HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-09, Page 33 G tfford to 0 0, I M, t, The reault. Avaff that Andrew rtYt- acting a -t first, We, cannot I fore- COMFORT OF THE SULDIE 0 looked round. 110, wag In Open OOUU- tqnf3 letterli of the day before wore lose, by lack of judUmont and try. The road ran high to that' point ttributed to Jila Illu"s. Bram fever flight, the, advantage that We have 9,nd Stretching before im iwore IMF,', valued in the, 13ML few years. Any COMPANIONSHIPIN HE A VEN6 �Hjlfl [I 'S Ws, NrIth the thiok waft resp(insEbIe or many 4oluBious, slight benefit that might Came to, us NEW EQUIPMENT ABINO CON$IDER 47JI6 T tialdr;, mQado, 44 old ryttou mut have been IN , I poor .. be wrote, they thought. D. BY THE WAR OVVIC9- white frost upon them, and bOY01140 444 through forcing litook for market, be R the brig ;hts+ of the, railway. . IudC4 NY fore a decline in prices would Act In ht Ille And all ta as they ever livaw it WaA � corapensate for the ro- Common scillso, plaid Dross which Wit - tiug late., Outside the of- ge) started as he Looked. They shone the any measuw( We May All Become Residents and " was got n silent clear through the, frosty, night--olear. rain fever. John Gillansaved his twiput,40A that Would follow were our V but 10.40K tice the jaooy stroot,bd grow us dud er Bud kindlier than the Stars, he friend. While Andrew Vytton yas SMALL F ARMING. meet with disfavor at the ba Fasy to Wour, Will 100a and will be Wqix Made., bacon to an4 instead at the rush- Of it ro . nearer. Th raving of hin, cand dialloa- f a farm am never -we hands of English customers. 'They and Heavea-a car kTobn Gillart bad Calmly 'paid 4 10i� The profits a The Daily Mail, London, ba(. Be Princes and 10 ngs W""n there Was now only the abut stare were, far in him as he 000 to hig credit at the brink, , and when. think this word never Ia fully juStl- the following description of the AM Snd -i footsteps OIL the pave- bourse cry brok rO , v Adrew came back to life it Was to fied-ta proportion to its ize. Small, equipment proposed for the Iorartrr ir, old bared his 'hot head-110avell was ver ment and laughter Ia. the Ole, t then, find, not the police, awa iting, him, but farms are proverbially Productive, and A, desatch from Washington says: of in the text-Aot one of marble, not - far away from Jilm juS a now and houcurablo life. And he a big TOINT ATKINS INGON1 of the Line: -ad 'with Pillars of alabaster mir. I night nothing seem made it tionoarable too. Wben he rose profitable, virlille the, expenses Of Considerable modifications Of field Dr Talmage ]preached frora one adorn It filtered in,,througli the eloped ad to move. lie wall 410AC -with him- from his nick licil'there came to him a farm "tte .often outrun the income. and thrones cd Ivory anil flagons of to the man self and with bilit own maddened WAYS AND MEANS RE ADOPTS equipment are inevitable in our army. tile following text: "The spider tak- but a palace Ili which, door of the dreary office W swtch and now Atrength-li inew belief in the .A little farm well tilled" has been NEW alsbodgold, - the changeg bui thouglita. Us took out 11 h TO INORgASE IT. Tho proolso nature 'at pth �:hold, with bar hands and is in Uola is tile I[Ing and tile -angels at crouched over 1p� 4051c, rt the dark- power of right, thy na ugh 320 definite He started up in Grillan offered Jilin, but he insisted a though any of the most thought- may be foxeseen, altho c -beaors. . 'The at lost, shivering. As peered at Its, whito face b kingal. palaces, I '-Proverbs xxx. 28. heaven ove the none. It was nearly ton ',Lug it back, pound by pound and fill writers of poetry a -ad prose, the as 'yet been arrived- at. It Nvas. a It is. not very certain what was the pidex crawling up tile wall Of Solo- he rose he looked round, it few minutes the London express ition, for haPPLaOss lylittes 'Letler* r4l". 11"i decision It species at insect spoken -9. lawyer's office. The would go thundering along tile rAil A" 4 uu�,til he had d a. ;mont essential cond neglillental cobbier-11one Illade at It I 6-auerally stimated by tbase f in oula. pit lace, Was not worth looking Iargi room er reat, . ast particular : he Us iC1140111trAr. go if , , and comfort In every Way- I.rIV4%to L after or as compared Witli a -d any wealcuess, at all It who know that to completely Change of in the tex ; but fghall proceed to carpet was thick. underfoot and a -and across the viduct. It was A4 r Ia foolishness with regard the concentration of labor for the _t tlio fact tLat Nye Who are wo.rm.,* o.1 I i t ly due, and if, Ila ran— . the field eqaipmeut of our army,.would learn from it in tile first place the the duat mmy at last asond.lutot th4 w lZr -not to BRoak of Ills mrm rug was Stretched in front drew himself up abruptly. What to the London express. He insists UP - as at, the I�Ing Imortal. 'By the fire, A heavy bookshelf and a safe h at was he 40- on it that he t;mw a vision that night- purpose of leconomy of production is Tommy Al;kIns cost a 4uarter of a.= exquisiteness of the divine machan. Pala wan, be thinking% W Illion. 'As this I grace of God may wo oil reach it a=, and Ing I back that God mount it for a aiga to him. now made the fundamental Principle superior officers-keenlY foals - the - pliomble to the existing belts, it tba Ho.was mad, 1-16 must 90 LA a ism. he k mberlain comes Ohl heaven is not a dull place. It occupled 'one Bide Of the ro. acir. to, llis ife. Once more there Perhaps It wall -who knowaf For the of evary one of the iyorld'st, industries (Al t of the new Army Re— cried out for about alf tha . Ings, ohm a 4 , Doi a walti-oat nillusion WILL fad I I'S Ppoll mall, to the palace and look -round and IA every direction wore Chairs and -,90 thought of what first train he 1pm-Nv was unreal, and the 'ra respeo� a in h a lm his best r" -except agricultu . -But it is rap in money. Me I e the spider on . thei wall, and says' crtains. and outlandish oliairs a tables. strown with papers, and, in a the morrowNVould bringfor the chil� second Was bringing t ly oom t9 be , proved an ecoilo=L- of Ilia pay. 'He would be arreated, sent to frleud�.Loiadork Tit-Bita. id ing Fw'pt, regards ammqnition, It lal ked ivare, NO, it is a, fresh m -i 49, Or, Tommy 4d conjured up many a, I D.04 that the ,h way with that intruder," and the cir a a I as, though it were corner, . Andrew VyttoWo own desk. dren. Cal rinciple, that small f4rmi pro " present walst-belt servant of Salomon's palace comes fair mad beautifti, ad and Slowly drew down prison, and all their lives thrbugh they f pleasant opeouIation about his slill- it bandolier, aud cart-' Completed but yesterday. The kings Re turn aN it is taTmed, intensive culture 0 'am aof. the earth shall bring their honor 0 TL as the direct opposite lina a day being doubled -only to with hiji broom and dashes 4 wn the th Ia g American top. I.t shut out would suffer 0 But, supposing, instead, he NY Ili,, land, which is ridge or slip cases'holillhe; cart , glory into it. A, palace means the hideou, papers from -,his sight, but UNDAV . . "' find his hopes Sbattere ith - four- insect saying, "What a loathsome and found face downward on the railway THE S n a SCHOOL of exteunive culture, is always ee �olit -to tile number of fifty roundt would it not save theml iartments. Now, I 4 at from ihis memory. 041Y fortY-twO line yondeT,. roductive, as'Qom- teen shillings a week'and Ilia r, - 11.1, I be ething'it is," But under, ralcrosoopip splendor of up, OrAloal, and most p ,!I on the bolt, Tfie'oar- know wheTe heaven In_ nd. I do inspection I find it vm�rc wondrous of 'lot' knO,v lialy it looks, blit'if our and his life wag. ruin ad and. hopeless, The truth would, leak out, of, course.. . .1 not 11 area 1vit1k. the, -vvor 0 rtage on the AiyuLpt Is far superior to construction thaa the embrolderxes bodLes are to be -resurrected in tile last and dishonour stared him in the Peopla would know why e had (lone INTERNATIONAL LESSON,. MAY 12, p king f large farm$ tin,, a:d .,quarters thrown Ill, the on Lhe it, but they would forgot, and after that 11, at fmrms over fifty, acres. It it!. marrying 01 cross -belt bandolier, which in a.. ter- on the, palace WaII9 and the uphols� day, I tbinlk heaven must have a ma- face I . all the great world outside would not $The Grmt 29. may appear vory 'plainly to be so it strength," become." less visionary to rible weight lipoll the cheat, tery about the Windows. 411 the. tarimi Spledor n, well.as asiritatil . There are name men- who become know, His Children -would be %lived �GoXqlen Telkt, BUM 28, 90- a lock at it In this way. . A- former the private soldler than it might %P- -another bun grundeur, Wat.-widl be the ase- NY ben drod. rourvill W111 machin y oil the earth Could not CTLminals through weakness, and, A.12- the.diagrace f prison. PitACTICAL 14OTEiS.,- an whiob or it XeAurrcoted foot It there 13.0 nothing He plunged forward, His, brain was has a hundrecl acres -of land, pear to he more Civilian. be carried Ili a waterproof Cartridge- ak yhing so -delicate And tot tread ant or of a resurrected hand drew FYttll wag.one, All who knew The elov- he Spenda so much labor Lind upon How he actually makes up ,,be de- bag, very similm' ad whirled and his un- Verse'16. Then. "But,' r to that employed by beautiful. as the Prehensile wi.�ll 11 there be no harp to strike, and no him,knew 'him all, a klnd-Ifearted_.,I_ n,41.re. Ria be steady feet Illipped louder him. as he civilian sportsman, to be suspended It kind leading an disciples ent away Into Galilee- so much Isced a d fertilizers. He Con- fib, Boy at his �tvenue in order to u . Is w1licill that spider. clutches its prey, place to take hold in the klrig's Palace? most goolis ly -hoarted-).nan. plunged down theilark lane an from the �vait-belt, so am to hangon, of -the With simple faitlk� obeying the direc- fines his. Nvork to fifty acres, and uses. maintain him modest manage is) -its eight eyes. We do Ohl what randaur of aprtmarits He was IgenaTous to a. degree, lenient to the viaduct, At the bottom this when that divitteliand which plianges branched off, and to tioli of our Lord given in vi3rse 7. all much fertilizet. or manure, On interesting study In the working -of or as,any 09 to Bee the to a' fault, His friends honoured him, hill the. lane and, and hisproduots are fully equal the hip, or it can be detached and car- not hmv4 to go iso far up tha sea into blue and the folige into each the railway he would have to will, discipls are now "eleven'? be- NYao and mean$.. Here are oolne of ried upon the basic under the metal Nvorsh nted the a he formerly got from twice power of God, in the tapestry hang- green, 'and sets the sunset. an fire, I'll' f *1 ippod him. Yet no* arms a meadow.- He mail to the$ his methods. o beautiful colors 'a an"Lly -. Am he cause at the treason and sulaide of as much land; -at the llama time Ulm oanteen,. which will contain it part. of Ing around the wIuaows,of heaven, or alitill ather till ill, he as, ou, the verge of bankrupto�!y­ Stile quickly and jumpedcovoi a Service the rations. In this last case the bag and wlien ass Iudas. .' 'Probably some of the disel- expenses. arising oat Of the use of No regiment xits In thal', me and charlots of fire of earth around his throne, and worse I did so-ag his -feet touched the gr twice as much.land are halved in Aev- Lich does riot -possess Onsi.or more would 'be *lore. like a poudb which in the bar.. a, that arm which lifted the pillars of as those, things of- he started and lifted Ills head to listen. ples -wore already in Galilee, ohn 21. capital NY could be tilippod round to the front' Oeral � respects; as kiterest . of letter�writer." The with N�bich the dying day departs,_ Alpine rack arid bent the arch Of the It had begun. His, face- grew Cray. His breath Boom- 1-2& Meanwhile the- enemies .0, - sting: Wil n lvho -with a fresh supply of cartridges after .or'to look . at the mountain swinging sky, shall raise before our soul the ton begin, . in a small way. A client repairs of fences, cost of harve ad to atop.:for through the frosty Lord were disseminating a It", seed, and vulture, and other cxPcll� writes letters for his comrades-whO to bandolier 4B exhausted. but its sword arm from' uAder'the eternal. iirchlect%iro, and that hand had failed, -Andrew Fytton, WILL his n ig 1, I air there came, clear and dis- ti -15, try! eve their ditu -as incident to the,. largei farm; t.-aln,t no scholars,'!�at sixpence -a M E., T 11ODS or, PALL MALL. usa ,rtedneea . at ble of the Coin- 'Verse 11. ng to disliell mantle of darkneas.until it Can: strike which hung with loops of fire, the our al kind -hes. did not but , t�, kluiek rum. a k the. products letter, rarely falls to , Increase his 'The last pal.te-rn poudii, that of 1884, talms of m,QrninghpLlI prepare the up, ths, an jog train. Before lie could crops the Own consciences and to distort ill Is by better wor ightning. I in Ills olaim� and. waited for in may be.easily fully equal to those of ni Of 'rat least a rded for good and with,. its scimitar at the 1. holatery Of our k-Lagly A tdow. it Would. be on - the bridge I testimany of eye-witnesse, Into 'it Thus the income daily pay 'by the Pric It a been now la�. to* big mum-somothing "I" the doubled space. all. A Btor� Illustrating 'War Office - love better to study God, in the shape palace also, means splendor of assoo pay. It waA a His hand clutching the stile b6hind -a, While tit(, on6'letter. Tile process at writing The inountald where Jesus had a:ppoint-� may bathe methods is -told of this pouch. Early of a fly's Wing, in the formation, of Lion, The pooill nian, the outcast, ilia X600 -but he could affOrd to lose, -him trembled. Ile Joint back. a'ly_haiv- in he authojitlek order- ith it rush over the. ad them. The Rey�.ised.Vorsicu, !'ilia cost at making it will be its r these Jetters. is a laborious one,, the LBoer war t cannot get into te .-Tuillories. or it just then, and probably yould not train came ion w -to-con a fish's' scale, in -the 31m , J ea. asmuch as it is difficult veY by ad. from. varioue, manufacturers 60,000 ness of a pond Illy.. I love to track Nvindsor. Castlei Th, Sentinel . of have felt. the loan, at it, it -lie had hard- line of rall, across the iviaduct, and mOuritain,1.1 may 'indicdta a mOunr, nia a m6asure of Labor IA by no mea, sym-: pouches, but 4infvourable reports tha, king or the qmeoh- stds there eat 'of into the daTkneas again. It went.past tain well known, and, although there 10), it is proxy the, 'requisite amount 04 him ootsteps. in the mo n all' mOse,- aii4 cries, as. be tries to enter, Oned hia heart and kept the r him with a Clash, and as it vanished profiti Tt is- the wily in w� soon came home, of tbL9'pmttern, and a _t is no fact on. wWah to baso the� con- expended that makes the profit of palby felt' by "Bill" C. . or* Lis ,Ellxar,' the War Office sought a little late in hear a Ili the 'hum At. One -may' Work hard in digging and tit the a at 0 . Ole of, -a that palace Nve'maylall bacon a h . is money in his own ocket. f Ill hat, lf,be.had been -,game scholars ra-disposed to X d t hill v .but I I I P he tore of a me,tima, as n agenr, the day to ,aneel the orders, of course r sidents, and we shtall all be Princes uold friend came a minate earlier- jecture, a. the :rye fields, nd discover the rug- , e4 But -he did pot. A if Hattin' holes and.filling them tip again, all: n sufficient, facial lielf-061l- anSuccempfully, Now ' 'Nye. have ixi- our d kln6. We,my have, been beg, ThanIr Heaven I ITbank . Heaven I" identify it N�Itli;the Harris C to Maintal military Pcor6houses s6m6where a tie of his robe -of light in t�c south, all to borrow. iP.1,000, n* ordir to take a -he dried, "I Was - too - late I" to no )purpose; but when a man digs tral, to Inspire the'l) I rincipal con- wonder -of divin, gars, Nye may have been outousts, t Nye theatr�a and' pr" a a play.,.Andrew Where the Sermon on the Mount had tothe Isame, extet� in making drains . large -stock of obsolate� g6,ods which a e s. ent. The sound 'Galilee is . Austind on him land the -work bus Paid-tO ths- fideric enough to. unbosom his I heart wind.'. - Ob, this may have been wandering* apd'los s on C ul to lend it, - but a , EVIO w- been delivered. In cost :E25,000, and list be "thrown power tha . t can build a habitation for we -all. hi,!vQ been, litit . there. Nye -ahall rltt a dill�-afford of the train telied slawly-mor, t .01 his fj* tions. 'Lind away..pr wA1 be .ml, t knOWI'dge Gf the. wri er to the' obiect a cc among the ,r cc an 8 t k he did- op, and three months, 'after" 1Y them usual, lie thougilit-7even. its his disciples would be ad off Probably GOA in i n apple blossom, -and tuns a a 0 0-0 regal 0OW617- -five doliar a day for every toll the #uth and ooLIA gi t3ut the upon the.rolunteora. Hark! the chariot is rumbling in r penny � of It it died it seemed to grow louder again. closest 'associations of. their lives. tWo-fitys .11 . 1h addition to the 150 rounds pro- o"s voice until' it 1.531t. for the, star- wards found that ere y day slignt-.1n. doing.the work. And in truth. -In this case, the -labourer in be. the distance. 'I re'ally believe. "the It arrested his thoughts. 'It startled 17. They saw, him. This. was the first this remarkable instance the value of 'vided by,.tho new mefliodi a Clever' iiial orchestra, and can ay' to a fire- guests are coming now.. -The gates had been hopelessly lost. HIB friend hlm"tha� second mound. It seleirted to certainly worth. his hire. ised and patented by led to pull great gathering of the believers in good w6ik: on kha farm,, this income a N41th. plan has been do.V flyc "Let thers -De llgbt�11'and trout sWing bpen,.the guests dlsmount�- the disappeared, and he . tri stop he Peat of hi:hlBaTty and tre Nor is any regiment'complet the manufacture eg'dIready mentioned, ocean in'the hall( Tesus.. "%Va. say "great," -for it is will.ensure to' the man every year out its "snb-shop,­ or cobbler!s den. holding an. :iw. bf his palade.is filling, -and all'the chalices ounilk but be, never did. -For a.cOu- bling' in every llmb.iie leant heavily by the continued greater pr6ductive- t which will indke double -the -number'. Land goes iorth-to find heights and flashing" with pearl and with. jetand D,,iiiisi the latile. 6s he ma -Al Was generally cQnaeded.that this was the u y is -over, of rounds e0ily available. ile..of 1years 'he struiggled, then.came 1 neas of the land.. In- fact 66 man' ltere,.when his days This is by depths and -lengths and, -breadths of carbuncle, � are lifted to the lips of li hat - thoughtt'. to make he dreaming T What was the rae:;`126 cc , casion Aylten "aove five hundred a cloth,. - a a ance, who.did this, work. remarked that. the' AN RXP.ERT 70013BLER. using a Square of wat rptoof op,, and, dis-., :the myriad banqueters, while �stand- It (if another,tralu,t',,that h0ar bre thron at. once,'." 1 Car. 15,. Q, saw tot o,of the, lana drain"- oa. which cartridge or"clip" caseswill ornnipotency ia'a dew.d ill previous valu of midui k, and not h g enough of his night I mounts from the chariot. 94t irig in robes. of - snoiyy ..White they bad av�in clan earn tw6penbe -on every�:'-pair of -r thrbi�gh the darkness the. Lord. ad would be paL -,v They,, WVhiped iiim..Ios d' to him every year 'be own, the cloth itself 'fold'ing into, oye . oil the Bus- drink,,t.o the bohour-,of our glorious own, he appropriated a client's money. ; He stood, an gain- r is -of it. aiends,.threepcince 0 it convenient valise to be carried' hurricane to. cross King? "Oh," you fii 'the greater p oductivene ry pa idge Of, ar spider's web. - Bay "that is 'a() the rdad.'downhill* was he saw the Name tram pass a 'implied . hat they.,fell. prostrate at aal, value is now equiva- Welliugtons, and four- tlic. Shoulders or by bixnd,� pension' bi me." - .$O,that its metl . I pence an Such Pair. of �Tid:ing boots, I .. take ` your telescope and grand far yotl and-fOr t -er -the viaduot-and into the dark- Lis test, - This was nb unusual atti pttal suit hich wOully .. . AER�(.PRACTICALXWNI You : may easy. He took another cli�ntli to 're- ov - tudel for'thosa vho I . th lent 1. the, ad -rally increase in the aaWeep:it across he. *hqlivelli Ili order' No, it is not, If a aPider, according place the; first, and auofher to make. ness-�-just an it ad done lialf ainin regarded him w! ., be rep , i6sented by the legal interelit Prices natu AbOut .the time. this'. method Was -y of God� I;ut,-1 to, tha.-text could erttwl up'on thii add bewildered. Could 'llomage; but it seems Certain that of, o1fidii, �foot-gear-rarely, )low to..behgld the glbi good that, and so n: -and Oil 6ONVP ate a9b 1 �H6 'Pt -it,-AvIiiielt in now nlaking every year ' t dail -had in this Country the same the ugly, - road. that is so hard* to there be t rg - shall titke-the'letat holding the spider- wall of Solotpon's' palace, * shall not w6 tralms--�-twa- expresses tild'Woderful inanifqatations Of- our oneijitrus�cd- t6 any but. Lhe most fl Lg rodud6a be-. idea had- ctical 'I shall our poor'souls throuZh, the of rushing up.;from Lando Iliad over and above, wh*at P been adeptail by a br, and the spider'.5 web, and blood rebichedthe a. ii within, thir- Lord -after - � Lis. . resuircotion. tows the. -work was done... -.haA turned hLp waistcoat Climb, Us boftom t last. of ' ash other? Or. Would aroused �a.� deep spiritual reverence, Mat-makng-Is perhaps tho,0lost Boer,who. y. eye; and Christ -mount* up from -the depths of, no ty,secoods, e -rL go bring: thL- microscope. to, M TheAirlie canfe whe�n::h could go haj, �aud humiliation, and Yearnig. aspiration, Another example'.may �e given, In into mbandoliAr by sawing cart Id while Iga=- and look and:stuaY and its sin 4nd shame, and finally readh then brought!'face to� there be. another,�'and allot popular *of all Methods Of supplement fartheri. and a only to himself.? such as,the disciples -had d of culture. A pockets on to it in:fronti` kneel down in the pla6e of 'the eternal aces, of his sin, another, 'Visibl never before Ing ncolne. These mats aro mado ai4 confounded I face with -the consequai filTmer-whose name is wall "Own When second or reserve 'Supply, the . grass- and. cry; . "Griat and "Where sin abouiaded :grade doth only thing left to His brain 'was. I&Lving way--�:hc ma�t fclo. doubted., Doubtid whe- over�. this cantine -a 1. Writer from strips of old uniforms 'drawn, f r 10 marvelous are'tby, works. ord. Qod Much More abound, that whereas sin as th� ther dr . at 'k was' the risen Lord. all nt all y, Canvas. The colou a ammuni was ijbt cari!iod bythe 'It requ' and iyat there w, et� through - ordlnar it death even.F ired ciome coqr-' begoing mad--�. 9, , Almighty 1" reigned -unto is may him to do. ad then quick- !This admission shows tile frank sin- and public speaker,mt. farmers' me is usually,dark blue, the centre,. of t�he soldier going' into the frolti, line age but i6ei did it bravely. He. wrote slilAiokof the.-,vIllstle; I ly and surelk the rumble. ceased. -7a, is- will.have' to be ,ient forward: In 'A Again. my text. tovicheo hno that in- grace. *reign through , righteousness to �Iif Clients a confession, iif.what,ho Ile.;oerity..af- all edneerned�ibosa'.'wbo' imis ' �'- few lyears, ago' do4bl6d the rnat being perhaps the regimental t ionic PtoductiVe ability of his 'farm;� by lightl blue. vithin reach.' for.inuctiba, auto eternal life by Sesus ChriAt our had done, tatement of o urid.like. a man. ilk a dream'. were. 'present, and the man who. is S�.giduicanoe is inch excuse -giving them a a adopting,wbat i4 known is the soil-, vice in,red or way to'.b This spider -that Solomon sa�i on' the Lord." a hand over -Us paved-s�t�ed from, bi�s own writing the record.- The geniinely tdstOful 'pro- . The plan suggested is.that.a.number : big affairs, and agreeing, t . * avll aBe are I laos,'fi[Wd with partri, gas far :sast �there Wa ird wm - ea lint inig method of keeping. c.ows­ Ila I 'and in. garrison tow of these Val 'd wall -might have said: PI can't weave., �In the thould realize folly� his f a had prd*eint� 18. Jesus -me and apake 0 duLtions, iis'llava to them everything a dalryman und now is keep-! Cruising the meadow. them. Came -n, "and folded should be. got - to SOM6 a web worthyo of thW. gredt Pulacli- called fbe.Huma, about-wbich is the lett6rS ad im ftna� ear The whole com- -]a, d�u f land, by,. indrket'value.. among Icizal. tradesmen .. h It d I at and there stored as An To -day. those; % - a a ere sp money. . .,4 Ili an 15Q iter as 0 As, frequent this. gold, and bountiful superstition that upon reached their destination, and to-mOr7 A., han:d fro* Heaven, had atret6hed pithy of believeji�s 'Nvatii'addreqfsed, not . 61 'fiomi. 358. to4a What can I 46 amid, all 11 t. God nly the ele'en. apostles. in av6ry means of thist. method' of- growing and advanced supply. depot,. Then the, embrolderyl-I sin not, able to make whateYer,head.' the Shadow of, t. at roNt.he.would have to face the. mail out to help hi it I v feeding crops, . viiereanliefore , by pa I a- . l'y as not they aret Purchased by the fighting line would be replenished by anything fit for aogrand a place. And1bird rests, upon that head there.qhall be had iulwed I TO'_m6rroNNr the" had vouchsafed a sign -had' -sent him' true! sense the Church in all turing and feeding It . my . afid. grain he ivi'ves-Of the regimental ok.ficeTs, and ofiAts,. if'th,ia groun d a by bachelor attic P - iny'spinning be a . Crown, Ot thou Dove of the and he was addressed. All p6wer - is - given a in'man case ars hand, or by cy an a and so-1,will not work er. "The 9pirit would be no rempl,te for him. To -nigh . t: S. Vision. e liad intefe . red A heavenn,'in eartb. .. All formerly fod'only Wcows. His profit in was suitable, Or the ra . gliged jenn-yX. Vot. lie mald the spid floating' above.. ds,*let. tile. Waa his la:8t -night of f -was meant to live I '- auto wo duble the for�mer sum, far to in quarters.; Thleirf, Pride , ;L h S. - )sped " trembling hands to- riuthorlty. "The universal �daminlo are now . fully d to would run back to more in"! ,spider.taketh hold with bar hands." 'shadow of tby wing, fall Lupoll t i Everi, amid thi. ovaiwhelming.con not counting savings ey tbese instances usually increases '10' "" munition. asoili,th't ii1fdr"you and me. eong'f6gationi that each at la'at in, t�he coul U raised his eyes. Then.,aud- vr heavealijid *earth� which apper-. -trade allowulice'. f" awhat a: Is a vi-cilot till think charitably gather and Tenanted by �tba increase of capital, doublei the The earkingo f. '�arerpaok�valisa, you bad some great -ser- -heaven may weiii 'upon his head a -dixectlY, deal blidness. seemed to rush upon tained to b6n n his divine nature -was - Poink .,'batmanl� duty for. a of Yon say: it of. the one who had been in Y in the forin of new and enlarged build. reatcat,: blanket, and so, forth are of crown- xe4ponslble to . After. with a confered apon Itimi as man, in virtue 'It As nionled:rankars areclalle(L or fop man to preach, if troti only had a grea-L a OrOwIll. and hold in his r Ibis ruin all, him, Something gave' NYuY ir but 6f ilia. income, f, 9 no you Only haa'right hand a starl. a star I map in 14L% brain and he fell forward of his hN Vathbr's -will ings, pal,d to pordl:or� o6rkeant, is a course gr�.at hiit secondary iniport a. Thu audience to talkAo if i John Gillan had not -intended, to rob A] ilt'liever again he felj. a figare and in rord of is this method -of'practic�l economy a -ear mrmy*to if you only. blui of his -Z,000. He had'believed in. ba the darkness,. As his obedience, See idinary way of Willing a, suPP,e- valiss, of peace.time Nv exercised in Ito many ways, - arid * the an 0 f.. be used In'the'fi6ld..h6BStoM nowi ing.' The price' 0 'Write, if t ore Colt the ran towards 4im and mounted the Ph, 2. 1 Cor. 15. 24-28� 1pii,'l- ,with menta Itute a wafiir� had a constitution to., It A.' V INE CATCH. his Play, and evidently he 'had , � 1. I . S Saving expen8d1n. compaxison proposed would ubati thing in -the, Andrew F -to stl in* ute la�tei he thought he 20-23, Earth he eforth is to be proof. haversack with a canvas 0 linen was so -me: tr4mpniious [d A 'London gentl . enian: 'returning loss keenly, [or Yt a 16. A 1w an his wife Pillolv­ -the no the increased work dond, that . is r�_ kind of laboar; is a fixed one. -then you WOul neither seen nor heard of him Since. was dreaming wh realmi of Christ th. An 'officers servant ' gets warld for lyou to do and Lead . It all voltitiohizing all kinds of industry,and man lining which can be takon.out and ;k Would show as I from I i'an. un lacep4'sful fish! g. xpadl-� Poor old Gillan I- Us lLad been his b@at ad his, head -on bar !ay. 19, Go ye thoxof;lre which is a . 0 eeall Y increa donth exelusire.,of'tiP show us as, Vau n sing . the about Ws a, 32 Witalled. Tho.,present haversack is a I aan duty is ncit a, employiniint '6 Its in thc� ancient tem- friend a a. He turned Out the gas nutionts, Wbiirerer the wod �j . , It - V11 y. a pro- 'no wealth of the, world. Patr -thing; it will, not -turn ater, 'What if ilia T, tion encountered on his wa pobxl ple had refused to snuff the Candle allys "therlifore" the, student of rc� ., it is it rule, drawn Srom observiltdon much sought : after, as thal servant . nailed. �',This a Could not be a high,priest?, ossional angler. and walked %lowly through to the out- It wag a long t1me before she wan -at 'th back- and, -Call and it soon lgets, becauAe It Or offloo. It, was getting dusk; Able to mo ve, him. -She had to fetch 11,91ous truth'shoutd. ask"Wherefore of thinking, studious people, that the is POrpituaily aetck�railso would bo carried on the ird should i6- How do you dot paid the former ',. The �reaso has jist, been givlon� be- -of his naster. fat services not i;trictly What if -the humming b A olock;%truck eight as he shut the Ituiture shoulders as a ruli, or It might. hang a policeman and a Stretcher from. the industry of 6gri - is -the last to -Into tit to'see that you have been door, and be start rously, His .. cmus'o our.liard has- bean-eadowed* with fall into, line in 'he, match of. ina- Within tha, meaning, of'batmanAllip, fuse to sing its song a. ear of I rejoice d neri hila - town, nd she hesitated to leave him . . .. . . by the aide.. . cannot, s. and the o ran universal uthority, his servants.ure piduan)[y It has OF LOG -R - the honey suck -Is' because it wore aucceasgul thati L, Would you, wife would be anxica. pro, ement� very LIGHT at first., But ho one was about in to "in then"I cons ANOTHER MODE like the eagle, dash Its NY would be kofte �o bed I. The , chil-. the fields at t ake disciples of all the be, n.tyb need' a rapidly as oth- eticall . y passed In -Grout latitude . was allowed the 'for a Consideration, part - with a to hat hour of the night, eon adva a -if the raih.djop. should them made him t b' 'of that 'is the, Moral translation Of has now pra sun T What t return oen I The thought of a;nd there' WAS nothing else � a , a er indutries, although. It is moving would troops in South frica as to the. great- refuse. to descend, booetilso it is - not Of your fish, that 1. may... no the 0 tr&t ih&0 who,have formar� tiiiies in old:'noldlor* staiia, staring wildly at the lighted raek;.to ins alload. ]ant some Of the results gain 'go a What LE the spider of the t' apty-handed I st-;eet.and the moving figures under done., - -, Xon were aerially o.my family an )me at last, and been coat, out and neglected.. Averse ad I'm 'this improved condition are due take p. a raw � recruit', and "learn" coat a:hd13IankQt t She got bixalhc a con- last, Idler.. In return, lie. an-, Permitted to carry which 'they pro. text, should , Tefuse. to 'move. The prafessionll. angler. said -be the lamps. His thildran I He had no . a - Carried him in and in oar lossaa for Sunday befor mostly to the cheapness of products him Low to so Niray. Some: ',shuttle .13ecause, , it cannot ' litleman Want, on only ruined this own life, but theirs ple of Volidem n John 20. 23, seBmA to. 'Place emphasis. resulting from' the mprove ants in nexed the recruit's* PaYi.allowlngllira in their on, .its Would, and th ge put him on the eouclx in the drawing- in lalf-pints Of beer -a day and 4 took a watcrproof,. 6ome a great coat. weave a Solboloula robe Away 'With too I Ared room. She sent theiFn for a doetot,and on,whill; , has been, called the.priestlX Other lines of productloo -by Which two ead and some the 'blanket. Tha.i * iL I arence In' such folly? if you are lazy with thi :his, way with all the trout caught by He reached home at'last, and at then she iuddonly became awli"re that 8lement of the Christian. ministry, fir mi I expenses are lessened. Waknow "r1rner,'-a.'pc.nhyw.orth o.'L *br P in ,his more successful acquaintance. bat hora,;Stress is put Co. teaching- however, that te tendency of the chaese-for Junch . and supper, B 'carriage was, .�as a rule, sbown one talent you would be lazy with the dazedly, aa Jae, pushed open the gate, i figure had risen from a corner- and 119- hangink the wrap to the waist belt if conditlon of a-VioulturO is towards, I aides tl ten. talents. If 'XiI0 cannot II t the He id at, 'a lEttie latdr an, another at the iwell-kept garden, and, the white n.ff ber ,with eurioun lu.� and that oertaInly is thisf first and the a1s, he wVtabod over the you: have scrength fish; and steps.: was watchi f daty of Christians, whether m: star's welfare, safeguarding his kit bolow thacainteeid�, on the back abovd calf ho.xiev-er ill gentleman, -who eyed his up. At first she 'Ohio provement in..its own work, especial to lift the ex. In'the Lord's army ad to speak to him His wifemet hini'lit the door, and tereat. 'She looked Mail sad� ministerial or lay. Tbere can be. no Ily in regard to, the, dairy; but it and otecting im in other * ays. the LIPS., This will'Probably become pr S'Cpp h looked thought abe-wa dreaming old-time systom has been done the accepted plan. ad therre is order for prom ni but YOU you catch those fis up aiaxiously into his face. claraticin of. tbi universality a slowly and not in equal ratio This a great exten--:, 110t, it As t(i material, the much .ral a otio- . Did ourself, denly the figure held put its hand, fuller* de 'IV C'. 11 you have Wb , ear, LOW late you are," she a GaspeL than,that i.n,this verse, 9 me �ab a nt. he. aii of ill wri6th other industries, and this very aay with 'to oannot be u gene 3tain, or Cal- 4. ad as- stopped at the Oight of -his haggard and she ran forward. All the Gentile world is to, evidently is duo to the slowness must be "admitted to the, advantagol,b it I till belle d, I at t 08, a] Cried. people, It is "by been a lieutenant, a Cal Tile gentleman said Y ly on ,Oh, Sohn -John sh a op. xperience. is to step by step, it is inch by sortd be , brought Imto, the fellow a anal. It, I moreovert that heNvas asham- eyes and put -her hand sudden YOU 11�. 8blP with which farmers ad -t improved of the reor it whaaa ine Ao.Lstiug; indeed,. it im- inch, it Ili mtroke by stroke, that our ad to take hbme sa few, Bayng that his shoulder, "Andrew, Andrew;, what 11,�h "I've come.baek -Of our LordB disciples. � DaPtizinIg ial,thoda, of culture of their land; now exposed to, the anscrupulousneGs I file the )nest ther belts, black ,Christian oharmete - his �Usumt catch wa's much larger, !is it?" she Cried, quickly. . . at.. Im. 0 -last. After all tbeae.yeMrS. them'in the. name fl the Father, nd -ways instead of of. an:r; abarpoe ' Who, drosses his path. I provos� vRh ago' e�l r is bullde& There _at' Sticking to the old aster," is not I ur brown, deteriorate greatly after a. contlint to do what God, 00 - Re turned la -way, a Iltbla, and his of 'the Ban' an& of thel -Holy GhotA boldl striking out in new ones. This The " Private upboolm 'the buff belts fors, be. In Indeed, said 'the other. then could I thought I should -never' get here. u noWn in the smart reglrdent.s,lik�, fdNY months. Of course mande you to do-. God is not ashamed with me, for I am an officer, and usual weakness preven.ted him telling lt7a hard work to be successful, but "The act -at baptism is tho, initial is most tyrominently shown for one lik would not be pipeclayed, but oolour- to do, small -things. He is not asham, have for a long time been lying in her now. I've managed -It now. But tell me, means wfimby the fornial fellowship 1.0tahoo, in the absence of drained thelOth.Hussars. Thin man's CXAPJOY- with "khaki". ball -found Chiseling a grain at wait for iluea�wo catch, trout out of Nothing -nothing$ said. tTue? It -it -he's ill- is Ufeeted." The rite symbolizes fields Which. overy- spring are over- ment Ia a most praiseworthy one and* ad brown ad to be Nell, it illn't: t d'or water -soaked, when the p1my consists in oitehing a The great obstacle to t1to abolition sand, or helping a honey bee to con- I've been Nvarking late, and I'm tired idering-imagining things. is did- cleansing away the old and Out ing flows rabitious priv-m of pipeclay is �aid to exiat In i he most Straot its Colt twith mathematical 'to- Whereupon he took him before a -that's all, wife. XsuPPOsb the'chil- war at- on the new_ I Baptism is�not acharni should be at Nvork,, for mriother, in the ateS for their First and Second Clams oat craciolia, 14 in the'surf, alt mean this lettora he wrote.11 X I istian, but enerally poor condition of pastures; Certificates.- Among man in ille6a august quarters. , His M curacy, or tingeing a hel , I tied of the peace, who' finedhim dren ara, in bed?" pronounced on.a young Chrl I not willLngly tolerate ,the bill of a ahafflach. What 1'12s, He sank into a chair, Re was tired.- lie looked up a little wildly- there'are sooreo'ofgood Majesty Voul( shaping "'What true? What do ycu meant an Outward sign, sacrament or oath and I, another in the, failure to lgrow smart corps Vhat you do Ile was. 06 warn out that slid put u1nasa in fellow8bip with th� glooted education. Onto soldiers wL . th brown balts� h� If! God -does he does well. What not true fit of falthf crops for feeding.in the gurnmer by birth but he$ do,well, be it a -great work or a small is soup til-chickon in front of him looked at -her gravely. If she triune God. which onei acre might food d eow,. or they attain their First Class Cart, S QtTAKR RS. I Gillen pr tion, nploy all the in vain.. He gulped down some brandy ell her. W. Teaching them fo qlbsorv6 all. ran sheep or'ms many growing pigs, cate they are ollgilyle for , orn work. It ton talenta, at did not 1know lie. could not t ndation for PECULIAR PRISONERS, ten. If five tlents, employ all the It is remarkable, What a number of anil thou a4ked to ago tbp children, He looked gt.tho uneqnScioas man og things whatsoever I have command- swee might, mention a few other8 as and subsequent reomme fivii If one talent, employ the one. gn . rallies ave. worked There ws nothing unusual in this- u, " To' observe" Ia literally "to the absen . cc botours. They Often a glish Quaker fa cc ad Y0 , Op. silos on dairy farms, Commissioned it only the thousandth part of a tit]- acquired lie 'alwa Went to look at the two , Why,-hela.been writing letters-. keep Teaching nothing but or on other farnis which by themse employ some -thoroughly well-oducat- one 3360guid So Attached to tho,oaol .ant employ that. "Ile thou faithful up Immense business and � ry curly bd�"Llds Upon the pillows when at the Lord Command, and there- of them might,add adozen or assets oil ranker to coa�h them., 1-115 pay That Ile Wished to Die, Vhoro. unto death and � I will give thee a gTcat wealth. Both-lilwisitj, CadbU they Were in bed; but the strange- mad letters," be said. 11 By it curious will writer once knew it hat a Prisoner, after being im- chance I Saw one of them this morn- fore avolding ouportitioug practices, of cow to ta present stock, thus. -varies, The d a Vary profitable T crown of Ilia.,, 1, tell -you, it you are and Vr' of chocolate fame, bolopg to iloss of his face frightened his wife ing, I only reached London yeater- teaching all that the Lord commands puttimg $200 or #30o more money to ranker who Pursue ad in. gaot for a term of several Y to -night. She followed 'him up and Vve come 'mtralght from New And tbir0fac airb'ding loosonvs& Our the credit of the. ear's Work at the avocation of the sort, On thet occtl-� mur 8, 6 not faithful to'God in a fniall sphere, the %oaj)eLy at Friends; eo too. do int in. day- as garlough he had Saved suf�, years, should. be loth to Ia Ve his a 11 you would be indolent and Inpignul- e hile he we York, and to -day I want to us a Lords commands. were really now lems'Ll and twice, as much at the most. Won of a] cant,in a large npliere. Iluntley and Palmer, the Ils- She saw him hand. first over Live girli Ia-Wn! Of life, the - Sermon on the Or a hundred sheep -might be toil oil flent. means ko buy a now, atilt, and at the conclusion of big sentence LOIL0126SL �. cult-mikers, and 906srs. Sutton, 010 then over the boy; ilia saw his face banker I know. It 0 ve gone just Mount, ilia promises recorded in the, the increased crqps� grown by. -culture take a brip ith ' Cook to th , a fjords 1 Agaln� my texL It, that re equally famous seed-graworal While turned, and,Liha Nvent in quickly thing that I should ba, hilptera ot'i I ohn's gospel,and of some nelected field. now Is - to , outlay of at leaSt , Would avem at f rat sight an 0xioat it of, Notway-an pulalveness and. louthsonlaneSs Will all he then. While was there he, received farcical situation, Yet such occur sometinies'elimb up into Ivery elovated -the. family of Pound and CO -o toward, him. I the condonsatlon. of the law and the Ivedds or sprouts. There is Waure for 930, also Quakers. "Andrew, darling, toll me what 1, It Curious letter from ndrew. He enoos. are by no means unknown both places. You, perhaps% would havel of Darlirgton, are know that he was a friend at WIZ01 prophots in the now "commandment" thinking of these things just now. r .pider that Soloinf)n Messrs. tllL- iWell knmyn tea 'the nititt6t I!,, years ago, and he handed it to Me, I of lovid. I am wlthw you alway. dkll Some farmers do o' good deal of this� STRANG111 CASH 011' I9pR$OXA. in British and oreign penitentiaries. tried to kill the 9 :Ised ber in silence, ,'In mpirit,.In power, in in- Not so very long ago a nogro call- Saw. You would. khave said:,"This Is Ila beAt and h Ile could nat understand it. I could- I the daym. however, in the winters and unfor- merchanta, jurniAll another example. Not now, not now," be said hours only toll you VON�. fto, Place for it. It that spider Is de- 11,1�,l eli L 11IL' alk. n1t, either. i can that. it fluence, nd by peron'al.indWelling." tuiamtely stop theire. The think. re not many I NY fined in a tirdian-Atlantle gaol pro. Weave a vv er is the man Nv)lo lays up The cases a -dis. � bis attenLiGn to busr Want to go out -to ill, Unto the end oS th6 world. -Unto the h houghts hero wo- termined to web, let it do nt-as, tr. ornim.tit ban found it wall mad. He, waFf evidently far fruit tested vigorously against being so dowal in the Cellar of this palace, tLL" When I come back -yes. I'll tell I you when he wrote it. yes, poor 614 chap I! end of Ilia n9e, -Ta all eternity the -in his heart, as seed , when man havlo -successfully impersonated 9 . tv iltilul a hN hobby of collecting When I come back." Ith We should barged from the' establishment dark dung on," Ali I The been ill-aeladed. Look Lord is wl a$. the working days come lore are a -,,10W, 0001' Of tbO 0 or in sorap T ass are so numerous that but d When his hour of release arrivod,,and spider of tile text could not ba.dis­. The cold, uIr on his face steadied Ila must flet"' 3rry about all bo,good thimke,rs at this time, when ]no", 0 they fill uEto a co-fisiderable mu- him it little at first. He walked along �mt him But donit NY( 4 rdinary 18 that of' an coll-Taged. , It clambered n, and 1, o as soon as I could thoughts Sown, will bring otion by most extrao had to be Conveyed to the outer gates which Ile luost g�!aerously the broad orlavel road IntO the open him, Noll' *1 cattle SWIMUING by four stalwart Wardeng. 11C, aver - to Sea what was up. I caught the and by. wtiman named Catherine climbed up higher and higher and I ';van, together with it and ocantry- with sudden ass and have been Wait- 1, Coome, aged uIxty-six. According to red that he had become so attached to i r, confidence. , higher, uttil nitar ft while it rea(khod fifteten acres at frechold land, to he told Dandon expr the king's vision, and be said, "Tiw th There must be some way Out, Ing hero for you ever since, . And it S, 1i blic. It is �iltttatad at Forest Hill, LimSelf. It could not be true that i For long-distance wimining the EXPORT , her wn story she was married whon the, gal thsLthedesixod tospend the spider taketh hold with her hands and it u southern lluburb of Lononj nd that doctor vloesn't came In a minute, wt fifteen, but for the last remainder of big 'days there, and is in kings' palaces," And so it often the Sins -of the father were visited on I'll go and hurry him UP, I've got --hark raily be Bald to hold the rwTust slow a oonditloil exists in Our fill( doubtless he would have done so had '11 rep. -live made Lis Ile lc.mr, utstrlp . the swiftest shlp!1 forty yea iffie has roprosents-4 her- not he authorities, decreed -his ra. Is now thilt. things th,at tire loathsome the obildren-it could not be true that otie thing to toll you, Nell 10 export bacon trade that should be It us anian. Her occupations eein moval by force. Ilia children would have to suffer for so aently without effort, SWIM, well considered by farmers who sup- to h v been various.. But after two The peculiarltle4 of' prisoners aref and repulsive get up into very a my fortune at Imi4t. XV8 got VtPlftY ad Ther Church of Christ, fur, Lim. I Ile walked an. quickly. tsg, and i pl,,r a ,fljr, 11&1z, lot Ami,.riom that Ia a huge $use tift's cook on a' Itstance, N a palace. Tbo King of As far as 'he could see there was I,vo come back to �Pay Andrew thO; ming. and playing around them, nd ply the live stock to oat makets, years at me. as-eap indeed, mariv and varied. Whitt will heaven dud earth lives in it, Aceor -rellitte col Vriday a's an un- he way out of his difficulties. For - o' over on the lock -out for proy. Any prlee have ruled higher during the p. and 0. liner went no, far s to ll� The ill walked andock- Z000 1 Owls bliA. So that it ther and IIYc, bogs have war young V6'omdn whoin tihn met be. thought of a Bristol gaol -bird img to ill(, Bible her b0AW8 are of lucity day 1l; sh6wn by soluz eurrant, an L�Vr or MOT610 is anything up—l' human being fidling overboard in winter months, Vy a her who iiialsted on writing religious cedar and iier raf�era, of fire,, and her atatiiitie to Ila andesarVpd. 4�., Care- ad his brain, but just as it had fall- Nell started torward at Ilmpton court, arid lived with stories during the hours allotted to shark-frequenLed waters has verylit- been marketed ms quickly as they at Iludaiorafield for fourteen for I windows of gate, nd the fountains ful pd before it failed lnow� It he could , oh, there Ia-thora 'is something," tle chariot ot escape, so rapid is the t t tlere-, was 0,nty discovered when ihe - vastractive recreation-stor, of Salvation (lash a rain of light. It offirl,il rhannelb, ha4i been inado- of have borrowed 48,000 or so homixht she Cried. "I don't understand Ilim, riedon at the Shrk, the rawlster of were, in condition. During lie Ps Lho work- "as which in many respects were �, the -church of 1, I Ili,. i�tbi, Inlaerniany, and as ar,:- have strugled round in a year or $omethlng IS the matter. Ile the dotp, The dolphin, llother fast- tow weeks, however, the tendency at wits comPolled to go to equal to the productions of profes- \is a glorious Palma it 11� God I&, And bret sometimes unseenl- (Julid tILAL a* weekly two, for Ilia practice vias good; but been warried to death, but, WhY-Oh, Swimming fish -a near relative of tile the market has been downward, and huse. sional authors? The convict inques ill -h s tire who Would tend him Lion had committed well-nigh, every IYalid loatlisamothitgacreep upinto' uu(* �,C%000V Tho one I donit Icnow why. He wouldn't tell whal,-la credited with a speed of con- in many cagoll those NVb6 have had it evil ;peking anti rancor and Blau- commonly attributed to bad luck, I,- or two rich frliciadq'ha had he had tried, me. To -night he,, came In lookint- alderably over twenty iniles an 'hour, ispose. of have used.6very FMUScrime in iha calendar, arid the irony der 4ti(4 Imck-biting and abuse, Crawl- 674 oecurred on Monday, 1,551 *011 but not one of them, would lend -him mwful� Ile went up anti kissed the For: short distances tile calinon can Stack to d, f the,. business Is, therefore, all.the Lng up 611, tile wallil of the church, Tuesday, 1,031 (in 7 a so in ob, And was it likely' when it and of Its has 4 n u he Felould give children and then went iout. Ile fright- outstrip every other ileconipliall. possible means to fatted and market &Ugralid, has Itiat t* 'more reniarkable� aS or% Vriday, 1,638 on imight, bt treara before rity-five. milo. 4 ,in hour with before tile threattnod -dreli 1 Prioes. known witing export% by tile dea.th -A PrenCh prisoner tit Tulon vow. spinfilng * web from arch to arch, 'Thursday, 1,0 nd I followed him, I was , a it back f 1, lla4t�wc ,%Zpanish mackerel In One of accurre(l, ThIS Way give 010 farmer of lqr. j-ohn, Weslej Hall. Ito and his ell on entering the perll SettloMont and from the top of one cointaunion Sturday, nna 263, oa; Stirtday. Thai ease. hvsv� I 1113 heart filled LIMA (is he thought. . that he would not speak a single tankard, to, another, Morita.% OftlaeG, mamt notivol,tily ipittavc of t She broke off with a suddOu sOb- Elie taStqt of food fishes, and outs the el 'nic:lnentary advantage,. bt it will a brothpro were members of the word to ay living soul during the. fin which there. oughtr only to be, 14011t fjgui�e�% apart, from their vindiction The 11OP01098 b6ttOr of his life. and Gillan put is hand on her -4bOul- water like a yacht. Predatory fish are not pity -him, Ia the long illft. For tW tinA. love and paraon and gra0e�.YOO 3!1riday, Ia tho uniformity, of dig- the years before himi rushed back up- , origloal syndidate which purchased ten years f his sentence, and liCkept f A in, dlshonour� shame, der, NVIItt �4jll be the TOSUlt t Fat 1109 t0ift a spider Is I!ft, tile Palace. tribution, of among tj him. Pric 11 Nvell never imind 11 fie, generally the fastest swimmers. fat and soft ba- tile famous f6tilit Morgan Mine In bis Word to 'the letter., All thd ' N"umfltatlod, dograi Again-, illy text temdha% Ine that' saeular daya of. thes week, the Antion I Ilia wife be made only into its discoverer, Air. blandishments of the good-natured tile er mind I It will be, all right Uow, alls, and queensland, from 0oft, 1111d tht.export demand e ppoitted Lim officialt pould not win a syllable Inount Into ast Id be an anted end to I,Li, business to.)aior- Y, for I)mCon that Is Mr. Hall Wall D peraeverana-a wil e ;,11 flio Illost and thele" NV f and I'll att call a- a 11�lt klu,gla It have seemed "unlucky" Atays, being laAS than ont, aren would beat, the burden 0 loan ana from having con- Ili,, il cut convict, -who, hoNv- a lioniT dlsta*�a fat. that to (pri,11. tells day of Most; dia-, ,their fathorli guil(A They would be, rOw. went. to, tbo office The, boy knorked at that front.door. guardian of Ills frol of a battery of five head of Ver, hl.c, powers f Speech Climb its Solonlon's splendid Maildtly. lknown art the offsprig of &criminal And he did. Ile The farmer l tb -lopoil it, until, on Ilia by Conversing with Ilimself in the with, all the dignity of 01i Old hAud The bell Was out ol order, own interests in a matter of this kind. qtampers lie d6V, bat It started at (lie very foot of ilia i -branded and bandieapped at the very d Xactlag in vettrement, over 2,000 Inen were Om' solitude Of 1119 Call,' n't ap over the Panels of ------ 'I Outset of their,young lives I at the ptofension, although e Ila J)resantly romebody was beard try- Tile English tonsumer fa e Another Gallic prisoner simulatetl Wall ali'd Wil never looked inside 'a IaW-b00k in Ilia ij)g to ciiiiii) ovetv thA furniture in the 111, d0m,"ds fm an artlele that nt- VIOYAd, 110 Wfts Inllagav Tiabanc,hri cod -&r, higher and higher, W I I B� N W1v, TALT I I Ifil Jiml Ifill little MftYT lie lifted life. And the utartled oredItOrg Who ws ly inein thel blatori4 year when zgl- deafnesq In order to annoy his gaol. Until It tltcd 11191W.r than tile highost It Is an undoubted fact that ilia b1A itaggaril face to the lty. It wag �Xpootijng to find a frmudu- front ball, nd et womna voilia'ask- Idles his taste, And it is M',1n-if t TO�'�,000 was Paid In dividead,% nud dar- trs, The r4an Ws an eeellont ad- Uuina� 'tot 601(l and Still with frost, and one or CAM6 up i 1.0 his Interests to supply hint, with st ir, Wben al)oilt tor, ind for many 111onth Ila SUOOMI- dy q ihrone� In all tile n-atiotts-the throne -it Rl , tit thd1l nkrup, 0ulld Inead oil: what Ile wantq. Plat or noft bacon 18 ilig the lid, few ye, Is shorter two stars glearno-4 out from the (lark lout bit Is Lall divided. lie and e(I in Imposing upon the eompleto of 6olo!mori, nd so, God has d t is due, t There sque-shouldoreil malt with VOY Who always in had reqilelit, And We Can 411501000 wal"i annU the morning, and the Pitiless. ir, loudly r6fi'110d alot the I)rlson, from tbo gover- blue.. They Teleg,t,apll jftje2lu�ngt "ood it that Inny of thme Who Ore 'I IV for him aftywhore, and board who Inet them With OW', IeL'Ply the I,oy, (lot a 10essag6 for tho man send it forward: WLL only Ono, r6suit, Ibis rellnily ll,ald nearly half the share away a l n mud dishonor I the weight Of the. body Pomprossing 11 w gtivnq -Mr. Vyttoft wall Vil., great JNary to our baeon tradA. -%`W6119 010111- not downwards. liventually, 110wo 'tebral During mone. There IA ak- to thoIr ue. shall irri.ve in the king's I the inttrvex t. pm-ki. ness VAllolt In triminl, and IA eriously Ill And quLtiN unable to at- o" tile hom"e. le%v open, cob The fAVOrwlth which, baeon 'ever, bo llgav6 LimA619 away" in all tt. ArA Go(t hath decided that sletp, or while in a rmumbo Ail for Iliq lu- The Attie Nvfh(l()w f Uut- unguarded morriont, itud from that rid WM tb at weakness, Itcoughttobave tend to bLa a wt thritat forth, has been received in England is fbe ho,agh you may be Weak of drM aj at nut. Solvency, it NN -aa a, mistake, it n d If any- Nvebod The recorda -Abolv that� , totat ilia& onwards he found it to Ills ro,m waa, Man With Ix wild, It ntural lds.tIcIty, otlables thent tal oulbered that lie oould Olt ficlent to ufrmer to slow of toige, and be attack throug one doubtod IC, Jalm wdso stock that Will filmet the, rquire- of 11ftyulenta for polloe p0miona is vantage to Cultivate an excellont with a reat many mental dnd moral reaume Visit, normQ sii(�, consequenlA for alme. ,ould I If only he prepared to 'ee thPffJ llj14 OW11 yelled Out:' �rovy mantx Of tile inaTkot, even fliough ilot 6r b0ow WOO in New TOrk, hearing wben 44ftepea by tho Off! - deficits, that by libi almighty grace ISr tile height at itit IndlVidual livill Alt, If lit Only ( Wrap it arouad it atono dud ti ybijj shall ye,t arrim I the Xing"s vary from, three-eighths to lialf on couldlave ilia dlilldrth from thms shame, sonal Ap-eurtty for anything from 410 t those. ADDeir to W oi. and 14 ravidly. Itioreasiag. PdJace. Not 1paCh 4A Ono as i's spoken e nng and, 4ight. and hotter. Ito lifted hIA h6ad AXId I tO 410AOOI up h6re I I