HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-16, Page 51\lay ieth, 1901. isirmamirammini For Salo il MILLEtT FOR SALE. A quantity of pure Japanese seed left. 1 per bushel. , ELFORD & SON, April 20th. Bolotenville. CEDAR PHU FOR SALE. The uodersigned will deliver at Dayfield from the Bytom Peninsula on the opening of naviga- tion. 10,000 cedar posts, Tops of posts 3 in el.es U). length 84 feet. Wive, 12contsonteh. Apply ho James Thomson, Hayfield, or GEO. A. Toitiolit, Brimfield P. 0. March Oth. CEMENT FOR SALE. Thorold CoMent for sale by Edward Carter, corner William and Printleas .S11.001R, Clia011. Stmelal rates on car lots, Estimates giveo on cement walls and doors and silos. All work satisfactorily done and all orders promptly attended to, posomm.a.00161.0•11.1nuaMIN.M.AMMON.Pt4r!raanl Real Estate For Sale. NOTICE TO CREW:TORS. In the Estate a AuwInder Dior, late of the Township of ifullett, in the County of 'Immo, yeoman, deceased. Nutlet* is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Alexander Barr above named, who died on or ' about the 29t1i day of Aprilt. 1001, are required on or before the hit (MY of June, 1901. to deliver or send by post prepaid to Mane Barr, Londe... boro 0.,Ont., executor of 0a. last will of .the kl deceased, their Christian and surnamen, addressee and descriptions and full partieulare of their 0101013 - And immediately ate.: the last motioned date the said executor wit pro- ceed to administer the said estate according to law, boxing regard only to the claims of which. he shall then have notice, JAMES SCOTT, Solicitor for Isnite 1141111, Exeeuter. Dated at Clinton the 14th May, 1901. 3t HOUSE FOR s,p,LE I GOUT OF REVISION. VILI.JAG OF 13A.YrIBILD. • Notice in hereby given that the meeting of the Court for the Revision of tho Assessment Roll of the Village of Bayfield will be held In the TONVII trail, Baylleld, on Monday, May 27th, at the hour of 10 o'clock II. 01..fOr tette purpose of hearing mid settling all complaints against the said Assessment holl. Persons having business at the Court will please attend at the mid time and place without further notice: ,1. W. ERWIN,. Clerk. Bayfleld, May 10th. 'HURT OF REVISION, TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY. . • Take notice that it Court of Revision for the Township of Stanley will bold its Pont sitting in . the Town Roll, Varna on Menday, May 27th, • commencing at 10 o'clock. m, for the purpose of hearing and reetifying all complaints against or errors -in the Ansessment ;toll of the moment. year. All Parties interested are requested to fatted.. J. E. HARNWELL, Clerk. Varna, May Int. , -----,., 0 11118 1' 0 The undersigned•ol.ors for sale a sevemroom• - i od cottage on Orange street together with one- fifth acre of land. ' New cistern and well. Will 1110NATII .0B1 CLINTON. Take notice that a Court of Revision for the Town of Clinton will hold its first sitting in the Council Chamber on MondItl ay, ay 271,11, A.D., m 1901, comeneing at 8 o'clock I). in., for the pin, pose of hearing and rectifying all ,complaints againstor ervors.in the. Assessment Roll of the present year, All pat es in ei b 9 ' quested to attend. W. COATS. Clerk of the Municipality. Clinton, May 8th, 1901, - REVISION be sold on reasonable terms. • • MRS. CARLING, Clinton, .April 12th. HOUSE FOR SALE Tho undersighod offers for .ale or to root hin ono story house on .Albert street together With 0110 quarter acre of land; on which there arc thirty fruit trees.. Good. weltand oistein. • • • • ' H. HILL. Clinton, April 10th FARM FOR SALE Part of lot 3510 13th OM, Goderieh Township containing sixty five •acres, Good • frame house and barn and bearing 'orchard on the premises. Only 2 miles from Clinton. • Fel- further partieulars apply to 11. A.Hearn, on the premises or 'T. RTDOUT 'Minton, . . GALE FARM .FOR SALE The Gale Farm, one of 1IO best 190•aoro farms in Goderich township, Huron comity, -lot 17 and part 1800 thql3th eon., 04 milea from Godo. rich, '7 front Clinton. Thelarm contains good, buildings-aod fences, M well 'watered and un- derdrained. Large orchard and izardon. Wheat, sown and plowing doee., Wold sell either 80 Or 100 acres. Apply to • • . . WM. (401.ILD, ' • Feb; 14 • On the prombios or Gotierien P.O. • - FARM FOR SALE • • ". • The undersigned offernfor sale 101 30, ton. 7 Hunch, consist ing of 100 acres, 90 acres cleared, 'balance good hardwood bush, ehiefly maple. 10 acres in fall wheat Tholot is well Watered. and fenced and woold 111011C it good 40010 farm. There is a good orchard and two good barns. The farm is 4 miles. from . Clinton and 1. mile from Sommerhill postoffice,thurch and school. For fiwther particulars apply on the promise. or address •WILLTAM WALLA.Cill, • • Sept. 12th. FARM FOR SALE:. The.undersigned otters for sale lot 20,. Con. 15 Goderich township, etnisisting of SO acres,. all cleared. The lot, is' situated si •miics from Clinton and 2 miles from sehool. Possession given next fall. For further particulars apply on the premises to • ' • • ROBERT RUCK, Clinton P. 0. March 7th. - • COURT* .0F..REVISIOL. TOW:NSHTP OF •HULLBTT. • Notice is hereby given that tho meeting of the Court for the Revision of . the Assessolent Roll of the Township of Bullet t: will be hold at Londesboro on Saturday, May 25th, at the hour of to tielook a. m.'for the . purpose of 'hearing and nettling all complaints against Alio said Assessment Roll: Persons having business at the Court will please attend et 1110 Rad 01010 and place without further netiee. ' • . • JAMES CA1IPRELL, Clerk. Ilullett, May 81h„ HOUSE FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale a very desirable 'property on Isaac streeteonsisting of four lots upon which there is a comfortable frame -house with kitchen aid woodshed attached. There is a good stable .and' rt 11r81:0Iaffg iV0,1 of Water • 'op premises.. ho orchard, eonsisting of grapes *and apples, is it.good one, The property will • ` besold at a reasoitabltifigure for cash or, 4. cash and bidanee on dine. •APP1Y to the owner on he prethises • • .11115. .101IN .11IN0R Clinton May 0111 • ' immenwormaam, ifavama• , Mange of BUS1R8SS • HOUSE FOR SALE' Tho undersigned otters for,sale the frame dwelling on Albert street north at present oc- cupied by Rev. T. J. Mvaduek. Good cellar, small stable; etc., ate. For further particulars apply to .A. J. MORTISE, Buten, Oct. 23141. SERVANT 'WANTED. Having % benght the Grocery Mid Croekery businessso.success• - - fully parried on for the .pal 12' ..'''years by J. W. Imo', and .having. ' ,o.ver 20 years''experience myself •in wholesale and •retail Grocery mid Crockery h0StfleSs 1 atu coo- 1 '.fident I Can keep up • the goad • reputation .of: the old firm 111• • keepiog nothing Init..the . verY ; best goodS at the lowest prices, - I have redticed all my, Dinner,- Toilet and Tea Sets ' • • • • • to make rem for mv import or- der which. I expect,' in a few months; Call and examine goecls before yoe • hu. ' No. 'trouble to '• show goods, • ' • wanted at onco, 11001hpqtent general servant. Apply after six to MRS. PIIILLIPSt Clinton, May 8th. Rattenbury btreet. J. W, MBE. . With reference to the' above change in business' I take this • opportutfitiy of 'exptessine- 'My sincere thanks' to loy. numerous') friends and 'customers for their liberal Support during the past• : 12 years and bespeak tor my. suc- cessor, .1. W. McCabe, the same liberal treatment so generously • accorded me.-•. • • '1,1-t W. xi:twirl-. HOUSE TO LET. Tho five -roomed house lately - °Connie& by Frank Baer, on William street, 'opposite Edward Carter's, is to let. Possession given on May 13th. Apply to ROBERT MARSHALL, Effirlaaaladalti*Nrealaafaa!atraatiatalartallaaaaal BULL FOR SERVICE., Subseriber has for service a thorobred Short Horn Eult. Tenon 4.50 to insure, • ADAM WEIR, Hallett, May 810.,• Lot 27, Con. 4, Hulled. frar=r1IMWO W. GLEN. CAMPBELL TIM CLINTON NEWS—RECORD -vp~en,-11ella..eveiyee.-owebee*,..eveltaole OUR fifIRGRIN SOLE 0. B. Koenig's Bankrupt Stook • STILL COliTINUES and judginef0 by the number of people who have visited our store during the last two weeks we are inclined to • believe that our bargains are appreciated. - We have a full stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Ready-made Clothing and Boots and Shoes which we intend to clear out as soon as possible. Below are a few of our prices which we think are worthy of' your consideration. Wo cannot mention everything but just enough to give you an idea of what our store contains : DRESS GOODS If you are thinking of it new dress...come in and let us show yon wbat we have. We can save.mtsney for you. 50c Serges for • 80c Liniogs NOM . 5c to 10a 30e Homespun for . 20c Black Sateen Underskirts, regu- lar $1.25 far' • • 75c 500and.350 Lustres fox 35'c and 25e 35e,50c,75c Henrietta for 25c,35c150c Fancy colored Sateen Underskirts, regular $L75 and $3.50 Some Dress and Skirt lengthfor s $1 and $2.25 which 'have to be seen to be • Black Sateen Waist's appreciated • - • . Regular $1.75 and $2 for $1,25 A. few, pieces of very prett• Y, Plaid, Regular $1. for .•. . 65c were 35c for ... 25c Chenille Curtains., 'Regular Drie5sesfMoruslins, regular 1240 and. 83'5°434 $4'5° f"' S'2"5° and SIG° lea Ohenille Table Covers at less than ' wholesale pri•ces, . STAPLES - 124c and 15c Shirting for 10c &He 12hc and 150 Prints fer Cotton worth Oc for • elie. * 7c for 5e 10c tor • Se Flannelette worth 7O tor 10e fOr • Sc •12he & for • 106 Towels from • .5o a pale up. Toa-eling worth de for; • " 10050!' 41p :.7c 20o 10e •Colored Sateens,regular 15p for 12c Table Linens at wholesale prices Linen Table Napkins ' from• • 75c per doz. up LiLinenTable- Covers, Sideboard • Drapes,Five O'clock Tea Covers, • Tray Covets, etc.., at less than: wholesale priees • As- good stock • of both fine .and coarse boots: to • he clearedout' at 25c Oottonade for • 'W holosale prices means bargains for somebody. •. We have the Table Oileloth, 121 yds, wide at alc McPherson shoe, the quality o• t • • which is above criticism. • •GENTS' .FURNISHINGS 'Flannelette Shirts, worth 25e, 315c Cotton Hose from •• le np and 60c fox, ' 20e, 25c and 40c • • •• Ready-made dothing• we are . Print Shiets 50e. 05c and 75c • prepared to show You the high- Laundried White Shirts est quality of , material aud 50c, 750 arid 0. workmanship, confined with at . . , the lowest prices tO be found Collars , 10c, 12ic toad 15c . • anywhere. We' have. all sizes , and can promise you a saving of Ties at abOut half price '• from $2 to $3 on, a suit • Braces front , •. 5c a pair tip A lot cif cicldpants,regular $1,$125, • • $L56. $21'or '756, $1, $1.25, $1,50 'Best.Cash and Woel Hose at . 20c •• • • Ver 50c,.65e dna 70c A few smocks at wholeactle prices.. We have not room to quote any more prices but invite you to Come to our store; see the goods we advertise and compare the quality with the price. We know we haVe better values than cart be found else, where a,ncl Will he pleased to have you come and investigate. Zurich. Mr.ITurdon,m-an;g-er of lf olsono Bank, rxetwer, callod on frauds here one day asteek. is Lawson" of Auburn and Miss Yungblut and M. 0. Cook of Henson vloted our town Saturday evening. Mr. Wra. Schenck has moved to the house he purchased from Mr.S. Hardy. Geo. Denstedt who came to town, a few weeks ago to engage in the bard - ware buainess, sold out to C. Itartleib & Co. and has left tor his home at Bly lh, Mrs. IL lIappel Ion on Friday for Berlin. On Tuesday she started on a journey to Colorado to see her daughter and from there ahe vvill go to Manitoba to visit her sister. It le our sad duty to chronicle the death of Martin J, Hess, youngest son of the late George Hess, who died on • Monday, at the age of 16 years,7 months and 6 days.' He died at the residence of his brother Fred,W, after an illness of some months, from cenauraption. 41111.—,, Nieman. The dome on, the hall at Elimville was shattered by lightning on Wed- nesday night, Jas, Sutherland is able to be in the post office again after an absence of six weeks through illness. Prior to the departure from Cromarty or Rev, Peter Scott he was presented by his two congregations with an address accompanied by a handsoMe sum of money, The aspessor has returned the roll to the olerk. The abstraot of asseasroent af Hensel is .tts follows ; Real property $199,050, Personal property $14,085, Income $1450, Total $216,455, Papule - tion 825,Children between 5 and 16,162. The rnenibers of the council and the clerk drove to St,Marys oh Wednesday of last week and examined the water- works system of that place. They were treated with every courtesy by the • officers of the town who took them over the entire system and in the evening gave an exhibition by throwing four • streams at cinoe a distanoe of over 100 feet high, The water syptem there is supplied fromthree artesian 'wells and • a large reservoir, There is supply enough for doroestio purposes, lawn • service and fire protection. The plant is an exceptionally large and fine one, much larger than would be required here. FolutEs.r-suomorron- At the residence of the bride's fattier, Parkhill, on Wpdnesday, May lot. by the Rev. O. It, Gonne, M A.) Incumbent of St, James' Churoh, Miss Mary Venetta Shoebottona to Joseph Forrest, both of PAM. hill CURRIE-JORDAN-At the Holmes- ville parsonage on May $th, by Ito'. „T. Greene, W, J. Currie to Ethel • Jordan, both of Goclerich township. •.FLUNIST-g-E.L. .G1pRI NOS •Iww&-m...•••-•...e•Aeresbis •' The Celebrated Trotting Stallion 1 OENTS • FOR EGGS Organist and Choirdliaster of North street church, Goclorieli, and teacher of Idatio, pipm organ and theory, 18 prepared to take a limited nutnbor of pupils for instruction', Leave word ttt the Clarendon Rotel. NVIII visit Clinton on Friday of eneh week, ",""""r.""°•"'• 'MARBLEANOORANITE MONUMENTS. A ,MUSIDAL CENTRE Your home beeomea a musical - centre when you have a first quality piano there, You will appreciate the high qualities of these I sell and how I can sell them. Organs and General Musical 'Merchandise sold right at • RATTEMOORY ST... WORKS, DiWrect importers, 'rk m an - ship and Matetial guaranteed. sEALnt & BICE PROPRIETORS. HOAR E'S Music Emporium; . sif1111"""!!'11".11_!!'mf',..`111.111".!!'!'!..H• 111_—„ BADEN-POWELL. Baden.Powell was foaled June 30, 189% and stands 151 bands high. Ills color is a beautiful black with small star on lorehead and nigh hind ankle white. Ile has a very kind disposition and has perfect action. Baden-Fowell is noted in the show -ring, having won lst prizes at all the county fairs when a yearling and a two-year-old. He also took 2nd Whet Western Fair, London, as a yearling against 18 entries and was seccessful in carrying away the sweep - stokes award where be had to compete against 18 aged horses some of which • are the noted horses of Canada to -day, and as a two-year.old he won lat and diploma at the Great Northwestern Fair at Goderich and won 2nd end Blue ribbon at the Western rah*, Lonclon. FEATHER CLEANING I Wish to thank niy many custom- ers for their past patronage. They base been V/ good as to tell Me that my work was satisfactory and pleased them well, . I hope to have it continu. ince of their pattonage and that of new customers as well.. If you want your Feethers well cleened drop a card in the postUffice to my address and T will can. upon you. A. HAYWARD, Thereather Cleaner • °Hobo P. 0, W. N. WALKER MAXCeltertlirett OP' ALL KINDS OF MATTRESSES Noved loved Lounges, ('0110110, Cosy Cor• ' nem and I lpholsterer 111 all kinds of' Par• • ler Furniture. m Mattresses ade over. Prima reasonable. Ladies aro, partiettIarty invited to eall n to Sainples of work and coverings. ' NM -A:30040 Bodo, (ninon. • bno 'door 06aborPotd8tMoNoth • 41. RI WICK DYER -In Exeter on May 3, the wife • of D. Dyer, of a daughter, EATON -In Exeter, on May 4th, the wife of W, E. Eaton,of a eon. BEDFORD -In Stephen, on May 6, tie wife of Geo. Bedford,of a daughter. MALLETT -In Exeter, on May 9, the wile of John Mallett, jr., of a son.' McqUAIDE-In Mahlon, on May 7, the wife of Frank McQuaide, a son. WILLIAMS-In Logan on the 41h May, Mrs, Jas. Williams, or A daughter. SALISBURY -In Mitchell, on the 7th May, Mrs. Vea Salisbury, of a daughter. NEVILS-In Seatorth, on May 7th, the wife of Mr. James Nevilla,of a son. WILLERT-At Dashwood, on May lat, the wife ofMr. Henry N. Willert, lijogs Are Steady. Hogs remain about steady in Toronto That Just about expreases the situation. It Will be noted, however, that supplies are gradually increasing in the United States, and it is only refraonable to sup- pose that a gradualinerease is going on all over the hog-prOducing world. That is•the natural .thing to expect as it •re- sult of the long -continued high range in prices. When this increase in produc- tion reacher: a certain titbit a decline in prices must • naturally follow,-- Weeky Sun. • • of a son. WESELOH-At Zurioh on May 2nd, the wife of Mr, John Weseloh, of a daughter. BRODERICH-At the Goshen Line, Hay, on May 8tcl, the wife of Mr, Evelin Broderioh, of a daughter. BASSOW-In Crediton on May 3rd, the wife of Mr. Bassow of a daughter, DEATHS. -- WOOD1VIAN-In Londesbdro, on May Ilth Arthur Woodman • aged 63 • years. •. . CA.LLANDER-In London on May 13th., John Callabder,formerly Cr Clinton, aged 50 years, 3 months.JONT,--In West Wawanoah,. on May Ilth, ,Williftin John, son.of Thames • Joynt, aged 11 years, 10 months • anc1.14 days. GREY -In Mitchell, on. the :7th May; I., Mary A nn,wife of Mr.Sarouel•Gerry, aged 71 years and 9 months. • IIONNENBURG.-In Logan, on the 41h • May, Christian Ronnenburg, of • Mitchell, aged 77 years and 4. ' 'days. -GREY-:- In Hibliert,. pii the. 8th May, • Henry Grey,•aged 93 years. • •DETWILLE2-Pe Fullerton, on Sunday • • llar5th,Andr°*Detwiller, aged,56 • yea.rs,11 months and 22 days, ' • ERSKINE. --In Monkton, on the 71h •. May, Andrew • Erskine, • aged 78 years, '8inonths and 5 days. • KEMD-In Exeter,the 3rd • May, • • George S. • Kemp agOs• 63 . years, 4 • months.' , • • . Zurieli,. on • the 6th May, • -Martin J. Hess., at the sge of 16, • years, -7 Months and 6 days. . • • PA RR --In Morris, on May- 6th, Johh, • John Parr, aged 78 years: CROZIER -In McKillop, on May 61h Mrs, • Christian' Crozier,. aged 72 viers and 4 months. SMITH --In Grey, on May 51b, John B. • Smith, aged 79, Yearsand 19 days. MOFFAT1'-In Stanley, on May 6th, • Janet-McKenzie,•relict of the late • Walter Moffatt, aged 66 'years. COULD SCARCELY WAL1t .• Mr. 'George Thompson, a leading merchant of Blenhelim, Ont.,, states: - "I was troubled with itching piles, for fifteen years,and at times could scarcely walk. I tried a great many remedies, but never found anythiuglikeDr.Chase's Ointment. After the third application I obtained relief, and • was zompletly •cured by using one' box." Asl . your neighbors about Dr, Chase's Ointment, theOnly about Dr. Chase,s Ointment, the only absolute cure for piles. • A large order has beenplaced • with us for eggs which we .mnstfill, so in order to do it as soon as.possible we tire paying • 11 Cents .per Dozen. • . • We also have • It lively de - mama for butter for which we are paying 14 Cents • per ' pound. .Delivered at our store this week. • Good Prices For Produce, O. OLSON Next door to Dr. Gunn's private hospital. -BE THOROUGHLY PREPARED • POR 13USINESS1 '17F—Arre•ZiThrt---C")7 liaKA4.'eP • STRATFORD, ONT. Much of. your Mute Aueeess depends upon he thorough preparation you receive, there • fore ' be careful • when selecting a school. 1 No two schools aro alike The excellent r0110- ' 4,,) onr college enjoys, the largo patron. 131g Stook • of Hardware JUST RECEIVED ▪ ANOTHER FULL STOCIC OF County AiletiOnCerS. • The following is ft list of the lieensed uctioneers and pedlars for the county. aAuctioneers-Thomas Grundy, John Brown,Edward Bossenbury, John Currie, Henry Brown, John ICnox, B S. Phillips, Jae, Stanley, Joseph Cowan, D. Dickenson, G. Barton, John Purvis, Robt. 11. Garniss, F.S Scott, R. M. Charles 0, H.Merryfield, 0.1Iamilton, 'Henry Torrance,C.H.Wilson,71 enry Rich- mond. The Feldars.:-.Louis Rashkopski, Jacob Yaffe 3, L. Prey, Fred.Gossman, Thos. Wiley, Louis Fine, W IC, Whaley, Thos. Langan,. Alan McNair, Fred, Morgan, Henry Hayden W. T. Miller, Geo. Greneh, 0. I. Sander.son, A. J. 1Cee, Jas. W. • Gibson, Geo. Beatty, G. F. McPhee Walter Innes. age tve receive, the splendid success Our rtn• dents have in securing and holding situations, ROUTE•. Mormxr-Will leave his own stable on the Base Line and proceed to the 9111 con. of flullett and to Hotel, Londesboro, for noon, then by way of Gravel Road and Stell's con. home for the night. Tussokr-Will remain at his oWn stables, Wnottesnay--Will leave his own stable and proceed by way of 2nd con. Hullett. to George Dale's for noon and thence by way of con, 2, Ttickersmith, 10 W. Butt's for night. Tirtntansv-Will proceed from W. Butt's, by way of gippen, to John Petty's, nay, for noon, thence to John Dinsdale's,Stanley, for night. FamAk-Will proceed by way of 2nd con. of Stanley to hie own. stable for night. SAmtratis.v.--Will be at the Mason House, Clinton, stable for the afternoon and return to his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. This route will be continued during the season, health and weather permitting. We have moved our stock of Boots tt Shoes to the shop adjoining J. 1. Itarnwell's store and are in better shape than over to serve our numer- ous customers. Try a pair of our plow shoes at <,,t)c. Other dealers will ask you $1 for them. . Plow Shoes at all prices. , • BUTTER & EGOS TAKEN, 0. RATHWELL, vAILINA indicate that our school is one of the very best in•the Dominion. Write fee our beautiful eat. in which you will find full. particulars coneerning our college. If you want • the best In businesn education You eari get. it Students can enter at any time. • W. J. 1.11,LI0TT, Prineipid TRRMS-To insure A foali$8, poyablt3 lstreb. 1002. For the season 56, Pay. able last round. . Single leap, $4, cash. Insured mares must be returned regul- arly to the horse or they will be charged SS season mares. Parties disposing of their mares before foaling time must pay the insurance 'whether in foal or not, All aceidents at • the risk of ownereof Mares, No second prioes. II IMP BROS., LEX. 1311.M. Proprietors, Clinton. Manager. 10.0•Ri•immem"m""" •'..".?"""• •••.' SiavAipad.-SaIino, ,re•F-.4gtrifoc,tvotteitriti,,:ig Ouohloua, eta, Etteh s1ampie31*,1114 a twat and graceful deslalkki1444 ;:trirett;Co.'llittipar tOton_att,pr01 um great popular aong, One tha Flag 1 tole, Dear Itother,;!4rego1a0• 40 eerie sheottoualoi seitt4 op with evorY Package Address MISS N. WETHERA,L Auburn 00". Aften *oat rhooptigte, 2314 &tett Paglish Menlo/ft. Sold mid reeemirteinded by ali druggists in oanade. Only 0!1 - able nittlitine didoeVerfoll. $(.1 Newest guaranteed tO ottre au (051180 Sexual weakeetta, all effeets of abutte ba0reeel.°0"fp'ingtrothilEttWinigratitig,"4:11,a6 ounscr:6714 or price, one 'molts& 81, 81*, 85. osetexptoass, ttstelacars, l'itrophlets free to any addreen,, Thm The Weed unpaby, WindootiOar ror SaIe by Watts a Oa" I. floe', It B, Combs MUIR, Iteekie. r•—• WHEN BABY HAD SCALD iIBA3- WIJBN MOTHER HAD SALT RHEUM - WHEN FATHER HAD PILES .-Dr. Agnew's Ointment gave the quickest relief and surest cure. These are gems of truth picked from testimony which is given every day to thia greatestof healers. • It has never been matched in cu rative • qualities in Eczema, Tetter, Piles, etc. 35 cent. - Sold by R. F, Reekie-103. Afl Aineodmeot to the Voters' Lists Att. "TRY SELL WELL" says Druggist 0.Dell of Truro, N.S, Want any better evidence of the real merit cif Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets as a cure for all forth of stomach trouble than that they're in such grOat demand? . Not a nauseous dobe that makes one's very insides rebel -but pleasant, qutbk and harinless-a tiny tablet to carry in your pocket. 36 cents. -Sold bv R.P.Reekie -104. Mr. John W. McLean, publisher of The Picton Times, is dead. Hardware G-raniteware Tinware • Nails G -lass Clothes Wringers • Lawn Mowers •Spades Shovels • Rakes Daisy Churns ••Hoes Ready Mixed Paints Alabastine and Kalsomine and all kinds of Fence Wire We Bug in Large Quantities and Give Our 011SrOMOT - the Benefit of it, "ll'7" PHYSICIANS TOLD la I MUST D1E,but South American Xidney Cure cured me of that awful • Bright's Disease," This is a sentence from a letter of a well -•known business man in a western town who through overwork and worry had contracted this kidney pestilence. It will relieves instantly and cure all kidney diseafie. -Sold by R. P. Reekie-IO2. CLINTON • MARBLE ' AND GRANITE WORKS Beginning now, end continuing for some weeks, the municipal Courts of Revision will be held throughout, the provimie, and it will be well to remind those who are interested of an import. ant amendment to the voters' lists act at the recent session of the Legislature. By this amendment it is enacted that "anyone who will beef the age of tvventy- one years within thirty days from the day fixed for bearing appeals to' the County Judge, and who possesses the other necessary qualifications to entitle him to be entered on the voters' list, Shall have the right to apply to the Judge to have his 0E1010 entered and inserted in the voters' list, as entitled • to vote at muoicipal elections and elm-, • tions to the Legislative Assembly."' Chronic Bronchitis • Mr. Wm. Davidson, $t. Andrevvs, Rile., states :-"Dr. Chase'n Syrup ot Lioseed and Turpentine lute cured nte of bronchitis. 1 have, without sec, eetis, tried many remedies for the past SIX Years, Last 'winter when 1 had a severe attack and was unable to work procured a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, ahd ant happy to state that the.third bot- tle made me 0 well Mari." • Mr. W. IL Alger, indurttnce agent, • Halifax, N.$., says :-"I used Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed, and Turpen- tine for a severe attack of bronehitis. Permit me to testify to Ito selerand curative properties. I got better trent the time of takingithe first dose. Hem- ing et family of young children, my doctors" bills have annually come to consIderable surn, • I believe a bottle of Dr. Chttee's Syrup occasionally will aid mr• in reducieg them teerY materially." 25 cents a bottle, all dealerit.. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine., ••••••••11.1_,"!..onsw_s_m_ IT CURES ALL CREEDS.-Ilere are a few namea of clergymen of different °rads who are firm believes in Dr. Agn,eves Catarrhal Fovvder to "live up to the preaching" in all it claims. Bite hop Sweatrnan, Rev, Dr. Langtry (Bldg. coprlian); Rev.Dr.Chtunbers (Methodist) and Dr. Newmarball of Toronto,Oanada Copies of their pe personal letters for the flaking. 50 cts, -Sold by R. P. Reekie-103. hia eigniture is on every box of the genuine o 1.4111M1Ve Bf011108Qtlinitle tablets • nut rettedy that cures .0 toM i onu day Why lleY. W. W. Utter. Formerly of Goderielt TownSblp alay Smoke. Just Received Two Cars of Portland and Thorold Cements at Low' Prices. . HARLAND.BRQS."; CHEAP HARDWARE "HOUSE. • The best Class of work procurable has been manufactured here for many years past, WE WON'T call on you a week after your bereavement. WE WON'T make the work to snit the price. WE WILL make the prieo tO Snit WE WILL gthive6Wy0oVukihe choice of the production of the world • in design and material. • We are theONLYprac- Veal men in Clinton in our line., Do hot, he • talkedinto placing your order without first call- ing on us. J. B. HOOVER, PRoP • Next to Commercial Intel., Nelson, 13. C.May 12 -The British Col. umbia Conference of the Methodist church has exonerted Rev. W. W. Baer of Nanalmo Mali blame 10 cOnnection with the oharge of smoking, as the U 00 of tobacco had been preseribed by hid physician for insomnia and a dangerous general nervousness, resulting from a severe injury which he had sustained. _ • a.-- ^ 1- • For Over Fifty Years AirtS.W/NI4LOW'S.500TII11lG SYRUP has Mimi used by millions of Mothers, for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sugaring and crying with pain of CuttingTeeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Rooth. Ing Syrup" for Children Teething. It will re- lieVe the poor itte sufferer immediately. De- pend upon it, inothers, there 18 00 mistake about it. It MVOS .10larrheea, regulates the Stomach and bowels, euros Wind Colie softens the G111118, rodUces Inairt nm anditives tone and energy to the 'whole system, "Mr. Winslow% soothing Syrup" for children tectbing is plea- sant to the taste and 18 the prescription of one Of tho oldest and best female physicians and nithies in the 'United States, Price twonty•five eon% an bottle. ' Sold by all druggists throngh Mit the world." Bo sure and ask for "Mrs, WINSLOW SOOTIMO SYRUP. , CHRONIC BRONCHITIS "Itev. &N. Van Natter of Stroator III' writes "About one year ago I obtained from you Sig bottles of Dr. Chase,s syrup of Linseed and Turpen, Line. I gave away two and took the other four. Ihsd been serioualy affiteted with Chronic Bronchitis for ten years ancl could get no relief., A reading Opinion told mo that it was only a, question of time °dill it would Wear out< but that to this wonderful remedy • of Dr. Chase 1 am now a strong Man." 25cents a bottle all dealers. 440AAAANWAAAAPWANVYVVVAVVVVVVVOANVYn K INNON. 84. Clinton Market Report, Wheat........ ..'.»' 0 03. to 0 '4 Goose Wheat. ,.........,. 012 to 0 63 ...... .... 0 37 to 0 40' Oats .. - . 0 20 to 080 Rye ... . . .................. 0 40 to e 45 Potatoes per bushel..,.... ti 20 to 0 25 Ratter rolls and crock ... 0 12 to 0 13 13utter in tub...... , 0 12 to 0 13 0 00 to 0 10 Hay..., ...... 800 to 000 Wool..'........ .... ..... 015 to 0 10 Live Hogs per oat.. -, .,.. 6 00 to 6 00 Singers' ... ..... 6 40 to 0 40 DressedPork.per cwt..... 7 00 to 7 25 Mout* per owt..1... .., ... 1 75 to 2 00 13ran per ton . -......... 15 00 to 15 00 Shorts per ton .......... 15 50 to 101) Woal per .... 15 to 18 Dried Apples per 1b.#....,..,04. to 04 ARGAINS IN CLOTHING Last week we bought a large -stock of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits from the trustees of the estate of John Calder & Co. of Hamilton who have gone into liquidation. ThiS firm was one 05 the largest manufactur- ers of Clothing in Canada and macle it specialty of fine clothing and as the goods were offered at very low prices for cash we took advantage of it and we can now offer yon first,class goods at less than manufacturers whole- sale prices. This stock added to our spring purchases makes our clothing , stock larger than we have morn for ancl to reduce our stock to proper proportions we will commence a great clearing sale this week ok the waive stock at a reduction of from 15 to 20 per centfrom regular prices. Don't miss the chande of buying first-class, up-to-date goods at ptices like these.: Boys Vine Wool Serge Stilts, with vestee and sailor collar, nicely braided, fancy buttons, in sizes from 22 to 28, regular price • $3.25 for $2.70 Boys' two-piece Suits, blue serge,fitocy mixed and 'Halifax tweeds, in sizes from 22 to 29, at $1.25, $1,50 and $2 Yonths' Suits, in plain and fancy tweeds, short pants, sizes 29 to • 33, at $3, $3.50, $3.95, $4.50 end $5 Men's Blue and Black Serge Suits for $3.50f and $3.75 Men's Fine Check. and Fancy Tweed Suits, lined withbest farmer& satin, F'rench facings. $4.50, 85 and $0 . • Men's Wool Pants, light and darkstripes, worth $1.25 for 080. MoKINNON & 00. - BLYTH e eeeeeeeeeeeeeidooeseeeeolleseeilimmeoemeeeeeeei• seeeeee • • o * Is. H. G1DLEY . POPULAR CLOTHING STORE • o • 6 6 • •• • ; PRING NOVELTIES' . . o . . • i DRESS YOUR BOY WELL : 0 • o 9 .. • 6 e • * . You are proud of that boy of yours. gvery boy should be the pride 6 6 :lb of his parents-. Ile should be dressedso that he may feel the equal of any • 6 00 of the boys he is associated with. • . * Let us fit him out this spring. We, will make him one of the best If •• dressed boys in this county. The elegance and taSte reptesented in our ; • juvenile clothing must be seen to he appreciated. 6 6• • The vest suits, ages 4 to 8, made from rich effects in handsome • • o • • worsteds and tweeds, are very cute. •• FM' larger boys we show some very nubby suits in grey and brown • 6 tweeds and blue serges. We can oil you 'a suit as low as OM or as high • a as • $6 or stop at any point between where the price pleases. • • o • 1 . es • 6 • MEN'S surrs , . o • , , • . • . • ,, • We are also offering.big bargains in Men's Snits this month. Call lb •• ata see the $0 suits we are selling at $4 and the $0 snits at $0. o et • • . • S H GIDLEY BLYTH 1 Ili a ...4.141 O 4 • 2 .................46•40111160•116011116 *SOO CIO 006t01110000064, i H. , • • • BLYTH I