HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-02, Page 88 Our Cotton Dtes Stuffs. There is no such collection of handsome cotton dress materials to be found in the county as is displayed, in this store. We gathered them fromtfar and near, Wherever new and stylish materials were to be had we drew our supplies from and now show an assortment that would bring no discredit to most city stores. The great. er portion of the stock was imported by ourselves direct from the British and Amer. can markets and of the better lines we show only one dress length of a pattern. • There is every indication that muslins and cotion dress materials of all kinds will be much worn this season. You'll be almost sure to want thin dress materials later on. Would. n't it be better tobuy row when this stock otexclusive novel- ties is at its best A Few of Our Many Lines At 10c American Ginglianis, neat small and fancy cheeks, in blue and white, pink and white, eta, guaranteei ' fast colors, also fencer American dress muslin, white ground with fancy doral designs and plain strip- ea,together with a,good assortment- e ges, of dark colorings., 14t 12ic Handsome Blouse designe in fine. English cambric's, fancy stripes•in all the newest designs and colors, s together with a big range ofAmer- Man dress in dimities and plain muslin, neat floral designs, fancy. stripes, spots in dark and fight blues, pink and corabinatiene.... Igeet Fast color Americau gingham dark and light blue and white and pink and white stripes, pretty de- signs for blouses also a big ranged. • fancy designs and wipes in colored dimity muslin • IOC' at 20e . Fine Scotch Zephys in Plain ad • broken checks, in ail the leading shades popular this seasan, also very fine muslin in dirnitiee, etc., ehades of light, royal and navy blue, pink mauve with bile* and white. .... tit 25e Some of the handsomest Cotton ma- - teriale we have ever shown, .extra fine Scotch Zeplaye, be cheeks and fancy stripes M shades of blue pink old rose, ens, also fine organdie and dainty musline,of m•ost of them not more than two dreseee alike.. t.P. At 30c • Cotton dress materials that it is hard • to dietinguish from a foulard silk, costing more than twioe the price. neeer lose their silky [appear- anae, the newest designsand color. ' • ins, imported by ourselves, no two dresses the same, shades of • bide, grey, etc .. .. Nobby. Sailor Ilats We've never known, a trade for sailor hats like that we are having this season.. We don't know any reason. for it except that we • hrve the best stock of sailors that has ever been in our showroom. Values too 'were_never better. •Here are two of the big sellers. •• Ladiee sailor hate, fancy white straw white or black band, lined, newest „„' shape, very stylish, eitch....s, SOC Ladies sailor hatieherwy tutu] draw vary stylish shape, good quality, ,„, wide black and white band, lined 411C • Childmns broad brim sailore, plain white, blue,blaok or fancy mottled ess, straw,ribben hand and streamere WC • Cbildrens fine, broad brim t eailors, Ihats, made from very tine stretch, sabht ribbon bands and etreamers e AA lined eitoli ......50c, 75c and 1•Ull • • Fancy Wool Deiaines for Waists • They are very popular for dressy waists and cau be had in a big range of patterns. We show them 111 light and dark blue, pink, black and ereana grounds, plain and with satin stripes. Of the best ones not more than two or three waists of a pal tern. The prices • 37c, 50c and 75c per yard. AlvaMAINAMMOIANWAAAAMAAI/A•ApiAMAANWAAAAMMAAM Storm Comfort It pays to be comfortable in stormy wea- ther -pay from a physica.1 standirint. It is not wise to take risks going out in showery weather without a raincoat Here is a descrip- tion of an extra good and nobby garment we are showing this spring. We have cheaper ones if you want them. Wits' waterproof wets, newest style, large sleeve, slash pockete, ittleid velvet collar, a very etylish garment, acrd guaranteed waterproof taw and palsy., ...... BD. ROTHER 6.00 iirb40.'44°1*Cio'gto, fiKieWcaa•eiezeiseeesteesse Clod Korohandising - is Fairness A • That is goods sold for exactly what they are and at a price twulayi celri andis tianir o• ar aids advantage ttoo thehe seller. Its Wall Paper we want this ad to sell but to Illustrate • whatm we ean by selling goods for exactly what they are we 0 ee will attempt a little reasoning on the familiar subject of wool. Of course ell wool is a better fabric than half 'serial and both have advantages over three quarters cotton and one quarter wool. Now,in Well Paper there are degrees in quality right along these lines. There is the Oc per roll qualitype forpeople who don't want to pay the all wool price. Then there is the 8c grade which. we honestly say ie worth twice as much as the 6e. The design and coloring are much superior and mere durable. It is really cheaper than any you can buy at cr Then of cense we have still sUpericaegoods as high as 60c per roll We sell all grades at ex - • Italy what they are, as good value for the money. as we know' how to bey, as good ea good a Iess price. The differeuce is M 0 gA eir rs more than made tip in the goal- . George King, Beyfield; Mrs. Davir merchandising will allow us to Moffatt, Herniate Manitoba ; George ity, nearer the all wool standard TUE OLD)VON NZvcrs.nzoot, _ . Mies Nebel Kahle of Goderich !spent Sunday at her home in town, Miss ()mire, and Mee. U. T. Rance of Blyth are spending a week in To- ronto Mrs", 'W. J. Homes and her daughter Miss Minnie, who spent the wintery - turned home on Saturday. at Spokane, Washington state, re- 1VXay 221cl, 1001 t****0 0+4440 /******************4**********404111•••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44........." UULLETT TOWN$111P. Wm. ABarr lexander died at his residence in firillett on 20th April last, He was born in County Tyrone, Ireland, near the city of Londonderry, 13 years ago, He cause mat te this country at the age of 18 and settled in the village of Hornby, county Halton, where he remained. eight years, During hie stay there be married Jane Ford, daughter of the late George Ford, They came to the township of Hallett about the year 1856 when this part was almost, unbroken wilderness where he remained till the day of his death. He was an adherent of the Presbyter - len church in Londesboro where be was a, regular attendant, and in politic a staunch Oonservetive, Mrs. Barr pre deceased him about Misr years ago. The stuviviug menabers of the family are ; Mrs, Neal Bethune, Herniate, Manitoba ; Mrs, Jas, -Procter, Blyth; II, on the homestead ,• Isaac on the farm adjoining, and Sara, 0.the young- est at home. 'The funeral took place on Wednesday to the Union cemetery where he wee placed beside the re- mains of his beloved wife. The services at home and at graveside were con - A ducted by Rev, J. A. Hamiliton. . V' • +-• Xt. Peterson of Olinton is boring a sell. well for Couecillor 'Warner. Agents Parker's Dye Works, lf) 0 Messrs, Adam Weir • and Thos, Aroh- p er visited the stock farm of Mr. David 'iP A Milne of Ethel on Menulay arid "were so • •4 well pleased with what tlaey elm that IP long pedigreeIt is a fineen Often the Ohexpest, Alwag 8 the Rest, # a .•animal Mr.Weir bought aShorthorn bull .with - et and WM be an o.cquieition to this town - The Fair Co. ^ik-e^gt-ei'it.e"tb•elts'et"="1?'""''' ship. Messrs, Weir and Archer have ease a keen eye for superior stride and consider this Shorthorn one of the best • in Hullett. ' iesterneemeemeaaarreseeies About 00 • • • WHERE THEY ARE People OR WH ERE •• THEY ARE WING We Know Mr. R. 3. (Muff spent Wednesday in Brocefield, Mr. D. A, Forrester exult Monday in • :int:ha:111.n• w n Mr. Horace Bennett of Wingham spent • Miss •Maggie Dovis is spending a couple ofelays in Seaforth. Miss Parimer of Hansen is spending a • a couple of weeks in to wn. M.&rsCoultes of Blueyale returned to her home in town last week. Mr. Ben. Gibbings sails on Saturday by Dominion Line for England. . Mr, James Ross, .carver at the 0.. f. Ieft last week for the Canadian Soo. • Messrs. Harry Bell ancl•Bert McIlveen of Wingliaari were in Clinton ' on Mr. William Snaith and his' daughter Miss LeStie visited Kirkton friends ' over Sunday. '• Rev. Mr. .Pocock, a former pastor of the Baptist church here,occupied the • pulpit on Sunday last. Mrs. Roberton, who has been the guest t5f Mrs.Wm. Cleats for the past week, returned to her home in Brockville on Monday. • • Mr. 0. B. Koeirig has taken a position with Dean, Swift St Co. of London, clothing manufacturers, and travels for them in evestern Ontario . Mr.Nixon of 'Toronto,organizer for the Ancient Order of United Work- man, is in townthis week adding to the membership of the local lodge. Mr. Walter Irwin, who went • to the • Soo and ,came home sick, started out again 'on Monday for Coiling- • wood and may go on to the Soo again. •• • Messrs. John 'and Tiros, Consitt of • Stanley, • sail on Friday by Elder Dempster Line for England. They were booked by A. 0. Pattison of the • Messrs. We Weston and F. Macdon- ald of Goderich township left this week for the Soo and were booked throueh by Mr, W. Jackson of the C. P. R.' • Mr. Jacob Taylor was in Toronto this Week attending the annual • meeting of the Confederation Life Insurance • Company of which he is Successful agent. . Mr. Ben. Webb left on Monday ,f England where he will be one of t • representatives of a Canadian pu lishinghouse and help push the sa of its books. Mrs. Olutterham, who was called home because of the fatal accident• which Fidel her father, the late James Mc- Gill, left on Saturday last to return to her home in Joliet, Illinois, Mr. II. A. Cook of Bluevale has dis- posed of his hotel business at that place 10 11. Mr. Johnstone of Gode- rich and now contemplates engag- .g in business 1110 county town. We understand he i negotiating for the Oceite House, Mrs. J. W. Irwin went to St. Thomas the forepart of the week to spend a month with her mother,. Mrs,Watter Barr. IVIr. 'mit intends taking a lengthy trip but whether to the Prtcific coast or across the Atlantic he has 001 yet decided, Mr. R. Ransford. was in Goderich last week attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Geotge Brown, who many years ago was a resident of Goderich township, Old timers will rernetri- ber the deceased its the founder of Sb. Stephen's church, on the Huron Road a, few miles from Goderich, which was long since razed to the ground. Mr. Robert McLean of Goderieh was in towri So.turelay and looking. up fat cattle in the townships adjoining. He is buying extensively this year, as usual, and, we understand has in addition about one hundred and fifty head out at grass on his plates in Asbfield, Colhoree and Goderich townships. Mr, McLean is a useful nil valuable man to the farmers of West Huron, , Robert Walker and eon of Dublin pent Sunday with Clinton friends, 1' 1. Walker is a G. T. It. employee nd foreman of the Dublin section here he has done such good work hat he has been offered the fore- ariship of the Clinton section, he offer was 11, tempting one as this his old home, but he has declined nd will remain mottle titne longer at is preSellt POSt. and Mrs. O. W. Stewart of Exeter ere in town on Satin day on their ay down to Stanley to spend a day r two at the fort:floret home. They re quite taken with Exeter as a lace of residence arid to O. AV,ni articular it has an added charm ems the fact 11101 it, is a Conserve ve strolighold. We are much eased to hear. that business is going , way in South Iferbn, William Mathews, who Was the nest of Mr. Thos. Kearns last week, turned to his home in Caledori MA on Saturday, On ThersdaY itt moony. with his host he drove out Holmesville,to,spend the day with old friend in'the person of Mr, Int McCartney, All three spent veral of their early years ort ad. !Mug farms in old Pool county and any a reminiscent anecdote was duiged in at their meeting which as their. first ha many years. William Yackson Was in Hamar:in '41 week attending a meeting of the nadian Ticket Agents Association which he is vice president, rerigetriente were made for the anal meeting to be held in' Mons al in tlie fall. Before returning me Mr. Jackson went across to itthe Pan.American Beale 11011 le yet itt a backward state d will riot be formally opened un - May 20th, • But even in its pres. 1 incomplete state it is Well Werth eing, or he b. le a Mr 8 1‘ a w t m T is a h Mr, w w o a P 13 fi ti 131 0 Mr. g re • E co to an So 80 JO 103 In w Mr. Tic of Ar an tre " he Vie vol an til en 111 Se • WEST TUCIMRSMITI-1, 1 I lack Dress Goods I The truest elegance in dress is black. Refined --appropriate to all occasions -suited to • all seasons ---not dependent on fashion to be in style. This week's news is of some very • "A Some what Different Store." 1 .--- se. ....... oe.;.e. I* e . 162choice Mack Dress Goods that are here for your inspection. The lot consists of goods by tho e Yard and some oery fine dress and skirt lengths -just one of a kind -so that it is not possi- siA 47.:il: ICIjir - e for every one you mot even to have seen the same pattern before. -- Our prices are much lower than you'll find in most stores. . dust a hint of the many good values found here. Itwilled weaye, will give good wear, extra value at., 36 inch wide Serge, warranted all pure wool, in fine and heavy 25 end 60e, our special prices are 42 inch wide Serge, extra fine quality and made of the best all wool yarn, hued finish and will not hold dust, well worth 50c „.,.., • 38, 42 and 43 inch wide Lustre, with very fine brilliant finish, extra, quality, suitable for skirts, waists or dresses, 2•5 40 50 & 75 best values we have ever sold at per yd. ,.... • 40 inch wide •Figured Rep, English make, small designs,extra hard : finisit, suitable for skirts or dresses, will give A 1 wear, this is a fl • one of our best sellers this season, price per yd.,.... .. .. ...... . .0 U 1 42 inch wide Poplin, made of hard twisted yarn and a great favor- ite for dresses for spring and summer wear, warranted to give .6 0 An effort was maciesome time weeks ago to organize a beef ring but the pro. ject was set on foot too lata in the sea- et_ son and it being moreover; it new thing ; in this slistrictet hong fire brit will be taken up. next winter. In Bruce coun. ty such rings are quite common, The following from the' last issue of the Walkerton Herald refers to • one of them: Mr. Alfred Whitelleadmade the first delivery for the Truax beef ring on Saturday last ,Mr,Zin n does the boying and for his labor receives: seventy-five cents a head. Mr, Whitehead as his pay for doing, the delivering receives five cents a month from each member. Mr. Loos, who resides just south of the town,. does the butchering. The ring promises to be a seccess and there is no reason why it should not be unless too many of the .firm's empleyees become vegetarians, • . The Sunday school' of Turner's church opens for the summer on Sure da,rnext at 1.30 p.m. The Quarterly service will begin at 2.30. At 7.30 Monday evening the Quarterly Board well meet, ' •• • Township. • tire and. Mrs. Daniel Begley have lost their little daughter, who died on Saturday last. •• The masons have commenced Work on Mr. Thos.Davidson's new xesidence. • We regret to hear that Mrs, Williani McKay is having very poor health now. With the adyanee of spring it is hoped her health will improve. •• Miss Mamie McEwen, who has been attendingthe ^college of music in Toronto for the past three months, has returned home, Thetmany frirnds of • this amiable young lady are pleased to welcome her hack Mr. Joseph Stenzel and family have left here and have gone to Michigan. The trustees of school section are building a Page wire fence aroun d • the school grounds. Elder Tomlinson of •St.Marys, who • good wear, special at per yd 44 to 50 incla wideSerges, very fine quality, hard finish, made of the woo , a very serviceable cloth for suits or 4.50155°.t-160 Skirt lengths of Black Figered Goods, 40 to 42 inches wide, choice of small design. alt hard finish, no two 0 00866.57 05 dresses, extra velue at just alike,specie.1 ya,lues perskirt lengths U.0 U Suit lengths of BroadolothVenetians,etc., 45 to 5() inchee 4 50 8, 5 50 wide, also suit lengths of corded eifects, prices per snit . Dress lengths of Black Figured Goods in small designs, no two 20 inch wide Black Peruncle-soie, warranted pure silks that will not alike, all hard finished goods that will give good weargreat vlues at eac, eh length • 5.50 .50 to 6 per yd cut, regulos• value was $1,35, just a few yards lett to be sold at 8 9888 • Wash Goods - Newness ; • All that is new and good in wash. goods will be found in. this store. Large assortment of • new and beautiful novelties in English, American and Canadian weaves. The lot consists .of Silk• Lawns, Irish Dimities, MadraS Prints, Percales, .Chambrays, Gingliams, 1Viuslins, etc, They come in the newest figures, also spots and stripes, at lower prices than you .can buy them else- where: The designs we show will not be seen in.any other store : .• 27 inch wide Ginghams, in neat stripes and checks, warranted fast I .28 to 35 inch wide Ginghams, Zephyrs and Chambray's, in colors of . 1 0 American .Prints,27 inches wide,best Indigo blue with white etripes and spots,. fine colors, sulteble for ehildren's wear, price per yd........, - ...... • quality, will give•good wear, our price n 0 • pink, blue, red. also'black and white, in stripes and checks,' all •1 t Per 'Y'):I ... • ........ • • • • • • . • .. • • • • • • - • • Nu u fast colors, for waists or child's dresses, price • • 10 I U Best Canadian and English Prints, 28 to 32 Silk Lawns and'Mercerized Sateen, full 29.inclies wide, in an ele- i 2e yards will make a waist, prices . - .. ............ , . . . . . in stripes and neat figures, all fast colors, our special price,. , .. I white, meuve and black. blue and white, pink and vrhite, etc., , ., inches wide, every color ha the lot and all perfectly fast colors, over 400U yards to choose from.... , gant assortment of new designs, come in shades of gray and 25 30 & •3510 & 121 hard to tell them from silk,all warranted fast colors, 36 inch wide Marltae Prints, in colors' of naVy, pink, red and blue, • Irish Dimities, 20 niches wide, in colors of navy, red, gray, pink, ' ' .•12' i •. • bine, also blued ' , solidcolors and fancy strapes,a very . White Victoria Lawns, all good velum * nerviceable fabric fee, waist or dresseeiwill wash weleprice per yd. . . at......... , . . . ........ ,..,..., .... • . g 2 i i sa 25 . . 1 12' • 1• 18 to 2' .... ••••• ...... 4.oit•Of. 1 1 +0a ••••••.e..K." I . - Our Millinery . . department has proved a great success and it has been achieved selling stylish hats at low prices, by never • • . I lowering the quality, by always using the beet materials and having the best caretakers in the making. i• • , . . . The appreciation of the public has been evinced. by the large busineiis this department is doing. I lir/ We eall special attention to some dainty trimmed hats that we Will have ready Saturdtty •naorning at *2.80; . . , $3.00,, $3.80 to. $4.50. . • •. Sailors 25c, 500,. 75o, 51.00 to $11.50. • . ' • • • .-. • . . . .. : . Children's School Hate and Caps at .25c, 40o to 75O, . 3 1 ' . Fancy . • • Parasols • •••e"-• was in McKillop for upwards of a a week, left here a few days ago.• • 110 two alike • • Beigraye. • Mrs. Hele hes returned from a six weeks visit in Toronto and vicinity. w, , This will be - a costly census. To The census 'taking is finished here noNIITItTlf/Iffitf1ttittItt0111HIFTIR • the credit of at least one of the Morris• •enumerators be refused to pse the pplitical schedule. . Mr. George Vancamp is very poorly at the residence of Bryans Bros. and will haee to give up his contract, • The stonework of the Presbyterian sheds is well under way, Mr,R.Gallag• her doing tbe work. Mr. S. Jany moved into Wawanosh last week and Mr.Daniel Frazer moved into the house Mr, Roy left. • So there is to he another election in West Huron., Verily Me 11. must he a voters' paradise. Right will surely trinenph this time for the People's Joe is stronger than ever in the estimation of the people. YOUR eitawiter BACIL IF VMS WAN' 1T • Gloria Silk • f • ... Parasols will not cut. CLINTON $1' 1125' $1'5°' $2' 50 1-4. •••• • ••• •••••••• •••• •••• • ••• •••• .46** •••••••• •••••••• •444.•••• 444 •••• •••••••• .4•4, •••• •••••• • •••• •••• ST. Al7C4TISTINE. • Miss Minnie Craig left for Lucknow last week to finish learning the dress- making. Mr. and Mrs, C. Moss spent Sunday in Goderich, Mrs. 3. Craig is sick at present, We hope to hear of her speedy recovery. ' Mrs. 11,, Barber and children; who have been visiting at her brothetes,Mr. Anderson'e, have !eft for Semen, village, where Mr, Barber is to preach for six months. • . ITAIt TOVVNSHIP. Quite a number are laid up with pink eye and whooping cough. The Shamrock football team of Kippen held a meeting at the Schaefer 41 House for the purpose oe re•orgari. 014 ization when the following officers ew were elected: Hort. President, .T. Mc IFS Nevin ; Hon. Vice President, Geo. McKay , President, J. "Balfour; Vice President, Itobert Cooper ; Cap- tain, Gilbert Sinclair ; See,-Treas., John F. McKay ; Committee, A. Foote, .A. McLean, Geo. Brownlee, 1'. Doig,R,Daymond Manogers.i.McNevire Themeeting was full of enthusiasm and judging from the interest taken the bop; will have a very successful season and will no theft retain the Crawford Cup which for three seasone they have so ably defended against al Icomere. Any teams wishing to arrange forr.."" matches May do so by writing either the secretary or Manager et Kippert postoflice. AP. OW' W▪ .* OP. • IttitrIffltrIlF11?ItNtiltitt N M Ittittlt.t.19/11MIttltrIVIttlt!ittIttlItiffIltrriltilmmigitrwm ••A TRE: BO WISH ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••, Every boy that sees *another boy with a "LION" brand: Suit on from our store wishes he had one just like it. They are so jaunty and For $3.20 you buy a Suit, cut, _ made and trimmed in a manner totally different, from ordinary Beady., • -------------- mades, • You get a selection. of colors suitable for boys' wear, colors that will stand the sun and colors that will never look shabby. The only cheap thing about the "LION" brand Clothing is the price and there are very few people who will grumble about this. We carry a full stock of the "LION" brand Clothing for Boys' wear. stylish, so perfect • fitting .and so honest-; ly made. The prices' . are low enough to have his wish grant- ed,. too. ATOVING PreTtYAB EXHIBITION, Slaermaner Moving Picture Co.,Whieh Will give two exhibttions in the. town hall 'under the asispices of the Clinton Beeler Band on May 8 and 0 are said to' he the best on the road. A Stratford dally says ; There waSs. good-sized auci- ieect3 at the opera home Met evening and they weyecertainlypleated and in- terested beyond all expectations. One feature In the moving picture part is the QUe6ree funeral procession shoWing &tally and impressively the last tad trip of her late Majesty. The story of Joan of Are is\ told bythe most beauti- fut picturts ever put on canvas, Mrs. Carrie Nation %shown in her temper- ance Crusade, preaching to masses, and demolishing the saloon stocks and fir - tures and final arrests Derrick's these features there are numerous interesting pictures of varfoue kinder, embracing eointeeplendfd confide' once; and events in the South African war are shown in stereopticon vieWs, Our Men's Suits at $7.50 The Suits which we offer at $7,50 are our own make. They are • made from all wool material.• Cut, made and trimmed in an up-to- date style and are without exception the cheapest line of goods on the • market. • ' Being our own manufaeturers we save you the middleman's profit, which is a big item. Good, keen buyers who want something good at moderate prices should see our selection. acksork Bros., • 0411441/111114141141111411114141111111iikiiiiiiiiiii4iiiiii Clinton.