The Clinton News-Record, 1901-05-02, Page 122nd Year
The llews-Record thrives upon. compaxis
_nnis satisfied to abiae by the result.
Whole Number 1105
Compare it with others and let us hea,r from, you.
tml4V11..4"1"frilfriblIVIOVIVOIWW 0 AlikAllirilbAlWilli!"1.010,4111,411,416,100AWIITile .24th Will ne a ifulehos .----------•.--
as In aceoedance with the
general RevMrSawyer preached
Andrew's Presbyterian church vacant
. . St,
Sabbittlitast with a very appropriate
discourse, indeed. He underetands
human nature and its failings, witti the
pain they bring sometimes and
the retribution • that follows. Less
and will. consist of the usual Quarter y $150,000 in $10 shares, ed out
Lovefettat, to be followed immediately the truly seven -eights' a the
than -a physiognomist could havepick-
of tbe country the 2401 0 fkY wi
continue to be a holiday, A bill to
that effect is now before the Bouse of
Commons, tra,s received the sanction of
the Goverhinent, and will become law
in doe couree. The 24th will in future
be known as Vitoria Day.
Bong KM the Robins. •
THE NRWS.BRCOUP is informed. that
some boy$ about town are killing
robins iind other birds, The pratice
is not a commendable one end should
be stopped. There are too few birds
now, not too many, still- if the boys
witoown eir guns must give vent to
their destructive propensities, there
.1 are the sparrows which haven't a
friend. Please, boys, let the robins
$ live.
A Brisk Season.
11 .
A, Month since the prospects for a
brisk building season for Clinton were
not any too promising but they have
$I• now much improved and from the
present outlook the carpenters, mas-
s and painters will lieve a busy
time of it, This is gratifyin14. from
every poia 0 view, that of a citizen
in particular, r We are all proud of our
town, which we consider to be rather
more stable and prosperous Oran any
of its Competitors, ,
Real estate Purchase.
Mr. F. Andrews has bought
ten acres a the McTaggart estate
adjoining his farm,
,..t.wqiWqb•OKIfrgiielifreeq0-0-ziope4oiolqir ;
(as shown in cut)
10c per .
Single l?oll
on S turday
We have a limited stock
of this pattern in green
only, printed in bronze and
nicely finished, good heavy
stock. Regular 25e. What
we have left of it on Sam -
day goes for 10c.
Window Shades •
are going out eapidly ; don't you need some? A circular has 0
been received from the manufecturers announcing an advance •
price so we advise gout° 'any what you need now, •
We sell the kind that is guaranteed not to fade, crack or
Curl and mounted on the genuine hliartshorn" roller,
In town we bang them free. '
Curtain PoieS
The proper way of putting up curtains is t� Use Curtain Poles.
We have a new hue conaplete with white wood pole, Dainty,
•white and brass ends, complete with rings and pins for 00c.
icture Moulding
The width'is one and a half inches, the colors crimson, terra
cotte, gilt bine, green and oak, price .40 per font • This is the A,
kind that can be cleaned without tear of losing its polish. f
W. Cooper, 61 CO., CLINTON..
• •Agents for 0 . P: It Telegraph and Dominion Express
Money Orders, also for Butterick Patterns.
. ,
Ilei~b""villvib".4livq1:4 '1101~41,110,10,..11?weib.
Bonder kh, amines Text.
Rev, M. liewson will conduct the
regular Quarterly serviees Batten
bury street church next Sunday. The
service, will commence at n o'clock
A Provisional Company tias Been Or-
ganized and a Charter 'Will Be
APplled For. The Capital Will Be
congregation who with bowedheeds
by the Saerament of the Loed.'s Supper, The Colborne farmers who launched beard the valedictory of their beloved
To these services all loeers 0 Jesus the Project for the establishment of a pastor ofeixteen years. A friend in -
Christ will be welcome, At 7. pork packing factoryin Huron are con- deed was he, Sad the reflection ii.
the pastor will speaupon The
gratulating themselves. inasmuch as a deed that seine had not the sense to
k "
rainbow round the throne." factory seems nowassurea, This state see and the hearts to feel before a
What Is.CIMM0 aelni to Bo r of affaire was not brought about In a practical lesson had been taught,
On Monday the ratepayers a Peen. Month but only after 'many weeks 0 but the doctrine preached will demand
eler voted on a bylaw to aid a fereenquiry and disansion, sympathy and brotherly love be ex.
'inure factory. The vote stood 222,
Cricket This Summer.
There is talk of reorganizing the
cricket club which in bygone seasons
was eonsidered the best in thesa, coun-
ties but .whicli lagged soniewhat last
year from want of competitors in this
county, Clinton •haying about the only
&facet team in Huron. Among the
old players available are : J. Ohidley,
M. McTaggart, J. McMtirchle, J; B.
Hoever, R, •Agnew, E. J. Cantelon, A.
McGarvie and 3, Howsen. A. couple
0 Toronto temps, Which intend tour-
ing this summer, baye offered to come
to Clinton. •
oat Street Zengire Officers.
At Monday night's meeting of the
Ontario street League the following
officers were elected for the earring
Jim President, Rev. Dr. Gifford
President Miss Lila Stevens
'1st Vice, Mise Tebbutt '
2na Vice, Mies Whitely
3rd Vice, George Maeker
.4th Vice, Miss Carrie Shipley
5thVice, Mies Sybil Courtice
Rea, -Secretery, Clifton Gifford s•
Cor , -Secretary; Miss A. .Brickenden
Treasorer, Ames Cassels
Pianists, Mrs,..Shaw. and Miss
Vegas. eralleseseesheiasee.ezeesseeee'veaessisAkteelihe.seheash.evezsesetsesee.eetsaitshit.4haiset
0 • •
wt h
.«..for'.a ch ng6 ?
Is the cry Of every hbuiekeeper. • ;
• •
Strawberry Pie Plant Pine Apple. Chunks Stuffed Pickles
Chili Sauce or A Can of Spinach
Saye your Eggs and use Burnett's Coffee Clearer to settle your Coffee.
Leaseyour order for 'Lettuce and Young Onions early in the week.
-0 Ogle Cooper &•o.
for. and only one Against. A. delegafien came down from CoI Mr Sohn Conant srand his son,air,
On the same date the town 0 Haus bcirne on Tuesday when a meeting was Thomas Coesitt, were booked from,
over carried two money bylaws with held in the town hall. Major Young Kippen to Liverpad and ratan, on
sweeping majorities. One was to 0 delborne, who has been one 0 the Tuesday. They sail from Montreal on
grant a bonus of $10,000 to the Knech- Most active, promoters of the scheme, May 4th and intend taking in Mr.
tel Furniture Company and the other was chosen chairman and Captain
for a $25,000 systen3 of waterworks. Combe ilecretery. ,A.fter some discus-.
Clinton is in need of other indus- sion, which showed a unanimity 0
tries and would, no doubt, treat a good opinion as to the value 0 such an in
proposition generously. dustry to the county, it, was Moved by
LET us po
vpuR, ovaRAvnyci
I have added an engreadng machine to my store equip.
merit and earl do your engeaving quicker and cheaper
than you have had it done heretofore.
P. i° COWS, Itxrart. Watch. Retainer,
•"•- - ;7- - - -
Mayor Taekson, seconded by Mrs
Fourteen C. 0. P. Initiations. •
Wflhian stragghtut 0 Colborne, and
It was supposed by some that with a
carried : That a pork packing factory
membership a one•hundred.and sixty, be located in the town of Clinton.
or thereabouts; Court Maple Leaf had The questien of site being 'decided
about reached the useximurn. Not se,
however, Organizer Torrance 0 Lis-
towel carnet° town less than a week
since and with the assistance: 0 Mr.
Janne it'd:leo' had fourteen cendidates
reedy. for initiation at it special meet-
ing Menday. It was a great night
for the goat, which will have another
innings this evening. A. score a new
members in a weektis doing pretty well,
dt must be confessed,
upon, the capitalization was then dis-
cussed, when it was moved by Ur. D.
Oantelon of Clinton, seconded by Mr,
Robert Elliott of 'Goderich township,
and, carried : That' the company be
capitalized at $150,000to be diyided
into 15,000 shares 0 $10 each; no one
person to hold more than one hundred
shares. .
The cost of the charter and other
preliminary expenses will be defrayed
as follows: Moved by Mr. D. °lintel-
oe, seconded by Mr, W. Straughan,
and carried : That the charter
be applied for as soon .as $20,000 has
been subscribed, no call to be made on
the subscribed stock aher than 2t per
cent to defray incidental expenses un-
til $20,000 has been subscribed
The following were appointed provis-
ional directors• .
Major Young, Colborne
Mayor jackson, Clinton
• D A. Forrester, Clinton
• W. Jones, Colborne
• W. Straughan, Colborne •
W, Web., Goderich township
D. McEwan, Stanley,
Captain Combe, Clinton
• lviajor Young was elected. president,
Mr. D. A. Forrester vice-president and
Captain Combe, secretary -treasurer.
Mr. 3. T. Gerrow will be solicitor and
the Maisons Bank the bankers.
The following were appointed to
solicit subscriptions for stock Major
Young R. Elliott D. Cantelon W.
Straughan, W.. Jones, D. McCorvie
and E. G. Courtice. , •
Not Correct.
• The Stratford Herald in an article
:dealieg With mall/sox; in, Leaden
township says '"the disease 19 supposed
to have been carried into the township
freinClinton." .The Herald, has been
inisintorroed. It asee the McRohert$.
family who beonght it here' but
Very fortunately nobody in Clinton
contracted the disease area the ke-,
Roberts returned home nearly .a fort
night ago.. That the plague obtained
• no foothold here was, no doubt, owing
to the 'strict preventative means
• vvhiela were enaplotka. •
fie Has the BOSt Weil IA.:Town
For five weeks Ur.. Petersen and
bir men and drill have been on IV. II
B. Chatit's premises drilling for water
and. at tiines both they and Mr. Chant
despaired of success buttheir persever-
ance Was rewarded on Friday last,
when at it depth 0 two hundred and
five feet and while in the solid rock
they found a running spring and the
water rOse some ninety • feet. It is
clear, sweet" water and contains less
than the ordinary ciilanUtY 0 lime.
• Mr. Chant is much pleased with his
well and ha placed an order with Mr.
j. Miller for one of the latest and best
• type Of vvindnaills obtainable,
Faith in Advertising.
Without newspaper announcements
no Min who has commodities to sell or
services to render can achieve as high
a degree of success in business as he
could with judicious advertising, and
the success, which. newspaper adver-
tising brings is worth marry timer ite
cost. A leading merchant of Syracuse,
New York,says : IV.lost a the owners
of large mercantile establishments who
use newspaper space had their start
under the same conditions 'that nine
tenths 0 the small metchatta work
under. They have had faith in adver-
tisi rig and the courage to buy space
obituary Notice.
4.4•444.444••••••••40, 4441444•44•44.4•44•4 44,4••••• 4444 4
• •
Wh t to Wevir
Time for Ch nge)?
From your Winter Under -
Wear to summer wear.
We have been very careful in selecting our atock
for Spring and Summer and are prepared to
Ault all requirements. These are some of our
Men's Heavy'Cotton 'Underwear $ .60 per suit
" Eine " .60 "
" Double Thread Eleabriggan 1.00 "
Fancy Balbriggan • 1,00 "
" Reel bfece Hal regular $2,50 2.00 "
Natural Woof (special 2.50
" Cashmere Underwear 3.00 "
Morrish My HA
Zeroed not concern you it you order
here. You cannot make &mistake.
• EVerything desirable is here. We
are elwayti the leaders 0 the now
est and best and this season We
are surpassing ourselVes.
Consitt's birthplace in Yorkshire, pius
ticularly, but will visit England goner. well assorted stock of boots and shoes.
ally and also Glasgow. They propose Clerk Barnwell was in Zurich on
to rcrelre an extended trip, retarning business on Monday afterneon.
later on in the season in tine an, the
way home for the Pan-American, We
will Anise them but it is an outing well
earned and deserved. How nice it
is that some persens have the spirit,
disposition and rueems to enjoy them-
selves after this manner. The above
is the father and brother of our esteem-
ed councillor, Mr. William Oonsitt.
Quite a field day at Eippen station vacated the hotel and moved
delivering the spring order s of •the. Mondville where they have rented a
Miss Sadie Peart 0 Hensel' visited
over Sunday at Mr. P, Murray's.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Lea4bury were
also guests at the same place,
On Friday evening the only claila of
Mr. and We. Levi Makins died after
a week's illness of luflanonation of the
bowels, which baffled the skill 0 the
doctor. The ten:ales were laid to rest
in Baird's cemetery on Sunday after-
noon. A large number 0 friends and
neighbors attended the funeral to
show their respect and sympitthy tor
ball these nights. We itnagine there
The boys are busy p‘esetising foots
arescalps eight
Nixon 0 Toronto, organizer for the
Mr. J. W. Irwin 0 Clinton, and Mr.
A.0,17.W., were in town this week
endeavoring to organize a lodge, .
Miss liolcroft ie in town in the in. ss
terest of the S.A., selfelenial fund and
seems to be meeting witlasuccese.
• calliug on felende last week.
Rev. joseph Elliott was in town
•Mr. John McLeod has returned. to
the bereaved parents. New Ontario to continue his work m
connection with an hospital in thab
Mr. S. 0, Bothwell, our enterprising
simenaaker, has rayed his stock of district,
Mr, jas. DonaldsOns er., was in •
boots and shoes to the shop arljoining
. Harmsen% store formerly Oe. Gmediesrsimeb,OnmMtuotinndahyaerhentosirrineesde,
copied by Mr, 13, A.. Biggins as a bar from
ness shop. Since corning to Varna Toronto where she spent the past,
S, 0, has won the confidence 0 the weyientaeffrecutniod::. mixedeiacirtel velaer:sefdortosnerit:
people by honest and square dealing
and will now be in better shaare than thilatevsl.lemis.mnicuKcialyirhoPfrevoeoddienrichbealotche.u.
ever to supply the wants 0 his nuttier-
ied the pulpit in $t Anclresv'e church
• last Sabbath very acceptably and read
ous enstomers. He carries a large and P
the edict regarding the iodation 0
Rev. John Itlagell, We understand
Mr. McKay will preach again next
Mr. Robert Beatty has got in a stock
There will be football matc13 play- Sunday..
friends in Barnett and Seeforth. •
0 new .buggies from Cabe 0 the
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Holman and.
Ethel carrage works. • . • • family spent lest Saturday visiting
ea on Saturday between the Brucefield
His Lordship the Bishrip ot Huron
Rovers. and the Varna Maple Leafs.
will be here on Thursdity, May the 9th,
As both teams are ambitious to win
when a large clue, will be confirmed.
an Interesting,game is expected.
in 'Trinity church,. 'The church is
•Mr. end • Mrs. • P. II. Murray have
undergoing renovation and repairs
but will be ready for the occasien.
In connection with the indoc-
tion service of Rev. kr. 'Mc-
Neil, which takes place on the 9th 0
May at 2p.m. in St Andrew's church,
the people will hold& fruit social and
reception in the evening in the toWn
hall, A good program and a plentiful
supply of delielous fruit should bring
out a good. crowd.
Messrs, Thos.. and. Albert Kemp of
Clinton were in the village on Sunday.
Mr. Thos. King visited Zurich vicin-
ity recent13,.
The •yriuths are stilt meeting 'with
considerable luck in the line 0 fishing.
Mr. Obas. Cook is busy with his
garden preparatory to business when
campers arrive.
'Up to the present tune the Bishop of
Huron's visit is arrangea as follows:
Merning service and sermoo in Varna
at moo.; a:short service, the Bishop's
address and the apostolic rite 0 cops
thenation in Bayfield at 7,30 p; m., the
day being the 91h of May: Rev: Mr. •
jnilenswtniFmn iktidattdi 85: Pbuggy.rePari 13. g a class for
for con"'
Rey. E. C.' Jennings wits in Seaforth
firrnation. •
• Mr, Richard McDool is sporting a
A subscriber at Bayfield writes as
Olft For Missions.
Mrs...1. Ceding of the Duck Islands,
tvell known to many of the residents
0 Olintnn, hes sent to Mrs. (Dr.)
Graham a contribution of $3.25 frit*
missionary work, a most commend-
able offering. This motley is the
proceeds Oa little concert which Mrs.
Oatlime was instrumental in getting
up amongst the French children on
the Duck Wands. Surely Mrs, 04.
ling is deserving a a greet deal 0
praise for this noble example. 'Those
who knew laer will remember what an
invalid she . is, never able to leave her
own door without help. If she can do
so much fore, good cause, what might
nob °there do who have health and
strength. The members of Willie
Mission ..13a0 tender their sincere
• thanks to Mrs., Ceding for this con-
tribution to their work.
• ,
Peibion Nursery Co. At one tune
the Rochester a.nd other American
nurseries had this trade hut thanks. to
the National Policy inaugurated by the
Tories.and adopted by Grits, tied also,
to Canadian enterprise ' to seize the
opportunity, • this industry has
grown hem infancy • to . gigaritic pro-
portions, in Woof, osier eight hundred
dollars worth of fruit and ornamental
trees have been per -chased and deliver,:
ed in this ,section. BY their fruit ye
shall knew them, both the trees and
Canada's Patriot Acts. These we see
perpetuate Sir John's memory with a
party but for the eountry, .
Misit Heil& Doig; ' accompanied by.
her brother john, left for Dear Lake,
Algoma, where they have an extensive
tract .0 land that requires personal
Sopervision. A carload 0 effects was
also shipped to the same point.
William' a brother a the above, our
worthy Tuckersreith councillor, re-
turnedsfrom :Detroit where he is pros-
eenting the study 0 law to See them
off. The old homestead has been
leased to Mr, Win:Strong for several
Years, it is said. Mai Doig will be
• Missed for her genial kindness and
a bility.
D. %McLean shipped this week 'nine-
teen head 0 the finest cattle yet seen in
these parts, notwithsanding the heavy
weight blows from. Stanley and. other,
townships. They were destined for
'Glasgow and specially fed for that
market. Mr. McLean acCompaniee
them and makes his own sales. This
is an annual, occurrence with him• ,
(311bert Dick, oueenterprising cattle
dealer, has struck a new venture. He
has had gathered up a carloed 0
soot calves, both feeders and milking
strains, and shipped to Kippen. He
purposes to supply farmers with what
they cannot obtain locally for there is
scarcity. Ris efforts will no doubt be
appreciated. '
house and will take up their residence
for sometime. They ran ri, good hotel
here and were popular and respected
citizens. We all wish them success
and happiness in the future wherever
their lot may be cast. Mr. Martin,
the new -mine host, is now in posses-
sion. If he takes as well as the genial
Philall will be well.
We regret to learn of the death 0
• Harriet Sibley Ward, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Sibley
of this town, which sad event took
Place in New York on the 220 ot
April: She contrated a cold which
developed into pneumonia, ana. caused
her. death after an illness of about nine
days. The deceased was born and edu-
cated in Minnesota, her parents being
prominent tesidents 0 that stare. She
is survived by husband, chila, brother
and sister and her parents, who mourn
her departure. The sympathy 0 this
community goes out to the tereayed
Mr. F. Borrett• i>f MacLennan,
Algoma District waa the guest of Mr.
and Mrs 3. Sharp ler a few days last
The Goshen Methodist church held
their &urinal Sunday school meeting
Thursday evening last. Mr. 3. T.
Keys was re -appointed superintend-
ent and Bible class teacher. •
Me. 0. Donaldson has taken the loeal
'agency for the 'Dominion Accident
and Guarantee Company.
• Me. 0. -Hoare, the music dealer 0
Clinton, has been around again and,
left it beautiful. Bell piano on trial at
Mr. Nelson Keys. • ...
Miss Laura Dowsen, has been
appointed organist for the Goshen'
.Methodist Sunday school for the
coming year.
Quarterly services will be held in
the Goshen. Methodist church on
Sunday, May 5th.
We are sorry to say that Mrs; Sam.
Johnstone 0 the Babylon Line has
been suffering from a severe attack 0
la grippe during the past week.
Mr. J. Hannah 0 Farquahar visited
at the home 0 G. R. Keys this week.
The many friends of Mr, John 'Peck
are pleased to see him ablate be oub
driving again. •-•
We regret to learn 0 the Illness of
Mrs, Jcihn Stewart, a much esteemed
resident of this township.
Miss Lena Erwin of Hayfield was
the guest 0 Miss Janie Johnstone on
Sunday last. ,
Mrs. John Nicholson, who has been
somewhat indisposed, is, we are glad
to report, gaining strength.
Mr. 0. Donaldson sold one of his
seven horses last week end has since
replaced it by another.
• Mr. and Mrs, Sellers rout fe.mily of
the state of Wisconsin are the guests
0 the tatter's sister, Mrs.John Nichol-
• Mr, John Reid hut the misfortune to
lose a good cow a few days ago.
Mra. Joseph Hayter visited at her
daughter% ittes,SChas. Yohnstorre's, on
&today last
and 'Mrs. James Eagleson 0
Olintun were guests of the latter's
sister, Mrs. John Davidson, on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Robt.Welsh 0 °lintels
visited at Mr. Edward Johnstone's on
• DIr, rthale had the misfortune
to lose a. good cow a few days ago.
•Mr. Prank Menveen 0 Viratford
called on friends around herenn Sat-
urday last.
We are sorry to hear of the Main
a Mrs. J. Parke, ba hope soon to
report 0 her recovery.
Mrs. William Clarke sr, i$ at press
ea visiting her daughter, Mrs. J, Mt.
Kinley of Egmendville,
• The intention is to hold meetings
throughout the township for heart
to heart talks with the yeomen who will
be most benefitted by the industry.
It is expected that as the matter so
closely concerns the farming com-
inenity the stock will he freely sub-
scribed for. Clinton will do its. share
in helping along the enterprise.
Quite a number of our boys attend-
ed the entertainment given by Prof.
Taylor, the hypnotist, at Zurich Satur-
day night.
• Blind Allen passed down the Parr
Line recently on his journey anuth.
There will be, no service in the
Methodist church here next S;tbbath
owing to quarterly services being held
at Kippen.
Mr. Neil Maxwell has engaged. with
Mr. McBeath,
• Miss Annie Hudson spent Sunday
at her house here..
House eleaning and gardening are
the order of the day.
• Mr. Thetas Oonsitt intends leaving
tor the ma Country in the near fanre.
Mr. Oonsitt has. been in poor health
for sorne time and the change wit
likely do him good.
Anutnber of our boys seem to like
the sonny goals, especially on Sabbath
allicers of Ont. Sired S. $,
The annual meeting of' the Sunday
school a the Ontario street church
was held on Wednesday 0 last week,
when °Moore for the ensuing year
were elected. Mr. Da,vid Tiplady, the
veteran superintendent, under whose
guidance the school enjoyed so many
happy and. prosperous years add who,
although declining re-election
again, still gives the echool the benefit
of his preaence and experience, was
chosen honorary superintendent • Mr.
Siteob Taylor to superintendene with
Dr, Thompson assistant. The remain.
ing officers are the Battier as last year.
The school is vigorone and progres-
sive, probably never . more so than
at *the preterit time,
Rev. Mr. Smith Welconied at Carberry.
From the Carberry, Man., Express
We take the folloveing reference to the
late rector of the Hometiville parish :
On Friday evening of last week a
reception was given Rev, and Mre.
Smith at the residence 0 Mrs. Arkell
by the St. Agnes' church eagrega-
tion. The eyening was a most decided
success. There was afairly large turn-
out. The vainstorm, however, kept
many at home. During the evening
refreshments wet* Nerved, An im-
promptu. program was carried out,
The eventng named oft very pleasantly
and served to show that St. Agnes'
church are glad to weleoree Mr. and
Mrs. Smith to the parish. Rev, Mr.
Smith tbek charge 0 the services in
St. Agnes' church on Sanctity last,
preaching two eloquent and inspres-
sive sermons to large congregations.
.44.4104044444.••••••44+40.44.4•444 444.
True to Nature
A natirral pose is the
first essential iiu obtain.
ing a good picture.
The merit of our plc.
tures is pertly in this.
They have won the
highest mention. You
are sure to like them.
Try it dozen.
You'll like our baby
pictures. They are
it credit to us and to
Photo Studio
Ratter:bury Street Leadoefs; Win &Alit&
On Thursday evening some thirty --
lived the Eattenbury street Leaguers
drove down to Seaforth in response to
an invitation from the League of that
place. The visiting I,eagee took
• tratire charge of the meeting and gave
the program, which consisted of at
address by Mise Maggie Tie.vis on the
subject Pidelity to Pledges," Which
was followed by an open discuesion Itt
•which eeverat of both Leagues took
part. Besides the aura devotional
exercisee, special musical seleetions
• were rendered. Mr. 11, E. 1torke,
preeident 0 the Es.ttenbory street
Soeietth led the meeting. After the
pronouncing of the benedietion by Ile.
Mr. Russell the Seaforth League enter.
tatted their vieltore to an excellent
hatch in their tehool room which was
taetefully decorated for the occulon.
yoigig people' returned home
, greatly pleased with their reception
I and entertainment,
Entertainment in WI I ils Church,
Ttre Sunday school children of Wit,
lis church gave an 4.1 entertainuaerst
on Thursday evening of last week.
Willis Sunda.a, echool has not so far
forgotten the Seventh Day as to give
Itis enterteinnneas on Sunday even-
ing as was stated -riot by Tait Nitwe.
REconn, Time enough foe that when
it becomes amalgamated with our Ara-
edean cousins. The whole program
was goo& andshowed careful prepare -
tion on the pare of thoae whe had% io
had. The two special numbers Were
" This Little Skakirig Quaker" and
"The Doll each in costuitie.
These were very pretty and if ever
given again in Clinton ehould attract
a good crowd.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Roberton and Miss
Gertie Armstrong visited Brussels
friends over Sunday.
Miss Martha Mole tame home frail
Olinton for Sunday. •
Messrs. A. Asquith, M. Lockhart,
.L Mole, II.Lawter, G. Sturdy, G,Lemp
and E. Mole attended the Conserves
tive convention at Cerlow ou Friday
Messrs. As Asquith and T. Naegle lea
tad canvassing the tovsnehip for the
gale of lightning toriductors.
• Mr. Ilarry Youngblut 0 Zurich
se pent a few days in the village last
Mr. 0. Wenzell of Hespeler spent a,
few days in the villege last week.
The dynamo nettle electric light
Works, which was burnt out a. .fort --
night ago, veite repaired last week ana
the lights were burning Saturday
night. When we have no &ark
lights we realize how much we appre.
ciao thein.
Miss Arinie Eluker of Clinton was
home for Sunday.
Mr. 6, Taylor of Clinton was in the
village the forepart 0 the week.
One of the Brussels papers contained
the following last week; Fit!. Mole,
Who has been io Brutsels for same
time assisting IL Mainprize at the elet.
trio light worke, left town on Tuesday
thie week. Re will visit at Auburn
for it while and then talks of going to
the Western States, Mr. Mole is a
steady young man who should succeed
Monet anywhere. For certain reasons
we expect to Bee him back "here ace"
Messrs. X. Wray and 3. Stephens of
Walton visited our village last week.
Mrs. V. Plulipe of Whiteehurch yisit-
ed her paeente on Sunday.
• 11/r. T. Bradnich of London Road
vieited our burg on Sunday.
Miss Edith Mole has rebated home
front Saltford.
Mrs, Arthur is still on the siek list.
• Mr. 'Webster of Weston occupied the
• ptilpit of Knox thurch 00 Snriday,
Mr. Too. Lawson intende going to the
Soo flow&
In the correspondenee for last week
we noticed an item about erecting a
suitable bathing house for the Use of
summer visitors. Your correspondent
in that item expressed a little timidity
in approaching our town fetbers upon
such an expenditure, I hope the
fears are groundless in expressing tim-
idity. Surely he does not imagine our
council so eareless 0 the matter or so
opposed to the common laws of decen.
ey that he should hesitate ta address
them. But 1 sinspose the writer of last
week is in a seose justified in wonder -
hag about it. as he as well as Other
respectable people have had their finer
feelings tried upon several occasions
in the past. Bue the past is past arid
this season demands the attention of
the email in the erection Oa soitable
building on the beach. By the word
Suitable we do not mean a shanty 3
feet by 5, but One with at least a dozen
small compartments with proper par-
• titions, One 0 the chief pleasures of
summer is bathing and we can astiore
the ceuncil that if the town desires to
hold the patronage of the public they
will a least pa forth an extra effort to
consider the feelings of guests in every
respect. The council did do something
extra last year and they deserve credi
for it, but let theist do mare this ye
and they deserve the supped of ave y
ratepayer and the thanks 0 eve
niott hat3 again begun fiat seed. -
ng. Ile sorted over thirty acres one /30_
last week on A. Murray's-farm.
A.. Murray, who has been on the sick
• list for „the. past while, is able to be
• around again.
Thos. Snowden has ihad temakatily
gooasueeess with hie:It:Mho this year.
Sohn Johnstone has engaged with
Itob. Drysdale of Marc!, Mich., to
m artage the egg waggon.
Peter Durand iritends taking a trip
to London.
Wn3.3. HoWard, ottt, popular poultry
raiser, has *enured a number of ineuha.
tors for the Itatchingpurpose.
Wm. Turneri who has been lir the
Northwest forthe past year, has re-
turned home on account of poor
II. Rau purchaeed sit thoroughbred
pip from Toe OatittelY.
Miss Ann% DcnohlY, Who has been
visiting at Charles 13adoutie, returned,
home Sunday.
1Vir. Allen has purehased Prank
'Oeffrey's fermi and bitends planting
iron, trees en it.
Mrs.. Rachel Erisson, wife of EdWahl
Brisson 0 Stratford, is Visiting at A.
The Br. 1S4 Word Painter.
Rev, Dr. Gifford deliVered his lee.
Lure On 1‘ The Mammoth (lave of
Kentucky" in Settforth the other night,
of which the load press epeak in
fiattering tante. The Expositor sari :
The Dr, 15 0.0 entertaining and elo-
quent lecturer and hie tieseription
this itiarveliode eribterreneancity,with
Ite passages', streets, tileovem,
• rigors, pillars and many natural
bettalee and peculiarifiee, was realie.
tic and entertaining in the extreme.
He 15 0.0 admirable word painter and
Dor townsman, Mr. Sohn Deotto,
returned home from theWest on Satur
day, haring disposed of the Second car-
load of horses this season profitably.
E. Livingstone shipped, three
carloads of lumber from thitostation
this week to Toronto.
On Monday evening the niernbers
the I. O. F. held, their regular trionthly
His Lordship the Builanp 0 Huron
will administer the rite of confirmation
in the English church on Motidat
evening next:
On Saturday Afternoon the rentable
of the late ties, Laidlew and, babe of
Motels passed throughthis burg on
the way to the Union cemetery for
internsent, followed by one of the
largest number of Vehicles and sOrroW-
• big friends that has been witileseed
here for soma years.
Mr, James Barr attended the Conser-
• vative auntie! Meeting at Smith' Hill
on Friday.
Mr. W. Emigh Sundayed in. the
Mentor town.
• 'Miss Sadie Emigh of tioderieh Is
visiting friends and relatives in town
for a few day*,
• Mr. and Mrs.T. W. Beat and family
spettantday with friends inthe neigh.
herb:Sod of Surnmerhill. •
Mies Addct It
iathwell of Bayileld re-
• turned to Toronto last week.
,Miss Radt101 Clark has gone to In.
gersol where she Intends staying for
some time.
Mr, A. Scofinere is making prepara-
tions for moving his barn and placing
fie on a wall.
Mr. 0. Donaldson is busy getting the
material for the house which he Will
have built this summer. The contract
has been let to Mr, Thos. Mackenzie
at Clinton. This does not look as if
Ur. tionaideen now intendsteaving the
township for Bruce Mines ashe
• thought 0 some time ago. We are
• glad to hear it,
• Mr. James DeWittte busy tearing
down the fence along Olefront of his
• property and will replace it by' itveire
one, which Will add to the appearanee
of the property in addition to the
betterment 0 the roads in the winter.
Mr. Virilliam $ohttstone of 134,fle1d
has been very sick, 'Paralysis, we
belleve, Is the Canso 0 hie affliction.
The farreere are mostly through
now he expected. seeding. The present prospects are
The Exeeleier Miseton Band of Willis Rood.
'church will hold its regular monthly
meeting on Tuesday evening' 0 next Tan Ntwmattoont, will be sent to
Week. any address up to Iitly for ten Cents.
Mr. C. Iloare of the herein empors
luta heti joist told tWo fine gold meatil
has the faculty 0 bringing the objects Newcombe pianos to Mesas, rohn
he describes before the mind's eye, in Lobb and Woodly of Tuckeremith.
86 real "envier that one can 4111100 A missionaty Meeting will be held in
fancy he see' them in reality be ore
him. The lecture was a real trent and
well merited the hearty vote of thanks
tendered theleeturer at its close,
the S. A.. barracks on Thum sy
to he toadacted by Major McMillan,
Staff Captain Pawling and the "slriSil
boy" truMpeter froze( Lond0n4
The fishing season opened yesterday
so that tail yowl of big catchee may
Mr. Searle, who is an authority %led
eneh things, says a steel -colored beetle
18 destroying the grape vine bode arid
that the gooseberry worm is very
itetiVe. Ile recommends liberal spray.
Ing with hellebore as the best proven