HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-16, Page 3it."' continued Oaseylp ,dt1, F�Jtl;ey,'ro ensive in that day, a sach faval- IN OAMP AND HARBOUR Foe *am nFo � � ou a bright and lit a re , SUNDAY SCHOOL. Y',� %V101 Wily stand Could me to pull a bu4ph tsad tak yo Intot bcavvu? A mot "Purple N14 them �h!rig fair thomc, OF so long
across With the letther to miss. ntural i d
HEROES AND HEROINES 11 blal 'Will ye comis and have a INTRNATIONA4. LEMS, MAY 19. as they Witt NAVAL AND 1111�Traf NoM OF Ine Home
T., I= at thim, MAsther Gerald.1" CN" ceptloin's.* F Or a physical man. to rise THE BRITISH EXPIRE. "X am afraid, Casey," said Colonel 44 JeOUS Ascends Into Ileave .F0 ke'94.44- from the earth and, to be hiddell. by rab, Mciatner Gerald, but It's a a L 14 .
D0610,0114, Stalling, 46 Us followed tbe, 03$ Aeft IF 1-11. Goldem Texts IL,uke 94, 51. an ascending cload was marvelous (.fAdea#ed illorilgral)ho of late XBW AND PIQUANT SALADS. kev. Dr. Talmge Says They Will ,rria"to' day for Ireland that Aces YO r444 to Notilt
old gardener, "your Memory !a play- P h to fix any on the 31111tary and clyllson—now Tentiliny 9 houve in the ould place aglull, lug You a trick. They . were white RACTICAL, N(Yraq. no where he bad vatsueed. The Ali authority on ookery tells U
Colonel Demond smiled at bt$ old violets I told you t a take to, Miss Verso IF The former treatise. The the aag�ills question, 1'WbyV Chat "a salad should be pleasing to Stand High on the Last Da, garilisnorla lervoliv.. Cynthia that day. I have every rea;- Gospel (Locordirig to Luke, 0 Theo- is thiat they should have. by this time 'rho amount expended every year on the. eye, delicious to the taste, artin- $On for remembering," Philua. The man to Whom. thagos- disicloviewed that the thiniga of the the armies and mavlt6 Of Europe is tic in combination of color, beauti- "Thank you, Casey, PY ove 4tBless your soul, no, Mastbor Ger- klm said ta exeed �OD,000,000.
gidom of God aro. not cortoerninir ful,'Aiud, above all daintl served." A despritola from Washington sayw Ing a garland'fr the victort Put it glancing round the quaint, strag- alill" replied Casey confidently, as Pat of Luke as. well as the� Acts of. tho "fleall, wad blovd,ll and that it
—Rev Dr. Talivage Preach , ad f rom 011 that pale brow. When she is dead arden—Illt is good to, bs, h6me they topped opposite a bod at rich the Apostles was dedicated. It is XI�3edia a ap1.rV.u3l eye, an 'eye The British soldier Is, in, hopLtal an CertAinly, then, it all theqe be eon -
of the neighbotrra will beg liaell to make gling g te,t: thereforiat. her a shroud, wail be carried in old Ireland agalli. Seven Years' -Purple violets. , "The waur the generally assumed that he was a faith, to. fQ1lQW1 th,3 Loirid on his Jour average of 18 daya ayear, Ujo. Aug. alderd,, no more attractive dish can b4dure hardues,"-2 Tim. it. 3 double purples. These is the very Greek because of his Ore . tot the xiglit hand of God the trian only 'a, but the Russian "?8 days' be Imagined with which to te-pt
oiat tii a plaia, box with no silver roasting in India makes a in - ek name, y I 411 AP warts, at out feet. I remember it s tbr.,r Almighty, TLi pAme Jesus... The thickest armur on our now the appetite Htstorians, are not slow to ac4now. plate to tell her years, for he hall prostate bis, Own country with. a Well as it t w4ur only yesterday., Ye but, tlt'at !a not a certainty, for Jews on the warm. days at
oball so como in, like mnex as, Lye battleship$, such as the London, Is 12 spring and early sun ledge the merits at great military' lived a tliquoA44 years Of -trial vengeance." called me up to the verandy, 'Casey,' frequently had Greek names, as, for havia seen. himi, giol iota heaven. Good inches. The Nile, built In 18.8, Ii mer. And bow angish, be tritrablem and the SWIXR- Sea you, 'take , this letters lo , as 20 infinite Is the variety of salads.dow
chieftains, We have the full,leug�h dleri, wh,a destroy her hasband will "But lack at that, newt" arts ng wid jst4rice, Philip and Andrew, and that someLtmea forigot that 1.11s., brief inches. portiait of the B4 d a bunch of vilets, across to Miss Oyn- he lwas, a man of distinction, be- tatem 0ampounited—thoAc. a fruit for break -
Id , s , ent, so full at meantdir to us According to art article ta Engineer, fUt and dessert, lof
wins, the Cram- Rat came to the tuperal.' One car- Casey ailintringly, "And to think thla at wance. And, CaAey,l s�ez you d of vegetables
cellent,, all, wasands almo3t �mmeLately at- ifor dinner, as well as the heavier
wells, and the Mrshal Neys of the iag will be enclugh to," that funeial itoa seven long, years since ye put yer 'AN to be a big li"oh—rBirkember, 4, cause Of tii phrpLse I'morst ex tex our Lord's, statement, "It is not ing the now submarine boats which
world. History. is not written in —one carriage to carry the orphans foot in this ould gardoul And is, it big bunch.' Yez may have sed white, which is, associated with his name in for yea to knolwl tilimaa s." are b ng built for the ish salads suitable for
British navy, lunch", uppar, Who but the divil a bit of we heard, so I porpoises, instead of gl4k,,
black ink, but with red luk of bul and the twai Christia, as, But thrue, 'M44thal' Gerald, you've.been ink her a darlin' bunela av the dou- the dedication of the gospal—aphraso It Ls pmsible to spend too much time �iva Ilk or a , pr-es,ided over the obsewul and too xaiaor0ito'ot4dy in endeavors Ing on all even kof;il. A I$alad In - which celery plays an
Man blood. The gods at uman amn thee is a flaish, pil it olank of a fightla' the blacks iver since? Micky his purples, au4,11 continued Casey wb&oh is elsewhere used as A compli- I . ta ascertain precii,ely w1hani and Pro- It has been asserted that thq only important parCia generally popu-
bl,tion did not drink from bowls made oelvatial doo(rF, add it Shout: "Lift Milligan, ho reads the. paper reg'- too interested In his narrative to no- ment in addressing men of Posit ton, cisely )low our Lord will come. - Let lar, Up your head, yo everlasting gate, rls wbi British regiment that marched into nd the crisp wluta stalks are
out of silver, or gold, or Precious. lar, liez Cho Queen sent you a goold tke his masts , to faoe—and I'm as, for example, In Actig 24. 3 and us cAilrAly bellee the AvOrd* of Scrip- combi sit *
and let her come lal", And Christ goin' to tell yo a otlypret, air. The .4 with many other edibles.
Atones, but of the bleached skulls of will step forth and say: "Come in! yo 0"OSS, she, was, that plazed at Chi, way devil 4. jla,,"r Wiss Cynthia has ever Act$ 26, 2r)' - Jesus began A wrk tura and recognize that the most im- Sebastopol, at its capture, with band the fallen. But I am toviday to un# Suffered with me m carth, buirlarifi- you knocked the , Alivil out of.the, hay- worn from. that day to Chia but Par- Which was to be carried o a portalit tliftkig for iris is to ba�a our playing and colourn, flying was the For instance: a by lit ment of our 20th iftot-14aricashire Fusiliers. Nut and Celery Salad:—This !.a ex- W* every mo, roll before you 4 scroll of heroes that ed whit me in: heave." What is the then's!" ple violets V, apostles. To -do and teach. His Lord with cellelit and very dainty, serd livies; then no suxVrisp can be disaster, Morals a comfortable way of doing the world has: never acknowledged, highest throme; In heaven? You say "Not a gol But Casey's information. appeared 11 - -Was an exemplification of the gren POPI d one," laughed big mas- A. era, which have been scoop -
The Chrome of the Lord God At- to pass unnoticed. TliQ colonel nev gentry go. A contemporary informs a cut.
they who faced no guns, blew no ratighty aind the I ter. "It's Ono made of guumetal� bul, . e
.4mb," No doubt I er spoks, only stared across the still- doctrines lie taught its readers that in the Republic of TO I qt walnut, hickory nu( bugle -blast, ounquered no cities, about It, What is the next highest not all the cold In the realm 001114 my meadow to where a 2. The day in which he was taken VICh or even peanut meats, allow $ ptC spiral wreath Hayti the sentinels are pr-ovided i finely out celery and 11-2 pts mayc chained no captives to, their chariot t1afrons Ni heaven?- NVhile I speak it buy it, Casey.' Add now toll me all of blue smoko crept upward. through up.. The day of the ascension, He 1`00.9 THE, UNITED STATES
I be the I throne 11 D . clia irs in their sentry boxes,on. which onalse. Place the nuts in a sauow" Wheels, and yet, in the great day of Seem% to me that it wil the nows. �I seel,—glancing around— the distant woods. So that Avas the through the Holy Ghost had given �Jvos during theIr
they can peat themsL of the drunkard!$ ivffe, if she, with explanatlon of Cynthia's purple Wril of duty. Pan I.vith I teaspoon salt, I smag, eternity, will stand higher than, looked after the old PlAPa- let,. vic: oommandmentit unt this apostles PERSO Onion liced and two bay loaves, JIL cheerful patience, endured all her You Ve Poor Cynthia! - She had lov NAL AND POLITICAL NOTES those whose names startled the na- earthly torture, thoroughly during: my, absence." ' ed him, after 611, And he -what had wbom. 'he had chosen. This may It Is Perhaps iyot ,genortIlly known can be procured. Cover witrb ABOUT THE BUSY YANKEE. they tiona; and seraph, and rapt spirit, "Thank ye, Afaittlor Gerald,".said be done, to her f Up turned on COity, boiling Water and cook 10. minutes ND IIERO mean. either that the ;special earn- that 17,QDQ Russian troaps� Avefe on- and.archangel AVill tell their deeds to HEROES A, INES. Oasoy� beaming with pleasure, ,Me, A jitivage desire to choke the life out. to L Skim out the nut meats and (Iraq But I am speaklingthI4 morning of an of this soft"hearted idiot, who had rairlidnienta here alluded were giv- Nel.ghbouply laters,ji Ilk Ijils Dolliggs—)lat. camped in the County off Xent in tbp into lee water for hilf art houre The a listening universe.. I mean th two lives,. swept an to. tb�3 apostl6sl not by our Lord telrfi.4V 31oinent aniiii 411rilk Gathered year 1799. -. T 41
0 tbioisa� who, out of their pinhed pov- the oul(I woman'o done: our e§t, well-nigh rulned 4ey' were to form part draiia ' dry, SPrial0c with salt a
heroes of commop,.everday life. exty help others of's110h inell as th6ge 'be Coolagkr Since the'day ye- shut it through him. - Then the man in him personally, but by th' Front HIs Records. of that army -which made.such adis- e Holy Ghost as. pepper and mix with the celery an@
In this roll, in the firs placeF. I Christian. missionaries at the West, UP Add i;lnt �broad to fight, As for triumphed. He fought down the Pas- an A branch of the Y.M.QA., specially atrous, campaign in Holland, under dressing., Fill into the little poppee agency; or it may mean Chat the mand of t . be . Duke (if York. . oupa,'p4ttlnir I teaspoon
find all the heroes of the ack-room. who axe living on $250 a year, that the nows, the divil a scrap of change Stan bravely. What was done, was ),��rd, himaelf anointed by he Holy fOr coloured met, has been org4nizod the top ofoaqh, mayonnalaZ done, without nope, at redemption. in Neiv York. The appaintment o2 . Vico,.Adm1.al on athere'a been hereabouts, a they may pirciebalm Ohrist to the pL When Satan had failed to overcome P1,-, Add of those people who have ave an4.exr "Fox- all -the world s, if he'd sce�n a Gliqst, gave th,4 commandments. The a 'The Amewlean Bible, Sao Job, he said to Gdd, "Put forth thy only a half loak of breadi bwli, gilve a CoPt the killin' of the one -eyed 1ox glicst," Casey told* a -crony long. at- quetion is one 94 little 1praotibal- lety ),=a ap- Sir C. A. G. Bridge to be Ciimmandei- Russian Sa ftil—This lea" mixture r
hand and touch his bonva and his pipzc of it -to othprs who -are hungrier; in Xelly's Wood the also I u afther you terwards. in-Cief of Her, Majesty's ship§ and vegetables, which May often be pm,, importance. poopriated §5,000.for colporteur work vessels. on the China, station, is offi- pared. of "left-Qvers." All or an (41 flesh, add he wili curse thee to thy and ut.thiaije who have only 15clitCl-c left., and the death of Owed Molloy, She ke. o-ver'bare wan day afther 31 To whom also he showed himself Amon the negrDes of the South. clally �nnoutnced.-to the: Ad . Y or ocal, buL fielp others to fuel; Ain,d� of ye'd gone abroad, sir," resuied the mlral�y., the following, vegetables call be us-i�, face." iSatan as found out what thorve who ha'V(� only a dollar in tho , r III , ( I , school I mastor" six months ago'." loquacious ' Casey,- at length, "and 1ilive. He demonstrated his life, Senator Forakdr Will spend the fall The ar Office returns,sh-ow that One-third cup each of. sold belle Anti, the rectory peoplo"hoi tire 'axed me it Ila lot her havq. a,bunch after death; in in Porto Rica, and mke a- thorough wo have all ound out, that sickness pookets, and City's twenty-five cents ads Plain In muny ways- the, totat of B.Fitish deaths In. South carrots, cauliflower, beans, ttroo, Is the greatest . test of one's charac- to so-meboldy c6e; and of that father. they?" queried Colonel Desmond, ith- -av the double. ptirpl" e�ery morn- hia- resurrection. Passion. An old st-Wy of all its industries, classes of, stand L that the faintest b in' while they waur in .5aison, which PDIYUIQ:t!On and Its various social, edu- Africa up to. anuary 31st was 12,989,, Peas, beets, turnips and potatoes, aLit �r. A man who can whip wears At habby,coat,'and a' flush of colour I on .1a ws qua.re, seelu' Choy have Ahis. beat English word for "suffering," here cational aud.religlous institutions. . of which 7,793 died of dipsase, . and I teaspoon finely chopped piirsl�.V.. that can stand anything; ' to mother who wears�a faded dress, thftt forehead. Separate the cauliflower, into svt;;jll their children maybe flowers on the. counLhryside in the referring to our t6rdK death. . By Only the comparatively small reLm appareled. I.M P.resident James K. Fatters6n, of sprigs' ' add out the carrots, ttects'. be lihut up in a room r sht. they're all re- rectory garden. I reminded 'her av many infallible proofs. The Revi-- mainder of 5,190 from woundsxoceive� turnips and poltatos into dicv� The AD fast as You call them paupefs.or rbigamuf- u Lexington, in action. Moro men Were killed out-. , ii. Kentuky State College, tho,ugh it were a hostile; to be so, ner- f1,n13 or, eom4grant,s, of tatterdeniAllons. plied Csey, with a covert glanco,.at. that," continued Casey, "but dhe'only e'd -Version omits the word "infd' I- beans and peas can, Of course, bel left Von$ you cannot an . dure I the tap of..l call te beroas and her . oines. Yea hie master. "Of- coarse, the rector smiled a bit sorrowfulllike, and add Xy,, . has announced Ll that - in his will right in,'the three 'days', )),attle at wh6le. the,colars, she'd. rather have the wams that grew, his,,, -not to weaken but to strengthen he has se.t asiab SU�000 fair a college Gisttyisburg in tho* Atnirican civil TO brighten ..drop and I may not know. whore. they live himself gets an - twinge'o% gout, here. * She cattail thim. a quare name the atement., Being seen of them library as. a memorial to his deceased war than.1tavo, died on all theba t - hent -Into cold water as �,.00h ascook- a child's foot; to . have uxurian t Or What thir na is. God knows odd lit Lite ed, ,when it' tty to drain, dry niz but that's natural enough a man —sed they 'waur her romance, or forty' days, rally, "tIrrough Son. tlof.ieIds of South Africa in sixteen. (Which tempt$ t ing and arrartic in order On afla:t I ruit he appetite of and they have more a:ngels . hover, of his age. . As for Miss Cynthia,. somethin' like tht.-�-but the divil a ted months., ovex thent than yam and I li�, forty days," or, as; the Revised Ver-. the rob"t and Clio healthy, excite�our vei -and loathing and di . sgust When it first they will have a higher -seat -in. she's the swatest lady in all Irelartill -dame I've iier heerd thlin. called a Siam has it, "by the space' at forty t . David L;. Riohards has been else dish, altdruating in rays of red, white. self but purple violetsl" o'the positio of Town'Clerk of North I By the laws made centuries ago, and ;green from the centre' formed of appears, to have the. Hevem. They may have only a calp of You'll be afther seeln' hur dayR"`�that. is., at intervals during Da. which have been in existence in a asmall head of lettuce. on the platter, yersolf.,. . "And you .'always let ligr have Eha t period. Spea-kinik of the drings. na, Mass,, i6� -the foity-iitst eon. and cold water to give 4 poor traveller, Unather Gerald, in' a feAV ralrilts. She theral" asked the colonel a 4 . . I Pour, over all a Frenob, dreiling 'and paid 15trike through the .at wly. is pertaining. to the kingdorit, of God. -ecut'"time. HealSO-Srvedits-trea so' r ever since. the rapigr c� Or imay ha.ve onIyp&ckq4 a plinter me. form or anothic. v setonloe, so as �to bevery cold when, isid I a or across the temple,. lik or tho'nall of . a child's finger, comes over to, me ivory mornin' for. face was very white, esus was, the King, and might nattir,, suxer of the town for tWentY-Pne reigning monarch is. oupreme lord. Of served., or.have put ux .?. "Av coarse, MaQther Geraldl" ',a- ally be acted to talk ofthe king- years. both'the army and -navy i for both in- razor, or to.put the foot intbi a-Vioe, ily '6vo mites into the (L POSY Of &entail Casey. insinuatingly, 'll 'knew French F ruit Salad—The igredi- ury., bu L 'Lord :knows iss -Cy' thia 11' interrupted ief,SWedlo, of Chicae,-ig stitutions are considered o' txas 61a thmAT" - the f ye'd let �1�hp. disciples were to be: the Fire 0 to b his -or to throw the wh to. body. into, a n if ye ivaur *at home yersel be cuts arat 2 oranges. 114 bananas, the Clons'dexiag' What they .bad,; they colonel,' -with: a4tarti "WhY—hY. Mlsa Cynthia have. the saivid. ambassadors or representativiis bf the own, and are really supposed to Pak dozen -English walnuts, I
blaze Of a fever. Yet therei ale. &d out of yer said to be writing'a boo-ki partly aut&4 by him. meats -of u mor ; than Aye, - have ever I t . bought she Avas1to, ma killirdom at God, and ' Would need more, 11 d been men and women, but more we- done, add their Laded dress 'will be- have rried Own body if i3he axed it. . So !very. instruction. - What they had, heard b ographical . an, partly a histi;Fry of head'. of lettuee' mornin' She*c6mas over about this. the fire departmant of his city. It is a4d. I a4p mayoA� a.w.1afte, x-obe,. and the small gr. Harvey IF, efore but could not understand men than men, who ladve obeerfully. c0rao -time, slid 'Ragorral here she is I to be entitled "Fifty Years I.Xjre� noli4e. Pool; seed and dividff the or-. room will )is an aternal mansion, and "Lord bless �ou, i1o,*.,sIr I M he Would- come to them with.fresa mean- LAND Or THE jIUMMINC1. BIRD. amges� into mouthfula. ' Pact thd ban- endured this. hardness. Through the oLa hat a ocitonet of v�ctory, and Cynthia 'as r elfll' broke I off. Casey suddenly ing in. the light that shone from tile man." will never , raarry�lqast- "And If% ye'd6n t mind,. Musther Cer. anas. 'and.' cuL: in thin slices. Break ,years of exhausting rh ' eurnatisms all the applauise of earth and all the open grave and from the cloud,that Mrs. Ida A.- Nalli a.Met bivs the duts qu"te -small. Arrange the and excruciating neuralgias they confidentially,,. "not ald.�Pll go- and.look at the roses.l' h0dlAt Mis- The SurplifrIng Plienoinclion. That Foll allout-kbX. of hearan, will e drownod received their Lord. have gone, and through bodily dis- gmD She camat along the wide, gravelled Plonaxy to the Chinese -id San Fran- In. Tringdad's Asphalt Lake. lettuce loaves 'on the ser�,in P fierves, and aut'when G&d-;r;�3,a3 up ta , Hij re-- gets the xa&n -she's been path, wifla all her Old grace and dlgm 4. Being-assombled together with tresss that rasped the ward io thci.o II -amble w6 :h1or he 'rt out about t 6isoo, has chialig6d, heir. name'to Chan' Few Avlao travel over the and bi oach little green-cup'put at- rkers in His atin' a. his Anany he them. Perhapa-in Jerusalem on the ternats layers of. the -bananas and tore the muscles, and � Paled the .,nity; :..and Coloh.el'� Desmond, as Hall �Taa. Accordin. 'to competent Our large cities kingdom, and: say to them-. ,,Well a year I" aay of the as.cerision,..Perhaps at an 9 asphalted streets of Bivatch,ed her, thanked God he hAd it isi the name of a oranges,� Dress with the -miyonnais that lucky in ivl- earlier date. Commanded them that, cheeks, and stooped the, shoulders "And who ra-Eky di I 'I'D worthy are aware Of the* origi � of the black, 'and garnish With the nuts;' -room taper loved And wa teebt dcra3,, good itnd.faithful,aiirvant.l! it"04 * even years. Mi. . t.nnd � a. ach6lar., the dim light of the sick . :45 fn dual be; Casey?" asked Colonel - Des-:- they should not'depaxt frot)a Jerusa- they saw an theki, wall the pictureof - 13ut' there , great excitement Her yes were.fixed on�ta ground,-, '.pitchy niass, that gpea,, to 'make up, never heaven. -Why those long pocessions, mond, with the faintest touch of -bit- IIt *I ' ihougnt, and lem-,'bUt wait.. 'Compare Luke 24. 49; ' Th�. GavaXnOr Of Utah- 144S bad the that land where the people are as- I ae-wre os -a of- the mooth roa�dw" t rnesi in his Voice hus the basis ay sick. Why the ,booming of that. great bell e She- had drawn 'quite near. before she ea John 14, 16; Though they. t good sense to! veto tlra� bill passed b Boy's Tt,0011.. Through Y der their feet. Eighteen hundred mi as the. -dead �silonce of: 'hufflad dricomforttiblyi. Joe ad, Then. he went towards, waited;.% they' in the toweir? it is coroliation.-day-1 Casely wers'far from being the night,they heard "Arrah! sure It's not' for t -cra, for their irne wa Spen . t in th Legislature for the tolerAition of Na:w York "Roy takes 'such �Ai pride n his in heaven, �!Vho. aie, thaS6 rising, on ho, likes idi at t due south from' THE CHORUS OF THE ANGBIL$:. of me to'be discussin',tho. gin try" he Prayer ad.'6oinferonce. The proraie plural marriaigiets solemnized before .room.,amd'ke4aps it so o�rderly we dailit the thrones, With crowns of eternal �! be� saI' the little tr6pioal island of-Trini- "but the yrithial" gift of tbt� b P The cancer a�e it -way ber life'from royalty? 'They mu.,3t have been.-geeat began insinuatingly; flush *of -color Suddenly Swept of the '['%he less -: a State. All att�mpt 'es to off the coast put.froall paper on the'w4lls and, give th to month, say� in flic village that he Avini, Qff,. ed Comforter., the Holy Spirit,' whom to pass the bill -over. his, veto failed.. - ddd�a Dki.tilb,possess n �. . : . . i I an people on eath, Avorld-renownedpeo- through her face, and as suddenly re- tb and she became weaker and weaker, pi I to -the wdrs sviii Eeg'oria,.�/Ias I God the Faithor.'had promised by.h*l Fai�atrwjible arran of -northern South America. Alt the p woodwork a seat, of 13,aint," said' cry "good nig . ht,, wao feebler 0 No, .'They., taught in a ragged coded again,- leaving her de"adly'pale. 'Old Testaman a gements. are being south-western. extrer . Alty of this a and ev chool I Is that all ?. That is, . all.'Wh6 (her Garajd, he wilat someWhere about "You?" &he. cried, recovering. har- prophetA in the� t to made -h - the xailroads forthe can- 01, his mother When talking over bar b6fore—yet the. same time as YOU int yerself!" sanctify thc than the 'good night" aile those goals -waving sseptrei of Ith, -a a located* h6usimaelearting plana,for the spring. NK brave effort. "I�we haixta of -his faithful any the famous Pltda Laki* I - "They "ta a. Iaa. 44. t, tzel I . I -gue am never Rad. The children �looked up. Ik' a w7ful rt in the. vil- never heard you:had come home." - P*60 c 36 26 (27- Joel veYand'e of Epwarth-LeA* is fr all -suffering. trans- iite)riial. do-rallijon t Why,, they -were lage," *as Colonel. Deaniond's 'am- t a 11 . nited, States and Cam- on the summit. of,. a gmall --hill, loss. . This mother:.may got, have guessed 2. 28-29, and; which Jeau� himself' �pdnts iii' int her �face and saw -little children who . waited on in- phailb.coinment, ad he turu& 4'No " he taking. he� Vxanicisib far th' the J but .4ie held tlis, soore't f-, bar . Wn's away hand.'- had promised Vut few - days before, adat to $a tham iwo hund-red feet aboV6 formed into it heavenly smile; These valid mo(hers, That all V That. is oil. "I came libilie last night quite of n 0 a next Na whosuffered on the batilezfield, avaid, 'Impatiently,' and Walked -a. stLddenly. Only yourself and Casey 0ouventlon: which, according to level of- tb:,d gea. 16 appearan rsnhis room.. Keeping it *as' called" � Little. Mary, on. down lin , 1-4...15, 10. . Yq have heard t1ainal. eel there lshot and shell were not 'SO Much U. freshened tip and' inviting looking as earth. side alley. know I -am -in Ireiand. 'Inaverideant me... NotablyinthallOngeOmm nicilt- present arriLngementO,:*41 be hold is nothing phenomenal about this heroes and heroines as.t.hose Who in F r end of the alley to -have come home ag4lm," ]as went Lion he � had With, them during. and buL.a:Vigt j' ..she does, he n 5HU, IS AN MPRE SS'NOW! -Its could, wid� sweep'of -meadow- after- the Lard's''Supper, ,is riicarded wouder ott tb,3 tropics 0 aturally takes pleasure the aylum, had fevers' wbiola no, ic6. on; "but FtIte seeA34* to have forced my An O'kanivle -at Other cl,ties has been thp I' ftarly calledi re- in ladving it. always In nlqe order.. -we irig f. - to in -John. could cool and no surgery. could WhO are thdt great multitude on the la4,d,' with I a house or t pcopi 1w last chapters of t as: it% it is ram! highest thronea . of he4ven? Who I 0 t a . area �distaut Woods. i , . tisteps ack your. side a:gain., . 55 - I t For John. truly baptized with set to, PittsfiiAd, Mas tors vaida one. of 11 O -S a are' fro Ob, Cynthia Cynthia,V he cried, "for�., a.'. by minis the most At accountable Boys. enjoy -pretty things' and conve'
our 0 mr bht numbne they I Why, hey fed.the.hung.ry,they . .,so ishe never married llai�vey, at- -give me I I I 'made an awful. mistake .Water; but ye shall b0' baptized with oddities Of' -nature in . the. annals . of -nience$- as girls', but too�of- as. and aiehing,'and of all denomtina�jons. % They 'have esickliess—yet ifting io suffer, 016thed Abe nakedil they heated the fer, Mill' he rauttered., "I, Avouder�l that nighf setoh years'Ag-ol" Che Holy Ghost not*many days henee. agreed, to refuse -to p rform. a' ma: vl;;,: ten their rooln. iii. Scantily furnished a f sick, they'comforted the bqart-bpk-, worider why V Confound . it I'l—lic are the Very words -of Joh, the tr. ident in 'God, hopeful of heaven hen, With one hand, tightiy clasped - - -a Heroes of rheumatism; heroes of an. They never fund any rest uw, broke off angrily—"am. t. never, to in ho explained Casey's mistake Baptist, Luke 3. 16. baptism riage cereony. when , one or both The tourist may fak passage jo that their sisters, room may be . in- sty L. p rtfes. to the marriage ha've been viting and doinfort6ble. neurwlgia; heroes of 4inal 6om- tit they but. their head. down on the get eid,of that codounded episode? the mistake that had awall6wed up with Water was. thc*SyhIbOl and P a the "land -of the hum wing!,bird"�%asi, pilloAv Of the eepulolike, God Niatcbes Seven years, and I bavdn't forgot- ily.Gfhost.'The divorced 'excepting the case the" If. it b6y'A room is dingy, unear- plakits; hross. of sick headache; he- seviin years of their and a the buptIsm'6f the 110 of t: ' rhaidad people:. . like their 6Duntry.,td 'pLted.- and 1 without ten. Seven he Hoy Ghost was. to be be after securing ac- Course, he :,will - keep it cluttered UP.,. roes of lifelong invalidism; heroeis thorn. God laughed defiance at the years Since ibe—silice she bap.tIsm. Of t inivocant party to the diviirca Sul decoration,. at well-nigh wre�ked tbeit'lives. ' who has obtAiined a divorce on, Sorip-: and heroines. Tbey.-aliall reign for- enemies put : their. heelsAiard sent,me about my business," he can- "I. could'iltdko my lito'that-1 told monumental in its mahner and in its -hose h cluded bitterlk; "And I haven't blid, 6=4 the vi . olats Niere tabs a4undance. The 'Holy Spirit had turtil,,groupd1s, commb4a.Eion at the only'deo6rit'holt and ittily and will stay. out,,of' it ever and forever. . -Mrk !. 1, qatcb� down o.i t is dear childrdn; hi 'Whito,ll he as = as Possiblei But if ha la 0 n forget!" n you came into as just cqe note of the eternal aitthem, me. day.'the Lord. struck his hand so concluded; "and vho' boort'in their hearts. before,"but hey in the.colony, proceed to th61ake:bY a diisk, Where tio can sit and study, "Ther all be.no, more hard on his thigh that the omnipot For some moments .ho stared. it fdr somoth pain." Blo's! irilaner Avearing purple, I--',Well,-.af. Were to we ink, unpreced- one. of the small Government steam- and keep )its papers in neat order,; a G ad i� stral hi across the soft- rAweoP'of inaa, I 1, . , A K EMPHATIC PROMISE. �r that. cut is-wrd ra XLICII Oil d1h bilglifer, ia 9 tei that, nothing mattered Much." He ented. The "not many days hencell erg plying ea, nd'tha heroes he 'said: ."I am their Gbd,'. and no dow-land. %stAvise tbre� times bookcase or a- book shelf,* where his-� In this roll I also If broke off thickly. proved to be Can. PHe says 'mot' She wasn't feeling 'very well, and weekly% dis e 13right0ift schoolbooks and story
books' are Of toil who do their work uncom-' weapon formed against them �iahall ' Memory pulled back. t1le hands of - Her eyes suddenly filled with teard. painy, that they may hopaF - be. does -occed to: the seenoot "dig- placed, pi�turaa that he has laimpled. had been, making him go- tw6drillres, pier, and Pi the clock. seven Years tot say how few in order 'that -the An& out 6ut-of papors and magazines plaitingly. It is comparatively.oasy prdsp6r." N"at harm can the World lOoked , and In his "It early - bick. my - heart," she Y -�irg.11 Of all the crude, rough; nd dream he on life with eyes times to .Ae.cheralst's. At last he got -ad 6. regiment in -to battle'wbobt do you wbadi the Lord Alm-.ghty with may vatielill'—Chrysostom. r -Ancans:of extracting welth the "walls,, his raasullc4 col� to to n O' .5ald softly. 0. When. they therefore wery come comfortably Edified in - front of th ady put on you knew that the whole atI.d will unsheathed award figlics for you?' that never would, in reality, look ills 11.0h Cynthia, 'Cynthia," he cried, his a "from mother earth,. the Trinidad Lake. tested from the w' ds.and laora and applaud the victory, it is' compara- I. preach this sermon this. . morning Same 4gain, . Life was such a good clasp *'on her hax . id tightening, 'iwhat togther. This would seem to head fire wit'li a nol . VSpaper. 00 a tho� Moun t 69 .. , 1 . phalt opieraVih§ ..ara, � the most there: arranged -in. convenient places, AvIten Go home o the. P16CB heartless, brue �ydiu- must have Olives, near.to, Bethany. I I .:, itriking.' The visitor. arriyos on pretty tively easy to doctor the sick in comfort, thing -in tfios6,dear old far-off day' �Ge rge, dear. curtains tit 'tlw windowai an,� you know that your skiLI will lieup- just wara�God'.has. Pat YOU toplay. —so good, that not:all the bitter Alls- thought ifte! Try to thiiik of What Dqring tilia-vary'last baterview they OF fairly .. level plateau,'' Spotted here *easy chair or two,.his guitar, a lounge preciated by a large company of the here and liroine. Do riot envy appointment And reckless danger of I did it -little gently. - . And—and will bad with the Lord they asked of. him. Well ?, seven years had rubbed. one hour 'Ind there with ti*ny' pools of water' with a few pillow; if *-ha 'has those it is. ocirapara- you let me'try to atone for the Av they kept asking him,". Lord, wilt, We have been very happy together, which th comforts and conveniences he , Will friends and relatives; vidy-man his money, or his applause rong beneath e a6ft, shiny Suban, re an 'audience - slate.of his memory.. I t d you in the -past? Let me..try haven't wet atance known s�-adphalt glifters i� enjoy room,-invIte his boy''friendd tively easy to add * as or his position. Do not envy an from off the than at this 'time restore againthe, t, it kingd, . 'The d a -)7 a a, a woman But. what a fool liti had beent . She am to. lar"IT isciplL when in the gleaming kiyes, and the -her -Wardrobe, at her exquis- o win back a little of the old love the i6flection of a fierce � tropical Sun.. to join im there. and will never be flushed cheeks you knoAV.thdt your its appearant.sa. Be the- herd or the bad fouled him—led, blin'on, played only it little." had not Yet Unlearned their notions I've always beed' a true and loirt; Scattered over the surface of the lake found, you'may-be sure, loungln7g on sentiments - are adopted, but to '(to heroine. If, I, lour in.the with him as a a 't a with a mouse, She ,suddenly stooped down,. and cot, a emporal- kingdoin." Their na- !'to to yod,' baven't. To dozens of saxthy negroes there here be na f a AV the street. lecoaue -is no. place'. add then—- It Plallyth way of o growin� tion was tributary to the Itomans- Vbwo-huh. Ing .plok:aad liale, extracting the tAlf- for him at iorne.� sewing - where yap expect that the house and you' do. not know where pulled som6 of the violets employer will- come add thrust his your children are to got bread, lisms. men to sacrifice men's hearts to -doll at their feet. As she pinned them in The disciples had much 'of spiritual vanity. But she might have spared his coat, bar eyes met his.'- discernment, but their old i . Vay of George, scaly looking Stuff from the owrth. A. boy's own room 'has a great in- thumb through the work to show how -tvn awi, you will bear someth Well V One may sit ih the shade of a near- fluence . on his character, and the Ave the whole Lng him, bccause�wcll, because, after all, .,For seven years,' she said "I've thinking led them to suppoge that be-, It I hould�lf T should, not, be spar- by nhrub, or. under the- protecting neater aind prettier it IS the . more
Imperfect it is, air to -It tapping against the NvIndow-paria. Go he had loved �her, ever glues she had* or worn any ilow.'rs but th�lso 11, fore the world eould.be convert6d*t garment thrahwn back on you to be to, the Nviaidow, and,yqu. will find it noV 0 ad tiyo mat mrrydagain? &,better of an Umbrella'l and.watela the refining the influence, , Mothers who
No ift, y6u. will eQ
dane over again; to build it wall and its the beak of raven, and open the been a long-legged kiddle in short Christ it. must be converted to Juda I tioiv. itl replied rge. negrocs pile heap after heap of dealro to make' their boys happy and frocks, That was years before liar- ve erusa- the know there will be no Ono to say You window, and there -will fly in . the vey had appeared upon the scene, Wlth Ism; and �if so, why. not ha with such alacrity and.emphasla; that 'asphalt 'Into the : endless chain of keep'them in,the nate shelter of the
AN ARTIST OF THE LIPS. ledi. the contre of power, and Jesus she: rage froln thel� sofa and wut to tubs that, hurry along to the pier. home, will ive special attention to
did It well, but only a swearing em.- freeze for, larik AM clothes V Do yot' 1115 pushing Insistence, and knack -of the viible, XIngT ' Many Christians her room, train whicli one has but recently land- their. room when freshening and player howling across the. scaffold; think. that the God -who grows the dangling around her Wherever she .::. -- to work until your eyes are dim and cation of the South will 10L. you harbor similar thoughts to -day. �Yent. . I . Ali Muglish )Vho Ila* nee" the el:11, until, at yaw-ning oxeavton pf brightening up the rest of the house, and your back aches, and your. heart Irebze forl ask of clothes'? Do you f 7. It Is'not for you to know twenty or more -feet suggests to the will gee, indeed, that It is made. as faints, now t I lie had always believed in Cynthia, Arnates Since ItIlt Eighilk Ilene. times or the setisons; which tb& Fath- A GOOD INVESTMENT.'., - pleasant nd dinfortabld and to 1. hat'if you stOP think that (tie Godwho allowed the supervising darky that the time has 6 a:;. pos- before night your children I 'will diisiplea on Sunday morhin in wbo.iv cause he had first learnt Fireworks and fancy jewellory er hath put ld hi:; own'power. Com- Many stories are told of good luck oora�. ito move a bit furthe�r on. In Aible. starve. Alit the oAvord has not slain Ir to go the rt of battle. It was like losing seem in the. Populr mind, to. be more pare Matt, 24. This response s not a to' hours theoxcva- into the gr n-1 d, and ,than take ,,I faith in 0o& when he lost falt1h a denial of their belief, but following. old purcchases, made by the the course of W so many as the needle. r sit 5 a state -I. tivii resulting' from, the morning's the grain a ZI their hands in rithia, ated Av I vn CLEAXIN SUGGESTIONS nd ub n closely , assool ith the Crysta tdrrit. that . the limitations of their enterprising mtiercantile *mn kno I . -; . begins to .look HOUSE
in this noll I also find the heroes you t hi� 1, r ad ill Jet 0 digging.. lesi; deep, alid eat—do IllyrLmemb6ted the anguiah.oi jeal- Palace than Art Avith a big J�, yet knowledgo had been reached. . Some its ,',ahlp�breakcrs," Who buy. up wrecks nd by eventide the spot from which Equal. parti� of- fine salt and. fills who have uncomplainifigly endured you starve V Did you ever hear the ox- ousy that had prompted him to write 'is it little studio- devout men like (Tod to keep'no, domestic injustice. There are mail parlance 'of that old man. "I have just at pk,esent there mY4- and,the hulks of stranded v�-saels,etc. more than five or ten tons'llavat. been white sand, moistened with vinegar, who for their toil and anxiety have bl;isn young and now am I old, yet that last. letter—dw, letter who,se Jet ilI3 Sout . h Nava with a uspicion no sympatb� In their homes. answer was to finally settle big hopas. S. Ye shall receive power, after -But the1atest received coines, from is again level with tho.vurround- will 6lean brass, ifaucats. dull have I never soon the rtghteous for- and fearsi' very phrase at t *it of' Aubrey Beardsley and it decided 1-9 earth and ready to be dug over hausting application to business gets asked, or his sead begging bread, Got fateful. Missive had burnt itsel 1) that.the Holy Ghost lseom,,� upon you, Newport, England, where one lucky by the gang of noisy blacks. Pro I m If a lump of common washing soda them a livelihood, but an unfrugal up Out f in- atmqsphcr�, of William Morris, says Power is till. that anyone wants in ship -breaker xnado a bid -for one of to the sink over the drain' or your disequragement, 0 to his brain for ever, Ills mpro4chos the Point of digging to the pier is 14 put In wife scatters it. Ile is fretted at troubled sent, 0 sewin4 Woman, 0 his* burning love and passionate jeal' th-, London this world, and abundant power of the vessels wtrrtnded on t1he Welsh but it mile or less of endless -chain down which the waste water.pasges from the moment he enters the door man kicked and cuffed by unjustem-o �ousy, All patqol before �iru now, jile Ardqtle Avall pap�ir designs, deslirlds the- divine sort would more than Hook, betwetri the Ji'mirlish amd Welsh descent; moored to the pier art big and boiling water bapoured over it I realize all their dreattis �att national sapils, at 'the time when tha,stcam- aalling. vessels, and sometinaeg steam, vas playars,O e, who are hard bestead the .9. play. And then for dainty f little Iva- and� religious greatess. This Power
until he com3s out of it, The a. n ads, woderful at frequent intervals', it. will that- , augmented in the battle of life and know not the 0 ship Brunswick grounded and, was ers;.-into whose capacious holds the .perattons of business life r blazed -out before him, in let- ter -colors, and rtylkng line was to card(,. front the Holy Ghost Ye wrecked. Appt txently 'so hopt4ess Was tubs discharge the -pitch at the rate oughly clea GM grease
Such men are laughe e Thv the condition of the viessel that - 110 of twoor three bundr A at, but they 0 you sick one with complaints you Words that demanded her fin I d - a rs of flame, the closing wbrds—ths ings are on the ivalls, whilst the plialt ba , witn as a Unto me. od tong per day, and keep it from clogging up,:
by the exasperations .of domestic life. which WAY to turn, 0 you bereft one, to rise the pipe fr
have a heart-break,ng 4 trouble, and have told to no one, Corns and got state. a a young and handsome- artist busily' Gxeek word.for is I'mar" had the lot for 482, Howevel'i he sue- he early days eded in raising bery and. having appalling dissipations but for the .,subject, Listen to ,I am suidlug this note by Casey-," 1)4!nta'bY means of hi—mou were qo, oftvit compelled to, gLve up towd her to Newport taitia became TO VACCINATS'FOR CANCER.- -for washing they would have long ago goneinto th,- ecunfort, of thi tyrs." Witnesses in t 6 If a1ittle'ammonla 19 Put into the Lit warra'aaft v�ater. used
grace Of God. Society to-d4y is our t great Captain's cheer. "To him they ran, "Who will also give you, a MBartiam. Ifilea was born in th-atir ILVes for the sake of testimony posaiessed at tyl, a carg-0 of 000 windowa, and,plenty. of clean tintless tha overcomieth v.ill I give., to Pat of bunch- of violett,. � Shuld ou Wear Dristol, and. was deprived, at the age that thi two(wards eanva"ta have the t6nl� f I polishing, the see- strewn with the recks af men Who the fruit of the tree f life which the latter at dinner to -night, lAvill U. it 6 I'll OcIall Atilkokinceq a Most ful- ret of beautifully. shinin windows Is! a . colt , and t 'a %irbole, Of th a il Ili I y. under the northeast storm of,domos, is In the midst of. the Paradise of know at once, and for all time, that of eight, years, of both t[s arm3 arat5 Th -a spread of the stores. thun, is not to dopend on tuoriant known. tic infelicity have been God," DRIVEN ON -THE ROCIC9. you love me; if not, I will never both-, through an accident. this tirglaiiiiatit or dem"stration-, but on Dr.. Harvey R. Gaylord, of Buffalo, seo that every part of the collar i.1 (11I yott Again"' catas'trophe . he had developed a Mm.pla Lv%timainy to Clio, Holy Ghost. SD S TRAViS TOMON- N.Y., has� announced to the Perfectly clean and have it - white- medical There are tons Of thousands of drunk- SENSILE CONC14USION That was all—an ill-wrltten note strong passion for drawingIm-aci st,xong B(A.1i n exeralem, add in all Judea, washad if possible' After your eel-
ar4s in this country townday, made such And n bunch of violets; but they wdro DOX Profession and to the world at large )at is oloanod, it there. Is the least - Two doctors once had a disagree- Chat 'the Jos,.; off his !it no Way and in and unt the utter- I 0
by their wiv*,g, That is preset But mcnL—as the beat of doctors ..... the last chapter In 4 man's tragedy Ing Stratton, I'll a historr of that lie has discovered that cancer is dampness, useunalaicked lime, to ab- the AvriArng is generally in dintinlabed fils ambitioni.to liveornaan mail M r. 0. 1-11. 'the OP`- times will havo-�Iiknd last their tom- i at hum:t inclatnect is to bei felt the Enig-lish NTIAdland ailway jkrst caused by a mitroceopical . animal sort) the moisture, lace a chunk potsite dixection, You a 'Working with courage and ok the nation, nd% uf- published tells why goods tralnst,. ,a parasite a protozoal%, A would not bavi pers. a rt hi t. he t the cellar.
to .90 far to find a wife whose life I to 0ay Aybat I think of T1 110 has produced cancer by injodt- good. way to have, a j%wet cellar is
.0 had ordered Casey to gathor (1, enA-huala.uu, ho L- ends of the aarth, I
is a pexpetuat martyrdorri, Soros- you, angrily exolainle4. an'e of the two, bunch of white vloletsw-whlfc 'violets excellent" in tha grade for nd to Lfi,� end 01 timme, ru.n. on �undays. Tha. heavy ast to close the cellar and burn a ilphur thing' heavie than the stroke of 9 for you have not . many years to livel were her favourito flower—and (16,* freoliand (.) drawing within two U. Wbile, ihe� beheld. is they goods traim composed of covered vails Ing a serum containing those para� in it three or lour times i a year. A fist, unkind words, staggerings home Consumption has inmrltqd )ran for ft liver them with the letter to Altai lw� Nvitre clasely 5r aggon sheeted over, which may .ties into tha'bloqd of animals—doga clean, dt3r collar is esent al to health. stant maltreat. vie
at dalclaight, 4nd *on tim, Cynthia wIt'hout delay. years or his accident. vatehing-, Luke 2.1. 51, Ile taken be seen maklog, their Way up to Lon- and guinea, pigs. Ila has discovered Use raw linseed oil And bBrizt.io in ment which have, Jeft her only a Oh, It has, has itl Ho;V do Yo the proportion of one teacup of ben -
U That was in the afternoon, In the At th A& of 10 Mr. Miles ehibited up, Mrk 16; 19. soonq1on ig don on Sunday, consist almo,311: ort- that a protozoon causes cancer, and zine, to a quart of oil, to oil hard- wreck of what she wita oil that. day kckwl evening his We was decided. At it sil.udy In Avatar colora at tbol3ris- nok, recorded by thian other two even- tively of VoriAbablci (ood traffic, ach
who n the midst of brilliant as-� By, the "clubbing" of yotir fingers, that the protozoon is like the bodies wood floors, After rubbing It into
a (tinder alia, wore a bunch of purlilis tal Fin,3 Art Aoademy, and his car. Bt it Is alluded to by Vaul, '(is fitshi lileat, milk, fruit, gaine, #�ggs; &aaiablages the vo,;V% were tALkod, and referring to, the wasting away of the - lots, tile wood Polish it smooth with h VIO 11 ph. 4. D. 10; 1 'I'lin.. 3. 10.11 A cload buttex, broad, and the- 11,ke. I,C ii-idon found in the blood after vaccination fult Organ PlayeAl the wedding marc4 finger near where they join the Looking baokwaril now, Col & car n an arti3t was fairly begun. received him Out of their sight. A with its live mi] . JIODA of people ha's and in smallpox. 'soft cloand the carriage rolled'away with- the hands. Do I need to call Y04r 4ttPn- 1)oamogil knew that of all the batiles flut It took him upwaxil of six Years AV 6 In
bright cloud of glory Was tha 4jymbol practically no reserve of food on Scientists have been vlrily,sear.h- To "'Aid go" 0 1 "00 to'
of tb,2 people. NO bitter. tion io that? to:obtaJ4 complete mastery overthe �15 entee. Such cloud led hand. If it waxe pNoible for cola 8 Un- Igethar a pint of boiled linseed oil, a other. he hid been through In his time, the muscles of his mouth; yet time And 02 �cd pr, i ug for vegetable, not anlinalt germso three-fourths pint of turpentine,
wqrJs *he -n the roffiok!tiff nompan- it, rotorted - th M0.4ag and h.*s followrs over tho day tok top, thso tral-da running for in 6 Perhaps nc one, he had fought w1th himself that as the cause of -smallpox, scarlet fev- three tablespoftfuls of raw umber
ions at two o'zlook Morning But do you know you bear the, unmism- ill.Starre4 night was the hardest, and practice made him more expert than desert all Sanal; a oloud abode in tweaty-foixr hura the reoults Nvoi ild or, measles and hydrophobia. In the
- victory Clio most -creditable he ever in freedom and touch, ths holy place; allell a aloud had he tb)6t an Sunday and Mnday mot -n- light of Gaylord's disooicry that
pitch the husband dead drurik into the takable. india4tio.of ad early (!sixth tho and thre tablespoonfuls of whiting,
friptit entry. No bitter wor4s When The young rtist has exhibited at these diseases are a ry the color on 0. piece of plain had ever won, lie had taken his . ovisrhadowed Jesus on th� Mount. Ing the People of Loa&= wo,uld be aued by animal I 0
from the swollen broiV the h aleave like a pritleman, and a Nyack the "at Society ofBristol Artists, at Trah, 5fiRmiat ion, Luka's statement tarvd,dg. Th,3 exAtot t,.%tal value of board before using t ft the floor. It true, out in, a mid-diglat car- cis " hollows at the bacif of yottr I the Dudley Gallery, etc., "Very near- . t organism, 6clentits will now divert too light, add a lIttle mom, Umber. If
blood a thO,131 ater igailed for India, on a0tivo saroi - yal tbiIxt our Lord was[ iil-nigagoA ig ble� th�� food carried by, all t13 linag, int a., their attention towards finding a and turpentino.
Iihohoad, where you can't ly,` he said, smillingly, "at thi Ilr too (lark, more oil
otmal. Derding over the battered an4 n _Ar sing h1i disciplas whetv )w d Lr.4"om oil Sunday is voiry great, d rLmody to combat the caneer microbe.
bruIS04 foirm of him who, . when he sea th:?m, They denote, a fatal task TWWas goven Years ag6now; and Academy," and Where Mr. Hiles 1) C. isappaar- ft with a good sized brush took bar from, her fathorl )ionic, of vitality, tLeyears blunt oursorrows wonder- turcs viivere Accepted it wa intiriel eA,'lPtke 1.11, 60, i of wreAt interest. trOcing that avvr the Midland onli. Gaylord to now searching for a ser-, the trokes the way ilia praAWlaod love, kindness, and protee- Iq that case, rejoined the fully; hilt he had never forgotten the on their mvii msrits, thes hangin By them he aictod s their it is Nvortli about 430,000 each Sua, I um containing the protozoa of as;- tin runs. ' Apply it eve Ono who Iligh, 111rie.st, consecrating thoqe ,day. cot- which he can inject into, the blood grt ly. At -
tion, yet nothing but sympathy, and had spok'64-frist, extending big hand, white i,,Iolots,�Adr Cynthia, committee being quite iriorant of gr�'dt and prevent cancer at cure it it the ter a day or two rub 'with it- soft prp.�yers, and fagivenoss before they we a I re foolish to quarre . IF TAOt us Presently the colonel. retraced his tho M�thod used. - whom hit sout fortl to bloss. ini b1s sufferer has not reache the advanced WOOled cloth. - Then varnish the
jr-ed for, No bitter words when proscribe - '- h - ' it bruc.ph Was picked up, oc-III and sorrow I Behold, attoblehing to Prince Christian of Denmark, Nvbo floor,'adding halt � pint of unbolted
are 4.9 lly Bible g for cap other. - board to apealk am earth were words 'a on terms of close intimacy with our Stage of the dlsease.�' thle faml as for rum, and They aro a�tl.jl alive, a4A apparently ilCasey;`11 be said, the bad of our mixed and applied with an ex i In layman's he seeks ft liseed oil to a quart at vaftisb, tl�3 paw,kibraker's ishopget the last in excellent alth, quisito touch, by moans a tho paint- of blossing-1woofts of his biding
I.. white violets by the south wall still or's mouth; and even its one, repro- 100a, Pro- Duke of Cornwall, has mota then or oet I lvacino" Against canoor, a serum deoer4t. dress. %in-, day, dos&r1mg to In existence ?" demonstrated his 000lness; and p(tr- 1%hat will give A; man 'a mild case of, HGAAMENT.- o er sorrow.9, you The gardoner saratebod his bead, aontatIve looked on arustle child Coating, POW4W,
�Jty,, 11woll, how &to you gettildir, flLord, no, Wather Geraldill he grow suddonly out of black and white, 10. While they looked 'ateadfa.,iffly aonal istrength, The other day 1,11ter ofi near, 13o to sayy and will prevent If You have an old but good Jersey
Ap4g nowl" and rallying bar fve,lnb tt e ohnny—Aunt, JUIlAil Whitt 0ald, f`A blight aeamod to oorft Over watching the setting Ann, towr li�2,tvea wi he werit urk. Flull beir to the Daniath Crown was dy4iv_ vor having. the real cancer. jacket that you have outgrown, just
The artlaVa delight in his work, dit unapeakable, id,illgh� and CtlrlMity ing with the Prinooss, When the belts made with guidett pigs
;A; voildo and quieting her quivering. mil es *so funny 4pots on Your them 0001i afther you left, and the heary malifter,soom OftilaoirrowG. Dahold,,itonighingto oft their borse, thw line tand to show that it out oft the collar, out out the Alcoves r fid
divtl a atom In, tho bed but died V, I and bia brtogy u I startlod the aniinala ..
lip "Pretty well, I th.�nk faetif 3 , Ila, WhO I two mein Omit by them in white In another leigh, which Wan av,or.1 'ble to secure this Can' bind neatlyand knit or crochet an
ory freckled PAh I Like droams, said 'a east one's pity back; tita nun who say, w' ')a .600, tty well 11 She never will tell Aunt ,into being ontan gled, cor vaca and prepare it Positive edge for it, add you will.have it handy
y i the aelirlum f her JA,9t I believe It's because hava so much the,� colonel. "Violets die quickly.,, hiiq conquered, nobly and patiently apparel, In W11.1to apparel,, la turned th WdUp, remAdy ior the dread disease. 9 8110 May tell all tbC secrets iron in my bloW, It Is only when "ShUre, 131r," agreed 01'.46Y vague. to many and terrible dlffloultlof�: a pitrAtso ropeatwly u.ji�i to d6goribe it) their rugs. The startled halraom ty,,amont for slipping on in the boase,
A[ ask5 for appreciation of his work or io put on under 3o= othe gar -
of b, but a)ia will not tol been 0141; '14 wet weather 1y; "but the other wans—you romom# bolted, and tho unfortil-nate paEen.
114S 1 fronj round of Art rii- � I
that-, Not until the, bookq of iotern V tbough, tht they are notteeable,, bor the bed a double purple wans'bei L ye, meri df Galileo. That they gera were fa great dadger, but tile miont. Wo should have �qaid round
t or than from Pity for On tulsfor- weire GaIleans wag probabl, evident Crown Prie Immediately leipt out 3� million tons the froints, tile Jiltokot jlist
11 make
Little Johnny—Ob.. yes; I know. You thil, ould groonhouse-- waiat leng(h� but doult et It too
apanM on the. 19 tuna which he hag so wonderfully both by Moir x1rC.941 and their docent. 6f his Sligh, oliod tho Tunawayt kand of ott on year, 0, of wh,*4
110 Pol out In W41t, w,mther. and the Iran Desmond will ovr be. kndwn W1.1i a To aeowt. 'them, imi. such Was not AA brictight them to a 6ttkii, &�tntrlaa RAd 9 1-2 from abort id, the back. h" auffored. hl ye who,ere twlqt.� your blood gets ruatodi, Well, though ILIA w1olf that*Ay* f"m