HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-09, Page 5May 9th, 1901. imimpoismswanismosio•ossirrroomrArl-4--.:.-.4r$4100•00, DR.,THOMPS_ON HAS MOVED. Dr. Thompson has moved his place of reeidence and office from Rattenhery fitreet east to Aillert street north. ,,For Sale Ads t MILL.ETT FOR SALE A quantity of pure Japanese seeeleft. tape bushel. • ELFORD er. SON. Ante 20th. Ilohnesville• 1- ROOTS RIR SALE. We have wine first-class Mangolds for sale. Price Se per bushel. First come, first serv A.pply at one° to • R. & J. RANSFORM staostoo salt, works. MAR POSTS FOR $AM The undersigned will deliver at 13ayfleld from the Bruce Penittselo on the opening oottviga- tion. 10.000 cedar posts, Tops of posts 5. inches up, length Si feet. Price, 12cento1rb. Apply . to James Thomson, Bayileld, or GEO. A.. TURNER, lirueolield I. 0.. March 9th. 7. CEMENT FOR. SLE,. _---• • Thorold Cement for solo by F.ilward Carter. corner William and Princess streets, Clinton, Special rates on ear lots, Estimates given en • Allsvork cement walls and flow s satisfactorily done and all orders promptiy attended to. Real Estate For Sale. 0011113 OF REVISION TowNsurp O STANI,BY. -- The Court of Revision for the township of Stanley will be bold in the township hall, Varna, on Monday, May 28h, commencing at piOicoollotenkk:iotnice, .11.All parties interested will J. E. lIARNWELL, Clerk, Varna, May 1511. HOUSE FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale a seven -room- ed. cottage en Orange street together with one- fifth acre of tend. New cistern and well... Will be sold on reasonable terms. • MRS. CARLING. . Clinton, April nth. COURT OF RFATISIONt , • TOWNSHIP OP MULLETT. Notice is hereby given that the meeting of the Court for the Revision of the Assessment Itoll of the Township of lIttllett will be held at Londesboro on Saturday; May 25t11, td the hour of 10 o'clock a. In. for the purpose a hearing, and settling all complaints against the saki .It- out Roll. Persons having business at the Court, will please attend_ at the son and place withOut farther notice. JAMES CAMPRELL, Clerk, Hullett, May 8111.. • • - HOUSE' FOR . Tho undersgthed offers f orSale or to rent his ono story house on -Albert street together with ono quarter acre of land, on which, there aro thirty fruit trees. Good well and. cistern. ' 11 - Chinon, A.pril 101111 FARM FOR SALE Mange of B118111658 Part of )ot 35 n 13111 Con. Goderich TownshiP containl sixty five rtereS, Gootl fraine' house an barn and bearing orchard on the Promises. Only 2 miles from Clinton.... For further partieulars apply. to R. A.1Efet1rn, on the premises or •J. AIDOCT Clinton. : GALE -FARM FORSALE The Oak Farm, ono of -the best 100-0e1e 1ar018 , ill Goderieb township, Thiron comity, lot 17 and part 18011 the.8t11 con.. 01miles from 'Oode- rich, 7 from Clinten. Tint farni contains good buildings and fences, is wellwatered and un-. derdrained. Large orchard and garden. Wheat sown and plowing done. 'Would sell either- 80 or 100 acres, Apply to - • " . wM. GOiThti, ' V3f1.1.i. '. on the premises or God erich i.e. • _____—,.....--•—•------- • FARM FOR SALE • . . Tho undersigned offers for sale lot 30, 'con, 7 1111110M, consist Mg of .100 acres, 00 acres cleared,. balance good hard -weed.. imsh, chiefly maple, 10 amain fall wheat The lot is well watered and feneed and would mitito a good, stock farm. There is a good orchard and -two good barns, The farm is 4 utiles front Clinton and It mile r. 0 1 TI SutumerhIll postoince, church and school. 'nether particulars apply on the premise ' o ,. address . WILLIAM WALLACE, Sept. 12111. - • Swum erinlin 0. • ....----_,...-7-..........-. FARM .VOR .SALE... Having 'bought the Grocery ,-. and Crockery business so 'suecesS- fully earriect on for the past 12 years by J. W. Irwn, mad beving over 20 years' experience Myself in wholeettle and retail. Grocery end ()rockery business, I aut. con- ' - ticket I cankeep 'up the good. reputation, of the old firm 'in keeping' nothing but the very - best goods at the lowest prices. 1 have reduced all my The Bankrupt Stock of 04 B1 KOENIG will all be moved into Our own• store and be. - • ready for our .• Dinner, Toilet and Tea Sets • to'nitike room for my import • Or- ' der which expect' in 0 feW months. Cell and examine goods before yoir buy. • No trouble' to show geode., ' J, W, MeGFIBE. •'With, reference to the abtive change in business I take Wig • opp�rtt2IlitiY of explesSinh " me sincere thanks to tny nurneroes friends and customers for .their ' hheral support attritig 'the past 12 years end bespeak toi, my see- eessor, J. W. McCabe,' the same liberel treatment so generpusly • accorded. rae.. • • • • , e)ft. w11R,WX1‘7. ‘1%,V10,43tReetetetOROmowyess,,,„tt, eteeemeateetteW, The undersigned offers for sale -lot 20, con. 15 Ooderich townshipconsisting of -SO 'Ores. all•' - cleared. The lot is situated 31 miles from' Clinton and 2 miles Imre school., ' Possession' on the premises to ,. given next fall. 1._'or ftirther partieulais a_pide March 7th. ROBERT RUCK, Photon P. 9. • . . HOUSE FOR SALE. .. The subscriber offers for sale a very dosiritle Property on Isaac street consisting of four lots upon which there is it, comfortable) frame house With kitchen and woodshed attached.. There Is a good stable and a, first-class we,1 of water on premises. The orchard, consisting.of grapes and apples, is a good. oue. The property will besold at 0 reasonable liglire for cash or / cash and balance on time. Apply to the owner on he premises• MRS. JOHN JUrt NO Clinton Masi Oth ' ' • —......-------.....;-........:-.............-.:.--- HOUSE FOR SALE.' • The undersigned offers for sale the frame dwelling on Albert street 00101'apresent oc- cupied by Der. T. J. Murdock. Good c'elittr, small stable, etc., etc. For further particulars • apply to A. S. mailmen. OM ton. Oct. '23rd, SERVANT WANTED. Wanted at °lima competent general servant, Apply after six to ' • MILS. PI1ILLIPS, Clinton, May 8th. . Rattonbury Street. • . . . • A MUSICAL CENTRE Your home becomes a musical centre when you have a 0rst quality.pia,no there. You will appreciate the high qualities of those I sell and how I cari sell them. Organs and General Musical Merehandise sold right HOARE''S Music: Emporium. , .. FEATHER EAN I NG • I Wish to thank my trimly eustorn-. ere for. their past. patronage. . They • have been so good as -to tell Me that my work was satiefactory and pleased -them. well. I . hope to have a Continw ance of. their, potrOnage and that of ew custornerS as well. If you want your Feathere well eleaned &op • a c.ard in the 'poetoffice .to my address and I. will call 'upon you. • A... H A.Y WARD, The Feather. (Meitner Clinton P. O. • which will begin • • FRIDAY MORNING. - 3rd - • AT 8 O'CLOCK 1 Our .1-thei'Ves are piled • full of bargains :which • we are sure- will be Worth. Your While to come and inspect. We have not time this week ' to quote prices but. in-vite you to give us a calLand SEE FOR • YOURSELVES what Ire have to offer. PLIJNISTEEL AND GIBBINGS TUB CLINTON ..azWB• 3Olto „..n.sn'onranc,•e*Pnt EXCler. Oa Wednesday morning last an sode °owned at the Southerland-Ionie Workwhleh will be remembered by all who witnessed it the rest of their lives. It seems hir. SarnUel Van »Us0 bead sawyer, Was engaged in oill the autobiney under his care and in oine *11 . , • • STEPLADDERS CIVEN AWAY • To every purchaser of one can of our Pure Cream Baking Poyder we1 • give, without any extra charge, a along and -char- • . able ' five-foot Stepladder. 26c Brooms go at 20e: Three 150 bars c:if Soap for 250. Bring your :Eggs along, extrapriee this week. HOUSE TO LET. The five -roomed lately ocenDie Prank liner, on Whitten street, opposite Edward Carter's, Is to let. Possession givee on May 15th. Apply to ROBERT MARSITALL. - You are 'Very. Busy BULL FOR SERVICE. Subseriber has for service a. 6001304 ShOtt Vont iltill. Terms 01,10 to insure. ADAM WHIM Iltdlett, May 8111. Lot 27, Con. 1. llullOtt. W. GLEN, CAMPBELL Organist, and Choir -Master of North street Church, Ooderich, and teacher of Piano. Pine - organ and 1,11000r. Is prepared to take a limited number Of Pupils fer instruction .. Leave word at the (100ention Hotel. 'Will visit Clinton on Friday -of each week. t„.,,„,.!,heariesee,........,„„,„..,..."..".........., .110ARBLEAND1RANITE tiloNUMENTS: ,escre / Manner his clothing became ortugh the taut of a revolving shaft, when he was thrown with terrible force into m Machitiery and against the two lac saws in motion. By his presepce Mind he managed to grab hold of brace and Mr. Wm. Parsons, who was lose by end at the risk of his own life, seeing Zr.13.Van Dusen's dangerous pr.e. diem:omit, seized him by the legjiist time to prevent him from being drawu into the two saws. and, thus save him from almost certain and instant death. As it was he was stripped of nearly. all his (do thingand a part of the toe of One of his boots was out off by orte of the savire. The sight was indeed a thrilling oue and the man's escape froth death Was nairaculous. • Strange to say; however, be owe oil` without a scratch. • CATARRH Called an Anaericen disease, is cured by an American medicine, originated and prepared in the most catarrhal of Anteriean countries. That medicine is lloceits Sarsaparilla. In cures radioelly and permanently, in that it removes the cause, cleansing the blood of sorofulous and all other impurities. It over comes all the effects of catarrh, too,end builds up the whole system. Zurktit. Tho maws are buoy veneering Mrs. Truemnere dwelling house at present. II. O. Don has the frame of hie new barn etanding. It was rallied on Satur- day evening. Mrs. Kelliher& and daughter left for Ilawkesville on Thursday morning. J. D. Xerner purchased a driver from .Tohn Steekle of the Bronson Line, Stanley. A new smoke stack was put up at the grist Mill on Monday. It Is ten feet higher and 4 inches larger in diameter ban the old one. P. Lamont purchased a steer recent- ly which weighed over 1800 lbs. Ile intends to put him on grass and Make him weigh a ton by Xtnee when he will send it to the oity for Xnacte trade. • Lightning struck the dwelling louse of Frank Bossenbury on rhuroday about noon but not much damage was done. RHEUMATIC WARPED LIMBS Mre.II , Willa, Ont.,saye boy was all crippled up with rheumatism. Al• though we doctored, he was in thia way for about one year, and the pain was terrible, Reading of teeny eases where DeChasehi Kidney•Liver Pills had cured nn, n "Give Him an Inc4, , &'UTaAe an Let .the smallest tnimbe vitt torigtnent irt your body and your whole system will be diseased. The tnicrobe Is microscopic. But the germs become inches and then ells of pain. Hood's Sarsaparilla destroys the microbe, prevents. the pain, purifies the ktood and effects • permanent cure. RunDown-11 had severe head. aches and my constitution ,,as genee410 rue rfeaun. Had read a6out Hood's Sar,, sapartIta, tried it, and after using two bunks was entirety cured.' Miss Mary Flannigan, Manning Ave., rowdy, Ont, • 11AltRIAGES, GRIFFITH-FLEET-At St.Paul's rec- tory, by Rev. Wm. Lowe, on May Ist Wm, Oriflith of the township rheumatism we got a box. Before they of Hovviolt to Mies Iva Meet of the were half gone he began to imp o e, and is now quite well. lam very glad to recoroinend them to others," One pill a dose, 25 cents a box. • • Sugatr Beet ExporimentS. During this summer, experiments in the oultivetion of iisugar beets will be carried on in the following sections of Ontario : 1, Whitby, Lindsay, and Port Perry ; 2, Waterford and Sinacoe ; 3,Lonclon and Alvieton ; 4,Mount, Forest and Walkerton, •, 5, Peterboro' and PrinceEdward •, 6 Dnoville and Cayuget; 7, Clinton ; 8 Waterloo. The Govern- ment supplies •the seed free and die-. tribution of the seed is taking place • now, The distribution or the seed began Monday morning. Distriution is being made through students from the Agri- • eulturural College, and officers of. the Department of Agriculture. Prof. Shuttleworth himself has charge ot the distribution about Berlin and Olinton. E. H. Shuttlewortla Will take charge of the distributingin • the Peterboro. and Bellville districts. j..111, Van Pater is distributiug in ,the vicinity of. Stowe • and Waterford ;J. Mister about London' and Alvistort ; G. • A. ',ethane about Mount Forest and Walkerton , Mr. Little lb the vicinity of Danville and Cayuga ; and W. P. Ganible has charge of the distribution about Whitby and Lindsay. ' • • Each of those charged with the dis- • tribution grime personal direction as to cultivation to those receiving the, seed. Spades are also taken by. the 'dist• - ributing agents for the purpose of teat- ing the geciund on which those receiv- ing the seed propose to do the plaeting • eWhet is required," said Mr. -Gamble ',islandwhere there is an open sub -soil and which was menured last508801L. If' the manure was Put on during the winter or .this 'springthe soil, would, °vying to the presence of...so much .coarse straw, etc., be too :open, and thus likely to produoe roots full of prongs. 'What is required is soil open enough for the roots to grow in but .sufficiently firm to' ensure that roots will be clean and solid. Land on Which roots, .pot%tbes, or peas were grown last year -Will suit very well so far as that, part of the !natter is concerned. In pre - preparing the land for beets, do net plow, but. run the harrroW •over the ground lightly once,,then cultivate with a epring tooth cultivator to a depth ot about. three inches.: Follow thiswith a double harrowing, t nd then roll ao aa to pack the soil for e depth of about tvvo inches. After this again serape the soil with a harrow and thee put the eeecl in .with a drilt. The seeding must be dope on the level, and the width he - tweet i the rows should be twentpone inches., The seed should lice put in just as soon as possible, four poends to the quarter apre. The roots require to be growrewell down in the soil, es the part which cornes above the surface is of no use in' theproduction of sugar.". • Wingbam.. • Assessor Youhilt has conapleted his labors and returned his roll. The total assessnaent for 190114 $605,937 as given in these oolumne- two weeks ago. There is an Increase of $38,323 over the assessment of 1903. The number of male resident13etvveeri 21 and 60 years of age ie given as 463, The population of the town as taken from the roll is 2192. The teachers of East Huron will hold their annual Institute meeting in Wing - barn public sohoce on Friday and Sat- urday, May1( aod 18. A. good pro. gram is being 'prepared. This year West Huron's teachers will meet in • convention in Exeter, two days before Victoria Day, the dates being changed to May 22, 23. The teachers of Wing - hate. will hold an "At Home" in the council chamber on Friday evening, May lith, at which Mr, F. W.Merchaut of London Normal School will give an acildirresLsearn organizer for the Wood- • Inert of the World, 'has succeeded in enrolling fifty-six members in the Wingliam list. o. oLsori Next door Dr. Genres private hospital. BE THOROUGHLY PREPARED FOR. BUSINESS. C 4 village of Fordwich. IIUTCHISON-LOEZER-In Wingham, on April 30111, at the residenoe 01 Mr. R. A. Mittelman by the Rev. D. Perrie, Mr, Thomas Hutchison to Misa Bertha M. E. Loezer, both • of 1VIornington, Perth Co, BLACKBURN -HOOKING -At the resi- dence of John Begg, Mitchell, on April 24t1o, by the Rev, R. Whiting, Mr. George D. Blackburn of Chat- • ham, to Miss Mary, danghter of Mr, John Hocking, Mitchell, e • MILT IIS. -- GrREISCII-In Clinton, on Friday, the wife of Mr. Greisch of a daughter. SKELTON-In Morris, on April, 26th the wife of Mr. Skelton, of a daugh- ter. LINDSAY -In Blyth, on April 27th, • the wife of Dr. J.C.Linsay,of a son. FEA.R-In East Wawanosh, on April • 29th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Fear, of a daughter. • CANNING -In Seaforth, on April 28th, the wife of Mr. James Canning, of • a deughter. • COOPER -In Kippen, on April 25th,the wife of of Mr. W. W. Cooper, of a son. DALTON -In Hibbert, on April 290, • the wife of Mr. John Dalton, of a WARRIOR WOES -Through damp, cold• and exposure many a brave soldier Who left his native hearth as "fit" as man could be to fight for country'e , honor, has been "invalided. home" because of the vulture of the battle ground -Rheumatism: South American Rheumatic' Cure will libso- ltitely cure everticase of Rheumatiam in existence, Relief in Six hours. -S014 ,by R. P. Beetle,- 08 • • : STRATFORD, ONT, . Much. of your future success depends upon' he thorough preparatio t you receive, there fore be careful When, selecting a school. No two schools are alike. The excellent repo- • tattoo that our college enj ys the large patron. age We receiVe, the splettlid success our stu- dents have in securing and. holding situations, indicate that our school Is one of the very' best in the Dominion. Write for our becnnifol cat- alogue in which you will find fult particulars coneertnng our college. .18 yeti want' the best in business edueation you 00.0 got it here. Students can enter (111 11(13 time. . ••- W.J. ELLIOTT. Principal . , but 'we would. like to eall your attention to our children's shoes. Iron - clads are their name. Soundsstrong don't it and if you want -wearing quali- ties and beauty combined, S0 them. Our Standard Shoes for • youths and boys can't be beat for tile price. Out Cash price is for Youths' $1.25,Boy14' .50. Call and try them and you will be pleased. • '14 RATTENBURY ST WORKS, Direct initi,,ortere. 4orictnan. eltip and material guaranteed. BUTTER & EGGS TAKEN. Si C. RATHWELL0 Vdt-ILIZSTA. A Quebec depaation is in Ottavia to urge the Government to purchase. the Plains of .Abraharn. BELIEVE IT TO BB .TITE MOST EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR STOM- ACH AND NERVES IN THE MAR- KET," is what Annie Patterson,of Sackville, N. B. ,ElaY$ of South Aniericen Neryine, for, she says, La Grippe and the ecirtiplication which followed it lett her next to dead with Indigestion, Dyspepsia aed General Nervous, Shat- tering. It cured her. -Sold by R. P. Reekle- 100 ' A NV VEIL EXPERIENCE WITH HE A RT DISEASE. --Mr. L. J. Law, Toronto, Can.) writes : "I was so sorely troubled with heart disease that I WEIS unable for 18 months to lie down . in bed lost I smother. After taking one dose of Dr. • Agneves Heart Cure,' retired and slept soundly. I used one bottle and the trouble has not returned."-- Sold. by R. Reekie-99 omares Troubles. Army if orses. DEATIIS. • • PENNINGTON-In Colborne, on Thurs day,May 2nd Mrs. Thos.Pennington, aged 43 years,5 months and 8 days. HOWARD -In Whitby, on April 27th, the wife of Thomas Howard) and sis- • ter of Mrs. John Govett Clinton: LAIDLAW-10 Morris, April 2511h, Mary A. Black:beloved wile of J as . Laid- law. • . ' M.A.THERS-In Morris, on April 22nd • the infant child of. Mr. and 'Vire. • Geo. Mathers: GAUNT -In Kinloss, gay Ist, dwin Lorne, infant sort of ,Mr. and Mrs. • ,Gaunt, aged one years, 23 days. YOUNG -in Zetland, on April 28th, Barbara Robinson, retest of the late James Young, aged 78 years. REID -In East Wavvanosbon April the 29th, 1901, Evesia (relict of the late •'(eorge Reid,) aged 53 years. MORRISON-In Kinloss, on April 29th, • 1901, Susan E. Alton, beloved wife of Mr. S. Morteson jr., aged 26 • years, 3 mcintbs, 16 days. HAWKINS-On London Road, on Apri 2$, Aen Case, beloved wife of Geo. Hawkins, aged 74 years,I1 months. QUINN-At Kincerdine on April 20th, ' •• Francis Alfred) beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Quints, ' aged 8 months, 5:day. B. mAninsoN-At Armow, 00 the 25tb of • April, Margaret, relict of the late Hugh Mathesoia, aged 84 years. VANCE-At Kineardine on. the 2.9th of • May, Elizabeth, wife of John "Vance -aged 64 years. • • MoKINNON -In Winghini, on April • 261h, Donald McKinnon, of Kinloss, aged 7$ years,5 months and 26 days, SLEE'LLI-10 Seaforth,on April 26th, Mary Halliday, wife of Me. David • Sleeth, aged 78 years. • Walter Harland • Smith, the well-. known Toronto horseman, was inter- viewed the other clay in regard to hi$ pureShasea of horses for the Britiah ser- • Questiened about his transactions Mr. Smith remarked,--" Yes, I bought outright about 2,300 horses to be 'used in etivalry remounts, and or these 1,700 were acCepted by the British gov- ernment. These horses. were purchas- ed all' over the province, and If they • would interest you here are some figures. of the p5robases made. They are. apptoximately: Perth, North Middlesex, 324 ; Wellington East, Cardwell, 98 • Middlesex and West Oxford, 345;.Hall. ton, 65 ; Kent, Bothwell, Elgin,394 ; Ontario County, 102 Oxford, 265 ; Hastings, Lennox, 185; Welland 106; Esse(, 60 ; Huron, 74 ; Bruce' 58: York 6S; Peel,. 130. My method.of pur- chasing the horses olitright gives an adVantage to the farmers over the old syetem of exatnining the horseS in yards. Last year there were 500 reject- ed, yet the farnaers got full prices for them. • Uttpt.Edoutted Cherie.; Paeadis of the 5111 Battalion has been appointed In-., spector of Mounted.police. . . Mrs. Chas., teeeling, sen., Owen Sound, Ont., writes ;-"It is a pleasure to tell what great benefits I have derived from the, use of Dr. Ohase'a Nerve Vood. I API 55 years cif age, tmd for about five yeers triy life Was one of greet suffer- ing from nervoustees, weaknese and extreme physical exhaustion. I could not sleep, and hot flushes would pass through my body from feet to head. consulted our family physician and two other doctors, but they told Me that about ntY time of life 1 Was likely to be troubled in this ;Way:. I continu- ally grew worse and despaired of ever being cured. Dr. Chase's Nerve Vood came to nay totice, a,nd ae we have Dr. Chase's Recipe Dook had Con- • fidence h. the (lector. sVas So sur- prised at the belp I reeeived frorn the first boX that I bought thrhe more. They built me right up and made me feel healthy and youog again. They have proyeri a great bleSsing to me, and I hope thia testimonial will be of help to some weak. nervoue svonain suf. feting no flifL0 For' Over Fifty Years . atrahaftatatow's Sooeutea Bram, has bowl. used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a. sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at. once and Piet a WOO ot "Mr8. WitielOW'S Seeth- ing SYD1.1P ' for Children Teething. It will re- lieve the poor itte sufferer immediately. De-. pond upo n it, mothers, th ore 18 110 Ini8talto ahoy t it. It cures Diarrlosa,_ regulates the Stomach and bowels, eons I,Viful Celle, softens the Gums, reduces li ilam Illation, and gives ton e and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is plea. seat° tho taste and is the prescription of ono of the oblest; nod best female physicians ainl nurses intim United States. Price twenty -Bre 00118011 bottle. Soaby alldruggists through out the world." Re Ware and ask for "Mee nkfsr.olv Sooiltirto sarrone lillt011 allot Report SEALE 84 1310E otommorts, WA N. WALKER NANneiterenuit O -k ALL KINDS OF MATTRESSES Lounges, Couches, MI Cote flas and tritholsterer in all kinds of Par- lor Furniture. Mattrieses made over. Prleeateroonable. Ladies ere partleularl, Invited to rell anil eareples Of Work and ceVeringd. Store -Ontario Street, Olinton. One door oast of S'Ard4klioN011,0 Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. eleweeesteweeleeteoleuriteteeloomemeelemalee ig Stook • • of Hardware JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER FULL STOCK OF Hardware Graniteware Tinware Nails Glass Daisy Churns Clothes Wringers *Lawn Mowers Spades Shovels Rakes • Hoes • Ready Mixed Paints - Alabastine and Kalsornine and all kinds ofFenee Wire We Buu inLarQe Quantities an Give Our Customers tie Benefit of it, - Wheat:16,14,1. • ;0,0..1" b tO. 0 44 Goose ,, 0 '12 to 0 63 Biteley....... . . ..... 0 31 to 0 40 Oats . .. . . 021) to 0 30 .. 0 60 to 0 60 PRoytets 0 40 to e 45 Potatoes per bushel .. 0 20 to 0 25 Butter rolls and crock ... (3 12 to 0 13 Butter in tub . , 0 12 to 0 13 Eggs per doz....". ..... 0 00 to 010 Hay. 8 00 to 0 00 0 15 to 0 16 • Live IlOgS per 6 00 to 00 - Singer!! ,.640 to 6 40 DressedPork per Mt.... 7 00 to 7 25 Flour per ewt .. ... • 1 75 to 2 00 I3ran per ton.... - - 15 00 to 15 00 Shorts per ton .„ 15 50 to 16 00 Wool per lh ....... 1510 18 Dried Apples per „ .01 to 0 41 111 cunt" 4iontinued•Mr. Smith, gtagairi purchaeing a few eelected horses for military purposes they must be within military regulations which reqtrire horses from 14 hands 11-2 inches to 15 hands 2 inchessand front siX to eight years old« They must be Bound, strotig, vtell bred and of good colors. By the latter 1 remit that there must, be no greys, roans, spotted or light, cre.arns,” PROVED PRICELESS.--3uby coats and cinnamon flavor. • Dr. Agnews Liver Pills are house favorites. The nerves are toned. The blood is purified The complexion is brieh tand ruby Headaches vanish and perfect health follows their uee. 40 closes 10 cents, --Sold by R. P. • Reekie-101 NOW I FEEL DEAL WELL Mr. W. II. La Blatice, Bonfield, Ont., writes : I war; once a sufferer from catarrh and while tieing Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure I was recommended to use also Dr.Chese's Nerve Food to build up the system. My nerves were ex- 'hausted and I Wee too Weak to do a were, work when I began using it, and now am strong and healthy and feel real well. I am perfectly sure that anyone who uses Qr. Chase's Nerve Food will believcras I do, that 11 is the best strengthener and restorative obtainable, :This sIgniture is on everyi3ox et the prude!! Laxattve BrottllOttinIne Tablitg the remedy that cares a told in ono day ohmi•rommtownwormsommitoilowsimiomorimome D/61.5. A,lYezltrootro rliospihdine, etimeleasetneiwe..tow*Otliolweeotritt,Olrowtelitwoweeriew Soolortb. Ilarkot Report CLINTON f. MARBLE AND Just Received Two Cars of Portland and Thorold Cements at Low Prioes, HARLAND 13ROS. CHEAP - HARDWARE HOUSE. I - ,• . . . • .M61411Nti0N GRANITE WORKS .A. by-law to purchase the electric light plant for $27,000 was carried at Parry Sound. Wheat ..... ... ......, . . 0 63, to 0(15 Gooee Wheat. ............ 0 03 to 0 05 Barley 0 88 to 0 40 'Oats - ......... ..„.“0 27 to 0 28 PeaS , ...... ,.. 0 60 to 0 60 Rye 0 37 to 0 40 Potatoes per bushel.. - , 0 25 to 0 30 TM Great Entilisk Nernedy. Batter loose 111 Crock 0 13 to 0 14 Cold Settles ontheKidneys 80111 011(1 recommended by ell /3,, up,. intub ..... 0 la to 014 • able medicine dilicostre .., 74 Eggs per doz.., ... . ..,.. 0 01) to 0 10 druggiste in canada. Offictre„,it- - - fouls° ems! Weaknesa..611, effeets Of abase fty • ., . • ,. , , .. • • • • ,.... 1 00 to 8 00 packoget pareptteed to ore ./.1 „ . or mese, Mattel Worry, Exeetsive rum of To° ' Live Itogs pm ciwt«...,... 0 00 to 6 00 &tog; ft', amp iets free teariraaddrese4. 1 rioor. pot, owt,", 2 00 to 2.00 TM Wooil cativo* w door, on, .The best class of work • procurable bas been tnantifactured here .for • men y yeitre WEWON'T' call on yott a week 'after • your bereavement.. WE WON'T make the work to sett the price. WE WILL make tile price toWE suit wILL give you the choice of ths • prodtrivtion of the world . In design and material. • We are the ONLY prac, tical men in Clinton in • Our line. Do mit, be • talked into placing your • order. withfir out st call- ing on us. Exposure to told and damp Minos - the work; J. B. HOOVER, PROP Next to Commercial Hotel. Stamped Satin; Pliere and budder% ehanges in the weath- er clOse the pores of the skin and this throws the Waste Matter Which should esexce through the skin back on the kidneyst The effect upon these over - 'burdened organe le what to 1cnowtt et "cold on the kidneeo," widelt usually develop!! ihto regular kidney dieease ier Bright's diaearte. Wine eaviteat tsyreptonis ot alliror kid. nevi are backeehe, painful and scald- ing emisatioes when vetoing water and deposit!! in the urine. Immediately at( the appearatice of any of these Incliert. tions resort should be made to Dr. Chase's leldney-LIver Pills, which will in a surpritiegly short time tot the sdatitys olo. bowels; hi order and in. *tire the return of health: jr. Chariehl Eidnay.TAver Vila cox, he absolutely relied upoo itti a cure em. every form ot 'kidney and liver devotee. went. One pill a dose ; 25 Conti; ft box apriceguippookatsmoit,e6. oesisilipteree A Dressed r'ork per cwt. 6 50 to 1 00 Woo. opium or ettinneante. Maned on reteipt 15 00 to 15 00 li'or Sale by Watts tizOo., E. Ilevey,11. Shorts per ton.......-*. 10 00 to le 00 , Gonabe and BO Bt Reek% Thieitapplos perlb."..," 05 to 005 - nos or tett colors in 9 ettunrd inch ,,- Wets, tot VitnopWot lc, gotta. tiorn 1tieltioite, eta. Veal etetneed with itOst oteceini desi1n. to be Wetkott in 4118. 10 ecintol per pnekapee poolinnd. Anio coy 01 tho greet populet tong, ,,001 the Slag I Me, Doet Ifother,t !wall pallthlatn Dr. Chase's Kidneyilokiver Pills. free with every intekago Address MISS 14. WETIthiRAIe Auburn 2 MONTHS INE --DRESS. .GOODS 10 . • , We couldn't:begin to" do the Dress Goods trade we are •doing unless there was 'genuine merit in our geode and prices. Big stacks and big selling space don't count fee everything. What about the goods? .Are they right and do they represent the newest klett8 Me cm. alit* depen- dable? Is there variety eriough to make a good choice? Bow about prices? Thom a.re the importanefacts and those are the features we want you to think about when judging us and making comparisens. If you do you cannot help hut buy at this store. • We hove a great detnand tor black all - wool Heeriettti. It makes one of the niteet mourning dresses and ia use- ful afterwards. , Below we quote a few of our special lines : • .All wool Ilmiriettas, in black land colore, &gm 20e to Si. • All wool. Satin Cloth. in black awl colors, very speeial 50c. • All wool Vigereaux, in grey, brown and mixtures, a speeial line . iost received worth 50c, for 85e. ,• Broadcloth, in black and navy. 50 inches wide; $1 and $1.50. Homesputs, spring weight, Harris heel goods, in grey and bloe mixtures, 56 ioches wide, for tailor-made Snits 90e. : Black end Colored Poplios, very special, 1111 500, 60e Arad 85e. Black and. Colored Serges, 86 to 51 inchee wide, et 20c to $1.. . • • nra.s.ArrtJka.i.boghd.4W6"""d MCKINNON&CQ- " .BLYTH AMAAAAAAAANV~AAAAAAMWAMOVA".0.4~ANVIAVVYVVV , ••••••••••••,•••••••••••Oeifiree•eie••••••••••e••••••••• • • • 6 o • . : 8. 11-1 •GIDLEY BLYTH • • - • * • • • o • POPULAR CLOTHING STORE 6 • • • • ...........-..............-1---i--....--...... • • 0 • 4" • i I • o • • , : DRESS YOUR BOY INELL : • • 6 . • , o : • ' • •. 0 .. • . c. • you are proud of that boy of yours. Every boy should be the pride 2 2 of hie pare.nte. Ile should be dresseaw that he may feel the equal ot arty i • I; ot the boys he is associated with. • • • 4 Let os fit him oot this spring. We wilt make him one of the best #1, e dressed boys in this county, The elegance rind taste represented lo entr ; ; Jevenile clothing must be seen 110 be appreciated. 0 • 3 The vest suits, age,s 1408, made from rich effects in handsome • s IS worsteds and tweeds, are very cute, s • FOR 10 OENTS I tw.cdM II VC IS= : "‘1 410VVC ZIA tIrnyttnao1T, -gri,TMIP$e17,54'V absvinirdi I • as $ or stop at any point between where the price pleases. • • a 0 For 10 cents Tnt Ntws- . o0 : . . • . . MEN'S SUITS • • We ate also offerieg big bailable in Men's Suits thli month. eall • 0 Will. be sent to : and. see the $0 Stfitg1V0 are soling at $4 and the $0 sults atit0* • • • a any address up to July.• 185 GIC LEY • 0000114•0*••••••00.146040.1104101414**60.411kolitelfle00011111400 TRY ITN • MYTH 1