HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-16, Page 2.
� is published every Thurtiday at
! TheNews-Record,
I .
� Power Printing House
f4cums or , SVBsQRIrrIQx-$I.0Q per yea . r III
a4vallog;V1.00-MAY bochargedit not sopald
NOPAPOPOLVOlittlimeil until 411 orraaraAefl
Are paid., unless At the option at thopublialter,
The 4ate to which every subscription, Is VA14
Is donated on the label, .
&pVERrXs;NCJ R4T48,-Tr4Ii0I01)t advertise,
Anenta, 10-Conta par noriparlollinil to" Arst
Insertion And 3 -cents , per )lite for each subse"
quentlasortion. Small Advertisements not
to exceed one Incli,such as "Lost," uStmyod,"
,"Stolen,,, OtCL
,, Inserted once top oo cents and
each subsequent Insertion 15 cents.. I
AdVert4emeots, without. specific dIpoQtIO)Ia will
. ,
be Inserted until forbid and cliargod Accord
Copy for change at advartloemants 04 Pa#08 4.
and 5 must be in the oflico on Saturday and
for pages I and 8 on Monday to ensure oha'llge
for following issue.
- CONTUACIA, RAT$$.-TI)e following table shoWil
. 4.).Ur ratoo for specified periods avid space *.
. I I yr; 6 No, 3 Mo. I No.
I Columil..., � ..... woo, 440 00 w 60 050
J column ......... 40 00 25 0,0 1500 000
i Column ........ 4 26 00 1500 a Q0 2 m
i Column ......... 18 00 1000 450 200
1 inch ............ 600 3 r)o 2 OQ 1 25
AirSpecial position from 2$ to 00 per 001A extra.
41 (10i, and Proprietor,
. I
. . PAIVKO . .
. .
I . -
. . . . . . . I —�, - 1.
. . Incorpo,ated b
otofParIILmon38*55.. - , . 1,
1. �A .
CA .r.", - , I
11'r"T I 61.101SU01009
HEAD opricn ' - ' MONTREAL. .
iv.)f. mor.sox MACMERSU'-4, Prosidont
JAMES ELLIOT General Manager,
Notes discounted. Collection made, -Drafts
issued Sterling And American Exallt,611908
bouviii and sold, Interestallo.wed on deposits-
. ' .
Interest allowed on suilas of 61 and up�
. I
. . rARMEUS.
Idoney advanced to farniers on their own -
notes with one or inore endorbors. . No -nlorL7
gage required as scourity. 1
. . a, 0. BRE WER, Mandger, Clinton
. . I I
_ __ . __
Cq 'D.- MCTAGIGART . - .
. . .
. .
. I I
. . . , . .. . .. .
. . . . .. . . I I t ,.. .
I .
. I . . . � .
' . . .
. .
� A General Illanking Bushiesf Transacted.:
. . � . , . 1. I
. �
I . .
I I . .
. .
. Notes Discounted. Drafts
. .. . . .� Issued. .
. � I . �. ,
. . . .
.Interest Allowed on Deposits. . .
� I . . .
� .
. . .
. . �
. __ , � . '. � . ..
. I
. . . .
. � .
. . 11 I
. .
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. � I
. .
� 411 CA 4 I
�.__ . ___ ___., .� _., _
I . -
� .
. . . . ! - � . .
. SCOTT I . . I . I ... . .1
J. � I I .. I �
. 1. . � . I .. BAARISTIOR, SOPOUTOR. Etc. 11
�.. . . . ... I . . . I i
I . . 'Moneyt6Loan. . . . � .
. � . I 1. ..
. �
� . Orrion-7EIllott Block - '. - . CLINTON.
. .
BRYDONE . I � . . ..
. . . . .
. V 0 . . . � .
. . . . . I I I . . . . .
I . .
i , . . Notary'Public, &a,, - -
. .
. . I
. , . . I
I . Orriew-Beaver Black, . . . 44INT.ON
, .
. . . .. .
m . . '
. . . '
.1 . � 00NV_-YAN0)NG - 0 . -
:1 — __ . � __ I
. I I
- JOHN RIDOUT , ' . . . 1. � '.' .
. . . I I . ? .
I . , . . '
. . . . . I .
. Fire Insu�ancc, Real Estate, :
. . I 14oncy to Land. I :- . I
I . . . .
, .
� . . . I 0
- ___
. . I . . �. .
. . mn-DioAL , I . . . . .
. I .. �
I — _____ —
R. W, GUNN .1-0 ' � - I �
I . I 11
. . '.
D ... .. . . I
R, C.�P. and V� R.. C, S., Edinburgh, ;
. . -_ I .
Night calls at ftont deal, of res . Idencoon Rattan
bury�straot, opposite Presbyterian church..
I � . . I
. .
. I
. . . I .. .
11 . .
. DR. SHAW . . .1 . . . 1.1
. . . 0 . o
. I
.11 01"VICE �
. . � .
OMVARZO� . STREET, OPP08118 Sughih' ,church,
. . �. I . I . ' . I . . .
. . . . . CLINTON.t' .. . .. .
1. � I � ... .
I � .
. . D It. C, W.ITHOMPSOX , . , � .
� . .
Special Attention given to diseases of1he � 4e,
Ear. Nose andThroat� . I . I . .. 0
.OFFICE AND 13i;SIDP,NdF-: . � I
. Albert Strect,Eallt north of RATTPNBuitv
� �
. � �sTntopm,0LINTON., , .
I .
__ - _ - ___ �
. ... 0ENT1.S:rRv1 I . �
. .
---.-- __
. . I . I .
. DE,NTIST, . . I
. . I
, , "_ .
. OFFICE-Adjoinina. Foster'g. Phot� Gallery..
. I I
. . CLINTON, O$,r. - .
. . I
. . . Succeiitlor to Dr,:Rruco..Clinton.
I Specialist In Cro %sqi and Bridge Work.
I D,D. S.-Graduato of Royal Oollogo of .Dontal
. ,
� Su . I . .
L. 1). 0TOF111srsott coital tsusliltoo'nor Faduatid of Dolital
Departinent of Toronto I vol-8itY.Special
attention paid to presorvation, of (Ailldrca's
I tooth, I I I I
0 Will lid At tile River Hotel, Dayfield, ovary,
Monday from 10 a. in, to 6 I). m.. . .
" _. --- - - -- I
I 1)it. J. . FREEMAN . I
. . successor to Dr. Fowler.
A member of tile Votekinary, Aledical Assoola
tions of London And E'ditibur-111 mild Graduate
of the Ontario veto011ary (,a logo.
Office oppe . site tile corninercial Hotel, 01111toll'.
. .
.- ____
I . . VE-TERINARY � . . �
. . . I
---""'- - =Z,'—=�
� I I
. .
. . _--1 ------- -----..---
I __ ---- --- _.___'..;___
shies conducted it, all partm of Lbo Counties of
Huron And Perth, Ordol'A left at 1.171im Nuwa
RECORD office, Clinton, or addressed to sea
forth 11. 0, wil receive prompt attont m Sat.
efactforT guaranteed or nactiat-Kee, Mt pat-
onage solicited.
t_1_1_._!__.,._.� - - I I
_. �_
11. . . - '. _. . . ..,..,-.. - I—' -.-.--
Woodwork Ironed and firlit,61ass inatorlal and
WOrkKtvarAntocd, Farin Implements and ma
chinos rebuilt And repaired.
. - I
11L terhav STItlavr, Nolerit, MINTON,
4.=*-!n.t.- �_~*4..- �
. I , 11L&M"�A , FS6 V1122ARS'
V ou.
. .1 .I I. , , -r
. . I.. - . I . .1 'I .� .. Z .I V. 1; . I � � . I ___111N-'- - � , , " �" .", �� " " 'i ' "" I ''" ......... I'll ... -11-11.1.1 ...... .. .. ... _,". '. I . I --1 1---_-, _ ... � ---. . -_ _1_-___1 . � -1 "I"
I I . I �
I " i
I— _�, � I I - 1. I . I "I I I I
_____ — I � � � .. .. I .1 I I O."...."" 6:1
104) of the petwo, ox 4,4y 4tidgel of
iust9l'011s, at, tho Peaco Recorder,
� xiilkora 444 calves.
� _�; --- �_, I. � --- .
The, indemnity to be demanded of
J. *-.i-
Pobke ma&tratoj or s9tivell4lary
Magistrate, m any fu4* tiontlry tri-
0OWNS 04041 . , - '.10 00 4500,
- Cl;llyes� each. . . 100 800
Iff 11, IN A 11111
t?hjua. is olf Iola, ily Confirmed at til)05 -
1,00,000 'I'lobwal Co'Ker private CM'ws
N003 of the .00dingo in the
. prop
b4tial or pexsoa luveste4 by tlw prp,
prIC04 of C
,Attlet Choose, OrAln, 4.0
There has been a 080,00t) fire at
Dawson City. . I
and All.
Canadian 11.9uso of Commons. �
Per legiolative authority with , power
In the Loading Marketi.
allioiloo how per ot. coo 6871.2
LIVAit butg4 peg ct. 6,00. ' 63,71.9
. —
Germany wants, #20,000 from Up!-
taln as vompeiwatlon for the esvul-
. P"-.-"
, .
0 40 aloos. each 14 usit Ily
JQtA as are .4
reqwred to be done by two or, more
Toruutq� May 1A.-W111104t; - Th
. . a
HeAV7 bop, per ct. 0 OQ 6$71-2
Per Cwt. * # 815 400
olon ,lit German isubjecto from
of o1w
the Traugioal. +
0 OloUel Prior brought up the q,ues*
jw8t4ces of the peace . acting within,
the 1004 111mits of his Or lt�, jurlad 0
, .j -
wheat , X
. 141a. ket was quiet to�day, Anil
Wit-blout. Xillers
Slioawso ,
, g,91
1. pair cWt. . 000 200
Russia lies arranged .-,Yltb Francs .
11QU of tile manuar in which .tile Al-
askan bo=.dar;r line wag marked on
tion, the proceeds to be paig into the
bmri4s Of tile ReOe-lVCx6Qcuoral; And
feature. are taking
No. 9 white and xed at 67 to�68o, and
qm .0 . , 4
'"t"0009 ItC111115 Aboui Our QW. -I
',or loans, amoulliting to MO,000,000 .
francs, fIO0,000.,000, mud other loans
� .11
the map ,at the. Dominion ( )t Cariad
whiob was, seat to the Parist Bxposl,�
sepaxate o,utts ai;�Ly be br,Dught for
each aUeia or foreigner who was a
tb-0 qtkotAt0pa for Now. York freights
,is 68 1-20. NIN 2 goose quoted at 67
Country, Gre*t arlitaltiti,. tbo United
StAtes, , dAl1!P4rtao1sb*QIo�e,
with �Q,u rican bankers 1P
are being negotiated. .
, I
tim. He had been informed last year
, party to, anCh contrao t or agre=eltt.
The Prime Minister explained that
tio 67 14o, to New Ywk. No., I Maul.
Itse(I and Assorted for Rosy
of '1.1,,enplasue, at 04
The o4tbreak a
,rown may call,% A go in the DuEe
by the Minleter of Agriculture that
tb�s meanit that as, the law, was,:oirig-
tQbm bard, 93o�. Montreal frolght,
Train ConVoyllill; Horm BIOWn Up
at Y,oirklis plans. He auty 99 from
linally drafted ellat co,uld - 1, - a.
airin41air in framf -1 We 91 of, to
NV44 mar*4 on every carriage with
large 'oraos. ip.
. . .
A I.-- �;. -A FJ +h�
- . __ Ile boun�lary was arkell Pol;h ways?
M---- -----;:`�;� so P.A'to show the both Canada
only in the K;;lZrioa Court, U
. rider the
I I . I
910; and No. 3, 00c, Montreal freight.
I and imany wore skilled.
- Xa Hong fx,oav, a .1-4
PacUlo to Canada. I
olaba of
'L .
IN,SURAN09 , and .the United Statei;, Recently,
amen4meat it wpuld be ter ought be.
folre a Police ma,gl�trate or two ordi.
Millfee,d-Offoxinilra increasing, and
A dea%ntch train Protor IA ... LY5'-
The enemy Are again displaying Con-
W$4AIPe9 haA a building boQm. '
A despatch from Vienna isays. gas-
1. . I
, .
______ . however, he. bad received A, letter
11. , I 1. ..
L .
40-py ma,gistratea, prowided. that writ-
price 4,, 0.10 to $12,50,
a weaker. Bra
Aldemble activity in t4e. Orange R1v_L
There has been a 080,00t) fire at
Dawson City. . I
at 11 30r, *11l Visit
xg I. the Italian COMPO
America in the fall,wkth an orchestra
H .9 MCKILLOP MUTUAL FIREL - Begg.� of British Columbia,
T. , GE �CQMPAHY from Mr
t'ola COusent to 4o 00 Were obtained
UOM, the Attoruey.-Geacral of the
West; iri:I4 shortq, 013.50 to
, 014, west,
Cairn -Market 42 1-20 for
or Colony, an the Main, rail-
chief ly
A . haj,a.l 103 horses
L'aut.-Col. Darit paro
of eighty ,members, I -To will be paid
.INSURAN Who had communloated with Mr.
proWnce, or Irom, the-judgq of A
: , steady at
way line near Xrooiarstad.
. .
for the Imperial army at Ottawa,
810,000 a week, for eight weck,4-
. . ,
Farm and Isolated Town Property Bpentuer, who q%vA t)IW'=an at Paris,
S%pexjor or Coua�v Court.
.Canadian 7ellow west, and 48o TQ-
On Tbursday they de,ralled An am.
John Calder & Co., clothing manu-
As a result of the', appeal to CQCII
I only Insured, .
. . and Mr. Bremner istatid that the only
TUB bill was, xepDrte,d from, cotamit-
ronto;.Mxed is quQted,at 4 �q W*#,
bulaacetrain Proceeding Aouth with
facturers, of Hamilton, have Assigned.
Rho4es, tha Do Boers Mining Company
, �
L OFFICERS boundaxymarked
J. 13, McLean. President. Xlppon P. 0, ,, Thes, . was that in Accord-
P. 0 - T R .,
tee, oad now start ds for its third
AwlexioutI, acintual at 50 1-2 to 510
hexe, L
Convalescent soldiers, a few of whom
who 1201V Minto bridge over the R
d I-
eau River at Ottawa Will be opened
has promised to give .the Kimberley
Council ;90,000 annuidly for the next
Frazer, Vlea-President, Brucoflold
Hays. Soci-Treas., Seafbrth 11 O., Nv., 0, amce with the, American Contention.
Bivaelfeitit, itspootorof Losses, 86foRh P,O. ' Col, Prior wapted, to know, what was
Ity'li-The wairket 4.9 Ralet, With
were injured, 1.
The wracking of the hospital train
early lit June.
throe ye L ars, , for th . a , I
dating th In d a lcipa1PUdreJRf?o$1Qt lot liqu!"
DIRROTORS� the truth of the matter, and Also
� W. Q. Broadfoot, Seaforth, John Grieve,
On the item Of 07"500 foil steamship
Service bv!t,,w,een, St.
, prices sitea4y at 49a, middle freight.
13mokwh.eat-Prices unchan,ged at
Was awantQu outra
- ge. There was no
the 'hospital train, whioll,
Nineteen McGill stu.deabs have gone
-in a body to otudyL the Britl8b. 00111131-
L . I
Three hundred troops have been des- . .
, Inthrop - Goal- 0 ale, a art , a a whetheir the map wag to be exhibited
, I
Hiiiock-John enne iog, ra hl an. a as
, . at Glasgow 14 its Preseut condition-
John, Dublin, And
Belfast, Col. aughss askeet if any
153c, east.
NV44 mar*4 on every carriage with
large 'oraos. ip.
bla oo,al Mines. . I
Tile Canadian $team. Carriage Coin-
patched'to the Slalk4t district of In-
dia to suppresq plague riots. Twenty,
Evans, 13coohwood; a a onile . ri,
John XcLeaii, Kippoit. Shc Wilfrid Laurier. -I shall call
steps ,had Wen taken towards. etecur-
the - . privilege cKf landing ,
Zeap-Steudy, lytith sales Of No. 4,
addition to carrying
wbite flaSG4
Party have deelded'.to establish a new
fivis, vitiagqs axe In, revolt la the dii-
Robt Smith, Harlock; Robor AleMillan, SeA the attention of My colleague, the
lug khtering C
. anadian cattle. at Bol-
at.6%, wevit, (tind at 66c, mlAd.je fre411t,
to Montreal,
It I% a significant fact that 4 train
from Kimberley
factoryL in London.
HugliMaKinnon,formerly of Ham-
triat, And sever4l hospital assistants
, .
have been killed, oT w-ounded � .
forth; janieseiiiiiniings,Vi,gmotidvillo,, J. W min
Yea, I1QImQsylIIQ P. 0. . . I ister of Agriculture, to' the rep-
wat m t t. This
wa%la privilege allowed L at Col y afew
Ila,rley,-M Vith No r 2
arkot quiet, w
witill, specie from
Buluwayc?, under a strong escort, was
iltoga, has , gone' to. DaWson to no . t. as
. � . i* 'r,
Parties deaf ratio to effect inguranco or tram resentations of my.bou. friend.. I may
sactothorbusliivs�willbo promptly Attended . .
to oil a leatlon to ally of the, Above ofticeil; say, hotwever, that in view of the ad-
PDrtr,, aune of Which were in Ireland.
Mr. Fisher replied that the Depart-
, L .
quoted at 50c, IlikoL parts;. And. at, 43
almost due, 1�ut was stopped some djs�
tance off on Information -of tha attack
chief of police,
Sir Win. Macdonald'has endowed
. .
addresse'91tjo their respective, post offices, vice we have received frola our law
me-liat of Agriculture in the Old Coun-
to 440, Infiddle firelghts; No, 3.extra,
beingL rooelved. . . .
I .
five travelling scholarships for Me-
, L
I �
. .
� 11 I
. officer, it ls� hard to Main-
try had f latly ref us,sa L to grant 45uah
42o, middle freights, � . . I
. At Springfontela . - Another craix�
01111 graduates irk law,
. I . ,. I
r4ry .
JOHN T. EM tain that J.,he bouuda,rT the
a. prWle,go. He intended to visit
Olktls-'rni: rm. X t
. Co. I White gold a
containing horses ivas blown up and
it number at killed.
Secretary Moore, of the Montreal
runs. up
TIRE LEADING BARBER - Cla-rence channel. The treaty aays,
within, a few waek:4, and
WOuld then - ta Ik a v r the .IV hole ca t,
32a east, No. - a firm at gle, ,bi gb
animali% I
About fit ty Of the enently Crossed the
Gas Clanipany, has received POD froxp
D no man a$LeQr1SO'en.Ca Money.
,A I
I .
. . I L
I . AlsoAgontfor . Ira so many woraiii, tile Portland Canal,
tle question rwith the Imperial Author—
freights, with cou,siderable shipments
11'arth, ,
line near ,Stan4erton oil Wednesday,
I . I . .
Chatham's at figures slito
as"same W
. . .
. . �
" .
, � I �
STANDA41) LIJ?H INSURANCE COMPANY ,but thore 14, a difference 'of opinion
Itiest, and ,would urge upon them( that
their regulations. requiring Canadian
I I . -
Floux-The markot Is ateady, with
. .
' I L 4P � 1. .
� I
that the. city has ,8,076 inhabitants,
I a. decrease 6i nearly one hundred.
11ccor4l of occurrences Ili the 11,aud Tha I
Ateisr.as Supreme lit the cobutleret'Ll . I
InL Read Office for Caimda�, Montreal. 1.
-cc, . . . $110 000 000 between the.Amerietiu* and ourselves
suranco fit for 3,600:OW 114 to where the channel Is.* We claim
Investments Ili Canada, - - - A
cattle to b,
. a slaughtered oil landing
Was an aspersion against. the health
99 pex coat, pateut 43, baylers- baigs,
quoted At $2.62 1-
1?; choice lots, 14 to
. . �. I
, � L
The Government will -build a private
�ear the
. . . L
World. . .
Great depression Is reported, in the I
Established 1825., The old reliable And frivOrtle' .that it ict West Of P.e
. . . airso Island;, they
Of Calladiall: cattle, And was an un-.
justifiable advorlisement to tbe-rest
20VII more, Afanktoba patents, §4.25;
und strong liakers' $3,95. . I .
. I
to best �20;006 for the use of
Duke and Duehe�a Of Cornwall and
building, trades throughout Lvngland- , .
L .
Lol"'ICT' SMitllqbolek.op�o,-,itop6st.Oftl'(-, claim that it is Observatory Inlet, As
W= .
of the world that the mother C ,
Outrueal-Irlie market is firm in car
. .
Boers Sprinkled Pqi�on.ln Food Th Qy
York, - .
There are 16,000 policemen- In Lou -
__ -__ to endeavouring to thave the line p4siii
.try �egarded Cattle. from, Canada as
lutli at 03.55, in WV; and at 03.65 ill
I ,
Left. Behind.
Three people were burned to death
don, Ql00O in Paris, and 5,000 in Bar-.
' I .
OMMUMMEM, 111.011,19 Clarence channel., wwoll li , a
d, rolls,
111194 .
' .
wood. "
L .
Buffalo, May 14,F lour - Steady.
� � I .
A despatch from Cape. Town say�.
in a fire in a little hotel kept by
Pierre Brunel in Dfaisonnitive, QUe.,
. I .
,. L
Sir Edwip Arnold, ,Who haq Leon
.: pretension Mr. Begg'has often aub�
Whout--Spring, fair' -demand for spot;
-It ia authoritatively stated that a
on Sunday -morning. . .
sofely tried by a long illness, is no�v
I . � . mitted to me, I do not think. A.)fyOa8
Aftair a t - wo, liours' fight in, the Pri-
No. I Norther1l, old,. carloads, $Go ; do.,
ne,w and ugly feaLure -has Wen: Lintro-
Ottawa, - a city of 60,000, has�- . 74
practically blind, 1. .. � .
. Trains will arrive At and depart from Clinton -Who will take a careful view of the
. . .
Station as follows:- L be
vate Bills ConaneiLtee, tile bill to '
-in -
ourPorate the. Qa1auc0au Nurses' As-
O.U., lit .stock, round lots, 82c. Winter
wheat-Dida fair No. 2 red at.77 140,
. .
duced into warfake in Kritzirig,er's
hotel, 02 shop and seven wholesale
licene es -and a few or, tfie hotels have
No one. oan'be gazett�d to the Life .
I .
. I
I matter can ,convinced of the cor-
. . e
I . BUFFALO AND GODERIC11DIVIVON. . rectness of that 1pretensLop. The point
I ,
soiciation, wms irlepurt,od, widi,sciaL6 -
. . .
aimisoamenta. ',th6s
And 70 1-?, to 77o for white and,mixed,
but,tielle-ra asking Much highorl)rices.
Commando, operating in the Cradook
district, * ,. �
be cut off, tod. . I
... . . L
or Horse ualoss; be is an Ltbo ,
. . I � . ,
Prince Of Wales' list. . . .
.GoIll 1.688L �
,.gRaS1t.EXp 7:38 a. at. on which, we - a AmelTi
, " and-tb cans do not
41 � L 2*& p, m, agree is as to hat 19 Par
" w dand 'ohau-
pairta,lit As . bill
0-6 to Chre H a, the aurses
L Are
Coirm-6teady,; No. 4 yellow, 49c; No.
Se ventearl, Boers from Ills comman-
do recently 4 farm At
Cillef CeMSUSL Commissioner .Blue has
to inspect L
90 ne to Washington the*
Archbishop Ayre, the aged Arch- . : I
L 4�25 p in. . . . .
Mixed. ,L
Gain "A' -L . 10: I 5 .�., �71', nel. They ,want to Inake *it ru p
�,q .?stMix6d
EXR1"oss Obsoxvatory �ton
. 1, .OW
.in exclusive poNyer to conduct the
4161.'14 of the -asso'ciaticil, they
3 do., 48 la -.4o; No. 2 corn 0 I
, Q 1-) ; No.,
8 do., 48 1-4, tIrrough'billed, . Oats---!
visited- Trol-
lip; , After looting the place and-
. o
VnRel d Statc� sySte Ig
m Of .Ltailalati'i
'returnS , '
bishop of GI as gow, has had a para y- , .
t ,a, L Be, zure. His ,condition is. aerjous,, .
. . 12:55 p, in. L inlet., �nnd :the,. tube
% . 11 , -
. . . *27 P. m.
, . west, making out -that Observatory
ftire not perallf.itt,dd to ,say who shall
, IT ), white, *)a;
)? III,; No. L - 33o ; No, 3 do., 3L
No. 2, mixed, Ox,
sanding in lies to the main com-
mando a few Miles distant, Burns, the
celasus .- .
** '
the wall,�kil,6,w*
Norcross Bros., n
, .
' Duke of York ha: th
The S. I .
. . idalAt is only a small Inlet. rui-inlug
I . .
G ollig South Express 7;47 A. ill'. int6 the interior. We, the other
14 ,Dd whio,sh-aill nat become members.
Th!3 gxa.dWat,aS of itniv L 3n' -d
i aarporate
; No, 3 do., , 29 1-2c,
thro ugh bllle�. , Barliy-L ittle, busi-
leader of the baud, sprinkled strych�:
.nin.- . � I .
New York builders, have the contract
a d a daughter, each of Whom would .. I .
� I on
I . '. .. AlixLd, . 4:2- a. to. .
Going North Expregs. . . " P- in hand, contend that Portland canal is
I . 10:1�
11000tal air of bospitia�% cornamoted b
nesa doric,. awlrtg to ice blockade ; sup-
.ply very,smair.''Ry N 2 o;a tr
8 a.
-the meal, su utter
I .gar, and b L
Nviifell. they were urlal)le jo Move L
to build the fine ne.w Bank of
Montreal., building at Montreal. I
,ome, Successive heir Lto thetbTglia. L
: : �
' Lord Salisbury - has n6,W been , Pre -
- .
, .. .
Alixod . ii:54 P. Ill: 4a.-W.is. described 6n the 'map at.Van-
. A O. PAIP'1780N, F. -R, HODGEN% OOuv'er . on which Uia treaty' of 1825-
tilluailaipa-lity a.re eligible for � ady
I L- L
'm,:LiJ1$1cin, but a co,imliftba-littay! be re-
. ack,
isol d at Gk-. * . I I
This statement, is supported by at-
fid a vi tA. : ..
' 'Xhe wark.o.f.,re-markiTig the British
., .
infer for 12 years 149 .dayi, longer .
, , .
- . IL . , t, 'it' Town Ticket Agent. ,seems to have been based, nainely, all
. J - .
1% DIOICSONi. , I h
that channel of watar:IvhIC sruns
. I
qg&redt tio, paA,%,a.n exan-duadon 'befo,'re
becoluilnig a member f t
0, lit,- order. -For
Chica .
�t 91), May 14.-:-Afte'r
: --rengtll..Qn foreign CrOp "Jeares the
, . . .
. . . .
'' . . . .. I L I
I , .
. ,
.Columbia boundary ivill
ear!y in June. The line to ba survey-.
-than any Other Minister since' the I
first Reform Act-. * �. . � L I I
District Passi�li.,ep Agent,'roronto, , .
. . - I . I west bf P,earse island. .
: . .
. L _ _
thli. porpaie potwex is- given, the pre
whea L tax Tke,t to -day succumbed to
the domestic pro .
speot of,il'boliatifill
. . . , . �
.. ....
. . . ............ . ..... _4�
I . . . I .
� ed'ia About. 400 ,Miles Ili ,length. L
. ,
Tbd consus enumeration will' it Is
� .. -can Victoria, in, her younge I
Qu . . s.day4.: �
---.,-. _7�
W � . .. .
. ' �
.. I .. � :- the. third reading Of the bill
.dent of each. Pjco1rjn,3i4l,J 3fedioal
Coiubcd,l in Canada to appoint a b&i,rd
. - i
� I � IL
harvest; and cl6qed 'for July.
. Ic, lower.
CoTA closed isteady, J` u ly A
.L I . � �
. .W01-00010008 I
� I . . . .
I . . I
thought, place Hamiliton's pop�tation
between 53iOOO, and' 54 000, -which is
bad quite.a tasta.lor millinery, and; I .
what is more, was, not above trim. .:
. . .
.04 ."Re-
. .
a . 1. . I I specting I:U Canadian' Pacific. .-Rail-
. . . �
Of phyislawns whielf sfia-l'i exa
. ,min e
cand'dakets wbicile names are submit
. shade u
. P,
and .May 1-20 io-weT, Oats enjoyed the
d, � — I
I . . .
I �
Forelgil Ministers Denlan(IL . tills
. h less t lZell,3,eXpacted.
ralle ban'the. oit,
min I . �
L' g her own bonnets. . .. .
. I -Duke.
. I
. . way Company,". Mr. Soott,�,Of West
� AGE,,vT c. P. R. , . Amsikiaboia, moved that -it be read a
I . I
ti?d, T'lle Advi�ory Board,. a,s describ-
ed 1-n the or, iginali bill, is.
biggest market on the, floor, Jill
CIMLng at an � advance of 3-4e. .13r' Y
. .
ount of Chinese GOV6rhy
AM I . .
- I nent.
L . . I
. , 6 Domin-
. Via pustoom xave)AIle of th,
I -on for the inelaft of April wits $2,270,-
The'praiients the of Cornwall
. .
hast in hi's lug�aige 96r va-r . lous poirsons
. . . . . I .1 Lhfl`d time this'day six months. This
. . � i� tba. bill- )granting it charter from
not, dxfect�
ad hy the anil"n'.1man't'si.: It'-wi'l-1 be
VLAiOns, at the close -,were 5 to 7 1-2c
depressed. � . � . �
A despatch f ro'
in Pekin §ays:�Tlie!
I .
_2 f or. the same
257 as algalln'st 42 97 68�
iu'th6 Commonwealth' are said to I
total nearly ;2O 00 in value-. . e ..
. . � � I Toulon to- S'ftonllt Landing; but mak-,
. . .L . I ' . . 1.
nl�oted. by tbe� assoe'ationt, With
. , to the L ; lout
any xestrintloon Q4 persons wbo
. .
TGIedo , �VheatL ' '
I ,May 14.- -Cash -and
foreign Ministers on, Tuesday,, decided
'taL ',
addre,_zk a oollective to the
period lqst year, of A decrease of I
. ; . .
421,725. .. - '. . .LL. �
. 10 I
Sir'Arobibald Hunter, iaince, his aT-
. I Travelle r s to any part of .the ink it conditional ,upon, tile ej=Patly��
. I I. . .
world should cbnsdlt the first Constructing' A line from Teu-
. . . .. .
inay &OMP013's R.' .! .1 , ., I
.. ., . . . �
. i �:
M ay, 741-4c; July, 77c. Cora-Calih,
* I
and MAY, 461-2c; July, 461-4c,'- Oats
. . . I . a
ldhlne,.� .Government, .informing -It
Lieut. & Wilkes,- 'a graduate of -the
* .
rival home r 0 a a
f ona'.� nib At rlo ,. , ha I
' .
. .
. . abeliveln. referenbe, �io tickets, lolito�Gimli. Thecontentlohnel I vane-;
. I I L. _�� I . - . .
I . I . . I . . ... .
. .
CaSh, �81-2c; May, We; !ltiiy,*27'1-4o.
� I . I
that ftjoint indemnity of §720,OOOiOOO
. . .
Royal Military College, . ;, who
� IC-ingoton
is a son elt M�. G., H-. Wilke.s,Btu -
- �t
age .
in becolne associated - with: his old
regiraeat,.. the Xing's Own Royal Lan. -
. fares"etc. . -ad Mr. qc6tL.wd1A that the, Canadian
I � . I .
. . . .. 1?AcIfio -railway alr'cudy holds charter
. . . I . L s
, . . . . I .
. . .
- ',�
Rlye-�-55c.- me'L
I Cloverr,Led"Cul'eh, pri
- O.t6be
L$6.50; �,., $�.25. ; Oil�_ULr(ohang_
would be demanded, And* Asking what.
'Ma*tbods of payment 7were proposed� A
f Oria; hali WalJL promoted -to a oapialp-�
L �
cy in, India. . . . I
. � . I .
ag,at", - . . .
I : . . I .. .. .. I
� Lf&r aoyk
I ., . . ra:1 branch lines it! Manitoba,
� arid thc�.fferrltorles, and' thaV they
W.L ' -
- 0
. I .. I .. . . I .. I I
I I . .1
1 . . . . . :
' ' � ' w� . .''
cil., . . . . . .... I...''. ..." '.
Milwau L kee,, - �
4. May 14. -Wheat -Irre-
. .
r.'f-ply i'S expected. at tbe-'and of. .tbb .
. , , r
week� Nvlilah'probably will. piopose a
. .....I . ....
L -
George Turner -Jefferson Bla'q and
I .
Martin- McFadyan, thrao
1 The total number of women over 18 -
years old employed 14 Cho . - factories'
-'a construct these'
I � shouldbd,compaled t
1. � . I ioir
AGENT C-,, P. -Ft - li.La. before receiving charters.
Many Sinall . Fortunes, Con! t
ple ely
* . L . . .1 -1.
gular; No� 1 Northern, 7 '
4 1-2 to 75c;
No..'2-NOrthera, 171'1�-:), to 731-2c. Rye
. I
me,et tlie�-1 'the
Indemnity by: raising .
. ...
:Ouswras '
% .1.
I of Sprucciltile, Muskoka)vere drowned
. .. I. .
and work,shops. I
'Of the 13kitish Islanoa, .
. I
...� . I . . ,� 4 .
� . . . I others. More especially lie . wanted .a
� .
N 'I
.-* I 1. Wipod Out. . . .
I . I .
A despatch in New York saysf-
-Firmi No.. I. 55e. - * Bailey -Steady
.tariff.. L . . . 1.
r w gree
The )IIinist' are unable to,�
in Doe� Lakel�ou T hur.9day by an.acoid _
. . . . I . .�, .
alit the.0 ljoilt. ;L � I .,.
Js tibout 6 -whom. 11per ceut� -
KOM; a( .. � ... I .
bdioog..to trade, . � L.
, � uulong��'. , ' 1.
a b ill. t which would give rallway
. .. I oommumleation'to the'Veople north -of
, 1. I . �
, Until.. Friday -the. Black Friday of
. .
N6. �1' 57 -to 57 1-12c; sam 4
, plc,,. 42, to 5 c:
Minneapolis, , May - '14. -Close: -
t . J
a�j o the deesl.rsp,hility 6f.opaning the
whole emptro* to trade apel residence,
.to . I
I , .
', . 1:
Chairman Dr. mpbell, . Of he
be .
Dr;'- Mantle Of Halifax,'bas' lieeo . ,
J . . ,, .
. . .
.: . . ' - * the Qu.'Appelle. valley- . .
. % . -- .z. .
Several Killed and, Many. Injured--;- .',Mv- Duvis, of Saskatchewan; sup-�.
. .. I .
� �eara ago, �vag re -called a express
.. t . L - ' '
the nation * of, all tile evil tbat�'.could�
- at ' ' . 73c; July,
Who 6 a6h, 7' ' _'C' M
,733-8 ,7,'m .t&ok., NO. T1hy,;rdj 751-80;'
some of them -holding theitLit -would
I .
be �,aqklng Claina'to.a too grea t
iftutialti *
London Health Board; says the ar,
! . -
. hCUSing VS at
rangementa:.for prisonei
.lacturlag -on churchgbing" and atb-
� �
'' .
letics. .. He was s' ry t6 have to."'y
. or
. S. . . ported �. the Motion,': fie contended
. AttrIbuied to Anarchist .
.. ,
. . . . .. that the object of the.,C. P. R. in
. . . .. .
eve,� befall �Wall-'Stroet-; Jo ea:k,in
. . I sp... 9
NO, 1 173 1-90;' No.. 2 Wart ,
ern, 70,5-8 7imc.. *FloxirL.'
-to ' and
responsibility� and 't rider, the
' systent. �of
the London police. fitation. are a d Is-
-race to I .
g -elvili.zation..L. "
a word'against .athletics., but when ,
. ' L
. rance, , not. to
A despateli .from Heindaye, 'F g .these charters L WL19
1 . . .
� . I . .
I i
of the- ha�ppentrlg4 of Priday and t lair
. I .
Oraw-Unchanged, . L . I . .
. .
present jov*6raiment it.
, L
would� ba.leapossibia to gdaranteethe
, .. .
- Col. P66*rs; at .London,. lies issued
Men got football on. the, brain
Malay '' ,*as
had God and. iiii. thbughEsi of �
IL .: - ,W V i B5 WeeCIVO-d here "fioan, litt,.?s; -bult to prevent. others
1�4y, < . I
con,4equenc*s, 'an old stock trader
Duluth, !IlTay 14.-Wh�at closed: --r'
. .
safety of the - nullierou'§� foreigners
an order peiniittlud commanding Off!-
. I
. . 1.
Him. waro'driven out. �. .. . . .
. L . L '
Da..'%!-olalla, ,Spain, �say sev�.ral. perso. I n , s f.r&m building them. � L .
. 9
. � .. , . , Att'er remark from Messrs.
. . .- .
, .
s�iA:-"That which., Makes. -this L day
.. . .
Cilab No. I haM, 76% No. I Northern,
74c; May, 74p;� J*uiy, 74'3
' -46; September,
Who wbuld floie'k 1itto'L the Interior if.
tile e' i '
mpir� Were entirely opened..
�elni of regiments, Who - wisit, to wear
. waists ,and straw hats at the
shift -
.. . ' ' I ... .,
V � -nn U 'I Is'th � Aoii0n% at the
,, sl 8 I
wexei killed and aumbprs Ispere' injuf-
, - . .; . aa.-sa, Put -tee, and Oliver; the mation
* L .
disagtrGus j�s ill t so many imull for-
a I I I .
I&I-26. . Corn -431-4c, � May,- 43 a
. I -4c.
. . . I ..
next -annual camps,: to do so. ' I
ev. _'OrAdeilak Wilson' Cooller�_
. .
I ..
. ed during,the dxsUrdera't here on Weil- 9Qr Lhe Rix -months' holit'L WA% nega.;
. ." . � .
tune.g*,bave.. been ivipod I - . .
,on t, - it nd -90
-Oats�281-4. to. 0C. ; :
. . 1
.. .' ' '' L. , . . .- 'L . . I
% . . .
. . . .
The Victoria Day Celebration Cora-.
, rector. of Prest.ilichi near, Manchester, .
. P .1 .
. I .. . L I V(.d, . 1� I � I
neaday. . - .:. - - . I I . � . . . 1, I .. ... . . � . . �
, I . .. .. . ..
o ,
-many Persons of small iii.cio'hileff have.
.. I . P. . I . .
. . � , I I
. . �__� , % . .
. I .. I I .. .
. . 11
. . I
dultte6 of Kingston have invited.'Lo '
- rd
. . .
. ary of'-41,�601.
who objecto .to. his sal .
'at- -able
for the
. The* disiardeni Were renewed Thars- , . _MANITOBA RAILWAY BILL.
bqen ruined..' This tact will make the
� . . , .
. . I , I
f. -
. s,ot -the
and Lady'Minto, the Prarbler'
A YL very r . I
ramarL . am-,. . 1.
day. MoxIii-tig, and, Nvexe rigorously re- . . . ... . . I . . .
O0pS L . The .Hdttsz t
presse by tr -.aiid. gendairmes. * i Oak up'the bill.'embody-
d . -
. .
d4y,Mt by 'th'a but6hera and bakers
. . , ' L ,
. .
!, Toro.;ntC,.-4vJay -14..'-Butter-the alar.,
ket Is unobangeid with falr,supply� 64
. . . . ..L I . .� I .
. . .I .— , . . I.:. I .
, . . ..
Dominion and Province' and 66
. ,
.,,be, of Parliament to Sp L end the
son that -it 13' tbo much! He regardi
� -
;C400 a.4 gDod,eliough, lot him, � --
, lag the agreement betwooll. the Gov.
Th;6,.S�anitsh Government attributes .
'and 'the
all Over.' the country. Aftor a ex-
. . � th
rolls, w&cb. twit 'At 12 1-2 toL 13&. Old
Red Hot- I.r.on $truck,* Montreal, Dian
. . I .. . I
.. -
diiy l4n Kingstom I :
i4a -
Altioned the It Con
PL L allure nail - ,
ernment of Manitoba Cana-
the Lrouble, to foieiga �and SpariNh �L .1.1 I
. ,
41an Xorth6 n'Rallway. Company re
parlance of to -day , t� wilt be. many a
1. . .
tub Au.11, With very little '
. choice of-
. . In the Stomach. . L
-1 I
L I . . .
It, is reportedLon excellent authority
Qff'-91,0001 to bo'gat aside for chure
,s. 'Put the fuse I t ,
Anairo*hfl�sts, who bave re.ttirne,d. trand � specting certain railu-'ays,. T.h-. Op-
mo6ii � �bifore. the, general ptlblid' will
. . �
fering, . Poor. to medlum,,10 to 12a.
. L
A de,sipatch from Montreal a'ays-.-.
that Halifax will soon cease -to hea.,purpasL
accept hi� gift doililte the reetor�s
exalla amid'who ,are co-operating . .. -
�posltlon to the. bill oilmo�'frdm Ales-
the i�.xtremie,- S�=,I.ullsts.� Therd have 1,
Again into'speoula
I tion, as it,
'' I I 1-1 .
. Dea,lers are getting ri d old and pra
I .. I-
paring,Lf..or good supply of-raw.grass
Lo,uL% LAchapelle. 29 years i old, of �08
- .. -
MllitLary station and pass into the con_
trof of th-i 4drairalty . and that ex-,
. �
Visa; th4t the surplus Z01,000L . J,.% S . " a �
I -srs. Puttee, Rlohardscn� a;nd Bour-
pecIa y 0 -
been nuuI,bv,xs of arrestl,'es ,I ,
has� bap,q. venturili t ho,:, last , two
I L .
, .
b,tt,,. Cietimeq*, bQ,xeg,L 171-2- to
IrA.strcet, IV":
Manufacture killed: on
i � . . .1 ..
, ' I
terialVe na�Vitl Works will be - c 947'
serious hindrance,to his, work." :In
. I
.1 assa
faine1g,lit , - - of Ivbom� ma c earnest 'ap.;
Artarichlit 4, and firL" all I d
I arms, ,
knives; and -handbills urging .Inoen- peaL%� to have .the matter- sent back
. ''9 P ..
this . .
man . .
. . .
. .. 1, .. . ..
" Th. Wonderful trading down. here
18 1-2c, aad pounds, �18 14 to 19 1-2c.
'Nggs-Recaipts ure large, and prides.
t .. . 'k.. I
td�aesda� aijbt - bile
WE W a wor in
PillONy and ' 116r.iwy's foundry, .. St.
I .
IL . . P ..
.atri otedi ; ,� '. I ,.� I , .. .
.. I I I . . I . ., I .. . .
. I
nces Mr. Cooper ag L
, these circtilasta - ' ' h
.Written,. to hiis PL ri I
a shoners assuring
cithe to .the Legislature of the
aln'�rlsm I I love bee'll. .seized.. . I I., . . province I or *to J'ha people for a ple.
.1 . - .. .
. *
IS! to be accounted for, not by P the an-
unchila'ged, At io i.2 to 11c -per Aoi,ell,
Patrick. atreet. He Was attending
. .
Mackenzie, & Mann.- have ' begun
work on 'the section:. ofAlie Inverness
them that he'Will still lidvehisway,
by having. ;C400 paid into -his pri-
I. P 1. .
. WHO $A,,) ',%:IL 'L. . b1scite.' Tbc--H'Duse,'hop.we.ver, p4id
I . ..T,1� I . . '
very. little attention Ao- their
ormous- .transactions .a4 the big fel-
. _
lowa, but -by the operatloiii Of _th6u
Cheese-Marltet eittiet. Full cream
Septel now - *
mbe r, 9 116 100; , 8 8 47to 9c,,
all immense .roller; which. ran,over
ba 'L One
ra or. red hot Iran of whir,#f;ew.
and Richmond Rallway, . between
vate bank Account and the -_ '000,
-her %. .
. . � argu-
The iv . Ile of a . Gordon, Highitinder ;
Ments; the membars having obviously
sands ,Of men and wom,qn'. -who �Wa`37a_
led to� belia" . to
, 1.
. . .. I -n_ � I P I
upr wull %truck him .
: 'in the* abdom0p,
.1 . P ...
` -
HawkesbAry, C.� B.I. -
. and Port Hast-
ings. It is to connect with the Ili-
paid into allot acco at': a . . the
U fa�
good of thd Church. �
received some time ago Ita invitation Made up their minds not tot interfere,
So t I
s It -
to visit -him at the barraoks'ln at- but. to let Manitoba do a - likes
. ,that -was easy.
Ma a
k .quick fortuneni-in stock-gamb
I , thL 'Ili P ,
Ang. They'had heard of a ok of..
I . I 1. . .. .1 .. �
Tbrooto, May IC -Dressed bogs iia-
- . .. , .. .
.1 . 1. L' 0 '. - I I
. P . I
' .
CAPITAL: OF PtZP000,000.
tereDlontal. Railway, . . . .
L . L
General O'Ondy Haly would like
I " L
. . . I
The Rev.. Richard Free, one at the
L. I .P. I .
M Ost , of the eatit-ead. clergy,
OL the-conoequenceg if.the bar
land, She did ry , taking -With bar and L -
their -little sixryear-DId When gain pr -es to be a bad Qje; .�.L
their frieilds. They had read in Alie,
changed � at $1
I ' �.50 to� $8.75.
are .unchanged. are as
L . I 11
. . I .
k-.&" , I I
to.see ,the bmploye'rs'-of l4b6ur'balbe:
of ibeir;em-
.Popular , .. .
Iva- I
a a a little V, .tosuIlplelneut The P I
. . . ., P
. . . .
they arrive e,bus ..
,d, asr,'it happened, th - �10
� Q
newspapers of, the .1upli of persons
'th6y had kiever, board 40i" '
and' tbey�,
...Quotatlon� I I. L
'kQIlc,ws:-'Baec.n, long clear,, I n
, case, :1
, �.
1 .4 .
. .
What'TWo Ciergue Companies Will
large dit iall Canada give
-who belong to the mill Ma half
ployeft I
L energy of his flock,'a d he bati made'
. .. . L
band Was arfgaged on. sentry duty, I ... . .
. .not approach.him. - TheL.HojiSe Again warl't tat a conamit-'
and so t . hey -could
. .
cono' u to takem. ,a . flyer. in the
Lear lots, .10CLi and
) n Lease lots 1014
to iOl-26; .�bop,t Out POfk,'#2O t�
, .
1. I
'I Wh . .1 .. .
'lave . on, Anialigarnated . . -
P each
,a day off'on Wednesday of .
week during� the su.narri6r.m6uths for.
the following spirited offei . In the L
Tropical Tirn6sz-"if any west -end - ." I
- Tho.child eyed her "daddy" with..a tee on.the bill inodrporaf(l the Can-
,t,ee May of -them ,got .out by
' .
the onliddie O"ast week, and they or,-
P20.150; heavy mr,sa pork, 019 tot $19,150;
.The Ont.arl6jljake $t1berior Company
. . I "I . . .
drill purposes. 7 . 11 I 1. 1.
church will pay LU.q.L for our work and ' *****
rather aorrowful but amazed expres- adian' Nur',%es' Association.
sion as ba paced up And down' the Mr. � - Sutherland objected - to 0
richer by thousands_tfian tbev were.
shoulder ntess,.615. L I L I
,. Smoked meats -Hams, heavy,. 12c&L.
and the Consolidated Lake superior
Cr both Clarg`uie -
. � . . L P... .. :. ,,
allow-tbe payment to go to,our little
Church, of St. Cuthbort here$ In Mill-�
. I
square : Shouldering. his rifle, And SCDPL Of the I blill, He thought it
tibey'speculated. Afany'*
I more
stayed iri;,j6o long, and to-night'theY
medium, 13c; light, 18.14oi ,rolls, Ile
I I ;
onipaity, - enterprises,
a re. to be Amalgamated With. a total.
. . . I .
The MarquIa of i3luts, who 4164 last
wall; we.Will. give. theta a' thorough " 'L
� .
wearing, a'kilt. L She had never be- would - make df the incorporators
, a
, corporation, and advantage the
forp baheld lilirr thus Arrayed, and for' cloiL
are many, dollar.%. worse af, tbaw,no-
P .
and shoulders., 101-20, 1 1 �
Lard-71?ails, 108-4 to,11c, 'tubs, 10
§11.7,000,000. Even
capitalization of . -CO
October, le4yespan estate of.ie!5,026,�
. . L�
sprl.11g� cleaning, I have some thirty . .
men, women, and girls, who will,
a few'mIrIutAW4 the spectacle seemed IlDellitals 'with which tbey V�ere rail-
I 3-
to, bd quite licyand her; but for no at kineut of -the Lho I
thing." I . �. . I .
- * 1
L - At the -Produce, E irchange just after
14 60 10 3-4c., in �tiereqs*, 10 14 - to.
101-2c. 1 . . .
should the United States �Stedl n-,
par L *
ation buy out.4-he.-Dominion . Iran
.. .
375, . , . . .
' Xing Edward c6ritemplatea the pur-
sorub,sWe Ish to their
.8p, dust aad poll L ,
O'Wrl hearts.' content. 'and that of their
longer . could sh-6 Amp silent.. I pitals Ili the smaller cities and towns.
11 O'clock Fridtly'llaoiriing, a cab'droye
up and ibdoolored, man Aervani; help-
,' :. . . I
L I - -
al Company" � e:
and Ste A Sydney, Cap
Preton, Canada Will still have a atrong
at Craig.
chase. of Mine. Patti's castle. .
1. I I .. .
wealthier frieiAdEt -in the ocitamon. . .
I,Mamma," sh� said, in A -voice that Be .would lik.; to .see the bill amended
betrayed A trace of childish cavot- .%-a as to give equal, privileges to all
ad art elderlyL.Woman to the street.. She
� L
. PR
Toronto, May M-Th6 total receipts
rival to the Morgan bi'lliorli-dolkar
:1. L L
L It. h' lo an offioi
Ut a ally Announced
faith and -will do it gladly for the L
sake'6f their little church. And I � :.
. . I �.
911.9ness, "it daddy finds the man'who trained nurses, P � .
leas In thn discussion which followed
might have Wen 0 01 ild
0 years d a . ,L
Was dressed in bla k. , Calling a Mes-
at the westeirn cattle yards this morn- �
- - - -
truist.. , . I
Of the 10117,W0,000,capit4al *f the *Con.
fitat Owing to the mourning for the
. late Queen; Victoria 1:16 drawing-
believe, With the experie=6 X have I
acquired,.I Can now Wels-wax
4itole tt�oasors, will he gloinia dat L
. I .. . L Messrs, Prassr, Borden, Xon k, .33,011,
I-Ickle frook?!'_ . .. I I
seager sh3 asked: "What is the pride
Of.. L.Titited S.tateg' Steel,
I Tg amounted to only 54 carloads of
live stock, including 1,100 c.attl'q, goo
polielated eompaillesi $35,000,000 will be
non -cumulative, 7 �pee,aent. preferred,
,room% or levees wilt be held this Yedi-
' 'in
. and
polish a floor or',varalsh Chairs, wil;h . P
- -ary.,* Sir.Louls Davl6sj and'Gil�,
.�=52cxmuwqtmnu=� -.:- _McCre
___ ___ ___ I mour took. part'. 13.2veral members
, .
� � .
.:. , ,. COXRW,�'TELY RUINEIiD. � I
. .
hogs, 70 Calves, 60 aheep�ania lanabs,
,a foL ..
and ,w milch cow,. .
. .
and P2,000,00 Common stock. I
I I . .
I The Opposition the ltouse'oi Coin-
Mons wi: 11 oppoge the Ariny.Refoiln
anybody, my wife tq Al At. 'paint.
-ing And decoration."' I P
. . hA f
tejd t a 'the
. L the powers given'to
I a4weinti ce And the
� P"
. The bDy-told har. that the( last quo -
IT .., .
. .1 The maxket was it small on�e, but
. .
L i P .1
I .0 . .-
q . . .
bill. ba the ground that the same ,re-'
. .
L . . �
. I
. . P.
. . .
. � . . . .
, .
taticia Was §7. -he woman seemed
I .
ne ally firat to stronge-
. I .
Sul to could be secured at, cost,
. -------.a— I
. I . . �
. up3hol; was- a. decision to -refer the
. COM_
hill back to t he'. P Avate B1114.
about to collapse. Shocall
PS L ' acted hek-�
ex, and a speedy clearance was
. ef-
I It% consequence of the severe do-
� . 11
rNST . . .
' '
, fo� amendment,' .LL L I I .
� I . ..
"It cone,w1hat, and then, buried. her
face in har handkerchief, and wepl.l. as
fected.: .. I
The *Engli4h markets are a - Mile
. I . . .. -
. --!. .. . 11 .
- ,
pression, in the Midland Iran trade.il;
reduction of'twenty shillings per ton
� . ..S . ..
Arabian horses manifest remairk- . . .
L You know, a I I Mr. McCarthy life-aented ii petition
if 4ho: had been siiddenly afflicted with
better, and. the export trade li,r,,r
Children Played With Matches AndL
has been- made in.Staffordshire mark-
. .'
able aourage ill battle, It is said that .
. to W allowed to introduce a bill ro-
L dbout it, The �;peetlng th3 - Great Northern railway,
it great grief, As she wa.nt down, tile
stoftslie wa6 heard to say: "Jackson,
I Oti .
.4 it va'and.prices were strong, for
the beat stuff a shade fixiner than
- � Cradle, Caught . Fire. .
ad iron. r I I .
When a horse of tbi� b'
reed finds him-
. . rUahoL �the The obj2ot is to rivike tho, bonds on
� 'L
V in tLerly. and Completely ralned. I
on Tueoday;, 'though not quota�ly
A, despatch from Mo4troal oa.va.-
A Clique of'swindlara maki Lou-
4o,n their headquarters and professing
. .
a elf L wounded, and perceives that - he I
WOrry, the the rail -way And the bonds on the
fLaven't a dollar to lay naffte�,*' L
changed. Good to cliolee*expottersare
Edlesa Dagetials) se-ven imonths old,
. to represent American lnsuxzLnea
will aot be able - to bear his - rider
. I company'A bridge over the
. " exhoustio riv - apply equally tQ t
. at he railway t)r
. The iWoretary. totho president of. one,
of the large,st bitalgii in town left the
Worth from 43-4 to 514 pet lb,thL
i�is the (at) price - for light export Cat.
waA so badly burned at her father"I
li=6, Champlain
dounpanies have swindlad haridreds of
' .
01111511 I
longer, he quickly retires from
the conflict, be i his mastar to a
. t .
go abott P
to the brulge. The i.e coin-
. Lt pany a d the bondlioldarAll�vval agreed
7 with a Lr r.e St n ha y
bank to catch a train for' his horne
in the suburbs. 'A friend noticed
tie the pvloe is iroin 4 1-4 to �5-8o per
pou,nd. APQarcr1QY'mOt8 cattle would
.14 1-2 ,street, on
F,r1da a to a
y f ru on, that zibe died next
Fxenchmen, . I
I . . P
place (if safety, whi he has still suf-
flefent strength. But, if, on the oth-
I � .. U .
.. . % Ight testing to this arrangement.. - , I
Vel poll
bliat he i3eemad -to be all brokcn up
have sold. . .
Morning. Fou,r little one'i kcound some
matches which 'they and be-
. . .
Destru,otive forest f1raSL are raglAg
ot% hand, the rider is wounded and )
yotili You cin't.throw IlHtTORIC BATTLE, GROUND. I
. .
about something, - Asking it ariya-
There was much grumbling about
fair(, they knew of Any danger, the
ln.� Barbaboo, Wis.,' district. �.
falls to Else ground, the faithful ani.
Iff -thla ftefing. You A depuLatiou Composed of'Ron. S.
. .
thing wais the matter, the secretary
slald.-"Bllly� this marke its
1; h
the market, ,and some dealers
satisfied With looking oft to -day, de*-
cradl e of. their Infant stater was on
Os,dar p go�a
')g one of Chica
Mal realains beside him, - unmindful
of danger, neighing until . assistance
. � N. .Parent, Premier of Quebec; Ilon.
are it alave to your work, Richard T -nor, Ron., John Sharpies,
dcne me ulii I Wen t in witil, ove ry cent -
all.nIng to trade at what one knan
Vre.'and the h[eqping child e Ve1OP8d
[� flames. . .
st.reats a flolr4aC� end kept the fLire-
. A, L .
, brough
is . I .
Sleep fhfls� and you -are Victor Chateanvort, H. M. Price, L.-
on the verge bf nervous. J. Thomas Davidson, Rev. 1P.
I Iliad fiaved? And every dollar has
Wein wiped cia. I'm going home'now
called "such -absurd prleas.,� I
'We had a batter Napply (Af stock.
, L .
. . L
I I 7-�-:.-- 1. .1,
nien btwy for ,Some blMe. .
Louis Edison Waterman, inventor of .
I .
' - . . L . . . I
I . Demers,
exhaustiono . - G. Scott, and others, of Quebec, In-
ta make a cleato breast Of it to ray
Ceti; to -day and there was an Active
!be fOLJat&'A lie' WItich bora blaLaaMe
I - i.,
Sir Wilfrid Laurier
. wilat is to be done? interview � aild
wife, and we'll iiry to Start all OV,et
O'galli. It took alp flive years to .save-,
� . . . �
deratirld, � I .
Not many. bullis Were here, and, thavo
. ".4 .
is dead in Brooklyn, N. Y.
It is admitted 'at Detroit that plans
.1 . f
. - 0 4'SS;
I Take . 91 otbzr member% of the Government,
and asked that the Dominion GOV-
up what I've lost. In the last three .
wits little doing. Nothange. in'quo.
nlidlit of Census Result Will
are under way foe the consolidation
"The negro of t o -day is -no longer .
ornment purchase the Plains of Ah-
houirs,., 1.
The, havoc tbib was wrought in the
Ltationg. I .
Good Miloh cowl; are still wanted,
Be Made Ili July.
of all the principal stove companies
in the States.
the negro of forty yeurs ago," said
. dollu-
I . I raharn for apublia park.
I taLlon foi�ade alit a Strong case
. . ' '
O rks and 'brokez,4,
bookkeepeirs, aad accountants, ,% (i
but are nort coming along. L I
It is the old stary with cal.vas". too
A despatch froin Ottawa sayg:-The
Canons .returns Axe coming in Marc,.
The Great Northern CeteAl Coin-
A ooloured member of Congress inan
address 'at Washington lately. "Since
I - I Tbi3 Pxonliierls re -ply wus sympatho-�
. : Ve, bu;t bo COW& not give a definito
Office, boys, and in filot noaxly all 0$,
rdany. hero of the Common �kirid, Gull
rapidly thU week, and the work In
pany of Chicago, the organization
which was contem0ated two Months
,9 his Illiteracy, has decreased by45 .
� .
4ft . I
I allawleir. Ile intimated, however, that
eaulloyes in Wall street was some-
not enough or the rightsort. Prices
At'Atern 0anada. is Well advanced. It
ago, k"'ftow in active existence, � P
per cent. His race noiNV. includes 2,000
" it bad b"In. piraotically decided to
the lie
51D r InIll
thing prodigious, It WaS the real
thing in tha,wuy of hard biak stories
00.11tintle At from $1 to $81,eaCh,
The, sup'lily of Am -ill stuff was un-
Will be impossibI6 to announce t4t,.
general populatloti before. the, first of
. Benjamin T. Miller, formerly of
lawyers, and as, many physicians. No -
purchase property. (lid not
a consider the ,,price, @80,000 which, the
that una board, andAt was easy to
usually small, and. the enquiry WAS
July, but the population of census dis-
Seattle, and Charles r,. G United
States commissioner for t Art, i to
groeis own achool property to the
value Of 11,4013,000, Church
, ,
For fifty it 1128 nuns ask for tbL-. property unreason-
see that theLwounds which been
Inflicted were deep and painful,
prices are d
stea Y- . but. . It"',
. obanged. . �
ttriots will Ile announced from time
to time
district, have been frozen to death Ili
to tile value ci, 18,000,000, farm and.
years able considering the malifter In which
been. lifting tip the dls� real estato has increased in value kil
,I%exe was., pa idemonium on ' t ho
Good grain -fed lambs are in de.
when completed.
No -me. I I �
household property to the value, of
couraged, giving rest to the Anolont Capital Ill recent Years,
, Sttck,Exchan V there
wexe not to be conlipared with those
at from 6 in 0z per lb� .
llue,ks are from S to 314o
1 1
Stoven pex.sonii were burned to death
In a terientent. house. at South Ohio go
al.59,000,000 Arid personal property to
the Value Of 434,000,00D. Thl.9 despite
the overworked, and but this feature w0uld be invest!-
. As fo, what the nuns might
'n acted in the offlaea where the, we-
per lb. �
__* , I P
early Sunday inornIng, A freight
lynobings, burninga, dise,afranchise-
n lng� r0fre.shing sleep e imona,y, supposIng Iho
brl do wilib th
nion tra do. As 1ho tickers showed
(-was are �rortl 41.0
Neglecting to Pay Full Postage -on.
train sUrtnding in front of the build-
ment, and the closed (lour of the �
e do tressed. Go"troment purchased (be property
to t�
that lil -!"s Were going down until it
se-eme. , d a,,4 H there, Ivan no. bottom - to.
,01,', ,worth
. per 11),
Spring lattabs sell, at front $2 to $5
. . Letters to.England.
linig, and whi�,.b, it i4 rh�tlmed, thA orow
reftweA to movo, blocked the firemen,
while man's house'." ,
. .
No otger somparilla that was a matter �tyr themselIen
the market, the %vo men who Wather-
each. .
despatich brom. Lund On, SaY4'-
who Were unable to got atmr the burn-
. _____*_�
approaches It. In age I alone. . I I
. I , i 1. 0 - &LIEN LABOUR HILL,
'Id rou.,nd tbe Uck�,rs, tell and fifteen
Iluteher'sheep at from $3.50 to $4.60
per owt.
Complaints were: frequen.t.ly entered
log,buLlding until IL Was too late.
Thei. for the
.. .
4,000 HORSES
and In - resf Ayer's' Is In 16111110 fee oil tile bill. to restile,
all�t a,qc,o-o. tleop� ,%',inilly wt,.n(. r.1c:ln
1 0
two Y#ar.q iigo by alverc-Awn,tes in regard
: negotiations ooniolldaw
OUT or, worm. .
t e adler of them al", Aho Importation and employment a.'
off tbAr htkadq. It wtus really lAtiful
( h3al. is'onw of the storieq they told,
rriyardors" tire worth from 4 1-2
to 51-*�Vr 11). I
to th�- nolgil-genea of Cau,kdtans in plae-.
(lDn of tha American cigar Co. and
thu Havarti-American Cigar Co. )lave -
The, Corporation of Glasgow having
it Wa Old before other atlens, Sir Wilfr4l 14"ler explained
Aom,q of thein. had burrowed, monjoy
The , t prico for "gingers" is
Ing tho lyr-eipt,,v poi(apw, on letLers to'
I een completod at Tampa. The Iai ter
adopted electric It, place of horse
. that thn, 0ove.ramont, had decided t(
sarsaparillas were borti.. '
oroposit all anIx,ndait' nt wlth regard tr
to. spz!,viulafe wfth, und so long its
C17-80 per Ill.; thiak tat and light
th-11 Ce,falliltrY, W1116h 11600qsItatiM, tile
[myllinint rfif by 11w
,tot npanv Is . it recently formed con-
traction: for Its pxtotiolVe tramway
I $1.0 it botile. All dratilds.
Ayols Pills ald the ile. the mantier dn whLeh sults rally "
Irinm kept advaineitlig Owy believed
� .fi6f tfi��,tp %v,i.; practically no end I o,
are worth 03.8o per 11). P
Hogs to fetch th� top, price. Must
�J ,&-ul,zhat-ge) P�"
Pl;n dt (11114 clifid, I
solldatl;n with $10,006,000.
� G H, N V11 A L.
sorvicog, and the dbange. from oneser�
. brought. urviar ille Aet. After prelvirl
tion of A76r's Sarsgpd- Ing W from $T
, rilloinoy they in'- lit Make
th3 .19 1.
im Of or I= quality, and scale not be,-
',14:*.,� pe'lilly pmlalr�� com� into
, 11,01%1.�
vice, to, the other being new almog
COMPI(Ita, is
, that tile liesialty shall
6 - ,
law 16D not, above 200 lbs. .
I,u.gu,y� f have been more twal�
Typhus fever is almost epidentle in
inakingartaugemetits for
011a. They cure billouS4 to $t,000, tho. Gavt-rti,mant proposed N
lbsert the followlaa:- .
, Vol,lowing is tho range of qu,ota.
ttoffl.;:- P �
plas'ats than fortmarl.y.
disposing of its vajive tramway sjuil,
It will Commence llext month to dlg�
ness, 2S, cu, K liar-
V I have wed Aybil"Althildlowestdt I The PuM no f*fcll,t(�d alay, with Lit,
More t1lati r4O Yelkril Anil IAv6 said L writton oprinent of any judge of Lit(
oil t it i.e. .
... --_..0i- -
There is a buboiilo plague ea8e at
Ux) t tilLinople,
ns a .
P09t, of 4,000 horges and also it num-
bor of tramwity rar,q, In view at the ,
from the vairl StArt. ttlAt you rAida eourt [in whickh the proposed action I
Popart That Xitobonor Had AdVIS64
Shil)pi�%, pi�r ewt, , $4 Z 6,25
The l3rltiih have onlisteA a number
�queppss whiell 11�1,tt I ,
. ttond. .", f_
, e
.1 thobtistmed ellilis In the *otld. I
Ain sure your 8-arsa&oMIN PA,06d My ! illitended to Ile brought, be sued fat
. Purther Concession.
tfutfrhoir, elidea, dr), 375 405
llutcli.:�v, ord.l., good. 3 60 315
PlAo Indns
of Chinei;L% at Tleti*Tsift for the Wel-
for(,q of �somq thousg(ndi of trat a tl
n I ti
lff#,0heuIfJr4tt6o Jt46Y#Af8A%0i and rt6overed byany mrs On "'ho' tIr*41
I atil %to* 70 illd 0.1a
A denputch, from London Aayi; :-Tho
tlu(eb,,�r, laterlair. 2 75 326
Phenomenal In RIV40r
oninibus horse,it in Hollth ,&frlel I'l.
pilst :1461 !
without your tiledillilea." . lirlinge hi,j action f1wrafor In dny
T1AOMA#,1*.*t.4 court of compote4t 3tirledletlaa ItT
_Wur Offlee, here '41onles the state.
Atiwk,n�i, ppr cwt, 2871-9 3371-2
Thpoateng Indian Disti,lat.
The Cls,ar, it Is announced will via:
it Copenhagen, Darmatadt. and VI
that cc large propolt,,,n
Of 0111.9trOW'D faithful dabbing Will
4A, 24, 14", RAO -At RA111"11, whkb debts to a. like amount; are re.
ment published in Now York that
8,xport bulls, pot et. 8 Irp � 425
A despatell from Simla, ln(lta,
onna, noxt Auguiit. I
find their WAY into the ranks. 'd
WA-1141h—*566too, OoVared, FAI,oh sum� may algo, with
I,Or(I XjttqIpnep, tins fologratylle(l ad.
. Sklivep and Lambs.
.says.-_Ifoavy tr0rin ItAve caused a
It i's claimed (liat the new ttallon
" ,
Ifying mV6 Inly 60wilaint *b1it##6r th-P1,WTItteft Consent of the Attorney-
visling, yielding. all 'the demands Ot tho
flipwt Pwc%q, pL�r 0. 450 600
great rilse in thp Itivor Inditi, and
nubmarini6 limiL is able, to remain un-
. _*_�
I atiddefill'Atb6boatMe
Op-nexal of tho, province, or of a judgc
� tan goolbly vmaita, writ# tht doe%r , I
16twill t6eolya " to.
Boors, wilth the L�xevption of Independ.
r he'll V tot, 40 sw
ittAt.,I,r, a �
D&r4 Oha_Oet. X11=, k',aPl,taI of the dlq-
der the water for thirty hours, .
ftse 1. pitoulA Of tile, Superior Or Cloulftiy Court -Ir.
rast, W. 'Ith prog4tution is had, be recover-
. " , U*4 MAN. h
,quve, ow,flig f(? ]Ili conviation that
, lieV (-,annof btk foreed to lay down
1"w4b,4, gd., p��.., ewt, .1500 Goo
' Dix t,y.1 Per cWt, 400 40
, I
triot of tho saullo name, Iq in! immill.
I O&I dange;e of dcatrtt;Mon by flood.
A case of Illnegii has ocourred. at I
Untiland ha's law,000 law -q . 8 *
ar; Scotland, 15,0()0; (46rillany. ,,I,.
I I 111i ,,,I 1111 . 11 4... . .. I I ed cin stimmarl eonviotlon before, an,
' *""VA
1 Ile,
Lr arm�i Nvithe,ut a long continu-
Do, ,4pirl
, , rig, each, 200 600
Th,3 ba-riki of the x1ver Are held uitb
Galata, TurW.y, which iq Ufficially
�2aq 00 �
0, Itftlyl� ul,90,000. vranee" I'",.
. 11 ja4go *1 the County Cotirt, being ,
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