Red shnif I takes his inlLiftl muscular, t h contradicted by r o,01111trcted I altsease from says one, Caught Up by whirllwjnd�,and nogned �rhen he in fibre owever, JImS bL'( . . r . 0 irequent struck . by the curious regal' Ae, after, say, two mouths' acquaint- the museloa oftbe bod� in fir fhdt�' such WIth sordo � suspicion th Helvetia, hen the 4.7 gun was cap- arity' of 1, astronomer tel. tenant' ough the upper rj and tons. s, Who declare then -lieu Wit 'b". -,r fully recovered. And carrired in clouds thr it heivoliesnOlf application o at jx�61iLrdhers tu'redi Captain, 1, 'y ation; He. rnds the ith.gTeat atfew e.v, ,do laesc,eiI tr�� utmosphere. With civ�liz. d darkness mus absolu of numb r -bravery. some big,sandhills by the rtv ila thousa of cases air with wild trumpetings,* '. andeav- , Soqoad�-To maintain the blood miraculous origin, as an e0lipse.of in 'the police.. After kingon, behaved W DT years later. he obtained 14�rmlssio.n -weire caue by the absence JS OM Aj VOLCANO.- nd only normal and healthy compoaitiOn. tile ftf Judea a6uld. ot for enrolment The sy of � the NaTy Le4gue I dare 4rultlessly to Osomps, a . the, sun . visi two on the "soon declares, adding - the -ad, on babalt Of 'a Cardiff f Tom, the, Turkish r Government'to dig I trqui IlDmo ot thoir natural Providers Id that len tho'odr. has ,.ebrels `o regulate the quantity 0 kn place that Yed- a 4vhlle he, -0 loyed. 6ne-or r orti NO per q his elf r . possibly have.ta formed advertis is an cease, fluid in the 0joity by.f reetrig the adtiOD "d historical .10 th6se gIL-eat Wars Were being 4 these SittllmllL64 ln idstill. in trans various jobs, which. the:y there. He had to work at W)glati, for I 1... 'Ol again corns to. a. stain Xer3 are�.,tho� dates 4hipowners, that they iad va- I . -ed. H&W the; world lost 'by, lephants by se. deposit of facts .Which, by cane Les ready for a few. apprentices fear of the r wild , Arab tribes, and, I boss mil� the unknoAwn back country of, Ger -the a a the dif- of the pkin and kidneys. Coin- to his 6ritire. satisfaction,- and at last firm of 9 of all t mail East tr�ica, The next man you porting I —To prevant*.the & the 06' lusion that their f1e-ulJIea'aro:aIm6st as great. They Fo�uyr. L cidence kepL.a sun eel' he came t ne. a. lwmrt men' it is entirely ly, clear on the ' means of a canva sling eli ating from the on board' their teamer* of vot6anic imt� inds me,, a qu diet an ke up arms for Were, r'equeted to call at thi office more than once lie and his Party were I I, . t . fa -live in the in men; -the pro- ly r he are raised by i excess th 0 ­ Persian-Egyp- dealra'tbo #1 M31 B. C.-Tha Great boya of t U in the ion Vas a of -the Nav League. A bw almost overwhelmed under. Impossible cwm to'estimat(l. dust, on b6lioves t of age articles that create it as 9 ING SAND. Writers an the cost of war estl- f TOM tile wharf to the, ship, 6 -tedt' of life mud'Iiiroperty HURRICANES OF BURN I explosion cauld not nding thf but are Jnotr otherwise. usefu� tian War. d' that iso, big'ar It ,wculd to espape and To ry sincere Gne,t and he has. now or- applied personally, - and thirty ma­a,� NN I But soon they found Of mate also that every war. of any con in Africa. 'th Once- aboard ship three oompattles of which pplication in writij have occurred their cries, , . 431 13, C­mTerrible plague Ath- ve ag. - Tb irty got an net, Jac ILV:munaged, the. mot.lon Five—Toullow qUite aut.ficient food enS'r 'act "feats Practically.- he lyhols conti e d th a Winged bulls, ishakeh t I g lin i,. . ap g a. The app6iuiment and Clio remaining Un burnt brick, and later sequence 411 Y hay they 6rei. eas 1. a irghercompartle h it ly luxuries; so Il, no matter how- r. that � it LY O and mat ati- to satisfy: , r)j) A. D.�Nero�mardarg his mo.therf ijbody. on eart saya. He prefers Consid's cae ill d in. their dr�d. it dlaa�p and all , manner of pireturea and n eye not: affecting. the ad the,wants tire enrolle and stationed ointment .. ; r nay,bo from the, Erebus" Or -Terror,' not panorama before. the' cravings -of nature a ippin acriptions. far distaint th,37 I was, Mount e E366 the Moving, Agri t. - Thus during 01,_ --by.- dietetic districts. They pdirol the Conn- . MajorGeneral Heoior Macdonal' �nd were' c c6aflic '? Anta Chain is easy. They Of the system, and yet inscriptions they folp. .. t. Ilk so doNft o edge OX 237 A; D.—Ibe stari Were seen at The 'eue of 6 War, fair ifiatance,r n tb them Unloading cit. the r . . . Corlstan:- � U xoelleAt. re-, syear, havidg" the Civil' tinsat, that blow ite -bead off. 'aft b6side th4ship, reduce.' corp . . Atli of try Ton it and bring In a t 'i d upon h cuneiform or arjow-head *wri Ing, are lowered to c r r , means, to DODn. De nstad 67rid the Brand- an 6 0 a$r Hyde, the woll-known tit t6a mil,15 df 11'algla'aA NyODO Cut There- is'.an ed Paplete, I . . . 11 They ra jerof:irom four tosLvpounds aweek ti I us ports. ..The Krou a cot� island call 6ad allowed, to 131 -VIM as Qye' been boru.� in 18k. He' had served. which Thou ILIA Litally after, so aso have both been.: an .ready ro- off jTpni their, atU iy Islands in the -id- tak6-�t6 the water. easily, and are ex- at first and more gradi --Death' Of 1�=PPX`Or LOniis fort compa foTm6r . had - a �mar t Eastern sc hied -al )ply .of raw meter weight should 40 A. D; gaged. The teii y6ars.ds7 Private and non;- , hoial, *t- at all, but and as. a reult there was a in, the the' PIDUS. l, lost twri: of, their commlisione4 officer; When he receii- nouneed to be. no wrl. tag , dle, of the Pacific', high tide immc�s being ble to swim' that in m'giyeu time,th( in bich the, -of the archi, which took'ou oellqnt . ow the propei '.standardi and 11011, mere fanciful designs mity. comes every day betweian twelve'mi& retch Witlll` �,';npt'6xceed '1133 A D —The qieQ1Lt Sehism � Of illea three of 66' ad a second 'libtonaht'a ednimis5i eight or. �ten miles t. a t. safeb ,two. umber killed bnt1; on� he tee t. But mplordri; Would -not a national cula da . y and tw on� to: do this with peffact, . the nd 1hp ChTfsti.'a Church egan;. in -january,'I*� t the a j.h,3 13r.oportions of 6 O'clock in the afterno five.�Tbo Bran in the.(Ji2nd in Q the. Civil War in' Or. - t out: tiring. enemy and Nv6ullod�: They f6und certain Signs As � dbrect resalt, f to ac4lount I his. permanent improlliemeat to on pope$,' lwent :-care6r he - ates a stl-� I'fqrt. commando .the other course of�W disililiguish'Od occurred in a group at irregular in-. the Un;itea st it has bee , a Yt h n,': .1493 & D.—ChAstOPher Columbus, .Jfghanistau, the Triani­. hastened the half stitutio. trap -for aBoer Patrol, d tervalsi and by degrees began to see mated that 100,000 wprkmani In Eng- dozen estimable prole . swkz- Of all The sac arin tabloids. are a boon in"Jannafelii. obtain-; tissiat T'iom ciut and laid it bring* ' n four has serve I in etedl I BOAN BLINDS'NOW CAN S L ance , ing -I . of and. re li� Miss' his and succeeded. in vital Campaign 'y land,. Germany, and Virance-were keptl 11 'riature us with, to the corpulent, as the e and 'the nQtiVeS just in time to save �vound� k� the' Soudan. that these. meant a certain title of it Tee were honour. Eventually the words were oat of 'Work 6onti-nuousi-k for more, I.. One of tile strang- g denlpd to. the obese may m r vatioul.bypredleting an I prig6raTs, of'whom Va Itemprkable Cure."iVrouiI,j In Vienna by sweets solom ed. Theymay, therefore, juatlyelalm. t Issued it -is provedtob -Xing. of Kings," and. the, fbun thxeO:ykdA Ubb - misery t b it faiilY.gim.016 mat- be prepared -With th4m..' In. Culinary.- eclipse that threw the Xndlaiis -at. on the In art rmy order jus h Director Keller. aproved their value Who� bag ution as "v 'this tidds wuld work wc�rk , to hay provided that � a" r Off 'o was sea:(. and, stairy esult :t- WQ, y two tabloids ate dquiIl. in a his feet in abject,ter6i: rest t r a Vieunm,desp�tch hn. ar I -massacre been wounded in.aetlon h one of the latest Inscriptions read' Water. it is the Accordinar to ening qualities. to one O�ri�e r Of sug 1793�ell)­Thn s of the field d ha:i t . ere� I�te earth wers.all , -UNIQUE, INSPECTION' an 'or aped masses Of .1 W P( 9 f tem. or ee'tio'n of the Bloemfontein b3 iaij eye, . . a limb Or 'tooth, t t wined by ut-' 190 - A. D.—The* bloody Viet insp is of a date 6400 y8ais 690- It' is the law:& high a)Ch namtking diorcovery.1a trainin and foir iiiwbet6ning a cup 0 Ftene volution. rIOA - a t ' 0 has been -of, a ffeei one of� the, tablets is a ry Of ;Tit, y Oessit,ting the title-doed to an as a a or DEBTS'OF THE WORLD. get -, in the. children born blind o ise 0 sustailaca any injitir nobleman called ganiSlatu-irba. This]�ATIORAL N'TA . . 1�tbe In- ficielat. Austerlitz. company Paid. in the afternoon' : . of , artRicial appliance, may be safe: WAY OF THE TIDAL V IS 111a4e. by Director Kellqr,-o Is ."a first..of all a re- Use must have felt fairly' Vr ho hurtful '-'Ville$ r 1813 A. �D terrible de -1 The pogramn �Vr6d' by icieut' to. defriLy the gentleman TY irreg- kre. Blind, Vienna. He . Davleii,classes t '­�:NaPolabn'4' a field granted. auff. as to thieves iunning Off 'with 1s Tliiey-lila�ra Increased From $20900^000 In and cause thdae e�traordlna fo� people conlititutio.nally disposed to eatg�,at Uipsic, Bautzn;, etc. lar inspection, fOiIQ'­ e,of providing it.. . It f the Nyorld 'or t1bited -before the physi" sugar ga 3 burgherA were- to iiqr- , neceary expeut stoutness s tho Zt papers. The deeds are Carved on A 1793 to $31t000, ularities.. The- only part o h as which contain' 18201A. D.—Muraer­of::Che Duke :as day, where. th, about three The r ent of �a,nor wfiere, the tide hai things its own way, Ch Ahro-he 6 hold:.it cit a -safe will, be.aiced-tbat the drder applie slab of granite. weighing. ecent,aanduncem �ea-yeai-,qld' 130y', eLth&r by.arrest 'or fermentation, or Berry, li-sir to,.thd Fran round d koPje,. an only oso; that the, poor pr�l- gar� Theie wines . 1851'A. D;—Napoleou 'III, massacres it, t - ce tll the arrival of support tons. . The inscription evids up with 30 000,Obb leads 4;,ti- ia'down in the Antarctic. and so huge clans SOC10tY a se" e adattiatL 6f'l%u I �Layo. to hour the cost 111 inBritish loan Of 0 of Pil wthere that wto wa barn blind, but with perfact- by th jeans 611 over France, I �Ilhsemln as. '6re than inter ti he �r. Afti.alshtu I product of. -the hot spaction NY I i lost members. the description of how N Mont jUst isguea"ri 'a' th 'Power an thou-� ly f, uniiIII6. The sight of of L -Wood, t bought a field, paying for it five. texest.io a state its ripples,can. Ve traced lifts rmed eyes—brain blind, us th are 'Usually the scores a ting. it Vas till they. doetors'eall it—whoam be.has taught counttis. III France, Germany and —Orsini's bombs kill ltero,4 Of WorksoO, il, and onal debts of. the Atlantic, guards 'arq'und� Napoleon III..and ts enemies saluting Nr.�W!IlLam WEI 0&— donkeys,. seven jars Of 'O garding the ratil gand mites Up the a discern colors, Hilfigary, wher6.acoolar 6limate.pre- of he lju� of former the four III This statement ihows" in own'shorog. It is One jr,fourteen Months t dears. with le -99 big Entpring.. with the Utmost 011-mvItY ii British of- king., is...father of probably 9 a r of brast.il 1.1U,o:Uri ' d t' ea4 ivith :valls, fermentation 0 A COUPLE OF SLA-tEg urposes of the .I'D! Coy- d Weets. an the bloody fie tithe since had been Or forms an . o 1860 A- D. -n -Announce or Who some mg talleat, brothers !it the Army. ..5ar- not so different id.*those' brlef� tllat� the sh6rtly rapidity. Sparkling Wines Oit IVIOselleP . lor Life ww isry"',Exp6dition� Which is hiseyes. a not suitable for the Corpulent, but War 'Of the Secession, in the Upited fighting them with d to chergy. �alterlj, 2nd -Granad w as some 'of geaut , W. days from what. it is n6 m�,,,Zgr gated inora illaft 480,- ,onjists* in firot teach- ar f the ordinary starting South't.0 Probe), the'lanYster;Y r ',Vile' method nes 'of tile be�t quality States was something out O height; us imagine. An arithmetic-bodk- be- .0 as it room dry. champa it the G uaTdg, I$ a ft. 4 1-2 in. in tI 6V0),0C01d0,0:':0g t the al' s. of the nine Of the tides, Ing a. child in.m perfectly darl extraordinary -utury be- ,a f. the . iro permitted. Cheap Rhine, wines, in 1870 A. D.—Thts Behlind the burgheri were,ran& P longing to a period just a at teenth 69JAUXY, ar ten tianes as much With the aid .01. t1le'lligiest tele� by means.' of a movable dh in the terrible year of .%Vhom tile Do ' ers am- Lance -Cor oial A- Walter$, let ren fore us" was born has lately b6en dark- fact cheap wines of all',sort�,�'arG eclipse visible an War, 300,000 native scouts mar diers and now 'of Folios' 'sli eaTs of; th t Made, it ig possible to see light to ditinguish light from" men 'ploy invariably on the'. ch. When 0, eighm scope Ya the Franco Germ lin.';-an'd gergeaut J. Waltdrs, dug up -from 'an Eastern buried,tein- as in the closing, y being- "unabld to gas". ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN. *alked down the line.. lot Royal Sootg and Sergeant F. w1al- pie. Here is an example taken ftom In 1793, at thebe,. u hundred millrOrk Stars—tbut is,about riess the Child killed.. the Colonel had teenth eentuir 16'(W *for every, one that is -visible � to pqr�aps. This'is aeveloping a fa.� - There are natual alletrrieg now, on . 1900 A.' D�, May 28.-omN6ffilng -but )ad Off intOtbe,voldtin., -a are both :well a the this World company trool at the rest of the'. 3rcl-'.G ' renadiel: it: IfThere are seven men; each hay g, I'the' Napoleonic, waTS, Tguing from ulty of pu-Itieb. the pupil is not Causal, the markat� containing absolutely no a rum a. of ,vars the a cti,6ns, to carry. 0 a -ft.. fatbei - was,, once a eaten seven linning o the naketa eye. - that the big- ouj,, d takes months of Patient sugar. Coffee is .preferable. to cocoa wars an a over seven eats; each cat.bas Ona'l delafka of tile. *orld amount-' it has Often been .said o . ver. prograinme.. Some tv�o miles ahead a ocolour Sergeant, and -stood aft. 3,. 1-2 in. has eaten seven n -a* level plain, The mica; ea it jjI scop6..thd More stars Will at. in a reduction diet.., stood out on ch mouse th barley; each. grain of barley �A, to appioximaitely 02,500,000,000;: in ger the tele Tile y got UP ke a - mile ahead, grains of 'be visible,. nd -that,. therefore, lnext, .Objectg a blind A typicat menu flelentificall n lipt iJV good would have produced seven. measures, ibod they weire'according to the best is 'Infinite—tbat is has no placed a.diet La. treatmetit..is as follows: THE NEW DRI.LL BOOK- .4 scouts rode a oved according r a I person knows by feeling are athe, burghers To Information' ob.tainale, .431,000,000'..1 n eternity.. But it call against lit'light disc, and thi In column behind, R sk been lost, alto- How much barley. Ind .='rv�' :nd :tb. hild is hin , brown b six ctistom, AILW . AY- h WC .1 I iiltdlhl� galloping :be said olored R4W oy:stdi 'A a Mond to �000. In geneiral terms It may I � mathaatically Proved that� .4 t 0 told wfift-t they a*ie called -.0. I � Julianne Soup. - - No Longer Required, t . the scouts carae natbonal ind6bted-' touches rinierymen Sall silly 6 koPid i Ij-'attif Goes the 310401111L Bear 040 4 with' the ej The Modes and Persiana'ayipeT tO. that' the wcyrWs I f tars were infinitef the glass placed before' a lump Under Fire. Ve I Ike -. Our. ed, numb . I �ole an vin Blanc. back, nows tha.,t'th 0: have had something y ten times Geometrical figures on Ritter�m Regard lot of queer nesa In 1900'..aggTegat wilble'sky at night wou d be Ono blaze him cOlors... Chickewa tu.Marehgo4 Fire tactics. and battle drill -,jas hold. Immediately, the* little s I ciallita. penny pot� Among it what lit'did:at the beginning of the of,light. This ls'm question. wbich has a disc are shown and the teacher ' nved. 6 four One Of the groat taska of thOUQW. p near Damascus on to forming Jetters,, Cal al Sweetbreads ste oblas in. the troop of. burghera divided int antiquities dug U ve It v6 bad soand ugly: kA right and loft ranateenth contuWY- Meantime poPu Csting possibilities for thescwho passes slowly $liar Spin ury Li the railroad :Great Pritsin iumber -of tablets of clay, So per Cent., and inter ach, Tomato and a napaigh. The -cent were a i an Co. d in an envelo "'gus a like mad. on 'and then:. rQading. is taught. Then A, . Sont); Afrit sections of yhIch the each, side of the PC lation has increased 1 r"Ruce Salad. each neatly enoloas, 'ilvelt; which forra tlie basis are not is removed and objects are gallope, to build.from Egypt to gold add a IT., th ' dise lebsons rociiiVe kopic, but Very wIde of the same material. M BY THE SIZE OF Lemon- Cream. ' Nuts. Fruit. Coffee. 4 brought their own of it-, In ten to planning The addre th which debt pay RIGHTENE IIof the money will wit!c1l �ng of stars, reminds Us that� darki room� with rays of area at castigation, Minutes, so illuick were their move the Yang -tee. It is propos*4 thattbk' is Juli after the diet ,was written on the outside# also the eats are m,de, $00 per Cent-$ Talk' light fa Ing on them- F rom th enne soup ma -de changes in the i surrounded and hall be ,4 and the saine words in lem toustronomers Ing is much aimpler than the Theso.experie To, being moulded mento, the, place wai 1, western: p?Int of departure N sender's name tion 09 the VaTious MaTs offe ra - a, 0 rob -accust- otio Tee aces. a Is pers6n could leave the . I t I beyond c not It, alirg exandrils or Prt Said, unit, at the beginning of. with the Utiliza -have which seems absolia a y solu- point the sight is gradually A e were repeated -it us currency, may armed to the daylight. usual Silienne and , contains no fat I to.the drill books. With a Ill )till without being Powdered clay., forms of cred circulating t�ioa. - Mara get'i less than half , the lved con- of any porL Take. three carrots,three A cover of the, rocky th route, following roughly thki n6reased -the w.OTIA'a DireetDr as -,Vill beL-numovous, There subjected to ahOaVy fire. It wusad- the writing inside. aper. a a iut Nye do,aud Keller has race was used oportion to the in- beat from the. u tl gratulations from all the University turnips, the white part of.a heart the Chung. wIftIy.done, and 1parallel of.thirty degrees north let- has read of the madlum quite in pr its mean temperature must therefore, of calory, tbree onions sail three lacks. will be no more teams galloPlaq guns ralrably and ii ho, Isthmus -01 Every schoolboy rouse lin national debts. and medical men ,Vbo have board of conspicuous great object. lesson in Boer ac ltudc� shall lerclai. t long ships it, ,Vhich. the Norse sea- 0 Tblo enormous fterea'se in, national ba, according to oar. bgst:calculations, his method, Wash and dry the vegetables. and cut Into motion, ffording -be, man of the company had irt. t a the English zero hich should not targets, and the ammunition lvag� After . t I i and thera, Arabia, sk he, kings came do-w)a UPOI �dnca is chiefly the reslt of about ton degreewi 1340W. the them in thin libeds, iled to their places there was I. I "' , i4obts -,.-: be moire than an inch in length. Place gons, instead of being a regulation b�eu Tee. 0, and pass coasts. But, as no Pictures of them Wars stunding armiles and Works' of mark'of a Ialk.,enheit thermometer ------ Ink, Will another exhib interest- 8 a th P rsian Gulf, n;r wero the iverage winter as behind the.gt Ition of a most I were in existence, ma ' Utility. the shreds in a saucepan with two ,lumber of paci . ai picked mon! z�,Q Baluchistan ta Karrathas W. public T4 this.�may be added that is, about the I m over covel!; Ing nature, About six thrba 0 stem 14 to-balt the.gun out of he ranks, and were post� I (his section squabbles among antiquarles - as to ny Cases to create all temperature cg. Ceatjal_Sibarla� Yet OHE%ISTS DISAGREE, ounces of butter and stir the air' undo what they wo-e like. Digging. m' tendency in Tom . us plalfily that the until eiig4tly browned.1 be. allowed to TOM came t India. The engtb� o defikAt by expenditures ex- telescopes show 0. of diamand-cut- a slow fire The revised sy etly transport it' ad about 5W yards away from three HAS OLVD'THE PROBLEM. annual .1 if ly A renturknk-blc cits eliem- .Pour over them three quarts of ceaunder Cover, and qui d, been erected'at the would be it trills under twontY-fivc ee�dlalg xeveaues made in. deferene to actual a imate of Mars is beaut at as I re can WLtch the Polar tee- diamond oa6utred,roc entlyfor an bour into action by means u targets which ha he When the East London Water Coni- popular demad, which deficits tilti- mild... V - 1,st* had fitted up a neat corner shop stock and sixamor 6 L I signal hundred , nalleSs and except at t Mutely take tho.form of filad6d.or ap of Mars thawing in summer, and or . until the vegetables are tender. Manned by' th.entire detachment, foot of 1oPie. At a giver an fir- Id pre. pany Were making their now res.er bulk c . itively that water flows anAl bad astabl4bed at once a fine 'are first made in action they galloped forward, each To. head of the POrsiulk GUlf, "Von voirg at Tottenham, klIn bonded indebtedness, But the k PC C -fully remove the scum and grease These changes, -, An in4 a qs. Ltal, aterially lessened the -loss lin three rounds -as he rode sent no Physical obstacles that Ould hed '- henr che spqotion of the tal.,gots showed that struck oaken beams at a depth, of six t these enormous debts is from war unit clou a rise I -while it also seem 'bUsins. mist entered hLi and halt 'an hoax before the oup is iri Na ve' .nt feet below the marshy aurfadO. Soon 0 tion of 'getation follows the, Ono day a , dont, add two pinches of salt and two. of tit(- in our lield artillery, as a earn- not be easily GiArMOU111011- U80' Of tho tion and the o -tr-- clear that does Place �,ftd said,.— I Inclies of pepper. parlson f the Casualties between ill& every target had been hit, and in one Indian systems; with a link tb be they unearthed a galley no less than pprulplitt"work, such as rn�oiiwayse Canals. thawing of this anow. - Wbero I "�. t pi , a bad been. scored, ould bridge and later ot; case a bull's-ey an to 'My You out, ,low anittell -ire able an Vill blano put oponing iges of the war supplied bore and thers, fifty fe -six feet of wit Mars got its boat from T It To prep, noo b ad and. at long, and twenty harbors and the Improvoinent demonstrate. -to the etween RUVIrach cre 61 oak and terways, of. the railways of the -Dr. Donaldson Smith, who has -at it has been trimmedin- will amply I COL. RIDLEY'S SpFWOH- the disc, In beam. Its timbers w d witrat; to sell Was the e- theLt" been the rule hOlace the. Indian gOV0111, The rivets were still in the 3 total cost has been crossed Central Africa, foZ, to a flab pan and with it ome slices Present it,.has alwaYi up The colonellis Epecall to his, bargh- Mandalay, w 1ro&A if) elm. whosi *U that of onion, a fagot of, a% cot herbs, I that artillerymen. should stand 11 reformed afterwards ment is 'low building a rai there is "a ) 000 000, * about I "I the whole I P l"expecte that ainsw4ar, said the on- , while. tha� guns are, in action. This era When they wood, and, from their Shillib, sotrim'ie. at S30,00% of the ecatre, (if V ship belonged. on3 I uonI6 pepper corns Iva" full of common sense. Address- Xurilong. Careful surveys have do- nut gov- contivalit is drying up, I,akc StOl[111110 couple of cloves, little. doubt that the -third are owned by natio nd tbo on, and I alln PrePured Is to be* altered to save life- 'Four told them voloped it Practical route from Kun- it -011 Out to hat of tho'Danlsh� appro is lo,%,er than ever before, a and saft. Spread al, little butter over. "Burghers" he to E.)me pirates WbOm ernments, indit"Iting that ' I - Is yallg-t6 at $u-cbow,and mutely one-thil..d of ill(,. Increse in -rainfall is. decren I I the acts and pour in enough white men -svork upon a gun, exclusive Of Ing them as King Alfred defeated In amtremand-. Ling iron, year to f you, den't a shop In 'No. -I St1ndI that he very pleased with W long to tl �Uo could be age- -D, lied to yantr 'his change of climate is. OV1111 I me, I yill open 'I ch"211111st wine to cover it. list It boll from tatil the ,mmunition. men, he bal ineen of Main, They still lack- from that polint.a. 11 ay-sid- .3 battle in the year 691 A tridebtedneas hag been OPP q oPPO;It0` corner. trall, nd gafter- righal. Mal ov, hae to explain than anoffiEr on tbs,) to twenty minutes, aecotding to tile I at tile Point of the athe ad, in lionle,attl0l" of equipment, but fly extended to Slim The big mounds ealle works of thi.s.chavaeter. But tile fact OppcoltIo d barrows dot- r -I tc!6r Of How itoch you takef -d while I ally oaperlatendg� No. open steadied ad results will attend the bulildmi; of ), chalk downs OMpelled the doubtod fact—that 11 the gh a of the f1sh. Keel) it COVett he hoped to have the defeats r ravolutionizing the ted all over the bart that great Wars� have 0 COL the C jaded at this Charke. 'atlea-` '.the drug Offs t No, 4 inserts the n -as, possible, They had enrolled hLi line, Besides' of Eqnglaind IlIarope, from would'it is boiling, hen it s dote remove breach, have yield- nations engge ill th^-M to make the Alps at Clio South to 'n� us gradually retreating. - The spacleq, of brow-beatillig, said he 11,itico duties of.tbose numbers only as sOa said, for, the purpose, route and trafflO With us unit 'r funded I tire I themselves, 116 from ii wit. ed whole Vol s of testing big enornir,u additioal to tile' Sloop on. it mad ireport th next morn-, Cho. list). Keel) it bot while making Occupy a few seconds, so that they provide i rapid and safe, Intalls 6 his the has* been going oil return of protecting life and property tory of the two thousand years be ebted.no5iclOaTlYi 011tifi 5 t 11it'ter phenomenon a In- the sauce., Strain, the liquor, anpelled to stand by the, gun . _ (A( tt.aiasit between Europe,'Indift,aild I Partially explal Ing. in and add the iYoW9 of arO 00 crioii while No. 3 m. band of looters and robbers. and %Vill enable obeap atid fore the Romano came over and COT" pritao,iiial facor in iii -i great increase for centuries, and I �ted hour the asPirint it to the p. � onsiderable P -%Ve know ex- has able I)y the. fact that'. the eart), is At the appoin according to the for a c querad our Islands. n the shVad a tax -go price, was I One or two e Iva. When be presevvittI011 Was the first lawof na ducts through - Lit national indebtedness which like big top was I lays Upon the object. it waff in obedienee� to that speedy exchange of pro. the aetly, what sort of weapons out an- tional reeling oil her .1, a, Was 1`11113k. i quantity of Minor, Only do not Pat Id his task he holds up his c1th"ad the -r,outh out the vast region lying I named. The has finishe IUT Wa, know that they that is -coining near t thas in too much egg, Just enough to Chic lignal, that big gull is ,, at they had jDlLU of them Mediterranea e aCRIO. Oin- castors used, flaaac-e-S in the nineteenth cent"Y it who had bee as a.F Uany, ITS SPIN. 'Pile r Nvh;'Ch he had ken the ,once. Put in a little chopped hand ent most were not nearly so savage as wec once END OF ready, To a certain extent the layer Afrieuln Constabulary. N paint- the ousted. from a Corns Parsley, pour tho sauce over the fish, I he is in a kneeling had doubtless been fighting against ally, and this is the urgum Imagined, and that, so far from ',The weathor won't change till ith a vloW to Ye-Irs of is, protected, uE think any tits frequently urged in its behalf, it will emselves blue, and living on A a remark NVO, all fitted tip I ill" Owners of and serve at. Once. did 'not ' Lail; th moon changes." It 1 Position behind the gun. When, the that. lind he would form E,nglandla natural response to LITTf,,P. BUT RAW MBAT, ROYAL FAMILY oil r hear contantly, Others say. ,We pgace and prolt 8011911 CHICKEN A LA MARONGO gun ii fired the other numbers run am lot lie Land of any the Tran9-Siberian Rall,way, and will n," tile opposite corner which 11"d been original 'r power and in. as a thtent, ecured PPcCilly prepared for tile, fat Iq made it up from the reed11 to its be proud to shake I wously tO he they made neat woollen gatmontff, oshall have rain with ilia now moo ('ut to 11.1 burghar WhO,had fought for tits Coati- conduce, onor istruetioa of Wo'bave Ratuantle tall'O Does tile' moon aftect the 'weattle a longe lease, worke night from an extra fine broiling chicken position.' ,Ile keep theta standing Un Ile, did not iotend to prestige in the Vast, Cal and cultivated the fields. or AVAIVA. exports ill tell you it does from Charm 'at's out 'in nomt'j tinits and seasoned With der fire for picturesque effect, or In 'Lla. oo t pol- Weapons, nd now ItLts aellemi I discipl, his line is part! of the declared, found ' try ag' O' 'n Ohina,'and beautiful bronze Weath it- arild. clay, a trilll It ong them th swords and spears and a2te-heads. Princess L6ulso of NVtlles was in not, but old Coa eqptultia almost Will , shop in which any columunity might sult and cayenne. F'ry It in clarified a ppood. oral s prove a of tile British army. They must look joy of Great Britain in in the POW0.j 1. 0 -love -vative advocates believe itWill .r. �Vhp vorked both tin out 'exe.eption, bpliev satisfaction and epass COU�Ittit, a half cooked add a 0 t Q. ard figitres of t a batteries' argue, I and the subsequent after their own discipline themselves, corset showing that they V N how to blend love. with the I>uke of 11ifo from the two shallots, and it fagot f their own. honour be built during the next docada.' flate slip, Wa,3, UVpry young girl, but of the moon. Why, tyluy or garlic, casualty lits, and copper, and kne, tWenty-foot fidmi0e. e on W ell allowed to Itlar the sake o them. Soma of theab bronze tools -to thvtoyal parents the inoo van cause, h a, ho, is dolog a better of sweet herbs. Drain, tile meat from Valor Of i they should themselves stamp Out Im6st its useful it ws ( title in jh� water, should ft not I liNl at "' a %nix wIth the latter a tea-, ta a cover bile inactive. are razors and saws M tide in the ai�r I bm,jW339 than he did. in the k1rantif the fat an drunkenness and any other offences steel Implements of to -day, could bri to give their cause I ]much bigger spoonful of flour, and very gradual- good name Of a as 'our ago tile Britons mad any sha- locality. ly, gufficient good stock to Make the THE, LOXGES LINE, a llg it hati been prove, MEE11 OF AFGHANIS w"'Oh Hu'lled' the Two thousand year. t to the Marriage. However, a TAN- soldier. consen L liliotcl rain lalls ------ 40-- the consistence of thick THE A Ile, intended sending them had some secret for hardening bronze ill,$ littla, princesi dro,pad andb,caMe dOw Of a doubt tha -tit than falls sauce, of 1.� out aoon to post in tile tlo[ghbour-m Ile was a jolly sailor -lad; and had Alt- and Wan that in Lha end liar on the surface of the 01 Mvt brooms may be used to come to, spend a. few days In his Ilm- that we to -day know nothing Of. o " For in- THE, Nn, WW69AN.p d [is Cot 11lonliting theincerily of Ilk hood, and felt ure they would con Religloas history Ows me touch t -0 Ill other could not refrain at, some height above it, [-ill. Aeasol like men, Upon the fitther and mo Op of Si. flank I 0evoitalt to aritilill lkitereAtA. doct themolveS or branch or the tat they could to bring stance rL *ila. t th t course, twat two calves, burgh- -it his the. spade as any oth front doing wl tthO t 4 Itow pan with sento publioati 'Iva remarked proudly, as c6rtbra, on ot the bio- conclusion Of ill(! opeeell, the f yes' world's story. A few months U90 Itit. colour to liar ehnk and Ch(, paUlso rathailrl, w0uld show It smal" Coope's wife- has left him- $W Since the tary, of whom could only guess 8teamhi�p company was belg re. was dug up tit a place called A story has al- o�nt Of rainfall ill, ft givOut"no Ifeener—I wailt to knowl piceiy flavored stock and let them graphy of Clio Ameer of AfghAnistan Incaning of the coltinel'S words, jarre to in complimentary terms, there to her eye. or -.tin -.of 3 No sba snys eba's nt tile or, ft manuscript Wuys bpon told and seqmq to b(I true, 111, guge 0 Silas Sed.1tia—Yes. simmer -gently for n, quarter of an Govornment has three hearty ours is the longest line in the world, Mossoul, in Asia Min n a ir n the level illL, till, ground in St. Paul't; C,hurellyard, Just ryIn,, water, hour or more, Take them out andlilftott the British Indian spontneously gav - it Ill,ki; just before her inarriagn, jil4t sick it -a' tired of NIT colonel, and lso for stretching, as, it does, from America which gives us for tile first time awkward queg- lii�.ktft ul) chips, an' Chor[n, round thin oil o hot 001 tile, 1;rav kept t, watchfl eye On his doings, as alivoril for the tain Mat- to It full description of OW Organisation lily blushing- by, k1li lq boudoirw tion so is an while Itank I(Mfs tit the saloons, rcuk the fire for 'a tulnute kir [Avo, 6averal recent acts of his have t ny leader, CAP Nvaq a Moment'i silionee, and of the Church in thN second century fiance iltIO, hQJ I llaC6TItY,,Of his , as- Calm" Tzrnea —a hmxd�worktng .Prom it we learn t , was -abinat, im INEepinor—Wolir there, now YL and add to it very gradually thei yolk , doubts On ethen the h hat ng, It Wall.loc.kpd ( ostess. held, no! only on Sunday, but Oa. $at- 82B what ii�jgh notloa;3 these wimmift Of an pigg. put this ovee it gentle: Urday, kind that the Liturgy %Vag a glip ,,huwa4 hira quite a large COLIec- RAT1191t PBRPTr 'I votion. to'BrItiall, iterests, AN ASSASSINIS FAT I sct"chimed In, tals id ion Of pretty artlelkIs Inade or liur- re, gettlW since they started Ott a it' until tile, sauce thickens, but of ils.�embled in the & oortain Lancashira judge, when ver the First there wero th'O prohibition tho� assassin *f` the Vm- Wool, I dina, keft if ye'Ve, amuse t* a congregation c-haspfl by liar s 0bristniag and birth- pting to be clear, is at times nw cult%�a 900"etyl do, not alloW it tio bull. PourriO tile export of hurst; to India. txnd Cho. Luechini, bounce site much, for does not my early morning before daybroak;Thero but which, year after year, atteral aweetbreaLIS and just before serving, g a ine no' stretch frae %vote slyevial prayer e f day giftS, I ft too bashful to present rather' parplexing. bibition- Of the imporbq . into his press Elizabeth, now undergoin claeo (clothes) I remony of, Con- slip had bee My good woman, he on�o said to a L.INGI191t LANGUAGE V4 squveze into it ill,, juice Of alemoly- Art of Indian aalt� Then th0te I re sentence In GeneVOL, has again dia- pole tao Dole? widowA, and the Ce, to him. er in Lemon cream aj prepared with suc- country firmation wl almost the as it The oldest lIttl6 a dig. witnegg" You Must give tin answ made by paring lu� anis the 00oupoLtion. of certin stra- ad such datigaroug mPtOms that And Jack gotia-huttloutodly took a grand- t3)(� lowest possible words of which VANY, cliarin tablets b; it roads near Cho frOn' play t, back seat. [a to -day, titict respillblance tor liar lovoly are capable to, the plain unit, sim- Gartman J�'taperar has ordered to, I pint of Water the, peal of three togic, point o all armies advane- Ow court bs sentenced him 0 .01 PriheeAll of Walosy both you lemons. Let tile water Stand tier by which Briti eturn to the underground Coll, where 14 FOR CHILDREN, the 'Ott W hithtr, when you were, y teftobiltig, of the fghanistan in Past W11ts, r. and tile qumtt four or five hourq -, thall taka the peel ed Into A POR, FOOD- featura, exprogsion, Smil' th tba f)aby on the 60IMPLUlsor 11 attention no daylight can penatrate. All In. at- turn of her,prottY hed and shoul- crossing the street wI1 is wag ooming lish langllAgP in tile German bigh out and put in thfi. watex the juice The latest incident to ca coure with 1119 fellows is Ptohlb. Hillf-stio planw, lare made oil the Con - It la stated that a strenuouq your arm, liniltbeOnliniffill' �rla attitude iA the fact tor tied t FLroneh, of four lemonA and two gr4ifig of sac- to the Attica y ria corre.spondeat tempt is being made by snm(t Pntcv- dori. Though now Curly hOa - down, on the right sidoi and he cab� Scools; and thal study of or four iablolds dissolved In thl� ht hn Ylot drawn his sub.ild lied, says the Viet tinatit rot the use of children wba littli, person, when an Infant sh(j r(, n, 04e loft and fho brougham iaa compulsory charin, of th,-� Daily Chroaiob�, his bread nd fire loaxnlng to play. Doctors declare aa "bald ba ft Unusul which hithe,rto has be water. Beat thd whites. of eighteen lads of rupees for tile pilot water to popularN a a little boiling passt(i, through an prising xort�ogians ill di.qmay of her was trying to, pass the omnibus, YOU The ellaiago is d mix it all together", year, Which 19 pold him annually by 1101,19 Ig MaA,s Optional g. on a pivot.. No via!- that much PtrMOM0,11t injury IA dOnO as an article of diet length of tilh-3, t I)Ialntiff between the brough- Inorea,ging im- of all all OPOIX1119 turnin reindeer tle. could on- Raw the gignifleant of this 0 trough a lawn Steve, dat It a gritish Indian, GovernMont, 'the in urope, The experinient of Miq- young Mother. her ll�am and tile cab, or between the on%- portatte,3 of tho ll�ow. tors, itre rMitte<1 ent Co., and to the mulolea of the flngarf;, bylen No one 7,,riglIsh-speaking strain pp ran large numbers dorstana Why MIC did not have I p Ing the animala In I the cab, at, N prov ago the ,eVen ft�tor are excluded. These delvouring t rrki toltdi for alagght6ring putpOssi. Will ber little girl pbotographod, but at last ulbutt mnil and whotber P ouch 1)jA sail. sevete regulfttiOA are duo to Luc. when you saw Min at all, Apeoially In commerce and inAStry, t it an thick an cold arearn, thelt take ever, ffiz0o , more, Igo the now pianm ti TO- the secret leaked- out. SbO was wait b or nd, stir it until cold, Maw alloulA wish to t chint,13 rq,oated threats to murder with the keys balf tile litatl uidill fairly tri0. They pect to findp lag for' the little, bala bead to W or "ot ncap the brougham,, '01 # which Makos some ktiowledgO Of the it Off the" fire a ",� able to Servo in a glms,; diall. way on rdy, Mid th6 1116ney, 11 lying. athia vhather and 30ple ilti the world'i m(fairg and over it SIOW fire, stir It one Indiall Fitiftnoo, Niliallat6r, h a atrotelt an oetave o, fitAble mal,kotgAn vranc,e, nd Bel. covered. it the ourls Ownll)119, Or either, ar anV twO, ftnd Enlish language Indigpefil wardera in order to prevent roach lskjvry, gluta, alid wilt even indeavour to in t0peotiQ41y or how Piall iA a specially nod-fatteillug, diapWal In the Indian Treasury, ths 6. -boo WhOl% At la", turoA wer;1whieh of them mAmbetfi Of the grOAt ttAding allt'On's ur_eating, Britons to purohAgil came, many charming Pic the article, (made of tbA Vretty child. it wo$� L, 0 1