HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-02, Page 29 4INTON. N1W8IJe00R0 AIAPKETS OF THE WORLD GREAT LOSS 0 The News -Record Mateo, Dr. Borden fitated tb4t k4 w1j, Prices of cattle, Ohoese, Oral Bxploslon Power Printing Mom ODS, Or 4 "Chemloal plan In purchasing 40,000 rifles for the T
so , t at Notes of !'On dollars bad already been upent
14, the Leding M;Arkotg. Vrilnlrfort, Cermany. the PrO0004111P 14 thO Militia, and us! much Mom, would ! canA414 still HE NE
A despatch from, vr4akfort, Ger. 11 HOUSO Of 00141110113, lkavu to be fillent for the' sainq pur�
par ear in ooP w a. p00--WhO4l:—Ther,1 PlanY says:—The boileri.oftboaries. Under oucb cirouTa9tRACeS .60 may be chitrgta it ot RULLIF, he th so paid 0 4 ISLE TEMEGRAVU Ought that care shoikild. be taken so paid the tor Via rt Ic ro W44 A 9Q0d mrket bore 1101)4 E�IcQtritt Chemical Worka, near in distribut4u.jr the rifles. juten. -Ry LATEST
untIl all arrearages bli 0 Sol slol� lyh,) a 0 bought red a.fid wi,ite C,k� MWarta, 14 446wer to, Mr. C , ra VE
Are tbucl)tlon of t1lopublisher. :4 a Indigoi;, t1fou, ote. on Thureany ;if. 110 Government was that Is now xoknordodg, 'rho 40) to which subscriptiQ.4 tarl"t readily at 080, low frglailts to t!)rnpofl, and te f, Said the tolorapil line to golle 'n r1fle AssOolatiOns were formed, 9 Is I Isle who OVER to. be the
is %V otory 0 u
on tho In Is paid I a Is to Prevent, a cold or bvcv* 741) a a vbt fire be ooml ten rifles bgl, lever, Affla, gentle, cortala, they sire worthy Now YQrlc- QuOtatioas are as follwS TbU fluliber 04 dead a Steil by 14t Au should be di ed a advertise- 080, wito ly Ad injured is ca ngust chIt stribu t t Monte, your confidence. Purely vOgetable, the. 680, tim., ted at one hundred and fif was thouht Items About otip Own 10 cents Pet' tionparlol line tur, 11rat ty. but this WOUld be o4 country, can be taken by children Or delicate womert, outh, to meet EMPLOYE 9 DISUISagp, all needs,,, OrItAin, the United of 0. L After; 4 CQ -t uwell, U6111k or Sproule 8110, All Parts of the NEWS -RECORD (mon0hisormon. sluall ative4lecaloilts not - At 911 0101914e ileglers or by mU- to No York; Dinitoba, No, I hard, ""I'loyetts Of tho Chemical Worksoftia enquired about thedis- insertion and 3 cents pop line for cach subso. Yerice, 20c N- 1 900sO wheat, 67*, low freight4 eanot be deterined until the list of
to OxcaOd 0110 illObAuchas "Lost," "Strayed Old, 950; O. N; No, I hard, )')(.' rOMParAd With pa, Onde"CO 4nd'Assortod for with its big staff of bright sm,4
"8tolen,"Otc-Apsorted oncoforooenta ;;d the survivors, Mssal of 170 OmPlOY08 of the do rt. SL Roalln vallAble -correspondents who each subsequont insortlint.14 cent". IN 'North Bity, 9* nd No. 2 hard, 00c "re Oontlnues to burn, `ltlit'"911 the me4C Mr. Tarte replied th AUG-HTER By WHOL15SAL Advertisemont$ NvJ . OURANOE 1%4TIIlfOcid—To1ue euoy. Toll jo * greater Part oft1 rrankfort. Fire1144 been , at some Mon CANADA ows field th, OrQU
thout specido directions ivill at Department and troops are trying to diamissed. cover then Silly.
forbid And ohaMed accord ------- �:� thO mill 400r, Westera Ontario points p,,cvoAt its spread to th I it bifilding, "Rhetre, must be a Yll The Lonark Rouse of Refuge will be NO IfiflMe Of ally Iloportimc4 be 113sorted until Apab Swoop Down 0 ingly. MCKILLOP MUTUAL �FIRE athfulsRuls WJIBU there is no work to 11 .ago 111 built at Perth, thOM, It !a largf,13 THE sell as fQlIQW6:-4Bra4, �14, and Shorts, outsido, of tb'3 fi-Q zone. 110SVItfils be done. Drop Alglers, owin INSURANCE COMPANY $15. ping !Ate areminiscent 9 to their efficient. worli
COPY for change of advertise . . have been Improvised in ill Col- Dent has purchased 300 horses that
a vion ts on pages A a vicinity. A despatch f ,ad &Must be lathe 0111co on Siturday and F�rrrk and Isolated The flumes apparently origin mood, the glniator contiou Win Paris says *.—Ad, In London, Ont,, for PeOPIWO Paper lonovi Page$ . 1 On AIQ114AY to ensure of 4nge only Ins Town, Property 0011111 Strong, American N I took office I ad; "When vices ttkar.e the British M th Jej%der in the for urea. D, 9 tile blowing up of Vats of ell foUmd there waf3 a aeoret fsOt thr0a,obed here t -o the eg- Sydney., C.B,, teAr y
ell l`;1i 10044441on to _OWA on track bore, 500; oralo, an $Qr f0ilowing issue. OrFICERS 'peas 3, 4%. in the Oxplosive departments of tha Stair l rtment, a band of Arabs swooped stroot ratlway. electric A jappen p. o. —In P.004 down Upon the VillaKa Of Marguerite, .6-4 Jklaugurati
follitwui . Thos, igher, work9 at a o clock in the afternoon. had it inlosed up, but I am sorry of Woodstock as a LIVE L CAL NEWS
a and op4co: llayp 1) for It INI 1411011aefres, f OR) On 9 table 611ONVO I"I'Lizer, Vlec-President, Urtie "' N01. -2 ini ale fredg�lit,% at 05 I -a They spread I-vith frightful speed to now. cannot go out of Will be celebrated jujy lifrates far SPOQUIOLI period S r ofield 14. 0 -1113,1 c; dad 33rotiatoot, Inspector of Lossms, Sofjfo�jjj p:1 rom 11giers, and AVVRRTXSR;0 ]RATM 0. t 60 J-2,, th, a!)Jacout buildings, and then. over hoffice St. Thomas, out., is, tahave ft queen of which it. makes a specialty, 0 XO. a mol a MO the r 'or Main to Solkwanheim. IV Without bOW9 followed by an army of Of tile lubabitarits, RJKNrws-RRooRn contains re,
I Calkinan W, G. Broadfuct. 9caforth -4ay. Cargoes f a oecox an I Yr. Rt, CTORS: Barley—A boom to e They. killed or wounijad tile French
0 I id oxp4o8jon took place, the looted the umet,
......... John Grieve. , men looking for work. X re ant for 'Officials and vandarM ]!Able Xa ot Reports;-artiole
Q 84000 �25 00 Q8 Q Winthrop - George little Seaforill; John Watt, NO- 9, At 1418 Outaric, port�% wou.14 flimes and -asses of bu rXbIrty fo-ill. 148-42 have enlisted at I Colunin ......... . "5 00 0 609 Ilarlock: John 13ennoQq%J3rndhag rning choral, a�in.g .got ri a ........ I, 10, 00 2500 15 0 _an; ianic�, bo tilkork, at 4910. This O11.1 ini n a d Of the fitatr.'. (Lau
1000 tor 46 MpOssible to atay-In the village cut the telegraph lines, Act Lonon fox the 11allfgx P.rOvja_ On topics pertaining to the
800 -.6 Bfteclkwood; Janice colintely, Ql[atoa is equal V, it�
i QOlullut .... ohJ�Jppoa to 40 X4t ter.) fire to' the POISt-Office, and Murd battalion. 1,7arm, Garden and Dairy, th
I... 1$00 1000 550 200 inhabitants of Grejahelm, .e
Inch.... . ....... 600 or ere to leve their y.11 ad tIAe postmistress. A. Small relief Port Arthur I., to ba Sunday School Lesson, Tal mage
two now Sermon, an entertaining Berle(
340 200 125 43*(Siv,ndy, car lots 400, ME S R A Gg force, from millikira arrived aud coal, hifertlational steamboat lines 9VSPeOI4I.POsItIon from 25 to 00 Per cout oxti llan Soa t hey did, flocking to PRESENTED IMPERIAL Joclq jtob6 JTc',%Tl West, Polled the Arabs to withdraw, This Dulu
-a. ttit > L111119s, EgIllondi-ille; 111141 000 east. fort. Pr Sir Wilfrid Laurier presented, the foroe,lo Ul and to Iloughton, ale Royale. and News oftlAo Day,sQuIetiling
xiTcHr or trims 9' message recelvad by his Excellency ed st-.one, killed i1nd'.1%vo wound- foreverybody. MIJ, a and ;.area. car Mrs. Rana was giv011 a verd Editor and Proprietor. ot r it.,, Strong reinforcomen iot of Tnu NEw9_.Rroo4D ontains
to to 'the Scene., I Ifamil- rnorwroadipg matter e oh.weelp.
proniptly attcnao� lots, wost, are quoted (It 520; and cast from the colon is are (In 0850 at Hamilton against the dr 1) tot the above 0111cors at 540. ALL -DAY BATTLE.. 141 Office in answer to 70� Electric PC ivepostoHIC0. tot' and Grimsby
the 4`000111tion passed by Parliament for injuries. Railway than WAY -paper In
�SANKS on the Occasion of the deAtIA - or Que lblished 3W NO. l''Whito oats, British Adva the county and in;Additio'll. wi#
bNOW"HOUND RUSSIA. , : I Orin. Major Monaghan, U Arra, Pay- QJI the Midland, 31c; No. I white 111138 to Wltbln 200 lards Vic t FEVER'S WORK. mustex, y give Ft West, are quoted at 30 1.2c�, of the Enem din the Plillippines, THE MOLSONS PANK .-MECRANICAL MAGE U. S,I Consul Lit QM 11ow Ilk Sol . Itilern lo 4—Fi rM A depatch from Cape Tow Appalling, Death Rat Ins till 189g. fr HANDSOME omtod by' ahlenal rall or s 1,04ders of. 90 per 11 Atty%_ 'Mr. Borden NyLks informed by Mr. 0 In, Portuguese, n or Ale A despatch fro% Dordre PREMIUM 101 Net;% Laet Winter. cent- buyers' bags, laid alit, Cape Col, Blair that L-1 G. Ru Fast Afri TeCanada Atlantic Rallw lit llieut� Ism freights, ask $12.03 per bbl. 11 was engaged 04. ay - has 00�ed a cont
The Snowfall in oUtIlPru Russia Export� Ony, says the YO01131aarY, Un4or Col, O*n Tlob. 15th as tcsake, chanee of , A despatch from Durban isays:—It Line of StLanksbips to CAPITAL $2 SW o90 atvere bidaiAg $2,60, ract with the Leyland to all itaid-in-6dytince onbscri-
mechanical department cn�thv during the winter month.,j Wodellouse, and -the Dordrecht Vol. th 0 In- -Is reported'ilero thIiIt- the Dolago, take 500,000 here in Tito CANA Car joL�j of rolled tercOlonial railwai to -I flUght"Is of grain 'for q ebee. , MAN ANNUAL,
HEAD OFJUCE phenomenal, To the nilddic of Outis, lit bags, unteor Guard Were enaged r ki, period of fire, Bay district.of PortugueSa 10ft4t Af- 11 large-motga-zino containing
'It $3 on track, are quoted all day at 07,000 (I year, He has been Rev- 'Wr, 1101Y A'Catolla cjergly� much entertaining reading and it - .35 Paz bbi; and ill Ivood at$3.45. an We4nesday With, the. Boer invail- since March 15th, from serious terribly affected by f , Man, 'It. de VJjrkergIQ, Que�,
MACPHUR8011" March there %ins not M single break riou. has beau of St. I"Imel �
JAMICS BILLro-r General AIR]! April 3D.—May norn scored exIs i-nihe vicinity of Dordrecht. When "_ has been mis illustrated matter. The price agor in it long, spoll of cola Nvoatj�or. For another recod advance to -d I Wrieris, and is not 'drawing his Salary r. During th,o' just three loonihs slug since Novembor, and Iridd that part; of ing my, clo$- the British commenced firbair at a whilO away, but Lis. engagem It is believed 11, was murdered.. Notoadlacountod, dollootion made. Drafts it. considerable pL of's ubsorip tion to TRH NRs-
Issuea. terling. and American 10x0hal 1578c flighar. Wheat closed 3-4 L�nt con- there have been fi�m hundred deaths, RLOORD is boukht and sold. e, distarkee of 11 All% Do IntorestallIoNved Ott the country I'va.4 cut IOU entirely from indate, 0-8o lifoller. Provisions at = yords the Boers flod in The 'normal PoPulation i4'abo4L $,Q30 a f'armer Or t. SAVIIN,ZG�0 BANk. till comrAtInaction witli Lb the (c confusion, aban4oning .�a nupaber of "C" BATTERY PAY. but tbis has ba -an roduc Quo,, has falle Ag4Lhe, lowed oil snak of sl and u . p, lose we1-2 to 71-'4c 11111trov- III' (I a U%N'Iflg to t 1,4, ong) heir to $1,floo,000 ONLY $1 A YEAR e. rest of Orem, ;Ind - quantfty of rifles and Mr. Clarke IN, ' * -1. hdentb, of eethe IN'41, and the coniffiProial 1", �
the world,. except by telograph. 041. 13uf Apr hether the Gov- �Ion 'efrom. '4110, - falo 11 $9,—Floul arnment had ascertained whethoeto high resulting Mai -This Ifthe reader.la already isub-
�rorloY advarkeed o ftikinarriotkt 'their o' was completely .11ail- firm. W�aat_.gpr1u. -�-Quict but Latex adviaeg.fromi Dordrecht ate Ost death rate la.thwworld, and . A twelve-stowey soriber, send it to a member 66
Nv) I 8', nothing done ; 'to the effect that. the Boot c ' :Pay of the 416XI Of 4'C" Battery, Royal if It continue's it will m . liote.1 and office
310toO with one ornibre ondor4ors. No Mort, way traffic �Vaw at Spot ilk Hmall ommando Canaditin, Artillery, during. the tillat! bull your family who "way be awa IA96 required as security, a bOMPlete stand- Into held high Gail he ex- din,9 will be exacted oin, the HDe
or; No. I was thoroughly dis still, tba lines, - Northern old Persedi the burgh, that the I'mination O,r the xoport� on R,14eau street Ottaiv the oldhome. . It will be being 'blocked by carloads, 64 y served.as part of the Rhod" 1111uropeanh n fl, from H. 0. BREWER', Manager, Clinton driftq averilgin i3 -4c; do., er flee[nig prOciitately in the direc� Stan Field force, 6tt that territory, candy bought 4y jVa.. If. Davis. a, re" tw`l" 'fee t dool) for 11 0"' " in store, 84 5,8c, Winter wheixt. tlah of Lgdygrey, u me out of the Im- ateoiated as much as a Miles, nd OW _�Alpping tra(le of t 110 Offorix;g lighti better I OnquLr Oder heavy fire. it perial r the Rbodesiam treasury. e, t Port wtis eprymixed wheat,' 7 y ; sPOt is believiId thaY suffered - severely, Dr. Cond4ntoxrl o.0 thd.Ottawa Electri . o erfrom: home.,, consequence, 2 X'C t 8 reaftete in 8c Asked, on track; No. 'Boden .'replied 'that, the Oqv�-. Street , Raillvay � fu=t not hl� 8.'�D INCTAGGART Even ill the' uot d at,790. 'The .117odehoftl6ic distX' is ,low claar erafrient had rio doubt that the mitlk� environs d Corn—Dull; No. of Boars, ly RESPJ8CT MASONIC. LODGES.- oof Odessa itself the extraordinary 2 yallckly, 48 to 48 J -4o; No, came from tho imperial treasur iltwaists of 8- 40., 47 British --bad no d y`�Npaessetkig,�Irs tu '�re'venf them fall-' Vic- -!fly of the me reooiied pay snowstorms claimed . Scores - of, 1'3-4 to '480 - No. 40 6orni 47 3- Iciastialtlos..: About f in he SOME CAUSES'O
3 from the ClInAllian Government prior ratitay peasakif No. a do.., 4 1 to 48o ; Boers HaVe N ear starts .,jkkAdeuly Ot- . ......... and Oven iybole �c, through billed, Oats ------- eVel' Destroyed[ Any t a iv'� families Of, tct Sti-Auge circa juspin ce-4, 11.,y Chase a Die, r9,ng,* No. 2 tho thille the Imperial pay co of th 0 clipped, '30 in e Craft Pr pert A number of jl�onlotiokks in the C. P. lll.tze. found fro,zen to deaLli, ' .rfie.owners 8 White, 31 3-4 to 31),c, No SLAVE -TR meticed. The rest. have thus ;Car ro- A despa.t*ji iron, ell I I., 4, mLx- ADERS DEPEATED Service are it' of ProlierLy irf the t6wris Ivere espe- d; 300 ii9ked ; N 3 its own says:— unOunced:—Ur. NVin- It seem's almoi3 t ndc� that ;b6 is, awaiting returns as to n .who. has just OW Iliankin Due Cially unfortunate. as Barle'. 0. do., 290, through Impel-lal pay onily- The do- A Fr6e�ma�o. NN'hyte is if) be ussisiant to the Presi- world is not' burned up, wholl'one rga..
Iticsf Transacted'. It h t
-hat the. Y Dull; car good West- Su66e reLurn- dcrit,' Mr. Thomag Tait 16 to'be mated f On ,4 ssful Termination of Campaign what tile from the oil bore fr that akerI or ;
of* , track sold C 68c t4' rrive OM the - f. Man— lizes What strange o1rdumstRzkoos I lake, quoted ai Ill ("Overl)IIJOnt, find as '40011 a�s this whereas,th Mr. ill, P. Notes Discounted. Snow from the Stl'(,eLS an'd public L 68 In X6fth6Tn Nigeria a )�Oora invIdria" I inlikerinlan ie. to. J)c may Dra t0f630,I Rye�—No L) Ify deatro
10411e4- Places of -Odessa cost nearly lialf a I,— track Sold Lit NO 1 u known (Iielr 114y''Will lie iisued 'to Superintendent cause a dsastrous fire. In'dne q A dOJ$PatOh from to don sd Other property they. al of ill(- Ontario & Quebec divi-ion, %vilh te ful crawling of. an in- million rubles, (,very.' copeeik of t'llf"Ill. Interest Allo'wed on Depossis. hich camn �dut..,pf gadierUeneral Sir Prederi was Wadquarter 0,47ororit.o.. the of- Luga rd 1311 I -respected that, (Yr 'KasdiliolLtilges .9 I k . ; Pookets of the Pit FISJJr,RIES., I sec. set a building on PtoPerty-owners. - it is expecle %some times their n 'in 'BR fire, Some d ODUCE' an d. with'.1, force ITA cotton- w4rste !lad been that gi�eat loss of life. ronto, Altri i ao. 0 r- Morrison was told by Sir, Louis, tbe. visitors' book, adding ialik. Loird Stillsbary'-will r turn o, L used.I.Irih friln-I. and Property I unch -god., D —Eggs' SltuAti 4 Of West AfrimAin f onji ps.have Ditvivs (hat thG-Government On- 'eral o will b ed by the'SPring thw.- P . lies ah emand is: qqtiv.4, s� c at 0 eau, er 'roc, s not. tW Is'llich, they had alned:.ia tile don lu u o nd then,thrown away, when it comes larg& up- Of Wast'Arlican froatie overn- craft, nd -frequentl iflontio andvised that tho, PkOvincitil 0, and priO.es ftsy..Fresh c P�, hxva An Unlucky r tv -Axnzai STREET. tinues to. oil- rnent, 'of. 13rhish7 fling Dundee in Mnths, has through sell at lie. oomplet9d .a- eu6pesl Colubia contom. their'llartioular -ludge. Xort- Chat oil-satlurated. was�e, and -ca -me campaign plat jurisdiction. over ad $"_)4`000 of whikU Po3iltrp.—Recelp a light, Brig agains the es ex States. Is quoted as r011O%vs, 4t.0tock I t the- 'pojVe-rfdj, slav6-raldingf, fi I' i to the United Gilt "gain' With some bf the. I
Isleries irk that pt.ovio6e. The oily fibers( —Turkeys,. 11 t6, B mil, adhering to its body. - ,Then it -per- LEGAL' beie, that* b4 qf,: 320; geese at'S to Bi-&-; chickens, at Nort IS, .Of 014a , and Kontagora, ill I Dominion C(Ov4!rhMe1A '411as not re -m CZA70 The Londofi Globe.s' . 'K'SIf E cent ascandal mbulated'xound. t'lle bujIding', com� yours threw a pfolic 140 to 60c', a' horn Nigeria. 1116 Britbs lin - ;.... 'A -NGLAND at me just, 119W� I nd ducks -h defeat- 1 d - any of t1lat d' at 60 to 806, ad th . 'In* Jul'k-s Lotion Iediscovery, that-tiva S ast o, the ga*41-jet to n . Ieet -I , ts e. E in! r laf K of) Inkfabers (if ing at 1, SCOTT and. barely .1hiaod, me, Proud Pther I 'tPotatoes.:_11.aSy ai.21e'�or. I . tagor after lheay." maybe with respect to oys- 11.6 GovoXnm,6n.t*I .. .. . cotton flbe�s, still ad- car' lots, fighting -5 000 .1 tand othcr.ilsharfLs be] The on re. a no Ives frequ o, 'With Will be value ',hering. to 'Its body,* aught fire, and he mlsssed - Y, in' Ldndon X -have tdk'611 outi, on S, �n track. Sales out of Sto r boil., COnImittee oil the If 0
B.�Rhlsuit,�sary TO- ebsoll, fit. 3 re made,!-ofi,,.lrgl4�. t�a -water mark. Czarina., .5 11' S4. a patents in their the. unt aAgX11Y—YOu hoa rd 'What sa ki 'A., Th'q' low wn nam�s; Orturkate insdot dropp,-.d blaz- W. Ill-Itiell captured the capitals- of butil C P. 11�TAXATXON. Dur . Ing the Sammer.. Field, produl' i ing to Ile 'Loan 4 000dii't. hav& been iny -bb". .50 itoi`bag, ostagOru, �akkid* rlease 4paball to the-1ondon Daily. i,'I) STAM. Money to Pko'ud Pather�Thcn, it store, 4 ca, a 0.m"Turhips, Out.011,,Uldii and Karl ooSetting U16 place on Richard , Nvas to 14 Ma St. P6LIer A new Defacer tic, . part lta,, 1 3 'been per bug; barrots, $56 pot, ba %Vho, Ity M. Ifton, lXrgI �sziy� that Ll Waste wag also 02-44110tt Vi to thousands Of sla�os. The Lmirs
zar ind Czarina, will prl�vatejy I CUNTON 9; Pa TS� that, in ubinitfink a. formed in Greater �fe tIn 1881'.1igland had 538 havo: been: the terror or he coull- .61LAC L lig*.-faxation, of , Malay. ht sPonsible for 1W & Dried I ; Of in, the ., rorth,�V6st, and Zvqatlon dmkit 11, p0ople to nips, Pet' bag 35p; apilles; per bbf.- try for boaxs, killed thousan 'LIM 'another �:turjous each 100 bongos,' in: 1891 53 It 19 P 2; liweet potato6s, pdr bbl. 2. .1 Uves during the the Go n1gland Tbl.4 tittle* an ajectrjo,:.sjp expected that apple� .Plist �ear, `.rhey'are e rn v- 9 t6 ,Fire destroyed har t: did the the �, present census DRed apples are now entiltely powerl ment. :wouja :endeavour- to, as- e`ming. LsLlscn, y�vill 'attend t he nea 'J�amestown- N, jail -at Mayvil.le, hilschlef, assing, from a I)CI. 'to ess BA RISTER, SOLICITOn.` i.vIIl* show - a further: rdu9tid 3ney at 10 1-2c;; evaorat and this Was tdblish the Viaw"Most Glaago. Exlli. Lijon. Y., But the pri- -Some. conduct ing .'substance 'near it. n, ad at -56 favourable to ew r ug IV b soners %verL 'all rescued. -Ivith th:�� cotton, Notary Puthe, �Of 180 Million tons o Syrup ro* lit about without the assistance the iuteiOst of the. settlers ' the . : .', apld Syirop of white and communicating
Ifivay "llgineoring Re� carried in ships Receipts jig FI a �gal� r.pop 1 n I:.CrlXTON quarter -N al:Ind 17 bar cent. tuI_ a, gjju� pet 'THE IMOE-�4eavor Block, . The Rai
eacb , Yetilk a,full X-Orth-w6sta:aLl, Would be guided b X�Ivin'lj. Baldivin, In e:k-Congress ab d Ji,
otins Ore quoted I pe I its advisers i' . y mail. View, . giv r a attaining: that IX KINGS EDWARD. from Minnesota' and former. Os two instances of fire ber. Oil 'a' gallon �t seS Perintendent o e-telifli is grain. Ud Iet:)u tadin At- caused by waf0j, , In the first cise f I it flood caused' tbp water to rise in. �Llil`s COMInittL at Si, tile. u SLr NVIlffIld I�au' reviom t r, ji, sda factory' 'jitil it keaelled a CONVEYANCING ORIEVrAll .1 NIA11GRATION. suicide light. . UVVED soura AF-RkA. .. .17.� *'� jO Five I- Ii1forga has'bp g'ht t lie quote 10 to 10 I -2c, fox, 5, lo , I** fcand ,
or list,, rep y.ing, t, a r. celebrtd Gaingboroug u Of 'iron filings, JOHN RIDOUT INTarriwan, silid. h icturo'sicil ell Ahey 610 -lb; tins; acdordin& to size of ha.t. the Gtovernment. year,4 ago,. recovered at Ch! ca me in coutac� with the wa'�er 'they . repdrt of'tbe as Lid ward VII., Ell n,!, OXI I ERVES. OkdeF; 'Cape Town (1, luot expect that tl3c 'di Off so rapidly that they 1jecame IT'S YOOR N t -Previous to the 'monarch ho reig" tl 2.0 to 82.75 for obo! &W tilting evidepea -in s'to $2.25 for ion n Liken to. k,ogland. fat(! CONVEYANCER, cOXMISSIONER"ETC. .. comb honey Council' Tributa for gland .jla4'sPx.Xingo eutly l, z dtlrk,� and,..at.'$ ca 'I : � � ir. Alfred, Milner.' akee 111301y -hot, and at last. set- fire to Real' Estate ondiii clever pe 11,1tish co-luimbl touciling Oii ward fire 2antageiets 'arld one lqays;�-Tho woodwork near hre Tnsu;ance, r:dbzen 19detions. wn says, It's' the C on of your A despatch from Cape To 11111 -Migration %v;ou)d be reeoivei TuIdor. It. ifi a ngneinP4 - Nvas destroyed. Molloy to Lead.. ..nerVek Hops_Quict.. Choice a intoa�esting &6t't them, and the build.' that either imakes Your life . 100 groNv'th quc 11- are In the Other case the water'fro are )ted at 14 to 16c; and yearling Men(. As soon as iho to -be consolidated into OnQ gigantic i e engle� durl OFF1OE-17VROxSTZtR T, OLIN, Thursday u- fol ! b" factUrifig companies in. thLII TO'Dr. 1. . I �Tha City Council 0 .0 the close of"thirt session of P; il�irnlli'a`- the titIO.Of Priz ice. Of. Wales, w a round.,of pleasure at 8 itt' lon. animously adopted it resol t is'. re- the -present n g r, 0 ng'a fire found its. ution re- ceived it will be printed and distr; ea- combine a capital of 25,'030,000i in 'containing �Tre,�k- Tone. of- rcnecessity or I Jed but-. tablisbed' by tile firAt. Edward, ho Puefto Rico is to enjo 6 f9h or. ".a - use esa long.boie, w
oeneasy.' Okdinary 've, traii, blirdeii.' Nvhltc beans bring if lfred y ft eat odused by tbc slauj4_ 01.55 to stiiolu 0eparttire for BUBONIC PLAGUE. cbriquered that little. k I g om, the, United States onand� aft' L:e )ILInd-Picked England and expres8ing, the n d
banns -are quo hope that er lug Of the U010 Set fire to the� she'd', as bora in �1239.- . a in- A thN Year, according to a Now and this to -other buildings. To many *omen Wei is oround of, Lad at $1.65' to $1.70. � he Will--retur)l in sound heLkAth an Mo�r�igom waa.' t d by Mt. Fii& Edward L . t, York Ilerald Special from NN'aslli . . G It Iness*and,ill health.- Tc- M the -66v*'i�rqm & to �be , 't'lle to f, narith 9
DR'w-GLTNN'- 61
sickness, Weak Billed., - 110"Choice 'timothy, - on "c'ontinue'the -pol cy. i or t enC has not n wchact a 0. P. and L. R 'S 'a track here, %0.-75, iwo-ion jol. i -,bell saved'11; priglish. mo 9 lenses, an '11 'V -Port of the oxl� -WhO I'Vould. ov-er_embark In a cr�usadej .. f;Iour people C, Edlilb rgh. attempt vn ibe lightest household a_,,�fved- "Offic Orton caus6 fire, and it 'has recent y (,a 'South -Af lei from a -n tati-Brit Night calls at front -to duties fatig �liVetredv $11.50 a isb domination."' 1'stancp of buboml -in a covered been. s]aid tlia( the''convex or 6fresidenceop 11i t lies them. c plague in A h a H :his Were run doiwn. and killod -the waggon a ton Many of the q U$tralia, hO was Ol Land�wlkon d . glasses
car I A of straw. 't. -through v y use in Pavcrften(.� lights are 'Llanger� bury' street, �opuoslte Prembyterlan church. SyMPtOlns accompanying this state of here Ot on -rwak ........... but h6d hekvl-d. kather, Renry by $5:50t.to $6. I Missouri, It * d6eliue are 'a feeling captain3l, . JI,. -died; ko.. had made ansas aall Texas -flyer Ouq nod sliould be abandoned in ffIv. OrVIOE—O�NTAHlO STREET, CLINTOX. -of tiredness on MRS. ATION AG agxlilae t By way 066aution. a SI�31) jffOG;S- ..AIN IN GAOL its couning to ca�a . great reputation as a fight, at A crosSing. eight miles. north of .Or,Of lights with flat topa. Waiting, JA1ntnOs,4, dizzinOss,'-sinking DRE AD POVp�jONS�.. Ida- ,all inaman, V ag-linst; its- coing to, Cana�dl�, �vud. he maj inxia. Of 018 ehort-, re firm ntained. it I by'litis wars lied agantsof.'theraiil Th6 Hatehet-Wl the Welsh, the� OnlY. atithitri D31-WAL QRAII�kX feeling, palpitatiori Dressed 11098 Oh the street a Aslat-les, Solt To DR, Tvnmivit.y ness ol,breathi. oss 4f e,ppptlf,e, colLI to $8.75. Car l6ts are quoted Mrrlvfth.� I are re d feet- a&tIlnsf, (Sucons hands -and feebi- head&' at alder Unable to d as ar I 0 01eir Offoots. Aitioles, French. bt0li and road cofnpik.nj�j PEKIN BELLs. che dark.'eircles. 68- to $8.25, on. track' 3 can hereafter sell or ry contagion are. disin- k- d tickets, according to tbe Pekin is rich in re Licentiate of the Royal College of Phy. -under. the eye , p4in, in t here. - Proviio TUrX.il$h Bonds.,-, Fqbl- t;' -'mar' 11b aMenaed the IMNV_S�Of. his! issue .MilWay
a 4 back and no are firm an'dAn - A, ddep markable bollg, .9 atoll from Wychita, Y%Ies.s apootmlxrkied-by. enforced there,. too, and I.anti-scalpers bill hi the -the finest Specimens tea shoulders ..Xinsas, tif r Passcd� Mr accompaniments ai�e - firmer. .1 Says: Mrs. Carrie iilte from the thirt ['XeNV' York State Legislature. being located
slofaus,,LOpdon,En aide and'all th� oil good d6mand. .. Dry sa a , Lard. is also firmer Nation, Mrs. Lucy port of Yrfiva.yoars' was in OF�1010 AND REsm-M—Porrin's Block, lately Ofarun-down and weakened The Bell, Tower -on in ,Occupied by Dr, Turnbull. CtINTON. The u,otatio In' addition dbaqtoriojc,�� Many respeqs It -s'who were injected with ill W6st6in itlido na-are as follows.,—Dr; Wilhite,, ;Mrs., Jujilt -1U4v;ans, -and. Airs. g.ical laboratory has been c wise,. an The dootoi All salted ;Shoulders; sti(blishm I.. d just bao'; the 'bubonic plagu of the Tartar Cit and � th� Ta-Chling- -thos.sympl,firnd and conditions 81-40; long clear, Lydia I Tfaditi I I a serum as a pre-' Uuntz, appeared befort, Sudgc, ca', N(,Lth a txaixlecl bacterial ' t On Rays-tbat he malissacied.tho,t bacon; lbose, I ventive for th I'll view Of, SU, o Temple of the'. Grea.t Bell, be. 14. car )Ofs, 100; and in 'Dale in the, District charge.. All ardp. lie ishared, Itio doubt,1 ill -are simplY the result f a poor qu - o9is in a disease, I
ality case 'lots, 101-4 to 101.2c- 4 ourt on Wed-; quarantine officers On Walsh' b SuPervisi(in:of Student ]!are's jand the a orviox and defective cir6ulation o , �hort,iaut nesday and failed to gC the,Pne.1ific '00�st have been Instruct- 'the cruelt of ble t - Ann Arbor HY-W.411. The latter c r the bloodj Pork, $20 to 020.0;,hea'vy mess*liork,� r ive bonds. They "a. It wa4 dur-""Ist, at.- On un
away of rces. 019 to 019.50 we 0 4kan it) thO cOuntY gaol, and' ed La kevol i' are now ill, the t a Ins the, kreat 'bell� of cas UNTAgro STREET, opposite ruglish with a wasting the nerve to "I V10817 the; possibility, flog hirt reign. that'the House of Com- of thb aticlu., By feeding the system with 1 , . of t church, will remain t6je :Until a bond' for this disease regidbing Canada,� and to Mons Was ipatitutediI by order of the Emperor Yo smoked iellts�llamsi heavy, 120; 0500 aall 193 approved, -or -ul ceessary ptecautlour. in 1415, nrid-th Cy INTO9. medium, 130; light, 13 1-2c; DRAL.. ng Lo
ntil their take n CT. The story The plagae I Spreading in AusEralia. lang in the present tow_
R. 0. W. TAO1%1]?SO.g Lard—Palls, 103 -do; trial at the May term of the court CLERGUE.CONTRA goes that Kiing Edward, a I tubst 101-2c; for "joint omashlng.,� Negroea are aspirants for Mayors This gigantic objeat ell in D 1-40. In* S . up . PI Mt.. Who, for all -his fig4ting,.had failed to or by the jEmperor Woul,
Or. Ward!S in tierees, 10 y Blair's estimates Subdue Scotland,, charged b aban towns and oitic�, height, 14 0 measures 15ft. nPlITSICIAN ND SUnGEOX. ere 'Laken UP, andsOme further dis is son and Of C in, thick- and has a cir- special attention Iven BL00 AND NERVE PILLS .LIVE 'STOOK MARXET, .1 T over 1),400. arrdsts ouraference, of .131ft. 'it ille rim, o the cattle Yards mOrnin & pril ,,r 35 000 lor -f--r f $500I_,1th._ A in a ealdton and earry the disturbance,- RBalDnVen The Item his bones ofea alone in connection, with Welghs 53 1-2 tons, and is 00,ve�ed ln� roat. Toronto, April aO.—At the wdst ATS INFECTED. Clergue.cIoritrilet , Odessa
to distas s of the ]Eye. cussion, O�Mued 'with iuccesIsor not to bury him, but to boil here have 'been
reference t
ern ALL TH' nYOU Strike at the r6oc Ofthe disease and load Of H-ve stock. c,,LMP in, oompri nial 1. 4. for Lne, Interoolo- a ore L116 English army until n ulm a. S e allu Out; with inscriptions from Next to Molson's Bank Jay a solid foundation oil which to build. , I'llig 300 cattle, 600 hogs s-' NO 'Telling Where the Plague Will ailway this Year,was. flnal,13� at- the Soots were overthrowft�, 13u.t Berlin employars. will I'look out!, all. the Buddhist outras in Chinese char- _.IUTTJAN:J3URr STRftT, . CLINTON, !mmba, 70 calves, I 100sheep, and Stop In Cape I lowed to pass with the "derst,fid, that� son, Ed -ward lr�, was no such I Workou who . take part in Labour acters'. flow this 'huge Piece, of Inetal Soon the weight1noiefisqi, the %tinken and milch 'Colony.. ing that' the� whole subject may be sturdy character Day emonstrations was raised to 1ts present '1118 father, and I position is cheeks and flattened bust as May lat, fill out th,e A de re-OPeed it desired' wbon ilic Other lt-was�Jn his r�z 1 a mystery twhich 114novor been solv.
0ENTISTRY ) A- Ught ru,n and . aspatvh from Cape Town says:— ign, that :the stoots Ili -Inca Louis 'N_APOleOu If) is bi n eyes gob bright and the thrill of renevy, -a brisk demand Up to date the4Te.flave been 480 railway estimates come up for� co so lately routed itia, married to the-Orand Duchess ad-, ad boalffi and Strength y1bratita tilrougk kept Prices riteady. Tile )liar sideratioll - . I � . . li� I . ' . . kat Was OOMP daulghter'of the Ruiiinit Grand Du01. I)% AQXEW he System. a good 'one. oases of thia'plagkke� and 195 deaths. 1waLtS9,AT BANNOCKBUR. GEOLOGICAL SURVEy. There have been 189W 1,13100ulailone. 'NTIST. xp t tile sold Nvell at uncilittlig- In lavishetf wealth and lionors on The Premier of. New Zealand ��ood It is feared that all t�e rat4 f t rorktes,
IM 50 cents per box at all druggists, or pIr eso to choice fetched rom. East Committee of SliPply Ur. $if ton fa, quarreled with 6,1101YX AN f ram 4 3-4 t,� 0 1-4a per 1 U;s and ljgb�t a natioal coal mine to Supply 0 Bianon WORX. London LcJ41 Mr.. Lallf:rviore that the progva -everybody he hould bavO cherished, ge'sts 0 _ "I the Orange rivQr are in. 0 Govern Ment -ow fie d rallways and pri. Oftler. Adjoining 0r.'ITard Clo,, Toronto, o stuff from'4'1-4 to 4' 5-80 Pet'ib. : All "Lad with the. plague. me of tbo.geological su.rvcy this cjm� and finally lli� nucen.'and some W
11.1, hGallery. 11 11are sold, So Would'be as follows:— ea- his nobles , Of vata, consumers and keep dov prices.
In butcher, catt In t , he Yukon, territor, Mr, it, 0j knade war upon hini, and Mexico has .Signed the o 11
le Prices were firra, d0lith4ed him. He Was' murdered. in onventl on any a school -
of 'The Hague Peace Conference. vith Mi. Joseph Xcole, hina, Luxemburg and Turkay are air) is' Said , to especially foT thra the b&st stuff, which MeC go"k8ley CarltlO, In the year 13217,when
�Aold quckly 110 Was iforty-threa Years old, and had the only'countries which h
JL_r tit from, 3 3-4 to 4.1-40 Will survity the cold district of
iticco4sot to Dr� Drued, Clinton. MARKE TING 014- THE AMUR. mJ 60 relgied inefficiently for twent are not Yet'' be
Specialist lit Crdwn and Bridge Work,, I)e;t b� -am to good sold a4 from les, Thistlecreek and'Sallith'Yorks y laZY and
3 of Dontal TlfWr. TABLE. 0 3 3-4d per lb- and the re- of 131,g Salmon. ;I�e' years. signed.
r; also possibly the Surgeons OfOntarlo. lial"de at fr.ojn prilklittve 11yettickif of Edward III., the son of this unfor. The body of Adolphe Shift ties S
L. 1), $.—MrAt- class honor 2 to'3 1-4c. ile.r Ott tile ItIngfun 11 10-4, coast Nvest Of Whte PASS ritilWayo and tunat DOPart�mentof Toronto faduate of Dental Trains vrill itrilive at and depart from South Of While Horse. e monarch, is best known, per- found on the prairie nour . negiria, Ile when 8 h -e
titiversity. Special lb. son wag I atter tion paid to preservation of Obliften's There was it Ifall, demand for A traveller 11pon the 'Amur River In British' 0olumbia. Air. it. haps, ' as the father of Edward the was lost in a Snowstoin earl.v fil.tho doestilt. 'deserve , Ivill be in th6 11 8tant, ties of Crecy and potigrs 11 BUI,'I,'AYOA.NDGODE)tr(,'ITDIIIISfO.V 017A, at from 2 7-8 er lb, says that the method. of obtaining Brock, with IV, W. Leach as assl 'V' Black Pf illOO, Who won the great bat- winter and was froyon, to death,
'Will be at the ItIvOr 119te)., Bayfleld, ova Gloln .xprega ' *. to 3 3-8 P the -ledst bit of J
Monday from lo. ul. to 6 0, W. 4, 7""N a. rn. le to- supplies an the. little Russian boats Or Ut ry g Ea8t r Export bulls -were aalow 4a I Iriet, All% third Edward, w ille - - - - - - - It 11 Alixed 2-6,5 p, m. day at from. 0 1-2 to 4 1-40 Pei lb, �,V.Oyl . nwd, I X y, TLS Itto reigned for f tfty She coatt StIldy, easily
I)X J, FnEBUAN Nliod. P. In. A raw good calves are in Lf�ukand. 13 both primitive -rtaining. DeAlS, as resolute, 1�,ell-moatflng flills asleep,. Is netmis Going W04, � and ent( LISSIsid 11 t, in the . Crow1g, Nest , pass , Years, Was. a
successor to Dr. Fowler. 10,14 Very raw cows came in, Iand they, The Approael to -a vilidge,was a coal fields P_ Lambe man, and Ho 'ting t6 & contemporar find tired" all the t1ine.
V9TJ1lUXAnV 12:55 p. m: Mr., Iwrent, igood 'I genoral'Itimself
10*27 p. ill that he Carrie x I
A mernbe 00110t, W8XO- of Pool* quality, A few good matter. of cretaceous fossils in tbol d Out lilli grandfather's re Y, a Cor.
of tile VOtetillary Afedical As.wclu, m4lah cows will sell. much interestj both to ,qg4 Doe Pet Ambition Ulld'609quored Poudeut, igiviis. an interesting list those on Ship Oantr, NAV.T. And WhOt can You ex.
iva4l; Pea- pec
,J,handGradu4to Qol�g 6)tttll 1.,xpl," SWIll stuffs being, and o those on shore, In Ontario Di —for a timok 00 Ind or V C6 idge. Barlow *ill Is bein
Of tile Ontario Votoritlar, 7:47 tt� a). 'in unus ,tile greater. gVs o he Of flowers that t6il'the obs
reign although fed WiL ually When % 4 P Rer brain
4:25 p. ill. Will supply, prJees Wora.itteady and -1thin 4 quarter of it mille the makei llthojic�Lj Udward could have fittlit the tinlib a 11
tile Commercial Hotel, Clinton, aoing X S�Abury district. Prof. j hardly realized t, th impure bloOd 111WStigatI0129 in the f daY in Mural 11ngla d,
0. I I) a, in. alas brisk. captain Would blow a tremendous i " i was, that Ili his The .Scaxlet Iftparnel open
O. I'L 6:65 p. nk, will 0.0.11OCt b(Aniefil �'1111 11aeound d4Y VVY0111 arose, S its pet -
A. ATIT180m, P.n.110nagNS, Export evveff are worth from 01-2 blast on the Whistle, 'to allmtnaii ev- 41A at it few win and her whole system, is
VETOOVINAP "6 to 40 Per lb, along Utes past Seven in the
y otaclit, To Wnicket: Agoll Spring lambs 00 001101'sh6re. of Lakv 111rit! An The fourth - Edward was born al- in"'W"Ing, and closes them again a are Wort cry Man, Woman �Lnd child �vabjn OILS a the Most a hundred blears latdr. a came little after tivu, In the affortlo6n..Jri sufferIng trom pol DscAgefivToronto. �1305 ene 11 from heur;hg.' of Lako ll.ut'on to CaPO tor the throne as a rdquit of t rid bad weathoT, however, like many
jAL Il OxPloro Tom,ngami he Wars Such kirls arC VOnder-
VETERINARY SlyRolpONS, sheep are `wprth train They wobid all 'respond will, take j.,ark. Dr. 1,1111.9, with [,N Of the noses. He Was, Rdwavd, Ear] Olock, tbe� SOa;rj.t pim fully helped and gresitly
vo, nsist- of. Pernal refuges
Sh tile, lCingston dstr k, Mulch, son of
to $4,50 each. Ptomptnobs, 4104 come mnwill i"ni , hite R the Duke of York Changed,, by taking ERNMENT V'9T11,t1IlS1AItY 1VOPEcToItS 't. the 'tO- go.' Thcatar of Se-rusalem,known
90'V' WL JACKSON' "Barnyarders are orth from 4to down the blurf to tile Shore, (Pao), Ivo_ lt'obart ChilfMOVA Wilt go tothe, We, 'Champion, and jl�' also as "Jack-90440-1)04-at-ncon to OFF1613, ISAAC AtfrghT to.41-2c per 11). Lawrence v(1116Y, I'll(( WestIvard to Sue'000ded Itenry V, et varies !u bperiling mt thr , nev. m"'n 111U991119 wo 'Or 1111-6e bottle or IVarwick, the mOrnin On in the A09NT 0. P. 9. Good grain -fed lambs fetch from 4 milk or carrying a 11,111 of buft(.�, a Lako I'luron, t0*1livesLigte wellgand horifl&L, ward on*. tile thcollef
, for �V 9. and a lit early clos- 14 to 5 1-2c per lb, bask"'t of eggg, a bowl of sour creant,, "far gas, nd pefroi. reinstated Itenry. [)it( afterward jfkg� 900a to had At ruldda, ;AUOTiONEER Ducks are wtorta.from a to SI -2 or I 11 lau'll- It -is also intended to explore Finally %Vltr%,Iuk (1016OU Unfolds its gi a a great loat of. black. w1f I 1 $ cry to. the null CLINTON por lb, it liott., in ille tile ilegion Ikei.wevn )igon nd Ifenr wore killed aft &Ur in the Middle- like' a huge k Net and Udward, Illorning; at five out
There '11108 90 ebanga idOU It . arlefous, Iglinut, and Lake St, tile nrth 411ore Ot who, although VM114, av� dome$ the hil,
.16 tilvIt's beawd, and I TetwoIllers to arly)VaIrIt of the , "Singers" sell air' 0 3-4o per pound; Somotimes a woman would not'Elf of Japkrish Bay, 19ENSUAL AND Cit 'L, rkiftr $I tolock, for �nature a
wol-ld Should et 11, t It tile hick tat and light 11099, at 014o per holding a largo gooja in. her -arm, ',Ind Ullskoka 4NEr NV. 8Vjf. U I"
- 4109 conducted in all partg of the Counties of above Ili reference to tickets, Pound. Was- more. popillar, than better paxtieular to it minute or twl, the ilronandWrtil. ordorgleft, fares, etc, tenderly as it It were a barijy, 1111) son will go to tilt Veyftf Abitt ibbi 1111V'a beell man v1por' grass, blmmq. At seve t1le sari Ila, remained in undisputed ,,a n it body of tj A being concealed in 'ttuco I, �ads'!U hfort "Iffit011, Otbl4rcPsed to Sea 11098 to fatell the Cop price mus river, na Ale. -Prank Johnson, will Posses I _ .91).1
of prime quality,.and t be her blo t I SIOA Of the throno. Ile died In mairked Hundreds ofthotisands
Ivill receive prolkipt, attOntion. St. settle not below use, while its lolir, fleak ( go round Latta Abittibbland t bY tlA4,OPaning 'Olf Venus's.
stalotioll U0,1*411teeflor 11001largea. rourpat 10-1 nor above 2 Iran. ward north� 1488- 111ving reignecl wefkkiy�twa looking glu�jq; nine Ago 409 00 pounds. much years. � b ill bi of schoolgirls 11AVe taken
ncdvil out, thi, gooito e and offst,ward Ill eonjunotion y 0 coal of
interest in thi, patising ML tjkcL ereeping h&wkW(�e W A J A 0 KS 0 IN. 1"ollowing Is the range of quota- i sha& tv ally Will) Mr, J�Ijjnttfi Dr. A in'tho Val- EVerybody has road the plUrut IL%_ �d; at ten tbe It during the past 5o yeim. t lo ne ont, on shore. - tey of tile St, I'a,wrOnt'd %vest otbake fGry Of rdward V.0. a lad who wa, ly parple Juniporbarts itscorolla. totbe
Pahse1190rs would all congro. SL, Pranpiq, qnd t taw. valley Ma father died, Tito lit. Sta Of Bethlobell, s now
AGENT.0, P. a. gate on the u (tr tle king was and, as wo have hae homes of their or,rn.
MISOVALANEOUS , Ila OE thirteen when on sun -,at ,elajon the MallY Of these girl
dock, many of Shippers, par-owt. ...4425 052r, WJ(jJ amply bjftjj�s t J*lSt'j, 130VOr crowned and Most by his sleapinesi
60 '11EARSO 1�,tktch,,% eho'ea, do ...... 375 in their hands, it, %Vttl ON",4 JJAY. of ill' law weeks lie hold 111.9 title 'to- O* n tells the They rpmeMber- Nyliat Thatw-HIL-L 125, exchange, will) tell copeck addod, toil 1W spent in risen, his unolo, I At one the
-EXPERIENOZ 1311610r,, Ord. to good 850 III and 'St.r. f375 the full bottles oil short,. Duke -of Mou b,pe)os; at two Ottred thern, 99d nout Butche'r, interior .... ... 2.76 326- Thero arc, no flocks Or iprg ft(.t)l' -1 -
W -lit VNII th-t diptriat of Hee:I caster, hilving bad I, the squill OxPandri at
R50ortbuls,perowl, 34.75 4,25 lit, and Belt of ifie ty to the SU roti.r
. rk 11 illf, "erion south-werkt of Ila WO thO 69MO tned'
Stockers, of awt 2,871.2 11,07 1-2 villageLi along t1w Amur, and to nk three the xuari90ld betrays her ba'au. flleY,91 A.
and a Btate"' Soon RL'award'st bl01F8ft-Ye0r-Otd of <-.ou1rsd, by tj . I'l told, c1lie tO thdrown children
?I k,' Vilpo Hand -ilLn Mairl Will n, o'clock
work lft<ft to the bank, in thi.-i wift' a snake brother, the Duke Of y to fo;jr-ololockid (lower, inIP101110fits and ma, Shoolt and Lambs. water, i a work of, tittle all(l crtr�nek flurvoY 0Z 010) OPaRofika YO(I C91ft allordtotfusta
owes, , 1), lJow W,l aud fiVc� befollgrg to, one of tile hitwk.
Per Cwt 350 400 I'Iv the two little wood farkilly, tile flo
I Visit the, Pffotea Wit" bM, find Ork' Wns IM
P inur(ferod in tile trower, And at: ta,. wer ,of the wall,
thl�""`c"' 411'ehor lq voam or fudSon" lynyl ana were nits Tlutchor Alleep, eat, ofvn �bout a hundred ya d..4 1) ft I I 8 f.110, Out. Edward V1, another boy king, waq V, W11,00 the laborat turns 891'sSM1119 that fiat beetai.
,11 . 2 00 460. R)r fqIJJd4 in thq ilastorn tlJO Sell Of ILI ' h9aln licutoo, tile oxiiiisItO evenjilg tested fovhalf a century.
WTiRAOCF: MAnKs Lambs, g.f,,, pop OWL. 450, 650 the shorp, find cable onough iq pald fho hay, TIL'Ot. t1ai OWY V11f., and altiloug.1%
ClANTOZT. is, A� - with' in (110
DEMONS J)01, b,y,, per awl: . 4� 06 450 Out W allow thit N"It to drift PtIMMIN shalwa off 00 k 66itte, Aft drogjlikfi� doovsk1*1410 &o. ley Will Ito re!gnod—undor U Protectorate_ Hitt dayA long Afiymo #onding it tkkett% lifitl doger, Do., spring, ...... e fjij� r) 00 lit Lwonty feet. iouth_ .,Only Ix It your bowels are 46flatt.
flulok,Y dartAin one opinion freis W atho 'ell and weloomes hLM on the road, N T 800 350 bowline Brunsiviek, Dr, fifteen, it if
OR EMMERT juckq, 'of fre in. t Ip, jruf�ft N " Y(,,aTq dying lkt the n8ts of sk P8 Pated take Ayer's Pill#. yoll ON vifll Al -S� Nutd 'a dlockggo on 11striking,, after can't have boil health tiftlefi$ I fts$ t !tlfll. boat, and made fAl t to t Poe or post. :tnd that Ila would 11" ft any rate until if clelock, but ou havo Ally totion of the
116111, 01 M Milkato and C 6 w, ft safe predietioll ill
ell t .t for Int A "her' _4VeTY 9010d 001111-MYman turns 4n Lubwa vAlturt Aft-, A, MoICInnoft, b1b tha have boon beftAr man As entragarl in Allnitpolis, Xi 411t, hundred and fifty yean af ter that 110,11r, Wd nood not 01id bOX OfAyer's rillN 006d My
I20 00 4500, way, and by thL.,; timI,. I llt� ALjJlmbJ%rJL n g'.1, 11 died almost three 910wel.16 A5011.11ftlit,
......... ...... 100 and (,
N. 8_� L: q ago, What pursub out subject further, LID. VARDWIt
9TANDAUD, 121PLI 1110111' Onoltlgh for tho long ipinp- IMat t1own IV] I erplillf"t foggll "I` ", A wMacriand the t'naland of MdWa le, is";
ontmal, Ca plankn pulled w4hore. A wood- - .9 IVII WOU14 le6M to � rd 1*
merl'"04 Choice hogAr. Per owt . a il'Or, while Mr. It. 'Ill 1�n#119limilh path, 60 015 on htlre fa put undernnath to Afeady I ault MIT of �ls day. It Olt lw*vo okby toth 1A111,11 WhOft6t
a) 1109s, por wl... a15. 02h them, and �411VVPY in 1101irix, Lunttnburg, anif aga Te;rk Wag ejlftt 61jejt' =t In r 1116nthA, 41. Bold by at then t �ie
'Tito ;14 relfablo and f4vOrtI6 RoAVY 1109.9, par ewt, 000 # gr) rktrvam ov(q" atilt for Icing's eoltilties, tile "as Y.kta
'-'Ows, per owt ... ... ... 76 tosvil in th %ft 614 I litts dAR 11,400 "" to 74ondon's 5.900, Drisfol AGO UP dalat"A'"l, NOW Yttk A lively barfer Ill milk 'And P 200 came next, and then r ft. WAA[iiitoo. 0. Stagg$ per owt ...... ". 0,00, 200 ithee'.9c and black broad. rn the dobate ollL tbo, Militia oati. eVery 10,OOOL Of her p 6#,,910 for with , Opulixtion. Mouth, CoVeAtry and Glasgovv,