HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-09, Page 6a � I 1---111111-111111,11 1.11, I... , -11 � 30=211-0 0 1 -- -­� ­­ —­ — 1. I . I . I � - . . -A LANE BACK., I r� � . 1. PI � . _`1 I,- 1� .. --1 - . 11!!111111!!111111"1i' . .. . .. . .. .. I I I I I VAUSEs MR. 0, 0 1" , - FRAGRANT I'll - ­*" .... ­­-�,a ""4","O""".,"" ."wo.m-ww X, 1. . OF ORR If- WILCOX ,Y]SAR0 L. Heiress and Wffe 11 . . RINATIN , ATSUFFSaINO. , '�' 11 011I I . —_ I I I I Ryelrybotly . . —"� I 4 I W W= ALMOST RBVOI,TJTIQN1ZpA I Aoured 44ASPIlla, W . 1111111111h� � : UTIONag I W10 111"Ing, Illid th� I I . , : NOVORN WARFARE .11 Pao U 3w, Wan, , . I � I . .. I I I 11 ,. - , � .. : I -_ ,. I I I liel"41411:11111 'r . . Out:, I 41%12utnejsqnce"Ix'".o��3' `Sy"O-PSIS ()P' V9404DING CJ4AV- �Plui:U4 was I V-174)404 a9veriament Vavlffo TU44M M . , lVarso rrom t4o Tro TU.118:-How Lvo.n 400;retly Marrleo sh her mort4l eno . y1O � I i 0401 04h�y Brook$, , e must I . thaturod in urso QU1W#t1q#_X . They ikro warn bet, that the wor � _Mow. 11 ­ I -1 . gr OleIllaminou I I L L 4, , F rom the '13rock - . 110PArAtOd covered path she Wag treading -led to "ll. i , Ville Recorder. by force of olroquist4floon on � . . weddlag day. Dal.sy thinkig't their a Precipice. The very thought fill-, The Wenob Government Ig ha, I MW moxpijo. �, I In tbV Svestern Peotion of 14ceds Wa cast her a bat IlOx ed ber soul with hot . cOUUtr there J4 no. luau better known ff, go ia'true but, be- She wasted rat. fo,r tht TWM "d MWATO Manufactured JA vast Quantitio e, Perfected by experience. 1J, - Itoad Pokohng" 2S, 300 40, So aalf 00 fiento - Must 110W illuminating Isbell. It almost ,,,, , than Mr. ,Cho 'lor" that she 1�,doad, According to , ille, She no Marc, time in t4ll*. 16W SIZ8 $OZQPONT MqUli . . � , � S. 11. Wile 1114 MOtbAr'd dying W1314 be engages t. "" ' -_ sided in ,qx. Ile has re- "I can act 41, a - 4 250 Ig reyalu �:� -_ � I 0, :===P-.1 tlk6 ViOillitY of McIntosh RIUMA ,garlbura(t, the 1, J, f. 90 tO poor old Uncle � tionizo Modera warfare, a I I �. I 1. Mills for years, and during much of (laughter by the first Marriage at 0 a Lrst$" $bit told herself. "I I .NOW P8tOnt BOX MODONT POWDER o ' , by far the Most important ifive � � I I I 1 wl"Olw 1510k_� Cho mzlStOx Of Whiteltono � ;=t go at once to. pluma, - Ileaven # .260 �11 Projeotilso at - will put the roolut on for 'YOU lout I tb'Q tillaO ,has, conduipted, a very auq. IlurlIltirat's second wife, Hall. N[r. give, we strength to do, it. Itex will , L4r9A LRUID and POWDER . . the vresent a ,love you g veil him the llost, . AT Rolnerab4r he will charge you eesisf4t saw -milling business. All of Nved better whom be never know and,10an 0� At- the Stores or by X$ I Too 26 writes A I, � correSpoadent, . I , � . f tb44 the first, died And of his life tttgala.,, . 0 quietly out I I her child is Supposed .to b . � ill, I)Ostp4id, for thp Price. . I just As much to put on Obeap it Mr. Wl1CQx'q neighbors know that he aVe died . The Active preparaticnE� being Jituff,fis be vroU14- for tile paro I I 0 With her, Aft The- marrialX-e Inust not be A. Dentistle. Opinion: " AS an antiseptic FLU .far a war ,,vitb ,D,ngl4nd, have i Was .4 great sufferer for years from a . Pr isereateeti ye4r.5, oil. I Say, 4 Point, and then for cheap paffit .. 04ce, his dyin . think, arou d It * i ' Jame back, And M"t of them know I Sea that lit 9 housekeeper � e with, herself as she mouthwash, and for the care and pres' onlo -Stimulated by the,beljef that th, You vrill wimi; him again uoxt # . a Child did .,at 004'es- NvOuld, $11e could llot help Owning t ' _ ervatiou of the teet d ILL yoAr, . I die, but o Qum� 411 shell will 1gly, FCA(ace an Ono � ...... L . � . I � ' — li I cordially recoramend SozQ;Jont. I 0 ider it t that this affbiotion has now, happily Plunia ,I,, prgg that N. onsider it . i e4l advantage in the , rmons - irus stolon' no sets out to flr�d bar, Must be Stopped at 4utl 400 for children' 4 I herself that it. Was somethi Passed away. .Mr. Wilcox says 4be Is use. [Name of wrlter upon app,Wt,tjifl�,j , fit'raggle - owes this happy release from poll, to " 4�stc"r Si:44w;.Jok, r," ' I . . which slip ____ Ramsay s. Paints.. ?40 Lao via w4us responsible for ]Daisy"s re' had not realized it in its to'le light Proposes to precipitate Although, the 0 lk bad a V 1= -_ -_ - . L 0 � I � I � . arry birti. Ile %v'll that her SUPPOsed death w ague idea . . ' . are the purest Aija beat mado- . tareateas to her tool, before. k;he had HAL -11 S� RUCKIEL, MONT � Dr. ,1VIIIIams, jqak Pills, and those expogo her if a REAL, "Octet ,of the OqpStr4o . I net � She defies lllm� ould leave whose wife h � tion of tbo shell I Will last lon,%.r than any other I who Ikb1QJW him w1ll.uQt for an In. Dais 0 after , ipriany vlocissitudes tie I . Itex free to marry FluMa. , Thai ad died such a tragic has been guarded 14 the moat careful � I look brIghtir, go farthor,spro&U . Otani question Abe. sincerity of -his tIrraLe t - wrong could a , . death. Ile remembered hol r possible easier, Anil prose -rye the bouse falls w '$it her Uncle John, but I .v sorry he -under the Pircum, . ___1 % . bettPr-becauss they are roade for cry of his 440 siazoes, I I i0ater " And is cared for by Detective. s -he never on orae Of1t, 19 Any Way, had been tar the UOULD MAY BRITAIN "nanne — .. . giant. Re gives the st Tudor's wife. 'Cho ce dreamed. n cc Young husband; � . enough.b4s leaked out to give . ,eoA . - - mmqat, Ile be( I . # . JU4t that Work and have b BUfforin and oubseq4ent cure s'a terrible awakening truth ),Ad - a pretty'accurate i4ea of wil,lt if,, 19 -the flashod upon. -Ile - little time to ,I __ , m4cle for 69 years, Seud for I . . following Statement,-" One ilay __ r suddenly; she Might ; fuirs. I ,ruminate upon past at. JJO,W CERTAIN PQQjt � S. . 11 � Z0OXLI&T "KI, Free, � ,, tilde herself forever from t ,was his busluess now to It Will- combine ill$ proportles of 41 telling all,, about, and showlag 0 , CHAPT.lUt her bus- BRITISHERS � . I XXXIV—.0011tinued. band, but it would not lessen �glean from Mr. Hurlbursilall the i . RIOUTCOIN MILLIDNS� . � 11111111i4atitin. and destructiveness ... lovely painted hou$es, "Supposing Usband left his Wile and she Only, was his. lawful wife be- the di a 'Q assist - him in � . -_ � .gaged in lifting Jum e, ' "'('fact; formation posBibi t - . , This while. ,1vor,king in the mill, and on_ , . n, . . - a Ji I . I Will enable all army commanding a I bar I had the and Afterward thought . . $ 1"�Pmvz% misfortune to severely wremili my her dead, Lore tioct and man, F rom Heaven f"Oult search 110 was about to 4OW Xon4on ro Guarded. From .U94t . - ,� 'nothing could be hidden. . Oommenoo. --- . I back. even though she wers not, I 11 It he gave him oven the ' P l0ats-bfia I Ile, . supply of the hhe'lls to' continue fight- ... .- A44 RAWAY & SON $ �. L and he ger Whole heart � slightest Clew, he could have th E 0 q14ck Tara Might Cripple Ing all night, if noce PAINT MAKER* . 'I was iso. badly injured that 1 $1101114 Marry ag seemed to ,go out , bad 0 . r1tb;h xa .ss4ry, and Will - '0-b4d to be carried home, And � ould it not be : to! her young husband and cling to d I 0 � . Vy­4R1lIQc1 14tiourcra [ :,rtet�,tly . . , ain, w some efixitte Starting point. The tiard ' . I � M Q N T R E A L, , I him 40 i . �Jlartqp the duration of future I ., . - . , for six legal?" $Iie ,repeated In An intense 41W .t bad never done before, detective was Wh011Y At sea -it WAS $011141. , . . - . I. Milt'd 1842 . months I was praoileally unable to - . I I thil Seorets,lif WOPIWIOb Ar- , . Move, and fluffeiedgreat torture, The voice, striVin bat a fatal love mine-wasi,1 )31 like looking for a needle in a bay-* 1, Ag 'Re ' & avw�ftl% I . I . ' ior,tor told Me that I'llad injured my "I can ,9 o p m. said. to,horgelf; "how fatil how ,or .lie stack," . . There are half a, dozen men who b r Jpr?PO$04 Campaign agaln5t tm...,t= .- 1. Vw"Ahl luev* . scarcely Understand the to me! I . .. Is tie' ' "YOU will lose no, time,,, hold in their � R I __ - - 1%�~"-'WVAW%,qli,*f . opine and that I Would novel, fully re- question, my dear. . , . . . said, Basil hands the fate of Lou- I " 9 "ad rance proposes. , to Use . tbesd . --- � .- I - 1, . cover from its effects. At last I was � ly say, if ill -1 should certaln� To�-Jnorrojv I ni Hurlburst, rising to depart, don,. for the Zkolis I" File 1. I . . .. - . . Flit! Oh, Heavelill he "Ah 1,1 Y Alone Are I .. I _a?X_TM_ . . � - possessed of IX a way as w�jll enable . . . I I : . I able to 90 about again, bit a first Wito kne Would she be in time to Sava hImV 'Xile leavexcl4imed, "I had forgot the secret that guards ill hort work of her beredi� . from being the man Iliad bat was far husband was ab W her Very �hought Seemed to arouse all bar a go 0 You. ray wife's portrait. ten to a Empire's 1, her to Make is , I . . on before, , Out I to remarry, and, energy. . I I have, a ApItal, STRAIONT 9E'Nb . . , . " rs lisuffered almost Continual- -she knew She ' DOY the Child if living, Must have Down by thP* Lower Hope, tarY too, The, liffell is made adaptable 1__.._1_-"__ sACMW 4ft ! L was not Pepa rated f rem , I .1 he�i Moth spfac .,, . � where the Thames bonds away from B) '4�9 and Will permit the . � i I 11111111 Me ENT.; a I 0 1 1 � a , I I ng.to do, I . . . - . ­ -back,and was un- a1v or 4( th, S.lie ny ddar?" crie t t ,�erc portune a sca,-tboro orb mines tinder water ,,Vlt]l positive, im ,tX . . � ports -_ " '-"a" y1a pains in the , 'a'44 flani "'Why, What Are you go! ' I I for naval gu ly from him by I ' b P 40 able to lift any heavy w6ight, . .Was Certain. d Mrs. Tudor, in. con- I "0011 fleet to bombard. British . 0 aa�>. S M, ,1-,. . . , � -_ — . . . times the pain was so ,bad that I was ' I a allOwlngt the cere- one interraPtvd ,li.m.moment some th I - . - .- At ly a Criminal A, sternation, as, Daisy sta gered weak . Mr. Tudor which prevent any hostile 11' Pull , 9 P. . I many to proee and trembling, from he had n . eat from. , . - . . 1. I � � . .� unable to .work at all,and 1,wus of- r Coach. Ot time to open the portraitand ascending the river. . SHAPE, 1) L11C I .. . ten confined in the house 'bear of such 4 NVELY, did YOU ever 'T am going a-,vay,,p she cried. examine it then, And, placing it Be- . . . El " A BOLT. I � : This 14 the BES ' ' I . I for days at . 4 peculia:r case, my liave been guiltv "I cutely in his Priva The�re 14 4 11 . . . . I T Corset- a - . It great wrong. I . . . a time. During this time I was treat� dear f" . , � , of t. to desk, he courte- . tile cottage among the The properties of the IYddIte shall. � CANADIAN LADY far R DOLLAR. It . . ,,,, ,er given to the $# .1 . I can ously bade ��Tr, Hurlhurst 9OQd-after- In'trslICS' there, just like a soore at a!nd the rocket' are combined. ill 'this . � tAkqs'awaY allstrain andpressure from the lungs . . I ' I not tell you All I ­ . . 4C. , replied Daisy, 'flushing crIM_' PUL'I must. Atone. for it it it is in aroundi And it holds latest and Most -remarkable evolution. . and abdomen ; at the same time they are as com. . . I told me 11; "I t . . . Tho shell is, All fortable and Shaped lika� a bolt its ext Roingis placed upon the hips and back muscles, treatment did act . seem. tc '�No MY Power while jet there is time. let Itim know it secret elco 'a sly! . tob. Coll Out 12 inches, fil len ill as A dressing jacket, All, the stmio of . . ed by four different doeto b t the"' hat I have done nooti; adding, if he should find a poij- other � to " . , .,%. ,ny sible clew, he would cottage$,' , 0�, . good.' They . thai, wilig a to . was thinking Of Bu6ph At-,' .at once., Or perhaps, take a run U � Irl . the Injury to my ' Spine my back d6n.1' I . . . PUY me, but db not censure me;" p . I 9 11 I .. I nocted by erior is � throwing the shoulders . would always be. weak, I 'and sobbing as if her heart would to Whltest�ae Hall to look Around a wire with those mines'.. If an enemy,s formed of 13teel and ,90'f inely I wrought . .. . out and developing that . "'Why, there I's' is break, ishe -knelt *aL the feet of 'her Jobality. beautiful . the doctors Seeing that bit Among the old inhabitants of that ship. of � tblit At a0riveli distance it Will ,X- classic incurve at the base of t were Unable to -help me, I ly A feature 1 . war tried to pass up the . be spine. 11114 boving read Qf tile many cures. -ill Dnoch Arden's caesarreee kind friend Heaven , . .1 . . . .. . . . Plade, The interior Section jwill .still I , -1. . . Sold a res ia Canada. I . I � . resulting . . . a for quitting the, . contirtu . If You cannot get them at your dealer's sve will . sembling the ' - had' given her ' Hope, one MOV'QuIerit of the hand !a t 411 leading dry goods sto I one You have just cited anil'told her. Ail. - . , , It was almost tim " 8 On its fatal mission until . I ,. , �, .. frmn. thel use of Dr. Wil- , , . I -Y s t Mrs.* Tudor .Ila . . 'Office for the night, when the dot�c 'hat cottage could to has it I I . Rams, P1 h . on mu t I blow them all' i !Mn " '. . tened in. 'palial! W " reac od prepaid on reccipt.of price-Si.oO. Made 1. ,. Jak Pills, 1 decided to give ,).Va made a mistake?' . I tevest. and a In- tivd thought of"the.pdttralt.. - �at6ms. bed the .00knt sought by the. I -m rab � there a triafj and procured a Supply, ; "Yea,, you Are Mazement, it was a He un �. The. great Secret is held by guorter. The ishelf .has ileen inade so . I i, WhItes and Ten. State size. I ,ould see that. tbo were 4 . right. I have Made strange. Story ,this, young girl told 9 generals, ' kinlinum Q7radC- that it - . . .. I I .. . . . I . . � I Very soon I c .. ti�d �the faded blue ribbon and touch- -six Men -.not bi' . but sluall in its. it I � . Y . al her; it'seemed more If ed the sprin the, Chao flew open of the peopl Mell Can be Uised in all the small -calibre .... � - . . . . I r8lievii1ir me a little and this encoar- . than 4,page. tie - . . e -and there is no a' I . I __ . tstkke,?, Muttered, Daisy, grow- ike- a romance vealing a fag' , re-, tot- � I I . I . ' � . UM Pid-firing guns, an(f it is made upon .D e*p't T., I � . In all Ing 11j.did �ot know. in amazement, . rY Out' ally big Po . I aged me tdoontinue their use. - deadly pale. .1 11yo in life's history , cc that made bline . I � . ,� . I I I took about tan 'boxes and Wll belltived. it Waa.,rigbj.,, ' ' U .. say -y , . � � Wer. would not- give 'tliem- the repeating princ. le 1, . . I , . .. . I . . ell � . . . . I Marriage at oil Inust prevent this , � ps J, aw! . I .. It they all e to sell 'the see . '' elasly deadly. IP ,whicli. renders _UST_X , , I I , % they wea'c finished my back was, as Whifestane . People - have a strange .03 .ret.�Once it exit I i .st,roag as ever. . �!'YQU ,bell I . � Hall." She trick -of re�sembling each otb known, , 4 depend .Th .. / . I 1 . . . :S:R. . ft C)O. . . The pcl.as. that It ev.ed' wba�t . Was.. , took Daisy's clasped hands from her er very . ent of tkQ. enclay I a illuminating ,ff,o , . . I . . I . . I V , .right?" often," he Muttered,* "I Must. be all - � duced tj are -pro-. . . . . ., SOLE MANUFACTURERS .. raaked my body for so, , �ad ,asked Mrs, Tudor, 'ill -weeping RLOL,. and holding them 'in t 15- Could either thro I . . I � . . Many years -I' . amaZemelit,.. . - her Own look' ukeD.11 , - , .. � I I I I . w a bomb into by a calabi.nation - of ertalli . .. J I � � . � . . I I I �.. had cottage, and thus Cut. off gases, whitill when released p ' 0 I � WCXXt403WW4:P. .. 431.ww., . , ' . . . 'I believe ' � -d'into it Silently, kean- . yet' '� . . .. a ,entirely disappeared, my back . I cl� it -was right f r the first ly, steadily. "HOW could You do. it? I I a the reate car- I . . . -a's befo! . .9 � the mar ' he examine -t ' air . . the. Con- tala ' , . . . . .. I .. I I * felt as ' st.rouigi yeans ,since I 4iis . can_ - . he .f ' � . . � I . waves la�stfng from five t —_ - . - - . I . -,e the in3arY.' wife to 90 Out 'Of her husb lid's -'life What bewitching face of � � 0 lf­� - "I ­­'', ''I'l"":::::::::::::!"'',�"I"��'ll���'ll�,�"I'����I .... 11 .... I ..... __ I . ' I . , .1 . 'Va . . . er ai . ( . The �Ilell can ad, by . ,if beat reswts 9 till! P 11 your . --- � - ­_. . . . . I tinued the use of the Pills and in all Low ad lower dropb it's childish f4ce and, sunny, golden Pieces, Oi explad - . � 6e; - P r L BUTTER. EGOS, POULTRY, APPLES, othorypUlTlsirlapp If 8116 had Spoiled it, and lea !d the gold- . . f . It is now two, . - a I Jilm is Rexford Lyon to you?,,, the portrait witi; neotion by 41OWIni 'everything- �to teen M'nutBs, regulated -as desir I JIAY6 act had all 4011A or � a h e- .60 � that.time I fre 1. ' on bowed bchd, and a- voice like no Our)$, ..the more he knit his brow aad 0 the mines by the Rutmeir, You 'Wan . licF, f I pa , ed . I Oil would bq at lie tango �Daw . . t`L i% ,,O . . ray cure is' � say that '' 1. . ally embar- "I am Reic'Lyonls wife, his w etch- ,had When thinking deeply.. . Mercy 'of the .,ell or or rapid-firli . I _70-011lorne S t,, Toron! 0. . , I in, 6-0 that I may safal� replied Daisy, Pitif I so Limited, Cgr.. Wefftyo.,�. a to Woo.' nd -win. the bride bePOV- other voiloo, like nothing hum,,n, ,aid: Whistled Softly to himself -a babit.he tile Of all ordinary Mort ' - T -0 COmMistion Co. . atealtb-� ' Then Land' ' . � Jected to any Point W�thla t 0 � . permaneat. I Would ad- rassed . r . 0MY'A light- gull, giving 15rObiblY an accessibility � . . .. I. � I I . --- . .. . I . � edi unhappy, abandoned wife.,, . e c the drought V�fisblk. for the f orts on the INGIN � '-7-77---, ' . . . visa all ilmitar suffeicts to try' -Dr . .11VIly, You innocent . . �. d breast_pqck�t Portrait in his . . , to a dIstil-ce Of at least ten miles . . . 4 tNAMH, -: ' � � . . '. Mrs. Tudor- . . . . �.. I I I .00 g. .. . . I . uld � � 'First Ostrich I Williams' Pink .. I . child," laug Qd . The Point of bridging the channel by I englig be.naarrled,. I .. . I 11 Lr6pped her hands -with bome. lid Walked slowly.. . bank are obsolete, ­ . . .a dismay, , . , .. .. I a t idea .waa in. his PLC- '� � T -PIIIS, tot' knowin,'� Airi, Tudor' � "I hsve s . .0 16NV cr,y, of . . A bril'aaa . . r I 'Is of Projectiles, therefore has not- 1; ,,hrV,X:wZra-.' ed,to, what they ba,vo done for me, I a , aid he � W I I � 4"You , Live brabi. - . . .� There is one 1411 , authorL.ty ,Wbo. Mea �Oh'l He's getting o' , , ccaf"dent ihmt LbOY' - cannot.be im not ,be free'.as. long is ill' . m .epret," sobbed I .11 I . I �,�� I . , . . . . ­ . . . . been &�Ite r � ca led otbet.bY theli first be a regular orank'an ill I e, . . Mo I i w did . � and I k0OWS where the switch is,, 6ne on cached by France, ' 'a'. T, 11 . ' successful 1 less 'e Is ' � Dalai, I -in ,her great�eorrow she . $11all soon see" I . even a4i'�, jra'Acll . Subject uz � n otbox cases.'�i : . n-0 t s�parate III . did not notice, the, Iddy d III ' , he ,muttered. ; , ' . � _ 'yet, ana, � � And, Fanny, .and lie was . . , These pills. ' . .. in from his first wife, id not prom, ' 8 Wife met him"At ,the: door, and girleer; Ana four elabordillates, any of .the devoutly telling her how 118 had alway healfh' loods I , -. . I I . I are -sO14 by alfdeilert in and she was iLllve.' ise, -, . . .. .- he saw. that he . . . . SUMMAtf4a remain.$ wiShid' Can:. s "k- - �86- ad 0 I niadi-cille.pir may be had b . . It is -again . . with :wh Unfulfilled ' it - ed the name of F, 0 strich-You da.q.tollme' r eyes were Xed am could get, say alQ0,000 ,to -mor. was 'hoped that. the .Shell Mfg � Y; and- how i�. � . . Y mail at aw of � -9-p ay a a" . L ' St the In I eeping, '. I.. . .1 . . . sounded like musi"a L 9 I . . I six, box , for I . .� for any man Ao have tb ' ­ . I I I row !or -that. , so 41 Li be c in his ear. - , First. Oa.trIoh_y;as;-b�,ll' talk you, , � , 60 'conts a box or I valn Mrs,� Tudor pleaded wl w . . . . ea I . her - 6, go 'back 16 her - - husband *And L "Whit is 'the coinua I secrct� - , . 11 ade that it would be possible for 'I like 'the name So .W � b ill' ritive value of. - ,,, $2.50 by ..Add,tessing. the two wives, and it the first.wife re . .beg hinj to. bear her' ' . lie askdd� hariging The . , ,1,,e balplo . added, � groggy a out a aut' Dr, '"Ill . , OtiOn, my dearl" . - all, ho. � . . ah(IL saw' th 11 -d .. . t and'ooat on oubardinat6 Jack � $ . .. Pro igested brickbats I . . malned silent' � -; his ha I . number of ` ' ' corps to titiliie'it but as. a sort, of clincher 'to th 4* . �. . I I . . . . argu. . 1. . I .. I liams' Medicine Co.: Br&kv.11le, On ' I I , , q sacred ' the'llat-raek in t' Tura who:o6u . �� � . .. I Odt a . . 1, . I I Do not t. ceremony ,"No, sat Daisy, br.ke.1 lid hail. .� -What,, I . Id - . . . . I . 9' depend Vent,. that' :wheh sist6j Cl e' � I . . I -...6.- � . . . - � . gUtu a . sai,4 I had - spZ1 - " 1-1 e the'difficulty?,, . . ... s upon long. , I take - ,say s,ub. . . I ara asked I . .1 . * I . . I I , , to r any .PrOfaned by, that Silence. Y . I I . � . I . range, resistance . to."the alt." *ier ... FOR'QVBP, �FIFTY VhAR.s � ' � I , . r,,reniedy allef be �Ijust 0, , -, t A ' ' � .0 LE THri, DRI , " V�V. Utilization. 1 . . � ".... r0, . . . I Tat' once .. .. Ao -4 , - would. never forgive me'.: 1,44ve ni,_v� slid__ � ., , . arvey,; I., . . . fter 'you,. d � broke, the IaW of Heaven led his 1ifej and . he . . . . Such Me to name per pet: terr , � othe P. . 11 . . , . she- . " Ur'.protege4-bas gon I ej, . n ' .. onmi. . I 11 S at' Present imposs,bl - . I . good , . .. I T15 NA � culted if Fanny, a � : � , . , _ , 1j: A b I I . I a I � earest. used by MIXG BUTIF il�js beeD. I e 0Z . U � Ing, t soothes .. . . I % 8 aga-Ins God beyond paidon. Did SLa The composition I 1. dail,4 'think, that.. Was very nica.. abbild. Aof�sng the guirigastlayall � ... . 1. I , I . you or taken' his me, and I never shalL, . .� I nitle, Any of tbesi� cc) Id . 'Nins. Wixkow's SOOT I - . I I ' speak?,, she .. no � 1113 . . . � out yllich-coustitutes the � , , �. . th . Inqtherafor their 6hildren teet ' I . 11 . . I . asked DaJisy's y -Brooka u ill I.AiL YL . -I---.*-- . �, s eing I Will. be Dais tel!, � illed 'the ' explosive -f I. I. . ' 1� I 1. detective, fill ., broe far- OUt-distances t I air -girl, edging a wa� irona � dy for . . ivh 1 to -lips Move. . � . . -.11 e:and disp6se of one of the se�, hi saidd the i lh,eulovwin4colita , I . . .. , .. . . n . tl*cdtiv, "wher did she g6? Hal nr secur . .. I eariteit, at, Wni;'how wau.1d You like i in, is tile bl'st exot Jartfioeva.26caboitke. solA - 1 ' � L , , , . ".Daisy Brooks- name Seem- . ,v re *41gi destluo 'wer Of the 0 "'VIAO&L 0 world. lie atlr6 Anti sk I .1 . . .. - I , a : it thrip I . . . ilOT9 -IN'A SEWER. . . � .,She - did not kno.w 4 . The 116 been gonep, . � long. t 1 6 ' code-bboks.. Otbenimight . tire 'Po .. L .1. CIA6- n4laOd aft - �bu � , , -have �a lf.,.yr 1.1-131itmiludow y 17-11 I � _ � . . . , � . - . . . ial tIte:lyddIte fiball . I � one UP to God -froai� thatlyoui2j tar. at tell wh . ' I . . . . . . . . �. % ei . I . . 11 � __ � i . 9 * Piaye,r bad ed familiar to Mrso Tudor, Yet she has is . . . � . . Gothl. :S ru, . . . . . . I , � . . � , . . I .11 . ,could n ere she It ' Down from tile r . . -luck;.but they! would..15e . . I � scrywk. 0 � I - . Lured .heaa for . : �d heard it I cc I Ack came his - bat. 'get .It, with . _____141-� Why, that's .noth Id Tom . . Ver Go 8 . . guidanpe., ' . before, � la�� a,t;.; I . � I �­ . I I . . 1. .. . Ify, halt the cats ill the . � - . In 1E40 fresh :i�glh' hatter aver- ' . . � - , . I . I . .. . . . detec tea, While -these kline . ) air . I I . - .. . 1) G , . � country are aged 9 1-2d.: a. Pound, as againsc,is. Od. � %,ilrIv -wrong in dotting'llex .. veisuaslon was usillm'- '"P�rhqps 11 I rvey ?".. - .. A: , ... DI) NE.R 1 nameil after ... . ,�, �. . re.111(filAts a 'ikr,�-iiae - Had she done . . �Wbar . . 149, Bat � ell fit, It, tarA*I., - ' � are mightman- , . . Yllrd. '. andl.tfie.,wliola wC., . . I yon,going; Ila . me. ,:. . .1 I . I . s bes't- �, . . am going t age it - With safety to tb. ' Iii , I They don't Speak. liow. 1 . ,at. present..". - 1 . I I . The most remarkable, h . . d belleve-her dead? Heaven knaw sighed, M I fa hunt that,girl 11 . emselves. TEAW-3 - I I . 1. � . . . . . .. . � I � I I . . I I , . I . . I . . rs. just: A6 fast .up AnYA19 ,,novall ,'POWer. Avould pay. - .. ., . . . . � I . � � I . ... 1 ". I . . . . I . . . .good sbou Id, come from it�. . . for alie, had really loved tli�. . .. I . � . . .� , .� . .; . . . I I . � 1: . - 1. I .. . . I world is that situated it; t1re(Parisiah I ,as I Cam" . . . , . . Otol in, the Was It ever Nirell,-to do a 1�rang that 'Tudor, and -With te� 11 .1 so I to in her. eyes, Sh - did not.. wish to e youi' specie -ii, - I I � ,,I' " . r� . � , .. . .. I . . - � .: I — .., : . e beauti- � ' I . a larg I "for a a I . ,... I — Ud �sewers, alwas . . And the clear, iuuO'Oer% . t, simple con- 'fill. d e'af r ,,� , .. . . So ray . I p to. , 0 amount n .. . . . .. 11 � �i-.. � . . . . . � DNA CONS Di theria. , ''. , I ad t 4minediatedy 6eneath scietle , . Man .Young - St . I . � O 6. . . * ' . .. . . . . .. f Ninard'.8 I I.. pit . � I . � . I. 1. �-_ � ,eline ch!lroh, I . � I ' . I . I.. . � � :� . .. '_ . � -and which,' Is' ' Poor Dais' "I -haven't the. time t xplain �fo . Were not. -known .'in .ndridge Fame d661y ,06n.- � I know MINARDIS ' ' I V'-Ionj wdeks'upon her. mercy .and. Oil," � 0 a. pi ' . the M . e, waa quick fQ 4n4wer, '!No!,, ranker, thioWn-Jor.so I I . Of these bo k.* rovided - the theft I& Sit . . . I I � . . I Y lookhd at the pos�it'loti kindlLess;. she iaw..Daisy dep y . . . I . . Patronized ,exclusively by the. - . Uni in a I . . . I .1 be eiPostulated. . �,Of 0 I time of 'war - fin to Ma 6 - LIXIME.NLT wil) England has 8D locam I III _ very Posisible "May God. � Art. I . OUrse, I - ed Diphtheria. I.. -1 . - . I otivea to each * I I WAY, and -the mote grantLYOU may not,be -You ha,Ve no � idea where she we our ShiPs'w6uld be - praoilea , . - LWA.House. - ' outo I 100 Miles of zzallwal , . . I . cipal. scavengers. -. . I. I �� she reflected the mbio hive you?,, .. - .. � ,. � Ily, h .. . . .1. . . . . . I ,. Germany 58,,and . ` I . I beeam, e ' . . frightened she too latel" -she Cried, ferventf ... , �. . . nt, 1049 if the..enem ' . � .. ­_ JOHN I). BOUTIT11,19R., . 0 France, 47", .. 1. � dry -shod I I .. . I I I Y, qlasii- ,. " V I every order . Y. knew our 06do,for . . . . . I : - '. Fi011Ch Village. ... . I I I I . .. .. .. . .1 ' I , .. . - fro . . ae(lantlY . Liberated. Ir ' . -- . � , , 3afranc6 to lk 044 -bo had,' . . .Ing I, ` `yOUUg dirl for the.1 .. ,.alt a bit Harvey", She , I I L �1. . Poor, little * . ... ,h .. ast a . � replied' .1. 0 32rastens to I � . . I ., . , . . n boil ' . . I artless child -bride, she In' her atras - � P I . . me, a 1. I . S in the 'flagship wall d Write an Oven Le . � . , . ".1, . . . . . I merry twinkle in her eye., , ,iyo , be read anIl f . . I know MINARDIS T,INIMENT '' . rs.. At all other., times Was Completely be�,* Too latel 'Th have, given me U There have tter. Telling of,2118, wm Minard's Liflifflelit Coe , . to , , I . . vildered-She could e Words sounded like no time to tell you. I been one ctorestalled. Wilars tif Misery, and illi MIr&oU 6 care Croup. ' I .. s. Distempi , eMPIOYW. The in- .find no way Out of her difficulty un. .a fatal wain" .,. sJ9 know where . I two scares about the z%cape., �� . .. I us . ., , I . -i .. .1 . . . . 0. I . . No, Ila, she , . . � . . . "-- �, I . � oq� .. .. � I . I and I Will to I' I � I . . Cape Pain is building a canal 405'mila& . . . Ing' to. her . . she W�ent. -Sit down thefts 6f c6de,booka by outsiders- but I . I J F. Cuaalng-�ham. I S, , " . Could not, she Must not, be t to! .1. � Siindridge, Ont. April, 29, -(Special), . . . I long, i'a join - the Xediterrangan,with .4.1+�' , . ,� .1 I "YOU 'will' m4kd a.long ,story out the nine has ever beep suspected. I -A case of p, ' .I know MINA . . . . A the ideo'Gocurred to' her that.the I I Yon all about it,,, ' they have PrOvect'false, And no o�'a'of , a' d totior is singularly neat. and- ( I �. despite ill ' ' clean, bes'� .person .-to.b,jp . er 'Would be '.1 . �. * . . i � Cola , Isl a ,. , . . � 8 hOlSonione'ss I . h . A . *. .* : .. . � I .Pf the. sur- John. 13ro6ks; and A � 1, . # I . � , . � . . . xoundings, and between 03% An() -10 .and soul fugst6 , *t I .. inpatient- ' The . or lure bas just RD'S LINIMENT is the the Bay of jai ' . .. a �. � . � ­ bet Whole hc - ke very moment -Dais - had left � ly; ,,and tooli . I Plans a Ahe defences -of. im *61anged t � � on . 1. , . . . I ,arf t Y of' nOillhIg""he exclaimed, i . I Sony. I ... . ned eagerly oil this., * the detective, . best remedy .0 earth. . I - . . She oil] 8 house, - basil Hurl- ng MY time bere. ziady patient' 'forts . . Strong 2ownship. . � � I I `� I . - , , . I � . - 100me to light in , . I breakfasts and dinners - Are served - 0 d not realize she lad lain hurst . -especially � t . . 1 3 . I . . . I I I Past me a., fortune #, . . . 44,: most 4 .1 I � 1. . . JOSE H � A . � . I I � - . AR so .long. Ohl� Heaven, What ,night, ,in his private . I Very'reluctantly . . .. modern ones -are known . I .'Iwt ml� '�,111 146. ' - � . . P . -,S OW. Aiqstrd's Lin*' t q ' I., 1, . therein 4411Y,There are also provided b 'was OlOs6ted with Mr.' Tudor .e . IN I I Mr. Zen . to. i round , � . � - No,,;,y,. Mo. � .. I . . � . In"ll 111,08 Gargbt jq.00ws, I live happened Ili the z�eantime, . f. Ing min- -ed Ill . . Tudor resum- do 0 hard that an b * . . . .� :. .. . I I �� I I . I , three beds far' Office, rLlau Is f. -the rank and - f 116, of 'the . anest . .�' , . ... I . .1 I . .. �__ � I I the use (if the night Rex should marr� p . I U t0l Y 1he disappearance of his.! se.at"at''his. -Wife's earnest p . Man, ., . � . . . . I." . I ' Twelity . -0.1-ae � , I I .. , I ..", .1 11 .. watchmen who. P tral the lumaTShe would daughter, as nfant suasion. . .. . . , Or- Army—'nqn-cOmlnissioned Officers all; d be kept 4 prisoner I . . I . . a great main not be his wife becou 'hall' . a his .. . ' . , obtaining of the.ise by any fareign� 1. tol . own � . I I 1. People a year Are I . . ;e sbe-who was housekeeper told him bY the dying . .qSki, 1-ighily O, , , . 'The' 'home . I drain which I Mrs -'Corliss. .. I .and � ' I ... killed. by. lightning 1p England, Win . e , . will Mo dear, just give Inc -Lion WOuld-rvnder the forts practl- yet Als . . France, 908 in Russift. . . . runs tunnel-wi a, b , o' bAriter.bet,ween, ills, .1 . . Ver the detail'% my, np r over four, Yeats, -' I ' , I . PR'8F2Ru NCL4% w . , . is ., hem -lived. , , '' "I ke You a rich . . the inalu pointb,4 cally Usele' tbii,� ts:-just what h4p�encd to'Mr' . . . neath.the go, olty. `Thei hotel consti- I .. . . . man . for Ill e.. iq a I'd . . . � ss in time of War,, and'if, it . . . . , . I ..� . life," he cried, Vehemently. ,,If you .1 I - I 1. 11, . I . I . Having extended to the � I. . .. I . '. . . I .. Lutes Paris'foundatloxis.� ' I . .1. ,� . . CRAPTE R��zt�k*j-,r,- . - '. ,'. ,. can tiace my lang-10st ell - -ther � Like the good little wife she. s, Were known 'beforehand, all the. be. [21�rz al.- 'acy'. .at tot"19, Concession 'Ptin, Chinese W. P. V. 1071191-14. - - � ranean Place subter- Is; , I ­ . � W4 s f amily ., . _� ,. — .- .. . .. . . ,. DA Y had decided the great quos, dead or alivell, . I .1 Mrs. �Tudor obediently- 0 ' doned, and built else'Whire ondiffor- and fri mit Silic4e, we asked him, tailtativ-e. * . ^ A , . .— . , . y.s., � The-exilat antithesis io this � ...ild,. pither � i trayed forts Would have to be.40an, # of f�trong, Hi the Offielft). invitation to cotft�* :::::: �* , � . . .1 ' � beyed, .. I . I � %Of% IF - . I I ' I � ' . . I Of entertainme , flan -of. -her If Mr. Ttid6r shook his bead . 0,1 - It yvas': not a . enda'all tried to isecure his rer 'Jy� what Method he fancied, , .. . ERT . I - at is fe.. YES4" she Would,& - I— ara * fteu'tAe Pool, calcillat ( eat plans,'a . . . � .the Hotel Sava! la,--iat4d in,the Chang. "a John 13rool"S With her Pitiful sec- 'no "ed to think there is lijil. hope', Ing detective allowed himself to . � t A, Cast to the nation of leas ''I . I LV . . . Is, a pass in Ladak, or Westetr I ',,pbi )�t, and, kneeling At his feet. te After all--theg,r'- at .Some ;90,000,000, '' �­. 11 a, but in vain, .. I . I.. A. lingering One he - replied.,: :, . .. I � . 8 I . . . 'I, . yt!,dk,,�­ . 9 . . .. . . . . ' 'ted, he It Would be - utterly. I ' . "Par four years,.: I suffe We pi I I . . . . I I 'xcl but as' she . L . - " ' ; InPossible'r red axoru- , . - ' . bet. This is the highes Strarige'r thi;g$ than . . Proceeded . � 7essed-Ilim, ior details . . � , t ,hotel 11111 all, and ,be guided' liy is " .Jumped up f or : - . . . 1. . World in the . b judg� ' I that have . rain h1s.seat and p,Aced A Soldier W11011ad ever ba " . inkj aliall.00ntmit a' I 0ARSOL10 ' .1 I . The building is o�ai, Ir ment. : ". happened " I �. d the small-. mating torture., during which I thi . . . .1 I . . . ),ODD f � , . . . . I Pried "es"OsslY UP'and dak*va the room. tie es � a . . . . ulcide by .. I . . . . PL -,,I , I. I ! Basil 14urlhurst I - 0 IOn'With any time 1. Slow ,Poison, ,be said- at, leagth, S . � . � . . above the level ". * I tremulously, ,rrou v t cc Ile t other cou&' Was. scarcely ' - � , - 0 � ' . . � - entrusted.with these ay . - , ENTt I . � . Ought, we -1 . , ireat' "TU .L. alm. by drinking . t wo Cues Of coffew: per . - tb hav .Or- You tire a skill YOU Is wite " he M118ed, and there has, I onimenced'. My .� . .1 . I. . .. 1. .For ith -skin sillmefiti. - .' .. 11 . call neve Rex," she bop#, I . . r lo, be all hOur free fro 'Of thO sea. Tile ex t 90 back to WAVIlterally-AstoUnded. I INTM treme height of the pass is 18t .Mr. Tud must give - me - "Rex L - '. in p I arfly, . secrets lible a diem. , � � 368 feei.. e spoiled fill, - ! , a tro There is at least o4c, bote!1 1z, the hbl - life; lit! does not. love expert .detect thoughtfully. �'Well, i� all the ' nov6r yet back, WIl I . .: . . . . I I I I I me; lid , 'Va; YOU IV411 'find her,,.If of my experleh6c, X,liavo ] ev .yea.fs* been a:'U'llisper of . . I . . �, . I World which is built f1i � Rrav wished to b� fr1w and intirry Pluma.,t UnY One can. lf MY other; Child. wer 3 I � any disloyalty. era it Often Tema ' . . _� . . .. .. I eya.rd,'I ,,y,,U nlu.�t not think of tile I er come Yet, I 61 the holders of the.se6� tionary ,for month lined sta- . . . I .. , .. . 40 . . I ,. Ono With. an. effol,t, gone to N�, '11k�, this. Sb* liked to - and this hotel which: is . tFOU- 41i'vIng "' he �Mlltiaued, e, Across snything f One . s, - and so intense . . G' CX'V$rt;'& CO., M11,110116111ftr, JEnglAnd . - o ,Onsxdor� . Ws OUdLAS 13nga,, ,, 1. - largest in Canilral America . You know. it Would make e 'i bitestone IIIIII. e has ret8 I � self his knowledge WAS the. pain that I could, tot lie dCw q . NOUN SKYLILTZI Ids S4, � You say, to abroad, he Would be.giv.en a princel to take I . 94 Adel .� . � far the largest: in. l3cliza, 11,PrIdanw, th q .' r,". said able diff'erCnoe ill the distribution Of eagerly 0, marriage?" ha , rest a I Ougbtful - ""! III , . Y I . "Ild bY Mrs. Tudor ))I da� �'till, It . a 012� a 1)f tho bleg Of othL-r pt-ople, my ., I is Surrounded by � tombst6nes, As lskl" noting Y Property, ()a the nif;llt My lost . I � . � questioned.! sum, home, and protection. to,- lit .. , but bad to sit night, and I � ­., — .___�__ TonowTo. 0212 . I . Young face. . . I TI C, d Y in a chair. . This liltu . ,- — . - . . - I ,einete 'xP'SrUE'sSbi0G11ase04f asth%�tiv'e ob"d was bOl'u I made my %vil , --s", she. , 11' Pay Of these holderi. of the no,- . a .. ' M � . L . . L this old and abandoned e � 'y( The Pain W ature to on oyery ba , located in the I .ry ivae just reod" 419 Wbiteston' 1, Ieav-. WAS almost . replied, :"the poor child 'iOa'S honor is about ;gl � ,week, and reniOV0 to other parts. of ould then. Mi . X -of the gontillit I -6 To solid rol. our . I center: of ill(. ,own, ),Ott Are fortunately rar(�. e Hall and the Hurl- - frantic' over. it. Yo ve Bromo-Quinine T-bi.t. compfa . 4fid afforded , - , I should not liave read you il burst Plantation t It (.'yen their families do no ray, body, to Oata.m .. I the remedy tbot cures. & cold in *no day ,ague of $boat . sary porml . I dris like -to be - * . I . 11411010 mild 1109k, . 11 -01, the Ineces r VL dals. young 1, le soon- born, anfl. the their knowledge, faces, 1,was unable . . al excalleni uit( . .a, the obild- just seem greatly. agltated,o Hurvey t * know at- and .when in my .k MUSIC - �, ro: - Have They are all . at isgiou !was ar. a' bou f. , remainder Of MY vast You some new Case connected with I to Walk, and confined ,a stantly to .. obtained from the authorities, and in the marrlag6s be,, - All! here. is.onc . auttliter her?". . . I. � I . I IL -ENOUGH 1.�'OR HIM. ' L . ' 4t, est$10 I bequeathout to, Ijiy 4 1 . 30"P TO BE TB11'=TAL1;VRS, illy room I . on — of c(reollunt, I I I that is . . 1.1aina.. I bei "Vea "' he I Th. # I . . L less than' a Year a large and lnt6restitl�---�a . 'tired 't�y lit ' 1 .a., answered, grim .111 - .1210 are 4.1sc, theA,riny spy -books, 4 1 . I . . � - I 11 Uric tle'ohif;d 1, ly.. 'I I � I - the 6eggar,� won,t — hand- dlag ivhIch is * grand, wed- b " (I think , Lady, $aid Yet hachers with dp@61&1 rat"" . ' � I 'some building -`was erected In d*lg-. Stone'Rall Li to take Place at Wbitf- these with its Mother, Zil in two cases." 11 WhIoli are. mo.itly Official property -, was treated for Rlieuniatigin by , a a nickelL to " . I I . -morrois, ,change(, .that follow I nova I Pldom b and Very eftrOfullY guarded; but (here, several doctors sad alsa tried.many gimin L I I ging the' , foundatiolls hun* I n Allendale, to .Years that all �� Mr. Tudor s . I WNALEY, . ' di,ad w ULSS Perplexities . ) at . J . git some eoffec� . 118 CE &do. I . skulls ware discovered, all at s Of night. r have read of it befoj,d, will -it Bill L Irlought his bus!- I it couple of "lion -coma" whd could madioluesi y I ' I I stands. I to I s fires' - 0 . Without receiving. any The lady did SO, -and he started in. . I were carefully collected and. interred - T PlUm% 14 to be Married little wife knew as'little of Ide' U's got' at those, if -t to the neighbourffig.' Saloon. I yonfro St. I . . Which. 'Will be a magnificent *aftaii i t MY daughter . Wanted 1168 . . husband,to-�bc', - lit', to -morrow ni , , b . . . hey chase. The banefit'L Almost in dospoir, I feared Here I ate cried, you don't. got oaf. ... I I ... t01L Oak � ,tery. The botdi pos� ,very -Aft. Roxfor * ght. 'I ha.vo nc witterin price that would be paid for the . . L in the new came . 'Xilitters as the sparrows t Usiness I in I . . Toren . . d Lyon, Is Ile r, of the: S L )"014 On the branches of th 9 abroad I I would never again experience the . — , I artling dj�seover3, I have ri. enormoaq, for they 00 - Pluma Hurlburat, 19 ,bride,, aris . garden. . .a he all t ,,tai� , I . o hich service is con -%vnalthyi and tile tro out in t too in there oaaher * -0, . . . b(' Secret information ollp'l. Pleasure at being free from pain Lady, he replied, da.t*s where yet Gentsysul 1 4, dudted by a local pr cult B made; to" if anything should oo.iae.of 116 made U . . 'way' Off.- Day keeps 10 on do bar . I a, f1l ot d , I uty t a society it, 110" hopes of a lif,�slimc Would be able aboui. the defendes.of at IV A Short flute ago, MY atLe * i OrNl, t$ 018an0d I Sunday. , � e I Poor And An heiress" * flaRlied. 141 L P Ills mind not to Mention ers. . her row. ution wid 8 A fes"W01'r of 1611 ki I . ---"-,O---- Da*1 although She -hati lorip. , lo believes. hBroLlf solo "",In ,suspicions' that had lodged in Tb6 most Vital,: Importan as directed Ito so .do cirlves 4Ln, orange Peel. ,., � 111d ()use Hangl" f ,n,ds,, , . j I . , �� I � . GOLD 3IDDArA,JV13 averydesorlso .. ed like inade I be saw his way Clearly Y t of all cures Of Rheumatism by Dodd's Kid. S I DYFma, . I . 10MOUt sleeria- ill) my mind, howev On Of ill% complicated affai,,ra h Stich Secret$, however, are the plans neY Pills, recorded in the L Ublic . $100.1ReW'Ardo $!03. UITISIT AMn1tJ0AXq I)TZIINQ 000xo li . expected it, the annotine � -1rass to My' Wealth, I havc, his Mind unt! . he me remarkable L . I . . I .. I . 11 I IDD BUTTONS, f a death -blow to her loving er," he continued, 1�1' , of the great arse�al&' All at ill ... . . little beart, in a sing e determined it Would do Prillfs, I prooUr . Afoutreal, Torolitoo OLLANA & Qudbdc� __ ,I 1`1190AY,'� to confide !I, the young Man to arm ed a bog, and soon The readars, of this y,aPor will be plasig&I it "`� her y earn ing,. passiona ' e. Li.,itant ill ,�,llo is to -be lily future son ti -law , Cry all experiment, have weak points, Though the ex- fOu *63ra that th"1316 at east one 4readtd dive 'Fo and. 0 ' . . They ('alt life Itaught. L0, love for h .4 of this -I affair however. Suit- nd tbaFthey were doing Me good. A 60 Mo has boon able to r 0, 1100FING ffst 116ftl Wo A Store fu 111116 North or jr,olltilan Where hand A" If nothing ever come uig the action to the thought, ,be P1081011 Of ft dYnamito bomb. would I Continued' And v'ry Boon I Was a IhAotaft leid (bat -urp in all Itit rke, . I �aew some young husb0ld awoke into - plitma VorL know of it " : reW' Oat the portr not- wrook Woolwich, or a Ir other big Ill Catarrij. ftajl-g Catarrh Iftelterame., is ROOPINQ SLATE, 1.1 111.1, '' rb life. I . need lie .. . . alt from his poc- new man, A,nd entirely free train ('tire ft tho otily P01tivs cura now knoyrn to P bU LAT&BLAO)MOARDS, . ' I . . '. a Quid High Sak.01 T t "Ato. If, There is tin -old mul in the North She had suddeftly Awakened to ifin "That Would. be- a wise * ket � . I (11`80nal, tbrra is a way I puill'. . *fsomedleallraternfty. Q^tatrhbtAnFrac0ftc;. hs"J,4Mnt6dL b N TIJ498"Now , r ?,VA, the ,,,,,,, and safe in which It ,. Cold TAW, aw. Roo]" "a o Ontdtj Rood �f London who f011ows the Somewhat AWfUI TcalitY that her.Lbusbdn(I was ,"Iftn," IIS361itod "I d could. be done, for ther I 11470 continued so lot Iftlitf011"ll dificRr,11, requiton 16 coligtitutional I Ofty Baud. ' ,Va. 0 not think I shall have a - I 0 I,! one. spot Over Six L troLitmeat. - all* Your Arm), Mo I I I em, Esthli tal callinf&S, Cef, L strange Clilllilg of a. dealo' about to Marry An6ther., . . "Wealth ran have no Influ much trouble With tbi4. Affair as to every arsenal, which __ Months, being able to ALL, 3166119CAUlmrrh Our6btaktnintet. Of —furntshadforwirkoo I . sIble t R off' rid to my A(MA acting directly upon tho blooll and 1JAIDIN111 . 1,11ped tl,%Uy Virg of the fblyir C It Is impos- daily duties a U t , w9ria, r in odd "Oh, pitiful Heaven, What oball I him," continued. the I ebeeOvOr anticipated,,, guard,' Armed 0-5 THIN tom 'Ad41AI4@&W1VA'#".'% buttons, The Xront:13' . ather, refloofjvb� With that n the farm, and feeling. 'nucoug surfaces ox rue gystom, tharoby. dos ' -____ ... rM.'A"I" � '' erves as a.shop, do?" slid cried, wringing IY; "for 31r. Rex Lyon's we . k W,6dge,oa , ,,roylng tho founti'LLIOn Of tbb distase, I oxil a card in the window informo hil "I will b` hor liond.,t. ,al as in, oreign agent, who did able for any kind Of'work, — - L ATVs. Tudor Came and leaned v - .lid L I . I th " -'UX- 1128 011oulder. I .110 g his life in the hour . I &rid "Whose P16ture, have you nge', tll:f. t" n0f tutiba and aspi6tin thef a I - I had - Of SUOOOSS-therq'are plenty. such a, . remarkable cure, has been offected by 01ork. I 9 RAtIll'a In dolvir It4 . ' Ovie(l Out it) herself, "the ' - 's best to - there, _. the Useof Dodd's Xidneypil . *Fteu Phe proprietora have 80 much falt I I I .j rdtiv,opowers that they aflor an hin any kind of- 1 must -I mustl It Must fiat bell' slip a Single dollar from Me, Still, ii Ilarvk%A Why, I declare," she cried, 1-4. and: Od Dollstm for Kni o,tso thaLt it Hun. whain it may coupern that 0 too late '�O Warn them., Yet "clent tot'. them, evexi it th � , 'in "'verily bullevO this Cho 0"39"011aticut9frdh9thby buildbigull , , laa f marriag(. it Uld deprive BrI. I butt*n'cftn be tolled within at would be ,wrong.1, If She alftv��, I ,1 h1m.11 - mention this IAAtter to in, amazement "if 1114 s. in Britaih-ca .Xplosivo depots think it ray d Moderate prloos, I e,( J I 6 I Jsn't Daisy My of her grelitt!st e ,ko railig too cure. . � . " Birooks!"I . end for list of td$t1wohfslA. to go on 4he.. Would b., dulity, of I, Rex Lyalif AhJ the detactiv, I" .1 ,at: th a thisstate. 4 'HF ore dealers, must prevent ," scare , -one aft - . I F -T -C ,NEY&Co,,TOla9D4 — . I`10 buys UP th-e buttons from marine OriXae,' &refore, she. " -lombered. him 0 "� � "Mrs- ROX Lyon, you Mean," said men, each I . . e time of bet dirc�t ngod, That L U Y .ne 1. munt public, i-tr ttlb'e fit of on), st t is known to four licted as I was. Sold li�drufcjqtii, 7.5,j. , I A 4rifing 'the Wage of an Ave This is the � Akessalakers and oth- It- VbOnair youn Well -the handsome) the detective, with a sly I e, 1 DOM1111on --- I f"D g fellow who --- t -winkle in rage skill- Statamout Which 4'�11-, Hall'& 4allyPillsatlithob..6 Line Steamships "I ere' and Sorts. th'qm lut'61 little boxes - ught, his services name bad his eye. ',But for once in your life Ed laboilrer. . DoeY makes over I AfGhtu'40.1 to Li r !! ! --- ! ,Z__ — "_ � I I .� . . time since, Terpool. Italian t4 Z,frdr. . I ! i ! . - ' ore; . . rant ryone in thig ton, 0, 0, found negro labor to b okra onla IN, a 00aw and stater 0 1 - —_ -_ __� Il this portrait represents a diffe SOVIDR- its sincerity. foril tassesof ouisetigerik mmodatiot a can 31p being ,struck by . MOOL Vis4lattas. wh twn� ! YOU are at Sea -and far, f rom ­­­*­� ' and one cannot hibi,R OWA signature - ?*OL Pattland to U1,6 'ell are Pt*Per]Y labelled, Yo all The V64ta Ootton Mill, 01'Cliarles. - to"' Obtain Ovary kind-ol � . l�'4kMILI-V8 011' B4UROPP,A2*J Eve , ' "[f6its"d PfAt 80lilushl1w Sufarl6r so. 11 , button from Ills person altogether. Come, come, I .1 UtGNS, 1101 hburilood kno a tie 141 gitt A ten b" toth livell t.0 M Up of t � Isedand io a Ali I Sto,�,k, Whailler a,' pearl, jyjni., bra�-s, ATA wifg, give me a a ea -quick- . . Was a Cripple f WS that 'Mr- DOOY a failure, but out Of hundreds of rat X Oft ii h1r4. "COMM6 itlan. Va, ,,et, l6r1aas, oloth, shall Oe horn find a b* There is not 4 reigning SO.-craign . oulo . at years, and his Mira. and a It not infrequently Itappens P 4,& W .. t "q0tilt'" he cried., leading the us restoration to health has southern Cotton mills lIOL morethan of 6 . a # or V louill SONY W on, 604, I "'o -en Smukne'S WAY a the kitchen, whe the savory in P tirope XvIlose family is of the no- � and have tried at Ards, mfll$ & ()*. D Irorravoe ado, 9 I odd button ihat, all . C.Fe I %W re . created a great deal 'of talk 1 half a dozen, if as many . . aven't tim'. around Surldridge, Dodd's Xiduey '"t"t"L,90,1104, . V_,niria aid F*rtknii Is required avid Cannot be supper was cooking. ,,I UOXI over whfoh he rules, The 14ouse Ili(! eXperimelat of nogro fabor. ­�­_,_��� . Obtaln0d Of drapers; the particular I I (a uwalt for too, I arust o Pills are having a very large sale --- pattern is not ertake thilf, of Austria 10 ill reality the House of . made, now, or the . girl before she teaebas ,vVilitestalle here. . L . THLI, MOST NUTAJTJIOUS� . trad"mall has 801d out; all Ills Stock, i� A% KA "Aft �"& 10 Uall", . L . Lurraita, . L October Ith, 1820, saw the earliest . teas (!*me - , 31 To be Continue I _____00"__ L $IIOW of "'a Vast d0ntUrJr ill D nglartri, P. P,tS 01 S LL ,a;or In odd but. o R%g d. . origin. The Rind of the not- X)1tOLLI,,HI8,,,. --- . This iss whete thd� 40 ) . - SWISS tho tfal)sburgs being Of - . oa in and 1,110.9(% ,%.Ilb Are it low chlor _____141A__ gialls is '& SaXe-Odburger. The lCing I . . 1014teluer. The young the ,r. mild grobrq are 1111ment Core$ CO ' %Y %J 11 THLA LATEST IN *,,r11,S,, . OE Demillark is a I . As the bride in.his, pariour.all got What they want 0 tin they, taking Aluarb I ' * button short � E ' . . , I �__ '' ' L L , , . F I A N*md%vhat grasping hotel pro lt"39 Of SPaint is an Austro�nourbon tire tired' upon Ids,. etc, , - The Xfng" Of 1(, , It its cheapor to 40' this, Ill m I . prietor in L�'Jlgl 'tly 1, 'L killed, , alld 1. I ORAVEIPUt.-OOMFOgITINM I . And met his matchnot o a Savoyard. The if, The aniount of water flowing out of ., I 1 I founder of the 330inadotte dyn a" 'he mOmeht the World Is much i . Of WOM. L . [0119 ago, 'Ile had showfl a wealthy ty -in %hocked. . I q" VisHot, into a toom Containing Thamas, tL of . I .isow them on, hood. that tryifig Ped0d Whdn the he Nile is 10 fiflitiA tha the or Pattern, and 'on, of al�ioih. just 4t tile thloeshold Swedon was a country attorri'lasy at be t Presently it IS discovered that cases, than to buy a do'? a ny matalilld- lie -doesL fiat reckon and OOOOA � matoha& 11, to "Vhole SYStOm I's undergoing a Complete change, mtinV �l girl falls chandelier, holding it Van; in Italy, a I _ (Tile I a t�v,ejljy candles CS3 than a Century arid the gua$r �vifh ,whI ent,g far "I'd iristrutted tin attendan I URF_AkVA&T-SU00vL .1 ch4r , a quarter Ago ,,nil t)i ,,, ell the kiffing, was ____ 11 _a ictini of C1116r6wls or Greet% Sickness, Her disposltioll* Ile 'IS a � tot reckon charge vi L CI]Uffeg an4 she t1b0m all, Th t to lighil 'lleneS ' ' 0 %,Ing of the don6 swere loaded With rice, MONtARAL 140'1`1!J� DIRMTORY. I ___.. - bUttofl.L a 'becor"s InOrOse, dOspondent and Melanellolv. I a Man did so, but the . 11018fettlitr, The Hobert- A practical jokof Oxelalm4 the 49iigg--:,5,��,-,ft�vq"�w.—A'..—,, —k*W.W_ _l__— I I — . __ I but gratefulocus".10mer4 often zollern A# . oilwi* r i � , I PaYh Inore, , fteStift ifliperfet The appetite tj chgnge. .9 Weto originally Swablarks be. World, hereupon, Ila, a I a, ha ha I , -.TuE.. I"o And'WettritleSs 4ntf fati truest flumedlatOlY Ordered blift to Ing therefate Partly Bavarian ' It H --- qii-i� --- -- "_ ' L . . 't are Qxperx'enced on ""et wh'etl tJI0 visitor par ly Swl$g, s and N not zIIW&Y8 easy to (11,4cerlr the . gUe . put them out , ----I*.— I th* qllghtest exertion, 13 a.0.*011 �Or 111.4 'I t " I . �_ INVZI ST brunott6S 1cmdes beconle. pallij, �VOLXLY and pufl�t ,V Ml Tie found this item; thin line whiell. dolintits F,f Thirty-eigbt in G"ry 1,06jr I RZNTS 01' n0y&LTIVIS, L become muddy a6d VaYi-sh I'll Colorl with %VchtY 0andles, fi�e Shillings, _­ .1 . mor from hydroo elluille, fift. Bn g i is . American. isek under the eyes, billish black rings -I"#--- epharoun idiody in its in . .Uritles are . .. . Ito Went J),zek to the 1,001n On Who, marry Ale O,vev 51 years of . , A,invo I . I I li- Canada . rite . I more transcande , 51 years of , form of Itivestmont'lil . 1. a� . Ldok.them all out, wrapped the and HOW NAIL9 altONV, . ntol�lreacbea. I Qg6, , 1. � the itoyal ExaminAticift I m in 1. -.--- - _., . I Familleg of ill&. Continent, and they . ' * 'bit tyl Papar, an(t t8lipped them int The timB taken for tbo t � __ I I . . __ �. � I'�. . . It IlIngli,sh lnV,,,t. eftses Iii the-qttal,tV of flie his overcoat.poOL-et. a .issues of . — I .. I It b.1.0.o,d,,, J.ron and suell other restorative I Ive I . Ma ,efint take their plide w, 9116WS a remarIcable dec I. I 11 B'Mperor it q. '" AdMJr4b1Y Combinecl in IVbOli ileaving the hatol he foull(I you a com- " I Monte. ThA Garfaa q your left Iland to g, Pe nearly tbrea-4uartera. of a faill,ou as . , 'S Net -VO rl 00d are demanded S as � . . I niv.; I Ameriettyl, . persistent use,jor t)r, Ch, by the SYStem, ThO regular al)d many 0611vantA ill the 11,111 slulling 010te thangs of nails 19 from ,�Ight to I I ,. /V . - debenture bonds. Thil ajil .ieela Nerve P 60d CAnnot f4il. to benefit anyL gIrl Pleft8duLly, and ready for th'a expoet. . � 4tt,4,41�'L V&�,.� And WMIRM CANADA to 1"Inglish blve, It, . Tarlflg fr40fh L'hloroStg, &MI'lu Stl tip T.11011 the tlop. tell days more tball that required for A I 11 , . I I ount. of Ill I. or young Woman Sul 'tig L 4 qtments nib r artl gU_ t a reltowal of those on, tho right ,land. I I is WdAkIlOSSOS resultilig ..q , . I . not knOWh1 And edr(l is taken to hida . froill poor blood all irregularitiag or (IrOw ;Ut the oan(1169 The growth I,% also known to bo more .0 .0 . . I molrtgtiga 46foratio"', . I I .. � . , I . . I I . their. flittttft, The Austrian Struct.q. Wast 4 Oxhallated fierveg, It 1`6C6n. diAtribute them. Allow Me, 19Jr, ,,Saitl r1pid In A,Illldr�eft than in adults and . . 111atfilly 'have fnVeAtmenta In Itayal organ of the ed tissud) givasoolor to the cheeks and neW vl't4l,ty toloVery he With a ba goea on ;&"I Ger. body. ' W; permit. Inc, int. fast 4/,ithoAo � — ManY and in 11,11914nd. Th6 09.,ar hag . . Theyare, very -Suparior candles, I q.11 ter, or In' Summer than i�wl It � '!'I ­ . I . ,�s It requirp,s ,Ill OverRge of n. Vd, . �. sure yoU,, I Paid it goo(I pried for t1lolu, 4 . le Zl# - , "PAITUNT, I , V4 and ab"IlOff Iff A11161710an' Tall. ' lays for a ro�owal of the halls ,Ii:�� . , alaickst a MR I k, RIV11031 I t I I . L. . 00ft, y at their novel till, l. winter" and but ItO during the spring oe � �, 6tVed L out half a Million in I and so he Jeft thoin, staring hopo, in - 0 Jigh anotiritlefl. The Ring of SweOeh L 0 16� , , ID 6� 16. X-0 "Mt and Flummer Months, = A 444�tl� .%& AbdI1000%rdot rec M, Ott dop r Chruse a Mery $I IntoreAf,told lot '.4 " pr6fera brewory 'nVe.'JCM'Pnf9,Laft(Tfia.J .L . Vr CC 0outid. 0 hfies WIVIngs wid6ly Invested, ,pho . od -I---*— . � *,---,#-----% �� 11�� . . Ott JiAlf-YdArly ttjib ....... ­.....". 12,6 , , , in. 50 tAnf!t Alvarti was splat'noed to 13 yoc�rn , . . 4 . I . afl(I U0J*&r4jr "rteolV 0", I v0stwontA of Lyle Italhin Roya) Plain , 'A IIOX,� 6 boxcb for $2 . Araino Abipbuildt'rs itre devoloplag . _ ed f6t, - Agent4 1. $100 / I liv Arit mainhe in UnIT140- WArtt4forDr. Chaifs,56; at ith dealdril, or J.:dmahJgOh,,91ktdS In sling Sing to), tll,� I-mbo.-Aritient I I L I A , 1wht'% debblituroof are JAdiftod . , 11hVilail4a. 't Last Atitt Com ete Adoolpf Book & Cor.s Tottinim 1: of $620,00O f rallil tb:� Teirat Nationir (1W 1101100fter rig to 811011 Aft dxt�40 I �. �/ , I 1. th. 1, t . ,. 11 I 1 ,- I I .. , "'wrC511, px­­ ........ * .... . .. Lid . A Ad 13ank, of which Ila Wds formL at they tire 1) I ro&"I "I'll'ye"60"A"A"ol"'a 40 tellor. Irly noto net Uttill,-, tOROther rt v6s. . . L 470 . . . I of that type with, 40 IOSS than � L I 11 I I I . . . I *--�% . . I uVen mas� . IL I . . I - � - I I I . L � . L W-04110"Amlo. 4 Urollto -stmok - TOW11110 L