HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-09, Page 1THE (UNTO
22nd Year
Whole Number 1166
The News -Record thrives upon comparison and is satisfied to abide by the result. Compare it with others and let us hear._ _f7ro, you:
' s'ila'llw",11eallelosaals. saliassealla,eseaseasieseragaseaseeastasewiseirsaatieseasmis Beate Business.
We are pleased to Oe that our popu-
lar and enterprising merchant, Mr.
P. Oantelon, is again altending to his
usual routine of businees. Ilis appear
ance around tosvn has been hailed
with *restive by every person, We
congratulate hint and his faintly for
the precaution taken by them daring
the time they were obliged to reinain
in quar(utine.
ermine or the Trustee Board.
4 most satisfectoey condition of
affairs was made known at the busi-
ness meeting of the Rattenbury street
cherch held lest Tuesday night. The
finances of the church were found to
be in a better -condition than ever
before while the membership of the
church oeducting a large number of
Iremovals shows a gratifying increase.
The Board is looking forward hope.
fully for the days to come when they.
iNwitys !AO
The est ?Went
In the World .
is employed to 'design
Walt Paper. In buy-
ing our selection we
"Always pick the best"
and we are willing that
yea should dothe
A careful study of the vast variety of Wall Papers in our
stock will result in a pretty liberal Wall Paper education.
• We have every desirable shade and design and grade and
quite a little of the beauty is in our low prices.
$ and the congregation May worship In May, 17th, entitlbd "Fifty- below Zero"
Window Sh des the new church now in course of erec- or the "S. A, in the Klondike." All
• 0 tion, . ' are welcoine to attend.
are going out rapidly, don't you need scene ? A clscular has a . on Thursday, May Mb,' Ascensior.
A Resolution of Condoknee. .
been received from the manufacturers announcing an alliances f Day, thete will be divine service in Sb.
priceso we advise you to buy what you need now. 0 To Mr. and Mrs. F. Watts; Paul's church at 0 p. at. The recto t,
We sell the kind that isiguaranteed not to fade, crack or 0 At the Annual meetings of the Son -
&nth; Zoeals.
The drug stores have decided to close
at 7 p. rn. during the summer.
The many friends of Mr. VI/ in, liar
land are pleesed to see him out again.
Rev. Mr. Dunlop and Rev. Howson
will exchange pulpits next Sunday
The senior baseball team will play
the Lucknow elub on tbe2ith May in
that place.
On Friday last Mr, Ben, Oole had
the naisfottune Co.step ots a rusty nail,
badly lacerating his foot.
In the,death on A.pril 27th of Mrs,
Thomas Howard of Whitby Mrs. John
Govet loses the second sister within
foer months.
• On Munda.y Smith shipped two car-
loads of cattle, Wallis two carloads of
hogs and McNaughton one car of cattle
on Tuesday. •
A magic lantern • service •vvill be
given in the S. A. barracks on Friday,
Rev. C. R. Gunne, will preach and a
day . School held in Ontario street
cordial invitation is extended to all to
curl and mounted on the genuine "Hartshorn" roller.
church, April 21th 1001, it was the
In town we hang them free.
A unanimous wish that the following
The pastor of Rattenbury street
f, letter be sent to yoo. ' •church will speak next Sunday Morn -
flu' Heavenly Father has seen tit in
Curt ifin ' Poles
The proper way of putting up curtains is to use Curtain Poles.
We have anew line complete with white wood pole, Dainty
white and brass ends, complete with rings and pins for 00c,
$ W. copper, 0 . Co.,CLINTON.
$Agents for b.- P. R. Telegraph' andsDetninion Express
Money Orders, also for Buttarick Pattoos. '
Picture 'Moulding.
cottli, gilt; blue, green arel oak, price 4e per foot, This is the
kind that can be cleaned Withoet fear of losing its polish.
The vsidth is one and a half inches, the colors crimson, terra
• 'Aii.As..,.*AsAtry.,..frisviegeo
h ve for ch nge ?.
Is the cry of every housekeeper 4)
0 Strawberry Pie •
Plant Pine Apee ()hunker ' "Stuff•ed Pickles ;
ing about "Men with Wings." The
His Wisdom to ono more afflict You, pulpit in the evening will be occupied
taking from your home to Himself, the
by the Rev. Mr. Dunlop of the Baptist
last of vont. earthly parents. Befere.
church. •
the spring ante verdure had time to At a quarterly meeting of the official
cover the graye cif your late mother,
board of the Ontario street church,
• again the death - angel suMmens and
3, What c
the aged father goes forth hurriedly to
join, his loved partner ttod anget
God. "You are • left behind with
sorrowful hearts to journey' on a little,
longer awaiting the.message. • Believe
us dear brother and sister, you have
Our sympathy end prayers' in this the
'hour of yoiir bereavement; and as
•Co-workers in Use Master'i seriicewe
would Isola to vett the silver lining in
• the .cloud just now o'er shadowing
your, lives. Think of • the reunion of
those dear omit, .their liberty • and
happiness ; Gone, hut their words of
instruction and hive remain blessed
and cherished methory ; and a glor-
ious hope, yes knewledge is yours of
oneday meeting them in the house of
many mansions ;where separations
never more Come. May the Comforter
speak glad weeds to your hearts;'tnd
theee, afflictions whis.h are bet for a
tirnesvork get for you far- more qx,
ceeding end eternal weight of glory.
Signed in behalf of Ontario St. S. • S.
Jacob Taylor Supt.
,Palph play. S,ec.
• Chili Sauce or A an of Spinach
'5), Save your Eggs a,nd use Burnett's Coffee silearer to settle your Ceiba.
• Leaye your order for Lettuce and Young Onions ertely ie. the week, IP
Ogle Cooper & Co. .0
• 0.
O^ms.15,04541a.teatts-e, asseratsaffaits,ei.sessiteettAubeo lb-80%Na ,ib.sries,ite.e'Ate..616b."c)
.1 have added an engraving machine to my store equip-
rnent and tan 'do your etigraving quicker and cheaper.
than you have had it done heretofore.
a CREWS; Expert watch Repairer.
-- ..
t r . Time for Ch/ nge 0 I
From your Winter Ender -
..% el
wear to summer wear . , . . t
We have been very card ni in selecting our stock
for Spring and Summer and are prepared to
suit all regoirements, These -are some of our
Men's Heavy Cotton 'Underwear. , $ .50 per snit
Pi" .5st 6$
" Double Thread 13albriggan 1.00 "
" Fancy Balbriggan 1.00 "
Real Moo Bal, regular $2.50 2.00 "
" Natural Wool (special 2,50 "
" Cashmere Undervvear 3.00
PrES011tati011 io Mr. and Mrs. 1. Pront.
On Tuesday evening .the regular
weekly meeting Of the Baptist Young
People was held in, the vestry of the
church. After the usual service had
been. concluded a very agreeable sur-
prise awaited Mr. and Mrs.. Isaac
remit. They are leaving tonal, for
Woodstock, where Mr. Pront has
secured a very suitable position, and
the Young Peoplesin order, to show in
some small degree their appreciation of
his faithful labors anaong ittal with
them, had arranged for EL presentation.
The address, which is given below, was
read by Miss Florence Panebitker and
Miss Maud Liverraore presented to Mr.'
Prout a handsome chides clock.
Dear Brother •and Sister Front
The sorrow thatt your departure causes
Us we are not able fully to express,
neither by Words nor acts. The sep-
arationthat is oboist to take place is
very painful to us as a church. We
had never thought of such n thing as
you and Mrs, Prout leaving ns; it
came so suddenly upon us that we can
scarcely yet realize that, it is true.
However, we believe that Providenee
has so ordered it, but why we do not
know, We cannot tell. His kind provi-
dences are sometimes dark and absent*
to us, yet We know that he doeth all
things Well ; that all things work to-
gether for good to them that love God."
Dear bt other and sister,we could not let
this event pass without expressing our
feelings, emotions and thoughts to you
or by plainly saying that our affection
for you as co.workers with us is very
strong, and we hope ever shall
be until we are called to love and act
in it new and eternal sphere. We need
not, tell you, for you knowss--you know
iri part at least -how much we have
appreciated your faithful life, your.
Christ -like spirit, yoar Christian in-
fluence, youe .consectitted activity,
your prayers and efforts with us for
the glory of our common Lord and
Master, -for the up.building of His
cause ard for the salvation of lost and
perishing humanity Be assured of
this, dear. friends, that our sorrow on
this occasion will not hinder us front
expressing out best wishes for you and
your family. And we sincerely hope -
yes, we are sure -that you will just be
as true and faithful and consecrated in
your new sphere of labor as you have
been with us. Before leaving us
Would you kindly accept of this small
gift, just to remind you of the friends
you have left behind you in Clinton
Baptist choral ankthe days we have
havered together in Christian fellow-
Yours in behalf of the church.
Morrish My
What to Wear .
Need not concern you it you order '
here. You cannot make &mistake.
Everything desirable is here. We
are always the leaders of the neve-
est and best and this season We
are surpassing ourselves.
Granolithic Walk Contract.
The Council Decided on Monday Night
to Let the Ciranolithic Contract to
P. !Orden Cc. Co. of London.
The S. A. Grant Refused,
The Town Fathers met on Monday
evening for tioe usual transaction ot
6'everni tenders were received for-ale,tt,Fields sold flock of Turkeys
Mr. VV, G,Joimstort had a three days
trip to Sarnia last week, retorning on
Saturday acconipanied by his mother's
uncle, Mr. Geo, Wilson,
Mr. Herbert J'ohnston left this
week accompanied by his two sisters-in-
law for the latter's home, in Hanover,
Mr, D, Dewar lost some sheep last
week by do.gs,we believe the fatal work
was done between midnight and day -
the laying of gratiolithic walks. That
of P. L. Morden •tie -Co. of London be-
ing the Ipwest was accepted at 10t
cents per square foot and crossings at
12S cents. Joseph Wheatley was ap,
pointed inspector at the settle salary as
last year, Stobt. Welsh takes Mr.
arid clucks to Mr. Jas. Johnston. Mr.
Fields we believe had five loads of loW1.
for which he received. a handsoine
Mr,Percy Parker and his sister, Miss
Mitude,were the guests of Miss Maggie
. Wild one evening last week,
Wheatley's position and performs the
Mr. Wm, Higgins, we are pleased to
duties wit b a salary at the rate of $410 see, is out again after his week of
per year. t
The council agreed to guarantee the „,
masers, R. and T. Snowden are get.
expense of printi ng and distributing
ting the timber prepared for their
the prospectus of the proposed Pork
driving shed.
Packing Company and the expense of
Mr, Hi Talbot is busy putting a stone
soliciting subscriptions for stock up to
foundation under his house.
$20,000, providing the expenses do not
We notice the Emerican field fence
has been erected by some of the Drys
not to give a grant to the Salvation
dale people and we consider it the
Army 13and this year. .
most suitable and best looking fence
. The street committee decided to on:the market.
grade the following streets :
The Quarterly services held in
. Townsend street from East to Kirk
the Goshen Methodist church, on Sun -
street with a ten inch tile culvert
day last was laagely attended.
across Tonwsend street.
exceed $200, The council concluded
Isaac street vi*ith a ten inch tile across stope vvork of.Beo. Key's barn,
Mr,Shoemaker has conapleted the
.Wellington street from North to
Wellington street. Messrs T.King and J.Bui.ns of Bay
• field were around delivering fruit trees
frorn the Pelham nursery last week.
. We are pleased to say that Mrs, Sam
Johnston of Babylon line, who has
been suffering from la, grippe is able to
be around once more. ,
M. McKinley has improved the
the appearance of his farm on the east
side of Goshen line,. by a new wire
fence, „
Key's one day last Week. •
Mr, David Dewar visited Nelson
Mr. and Miss Elliott of the Babylon
day last week. . ' '
line were in Seaforthsost busness, one
Mr. Itobt. Stevenson of the Goshen
line had it bee Thursday last raising his
hare preparing it for a foundation.
Mnand MIS, George Anderson of the
Pair line weep the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. L Key's on Friday last.
We are sorry to say that Mr, Nelson
Key's is under the weather these days,
.We hope to see hire better soon.
Professor, Taube the optician, of Ter-•
onto. has bon on his rounds once more
in this vicinity. . •
Mr. and Mrs. George Dewar of
Sauble line visited at Mr. J. T. Key's
San,day last, '
Mr. and Mrs, J, Sharp were in Hay-
field Saturday. .
" Mr. M. Bates delivered a good hullo's
of stock steers on Saturday to Mr.lohn
good figure*.
T." Dickson for which he received a
aeo stone foundation under it. Herd Bros,
1.00 Mr.Robt.Stephenson raised his barn
on' Thursday last., He intends to put a
have the contract.
Mr. Artisur Stephenson and family
were the guests csf Mrs.E.Johnstone on
Sanday last. ' '
idnand Mrs.Geo.Cook was the guests
of Mr, Johnstone on Sunday last. .
Mr.Robt.Stephenson had the misfor-
tune to get his hand badly' hurt while
he was jAcking his barn up on Thurs-
day last. '
Mr. and Mrs. A. Duncan visited at
80.00 Mr. R.Peck's on Sunday last.
1,50 Mr, and , airs. Thos. Rathwell from
near Erucefield , and Miss Maggie
Richardson and Mr. F. McIlyeen were
thegueste of Mr. W. Rathwell on Sun-
day last.
Mr. 0. Hoare of Cliuton placed a
beautiful Newcombe piano in thehorne
of Mr. Wm. Rathwell a few days ago.
Mr. Hoare has always an eye to busi-
ness and expects to place more in that
neighborhood in the near future..
We believe Mr, 11. It Johnstone and
the Misses Harriet a,nd Annie Ball left
on Wednesday for Hanover, where
Mr. Johnston will Visit for a few weeks
before leaving for Toronto.
Mr. W. J. Stinson hes just turned
his cattle out to grass. We believe
Alt. Stinson this year will. graze no
fewer than ninety head of big steers
for the English market.
Mr. jas. Howard of the Goshen Line
Oundayed on the Sauble.
Mr. Sohn Howard of Drysdale visit -
ea Hayfield Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. W. G. Johnston spent part of
limit week ht Sarnia with friends,
Mrs. Rau Fields disposed of sonse of
her choice poultry to Mr. Jes. Johns-
tonc last s notice-
owt ceek
Mr, Valentine Wilds with
the assistance of Mr. John Speneer
hoar his colt driving nicely hi the
• Mr. David Dewar has had some of -
his sheep worried by dogs during' last
week and if Dave sees them around
his place again he will make them
Mr. ,Robt, Greer delivered seven fat
hogs and it fat cow to Robert Fitzsi.
mons of Olinton:on Tuesday. ,
Mr. T. Clark is around selling his
cream separators. Tom is handling
the right thing now,
Mr. B. Speneer and Wamsley are
building janses Dewar's fence but Sack
has hardly time now because the suck.
ers are going up the river.
Mt. W. Atwood spent Saturday in
Zor felt in the interests of Mr. Whidclon
of ilaylield.
LOND6130 \
11 W. Sanderson of Londesboro at.
ended the reception of Mr. and bit's.
Currie of Goderich township on .Wed.
nesday °Vetting.
it, Sanderson left for the White
City on Monday.
Huron street froth Shipley street to
Monday evening, Mr.
TIPladY was Gf
elected representative to the District .T. Its coning.
Meeting. Dr. Thompson and
M streebfrom
et f a
Victori. etreet to
J atne
North street from Mary street to
Joseph street. -
Victoria street from Critter street to
Rattenbury House.
Dunlop street from Isaac street.
The street cernmittee also decided tn
to put a drain in Albert street from
John street southward.
The wire•for a fence on the east side
of the 'A.neirevvs estate,wits recommend-
ed to be Supplied as far as the dividing
line agreed upon by the ttiwn and
township •ceuncils, commericing'at the
wire -fence on said roadside.
The committee decided also to extend
the kirbing oh both sides of Albert
street to Priucess street. '
The cemetery committee visited the
eetnetery on Monday and- decided to
put gas pipes on the tie sposts in place
of the wooden railing already there
and also to trim the evergreens and
hedges uniforrnally and do some filling
with earth where necessary'-' . •
0ourt, of Revision was set for May
27th, notice of which will be found in
another column. •
The following reports of the various
committees were then attended to: .
The finance comraittee recommended
the payment of ,
Chas, Holland were appointed exhort
The S. S. Anniversary of the Rotten-.
buryS. church will soon be held, -An
illustrated sermon will be preached to •
the children in the morning and in the
evening an elaborate song service will
be rendered. The tysochoirs,of church
and S. School, under the leadership of
Mr. Murch and kr. Tenney, are pre-
paring special anthernS, solos and
choruses for the occasion, andmiost in-
•teresting services are expected.' Look
out for tbe:prograrn next week.
• First' Shipment of Tub Sutter.. ,
assaaisadaselaaeadaaslasals4saaaa-sa's."' asaga.aasuasssesS~aeassoadssaeaseaa
True to Nature
*) Q0 4s
natural nese is the
first essential in' obtain.
ing it good *tore.
The merit of our pic-
tures is partly in this.
They have won the
highest mention. You
are ettre to like them.
Try a dozen.
You'll like our baby
pictures. They are
it credit to us and to
you. •
44.4)43.04., 0,46.401.0.0.
Photo Studio
This week Messrs. Canteleo Herts.
Made the first shipment of tub butter.
'for this year, the shipping of roll
butter 'being over due • to ,warm
weather. This firth is new shipping
upwards cif 1,000 dozens of eggs daily.
Prompt Payment.
Last week Mi A. Hooper handed to
Leslie G. Sege, town, a cheque for $25
as a result of the latter haying See
apcident And sick benefit policy in the
Dominion of .0astadi Accident and
Sick HenefitIneurance Co., of which
Mr. Hooper is agent,Mr. Sage being 41
with pneurnonie:for 5. :weeks.
Clinton Plays Coderleh.
On Friday efternoon last the Col-
legiate football team visited •Goderich
to play their first garne this season.
Both are good teams and a good. game
was witnessed by a large crowd. A
wind Was blowing and Goderich. was
successful in securing its hid. in the
first half Of„the game, HI which neither
side'scored.. A goal was put in shortly
after play re-eornmenced by W; Coert.
ice. • Clinton then played a defence
game bet ow.ingto their being notified
by some onlookers that the time was
up when it was not. Goderlch succeeds
ed in scoring in the 'last . 3 minutes.
The referee acted well indeed, nutmeg-
ing to it surpt isingdegr ee to giVe all the
sweet -meats of the genus to Goderich
The team from Olinton Yeas; For-
wards, Moldordie, Ourtice, Bremner,
Campbell's. Aikenhead ; Halfbacks,
McEwan, McPherson, :McLeod ;.Backs,
Whiddori, Hillier ; Goal, Baird.
Death of Mrs. Pennitutton.
Although not in the least unexpect-
ed yet a feeling of sorrow and gloom
fell upon our community on Thursday
morning last in learning that Mrs.
Pennington had in reality passed to the
great majority. She was born in
Devonshire, Englaed, about 43 years
ago, and about 23 years later, became
the wife of the bereaved husband, and
eame to this country to reside taking
up their abode and living ever since
in the townships of Goderich and Col-
borne. Up to It couple or three years
ago, her health was Eln Unit might be
Wished for, enduring all the hard toil
incidental to farm life end. the beteg -
ing up of it large family with the best
of grace. During the last two or
three years of her lite, however, she
contracted illness Which developed into
complications of "Heights Disease"
which baffled our best doctors and all
that it kind husband, family and
friends could do.. Suffering at times
the most intense and indescribable
agonies of pain and enduring the sante
with constitution and it nerve that
were almost stiperhuman. She has
left it husband and a family of three
boys and three girls, all at home, to
mourn the loss of a, kind wire and
Mother. The sympathies of it large
circle of friends are extended to there
in their loss ands gelef. The ttineral
on Saturday was largely attended,
the services being rendered by Rev.
E. A. Shaw of Hertmillen The pall-
bearers being selected from the int.
mediate neighbors, while hying ,of the
deeeased. While in accorditnee With
her expressed wish the procession was
driven at, only it slow walkto the
cetnetery,an Tinglts houstorn,which she
wished to have honored. A bea.utiftd
fiend wreath procured front London
Ont„was placed upon the easket by
Mr. John Pennington of Dandatt
who was present at tuts funeral.
There's a Vitcattt chair aronnd the
That never on earth ean be tilled,
A, loved one is missed front the pte-
clods of home,.
For that voles luts been stilled.
-It Wee Medlars
Mr. Pront tmule a very neat and ao.
ceptable reply to the itbove, expressing
his deep regret at !eating Olinton and
the many friends be has made bete but
itt the same time feeling that, God had
called him to the place to which he
gioes. Mao that the 'remembrance of
days spent in the Baptist church in
Clinton Would ever be eherished in the
•Inetnories of himself and family. The
meeting was brought to a elose by all
Joining in singing God be with you
Mil we meet again." Mr. Prout left for
Woodstock on the1.80 train yesterday
trotting, taking with him the best
wishes of his many friends in Clinton,
Mrs. Prod and the rest of the family
will not leave till tome thne after the
." • . - •
C. Carter, 18 days work $24.30
S. L. Scott, lei " ." 20.91
W. SteeP, 52 "
VV.:Wheatley 81/5" "
Mort liner Pub Co.
.1. Danford, teaming - .50
Electeic Light account, 1 month 70.00
• Installing one lamp 1.05
Property account
D. K. Prior . " 4,50
Salary acconnt
Jos. Wheatley, 3 trios, salary 102.50
W. Coats 3 " " 87.50.
Jas. Howe ' , 3 -‘0 " 62.50
Cemetery account
R. Reynolds, 1 mo. salary
3. Dunford, 4dnytearning
Fire and water account
'J. Miller, 3 mos. salary
A. Seeley, 8 " • "
3, West, ' 3 " "
Charity account
McCabe, goods for Mrs, Copp 1.31
EL Wiltse, goods for J. Ellison 1 40
J. & N. Fair, " 2.00
J. Dunford •.25
Board of Health account -
Dr. J. W. Shaw, disinfectant
for small pox 14,15
Dr. W. Bryan,sntall pox exam. 27,00
Incidental account
J. W. Elliott, for curl
, Stock scales
Town scales
Rent of hall
Rent of °MO'
Cemetery 3.00
(Remelt adjourried to meet agnin on
the first Monday in June.
Oliver Keyes is on the eick list this
week, therefore had to give up school
for a while.
Rey. J. W. Andrews attended the
funeral of his sister, Mrs, Jarvis of
Holnseeville, on Monday last,
Mr„ T, H. Cook of Sarnia was the
guest of James A.rm strop g on Saturday
last, He is the son of Tommy Cook .
that used to run a shoe shop in Verna painful accident last Monday evening,
Some of the boys took him for a big
fish and caught him by the leg with a
big trout hook.
The rag and old iron collectors are
reaping a , harvest these days. It
seems te he a profitable business.
Saturday evening, which was witness -
Miss Ada Rouatt, has returned from
ed by a large number of people. The
London after a successful course of •
•Rovers just succeecleclin capturing one
triuntng at the Conservatory of
The conncil met on Monday night
but little business was done. It was
expected the electric light problem
would he wrestled with but fate had it
otherwise.' . .
. Dr. Woods lost a valuable horse one
day last Week. All that veterinery ser.
vice could do was done for "Bobs" but
to no even.
The tug Eagle, formerly owned by •
jowett Bros., left here SatUrdaysnight
for Sarnia, having been purchased by
a firm there and will be used'in collect-
ing fish frotn the trap nets.
- The fistermanare enjoying a period
of prosperity these days as they have
'secured some good catches lately. It
is to he hoped good luck is coming this
way. •
Preparations are beinginade for the
induction services and a reception to
Mr. McNeil on Thursday at 8, p. m. '
in trinity church, Repairs are being
pushed along for Sunday confirmation
services. ' ' •
Dr. Stanbury's brother and sister'
visited at Hayfield one day last week
and on Sunday the Dr. went to see
his brother at Brucefleld, who Was
taken suddenly and -dangerously ill.
Rev. M'. McKay of Goderich oc-
cupied St, Andrew's church pulpit last
Sundity an preached to large con-
gregatione. here -eves no service in
Trinity churc on account of repairs
to that edifice so the adherents attend- ,
ed ether places of worship.
Mr. Jas. Burns, the e,nergetic agent
of the Pelham Nursery Co. of Toronto,
has just completed his ' delivery of
fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs
amounting to . $050. This cern- '
pany has added much to its already
enviable reputation as -it reliable firm
for the trees are all healthy and de-
veloped specimens and should with
caregive the best results to those de-
siring , good fruit and :ornamental
Rev. John McNeil of Hayfield
received a telegram last week an.
notincing that Moray Harbour con-
gregation was nnaninoous in their
choice of like as their minister.
Mrs. Thompson of Goderich visited
her sisters, Mrs. Cowie and Miss
Collicly, last Sunday.
Little Jimmy Brovvn met with a
several years ago. He was on his way
to Hayfield to take home the tug he
purchased from Jewett Bros,
Bracefield Rovers and Verne. Maple
Leafs had it friendly football match on '
goal. The Varna team is not very big
but they know hovv to play football,
Mr, and Mrs, J. E. Harnwell spent
Sunday in Goderich and Colborne
townships visiting at the former's
We have lots of Presbyterians,
English chureh and Methodists in this
vicinity but no Baptistsuntil last week
when two insmersions took piece in
Andrew Reid's creek near his lime
kiln. • We do not knew whether there
are any more to follow or not but the
•two that got clucked did not enjoy '
their bathvery much, •
Mr. Wm, Reid, Parr Line,has added
horticulture to his many other attain-
ments. His latest novelty in this dir-
ection is it climbing plant which Billy
claims te have clinibed • from the
ground to his upstair window in one
night. He calls it the Joie 'plant.
We wish him success in his enterprise:
Mr. and Mrs, Cook and daughter .of
Egamocilville visited friends in Varna
. on Tuesday,
13. A Higgins was on a trip to Strat-
ford last week. He returned on Satur-
day. He drove the distance with his
famous trotting stallion. Sid Tolsti.
Mr.. James Wanless . is again out
gathering cream.A. F. Bolner of
Exeter. .
'Mr. W. W, 13uchanan,editor and tem -
pounce lecturer Of Winnipeg, Man.,
will give two of his pleasing eutertein-
Merits in the Temperance hall here on
Tuesday.and Wednesday next. Mr,
Buchanen is in'the very front rank
of Canada's. prohibitionists. He is a
clever*. tind convincing orator of no
mean repute.. AI silver collection will
be takenat both meetings. Don't
• 2.50
miss this treat.
Wm. Cudmore and sons of Kippen,
known as the Hay Kings, have two of
their presses in full operation in this
vicinity. They have bought the sur-
plus hay that fanners had to dispose
of. Each one of these improved press-
' es, with the skilled labor employed,
balesfrom eight to ten tons per day of
uniform size to fit, cars and steamships
without loss of space. This firm, now
the largest exporters in Canada in the
hay trade, have shipped over 5,000 tons
the last six months from this county,
alone representing $30,000 put -in circu-
lation amongst oue farmers. The priu
clot maeketts are Glasgow, Liverpool
and London and ecome has even reach-
ed South Africa, through their Old
Country agents. This firm reports af-
ter long and anxious work that they
have at last established a trade by
shipping none but the best that will
ensure for the faraners ready sale at.
renumerative prices as well as a liv-
ing profit. Pluck and enterprise telt
in the end
Gilbert Dick and his calf sale under-
taking proved quite a success. A car-
load of 40 arrived, at Kt ppen station and
was disposed of the same day at prices
ranging from 83 to $5 each, supplying
it want tbat otherwise could not have
been done. The times have changed.
Our friends, tbe McMillan family, used
to tell the farntera about the benefits
of haying Reformers in ; they stood so
with the Americans that they took off
the duty on calves to supply a market
for Canadian farmers, something the
Tories could. not get, for them. Web
the &enters have been very ungrateful.
They have turned their backs on both
Jobe and his calf market and doing
something for thentselves instead of
our cousins.
The local Conservative Association
has been getting in sbape -lately, re-
organizing and generally putting
things in proper place for. action.
George Washington (little boy) has
become contaminated, Temperance
people can't believe hint, municipalit-
ies have failed to realize his promises,
the machine has been exposed andMe-
Gillicuddy's ballots cremated, His in-
vestigation committee reports frauds
in the electorate but unauthorized (if
you please) still the law bas not been
put in operation nithough the people's
frenchise has been stolen, the country
disgraced aecl the ehiefs in office with
pronnee of another session to himself.
We will not be caught napping again
but alive to the true interests of our
country, watching least devise, strata, -
gem and fraud he sprung on us atiain
in new form in their dying struggle
to retain power by fraud And not. by
the will of the people.
Miss 13ella. Aikenhead is this week
visiting her cousin, Miss Rumball in
L°Milicis°s"E. Ross of Auburn is tnis week
the guest of hee sister Mrs. Wm.
BeLririt'le Kathleen Long of London is
visiting her grandparents, Mr, and
Mrs S. 13 Jamieson.
Miss Ida McLennan and 1Vliss. Porter
of Clinton were the guests of Mrs.
Baird r , on Sabbath last.
Mr. Wm. Graham attended the
funeret of his brother-in-law the late
Mr. Drown of 13lyth which took place
laet week.
Miss Fanny tootheringharn is at pre-
sent visiting at her home here,
Mrs. Walter Moffat of Stani4 died
on Monday last. Iler bereaved friends
have the sytnpathy of the entire cons.
Res' De. Itoberton will deliver a
lecture ort Missions in the r'resbyter-
itin church on Sabbath morning, May
12th. OVerstOne shottla WW1 them.
elves of tide. opportunity to hear a
ldtaWi.urclock lefb lad Satur-
day for the Old Country where he took
four eat.loads of cattle, most of which
were of his own raising.
Mr. ilugh 1trving and getting his
barns In fit condition for raising.
The Messrs. MeCowan ars also corn«
monolog the building of a litite barn.
Mr. 3. W. and altss Selina Bell
Sundayed in the ciraular town,
Mr. John Denhohn was in the Forest
City on Monday, •
• Mr. James Fair of the Hub was in
town on Tuesday.
Men arid teams are busy excavating
for the foundation of Mr. James Ham-
ilton's new drug store which is to be
completed by Aug. 1st, '
Mr.Will. Mason has moved his familY
into his brick residence on King St.
which he purchased recently.
Rev. Low of Winghatn assisted at .
the confirmation service held in Trinity
chtirch on Monday evening.
Regular meeting of our town council
was held in the Industry Hall on Tues -
On Monday evening in the English
church the rite of coefirmation was
administered by His Lordship the
Bishop of Huron to a clos of twenty,
carefully prepared. by the incumbent,
Rev. Mr. McQuillan. The church was
crowded to the doors. The congrega.-
Mon present attentively listened to
HisLordship's beautiful address to the
. „
About four o'clock on Tuesday morn-
ing the dreaded fire alarm sounded
once more and the people's attention
was drawn by the flames issuing out
of our large brick gvist and flour mill
windows and Also the storehouse
vvhieh had a large quantity of wheat
stored,in it for milling purposes. The
fire company and engine was soon on
the spot but there was a strong wind
blowing at the time which had eansed
theflames to get a. great headway be.
fore it waegot under control and with-
out spreading to other buildings. The
mill and storehonse was totally con-
xsumed. Mr.:V'enemore who had leased
it for several years is a great loser by
this misfortune, he haviug lost his
books and over 500 bags of flour which
he was going to ship in a day or two.
tie had some insurance on the wheat itt
the storehouse but none on the nein.
idnrenennore has the sympathy of the
whole country in his severe loss. It is
a mystery how the fire originated.
The pulpit in Si. Andrew's church,
MOW, Was filled by Mr. Moore, 0,
Tat. agentitrecefield,very acceptably.
Ile is not aspiring for a call but merely
ably and ki ndly filling it gap between
the departure of the old and steep.
term of the new. his said that about
25 applicatione are in for trial so that
August will be reached in all probabil.
ity before a selection is made. The
nev. Acheson, their late pastor, has
been hem d ftom repeatedly and is int -
proving in health and speaks big* of
the beauty of Pembina and the appre.
elation of Canadian work In a foreign
land in every ettpacity, for there are
many there.
The ninny friends of Mrs. W. 0.
Landsboro, who has been so very ill,
are pleased to learn of her improvement
and hope to see her around again
Mr. reed Mrs. IL 33. Kerr isf Clinton
were the guests of Mr. and M. G. W.
Layton on Sunday last.
Mrs. George Turner is improving
although slowly.
Mr, Henry Carter has, this week,
purchased &handsome Doherty organ.
The Misses Marion and Amen
Harland were the guests of tondo
Itoad friends on Monday last.
Dithie rumor assetts that ere Ion
wedding hells will be ringing on tit
2nd concession.
Miss Phoebe Allan spent a few day
last week as the guest of Mrs. Vran
rrank Layton and Miss Mar
spent Sunday in Dublin.
Mr. John Hunter is moving his bar
this week W. Wheatley of Olinto
has the contract.