HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton News-Record, 1901-04-25, Page 8Our Windows
aid Fioors•
such stool ..
no store near ere can you find
• lection of window draperies and
floor coverings as will be ` found in our
Home. Furnishing Department. The stock
is the largest in this section,
that means
greatest -variety for you to select from. It
was bought for cash and in most eases di,
rect from the makers that . means
at closest prices and as -we buy so we sell,
The patterns and colors are all the newest
that are shown for this season, that means
up-to-date goods. The qualities are the
kind we like well, those that are absolutely
dependable in every way, a big . assortment,
close prices, the latest patterns: and abso-
lutely reliable qualities are what you get
when yen, do your carpet and curtain buy-
ingedJMa Peterson .Sunda ed in Waodh
here. he• . . Mr. Sibley left oh ".Cnesday for N w
Miss Maggie Oaten of Stratford ap nt
There is no better time to.buy carpets and curtains than Sunday in town.
now. The :variety is better than it. will be later on and . we Arr. Wilson Cook of .Egmondville as
:.. 4
can arrange to put your caplet down just when your want it
if we have a little. notice ahead. Here area few of our man'
ood.. values.
he Scene was aag ed.
About the Place
By just a little of our wall paper
on the room. It made it clean and
bright with a relining air .about it,
a newness that nothing else could
give it. Never before have we had
such a large aesorttnent, so (lean a
Mg a method of showing itYmKind-
lyreuieniberthisehautd you chance
to be in a hurry. In seleetingg' and
buying four stock we ewuployed get -
there methods, that is, we got the
best we could in assortment and
quality we knew how to buy; In
selling it, showing It and pricing
it we use the same get -there meth -
talk or in other wards we make it
as convenient for yon to select and
as ()heap for you to buy as we
know how„ We know. some read•
ars of this will want paper and we
believe they will want it right re
garding the price paid, the assort
went trona which to select, th
method of display. These feature
we honestly believe we have, Xe.
want the paper and you want i
right, let's get together.
Agents Parker's .Dye Works,
TheDr Fair 0
0/ten the Che.w,pest, 4zwarga tlee E0,94
We Xno
For your Floors
Fleavy .H,
p Carpe
t, printed floral d
eal non s
ir n
q, Arra cloth, re
QversN •
zble willgive egoeltent wear, agood bedroom oarpat 2C
Union ar ets;50c
Tory, y, heavy Union CJarpet, sabre weight, full yard wide, reversible, a :
good assortment of scroll and floral designs in the new s :ri
colorings, colors guaranteed not to run, special value p ng
p , per yard ' tiQC..
Wool Carpet /5c
Heavy two ply all Woof Carpet, made from thoroughly scoured' and
clew .yarns, handsome brnesele 'designs ifi medium and dark
shades, colors guaranteed,will wear well and keep its appearance
until worn oat. , •.:... ,.,. •. • ; X@IV
Tapestry carpet 05c
Tapestry. Carpet, full 27 inches wide,a good range of new np=to,date
patterns, Asides of red, brown, fawn;' green, etc., closeilei
pet'tiat looks well and'' gives excellent wear'- 1? .a oar,
Brussels Carpet $1.00 •
The carpet of carpets for any room where there is extra hard.
This spacer.' line we have in good range of nett:'pritt9rnmand oolpre •
it is firm and strong, with a closeile and will. be
1? found a• good AA
wearer, per yard•
' Linoleum 50e
S'eavy •Scotch Linoleum, a yards• wide, bleak or floral' patterns, znea-
J m colorings, unequalled as a floor 'covering for kitchen or din
nig roam,. per square, yard...•. ... ' ..,.,.,, .. .... :....,.,' 50e.
Lace Curtains $1.00
• Nottingham' Lace' Curtains, full $1. yds long, 541hohes wide, a strong
'firer net; extra special .. . , , ,
., ..., . ...,.., 1.00
Lase Curtains 81,50
Pine Nottingham Lace Curtains, full 31 yards long, look 'stitch edge,
66 in
swide h
d6orn8o y. la a
pattern on strong net, will Iook.
well when bung and give excellent wear, per pear..... .
Lace Curtains $2.25.
•Very fine' Nettinghatn Lace Curtains full Bl yards long look tibit h
edge, fine and strong net,: handsome lane ' oo s
y patterns, and .plain
centre With. heavy border, curtains fit for any room,per pair,. T ... 2.25
Art Muslin 10c
Fine colored Art Muslin, $6 inches wide, a good range of floral design
'with borders, make a nice cheap curtain and keep the color well
Spot Muslin 15c '
Coin spot ninslin, pare muslin, pure wh> te, good width, nine quality,' "
mediums razes spot , ... 155 •
Bobinette Curtains
The swell window drapery ` this season is
the Bobinette Curtains. It gives an effect that.
can be had with no other curtain and is
handsome. We show same very pretty rett effects
trimmed with lace insertions and frills at$2.!.
to stock,
Becoming Millinery
Moderately priced
That is just the kind of Millinery that is leavingour show
room every day. Millinery that is everything it ouht to be
as regards styles and very moderate in price. Every little idea
and novelty in shape, trimming or style is quickly represented
in our show room and there is always something new to be
seen here. This week it is
New straw shapes
New flowers and foliage
New fancy trimmings
4•eadwear for
the Little Ones
BOY"5 T.O..
We were not unmindful to the little
folks when buying and are showing some
very nobby styles in tam &shonters and
fancy hats for children. Two lines.
Childress tame, stiff crown, wired, Childrone tams, stiff or soft crowns
plain band withYw ends, co, ore of �r home very nobby styleyts in plain
navy, red. end Y1hlte..,... 200 Colors and combine t 0 43
... a lone,,,.,,.. `+��.I
The Silk Stock
Just two items from the silk stook to remindon of the
extra good valuta that direct importing enables us to lay be-
fore you.
Plein sell eilk 21 1nbhee° wide good
weight, will not oat, unitelile for
'plain Telfete eillz, good wet tit, Will
ti or trimming, all Shades . "(wya}� � ycks�,�nicelayei bilk
kndlhfor well.ds or (8�8
r,ndWYYI.Y.Y,Y. YYY,Y Y.„ UO t 1n inge, allrhado.and black,,' VV
own yesterday.
Mr. R. Doan spent a couple of day
Toronto last Week,
Mrs, Geo, Rummell is visiting frit
in, orris for a week.
Miss Lulu Hodgens of Toronto is
• •guest of Miss Edith Rodge. ns.
Mrs.J. Hodgens of town spent a ct
of days in Goderich last week.
Mr.Jo n
h Jenkins of (xoderich tow
was in Brantford :iast.Timirsda
Miss Vire Heywood, who spent ye
pe a
Hensel', li returned turn ed
home o'
urday. .
Mr.Ed, Bowers left Monday for 1
field where. he 'intends stayin
„some time. . .
Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas : Varqu rof
n Clinton
Hillsgreen called o i
on Saturday. s
Miss Elva Adams of Lonesb o . is
*spending a couple of day with
Clinton friends.
Mr. WillJaekson• who spent a onth
at his borne in town, retur ed to
Toronto Monday.
Mr. Joy of Mitchell, spent; Su ' ay in
town tie gguest of his .broth r, Mr.
Joy of Moison Ban •
Mies Susie Acheson . of •Hol esville
has taken a position as erk in
Bros'. g Bro store.
Dr.Blackwell of Glencoe was i Clinton
on. Tuesday lookingup hea horses
for the British market.
Miss Grace Linfield of the N' e' spent
Sunday and Monday wi h Miss
Jennie Tibhutt of Gocleric .
Miss Maggie Brown of Bullet left yes-
terday for St. Thomas ere she
intends to remain for some ime.
Misses Blanche Mc Keown and . Leona
Potts spent Sunday in Wnciiham as
the guests of Miss Lily 2L• Keown.
Mr. GeorgeeKemp left on Moodily for
Preston sellers a situatio awaited
him. Harry Prout has gone to
Mr, R:. J. McGill of Chicago, vho was
called home by the fat accident
which befel his father, lea s' for the.
city today. .. .
Mrs.13.Potts and family haat returned
from Corinne, Mich.,here they
bud been for a few months. They
will again take up their rAsidence in
Mr. ,James Twitehell left n' Monday
•for British Columbia wh re he goes
to arrange for still rnor extensive
shipments of shingles from ' that
province, •a- business in ich he has
been engaged; foe severe years....:
Mrs. S. Holland of arni, Man.,
and Mrs. Metygar o Emporium,.
Penn., cousins of Mrs. . Pike, are
on a visit at the Wa erly House.
Accompanied by Mrs. ke then are
now calling'. upon friend in Ashfield:
Mr.John Quigley of gull t, who went'.
West a .few weeks ago has located
at Roseland B. 0, and is employed
in the Josie mine at ood wages.
He likes the town, 'w 'ch: is one of
the liveliest andprettiest in the gold
country, and will no oubt in due
season accumulate ' fie a bank
Mr, Adam Cantelon, w came clown
from Indian Bead 1st November.
and spent the winter a the old home-
stead in Goderich to ship, left for
the West again ',este'day and, the
prophecies of the iota gossips to the,
contrary, notwithstan" rag, he bean
the journey 'atone, Mr. pant Son
expects the coming s zrnmor on the
prairies will be rathe a dull ones for
the builders. Tt
Mr, William Mathe s of tailed="
East, Peel.eounty, i spending a few
days with his bre er-in•law, Mr.
Thomas Hearns. T tis is Mn, Ma.
thews' fiteet Visit to Tinton and,not•
withstanding thatthe town is
looking its worst, h' has been good
enough to say that he lutes the
appearance of it eery much. If
he would come bac a month hence
he could be much me eulogistic,
Re*. Mr. Gunn() of P+rkhill is in town
this week widening is acquaintance
with his parishoner, the good folk
of'St,Pau1. tie also as an eye on tho
improvements hero triode on the
rectory which, rvh completed, +viii'
have east five bait red dollars but it
Will look quite that uehbetterand be
.as well vastly 'mo comfortable for
its occu ants. r. Gunne will
occupy the pulpit of St, Paul next
oonet ICI1 toowNsJltP.
The Thornab Coto on the Bay-
field Line, which Iii was reported had
been bought by Me Anderson, has in-
Stead been Ieased PO* Mr.John Thorn)).
son whose acreage will now he about
doubled, but he has .lentil• of help at
home to push the • . rk through.
Mr. R. rr. Elliot, delivered a load of
hogs in Goderich a Monday at $0,40
per cwt. R. H. thi ke feeding hogs at
that price pays ve welt.
The people
neighborhood vryryto her the
of old Mrs. Mc,Uou all of the "Cut Line
who Is very hfghl . respected in this
0ON1'VXOT 1 ! 0F' LInal.,
Ottawa April
pean townehlp,. t� �
the aesizeae here t -dayof erlminal libel.
Cook caused a ke marriage notice,
announcing the marriage Of a Weil.
known young Nt can lady to himself
to appear in a da y paper here. Cook
ill about 86 years f age, Ilia counsel
VMS a strong p a for acquittal on the
Wound mina t1 . accused
ill he sewas ntteenceed to.
--H. J, Cook of Me.
e found Cook,
aogr lire.
.tdr. Thomas/ O. Wilkinson hoe gone
to Jefeeanaha, Miehl an, where he' will
assist late brother James, who has a
nourishing furniture and undertaking
business in that city.
the Mona wall fors the new shed. started .
George Proctor has the frame work,
therloadaagain 'Whaley
at for bar. gaine, as there is opposition
is year,
resemakingoehop here�n sthetznear
o last week, McKellar
went secured a
ituation as clerk in a restaurant.
Messrs, (nogg & Aran strong shipped
a car of cattle and another of bogs to
Toronto last week,
The annual vestry meeting of Trinity
church, Belgrave, was held on Easter
Monday The church's affairs were
all found in good shape, Mr. R.
McMurray and Mr. H. Johnston.are
the wardens for next year and Mr., D.
Wheeler lay delegate to the synod.
Mr. Wm, Philips was in Toronto
one day last week on business.
:NEVER M12841) Hof.
For two sessions West Huron has
been unrepresented in the Provincial
'Legislature hut it is not op 'record that
the riding was at all inconvenienced
thereby, and, strange to say, the
ministry has managed to wiggle along
without its appendage, Mr. j, T. Gar -
row, who does not appear to have been
missed either by the constituency or
the cabinet,
By the way, at the Liberal conven-
tion held at Dungannon • on Tuesday,
Mr. narrow was "chosen to again
contest the riding. It is understood
that heis.very anxious for one more
session in the Legislature, that he may
die, politically, happy. We' are not
told, eyen in the party organs, , that the
convention overflowed with enthcisi-
asm, or that
kt at the mention niton
of Mr.
Grarrow's name the faithful rose as one
man and cheered for several minutes.
M. G.
41444.44.14114.44.1444.4144#.4410.40410.44.40.114 0444 40440114...441414114.11114.114.1114.
1 -
Mr M. G.••Cameron.of G
oderach was
O •
Ilawa this isw
iii the Senate investigation .of • H.
Cookis.char-ge that, the Laurier 'Govern -
bad• endeavored to .extort from
Win $10,000 as the price' of n. sena. :.
torship. Mr. Oamerou's knowledge of
the affair was obtained from :letters
which passed between.his father and
H•l: Cook and are in his possession.
In" the 'course of hie evidence he
ask()d if he
was -not
an applicant coir
if •
p t fag
Government favors when he admitted .:
that he has the promise p teofap o'
Mr,:Oameron, has many friends on both
`side .
s ofoli
l7 1 of whom r±x walI he
pleased to hear of his appointment but
itis hoped that. the promise will not he
held'in suspense until "hope deferred
waketh heart tick."
Hon. Alexander Mackenzie. used to.
say that his life was shortened by his
continued fight, while' in power from
'74 to '78, to preserve • the Public Strong
from the
grasping .greed of his
own friends;
Much as he was needed in those days
of blessed memory, a Maaof hie calibre
has now become a necessity at Ottawa
where miliions are being voted away
for schemes of various kinds.
But worts than all, the members of
Parliament have joined in the raid for
a fifty per cent. increase of • salary..
They actually consider their services
Worth. $1600 a year,. Pray, who else
thinks so iy
The registrar of Bruce passed into -
the world beyond a Jew months ago
butap appointment has already been
made to the vacancy.
The registrarship of Huron has now
been vacant for years and is still being
dangled before the expectant eyes of a
half dozen applicants,
It will quite likely be to much the
'Worse for the appointee if the Govern-
ment holds off muchlonger, for if an
appointment ie made just prior to the
general elections it will be undone by
the Whitney, Governnipnt,
AnctIoei Sade" Register.
Saturday, April 27th, at 11 o'clock, at
the Commercial hotel, (Minton, 14
choice calyee frotn three to eight days
old.—George Chapman. Proprietor 1
Thomas Brown, Auctioneer.
Saturday, April 27th, at 1 o'clock
sharp, at lot 210, con, 0, Goderichshitown-
implement, ole Peive te,' Coof ok, Pr prig.
for Thomas Brown, Auctioneer.
hto butchers lw of
f news-
action to protect themselves against a
class known as those who either will
not pay or try to do ea, and to meet
this difficulty have entered into the
following agreement which goes into
effect the let of May
what w will be knknown ail provides "black 1 with
whichhas account
en refusehim, nameeof
such delinquent debtor wilt be entered
on the "black list'' of each dealer, all
of whom bind themselves to .tell no
meat whatever to khis particular party,
even though cash is offered, until the.
previous account is settled or gat•
lsfeetor : arrangements made therefor.
The effect of this will be that parties
lls been no ibnt habit
on of paying
them, Will find their meat euppty abs°.
tutly,eut off, Portunateiy this clava is
not large, but no matter hhow small or
large his, it is a grievance that calls
for heroic treatment, and dishonest
persons are the only ogee who wilt
suffer by this determination, The
butchers have no desire or intention
to incommode or restrict business
with l:eopte who desire credit, and are
willing to pay theft honest debts,
but, in eeit•defence,they must draw the
.ins at those who will not conform to
talr,businert principle..
"A Some what
Different Store."
Sale of Underwear
Nearly Two Thousand Woiten's, Misses' andChildren's
Spring and Summer Vests
go on Sale, Commencing Wednesday Morning, •ZKay lot at i t /
Regular Prices.
A maker found himself with too big « stook on hand anti to relieve this candn of affairs '
ocepted a great deal less than regular cost for a big part ,e� his stock. !t as no exaggeration
to say that values such as these' have never before been gluon in this town,
At the prices we will sell these vests you'll be able to bu. for r
Everyy twof nearly the price of one,
garment is made of the best quality yarn' and warranted perfect in every way.
Y ..
On sale commencing Wednesday morning, May lst.
800 Ladies' Vests with short sleeves, made in good qualityrn,
, onya
full length, assorted sizesSale
each....,,.,,.,. Wednesday' morning at
Ladies' Vests at loc
500 Ladies' Fine Tests, • in cream only,
made of , good cotton
yarn, closed
front, ribbed cuff, on sale at, each- ,.
l' Ladies' `Vests at 12%c
400 Ladies Vesta, madeof fine quality
` t 0 cotton yarn, in pure white,wbite lace
trimmings,. al
sale eaoh
150 Child's Vests, made of extra fine, white cotton yarn -,-small size
,U p only -nicely' trimmed at neck,reguler vats()12tc eacb,on Wednes,.
5` day morning white they last, each..,.
Ladle's Vests at Ise
'100 only of Misses Vests, of best quality cotton yarn, in whit o
fine ribbed make nicely trimmed at neck with laceand sola ni e,
regular 00e vest, on sale Saturday morning at, each i; tape,
Spring Jacrkets
We: carried over: from last season stew Ladies' Jackets'
desire to close out at once. " Theyareand are
fect in every way. The styles a . all made ofhensa clothe are on'e
�' are very nearly the same as this season's'
coats. s.
The s• wily.
iq will
be .
g one half
and less. Come early on Saturday
Morning for best choice, a
$5& 8jack
,r eta in fawn and navy, your choice at $3..00
� Jacket tfn
e navy only at $3,50
$7.50 Jacket in navy at ." 3
Jacket in greytweed .
at i.50
00 Ladies' extra tine Vests, in white and
I01 ' ' cream, short sleeves, nicely ;trimmed at
42 ••neck: with tame and tape, well worth 20c,
on sale at, each.•.,.,',.,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,
75 only .Ladies' Natural Wool Vests, with shortsleeves, fine open
weave, for spring wear, trioimed with silk tape at neck, regular
value. 60c each, on sale at neatly half price... , ..... , ; . , . , . .. ; • ; ..
Our Millinery Sells at Sight
mmtad hats are marvels of • beauty and becotningness:
will find 4 hat here to suit o meet 11
y u perfectly and you won't be likely to `
kel:- it
indt t
i '
le tea
a tee
every turn, •
This department is in. experienced hands, The hats are artistic
stylish:Individual creations and you 11 pay leas here for style }
1 and beauty
a t.
than iny.
For example
$8.50 or $4.50 will buy. Won't you come and see what a, beauty
Just received the second shipment p ant of sailors,' oyer 1.00 sold already,
Prices 25c, 500, 75c, $1 to. $1.50," Sold elsowliere at one third more,
NXiss. Crook of Toronto, a. Practical t`
c zeal
Corset t.
e Demonstrator, •
n rat
tst or�will beat •
WEDNESDAY, MAY 1ST, andr our ` store on
will. be' pleased to point out the manadvantages
B ds I Pateixt Bias Filled`Corsets. �' •, many,: of the,
lad' '
present: to see and t y omer�� •are cordially invited to 'be :•
try a corset that is warranted '
waist lines It isnon-breakable over' =.ilia, hips or at the .
comfortable. or
le. corset ever invented. • . , • .
.Sold exclusively by ourselves in Clinton.
TOM nnoN.ix DACI
.............4s....o+..y►►f.......•+...o r.4.
_�rrtrr�trrtrttrttrrrrmitrnrntt r
iC •
Yttrl rttrnrtyrtrrrtrttrrrr rntr
2 ttrttrrtrItrr►rttrttrt rt r
t t trrrrrttritrtrrnrttrrffmirrttrtrnrr
This out shows the -very latest 4iiar on the market and
a collar that will be very pop lar; It is called the
Dundonald and our sale up tea the present time has
been very large. It is made from: the finest quality of
linen and .is sold at 20c. We are ole agents t
s for the
celebrated brand of W. G, & R. colt rs and with us you
can see all the latest and best style,. Once you wear
this brand ydu will have no other. Our fancy colored
shirts, open, front, stiffs detached which we sell for
$1 are splendid sellers. They are `he W. G. & R. make
and you cannot equal them,
Mud Coat fpr $2.
Every roan who has any driving tP do needs' a Mud
Coat and the Zine which we are offelg at the above
figure is a wonderful article - for - the '.money, Made
double breasted, 50 inches long, velvet dollar And a nice'
fawn shade in collar. They are waterp o f to a certain
Our Rain Coat at $3.50 is perhaps the st value ever
offered in this section. • Oxford grey co r, 52 inches.
long, velvet collar, fly front, One of the smartest
looking coats en the market, shrewd buyers should
Bro itttort.
Niiii11111411iiiiilliiiiiiiiiialliiiiii11141111/11111411444111 tin