HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-02, Page 4�. . 11 , , -, _ ,-,-"- '" - ,__7 - ___ " - M"1l0111.11.1r1X�PP1llW , , , .. 11 1. � .7 -1 _
. # . - , , , , , - -
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.��,�. -_!!:r!! �. . . TETZ, CLINTON XBWs_nr,CORD 0
..-----. --11":, �*�'_,7_:l_' 4__.__,__.__;�,�,�; �?.T�� 1000row —_ l ,
. � ! , - � - I ! , I 0 - "T i � P - - . .0 4! � _1 4 : : 7. ! : ! : � I . I . � I I I - A"N*W#GM-.WAffi , . - . � - . _____ -1 . ____ -_ P i, . _. - may, sudl, lool
7he � many Years And has become tine of thek ** I . . � . .1 -1- 1� ---
. WOOD,, NOWS-Recoildo most famillar figures at the t)arlow 0 1 ." ;�7OJDVT2Xt1 . : I - 7- !_T!!!�! �-__�; --_77=_=_7�-___.___ I 1T"T�0XEF_W9FT__1__.. 11 I . -1-0K
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W--.-. ----.------ - gathering$. . I .* I I
. T. MIT011B LL, EDITOR AND PROPRRPOR Councillor John Barclav, of Asbfield ELOISL At SKIDIINUS I � * ___ .
,. WA,,,xfl,w I—— I---,— GODIERMH ' � C0RR'ESV1PXDf3NT I Quite Ill largo flovk of wild dlicks I
her of the 4influential dele- . � 11 � . Ir lye'* making met I y ;I t tire b.,11-hor ;Arid
CLIN'rolv, r4 � glitlorl which came dolyn from that 11 # 41, In""k i"It was out fishing Bear All -
AY 2XI), 1001 #
- township S,nd wits Mile to report . ,0 tvill's pond, all on Stindav aftel,400f). ;
hrlyhtprospectli. He believes Aliblield . I (L'awaill Wellyer of tb6 barge Vill-
. W ) u 0 M r. Colwel I MIS 'pure h aRed tile cot. dlp,qe�x 'thinks Qudel
. .I ;_ 0�0"""ftmft , MI'SIJOIiOPIIIIOI'tOU411(16(11,IC,e tit.,
wit give Major Beck a strong support,. Attended the funcral fit Detroit of Alfs, Arid two lots, . ich Port hiband.
. Corner Br-It:If1Il1A soll�(,.
�. NOW AdvertisemeUtS Mi;, William Haake of GOdelliell HOrtOn'S brothoW. Mi,. Sutherland. I'Ma"d and Gibbons street, The captain is vei y genittl ,trill
. — I tOwnsbip, is another of the old guard Little VI -11,0k Hogan, grandson of Haske 'fk,oln All's its his noule -fillpites. is of Gentian ex.
� who was present. Re, POf Drit!611 Coltunbla, now th
, 0 troetiou.
This WaliVaper-W. c too, seldom CAptaln Trouch, WAS taken suddenly residence of MI'% Ge011ge Alorl'o .
1 44. Tilt of the School of Millill honor- oI` being tile It t
ooper &Co.. � ........ I misses a gather .Bit* L W. TheJaipes U. PI -entice. Best had be
Time for a Obangono Ing of the clans And In ill of nervous prostr"Oon and Was
, rrish, My HAtt0r. - - - I order to got there on Friday he had to taken to D
- True to Xflturti-gouq's studio , ill C11581k,dy of King 9 "lit outside orafts
. ............ A hitch lip a colt that 11 never before bad fell treatment,. . � sbridge McGill ,College, Alontreal, Is horoo for to eutt,r the hilrbor.
I Sproy,ytlur Trccs-A� it. Itooklo.'....I.: 4 Una drawn over U." This was because Death bas been busy the paab won the summer vacation, tit(. lead this st�ason. Chicago tttkes
th Mr. Use Stewart is Also home from Roglueer Love hits returned froula,
RoYti,133fildvg rowder-A, B. P. Cc ...... .... 4 all r,he box -sea Were in deniana on the among Mill Citizens and manY� former the theologial clits,,ej at 64-orltro,tl.
X%PI0 Leaf Gro.cery- GeG. Rl Ittithlivoll,: .. 4 1 farm, for soedlvg and it wits take the Citizens too. haveansworefl, tothe call. two 1110tiths, btay at Owen Sooll(f,
. 001:0149-01111tou, Band ... .................... A C01t, or stay At bowe hnd such being On Monday th Captain Rd, RlihertOOU of the Mork. whither lie was lient by ,the Doty 14,1n.
e $Ad news: went out of arch visited the old port last, we
I . Millotforsaiii-FIfortl &son ................ . 6 the Case Mr. linakebitolled up the colt the death at, An advanced age of tile He had Sent in lit., rpslghati,ll, fill . ek, gitiu Co. to put some of their engines
- Roots for $w0 --it, &, X, Hantifold � ............ 6 whiell trotled along quietly as it it, late Patrick Lynn, who retived ff, t fills inlo.s,l tiol).
XU81, a In accepted the saille PoLdtion, 11 ,
()In bfa
cal-contro—a Iloare ..... ...... his i e
'rou are york Busy-$ a. Itathwoll ... ,it . 8 Ile sleallier 14"Agle laugell
... .. 6 recOg"Ised somewh, , the nature air(] f41%) 111`0 in Colborne And with purchased (,()tiling te) town this
....... 6 lr%r,t,�tnce of Its errand fA4111Y CAIAO to town, purchasing the . did Service 11 ,at yeav as vrill.,,` 1
- I40WOry .............. h . . which I were to. ljl!e
d 91lit' 14i"k th"It' 001'elti7enS
Tliaoher'K�)tlrd _,T. il 11% .11 ta Of I he Maitland .of, Lake
. 5 Mr. Alf. Asquith, has to- say If plens. I
-Harland Bros ...... s gei?erally bits the nail on the head and. built And owned by . the late F ancis it intf) a fishing tug, Coll 001)vel'
Rardwaro just Rcceivc4 I lit-esOnt residence which barl' 2"ll 'Ire yach t It t BAY 1101doi nd w. 1 1 1 Fluroll flooding tile towil, $0 111ally of
shoroy's 1,00thing-Afelclullon & 00 ...... . 5 so it was 041 Friday Us is Ali !title- CassAdY. daughter of Dr. 0assady of from trap nets, ecting Ihill tile 4ouees being !'afsed andfoollila.
Spring Novelties-$, 1-1"Gjaloy .............. Ifatigable worker.ana it is Woll,.by of Kingsbridke. " mi., I tiolls of stone or, in some Cases ll(.4w ,
. 0 Hogan was; born Mi'. James UlthwAlte' retiltiled on slits being phiced under thell, I
13ailkruf)t StOck-111UH114001 & Wbbli)gs ...... 5 note that his division gave better in Kilkenny Arid calne onf, to Mont. qal Satiurday from tt� business visit )It 0 .
A Trial T"11) for 10 CQRtS-Tllg NUNVS-RUC0Ic) 6 results, in the late contest than any when twenty yeaIs or age, He Carve ton, He has purchnspit an - lit), Mrs, WOMB knows how to bell
vltioc J�rok,d OPOds-Newcoilibes ....... .... 8 other, in the riding. Mr. As9yulth does On to 00del'ich township where lie I, � . .Outimlid. Q berl 0oWtge. The I uU.
. e- Ing ft -Ont JHr Helki. . A a atest Ili tile st,vi.
.44e 41ors W1814-4'OoksonBro, not, by tiny I I . �l MO. it voillov- kh WAY in whiell,
4 _ ........... xneans take all t a credit mained fox, a Shot t time filp.
lily Blarry. ed to his .propert,y oil 1,11gm f,ho has hAd the now I I . --- ___ —_ I I ,, I 1;
� Good Moreballallo- W. 1). vair & Co.... ... 8 to. himself for, that happy state of Ing Miss Theresa Devere.an, o Avenue steps placed at her hall door, . .
$ f King- With the new Addition Me Laith. Banister Proudfoot if" had his TROUSANDS ARV,, . � I
. Our Cotton Drossfituilti-Iredgens, Bros ..... � 8 affairs ws there life a number of good StOn, Who Survives bi if), And settled in walte will have a good drivin . . , -
I =1__.___ 7n,i_ �_ workers In the division and he believes Colborne before Corning to town, He Mrs- G111110111"s petsquirrel ll� liouse. buildings on Waterloo street newly GOING EVERY D, AY. I
I . � I . _-__._.........___. in giving credit Where it is due. Major leavesthreedAughters, Mrs, Reaume ,is ever this-iind 1 1.4 AS Agile shingled. Barrister llayes is Also bay. r � �
, I I Beek bits now ruore friends than ever and Miss Ditto Hogan of Detroit," IN I I Ing itftel. the long 1119 4 PIVILtY verandah erected erfQl Washington, the 1
1. i I I as winter. it ISO . To Wond
in Auburn, Minute at horne andrthfi Messrs. J . 1101v6d its liberty in the flonts his lawn, . �. Which
, 0 - ack house bongo sornotirnes. ever -green State
lai I r , Bew � 0 the Field. ' . . ., land of opporturkitleii,
1. � � . Air. P. W. Scott of East Waw4nosh and Ed, of Buffalo, ,,it of whoin at� I On Wednesday the remains of tbO of fine soft, splendid crops find indepen- , I
. wits a noticeable Mr. .Ben, Saults . Will make great late Morianne Cobhj rellet dent bomes. Now is youll thne to go
, , -_ � absentee but :ror tended the f uneval, 'which took plape transformation in tile U, of tile late
CARLOW 0 . ONVENTION Altlan _ e. George to the Pacific 0j)ast over the Q
TLEAl reasons boyond hi's control. He is one to St, Peter's, thence to St, Peteee It will have'two bathrooms d Hong BI�Owtl, 4 former county - REAT
WAS UNANIMOU,s of the most prominent Conservatives Cemetery Ili Colborne. Thepallbear- have a fumace Alit into one p and will treasurer, arrived tit the G. T. R, NORTHSRN RAILWAY. Wofider, I
. .Fon. A Ili the riding and wits I, a on of station front Sarnia, wheve the deceas- ashington, tire evor-green State,
. . I . e,elect;0 t6 the ers IvQrii Messrs. P, Lynn, P, Fol -d, the house ana 31togetheri itowill lie ed lady had lived for some tinle the Ill" Ith",
. . -vice presidency, Thsexecutive 'would John- McEvoy, WillialB Thrile, coinpletely ro,qovated . . PhIcefor'you. Climate almost
. CONTE.15T AND THAT THE hardly be cornplet� without P. W, .. O'Reillyj find Neville,. Mr. P, Hogan I I 94lbst Of bel' son-In,law, Dr, T, G. Patfect.. Grass is green t and ),lose$
l - ,
I I Rev. Mr, Anderson. on Sunday it, in, Johnston. 9, P,, of that place. mr5. loornatChristnias. Fine c
. . GALLANT MAYOR SUOULD _' The meeting adjourned after giving (lid not long survive Ilia brother,� the referredto the gr b I rops that
. AGAIN CAI�Ry hearty cbeers'llor the King, UP; late AIM Hogan of Colborne. . . . . to have come ov eat change that so,jiffs Brown, although $2 years Of figre, eu� never fail. Plenty of good land, ' Yod '
- � TEEZ CON-: Borden, Mr. Whitney and MaIcrr Bbiik�. Mi,. 001111 .Murray went tip with. the tII6 filet cen o"311"istilin loo,,ple in Joyed wonderfully good. health until a can Own Your fara) and home, and be
� � SIORVATTVE STANDARD. * I . . . I Sea Gull � to Tobeym . I tury in the Way bf more few -days previons to flai, decease. ind6pendent, Good markets, Good
. l . I . I I- * only. flis wife ft-mity OtnO"g PeOPle of differen ,elig 'Ices, I
. I . And family will spotlit the Season, Ik.t Wne - that lie)lgi.�us It, i _i. Her h0n)e after tier marriage wils at 0 Good schools and churebes.
. The' . I . HOLMESVILLS. that Port with him, . I . dying out. . aninlo , tier husband's where b'Or Illustrated description and roll in
. Conservative ,conywation, held . I � . — . . T.he Jonesicould. not leave on es- C . �blty la estate "Sterling" ,
at Carlow on Tn handsome ch.olch, St. formation about rates over the Great
il. , 'lay -as she intended. , . I aPtain Lawson bits pfir, lots of p1tillb r1he . Bill Northern Ry. write or call on Obas. W.
� . -Friday last was wbil I Istevill'on',gi lalhore the set -vi
Alt. Hagan of Zurich 'was in our vil- 4 on tile Todman this yel", And she lo6ks. I
- Attended, Very We I indeed, consider, ]age last week. . I . I Miss Katie *Boin went with her sPick -lLnd span -Ipr 01".11-cl, of England WAS field 'every GlAv0s, District Paisenger Agent, (11
. . orn stein
- Miss McRae of Clinton wits* I f4ther and sister on the Jones to Wj,al,- vn. Sunday Afternoon. L -iter it"fell into King St, -West, (Room 12,) Xoronto, I
Ing that the farmers were busy rush . Clio guest; We wish the Tqdtnail � a to, Ste . ..
� � . of Miss Edith Holdsworth on Sunday, tonwbere, she will be the giieSt.of her year, .. Prosperhos disuse kind wits purchased by Some Out- . . . I . .
. Ing along the seeding and time was . .. rartuer hild. removed to his farin. . . .. ,Z=�7=7�. . .
precious I Miss Luln MulholkCrICentertained a sister' Mrs. X. G. .Shripson, until she The platforin Sit MbDerm . .
with them, There were number of her friends Saturday after. leaves for Buffalo where she will enter looksvery unsit Th. .-Ott's -steps. AIABY Pleasahbehurch, entertain Boon ts, . .
� . - present the vot�raus -of numeronw bard noon. ' - ' . . . . thf� CItYhosloitill its a wirse. in traini,.g itig Lip to the e "', ____-�. nowul -, were field b�'the fal-Mer's sdns and � . I I. Hellsall - , : �
ya . I during the s6mrBer- Miss Baln is- all if Any. .one fill dgo Of the pliftfol,ul ,Ili datighte'rs who were angnien 1 -4— I ... I I .
. . tedbysin -
I Is fro'," it will b 11 ers 4kid musicians from town. - S The license oommissioneera met here
fought contests, together with man . Miss, M. Hill' and Mr.' W. Plumsteel exceedingly cle'ver *And wqI1 edodated than ft footfall, -it will be a hfteee I ore hge I
yo ill) 9' stalwart Who hasyeb,his spurs of Clinton visited friends in the vicin- . I ,
to win. ity on Sanday. - . I yoting-lady. . . . . . . � . One. The'spripg must be n*foot. also built a pars 'Ind flow the .on Ilriday and granted licenses to all
All Showed a keeni-ntere , Inland 'Revenue . Officer City, llhalglo Mrs
. 11 S"n Mrs '11. Tebbutt,: Mr�.' Stanleyapd an. of workiqg its r�gvet ig:gonerM. .0 Brown's the exist hotels, The petitioxk or.G.,
. the proceedings Arid the " discussions , dau ' It Stratford,was Ili town.la, way ()act,, to its old quarters.. church wits liot retaffied in its oviginal 0. Petty .
. in
ghter, Bertha, .spent Tuesday a, . , 'Drug Wweek. Mr. John Prondfoot bAs accepted p r191 a license Was n6t signoc[ by
were Animated, W-ith A grati.irying un4 Mrs, A. ElcoAt's, Bruceflisid. ' , gist Hick was laid up with the the position ,ositibn for, the Advancement of relig- a sufficient numberof the electors ad no
, , . is now wears quite a, Ilk grippe last , Of hoOkkeeper tit Bru(-,e ik)tis,ttid.soci;tl'do.velopinent. Many. a Action was taken.. The' 0
animityot opinion fota contest and' Mr. John Jerv, week. - . Alines and if be likes the Place be will bottle of port wine was ,sent to an In- onimercial
.The forniture factory 4 , wake his'reside.nee there, . frorn "St, and Centenniel each had . the I . lo n e
nomination. of 11 . Therr-'.-.4 a vall orling," Mrs, Bvowl, renei,rod for
. for re-affirmilig. the father, smile as his wife presented wits working �� o a a
. I . ., i"i wiytli allaughter C*h Sunday,' I ovep hours last week, The whistle big booni on fit d mouth
. ajo'r-13eck. . I . tile AllUesand building ,Wng.over re4dyto allev bite sufferi three q pending .
� ing. lierti%in improvemen
IM Rev. J. , friends I' 6oun-sled a,t 9 p.m.. prettylong.day, operations 111,6 extensive, :The.casket'was covered ivith it mass Of . ( I
. I . . I . . Greene visited' n We midevsLand that the Lyceorn to and changes,
The Chair wits occupied* bk the oz,esi_ . 0butop on Monday. ' . . . I . Mrs. 'und the Misses . I '
, son lovely floval tributes. U6v- Mark _,Uy CoIw,Il ., who wits alien Ill with
� Myers of . id, ,from their ,w:otPr,8 Turnbull officiated at the grav&. .The ftPliendiOltisatAmheratburg and ,oa - '
(lent of the West .Huron Conservative On Sunday 'morning Mr. Co, �will return at onytirly date. We have retrime gutchill t
on, Major�Beek, whos,A tact reached in the Method" (,ties At, Montreal and. are.At thell,
. Associati Brantford p hope they will As' Manager Xidean re.eid I . me
.and experience r4akes him All admir . '" has beeft at great expi�rxse red , . late Alf$. Brown leaves three ,on,; to .the London hospital for -treatm
- .,
I - church And in -the evening Rev. A. H. - ovAting handsoin6 lil),,o residence. -Glengowan, Alfred )Ind h-orge of Toronto I, " arPiv ent
. -able prealdirIjg6fficer , , I . . . . . Thompton ot Goderich, late of, Victoria Victori* opera house. . 1. I Al is$ Attrill G . nd ed at his home here on S4turday,
. The first business t�ken- lip wits the U-nivers t , Preachbil Ao'exceUent1so(r., Gl'eat P�ePat'Mtlonii are being niade )Ili ve L)f Ridgewood expect,, to Harry of Hamilton 4-nd.three d-Augh- accompanied by his 60�ainjfarryr Ham -
election of officers, Which result lid -as won. %71 Are pie at St. Georg, e's, for , A rnert'k corof)�iny .of- _&tnerienii, ters, Alrs, Dr. Johnston, &)-t-nia,,and , ilton of Amherstbuvg. The hospital
. follows : .1 . I . ased to bear tba�'h&, Lordship the comim-of We g-tiests'at Rif�-,ewood Park.thts sea"on. Alt'$. Jitti-Jolies and IN � considered Guy not- stron -
. -on. . Bishop l3aildwiti to ove con- - Of � gicli pe"6ple Are All . VJr vs, 11 " G . , 1, c � surgeons
. I will supply here. lintil conference . ing . well AliC11149 of Londoll, Englaild., The , enough for' I 9 I
President, Ma or Beck, SaItford ;']St. account of Rev. J; Grpene's illness, th-lation to It large numbpr-of the S.S. And lOuil well people ar gett I an opersitiolf. -i
, 2nd vice, Next Sunday quarterly meeting.ser, c asses and others oil the 7th Sick. e I let- tilreQ s0o$_Alfred main at'hom d re
. vice,-Dr..Casei gunkalinon I � All ketLing Pit', I bearers vVe re. I Ire will
Pi W. Scott, Dungannon; secretary, J',' vices 'Will be held. - , . . of May. . . � . . I . . , . . . Georgo itticl HArry ifufl,three other near . I _0 with the h6pe of buil Ing
. iger, wh . o came from' _Kr.Caldlve�JJIs'pntting anelvIounila. .relatives, I . up-bi.s strength, , , . . .
. 't!On Underthe Harrison cottage which The Lyceum Opera.00. in Victor, eople ,who gh6oi iron sings I' to
%surer, A.- M. On Sunday next Mr.Jobn McOxrt- . P .
Mitchell, GOderich ; tre, I Mrs..Jobn MISh I " r �
- Todd,* Ooderiell. I . ney.will o6serve the severit Berlin with tier husband who is in the he pu . � n
I . . , I I . . � . , 11 I versary of his' y -first anni- ov'of Lee & Sbephard, left on I rchaged fr onvAirs,: Hesk. . , . .opera, h6use,on Fr May,'. � "'A young trees do not reckon on the after
., I . birthday but he looks I Sunday Was the Anniversary . trouble which these, may cause. ..
. .RXBCU.TI`VV.. . . Topdn�sday to visitat her home, ' - 6*f the Mr. and Airs. j� .1logan find. Mr. . On, �
. several 'years younger. He waa born 1-0-0-F- Who triet, At thei't-liall over Edward Hogan have ret Tuesdayr morning while boring ill . ,,a
� . Clinton -D. Ci%utelti,n, T., Walker, J. � in County Meath, Ir6l&nd, and caine fo Mrs. Oollinson has plumbers boo, which th'eir beall'tifill flag floA piece 0 *
E. Black . . . . , . hornes fit Buffalo, urned to.t6eip : ow, timber James
all. � . . I Preriaring the Aberdeen - for, summer . tell, the Aliss Date. n - .Johnston
. .. e; Itud pantfled to hAs 'also returned. to tier" I and -two drills Which came.
. c . Lean. . ! tbig.c6untry with) is parbnts when'be . yisit6rs find the Public generally. Knox churc '$)lip, where they, .Detroit. . I . 'Hogan - if d . �
Goderich-D. I .V gift cf N. D..Roug,vi
. . J61mes. E. Campion, Was about four yedrs 6f age. His boy- ' 01 positf,on,at !P01 0 ahi�
atulated. received frono the . I I . . . �. . . mbed�
J- Butte", W, 0, Goodq, R, M hood was spent in tbe county of Peel Mr.. Ben,Sftults, is to be congr . . 11 for W I . -in contapt with 'n'piece of iron I
. Goderich townsh, ,K , In . . . lips of tbe,pitstbii * :,:. � . �. I I . . ded 10 the wood -he was working and. be
fif�t- Connolly; ,but he has these many years -been.-a 0 d.ble ddte�minadorr riot to desert. the ,all uPpreciatweand well deso �- � - ,,� --. � ..
. 0 town. -The Malt , � - _-�., � , '
- .. � , .
Porter's Hill; Ill J., tbl, Goderich; resident of -this "township. He isa. land Hoitse Ili 'a� dress. The text of tbe� disbblivo, ad. , � . . , � ".. . I � Informs us tha�b be,kn6w, G�f a oitaig who
C. J. Nesbitt, . J., Middleton, -T. 'mail, I or sterling integr fine ',cQruniodious' airy.'houso with th� tal,e*n fron,* , WAS , d , , , ; . I 'St., 11(4elB,4.. , .. , � ... . , , , f* re $
.. ' . , it piece o, iron imbedded -in pine timber
. Churchill, CJmt6n:, , . . I . 1tv .and'rnuch � :the. let Ep . .. .
'' .% finest. of�scenev� and tobe: pablid can istl '' ... I . —1 . . , , �:._ I . ,
. Rullett-W,, Plitt res.plicted b� a wide cirZle of friends . Peter 2, 1�t )Love. the b,othe.rho e of '� ' � .1 . cost� the - owner.. Of ft saw mill over one
I I . vedch od-rear Mv$. - HVIVY Woods bite - fet6pned , hundred do'llgra *for repaiis, . , � . .
. ers6p, A.As fifth, for' thdi managpinedi. being ' God,,. A few extracts fr m' vb1ch wi)l '*
. .
Auburn. I . . . . q andacauaintanqei;. ..Xarky- Ira . in n I �
. I . . I . .. ppy re- hands When Alr..' find 11re. Ben. 'not. be attliss. : This: anniv;rsary.' .',2;3'l t' I I home aftPU-sVending'h few ,da�s With, do G - Case of the Lon-
. Ii4 i � � � ..
BlYth-1. Wilford. '.'. . I sent.at Mi" 1-11trents in ..Winghiltu - Hell stsfer, 0" "nee so t c I. � �
-ord. Thovl� was: 'a large crowd pre i Saults,aile af tile head of it June, 101, marks -the 82fid Of the 1.0 don Zid Id he EI,n. rhos, Gree -n -
Colborne -Major Beek, Salq . 'urni; of the day 11 I . good
, it We *ill have to send. JF�irister.Ed-. I � as DofliL GlJobb. 4ccOrilph-oled her. - Way a fin at a glod' fl ur
t Mr. *P. 06ok's,s, Is On Saturd ew I O-Fl�ou this ctinbineut,andwh . . heavy - . g 0.
-lb6rt;T,' olanors, iarigsbridge- H ; . he'. is doing's g-t1liil3tb0YaS a bodyshoiilo kill, i,,IB .
Ashfield -W. B. Aawkini, Por � Mr. Th6s. Brown., the popula ity laot" L is to Ottawa to represent our cown 4eefitnin* At- inure M e sars, Darnin And - -Phillip$' brick . bore. �
.. A . I . ,., �. ecr,'. wieldeil". the r auction- 6 pouch to beautify it. spend the day lost ready f . Or operation, . - __ 1. - . �,
Ohw�bers, Eockalsh. . - , .hrimmer and' sold. in thanksgiving and The . I . .
. .We took 'a4!wAIk`to his new park on praisewhich Were th6 � ptod 6et. of f Harris - - Band Alissilim,t,r '" $'
. I E . � * , ,
.. . . .
� I I I
them planted to� the Veils. Cannot Contain, gift ill()' home of . � � �
- .Word has Oeewrlib&ived froin;Sint In suffering GeDd,s daily I � *1 'N G 0
' 9_ . ,
. East Wawallosh-&l , Lockhart, meik.6hing well,. Air. Broivn,h�s the Saturdakabd found trees planted all nittaral conscie be . . M .
.happy knac of Society in c�jnnectiori witi flie Pr �
I �. k extractin the final Along the .1itke. front And an a.Veuue of l7l nee to .offer It to' 1"m toPilttl, chlirch lv:ll hold their. mol , v
. Auburn ; J. E. Ellis, Blyth . . I . , dollar from bidders. . . . , . loin the bell J�
o ,
I West -Wawanosh-W O' . , �qb iv 0 0
� I X , ameron, St, waterls edge, Providenve is . MN. Dnvia* 1, ,. . , � I 0
lato, X. W'.T., of the death of the . Welei(Iii"81"', on'silf-urday, May Uhl � . U-nder the- au8pie
Helena - J. Jobnatone, uburn. u- :Which -O�ens onto -an extended beach sdell -in 'the I.O.O.P. recoguizing,the . . es of �
Wftlkham�& L; . Dickenson, ,W. youngest6bild of Mr. Edward J - formadof the- reiurn Clay which thetag all l5owerful po%ver of'.the 1111tinite Rev. Afr.-.WbAJev, B., k., And A. . I 0
. Clegg, J. Douglas.., . � . . f I . Arvis, O's ii,nd lienr Ir. ; .. . . I., Alto Clinton Brass Bancl
. . I ' . , formexily.o.. this . township. .1 ., 611810� took Oul, from.- dredge No. tb take Away the idea, fvoni -tile, it) and YlVoodsateaftendingth6 synod , ..
. . LOCAL VICE-plIR I SII)ENTS, . . ., . .. . . , . . . . . dliperwhile dredfri'tig ille-barbor some leave inan alone to hattle-ill Of HaAiilton find London whi�h wee, , , . ., TWO NIGIITS'
Ashfleld-Xo./ . I _�_,_ .. . .. .. veftrss,go, 1f I,. 11wis must ha . life no At S(rdtford this week. - - ,, ,ts. .
1, T. R, Durnin, Dn*n- . I . .. . - . uro ve -rare longer Would 'they be- united. in a. � . WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY' MiY �_q
SUI1rIeR . . � . 1. I
WILL. - -, , . . ...... � . . . .. : � I, - , Ot . INTON . � . .
I .. On; 2, Yos.-Glifffin, Crewe; and . . . i)lea' � looking at 'all those *4es brotherhood, Origl6a),13, the , _-, . . i I
gann 5 .
I ,
, . . n they- bekin.tospr6ut orit.' There . words of --- --- � ------ . . 01v
Pall, Reid, Belfast ,'-S,JaF;. H. Gardnep', Milo: .. __ wile . this text were intende4for tile discl I I , . 1. T .rN HAL .
P�es I . I I - A.
Lucknow. 4, John 1. Sho ' . are-popial-, beech, maple avd�other but now they wbl,e ;i1i.applicadooto , , . —_ . -best elite '� -'
I enhals, Port . Arnold'and her Young daugb-. shade t . Colborne To nsh1p,' -S
� I r am a .. I . � 1. 1. . filan in general . . .W . . .. HthXAkN'6 MOVING PICTuans (lit, V.
, .Albert; 5, T - Isibing 4t Mill B.- -The h4eecs. *ij � tainment I I
� bi)sA-. ,010ontioll, john te 'of Obath te T, . . . nd sti'lingel. than ee- , ofits kind, showilig iho .
' Kin bridge ; 6,:James Rose -13 . l I � at news 'we have had for it clestiastical dilf ouse clealling is the Orde ' JIDE N'S FUNE 9AL PROOLS$ION � �..
Mn UtCs. ' - ' . � I gnitiL,13. 'day and Inany, 4 .
Gr' ' n2ett Rayes, I , . . -fivt goin .It, 18 quite . il,of the QI
L,ckalsh ; ffamilton,Ambo�A' , Master John � long time is thnb-on . )g to. tile right the R * . - Poor- fel oiv :has, to , (Edition's best picture)
. . . it .
I � . I . . . n. I there Were different ranks lit Lt b1tt Ilia tile;118 ill Clio backysird. . I . . . I ,. '' , $ . *
. I . in confined to ev. gentler.134n siiid ti I
. ley. I I '. his room with a 'Attatic of:ple.urlsk, harbor on Sacurdaya.m.we'"foundat , , . :-JOAN ov-Anc.IN I� SCENES' ,
001blirnbi--Nol 1, William Vanstone, but is improving. I .. .. I ,AlocePielevatorthi-44m�S .ff. Pron. - was right to,ha 1'f6 but it An entol't"killi . ill . . ,(Be . tter tban4be Passior, play) I
etrolb, now. visiting, ,He corn. the, islands ,tit , t, , , 1 ChUr011 Ity the I KING ZDWARD VII
Denmiller , 2, Joseph Gold . .. -. tice,'Chicago, With 80,000 bushels e it brOtherhood. In ,All 130the n6ntwill,be give,, - .
I tho Miss Smith of 1) I patiolis League. on Aill,y -
Haiiilton, Jr., r ": r consorts are Middlesex, OLpLain 'Regarding the I� of the e,-trth. 7th to which eye I 41�eaving.the House of1ords). �
,� I � � ford, 3, Thos. .ta'rinl,' At Mrs. Wall cb's, is J§Oon to leave for' O.- 0. F. lye C . � rybody is hearbily in- . � I , -
p p An initke vited, (,()Me ()no. "Come, . . .
- . . 11 rof -tin Lund�ietg, - Ilse of oull eyes and fron, .tile fill, Don% � I ; .
4. Jas. Taylor, Dunlop., . the Toronto a . T. 'Nefixi�.r find Capt,M,dd, . MISS CARRIE, NATION * $
. hospital' to have her eyes a Chicago. Th Outward- . (Saloon Smashfug) *.
Goderibli township -No. 1i Chas. treated. We.wish her a speedy.recov- 41,C 0 1),ghels. 4r)f *coz e esex .has Dees Of it See ffinch. of the 16 oliss it for if you do � . I * ' $ �
N� Is . I . . I wardness mu. will I'llisa' A 'find A-hos't of Other comic and b.
0 derich -, 2, JObft XcGilibon erj.ra. ' * I ' lit. . of -this order" arid, Alape tb� frligi,411ce treat, 'Aftiong other:. interestinpr Jocts. We guarantee this. to1b-(i-tE%-tb1-.�4g-
" in '. . Mi,. Jthn Bedford, left )list week to jpp,ttlres . Will .
� . � �
B n Wei?, 3. Job n Cox, Porte�ls Hill! :Robln ofLeeb'urfi-Is visiting her Of each 6thev's.bearts its the poeb,pur's there will be a debate on- most. complato moving:picture sliow on the -w-
4i GaIiiiel Elliott, '01inton - 5 Thos" sistor;.Mrs- 0. Beacom, tell a'fevv days. Sail'Witll CAPtAit, Jack McLean. ' it When he. -asks Arid wisel "Resolved tbatLovp is a� great read . �_ . .
Churchill, Clinton.; 6, Ad I ' I r. John Job-istori Ali-. %rillie CrAgie,'sali of Mrs. Alex,' 861il y too, Ili k 'It. er -force ' ' ' .. .. I . . . .
' . jim*Cantelon, M and wife and ' f ShnOsS which Pluses that4rldytc) "I the w0l'Id than Money," Therawfli . 3?0iPULA,R PRrCkB. 156 ,& 250�
, I familyvisit6d at Mr.John-Johnston's-of on th6.i ; .. . . I I
Olint6n. � . - .. . . . . I 01�Mgie left on' Satn'day'a.m'; jo sail Visit and care' . bea. Silver collection. � ,. . . I ... 00
- ___._:�___- .-,-.. =!=-7_ .1 ___
. .
. Was accompanied by ,Dan. Birchan . - " :
. . . 'D - I this place Sund , tin Baxterl; Ile -with' wh;it ilinfe0sts' t0hre S'Ck1 no nl'ttte�r -And I
Wett WaWanosh-No I I . I ayi . I I Ona With Cap& Xr. , Nf vs, Richard Ryan of, Nile - -, , ,
� Bickle, Dan nniton -, 2," J61in Mill' Mrs. GdIIe'y is visiting at ?4.r.. N�cbl' an's. surrolindings-fi,nd .as 'low- l3ol)r the were the goe4s , itud. Mrs.— John , 0. *
a , $fat
. in. Cameron, St. Hot.' % Love.tt's for a short time. � I Ile waticbman on oofferin� in. silence: and. quietness." )bath. - � - I 1. . ocery ! -
ens ;4, Thos. Joynt, . the Iona find Mr. Jack 7Elliot I 'I I f
. 'Auburn ,13, 1% . e . son Allie,;who wit * their friends r, eaglin oil, Sift of Ali'* Th lap e ea GP -
St. -Helena-, 5, Mr. �T. hindsay last Tuesday deliver. � t also for t Syfopathy conie� to.the StIfteling with -We AT'e sorry to SAY that Ma)OV. , �. . .. ,. .. � . i
, Some morning to'take the, position of *op YOking had the nalsfortune to loose 'his �' . * . ., , , * . '. .. . I O"
WM- McQuillan, St. Helena, ealn -Clititon fifteen hogs which tipped. I eharms. Theroispoetryaudbeau�y� . . . . .. 10
. steward (in the same boat . . . .. I . . .11 � . � I.
East WAWAnOshNO.I,John Ei E Ilia, the scalesat an"average of 202 tbs. � t;S"cu in BYLBpatbY and more there iFq lloc[Mt book Wilicl) eontained between, . I I . ... 1, . . I * .. :, - 0
1 3, Mv, D., Barr, has disposed of . his '. On Monday eveiliag th in Co.. strength in, it. lie mentioned that Oil $50) While driVitig from botne to . I . .4. I * * * . 0
. Jo;eph Brandorio Belgrave ; 'e ' . gave the finest Comic, opent over offer. during the- past; 11 l. .1 .. � . . .1 I 11 I ... 1. I
Blvth; 2, John Scott, Bel flivose'ph' EOny to Mill Robb. Millerofthe Base . C'noillill . We hopt. tiny person who . . . . . . .0. .
Obainney, . . ed the G ,Oderich public in Vieto- Yeltv. $67j0t wits- finds it wit) I. I etur . n it to tile 4vnjoll, . . I . � 0
. -Matlnock,. - - We. Rob wont need, to take any- " SAW Pash riat hall. given. to the distressed find 210 Mr. and. Alils. Browilloo We;e tile : Is : the place to,� pu* -1w *
BlYth-J. Cafter ancl.Andro' Me. body's dust now. , a"': was a v.ery courteous more members weve addeCt to the I-cl ge :
. I
. N Ilk . * . I W, , . . M", John Wright And dauglAer gentleman with a most plaaging voice.- 0;0,p., 1)y I6sSo6.l(,) less . 1. . gaests -of Alt'. and.All's Samuel Mc6 your groceries. '
� %wham--i.a. Elliott, , . . . Adeline ' and m4nner_ The Guiv-41% five or six 21 less than and try.0deatil . *, . .. I 'F,VQrything 0
Visited friends in tbley1cinity. the previous yea,.. _fle Oool on.9abbath. . I 0
1 Hullett--�Nti, .5, � 16shlia,' Hill, Surn_ last Weok� . . I .1 I ' . I who also acted the part of fin -shed by repeating the. soef,ell .Of Quite a nullifier d"Ove f rom Londes- you get there'is fresh and up- .0 I
Eul"Rllsi�l IT's Wiyes, we :e it delightful. boro thek other evening 'to catch suck-,
met hill; 0, Isaac Barr, i4ondesboro ; 7,' Air, Frank Afellyeen h Sit . .
. I . As completed ly pleasing feature tilthe.entert ChAtles tile V, pf France, when dying, to -date.: - We have a line of :
� . 1. Butt at Ble I that; kings tire happy but ill .
Win,. Pittemon, Ailburri. his engagement with Mill b . , , I
The discussion of I ,nt. lrb� soloists I -ain- `I find erg.but the poor follows ge ckles � in now at M& :
� 1, Shall we Inill and returnod to his home in Wat. ,*yell nod they h n - - _' in g, .1. j "in GO pi pler.
the 1 bye -election" ford. �. 011l Articulation beingrotice� can." liehopedthef.0,0. F. would ti d hav e foras one Poo 'tW6 fOr 256. They :
. e exceptionally 'this One thing doing -#ill tile g ,i,qb, he"ded ' .
contest- . .good, th 1, ollylgti'me
. was I , bottle Or
� shorti sWeet b and emphat� .A number from this vicinity at ' ably-90MIAS'Well AS their high notes. contanup in their good works find Win for bat g �y cam � a ,
, - first-class London tbo'crownawl,litin e c (moin-beavell, , . . dn't e until the next ent value.'
� ic. " Contesbit, why certainly," said ed the Conservativ tetld - The comedians. are f 111;g0r, dl, tile t back bobt, it. . % 0
0 convention at g� 11.11 duy and .0 lad i, are'e:kcell'
I the, delc (old) ni-tists, their wit being, original. The hymus stIng 13 I . . . . ' . 0
�gates,, urianimousl3p, " and Smith'$ Hill last Friday. Hurrali f Dr. V. the ch We are selling t Vaporated a
with Major Back . particularly the. local hits'. Balah greq . . oir and (,,off- � ' . .. _±�� ______=l__7t: , . . I . If
as our candidate." Joe. - I I . , ation weve all selected foe t1le an.; I I I . . .
And hearty wa's a is laid up wit] , . - - The I.O.O.F. only inim. . . . .Apples.at.2 pounds- for 25e. . - -
- Sa,1411's forgetfulness or ttienamesof tilversary Eqst W-11valitish. ,
the . Mr. H, Cake h A` Pore he;.admieers was flne acting, Ha oil . . I I �, . . 1. , ,: ,
. decision that the Ma*or could hardly , kn6e which we hope will soon recover.' of their ord4r behig . Do not forget 'people that U L
j . $a bered 49, same .
regard It, Otherwise Win as a personal Mr. 0. Lowery visited his brother, J�ey took his .part well., Ono lovely 011b of town and possill The Sabbath Solitiol bite boon ve.
He'adcepted and -in & Will -of Duitganli6a last Saturday and f IY some de- . .
complimenti, VftrlatiOn ill the entel-cainment; - was tained by
' On returning to .0�1111zed ill 8- 8, No. 9, East Wawa- we handle all' kinds of Seeds, t
'd .,he w0ii1d* Sunday. . � . & whole company in Churn" sing! their baill a vote of 'thanks wits (July nOSh.. ')'lit following offibers hav � been
characteristic speech sal . th ng Sickness.
take the flela at:once ab'd I Mr. Thos,. 'McCartney W46 laid up One Of the finest Canadian patriotic given to the Rev_X4&AlCS Andels6n. . elected " a Mangold, Turiiip and Carro : in
use every fail the - coming S t
I legWinato Means 'to win the riding, last week, . �. songs WO have Yet heard in, which tile Tire ummoll: I
Acb Tichboarrie took plitce.on S n Y, lit . I
fife and deurn- (,title the last line of W SuPt,, J. J. Kerr, Y,'
Teachers, . seeds are now In'and 'we exp Ct f. . t(
He knew that he iwould receive the Mr. 1. Brownlee has purchased a funeral Of the late AfAry 8 J. . . I e :
cordial sullporbof hispolitical friend, . n- verse. ThoCo. also anng (I da 8�. Xerr, Mrs W. 8, Linklater, Mrs. J. .1. I . a
other driver, . I . � "We're the After aepviee in St. Oeorgel,il church Xe�r our. seed corn this week
and bolleved - theie were its well ,& Soldiers Of [Ile PaSba", - & parody we. and MISA A, . S. G I . I '
Mill R. JOhnabon Is engaged with Alt,, the younAl lady being if, morilh6v of st: Sooy,, Airs, J. tinklato
suffibient number bfindepondont.'raen M. Mains, fratnev, for the summer, Mebume �on "Thiy Soldiers Of the George's young pe( r -, Tr,',1acvo!J". Call and see u 0
. -)ple,a Goild a, (1, sand you will :
in'Wost iluron, who wished to see fair Mr. R. 6. Reid visited big horne tn Queen." . I � . I it Linklate.e. . . I . &
. Play and would help to place him .-StAnley'on. Saturday and returned The Oddfollows cle-,er teacher of the Ovediton public The funeral of tb6l,te William ,.I. be Satisfied. , - * . . .. .
� ' h1day- evening. . 1
11tthe head of the poll. with his wheel 6n,Sunday evening,, POP an r gave it dollghlful sel"O"I for I�J, OUr cithowns generally Jambli was largelY Attended. The ro.l I 1: : T
� h Miss cam- And th't' '0009 . . � I 0
Stewart is ,, Algae presided very efficiontly at Clio -rogation of St. �Goopge�s Ilgions, a(,
In �asf, contests WestRuron* Conser. tgain waftffig7 on, I ellurch.h4t keenly the .loss of one Of 'rVices were conducted by- the .9
vati�es have beeti . hampered in or, Mr. John Lovett,. Who is their number.who possessed L a
' low, . . . . . hineers 6Y M�S, S*t George Pricel Dr. ex'CellOnk 0hristian, virtues scanyd'ally brothor's Of the deceased -and Messrs. I WELL 0 -,
ra`o'� P ano And. was sissisted at one set of I,ev. Richard flobbs and the our -
1hr t
ht I GE04 1. RAN
the, revision of the vbters, lists .9 J�1,1,,,very . ingfrain itnd * 14abdi ' !
but At the meeting arrange- sea Mabee'and Frank Dtinbatli. represented � lit . Phone 03 HILLIS OLO -STAIVO,
an Mabol B Crediton Where she Ltught they bad William find John �G. Slater wore the .
ment WAS, made medicine, AT.'- AlcDonald and F,red, pallbearers. I I � .. � .0
. to have this hopherd Visited: friends on the loth ;Sllttnllon, law, engAged her fat, another year with in. I � ! 10 I
work undertaken bY an experienced last Week. . . Philip Horton, Bank .crease of salary. - LAst Year wh ile re- Rev. MoCurl, a young . — 0
. . man Whowill see to it thaf, no Conger. ' Seeding in this locality is of Montreal, Coptafti. Grant, the Poll CUPhing at , tbAnksgiving Toronto- University, student 0! .. .. . . 1. .0
vatives'are omitted from the lists nor nikh finished with it numbnow -well and sword, Ed. Tilt, the mining, inter . Miss .Tich- preached a very I a
any struck off without just cause, fArmers. . Or of tile eat$, T,.McDer - bourne took cold which eTeettVe sermon in Calvin on
inOtt-And McEwan, the . rovol-ed An-. Sunday,
Mr. Robert McLean took an active 1 . � salt interesla, F. Lawrence and IX Attack of quiiisy from wrlich she ,re- Re will also be present next Suilday. SMUT � 406
part in, the discussiono and spoke _____!tnt___ . . Johnst(m, tologtaptly, Noble Smith, covered but after the crew year,she Airs. A. Afo,lton, who, bas boon Visit. 1. � . I I I
practically an i PORT ALBERT. George Allen.F. Pridbarn, St. George, WAS "aid tip With an Attack tit J& grippe 'fig her daughters it" -Aliehigan for the
vom which Shp
d Well, .,He is riot � self, , never M .
. . interests. Dougall and Straiton, elL,vA_ L
are, And is..not perpetually telling of . 'tile covered. A week before her death Vcelc, or home. last I
Ish man, its too many,of the politicians I Smith arid T, Nitirti, Our mercan ski clently te- past winter, returneel t,o h ON OATS .
Air, Bert trwiti of Ripley. SPetIt A few tor And shipping interests, Art, and the She enjOyed the sunshine and took it We are sorry to know that bir, Chain. . I
What " I 40,W- At Ottawa," Toronto or days with his uncleand aunt, Mr. and walk feeling very Illuch ef er Treat your Seed Oats With
filing Mrs, Jas. Scott. .
BY a e else but beJo always WI trade were Well represented. b t but Bey is, on tile sick list at present,
a P' c The hPill'Algift of the heart set ill and the : .
*to aid thsAarty by any means in ladles looked charming find enjoyed I
pow his tit!. Ike Elamlin, Ripley, was in the very much tile hop , hopes of All 110P friends wetedashed We believe that EWAs Pearen hill; F brnialdeliyde solution.
er, eifias been through the villa, e on given by' tbeodd. to the � L Miss Tichl)ourno waS gold lits, farm on the Oth and bought . .� Rouse
inill as no Stttutd&Y visiting his follOws. A nice luncheon was served, !*,rotln( I � and yo
*a tIll,ee Northwesi,. �. ff Ot-orgelff Church servicef espocially Ill It hais been Proved by ex-
. countybas And in.eacli of h, extNxIttle y fond of the hyninq of St, y
other politician it, this brOtfer, John before leaving f6r the Captain and Mra. Trewartha paid the OnG lately Owntid b David Taylor
contests lie has hat! 'to contend with business visitto Burlington on ,JlTi(1,LY - on the eametiondoligio . aomet
Air. and Mrs, T, A, Leigh were ,visit,- and Satupdtty. . My Got) to �hee" anw "Peace Will, Itobinson assessed the township Purlitt
l0a"d dice, but he made brave fights Ing frifinds In Huron . townsh$ ��l I -l!"Ite,il Peace." Beautiful , Ill f I arteen dit I periMent that if Oats I
I I -I.
I I.,
and Coming Within nineteen votes of last 3114sAntile E Mott. tort on Sat(trility tributos _ys thig*spring. I �. art,
Week before leaVing for the Canadian for Detroit after were laid 0011, tier casket bVJ A I
winiling it wits apparent to all that Soo. , monthsatherhomos"ndirig SOVOP&I hands. TheYoung People's O"11 Linkme"'Ing woo ""' a' Afrs"To" . ilipped for fivo Minutes
success Would have been his had he . bore., presented it lovely- [411i, latWs to organize 4 Women's ln� in a solation of Fornial-
bad fairillay. Will. Swale left on Alonday for Mrs. (Cap Donnell� Ataltese bross of stitute when the following ofil ,
Major Beck bite Suffer. Loraine on Lake Brie, U. 8,, wher * Ilya 001*8 were
�tain) has had a. pink and white cinths, dehyde iii the prol)Ortion
ed from ballob 6 he nice verandah placed at the ft, f,rn 1:411A, My alipofilteds—Prosident, Airs. Wm. Link.
Xnallf. Illation but no takes his Steamboat for the seAson� . ,
6thdir Candidate Coughout her hotrael I Ont Of And napapa, us � f The I 00derich later; See, -Troas-., Mrs. X -bf- - oz. to 10 finperial -
the . � - J, Elliott ; , RROA
Dominion has been victimised by the Walter Hawkins, MatekingsSunday4 e few oroar CWZ .f� , 41
Be w0re� Fire BrIgA( 0 sent WPeatba of white Directors, Afro. John Unklator, Afro.
ed at home. George's day, eTiresday ro'"s tin roses hyacinths, CAII,%, lilies, caronations gallons of Water your e,rop
mftehlne� to such all. extent as Mr,. , Seedin Of , last, A,ld 3tncks. . Joho Cutille, Urs. V
Robert McLean Vs now In full swIBg it, this Week. At the head of the bilsket I tn, kr. Currie. Mrs, 6f Oat's Will lits llanlij .
aly - I neighbor ood I . Ik r 1t71_ All's-Hnniber laid twolar a it 11-9 Elford, of 11olmesville, Was pre 1
:.* `%r`%%V'%,1%W'%�, "W'%W"
I 11 * 0 - rrlt 11 � i
� Spray Your '�lrees ..
. . .
We have all tile necessary requisites, having.jUst . ,
received 6 supply of jjlu(� Vitrol, Paris Green, etc,, which
we are selling at nioderate prices. - . I'
I R. P. Reeklie, PRr"sOR-1
� Successor to syd4ey �40:ksox%-
I X. B.—SWEE'T PEUS.--We bli,ve Plat reveived A, choice Sample of
0 T Sweet Feau wilicil WC are selling by the ontice, pound or package,
I. I- =�__ M .
— . ____
t I , �
; ..,SPRING. I .�,
. .1 .
. I .
� .
I.... I . . .
I - . .
For the -P 8' three nio"the we b ve been a0tiCipAting your, wants for
the spri5pnill u.w W, tn,,�. ready with the, mo�t complete Assortment
of all ki , . ,BOOTS it SIIOE' 8 ever ishown in Clinton.
. . I I I
. . .
I .,; THE CLAIMS . I . .
. . . #"OF -OUR STORE �
Upon )'One tnterests are manifold. There isuo bette�stock ' ,
� . I
� � . to choosefrom
. . . .
I .
� . I I
. . � . .
. I .
And, bAvIriW bad A long experience ill the Shoe business we. think we
.know a good, boot when we see It, and We never misrepresent, -
in filet we guarantee every pa . it. we sell to be its reproblen e 4,
, . Our Aini is to t
have Sri Anticipate your every reasonable need. How. well Iva
eceetled'll the Past Wo leave for You tojudge, . 'I
.�Ia'tfiozlng'oat and. COBstltnt1Y growing tr�ide be 4idenee of Public appre-
Nye are amply ALtisfled with your returns for the effort 9 rniido in,
youil. behalf, - We fire too bvisY to give Any quotal ions for- th is week,
. -but we have Some Special- bargains for Saturday which'it will pay you
to irivestigifte. � . I . . . � �
. I �
. I
. . . . . I.
. I I
. . . :. , I '
.. . 1. . The,'Old Reliable * ''' . , .
. . I
. . . . .
. . . I . .
. I
. . ol . I . � I �
I I . I
.. w,'- � TAYLOR .& S 0* N
. I . . . , .
. . I . . I. . . . . �.
. .. . . . . .
. . . . . . � _ I
I . . � .
. 1. , C118h. and One Price . . .. .
I . . . �,Butter and Eggs.taken as Cash. .� . 11 I .
. I
. � 11 . - .
I I . . . . I . I I
. .
. . I I I
. . I . . � . . . . I
____ - mwww� .
. 11
. . . I
. . I
. . � . . I � � I ..
. . .
. .
� I . . � I . . . � . . .
. . . . . I
I I � Net................ -A 11 11 I . .. �
.11 .. I /T 10"� . �
. . I
. . I .
� .
. .� - . \ Al N 11 . - I
I .
ink A"I 1, nx. � . A
. I
� *:� — I I � . I
..... , I , . . . . I
...... .
. , .
...... - - ,, - A . N/ " ,_ W_,-�, /f - I e . . I .. .
I., , : .
. . 1. MI, l,aTX,.Q1rwL QWI,� .1 , . 4� 1 . .
, ,,, ZL
—1. . . . ,
. .
. . I � , . . . . �
I _ - . . I I.. . . � I.. . . I
I . . ... I., . . - .
. � I ,
. .
. I . I ' ' ' '
... I 111610 .....��. -1_ I .
I.. B 1.0 Y 0, I E S .1 . ' - I . I
, . .1 ... 11 . . . � L E 8 . .. I . . .
I 1. — — — . ., ... . .
. .
� . . . . . . �� .11 . .. � 1, . : 1. � .1.1 .I..... .�
FOR A'LE-- I... . . I.. 1, I. . I....
,S -OR RENT , 1. .... I . .., .
. 1. I .
1. ., �
. � � �' .. � I I I . I . i -w!_ . .� . .
- . . . - . 1. I ... I :.... I., . . � L I
� , . . . ' ' I . I ' : " .! . I 7.".
* .
I . . , . . , .. Having bought Out the whold , stock . oE I— .' . - . :1 _ . .�., I . .. .� . . . . .
, . I... , �: bicycled f"In A.T,.06oper, '(14.wheels,), ,'' ' . !. . . I .., .... I .1. . '.1'.
. . .. . . '. . . . .
. . . . .� . I .� .� I �
... '' 2 AARTPOADS � ` - . . I I I I
. . .U. I
.. 3 � . I , & 3). � � , I
. . WOLVERINES : .. 1. - . . . .2 -E Z .1 . ' . .. .." . 1. '. I .
. .1 .2 CLEVEILANDS, .one' witli Cogster brake.. 7' - .. - : I ..
. 2 G.KWDRONS 1. . 2 CREPIEN , , , , I . I
.. . . . . � . !rS. . I' . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . .
I All of tbeie we hiteud to run off at it ;low, r' I t - .. . �. . . .Af . : . .
new ones� Anyon nargiri 9 ,ma e , fo � 0 . . I ,or I I . � � .� ... . . �.
I . � e in need of it bicycle would. save . trioney . -buying 1. . �� 1.
, ,�,e ? . -pt for bicycles, wheels cleane 'and* . - '' ... , . .: ..
)iiii!ethese.. All kilids of repairg kL I � . I .
�d. Xe.w . tires , $00 to $10-00, All w6r ' 'teed.. - I . ..
I . . � . . . I. guaran � . . ...� .
. . .1 .
. . I . . . . I
i :
.. . ........ -.1-. BLACKSMITH*. AND MACHIN't SHOP * .. ',' �' ,.. � .,�� , ..:..
. . I . . 1. I - . . I �. ,. . I
In conn'eCtion'With same . we are.prooarec7 t ' . '. I �? : . .. I �
. It o. do- all 'kinds of work, , . . I.
orsetshoeing arld general repairing, All the ploNV points , and repadiss . ,. . .. - . . ...
kep )y Mr., Tedford ,Vestill kee,,n stck.' ,.Points and*r6PRIrS for the,' I � . .
I . . �. . .. . I I I ; I . .. .. .. .. .
Ted -ford Plow, gang repairs,, * , Fleu'ry No. 13- 12i 10, 91 - ,I.. .. I
''Miller amd Tedford PloW -. - - I . I . Sylvester No.. 7- .1 I . �,
TAdtord O. 8, �' ... .� . - . . 11111's tatent,'Old No. 13,' - � I , . . .
. I
I �,in. S6� No. 7 and'21.an . d 2 f-urrow pJaw., .. .� ,,,, . I :. . . 1 . . ..
. . . I
� . .. . I
. I � I
. . . . 1. . .
� : . . . I .., . . . . � I . I 11 � .. .
. . . . . . i . . . .. . ..
� � . . .
. . , - . .
..." SEELEY. ail : .1, I.. I.... I 1. - .
' & TURNER. I � � `.,*1'.`.
. I .
TedfdrWs, oJ4 Stand. . . � . I . . . I
. . . . ., . I . . . � Rattenbury Streiet .1 . �
. . . � . I . . . . :
, � I �
,%,,%�,qk�,�-%w-%.-%,.%�-w-w�%�-w,%.-%�mw4b.,.:ft"%.-W"4&",W..*Ab.,.%., . I � .
. . , I I
I . 1�. I . . .1 . . . . . . .. .... I r I � w .. � " --- ,. . , I I . . I � I , . I . .
�66646e*64606006.9 . . . . , 'All, , :
. . . . . I . . 96646006996009*6668004410410441 . I
I . . . . I
�. . . ., ... . . .. I . . . I . .L. .1 0 , . .
I I ,
. � 0 1
1 . ILI � Y, : : 1—I'D 0 . ....
� 0 1 1 : � A .. .. ' 11 ' .0, 1, ,. ". I
. .,o � : 10 .. .
. . -
JACK0 X �.8 ... L'. EAT . .
. . .!. � 1.1 , SALE. 0 1, . .
. I .. � � � . I. � I �:_ .... . ..O. !;.,* .
� ... .
1. . I , I
. .. J. �' I ... �.. . 11 . ''. . I..... _0 �
. . � 11� I . � I ' . ' . ,.. . . 1. .A . . . I 1 .
I. I . , Or'CLOTEIING.'GOES ON41 . � 1, a I - . .
. � I � . . . . . 1 ''. .
. . � . . :11 ,a
. .
I . I *
. . . . I 0
. I Tbis.week '.we Will. comm-euce' 0 .slatl&er : , 0 - � � ,* -
I . . 0 I
. � I . i . . . I I . . I � I.. I I ,
, . . . I . I I I I . . 0 I .. .
. I . 0, . .
VERGORTS, CORN_ 8 S.: - .. ..
.1 . . . and VESTS Rd. 1404 XT, �
. . � I
, . I - � . . - � -
� -, . . . . . -1. . .. . . . : � "
. -.1 I �. . We.have a tremendou 0 . . -_ �.: 0 1 . ��
I . : . S. * ek - . .0
I . 61. I
' ,
. . .. 1. . to sell . yet at . prices hever , . � . 0, .
.. � . 0 .. ,. -
1� I ... I � �eqha I lied � in. this'. coanty, .� . . I . a. , ., ;: .
' . I .1 I � 1. . ,�: , .. . .0 .
' I 0 -
; Thils will be *a .iveal -Bargain Sale h will � ' a .. . .
� . be unin* 0 1
e0essal-y to I I . . .�
I ,quote 'pHees'i 6 this -'Adv*ertisernent. as eyery-,,; e - I
liuOvill be Marked with red ticket .8 to showthe cut we' e- ' .
tend to make. All we ask is f nspe I 0 1,
� biv you to Come A�d- i , 0 , I
sati I sfy youllself that tbis_ sale will be -one .of the . 1. L : ' - " I ' .
, , I .
I I . . .
I. . . .. ; . a . .
. . . ., , I I 0 1 1
reatest and Che ' 0 ..
. I 1. I . 1.� � . . fTest .Sale :� �
. 1. I
bat ever hks t4keri :1 .1
, place .:in thi's do'untyl We 'would ,:.� .
. . urge out friends fr6m the country to come in I 0, I . .
. I . .on Sattrday bringingin ,� 0 ,
I I . . their' boys- . 0 . .
.. . 0 I
. " . .
. . .1 . . I � . a
. ,
. 11 .
. . * : ''
. T 0 JAC . �'. I .
. . KSON& 1: - .,
.. ,
I I I .1
. . . , �. e
oo0*i000eoi0000** J .
. 1. . . 0606 ..
1. I
111.1 .. I . I
1.� _! P : . .
. - .
, . , . 1. �
. .
. = � MOVING F1 N E.. ..... � U R NITU RE � . - ' . '
� � — I
. I I * * * * - .
. .
� . I
cleaning time is at hAtid, . . Our stock I .
u will, no doolit, require, . is complete. in every
bing new in the title of � """' Forqualityour goods are I .�
ure. . , the best );pd. for price. the I �
. � . . Cheapest, I . . �
I . In BEDROOM SUITS we have . I
. -some special Snaps, to offar. . I
Do not, fail to see them, . . �,
- I I
DFOOT0.8ox & to-9furnitur . e Dealers, and Undertakars . .1., . I
I -Jr. W� l0h31d1,6-v Idana&-, il. I
. P. t, is having A, cotta ri C. a, le gave) some n . .
waWallogh made B, nPAt a - ut off. tile residental, part of lige rOOf tied With wide satin pilition, A ban 8 kise Ing, "' ideago""eneril" house' - and free fr6ill sinut, Night and surida, .
. OutitY Councillor Lockhart of The contract for buildi�g the Canad d- V Y'dalle Answered At residence of our I
" peech in han Order of For,ester-S, hall, which Is tilldin is new Rome wreath with the lott2ra ,q)tif, .
I favor ofa conteat. an(I Beek. Ire fe a given to Fr ' both rli�.Tia 51ra. Win. a. Currie Also : . rl Ukleral Director, J. W. Ofildley, King streetj opposite folIndtly.
rising, Imm in the political wolqd arld 11, At Darlin-01 in purple. And cross ry intemsting paper On gym. . I . . I
to tiaabr[ek structure, Wits , 66tolou's bakery, where tile tomatiallo,ouse keepi I We have Farmaldch do i � — � ! � t i � I I I
his name liaS been mentioned as a, lowebt, mms have to cross the payettiont, IM0, CAPBAtions and hyacintlig were Ought b6forathe MOM, rantee it ";_�
trry Hawkins, his tender being the te forinWof lovely white roses, Calla, subjects were lit ng' Sevora other I lb. bottles. .We gua y in
. POSSIble Candidate but; he is 'a thick 1511'. Charlie HAtes" horme missed his the tribute of her beloved f, I ityl, A iled. The subjodta for to be 40 per ceat. - s
4 and thin sit fIrOrter 'of the Major And . 100 McMillan had a f6w hands help. rooting and nearly fell while steppingir large lovely Shower botineb tied, with 0 -
A 11 ingand disens,
. will exerb it I his oner anl, influence Ing to Shingle his barn,whichi he is over- on to tile pavoment from the sti,eeb, . the next meeting are sunlight And fresh I . Olutio,14 The 13 st ire Fenee� i '
Ixthisbeliftlf, t haliling Arid placing on a cement Vall. Tile grading should be attended to, handsom0whato-aatin ribbou wits pre- air and neatuesa hrounil the, home. price 75oper lb. I S the Pagp
9 barb Is of tile . I I 6 I
M. �W, MeMillan who fell off. his q0tited hV` MISS 'MYrtle Johnston of There wokle About twenty ladifilt prwn� I � I . . ,Wi,.,*��46-%,,-%*,� I . .
opinion that the Wawanosbe, Boys were sWimming on SundAy and NiAgAP& Valls. who Is a e0usin of ill,,- And several new mombors wore . l There are few fenCe users in Canada
ii . elf for Beek. q will do brothorl,s barn, loagain able to move some of them �Vcf% catching suckers ,
about. CoAged, Mrs, Plitt$ of SAJtf0pd added
Mil. LouTheatl of Winghar'n, vphty fit the breakwater, Tho Lord's Day sented it pretty Abowtv boquet Of pro" to Clio r011, R666811MObts wore sorved 13,0 and the VnitM States who have hot,
� r6presente the Young Congp Four of our 6020,118 attended 06 ,af. H16 O'M 13F.' -Peard of Page fench)g. There is in the neighborhood of ftb6 nifles of it in use
. ,ryativo 001i'vOution ab Smith'# Hill on p isiday,. Allbirree will have to send a delegAte to I f0dilso- IlYAcinth1N White, pink And art0l' Whidtf the meeting Adi 6urnod to 0 on the farnis,and rallroads,fli tile , .
Club of tho,b aceo made 0, *.. f f" Interview tbeffl� m.m_ i- Chemist find Dru-JSt -A I two countrie& Ib is evervwh�*,i .
r, fig lie boYfl are looking fot,warti to,, Pult'll and Briglish VIOlfts tied with . WOOR6, I ats a sta
speech In W h lie said that the (jon. Anothet. A.. J. Paltrid Its tnanufa
prvatives of his town wells thornh- Ob tit the harbor as the olec. fle does 'lot Oft" hOW hA"d8Ome)6OPs Of Whito love ri0bovk, ; I � !!! 4
orgs.t.fti tiOn for lvesb 1111ron Is near at hAnd, many 11,1110111101), eft come to town, he b Ill prow" Of Wild flowors, *!!!��t"__!� -----� long for, Its
. -zed Arid wout'd give Ua,jov 19- bitay kill the time, � vtl d &1.060k,0 Cotton ,toot doInpott, on Correct
eck a, big Majority. Mr. cougheldl M6 thought of,
who did, dervice Ili ,South Africa, is en. blood, $ire )III; In tiny,
ilft evez village Al 1� 6 $ire Eff to mlodpogfulty"Usoe monthly ovot
.e#,lt.1r_ d'#Off twill .. 111111 the ff.il AO,OXLltdit'N.Skfd,4btteOtUitl.Litdeit a
I' We truab she will ooen W quite well ppil,ve SAMAPArl - I
for shalrllors and boodlers on everrsfdo VOCOVered last Wee to,en,1uy.%drIV0 MArkTuipbulloftlefatedAt houqe rilld overcome by Itood's th ,
At for work Ita hard to say but look Miss Ann X)onog had pufflerentf riteof lea ItIllior of Belleview. JRpv, doplated condition of
1"In IS1111111oletp, Jeedar And forn, the tri. LAnguorl r,nd weaknese, due, j6
dowod with good looks and a frank, WlAh"AV Irialk t Ora an Id meetthem A Tho lialibeappre ityap. if p - I I �11' a k I ongth, but
r- -�.Iz Jour litutigist forcok-A wt*o R"I C.*
A"01111uro Beaver . tk" M011th net usual strongth which (jlAirg Arid Willie Tweedle, Willie� 31'e" guou""'it"er' dd, Zkke no ot tof ikii 1111 hil:ttures, pills gild
Mr, Georga Sheppard Is Ono at the Will the Mark, . cornmon
Raydep is bottle Again fr 11011 Winter's Illness had Impaired, creath, Charles Hilmlipt., Dollglaff !t-_!L�!_1!! - - �_Wt!!t�_ MO W16119 fire dang0ollft, PA616dW6. 1. At wr Stay so
11. Wo. 11,10deitteegstiltingtil mones8e,
OW Tho bAllges Middlesex and 1rMst6d Stralton And George Hotelier. Alt-, 1 J pet box. wo.
. � )r , YWIed on recet of Pries atid t1wo 9.66114 to be USI,
"' TOfOtlt , 0 for a shorb time. hayd ood commodious cablaq '%fill And Airs. Tichbourne have the sym. . To eit" It e6ld 10,01110 day r liffl Th6 Oaok
�"" 'd ' ' 1"a ""`*""�,4�4i"i, �8
. t--n!n -_-_�� evetytting Ill — !910111PARY Wind or Obt. I Am a
. Old "Soo ' 0 y �a" be 1o"k as koon 41, "" . MaSt6f utborf&nd Lo P1111111 Of all, having been calle(t upon Take t,Axatjvo� 1)rolklo .Wltltr�land2A61dr,iidri�comMend 04 I
'0" il '
totest in tile I 0 ed" OR the - _ .; is keot in apple, pie ortip
eat o tl e Th MI of 'Guelp Qnhilno TAb, tGaWksible Drkr$#I#t# in Chilik", ColOottlo
Oro V010 h SMAII run On tha tvaid. iff. .h Insido- of two Yeats tO PI'll't With a IRS, All (Ipugglstq (,,fund tile rn= go. 1404 No, I gold In 011111toftbywAt Write Ill'
Ore! 13auk Ili 114julltoll On MoAday, RoAd, i
V4 C "", lc� r"'T mr"Ung. the Rueabtlf Mts' ou" ryf y3r1tantris IOVO(I 6011 and two Pefined and loving if it falls to cure, I & co
rd � to not wiotei 4 00aventiork too I _ r
, �
I dAughterc. - %50. Lt WN G . I 9, 110TOYj 11, A 06inbo and S. Jalikelikil
. I I . � : oignaturil is inn path box� , Dtuggl#g I i
� . �
I I . _-
,.,W twCePt.
"(1ft'll, Article Of the beat qualfty. The secref, of our gVent gifece.88 it, ,
et"re"s not wholly Owing to tile fftet that We have pushed bard. And
introduction to the public but largely oWrng to tho fonde being made,
principles, which fire fill, in. adva,nco of axlythfng lit this line before
find to blid fact, that we Ilse material In tile fen6o twice as good its is
other, ff.lvery hopizontiLl wire is, tolled into a perfectspring Itsentlen
Eline colling is not tile whole tiling. It wont ,
00 � I wire, Aq I lie Coll Would straighten out wit a tier 'useless to colt It
) *e-hav6 made specially fop us &b tile Page. It tile first strain And
Wir(,v And Steel Mill' at
PentislIVAITIA, fr very fillin qualltg of spring Steel Wire. Othars Claim
Allat, Steel wive its good as the Page, but it Is fAr interior. -
it tot, the g4ge Wire, 114olleo tot' Clio townghtful of (41111,50"Ah UP -1-.1
*--.. � ". -
Unix I will call on you, . - - ------- - -1
W4 STAXLEYo golihosville P.0,
. 1, I � .
I . I
I �,
� I
t 11